Table of contents for issues of The Econometrics Journal

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Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1998
Volume 1, Number 2, December, 1998
Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1999
Volume 2, Number 2, December, 1999
Volume 3, Number 1, June, 2000
Volume 3, Number 2, December, 2000
Volume 4, Number 1, June, 2001
Volume 4, Number 2, December, 2001
Volume 5, Number 1, June, 2002
Volume 5, Number 2, December, 2002
Volume 6, Number 1, June, 2003
Volume 6, Number 2, December, 2003
Volume 7, Number 1, June, 2004
Volume 7, Number 2, December, 2004
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2005
Volume 8, Number 2, July, 2005
Volume 8, Number 3, November, 2005
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2006
Volume 9, Number 2, July, 2006
Volume 9, Number 3, November, 2006
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2007
Volume 10, Number 2, July, 2007
Volume 10, Number 3, November, 2007
Volume 11, Number 1, March, 2008
Volume 11, Number 2, July, 2008
Volume 11, Number 3, November, 2008
Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2009
Volume 12, Number 2, July, 2009
Volume 12, Number 3, November, 2009
Volume 13, Number 1, February, 2010
Volume 13, Number 2, July, 2010
Volume 13, Number 3, October, 2010
Volume 14, Number 1, February, 2011
Volume 14, Number 2, July, 2011
Volume 14, Number 3, October, 2011
Volume 15, Number 1, February, 2012
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2012
Volume 15, Number 3, October, 2012
Volume 16, Number 1, February, 2013
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2013
Volume 16, Number 3, October, 2013
Volume 17, Number 1, February, 2014
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2014
Volume 17, Number 3, October, 2014
Volume 18, Number 1, February, 2015
Volume 18, Number 2, June, 2015
Volume 18, Number 3, October, 2015
Volume 19, Number 1, February, 2016
Volume 19, Number 2, June, 2016
Volume 19, Number 3, October, 2016
Volume 20, Number 1, February, 2017
Volume 20, Number 2, June, 2017
Volume 20, Number 3, October, 2017
Volume 21, Number 1, February, 2018
Volume 21, Number 2, June, 2018
Volume 21, Number 3, October, 2018
Volume 22, Number 1, January, 2019
Volume 22, Number 2, May, 2019
Volume 22, Number 3, September, 2019
Volume 23, Number 1, January, 2020
Volume 23, Number 2, May, 2020
Volume 23, Number 3, September, 2020
Volume 24, Number 1, January, 2021
Volume 24, Number 2, May, 2021
Volume 24, Number 3, September, 2021
Volume 25, Number 1, January, 2022
Volume 25, Number 2, May, 2022
Volume 25, Number 3, September, 2022
Volume 26, Number 1, January, 2023
Volume 26, Number 2, May, 2023
Volume 26, Number 3, September, 2023
Volume 27, Number 1, January, 2024

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 1, Number 1, June, 1998

         Giampiero M. Gallo and   
               Grayham E. Mizon   Simulation Methods in Econometrics:
                                  Editors' Introduction  . . . . . . . . . i--vii
               Tommaso Proietti   Spurious Periodic Autoregressions  . . . 1--22
                Luc Bauwens and   
                 Michel Lubrano   Bayesian Inference on GARCH Models Using
                                  the Gibbs Sampler  . . . . . . . . . . . 23--46
        Michael P. Clements and   
            Hans-Martin Krolzig   A Comparison of the Forecast Performance
                                  of Markov-switching and Threshold
                                  Autoregressive Models of US GNP  . . . . 47--75
              Holger Bartel and   
          Helmut Lütkepohl   Estimating the Kronecker Indices of
                                  Cointegrated Echelon-form VARMA Models   76--99
          Giorgio Calzolari and   
         Francesca Di Iorio and   
            Gabriele Fiorentini   Control Variates for Variance Reduction
                                  in Indirect Inference: Interest Rate
                                  Models in Continuous Time  . . . . . . . 100--112
              Chiara Monfardini   Estimating Stochastic Volatility Models
                                  Through Indirect Inference . . . . . . . 113--128
               Thierry Kamionka   Simulated Maximum Likelihood Estimation
                                  in Transition Models . . . . . . . . . . 129--153
          Jean-Marie Dufour and   
          Abdeljelil Farhat and   
             Lucien Gardiol and   
                   Lynda Khalaf   Simulation-based Finite Sample Normality
                                  Tests in Linear Regressions  . . . . . . 154--173
            Aurora Manrique and   
                  Neil Shephard   Simulation-based Likelihood Inference
                                  for Limited Dependent Processes  . . . . 174--202
           Neil R. Ericsson and   
                  Jaime Marquez   A Framework for Economic Forecasting . . 203--227
        Pieter J. van der Sluis   Computationally Attractive Stability
                                  Tests for the Efficient Method of
                                  Moments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--227

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 1, Number 2, December, 1998

            David F. Hendry and   
                  Neil Shephard   The Econometrics Journal of the Royal
                                  Economic Society: Foreword . . . . . . . i--ii
                Enrique Sentana   The Relation Between Conditionally
                                  Heteroskedastic Factor Models and Factor
                                  GARCH Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9
                   Rolf Larsson   Distribution Approximation of Unit Root
                                  Tests in Autoregressive Models . . . . . 10--26
                Zhijie Xiao and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   An ADF Coefficient Test for a Unit Root
                                  in ARMA Models of Unknown Order with
                                  Empirical Applications to the US Economy 27--43
              Jan F. Kiviet and   
           Garry D. A. Phillips   Degrees of Freedom Adjustment for
                                  Disturbance Variance Estimators in
                                  Dynamic Regression Models  . . . . . . . 44--70

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 2, Number 1, June, 1999

                Michael Lechner   Nonparametric bounds on employment and
                                  income effects of continuous vocational
                                  training in East Germany . . . . . . . . 1--28
            Murat K. Munkin and   
              Pravin K. Trivedi   Simulated maximum likelihood estimation
                                  of multivariate mixed-Poisson regression
                                  models, with application . . . . . . . . 29--48
        Valentino Dardanoni and   
                Antonio Forcina   Inference for Lorenz curve orderings . . 49--75
              Anders Rahbek and   
                  Rocco Mosconi   Cointegration rank inference with
                                  stationary regressors in VAR models  . . 76--91
       Stephen J. Leybourne and   
                   Paul Newbold   The behaviour of Dickey--Fuller and
                                  Phillips-Perron tests under the
                                  alternative hypothesis . . . . . . . . . 92--100
           Siem Jan Koopman and   
              Neil Shephard and   
              Jurgen A. Doornik   Statistical algorithms for models in
                                  state space using SsfPack 2.2  . . . . . 107--160
                    Marius Ooms   Review of SsfPack 2.2: statistical
                                  algorithms for models in state space . . 161--166

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 2, Number 2, December, 1999

            Kevin D. Hoover and   
               Stephen J. Perez   Data mining reconsidered: encompassing
                                  and the general-to-specific approach to
                                  specification search . . . . . . . . . . 167--191
                Bruce E. Hansen   Discussion of `Data mining reconsidered' 192--201
            David F. Hendry and   
            Hans-Martin Krolzig   Improving on `Data mining reconsidered'
                                  by K. D. Hoover and S. J. Perez  . . . . 202--219
              Clive Granger and   
               Allan Timmermann   Data mining with local model
                                  specification uncertainty: a discussion
                                  of Hoover and Perez  . . . . . . . . . . 220--225
               Julia Campos and   
               Neil R. Ericsson   Constructive data mining: modeling
                                  consumers' expenditure in Venezuela  . . 226--240
                  David J. Hand   Discussion contribution on `Data mining
                                  reconsidered: encompassing and the
                                  general-to-specific approach to
                                  specification search' by Hoover and
                                  Perez  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--243
            Kevin D. Hoover and   
               Stephen J. Perez   Reply to our discussants . . . . . . . . 244--247
          Robert P. Sherman and   
               Yu-Yun K. Ho and   
            Siddhartha R. Dalal   Conditions for convergence of Monte
                                  Carlo EM sequences with an application
                                  to product diffusion modeling  . . . . . 248--267
    Hans-Jürg Büttler   The optimal capital structure of a
                                  liquidity-insuring bank  . . . . . . . . 268--291
                 Jason Abrevaya   Rank estimation of a transformation
                                  model with observed truncation . . . . . 292--305
              Henrik Hansen and   
          Sòren Johansen   Some tests for parameter constancy in
                                  cointegrated VAR-models  . . . . . . . . 306--333

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 3, Number 1, June, 2000

       Stephen J. Leybourne and   
                   Paul Newbold   Behaviour of the standard and symmetric
                                  Dickey--Fuller-type tests when there is
                                  a break under the null hypothesis  . . . 1--15
            Joachim Grammig and   
              Kai-Oliver Maurer   Non-monotonic hazard functions and the
                                  autoregressive conditional duration
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16--38
                Sylvia Kaufmann   Measuring business cycles with a dynamic
                                  Markov switching factor model: an
                                  assessment using Bayesian simulation
                                  methods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--65
          Leslie G. Godfrey and   
                  Chris D. Orme   Controlling the significance levels of
                                  prediction error tests for linear
                                  regression models  . . . . . . . . . . . 66--83
              Andrew Harvey and   
               Siem Jan Koopman   Signal extraction and the formulation of
                                  unobserved components models . . . . . . 84--107
              Attila Hornok and   
                   Rolf Larsson   The finite sample distribution of the
                                  KPSS test  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108--121

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 3, Number 2, December, 2000

        Michael Sòrensen   Prediction-based estimating functions    123--147
                  Kaddour Hadri   Testing for stationarity in
                                  heterogeneous panel data . . . . . . . . 148--161
Thórarinn G. Pétursson   The representative household's demand
                                  for money in a cointegrated VAR model    162--176
        Christian M. Hafner and   
                Helmut Herwartz   Testing for linear autoregressive
                                  dynamics under heteroskedasticity  . . . 177--197
               Renate Meyer and   
                         Jun Yu   BUGS for a Bayesian analysis of
                                  stochastic volatility models . . . . . . 198--215
      Sòren Johansen and   
              Rocco Mosconi and   
                   Bent Nielsen   Cointegration analysis in the presence
                                  of structural breaks in the
                                  deterministic trend  . . . . . . . . . . 216--249
        Philip Hans Franses and   
            A. M. Robert Taylor   Determining the order of differencing in
                                  seasonal time series processes . . . . . 250--264

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 4, Number 1, June, 2001

               Paul Newbold and   
               Richard J. Smith   Forecasting in Econometrics: Editors'
                                  introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
        Michael P. Clements and   
               David. F. Hendry   Forecasting with difference-stationary
                                  and trend-stationary models  . . . . . . 1--19
              Yoosoon Chang and   
               Joon Y. Park and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Nonlinear econometric models with
                                  cointegrated and deterministically
                                  trending regressors  . . . . . . . . . . 1--36
              Michael Artis and   
        Massimiliano Marcellino   Fiscal forecasting: The track record of
                                  the IMF, OECD and EC . . . . . . . . . . 20--36
                  Gary Koop and   
                Simon M. Potter   Are apparent findings of nonlinearity
                                  due to structural instability in
                                  economic time series?  . . . . . . . . . 37--55
               Peter G. Moffatt   Graphical conditional moment tests . . . 56--69
             Giuseppe Cavaliere   Testing the unit root hypothesis using
                                  generalized range statistics . . . . . . 70--88
              David J. McKenzie   Estimation of AR(1) models with
                                  unequally spaced pseudo-panels . . . . . 89--108
               Rolf Larsson and   
              Johan Lyhagen and   
          Mickael Löthgren   Likelihood-based cointegration tests in
                                  heterogeneous panels . . . . . . . . . . 109--142
              Pierre Perron and   
                 Cosme Vodounou   Asymptotic approximations in the
                                  near-integrated model with a non-zero
                                  initial condition  . . . . . . . . . . . 143--169
            David I. Harvey and   
       Stephen J. Leybourne and   
                   Paul Newbold   Analysis of a panel of UK macroeconomic
                                  forecasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S37--S55
       Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and   
          George Kapetanios and   
           Richard J. Smith and   
                Martin R. Weale   An automatic leading indicator of
                                  economic activity: forecasting GDP
                                  growth for European countries  . . . . . S56--S90

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 4, Number 2, December, 2001

            Chih-Chiang Hsu and   
                Chung-Ming Kuan   Distinguishing between trend-break
                                  models: method and empirical evidence    171--190
Thórarinn G. Pétursson and   
            Torsten Slòk   Wage formation and employment in a
                                  cointegrated VAR model . . . . . . . . . 191--209
                     Jun Yu and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   A Gaussian approach for continuous time
                                  models of the short-term interest rate   210--224
           Zacharias Psaradakis   Markov level shifts and the unit-root
                                  hypothesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--241
              Franz K. Dietrich   The limiting distribution of the
                                  $t$-ratio for the unit root test in an
                                  AR(1)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242--256
                  Gary Koop and   
                Dale J. Poirier   Testing for optimality in job search
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--272
                  Alok Bhargava   Stochastic specification and the
                                  international GDP series . . . . . . . . 273--286
     Helmut Lüutkepohl and   
           Pentti Saikkonen and   
               Carsten Trenkler   Maximum eigenvalue versus trace tests
                                  for the cointegrating rank of a VAR
                                  process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--310
           Gunnar Bårdsen   Review of PcGets 1 for Windows . . . . . 311--318
           Morten B. Jensen and   
                    Asger Lunde   The NIG--S&ARCH model: a fat-tailed,
                                  stochastic, and autoregressive
                                  conditional heteroskedastic volatility
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--342

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 5, Number 1, June, 2002

             Douglas Rivers and   
                    Quang Vuong   Model selection tests for nonlinear
                                  dynamic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--39
     Òyvind Eitrheim and   
               Eilev Jansen and   
                  Ragnar Nymoen   Progress from forecast failure --- the
                                  Norwegian consumption function . . . . . 40--64
                  Paolo Paruolo   On Monte Carlo estimation of relative
                                  power  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65--75
               Karim Abadir and   
                     Jan Magnus   Notation in econometrics: a proposal for
                                  a standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76--90
            João Nicolau   A new technique for simulating the
                                  likelihood of stochastic differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91--103
                Francesco Bravo   Testing linear restrictions in linear
                                  models with empirical likelihood . . . . 104--130
     Efstathios Paparoditis and   
               Dimitris Politis   The tapered block bootstrap for general
                                  statistics from stationary sequences . . 131--148
      Kees Jan van Garderen and   
                   Chandra Shah   Exact interpretation of dummy variables
                                  in semilogarithmic equations . . . . . . 149--159
             James Davidson and   
                 Robert De Jong   Consistency of kernel variance
                                  estimators for sums of semiparametric
                                  linear processes . . . . . . . . . . . . 160--175
                Paulo Rodrigues   On LM type tests for seasonal unit roots
                                  in quarterly data  . . . . . . . . . . . 176--195
                  Serena Ng and   
              Timothy Vogelsang   Forecasting autoregressive time series
                                  in the presence of deterministic
                                  components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196--224
                     Jan Magnus   Estimation of the mean of a univariate
                                  normal distribution with known variance  225--236
                     Asad Zaman   Maximum likelihood estimates for the
                                  Hildreth--Houck random coefficients
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--262

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 5, Number 2, December, 2002

              Christian M. Dahl   An investigation of tests for linearity
                                  and the accuracy of likelihood based
                                  inference using random fields  . . . . . 263--284
           Neil R. Ericsson and   
             James G. MacKinnon   Distributions of error correction tests
                                  for cointegration  . . . . . . . . . . . 285--318
        Michael P. Clements and   
                David F. Hendry   Modelling methodology and forecast
                                  failure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319--344
                  Antonis Demos   Moments and dynamic structure of a
                                  time-varying parameter stochastic
                                  volatility in mean model . . . . . . . . 345--357
                      Y. K. Tse   Residual-based diagnostics for
                                  conditional heteroscedasticity models    358--374
                   Minxian Yang   Lag length and mean break in stationary
                                  VAR models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374--387
   Claudia Klüppelberg and   
             Ross A. Maller and   
          Mark Van De Vyver and   
                     Derick Wee   Testing for reduction to random walk in
                                  autoregressive conditional
                                  heteroskedasticity models  . . . . . . . 387--416
                 Jon A. Breslaw   Multinomial probit estimation without
                                  nuisance parameters  . . . . . . . . . . 417--434
            Atsushi Yoshida and   
           Alessandra Guariglia   Estimating saving functions in the
                                  presence of excessive-zeros problems . . 435--456
               Stephen Bond and   
               Frank Windmeijer   Projection estimators for autoregressive
                                  panel data models  . . . . . . . . . . . 457--479
            Badi H. Baltagi and   
              Seuck H. Song and   
                 Byoung C. Jung   A comparative study of alternative
                                  estimators for the unbalanced two-way
                                  error component regression model . . . . 480--493
          Filippo Altissimo and   
              Valentina Corradi   Bounds for inference with nuisance
                                  parameters present only under the
                                  alternative  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494--519
            Ralph W. Bailey and   
            A. M. Robert Taylor   An optimal test against a random walk
                                  component in a non-orthogonal unobserved
                                  components model . . . . . . . . . . . . 520--532

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 6, Number 1, June, 2003

             Ruud H. Koning and   
                   Geert Ridder   Discrete choice and stochastic utility
                                  maximization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--27
              Yasushi Kondo and   
                 Myoung-jae Lee   Hedonic price index estimation under
                                  mean-independence of time dummies from
                                  quality characteristics  . . . . . . . . 28--45
          J. M. C. Santos Silva   A note on the estimation of mixture
                                  models under endogenous sampling . . . . 46--52
        Hans Christian Kongsted   An $ I(2) $ cointegration analysis of
                                  small-country import price determination 53--71
                 Jushan Bai and   
                  Pierre Perron   Critical values for multiple structural
                                  change tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72--78
              Dick Van Dijk and   
           Birgit Strikholm and   
           Timo Teräsvirta   The effects of institutional and
                                  technological change and business cycle
                                  fluctuations on seasonal patterns in
                                  quarterly industrial production series   79--98
                Murray D. Smith   Modelling sample selection using
                                  Archimedean copulas  . . . . . . . . . . 99--123
             J. M. Marriott and   
               J. C. Naylor and   
                 A. R. Tremayne   Exploring economic time series: a
                                  Bayesian graphical approach  . . . . . . 124--145
               M. Karanasos and   
                         J. Kim   Moments of the ARMA--EGARCH model  . . . 146--166
        Terence Tai-Leung Chong   Generic consistency of the break-point
                                  estimator under specification errors . . 167--192
             Giuseppe Cavaliere   Asymptotics for unit root tests under
                                  Markov regime-switching  . . . . . . . . 193--216
       Peter C. B. Phillips and   
                    Donggyu Sul   Dynamic panel estimation and homogeneity
                                  testing under cross section dependence   217--259

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 6, Number 2, December, 2003

               Jianqing Fan and   
                        Juan Gu   Semiparametric estimation of Value at
                                  Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--290
          Stephen Leybourne and   
               Tae-Hwan Kim and   
              Vanessa Smith and   
                   Paul Newbold   Tests for a change in persistence
                                  against the null of
                                  difference-stationarity  . . . . . . . . 291--311
              I. D. Vrontos and   
             P. Dellaportas and   
                  D. N. Politis   A full-factor multivariate GARCH model   312--334
                   Nour Meddahi   ARMA representation of integrated and
                                  realized variances . . . . . . . . . . . 335--356
            Andrew P. Blake and   
              George Kapetanios   A radial basis function artificial
                                  neural network test for neglected
                                  nonlinearity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357--373
      Jòrgen Aasness and   
          Erik Biòrn and   
                 Terje Skjerpen   Distribution of preferences and
                                  measurement errors in a disaggregated
                                  expenditure system . . . . . . . . . . . 374--400
        Pinar Karaca-Mandic and   
                  Kenneth Train   Standard error correction in two-stage
                                  estimation with nested samples . . . . . 401--407
               Renate Meyer and   
          David A. Fournier and   
                   Andreas Berg   Stochastic volatility: Bayesian
                                  computation using automatic
                                  differentiation and the extended Kalman
                                  filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408--420
                         A. Sen   Limiting behaviour of Dickey--Fuller
                                  $F$-tests under the crash model
                                  alternative  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421--429
       Gunnar Bårdsen and   
            Eilev S. Jansen and   
                  Ragnar Nymoen   Econometric inflation targeting  . . . . 430--461

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 7, Number 1, June, 2004

            David F. Hendry and   
            Michael P. Clements   Pooling of forecasts . . . . . . . . . . 1--31
            Jean-Yves Pitarakis   Least squares estimation and tests of
                                  breaks in mean and variance under
                                  misspecification . . . . . . . . . . . . 32--54
             Rehim Kiliç   Linearity tests and stationarity . . . . 55--62
Morten Òrregaard Nielsen   Efficient inference in multivariate
                                  fractionally integrated time series
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63--97
                 William Greene   The behaviour of the maximum likelihood
                                  estimator of limited dependent variable
                                  models in the presence of fixed effects  98--119
                  Wei Zhang and   
                   Lung-fei Lee   Simulation estimation of dynamic
                                  discrete choice panel models with
                                  accelerated importance samplers  . . . . 120--142
Sylvia Frühwirth-Schnatter   Estimating marginal likelihoods for
                                  mixture and Markov switching models
                                  using bridge sampling techniques . . . . 143--167
             Juan J. Dolado and   
                Francesc Marmol   Asymptotic inference results for
                                  multivariate long-memory processes . . . 168--190
                  D. Harris and   
                  D. S. Poskitt   Determination of cointegrating rank in
                                  partially non-stationary processes via a
                                  generalised von-Neumann criterion  . . . 191--217
               Tae-Hwan Kim and   
              Christophe Muller   Two-stage quantile regression when the
                                  first stage is based on quantile
                                  regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218--231
          Gerhard Rünstler   Modelling phase shifts among stochastic
                                  cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232--248
             Heino Bohn Nielsen   Cointegration analysis in the presence
                                  of outliers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249--271
               Jinyong Hahn and   
              Jerry Hausman and   
              Guido Kuersteiner   Estimation with weak instruments:
                                  Accuracy of higher-order bias and MSE
                                  approximations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272--306

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 7, Number 2, December, 2004

    Tomas Del Barrio Castro and   
               Denise R. Osborn   The consequences of seasonal adjustment
                                  for periodic autoregressive processes    307--321
           Anindya Banerjee and   
    Massimiliano Marcellino and   
                   Chiara Osbat   Some cautions on the use of panel
                                  methods for integrated series of
                                  macroeconomic data . . . . . . . . . . . 322--340
                    In Choi and   
               Pentti Saikkonen   Testing linearity in cointegrating
                                  smooth transition regressions  . . . . . 341--365
             Jason Abrevaya and   
               Jerry A. Hausman   Response error in a transformation model
                                  with an application to earnings-equation
                                  estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366--388
      Sòren Johansen and   
            Anders Rygh Swensen   More on testing exact rational
                                  expectations in cointegrated vector
                                  autoregressive models: Restricted
                                  constant and linear term . . . . . . . . 389--397
       Efthymios G. Tsionas and   
             Subal C. Kumbhakar   Markov switching stochastic frontier
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398--425
               Marco Alf\`o and   
               Giovanni Trovato   Semiparametric mixture models for
                                  multivariate count data, with
                                  application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426--454
           Vasco J. Gabriel and   
                Luis F. Martins   On the forecasting ability of ARFIMA
                                  models when infrequent breaks occur  . . 455--475
                Q. Farooq Akram   Oil prices and exchange rates: Norwegian
                                  evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476--504
             Nikolay Gospodinov   Asymptotic confidence intervals for
                                  impulse responses of near-integrated
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--527
               Jonathan Ohn and   
            Larry W. Taylor and   
                   Adrian Pagan   Testing for duration dependence in
                                  economic cycles  . . . . . . . . . . . . 528--549
                  Gary Koop and   
                   Simon Potter   Forecasting in dynamic factor models
                                  using Bayesian model averaging . . . . . 550--565
           A. Colin Cameron and   
                    Tong Li and   
          Pravin K. Trivedi and   
                David M. Zimmer   Modelling the differences in counted
                                  outcomes using bivariate copula models
                                  with application to mismeasured counts   566--584
       Ekaterini Panopoulou and   
                 Nikitas Pittis   A comparison of autoregressive
                                  distributed lag and dynamic OLS
                                  cointegration estimators in the case of
                                  a serially correlated cointegration
                                  error  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585--617
               Chris Heaton and   
                    Victor Solo   Identification of causal factor models
                                  of stationary time series  . . . . . . . 618--627
Frédérique Bec and   
                  Anders Rahbek   Vector equilibrium correction models
                                  with non-linear discontinuous
                                  adjustments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628--651

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 8, Number 1, March, 2005

        Andrés Romeu and   
   Marcos Vera-Hernández   Counts with an endogenous binary
                                  regressor: a series expansion approach   1--22
          Peter Reinhard Hansen   Granger's representation theorem: a
                                  closed-form expression for $I(1)$
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--38
              Jan R. Magnus and   
                Ashoke K. Sinha   On Theil's errors  . . . . . . . . . . . 39--54
              Kaddour Hadri and   
                   Rolf Larsson   Testing for stationarity in
                                  heterogeneous panel data where the time
                                  dimension is finite  . . . . . . . . . . 55--69
  José A. F. Machado and   
                  Paulo Parente   Bootstrap estimation of covariance
                                  matrices via the percentile method . . . 70--78
                 Jeff Chung and   
                         Li Gan   Estimating the effect of price limits on
                                  limit-hitting days . . . . . . . . . . . 79--96
            David I. Harvey and   
           Stephen J. Leybourne   On testing for unit roots and the
                                  initial observation  . . . . . . . . . . 97--111
                      Anonymous   Corrigendum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--113

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 8, Number 2, July, 2005

              Jan F. Kiviet and   
           Garry D. A. Phillips   Moment approximation for least-squares
                                  estimators in dynamic regression models
                                  with a unit root . . . . . . . . . . . . 115--142
                Yer Van Hui and   
                Jiancheng Jiang   Robust modelling of DTARCH models  . . . 143--158
Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre and   
Tomás Del Barrio-Castro and   
      Enrique López-Bazo   Breaking the panels: an application to
                                  the GDP per capita . . . . . . . . . . . 159--175
             Myoung-Jae Lee and   
                     Ayal Kimhi   Simultaneous equations in ordered
                                  discrete responses with
                                  regressor-dependent thresholds . . . . . 176--196
                       Ted Juhl   Functional-coefficient models under unit
                                  root behaviour . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197--213
             Filippo Moauro and   
                 Giovanni Savio   Temporal disaggregation using
                                  multivariate structural time series
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214--234
                   Davide Raggi   Adaptive MCMC methods for inference on
                                  affine stochastic volatility models with
                                  jumps  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--250
               Markku Lanne and   
               Pentti Saikkonen   Non-linear GARCH models for highly
                                  persistent volatility  . . . . . . . . . 251--276

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 8, Number 3, November, 2005

                 Dmitry Danilov   Estimation of the mean of a univariate
                                  normal distribution when the variance is
                                  not known  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277--291
            Naorayex K. Dastoor   On the arbitrariness of some asymptotic
                                  test statistics based on generalized
                                  inverses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292--305
         Riccardo Lucchetti and   
                  Eduardo Rossi   Artificial regression testing in the
                                  GARCH-in-mean model  . . . . . . . . . . 306--322
         Evangelos E. Ioannidis   Residual-based block bootstrap unit root
                                  testing in the presence of trend breaks  323--351
                  Ximing Wu and   
               Thanasis Stengos   Partially adaptive estimation via the
                                  maximum entropy densities  . . . . . . . 352--366
            Offer Lieberman and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Expansions for approximate maximum
                                  likelihood estimators of the fractional
                                  difference parameter . . . . . . . . . . 367--379
                   Edith Madsen   Estimating cointegrating relations from
                                  a cross section  . . . . . . . . . . . . 380--405
          Christian Kleiber and   
             Walter Krämer   Finite-sample power of the
                                  Durbin--Watson test against fractionally
                                  integrated disturbances  . . . . . . . . 406--417
                  Jo Thori Lind   Repeated surveys and the Kalman filter   418--427
              Markus Junker and   
                   Angelika May   Measurement of aggregate risk with
                                  copulas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428--454

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 9, Number 1, March, 2006

             Tue Gòrgens   Semiparametric estimation of
                                  single-index hazard functions without
                                  proportional hazards . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
                   Luca Fanelli   Dynamic adjustment cost models with
                                  forward-looking behaviour  . . . . . . . 23--47
                  Atsushi Inoue   A bootstrap approach to moment selection 48--75
              L. G. Godfrey and   
                 C. D. Orme and   
          J. M. C. Santos Silva   Simulation-based tests for
                                  heteroskedasticity in linear regression
                                  models: Some further results . . . . . . 76--97
        Terence Tai-Leung Chong   The polynomial aggregated AR(1) model    98--122
             Yongcheol Shin and   
                     Andy Snell   Mean group tests for stationarity in
                                  heterogeneous panels . . . . . . . . . . 123--158
             Alan T. K. Wan and   
                 Guohua Zou and   
                Kazuhiro Ohtani   Further results on optimal critical
                                  values of pre-test when estimating the
                                  regression error variance  . . . . . . . 159--176

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 9, Number 2, July, 2006

                   Alban Thomas   Consistent estimation of binary-choice
                                  panel data models with heterogeneous
                                  linear trends  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177--195
Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre and   
            Andreu Sansó   Joint hypothesis specification for unit
                                  root tests with a structural break . . . 196--224
                    Hui Liu and   
       Gabriel Rodríguez   Unit root tests and structural change
                                  when the initial observation is drawn
                                  from its unconditional distribution  . . 225--251
          George Kapetanios and   
                 Yongcheol Shin   Unit root tests in three-regime SETAR
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252--278
          Tadeusz Bednarski and   
                 Edyta Mocarska   On robust model selection within the Cox
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--290
             P. M. Robinson and   
                 M. Gerolimetto   Instrumental variables estimation of
                                  stationary and non-stationary
                                  cointegrating regressions  . . . . . . . 291--306
                 Partha Deb and   
              Pravin K. Trivedi   Specification and simulated likelihood
                                  estimation of a non-normal
                                  treatment-outcome model with selection:
                                  Application to health care utilization   307--331
                   Jiti Gao and   
                  Kim Hawthorne   Semiparametric estimation and testing of
                                  the trend of temperature series  . . . . 332--355

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 9, Number 3, November, 2006

               Tommaso Proietti   Temporal disaggregation by state space
                                  methods: Dynamic regression methods
                                  revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357--372
              Alexander Aue and   
       Lajos Horváth and   
       Marie Husková and   
                 Piotr Kokoszka   Change-point monitoring in linear models 373--403
              Chris D. Orme and   
               Takashi Yamagata   The asymptotic distribution of the
                                  $F$-test statistic for individual
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404--422
                    Ai Deng and   
                  Pierre Perron   A comparison of alternative asymptotic
                                  frameworks to analyse a structural
                                  change in a linear time trend  . . . . . 423--447
             Desheng Ouyang and   
                    Dong Li and   
                          Qi Li   Cross-validation and non-parametric k
                                  nearest-neighbour estimation . . . . . . 448--471
           Birgit Strikholm and   
           Timo Teräsvirta   A sequential procedure for determining
                                  the number of regimes in a threshold
                                  autoregressive model . . . . . . . . . . 472--491
          Ignacio N. Lobato and   
                 Carlos Velasco   Optimal Fractional Dickey--Fuller tests  492--510
            Markus Frölich   Non-parametric regression for binary
                                  dependent variables  . . . . . . . . . . 511--540

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 10, Number 1, March, 2007

                    Kyoo il Kim   Uniform convergence rate of the
                                  seminonparametric density estimator and
                                  testing for similarity of two unknown
                                  densities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--34
             Bryan W. Brown and   
             Douglas J. Hodgson   Semiparametric efficiency bounds in
                                  dynamic non-linear systems under
                                  elliptical symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . 35--48
                Cheng Hsiao and   
                     Siyan Wang   Lag-augmented two- and three-stage least
                                  squares estimators for integrated
                                  structural dynamic models  . . . . . . . 49--81
             Chi-Young Choi and   
                  Young-Kyu Moh   How useful are tests for unit-root in
                                  distinguishing unit-root processes from
                                  stationary but non-linear processes? . . 82--112
                Manabu Asai and   
                Michael McAleer   Non-trading day effects in asymmetric
                                  conditional and stochastic volatility
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113--123
                  Laura Mayoral   Minimum distance estimation of
                                  stationary and non-stationary ARFIMA
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124--148
            David I. Harvey and   
           Stephen J. Leybourne   Testing for time series linearity  . . . 149--165
              Jan R. Magnus and   
               Andrey L. Vasnev   Local sensitivity and diagnostic tests   166--192

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 10, Number 2, July, 2007

José Canals-Cerdá and   
                 Shiferaw Gurmu   Semiparametric competing risks analysis  193--215
                  Ruijun Bu and   
                  Kaddour Hadri   Estimating option implied risk-neutral
                                  densities using spline and
                                  hypergeometric functions . . . . . . . . 216--244
              Tassos Magdalinos   On the inconsistency of the unrestricted
                                  estimator of the information matrix near
                                  a unit root  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--262
         Christian Dustmann and   
María Engracia Rochina-Barrachina   Selection correction in panel data
                                  models: An application to the estimation
                                  of females' wage equations . . . . . . . 263--293
             Arie Preminger and   
                Shinichi Sakata   A model selection method for
                                  $S$-estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294--319
                    S. Haug and   
        C. Klüppelberg and   
                 A. Lindner and   
                        M. Zapp   Method of moment estimation in the
                                  COGARCH(1,1) model . . . . . . . . . . . 320--341
             Hiroyuki Kawakatsu   Numerical integration-based Gaussian
                                  mixture filters for maximum likelihood
                                  estimation of asymmetric stochastic
                                  volatility models  . . . . . . . . . . . 342--358
            Markus Frölich   Propensity score matching without
                                  conditional independence assumption ---
                                  with an application to the gender wage
                                  gap in the United Kingdom  . . . . . . . 359--407
                 L. Bauwens and   
              J. V. K. Rombouts   Bayesian inference for the mixed
                                  conditional heteroskedasticity model . . 408--425
                 Liqun Wang and   
                    Cheng Hsiao   Two-stage estimation of limited
                                  dependent variable models with
                                  errors-in-variables  . . . . . . . . . . 426--438
     Paulo Guimarães and   
           Richard C. Lindrooth   Controlling for overdispersion in
                                  grouped conditional logit models: a
                                  computationally simple application of
                                  Dirichlet-multinomial regression . . . . 439--452
               Pao-Li Chang and   
                Shinichi Sakata   Estimation of impulse response functions
                                  using long autoregression  . . . . . . . 453--469

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 10, Number 3, November, 2007

             Alan T. K. Wan and   
                 Guohua Zou and   
                   Huaizhen Qin   On the sensitivity of the restricted
                                  least squares estimators to covariance
                                  misspecification . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--487
          Richard T. Carson and   
                     Yixiao Sun   The Tobit model with a non-zero
                                  threshold  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488--502
             P. Dellaportas and   
                  I. D. Vrontos   Modelling volatility asymmetries: a
                                  Bayesian analysis of a class of tree
                                  structured multivariate GARCH models . . 503--520
     Maria Caterina Bramati and   
               Christophe Croux   Robust estimators for the fixed effects
                                  panel data model . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--540
           Russell Davidson and   
             James G. MacKinnon   Moments of IV and JIVE estimators  . . . 541--553
                  Barbara Rossi   Expectations hypotheses tests at Long
                                  Horizons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--579
                    Zhongjun Qu   Searching for cointegration in a dynamic
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580--604
                Iliyan Georgiev   A mixture-distribution factor model for
                                  multivariate outliers  . . . . . . . . . 605--636
                    Jason Allen   Size matters: covariance matrix
                                  estimation under the alternative . . . . 637--644

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 11, Number 1, March, 2008

               Richard J. Smith   The Econometrics Journal of the Royal
                                  Economic Society . . . . . . . . . . . . i--iii
                       Ke-Li Xu   Bootstrapping Autoregression under
                                  Non-stationary Volatility  . . . . . . . 1--26
                   Da Huang and   
              Hansheng Wang and   
                      Qiwei Yao   Estimating GARCH models: when to use
                                  what?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27--38
             Heino Bohn Nielsen   Influential observations in cointegrated
                                  VAR models: Danish money demand
                                  1973-2003  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--57
               Tor Jacobson and   
              Johan Lyhagen and   
               Rolf Larsson and   
         Marianne Nessén   Inflation, exchange rates and PPP in a
                                  multivariate panel cointegration model   58--79
        Hyungsik Roger Moon and   
                  Benoit Perron   Asymptotic local power of pooled
                                  $t$-ratio tests for unit roots in panels
                                  with fixed effects . . . . . . . . . . . 80--104
          M. Hashem Pesaran and   
                 Aman Ullah and   
               Takashi Yamagata   A bias-adjusted LM test of error
                                  cross-section independence . . . . . . . 105--127
         Esfandiar Maasoumi and   
                        Le Wang   Economic Reform, Growth and Convergence
                                  in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--154
         Konrad Banachewicz and   
         André Lucas and   
              Aad Van Der Vaart   Modelling Portfolio Defaults Using
                                  Hidden Markov Models with Covariates . . 155--171
                Murray D. Smith   Stochastic frontier models with
                                  dependent error components . . . . . . . 172--192
          Marco J. Lombardi and   
              Giorgio Calzolari   Indirect Estimation of $ \alpha $-Stable
                                  Distributions and Processes  . . . . . . 193--208
                 Tucker McElroy   Exact formulas for the Hodrick--Prescott
                                  filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209--217

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 11, Number 2, July, 2008

                     Xiao Huang   Panel vector autoregression under
                                  cross-sectional dependence . . . . . . . 219--243
          Robert J. Elliott and   
       Vikram Krishnamurthy and   
                 Jörn Sass   Moment based regression algorithms for
                                  drift and volatility estimation in
                                  continuous-time Markov switching models  244--270
              Andreas Beyer and   
         Roger E. A. Farmer and   
  Jérôme Henry and   
        Massimiliano Marcellino   Factor analysis in a model with rational
                                  expectations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271--286
                 Jushan Bai and   
              Haiqiang Chen and   
    Terence Tai-Leung Chong and   
                Seraph Xin Wang   Generic consistency of the break-point
                                  estimators under specification errors in
                                  a multiple-break model . . . . . . . . . 287--307
                 Timo Kuosmanen   Representation theorem for convex
                                  nonparametric least squares  . . . . . . 308--325
                 Ozkan Eren and   
            Daniel J. Henderson   The impact of homework on student
                                  achievement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326--348
               Zhenlin Yang and   
                   Yiu-Kuen Tse   Generalized LM tests for functional form
                                  and heteroscedasticity . . . . . . . . . 349--376
                  G. Kapetanios   A bootstrap procedure for panel data
                                  sets with many cross-sectional units . . 377--395
                     Rui Li and   
                      Guan Gong   K-nearest-neighbour non-parametric
                                  estimation of regression functions in
                                  the presence of irrelevant variables . . 396--408

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 11, Number 3, November, 2008

            David I. Harvey and   
       Stephen J. Leybourne and   
            A. M. Robert Taylor   Seasonal unit root tests and the role of
                                  initial conditions . . . . . . . . . . . 409--442
           Russell Davidson and   
             James G. MacKinnon   Bootstrap inference in a linear equation
                                  estimated by instrumental variables  . . 443--477
                Shawn W. Ulrick   Using semi-parametric methods in an
                                  analysis of earnings mobility  . . . . . 478--498
            Timothy J. Halliday   Heterogeneity, state dependence and
                                  health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499--516
                   Youngki Shin   Semiparametric estimation of the
                                  Box--Cox transformation model  . . . . . 517--537
                Chunrong Ai and   
               Edward C. Norton   A semiparametric derivative estimator in
                                  log transformation models  . . . . . . . 538--553
            Badi H. Baltagi and   
                 Chihwa Kao and   
                       Long Liu   Asymptotic properties of estimators for
                                  the linear panel regression model with
                                  random individual effects and serially
                                  correlated errors: the case of
                                  stationary and non-stationary regressors
                                  and residuals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--572
                  Teruko Takada   Asymptotic and qualitative performance
                                  of non-parametric density estimators: a
                                  comparative study  . . . . . . . . . . . 573--592
                John Knight and   
                  Cathy Q. Ning   Estimation of the stochastic conditional
                                  duration model via alternative methods   593--616
               Shiuyan Pong and   
         Mark B. Shackleton and   
              Stephen J. Taylor   Distinguishing short and long memory
                                  volatility specifications  . . . . . . . 617--637
               Rickard Sandberg   Critical values for linearity tests in
                                  time-varying smooth transition
                                  autoregressive models when data are
                                  highly persistent  . . . . . . . . . . . 638--647

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 12, Number 1, March, 2009

           Stefan Hoderlein and   
                    Enno Mammen   Identification and estimation of local
                                  average derivatives in non-separable
                                  models without monotonicity  . . . . . . 1--25
              D. S. Poskitt and   
                   C. L. Skeels   Assessing the magnitude of the
                                  concentration parameter in a
                                  simultaneous equations model . . . . . . 26--44
                Qiaoling Li and   
                     Jiazhu Pan   Determining the number of factors in a
                                  multivariate error correction-volatility
                                  factor model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45--61
          Vasilis Sarafidis and   
               Donald Robertson   On the impact of error cross-sectional
                                  dependence in short dynamic panel
                                  estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62--81
             Anders Wilhelmsson   Value at Risk with time varying
                                  variance, skewness and kurtosis --- the
                                  NIG--ACD model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82--104
                    David Ardia   Bayesian estimation of a
                                  Markov-switching threshold asymmetric
                                  GARCH model with Student-$t$ innovations 105--126
            Christian M. Hafner   Causality and forecasting in temporally
                                  aggregated multivariate GARCH processes  127--146
           Tomoaki Nakatani and   
           Timo Teräsvirta   Testing for volatility interactions in
                                  the Constant Conditional Correlation
                                  GARCH model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--163
         Hiroyuki Kawakatsu and   
                  Ann G. Largey   EM algorithms for ordered probit models
                                  with endogenous regressors . . . . . . . 164--186

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 12, Number 2, July, 2009

              Oliver Linton and   
         Jens Perch Nielsen and   
    Sòren Feodor Nielsen   Non-parametric regression with a latent
                                  time series  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--207
                Francesco Bravo   Blockwise generalized empirical
                                  likelihood inference for non-linear
                                  dynamic moment conditions models . . . . 208--231
                   Yong Bao and   
                     Aman Ullah   On skewness and kurtosis of econometric
                                  estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232--247
            P. Cízek and   
             W. Härdle and   
                    V. Spokoiny   Adaptive pointwise estimation in
                                  time-inhomogeneous conditional
                                  heteroscedasticity models  . . . . . . . 248--271
            Sebastian Kring and   
        Svetlozar T. Rachev and   
Markus Höchstötter and   
           Frank J. Fabozzi and   
       Michele Leonardo Bianchi   Multi-tail generalized elliptical
                                  distributions for asset returns  . . . . 272--291
                Manabu Asai and   
                Michael McAleer   Multivariate stochastic volatility,
                                  leverage and news impact surfaces  . . . 292--309
          Matteo Grigoletto and   
                 Francesco Lisi   Looking for skewness in financial time
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310--323
                Yuanyuan Gu and   
           Denzil G. Fiebig and   
              Edward Cripps and   
                    Robert Kohn   Bayesian estimation of a random effects
                                  heteroscedastic probit model . . . . . . 324--339
                S. De Silva and   
                   K. Hadri and   
                 A. R. Tremayne   Panel unit root tests in the presence of
                                  cross-sectional dependence: finite
                                  sample performance and an application    340--366
                Eric Engler and   
                   Bent Nielsen   The empirical process of autoregressive
                                  residuals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367--381
                Stefan Sperlich   A note on non-parametric estimation with
                                  predicted variables  . . . . . . . . . . 382--395

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 12, Number 3, November, 2009

               Jianqing Fan and   
               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2008 Special Issue on Financial
                                  Econometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ci--ciii
           Laurent Davezies and   
     Xavier D'Haultfoeuille and   
                Denis Foug\`ere   Identification of peer effects using
                                  group size variation . . . . . . . . . . 397--413
           Matei Demetrescu and   
      Helmut Lütkepohl and   
               Pentti Saikkonen   Testing for the cointegrating rank of a
                                  vector autoregressive process with
                                  uncertain deterministic trend term . . . 414--435
                    Ji-Chun Liu   Stationarity of a family of GARCH
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436--446
                      Anonymous   Errata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
               Elise Coudin and   
              Jean-Marie Dufour   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 12  . . . . . . . . . . . 449--450
    O. E. Barndorff-Nielsen and   
         P. Reinhard Hansen and   
                   A. Lunde and   
                    N. Shephard   Realized kernels in practice: trades and
                                  quotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1--C32
     Jens H. E. Christensen and   
         Francis X. Diebold and   
             Glenn D. Rudebusch   An arbitrage-free generalized
                                  Nelson-Siegel term structure model . . . C33--C64
                Enrique Sentana   The econometrics of mean-variance
                                  efficiency tests: a survey . . . . . . . C65--C101

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 13, Number 1, February, 2010

            Martin Browning and   
                 Jesus M. Carro   Heterogeneity in dynamic discrete choice
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--39
     Marcia M. A. Schafgans and   
           Victoria Zinde-Walsh   Smoothness adaptive average derivative
                                  estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40--62
                   Edith Madsen   Unit root inference in panel data models
                                  where the time-series dimension is
                                  fixed: a comparison of different tests   63--94
          Maurice J. G. Bun and   
               Frank Windmeijer   The weak instrument problem of the
                                  system GMM estimator in dynamic panel
                                  data models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95--126
        Bo E. Honoré and   
                      Luojia Hu   Estimation of a transformation model
                                  with truncation, interval observation
                                  and time-varying covariates  . . . . . . 127--144
                      Gary Koop   A Review of \booktitleA First Course in
                                  Bayesian Statistical Methods . . . . . . B1--B5

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 13, Number 2, July, 2010

               Lung-fei Lee and   
               Xiaodong Liu and   
                         Xu Lin   Specification and estimation of social
                                  interaction models with network
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145--176
              Hwan-sik Choi and   
             Nicholas M. Kiefer   Improving robust model selection tests
                                  for dynamic models . . . . . . . . . . . 177--204
             Jonathan H. Wright   Testing the adequacy of conventional
                                  asymptotics in GMM . . . . . . . . . . . 205--217
                Luc Bauwens and   
             Arie Preminger and   
          Jeroen V. K. Rombouts   Theory and inference for a Markov
                                  switching GARCH model  . . . . . . . . . 218--244
            George J. Jiang and   
                 John L. Knight   ECF estimation of Markov models where
                                  the transition density is unknown  . . . 245--270
            Carlo V. Fiorio and   
  Vassilis A. Hajivassiliou and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Bimodal $t$-ratios: the impact of thick
                                  tails on inference . . . . . . . . . . . 271--289

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 13, Number 3, October, 2010

                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 13  . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292
Frédérique F\`eve and   
            Jean-Pierre Florens   The practice of non-parametric
                                  estimation by solving inverse problems:
                                  the example of transformation models . . S1--S27
             Ivana Komunjer and   
                  Andres Santos   Semi-parametric estimation of
                                  non-separable models: a minimum distance
                                  from independence approach . . . . . . . S28--S55
           Leandro M. Magnusson   Inference in limited dependent variable
                                  models robust to weak identification . . S56--S79
                   Anne Vanhems   Non-parametric estimation of exact
                                  consumer surplus with endogeneity in
                                  price  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S80--S98
                 Peter Haan and   
                Victoria Prowse   A structural approach to estimating the
                                  effect of taxation on the labour market
                                  dynamics of older workers  . . . . . . . S99--S125
                 Fedor Iskhakov   Structural dynamic model of retirement
                                  with latent health indicator . . . . . . S126--S161
                Jean-Marc Robin   Recent developments in structural
                                  microeconometrics  . . . . . . . . . . . Si--Sii

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 14, Number 1, February, 2011

              Pierre Perron and   
               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2009 Special Issue on Factor Models:
                                  Theoretical and Applied Perspectives . . ci--ciii
              Tomohiro Ando and   
                   Ruey S. Tsay   Quantile regression models with
                                  factor-augmented predictors and
                                  information criterion  . . . . . . . . . 1--24
            Badi H. Baltagi and   
                    Qu Feng and   
                     Chihwa Kao   Testing for sphericity in a fixed
                                  effects panel data model . . . . . . . . 25--47
                   Jan Mutl and   
            Michael Pfaffermayr   The Hausman test in a Cliff and Ord
                                  panel model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48--76
Morten Òrregaard Nielsen and   
                Per Frederiksen   Fully modified narrow-band least squares
                                  estimation of weak fractional
                                  cointegration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--120
Deniz Dilan Karaman Örsal and   
                    Bernd Droge   Corrigendum to `Likelihood-based
                                  cointegration tests in heterogeneous
                                  panels' (Larsson R., J. Lyhagen and M.
                                  Löthgren, Econometrics Journal, \bf 4,
                                  2001, 109--142)  . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--125
       Peter C. B. Phillips and   
                         Jun Yu   Corrigendum to `A Gaussian approach for
                                  continuous time models of short-term
                                  interest rates' (Yu, J. and P. C. B.
                                  Phillips, Econometrics Journal, \bf 4,
                                  210--224)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--129
             Emanuel Moench and   
                      Serena Ng   A hierarchical factor analysis of U.S.
                                  housing market dynamics  . . . . . . . . C1--C24
             Elena Angelini and   
       Gonzalo Camba-Mendez and   
          Domenico Giannone and   
          Lucrezia Reichlin and   
          Gerhard Rünstler   Short-term forecasts of euro area GDP
                                  growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C25--C44
           Alexander Chudik and   
          M. Hashem Pesaran and   
                  Elisa Tosetti   Weak and strong cross-section dependence
                                  and estimation of large panels . . . . . C45--C90
                      Anonymous   The Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize  . . Ai

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 14, Number 2, July, 2011

           Takamitsu Kurita and   
         Heino Bohn Nielsen and   
                  Anders Rahbek   An $ I(2) $ cointegration model with
                                  piecewise linear trends  . . . . . . . . 131--155
             Marcus J. Chambers   Cointegration and sampling frequency . . 156--185
           Maria Ponomareva and   
                     Elie Tamer   Misspecification in moment inequality
                                  models: back to moment equalities? . . . 186--203
            Almut E. D. Veraart   Likelihood estimation of Lévy-driven
                                  stochastic volatility models through
                                  realized variance measures . . . . . . . 204--240
                     Xiao Huang   Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation of
                                  discretely observed diffusions . . . . . 241--256
                 Jianing Di and   
             Ashis Gangopadhyay   On the efficiency of a semi-parametric
                                  GARCH model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--277
                Zhidong Bai and   
                     Hua Li and   
                 Huixia Liu and   
                Wing-Keung Wong   Test statistics for prospect and
                                  Markowitz stochastic dominances with
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278--303
              Kairat T. Mynbaev   Regressions with asymptotically
                                  collinear regressors . . . . . . . . . . 304--320
                   Taisuke Otsu   Large deviations of generalized method
                                  of moments and empirical likelihood
                                  estimators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321--329
              Benjamin Born and   
             Jörg Breitung   Simple regression-based tests for
                                  spatial dependence . . . . . . . . . . . 330--342
            Christian N. Brinch   Non-parametric identification of the
                                  mixed proportional hazards model with
                                  interval-censored durations  . . . . . . 343--350
 João M. C. Santos Silva   A Review of
                                  \booktitleMicro-Econometrics: Methods of
                                  Moments and Limited Dependent Variables
                                  (2nd Ed.) by Lee (Myoung-jae)  . . . . . B1--B4

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 14, Number 3, October, 2011

           Stefan Hoderlein and   
                Enno Mammen and   
                     Kyusang Yu   Non-parametric models in binary choice
                                  fixed effects panel data . . . . . . . . 351--367
                  Ivan A. Canay   A simple approach to quantile regression
                                  for panel data . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368--386
                   Degui Li and   
                   Jia Chen and   
                       Jiti Gao   Non-parametric time-varying coefficient
                                  panel data models with fixed effects . . 387--408
             Jason Abrevaya and   
                   Youngki Shin   Rank estimation of partially linear
                                  index models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--437
              Jingjing Yang and   
           Timothy J. Vogelsang   Fixed-$b$ analysis of LM-type tests for
                                  a shift in mean  . . . . . . . . . . . . 438--456
       Peter C. B. Phillips and   
                    Liangjun Su   Non-parametric regression under location
                                  shifts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457--486
                  Yunmi Kim and   
                  Chang-Jin Kim   Dealing with endogeneity in a
                                  time-varying parameter model: joint
                                  estimation and two-step estimation
                                  procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--497
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 14  . . . . . . . . . . . 499--500
                  Ralf A. Wilke   A Review of \booktitleEconometric
                                  Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data
                                  (2nd ed.) by Wooldridge (Jeffrey M.) . . B5--B9

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 15, Number 1, February, 2012

              Oliver Linton and   
               Richard J. Smith   EDITORIAL  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
                Francesco Bravo   Generalized empirical likelihood testing
                                  in semiparametric conditional moment
                                  restrictions models  . . . . . . . . . . 1--31
          Lorenzo Camponovo and   
                   Taisuke Otsu   Breakdown point theory for implied
                                  probability bootstrap  . . . . . . . . . 32--55
              Yonghui Zhang and   
                Liangjun Su and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Testing for common trends in
                                  semi-parametric panel data models with
                                  fixed effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56--100
         Rembert De Blander and   
                   Geert Dhaene   Unit root tests for panel data with
                                  AR(1) errors and small $T$ . . . . . . . 101--124
             Christian Schluter   On the problem of inference for
                                  inequality measures for heavy-tailed
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125--153
                  Jingjing Yang   Break point estimators for a slope
                                  shift: levels versus first differences   154--169
          Stephen G. Donald and   
                Yu-Chin Hsu and   
               Garry F. Barrett   Incorporating covariates in the
                                  measurement of welfare and inequality:
                                  methods and applications . . . . . . . . C1--C30
               Russell Davidson   Statistical inference in the presence of
                                  heavy tails  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C31--C53
             Christian Schluter   Discussion of S. G. Donald et al. and R.
                                  Davidson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C54--C57

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 15, Number 2, June, 2012

          Fabrizio Ferriani and   
              Sergio Pastorello   Estimating and testing non-affine option
                                  pricing models with a large unbalanced
                                  panel of options . . . . . . . . . . . . 171--203
                Heejoon Han and   
                     Shen Zhang   Non-stationary non-parametric volatility
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204--225
                Tom Engsted and   
                   Bent Nielsen   Testing for rational bubbles in a
                                  coexplosive vector autoregression  . . . 226--254
              Yoosoon Chang and   
                 Bibo Jiang and   
                      Joon Park   Non-stationary regression with logistic
                                  transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255--287
               Sung Jae Jun and   
               Joris Pinkse and   
                     Haiqing Xu   Discrete endogenous variables in weakly
                                  separable models . . . . . . . . . . . . 288--303
        Jean-Pierre Florens and   
               Jan Johannes and   
  Sébastien Van Bellegem   Instrumental regression in partially
                                  linear models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--324
            Peter S. Jensen and   
            Allan H. Würtz   Estimating the effect of a variable in a
                                  high-dimensional linear model  . . . . . 325--357
              Leena Kalliovirta   Misspecification tests based on quantile
                                  residuals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358--393
               Denise R. Osborn   A Review of \booktitleModelling
                                  Nonlinear Economic Time Series by
                                  Teräsvirta (Timo), Tjòstheim (Dag) and
                                  Granger (Clive W. J.)  . . . . . . . . . B1--B3

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 15, Number 3, October, 2012

                    Hong Li and   
                    Zhijie Xiao   Weak instrument inference in the
                                  presence of parameter instability  . . . 395--419
              Dennis Kristensen   Non-parametric detection and estimation
                                  of structural change . . . . . . . . . . 420--461
         Tue Gòrgens and   
               Allan Würtz   Testing a parametric function against a
                                  non-parametric alternative in IV and GMM
                                  settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462--489
              Michael Creel and   
              Dennis Kristensen   Estimation of dynamic latent variable
                                  models using simulated non-parametric
                                  moments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490--515
          John C. Nankervis and   
                Nathan E. Savin   Testing for uncorrelated errors in ARMA
                                  models: non-standard Andrews--Ploberger
                                  tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516--534
                      Anonymous   Erratum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 15  . . . . . . . . . . . 537--538
           Christoph Görtz   A Review of \booktitleStructural
                                  Macroeconometrics by DeJong (David N.)
                                  and Dave (Chetan)  . . . . . . . . . . . B5--B10
                    Gael Martin   A Review of \booktitleThe Oxford
                                  Handbook of Bayesian Econometrics edited
                                  by Geweke (John), Koop (Gary) and van
                                  Dijk (Herman)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . B11--B15

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 16, Number 1, February, 2013

                     Yixiao Sun   A heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation
                                  robust $F$ test using an orthonormal
                                  series variance estimator  . . . . . . . 1--26
            Stanislav Anatolyev   Instrumental variables estimation and
                                  inference in the presence of many
                                  exogenous regressors . . . . . . . . . . 27--72
                   Wei Wang and   
                   Lung-Fei Lee   Estimation of spatial autoregressive
                                  models with randomly missing data in the
                                  dependent variable . . . . . . . . . . . 73--102
            Badi H. Baltagi and   
                   Zhenlin Yang   Standardized LM tests for spatial error
                                  dependence in linear or panel
                                  regressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--134
              Charles F. Manski   Identification of treatment response
                                  with social interactions . . . . . . . . S1--S23
                  Jan F. Kiviet   Identification and inference in a
                                  simultaneous equation under alternative
                                  information sets and sampling schemes    S24--S59
               Tatiana Komarova   Partial identification in asymmetric
                                  auctions in the absence of independence  S60--S92
                 Marc Henry and   
         Ismael Mourifié   Set inference in latent variables models S93--S105
         Christian Bontemps and   
                     Elie Tamer   Identification in Econometrics, Theory
                                  and Applications: EDITORIAL  . . . . . . Si--Sii

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 16, Number 2, June, 2013

           Jason R. Blevins and   
                   Shakeeb Khan   Local NLLS estimation of semi-parametric
                                  binary choice models . . . . . . . . . . 135--160
                 Jason Abrevaya   The projection approach for unbalanced
                                  panel data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--178
                Gerdie Everaert   Orthogonal to backward mean
                                  transformation for dynamic panel data
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--221
                 Jushan Bai and   
Josep Lluís Carrion-i-Silvestre   Testing panel cointegration with
                                  unobservable dynamic common factors that
                                  are correlated with the regressors . . . 222--249
                  Zhengyu Zhang   Semi-parametric estimation of a
                                  generalized threshold regression model
                                  under conditional quantile restriction   250--277
   Víctor M. Aguirre and   
     Manuel A. Domínguez   New inference methods for quantile
                                  regression based on resampling . . . . . 278--283
                  Patrick Marsh   A Review of Non-Parametric Econometrics  B1--B3

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 16, Number 3, October, 2013

             Piotr Kokoszka and   
               Matthew Reimherr   Predictability of shapes of intraday
                                  price curves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285--308
                Zhongjun Qu and   
                  Pierre Perron   A stochastic volatility model with
                                  random level shifts and its applications
                                  to S&P 500 and NASDAQ return indices  . . 309--339
                  Koen Jochmans   Pairwise-comparison estimation with
                                  non-parametric controls  . . . . . . . . 340--372
         Richard T. Baillie and   
              George Kapetanios   Estimation and inference for impulse
                                  response functions from univariate
                                  strongly persistent processes  . . . . . 373--399
             Yohei Yamamoto and   
                  Pierre Perron   Estimating and testing multiple
                                  structural changes in linear models
                                  using band spectral regressions  . . . . 400--429
                    Ping Yu and   
                 Yongqiang Zhao   Asymptotics for threshold regression
                                  under general conditions . . . . . . . . 430--462
               Qingfeng Liu and   
                       Ryo Okui   Heteroscedasticity-robust $C_p$ model
                                  averaging  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--472
             Zheng-Feng Guo and   
             Mototsugu Shintani   Consistent co-trending rank selection
                                  when both stochastic and non-linear
                                  deterministic trends are present . . . . 473--484
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 16  . . . . . . . . . . . 485--486
                  Robert Taylor   A Review of Unit Root Tests in Time
                                  Series: Volumes 1 and 2  . . . . . . . . B5--B8

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 17, Number 1, February, 2014

            Jiancheng Jiang and   
               Xuejun Jiang and   
                   Xinyuan Song   Weighted composite quantile regression
                                  estimation of DTARCH models  . . . . . . 1--23
         Rasmus S. Pedersen and   
                  Anders Rahbek   Multivariate variance targeting in the
                                  BEKK--GARCH model  . . . . . . . . . . . 24--55
                    Kyu H. Kang   Estimation of state-space models with
                                  endogenous Markov regime-switching
                                  parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56--82
                Chunrong Ai and   
                Jinhong You and   
                      Yong Zhou   Estimation of fixed effects panel data
                                  partially linear additive regression
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83--106
      Juan M. Rodriguez-Poo and   
              Alexandra Soberon   Direct semi-parametric estimation of
                                  fixed effects panel data varying
                                  coefficient models . . . . . . . . . . . 107--138
          Peter M. Robinson and   
                Francesca Rossi   Improved Lagrange multiplier tests in
                                  spatial autoregressions  . . . . . . . . 139--164
       Firmin Doko Tchatoka and   
              Jean-Marie Dufour   Identification-robust inference for
                                  endogeneity parameters in linear
                                  structural models  . . . . . . . . . . . 165--187
               Andreas Hagemann   Stochastic equicontinuity in nonlinear
                                  time series models . . . . . . . . . . . 188--196

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 17, Number 2, June, 2014

             Andrew Chesher and   
                  Adam M. Rosen   An instrumental variable
                                  random-coefficients model for binary
                                  outcomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1--S19
               Young K. Lee and   
                Enno Mammen and   
                 Byeong U. Park   Backfitting and smooth backfitting in
                                  varying coefficient quantile regression  S20--S38
           Russell Davidson and   
             James G. MacKinnon   Confidence sets based on inverting
                                  Anderson-Rubin tests . . . . . . . . . . S39--S58
              Oliver Linton and   
               Thierry Post and   
                 Yoon-Jae Whang   Testing for the stochastic dominance
                                  efficiency of a given portfolio  . . . . S59--S74
          Alexandre Belloni and   
            Victor Chernozhukov   Posterior inference in curved
                                  exponential families under increasing
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S75--S100
                  Song Song and   
    Wolfgang K. Härdle and   
                  Ya'acov Ritov   Generalized dynamic semi-parametric
                                  factor models for high-dimensional
                                  non-stationary time series . . . . . . . S101--S131
              Xiaohong Chen and   
                 Sokbae Lee and   
              Oliver Linton and   
                     Elie Tamer   Advances in Robust and Flexible
                                  Inference in Econometrics: a Special
                                  Issue in Honour of Joel L. Horowitz  . . Si--Sii

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 17, Number 3, October, 2014

                     Ji Tao and   
                   Lung-fei Lee   A social interaction model with an
                                  extreme order statistic  . . . . . . . . 197--240
                     Haiqing Xu   Estimation of discrete games with
                                  correlated types . . . . . . . . . . . . 241--270
                 Le-Yu Chen and   
                 Sokbae Lee and   
                 Myung Jae Sung   Maximum score estimation with
                                  nonparametrically generated regressors   271--300
                      Dukpa Kim   Common breaks in time trends for large
                                  panel data with a factor structure . . . 301--337
        Hyungsik Roger Moon and   
              Benoit Perron and   
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Point-optimal panel unit root tests with
                                  serially correlated errors . . . . . . . 338--372
                  Koen Jochmans   First-differencing in panel data models
                                  with incidental functions  . . . . . . . 373--382
               Peter Fuleky and   
                     Eric Zivot   Indirect inference based on the score    383--393
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 17  . . . . . . . . . . . 395--396

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 18, Number 1, February, 2015

                Maximilian Kasy   Non-parametric inference on the number
                                  of equilibria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--39
              Rebecca Allen and   
              Simon Burgess and   
           Russell Davidson and   
               Frank Windmeijer   More reliable inference for the
                                  dissimilarity index of segregation . . . 40--66
               Igor L. Kheifets   Specification tests for nonlinear
                                  dynamic models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--94
               Wei-Ming Lee and   
                Yu-Chin Hsu and   
                Chung-Ming Kuan   Robust hypothesis tests for
                                  $M$-estimators with possibly
                                  non-differentiable estimating functions  95--116
                   Jia Chen and   
                   Jiti Gao and   
                   Degui Li and   
                   Zhengyan Lin   Specification testing in nonstationary
                                  time series models . . . . . . . . . . . 117--136
           Firmin Doko Tchatoka   On bootstrap validity for specification
                                  tests with weak instruments  . . . . . . 137--146

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 18, Number 2, June, 2015

               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2012 Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Forecasting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
                 Yanqin Fan and   
          Sergio Pastorello and   
                   Eric Renault   Maximization by parts in extremum
                                  estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--171
               Jason R. Blevins   Non-standard rates of convergence of
                                  criterion-function-based set estimators
                                  for binary response models . . . . . . . 172--199
          Stelios Arvanitis and   
                  Antonis Demos   A class of indirect inference
                                  estimators: higher-order asymptotics and
                                  approximate bias correction  . . . . . . 200--241
              Zhengyu Zhang and   
                       Bing Liu   Identification and estimation of
                                  partially linear censored regression
                                  models with unknown heteroscedasticity   242--273
                       Ke-Li Xu   Testing for structural change under
                                  non-stationary variances . . . . . . . . 274--305
           Peter C. B. Phillips   Edmond Malinvaud: a tribute to his
                                  contributions in econometrics  . . . . . A1--A13
           Borus Jungbacker and   
               Siem Jan Koopman   Likelihood-based dynamic factor analysis
                                  for measurement and forecasting  . . . . C1--C21
            Raffaella Giacomini   Economic theory and forecasting: lessons
                                  from the literature  . . . . . . . . . . C22--C41

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 18, Number 3, October, 2015

                Minsu Chang and   
                 Sokbae Lee and   
                 Yoon-Jae Whang   Nonparametric tests of conditional
                                  treatment effects with an application to
                                  single-sex schooling on academic
                                  achievements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--346
                 Yingyao Hu and   
              Ji-Liang Shiu and   
               Tiemen Woutersen   Identification and estimation of
                                  single-index models with measurement
                                  error and endogeneity  . . . . . . . . . 347--362
              Kaddour Hadri and   
              Eiji Kurozumi and   
                        Yao Rao   Novel panel cointegration tests emending
                                  for cross-section dependence with $N$
                                  fixed  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 363--411
              Eiji Kurozumi and   
                 Yohei Yamamoto   Confidence sets for the break date based
                                  on optimal tests . . . . . . . . . . . . 412--435
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 18  . . . . . . . . . . . 437

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 19, Number 1, February, 2016

           Andrew J. Patton and   
               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2014 Special Issue on Large Dimensional
                                  Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
              Ulrich Hounyo and   
               Bezirgen Veliyev   Validity of Edgeworth expansions for
                                  realized volatility estimators . . . . . 1--32
              Lorenzo Camponovo   Asymptotic refinements of nonparametric
                                  bootstrap for quasi-likelihood ratio
                                  tests for classes of extremum estimators 33--54
                     Zaichao Du   Nonparametric bootstrap tests for
                                  independence of generalized errors . . . 55--83
              Pierre Perron and   
       Gabriel Rodríguez   Residuals-based tests for cointegration
                                  with generalized least-squares detrended
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84--111
               Jianqing Fan and   
                  Yuan Liao and   
                        Han Liu   An overview of the estimation of large
                                  covariance and precision matrices  . . . C1--C32
           Matteo Barigozzi and   
                    Marc Hallin   Generalized dynamic factor models and
                                  volatilities: recovering the market
                                  volatility shocks  . . . . . . . . . . . C33--C60

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 19, Number 2, June, 2016

               Sung Jae Jun and   
               Joris Pinkse and   
                     Haiqing Xu   Estimating a nonparametric triangular
                                  model with binary endogenous regressors  113--149
           Christopher P. Adams   Finite mixture models with one exclusion
                                  restriction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--165
         Jörg Breitung and   
           Christoph Roling and   
                 Nazarii Salish   Lagrange multiplier type tests for slope
                                  homogeneity in panel data models . . . . 166--202
                 Chu-An Liu and   
                 Biing-Shen Kuo   Model averaging in predictive
                                  regressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203--231
               Olivier Scaillet   On ill-posedness of nonparametric
                                  instrumental variable regression with
                                  convexity constraints  . . . . . . . . . 232--236

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 19, Number 3, October, 2016

               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2013Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Heterogeneity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ciii--Civ
                    Guangyu Mao   Testing for error cross-sectional
                                  independence using pairwise augmented
                                  regressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--260
                      Xi Qu and   
             Xiaoliang Wang and   
                   Lung-fei Lee   Instrumental variable estimation of a
                                  spatial dynamic panel model with
                                  endogenous spatial weights when $T$ is
                                  small  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--290
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 19  . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292
                  Barbara Rossi   A Review of Economic Forecasting . . . . B1--B3
            Manuel Arellano and   
       Stéphane Bonhomme   Nonlinear panel data estimation via
                                  quantile regressions . . . . . . . . . . C61--C94
          Giovanni Compiani and   
                Yuichi Kitamura   Using mixtures in econometric models: a
                                  brief review and some new results  . . . C95--C127

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 20, Number 1, February, 2017

                    Yu-Chin Hsu   Consistent tests for conditional
                                  treatment effects  . . . . . . . . . . . 1--22
                   Yannick Hoga   Testing for changes in (extreme) VaR . . 23--51
                Yu-Chin Hsu and   
                    Xiaoxia Shi   Model-selection tests for conditional
                                  moment restriction models  . . . . . . . 52--85
           Patrick Bardsley and   
       Lajos Horváth and   
             Piotr Kokoszka and   
                  Gabriel Young   Change point tests in functional factor
                                  models with application to yield curves  86--117
                 Zongwu Cai and   
                Bingyi Jing and   
               Xinbing Kong and   
                        Zhi Liu   Nonparametric regression with nearly
                                  integrated regressors under long-run
                                  dependence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--138
                         Jun Ma   Second-order refinement of empirical
                                  likelihood ratio tests of nonlinear
                                  restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--148

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 20, Number 2, June, 2017

               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2015 Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Matching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
                Jerome M. Krief   Semi-linear mode regression  . . . . . . 149--167
             Maria Kyriacou and   
       Peter C. B. Phillips and   
                Francesca Rossi   Indirect inference in spatial
                                  autoregression . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168--189
                   Juan Lin and   
                      Ximing Wu   A sequential test for the specification
                                  of predictive densities  . . . . . . . . 190--220
             Arie Preminger and   
                Giuseppe Storti   Least-squares estimation of GARCH(1,1)
                                  models with heavy-tailed errors  . . . . 221--258
              Koen Jochmans and   
                 Thierry Magnac   A note on sufficiency in binary panel
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259--269
                Alfred Galichon   A survey of some recent applications of
                                  optimal transport methods to
                                  econometrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1--C11

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 20, Number 3, October, 2017

                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 20  . . . . . . . . . . . 271--272
          Karyne B. Charbonneau   Multiple fixed effects in binary
                                  response panel data models . . . . . . . S1--S13
            Vincent Boucher and   
         Ismael Mourifié   My friend far, far away: a random field
                                  approach to exponential random graph
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S14--S46
             Christiern D. Rose   Identification of peer effects through
                                  social networks using variance
                                  restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S47--S60
          Francesco Moscone and   
              Elisa Tosetti and   
             Veronica Vinciotti   Sparse estimation of huge networks with
                                  a block-wise structure . . . . . . . . . S61--S85
              Zhongjian Lin and   
                     Haiqing Xu   Estimation of social-influence-dependent
                                  peer pressure in a large network game    S86--S102
               Xiaodong Liu and   
        Eleonora Patacchini and   
                Edoardo Rainone   Peer effects in bedtime decisions among
                                  adolescents: a social network model with
                                  sampled data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S103--S125
                Lada Adamic and   
             Celso Brunetti and   
          Jeffrey H. Harris and   
               Andrei Kirilenko   Trading networks . . . . . . . . . . . . S126--S149
            Jaap H. Abbring and   
          Áureo de Paula   Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Networks: Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . Si--Sii

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 21, Number 1, February, 2018

               Richard J. Smith   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2016 Special Issue on Model Selection
                                  and Inference  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
        Bo E. Honoré and   
                      Luojia Hu   Simpler bootstrap estimation of the
                                  asymptotic variance of
                                  $U$-statistic-based estimators . . . . . 1--10
                 Jiaying Gu and   
                       Shu Shen   Oracle and adaptive false discovery rate
                                  controlling methods for one-sided
                                  testing: theory and application in
                                  treatment effect evaluation  . . . . . . 11--35
         Juan Carlos Escanciano   A simple and robust estimator for linear
                                  regression models with strictly
                                  exogenous instruments  . . . . . . . . . 36--54
                 Yingyao Hu and   
                  Ji-Liang Shiu   Identification and estimation of
                                  semi-parametric censored dynamic panel
                                  data models of short time periods  . . . 55--85
        Victor Chernozhukov and   
          Denis Chetverikov and   
               Mert Demirer and   
               Esther Duflo and   
           Christian Hansen and   
              Whitney Newey and   
                   James Robins   Double/debiased machine learning for
                                  treatment and structural parameters  . . C1--C68

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 21, Number 2, June, 2018

           H. Peter Boswijk and   
                        Yang Zu   Adaptive wild bootstrap tests for a unit
                                  root with non-stationary volatility  . . 87--113
         James G. MacKinnon and   
                Matthew D. Webb   The wild bootstrap for few (treated)
                                  clusters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114--135
               Matt Goldman and   
                David M. Kaplan   Non-parametric inference on
                                  (conditional) quantile differences and
                                  interquantile ranges, using
                                  $L$-statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136--169
              Cinzia Daraio and   
       Léopold Simar and   
                 Paul W. Wilson   Central limit theorems for conditional
                                  efficiency measures and tests of the
                                  `separability' condition in
                                  non-parametric, two-stage models of
                                  production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170--191
                   Jilin Wu and   
                    Zhijie Xiao   Testing for changing volatility  . . . . 192--217
                   Beili Mu and   
                  Zhengyu Zhang   Identification and estimation of
                                  heteroscedastic binary choice models
                                  with endogenous dummy regressors . . . . 218--246

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 21, Number 3, October, 2018

          Khai Xiang Chiong and   
            Hyungsik Roger Moon   Estimation of graphical models using the
                                  $L_{1,2}$ norm . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--263
              Joakim Westerlund   CCE in panels with general unknown
                                  factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--276
                  S. Astill and   
                A. M. R. Taylor   Robust tests for deterministic
                                  seasonality and seasonal mean shifts . . 277--297
         Max Kleiman-Weiner and   
        Joshua B. Tenenbaum and   
                   Penghui Zhou   Non-parametric Bayesian inference of
                                  strategies in repeated games . . . . . . 298--315
       Hans van Kippersluis and   
          Cornelius A. Rietveld   Beyond plausibly exogenous . . . . . . . 316--331
              Brendan Kline and   
                     Elie Tamer   Identification of treatment effects with
                                  selective participation in a randomized
                                  trial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332--353
                      Anonymous   Index to \booktitleThe Econometrics
                                  Journal Volume 21  . . . . . . . . . . . 354

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 22, Number 1, January, 2019

               Frank Windmeijer   Two-stage least squares as minimum
                                  distance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--9
           Matei Demetrescu and   
                   Dominik Wied   Testing for constant correlation of
                                  filtered series under structural change  10--33
          Yoshimasa Uematsu and   
                  Shinya Tanaka   High-dimensional macroeconomic
                                  forecasting and variable selection via
                                  penalized regression . . . . . . . . . . 34--56
             Arturas Juodis and   
              Joakim Westerlund   Optimal panel unit root testing with
                                  covariates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57--72
              Gangzheng Guo and   
                 Yixiao Sun and   
                  Shaoping Wang   Testing for moderate explosiveness . . . 73--95
                      Anonymous   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2017 Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Games  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -
            Philip A. Haile and   
                Yuichi Kitamura   Unobserved heterogeneity in auctions . . -

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 22, Number 2, May, 2019

          Tucker S. McElroy and   
                 Agnieszka Jach   Testing collinearity of vector time
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97--116
             Irene Botosaru and   
                   Bruno Ferman   On the role of covariates in the
                                  synthetic control method . . . . . . . . 117--130
       Jozef Baruník and   
                    Tobias Kley   Quantile coherency: a general measure
                                  for dependence between cyclical economic
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131--152
              Youri Davydov and   
             Francesca Greselin   Inferential results for a new measure of
                                  inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153--172
           Christine Amsler and   
                  Peter Schmidt   Separating different individual effects
                                  in a panel data model  . . . . . . . . . 173--187
        Brennan S. Thompson and   
                Matthew D. Webb   A simple, graphical approach to
                                  comparing multiple treatments  . . . . . 188--205

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 22, Number 3, September, 2019

                Kuangyu Wen and   
                      Ximing Wu   A guided nonparametric goodness-of-fit
                                  test with application to income
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207--222
                       Jia Chen   Estimating latent group structure in
                                  time-varying coefficient panel data
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223--240
              Stefan Hubner and   
             Pavel Cízek   Quantile-based smooth transition value
                                  at risk estimation . . . . . . . . . . . 241--261
         Benjamin J. Gillen and   
             Sergio Montero and   
        Hyungsik Roger Moon and   
                   Matthew Shum   BLP-2LASSO for aggregate discrete choice
                                  models with rich covariates  . . . . . . 262--281
          Giovanni Forchini and   
                      Bin Jiang   Fragility of identification in panel
                                  binary response models . . . . . . . . . 282--291
     Galina Besstremyannaya and   
                 Sergei Golovan   Reconsideration of a simple approach to
                                  quantile regression for panel data . . . 292--308

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 23, Number 1, January, 2020

             Pedro Carneiro and   
                 Sokbae Lee and   
                 Daniel Wilhelm   Optimal data collection for randomized
                                  control trials . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--31
                   Han Hong and   
           Michael P. Leung and   
                      Jessie Li   Inference on finite-population treatment
                                  effects under limited overlap  . . . . . 32--47
          Grigorios Emvalomatis   Semi-parametric analysis of efficiency
                                  and productivity using Gaussian
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48--67
                John R. Gardner   Roy-model bounds on the wage effects of
                                  the Great Migration  . . . . . . . . . . 68--87
          Christoph Breunig and   
             Michael Kummer and   
              Joerg Ohnemus and   
                  Steffen Viete   Information technology outsourcing and
                                  firm productivity: eliminating bias from
                                  selective missingness in the dependent
                                  variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--114
               Lung-fei Lee and   
                       Jihai Yu   Initial conditions of dynamic panel data
                                  models: on within and between equations  115--136
                Huanjun Zhu and   
          Vasilis Sarafidis and   
           Mervyn J. Silvapulle   A new structural break test for panels
                                  with common factors  . . . . . . . . . . 137--155
                   Ryo Okui and   
                Takahide Yanagi   Kernel estimation for panel data with
                                  heterogeneous dynamics . . . . . . . . . 156--175
          Grigorios Emvalomatis   Erratum to: Semi-parametric analysis of
                                  efficiency and productivity using
                                  Gaussian processes . . . . . . . . . . . 176--176

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 23, Number 2, May, 2020

               Neng-Chieh Chang   Double/debiased machine learning for
                                  difference-in-differences models . . . . 177--191
         Sebastian Calonico and   
         Matias D. Cattaneo and   
                 Max H. Farrell   Optimal bandwidth choice for robust
                                  bias-corrected inference in regression
                                  discontinuity designs  . . . . . . . . . 192--210
                    Yang He and   
       Otávio Bartalotti   Wild bootstrap for fuzzy regression
                                  discontinuity designs: obtaining robust
                                  bias-corrected confidence intervals  . . 211--231
                    Dongwoo Kim   Partial identification in nonseparable
                                  count data instrumental variable models  232--250
                Ruixuan Liu and   
                    Zhengfei Yu   Accelerated failure time models with
                                  log-concave errors . . . . . . . . . . . 251--268
            Roberto Casarin and   
            Matteo Iacopini and   
              German Molina and   
          Enrique ter Horst and   
             Ramon Espinasa and   
               Carlos Sucre and   
                Roberto Rigobon   Multilayer network analysis of oil
                                  linkages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--296
            Anurag Banerjee and   
        Guillaume Chevillon and   
                    Marie Kratz   Probabilistic forecasting of bubbles and
                                  flash crashes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297--315
                  Roger Koenker   The ignorant monopolist redux  . . . . . 316--322

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 23, Number 3, September, 2020

             Fedor Iskhakov and   
                  John Rust and   
              Bertel Schjerning   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Si--Siii
                  Mitsuru Igami   Artificial intelligence as structural
                                  estimation: Deep Blue, Bonanza, and
                                  AlphaGo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S1--S24
             Jeppe Druedahl and   
            Anders Munk-Nielsen   Higher-order income dynamics with linked
                                  regression trees . . . . . . . . . . . . S25--S58
              Michael Keane and   
                   Timothy Neal   Comparing deep neural network and
                                  econometric approaches to predicting the
                                  impact of climate change on agricultural
                                  yield  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S59--S80
             Fedor Iskhakov and   
                  John Rust and   
              Bertel Schjerning   Machine learning and structural
                                  econometrics: contrasts and synergies    S81--S124
        Sang-Wook (Stanley) Cho   Quantifying the impact of
                                  nonpharmaceutical interventions during
                                  the COVID-19 outbreak: The case of
                                  Sweden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323--344
              Shenglong Liu and   
     Ismael Mourifié and   
                   Yuanyuan Wan   Two-way exclusion restrictions in models
                                  with heterogeneous treatment effects . . 345--362
          Pieter A. Gautier and   
                Aico van Vuuren   Identifying present bias and time
                                  preferences with an application to
                                  land-lease-contract data . . . . . . . . 363--385
                    Xi Wang and   
                  Songnian Chen   Semiparametric estimation of generalized
                                  transformation panel data models with
                                  nonstationary error  . . . . . . . . . . 386--402

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 24, Number 1, January, 2021

                      Anonymous   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2018 Special Issue on Structural
                                  Macroeconometrics  . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Ciii
                  Barbara Rossi   Identifying and estimating the effects
                                  of unconventional monetary policy: How
                                  to do it and what have we learned? . . . C1--C32
                Michael Cai and   
            Marco Del Negro and   
              Edward Herbst and   
               Ethan Matlin and   
               Reca Sarfati and   
              Frank Schorfheide   Online estimation of DSGE models . . . . C33--C58
      Helmut Lütkepohl and   
                 Mika Meitz and   
         Aleksei Netsunajev and   
               Pentti Saikkonen   Testing identification via
                                  heteroskedasticity in structural vector
                                  autoregressive models  . . . . . . . . . 1--22
       Jia-Young Michael Fu and   
           Joel L. Horowitz and   
                 Matthias Parey   Testing exogeneity in nonparametric
                                  instrumental variables models identified
                                  by conditional quantile restrictions . . 23--40
                  Anil Bera and   
       Gabriel Montes-Rojas and   
       Walter Sosa-Escudero and   
                   Javier Alejo   Tests for nonlinear restrictions under
                                  misspecified alternatives with an
                                  application to testing rational
                                  expectation hypotheses . . . . . . . . . 41--57
                 Tim Ginker and   
                Offer Lieberman   LSTUR regression theory and the
                                  instability of the sample correlation
                                  coefficient between financial return
                                  indices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58--82
          Mohitosh Kejriwal and   
                      Xuewen Yu   Generalized Forecast Averaging in
                                  Autoregressions with a Near Unit Root    83--102
                 Le-Yu Chen and   
                     Sokbae Lee   Binary classification with covariate
                                  selection through $ l_0$-penalised
                                  empirical risk minimisation  . . . . . . 103--120
            Mogens Fosgerau and   
              Dennis Kristensen   Identification of a class of index
                                  models: a topological approach . . . . . 121--133
           Michael C. Knaus and   
            Michael Lechner and   
           Anthony Strittmatter   Machine learning estimation of
                                  heterogeneous causal effects: Empirical
                                  Monte Carlo evidence . . . . . . . . . . 134--161
                      Ruonan Xu   Potential outcomes and finite-population
                                  inference for $M$-estimators . . . . . . 162--176
                   Rong Zhu and   
                Xinyu Zhang and   
                 Yanyuan Ma and   
                     Guohua Zou   Model averaging estimation for
                                  high-dimensional covariance matrices
                                  with a network structure . . . . . . . . 177--197
                      Anonymous   Erratum to: Testing Identification via
                                  Heteroskedasticity in Structural Vector
                                  Autoregressive Models  . . . . . . . . . 198--198

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 24, Number 2, May, 2021

                      Anonymous   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Civ
           James J. Heckman and   
              Ganesh Karapakula   Using a satisficing model of
                                  experimenter decision-making to guide
                                  finite-sample inference for compromised
                                  experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1--C39
Iván Fernández-Val and   
               Hugo Freeman and   
                 Martin Weidner   Low-rank approximations of nonseparable
                                  panel models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C40--C77
        Bo E. Honoré and   
          Áureo de Paula   Identification in simple binary outcome
                                  panel data models  . . . . . . . . . . . C78--C93
              Sanghyeok Lee and   
             Tue Gòrgens   Estimation of dynamic models of
                                  recurrent events with censored data  . . 199--224
                  Mustafa Tugan   Panel VAR models with interactive fixed
                                  effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--246
                 Liang Chen and   
                     Yulong Huo   A simple estimator for quantile panel
                                  data models using smoothed quantile
                                  regressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--263
              Vira Semenova and   
            Victor Chernozhukov   Debiased machine learning of conditional
                                  average treatment effects and other
                                  causal functions . . . . . . . . . . . . 264--289
               Seojeong Lee and   
                   Youngki Shin   Complete subset averaging with many
                                  instruments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--314
            Hande Karabiyik and   
              Joakim Westerlund   Forecasting using cross-section
                                  average-augmented time series
                                  regressions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--333
   Ghislain B. D. Aihounton and   
                Arne Henningsen   Units of measurement and the inverse
                                  hyperbolic sine transformation . . . . . 334--351

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 24, Number 3, September, 2021

              Richard Bluhm and   
               Maxim Pinkovskiy   The spread of COVID-19 and the BCG
                                  vaccine: a natural experiment in
                                  reunified Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . 353--376
       Youssef M. Aboutaleb and   
                Mazen Danaf and   
                  Yifei Xie and   
             Moshe E. Ben-Akiva   Sparse covariance estimation in logit
                                  mixture models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--398
                 Baiyu Dong and   
               Yu-Wei Hsieh and   
                   Matthew Shum   Computing moment inequality models using
                                  constrained optimization . . . . . . . . 399--416
                 Hugo Kruiniger   Identification without assuming mean
                                  stationarity: quasi-maximum likelihood
                                  estimation of dynamic panel models with
                                  endogenous regressors  . . . . . . . . . 417--441
        Thomas B. Götz and   
           Klemens Hauzenberger   Large mixed-frequency VARs with a
                                  parsimonious time-varying parameter
                                  structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442--461
               Lixiong Yang and   
               Chunli Zhang and   
               Chingnun Lee and   
                      I-Po Chen   Panel kink threshold regression model
                                  with a covariate-dependent threshold . . 462--481
               Shaoxin Hong and   
            Jiancheng Jiang and   
               Xuejun Jiang and   
                    Zhijie Xiao   Unifying inference for semiparametric
                                  regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482--501
            Gordon Anderson and   
              Oliver Linton and   
        Maria Grazia Pittau and   
             Yoon-Jae Whang and   
                  Roberto Zelli   On unit free assessment of the extent of
                                  multilateral distributional variation    502--518
             Jason Abrevaya and   
                    Yu-Chin Hsu   Partial effects in non-linear panel data
                                  models with correlated random effects    519--535
         Martin E. Andresen and   
                   Martin Huber   Instrument-based estimation with
                                  binarised treatments: issues and tests
                                  for the exclusion restriction  . . . . . 536--558
                  Molei Liu and   
                   Yi Zhang and   
                    Doudou Zhou   Double/debiased machine learning for
                                  logistic partially linear model  . . . . 559--588
               Youngki Shin and   
              Zvezdomir Todorov   Exact computation of maximum rank
                                  correlation estimator  . . . . . . . . . 589--607

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 25, Number 1, January, 2022

                Jörg Stoye   Bounding infection prevalence by
                                  bounding selectivity and accuracy of
                                  tests: with application to early
                                  COVID-19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--14
        Philipp Breidenbach and   
                     Timo Mitze   Large-scale sport events and COVID-19
                                  infection effects: evidence from the
                                  German professional football
                                  `experiment' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--45
               Roy Cerqueti and   
          Raffaella Coppier and   
         Alessandro Girardi and   
                  Marco Ventura   The sooner the better: lives saved by
                                  the lockdown during the COVID-19
                                  outbreak. The case of Italy  . . . . . . 46--70
            Marine Carrasco and   
                Mohamed Doukali   Testing overidentifying restrictions
                                  with many instruments and
                                  heteroscedasticity using regularised
                                  jackknife IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71--97
                   Hang Liu and   
              Kanchan Mukherjee   $R$-estimators in GARCH models:
                                  asymptotics and applications . . . . . . 98--113
          Alexandra Soberon and   
      Juan M. Rodriguez-Poo and   
              Peter M. Robinson   Nonparametric panel data regression with
                                  parametric cross-sectional dependence    114--133
                   Yayi Yan and   
                 Tingting Cheng   Factor-augmented forecasting regressions
                                  with threshold effects . . . . . . . . . 134--154
            Alessandro Palandri   Rank-invariance conditions for the
                                  comparison of volatility forecasts . . . 155--175
                 Likai Chen and   
        Ekaterina Smetanina and   
                    Wei Biao Wu   Estimation of nonstationary
                                  nonparametric regression model with
                                  multiplicative structure . . . . . . . . 176--214
              Gyuhyeong Goh and   
                      Jisang Yu   Synthetic control method with convex
                                  hull restrictions: a Bayesian maximum a
                                  posteriori approach  . . . . . . . . . . 215--232
            Denis Nekipelov and   
              Vira Semenova and   
              Vasilis Syrgkanis   Regularised orthogonal machine learning
                                  for nonlinear semiparametric models  . . 233--255
           Bertille Antoine and   
                    Xiaolin Sun   Partially linear models with
                                  endogeneity: a conditional moment-based
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256--275

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 25, Number 2, May, 2022

                Jaap H. Abbring   Ten years of Denis Sargan Econometrics
                                  Prizes: Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . i--iii
          Helmut Farbmacher and   
               Martin Huber and   
Lukás Lafférs and   
             Henrika Langen and   
                Martin Spindler   Causal mediation analysis with double
                                  machine learning . . . . . . . . . . . . 277--300
             Prateek Bansal and   
       Vahid Keshavarzzadeh and   
             Angelo Guevara and   
                 Shanjun Li and   
             Ricardo A. Daziano   Designed quadrature to approximate
                                  integrals in maximum simulated
                                  likelihood estimation  . . . . . . . . . 301--321
             Kohtaro Hitomi and   
           Masamune Iwasawa and   
            Yoshihiko Nishiyama   Optimal minimax rates against nonsmooth
                                  alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322--339
                 Guowei Cui and   
              Milda Norkute and   
          Vasilis Sarafidis and   
               Takashi Yamagata   Two-stage instrumental variable
                                  estimation of linear panel data models
                                  with interactive effects . . . . . . . . 340--361
       Lajos Horváth and   
                 Zhenya Liu and   
               Gregory Rice and   
                    Yuqian Zhao   Detecting common breaks in the means of
                                  high dimensional cross-dependent panels  362--383
                 Yves G. Berger   Testing conditional moment restriction
                                  models using empirical likelihood  . . . 384--403
       Martin Emil Jakobsen and   
                   Jonas Peters   Distributional robustness of $K$-class
                                  estimators and the PULSE . . . . . . . . 404--432
            P. Cízek and   
                   S. Sadikoglu   Misclassification-robust semiparametric
                                  estimation of single-index binary-choice
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433--454
          Ignacio N. Lobato and   
                 Carlos Velasco   Single step estimation of ARMA roots for
                                  nonfundamental nonstationary fractional
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455--476
              Kyunghoon Ban and   
Désiré Kédagni   Nonparametric bounds on treatment
                                  effects with imperfect instruments . . . 477--493
              Chiara Casoli and   
      Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti   Permanent-Transitory decomposition of
                                  cointegrated time series via dynamic
                                  factor models, with an application to
                                  commodity prices . . . . . . . . . . . . 494--514
              Thomas Dimpfl and   
        Jantje Sönksen and   
              Ingo Bechmann and   
                Joachim Grammig   Estimating the SARS-CoV-2 infection
                                  fatality rate by data combination: the
                                  case of Germany's first wave . . . . . . 515--530

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 25, Number 3, September, 2022

              Andreas Olden and   
              Jarle Mòen   The triple difference estimator  . . . . 531--553
             Kyungchul Song and   
                    Zhengfei Yu   Estimation and inference on treatment
                                  effects under treatment-based sampling
                                  designs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554--575
        Victor Chernozhukov and   
           Whitney K. Newey and   
                    Rahul Singh   Debiased machine learning of global and
                                  local parameters using regularized Riesz
                                  representers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576--601
               Michael C. Knaus   Double machine learning-based programme
                                  evaluation under unconfoundedness  . . . 602--627
                Hugo Bodory and   
               Martin Huber and   
    Lukás Lafférs   Evaluating (weighted) dynamic treatment
                                  effects by double machine learning . . . 628--648
        Dmitry Arkhangelsky and   
                Guido W. Imbens   Doubly robust identification for causal
                                  panel data models  . . . . . . . . . . . 649--674
          Miguel A. Delgado and   
Andrés García-Suaza and   
          Pedro H. C. Sant'Anna   Distribution regression in duration
                                  analysis: an application to unemployment
                                  spells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675--698
                   Matthew Read   Algorithms for inference in SVARs
                                  identified with sign and zero
                                  restrictions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699--718
          Joakim Westerlund and   
                Yousef Kaddoura   CCE in heterogeneous fixed-$T$ panels    719--738
          Peter Reinhard Hansen   Relative contagiousness of emerging
                                  virus variants: an analysis of the
                                  Alpha, Delta, and Omicron SARS-CoV-2
                                  variants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--761
                   Ivan Korolev   On reduced form estimation of the effect
                                  of policy interventions on the COVID-19
                                  pandemic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762--780
                   Firat Bilgel   Effects of Covid-19 lockdowns on social
                                  distancing in Turkey . . . . . . . . . . 781--805

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 26, Number 1, January, 2023

                Jaap H. Abbring   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2021 Special Issue on Econometrics of
                                  Dynamic Discrete Choice  . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
          Victor Aguirregabiria   Dynamic demand for differentiated
                                  products with fixed-effects unobserved
                                  heterogeneity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1--C25
               Taisuke Otsu and   
             Martin Pesendorfer   Equilibrium multiplicity in dynamic
                                  games: Testing and estimation  . . . . . C26--C42
        Fiammetta Menchetti and   
         Fabrizio Cipollini and   
                Fabrizia Mealli   Combining counterfactual outcomes and
                                  ARIMA models for policy evaluation . . . 1--24
                Xiaohu Wang and   
                         Jun Yu   Bubble testing under polynomial trends   25--44
            Maximilian Kasy and   
           Alexander Teytelboym   Matching with semi-bandits . . . . . . . 45--66
                 Chaojun Li and   
                        Yan Liu   Asymptotic properties of the maximum
                                  likelihood estimator in regime-switching
                                  models with time-varying transition
                                  probabilities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67--87
                Karim M. Abadir   Explicit minimal representation of
                                  variance matrices, and its implication
                                  for dynamic volatility models  . . . . . 88--104

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 26, Number 2, May, 2023

                Jaap H. Abbring   The 2022 Denis Sargan Econometrics Prize i--i
           Alexander Kreiss and   
                Christoph Rothe   Inference in regression discontinuity
                                  designs with high-dimensional covariates 105--123
                 Guowei Cui and   
          Vasilis Sarafidis and   
               Takashi Yamagata   IV estimation of spatial dynamic panels
                                  with interactive effects: large sample
                                  theory and an application on bank
                                  attitude towards risk  . . . . . . . . . 124--146
          Valentina Corradi and   
               Daniel Gutknecht   Testing for quantile sample selection    147--173
                  Meng Yuan and   
                 Pengfei Li and   
                    Changbao Wu   Semi-parametric inference on Gini
                                  indices of two semi-continuous
                                  populations under density ratio models   174--188
            David M. Kaplan and   
                       Wei Zhao   Comparing latent inequality with ordinal
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189--214
                 Sung Hoon Choi   Feasible weighted projected principal
                                  component analysis for semi-parametric
                                  factor models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215--234
         Emmanuel Selorm Tsyawo   Feasible IV regression without excluded
                                  instruments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235--256
Andrés Aradillas-López and   
                Lidia Kosenkova   A nonparametric test for cooperation in
                                  discrete games . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257--278
              Fabian Dunker and   
           Stefan Hoderlein and   
                  Hiroaki Kaido   Nonparametric identification of random
                                  coefficients in aggregate demand models
                                  for differentiated products  . . . . . . 279--306
          Benjamin Poignard and   
                    Manabu Asai   Estimation of high-dimensional vector
                                  autoregression via sparse precision
                                  matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--326

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 26, Number 3, September, 2023

                      Anonymous   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2022 Special Issue on The New
                                  Difference-in-Differences  . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
Clément de Chaisemartin and   
         Xavier D'Haultfoeuille   Two-way fixed effects and
                                  differences-in-differences with
                                  heterogeneous treatment effects: a
                                  survey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C1--C30
          Jeffrey M. Wooldridge   Simple approaches to nonlinear
                                  difference-in-differences with panel
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C31--C66
          Matthew A. Masten and   
              Alexandre Poirier   Choosing exogeneity assumptions in
                                  potential outcome models . . . . . . . . 327--349
               Javier Alejo and   
          Antonio F. Galvao and   
           Gabriel Montes-Rojas   A first-stage representation for
                                  instrumental variables quantile
                                  regression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350--377
          Christian M. Dahl and   
               Martin Huber and   
               Giovanni Mellace   It is never too LATE: a new look at
                                  local average treatment effects with or
                                  without defiers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 378--404
          Luca Margaritella and   
              Joakim Westerlund   Using information criteria to select
                                  averages in CCE  . . . . . . . . . . . . 405--421
                 Yimin Yang and   
                    Huili Zhang   Three-way gravity models with
                                  multiplicative unobserved effects  . . . 422--443
              Otilia Boldea and   
     Adriana Cornea-Madeira and   
            João Madeira   Disentangling the effect of measures,
                                  variants, and vaccines on SARS-CoV-2
                                  infections in England: a dynamic
                                  intensity model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 444--466
             Stefan Richter and   
               Weining Wang and   
                    Wei Biao Wu   Testing for parameter change epochs in
                                  GARCH time series  . . . . . . . . . . . 467--491
                 Xiao Zhang and   
                     Xu Liu and   
                    Xingjie Shi   Model selection for varying coefficient
                                  nonparametric transformation model . . . 492--512

The Econometrics Journal
Volume 27, Number 1, January, 2024

                Jaap H. Abbring   Royal Economic Society Annual Conference
                                  2022 Sargan Lecture  . . . . . . . . . . Ci--Cii
                  Serena Ng and   
               Susannah Scanlan   Constructing high frequency economic
                                  indicators by imputation . . . . . . . . C1--C30
                Rahul Singh and   
                     Liyang Sun   Double robustness for complier
                                  parameters and a semi-parametric test
                                  for complier characteristics . . . . . . 1--20
                 Jad Beyhum and   
            Lorenzo Tedesco and   
            Ingrid Van Keilegom   Instrumental variable quantile
                                  regression under random right censoring  21--36
                Puying Zhao and   
                    Changbao Wu   Augmented two-step estimating equations
                                  with nuisance functionals and complex
                                  survey data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--61
                  Runyu Dai and   
          Yoshimasa Uematsu and   
               Yasumasa Matsuda   Estimation of large covariance matrices
                                  with mixed factor structures . . . . . . 62--83
          Thomas von Brasch and   
             Arvid Raknerud and   
                Trond C. Vigtel   Identifying the elasticity of
                                  substitution with biased technical
                                  change: a structural panel GMM estimator 84--106
         Heino Bohn Nielsen and   
                  Anders Rahbek   Penalized quasi-likelihood estimation
                                  and model selection with parameters on
                                  the boundary of the parameter space  . . 107--125
           Gianluca Cubadda and   
                  Marco Mazzali   The vector error correction index model:
                                  representation, estimation and
                                  identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--150
             Masako Ikefuji and   
              Jan R. Magnus and   
               Takashi Yamagata   Revealing priors from posteriors with an
                                  application to inflation forecasting in
                                  the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151--170