orbiborder [-alphabetical] [-bimonthly m1/m2/m3/m4/m5/m6] [-check-missing] [-help] [-isbn-13] [-monthly] [-quarterly m1/m2/m3/m4] [-version] BibTeXfile(s) > outfile
A consistent key field order makes BibTeX entries easier to read, and also facilitates identification and removal of duplicates, such as with bibsort -u.
To avoid confusion with options, if a filename begins with a hyphen, it must be disguised by a leading absolute or relative directory path, e.g. /tmp/-foo.bib or ./-foo.bib.
OPTvolume = "??",The OPT prefix ensures that the key is ignored by BibTeX, so that the question marks will not appear in an output .bbl file. The GNU Emacs bibtex-mode editing support has functions for removing the OPT prefixes, and so does bibclean(1).
The doubled question marks are distinguished from single ones that might legitimately appear in value strings, and also serve as a convenient regular-expression pattern for bibextract(1), allowing easy preparation of a printed listing of just those entries that have incomplete bibliographic data:
bibextract '' '[?][?]' BibTeXfiles | lpr
The 12-digit Uniform Product Code (UPC) transitioned to the EAN-13 system on 2005-01-01,
Both the ISBN and UPC numbers appear on printed books produced since those systems were introduced, but library catalogs normally record only ISBN data, not UPC values.
ISBN-13 translations of ISBN-10 data consist of the prefix 978- followed by the first 9 digits of the ISBN-10 value with the same (optional) hyphenation as before, followed by a hyphen and a new check digit. The latter is computed by a different algorithm, and will not in general match the tenth digit (the check digit) of the ISBN-10 value.
As an aid to converting BibTeX files with ISBN data to the new format, the -isbn-13 option requests that biborder generate companion ISBN-13 key/value pairs, provided that an ISBN-13 key does not already exist, and that ISBN values are properly hyphenated. Existing ISBN assignments are preserved, and the ISBN numbers are merely converted for use in a new key/value pair. Thus, an input assignment
ISBN = "1-55798-243-0 (hardcover), 1-55798-241-4 (paperback)",on output becomes
ISBN = "1-55798-243-0 (hardcover), 1-55798-241-4 (paperback)", ISBN-13 = "978-1-55798-243-8 (hardcover), 978-1-55798-241-4 (paperback)",
More information on the changes to the ISBN system can be found on the Web at:
http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue41/chapman/intro.html http://www.collectionscanada.ca/iso/tc46sc9/isbn.htm http://www.bisg.org/pi/ http://www.bisg.org/isbn-13/ISBN13_For_Dummies.pdf http://www.isbn.org/
At some future time, EAN identifiers will grow to 14 digits and be called a Global Trade Identifier Number: a new leading digit will provide for a ten-fold expansion in the number of available identifiers. For details, see:
If only one of the number and month values is supplied, biborder will supply the other automatically, but will name it OPTmonth or OPTnumber to distinguish it from existing keys. A simple editor string substitution, or bibclean(1), can subsequently normalize the appearance.
Failure to supply the correct number of month names for -bimonthly or -quarterly will also cause immediate termination.
Nelson H. F. Beebe University of Utah Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB 155 S 1400 E RM 233 Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090 Tel: +1 801 581 5254 FAX: +1 801 581 4148 Email: <beebe@math.utah.edu>, <beebe@acm.org>, <beebe@computer.org> WWW URL: http://www.math.utah.edu/~beebe