Master index for ijqc2020.bib

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Symbols | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: ijqc2020.bib
Version: 1.09
Date: 28 May 2024
Time: 11:26:48 MDT
Checksum: 59915 28799 114751 1131391 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of publications in the International Journal of Quantum Chemistry (CODEN IJQCB2, ISSN 0020-7608), published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc, for the years 2020--2029. Companion bibliographies, ijqc1970.bib ... ijqc2000.bib, cover other decades.

The publisher maintains World-Wide Web sites for the journal at

but to follow the pointer to the tables-of-contents requires an account with the publisher.

############################################# # This bibliography is dedicated to the # # memory of Per-Olov Lowdin, 28 October # # 1916 -- 6 October 2000. # # # # Per-Olov was an outstanding teacher and # # researcher, founder of the Uppsala Summer # # School and Florida Winter School in # # Quantum Chemistry (attended by thousands # # of scientists from scores of countries), # # founder of the Sanibel Conferences in # # Quantum Chemistry and Quantum Biology (he # # attended the 40th in March 2000), founder # # and Editor-in-Chief of the International # # Journal of Quantum Chemistry, and founder # # and Editor-in-Chief of the Academic Press # # book series, Advances in Quantum # # Chemistry, fondly known to many of us as # # Adventures in .... :^) # # # # Per-Olov was an inspiring role model to a # # great many people, and was also my thesis # # co-advisor. We miss him, and we thank # # him. # #############################################

At version 1.09, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     2016 (   1)    2019 (   2)    2022 ( 205)
     2017 (   0)    2020 ( 323)    2023 ( 224)
     2018 (   0)    2021 ( 378)

     Article:       1133

     Total entries: 1133

In this bibliography, entries are sorted first by ascending year, and within each year, alphabetically by author or editor, and then, if necessary, by the 3-letter abbreviation at the end of the BibTeX citation tag, using the bibsort -byyear utility. Year order has been chosen to make it easier to identify the most recent work.

Recent Sanibel symposia:

58th Sanibel Symposium February 18--23, 2018 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

57th Sanibel Symposium February 19--24, 2017 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

56th Sanibel Symposium February 14--18, 2016 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

55th Sanibel Symposium February 15--21, 2015 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

54th Sanibel Symposium February 17--22, 2014 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

53rd Sanibel Symposium February 17--22, 2013 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

52nd Sanibel Symposium February 19--24, 2012 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

51st Sanibel Symposium Volume 112 Issue 1 February 25--March 1, 2011 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

50th Sanibel Symposium Volume 110 Issue 15 February 24--March 2, 2010 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

49th Sanibel Symposium Volume 109 Issue 15 February 26--March 3, 2009 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

48th Sanibel Symposium Volume 108 Issue 15 February 21--February 26, 2008 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

47th Sanibel Symposium Volume 107 Issue 15 February 22--February 27, 2007 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

46th Sanibel Symposium Volume 106 Issue 15 February 25--March 3, 2006 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

45th Sanibel Symposium Volume 105 Issue 6 March 5--March 11, 2005 King and Prince Golf & Beach Resort on St. Simons Island, Georgia

44th Sanibel Symposium Volume 100 Issue 6 February 28--March 5, 2004 World Golf Village Renaissance Resort and St. John's County Convention Center, Florida

43rd Sanibel Symposium Volume 95 Issue 4--5 February 26--March 1, 2003 St. Augustine, Florida

42nd Sanibel Symposium Volume 90 Issue 4--5 February 23--March 1, 2002 St. Augustine, Florida Held in honor of Robert G. Parr's 85th birthday

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.