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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: anzjs.bib
Version: 1.15
Date: 25 May 2024
Time: 07:44:12 MDT
Checksum: 35532 52557 194785 2014828 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE BibTeX bibliography of the Australian Journal of Statistics (CODEN AUJSA3, ISSN 0004-9581) (1959--1997), and its successor, the Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics (CODEN none, ISSN 1369-1473 (print), 1467-842X (electronic)), (1998--date), formed after the merger with the New Zealand Statistician at volume 40 in 1998. The journal is published by Wiley.

Publication began with volume 1 number 1 in April 1959, and volume numbering is continuous across the merger. There were three issues per annual volume for volumes 1 to 39 (1959--1997), and since then, four issues per volume (1998--date). From 1959 to 2015, there are an average of 11.11 papers per issue, or 37.42 per year.

Regrettably, the journal practice up to volume 54 (2012) was to UPPERCASE titles, and the publisher metadata contain 1281 such titles that have been downcased for this bibliography, then proper nouns capitalized and braced to protect against downcasing in some BibTeX styles. Considerable efforts have been made to repair erroneous title case conversions, but it is possible that a few errors remain.

The publisher has a Web site for the journal at

That site sometimes has images of the first article page, but regrettably, the resolution is poor, making it impossible to resolve questionable metadata. Those metadata may have been obtained for older articles by optical character recognition of page scans, or by careless or unskilled human retyping, and have a large error rate. Spelling and other consistency checks have resulted in numerous repairs, but some errors are likely to remain, especially in the spelling of personal names from languages other than English.

Mutual cross references have been supplied between article entries and later ones that offer comments, corrigenda, remarks, and responses.

At volume 1.15, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     1959 (  16)    1981 (  48)    2003 (  49)
     1960 (  19)    1982 (  41)    2004 (  63)
     1961 (  17)    1983 (  59)    2005 (  53)
     1962 (  18)    1984 (  38)    2006 (  37)
     1963 (  25)    1985 (  36)    2007 (  39)
     1964 (  16)    1986 (  42)    2008 (  31)
     1965 (  25)    1987 (  39)    2009 (  33)
     1966 (  26)    1988 (  74)    2010 (  37)
     1967 (  23)    1989 (  59)    2011 (  54)
     1968 (  26)    1990 (  43)    2012 (  48)
     1969 (  24)    1991 (  39)    2013 (  49)
     1970 (  30)    1992 (  51)    2014 (  41)
     1971 (  25)    1993 (  41)    2015 (  40)
     1972 (  42)    1994 (  38)    2016 (  34)
     1973 (  34)    1995 (  33)    2017 (  37)
     1974 (  33)    1996 (  30)    2018 (  35)
     1975 (  34)    1997 (  39)    2019 (  31)
     1976 (  22)    1998 (  55)    2020 (  31)
     1977 (  34)    1999 (  48)    2021 (  38)
     1978 (  32)    2000 (  44)    2022 (  30)
     1979 (  36)    2001 (  54)    2023 (  24)
     1980 (  41)    2002 (  53)    2024 (   6)

     Article:       2442

     Total entries: 2442

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.