\def\emdash{\penalty0---\penalty0} \def\Tib{{\sc Tib}} \def\MakeIndex{{\tt makeindex}} \begin{thebibliography}{10} \bibitem{Alexander:TB7-3-138} James Alexander. \newblock {{\Tib: a reference setting package for \TeX}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 7(3):138, October 1986. \bibitem{Alexander:TB8-2-102} James Alexander. \newblock {{\Tib: a reference setting package, update}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 8(2):102, July 1987. \bibitem{Aurbach:TQ3-1} R.~L. Aurbach. \newblock User's guide to the {Idx\TeX{}} program. \newblock {\em {\TeX{}}{\-}niques, Publications for the {\TeX{}} community}, (3):i, 1--14, 1987. \bibitem{Barstow:environ} David~R. Barstow, Howard~E. Shrobe, and Erik Sandewall. \newblock {\em Interactive Programming Environments}. \newblock Mc{\-}Graw-Hill, 1984. \bibitem{Bentley:EPODD-1-1-3} J.~L. Bentley and B.~W. Kernighan. \newblock Tools for printing indexes. \newblock {\em Electronic Publishing\emdash{}Origination, Dissemination, and Design}, 1(1):3--18, April 1988. \bibitem{Chen:UCB-TR-87-347} Pehong Chen and Michael~A. Harrison. \newblock Automating index preparation. \newblock Technical Report 87/347, Computer Science Division, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA, March 1987. \newblock This is an expanded version of \cite{Chen:SPE-19-9-897}. \bibitem{Chen:SPE-19-9-897} Pehong Chen and Michael~A. Harrison. \newblock Index preparation and processing. \newblock {\em Soft{\-}ware\emdash Prac{\-}tice and Experience}, 19(9):897--915, September 1988. \newblock The {\LaTeX} text of this paper is included in the {\tt makeindex} software distribution. \bibitem{Clark:TB10-1-14-15} Adrian Clark. \newblock {{An enhanced \TeX-editor interface for VMS}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 10(1):14--15, April 1989. \bibitem{Eijkhout:TB11-4-605} Victor Eijkhout. \newblock {{A new editor}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 11(4):605, November 1990. \bibitem{Hoenig:TB7-1-51} A.~Hoenig and M.~Pfeffer. \newblock {{\TeX\ text editors for the IBM PC}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 7(1):51, March 1986. \bibitem{Hoover:TB10-4-549-559} Anita~Z. Hoover. \newblock {{Using WordPerfect 5.0 to Create \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Documents}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 10(4):549--559, December 1989. \bibitem{Hornbach:TB7-2-99} Kathy Hornbach. \newblock {{\VAX\ Language Sensitive Editor Templates and Guide for use with \LaTeX}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 7(2):99, June 1986. \bibitem{Kleine:TB7-2-111} Karl Kleine. \newblock {{Customized editors for \TeX}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 7(2):111, June 1986. \bibitem{Knuth:texbook} Donald~E. Knuth. \newblock {\em The {\TeX}book}. \newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, 1984. \bibitem{Lamport:latex} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {\LaTeX}\emdash A Document Preparation System\emdash User's Guide and Reference Manual}. \newblock Ad{\-d}i{\-s}on-Wes{\-l}ey, 1985. \bibitem{Lamport:makeindex} Leslie Lamport. \newblock {\em {\MakeIndex}: An Index Processor For {\LaTeX}}, 17 February 1987. \newblock The {\LaTeX} text of this paper is included in the {\tt makeindex} software distribution. \bibitem{McPherson:TQ1-1} Kent McPherson. \newblock {VAX Language-Sensitive Editor (LSEDIT) Quick Reference Guide}. \newblock {\em {\TeX{}}{\-}niques, Publications for the {\TeX{}} community}, (1):ii, 1--9, 1988. \bibitem{Muller:TQ7-235} Paul~M. Muller. \newblock {FAS\TeX{}}: A {PC} text editor and front-end for {\TeX{}}. \newblock {\em {\TeX{}}{\-}niques, Publications for the {\TeX{}} community}, (7):235--254, 1988. \bibitem{Schoepf:TB11-2-284-296} Rainer Sch{\"{o}}pf. \newblock {{A new implementation of the \LaTeX{} {\tt verbatim} and {\tt verbatim*} environments}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 11(2):284--296, June 1990. \bibitem{Shertzer:grammar} Margaret Shertzer. \newblock {\em The Elements of Grammar}. \newblock Collier Books, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986. \bibitem{Stowe:uncle-toms-cabin} Harriett~Beecher Stowe. \newblock {\em Uncle Tom's Cabin, or Life Among the Lowly}. \newblock Oxford University Press, 1965. \newblock First published in 1852. \bibitem{vonBechtolsheim:TQ7-195} Stephan von Bechtolsheim. \newblock Using the {Emacs} editor to safely edit {\TeX{}} sources. \newblock {\em {\TeX{}}{\-}niques, Publications for the {\TeX{}} community}, (7):195--202, 1988. \bibitem{Williams:TB11-3-421-424} Linda Williams and Linda Hall. \newblock {{Increased efficiency using advanced EDT editing features}}. \newblock {\em TUGBoat}, 11(3):421--424, September 1990. \end{thebibliography}