Master index for sigplan1990.bib

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Symbols | Numbers | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: sigplan1990.bib
Version: 3.58
Date: 11 April 2024
Time: 10:25:33 MST
Checksum: 04747 82379 349249 3611340 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a bibliography of ACM SIGPLAN Notices, covering (incompletely) 1990--1999.

The initial draft was extracted from the ACM Computing Archive CD ROM for the 1980s, with manual corrections and additions. Major additions were obtained from the huge Computer Science bibliography archive on, in late 1995, from the OCLC Contents1st database, and in spring 1998, from the IEEE INSPEC database.

There are World Wide Web sites for the journal at


and coverage of about a dozen volumes can be found at

Several conference proceedings are published as volumes of SIGPLAN Notices. Many of them can also be found via the ACM proceedings Web sites:

At version 3.58, the year coverage looks like this:

     1980 (   3)    1987 (   0)    1994 ( 254)
     1981 (   0)    1988 (   0)    1995 ( 298)
     1982 (   1)    1989 (   0)    1996 ( 299)
     1983 (   0)    1990 ( 202)    1997 ( 340)
     1984 (   0)    1991 ( 285)    1998 ( 321)
     1985 (   0)    1992 ( 234)    1999 ( 321)
     1986 (   0)    1993 ( 343)    2000 (   1)

     Article:       2448
     InProceedings:  403
     Proceedings:     51

     Total entries: 2902

At version 1.17 [15-Dec-1995] of this bibliography, there were 1308 entries covering 28 years, an average of 47 per year. Examination of issues from recent years suggests an average of about 10 to 12 articles per issue, or about 100 to 120 yearly. The coverage by this bibliography is therefore only about 40%.

At version 1.19 [31-Dec-1995], there were 1516 entries, representing about 45% coverage.

At version 2.00 [25-Apr-1998], there were 3517 entries, which is about 95% coverage.

At version 3.00 [03-May-1999], the original bibliography had reached more than 4000 entries, and it was therefore split into decade-specific files, sigplan19xx.bib, where (xx = 60, 70, 80, 90).

Besides missing entries for some articles, there are regrettably numerous issues that are missing entirely, including the following volume(number) pairs for these years:

1966: 1(all) 1967: 2(all) 1968: 3(all) 1969: 4(1) 4(2) 4(3) 4(4) 4(5) 4(6) 4(7) 4(8) 4(10) 4(11) 4(12) 1971: 6(1) 6(2) 6(3) 6(4) 6(5) 6(6) 6(7) 6(8) 6(10) 6(11) 6(12) 1972: 7(2) 7(3) 7(4) 7(5) 7(6) 7(7) 7(8) 7(9) 7(10) 7(11) 7(12) 1973: 8(1) 8(2) 8(3) 8(4) 8(5) 8(6) 8(7) 8(10) 8(11) 8(12) 1979: 14(2) 1981: 16(1) 1982: 17(4) 1987: 22(10) 1990: 25(3) 25(4) 25(7) 25(9) 25(11) 1991: 26(2) 26(3) 26(5) 26(9) 26(10) 26(11) 1992: 27(2) 27(4) 27(8)

Some of the bibliography entries in this file contain abstracts. These are governed by the ACM Copyright Notice for ACM SIGPLAN Notices, which says:

``Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Association for Computing Machinery. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or specific permission.''

Inasmuch as this bibliography, and its companion files in the master collection, is freely distributed without charge, inclusion of article abstracts clearly falls within the copyright permissions, and this author considers that ACM has given the required permission under the terms of the above Copyright Notice.

BibTeX citation tags are uniformly chosen as name:year:abbrev, where name is the family name of the first author or editor, year is a 4-digit number, and abbrev is a 3-letter condensation of important title words. Citation tags were automatically generated by software developed for the BibNet Project.

In this bibliography, entries are sorted in publication order, using bibsort -byvolume.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.