Master index for lncs.bib

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Index sections

Symbols | Numbers | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: lncs.bib
Version: 5.26
Date: 05 April 2023
Time: 15:14:14 MDT
Checksum: 55358 236347 958219 10645768 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This file contains a COMPLETE bibliography of the journal/series Lecture Notes in Computer Science for 1973--2014 (volumes 1--8349, except for 1588, 2354, 2579, 2974, 3197, 3227, 4380, 4920, 6103, 6126--6127, 6368, 6429, 6745, 6983, 7028, 7061, 7070, 7123, 7146, 7171, 7229, 7263, 7326, 7403, 7407, 7420, 7423, 7475, 7480, 7500, 7536--7537, 7540, 7542, 7544--7545, 7565--7567, 7581--7582, 7586--7588, 7591, 7593, 7605--7607, 7627, 7629--7630, 7640--7644, 7647--7652, 7656--7657, 7660, 7662, 7669, 7676, 7680--7681, 7684--7689, 7691--7695, 7697--7784, 7786--7931, and 7933--8348, which are still missing.)

At version 3.06, dummy placeholder entries were added for the missing volumes, and ISBN-13 values were supplied for all volumes. That practice has been continued through, and after, version 5.00, which brought the coverage into agreement with publisher Web pages as of mid-December 2012. At version 5.00, there were just 96 missing volumes (1.2% of the 7696 assigned volume numbers), and library catalog searches located 12 more, reducing the missing count to 84 (1.0%). It is possible that the missing volumes were never published, or else the publisher has lost data for them, or has muddled their URLs, because the typographical error rate in their Web pages is high enough to suspect such confusion.

Volumes 6, 18, 21, 198, and 1096 were reissued in second editions with the same volume number.

About 93% of the entries are conference proceedings; the remainder are monographs. About 615 (8%) of these volumes are also members of the series Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, and six are members of the series Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics.

Only volume titles are covered, not individual articles within volumes. The latter are covered in separate bibliographies named lncswxyz*.bib, where wxyz is the publication year.

The series now has a World Wide Web site with an article search facility, but the data starts only from volume 500 in 1991. Visit

for details.

The publisher Web site for the series is at

Individual volumes may be referenced with a URL like this:

where <VOLUME> is replaced by the volume number, e.g., 3478.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI) values may be referenced by a URL like this:

where <DOI> is a value like 10.1007/b136292. All DOIs in this bibliography are also stored as URL values.

Older volumes are sensibly assigned DOIs with the ISBN instead of a random number, 10.1007/ISBN, e.g., 10.1007/3-540-61254-8.

At version 5.26, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     1973 (   4)    1988 (  49)    2003 ( 351)
     1974 (  17)    1989 (  64)    2004 ( 409)
     1975 (  17)    1990 (  67)    2005 ( 481)
     1976 (  11)    1991 (  99)    2006 ( 533)
     1977 (  12)    1992 (  84)    2007 ( 527)
     1978 (   8)    1993 ( 107)    2008 ( 501)
     1979 (  12)    1994 ( 126)    2009 ( 539)
     1980 (  20)    1995 ( 139)    2010 ( 547)
     1981 (  27)    1996 ( 160)    2011 ( 604)
     1982 (  20)    1997 ( 168)    2012 ( 568)
     1983 (  18)    1998 ( 187)    2013 (   3)
     1984 (  20)    1999 ( 208)    2014 (   3)
     1985 (  29)    2000 ( 205)    2015 (   2)
     1986 (  35)    2001 ( 299)
     1987 (  47)    2002 ( 297)

     Book:           482
     InProceedings:    1
     Proceedings:   7225

     Total entries: 7708

The entry count does not match the volume count, because several books were assigned two volume numbers.

Early versions of this bibliography were constructed almost entirely from searches in the University of California MELVYL catalog, which had all but ten of the volumes 1--1026 listed. Occasional cross-checking with the U.S. Library of Congress, OCLC, and Stanford RLIN catalogs resolved ambiguities and discrepancies, and supplied missing information.

About 2000, entries for volumes 1027-- were extracted from the OCLC WorldCat database, then cross-checked with the University of California MELVYL and U.S. Library of Congress catalogs. In 2002, updates were made from data at the publisher Web site.

In September 1999, about twenty volume/year discrepancies in OCLC Article1st, Contents1st, PapersFirst, and Proceedings databases and library catalog data were resolved in lncs.bib (by majority vote of multiple sources, giving more weight to library catalogs), and several hundred entries in the companion lncs19*.bib files had their year data changed, and were moved accordingly.

On 11 November 2004, the publisher's Web listing of the entire series up to volume 3333 was automatically converted to BibTeX form, adding 596 new entries at version 3.00. Those data are seriously flawed, with incomplete, incorrect, or missing authors and titles, incorrect accents in names, and almost-always incorrect page counts. Nevertheless, the provision of ISBN and volume information has made it possible to search other library catalogs to correct the data. In many cases, it was necessary to examine the PDF files containing the frontmatter to find correct and complete information.

Automated searches of Z39.50 library catalog interfaces turned up missing and/or corrected values for hundreds of fields at version 3.01, but the data proves to be very dirty, and requires a great deal of manual cleanup. Further corrections will be made in subsequent versions.

A few irregularities remain for future resolution; in the following table, LC is U.S. Library of Congress catalog, UC is University of California Melvyl catalog, and WC is OCLC WorldCat catalog:

============================================= Volume Years Remarks ============================================= 6 1974 1976 Two editions 18 1974 1975 Two editions 21 1974 1976 Two editions 1351 1997 1998 LC=1998, UC=WC=1997 and 1998 =============================================

Numerous errors in the sources noted above have been corrected. Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation labels were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in volume order, with the help of ``bibsort -byseriesvolume''. The bibsort utility is available at

In a few cases, subsequent editions have appeared with the same volume number, or a volume has been republished under a different ISBN; they are (manually) sorted immediately following the first edition. Sixteen of the entries below cover two volumes of the series, with a single book title for each such pair.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.