Master index for siamjopt.bib

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Symbols | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: siamjopt.bib
Version: 3.40
Date: 31 May 2024
Time: 07:43:20 MDT
Checksum: 21441 67300 247499 2580312 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of publications in the SIAM Journal on Optimization (CODEN SJOPE8, ISSN 1052-6234 (print), 1095-7189 (electronic)) which began publishing in 1991.

The journal appeared quarterly, in February, May, April, and November through the end of 1998. Since then, it still appears quarterly, but issues can span month and year boundaries (see comments below for further details).

NB: Since the SIAM journals introduced electronic prepublication in the late 1990s, the volume/year relationships have become blurred, because the SIAM Web tables-of-contents files do not record the publication year. I am working with SIAM to find a solution to this problem.

At version 3.00 of this bibliography, all article Web pages have been downloaded and used to correct blurry publication years, and Digital Object Identifier (DOI) values have been added when available.

The journal has a World Wide Web site at

with editorial and publication information, and pointers to tables of contents of recent issues (mid 1996--date) at

Data for earlier volumes (1991--1996) is available at:

Bibliography entries below include World-Wide Web URLs to the publisher's Web site whenever possible.

At version 3.40, the year coverage looked like this:

     1991 (  38)    2003 (  59)    2015 ( 105)
     1992 (  34)    2004 (  48)    2016 ( 114)
     1993 (  47)    2005 (  71)    2017 ( 105)
     1994 (  51)    2006 (  71)    2018 ( 131)
     1995 (  43)    2007 (  73)    2019 ( 122)
     1996 (  61)    2008 (  91)    2020 ( 128)
     1997 (  62)    2009 (  73)    2021 ( 120)
     1998 (  73)    2010 ( 109)    2022 ( 111)
     1999 (  67)    2011 (  72)    2023 ( 116)
     2000 (  83)    2012 (  72)    2024 (  71)
     2001 (  42)    2013 (  28)
     2002 (  70)    2014 ( 157)

     Article:       2718

     Total entries: 2718

The move by SIAM to prior electronic publication in 1999 has made the article volume/year association more difficult. From the FAQ list at

we find this advice:

``When citing SIAM's electronic articles, it's important to remember that SIAM considers the electronic editions to be the definitive editions for its journals. Mathematical Reviews, the Institute for Scientific Information, and INSPEC all use the electronic editions for their coverage of SIAM journals.

Because SIAM journal papers are published in PDF form in electronic volumes and issues that correspond to the later print archive, they are able to be paginated at the time of electronic publication. Thus, our articles can be fully cited with volume, issue, and page numbers.

However, a significant difference that must be taken into account when citing SIAM electronic articles is that the year of publication is the year of electronic publication, not the year in which the print issue mails. For example, here is the correct citation, in SIAM style, for the following article. It was published electronically December 23, 1998, in volume 28, number 3 of SIAM Journal on Computing, which will be mailed to print subscribers in June 1999.

M. K. AGUILERA AND S. TOUEG, Failure detection and randomization: A hybrid approach to solve consensus, SIAM J. Comput., 28 (1998), pp. 890--903.

Note that the year of publication in this case is 1998, despite the fact that the print issue will mail in 1999.

The year of publication appears as part of the copyright line at the top of each paper, as well as in a footnote to the paper's title, in which the complete date of electronic publication is given.

To help eliminate any confusion about the publication date, in 1999 SIAM removed the month and year from the print editions of the nine research journals and replaced it with the line `Papers published electronically [month/year] to [month/year].' The volume and issue numbers will remain.

This situation does not currently apply to SIAM Review and Theory of Probability and Its Applications since these journals are not yet produced on a paper-by-paper basis. They are published electronically as complete issues approximately four weeks before the print issue is mailed.''

In this bibliography, year assignments for articles published from 1999 onward have been made by consulting the physical printed issues, and examining recent published articles that are not yet available in print form.

This bibliography has been derived primarily from information at the publisher Web site, which has data for volume 6, number 3 (1996) to date, and augmented with data from the MathSciNet database, the TUG bibliography archives, and the Karlsruhe Computer Science bibliography archives.

Spelling has been verified with the UNIX spell and GNU ispell programs using the exception dictionary stored in the companion file with extension .sok.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order within each journal, using bibsort -byvolume.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.