Master index for revhistsci.bib

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Symbols | Numbers | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: revhistsci.bib
Version: 1.12
Date: 15 May 2024
Time: 16:07:11 MST
Checksum: 52848 126585 432535 5064261 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of the journal Revue d'Histoire des Sciences et de Leurs Applications (CODEN RHSAAM, ISSN 0048-7996 (print), 1969-6582 (electronic)) and its successor Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (CODEN RHSAAM, ISSN 0151-4105 (print), 1969-6582 (electronic)), published by Armand Colin, Paris, France. Journal articles are almost entirely in French, with only about one percent of them in English (52), German (1), or Italian (1).

Publication began with volume 1, number 1, July/September, 1947. There are two to four issues per annual volume, and consecutive pairs of issues are sometimes combined.

Publication terminated with volume 24, number 4, in October 1971. The journal was restarted with volume 25, number 1, in January/March 1972 with the same CODEN, and a new ISSN.

The journal has Web sites at

At version 1.12, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     1947 (  50)    1972 (  49)    1997 (  90)
     1948 (  61)    1973 (  72)    1998 (  77)
     1949 (  62)    1974 (  65)    1999 (  60)
     1950 (  94)    1975 (  55)    2000 (  67)
     1951 (  73)    1976 (  78)    2001 (  65)
     1952 (  91)    1977 (  82)    2002 (  64)
     1953 ( 115)    1978 (  66)    2003 (  44)
     1954 (   5)    1979 (  55)    2004 (  64)
     1955 (   6)    1980 (  76)    2005 (  61)
     1956 (  85)    1981 (  61)    2006 (  49)
     1957 (  71)    1982 ( 100)    2007 (  49)
     1958 (  97)    1983 (  74)    2008 (  47)
     1959 ( 108)    1984 (  98)    2009 (  41)
     1960 ( 126)    1985 (  56)    2010 (  38)
     1961 (  86)    1986 (  76)    2011 (  36)
     1962 (  69)    1987 (  65)    2012 (  11)
     1963 (  81)    1988 (  43)    2013 (  21)
     1964 (  93)    1989 (  52)    2014 (  16)
     1965 (  82)    1990 (  66)    2015 (  20)
     1966 (  99)    1991 (  74)    2016 (  45)
     1967 (  96)    1992 (  71)    2017 (  17)
     1968 (  69)    1993 (  74)    2018 (  14)
     1969 (  88)    1994 (  76)    2019 (   9)
     1970 (  72)    1995 (  74)
     1971 (  83)    1996 (  65)

     Article:       4690

     Total entries: 4690

Data for this bibliography have been derived primarily from the Web sites, and from bibliographies in the BibNet Project and TeX User Group archives, with contributions from the MathSciNet and zbMATH databases.

About half the publications in this journal family are book reviews (``analyses d'ouvrages'') and selected periodical reviews (``analyses de quelques p{\'e}riodiques''). Regrettably, the JSTOR metadata fail to record the review titles as they appear in the journal pages, but instead provide only a paraphrased abbreviation. Because this is a bilingual journal, it is possible for a review of a French publication to be in English, and vice versa. Accurate characterization of the article language is therefore problematic without access to each such review, which is impractical for this bibliographer. Significant efforts have been made to supply correct language values in the BibTeX entries, but a few errors in those values are to be expected.

Significant efforts have been made to identify publication titles in reviews with \booktitle{...} wrappers, allowing the conventional typographic font changes for titles, as used in the journal pages. Alas, the JSTOR metadata fail to record that critical distinction, so some errors in title identification are likely in the BibTeX entries.

French and English typographic traditions differ in several respects: French bibliographies often uppercase family names, and French typesetting uses space around colons, semicolons, and guillemets. Names of weekdays and months are lowercased in French, but capitalized in English. In France, but not in Canada, accents were often dropped on uppercase letters, but that was due to typographic and signage limitations. Modern practice is to restore those lost accents, because they affect pronunciation and meaning. Because the majority language of the journal family is French, we follow most of those practices, but preserve lettercase in family names so as not to lose information.

In other bibliographies in the BibNet Project and TeX User Group archives, English translations are generally provided for titles in other languages. Such translations are mostly impractical in this bibliography because of the large number needed; however, they are supplied in entries that are also used in other bibliography files.

All detected errors in the Web sources noted above have been corrected, and large numbers of lost accents on French, German, Italian, and Spanish words have been restored. Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by the biblabel software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order, with the help of ``bibsort -bypages''. The bibsort utility, and several related programs for bibliography maintenance, is available at, and at other Internet sites which mirror it, including the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN).

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.