Master index for tugboat.bib

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Index sections

Symbols | Numbers | Math | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

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Words that appear more than 100 times have been excluded. Words that appear in more than 25% of the entries have been excluded, provided they appeared more than 100 times.

BibTeX file header data

Filename: tugboat.bib
Version: 4.22
Date: 20 May 2024
Time: 06:45:36 MST
Checksum: 57029 112242 380466 4071851 [CRC-16 words lines bytes]

BibTeX file docstring comments

This is a COMPLETE bibliography of the journal TUGboat (CODEN none, ISSN 0896-3207, LCCN Z253.4.T47T83), the Communications of the TeX Users Group (TUG). Publication began with volume 1, number 1, in October 1980, and the journal has three or four issues per annual volume. Besides the usual volume/number assignments, each number also has an issue number that increases monotonically, and is embedded in URL values.

The journal has a Web site at

The journal Web site contains pointers to issue contents, and PDF files of articles are freely available, EXCEPT for the latest issue, access to which requires TUG membership.

At version 4.22, the COMPLETE year coverage looked like this:

     1980 (  15)    1995 (  96)    2010 ( 110)
     1981 ( 121)    1996 ( 116)    2011 ( 116)
     1982 (  50)    1997 ( 109)    2012 (  98)
     1983 (  68)    1998 ( 127)    2013 ( 112)
     1984 (  69)    1999 ( 147)    2014 ( 107)
     1985 ( 120)    2000 (  97)    2015 ( 107)
     1986 ( 120)    2001 ( 109)    2016 ( 114)
     1987 ( 146)    2002 (  82)    2017 ( 122)
     1988 ( 131)    2003 ( 136)    2018 (  98)
     1989 ( 177)    2004 ( 102)    2019 ( 104)
     1990 ( 176)    2005 ( 131)    2020 ( 113)
     1991 ( 201)    2006 (  70)    2021 ( 105)
     1992 ( 149)    2007 ( 105)    2022 ( 111)
     1993 ( 122)    2008 ( 131)    2023 ( 114)
     1994 ( 131)    2009 ( 110)    2024 (  46)

     Article:       5041

     Total entries: 5041

********************************************* ********************************************* ** NB: From version 4.11 of this file, ** ** almost all URLs that formerly used the ** ** unencrypted http protocol now use the ** ** secure variant with prefix https. Those ** ** that still begin with http either do ** ** not support the secure form, or now ** ** fail to resolve at all. ** ********************************************* *********************************************

Up to volume 37, number 3, 2016, data for this bibliography were obtained by programmatic conversion of table of contents data for the journal, with some manual data cleanup. Since then, a complete online archive of journal articles has been created, and data are now generated by programmatic conversion of HTML Web pages. This exposed some deficiencies in the original scheme, in particular, contents of issue covers were not recorded. As of version 4.00 (11-Aug-2020), they now are.

The new data conversions also uncovered a few articles that had somehow been lost, and are now included here. They can be identified from their bibdate values in August 2020, and also from their newer-style citation labels, which have otherwise been used starting with volume 38 in 2017.

Entries in version 4.00 and later now include confnote values to identify publications in annual conference proceedings, and the conference locations have been expanded from those in the HTML Web pages. Version 4.00 also adds author-dates and subject-dates keys for authors who are no longer alive. Markup in many remark and title values has been changed from explicit low-level TeX commands to descriptive markup, like \file{}, \macro{}, \pgm{}, \pkg{}, and so on. Fallback definitions for them are found in the associated tugboat.def file.

Two issues, 79 (August 2004) and 85 (March 2005), were planned for conference proceedings, but in final production were published elsewhere. Version 4.00 now includes entries for them, as if they were published in TUGboat, but with leading comments, and number values of 0. For the first of those, URLs lead to preprints, rather than the final published forms that can be found elsewhere.

The master files for this bibliography are maintained at*

A brief journal table-of-contents is available at:

The cross-referenced master index for the journal is available at:*

The TeX Users Group Web site is

and the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) master sites are at

There are numerous mirrors of the CTAN archive around the world: see

for a list.

The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 checksum as the first value, followed by the equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word count) utility output of lines, words, and characters. This is produced by Robert Solovay's checksum utility.