Valid HTML 4.0! Valid CSS!
%%% -*-BibTeX-*-
%%% ====================================================================
%%%  BibTeX-file{
%%%     author          = "Nelson H. F. Beebe",
%%%     version         = "1.09",
%%%     date            = "18 May 2024",
%%%     time            = "13:01:52 MST",
%%%     filename        = "rutishauser-heinz.bib",
%%%     address         = "University of Utah
%%%                        Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB
%%%                        155 S 1400 E RM 233
%%%                        Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090
%%%                        USA",
%%%     telephone       = "+1 801 581 5254",
%%%     FAX             = "+1 801 581 4148",
%%%     URL             = "",
%%%     checksum        = "34854 7345 31752 339805",
%%%     email           = "beebe at, beebe at,
%%%                        beebe at (Internet)",
%%%     codetable       = "ISO/ASCII",
%%%     keywords        = "bibliography; BibTeX; ERMETH; Heinz
%%%                        Rutishauser; LR algorithm;
%%%                        quotient-difference (qd) algorithm",
%%%     license         = "public domain",
%%%     supported       = "yes",
%%%     docstring       = "This is a bibliography of the works of the
%%%                        Swiss computer architect and numerical
%%%                        analyst, Heinz Rutishauser (30 January
%%%                        1918--10 November 1970).
%%%                        It has not yet been possible for the
%%%                        bibliographer to locate a definitive list of
%%%                        publications by Heinz Rutishauser, most
%%%                        desirably based on his personal curriculum
%%%                        vitae.  Thus, this bibliography cannot yet
%%%                        claim complete coverage of his works, but
%%%                        based on numerous Web searches, it is likely
%%%                        that this file contains the largest known,
%%%                        and freely available, record of his
%%%                        publications, and those of others about him
%%%                        and his works.
%%%                        At version 1.09, the year coverage looked
%%%                        like this:
%%%                             1944 (   1)    1970 (   5)    1996 (   0)
%%%                             1945 (   0)    1971 (   6)    1997 (   1)
%%%                             1946 (   0)    1972 (   3)    1998 (   1)
%%%                             1947 (   2)    1973 (   1)    1999 (   0)
%%%                             1948 (   1)    1974 (   1)    2000 (   0)
%%%                             1950 (   5)    1976 (   3)    2002 (   1)
%%%                             1951 (   8)    1977 (   1)    2003 (   1)
%%%                             1952 (   8)    1978 (   2)    2004 (   0)
%%%                             1953 (   3)    1979 (   0)    2005 (   2)
%%%                             1954 (   3)    1980 (   3)    2006 (   0)
%%%                             1955 (   6)    1981 (   4)    2007 (   1)
%%%                             1956 (   5)    1982 (   2)    2008 (   0)
%%%                             1957 (   5)    1983 (   0)    2009 (   0)
%%%                             1958 (   7)    1984 (   1)    2010 (   3)
%%%                             1959 (  11)    1985 (   0)    2011 (   2)
%%%                             1960 (  17)    1986 (   0)    2012 (   0)
%%%                             1961 (   4)    1987 (   0)    2013 (   2)
%%%                             1962 (  11)    1988 (   2)    2014 (   0)
%%%                             1963 (  20)    1989 (   0)    2015 (   2)
%%%                             1964 (   1)    1990 (   2)    2016 (   1)
%%%                             1965 (   5)    1991 (   1)    2017 (   1)
%%%                             1966 (   9)    1992 (   0)    2018 (   0)
%%%                             1967 (  12)    1993 (   0)    2019 (   1)
%%%                             1968 (   9)    1994 (   1)
%%%                             1969 (   5)    1995 (   0)
%%%                             20xx (   1)
%%%                             Article:        163
%%%                             Book:            16
%%%                             InCollection:    20
%%%                             InProceedings:    9
%%%                             Misc:             3
%%%                             PhdThesis:        2
%%%                             Proceedings:      1
%%%                             TechReport:       2
%%%                             Total entries:  216
%%%                        Heinz Rutishauser was born in the town of
%%%                        Weinfelden, Switzerland, on 30 January 1918,
%%%                        and after completing high school, began
%%%                        university studies in mathematics at the
%%%                        Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich
%%%                        (ETH) [English: Swiss Federal Institute of
%%%                        Technology; French: Ecole polytechnique
%%%                        federale] in 1936, and completed his
%%%                        undergraduate degree there in 1942.  From
%%%                        1942 to 1945, he worked as an assistent to
%%%                        Walter Saxer at ETH, and from 1945 to 1948 as
%%%                        a high school mathematics teacher.  He then
%%%                        worked on his doctorate at ETH, which he
%%%                        completed in 1950.  In 1951 (or 1952, sources
%%%                        disagree), he published his Habilitation
%%%                        thesis (entry Rutishauser:1952:ARPa).
%%%                        In 1948 and 1949, Heinz Rutishauser and his
%%%                        fellow student Ambros Speiser studied
%%%                        computer developments at with Howard Aiken at
%%%                        Harvard University and with John von Neumann
%%%                        at Princeton University.  They also visited
%%%                        the ENIAC at Aberdeen, MD, and the MARK II at
%%%                        Dahlgren, VA.
%%%                        From 1949 to 1955, he was a research
%%%                        associate at ETH, and with his fellow student
%%%                        Ambros Speiser, under the direction of Eduard
%%%                        Stiefel, helped build the first Swiss
%%%                        computer, the ERMETH, and the early
%%%                        programming language Superplan, whose name is
%%%                        derived from Konrad Zuse's Plankalkuel.  In
%%%                        1951, Heinz Rutishauser became a Privatdozent
%%%                        (lecturer), in 1955, an Extraordinary
%%%                        Professor, in 1962, Associate Professor of
%%%                        Mathematics at ETH, and in 1968, head of the
%%%                        Group for Computer Science, now known as the
%%%                        Division of Computer Science at ETH Zuerich.
%%%                        In the late 1950s, Heinz Rutishauser became a
%%%                        member of the team that developed the ALGOL
%%%                        58 and ALGOL 60 programming languages.
%%%                        However, like his friend and co-author
%%%                        Friedrich L. Bauer in Munich, he did not
%%%                        agree with the later work that led to ALGOL
%%%                        68, and did not participate in that
%%%                        development.  One of Rutishauser's contributions
%%%                        to ALGOL and several subsequent languages is
%%%                        the keyword ``for'' that introduces a loop.
%%%                        Friedrich Bauer wrote in a reminiscence
%%%                        (entry Bauer:2002:MYR):
%%%                            ``The further course of development of
%%%                            ALGOL saw Heinz Rutishauser also taking
%%%                            part in the conference held January
%%%                            11--16, 1960 with thirteen experts from
%%%                            the USA, Germany, Switzerland,
%%%                            Netherlands, England, Danmark, and France
%%%                            in Paris. It produced ALGOL 60, a
%%%                            milestone. Rutishauser's share was more
%%%                            than a thirteenth.''
%%%                        ALGOL Bulletin Supplement no. 18 says of
%%%                        Heinz Rutishauser, referring to entry
%%%                        Rutishauser:1951:ARP:
%%%                            ``Rutishauser of Zurich is sometimes
%%%                            referred to as the `grandfather of
%%%                            automatic programming' in view of his
%%%                            work in this direction from about 1950.''
%%%                        In 1954, Heinz Rutishauser published the
%%%                        first of several papers on his
%%%                        quotient--difference (qd) algorithm,
%%%                        culminating in a 74-page description in entry
%%%                        Rutishauser:1957:QDA.  Stanford University
%%%                        numerical analyst George Forsythe described
%%%                        the importance of the qd algorithm like this:
%%%                            ``The QD algorithm represents a number of
%%%                            computational schemes for doing a
%%%                            surprising number of jobs: e.g., getting
%%%                            all eigenvalues of a matrix from its
%%%                            Schwarz constants, getting the zeros of a
%%%                            polynomial from its coefficients, finding
%%%                            the poles of a function from its power
%%%                            series, obtaining partial fraction
%%%                            representations of functions, and so
%%%                            forth. The present booklet devotes some
%%%                            attention to the problems of doing QD on
%%%                            automatic computers, and belongs in every
%%%                            numerical analysis library.''
%%%                        Walter Gautschi wrote in his preface of entry
%%%                        Rutishauser:1990:LNM (the English translation
%%%                        of a 1976 two-volume German original) about
%%%                        Heinz Rutishauser's important contributions
%%%                        in numerical analysis:
%%%                            ``\ldots{} his extraordinary algorithmic
%%%                            talent soon became evident. With
%%%                            concisely written publications he
%%%                            introduced methods and directions of
%%%                            research into numerical mathematics which
%%%                            later on proved to be fundamental. The
%%%                            stability theory in the numerical
%%%                            solution of ordinary differential
%%%                            equations, `economization' of power
%%%                            series by the use of Chebyshev
%%%                            polynomials, the quotient-difference
%%%                            algorithm, the LR-method, the exact
%%%                            justification of the Romberg algorithm,
%%%                            and many other contributions all go back
%%%                            to Rutishauser. He was also one of the
%%%                            first to recognize that the computer
%%%                            itself could be used for the preparation
%%%                            of computer programs, and he played a
%%%                            leading role in the development of the
%%%                            programming language ALGOL. In the last
%%%                            years of his life, Rutishauser concerned
%%%                            himself with the axiomatization of
%%%                            numerical computation and as a result
%%%                            gave perhaps the most satisfactory
%%%                            treatment, from a theoretical point of
%%%                            view, of the propagation of rounding
%%%                            errors.''
%%%                        Heinz Rutishauser suffered from serious heart
%%%                        problems, had an early heart attack in 1955
%%%                        while visiting Friedrich Bauer in Munich,
%%%                        another in 1964, and died of heart failure in
%%%                        Zurich at his office desk on 10 November
%%%                        1970, in his 53rd year.
%%%                        Two decades after Heinz Rutishauser's death,
%%%                        an English translation (see entry
%%%                        Rutishauser:1990:LNM) was published of his
%%%                        German-language two-volume work on numerical
%%%                        analysis.  The translation includes
%%%                        corrections, commentary, and notes that
%%%                        supply updates about more recent work.  It
%%%                        also includes a long Appendix with the
%%%                        typeset corrected text of a hand-written
%%%                        manuscript that Heinz Rutishauser was working
%%%                        on at the time of his death.  It is thus his
%%%                        final publication.
%%%                        For online encyclopedia and Web site coverage, see
%%%                   [incorrectly called German there]
%%%                        Data for this bibliography have been
%%%                        extracted primarily from the bibliography
%%%                        archives of the BibNet Project and the TeX
%%%                        User Group, with contributions from the ACM,
%%%                        Elsevier ScienceDirect, IEEE, JSTOR,
%%%                        MathSciNet, Springer, Wiley, and zbMath
%%%                        databases.
%%%                        Spelling has been verified with the UNIX
%%%                        spell and GNU ispell programs using the
%%%                        exception dictionary stored in the companion
%%%                        file with extension .sok.
%%%                        BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen
%%%                        as name:year:abbrev, where name is the
%%%                        family name of the first author or editor,
%%%                        year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a
%%%                        3-letter condensation of important title
%%%                        words. Citation tags were automatically
%%%                        generated by software developed for the
%%%                        BibNet Project.
%%%                        In this bibliography, entries are sorted
%%%                        first by ascending year, and within each
%%%                        year, alphabetically by author or editor,
%%%                        and then, if necessary, by the 3-letter
%%%                        abbreviation at the end of the BibTeX
%%%                        citation tag, using the bibsort -byyear
%%%                        utility.  Cross-referenced proceedings
%%%                        entries appear at the end, because of a
%%%                        restriction in the current BibTeX.
%%%                        The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
%%%                        checksum as the first value, followed by the
%%%                        equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
%%%                        count) utility output of lines, words, and
%%%                        characters.  This is produced by Robert
%%%                        Solovay's checksum utility.",
%%%  }
%%% ====================================================================
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%%% ====================================================================
%%% Institution abbreviations:
@String{inst-ETH-AM             = "Seminar f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik,
                                  Eidgen{\"o}ssische Technische Hochschule"}
@String{inst-ETH:adr            = "ETH-Zentrum CH-8092 Zurich, Switzerland"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Journal abbreviations:
@String{j-ACTA-MATH             = "Acta Mathematica"}

@String{j-ALGOL-BULLETIN        = "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)"}

@String{j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT       = "Annals of the History of Computing"}

@String{j-ANNU-REV-AUTOM-PROGRAM = "Annual Review in Automatic Programming"}

@String{j-APPL-NUM-MATH         = "Applied Numerical Mathematics: Transactions
                                  of IMACS"}

@String{j-ARCH-MATH             = "{Archiv der Mathematik}"}

@String{j-BIOMETRISCHE-Z        = "Biometrische Zeitschrift"}

@String{j-BULL-AMS              = "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society"}

@String{j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS    = "Comptes rendus de l'Acad{\'e}mie des sciences, Paris"}

@String{j-CACM                  = "Communications of the ACM"}

@String{j-CALCOLO               = "Calcolo: a quarterly on numerical analysis
                                  and theory of computation"}

@String{j-COMMENT-MATH-HELV     = "Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici (Zurich)"}

@String{j-COMP-J                = "The Computer Journal"}

@String{j-COMP-STRUCTURES       = "Computers and Structures"}

@String{j-COMPUT-METH-APPL-MECH-ENG = "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and

@String{j-COMPUTING             = "Computing"}

@String{j-HELV-CHIM-ACTA        = "Helvetica Chimica Acta"}

@String{j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT  = "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing"}

@String{j-INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM   = "Informatik Spektrum"}

@String{j-J-ACM                 = "Journal of the ACM"}

@String{j-J-MATH-SCI-NY-NY      = "Journal of mathematical sciences (New
                                  York, N.Y.)"}

@String{j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC      = "Journal of Symbolic Logic"}

@String{j-JAPAN-J-INDUST-APPL-MATH = "Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied

@String{j-LIN-MULT-ALGEBRA      = "Linear Multilinear Algebra"}

@String{j-LINEAR-ALGEBRA-APPL   = "Linear Algebra and its Applications"}

@String{j-MATH-COMPUT           = "Mathematics of Computation"}

@String{j-MATH-NACHR            = "Mathematische Nachrichten"}

@String{j-MONAT-MATH            = "Monatshefte f{\"u}r Mathematik"}

@String{j-NUM-MATH              = "Numerische Mathematik"}

@String{j-QUART-APPL-MATH       = "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics"}

@String{j-REND-MAT-APPL-1981    = "Rendiconti di matematica e delle sue applicazioni (1981)"}

@String{j-SIAM-J-MAT-ANA-APPL   = "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and

@String{j-SIGNUM                = "ACM SIGNUM Newsletter"}

@String{j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH      = "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik
                                  und Mechanik}"}

@String{j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS      = "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik
                                  und Physik = Journal of Applied Mathematics
                                  and Physics}"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Publisher abbreviations:
@String{pub-ACADEMIC            = "Academic Press"}
@String{pub-ACADEMIC:adr        = "New York, NY, USA"}

@String{pub-ACM                 = "ACM Press"}
@String{pub-ACM:adr             = "New York, NY 10036, USA"}

@String{pub-AMS                 = "American Mathematical Society"}
@String{pub-AMS:adr             = "Providence, RI, USA"}

@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER          = "Birkh{\"a}user"}
@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr      = "Cambridge, MA, USA; Berlin, Germany; Basel,

@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON   = "Birkh{\"a}user Boston Inc."}
@String{pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr = "Cambridge, MA, USA"}

@String{pub-DUNOD               = "Dunod"}
@String{pub-DUNOD:adr           = "Paris, France"}

@String{pub-ELSEVIER            = "Elsevier"}
@String{pub-ELSEVIER:adr        = "Amsterdam, The Netherlands"}

@String{pub-PH                  = "Pren{\-}tice-Hall"}
@String{pub-PH:adr              = "Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458, USA"}

@String{pub-SV                  = "Spring{\-}er-Ver{\-}lag"}
@String{pub-SV:adr              = "Berlin, Germany~/ Heidelberg,
                                  Germany~/ London, UK~/ etc."}

@String{pub-TEUBNER             = "B. G. Teubner"}
@String{pub-TEUBNER:adr         = "Stuttgart, Germany; Leipzig, Germany"}

@String{pub-WI                  = "Wiley-In{\-}ter{\-}sci{\-}ence"}
@String{pub-WI:adr              = "New York, NY, USA"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Series abbreviations:
@String{ser-LNCS                = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"}

%%% ====================================================================
%%%       Part 1 (of 2) --- Publications by Heinz Rutishauser
  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber Punktverteilungen auf der Kugelfl{\"a}che}.
                 ({German}) [{On} point distributions on the spherical
  journal =      j-COMMENT-MATH-HELV,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "327--331",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1944",
  CODEN =        "COMHAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-2571 (print), 1420-8946 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-2571",
  MRclass =      "48.0X",
  MRnumber =     "13514",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Erd\H{o}s",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Sur les suites et familles de fonctions
                 m{\'e}romorphes de plusieurs variables. ({French})
                 [{On} the sequences and families of metomorphic
                 functions of several variables]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "224",
  pages =        "1804--1806",
  year =         "1947",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "30.0X",
  MRnumber =     "21118",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Thullen",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Sur les suites et familles de repr{\'e}sentations
                 analytiques du {$ R^4 $}. ({French}) [{On} sequences
                 and families of analytical representations of {$ R^4
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "225",
  pages =        "33--35",
  year =         "1947",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "30.0X",
  MRnumber =     "21119",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Thullen",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Hans Samelson",
  title =        "Sur le rayon d'une sph{\`e}re dont la surface contient
                 une courbe ferm{\'e}e. ({French}) [{On} the radius of a
                 sphere whose surface contains a closed curve]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "227",
  pages =        "755--757",
  year =         "1948",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "52.0X",
  MRnumber =     "27547",
  MRreviewer =   "W. Fenchel",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber Folgen und Scharen von analytischen und
                 meromorphen Funktionen mehrerer Variabeln, sowie von
                 analytischen Abbildungen}. ({German}) [{On} sequences
                 and families of analytic and meromorphic functions of
                 several variables, as well as of analytic maps]",
  type =         "{Ph.D.} thesis",
  school =       "Eidgen{\"o}ssische Technische Hochschule (ETH)",
  address =      "Zurich, Switzerland",
  pages =        "ii + 249--325",
  year =         "1950",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 10:31:07 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "Published as \cite{Rutishauser:1950:FSAb}.",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber Folgen und Scharen von analytischen und
                 meromorphen Funktionen mehrerer Variabeln, sowie von
                 analytischen Abbildungen}. ({German}) [{On} sequences
                 and families of analytic and meromorphic functions of
                 several variables, as well as of analytic maps]",
  journal =      j-ACTA-MATH,
  volume =       "83",
  pages =        "249--325",
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "ACMAA8",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-5962 (print), 1871-2509 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-5962",
  MRclass =      "30.0X",
  MRnumber =     "36322",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Thullen",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "This is the author's Ph.D. thesis at ETH.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Acta Mathematica",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Eine Konvergenzverbesserung f{\"u}r die Newtonsche
                 Methode}. ({German}) [{A} convergence improvement for
                 {Newton}'s method]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "1",
  pages =        "211--212",
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "36586",
  MRreviewer =   "J. Kuntzmann",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "I cannot find this article at the publisher Web site;
                 its page numbers overlap with unrelated articles in
                 volume 1, number 3, May 1950.",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Ambros Speiser and Eduard
  title =        "{Programmgesteuerte digitale Rechenger{\"a}te
                 (elektronische Rechenmaschinen)}. {I}",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "277--297",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "40808",
  MRreviewer =   "H. H. Goldstine",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "This paper is missing from the publisher Web site for
                 the journal; the last article there ends on page 276.
                 That may be due to the listing of the article as
                 ``Zusammenfassender Bericht (I. Teil) [Summary report
                 (Part I)].",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Ambros Speiser and Eduard
  title =        "{Programmgesteuerte digitale Rechenger{\"a}te
                 (elektronische Rechenmaschinen)}. {II}",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "339--362",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1950",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "40808",
  MRreviewer =   "H. H. Goldstine",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "A. Linder and M. Plancherel and J. Ackeret and H. J.
                 v. Baeyer and A. A. Rusterholz and A. Linder and
                 H. Rutishauser and H. Ziegler and F. Kobold and
                 F. St{\"u}ssi",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "53--62",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei
                 programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen}. ({German}) [{On}
                 automatic calculation plan production with
                 program-controlled calculating machines]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "8--9",
  pages =        "255--255",
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 09:07:05 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translation to English by William S. Faught.",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  eprint =       "",
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen zur Arbeit von K. Emden ``Eine L{\"o}sung
                 f{\"u}r $ \int e^{b(x + a \cos x)} \, d x $}''. .
                 ({German}) [{Remarks} on the work by {K. Emden, ``A
                 solution for $ \int e^{b (x + a \ cos x)} \, d x
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "292--293",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "26.1X",
  MRnumber =     "44598",
  MRreviewer =   "F. J. Murray",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Erste Erfahrungen mit dem programmgesteuerten
                 Rechenger{\"a}t Z4 von K. Zuse}. ({German}) [{First}
                 experiences with the program-controlled computing
                 device {Z4} from {K. Zuse}]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "8--9",
  pages =        "254--254",
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 09:04:59 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Ambros Speiser and Eduard
  title =        "{Programmgesteuerte digitale Rechenger{\"a}te
                 (elektronische Rechenmaschinen). III}. ({German})
                 [{Program}-controlled digital computing devices
                 (electronic calculating machines). {III}]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--25",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "40809",
  MRreviewer =   "H. H. Goldstine",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Ambros Speiser and Eduard
  title =        "{Programmgesteuerte digitale Rechenger{\"a}te
                 (elektronische Rechenmaschinen). IV}. ({German})
                 [{Program}-controlled digital computing devices
                 (electronic calculating machines). {IV}]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "62--92",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "40809",
  MRreviewer =   "H. H. Goldstine",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Ambros Speiser and Eduard
  title =        "{Programmgesteuerte digitale Rechenger{\"a}te
                 (elektronische Rechenmaschinen)}. ({German})
                 [{Program}-controlled digital computing devices
                 (electronic calculating machines)]",
  volume =       "2",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "102",
  year =         "1951",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 10:14:18 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r angewandte
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November 1970);
                 Eduard Stiefel (21 April 1909--25 November 1978)",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "Reprinted from four articles in Zeitschrift f{\"u}r
                 Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.",
  tableofcontents = "Front Matter / ii--5 \\
                 Grundlagen und wissenschaftliche Bedeutung / 7--15 \\
                 Organisation und Arbeitsweise / 16--19 \\
                 Arithmetische Prinzipien / 20--42 \\
                 Vorbereitung von Rechenpl{\"a}nen / 43--66 \\
                 Physikalische Grundlagen / 67--95 \\
                 Back Matter / 96--105",

  author =       "A. von Muralt and P. Niggli and M. Jeger and M. Strutt
                 and Th. Erismann and H. Ziegler and W. Z{\"u}nti and
                 H. Rutishauser and A. P. Speiser and G. Tr{\"u}mpler
                 and W. Stutz",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "412--420",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1951",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "E. D{\"u}nner and B. Chaix and H. Rutishauser and M.
                 Plancherel and H. Ziegler",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "317--320",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Labhart and H. W{\"a}ffler and E. Roth-Desmeules
                 and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "477--478",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "M. Plancherel and W. Baumgartner and M. Jeger and H.
                 Rutishauser and A. P. Speiser and J. Ackeret and
                 E. V{\"o}llm",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "401--406",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei
                 programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen}. ({German})
                 [{Automatic} calculation plan production with
                 program-controlled calculating machines]",
  journal =      "Mitt. Inst. Angew. Math. Z{\"u}rich",
  volume =       "1952",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "45",
  year =         "1952",
  ISSN =         "0514-8146",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "56361",
  MRreviewer =   "H. H. Goldstine",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte
                 Mathematik an der Eidgen{\"o}ssischen Technischen
                 Hochschule in Z{\"u}rich",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "This is the author's Habilitation thesis. Check:
                 Wikiwand site says the Habilitation was awarded in
                 1951, but 1952 is the correct year for this entry.",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Automatische Rechenplanfertigung bei
                 programmgesteuerten Rechenmaschinen}. ({German})
                 [{Automatic} calculation plan production with
                 program-controlled calculating machines]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "312--313",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "49648",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Instabilit{\"a}t von Methoden zur
                 Integration gew{\"o}hnlicher Differentialgleichungen}.
                 ({German}) [{On} the instability of methods for
                 integrating ordinary differential equations]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "65--74",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "46146",
  MRreviewer =   "John Todd",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See English translation in
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "P. Scherrer and H. Rutischauser and M. Plancherel",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "238--240",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:34:40 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "German",

  author =       "W. Baumgartner and E. Stiefel and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "87--88",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1953",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Beitrage zur Kentniss des
                 Biorthogonalisierungs-Algorithmus von Lanczos}.
                 ({German}) [{Contributions} to the understanding of the
                 {Lanczos} biorthogonalization algorithm]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "35--56",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1953",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "09.0X",
  MRnumber =     "MR55307",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Sat Jun 11 00:06:52 2011",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMnumber =     "0050.01008",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Z. Angew. Math. Physik",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Th. Stutz and E. Roth-Desmeules and F. Held and F.
                 L{\"u}di and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "163--166",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1953",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Anwendungen des Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus}.
                 ({German}) [{Applications} of the quotient--difference
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "496--508",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1954",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "68314",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Ein infinitesimales Analogon zum
                 Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German}) [{An}
                 infinitesimal analogue to the quotient--difference
  journal =      j-ARCH-MATH,
  volume =       "5",
  pages =        "132--137",
  year =         "1954",
  CODEN =        "ACVMAL",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0003-889x (print), 1420-8938 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-889X",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "63764",
  MRreviewer =   "E. Frank",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Archiv der Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Der Quotienten--Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{The} quotient--difference algorithm]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "233--251",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1954",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "63763",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "This may be the first paper on Rutishauser's famous qd

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bestimmung der Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren einer
                 Matrix mit Hilfe des
                 Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{Determination} of the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of
                 a matrix with the help of the quotient--difference
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "387--401",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1955",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "75674",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen zur numerischen Integration
                 gew{\"o}hnlicher Differentialgleichungen $n$-ter
                 Ordnung}. ({German}) [{Remarks} on the numerical
                 integration of ordinary differential equations $n$-th
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "497--498",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1955",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "74924",
  MRreviewer =   "L. Fox",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Friedrich L. Bauer",
  title =        "D{\'e}termination des vecteurs propres d'une matrice
                 par une m{\'e}thode it{\'e}rative avec convergence
                 quadratique. ({French}) [{Determination} of the
                 eigenvectors of a matrix by an iterative method with
                 quadratic convergence]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "240",
  pages =        "1680--1681",
  year =         "1955",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "70269",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 20 18:22:34 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMID =         "03108788",
  ZMnumber =     "0064.12203",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "numerical analysis",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Une m{\'e}thode pour la d{\'e}termination des valeurs
                 propres d'une matrice. ({French}) [{A} method for the
                 determination of the eigenvalues of a matrix]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "240",
  pages =        "34--36",
  year =         "1955",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "09.0X",
  MRnumber =     "67844",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Some Programming Techniques for the {ERMETH}",
  journal =      j-J-ACM,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--4",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1955",
  CODEN =        "JACOAH",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0004-5411 (print), 1557-735x (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0004-5411",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "68919",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 04 23:23:13 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "At the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
                 Z{\"u}rich, Switzerland, an electronic digital computer
                 (ERMETH) with floating decimal arithmetic and a 10\,000
                 word magnetic drum storage is now under construction.
                 Director of the project is Dr. E. Stiefel of the
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery",
  journal-URL =  "",
  received =     "September 1954",
  remark =       "Gutknecht \cite[page 283]{Gutknecht:2007:NAZ} reports
                 that the ERMETH words held 16 decimal digits, of which
                 11 were the mantissa (significand).",

  author =       "W. Saxer and E. Baumann and E. Roth-Desmeules and K.
                 Berger and H. Labhart and H. Rutishauser and
                 E. V{\"o}llm",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "252--256",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1955",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "M. Plancherel and H. Rutishauser and H. Weber and J.
                 Ackeret and H. Ziegler",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "86--88",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1956",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Eine Formel von Wronski und ihre Bedeutung f{\"u}r
                 den Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{A} formula by {Wronski} and its meaning for the
                 quotient--difference algorithm]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "164--169",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1956",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.3X",
  MRnumber =     "81546",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "On the instability of methods for the integration of
                 ordinary differential equations",
  journal =      "NACA Technical Memorandum",
  volume =       "1956",
  number =       "1403",
  pages =        "15",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1956",
  ISSN =         "0096-7602",
  MRclass =      "65.0X",
  MRnumber =     "76452",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translation of \cite{Rutishauser:1952:IMI}.",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics. Technical

  author =       "H. Weber and E. Roth-Desmeules and Ed. Gerecke and E.
                 Stiefel and H. Rutishauser and M. Jeger and W. Hoppe
                 and H. Favre and J. Zeller and A. A. Rusterholz",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "265--272",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1956",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser and H. Favre and F. Tank and W.
                 H{\"a}lg and E. Roth-Desmeules and B. and L. van der
                 Waerden and P. Profos and P. de Haller and E. Bickel",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "82--88",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1957",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Der Quotienten--Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{The} quotient--difference algorithm]",
  journal =      "Mitt. Inst. Angew. Math. Z{\"u}rich",
  volume =       "1957",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "74",
  year =         "1957",
  ISSN =         "0514-8146",
  MRclass =      "65.3X",
  MRnumber =     "89499",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte
                 Mathematik an der Eidgen{\"o}ssischen Technischen
                 Hochschule in Z{\"u}rich",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Der Quotienten--Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{The} quotient--difference algorithm]",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "74",
  year =         "1957",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "1-4050-7817-0, 3-0348-7175-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-1-4050-7817-7, 978-3-0348-7175-4",
  LCCN =         "QA266 .R8",
  bibdate =      "Tue Nov 14 05:51:15 2023",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r Angewandte
                 Mathematik an der Eidgen{\"o}ssischen Technischen
                 Hochschule in Z{\"u}rich",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",
  shorttableofcontents = "Front Matter / 1--3 \\
                 Einleitung / 5--5 \\
                 I: Theoretische Grundlagen / 7--25 \\
                 II: Anwendungen des
                 Quotienten--Differenzen--Algorithmus / 26--48 \\
                 III: Bestimmung der Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren einer
                 Matrix mit Hilfe des
                 Quotienten--Differenzen--Algorithmus / 49--64 \\
                 IV: Anhang / 65--73 \\
                 Back Matter / 74--77",
  tableofcontents = "I. Kapitel. Theoretische Grundlagen \\
                 \S 1. Problemstellung \\
                 \S 2. Der Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 3. Die Rhombenregeln \\
                 \S 4. Die zugeordneten Polynome $p_\sigma^{(\nu)}(z)$
                 \S 5. Beziehungen zur Kettenbruchtheorie \\
                 \S 6. Schwierigkeiten bei der Bildung des QD-Schemas
                 \S 7. Grundlegende Eigenschaften des QD-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 8. Beziehungen zum BO-Algorithmus von C. Lanczos \\
                 \S 9. Beziehungen zum cg-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 10. Ein Additionstheorem f{\"u}r Kettenbr{\"u}che
                 II. Kapitel. Anwendungen des QD-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 1. Umwandlung einer Potenzreihe in einen Kettenbruch
                 \S 2. Summation schlecht konvergenter Reihen \\
                 \S 3. Aufl{\"o}sung von algebraischen Gleichungen \\
                 \S 4. Die progressive Form des QD-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 5. Aufl{\"o}sung algebraischer Gleichung mit Hilfe
                 des progressiven QD-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 6. Die Wronskische Formel \\
                 \S 7. Bestimmung komplexer Nullstellen \\
                 \S 8. Quadratische Konvergenz des QD-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 9. Massnahmen bei Division durch Null \\
                 \S 10. Interpolation durch Exponentialsummen \\
                 III. Kapitel. Bestimmung der Eigenwerte und
                 Eigenvektoren einer Matrix mit Hilfe des
                 Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus \\
                 \S 1. Die Bestimmung der Eigenwerte \\
                 \S 2. Das Problem der Eigenvektorberechnung \\
                 \S 3. Rekursive Berechnung der Vektoren $x_\sigma^{(2
                 \mu )}$, $y_\sigma^{(2 \mu )}$ \\
                 \S 4. Ein quadratisch konvergentes Verfahren zur
                 Eigenvektorbestimmung \\
                 \S 5. Eigenwerte und Eigenvektoren unendlicher
                 symmetrischer Matrizen \\
                 IV. Kapitel. Anhang \\
                 \S 1. Die LR-Transformation \\
                 \S 2. Ein kontinuierliches Analogon zum QD-Algorithmus
                 \S 3. QD-Relaxation",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Vorbereitungsarbeit beim automatischen
                 Rechnen}. ({German}) [{On} the preparatory work for
                 automatic calculation]",
  journal =      "Mitt. Verein. Schweiz. Versich.-Math.",
  volume =       "57",
  pages =        "247--257",
  year =         "1957",
  ISSN =         "0042-3815",
  MRclass =      "68.0X",
  MRnumber =     "90144",
  MRreviewer =   "J. W. Carr, III",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Mitteilungen der Vereinigung Schweizerischer
                 Versicherungsmathematiker. Bulletin de l'Association
                 des Actuaires Suisses",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "F. L. Bauer and H. Bottenbruch and H. Rutishauser and
                 K. Samelson and P. Graeff and P. Lauchli and M. Paul",
  editor =       "J. W. Carr",
  booktitle =    "Computer Programming and Artificial Intelligence,
                 {University of Michigan Summer School 1958}",
  title =        "Proposal for a Universal Language for the Description
                 of Computing Processes",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "355--373",
  year =         "1958",
  bibdate =      "Sun Aug 23 09:44:17 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",

  author =       "H. Gr{\"u}ter and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "393--394",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "D. Maeder and U. Katz and E. Mooser and P. de Haller
                 and W. Saxer and H. and R. Voellmy and R. Jost and
                 H. Rutishauser and H. Ziegler",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "211--216",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Zur Bestimmung der Eigenwerte schiefsymmetrischer
                 Matrizen}. ({German}) [{On} determination of the
                 eigenvalues of skew-symmetric matrices]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "5--6",
  pages =        "586--590",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.3X",
  MRnumber =     "93019",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Beschleunigung der Konvergenz einer gewissen Klasse
                 von Kettenbr{\"u}chen}. ({German}) [{Accelerating} the
                 convergence of a certain class of continued
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "5--6",
  pages =        "187--190",
  month =        may # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  MRclass =      "40.00",
  MRnumber =     "94621",
  MRreviewer =   "A. Edrei",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
                 Mechanik. Ingenieurwissenschaftliche
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "Further Contributions to the Solution of Simultaneous
                 Linear Equations and the Determination of Eigenvalues",
  title =        "Solution of eigenvalue problems with the {$ L R
  volume =       "1958(49)",
  publisher =    "National Bureau of Standards, United States Department
                 of Commerce",
  address =      "Washington, DC, USA",
  pages =        "47--81",
  year =         "1958",
  ISSN =         "0083-1786",
  MRclass =      "65.3X",
  MRnumber =     "90118",
  MRreviewer =   "P. S. Dwyer",
  bibdate =      "Sun Dec 18 15:20:25 GMT 1994",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Applied Mathematics Series",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "National Bureau of Standards. Applied Mathematics

  author =       "Heinz Ruttishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber eine Verallgemeinerung der Kettenbr{\"u}che
                 (Vorl{\"a}ufiger Bericht)}. ({German}) [{On} a
                 Generalization of Continued Fractions (Preliminary
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "38",
  number =       "7--8",
  pages =        "278--279",
  year =         "1958",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 09:07:23 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  eprint =       "",
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
                 Mechanik: Ingenieurwissenschaftliche
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "M. Engeli and Th. Ginsburg and H. Rutishauser and E.
  title =        "Conclusions",
  crossref =     "Engeli:1959:RIM",
  chapter =      "V",
  pages =        "102--105",
  year =         "1959",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Max Engeli and Theo. Ginsburg and Heinz Rutishauser
                 and Eduard L. Stiefel",
  title =        "{Young}'s overrelaxation",
  crossref =     "Engeli:1959:RIM",
  chapter =      "IV.1",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "1959",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 19 05:59:17 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "E. Heilbronner and H. Rutishauser and F. Gerson",
  title =        "{Eigenwerte, Eigenfunktionen und thermodynamische
                 Funktionen des linearen Oszillators 6-ter Potenz}.
                 ({German}) [{Eigenvalues}, eigenfunctions and
                 thermodynamic functions of the linear oscillator of 6th
  journal =      j-HELV-CHIM-ACTA,
  volume =       "42",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2304--2314",
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "HCACAV",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0018-019X",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 09:07:34 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "previously described method for the automatic
                 calculation of the eigenvalues of a particle moving in
                 a potential expressible as article moving in a
                 one-dimensional potential, given as $ V(\xi) = \nu_1
                 \xi + \nu 2 \xi^2 + \nu_3 \xi^3 + \cdots + \nu_k \xi^k
                 $ ($k$ even) has been applied to calculate the
                 eigenvalues for the linear sixth power oscillator. The
                 thermodynamic functions of this oscillator have been
                 obtained and its wave function and transition integrals
                 have been compared with those of the linear fourth
                 power oscillator. An example has been given of the use
                 of the sixth power potential as the base potential in
                 double minima problems.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  eprint =       "",
  fjournal =     "Helvetica Chimica Acta",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "E. Heilbronner and H. Rutishauser and F. Gerson",
  title =        "{Verfahren zur programmgesteuerten Berechnung der
                 Eigenwerte eindimensionaler Molekel-Modelle}.
                 ({German}) [{Procedure} for the program-controlled
                 calculation of the eigenvalues of one-dimensional
                 molecular models]",
  journal =      j-HELV-CHIM-ACTA,
  volume =       "42",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "2285--2303",
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "HCACAV",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0018-019X",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 08:56:25 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "A method for calculating the eigenvalues of a particle
                 moving in a one-dimensional potential, given as $
                 V(\xi) = \nu_1 \xi + \nu 2 \xi^2 + \nu_3 \xi^3 + \cdots
                 {} $ is described. It is a variational method which
                 makes use of linear combinations of Hermite orthogonal
                 functions $ \Phi (\xi) = \sum \limits \_ {n = 0}^{N -
                 1} {c \_ n u \_ n } (\xi) $, the recursion properties
                 of which allow for the calculation of the matrix
                 elements $ H_{n m} $ and $ S_{n m} $ in closed form
                 without involving any further approximation. As the
                 matrix $ H = (H_{n m}) $ is a band matrix, the
                 corresponding eigenvalue problem can be solved by
                 applying the LR-transformation, which yields the
                 eigenvalues in the order of their stability, so that
                 the calculation may be stopped after the required
                 number of the lowest levels has been calculated.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Helvetica Chimica Acta",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "P. L{\"a}uchli and H. Rutishauser and R. S{\"a}nger
                 and H. Weber and E. Roth-Desmeules and C. Enz and
                 Hs. H. G{\"u}nthard and V. Stingelin and W. H{\"a}lg
                 and F. Heinrich and H. Ziegler",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "444--452",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen zu einer Arbeit von Al-Salam und
                 Carlitz}. ({German}) [{Comments} on a work by
                 {Al-Salam} and {Carlitz}]",
  journal =      j-ARCH-MATH,
  volume =       "10",
  pages =        "292--293",
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "ACVMAL",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0003-889x (print), 1420-8938 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0003-889X",
  MRclass =      "33.00",
  MRnumber =     "105522",
  MRreviewer =   "L. Carlitz",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Archiv der Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Deflation bei Bandmatrizen}. ({German}) [{Deflation}
                 in band matrices]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "314--319",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.00",
  MRnumber =     "109431",
  MRreviewer =   "M. Fiedler",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "{ACM'59: Preprints of papers presented at the 14th
                 national meeting of the Association for Computing
                 Machinery, September 1959}",
  title =        "Deflation by elementary rotations for the solution of
                 algebraic eigenvalue problems",
  publisher =    pub-ACM,
  address =      pub-ACM:adr,
  pages =        "1--3",
  year =         "1959",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 07:57:49 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Zur Matrizeninversion nach Gauss--Jordan}. ({German})
                 [{On} matrix inversion according to {Gauss--Jordan}]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "281--291",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1959",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.00",
  MRnumber =     "105797",
  MRreviewer =   "W. C. Rheinboldt",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Theory of Gradient Methods",
  crossref =     "Engeli:1959:RIM",
  chapter =      "II",
  pages =        "24--49",
  year =         "1959",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Report on the algorithmic language {Algol 60}",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "106--136",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 18 10:06:00 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "Also translated in Russian in 1960 by the
                 Computational Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the
  xxauthor =     "Peter Naur and J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J.
                 Green and C. Katz and J. MacCarthy and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and J.
                 H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Report on the algorithmic language {Algol 60}",
  journal =      "Acta Polytechnica Scandinavica: Mathematics and
                 Computing Machinery Series",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "284--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "APSMAT",
  ISSN =         "0355-2713",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 14 17:29:22 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Acta Polytech. Scand., Math. Comput. Mach. Ser.",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  journal-URL =  "????",
  xxnote =       "Check author order and page range??",

  author =       "Peter Naur and J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J.
                 Green and C. Katz and J. McCarthy and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Report on the Algorithmic Language {ALGOL 60}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "299--314",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  MRclass =      "68.00",
  MRnumber =     "24\#B485",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:26 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See letter \cite{Arden:1960:LPR}. Dedicated to the
                 Memory of William Turanski [American group member who
                 was killed by an automobile just prior to the January
                 1960 Conference].",
  ZMID =         "03145581",
  ZMnumber =     "0089.12510",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",
  checked =      "15 July 1993",
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "numerical analysis",
  remark =       "Edsger Dijkstra's name does not appear in this
                 document, but he was a committee member, and
                 subsequently co-wrote the first working ALGOL 60
  ZMreviewer =   "S. Gorn",

  author =       "E. Roth-Desmeules and H. J. B{\"u}rgin and Th.
                 Ginsburg and W. Hardmeier and Res Jost and H. Ziegler
                 and F. Tank and W. Traupel and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "81--88",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen zur glatten Interpolation}. ({German})
                 [{Notes} on smooth interpolation]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "508--513",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.20",
  MRnumber =     "143324",
  MRreviewer =   "T. N. E. Greville",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bemerkungen zur numerischen Integration
                 gew{\"o}hnlicher Differentialgleichungen $n$-ter
                 Ordnung}. ({German}) [{Remarks} on the numerical
                 integration of ordinary differential equations of
                 $n$-th order]",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "263--279",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.60",
  MRnumber =     "145669",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Henrici",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 18 12:49:00 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\cyr Algoritm chastnykh i raznoste{\u{i}}}}",
  publisher =    "Biblioteka Sbornika ``Matematika''. Izdat. Inostr.
  address =      "Moscow, USSR",
  pages =        "93",
  year =         "1960",
  MRclass =      "39.10",
  MRnumber =     "0124637",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Translated from the German by V. M. Kuro{\v{c}}kin.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment [on the dummy statement]",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "1--1",
  day =          "28",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment on expressions in relations",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "7--7",
  day =          "23",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 08:02:08 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Expressions in Relations",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "11--11",
  day =          "17",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 08:02:08 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber eine kubisch konvergente Variante der $ L R
                 $-Transformation}. ({German}) [{On} a cubically
                 convergent variant of the {$ L R $} transformation]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "1--3",
  pages =        "49--54",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  MRclass =      "65.00",
  MRnumber =     "114295",
  MRreviewer =   "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
                 Mechanik. Ingenieurwissenschaftliche
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Letter [removing imperfections from the {ALGOL}
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "2--2",
  day =          "23",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:58:05 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Reply to {AB 10.1.3}",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2--3",
  day =          "17",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Naur:1960:LMA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Remark on Superfluous Delimiters",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "11",
  pages =        "6--6",
  day =          "23",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 08:14:42 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  numpages =     "1",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Interference with an {ALGOL}-procedure",
  journal =      j-ANNU-REV-AUTOM-PROGRAM,
  volume =       "2",
  pages =        "67--75",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1961",
  CODEN =        "ARAPDX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0066-4138 (print), 1878-545X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0066-4138",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 07:47:56 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Annu. Rev. Autom. Program.",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Annual Review in Automatic Programming",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Edouard Stiefel and Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Remarques concernant l'int{\'e}gration num{\'e}rique.
                 ({French}) [{Notes} on numerical integration]",
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "252",
  pages =        "1899--1900",
  year =         "1961",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "65.55",
  MRnumber =     "127532",
  MRreviewer =   "A. H. Stroud",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "E. Roth-Desmeules and H. Weber and H. Ziegler and E.
                 Baldinger and H. Rutishauser and M. Weber and
                 J.-P. Blaser and Res Jost",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "613--620",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Algorithm 104}: {Reduction} to {Jacobi}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "387--387",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:39 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Algorithm 125}: {Weightcoeff}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "510--511",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:41 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment [on {\tt comment} statements]",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "17--17",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment [on compound statements]",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "22--22",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment [on division by zero]",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "20--20",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Comment [on evaluation of expressions]",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "21--21",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "On a modification of the {$ Q D $}-algorithm with
                 {Graeffe}-type convergence",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "493--496",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  MRclass =      "65.25",
  MRnumber =     "251885",
  MRreviewer =   "V. Zaguskin",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik.
                 ZAMP. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics.
                 Journal de Math\'{e}matiques et de Physique
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Remark [Type procedure called by procedure
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "15",
  pages =        "34--34",
  day =          "16",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Ziegler and Ed. Gerecke and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "199--200",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and Heinz
                 Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "{Bericht {\"u}ber die Algorithmische Sprache ALGOL 60
                 (ALGOL Bulletin Supplement No. 3). Zur Erinnerung an
                 William Turanski. Herausgegeben von P. Naur}.
                 ({German}) [{Report} on the Algorithmic Language {ALGOL
                 60} ({ALGOL Bulletin} Supplement No. 3). {In} memory of
                 {William Turanski}. {Edited} by {P. Naur}]",
  journal =      "{Elektronische Datenverarbeitung}",
  volume =       "2",
  number =       "??",
  pages =        "1--17",
  year =         "1963",
  ISSN =         "0374-3012",
  ISSN-L =       "0374-3012",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 15:10:11 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMID =         "03177072",
  ZMnumber =     "0108.30206",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "{Elektron. Datenverarb.}",
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  keywords =     "numerical analysis",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Revised report on the algorithmic language {ALGOL
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "349--367",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 4 14:47:29 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  ZMID =         "03179017",
  ZMnumber =     "0109.35105",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Revised report on the algorithmic language {ALGOL}
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "4",
  pages =        "420--453",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 16:12:48 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Edited by Peter Naur. Dedicated to the memory of
                 William Turanski.",
  URL =          "",
  ZMID =         "03179017",
  ZMnumber =     "0109.35105",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "F. L. Bauer and H. Rutishauser and E. Stiefel",
  booktitle =    "Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Mathematics",
  title =        "New aspects in numerical quadrature",
  volume =       "XV",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "199--218",
  year =         "1963",
  MRclass =      "65.55",
  MRnumber =     "174177",
  MRreviewer =   "S. Haber",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 20 18:22:34 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMID =         "03215586",
  ZMnumber =     "0133.09201",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",

  author =       "Peter Naur and J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J.
                 Green and C. Katz and J. McCarthy and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger
                 and P. Nauer",
  title =        "Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language {ALGOL
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--17",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:44 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Dedicated to the memory of William Turanski.",
  ZMID =         "03179017",
  ZMnumber =     "0109.35105",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Ausdehnung des Rombergschen Prinzips}. ({German})
                 [{Extension} of {Romberg}'s principle]",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "48--54",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.55",
  MRnumber =     "170476",
  MRreviewer =   "S. Haber",
  bibdate =      "Mon Oct 18 01:28:20 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Algorithm 150}: {Syminv2}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "67--68",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:44 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Betrachtungen zur Quadratwurzeliteration}. ({German})
                 [{Considerations} on square root iteration]",
  journal =      j-MONAT-MATH,
  volume =       "67",
  pages =        "452--464",
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "MNMTA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0026-9255 (print), 1436-5081 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0026-9255",
  MRclass =      "65.50",
  MRnumber =     "158532",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Monatshefte f{\"u}r Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Correspondence",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "133--133",
  month =        aug,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 4 14:47:30 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., Vol. {XV}",
  title =        "On {Jacobi} rotation patterns",
  publisher =    pub-AMS,
  address =      pub-AMS:adr,
  pages =        "219--239",
  year =         "1963",
  MRclass =      "65.35",
  MRnumber =     "0160321",
  MRreviewer =   "James H. Wilkinson",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Remark on {Algorithm 150}: {Syminv2}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "7",
  pages =        "390--390",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:47 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Stabile Sonderf{\"a}lle des
                 Quotienten--Differenzen-Algorithmus}. ({German})
                 [{Stable} special cases of the quotient--difference
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "95--112",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.99",
  MRnumber =     "175288",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 20:47:18 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser and H. R. Schwarz",
  title =        "The {$ L R $} transformation method for symmetric
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "273--289",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.35",
  MRnumber =     "154399",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 20:47:18 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "The use of recursive procedures in {ALGOL 60}",
  journal =      j-ANNU-REV-AUTOM-PROGRAM,
  volume =       "3",
  pages =        "43--51",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "ARVAAM",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0066-4138 (print), 1878-545X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0066-4138",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 07:50:21 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Annual Review in Automatic Programming",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "Copublished with \cite{Rutishauser:1963:URPb}.",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "International Tracts in Computer Science and
                 Technology and Their Application",
  title =        "The Use of Recursive Procedures in {ALGOL 60}",
  publisher =    pub-ELSEVIER,
  address =      pub-ELSEVIER:adr,
  pages =        "43--51",
  year =         "1963",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 07:51:29 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  remark =       "Copublished with \cite{Rutishauser:1963:URPa}.",

  author =       "E. Stiefel and W. Saxer and W. Gerber and H.
                 Rutishauser and P. Junod and U. Hochstrasser and
                 W. Furrer and G. Epprecht and Ch. Clavuot and
                 W. Schumann",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "97--100",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Weber and E. Roth-Desmeules and W. Furrer and R.
                 Jost and H. R. Schwarz and D. Rivier and G. Epprecht
                 and H. Rutishauser and P. Schmid and P. L{\"a}uchli and
                 B. Federer and J. Ackeret and H. Schmid and
                 W. K{\"a}nzig and Hs. H. G{\"u}nthard and H. Ziegler",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "390--396",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1963",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Une m{\'e}thode pour le calcul des valeurs propres des
                 matrices non sym{\'e}triques. ({French}) [{A} method
                 for calculating the eigenvalues of unsymmetrical
  journal =      j-C-R-ACAD-SCI-PARIS,
  volume =       "259",
  pages =        "2758",
  year =         "1964",
  ISSN =         "0001-4036 (print), 2419-6304 (electronic)",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "169371",
  MRreviewer =   "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des S\'{e}ances de
                 l'Acad\'{e}mie des Sciences",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "French",

  author =       "D. B. McVean and H. Rutishauser and L. S. Dzung and M.
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "566--568",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1965",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "P. Naur and J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green
                 and C. Katz and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and
                 A. J. Perlis and Heinz Rutishauser and K. Samelson and
                 B. Vauquois and J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden
                 and M. Woodger",
  title =        "Revised report on the algorithmic language {ALGOL-60}.
  volume =       "Moskau, Russia",
  publisher =    "Verlag ``Mir''",
  pages =        "80",
  year =         "1965",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 15:10:11 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMID =         "03235679",
  ZMnumber =     "0146.14701",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  keywords =     "numerical analysis",
  language =     "Russian",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Contributions to the discussion of {ALGOL 6x}",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "19",
  pages =        "44--50",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1965",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  ISSN-L =       "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 07:59:38 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See comments \cite{Myrhaug:1965:CPH}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Algorithmus $1$: Lineares Gleichungssystem mit
                 symmetrischer positiv-definiter Bandmatrix nach
                 Cholesky}. ({German}) [{Algorithm} $1$: Linear Equation
                 Systems with Symmetric Positive Definite Band Matrix
                 using {Cholesky}]",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "77--78",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 17 10:14:05 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See certification \cite{Nake:1966:ZAC}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Algorithmus $2$: Orthonormierung von Vektoren nach E.
                 Schmidt}. ({German}) [{Algorithm} $2$:
                 Orthonormalization of Vectors by {E. Schmidt}]",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "159--161",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 17 10:16:08 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See certification \cite{Nake:1966:ZAO}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Bestimmung der Eigenwerte orthogonaler Matrizen}.
                 ({German}) [{Determination of the Eigenvalues of
                 Orthogonal Matrices}]",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "104--108",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "207194",
  MRreviewer =   "W. C. Rheinboldt",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 16:12:48 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Handbook Series Linear Algebra: The {Jacobi} method
                 for real symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--10",
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "DML",
  MRnumber =     "1553948",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "The {Jacobi} method for real symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "9",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "1--10",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  ISSN =         "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 19:01:15 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Also in \cite[pp. 202--211]{Wilkinson:1971:LA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "R. Zuber and P. Profos and Bruno Scarpellini and W.
                 Saxer and P. J. Huber and A. Huber and H. R. Schwarz
                 and G. Epprecht and A. A. Witt and Ch. Wehrli and
                 H. Ziegler and H. Rutishauser and D. Rivier and
                 D. B. McVean and F. Weinberg and
                 I. Zschokke-Gr{\"a}nacher",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "17",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "794--800",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "W. Kuhn and P. Profos and H. R. Schwarz and Theo
                 Ginsburg and H. Rutishauser and K. Alder and Ch. Wehrli
                 and Peter J. Huber",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "145--148",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1967",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Basic Concepts",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "18--33",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Declarations",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "144--171",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Expressions",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "34--55",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Introduction",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "1--17",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Input and Output",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "227--247",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Miscellaneous Applications",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "95--143",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Procedures",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "172--226",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Statements",
  crossref =     "Bauer:1967:DA",
  pages =        "56--94",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "R. T. Shield and Th. Ginsburg and H. Rutishauser and
                 K. Hutter and F. Weinberg and L. S. Dzung and W. Saxer
                 and P. Huguenin",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "298--300",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1967",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "R. Bulirsch and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Interpolation und gen{\"a}herte Quadratur}.
                 ({German}) [{Interpolation} and approximate
  crossref =     "Sauer:1968:MHI",
  pages =        "232--319",
  year =         "1968",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 12:28:47 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",

  author =       "P. Henrich and P. Huguenin and H. Rutishauser and I.
                 Zschokke-Gr{\"a}nacher and Hans Ziegler and
                 H. R. Schwarz and L. S. Dzung and E. Stiefel",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "981--984",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser and Eduard L. Stiefel and Hans
                 Rudolf Schwarz",
  title =        "{Numerik symmetrischer Matrizen: Matrizen-Numerik}.
                 ({German}) [{Numerics} of symmetric matrices: Matrix
  volume =       "11",
  publisher =    pub-TEUBNER,
  address =      pub-TEUBNER:adr,
  pages =        "243",
  year =         "1968",
  ISSN =         "0459-021X",
  ISSN-L =       "0459-021X",
  LCCN =         "QA263 .S33",
  bibdate =      "Fri Sep 4 10:08:00 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Leitf{\"a}den der angewandten Mathematik und
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November 1970);
                 Eduard Stiefel (21 April 1909--25 November 1978)",
  language =     "German",
  remark =       "Book title page is ambiguous about author credits: it
                 says: ``Unter Mitwirkung von Prof. Dr. H. Rutishauser
                 und Prof. Dr. E. Stiefel, verfa{\ss}t von Privatdozent
                 Dr. sc. math. H. R. Schwarz''",
  shorttableofcontents = "1: Euklidischer Vectorraum. Normen.
                 Quadratische Formen. Symmetrische-definite
                 Gleichungssysteme \\
                 2: Relaxationsmethoden \\
                 3: Ausgleichsrechnung \\
                 4: Symmetrische Eigenwertprobleme \\
                 5: Randwertprobleme, Relaxation",
  subject =      "Teoria operatorilor",
  tableofcontents = "1. Euklidischer Vektorraum Normen. Quadratische
                 Formen. Symmetrisch-definite Gleichungssysteme \\
                 1.1. Der lineare Vektorraum, Matrizen / 11 \\
                 1.1.1. Der w-dimensionale Vektorraum / 11 \\
                 1.1.2. Lineare Transformationen. Matrizen / 13 \\
                 1.2. Normen, Kondition einer Matrix / 17 \\
                 1.3. Notwendige und hinreichende Kriterien f{\"u}r die
                 Definitheit einer quadratischen Form / 23 \\
                 1.3.1. Direkte Kriterien, notwendige Bedingungen / 23
        Spezielle Beispiele / 23 \\
        Notwendige Bedingungen / 24 \\
                 1.3.2. Kriterium der {\"u}berwiegenden positiven
                 Diagonalelemente / 25 \\
                 1.3.3. Systematische Reduktion auf eine Summe von
                 Quadraten / 28 \\
                 1.4. Symmetrische Dreieckszerlegung, Methode von
                 Cholesky / 31 \\
                 1.4.1. Dreiecksmatrizen / 31 \\
                 1.4.2. Die Methode von Cholesky / 34 \\
                 1.4.3. Aufl{\"o}sung symmetrisch-definiter
                 Gleichungssysteme / 36 \\
                 1.4.4. Inversion einer positiv definiten Matrix / 40
                 1.4.5. Symmetrisch-definite Bandmatrizen / 41 \\
                 2. Relaxationsmethoden \\
                 2.1. Grundlagen der Relaxationsrechnung / 45 \\
                 2.1.1. Symmetrisch-definites Gleichungssystem als
                 Minimumproblem / 45 \\
                 2.1.2. Grundprinzip der Relaxation / 46 \\
                 2.2. Das Einzelschrittverfahren / 48 \\
                 2.2.1. Handrelaxation / 48 \\
                 2.2.2. Das Einzelschrittverfahren (Gau{\ss}-Seidel) /
                 50 \\
                 2.2.3. Methode der {\"U}berrelaxation / 55 \\
                 2.2.4. Optimale Wahl des {\"U}berrelaxationsfaktors /
                 59 \\
                 2.3. Gradientenmethoden / 66 \\
                 2.3.1. Das Prinzip / 66 \\
                 2.3.2. Methode des st{\"a}rksten Abstiegs / 67 \\
                 2.3.3. Das Gesamtschrittverfahren / 68 \\
                 2.4. Methode der konjugierten Gradienten / 71 \\
                 2.4.1. Herleitung / 71 \\
                 2.4.2. Eigenschaften und Vereinfachungen / 72 \\
                 2.4.3. Der Rechenproze{\ss} / 75 \\
                 3. Ausgleichsrechnung \\
                 3.1. Problemstellung / 78 \\
                 3.1.1. Vermittelnde Ausgleichung / 79 \\
                 3.1.2. Bedingte Ausgleichung / 81 \\
                 3.2. Vermittelnde Ausgleichung / 82 \\
                 3.2.1. Die Gau{\ss}schen Normalgleichungen / 82 \\
                 3.2.2. Zur Aufl{\"o}sung der Normalgleichungen / 84 \\
                 3.3. Bedingte Ausgleichung / 87 \\
                 3.3.1. Die Korrelatengleichungen / 87 \\
                 3.3.2. Dualit{\"a}t der Ausgleichung / 90 \\
                 3.4. Die Methode der Orthogonalisierung in der
                 Ausgleichsrechnung / 93 \\
                 3.4.1. Das Schmidtsche Orthogonalisierungsverfahren /
                 93 \\
                 3.4.2. Anwendung auf Ausgleichsprobleme / 96 \\
                 3.4.3. Numerische Gegen{\"u}berstellung mit der Methode
                 von Cholesky / 100 \\
                 3.5. Die Methode der konjugierten Gradienten in der
                 Ausgleichsrechnung / 103 \\
                 4. Symmetrische Eigenwertprobleme \\
                 4.1. Eigenwertprobleme der Physik / 103 \\
                 4.2. Kritik des charakteristischen Polynoms / 106 \\
                 4.3. Das Hauptachsentheorem / 109 \\
                 4.4. Transformation auf Diagonalform. Simultane
                 Berechnung aller Eigenwerte / 113 \\
                 4.4.1. Elementare orthogonale zweidimensionale
                 Drehungen / 113 \\
                 4.4.2. Das klassische Jacobi-Verfahren / 116 \\
                 4.4.3. Zyklische Jacobi-Verfahren / 123 \\
                 4.5. Transformation auf tridiagonale Form. Sturmsche
                 Kette. Berechnung einzelner Eigenwerte / 126 \\
                 4.5.1. Die Methode von Givens / 127 \\
                 4.5.2. Die Methode von Householder / 129 \\
                 4.5.3. Die Sturmsche Kette / 134 \\
                 4.5.4. Die Eigenwerte von symmetrischen tridiagonalen
                 Matrizen / 137 \\
                 4.5.5. Die Eigenvektoren von tridiagonalen Matrizen /
                 144 \\
                 4.6. LR-Transformation und QD-Algorithmus. Berechnung
                 der kleinsten Eigenwerte / 146 \\
                 4.6.1. Die LR-Transformation / 147 \\
                 4.6.2. Konvergenzbeweis des LR-Cholesky-Verfahrens /
                 150 \\
                 4.6.3. Konvergenzverhalten, Koordinatenverschiebung /
                 152 \\
                 4.6.4. Symmetrisch-definite Bandmatrizen / 160 \\
                 4.6.5. Der QD-Algorithmus / 163 \\
                 4.6.6. Anwendungen des QD-Algorithmus / 172 \\
                 4.7. Vektoriteration. Gr{\"o}{\ss}te und kleinste
                 Eigenwerte / 175 \\
                 4.7.1. Klassische Vektoriteration. Potenzmethode / 176
                 4.7.2. Bestimmung des zweitgr{\"o}{\ss}ten Eigenwertes
                 / 179 \\
                 4.7.3. Inverse Vektoriteration / 180 \\
                 4.7.4. Simultane Vektoriteration / 182 \\
                 4.8. Das allgemeine symmetrische Eigenwertproblem / 187
                 4.8.1. Transformation auf ein spezielles symmetrisches
                 Eigenwertproblem / 187 \\
                 4.8.2. Jacobische Methode / 188 \\
                 4.8.3. Methode der Vektoriteration / 190 \\
                 4.9. {\"U}bersicht {\"u}ber die Eigenwertmethoden / 191
                 5. Randwertprobleme, Relaxation \\
                 5.1. Randwertprobleme / 193 \\
                 5.1.1. Die Energiemethode / 193 \\
                 5.1.2. Selbstadjungiertheit / 195 \\
                 5.1.3. Diskretisation / 197 \\
                 5.1.4. Struktur der linearen Gleichungen / 203 \\
                 5.2. Operatorgleichungen und Relaxation / 206 \\
                 5.2.1. Elementare Relaxationsmethoden / 206 \\
                 5.2.2. {\"U}berrelaxation, Property A / 208 \\
                 5.2.3. Implizite Blockrelaxation / 216 \\
                 5.2.4. Methode der alternierenden Richtungen / 223 \\
                 5.2.5. Methode der konjugierten Gradienten / 231 \\
                 5.3. Das Eigenwertproblem / 232 \\
                 Literatur / 235 \\
                 Sachverzeichnis / 239",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Once again: {The} least square problem",
  journal =      j-LINEAR-ALGEBRA-APPL,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "479--488",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "LAAPAW",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0024-3795 (print), 1873-1856 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0024-3795",
  MRclass =      "65.35",
  MRnumber =     "237083",
  MRreviewer =   "W. C. Rheinboldt",
  bibdate =      "Wed Feb 17 11:44:03 MST 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Linear Algebra and its Applications",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Les propri{\'e}t{\'e}s num{\'e}riques de l'algorithme
                 quotient--difference. ({French}) [Numerical properties
                 of the quotient--difference algorithm]",
  type =         "Report",
  number =       "EUR 4083f",
  institution =  "Communaut{\'e} Europ{\'e}enne de l'{\'E}nergie
                 Atomique --- EURATOM",
  address =      "Luxembourg",
  year =         "1968",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 12:44:24 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "French",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "Programmation en Math{\'e}matiques Num{\'e}riques,
                 {Besan{\c{c}}on}, 1966",
  title =        "On Test Matrices",
  volume =       "7(165)",
  publisher =    "{\'E}ditions Centre Nat. Recherche Sci.",
  address =      "Paris, France",
  pages =        "349--365",
  year =         "1968",
  MRclass =      "65.35",
  MRnumber =     "0232536",
  MRreviewer =   "E. R. Hansen",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "{\'E}ditions Centre Nat. Recherche Sci., Paris",
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. B{\"u}hlmann and W. Czaja and K. Kovari and R. T.
                 Shield and W. Bosshard and K. Alder and H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechungen}. ({German}) [{Book} reviews]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "20",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "430--432",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Computational aspects of {F. L. Bauer}'s simultaneous
                 iteration method",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "13",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "4--13",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "243730; 1553968",
  MRreviewer =   "J. Legras",
  bibdate =      "Sun Oct 17 16:12:48 MDT 1999",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  booktitle =    "Constructive Aspects of the Fundamental Theorem of
                 Algebra {(Proc. Sympos., Z{\"u}rich-R{\"u}schlikon,
  title =        "{Zur Problematik der Nullstellenbestimmung bei
                 Polynomen}. ({German}) [{On} the problem of determining
                 zeros in polynomials]",
  publisher =    pub-WI,
  address =      pub-WI:adr,
  pages =        "281--294",
  year =         "1969",
  MRclass =      "65.55",
  MRnumber =     "0255055",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Handbook Series Linear Algebra: Simultaneous iteration
                 method for symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "205--223",
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "DML",
  MRnumber =     "1553979",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Simultaneous iteration method for symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "205--223",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 11:49:34 MDT 1997",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Also in \cite[pp. 284--302]{Wilkinson:1971:LA}.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  classification = "C4140 (Linear algebra)",
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "eigenvalues and eigenfunctions; iterative methods;
                 matrix algebra",
  language =     "German",

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "The {Jacobi} Method for Real Symmetric Matrices",
  crossref =     "Wilkinson:1971:LA",
  pages =        "202--211",
  year =         "1971",
  DOI =          ";
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:51:04 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser",
  title =        "Simultaneous iteration method for symmetric matrices",
  crossref =     "Wilkinson:1971:LA",
  pages =        "284--302",
  year =         "1971",
  DOI =          ";
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 20:29:59 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Rutishauser and E. Stiefel and H. R. Schwarz",
  title =        "{Numerik symmetrischer Matrizen}. ({German})
                 [{Numerics} of symmetric matrices]",
  volume =       "11",
  publisher =    pub-TEUBNER,
  address =      pub-TEUBNER:adr,
  pages =        "261",
  year =         "1972",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "3-519-12311-8 (print), 3-663-11341-8 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-519-12311-8 (print), 978-3-663-11341-6
  LCCN =         "QA263 .S33 1972",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 10:18:08 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Leitf{\"a}den der angewandten Mathematik und Mechanik
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",
  subject =      "Numerical analysis",
  tableofcontents = "Front Matter / 2--9 \\
                 Euklidischer Vektorraum. Normen. Quadratische Formen.
                 Symmetrisch-definite Gleichungssysteme / 11--44 \\
                 Relaxationsmethoden / 44--78 \\
                 Ausgleichsrechnung / 78--103 \\
                 Symmetrische Eigenwertprobleme / 103--192 \\
                 Randwertprobleme, Relaxation / 192--235 \\
                 Back Matter / 235--263",

  author =       "H. R. Schwarz and H. Rutishauser and E. Stiefel",
  title =        "Numerical Analysis of Symmetric Matrices",
  publisher =    pub-PH,
  address =      pub-PH:adr,
  pages =        "xi + 276",
  year =         "1973",
  ISBN =         "0-13-626556-1",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-13-626556-6",
  LCCN =         "QA263 .S3313",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J. Green and C. Katz
                 and J. McCarthy and P. Naur and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and
                 J. H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger
                 and R. M. {De Morgan} and I. D. Hill and B. A. Wichmann",
  title =        "Modified Report on the Algorithmic Language
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "19",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "364--379",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1976",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  MRclass =      "68N01",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 4 14:47:58 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    "Compendex database;
  URL =          ";
  ZMID =         "03529388",
  ZMnumber =     "0338.68007",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  classcodes =   "C6140D (High level languages)",
  classification = "723; 902",
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "ALGOL; ALGOL 60; algorithmic language; computer
                 programming languages; standards",
  treatment =    "G General Review; P Practical",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Vorlesungen {\"u}ber numerische Mathematik. Band 1.
                 Gleichungssysteme, Interpolation und Approximation}.
                 ({German}) [{Lectures} on numerical mathematics. {Part
                 1. Equation systems, interpolation, and
  volume =       "50",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "164",
  year =         "1976",
  ISBN =         "3-7643-0810-9",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-7643-0810-0",
  LCCN =         "QA297 .R87",
  MRclass =      "65-01",
  MRnumber =     "0501718",
  MRreviewer =   "D. Greenspan",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Herausgegeben von Martin Gutknecht unter Mitwirkung
                 von Peter Henrici, Peter L{\"a}uchli und Hans-Rudolf
                 Schwarz, Lehrb{\"u}cher und Monographien aus dem
                 Gebiete der exakten Wissenschaften. Mathematische
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",
  tableofcontents = "1: Problemstellung / 11 \\
                 \S 1.1. Programmsicherheit / 11 \\
                 \S 1.2. Der Werdegang eines Programms / 12 \\
                 \S 1.3. Schwierigkeiten / 12 \\
                 2: Lineare Gleichungen und Ungleichungen / 17 \\
                 \S 2.1. Der klassische Gauss sche Algorithmus / 18 \\
                 \S 2.2. Die Dreieckszerlegung / 21 \\
                 \S 2.3. Nachiteration / 26 \\
                 \S 2.4. Pivotstrategien / 28 \\
                 \S 2.5. Fragen der Programmierung / 31 \\
                 \S 2.6. Der Austauschalgorithmus / 35 \\
                 \S 2.7. Fragen der Programmierung / 42 \\
                 \S 2.8. Lineare Ungleichungen (Optimierung) / 44 \\
                 3: Gleichungssysteme mit positi vdefiniter
                 symmetrischer Koeffizienten\isonot matrix / 50 \\
                 \S 3.1. Positiv definite Matrizen / 50 \\
                 \S 3.2. Kriterien f{\"u}r Positivdefinitheit / 52 \\
                 \S 3.3. Die Cholesky-Zerlegung / 54 \\
                 \S 3.4. Programmierung der Cholesky-Zerlegung / 57 \\
                 \S 3.5. Aufl{\"o}sung eines linearen Systems / 60 \\
                 \S 3.6. St{\"o}rung durch Rundungsfehler / 61 \\
                 \S 3.7. Lineare Gleichungssysteme als Minimumproblem /
                 65 \\
                 4: Nichtlineare Gleichungen / 68 \\
                 \S 4.1. Die Grundidee der Linearisierung / 69 \\
                 \S 4.2. Die Methode von Newton / 72 \\
                 \S 4.3. Die Regula falsi / 74 \\
                 \S 4.4. Algebraische Gleichungen / 76 \\
                 \S 4.5. Die Wurzelquadrierung (Dandelin--Graeffe) / 80
                 \S 4.6. Anwendung der Methode von Newton auf
                 algebraische Gleichungen / 81 \\
                 5: Ausgleichsprobleme / 85 \\
                 \S 5.1. Nichtlineare Ausgleichsprobleme / 85 \\
                 \S 5.2. Lineare Ausgleichsprobleme und ihre klassische
                 L{\"o}sung / 88 \\
                 \S 5.3. Vermittelnde Ausgleichung durch
                 Orthogonalisierung / 92 \\
                 \S 5.4. Rechentechnik der Orthogonalisierung / 94 \\
                 \S 5.5. Bedingte Ausgleichung durch Orthogonalisierung
                 / 99 \\
                 6: Interpolation / 102 \\
                 \S 6.1. Das Interpolationspolynom / 102 \\
                 \S 6.2. Baryzentrische Formel / 106 \\
                 \S 6.3. Dividierte Differenzen / 107 \\
                 \S 6.4. Die Newtonsche Interpolationsformel / 111 \\
                 \S 6.5. Spezialisierung auf gleichabst{\"a}ndige $x_i$
                 / 114 \\
                 \S 6.6. Zur Problematik der Newtonschen Interpolation /
                 115 \\
                 \S 6.7. Hermitesche Interpolation / 117 \\
                 \S 6.8. Latteninterpolation / 121 \\
                 \S 6.9. Gl{\"a}ttung / 126 \\
                 \S 6.10. Gen{\"a}herte Quadratur / 130 \\
                 7: Approximation / 136 \\
                 \S 7.1. Kritik der Polynomdarstellung / 136 \\
                 \S 7.2. Definition und Grundeigenschaften der
                 Tschebyscheff-Polynome / 137 \\
                 \S 7.3. Entwicklung nach T-Polynomen / 140 \\
                 \S 7.4. Numerische Berechnung der T -Koeffizienten /
                 144 \\
                 \S 7.5. Verwendung der T-Entwicklung / 148 \\
                 \S 7.6. Beste Approximation nach Tschebyscheff
                 (T-Approximation) / 151 \\
                 \S 7.7. Der Remez-Algorithmus / 155 Namen- und
                 Sachverzeichnis / 161 \\

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Vorlesungen {\"u}ber numerische Mathematik. Band 2.
                 Differentialgleichungen und Eigenwertprobleme}.
                 ({German}) [{Lectures} on numerical mathematics.
                 {Volume 2} {Differential} equations and eigenvalue
  volume =       "57",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "228",
  year =         "1976",
  ISBN =         "3-7643-0850-8",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-7643-0850-6",
  MRclass =      "65-01",
  MRnumber =     "0501720",
  MRreviewer =   "D. Greenspan",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:56:15 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Herausgegeben von Martin Gutknecht unter Mitwirkung
                 von Peter Henrici, Peter L{\"a}uchli und Hans-Rudolf
                 Schwarz, Lehrb{\"u}cher und Monographien aus dem
                 Gebiete der exakten Wissenschaften. Mathematische
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  language =     "German",
  tableofcontents = "8: Anfangswertprobleme bei gew{\"o}hnlichen
                 Differentialgleichungen / 9 \\
                 \S 8.1. Problemstellung / 9 \\
                 \S 8.2. Das Verfahren von Euler / 10 \\
                 \S 8.3. Die Fehlerordnung eines Verfahrens / 16 \\
                 \S 8.4. Verfahren vom Typus Runge-Kutta / 20 \\
                 \S 8.5. Fehlerbetrachtungen f{\"u}r das
                 Runge-Kutta-Verfahren bei linearen
                 Differentialgleichungssystemen / 26 \\
                 \S 8.6. Die Trapezregel / 30 \\
                 \S 8.7. Allgemeine Differenzenformeln / 33 \\
                 \S 8.8. Das Stabilit{\"a}tsproblem / 41 \\
                 \S 8.9. Sonderf{\"a}lle / 48 \\
                 9: Randwertprobleme bei gew{\"o}hnlichen
                 Differentialgleichungen / 55 \\
                 \S 9.1. Die Artilleriemethode / 55 \\
                 \S 9.2. Lineare Randwertaufgaben / 58 \\
                 \S 9.3. Die Floquetschen L{\"o}sungen einer
                 periodischen Differentialgleichung / 63 \\
                 \S 9.4. Behandlung von Randwertaufgaben mit
                 Differenzenmethoden / 66 \\
                 \S 9.5. Die Energiemethode zur Diskretisation
                 kontinuierlicher Probleme / 71 \\
                 10: Elliptische partielle Differentialgleichungen,
                 Relaxationsmethoden / 75 \\
                 \S 10.1. Diskretisation des Dirichlet-Problems / 75 \\
                 \S 10.2. Das Operatorprinzip / 81 \\
                 \S 10.3. Das allgemeine Prinzip der Relaxation / 85 \\
                 \S 10.4. Das Verfahren von Gauss-Seidel,
                 {\"U}berrelaxation / 87 \\
                 \S 10.5. Das Verfahren der konjugierten Gradienten / 91
                 \S 10.6. Anwendung auf ein komplizierteres Problem / 95
                 \S 10.7. Etwas {\"u}ber Normen und die Kondition einer
                 Matrix / 104 \\
                 11: Parabolische und hyperbolische partielle
                 Differentialgleichungen / 110 \\
                 \S 11.1. Eindimensionale W{\"a}rmeleitprobleme / 110
                 \S 11.2. Stabilit{\"a}t der numerischen L{\"o}sung /
                 113 \\
                 \S 11.3. Die eindimensionale Wellengleichung / 118 \\
                 \S 11.4. Etwas {\"u}ber zweidimensionale
                 W{\"a}rmeleitprobleme / 123 \\
                 12: Das Eigenwertproblem f{\"u}r symmetrische Matrizen
                 / 132 \\
                 \S 12.1. Einleitung / 132 \\
                 \S 12.2. Extremaleigenschaften der Eigenwerte / 137 \\
                 \S 12.3. Das klassische Jacobi-Verfahren / 144 \\
                 \S 12.4. Fragen der Programmierung / 147 \\
                 \S 12.5. Das Jacobi-Verfahren mit zeilenweisem
                 Durchlauf / 149 \\
                 \S 12.6. Die$ L R $-Transformation / 151 \\
                 \S 12.7. Die$ L R $-Transformation mit Verschiebungen /
                 156 \\
                 \S 12.8. Die Householder-Transformation / 159 \\
                 \S 12.9. Die Bestimmung der Eigenwerte einer
                 Tridiagonalmatrix / 163 \\
                 13: Das Eigenwertproblem f{\"u}r beliebige Matrizen /
                 166 \\
                 \S 13.1. Fehleranf{\"a}lligkeit / 166 \\
                 \S 13.2. Das Iterationsverfahren / 168 \\
                 Anhang. Eine Axiomatik des numerischen Rechnens und
                 ihre Anwendung auf den qd-Algorithmus / 179 \\
                 Al: Einleitung / 180 \\
                 \S Al.l. Die Eigenwerte einer qd-Zeile / 180 \\
                 \S A1.2. Die progressive Form des qd-Algorithmus / 181
                 \S Al.3. Die erzeugende Funktion einer qd-Zeile / 183
                 \S Al.4. Positive qd-Zeilen / 183 \\
                 \S A1.5. Die Konvergenzgeschwindigkeit des
                 qd-Algorithmus / 185 \\
                 \S A1.6. Der qd-Algorithmus mit Verschiebungen / 186
                 \S A1.7. Deflation nach Bestimmung eines Eigenwerts /
                 188 \\
                 A2: Die Wahl der Verschiebungen / 192 \\
                 \S A2.1. Einfluss der Verschiebung $\nu$ auf $Z'$ / 192
                 \S A2.2. Semipositive qd-Zeilen / 194 \\
                 \S A2.3. Schranken f{\"u}r $\lamda_n$ / 195 \\
                 \S A2.4. Ein formaler Algorithmus f{\"u}r die
                 Eigenwertbestimmung / 197 \\
                 A3: Endliche Arithmetik / 199 \\
                 \S A3.1. Die Grundmenge $\mathfrak{G}$ / 199 \\
                 \S A3.2. Eigenschaften der Arithmetik / 200 \\
                 \S A3.3. Monotonie der Arithmetik / 201 \\
                 \S A3.4. Genauigkeit der Arithmetik / 202 \\
                 \S A3.5. Unter- und {\"U}berflusskontrolle / 204 \\
                 A4: Einfluss der Rundungsfehler / 206 \\
                 \S A4.1. Persistente Eigenschaften des qd-Algorithmus /
                 206 \\
                 \S A4.2. Koinzidenz / 208 \\
                 \S A4.3. Die differentielle Form des progressiven
                 qd-Algorithmus / 210 \\
                 \S A4.4. Der Einfluss der Rundungsfehler auf die
                 Konvergenz / 211 \\
                 A5: Station{\"a}re Form des qd-Algorithmus / 212 \\
                 \S A5.1. Begr{\"u}ndung des Algorithmus / 212 \\
                 \S A5.2 Die differentielle Form des station{\"a}ren
                 qd-Algorithmus / 213 \\
                 \S A5.3. Eigenschaften des station{\"a}ren
                 qd-Algorithmus / 214 \\
                 \S A5.4. Sichere qd-Schritte / 216 \\
                 Literatur zum Anhang / 223 \\
                 Namen- und Sachverzeichnis / 225",

  author =       "Heinz Rutishauser",
  title =        "Lectures on Numerical Mathematics",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr,
  pages =        "xv + 546",
  year =         "1990",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-8176-3491-6, 1-4612-3468-9 (e-book), 1-4612-8035-4,
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-8176-3491-9, 978-1-4612-3468-5 (e-book),
                 978-1-4612-8035-4, 978-3-7643-3491-8",
  LCCN =         "QA297 .R8713 1990",
  MRclass =      "65-01",
  MRnumber =     "1102678 (92b:65002)",
  bibdate =      "Tue May 27 08:31:10 MDT 2014",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Edited by Martin Gutknecht with the assistance of
                 Peter Henrici, Peter L{\"a}uchli and Hans-Rudolf
                 Schwarz, with a foreword by Gutknecht and a preface by
                 Henrici, L{\"a}uchli and Schwarz, and translated from
                 the German and with a preface by Walter Gautschi.",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  remark =       "Translation, corrections, and updating notes by Walter
                 Gautschi of \booktitle{Vorlesungen {\"u}ber numerische
                 Camera-ready copy typeset by Unix troff at the
                 Department of Computer Science, Purdue University, West
                 Lafayette, IN, USA. The Appendix contains an
                 unpublished work that Rutishauser was writing near the
                 time of his death. The 10-page Chapter A3 --- Finite
                 Arithmetic was intended for presentation at the
                 Oberwolfach meeting that was held just before he
  subject =      "Numerical analysis",
  tableofcontents = "1: An Outline of the Problems / 1--9 \\
                 2: Linear Equations and Inequalities / 10--52 \\
                 3: Systems of Equations With Positive Definite
                 Symmetric Coefficient Matrix / 53--76 \\
                 4: Nonlinear Equations / 77--102 \\
                 5: Least Squares Problems / 103--127 \\
                 6: Interpolation / 128--174 \\
                 7: Approximation / 175--207 \\
                 8: Initial Value Problems for Ordinary Differential
                 Equations / 208--277 \\
                 9: Boundary Value Problems For Ordinary Differential
                 Equations / 278--308 \\
                 10: Elliptic Partial Differential Equations, Relaxation
                 Methods / 309--357 \\
                 11: Parabolic and Hyperbolic Partial Differential
                 Equations / 358--389 \\
                 12: The Eigenvalue Problem For Symmetric Matrices /
                 390--439 \\
                 13: The Eigenvalue Problem For Arbitrary Matrices /
                 440--457 \\
                 Appendix: An Axiomatic Theory of Numerical Computation
                 with an Application to the Quotient--Difference
                 Algorithm / 459--521 \\
                 Bibliography to the Appendix / 522--523 \\
                 Author Index / 524--527 \\
                 Subject Index / 528--546",

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Part 2 (of 2) --- Publications about Heinz Rutishauser and/or his
%%% works.
%%% Entries are sorted by year, and then by citation label:
  author =       "John Todd",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Programmgesteuerte digitale
                 Rechenger{\"a}te (elektronische Rechenmaschinen)}}, By
                 H. Ruthishauser, A. Speiser, and E. Stiefel.
                 (Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fur angewandte
                 Mathematik, no. 2.) Basel, Birkh{\"a}user, 1951. 102
                 pp. 8.50 Swiss fr.}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "58",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "278--279",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1952",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibsource =    "",
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "From the one-paragraph review: ``In addition to
                 sections on history and bibliography there are careful
                 discussions of the organization of machines, the
                 representation of numbers, the handling of the
                 elementary operations, possible address-systems,
                 flow-diagrams, multiple-precision operations,
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Hans Bandemer",
  title =        "{Berechnung der reellen Eigenwerte einer reellen
                 Matrix mit dem Verfahren von Rutishauser}. ({German})
                 [{Calculation} of the real eigenvalues of a real matrix
                 using the {Rutishauser} method]",
  journal =      "Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg
                 Math.-Natur. Reihe",
  volume =       "6",
  pages =        "807--814",
  year =         "1956--1957",
  ISSN =         "0138-1504",
  MRclass =      "65.00",
  MRnumber =     "108881",
  MRreviewer =   "A. S. Householder",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 10:09:28 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der
                 Martin-Luther-Universit{\"a}t Halle-Wittenberg.
                 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Tomomi Kasajima",
  title =        "A note on a theorem of {Rutishauser}",
  journal =      "Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli",
  volume =       "6",
  pages =        "89--91",
  year =         "1957",
  ISSN =         "0010-258X",
  MRclass =      "15.00 (65.00)",
  MRnumber =     "105422",
  MRreviewer =   "G. E. Forsythe",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Comment. Math. Univ. St. Paul.",
  fjournal =     "Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "B. Arden and B. Galler and R. Graham",
  title =        "Letters: Preliminary Report ({February 4, 1960}) of
                 {Peter Naur}",
  journal =      j-CACM,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "6",
  pages =        "A13--A13",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "CACMA2",
  ISSN =         "0001-0782 (print), 1557-7317 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0001-0782",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 25 18:19:27 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Naur:1960:RALa}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Communications of the ACM",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. Bandemer",
  title =        "{Zur Begr{\"u}ndung des
                 Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus von Rutishauser
                 f{\"u}r Matrixeigenwertprobleme}. ({German}) [{On} the
                 justification for {Rutishauser}'s quotient-difference
                 algorithm for matrix eigenvalue problems]",
  journal =      "Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg
                 Math.-Natur. Reihe",
  volume =       "9",
  pages =        "263--268",
  year =         "1960",
  ISSN =         "0138-1504",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "129544",
  MRreviewer =   "H. Rutishauser",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der
                 Martin-Luther-Universit{\"a}t Halle-Wittenberg.
                 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Peter Naur",
  title =        "Letter to the Members of the {ALGOL 60 Committee}",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "1--2",
  day =          "17",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1960",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 11:43:35 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Peter Naur (25 October 1928--3 January 2016)",
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "J. G. F. Francis",
  title =        "The {$ Q R $} Transformation: a Unitary Analogue to
                 the {$ L R $} Transformation --- Part 1",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "265--271",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1961",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 4 14:47:27 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See also
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "W. Gilbert Strang",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Refined iterative methods
                 for computation of the solution and the eigenvalues of
                 self-adjoint boundary value problems}}. By M. Engeli,
                 Th. Ginsburg, H. Rutishauser, E. Stiefel.
                 Birkh{\"a}user Verlag, Basel, Stuttgart, 1959. 107 pp.
  journal =      j-QUART-APPL-MATH,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "374, 386",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1961",
  CODEN =        "QAMAAY",
  ISSN =         "0033-569X (print), 1552-4485 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0033-569X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 07:10:00 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Quarterly of Applied Mathematics",
  journal-URL =  ";
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "J. G. F. Francis",
  title =        "The {$ Q R $} transformation --- part 2",
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "332--345",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1962",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Tue Dec 4 14:47:27 MST 2012",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See also
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Hans Bandemer",
  title =        "{Anwendung des $ Q D$-Algorithmus von Rutishauser zur
                 Bestimmung der Eigenwerte von Integralgleichungen}.
                 ({German}) [{Application} of the {$ Q D$} algorithm by
                 {Rutishauser} to determine the eigenvalues of integral
  journal =      "Wiss. Z. Techn. Univ. Dresden",
  volume =       "12",
  pages =        "112--114",
  year =         "1963",
  ISSN =         "0043-6925",
  MRclass =      "65.75",
  MRnumber =     "0165720",
  MRreviewer =   "H. Rutishauser",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen
                 Universit{\"a}t Dresden",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Hans Bandemer",
  title =        "{Erweiterung des Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus
                 von Rutishauser auf Eigenwertprobleme gewisser linearer
                 Operatoren}. ({German}) [{Extension} of the
                 quotient--difference algorithm of {Rutishauser} to
                 eigenvalue problems of certain linear operators]",
  journal =      "Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg
                 Math.-Natur. Reihe",
  volume =       "12",
  pages =        "235--249",
  year =         "1963",
  ISSN =         "0138-1504",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "177506",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Henrici",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der
                 Martin-Luther-Universit{\"a}t Halle-Wittenberg.
                 Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Reihe",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Hans Bandemer",
  title =        "{{\"U}ber die Konvergenz des
                 Quotienten--Differenzen-Algorithmus von Rutishauser
                 f{\"u}r Eigenwertprobleme gewisser linearer
                 Operatoren}. ({German}) [{On} the Convergence of
                 {Rutishauser}'s Quotient--Difference Algorithm for
                 Eigenvalue Problems of Certain Linear Operators]",
  journal =      j-MATH-NACHR,
  volume =       "27",
  pages =        "353--375",
  year =         "1963--1964",
  CODEN =        "MTMNAQ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-584X",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "170468",
  MRreviewer =   "G. Dahlquist",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematische Nachrichten",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "L. Bosset",
  booktitle =    "Troisi{\`e}me {Congr}. de {Calcul} et de {Traitement}
                 de l'{Information} {AFCALTI}",
  title =        "Quelques exp{\'e}riences num{\'e}riques sur la
                 m{\'e}thode de {Rutishauser} pour le calcul des valeurs
                 propres. ({French}) [{Some} numerical experiments on
                 the method of {Rutishauser} for the computation of
  publisher =    pub-DUNOD,
  address =      pub-DUNOD:adr,
  pages =        "123--129",
  year =         "1965",
  MRclass =      "65.40",
  MRnumber =     "0231523",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:52:28 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "French",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Bj{\"o}rn Myrhaug",
  title =        "Comments on the proposals of {H. Rutishauser},
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "20",
  pages =        "5--6",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1965",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Sat May 18 12:14:09 2024",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "See \cite{Rutishauser:1965:CDA}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "M. G. Geppert",
  title =        "{Buchbesprechung: Backus, J. W., F. L. Bauer, J.
                 Green, C. Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur, A. J. Perlis, H.
                 Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein,
                 A. Van Wijngarden und M. Woodger: \booktitle{Bericht
                 {\"u}ber die algorithmische Sprache Algol 60}.
                 (\booktitle{Report on the algorithmic language Algol
                 60}. {\"U}bers. Kerner J. O. u. Mitarb.).
                 Akademie-Verlag Berlin 1962. vi + 49 S., Preis MDN
  journal =      j-BIOMETRISCHE-Z,
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "1-2",
  pages =        "121--121",
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "BIZEB3",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0006-3452",
  bibdate =      "Sun Aug 23 10:58:38 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Biometrische Zeitschrift",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",

  author =       "F. Nake",
  title =        "{Zertifikat zu Algorithmus $1$, Cholbd}. ({German})
                 [{Certification} of Algorithm $1$, {Cholbd}]",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "79--79",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 17 10:12:37 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Rutishauser:1966:ALG}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "F. Nake",
  title =        "{Zertifikat zu Algorithmus $2$ ornach}. ({German})
                 [{Certification} of Algorithm $2$]",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "1",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "281--281",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1966",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Jan 17 10:16:55 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "See \cite{Rutishauser:1966:AOV}.",
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "A. A. Grau and U. Hill and H. Langmaack",
  title =        "Translation of {ALGOL 60}",
  volume =       "137",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "ix + 403",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "3-642-86937-8 (e-book), 3-642-86939-4 (print)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-642-86937-2 (e-book), 978-3-642-86939-6
  ISSN =         "0072-7830 (print), 2196-9701 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0072-7830",
  LCCN =         "QA1-939",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 08:18:15 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Handbook for Automatic Computation",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Problem oriented programming languages as they have
                 developed over the last ten years essentially serve two
                 purposes which somewhat crudely can be described by the
                 terms man-man communication and man-machine
                 communication, respectively. As a carrier of
                 information between humans, the problem oriented
                 programming language is designed to express the essence
                 of an algorithm in a way which is un? ambiguous and
                 concise as well as independent of (and therefore
                 meaning? ful without any reference to) the changing
                 details of computing machine? ry. As a carrier of
                 information from man to computer, the language permits
                 the human programmer to express his computational needs
                 in a compact way adapted to the general characteristics
                 of computers, but freed from the burdening details of
                 specific computer facilities. This presupposes the
                 existence of algorithms, or programs, which permit the
                 computer itself to transform efficiently programs
                 written in the problem oriented language into machine
                 programs. Thus the entire computing community profits
                 from the work of the individual programmer. The primary
                 purpose of the Handbook is to present a set of
                 algorithms of broad utility from the domain of
                 numerical mathematics written in the problem oriented
                 language ALGOL 60. Therefore, volumes I a and I b are
                 in a sense supplementary as they serve to introduce
                 this language. Volume I a gives a description of the
                 language proper and of its use for writing correct
                 programs. Thus, volume I a primarily covers the aspect
                 of man-man communication by means of ALGOL 60.",
  series-editor = "Friedrich L. Bauer and Alston S. Householder and
                 Frank W. J. Olver and Heinz Rutishauser and Klaus
                 Samelson and Eduard Stiefel",
  subject =      "Mathematics; Mathematics, general; Mathematik",
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  tableofcontents = "1. Introduction \\
                 2. Principles of Algol translation \\
                 2.1. Basic linguistic definitions \\
                 2.2. The Backus normal form \\
                 2.3. The analyzing process \\
                 2.4. The method of the 'Klammergebirge' \\
                 2.5. Recursive sequential methods and push down lists
                 2.6. Example for the use of two push down lists and of
                 precedence rules \\
                 2.7. The concept of recursive translation \\
                 2.8. Organization of the translator \\
                 3. Languages involved in the translation process \\
                 3.1. Source language \\
                 3.2. Target language \\
                 3.3. Meta-language for describing the translator \\
                 4. Correspondence between elements of source and target
                 language \\
                 4.1. Declarations in general \\
                 4.2. Declaration of variables and arrays and data
                 storage allocation in the main program \\
                 4.3. Handling of types \\
                 4.4. Assignment statements \\
                 4.5. Boolean expressions \\
                 4.6. Conditional statements and expressions \\
                 4.7. For statements \\
                 4.8. Go to statement and switch declaration \\
                 4.9. Procedures and dynamic storage \\
                 4.10. Procedure calls and declarations \\
                 5. Recursive address calculation \\
                 5.1. Introduction \\
                 5.2. Assumptions necessary for the use of recursive
                 address calculation \\
                 5.3. Use of recursive address calculation for one loop
                 5.4. Nested loops \\
                 5.5. Loops with more than one list element \\
                 5.6. Further optimization possibilities \\
                 6. Run time organization \\
                 6.1. The instruction storage allocation \\
                 6.2. The instruction procedure call \\
                 6.3. The instruction formal procedure call \\
                 6.4. The instruction normal procedure exit \\
                 6.5. The instruction jump to \\
                 6.6. The instruction formal procedure exit \\
                 6.7. The instructions name address and name call \\
                 6.8. The instruction name procedure exit \\
                 7. Model translator. Description \\
                 7.1. Introduction \\
                 7.2. Pass 1. The preparatory pass \\
                 7.3. Pass 2. The implementation of recursive address
                 calculation \\
                 7.4. Pass 3. Decomposition and production of target
                 program \\
                 7.5. Editorial functions \\
                 7.6. Run time system. The target language program
                 interpreter \\
                 8. Algol 60 model translator. Formal part \\
                 Pass 1: preparatory pass \\
                 Pass 2: recursive address calculation pass \\
                 Pass 3: decomposition and generation pass \\
                 Check routine: check procedure calls and substitutions
                 of formal parameters by actuals \\
                 Check routine: check agreeability of actual parameter
                 and specification \\
                 Run time system: target language program interpreter
                 START TRANSLATION \\
                 Appendix: Correspondence matrix for actual and formal
  xxseries =     "Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, in
                 Einzeldarstellungen mit besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung
                 der Anwendungsgebiete",

  author =       "A. Ascari and P. G. Novario",
  title =        "L'algoritmo {$ Q D $} di {Rutishauser} e la
                 generazione di funzioni speciali nel calcolo
                 automatico. ({Italian}) [{The} {$ Q D $} algorithm of
                 {Rutishauser} and the generation of special functions
                 in automatic calculation]",
  journal =      j-CALCOLO,
  volume =       "5",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "162--173",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "CALOBK",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0008-0624 (print), 1126-5434 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0008-0624",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:37:24 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Calcolo: a quarterly on numerical analysis and theory
                 of computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "Italian",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Peter Naur",
  title =        "Successes and Failures of the {ALGOL} Effort",
  journal =      j-ALGOL-BULLETIN,
  number =       "28",
  pages =        "58--62",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1968",
  CODEN =        "ALGOBG",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0084-6198",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 07:56:07 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Talk given at the colloquium ``Ten Years of Algol'',
                 Eidgen{\"o}ssische Technische Hochschule, Z{\"u}rich,
                 May 31, 1968",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ALGOL Bulletin (Amsterdam: Mathematisch Centrum)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "From the article: ``I am certainly happy to be among
                 many old friends, with whom I have had both many
                 stimulating battles and many hours of pleasant social
                 interchange. On the other hand, where the topic of our
                 colloquium, Algol, is concerned, I have to confess a
                 deep feeling of unhappiness. In fact, this feeling is
                 so strong that it has needed more than an ordinary dose
                 of persuasion from our host, Heinz Rutishauser, to talk
                 me out of my decision to stay away from this meeting
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "E. Schmid",
  title =        "Book Review: {F. L. Bauer and A. S. Householder and F.
                 J. Olver and H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and E.
                 Stiefel, \booktitle{Handbook for Automatic computation,
                 Vol. I. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen
                 Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen mit besonderer
                 Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der Anwendungsgebiete}, Band
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "276--276",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 15 17:04:26 2000",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",

  author =       "H. J. Stetter",
  title =        "Book Review: {H. R. Schwarz, H. Rutishauser und E.
                 Stiefel, Numerik symmetrischer Matrizen (Leitfaden der
                 angewandten mathematik und Mechanik, Bd. 11)}",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "4",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "386--386",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "1969",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 04 08:57:52 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "W. G.",
  title =        "Book Review: {R. Sauer, I. Szabo, T. P. Angelitch, G.
                 Aumann, F. L. Bauer, R. Bulirsch, H. P. Kunzi, H.
                 Rutishauser, K. Samelson, R. Sauer, and J. Stoer,
                 \booktitle{Mathematische Hilfsmittel des Ingenieurs.
                 III}, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1969, xviv + 534 pp., 24
                 cm. Price \$24.50}",
  journal =      j-MATH-COMPUT,
  volume =       "24",
  number =       "110",
  pages =        "475--475",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "MCMPAF",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5718 (print), 1088-6842 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5718",
  bibdate =      "Sun Aug 23 12:18:25 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",

  author =       "A. S. H.",
  title =        "Book Review: {H. R. Schwarz, H. Rutishauser \& E.
                 Stiefel, \booktitle{Numerik Symmetrischer Matrizen}, B.
                 G. Teubner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1968, 243 pp., 22 cm.
                 Price DM 34-}",
  journal =      j-MATH-COMPUT,
  volume =       "24",
  number =       "109",
  pages =        "229--230",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "MCMPAF",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5718 (print), 1088-6842 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5718",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 06:41:52 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "E. Schmid",
  title =        "Book Review: {F. L. Bauer and A. S. Householder and F.
                 W. J. Oliver and H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and E.
                 Stiefel (Hg.), \booktitle{Handbook for Automatic
                 Computation, Vol. I, Part B} (Die Grundlehren der
                 mathematischen Wissenschaften in Einzeldarstellungen
                 mit besonderer Ber{\"u}cksichtigung der
                 Anwendungsgebiete: Band 137)}",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "6",
  number =       "1--2",
  pages =        "214--214",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1970",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  bibdate =      "Wed Nov 15 17:04:26 2000",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",

  author =       "E. L. Albaseny",
  title =        "Book reviews: {{\booktitle{Numerik Symmetrischer
                 Matrizen}}, by H. Rutishauser, E. Stiefel and H.
                 Schwarz, 1968; \booktitle{Computational Methods in
                 Partial Differential Equations}, by A. R. Mitchell,
  journal =      j-COMP-J,
  volume =       "14",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "374--374",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1971",
  CODEN =        "CMPJA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-4620 (print), 1460-2067 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-4620",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 07 16:29:57 2000",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "The Computer Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "F. L. Bauer",
  title =        "{Heinz Rutishauser} (10.11.1970)",
  journal =      j-COMPUTING,
  volume =       "7",
  number =       "1--2",
  pages =        "129--130",
  month =        mar,
  year =         "1971",
  CODEN =        "CMPTA2",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0010-485X (print), 1436-5057 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0010-485X",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jan 04 08:40:33 2001",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  ZMID =         "03342810",
  ZMnumber =     "0216.00210",
  acknowledgement = ack-ec,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",
  fjournal =     "Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject =      "Heinz Rutishauser",

  author =       "Otwin Becker",
  title =        "{Besprungen: Rutishauser, H.: \booktitle{Handbook for
                 Automatic Computation, Vol. I / Part a: Description of
                 ALGOL 60}, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen
                 Wissenschaften, 135. Band. XII, 323 S. DM 58,-. Grau,
                 A. A., U. Hill, H. Langmaack: \booktitle{Handbook for
                 Automatic Computation, Vol. 1 / Part b: Translation of
                 ALGOL 60}, Die Grundlehren der mathematischen
                 Wissenschaften, 137. Band. X, 397 S. DM 64,-.
                 Berlin--Heidelberg--New York 1967, Springer-Verlag}.
                 ({German}) [{Reviews}]",
  journal =      "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r die gesamte Staatswissenschaft /
                 Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics}",
  volume =       "127",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "365--366",
  month =        may,
  year =         "1971",
  CODEN =        "????",
  ISSN =         "0044-2550",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2550",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 06:58:58 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  xxISSN =       "0044-4255",

  author =       "Karel {\v{C}}ul{\'{\i}}k",
  title =        "Book Review: {J. W. Backus, F. L. Bauer, J. Green, C.
                 Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur (editor), A. J. Perlis, H.
                 Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein,
                 A. van Wijngaarden, and M. Woodger. \booktitle{Report
                 on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60}. Numerische
                 Mathematik, vol. 2 (1960), pp. 106--136; also
                 Communications of the Association for Computing
                 Machinery, vol. 3 (1960), pp. 299--314}",
  journal =      j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "622--623",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1972",
  CODEN =        "JSYLA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4812 (print), 1943-5886 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4812",
  bibdate =      "Sun Aug 23 12:22:38 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "ttps://",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Symbolic Logic",
  journal-URL =  ";
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",

  author =       "Karel {\v{C}}ul{\'{\i}}k",
  title =        "Book Review: {J. W. Backus, F. L. Bauer, J. Green, C.
                 Katz, J. McCarthy, P. Naur, A. J. Perlis, H.
                 Rutishauser, K. Samelson, B. Vauquois, J. H. Wegstein,
                 A. van Wijngaarden, and M. Woodger. \booktitle{Revised
                 report on the algorithmic language ALGOL 60}.
                 Numerische Mathematik, vol. 4 (1962--1963), pp.
                 420--453; also ibid., vol. 6 (1963), pp. 1--17; and The
                 Computer Journal, vol. 5 no. 4 (1963), pp. 349--367}",
  journal =      j-J-SYMBOLIC-LOGIC,
  volume =       "37",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "623--624",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1972",
  CODEN =        "JSYLA6",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0022-4812 (print), 1943-5886 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0022-4812",
  bibdate =      "Sun Aug 23 12:23:54 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of Symbolic Logic",
  journal-URL =  ";
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",

  author =       "Beresford N. Parlett",
  title =        "Book Review: {H. R. Schwarz, H. Rutishauser \& E.
                 Stiefel, translated by P. Hertelendy,
                 \booktitle{Numerical Analysis of Symmetric Matrices},
                 Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N. J., 1973, xi
                 + 276 pp., 24 cm.}",
  journal =      j-MATH-COMPUT,
  volume =       "28",
  number =       "125",
  pages =        "328--328",
  month =        jan,
  year =         "1974",
  CODEN =        "MCMPAF",
  ISSN =         "0025-5718 (print), 1088-6842 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5718",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 06:30:00 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  editor =       "Walter Gander and Luciano Molinari and Hana
  title =        "{Numerische Prozeduren aus Nachlass und Lehre von
                 Heinz Rutishauser}. ({German}) [{Numerical} procedures
                 from the estate and teaching of {Heinz Rutishauser}]",
  volume =       "33",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "127",
  year =         "1977",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "3-7643-0874-5, 3-0348-7176-7 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-7643-0874-2, 978-3-0348-7176-1 (e-book)",
  LCCN =         "QA297 .R86 1977",
  MRclass =      "65-02",
  MRnumber =     "0488607",
  MRreviewer =   "W. C. Rheinboldt",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "International Series of Numerical Mathematics",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  tableofcontents = "Front Matter / 1--9 \\
                 1. Latteninterpolation (Prozedur lataeq) / Walter
                 Gander / 11--18 \\
                 2. Aufl{\"o}sung linearer Gleichungssysteme (Prozedur
                 liglei) / Hana {\v{S}}vecov{\'a} / 19--37 \\
                 3. Vermittelnde Ausgleichung (Prozedur vermag) /
                 Luciano Molinari / 39--76 \\
                 4. Schmidt'sches Orthogonalisierungsverfahren (Prozedur
                 orthno) / Luciano Molinari / 77--93 \\
                 5. Station{\"a}rer Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus
                 (Prozedur qdstat) / Walter Gander / 95--127",

  author =       "H. J. S.",
  title =        "Book Review: {Martin Gutknecht, Peter Henrici, Peter
                 Lauchli, and Hans-Rudolf Schwarz, \booktitle{Heinz
                 Rutishauser: Vorlesungen Uber Numerische Mathematik
                 Vols. 1 and 2}}",
  journal =      j-MATH-COMPUT,
  volume =       "32",
  number =       "142",
  pages =        "651--652",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1978",
  CODEN =        "MCMPAF",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5718 (print), 1088-6842 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5718",
  bibdate =      "Mon Jan 28 10:20:33 2019",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "H. J. S. == Hans J. Stetter",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "G. W. Stewart",
  title =        "Book Review: {{\booktitle{Vorlesungen {\"u}ber
                 numerische Mathematik}}, by Heinz Rutishauser}",
  journal =      j-BULL-AMS,
  volume =       "84",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "660--664",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "1978",
  CODEN =        "BAMOAD",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0002-9904 (print), 1936-881X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0002-9904",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 10:27:58 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society",
  journal-URL =  "",
  remark =       "The final paragraph says: ``However, the virtues of
                 the work far outweigh its defects. It is unfortunate
                 that it is available only in German; for it deserves to
                 be more widely read. Rutishauser's audience is not only
                 the student, but the instructor teaching a numerical
                 analysis course for the first time, and especially the
                 mathematician who wants to find out what this important
                 branch of applied mathematics is all about.''",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Rutishauser Symposium, Zurich, October 15--17,
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-PHYS,
  volume =       "31",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "1980",
  CODEN =        "ZAMPDB",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2275 (print), 1420-9039 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2275",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:38:34 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "{Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und Physik
                 = Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics}",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  title =        "Between {Zuse} and {Rutishauser} --- The Early
                 Development of Digital Computing in {Central Europe}",
  crossref =     "Metropolis:1980:HCT",
  pages =        "505--524",
  year =         "1980",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 19 08:00:13 2010",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "H. R. Schwarz",
  title =        "The Early Years of Computing in {Switzerland}",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "3",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "121--132",
  month =        apr # "\slash " # jun,
  year =         "1981",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 1 15:29:18 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  content =      "Schwartz describes two early computers used at the
                 Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (whose German
                 acronym is ETH) during the 1950s. Despite the more
                 general title, he does not mention any non-ETH
                 computers in this article. According to Schwartz, the
                 first programmable computer in Switzerland was the Z4
                 developed by Konrad Zuse in Germany during World War II
                 and installed at the ETH in 1950. Except for the ERMETH
                 (also at the ETH), he does not mention any subsequent
                 Swiss installations during the period, leaving a weak
                 implication that there were none.\par

                 The Z4 was an electromechanical machine with a total
                 data memory of 64 32-bit words and no program memory.
                 Programs were executed while being read from punched
                 tape. Conditional test instructions permitted
                 instructions on the tape to be skipped; other control
                 instructions caused an alternate tape reader to begin
                 processing a program (a form of subroutine-call). The
                 arithmetic unit could perform true floating-point
                 operations. This arithmetic unit contained built-in
                 functions for computing squares, reciprocals, and
                 square roots. (Ten years later, mere integer division
                 was still optional at an extra cost on the IBM 1401.)
                 There were special representations for infinity and
                 ``undefined'' so that operations such as division by
                 zero could continue without interruption but with a
                 meaningful result.",
  CRclass =      "K.2.7 ERMETH; K.2 Hardware; K.2 Software",
  CRnumber =     "39473",
  descriptor =   "Computing Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING; Computing
                 Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, ERMETH; Computing
                 Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Hardware; Computing
                 Milieux, HISTORY OF COMPUTING, Software",
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  reviewer =     "D. Ross",
  subject =      "K. Computing Milieux; K.2 HISTORY OF COMPUTING",

  author =       "H. J. Symm and J. H. Wilkinson",
  title =        "Error Bounds for Computed Invariant Subspaces",
  type =         "Research Report",
  number =       "81-02",
  institution =  inst-ETH-AM,
  address =      inst-ETH:adr,
  year =         "1981",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Lecture presented at a Symposium in honour of H.
                 Rutishauser, October 15--17, 1980.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Gerhard Zielke",
  title =        "Generalizations of a {Rutishauser} test matrix with
                 exact {Moore--Penrose} inverses",
  journal =      j-SIGNUM,
  volume =       "16",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "7--8",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1981",
  CODEN =        "SNEWD6",
  ISSN =         "0163-5778 (print), 1558-0237 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0163-5778",
  bibdate =      "Tue Apr 12 07:50:10 MDT 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "ACM SIGNUM Newsletter",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "G. Zielke",
  title =        "{Verallgemeinerungen einer Testmatrix von Rutishauser
                 mit exakten Moore--Penrose-Inversen}. ({German})
                 [{Generalizations} of a test matrix of {Rutishauser}
                 with exact {Moore--Penrose} inverses]",
  journal =      j-Z-ANGE-MATH-MECH,
  volume =       "61",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "662--663",
  year =         "1981",
  CODEN =        "ZAMMAX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0044-2267 (print), 1521-4001 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0044-2267",
  MRclass =      "65F20 (15A09)",
  MRnumber =     "649245",
  MRreviewer =   "Heinz W. Engl",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Zeitschrift f{\"u}r Angewandte Mathematik und
                 Mechanik. Ingenieurwissenschaftliche
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Wolfgang Seewald",
  title =        "{Quotienten-Differenzen-Algorithmus: Beweis der Regeln
                 von Rutishauser}. ({German}) [{Quotient--difference}
                 algorithm: proof of {Rutishauser}'s rule]",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "40",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "93--98",
  month =        nov,
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0029-599x (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65E05 (30D30 65D15)",
  MRnumber =     "681815; 84i:65033",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 11:49:34 MDT 1997",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  classification = "B0290F (Interpolation and function approximation);
                 C4130 (Interpolation and function approximation)",
  corpsource =   "ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland",
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "convergence; convergence of numerical methods;
                 function approximation; meromorphic function; poles;
                 polynomials; power series; quotient-difference
                 algorithm; Rutishauser's rule",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  treatment =    "T Theoretical or Mathematical",

  author =       "Humberto Lima Soriano",
  title =        "{Rutishauser}'s modified method for computing the
                 eigenvalues of symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-COMPUT-METH-APPL-MECH-ENG,
  volume =       "35",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "255--269",
  year =         "1982",
  CODEN =        "CMMECC",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0045-7825 (print), 1879-2138 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0045-7825",
  MRclass =      "73K30 (65F15)",
  MRnumber =     "683669",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "William B. Gragg and William J. Harrod",
  title =        "The numerically stable reconstruction of {Jacobi}
                 matrices from spectral data",
  journal =      j-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "44",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "317--335",
  month =        sep,
  year =         "1984",
  CODEN =        "NUMMA7",
  ISSN =         "0029-599X (print), 0945-3245 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0029-599X",
  MRclass =      "65F25 (65F15)",
  MRnumber =     "85i:65052",
  MRreviewer =   "Ludwig Elsner",
  bibdate =      "Mon May 26 11:49:34 MDT 1997",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "Cited in \cite{govl:89}.",
  classification = "B0210 (Algebra); C1110 (Algebra)",
  corpsource =   "Dept. of Math., Kentucky Univ., Lexington, KY, USA",
  fjournal =     "Numerische Mathematik",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "diagonal Hermitian Lanczos process; elementary theory;
                 Gaussian weights; inverse eigenvalue problem; Jacobi
                 matrices; Lanczos algorithm; matrix algebra; nla;
                 numerically stable reconstruction; Rutishauser's
                 algorithm; spectral data; tridiagonal matrix",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  treatment =    "T Theoretical or Mathematical",

  author =       "H. L. Soriano and F. Ven{\^a}ncio Filho",
  title =        "On {Rutishauser}'s modified method for computing the
                 eigenvalues of real tridiagonal symmetric matrices",
  journal =      j-COMP-STRUCTURES,
  volume =       "29",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "151--154",
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "CMSTCJ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0045-7949 (print), 1879-2243 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0045-7949",
  MRclass =      "65F15",
  MRnumber =     "938414",
  MRreviewer =   "William W. Hager",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Computers \& Structures. An International Journal",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Eric A. Weiss",
  title =        "Biographies: Oh, Pioneers!",
  journal =      j-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "10",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "348--361",
  month =        oct # "\slash " # dec,
  year =         "1988",
  CODEN =        "AHCOE5",
  ISSN =         "0164-1239",
  ISSN-L =       "0164-1239",
  bibdate =      "Fri Nov 1 15:29:13 MST 2002",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  annote =       "This paper contains a brief summary of the
                 contributions of 261 individuals to the development of
  fjournal =     "Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  keywords =     "A. Porter; Aard van Wijngaarden; Adin D. Falkoff; Alan
                 J. Perlis; Alan Kay; Alan M. Turing; Allen Newell;
                 Allen W. M. Coombes; Alonzo Church; Alston Scott
                 Householder; Amedee Mannheim; Andrei P. Ershov; Andrew
                 Donald Booth; Andrew Fluegelman; Arnold A. Cohen;
                 Arthur C. Clarke; Arthur Lee Samuel; Arthur Walter
                 Burks; Arturo Rosenblueth; Augusta Ada King (nee
                 Gordon); B. M. Derfee; Blaise Pascal; Bob O. Evans;
                 Brian Havens; Brian Josephson; Brian Randell; Bruce G.
                 Oldfield; C. Gordon Bell; C. J. Date; C. Sheldon
                 Roberts; Carl Adam Petri; Carver Mead; Charles A.
                 Phillips; Charles Antony Richard Hoare; Charles
                 Babbage; Charles Bachman; Charles Xavier Thomas (Thomas
                 de Colmar); Christopher S. Strachey; Clair D. Lake;
                 Claude Elwood Shannon; Clifford E. Berry; Cuthbert C.
                 Hurd; D. W. Davies; Dana Scott; Daniel Delbert
                 McCracken; David J. Wheeler; David Packard; David
                 Sarnoff; Dennis M. Ritchie; Derrick Henry Lehmer;
                 Dionysius Lardner; Donald Ervin Knuth; Donald Lewis
                 Shell; Donald Michie; Donn B. Parker; Dorr E. Felt;
                 Douglas R. Hartree; E. H. Lennaerts; E. T. Irons; Earl
                 R. Larson; Edgar F. Codd; Edmund C. Berkeley; Edsger W.
                 Dijkstra; Edward E. Feigenbaum; Edward Joseph
                 McCluskey; Edward L. (Ted) Glaser; Emil L. Post; Ernest
                 R. Moore; Erwin Tomash; Eugene Kleiner; Fairchild Eight
                 (Julius Blank, Victor H. Grinich, Jean A. Hoerni,
                 Eugene Kleiner, Jay T. Last, Gordon E. Moore, Robert N.
                 Noyce, and C. Sheldon Roberts); Fernando J.
                 Corbat{\'o}; Fletcher Jones; Frances Elizabeth (Betty)
                 Snyder Holberton; Francis Joseph Murray; Frank E.
                 Hamilton; Frank Gray; Frank Rosenblatt; Frederic
                 Calland Williams; Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.; Friedrich
                 L. Bauer; G. B. Grant; G. Truman Hunter; Gene M.
                 Amdahl; Georg and Edvard Scheub; George Bernard
                 Dantzig; George Boole; George Elmer Forsythe; George H.
                 Philbrick; George Robert Stibitz; Gerald M. Weinberg;
                 Gerard Salton; Gordon E. Moore; Gottfried Wilhelm
                 Leibniz; Grace Murray Hopper; Harlan D. Mills; Harlan
                 L. Herrick; Harold Chestnut; Harry Douglas Huskey;
                 Harry H. Goode; Heinz Rutishauser; Helmut Schreyer;
                 Henry Briggs; Henry P. Babbage; Herbert A. Simon;
                 Herbert Leo Gelernter; Herbert R. J. Grosch; Herbert S.
                 Bright; Herman Heine Goldstine; Herman Hollerith;
                 Herman Lukoff; Howard Bromberg; Howard Hathaway Aiken;
                 I. J. Good; Irven Travis; Isaac L. Auerbach; Ivan
                 Edward Sutherland; J. Daniel Cougar; J. Presper Eckert,
                 Jr.; Jack St. Clair Kilby; Jack Tramiel; Jackson
                 Granholm [``kludge'']; James Hardy Wilkinson; James M.
                 Henry; James William Cooley; Jan Aleksander Rajchman;
                 Jay T. Last; Jay W. Forrester; Jean A. Hoerni; Jean E.
                 Sammet; Jeffrey Chuan Chu; Jerrier A. Haddad; Jim
                 Pommerene; John Bardeen; John Burns; John C. McPherson;
                 John Clifford Shaw; John Diebold; John George Kemeny;
                 John Grist Brainerd; John H. Curtiss; John McCarthy;
                 John Napier; John Powers; John R. Pierce; John Todd;
                 John Vincent Atanasoff; John von Neumann; John Warner
                 Backus; John Weber Carr, III; John Wilder Tukey; John
                 William Mauchly; Jonathan Swift; Joseph Carl Robnett
                 Licklider; Joseph Chedaker; Joseph Clement; Joseph
                 Frederick Traub; Joseph Marie Jacquard; Joseph
                 Weizenbaum; Jules I. Schwartz; Julian Bigelow; Julius
                 Blank; Karl Karlstrom; Ken Thompson; Kenneth Eugene
                 Iverson; Kenneth H. Olsen; Konrad Zuse; L. F. Meabrea;
                 Lejaren A. Hiller; Leonardo of Pisa a.k.a. Fibonacci;
                 Leonardo Torres y Quevedo; Leslie John Comrie; Lord
                 Kelvin (William Thomson); Louis Couffignal; Lynn
                 Conway; L{\'e}on Boll{\'e}e; Marian Rejewski; Marvin L.
                 Minsky; Maurice Howard Halstead; Maurice V. Wilkes; Max
                 Palevsky; Maxwell H. A. Newman; Michael O. Rabin;
                 Michael Woodger; Mina Rees; Mitchell D. Kapor; Mohammed
                 ibn Musa Al-Khowarizmi; Morton Michael Astrahan;
                 Nathaniel Rochester; Nicholas Constantine Metropolis;
                 Niklaus Wirth; Noam Chomsky; Nolan Bushnell; Norbert
                 Wiener; Oliver G. Selfridge; Orrin Edison Taulbee; Paul
                 Allen; Percy Ludgate; Perry O. Crawford; Peter Naur;
                 Ralph E. Gomory; Richard Clippinger; Richard Courant;
                 Richard Ernest Bellman; Richard J. Canning; Richard M.
                 Bloch; Richard P. Feynman; Richard Snyder; Richard V.
                 D. Campbell; Richard Wesley Hamming; Robert H. Dennard;
                 Robert N. Noyce; Robert R. Everett; Robert S. Barton;
                 Robert Sarnoff; Robert W. Bemer; Robert W. Floyd; Roy
                 Nutt; S. B. Williams; Samuel H. Caldwell; Samuel
                 Morland; Samuel N. Alexander; Saul Rosen; Seymour
                 Papert; Seymour R. Cray; Sidney Fernbach; Stanley Gill;
                 Stephen A. Cook; Stephen Frank Baldwin; Stephen
                 Wozniak; Steven Jobs; T. Vincent Learson; Thomas Eugene
                 Kurtz; Thomas H. Flowers; Thomas J. Watson, Jr.; Thomas
                 J. Watson, Sr.; Thomas Kite Sharpless; Tom Kilburn;
                 Vannevar E Bush; Victor H. Grinich; Vladimar Zworykin;
                 W. J. Deerhake; W. Renwick; W. T. Odhner; Wallace J,
                 Eckert; Walter Pitts; Warren Sturgis McCulloch; Warren
                 Weaver; Wassily Leontieff; Watson Davis; Werner
                 Buchholz; Wilhelm Schikard; William C. Norris; William
                 F. McClelland; William Gates; William Hewlett; William
                 Leybourn; William Orchard-Hays; William Oughtred;
                 William P. Heising; William Seward Burroughs",
  remark =       "Norbert Wiener appears incorrectly as Norbert Weiner
                 in this article.",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "D. S. Watkins and L. Elsner",
  title =        "On {Rutishauser}'s Approach to Self-Similar Flows",
  journal =      j-SIAM-J-MAT-ANA-APPL,
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "301--311",
  month =        apr,
  year =         "1990",
  CODEN =        "SJMAEL",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0895-4798 (print), 1095-7162 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0895-4798",
  MRclass =      "58F19 (58F25 65F99)",
  MRnumber =     "91e:58145; 1041249",
  MRreviewer =   "C. Tomei",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jan 21 08:54:30 MST 1997",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "E. I.",
  title =        "Book Review: {Heinz Rutishauser, \booktitle{Lectures
                 on Numerical Mathematics} (translated from the German
                 by Walter Gautschi), Birkhauser, Boston, 1990, xv + 546
                 pp., 23.5 cm. Price \$49}",
  journal =      j-MATH-COMPUT,
  volume =       "57",
  number =       "196",
  pages =        "869--870",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "1991",
  CODEN =        "MCMPAF",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0025-5718 (print), 1088-6842 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0025-5718",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 06:50:13 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Mathematics of Computation",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  xxauthor =     "Eugene Isaacson",

  author =       "L. Faybusovich",
  editor =       "Paul {Van Dooren} and Bostwick Wyman",
  booktitle =    "{Linear Algebra for Control Theory}",
  title =        "On the {Rutishauser}'s Approach to Eigenvalue
  volume =       "62",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "87--102",
  year =         "1994",
  DOI =          "",
  MRclass =      "93B15 (15A18 65F10 94B99)",
  MRnumber =     "1295854",
  MRreviewer =   "Krzysztof Ku\'{z}mi\'{n}ski",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:37:24 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  series =       "The IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Peter Naur and J. W. Backus and F. L. Bauer and J.
                 Green and C. Kafz and J. McCarthy and A. J. Perlis and
                 H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and B. Vauquois and J.
                 H. Wegstein and A. van Wijngaarden and M. Woodger",
  booktitle =    "{Algol}-like Languages",
  title =        "Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language {Algol
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER-BOSTON:adr,
  pages =        "19--49",
  year =         "1997",
  DOI =          "",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 10:14:15 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25 May
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "E. Andrisani and G. Di Lena",
  title =        "A strategy for computing the shift in the
                 {Cholesky--Rutishauser} algorithm for the {SVD}
  journal =      j-REND-MAT-APPL-1981,
  volume =       "18",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "725--748 (1999)",
  year =         "1998",
  CODEN =        "RNMTAN",
  ISSN =         "1120-7183",
  MRclass =      "65F15 (65F30)",
  MRnumber =     "1703225",
  MRreviewer =   "D. Bini",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni.
                 Serie VII",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "{LATSIS} Symposium 2002: {ETH}, Z{\"u}rich,
  title =        "My years with {Rutishauser}",
  publisher =    "????",
  address =      "????",
  pages =        "??--??",
  year =         "2002",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 16:00:47 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  pagecount =    "4",
  remark =       "I am so far unable to locate a library record or Web
                 site for the proceedings of this conference, but Dianne
                 O'Leary kindly supplied the URL that leads to a PDF
                 whose internal document title is ``GanderLATSIS
                 Rutishauser'', with creation date ``Wed May 1 19:40:41
                 2002'', and also the URL of the video of Bauer's talk",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  title =        "My year with {Rutishauser}",
  journal =      "DINAL",
  volume =       "11",
  number =       "1--4",
  pages =        "1--13",
  year =         "2003",
  MRclass =      "01A70",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 15:10:11 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  ZMID =         "05621045",
  ZMnumber =     "1176.01009",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  subject =      "Rutishauser, Heinz",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  booktitle =    "{Neue Deutsche Biographie (NDB)}. ({German}) [{New
                 German Biography}]",
  title =        "{Rutishauser, Heinz}",
  publisher =    "Duncker \& Humblot",
  address =      "Berlin, Germany",
  pages =        "305--305",
  year =         "2005",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 19:45:45 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Hans Neukom",
  title =        "{ERMETH}: The First {Swiss} Computer",
  journal =      j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "27",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "5--22",
  month =        oct # "\slash " # dec,
  year =         "2005",
  CODEN =        "IAHCEX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1058-6180",
  bibdate =      "Mon Nov 21 08:47:51 MST 2005",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Martin H. Gutknecht",
  editor =       "????",
  booktitle =    "{Proceedings of ICIAM 2007}",
  title =        "Numerical analysis in {Zurich} --- 50 years ago",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "279--290",
  year =         "2007",
  ISBN =         "????",
  ISBN-13 =      "????",
  LCCN =         "????",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 11:12:30 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,

  author =       "Hassane Allouche and Annie Cuyt",
  title =        "Reliable root detection with the $ q d$-algorithm:
                 When {Bernoulli}, {Hadamard} and {Rutishauser}
  journal =      j-APPL-NUM-MATH,
  volume =       "60",
  number =       "12",
  pages =        "1188--1208",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  CODEN =        "ANMAEL",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0168-9274 (print), 1873-5460 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0168-9274",
  MRclass =      "65H04",
  MRnumber =     "2735153",
  MRreviewer =   "Petko D. Proinov",
  bibdate =      "Sat Oct 16 16:17:49 MDT 2010",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Applied Numerical Mathematics: Transactions of IMACS",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Heinz Rutishauser}",
  howpublished = "Historisches Lexikon der Schweiz (HLS) Web site",
  day =          "12",
  month =        jul,
  year =         "2010",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 10:47:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark =       "Contains links to French and Italian translations.",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "John J. O'Connor and Edward F. Robertson",
  title =        "{Heinz Rutishauser}",
  howpublished = "MacTutor History of Mathematics Web site, St. Andrews
                 University, Scotland.",
  month =        dec,
  year =         "2010",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 11:03:04 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Kensuke Aishima and Takayasu Matsuo and Kazuo Murota",
  title =        "A note on the dqds algorithm with {Rutishauser}'s
                 shift for singular values",
  journal =      j-JAPAN-J-INDUST-APPL-MATH,
  volume =       "28",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "251--262",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "JAPJI7",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0916-7005 (print), 1868-937x (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0916-7005",
  MRclass =      "65F15",
  MRnumber =     "2826308",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:37:24 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "Jpn. J. Ind. Appl. Math.",
  fjournal =     "Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer",
  title =        "My years with {Rutishauser}",
  journal =      j-INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM,
  volume =       "34",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "514--518",
  month =        oct,
  year =         "2011",
  CODEN =        "INSKDW",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0170-6012 (print), 1432-122X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0170-6012",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 12:50:13 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  fjournal =     "Informatik Spektrum",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  xxmonth =      jul,

  author =       "R. {\=I}. Dmitrishin",
  title =        "Two-dimensional generalizations of the {Rutishauser} $
                 q d $-algorithm",
  journal =      "Mat. Metodi Fiz.-Mekh. Polya",
  volume =       "56",
  number =       "4",
  pages =        "33--39",
  year =         "2013",
  ISSN =         "0130-9420",
  MRclass =      "30B70 (65D99)",
  MRnumber =     "3242085",
  MRreviewer =   "J. Kofro\v{n}",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Matematichn\={\i} Metodi ta
                 F\={\i}ziko-Mekhan\={\i}chn\={\i} Polya.
                 Matematicheskie Metody i Fiziko-Mekhanicheskie Polya.
                 Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Hanna Rutishauser",
  title =        "{Numerik, ALGOL und die Schweizer Hochalpen. Zur
                 Arbeit an der Biografie von Heinz Rutishauser
                 (1918--1970)}. ({German}) [{Numerics}, {ALGOL} and the
                 {Swiss High Alps}. {On} the work on the biography of
                 {Heinz Rutishauser} (1918--1970)]",
  journal =      j-INFORMATIK-SPEKTRUM,
  volume =       "36",
  number =       "5",
  pages =        "??--??",
  month =        "????",
  year =         "2013",
  CODEN =        "INSKDW",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0170-6012 (print), 1432-122X (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0170-6012",
  bibdate =      "Sat Aug 22 15:20:53 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Informatik Spektrum",
  journal-URL =  "",
  language =     "German",
  subject-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970)",

  author =       "R. I. Dmytryshyn",
  title =        "Two-Dimensional Generalization of the {Rutishauser}
  journal =      j-J-MATH-SCI-NY-NY,
  volume =       "208",
  number =       "3",
  pages =        "301--309",
  month =        jun,
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "JMTSEW",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1072-3374 (print), 1573-8795 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1072-3374",
  bibdate =      "Mon Aug 24 21:37:24 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Journal of mathematical sciences (New York, N.Y.)",
  journal-URL =  "",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Mary Clair Thompson and Tin-Yau Tam",
  title =        "{Rutishauser}'s {$ L R $} algorithm and {Bruhat}
  journal =      j-LIN-MULT-ALGEBRA,
  volume =       "63",
  number =       "10",
  pages =        "2061--2070",
  year =         "2015",
  CODEN =        "LNMLAZ",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "0308-1087 (print), 1563-5139 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "0308-1087",
  MRclass =      "22E46 (22E15 65F15)",
  MRnumber =     "3378015",
  MRreviewer =   "Huajun Huang",
  bibdate =      "Tue Sep 20 15:14:31 MDT 2016",
  bibsource =    ";
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Linear Multilinear Algebra",
  journal-URL =  "",
  onlinedate =   "08 Aug 2014",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "R. I. Dmytryshyn",
  title =        "A multidimensional generalization of the {Rutishauser}
                 {\em qd\/}-algorithm",
  journal =      "Carpathian Math. Publ.",
  volume =       "8",
  number =       "2",
  pages =        "230--238",
  year =         "2016",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "2075-9827",
  MRclass =      "40A15 (30B10 30B70 65B10)",
  MRnumber =     "3599782",
  MRreviewer =   "Ian Short",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 25 11:53:46 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  fjournal =     "Carpathian Mathematical Publications. Karpat\cdot
                 s\cprime k\={\i} Matematichn\={\i}
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

  author =       "Herbert Bruderer",
  title =        "Early History of Computing in {Switzerland}: Discovery
                 of Rare Devices, Unknown Documents, and Scarcely Known
  journal =      j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
  volume =       "39",
  number =       "1",
  pages =        "65--72",
  month =        jan # "\slash " # mar,
  year =         "2017",
  CODEN =        "IAHCEX",
  DOI =          "",
  ISSN =         "1058-6180 (print), 1934-1547 (electronic)",
  ISSN-L =       "1058-6180",
  bibdate =      "Thu Jun 8 08:08:26 MDT 2017",
  bibsource =    ";
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  ajournal =     "IEEE Ann. Hist. Comput.",
  fjournal =     "IEEE Annals of the History of Computing",
  journal-URL =  "",

  author =       "Gauthier Marie Claude Jean Th{\'e}r{\`e}se G{\'e}rald
                 {van den Hove d'Ertsenryck}",
  title =        "New Insights from Old Programs: The Structure of The
                 First {ALGOL 60} System",
  type =         "{Ph.D.} thesis",
  school =       "Centrum Wiskunde \& Informatica (CWI), Informatics
                 Institute, Faculty of Science, Universit of Amsterdam",
  address =      "Amsterdam, The Netherlands",
  pages =        "???? + 302",
  month =        feb,
  year =         "2019",
  bibsource =    "",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Preface by Donald E. Knuth.",
  URL =          ";
  abstract =     "It is a commonplace that computer programming is hard,
                 especially when one aims at creating a program that is
                 correct. What kind of methods should be used to reach
                 that goal is the subject of heated debates. Our thesis
                 is a contribution to these discussions: To understand
                 what computer programming is, and how it should be
                 done, we propose to study how it is actually done that
                 is, to induce elements of method from factual
                 observation. Our thesis takes the form of a detailed
                 analysis, based on a careful reconstruction, of a
                 particular well-crafted computer program: the first
                 ALGOL 60 system, designed and implemented at the
                 Mathematical Center (now CWI) by E. W. Dijkstra and J.
                 A. Zonneveld, with the assistance of S. J. Christen and
                 M. J. H. R{\"o}mgens, on an Electrologica X1 computer.
                 It is divided into three main chapters. Chapter I
                 presents the two elements of the problem the
                 Mathematical Center team was facing, namely the ALGOL
                 60 language and the X1 computer. Chapter II discusses
                 the principles of its solution, explains the
                 implementation choices made by the Mathematical Center
                 team, and compares them to other possible choices.
                 Chapter III presents the details of the Mathematical
                 Center ALGOL 60 system, on an ISO C version of that
                 system, reverse engineered from its X1 assembler
                 source. This program is about 3000 lines long, and is
                 composed of 173 subroutines working on 57 global
                 variables. Finally, our conclusion, in the form of 17
                 theses and 4 hypotheses, indicates some lessons, in
                 particular on computer programming methods, that we
                 believe can be drawn from the analysis of that
                 particular computer program.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  remark-1 =     "Appendix A contains reproductions of the 1958, 1960,
                 and 1962 ALGOL reports.",
  remark-2 =     "PDF links embargoed to 15 February 2021",
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  xxauthor =     "Gauthier van den Hove [short form]",

  author =       "Anonymous",
  title =        "{Rutishauser, Heinz (1918--1970)}",
  howpublished = "Swiss elites Web site.",
  year =         "20xx",
  bibdate =      "Wed Aug 26 10:54:10 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  subject-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November

%%% ====================================================================
%%% Cross-referenced entries must come last:
  author =       "Max Engeli and Theo. Ginsburg and Heinz Rutishauser
                 and Eduard L. Stiefel",
  booktitle =    "Refined Iterative Methods for Computation of the
                 Solution and the Eigenvalues of Self-adjoint Boundary
                 Value Problems",
  title =        "Refined Iterative Methods for Computation of the
                 Solution and the Eigenvalues of Self-Adjoint Boundary
                 Value Problems",
  volume =       "8",
  publisher =    pub-BIRKHAUSER,
  address =      pub-BIRKHAUSER:adr,
  pages =        "107",
  year =         "1959",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "3-0348-7224-0 (e-book), 3-0348-7226-7",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-0348-7224-9 (e-book), 978-3-0348-7226-3",
  ISSN =         "0514-8146",
  ISSN-L =       "0514-8146",
  LCCN =         "QA3 .Z8 v.8; QA371",
  MRclass =      "65.66",
  MRnumber =     "145689",
  MRreviewer =   "P. Henrici",
  bibdate =      "Tue Jun 19 05:53:58 MDT 2018",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r angewandte
  URL =          "",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November
  remark =       "Mitteilungen aus dem Institut f{\"u}r angewandte
                 Mathematik an der Eidgen{\"o}ssischen Technischen
                 Hochschule in Z{\"u}rich. no. 8.",
  tableofcontents = "Front Matter / 1--6 \\
                 I: The Self-Adjoint Boundary Value Problem / E. Stiefel
                 / 7--23 \\
                 1. Problems of Dirichlet's and Poisson's type \\
                 2. Better approximations \\
                 3. Energy on the boundary \\
                 4. Eigenvalue problems \\
                 5. Biharmonic problems \\
                 6. Adaption for practical purposes; the test example
                 7. Modes of oscillation of the plate \\
                 II: Theory of Gradient Methods / H. Rutishauser /
                 24--49 \\
                 1. Introduction \\
                 2. The residual polynomial \\
                 3. Methods with two-term recursive formulae \\
                 4. Methods with three-term recursive formulae \\
                 5. Combined methods \\
                 6. The cgT-method \\
                 7. Determination of eigenvalues \\
                 III: Experiments on Gradient Methods / Th. Ginsburg /
                 50--78 \\
                 1. Introduction \\
                 2. Survey of the plate experiments \\
                 3. Solution of the system A x + b = 0 (Plate problem
                 with coarse grid) \\
                 4. Determination of the eigenvalues of A \\
                 5. Solution of the system A x + b =0 and determination
                 of the eigenvalues of A; fine grid \\
                 6. Second test example: the bar problem \\
                 7. Appendix: The first three eigenvectors of A \\
                 IV: Overrelaxation / M. Engeli / 79--101 \\
                 1. Theory \\
                 2. Numerical results (Plate problem) \\
                 3. The bar problem \\
                 V: Conclusions / M. Engeli, Th. Ginsburg, H.
                 Rutishauser, E. Stiefel / 102--105 \\
                 1. The plate problem \\
                 2. The bar problem \\
                 3. Computation of eigenvalues \\
                 4. Recollection of the facts \\
                 References / 106--107",

  author =       "Friedrich L. Bauer and Alston S. Householder and Frank
                 W. J. Olver and Heinz Rutishauser and Klaus Samelson
                 and Eduard Stiefel",
  booktitle =    "Description of {ALGOL 60}",
  title =        "Description of {ALGOL 60}",
  volume =       "1a",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xii + 326",
  year =         "1967",
  DOI =          ";
  ISBN =         "3-540-03826-4, 3-642-86934-3 (e-book), 3-642-86936-X
                 (print), 3-662-38103-6",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-540-03826-9, 978-3-642-86934-1 (e-book),
                 978-3-642-86936-5 (print), 978-3-662-38103-8",
  LCCN =         "QA76.5 .R87",
  bibdate =      "Fri Aug 21 08:00:06 MDT 2020",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Handbook for Automatic Computation",
  URL =          "",
  abstract =     "Automatic computing has undergone drastic changes
                 since the pioneering days of the early Fifties, one of
                 the most obvious being that today the majority of
                 computer programs are no longer written in machine code
                 but in some programming language like FORTRAN or ALGOL.
                 However, as desirable as the time-saving achieved in
                 this way may be, still a high proportion of the
                 preparatory work must be attributed to activities such
                 as error estimates, stability investigations and the
                 like, and for these no programming aid whatsoever can
                 be of help. In this respect, ALGOL, as an
                 internationally standardized notation which avoids
                 computer-oriented concepts, provides another advantage,
                 not often mentioned, but one which was already the
                 guiding principle at the very beginning of the
                 programming language venture: indeed, a correct ALGOL
                 program is the abstractum of a computing process for
                 which the necessary analyses have already been
                 performed. It is the very purpose of this Handbook to
                 establish such abstract formulations of certain
                 computing processes. Therefore, numerical methods given
                 in this Handbook in the form of ALGOL procedures may be
                 put to immediate use wherever ALGOL is known and
                 understood; in fact, application of such a method
                 reduces to little more than calling the corresponding
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Alston Scott Householder (1904--1993); Eduard Stiefel
                 (21 April 1909--25 November 1978); Frank William John
                 Olver (15 December 1924--23 April 2013); Friedrich
                 (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26 March 2015);
                 Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10 November 1970);
                 Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25 May 1980)",
  tableofcontents = " Preface / H. Rutishauser / v--vi \\
                 I: Introduction \\
                 1. The Concept of Automatic Programming / 1 \\
                 2. Historical Remarks on Algorithmic Languages / 4 \\
                 3. The Algol Conferences of 1958, 1960, 1962 / 5 \\
                 4. Algol Dialects and the IFIP Subset of Algol 60 / 8
                 5. Preliminary Definition of Algol / 9 \\
                 II: Basic Concepts \\
                 6. Auxiliary Conventions / 18 \\
                 7. The Basic Symbols of Algol / 20 \\
                 8. Values / 24 \\
                 9. Quantities and their Names / 25 \\
                 10. Numerical Constants / 27 \\
                 11. Labels / 29 \\
                 12. Strings / 30 \\
                 13. Comments / 32 \\
                 III: Expressions \\
                 14. Variables / 34 \\
                 15. Function Designators / 36 \\
                 16. Simple Arithmetic Expressions / 39 \\
                 17. Relations / 43 \\
                 18. Simple Boolean Expressions / 45 \\
                 19. Conditional Expressions / 48 \\
                 20. Subscript Expressions / 54 \\
                 IV: Statements \\
                 21. Assignment Statements / 56 \\
                 22. Sequences of Statements / 59 \\
                 23. Labelled Statements / 60 \\
                 24. The Dummy Statement / 62 \\
                 25. Goto-Statements / 62 \\
                 26. Procedure Statements I / 65 \\
                 27. Compound Statements and Blocks / 68 \\
                 28. The If-Statement / 71 \\
                 29. The If-Else-Statement / 76 \\
                 30. The For-Statement / 83 \\
                 V: Miscellaneous Applications \\
                 31. Algebraic Problems / 95 \\
                 32. Interpolation and Numerical Quadrature / 100 \\
                 33. Numerical Integration of Differential Equations /
                 106 \\
                 34. Least Square Problems / 111 \\
                 35. Computations Related to Continued Fractions / 116
                 36. Considerations Concerning Computer Limitations /
                 122 \\
                 37. Data Processing Applications / 132 \\
                 VI: Declarations \\
                 38. Type Declarations / 145 \\
                 39. Array Declarations / 146 \\
                 40. Switch Declarations / 150 \\
                 41. Procedure Declarations I / 152 \\
                 42. Semantics of Blocks / 157 \\
                 43. Entire Programs / 165 \\
                 VII: Procedures \\
                 44. Procedure Declarations II / 172 \\
                 45. Procedure Statements II / 184 \\
                 46. Function Procedures and their Use / 196 \\
                 47. Code Procedures / 205 \\
                 48. Parameter Procedures / 212 \\
                 VIII: Input and Output \\
                 49. The Standard I/O-Procedures of Algol / 227 \\
                 50. Applications of Procedures insymbol, outsymbol /
                 232 \\
                 51. Use of inarray, outarray for Auxiliary Storage /
                 238 \\
                 Appendix A \\
                 52. The Jensen Device / 248 \\
                 52.1. The full name-concept / 248 \\
                 52.2. The Jensen device / 249 \\
                 52.3. Bound variables / 253 \\
                 53. Conclusion / 254 \\
                 53.1. Church's lambda notation / 254 \\
                 53.2. The lambda notation for arrays / 255 \\
                 53.3. Syntax of the proposed extension / 356 \\
                 53.4. Semantics of the proposed extension / 257 \\
                 53.5. Applications of the proposed extension / 258 \\
                 Appendix B. The IFIP-Reports on Algol / 262 \\
                 Report on SUBSET ALGOL 60 (IFIP) / 303 \\
                 Report on Input-Output Procedures for ALGOL 60 / 309
                 References / 314 \\
                 Subject Index / 317",
  xxseries =     "Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften",

  editor =       "R. Sauer and I. Szab{\'o}",
  booktitle =    "{Mathematische Hilfsmittel des Ingenieurs. Teil III}.
                 ({German}) [{Engineer}'s mathematical tools. {Part
  title =        "{Mathematische Hilfsmittel des Ingenieurs. Teil III}.
                 ({German}) [{Engineer}'s mathematical tools. {Part
  volume =       "141",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "xix + 535",
  year =         "1968",
  ISBN =         "3-642-95030-2, 3-642-95031-0",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-3-642-95030-8, 978-3-642-95031-5",
  LCCN =         "QA76 .B3192",
  MRclass =      "69.00",
  MRnumber =     "231562",
  MRreviewer =   "E. Kreyszig",
  bibdate =      "Thu Aug 20 18:22:34 2020",
  bibsource =    "",
  note =         "Herausgegeben von R. Sauer und I. Szab{\'o}. Unter
                 Mitwirkung von H. Neuber, W. N{\"u}rnberg, K.
                 P{\"o}schl, E. Truckenbrodt und W. Zander.",
  series =       "{Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften}",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015); Heinz Rutishauser (30 January 1918--10
                 November 1970); Klaus Samelson (21 December 1918--25
                 May 1980)",
  language =     "German",
  xxauthor =     "T. P. Angelitch and G. Aumann and F. L. Bauer and R.
                 Bulirsch and H. P. K{\"u}nzi and H. Rutishauser and K.
                 Samelson and R. Sauer and J. Stoer",

  editor =       "James H. Wilkinson and Christian Reinsch",
  booktitle =    "Linear Algebra",
  title =        "Linear Algebra",
  volume =       "II",
  publisher =    pub-SV,
  address =      pub-SV:adr,
  pages =        "viii + 439",
  year =         "1971",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-387-05414-6, 3-540-05414-6, 3-662-38854-5,
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-387-05414-8, 978-3-540-05414-6,
                 978-3-662-38854-9, 978-3-662-39778-7",
  LCCN =         "QA251 .W67",
  bibdate =      "Wed Dec 15 18:44:50 1993",
  bibsource =    ";
  series =       "Handbook for Automatic Computation",
  URL =          "",
  ZMID =         "03349178",
  ZMnumber =     "0219.65001",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  editor-dates = "Christian H. Reinsch (?? ?? 1932--8 October 2022);
                 James H. Wilkinson (27 September 1919--5 October
  remark =       "The development of the internationally standardized
                 language ALGOL has made it possible to prepare
                 procedures which can be used without modification
                 whenever a computer with an ALGOL translator is
                 available. Volume Ia in this series gave details of the
                 restricted version of ALGOL which is to be employed
                 throughout the Handbook, and volume Ib described its
                 implementation on a computer. Each of the subsequent
                 volumes will be devoted to a presentation of the basic
                 algorithms in some specific areas of numerical
                 analysis. This is the first such volume and it was feIt
                 that the topic Linear Algebra was a natural choice,
                 since the relevant algorithms are perhaps the most
                 widely used in numerical analysis and have the
                 advantage of forming a weil defined dass. The
                 algorithms described here fall into two main
                 categories, associated with the solution of linear
                 systems and the algebraic eigenvalue problem
                 respectively and each set is preceded by an
                 introductory chapter giving a comparative assessment.",
  series-editors = "F. L. Bauer and A. S. Householder and F. W. J. Olver
                 and H. Rutishauser and K. Samelson and E. Stiefel",
  tableofcontents = "Part I: Linear systems, least squares and linear
                 programming \\
                 J. H. Wilkinson / Introduction to Part I / 1--8 \\
                 1. Introduction \\
                 2. List of procedures \\
                 3. Positive definite symmetric matrices \\
                 4. Non-positive definite symmetric matrices \\
                 5. Non-Hermitian matrices \\
                 6. Least squares and related problems \\
                 7. The linear programming problem \\
                 R. S. Martin, G. Peters and J. H. Wilkinson / Symmetric
                 decomposition of a positive definite matrix / 9--30 \\
                 Martin, Peters and Wilkinson / Iterative refinement of
                 the solution of a positive definite system of equations
                 / 31--44 \\
                 F. L. Bauer and C. Reinsch / Inversion of positive
                 definite matrices by the Gauss-Jordan method / 45--49
                 Martin and Wilkinson / Symmetric decomposition of
                 positive definite band matrices / 50--56 \\
                 T. Ginsburg / The conjugate gradient method / 57--69
                 Martin and Wilkinson / Solution of symmetric and
                 unsymmetric band equations and the calculation of
                 eigenvectors of band matrices / 70--92 \\
                 H. J. Bowdler, Martin, Peters and Wilkinson / Solution
                 of real and complex systems of linear equations /
                 93--110 \\
                 P. Businger and G. H. Golub / Linear least squares
                 solutions by Householder transformations / 111--118 \\
                 Bauer / Elimination with weighted row combinations for
                 solving linear equations and least squares problems /
                 119--133 \\
                 Golub and Reinsch / Singular value decomposition and
                 least squares solutions / 134--151 \\
                 R. H. Bartels, J. Stoer and Ch. Zenger / A realization
                 of the simplex method based on triangular
                 decompositions / 152--190 \\
                 Part II: The algebraic eigenvalue problem \\
                 Wilkinson / Introduction to Part II / 191--201 \\
                 1. Introduction \\
                 2. List of procedures \\
                 3. Real, dense, symmetric matrices \\
                 4. Symmetric band matrices \\
                 5. Simultaneous determination of dominant eigenvalues
                 and eigenvectors of a symmetric sparse matrix \\
                 6. The generalized symmetric eigenvalue problems $A x =
                 \lambda B x$ and $A B x = \lambda x$ \\
                 7. Hermitian matrices \\
                 8. Real dense unsymmetric matrices \\
                 9. Unsymmetric band matrices \\
                 10. Dense unsymmetric matrices with complex elements,
                 H. Rutishauser / The Jacobi method for real symmetric
                 matrices / 202--211 \\
                 Martin, Reinsch and Wilkinson / Householder's
                 tridiagonalization of a symmetric matrix / 212--226 \\
                 H. Bowdler, Martin, Reinsch and Wilkinson / The $QR$
                 and $QL$ algorithms for symmetric matrices / 227--240
                 A. Dubrulle, Martin and Wilkinson / The implicit $QL$
                 algorithm / 241--248 \\
                 W. Barth, Martin, and Wilkinson / Calculation of the
                 eigenvalues of a symmetric tridiagonal matrix by the
                 method of bisection / 249--256 \\
                 Reinsch and Bauer / Rational $QR$ transformation with
                 Newton shift for symmetric tridiagonal matrices /
                 257--265 \\
                 Martin, Reinsch and Wilkinson / The $QR$ algorithm for
                 band symmetric matrices / 266--272 \\
                 H. R. Schwarz / Tridiagonalization of a symmetric band
                 matrix / 273--283 \\
                 Rutishauser / Simultaneous iteration method for
                 symmetric matrices / 284--302 \\
                 Martin and Wilkinson / Reduction of the symmetric
                 eigenproblem $A x = \lambda B x$ and related problems
                 to standard form / 303--314 \\
                 B. N. Parlett and Reinsch / Balancing a matrix for
                 calculation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors / 315--326
                 P. J. Eberlein and J. Boothroyd / Solution to the
                 eigenproblem by a norm reducing Jacobi type method /
                 327--338 \\
                 Martin and Wilkinson / Similarity reduction of a
                 general matrix to Hessenberg form / 339--358 \\
                 Martin, Peters and Wilkinson / The $QR$ algorithm for
                 real Hessenberg matrices / 359--371 \\
                 Peters and Wilkinson / Eigenvectors of real and complex
                 matrices by $LR$ and $QR$ triangularizations / 372--395
                 Martin and Wilkinson / The modified $LR$ algorithm for
                 complex Hessenberg matrices / 396--403 \\
                 Eberlein / Solution to the complex eigenproblem by a
                 norm reducing Jacobi type method / 404--417 \\
                 Peters and Wilkinson / The calculation of specified
                 eigenvectors by inverse iteration / 418--439",

  editor =       "Nicholas Metropolis and Jack Howlett and Gian-Carlo
  booktitle =    "A History of Computing in the {Twentieth Century}: a
                 Collection of Essays",
  title =        "A History of Computing in the {Twentieth Century}: a
                 Collection of Essays",
  publisher =    pub-ACADEMIC,
  address =      pub-ACADEMIC:adr,
  pages =        "xix + 659",
  year =         "1980",
  DOI =          "",
  ISBN =         "0-12-491650-3, 1-4832-9668-7 (e-book)",
  ISBN-13 =      "978-0-12-491650-0, 978-1-4832-9668-5 (e-book)",
  LCCN =         "QA75.5 .I63 1976",
  bibdate =      "Tue Aug 15 18:57:33 1995",
  bibsource =    ";
  note =         "Original versions of these papers were presented at
                 the International Research Conference on the History of
                 Computing, held at the Los Alamos Scientific
                 Laboratory, 10--15 June 1976.",
  abstract =     "\booktitle{A History of Computing in the Twentieth
                 Century} focuses on the advancements in the processes,
                 methodologies, programs, and techniques in computing.
                 The selection first elaborates on computing
                 developments in Cambridge, U.S.A., pioneering work on
                 computers at Bletchley, and the COLOSSUS. Discussions
                 focus on secrecy and priority, the first COLOSSUS, MARK
                 II COLOSSUS, postwar developments in computing, and the
                 HEATH ROBINSON project. The text then ponders on
                 Turing's work at the National Physical Laboratory and
                 the construction of Pilot ACE, DEUCE, and ACE, the
                 Smithsonian Computer History Project, and programming
                 in America. Topics include origins of FORTRAN,
                 optimization techniques in FORTRAN, DEUCE computer, and
                 the Pilot ACE. The book takes a look at the development
                 of programming in the USSR, advancement of programming
                 languages, and reflections on the evolution of
                 algorithmic language. The book also examines the
                 computer development at Manchester University, the
                 sieve process, MANIAC project, and the ENIAC project.
                 The selection is a valuable reference for computer
                 science experts and researchers interested in the
                 development of computing.",
  acknowledgement = ack-nhfb,
  author-dates = "Friedrich (``Fritz'') Ludwig Bauer (10 June 1924--26
                 March 2015)",
  remark =       "This book contains the edited versions of the papers
                 presented at the international research Conference on
                 the History of Computing, held at the Los Alamos
                 Scientific Laboratory, 10--15 June 1976. The book
                 provides an account of the development of the first
                 large-scale computers in the first half of the
                 twentieth century. Each chapter describes one phase of
                 the development and is written by either a participant
                 or a witness to these events. The treatment is
                 narrative and factual and is meant to give a first
                 exposition of the res gestae. The Exposition is
                 accessible to anyone interested in the subject and
                 requires no technical background.",
  tableofcontents = "Contributors / / ii--ii \\
                 Front Matter / / iii--iii \\
                 Copyright / / iv--iv \\
                 Dedication [to John R. Pasta] / / v--v \\
                 List of Contributors / / xi--xiii \\
                 Preface / / xv--xvii \\
                 Acknowledgments / / xviii--xviii \\
                 Introductory Essay / N. Metropolis and Gian-Carlo Rota
                 / xix--xx \\
                 Part I. Introduction \\
                 We would know what they thought when they did it / R.
                 W. Hamming / 3--9 \\
                 Historiography: a perspective for computer scientists /
                 Kenneth O. May / 11--18 \\
                 Part II. The human side \\
                 Computer developments 1935--1955, as seen from
                 Cambridge, U.S.A. / Garrett Birkhoff / 21--30 \\
                 Pioneering work on computers at Bletchley / I. J. Good
                 / 31--45 \\
                 The COLOSSUS / B. Randell / 47--92 \\
                 Von Neumann: the interaction of mathematics and
                 computing / S. M. Ulam / 93--99 \\
                 Turing's work at the National Physical Laboratory and
                 the construction of Pilot ACE, DEUCE, and ACE / J. H.
                 Wilkinson / 101--114 \\
                 The Smithsonian computer history project and some
                 personal recollections / Henry S. Tropp / 115--122 \\
                 Part III. The languages \\
                 Programming in America in the 1950s: some personal
                 impressions / John Backus / 125--135 \\
                 The early development of programming in the USSR /
                 Andrei P. Ershov and Mikhail R. Shura-Bura / 137--196
                 The early development of programming languages / Donald
                 E. Knuth and Luis Trabb Pardo / 197--273 \\
                 Reflections on the evolution of algorithmic language /
                 Mark B. Wells / 275--287 \\
                 Part IV. The machines \\
                 Computer development at the Institute for Advanced
                 Study / Julian Bigelow / 291--310 \\
                 From ENIAC to the stored-program computer: two
                 revolutions in computers / Arthur W. Burks / 311--344
                 Computer development at Argonne National Laboratory /
                 J. C. Chu / 345--346 \\
                 The ORDVAC and the ILLIAC / James E. Robertson \\
                 WHIRLWIND / Robert R. Everett // 347--364 \\
                 Reminiscences of Oak Ridge / A. S. Householder /
                 385--388 \\
                 Computer development at IBM / Cuthbert C. Hurd /
                 389--418 \\
                 The SWAC: the National Bureau of Weather Standards
                 Western Automatic Computer / Harry D. Huskey / 419--431
                 Computer development at Manchester University / S. H.
                 Lavington / 433--443 \\
                 A history of the sieve process / D. H. Lehmer /
                 445--456 \\
                 The MANIAC / N. Metropolis / 457--464 \\
                 Early research on computers at RCA / Jan Rajchman /
                 465--469 \\
                 Memories of the Bureau of Standards' SEAC / Ralph J.
                 Slutz / 471--477 \\
                 Early computers / George R. Stibitz / 479--483 \\
                 The start of an ERA: Engineering Research Associates,
                 Inc., 1946--1955 / Erwin Tomash / 485--495 \\
                 Early programming development in Cambridge / M. V.
                 Wilkes / 497--501 \\
                 Part V. The places \\
                 Between Zuse and Rutishauser: the early development of
                 digital computing in central Europe / Friedrich L.
                 Bauer / 505--524 \\
                 The ENIAC / J. Presper Eckert, Jr. / 525--539 \\
                 The ENIAC / John W. Mauchly / 541--550 \\
                 Computers in the University of London, 1945--1962 /
                 Andrew D. Booth / 551--561 \\
                 A programmer's early memories / Edsger W. Dijkstra /
                 563--573 \\
                 Early history of computing in Japan / Ryota Suekane /
                 575--578 \\
                 From mechanical linkages to electronic computers:
                 recollections from Czechoslovakia / Antonin Svoboda /
                 579--586 \\
                 Central European prehistory of computing / H. Zemanek /
                 587--609 \\
                 Some remarks on the history of computing in Germany /
                 Konrad Zuse / 611--627 \\
                 The origins of digital computers: supplementary
                 bibliography / B. Randell // 629--659 \\
                 General Index / / 661--683 \\
                 Index of Claimed Firsts and Inventions / 684--685 \\
                 Index of Names / 686--693",