;TEX-FOR-TOPS20.TXT.1, 9-Dec-89 17:33:54, Edit by BEEBE TeX for TOPS-20 [09-Dec-89] TeX was originally developed on DEC-20 machines at Stanford University under the SAIL and TOPS-20 operating systems. At late summer of 1989, the master archive host for TeX, score.stanford.edu, was retired. Shortly before that happened, a mirror image (right down to file time stamps) of all publicly-readable TeX directories at score was made on science.utah.edu in the file tree aps:. science.utah.edu is still an active TOPS-20 machine (though it too may be retired in the summer of 1990, at the grand old age of 12), and remote sites are welcome to retrieve files from anywhere within the aps: directory tree. Each directory will contain these 4 files: 00dir.lst -- alphabetical directory listing 00dir.cmd -- alphabetical FTP retrieval file 00tdir.lst -- reverse time-ordered directory listing 00tdir.cmd -- everse time-ordered FTP retrieval file The 00tdir.lst file can be used to find what is new. These files are automatically updated by a batch job that runs every 4 days. TOPS-20 sites should use the Stanford FTP "update" command in "page" mode to retrieve files; it will automatically fetch any that are newer than those on the local system. The aps: tree contains assorted public-domain TeXware that came from sources other than the Stanford TeX project. The most commonly accessed of these directories is aps: and aps:, which hold the Utah DVI driver family. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [The End] ------------------------------------------------------------------------