######################################################################## ## INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO INFO ## ######################################################################## PACKAGE: mupad-mode.el CONTENTS: A MuPAD code editing mode for emacs MAINTAINER: Jürgen Billing INSTALLED: 03.03.1999 Purpose of this package ----------------------- - indentation (correlated to the 2 dimensional output of MuPAD) (RET, TAB, region: CTRL-META-\) - colored highlighting of syntactical structures (not yet `/* */' commentaries) - closing of unclosed statements (like if, proc, while ...) (CTRL-c CTRL-e as in latex-mode) - put the closed brace together when type any open brace (not if following char has word syntax), also for double quote - `comment-region' (put `//' in front of each line in region) (uncomment-region will be follow) - indent region without break indentation (CTRL->) and back (CTRL-<) - completions of MuPAD objects (like elisp-mode) (META-TAB, ESC-TAB) > completion of all known MuPAD objects > reads the file 'mupad-cpl.el' that can be changed for own objects > (exportable) library methods can be completed by writing the library name followed by one (or two) colon(s) Changes to last versions ------------------------ - coloring also for X-Emacs - completions [03.03.1999] !!! The file 'mupad-cpl.el' will be required. !!! Installation ------------ The mode file must be detectable in Emacs path (e. g. ~/.elisp/ contains mupad-mode.el): (setq load-path (append (list (expand-file-name "~/.elisp")) load-path)) To load this mode automatically you have to extend the `.emacs' (or any configuration) file with ('require mupad-mode) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\\.mu$" . mupad-mode) ; to edit MuPAD-Libraries ("\\.mupad.*$" . mupad-mode) ; mupad[sys]init) auto-mode-alist)) Otherwise the call M-x mupad-mode after loading any MuPAD file will be necessary. (So any buffer can be edited in 'mupad-mode'.) Known bugs ---------- This version will be developed every day. Indentation takes not care of keywords in comments and also names like keywords (no case sensitivity - that's also while colorizing). '/* */' comments cannot be colorized correctly. '/* */' comments will not be detected syntactically only in XEmacs (!?). ######################################################################## ########################################################################