Master index for jsymcomp.bib

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Symbols | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: jsymcomp.bib
Version: 2.88
Date: 21 May 2024
Time: 08:55:56 MST
Checksum: 08149 74219 289227 3055603 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This file contains a COMPLETE bibliography of publications in the Journal of Symbolic Computation (CODEN JSYCEH, ISSN 0747-7171), originally published by Academic Press (London, UK), and now by Elsevier.

The journal began publishing quarterly in March 1985, then bimonthly in 1987--1988, and then monthly since January 1989. Despite monthly publication, there are only six issues per volume, so there are two volumes yearly since 1989.

The journal has World Wide Web sites at

The journal editor maintains a Web page at

with a cumulative bibliography of the journal; the data there has been merged into this file for version 2.00, with many corrections.

At version 2.88, the year coverage looked like this:

     1985 (  30)    1999 (  70)    2013 ( 126)
     1986 (  28)    2000 (  92)    2014 (  27)
     1987 (  47)    2001 (  92)    2015 (  69)
     1988 (  50)    2002 (  82)    2016 (  98)
     1989 (  68)    2003 (  87)    2017 ( 109)
     1990 (  82)    2004 (  92)    2018 (  90)
     1991 (  64)    2005 (  80)    2019 (  65)
     1992 (  69)    2006 (  85)    2020 (  38)
     1993 (  79)    2007 (  63)    2021 ( 133)
     1994 (  65)    2008 (  51)    2022 (  71)
     1995 (  76)    2009 ( 113)    2023 ( 102)
     1996 (  72)    2010 (  81)    2024 (  79)
     1997 (  85)    2011 (  99)
     1998 (  77)    2012 (  99)

     Article:       3085

     Total entries: 3085

Hypertext Web links to in BibTeX entries should forward automatically to somewhere in the domain. Regrettably, ScienceDirect at present does not make DOI (digital object identifier) data easily available, so it has not been possible to include compact URL or DOI values in BibTeX entries for journal articles after March 2002.

The initial draft of this bibliography was derived from the OCLC Contents1st database, after conversion to BibTeX form, and extensive editing and correction. This was then augmented with entries from the author's personal bibliography files, from the IEEE INSPEC database (1986--1996), from the MathSciNet database, from the computer graphics bibliography archive at, and from a very large computer science bibliography collection on in /pub/bibliography to which many people of have contributed. The snapshot of this collection was taken on 5-May-1994, and it consists of 441 BibTeX files, 2,672,675 lines, 205,289 entries, and 6,375 <at>String{} abbreviations, occupying 94.8MB of disk space. Where multiple sources of a particular entry existed, field values have been manually merged to preserve maximal information.

Regrettably, the OCLC database does not usually record final page numbers of journal articles, so there were originally many page ranges of the form 123--?? in this bibliography. At version 1.09, only about 40 such entries remained after merging bibliographic data from other sources.

Although coverage is now believed to be complete, a substantial number of uncertainties remain in page ranges, and sometimes in author names or article titles. These are indicated by doubled queries (??) in the value strings, or by keywords beginning `xx'. My local university library does not have this journal, so I have no way of checking the original journal issues.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order, using bibsort -byvolume.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.