# Moloch [![CTAN](https://img.shields.io/badge/dynamic/json?url=https%3A%2F%2Fctan.org%2Fjson%2F2.0%2Fpkg%2Fmoloch&query=%24.version.number&logo=latex&label=CTAN)](https://ctan.org/pkg/moloch) [![CI](https://github.com/jolars/moloch/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/jolars/moloch/actions/workflows/ci.yml) Moloch is a simple Beamer theme suitable for anyone to use. It is a fork of the [Metropolis Theme](https://github.com/matze/mtheme). The fork was created for the following reasons: - To fix some outstanding issues that had not been addressed for a long time. - To remove some of the more opinionated design choices, such as special handling of the Fira family of fonts. - To strip away some features that added complexity to the code base without achieving valuable functionality for the majority of users, such as special code block designs and the pgfplots theme. [Here's a blog post](https://jolars.co/blog/2024-05-30-moloch/) in which I introduce the theme and write in more detail about the changes with respect to Metropolis. Do not expect this theme to be backwards compatible with the Metropolis theme. ![Screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jolars/moloch/main/assets/screenshot.svg) ## Installation Moloch is on [CTAN](https://ctan.org/pkg/moloch), so you can install it using your favorite LaTeX package manager. For example, with `tlmgr`: ```bash tlmgr install moloch ``` You can also install the theme from source, in which case you need a working LaTeX installation with `l3build` installed. Then just follow these steps: ```bash git clone https://github.com/jolars/moloch.git cd moloch l3build install ``` ## Usage The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation using Moloch. ```latex \documentclass{beamer} \usetheme{moloch} \title{A minimal example} \date{\today} \author{Johan Larsson} \institute{Centre for Modern Beamer Themes} \begin{document} \maketitle \section{First Section} \begin{frame}{First Frame} Hello, world! \end{frame} \end{document} ``` ## License The theme itself is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/). This means that if you change the theme and re-distribute it, you _must_ retain the copyright notice header and license it under the same CC-BY-SA license. This does not affect the presentation that you create with the theme. ## Contributing Contributions are welcome, but we are generally not interested in changes that can be easily added through the standard Beamer interface. Also, when writing commit messages, please use the [conventional commits format](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/). ## Versioning The project uses [semantic versioning](https://semver.org). ## Acknowledgments Almost all of **moloch** is a result of Mathias Vogelgesang's (@matze) hard work on the **metropolis theme** (of which **moloch** is a fork). Thanks to @samcarter for the logo!