General: ^L Refresh the screen ^G Abort current command ^X^C Quit ^Z low keystroke style exit. ^X-E Execute macro ^X-! Run a command in a subshell. ^X-( Begin macro ^X-) End macro Files: ^X^V Get a file, read write ^X^R Get a file, read only ^X^S Save current file ^X^W Write a file ^X^F Adjust file name Cursor positioning Commands: ^A Move to start of line ^E Move to end of line ^B Move backward by characters ^F Move forward by characters ^N Move forward by lines ^P Move backward by lines ^V Move forward by pages META-V Move backward by pages META-F Advance by words META-B Backup by words META-< Move to start of buffer META-> Move to end of buffer ^X-= Show the cursor position Mark/Copy/Delete/Insert: ^@ Set mark META-. Set mark META-W Copy region to kill buffer ^X^X Swap "." and mark ^W Kill region. ^Y Yank back from killbuffer. ^K Kill forward ^D Forward delete character ^H Backward delete character DEL Backward delete character META-D Delete forward word. META-^H Delete backward word. ^X^O Delete blank lines META-DEL Delete backward word. ^M Insert CR-LF (return key) ^Q Insert literal character ^I Insert tab (tab key) ^J Insert CR-LF, then indent ^O Open up a blank line Search: ^S Search forward ^R Search backwards General Manipulation: ^T Transpose characters META-C Initial capitalize word. META-L Lower case word. META-U Upper case word. ^X^L Lower case region. ^X^U Upper case region. Windows and Buffers: ^X^P Move window up ^X^N Move window down ^X-1 Display only one window ^X-2 Split current window in two ^X^Z Shrink window. ^X-Z Enlarge display window ^X-P Move to the previous window ^X-N Move to the next window ^X-B Display list of buffers ^X-K Make a buffer go away. ^X^B Switch a window to a buffer META-! Reposition window Miscellaneous: ^C Run CLI in a subjob. ^X-F Set fill column. Put Another Way: ^@ Set mark ^A Move to start of line ^B Move backward by characters ^C Run CLI in a subjob. ^D Forward delete ^E Move to end of line ^F Move forward by characters ^G Abort out of things ^H Backward delete ^I Insert tab ^J Insert CR-LF, then indent ^K Kill forward ^L Refresh the screen ^M Insert CR-LF ^N Move forward by lines ^O Open up a blank line ^P Move backward by lines ^Q Insert literal ^R Search backwards ^S Search forward ^T Twiddle characters ^V Move forward by pages ^W Kill region. ^Y Yank back from killbuffer. ^Z low keystroke style exit. ^X^B Switch a window to a buffer ^X^C Quit ^X^F Adjust file name ^X^L Lower case region. ^X^O Delete blank lines ^X^N Move window down ^X^P Move window up ^X^R Get a file, read only ^X^S Save current file ^X^U Upper case region. ^X^V Get a file, read write ^X^W Write a file ^X^X Swap "." and mark ^X^Z Shrink window. ^X-! Run a command in a subjob. ^X-= Show the cursor position ^X-( Begin macro ^X-) End macro ^X-1 Make current window only one ^X-2 Split current window ^X-B Display list of buffers ^X-E Execute macro ^X-F Set fill column. ^X-K Make a buffer go away. ^X-N Move to the next window ^X-P Move to the previous window ^X-Z Enlarge display window. META-^H Delete backward word. META-! Reposition window META-. Set mark META-> Move to end of buffer META-< Move to start of buffer META-B Backup by words META-C Initial capitalize word. META-D Delete forward word. META-F Advance by words META-L Lower case word. META-U Upper case word. META-V Move backward by pages META-W Copy region to kill buffer. META-DEL Delete backward word. DEL Backward delete