Uploaded here are four debs compiled on Ubuntu Hoary. On my version of hoary they required the additional installation of libtiff-tools and groff packages. This version was compiled with the backports versions of several packages on my system. In particular libgcc1 is updated by backports and required by these packages. To update to this libgcc1 do the following: edit (as sudo) /etc/apt/sources.list and add the following three lines: ## Backports deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-backports main universe multiverse restricted deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted after saving issue the following command: sudo apt-get upgrade libgcc1 Hope they are of use and report problems to kleeman@cims.nyu.edu The debs were built using the lyx-1.3.6 source tar ball of July 16 and the lyx_1.3.6-0.lyx.org.3.diff patch file listed on the lyx site NOTE: Install only 3 packages from the four i.e. choose between lyx-qt and lyx-xforms