Master index for annscience.bib

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: annscience.bib
Version: 1.53
Date: 25 April 2024
Time: 06:44:52 MST
Checksum: 20860 61126 231140 2346251 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of the journal Annals of Science (CODEN ANNSA8, ISSN 0003-3790 (print), 1464-505X (electronic)). Publication began with volume 1, number 1, in 1936, and the journal normally appears in one yearly volume of four to six issues. However, volume 5 spanned 1941--1947, and volume 6, 1948--1950, and volumes 28 and 29 both appeared in 1972. Since then, volume n appears in year 1943 + n. From 1956 to 1958, some journal issues were co-published as issues of the Bulletin of the British Society for the History of Science. Articles are normally in English, but may also appear in French, German, or Italian, with English summaries.

The journal is published by Taylor & Francis (London and Philadelphia), and has Web sites at

At version 1.53, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     1682 (   1)    1796 (   0)    1910 (   0)
     1708 (   0)    1822 (   0)    1936 (  33)
     1709 (   0)    1823 (   0)    1937 (  26)
     1710 (   0)    1824 (   0)    1938 (  20)
     1711 (   0)    1825 (   0)    1939 (  23)
     1713 (   0)    1827 (   0)    1941 (   2)
     1714 (   0)    1828 (   0)    1942 (   5)
     1717 (   0)    1831 (   0)    1945 (   7)
     1719 (   0)    1833 (   0)    1947 (   7)
     1720 (   0)    1834 (   0)    1948 (   9)
     1721 (   0)    1835 (   0)    1949 (   8)
     1722 (   0)    1836 (   0)    1950 (  19)
     1723 (   0)    1837 (   0)    1951 (  31)
     1724 (   0)    1838 (   0)    1952 (  27)
     1725 (   0)    1839 (   0)    1953 (  26)
     1726 (   0)    1840 (   0)    1954 (  29)
     1727 (   0)    1841 (   0)    1955 (  35)
     1728 (   0)    1842 (   0)    1956 (  24)
     1729 (   0)    1843 (   0)    1957 (  26)
     1730 (   0)    1844 (   0)    1958 (  15)
     1731 (   0)    1845 (   0)    1959 (  14)
     1732 (   0)    1846 (   0)    1960 (  17)
     1733 (   0)    1847 (   0)    1961 (  15)
     1734 (   0)    1848 (   0)    1962 (  16)
     1735 (   0)    1849 (   0)    1963 (  17)
     1736 (   0)    1850 (   0)    1964 (  15)
     1737 (   0)    1851 (   0)    1965 (  14)
     1738 (   0)    1852 (   0)    1966 (  18)
     1739 (   0)    1853 (   0)    1967 (  18)
     1740 (   0)    1854 (   0)    1968 (  24)
     1741 (   0)    1855 (   0)    1969 (  24)
     1742 (   0)    1856 (   0)    1970 (  23)
     1743 (   0)    1857 (   0)    1971 (  29)
     1744 (   0)    1858 (   0)    1972 (  55)
     1745 (   0)    1859 (   0)    1973 (  26)
     1746 (   0)    1860 (   0)    1974 (  40)
     1747 (   0)    1861 (   0)    1975 (  43)
     1748 (   0)    1862 (   0)    1976 (  47)
     1749 (   0)    1863 (   0)    1977 (  27)
     1750 (   0)    1864 (   0)    1978 (  38)
     1751 (   0)    1865 (   0)    1979 (  34)
     1752 (   0)    1866 (   0)    1980 (  39)
     1753 (   0)    1867 (   0)    1981 (  36)
     1754 (   0)    1868 (   0)    1982 (  37)
     1755 (   0)    1869 (   0)    1983 (  34)
     1756 (   0)    1870 (   0)    1984 (  34)
     1757 (   0)    1871 (   0)    1985 (  32)
     1758 (   0)    1872 (   0)    1986 (  29)
     1759 (   0)    1873 (   0)    1987 (  30)
     1760 (   0)    1874 (   0)    1988 (  34)
     1761 (   0)    1875 (   0)    1989 (  37)
     1762 (   0)    1876 (   0)    1990 (  34)
     1763 (   0)    1877 (   0)    1991 (  41)
     1764 (   0)    1878 (   0)    1992 (  38)
     1765 (   0)    1879 (   0)    1993 (  30)
     1766 (   0)    1880 (   0)    1994 (  39)
     1767 (   0)    1881 (   0)    1995 (  36)
     1768 (   0)    1882 (   0)    1996 (  38)
     1769 (   0)    1883 (   0)    1997 (  37)
     1770 (   0)    1884 (   0)    1998 (  19)
     1771 (   0)    1885 (   0)    1999 (  25)
     1772 (   0)    1886 (   0)    2000 (  25)
     1773 (   0)    1887 (   0)    2001 (  25)
     1774 (   0)    1888 (   0)    2002 (  25)
     1775 (   0)    1889 (   0)    2003 (  25)
     1776 (   0)    1890 (   0)    2004 (  25)
     1777 (   0)    1891 (   0)    2005 (  24)
     1778 (   0)    1892 (   0)    2006 (  31)
     1779 (   0)    1893 (   0)    2007 (  32)
     1780 (   0)    1894 (   0)    2008 (  44)
     1781 (   0)    1895 (   0)    2009 ( 105)
     1782 (   0)    1896 (   0)    2010 (  86)
     1783 (   0)    1897 (   0)    2011 (  90)
     1784 (   0)    1898 (   0)    2012 (  70)
     1785 (   0)    1899 (   0)    2013 (  84)
     1786 (   0)    1900 (   0)    2014 (  75)
     1787 (   0)    1901 (   0)    2015 (  48)
     1788 (   0)    1902 (   0)    2016 (  44)
     1789 (   0)    1903 (   0)    2017 (  47)
     1790 (   0)    1904 (   0)    2018 (  42)
     1791 (   0)    1905 (   0)    2019 (  42)
     1792 (   0)    1906 (   0)    2020 (  14)
     1793 (   0)    1907 (   0)    2021 (  50)
     1794 (   0)    1908 (   0)    2022 (  26)
     1795 (   0)    1909 (   0)    2023 (  36)

     Article:       2550
     Book:           168
     InCollection:     1
     Proceedings:      2

     Total entries: 2721

Entries have been converted almost entirely from the publisher Web pages. Regrettably, particularly for book and essay reviews, the Web data poorly reflect the actual article titles, and the Web data also contain many typographical and capitalization errors. Repairs have been made where possible, but BibTeX entry title quality is likely to be substandard.

In addition, although journal issues are assigned a month, and sometimes also a day, the Web data fail to record that information. The missing information has been assigned in BibTeX entries in this file only in those cases where access to physical volumes has been possible. At the bibliographer's site, the movement of formerly shelf-accessible library journals into a robotic retrieval system has made such access tedious and time-consuming, and impractical for more than a few volumes.

Fortunately, every entry has a DOI value, so it is possible to quickly verify the correctness of any particular entry. The journal Web site offers first-page previews of articles, but they are photographic images that are devoid of machine-readable text that could otherwise be used to help automate the correction of titles. It is unfortunate that, what should be the definitive source of journal publication data, is instead unreliable.

This journal is unusual, at least by modern conventions, of including academic and honorary degrees, distinguished society memberships, and noble titles in author names, from volume 1 in 1936, to volume 31, issue 1, in 1974, after which the practice was discontinued.

That practice poses a problem for BibTeX styles, because titles cannot be abbreviated, but given names can. Thus, entry Hartog:1941:NVP contains the author name `Sir Philip J. {Hartog, K.B.E., C.I.E., Ll.D.}' which, in an abbreviated bibliography style such as abbrv, might appear in the formatted reference list in BibTeX's output .bbl file as 'S.~P.~J. {Hartog, K.B.E., C.I.E., Ll.D.}'. In that example, the title `Sir' has been incorrectly reduced to a dotted initial. There seems to be no good solution to that problem: manual patching of the .bbl file immediately prior to publication is possible, but unlikely to be reliable, unless the patching can be automated by a tool like the Unix stream editor, sed, that is invoked as part of a Makefile or shell script that controls the commands issued to typeset a document file.

The bibliography maintainer considers it unacceptable to remove the qualifying letter suffixes from author names, so they have been retained as recorded in the publisher Web pages.

Numerous errors in the source noted above have been corrected. Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order within each journal, using bibsort -byvolume.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.