Table of contents for issues of Journal of Cell Biology

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Volume 24, Number 1, January, 1965
Volume 24, Number 2, February, 1965
Volume 24, Number 3, March, 1965
Volume 25, Number 1, April, 1965
Volume 25, Number 2, May, 1965
Volume 25, Number 3, June, 1965
Volume 26, Number 1, July, 1965
Volume 26, Number 2, August, 1965
Volume 26, Number 3, September, 1965
Volume 27, Number 1, October, 1965
Volume 27, Number 2, November, 1965
Volume 27, Number 3, December, 1965
Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1966
Volume 28, Number 2, February, 1966
Volume 28, Number 3, March, 1966
Volume 29, Number 1, April, 1966
Volume 29, Number 2, May, 1966
Volume 29, Number 3, June, 1966
Volume 30, Number 1, July, 1966
Volume 30, Number 2, August, 1966
Volume 30, Number 3, September, 1966
Volume 31, Number 1, October, 1966
Volume 31, Number 2, November, 1966
Volume 31, Number 3, December, 1966
Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1967
Volume 32, Number 2, February, 1967
Volume 32, Number 3, March, 1967
Volume 33, Number 1, April, 1967
Volume 33, Number 2, May, 1967
Volume 33, Number 3, June, 1967
Volume 34, Number 1, July, 1967
Volume 34, Number 2, August, 1967
Volume 34, Number 3, September, 1967
Volume 35, Number 1, October, 1967
Volume 35, Number 2, November, 1967
Volume 35, Number 3, December, 1967
Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1968
Volume 36, Number 2, February, 1968
Volume 36, Number 3, March, 1968
Volume 37, Number 1, April, 1968
Volume 37, Number 2, May, 1968
Volume 37, Number 3, June, 1968
Volume 38, Number 1, July, 1968
Volume 38, Number 2, August, 1968
Volume 38, Number 3, September, 1968
Volume 39, Number 1, October, 1968
Volume 39, Number 2, November, 1968
Volume 39, Number 3, December, 1968
Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1969
Volume 40, Number 2, February, 1969
Volume 40, Number 3, March, 1969
Volume 41, Number 1, April, 1969
Volume 41, Number 2, May, 1969
Volume 41, Number 3, June, 1969
Volume 42, Number 1, July, 1969
Volume 42, Number 2, August, 1969
Volume 42, Number 3, September, 1969
Volume 43, Number 1, October, 1969
Volume 43, Number 2, November, 1969
Volume 43, Number 3, December, 1969

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 24, Number 1, January, 1965

          David B. Slautterback   Mitochondria in Cardiac Muscle Cells of
                                  the Canary and Some Other Birds  . . . . 1
               P. F. Elbers and   
    P. H. J. T. Ververgaert and   
                       R. Demel   Tricomplex Fixation of Phospholipids . . 23
            Jacques Vincent and   
          Stanislas Haumont and   
                   Joseph Roels   Microscopic Determination of Bone
                                  Phosphorus by Quantitative
                                  Autoradiography of Neutron-Activated
                                  Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
           B. E. F. Reimann and   
             Joyce C. Lewin and   
                  B. E. Volcani   Studies on the Biochemistry and Fine
                                  Structure of Silica Shell Formation in
                                  Diatoms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
       J. F. David-Ferreira and   
                  R. A. Manaker   An Electron Microscope Study of the
                                  Development of a Mouse Hepatitis Virus
                                  in Tissue Culture Cells  . . . . . . . . 57
               B. E. S. Gunning   The Fine Structure of Chloroplast Stroma
                                  Following Aldehyde Osmium-Tetroxide
                                  Fixation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
              Patricia C. Baker   Fine Structure and Morphogenic Movements
                                  in the Gastrula of the Treefrog, Hyla
                                  Regilla  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
           F. B. P. Wooding and   
                D. H. Northcote   The Fine Structure and Development of
                                  the Companion Cell of the Phloem of
                                  \bionameAcer Pseudoplatanus  . . . . . . 117
            Michael N. Sheridan   The Fine Structure of the Electric Organ
                                  of Torpedo Marmorata . . . . . . . . . . 129
              D. W. Gregory and   
                  E. C. Cocking   The Large-Scale Isolation of Protoplasts
                                  from Immature Tomato Fruit . . . . . . . 143
                   J. Tooze and   
                   H. G. Davies   Cytolysomes in Amphibian Erythrocytes    146
                 Patrick Echlin   An Apparent Helical Arrangement of
                                  Ribosomes in Developing Pollen Mother
                                  Cells of Ipomoea Purpurea (L.) Roth  . . 150
               Joan Argetsinger   The Isolation of Ciliary Basal Bodies
                                  (Kinetosomes) from \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
                     D. M. Gill   An Improved Method for the Isolation of
                                  Rat Liver Nuclei by Density
                                  Centrifugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 24, Number 2, February, 1965

           Richard P. Bunge and   
        Mary Bartlett Bunge and   
              Edith R. Peterson   An Electron Microscope Study of Cultured
                                  Rat Spinal Cord  . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
                   Kiyoshi Hama   Some Observations on the Fine Structure
                                  of the Lateral Line Organ of the
                                  Japanese Sea Eel Lyncozymba Nystromi . . 193
                   Jane Overton   Changes in Cell Fine Structure During
                                  Lens Regeneration in \bionameXenopus
                                  laevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
                  Jacob J. Blum   Observations on the Acid Phosphatases of
                                  Euglena Gracilis . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
          Joachim R. Sommer and   
                  Jacob J. Blum   Cytochemical Localization of Acid
                                  Phosphatases in Euglena Gracilis . . . . 235
              Joachim R. Sommer   The Ultrastructure of the Pellicle
                                  Complex of Euglena Gracilis  . . . . . . 253
         Norbert M. Kanczak and   
            Joseph I. Krall and   
           E. Russell Hayes and   
             Willard B. Elliott   Lysosomal Fractions from Transitional
                                  Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
              Effat Badr Mourad   Evidence for Cytoplasmic DNA in Root
                                  Cells of Nicotiana . . . . . . . . . . . 267
                   P. Satir and   
                   A. M. Stuart   A New Apical Microtubule-Associated
                                  Organelle in the Sternal Gland of
                                  Zootermopsis Nevadensis (Hagen),
                                  Isoptera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
            Albert W. Sedar and   
                Ronald M. Burde   Localization of the Succinic
                                  Dehydrogenase System in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli Using Combined
                                  Techniques of Cytochemistry and Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
         A. Gedeon Matoltsy and   
               Paul F. Parakkal   Membrane-Coating Granules of
                                  Keratinizing Epithelia . . . . . . . . . 297
              R. Gerald Suskind   Autoradiographic and Cytochemical
                                  Evidence for Synthesis of a
                                  Lysine-Containing Ribonucleoprotein in
                                  Nucleoli Inhibited by Actinomycin D  . . 309
             Andre B. Borle and   
              William F. Neuman   Effects of Parathyroid Hormone on HeLa
                                  Cell Cultures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
           C. Roland Leeson and   
               Thomas S. Leeson   An Unusual Arrangement of Ribosomes in
                                  Mesenchymal Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 324
                Keiichi Oki and   
           Sadaomi Yoshioka and   
           Kiyoharu Hayashi and   
                Masasuke Masuda   Mitochondrial Changes Induced by Iron
                                  Absorption in the Duodenal Absorptive
                                  Cells of Rats  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
               Joseph V. Landau   High Hydrostatic Pressure Effects on
                                  Amoeba Proteus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 24, Number 3, March, 1965

              A. A. Avakyan and   
                A. F. Byckovsky   Ontogenesis of Human Smallpox Virus  . . 337
             Barbara J. Stevens   The Fine Structure of the Nucleolus
                                  During Mitosis in the Grasshopper
                                  Neuroblast Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
               Atsushi Ichikawa   Fine Structural Changes in Response to
                                  Hormonal Stimulation of the Perfused
                                  Canine Pancreas  . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
            A. V. Grimstone and   
                L. R. Cleveland   The Fine Structure and Function of the
                                  Contractile Axostyles of Certain
                                  Flagellates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
               Wolf Prensky and   
                Harold H. Smith   The Mechanism of $5$-Aminouracil-Induced
                                  Synchrony of Cell Division in
                                  \bionameVicia Faba Root Meristems  . . . 401
             James Cronshaw and   
              G. Benjamin Bouck   The Fine Structure of Differentiating
                                  Xylem Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
              Awtar Krishan and   
                 Robert C. Buck   Structure of the Mitotic Spindle in L
                                  Strain Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . . 433
               David J. L. Luck   The Influence of Precursor Pool Size on
                                  Mitochondrial Composition in Neurospora
                                  Crassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
               David J. L. Luck   Formation of Mitochondria in Neurospora
                                  Crassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
                   R. G. Kessel   Intranuclear and Cytoplasmic Annulate
                                  Lamellae in Tunicate Oocytes . . . . . . 471
              R. E. Reichle and   
                J. V. Alexander   Multiperforate Septations, Woronin
                                  Bodies, and Septal Plugs in Fusarium . . 489
             Doreen E. Ashhurst   Mitochondrial Particles Seen in Sections 497
             R. J. Stephens and   
                     R. F. Bils   An Atypical Mitochondrial Form in Normal
                                  Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
          Hilton H. Mollenhauer   An Intercisternal Structure in the Golgi
                                  Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504
                    E. J. Wills   Crystalline Structures in the
                                  Mitochondria of Normal Human Liver
                                  Parenchymal Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 511

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 25, Number 1, April, 1965

            Åke Flock and   
                Arndt J. Duvall   The Ultrastructure of the Kinocilium of
                                  the Sensory Cells in the Inner Ear and
                                  Lateral Line Organs  . . . . . . . . . . 1
              C. M. S. Dass and   
                   S. T. Bayley   A Structural Study of Rat Liver
                                  Ribosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
          Lois Withrow Tice and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Diazophthalocyanins As Reagents for Fine
                                  Structural Cytochemistry . . . . . . . . 23
               Carl M. Feldherr   The Effect of the Electron-Opaque Pore
                                  Material on Exchanges Through the
                                  Nuclear Annuli . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
               R. G. Kessel and   
                    H. W. Beams   An Unusual Configuration of the Golgi
                                  Complex in Pigment-Producing ``Test''
                                  Cells of the Ovary of the Tunicate,
                                  Styela . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
            John R. Coleman and   
             Heinz Herrmann and   
                   Barbara Bess   Biosynthesis of Collagen and
                                  Non-Collagen Protein During Development
                                  of the Chick Cornea  . . . . . . . . . . 69
          G. Benjamin Bouck and   
                 James Cronshaw   The Fine Structure of Differentiating
                                  Sieve Tube Elements  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Hans Laufer and   
                Yasukiyo Nakase   Developmental Studies of the Dipteran
                                  Salivary Gland . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
           Susumu Kishimoto and   
               Irving Lieberman   Nuclear Membranes of Cultured Mammalian
                                  Cells in the Period Preceding DNA
                                  Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
             Jacques Lipetz and   
               Anthony J. Garro   Ionic Effects on Lignification and
                                  Peroxidase in Tissue Cultures  . . . . . 109
           A. Van Harreveld and   
               Jane Crowell and   
                 S. K. Malhotra   A Study of Extracellular Space in
                                  Central Nervous Tissue by
                                  Freeze-Substitution  . . . . . . . . . . 117
              Jack Maniloff and   
         Harold J. Morowitz and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Studies of the Ultrastructure and
                                  Ribosomal Arrangements of the
                                  Pleuropneumonia-Like Organism A5969  . . 139
               Walther Flemming   Contributions to the Knowledge of the
                                  Cell and Its Vital Processes . . . . . . 3
                Patricia Harris   Some Observations Concerning Metakinesis
                                  in Sea Urchin Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . 73
                J. Mol\`e-Bajer   Telophase Segregation of Chromosomes and
                                  Amitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Arthur Forer   Local Reduction of Spindle Fiber
                                  Birefringence in Living Nephrotoma
                                  Suturalis (Loew) Spermatocytes Induced
                                  by Ultraviolet Microbeam Irradiation . . 95
               R. Bruce Nicklas   Chromosome Velocity During Mitosis As a
                                  Function of Chromosome Size and Position 119
                     R. E. Kane   The Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . 137
                Edwin W. Taylor   The Mechanism of Colchicine Inhibition
                                  of Mitosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                    Y. Hiramoto   Further Studies on Cell Division Without
                                  Mitotic Apparatus in Sea Urchin Eggs . . 161
                   S. T. Takats   Non-Random Nuclear Orientation During
                                  DNA Synthesis in \bionameTradescantia
                                  Pollen Grains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
            Julio M. Frasca and   
                 Verta R. Parks   A Routine Technique for Double-Staining
                                  Ultrathin Sections Using Uranyl and Lead
                                  Salts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
               Richard M. Eakin   Differentiation of Rods and Cones in
                                  Total Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
                  Michael Locke   The Structure of Septate Desmosomes  . . 166
                    Oswald Hess   The Effect of X-Rays on the Functional
                                  Structures of the Y Chromosome in
                                  Spermatocytes of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Hydei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 25, Number 2, May, 1965

               John Mcd. Tormey   Artifactual Localization of Ferritin in
                                  the Ciliary Epithelium in Vitro  . . . . 1
                Ivan L. Cameron   Macromolecular Events Leading to Cell
                                  Division in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis After Removal and Replacement
                                  of Required Pyrimidines  . . . . . . . . 9
          William B. Kinter and   
             T. Hastings Wilson   Autoradiographic Study of Sugar and
                                  Amino Acid Absorption by Everted Sacs of
                                  Hamster Intestine  . . . . . . . . . . . 19
           Gerald B. Gordon and   
          Leonard R. Miller and   
                Klaus G. Bensch   Studies on the Intracellular Digestive
                                  Process in Mammalian Tissue Culture
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
              J. Herbert Taylor   Distribution of Tritium-Labeled DNA
                                  Among Chromosomes During Meiosis . . . . 57
      F. de Balbian Verster and   
            O. Z. Sellinger and   
                   J. C. Harkin   Morphological and Biochemical Correlates
                                  of Cerebral Microsomes . . . . . . . . . 69
             Luther E. Franklin   Morphology of Gamete Membrane Fusion and
                                  of Sperm Entry into Oocytes of the Sea
                                  Urchin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
                  Toshio Nagano   Localization of Adenosine Triphosphatase
                                  Activity in the Rat Sperm Tail As
                                  Revealed by Electron Microscopy  . . . . 101
             Nirmal Chakravarty   Glycolysis in Rat Peritoneal Mast Cells  123
                 R. E. Stephens   Analysis of Muscle Contraction by
                                  Ultraviolet Microbeam Disruption of
                                  Sarcomere Structure  . . . . . . . . . . 129
           David S. Maxwell and   
                Lawrence Kruger   The Fine Structure of Astrocytes in the
                                  Cerebral Cortex and Their Response to
                                  Focal Injury Produced by Heavy Ionizing
                                  Particles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
                  Arthur Karlin   The Association of Acetylcholinesterase
                                  and Membrane in Subcellular Fractions of
                                  the Electric Tissue of Electrophorus . . 159
                G. E. Stone and   
               O. L. Miller and   
                 D. M. Prescott   H$^3$-Thymidine Derivative Pools in
                                  Relation to Macronuclear DNA Synthesis
                                  in \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis  . . . 171
                  Jae Kwon Choi   Electron Microscopy of Absorption of
                                  Tracer Materials by Toad Urinary Bladder
                                  Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
            Jesse E. Sisken and   
                Luciano Morasca   Intrapopulation Kinetics of the Mitotic
                                  Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
              G. Ben-Hayyim and   
                        I. Ohad   Synthesis of Cellulose by Acetobacter
                                  Xylinum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
              Lawrence Y. Yatsu   The Ultrastructure of Cotyledonary
                                  Tissue from Gossypium Hirsutum L. Seeds  193
              Edward Essner and   
           Alex B. Novikoff and   
                Nelson Quintana   Nucleoside Phosphatase Activities in Rat
                                  Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
                    T. S. Reese   Olfactory Cilia in the Frog  . . . . . . 209
              Eugene J. Hoffman   The Nucleic Acids of Basal Bodies
                                  Isolated from \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
                 Henry Tedeschi   Some Observations on the Permeability of
                                  Mitochondria to Sucrose  . . . . . . . . 229
             Lumiko Niijima and   
                       Jean Dan   The Acrosome Reaction in Mytilus Edulis  243
             Lumiko Niijima and   
                       Jean Dan   The Acrosome Reaction in Mytilus Edulis  249
          Donald D. Hickman and   
              Albert W. Frenkel   Observations on the Structure of
                                  Rhodospirillum Molischianum  . . . . . . 261
          Donald D. Hickman and   
              Albert W. Frenkel   Observations on the Structure of
                                  Rhodospirillum Rubrum  . . . . . . . . . 279
              K. Blinzinger and   
            N. B. Rewcastle and   
                       H. Hager   Observations on Prismatic-Type
                                  Mitochondria Within Astrocytes of the
                                  Syrian Hamster Brain . . . . . . . . . . 293
       Sister M. A. McManus and   
                     L. E. Roth   Fibrillar Differentiation in Myxomycete
                                  Plasmodia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
          Richard Davenport and   
            Janice C. Davenport   A Cytochemical Study of Cytoplasmic
                                  Basic Proteins in the Ascidian Oocyte    319
               Naomi Kislev and   
               Hewson Swift and   
               Lawrence Bogorad   Nucleic Acids of Chloroplasts and
                                  Mitochondria in Swiss Chard  . . . . . . 327
         Toshiyuki Yamamoto and   
               Kyoji Tasaki and   
            Yoshio Sugawara and   
                 Akira Tonosaki   Fine Structure of the Octopus Retina . . 345
         Hiromichi Nakajima and   
                Robert D. Allen   The Changing Pattern of Birefringence in
                                  Plasmodia of the Slime Mold,
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 361
               P. F. Elbers and   
        P. H. J. T. Ververgaert   Electron Microscope and X-Ray
                                  Diffraction Studies on a Homologous
                                  Series of Saturated Phosphatidylcholines 375
              Nirmal K. Das and   
            Elsie P. Siegel and   
                     Max Alfert   Synthetic Activities During
                                  Spermatogenesis in the Locust  . . . . . 387
        Arthur M. Zimmerman and   
               Ronald C. Rustad   Effects of High Pressure on Pinocytosis
                                  in Amoeba Proteus  . . . . . . . . . . . 397
                  I. B. Gibbons   Reactivation of Glycerinated Cilia from
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 400
            Toyoko Ishikawa and   
                    Yen Fen Pei   Intramitochondrial Glycogen Particles in
                                  Rat Retinal Receptor Cells . . . . . . . 402
            John H. Venable and   
             Richard Coggeshall   A Simplified Lead Citrate Stain for Use
                                  in Electron Microscopy . . . . . . . . . 407
               Stephen L. Wolfe   Isolated Microtubules  . . . . . . . . . 408

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 25, Number 3, June, 1965

                    Arthur Hess   Developmental Changes in the Structure
                                  of the Synapse on the Myelinated Cell
                                  Bodies of the Chicken Ciliary Ganglion   1
            Gene A. Morrill and   
             Adele B. Kostellow   Phospholipid and Nucleic Acid Gradients
                                  in the Developing Amphibian Embryo . . . 21
                 R. E. Kane and   
                   Arthur Forer   The Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . 31
               Nancy L. Trotter   Electron-Opaque, Lipid-Containing Bodies
                                  in Mouse Liver at Early Intervals After
                                  Partial Hepatectomy and Sham Operation   41
             Edward S. Reynolds   Liver Parenchymal Cell Injury  . . . . . 53
             L. Kolehmainen and   
                    H. Zech and   
               D. von Wettstein   The Structure of Cells During Tobacco
                                  Mosaic Virus Reproduction  . . . . . . . 77
                Yasuo Hotta and   
                  Herbert Stern   Inducibility of Thymidine Kinase by
                                  Thymidine As a Function of Interphase
                                  Stage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
       D. C. Swartzendruber and   
                    M. G. Hanna   Electron Microscopic Autoradiography of
                                  Germinal Center Cells in Mouse Spleen    109
               Lois W. Tice and   
                 David S. Smith   The Localization of Myofibrillar ATP Ase
                                  Activity in the Flight Muscles of the
                                  Blowfly, \bionameCalliphora
                                  Erythrocephala . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
             Elton Stubblefield   Quantitative Tritium Autoradiography of
                                  Mammalian Chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . 137
                 Leon Weiss and   
              Alan C. Aisenberg   An Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Lymphatic Tissue in Runt Disease . . . . 149
           Frank S. Labella and   
                   Madhu Sanwal   Isolation of Nerve Endings from the
                                  Posterior Pituitary Gland  . . . . . . . 179
            Richard M. Hays and   
               Bayla Singer and   
                  Sasha Malamed   The Effect of Calcium Withdrawal on the
                                  Structure and Function of the Toad
                                  Bladder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
                 Lee D. Peachey   The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and
                                  Transverse Tubules of the Frog's
                                  Sartorius  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
           Philip W. Brandt and   
             John P. Reuben and   
           Lucien Girardier and   
                Harry Grundfest   Correlated Morphological and
                                  Physiological Studies on Isolated Single
                                  Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   Changes in the DNA Content of Adrenal
                                  Medulla Nuclei of Rats Intermittently
                                  Exposed to Cold  . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
                   Huai-San Lin   Microcylinders Within Mitochondrial
                                  Cristae in the Rat Pinealocyte . . . . . 435
    Richard G. Christiansen and   
               John M. Marshall   A Study of Phagocytosis in the Ameba
                                  Chaos Chaos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
             Maria A. Rudzinska   The Fine Structure and Function of the
                                  Tentacle in \bionameTokophrya Infusionum 459
                  S. Shibko and   
                J. Pangborn and   
                   A. L. Tappel   Studies on the Release of Lysosomal
                                  Enzymes from Kidney Lysosomes  . . . . . 479
              P. B. Herdson and   
               J. P. Kaltenbach   Electron Microscope Studies on Enzyme
                                  Activity and the Isolation of
                                  Thiohydantoin-Induced Myelin Figures in
                                  Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
                Jack Rosenbluth   Ultrastructural Organization of
                                  Obliquely Striated Muscle Fibers in
                                  Ascaris Lumbricoides . . . . . . . . . . 495
               D. H. Williamson   The Timing of Deoxyribonucleic Acid
                                  Synthesis in the Cell Cycle of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 517
                Robert Love and   
             Mario V. Fernandes   Cytological and Cytochemical Studies of
                                  Green Monkey Kidney Cells Infected in
                                  Vitro with Simian Virus 40 . . . . . . . 529
                Daniel Szollosi   Extrusion of Nucleoli from Pronuclei of
                                  the Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545
               Daniel S. Friend   The Fine Structure of Brunner's Glands
                                  in the Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
                J. W. Combs and   
                D. Lagunoff and   
                  E. P. Benditt   Differentiation and Proliferation of
                                  Embryonic Mast Cells of the Rat  . . . . 577
            Bruce K. Wetzel and   
           Samuel S. Spicer and   
             Seymour H. Wollman   Changes in Fine Structure and Acid
                                  Phosphatase Localization in Rat Thyroid
                                  Cells Following Thyrotropin
                                  Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
         Dale M. Steffensen and   
            William F. Sheridan   Incorporation of H$^3$-Thymidine into
                                  Chloroplast DNA of Marine Algae  . . . . 619
              Sten Orrenius and   
         Jan L. E. Ericsson and   
                   Lars Ernster   Phenobarbital-Induced Synthesis of the
                                  Microsomal Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme
                                  System and Its Relationship to the
                                  Proliferation of Endoplasmic Membranes   627
                John A. Parsons   Mitochondrial Incorporation of Tritiated
                                  Thymidine in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
                   M. Colonnier   On the Nature of Intranuclear Rods . . . 646
               Shuichi Karasaki   Intranuclear Crystal Within the
                                  Phagocytes of the Ovary of
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 654

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 26, Number 1, July, 1965

               J. G. Lafontaine   A Light and Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Small, Spherical Nuclear Bodies in
                                  Meristematic Cells of \bionameAllium
                                  Cepa, \bionameVicia Faba, and
                                  \bionameRaphanus Sativus . . . . . . . . 1
                   M. Atlas and   
                     V. P. Bond   The Cell Generation Cycle of the
                                  Eleven-Day Mouse Embryo  . . . . . . . . 19
                    R. M. Hicks   The Fine Structure of the Transitional
                                  Epithelium of Rat Ureter . . . . . . . . 25
                   Barbara Stay   Protein Uptake in the Oocytes of the
                                  Cecropia Moth  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
         Catherine A. Smith and   
             Grant L. Rasmussen   Degeneration in the Efferent Nerve
                                  Endings in the Cochlea After Axonal
                                  Section  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
                Bryce L. Munger   The Intraepidermal Innervation of the
                                  Snout Skin of the Opossum  . . . . . . . 79
            Milton W. Brightman   The Distribution Within the Brain of
                                  Ferritin Injected into Cerebrospinal
                                  Fluid Compartments . . . . . . . . . . . 99
            James E. Trosko and   
                  Sheldon Wolff   Strandedness of \bionameVicia Faba
                                  Chromosomes As Revealed by Enzyme
                                  Digestion Studies  . . . . . . . . . . . 125
         Elizabeth H. Leduc and   
                     S. J. Holt   Hydroxypropyl Methacrylate, a New
                                  Water-Miscible Embedding Medium for
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 137
     Steven Edward Kornguth and   
          John Walberg Anderson   Localization of a Basic Protein in the
                                  Myelin of Various Species with the Aid
                                  of Fluorescence and Electron Microscopy  157
                 S. Granick and   
              Richard D. Levere   The Intracellular Localization of Heme
                                  by a Fluorescence Technique  . . . . . . 167
       Francis S. Greenspan and   
              Judy R. Hargadine   The Intracellular Localization of
                                  Pituitary Thyrotropic Hormone  . . . . . 177
             Jack Van't Hof and   
                  A. H. Sparrow   Radiation Effects on the Growth Rate and
                                  Cell Population Kinetics of Actively
                                  Growing and Dormant Roots of
                                  \bionameTradescantia Paludosa  . . . . . 187
           Maurice M. Black and   
               Hudson R. Ansley   Antigen-Induced Changes in Lymphoid Cell
                                  Histones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
                       J. Tooze   An Investigation by Electron Microscopy
                                  of the Nucleoside Phosphatase Activity
                                  of Amphibian and Mammalian Erythrocytes  209
            Pierre Baudhuin and   
              Henri Beaufay and   
              Christian de Duve   Combined Biochemical and Morphological
                                  Study of Particulate Fractions from Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
               Dino Merlini and   
                 Felice Caramia   Effect of Dehydroascorbic Acid on the
                                  Islets of Langerhans of the Rat Pancreas 245
        Marilyn G. Farquhar and   
               George E. Palade   Cell Junctions in Amphibian Skin . . . . 263
                John F. Aronson   The Use of Fluorescein-Labeled Heavy
                                  Meromyosin for the Cytological
                                  Demonstration of Actin . . . . . . . . . 293
            E. L. Benedetti and   
                     P. Emmelot   Electron Microscopic Observations on
                                  Negatively Stained Plasma Membranes
                                  Isolated from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 299
G. Giménez-Martín and   
A. González-Fernández and   
 J. F. López-Sáez   A New Method of Labeling Cells . . . . . 305
               Michael K. Reedy   Section Staining for Electron Microscopy 309

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 26, Number 2, August, 1965

                Zbigniew Srebro   The Ultrastructure of Gliosomes in the
                                  Brains of Amphibia . . . . . . . . . . . 313
                Helen J. Ramsey   Fine Structure of the Surface of the
                                  Cerebral Cortex of Human Brain . . . . . 323
                    Joseph Pick   The Fine Structure of Sympathetic
                                  Neurons in X-Irradiated Frogs  . . . . . 335
                 Miro Brzin and   
     Wolf-Dietrich Dettbarn and   
           Philip Rosenberg and   
              David Nachmansohn   Cholinesterase Activity Per Unit Surface
                                  Area of Conducting Membranes . . . . . . 353
                   E. Gantt and   
                    S. F. Conti   The Ultrastructure of Porphyridium
                                  Cruentum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
            A. A. Hadjiolov and   
             Z. S. Tencheva and   
    A. G. Bojadjieva-Mikhailova   Isolation and Some Characteristics of
                                  Cell Nuclei from Brain Cortex of Adult
                                  Cat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
             Sarah P. Gibbs and   
              W. R. Sistrom and   
             Patricia B. Worden   The Photosynthetic Apparatus of
                                  Rhodospirillum Molischianum  . . . . . . 395
            Laura Garnjobst and   
               J. F. Wilson and   
                    E. L. Tatum   Studies on a Cytoplasmic Character in
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 413
           E. G. Diacumakos and   
               L. Garnjobst and   
                    E. L. Tatum   A Cytoplasmic Character in Neurospora
                                  Crassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
             David S. Smith and   
                 J. E. Treherne   The Electron Microscopic Localization of
                                  Cholinesterase Activity in the Central
                                  Nervous System of an Insect,
                                  \bionamePeriplaneta Americana L. . . . . 445
                    Arthur Hess   The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, the T
                                  System, and the Motor Terminals of Slow
                                  and Twitch Muscle Fibers in the Garter
                                  Snake  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 467
                  Sally G. Page   A Comparison of the Fine Structures of
                                  Frog Slow and Twitch Muscle Fibres . . . 477
       Filiberto Giacomelli and   
              Joseph Wiener and   
                    David Spiro   Cytological Alterations Related to
                                  Stimulation of the \bionameZona
                                  Glomerulosa of the Adrenal Gland . . . . 499
                  T. C. Hsu and   
         Frances E. Arrighi and   
          Robert R. Klevecz and   
                 B. R. Brinkley   The Nucleoli in Mitotic Divisions of
                                  Mammalian Cells in Vitro . . . . . . . . 539
              R. Gustafsson and   
                 J. R. Tata and   
                O. Lindberg and   
                     L. Ernster   The Relationship Between the Structure
                                  and Activity of Rat Skeletal Muscle
                                  Mitochondria After Thyroidectomy and
                                  Thyroid Hormone Treatment  . . . . . . . 555
                Jack Rosenbluth   Ultrastructure of Somatic Muscle Cells
                                  in Ascaris Lumbricoides  . . . . . . . . 579
              Lester Packer and   
Paul-andré Siegenthaler and   
                  Park S. Nobel   Light-Induced Volume Changes in Spinach
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
          Raymond G. Murray and   
            Assia S. Murray and   
                  Anthony Pizzo   The Fine Structure of Mitosis in Rat
                                  Thymic Lymphocytes . . . . . . . . . . . 601
               Graham Hoyle and   
           James H. McAlear and   
               Allen Selverston   Mechanism of Supercontraction in a
                                  Striated Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
             K. Seraydarian and   
          W. F. H. M. Mommaerts   Density Gradient Separation of
                                  Sarcotubular Vesicles and Other
                                  Particulate Constituents of Rabbit
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
          Philip Fitz-James and   
                 Ronald Hancock   The Initial Structural Lesion of
                                  Penicillin Action in Bacillus Megaterium 657
             W. E. Stehbens and   
                   M. D. Silver   Unusual Development of Basement Membrane
                                  About Small Blood Vessels  . . . . . . . 669
             Glen B. Haydon and   
                D. Alice Taylor   Microtubules in Hamster Platelets  . . . 673
              David M. Phillips   An Ordered Filamentous Component in
                                  Sciara (Diptera) Salivary Gland Cell
                                  Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 26, Number 3, September, 1965

         Alexander Eichholz and   
                Robert K. Crane   Studies on the Organization of the Brush
                                  Border in Intestinal Epithelial Cells    687
               Jane Overton and   
         Alexander Eichholz and   
                Robert K. Crane   Studies on the Organization of the Brush
                                  Border in Intestinal Epithelial Cells    693
                  I. R. Gibbons   An Effect of Adenosine Triphosphate on
                                  the Light Scattered by Suspensions of
                                  Cilia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
                  Sten Orrenius   On the Mechanism of Drug Hydroxylation
                                  in Rat Liver Microsomes  . . . . . . . . 713
                  Sten Orrenius   Further Studies on the Induction of the
                                  Drug-Hydroxylating Enzyme System of
                                  Liver Microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
                  Leonard Weiss   Studies on Cell Deformability  . . . . . 735
                 B. Thorell and   
                  B. Chance and   
                   V. Legallais   Microspectrophotometry of Cytochromes in
                                  the Single Cell at Room and Liquid
                                  Nitrogen Temperatures  . . . . . . . . . 741
              John F. Woods and   
                 George Nichols   Collagenolytic Activity in Rat Bone
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
              T. Samorajski and   
                 J. M. Ordy and   
                    J. R. Keefe   The Fine Structure of Lipofuscin Age
                                  Pigment in the Nervous System of Aged
                                  Mice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
           Maurice M. Black and   
               Hudson R. Ansley   Antigen-Induced Changes in Lymphoid Cell
                                  Histones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 797
                    Peter Satir   Studies on Cilia . . . . . . . . . . . . 805
         Björn A. Afzelius   The Occurrence and Structure of
                                  Microbodies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
            Ivan L. Cameron and   
                E. Ernest Guile   Nucleolar and Biochemical Changes During
                                  Unbalanced Growth of \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
                   M. Locke and   
                  J. V. Collins   The Structure and Formation of Protein
                                  Granules in the Fat Body of an Insect    857
         Henry deF. Webster and   
                  Adelbert Ames   Reversible and Irreversible Changes in
                                  the Fine Structure of Nervous Tissue
                                  During Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation    885
            A. Kent Christensen   The Fine Structure of Testicular
                                  Interstitial Cells in Guinea Pigs  . . . 911
               Shuichi Karasaki   Electron Microscopic Examination of the
                                  Sites of Nuclear RNA Synthesis During
                                  Amphibian Embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . 937
         P. O'B. Montgomery and   
              James E. Cook and   
                   David Karney   Ultraviolet Microbeam Irradiation in
                                  Living Cell Membranes  . . . . . . . . . 959
                  Una Smith and   
                 David S. Smith   A Microtubular Complex in the Epidermal
                                  Nucleus of an Insect, Carausius Morosus  961
               J. J. Wolken and   
                   G. J. Gallik   The Compound Eye of a Crustacean,
                                  Leptodora Kindtii  . . . . . . . . . . . 968
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
                James G. Hirsch   Crystalloid Structure in Granules of
                                  Guinea Pig Basophils and Human Mast
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 973
             Nobuko O. Kuhn and   
            Margaret L. Olivier   Ultrastructure of the Hepatic Sinusoid
                                  of the Goat Capra Hircus . . . . . . . . 977

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 27, Number 1, October, 1965

         Umberto Muscatello and   
           Alfredo Margreth and   
                 Massimo Aloisi   On the Differential Response of
                                  Sarcoplasm and Myoplasm to Denervation
                                  in Frog Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
              Frits Carlsen and   
             Franklin Fuchs and   
             Gustav G. Knappeis   Contractility and Ultrastructure in
                                  Glycerol-Extracted Muscle Fibers . . . . 25
              Frits Carlsen and   
             Franklin Fuchs and   
             Gustav G. Knappeis   Contractility and Ultrastructure in
                                  Glycerol-Extracted Muscle Fibers . . . . 35
                 R. Wiesner and   
                     G. Acs and   
                   E. Reich and   
                      A. Shafiq   Degradation of Ribonucleic Acid in Mouse
                                  Fibroblasts Treated with Actinomycin . . 47
            Albert W. Sedar and   
                Ronald M. Burde   The Demonstration of the Succinic
                                  Dehydrogenase System in Bacillus
                                  Subtilis Using Tetranitro-Blue
                                  Tetrazolium Combined with Techniques of
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 53
          Kiyoteru Tokuyasu and   
              Otto H. Scherbaum   Ultrastructure of Mucocysts and Pellicle
                                  of \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis  . . . 67
               Russell Ross and   
                Earl P. Benditt   Wound Healing and Collagen Formation . . 83
              Joseph Wiener and   
                David Spiro and   
          Werner R. Loewenstein   Ultrastructure and Permeability of
                                  Nuclear Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . 107
            W. Arnoldo Levy and   
                Ivan Herzog and   
            Kunihiko Suzuki and   
             Robert Katzman and   
                Labe Scheinberg   Method for Combined Ultrastructural and
                                  Biochemical Analysis of Neural Tissue    119
               Jack L. Pate and   
                Erling J. Ordal   The Fine Structure of Two Unusual
                                  Stalked Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
                Roderic B. Park   Substructure of Chloroplast Lamellae . . 151
              Elsi R. Suter and   
                    Guido Majno   Passage of Lipid Across Vascular
                                  Endothelium in Newborn Rats  . . . . . . 163
                 Jack Van't Hof   Cell Population Kinetics of Excised
                                  Roots of Pisum Sativum . . . . . . . . . 179
           Donald E. Rounds and   
            Robert S. Olson and   
                Fred M. Johnson   The Laser As a Potential Tool for Cell
                                  Research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
                Bernard P. Lane   Alterations in the Cytologic Detail of
                                  Intestinal Smooth Muscle Cells in
                                  Various Stages of Contraction  . . . . . 199
           George E. Palade and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   A Special Fibril of the Dermis . . . . . 215
         Charles F. Simpson and   
                J. M. Kling and   
                     F. C. Neal   The Nature of Bands in Parasitized
                                  Bovine Erythrocytes  . . . . . . . . . . 225
                   W. Leene and   
            Woutera van Iterson   Tetranitro-Blue Tetrazolium Reduction in
                                  Bacillus Subtilis  . . . . . . . . . . . 237
                   W. Leene and   
            Woutera van Iterson   Tetranitro-Blue Tetrazolium Reduction in
                                  Proteus Vulgaris . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
          Ronald Piddington and   
                  A. A. Moscona   Correspondence Between Glutamine
                                  Synthetase Activity and Differentiation
                                  in the Embryonic Retina in Situ and in
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
      Geraldine F. Gauthier and   
              Helen A. Padykula   Cytochemical Studies of Adenosine
                                  Triphosphatase Activity in the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum . . . . . . . . . 252

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 27, Number 2, November, 1965

           Lloyd M. Beidler and   
             Ronald L. Smallman   Renewal of Cells Within Taste Buds . . . 263
              Paul F. Kruse and   
                     Ed Miedema   Production and Characterization of
                                  Multiple-Layered Populations of Animal
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
           Albert A. Barber and   
           Warren W. Harris and   
              George M. Padilla   Studies of Native Glycogen Isolated from
                                  Synchronized \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis (Hsm) . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
               John A. Terzakis   The Nucleolar Channel System of Human
                                  Endometrium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
               A. T. Miller and   
                 D. M. Hale and   
                K. D. Alexander   Histochemical Studies on the Uptake of
                                  Horseradish Peroxidase by Rat Kidney
                                  Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
            Michael E. Lamm and   
           Lillian Childers and   
                Merrill K. Wolf   Studies on Nucleic Acid Metachromasy . . 313
                  Ned Feder and   
                Merrill K. Wolf   Studies on Nucleic Acid Metachromasy . . 327
              J. E. Cummins and   
               E. N. Brewer and   
                    H. P. Rusch   The Effect of Actidione on Mitosis in
                                  the Slime Mold \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
                  Paul B. Green   Pathways of Cellular Morphogenesis . . . 343
            Jean C. Edelman and   
         P. Michael Edelman and   
             Karl M. Knigge and   
             Irving L. Schwartz   Isolation of Skeletal Muscle Nuclei  . . 365
                 David S. Smith   The Organization of Flight Muscle in an
                                  Aphid, \bionameMegoura Viciae
                                  (Homoptera)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
          David M. Phillips and   
                   Hewson Swift   Cytoplasmic Fine Structure of Sciara
                                  Salivary Glands  . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
                 B. R. Brinkley   The Fine Structure of the Nucleolus in
                                  Mitotic Divisions of Chinese Hamster
                                  Cells in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
          Howard T. Bonnett and   
               Eldon H. Newcomb   Polyribosomes and Cisternal
                                  Accumulations in Root Cells of Radish    423
               Manfred Girbardt   Lebendnachweis Von Einzelelementen Des
                                  Endoplasmatischen Retikulums. (German)
                                  [Proof of Single Elements of the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum] . . . . . . . . . 433
                 Theodor Koller   Mounting of Ultrathin Sections with the
                                  Aid of an Electrostatic Field  . . . . . 441
             J. W. Fristrom and   
                 H. K. Mitchell   The Preparative Isolation of Imaginal
                                  Discs from Larvae of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Melanogaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
           Bruce E. Bassett and   
                  Lester Packer   Response of Isolated Lysosomes to
                                  Vitamin A  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 27, Number 3, December, 1965

                Yasuo Hotta and   
                Alix Bassel and   
                  Herbert Stern   Nuclear DNA and Cytoplasmic DNA from
                                  Tissues of Higher Plants . . . . . . . . 451
             David G. McConnell   The Isolation of Retinal Outer Segment
                                  Fragments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
                     Susumu Ito   The Enteric Surface Coat on Cat
                                  Intestinal Microvilli  . . . . . . . . . 475
                 Jiro Matsumoto   Studies on Fine Structure and
                                  Cytochemical Properties of Erythrophores
                                  in Swordtail, Xiphophorus Helleri, with
                                  Special Reference to Their Pigment
                                  Granules (Pterinosomes)  . . . . . . . . 493
           Fenton Schaffner and   
                   Philip Felig   Changes in Hepatic Structure in Rats
                                  Produced by Breathing Pure Oxygen  . . . 505
          Charles J. Flickinger   The Fine Structure of the Nuclei of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis
                                  Throughout the Cell Cycle  . . . . . . . 519
             Henry Z. Movat and   
          William J. Weiser and   
           Michael F. Glynn and   
               James F. Mustard   Platelet Phagocytosis and Aggregation    531
                A. Di Marco and   
             R. Silvestrini and   
                S. Di Marco and   
                      T. Dasdia   Inhibiting Effect of the New Cytotoxic
                                  Antibiotic Daunomycin on Nucleic Acids
                                  and Mitotic Activity of HeLa Cells . . . 545
               Richard A. Ellis   Fine Structure of the Myoepithelium of
                                  the Eccrine Sweat Glands of Man  . . . . 551
           Terry C. Johnson and   
                John J. Holland   Ribonucleic Acid and Protein Synthesis
                                  in Mitotic HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . 565
           Eldon H. Newcomb and   
              Howard T. Bonnett   Cytoplasmic Microtubule and Wall
                                  Microfibril Orientation in Root Hairs of
                                  Radish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
          Corrado M. Baglio and   
                Emmanuel Farber   Reversal by Adenine of the
                                  Ethionine-Induced Lipid Accumulation in
                                  the Endoplasmic Reticulum of the Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
              Nancy J. Lane and   
               Alex B. Novikoff   Effects of Arginine Deprivation,
                                  Ultraviolet Radiation, and X-Radiation
                                  on Cultured Kb Cells . . . . . . . . . . 603
         Carl F. T. Mattern and   
              Helen D. Park and   
              Wendell A. Daniel   Electron Microscope Observations on the
                                  Structure and Discharge of the Stenotele
                                  of Hydra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
                 R. E. Stephens   Anomalous Contraction of Invertebrate
                                  Striated Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 639
              Eric Holtzman and   
               Alex B. Novikoff   Lysosomes in the Rat Sciatic Nerve
                                  Following Crush  . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
         Sheppard M. Walker and   
            G. Randolph Schrodt   Continuity of the T System with the
                                  Sarcolemma in Rat Skeletal Muscle Fibers 671
          Kaneatsu Miyamoto and   
              Seiichi Matsumoto   The Nature of the Negri Body . . . . . . 677
                    D. Nash and   
                       W. Plaut   On the Presence of DNA in Larval
                                  Salivary Gland Nucleoli in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 682

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 28, Number 1, January, 1966

               N. Böhm and   
                  W. Sandritter   Feulgen Hydrolysis of Normal Cells and
                                  Mouse Ascites Tumor Cells  . . . . . . . 1
          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   A Radioautographic Study with
                                  H$^3$-Thymidine on Adrenal Medulla
                                  Nuclei of Rats Intermittently Exposed to
                                  Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
                    R. M. Hicks   The Permeability of Rat Transitional
                                  Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
           G. G. Carmichael and   
                  H. M. Fullmer   The Fine Structure of the Oxytalan Fiber 33
                 J. C. Thaemert   Ultrastructural Interrelationships of
                                  Nerve Processes and Smooth Muscle Cells
                                  in Three Dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . 37
               Douglas E. Kelly   Fine Structure of Desmosomes,
                                  Hemidesmosomes, and an Adepidermal
                                  Globular Layer in Developing Newt
                                  Epidermis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
                Jack Rosenbluth   Redundant Myelin Sheaths and Other
                                  Ultrastructural Features of the Toad
                                  Cerebellum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
          Richard E. Coggeshall   A Fine Structural Analysis of the
                                  Epidermis of the Earthworm,
                                  \bionameLumbricus Terrestris L . . . . . 95
                 David S. Smith   The Organization of Flight Muscle Fibers
                                  in the Odonata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
             Leonard Merkow and   
                Joseph Leighton   Increased Numbers of Annulate Lamellae
                                  in Myocardium of Chick Embryos Incubated
                                  at Abnormal Temperatures . . . . . . . . 127
                J. D. Regan and   
                   E. H. Y. Chu   A Convenient Method for Assay of DNA
                                  Synthesis in Synchronized Human Cell
                                  Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 28, Number 2, February, 1966

                John R. Kennedy   The Effect of Strychnine and Light on
                                  Pigmentation in Blepharisma Undulans
                                  Stein  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
                   A. C. Taylor   Microtubules in the Microspikes and
                                  Cortical Cytoplasm of Isolated Cells . . 155
      William P. Cunningham and   
      D. James Morré and   
              H. H. Mollenhauer   Structure of Isolated Plant Golgi
                                  Apparatus Revealed by Negative Staining  169
              Sten Orrenius and   
             Jan L. E. Ericsson   Enzyme-Membrane Relationship in
                                  Phenobarbital Induction of Synthesis of
                                  Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme System and
                                  Proliferation of Endoplasmic Membranes   181
         F. A. Muckenthaler and   
                 A. P. Mahowald   DNA Synthesis in the Ooplasm of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 199
         Michael J. Droller and   
                 Thomas F. Roth   An Electron Microscope Study of Yolk
                                  Formation During Oogenesis in Lebistes
                                  Reticulatus Guppyi . . . . . . . . . . . 209
                      John Seed   The Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and Nuclear
                                  Protein in Normal and Tumor Strain Cells 233
                      John Seed   The Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and Nuclear
                                  Protein in Normal and Tumor Strain Cells 249
                      John Seed   The Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and Nuclear
                                  Protein in Normal and Tumor Strain Cells 257
                      John Seed   The Synthesis of DNA, RNA, and Nuclear
                                  Protein in Normal and Tumor Strain Cells 263
       Dorothy Ford Bainton and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Origin of Granules in Polymorphonuclear
                                  Leukocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
            Jerry S. Sutton and   
                     Leon Weiss   Transformation of Monocytes in Tissue
                                  Culture into Macrophages, Epithelioid
                                  Cells, and Multinucleated Giant Cells    303
      Geraldine F. Gauthier and   
              Helen A. Padykula   Cytological Studies of Fiber Types in
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
           Masamichi Aikawa and   
            Peter K. Hepler and   
               Clay G. Huff and   
                 Helmuth Sprinz   The Feeding Mechanism of Avian Malarial
                                  Parasites  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
             John A. Carney and   
                Arnold L. Brown   An Electron Microscope Study of Canine
                                  Cardiac Myosin and Some of Its
                                  Aggregates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
            Alex M. Landolt and   
                       Hans Ris   Electron Microscope Studies on
                                  Soma-Somatic Interneuronal Junctions in
                                  the Corpus Pedunculatum of the Wood Ant
                                  (\bionameFormica Lugubris Zett.) . . . . 391
           Curtis C. Harris and   
               Charles A. Leone   Some Effects of EDTA and
                                  Tetraphenylboron on the Ultrastructure
                                  of Mitochondria in Mouse Liver Cells . . 405
                   J. V. Landau   High Pressure Effects on Endogenous
                                  Adenine Nucleotide Levels in Sea Urchin
                                  Eggs Prior to First Cleavage . . . . . . 408

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 28, Number 3, March, 1966

              G. Eric Bauer and   
          Arnold W. Lindall and   
          Padmaker K. Dixit and   
              Gordon Lester and   
                 Arnold Lazarow   Studies on Insulin Biosynthesis  . . . . 413
            Jean M. Schmidt and   
                  R. Y. Stanier   The Development of Cellular Stalks in
                                  Bacteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
               David E. Comings   Uridine-$5$-H$^3$ Radioautography of the
                                  Human Sex Chromatin Body . . . . . . . . 437
              Lester Packer and   
              Park S. Nobel and   
         Elizabeth L. Gross and   
                  Howard C. Mel   Fractionation of Spinach Chloroplasts by
                                  Flow Sedimentation-Electrophoresis . . . 443
           Hideyuki Tsukada and   
          Yohichi Mochizuki and   
                 Seiki Fujiwara   The Nucleoids of Rat Liver Cell
                                  Microbodies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
               Zipora Dafni and   
                       M. Shilo   The Cytotoxic Principle of the
                                  Phytoflagellate Prymnesium Parvum  . . . 461
                Joan Abbott and   
                 Howard Holtzer   The Loss of Phenotypic Traits by
                                  Differentiated Cells . . . . . . . . . . 473
              T. Samorajski and   
                 J. M. Ordy and   
                    J. R. Keefe   Structural Organization of the Retina in
                                  the Tree Shrew (\bionameTupaia Glis) . . 489
                  Frank A. Pepe   Some Aspects of the Structural
                                  Organization of the Myofibril As
                                  Revealed by Antibody-Staining Methods    505
                   Lothar Diers   On the Plastids, Mitochondria, and Other
                                  Cell Constituents During Oögenesis of a
                                  Plant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
                Martin Hagopian   The Myofilament Arrangement in the
                                  Femoral Muscle of the Cockroach,
                                  Leucophaea Maderae Fabricius . . . . . . 545
            Woutera van Iterson   The Fine Structure of the
                                  Ribonucleoprotein in Bacterial Cytoplasm 563
           Eugene E. Emeson and   
             Yutaka Kikkawa and   
                    Boris Gueft   New Features of Amyloid Found After
                                  Digestion with Trypsin . . . . . . . . . 570
               T. S. Leeson and   
                   C. R. Leeson   Osmiophilic Lamellated Bodies and
                                  Associated Material in Lung Alveolar
                                  Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
        Philip M. Lintilhac and   
                     R. B. Park   Localization of Chlorophyll in Spinach
                                  Chloroplast Lamellae by Fluorescence
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 29, Number 1, April, 1966

          Martin J. Griffin and   
                    Rody P. Cox   Studies on the Mechanism of Hormonal
                                  Induction of Alkaline Phosphatase in
                                  Human Cell Cultures  . . . . . . . . . . 1
            R. E. Rasmussen and   
                  R. B. Painter   Radiation-Stimulated DNA Synthesis in
                                  Cultured Mammalian Cells . . . . . . . . 11
          R. C. von Borstel and   
             D. M. Prescott and   
                   F. J. Bollum   Incorporation of Nucleotides into Nuclei
                                  of Fixed Cells by DNA Polymerase . . . . 21
                   B. J. Bryant   The Incorporation of Tritium from
                                  Thymidine into Proteins of the Mouse . . 29
         John W. Greenawalt and   
               Ernesto Carafoli   Electron Microscope Studies on the
                                  Active Accumulation of Sr$^{++}$ by
                                  Rat-Liver Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . 37
                 E. L. Kuff and   
                W. C. Hymer and   
                 E. Shelton and   
                  N. E. Roberts   The in Vivo Protein Synthetic Activities
                                  of Free Versus Membrane-Bound
                                  Ribonucleoprotein in a Plasma-Cell Tumor
                                  of the Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
             Yukio Hiramoto and   
               Douglas Marsland   Studies on the Microtubules in Heliozoa  77
             Ikuko Mizukami and   
                    Joseph Gall   Centriole Replication  . . . . . . . . . 97
          H. Dariush Fahimi and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Cytochemical Localization of Two
                                  Glycolytic Dehydrogenases in White
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
              C. F. Robinow and   
                       J. Marak   A Fiber Apparatus in the Nucleus of the
                                  Yeast Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
                      Hans Moor   Ultrastrukturen im Zellkern der
                                  Bäckerhefe. (German) [Ultrastructures in
                                  the cell nucleus of baker's yeast] . . . 153
                 J. C. Thaemert   Ultrastructure of Cardiac Muscle and
                                  Nerve Contiguities . . . . . . . . . . . 156
                Thomas L. Lentz   Intramitochondrial Glycogen Granules in
                                  Digestive Cells of Hydra . . . . . . . . 162
                R. J. Stein and   
              W. R. Richter and   
              R. A. Zussman and   
                G. Brynjolfsson   Ultrastructural Characterization of
                                  Daphnia Heart Muscle . . . . . . . . . . 168
                Richard D. Penn   Ionic Communication Between Liver Cells  171
              Vinod C. Shah and   
                  Harvard Lyman   DNA-Dependent RNA Synthesis in
                                  Chloroplasts of Euglena Gracilis . . . . 174
                Jacques Padawer   Induction of Cellular Movements in Mast
                                  Cells by Colchicine Treatment  . . . . . 176

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 29, Number 2, May, 1966

                  A. N. J. Heyn   The Microcrystalline Structure of
                                  Cellulose in Cell Walls of Cotton,
                                  Ramie, and Jute Fibers As Revealed by
                                  Negative Staining of Sections  . . . . . 181
          Abraham Amsterdam and   
                Michael Schramm   Rapid Release of the Zymogen Granule
                                  Protein by Osmium Tetroxide and Its
                                  Retention During Fixation by
                                  Glutaraldehyde . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
                Mac Donald Cave   Incorporation of Tritium-Labeled
                                  Thymidine and Lysine into Chromosomes of
                                  Cultured Human Leukocytes  . . . . . . . 209
             Jane Rearick Shoup   The Development of Pigment Granules in
                                  the Eyes of Wild Type and Mutant
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 223
              W. Gerald Robison   Microtubules in Relation to the Motility
                                  of a Sperm Syncytium in an Armored Scale
                                  Insect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
               P. Nicolescu and   
                  M. Dolivo and   
                C. Rouiller and   
           C. Foroglou-Kerameus   The Effect of Deprivation of Glucose on
                                  the Ultrastructure and Function of the
                                  Superior Cervical Ganglion of the Rat in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
                R. G. Kulka and   
                    U. Yalovsky   Secretion of $ \alpha $-amylase by the
                                  embryonic chick pancreas in vitro  . . . 287
                   Jane Overton   Microtubules and Microfibrils in
                                  Morphogenesis of the Scale Cells of
                                  \bionameEphestia Kühniella  . . . . . . . 293
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
                James G. Hirsch   Cytoplasmic Granule Formation in
                                  Myelocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
               Daniel S. Friend   The Fine Structure of Giardia Muris  . . 317
             Paul F. Doolin and   
                Wesley J. Birge   Ultrastructural Organization of Cilia
                                  and Basal Bodies of the Epithelium of
                                  the Choroid Plexus in the Chick Embryo   333
 Natalia Gabrusewycz-Garcia and   
              Ruth G. Kleinfeld   A Study of the Nucleolar Material in
                                  Sciara Coprophila  . . . . . . . . . . . 347
                 S. J. Holt and   
                R. Marian Hicks   The Importance of Osmiophilia in the
                                  Production of Stable Azoindoxyl
                                  Complexes of High Contrast for Combined
                                  Enzyme Cytochemistry and Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361
                    A. B. Acton   An Unusual Ciliumlike Process  . . . . . 366
                     J. R. Cook   The Synthesis of Cytoplasmic DNA in
                                  Synchronized Euglena . . . . . . . . . . 369
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
          D. James Morré   Tubular Connections Between Dictyosomes
                                  and Forming Secretory Vesicles in Plant
                                  Golgi Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
              Brij L. Gupta and   
            Michael J. Berridge   A Coat of Repeating Subunits on the
                                  Cytoplasmic Surface of the Plasma
                                  Membrane in the Rectal Papillae of the
                                  Blowfly, \bionameCalliphora
                                  Erythrocephala (Meig.), Studied in Situ
                                  by Electron Microscopy . . . . . . . . . 376
                  Luis Biempica   Human Hepatic Microbodies with
                                  Crystalloid Cores  . . . . . . . . . . . 383

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 29, Number 3, June, 1966

         Takeshi Utsunomiya and   
                    Jay S. Roth   Studies on the Function of Intracellular
                                  Ribonucleases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
         Takeshi Utsunomiya and   
                    Jay S. Roth   Studies on the Function of Intracellular
                                  Ribonucleases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
              Dean H. Hayek and   
               Samuel R. Tipton   Respiratory Activity and Maintenance of
                                  Cell Suspensions of Rat Liver  . . . . . 405
       George P. Studzinski and   
                Kay A. O. Ellem   Relationship Between RNA Synthesis, Cell
                                  Division, and Morphology of Mammalian
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411
                   E. Gantt and   
                    S. F. Conti   Granules Associated with the Chloroplast
                                  Lamellae of Porphyridium Cruentum  . . . 423
          Stanley Bullivant and   
                  Adelbert Ames   A Simple Freeze-Fracture Replication
                                  Method for Electron Microscopy . . . . . 435
                 David S. Smith   The Structure of Intersegmental Muscle
                                  Fibers in an Insect, \bionamePeriplaneta
                                  Americana L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
             John C. Maisel and   
                 Ralph I. Lytle   Affinity of Animal Cell Nucleoli for
                                  Normal Serum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461
             Floyd E. Bloom and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Acetylcholinesterase in Electroplaque of
                                  the Electric Eel . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
            Arndt J. Duvall and   
            Åke Flock and   
               Jan Wersäll   The Ultrastructure of the Sensory Hairs
                                  and Associated Organelles of the
                                  Cochlear Inner Hair Cell, with Reference
                                  to Directional Sensitivity . . . . . . . 497
                  Ulla Glas and   
                 Gunter F. Bahr   Quantitative Study of Mitochondria in
                                  Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
           Alex B. Novikoff and   
            Nelson Quintana and   
        Humberto Villaverde and   
               Regina Forschirm   Nucleoside Phosphatase and
                                  Cholinesterase Activities in Dorsal Root
                                  Ganglia and Peripheral Nerve . . . . . . 525
         Carl F. T. Mattern and   
              Wendell A. Daniel   The Stomach Cell of Rotifer  . . . . . . 547
         Carl F. T. Mattern and   
              Wendell A. Daniel   The Flame Cell of Rotifer  . . . . . . . 552
                K. Owen Ash and   
            J. E. Bransford and   
                     R. B. Koch   Studies on Dispersion of Rabbit
                                  Olfactory Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 554

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 30, Number 1, July, 1966

                 D. Chapman and   
                    D. J. Fluck   Physical Studies of Phospholipids  . . . 1
        Richard D. Estensen and   
                 Renato Baserga   Puromycin-Induced Necrosis of Crypt
                                  Cells of the Small Intestine of Mouse    13
            Ewald R. Weibel and   
        Gonzague S. Kistler and   
              Walter F. Scherle   Practical Stereological Methods for
                                  Morphometric Cytology  . . . . . . . . . 23
                  Leonard Weiss   Studies on Cell Deformability  . . . . . 39
                 Oscar K. Reiss   Studies of Lung Metabolism . . . . . . . 45
       Theodore K. Greenlee and   
               Russell Ross and   
               Jerry L. Hartman   The Fine Structure of Elastic Fibers . . 59
             Gustav Dallner and   
           Philip Siekevitz and   
               George E. Palade   Biogenesis of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
             Gustav Dallner and   
           Philip Siekevitz and   
               George E. Palade   Biogenesis of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
              Marian Neutra and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Synthesis of the Carbohydrate of Mucus
                                  in the Golgi Complex As Shown by
                                  Electron Microscope Radioautography of
                                  Goblet Cells from Rats Injected with
                                  Glucose-H$^3$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
              Marian Neutra and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Radioautographic Comparison of the
                                  Uptake of Galactose-H$^3$ and
                                  Glucose-H$^3$ in the Golgi Region of
                                  Various Cells Secreting Glycoproteins or
                                  Mucopolysaccharides  . . . . . . . . . . 137
            Antonio Coimbra and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Sites of Glycogen Synthesis in Rat Liver
                                  Cells As Shown by Electron Microscope
                                  Radioautography After Administration of
                                  Glucose-H$^3$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
           A. Lima-de-Faria and   
                    M. J. Moses   Ultrastructure and Cytochemistry of
                                  Metabolic DNA in Tipula  . . . . . . . . 177
             Peter Pfuderer and   
           D. C. Swartzendruber   The Configuration of Isolated Polysomes  193
               Graham Hoyle and   
       Patricia Ann McNeill and   
               Benjamin Walcott   Nature of Invaginating Tubules in
                                  Felderstruktur Muscle Fibers of the
                                  Garter Snake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
            H. M. Dembitzer and   
               H. I. Hirshfield   Some New Cytological Observations in the
                                  Heterotrichous Ciliate, Blepharisma  . . 201
               Atsushi Suganuma   Further Studies on the Plasma Membrane
                                  of Staphylococcus Aureus . . . . . . . . 208

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 30, Number 2, August, 1966

          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   An Analysis of DNA Loss and Synthesis in
                                  the Rat Adrenal Medulla Nuclei Upon Cold
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
                Bojan Flaks and   
                  Paul Bresloff   Some Observations on the Fine Structure
                                  of the Lutein Cells of X-Irradiated Rat
                                  Ovary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
             Gordon I. Kaye and   
           Henry O. Wheeler and   
         Robert T. Whitlock and   
                    Nathan Lane   Fluid Transport in the Rabbit
                                  Gallbladder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
         Charles R. Hackenbrock   Ultrastructural Bases for Metabolically
                                  Linked Mechanical Activity in
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
             Mary G. Wetzel and   
            Bruce K. Wetzel and   
               Samuel S. Spicer   Ultrastructural Localization of Acid
                                  Mucosubstances in the Mouse Colon with
                                  Iron-Containing Stains . . . . . . . . . 299
               Wayne Hohman and   
                 Harald Schraer   The Intracellular Distribution of
                                  Calcium in the Mucosa of the Avian Shell
                                  Gland  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
            Peter K. Hepler and   
               Clay G. Huff and   
                 Helmuth Sprinz   The Fine Structure of the
                                  Exoerythrocytic Stages of Plasmodium
                                  Fallax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
        Marilyn G. Farquhar and   
               George E. Palade   Adenosine Triphosphatase Localization in
                                  Amphibian Epidermis  . . . . . . . . . . 359
             John E. Heuser and   
         Carlos F. Doggenweiler   The Fine Structural Organization of
                                  Nerve Fibers, Sheaths, and Glial Cells
                                  in the Prawn, Palaemonetes Vulgaris  . . 381
     H. Lòvtrup-Rein and   
                   B. S. McEwen   Isolation and Fractionation of Rat Brain
                                  Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
                 Yutaka Mishima   Melanosomes in Phagocytic Vacuoles in
                                  Langerhans Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
         Arnold M. Seligman and   
       Hannah L. Wasserkrug and   
                Jacob S. Hanker   A New Staining Method (Oto) for
                                  Enhancing Contrast of Lipid-Containing
                                  Membranes and Droplets in Osmium
                                  Tetroxide-Fixed Tissue with Osmiophilic
                                  Thiocarbohydrazide (Tch) . . . . . . . . 424
            Alan S. Bradley and   
               Steven L. Wissig   The Anatomy of Secretion in the
                                  Follicular Cell of the Thyroid Gland . . 433
            Monique Milhaud and   
               George D. Pappas   Postsynaptic Bodies in the Habenula and
                                  Interpeduncular Nuclei of the Cat  . . . 437
          Donald J. Svoboda and   
             Daniel L. Azarnoff   Response of Hepatic Microbodies to a
                                  Hypolipidemic Agent, Ethyl
                                  Chlorophenoxyisobutyrate (Cpib)  . . . . 442

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 30, Number 3, September, 1966

                    Breck Byers   Ribosome Crystallization Induced in
                                  Chick Embryo Tissues by Hypothermia  . . ??
                John F. Aronson   A Melting Point for the Birefringent
                                  Component of Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . 453
             Mary R. Daniel and   
               J. T. Dingle and   
          Audrey M. Glauert and   
                     J. A. Lucy   The Action of Excess of Vitamin a
                                  Alcohol on the Fine Structure of Rat
                                  Dermal Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . . 465
              David M. Phillips   Observations on Spermiogenesis in the
                                  Fungus Gnat Sciara Coprophila  . . . . . 477
              David M. Phillips   Fine Structure of \bionameSciara
                                  Coprophila Sperm . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Distribution of Newly Synthesized
                                  Amylase in Microsomal Subfractions of
                                  Guinea Pig Pancreas  . . . . . . . . . . 519
            George M. Healy and   
              Raymond C. Parker   An Improved Chemically Defined Basal
                                  Medium (Cmrl-1415) for Newly Explanted
                                  Mouse Embryo Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 531
            George M. Healy and   
              Raymond C. Parker   Cultivation of Mammalian Cells in
                                  Defined Media with Protein and
                                  Nonprotein Supplements . . . . . . . . . 539
                   Hans A. Went   An Indirect Method to Assay for Mitotic
                                  Centers in Sand Dollar
                                  (\bionameDendraster Excentricus) Eggs    555
               T. J. Biscoe and   
                 W. E. Stehbens   Ultrastructure of the Carotid Body . . . 563
            Luciano Zamboni and   
          Daniel R. Mishell and   
              James H. Bell and   
                    Manuel Baca   Fine Structure of the Human Ovum in the
                                  Pronuclear Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
   Donald F. Hoelzl Wallach and   
          Virendra B. Kamat and   
               Mitchell H. Gail   Physicochemical Differences Between
                                  Fragments of Plasma Membrane and
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . 601
                    R. M. Hicks   The Function of the Golgi Complex in
                                  Transitional Epithelium  . . . . . . . . 623
         Elton Stubblefield and   
                 B. R. Brinkley   Cilia Formation in Chinese Hamster
                                  Fibroblasts in Vitro As a Response to
                                  Colcemid Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . 645
             Raneen Mullins and   
                   Reimut Wette   On the Statistical Expectation and
                                  Evaluation of Centriole Orientations in
                                  Cell Profiles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
          N. J. A. Noorduyn and   
                J. C. H. de Man   RNA Synthesis in Rat and Mouse Hepatic
                                  Cells As Studied with Light and Electron
                                  Microscope Radioautography . . . . . . . 655
   Donald F. Hoelzl Wallach and   
              Virendra B. Kamat   The Contribution of Sialic Acid to the
                                  Surface Charge of Fragments of Plasma
                                  Membrane and Endoplasmic Reticulum . . . 660
             Emilio Bucciarelli   Intranuclear Cisternae Resembling
                                  Structures of the Golgi Complex  . . . . 664

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 31, Number 1, October, 1966

              David M. Prescott   The Syntheses of Total Macronuclear
                                  Protein, Histone, and DNA During the
                                  Cell Cycle in Euplotes Eurystomus  . . . 1
               Rainer Storb and   
              Robert L. Amy and   
           Richard K. Wertz and   
         Bernard Fauconnier and   
                  Marcel Bessis   An Electron Microscope Study of Vitally
                                  Stained Single Cells Irradiated with a
                                  Ruby Laser Microbeam . . . . . . . . . . 11
           Stephen L. Wolfe and   
              Godfrey M. Hewitt   The Strandedness of Meiotic Chromosomes
                                  from Oncopeltus  . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
            Allan D. Dingle and   
                Chandler Fulton   Development of the Flagellar Apparatus
                                  of Naegleria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
         Barbara J. Stevens and   
                   Hewson Swift   RNA Transport from Nucleus to Cytoplasm
                                  in Chironomus Salivary Glands  . . . . . 55
            Lalit M. Srivastava   On the Fine Structure of the Cambium of
                                  \bionameFraxinus Americana L.  . . . . . 79
           Joel A. Huberman and   
               Giuseppe Attardi   Isolation of Metaphase Chromosomes from
                                  HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
           Everett Anderson and   
              William R. Harvey   Active Transport by the Cecropia Midgut  107
                   J. M. Bassot   Une Forme Microtubulaire et
                                  Paracristalline de Reticulum
                                  Endoplasmique dans les Photocytes des
                                  Annelides Polynoinæ. (French) [A
                                  Microtubular and Paracrystalline Form of
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum in
                                  \bionameAnnelides Polynoinæ Photocytes]   135
             Jerome S. Kaye and   
           Rachel McMaster-Kaye   The Fine Structure and Chemical
                                  Composition of Nuclei During
                                  Spermiogenesis in the House Cricket  . . 159
             Gustav Dallner and   
                 Robert Nilsson   Mechanism of the Cation Effect in
                                  Subfractionation of Microsomes . . . . . 181
             Judson D. Sheridan   Electrophysiological Study of Special
                                  Connections Between Cells in the Early
                                  Chick Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Robert L. Trelstad and   
            Jean-Paul Revel and   
               Elizabeth D. Hay   Tight Junctions Between Cells in the
                                  Early Chick Embryo As Visualized with
                                  the Electron Microscope  . . . . . . . . ??
       Louise M. Luckenbill and   
                  Alan S. Cohen   The Association of Lipid Droplets with
                                  Cytoplasmic Filaments in Avian
                                  Subsynovial Adipose Cells  . . . . . . . 195
               Carl M. Feldherr   Nucleocytoplasmic Exchanges During Cell
                                  Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
                H. P. Rusch and   
            W. Sachsenmaier and   
            Kathryn Behrens and   
                    Vera Gruter   Synchronization of Mitosis by the Fusion
                                  of the Plasmodia of \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
            Richard M. Hays and   
                  Peter Barland   The Isolation of the Membrane of the
                                  Toad Bladder Epithelial Cell . . . . . . 209

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 31, Number 2, November, 1966

             Jose A. Zadunaisky   The Location of Sodium in the Transverse
                                  Tubules of Skeletal Muscle . . . . . . . ??
                 Miro Brzin and   
       Virginia M. Tennyson and   
                Philip E. Duffy   Acetylcholinesterase in Frog Sympathetic
                                  and Dorsal Root Ganglia  . . . . . . . . 215
              Sten Orrenius and   
             Jan L. E. Ericsson   On the Relationship of Liver
                                  Glucose-$6$-Phosphatase to the
                                  Proliferation of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  in Phenobarbital Induction . . . . . . . 243
                 Jack C. Vaughn   The Relationship of the `` Sphere
                                  Chromatophile `` to the Fate of
                                  Displaced Histones Following Histone
                                  Transition in Rat Spermiogenesis . . . . 257
           Joseph A. Grasso and   
                John W. Woodard   The Relationship Between RNA Synthesis
                                  and Hemoglobin Synthesis in Amphibian
                                  Erythropoiesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
                G. D. Shoup and   
             D. M. Prescott and   
                    J. R. Wykes   Thymidine Triphosphate Synthesis in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 295
             C. T. Ashworth and   
              J. S. Leonard and   
           E. H. Eigenbrodt and   
               F. J. Wrightsman   Hepatic Intracellular Osmiophilic
                                  Droplets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 301
            Robert E. Smith and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Lysosome Function in the Regulation of
                                  the Secretory Process in Cells of the
                                  Anterior Pituitary Gland . . . . . . . . 319
               Fritz Miller and   
          Etienne de Harven and   
               George E. Palade   The Structure of Eosinophil Leukocyte
                                  Granules in Rodents and in Man . . . . . 349
           R. E. Coggeshall and   
               E. R. Kandel and   
              I. Kupfermann and   
                      R. Waziri   A Morphological and Functional Study on
                                  a Cluster of Identifiable Neurosecretory
                                  Cells in the Abdominal Ganglion of
                                  \bionameAplysia Californica  . . . . . . 363

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 31, Number 3, December, 1966

                 H. J. Barr and   
                       W. Plaut   Comparative Morphology of Nucleolar DNA
                                  in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . . . . . . ??
          Ruth G. Kleinfeld and   
                Jesse E. Sisken   Morphological and Kinetic Aspects of
                                  Mitotic Arrest by and Recovery from
                                  Colcemid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
             Mahendra P. Jamuar   Studies of Spermiogenesis in a Nematode,
                                  Nippostrongylus Brasiliensis . . . . . . 381
                Asao Hirano and   
            H. M. Zimmerman and   
                 Seymour Levine   Myelin in the Central Nervous System As
                                  Observed in Experimentally Induced Edema
                                  in the Rat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
               Ralph A. Jersild   A Radioautographic Study of Glyceride
                                  Synthesis in Vivo During Intestinal
                                  Absorption of Fats and Labeled Glucose   413
                J. Cronshaw and   
                 L. Hoefert and   
                        K. Esau   Ultrastructural Features of Beta Leaves
                                  Infected with Beet Yellows Virus . . . . 429
          Elizabeth C. Raff and   
                     J. J. Blum   The Effects of Adenosine Triphosphate
                                  and Related Compounds on Some
                                  Hydrodynamic Properties of Glycerinated
                                  Cilia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
           Arnold I. Caplan and   
             John W. Greenawalt   Biochemical and Ultrastructural
                                  Properties of Osmotically Lysed
                                  Rat-Liver Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . 455
                A. G. Engel and   
                   Lois W. Tice   Cytochemistry of Phosphatases of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum . . . . . . . . . 473
               Lois W. Tice and   
                    A. G. Engel   Cytochemistry of Phosphatases of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum . . . . . . . . . 489
             E. Joan Blanchette   Ovarian Steroid Cells  . . . . . . . . . 501
             E. Joan Blanchette   Ovarian Steroid Cells  . . . . . . . . . 517
           Waheeb K. Heneen and   
              Warren W. Nichols   Persistence of Nucleoli in Short Term
                                  and Long Term Cell Cultures and in
                                  Direct Bone Marrow Preparations in
                                  Mammalian Materials  . . . . . . . . . . 543
                    J. W. Combs   Maturation of Rat Mast Cells . . . . . . 563
              J. E. Cummins and   
                    H. P. Rusch   Limited DNA Synthesis in the Absence of
                                  Protein Synthesis in \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
        Woutera van Iterson and   
      Judith F. M. Hoeniger and   
          Eva Nijman van Zanten   Basal Bodies of Bacterial Flagella in
                                  Proteus Mirabilis  . . . . . . . . . . . 585
      Judith F. M. Hoeniger and   
        Woutera van Iterson and   
          Eva Nijman van Zanten   Basal Bodies of Bacterial Flagella in
                                  Proteus Mirabilis  . . . . . . . . . . . 603
               Werner W. Franke   Isolated Nuclear Membranes . . . . . . . 619
                   Kiyoshi Hama   The Fine Structure of the Schwann Cell
                                  Sheath of the Nerve Fiber in the Shrimp
                                  (\bionamePenaeus Japonicus)  . . . . . . 624
            T. B. Mackenzie and   
                G. E. Stone and   
                 D. M. Prescott   The Durations of G$_1$, S, and G$_2$ at
                                  Different Temperatures in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis Hsm . . . 633
              David M. Phillips   Substructure of Flagellar Tubules  . . . 635
                 Joseph G. Gall   Microtubule Fine Structure . . . . . . . 639

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 32, Number 1, January, 1967

        Woutera van Iterson and   
      Judith F. M. Hoeniger and   
          Eva Nijman van Zanten   A ``Microtubule'' in a Bacterium . . . . 1
             W. A. Anderson and   
                A. Weissman and   
                    R. A. Ellis   Cytodifferentiation During
                                  Spermiogenesis in Lumbricus Terrestris   11
                A. Rambourg and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Electron Microscope Observations on the
                                  Carbohydrate-Rich Cell Coat Present at
                                  the Surface of Cells in the Rat  . . . . 27
                  Philip Seeman   Transient Holes in the Erythrocyte
                                  Membrane During Hypotonic Hemolysis and
                                  Stable Holes in the Membrane After Lysis
                                  by Saponin and Lysolecithin  . . . . . . 55
                    K. Esau and   
                J. Cronshaw and   
                  L. L. Hoefert   Relation of Beet Yellows Virus to the
                                  Phloem and to Movement in the Sieve Tube 71
                 George G. Rose   The Circumfusion System for Multipurpose
                                  Culture Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
                Alan Peters and   
                James E. Vaughn   Microtubules and Filaments in the Axons
                                  and Astrocytes of Early Postnatal Rat
                                  Optic Nerves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
            Thomas L. Lentz and   
                 J. P. Trinkaus   A Fine Structural Study of
                                  Cytodifferentiation During Cleavage,
                                  Blastula, and Gastrula Stages of
                                  Fundulus Heteroclitus  . . . . . . . . . 121
             J. P. Trinkaus and   
                Thomas L. Lentz   Surface Specializations of Fundulus
                                  Cells and Their Relation to Cell
                                  Movements During Gastrulation  . . . . . 139
               Russell Ross and   
           Seymour J. Klebanoff   Fine Structural Changes in Uterine
                                  Smooth Muscle and Fibroblasts in
                                  Response to Estrogen . . . . . . . . . . 155
                John F. Aronson   Polarized Light Observations on Striated
                                  Muscle Contraction in a Mite . . . . . . 169
            Pierre Baudhuin and   
            Philippe Evrard and   
                Jacques Berthet   Electron Microscopic Examination of
                                  Subcellular Fractions  . . . . . . . . . 181
           Sidney Fleischer and   
            Becca Fleischer and   
            Walther Stoeckenius   Fine Structure of Lipid-Depleted
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
              Park S. Nobel and   
                Satoru Murakami   Electron Microscopic Evidence for the
                                  Location and Amount of Ion Accumulation
                                  by Spinach Chloroplasts  . . . . . . . . 209
            Jesse E. Sisken and   
              Elaina Wilkes and   
          Grace M. Donnelly and   
              Tsuyoshi Kakefuda   The Isolation of the Mitotic Apparatus
                                  from Mammalian Cells in Culture  . . . . 212
               B. Bertolini and   
                      G. Hassan   Acid Phosphatase Associated with the
                                  Golgi Apparatus in Human Liver Cells . . 216
                  Donald Jasper   Body Muscles of the Lamprey  . . . . . . 219
            Frances Kallman and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Periodic Repeat Units of Epithelial Cell
                                  Tonofilaments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
            Frances Kallman and   
                 Jean Evans and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Normal Epidermal Basal Cell Behavior in
                                  the Absence of Basement Membrane . . . . 231
            Frances Kallman and   
                 Jean Evans and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Anchor Filament Bundles in Embryonic
                                  Feather Germs and Skin . . . . . . . . . 236

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 32, Number 2, February, 1967

              Florence Moog and   
                 Robert D. Grey   Spatial and Temporal Differentiation of
                                  Alkaline Phosphatase on the Intestinal
                                  Villi of the Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     R. E. Kane   The Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . 243
                 R. E. Stephens   The Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . 255
                 Setsuya Fujita   Quantitative Analysis of Cell
                                  Proliferation and Differentiation in the
                                  Cortex of the Postnatal Mouse Cerebellum 277
                 M. G. Dobb and   
            R. D. B. Fraser and   
                   T. P. Macrae   The Fine Structure of Silk Fibroin . . . 289
                 Richard Holmes   Preparation from Human Serum of an
                                  Alpha-One Protein Which Induces the
                                  Immediate Growth of Unadapted Cells in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
                I. Watanabe and   
                       S. Okada   Effects of Temperature on Growth Rate of
                                  Cultured Mammalian Cells (L5178Y)  . . . 309
          William E. Bowers and   
       John T. Finkenstaedt and   
              Christian de Duve   Lysosomes in Lymphoid Tissue . . . . . . 325
          William E. Bowers and   
              Christian de Duve   Lysosomes in Lymphoid Tissue . . . . . . 339
          William E. Bowers and   
              Christian de Duve   Lysosomes in Lymphoid Tissue . . . . . . 349
          Victor J. Matukas and   
          Bernard J. Panner and   
              J. Lowell Orbison   Studies on Ultrastructural
                                  Identification and Distribution of
                                  Protein-Polysaccharide in Cartilage
                                  Matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365
             Miriam M. Salpeter   Electron Microscope Radioautography As a
                                  Quantitative Tool in Enzyme
                                  Cytochemistry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
                 Joseph G. Gall   Octagonal Nuclear Pores  . . . . . . . . 391
       Melvin D. Schoenberg and   
           Richard D. Moore and   
           Austin S. Weisberger   Differentiation and Functional
                                  Expression of Potential
                                  Antibody-Producing Cells in the Presence
                                  of Chloramphenicol . . . . . . . . . . . 401
       Gian Luigi Sottocasa and   
           Bo Kuylenstierna and   
               Lars Ernster and   
              Anders Bergstrand   An Electron-Transport System Associated
                                  with the Outer Membrane of Liver
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
        Mary Bartlett Bunge and   
           Richard P. Bunge and   
          Edith R. Peterson and   
             Margaret R. Murray   A Light and Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Long-Term Organized Cultures of Rat
                                  Dorsal Root Ganglia  . . . . . . . . . . 439
       Edmund B. Masurovsky and   
        Mary Bartlett Bunge and   
               Richard P. Bunge   Cytological Studies of Organotypic
                                  Cultures of Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia
                                  Following X-Irradiation in Vitro . . . . 467
       Edmund B. Masurovsky and   
        Mary Bartlett Bunge and   
               Richard P. Bunge   Cytological Studies of Organotypic
                                  Cultures of Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia
                                  Following X-Irradiation in Vitro . . . . 497
             Dan O. McClary and   
              Wilbert D. Bowers   Structural Differentiation of Obligately
                                  Aerobic and Facultatively Anaerobic
                                  Yeasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
         Donald A. Fischman and   
                George Weinbaum   The Formation of Multiple Layers of
                                  Membrane-Like Structures in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli B . . . . . . . 524
         Phillip Zeidenberg and   
              Sten Orrenius and   
                   Lars Ernster   Increase in Levels of Glucuronylating
                                  Enzymes and Associated Rise in
                                  Activities of Mitochondrial Oxidative
                                  Enzymes Upon Phenobarbital
                                  Administration in the Rat  . . . . . . . 528
                    T. M. Rizki   Ultrastructure of the Secretory
                                  Inclusions of the Salivary Gland Cell in
                                  \bionameDrosophila . . . . . . . . . . . 531

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 32, Number 3, March, 1967

          Jerome Vanderberg and   
                Johannes Rhodin   Differentiation of Nuclear and
                                  Cytoplasmic Fine Structure During
                                  Sporogonic Development of Plasmodium
                                  Berghei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Martin Hagopian and   
                    David Spiro   The Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and Its
                                  Association with the T System in an
                                  Insect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
           Philippe Chevaillier   Mise En Evidence Et Etude Cytochimique
                                  D'Une Proteine Basique Extranucleaire
                                  Dans Les Spermatozoides Des Crustaces
                                  Decapodes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
             Donald A. Fischman   An Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Myofibril Formation in Embryonic Chick
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
                 Miro Brzin and   
               Wolf-D. Dettbarn   Cholinesterase Activity of Nodal and
                                  Internodal Regions of Myelinated Nerve
                                  Fibers of Frog . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
                 N. A. Barnicot   A Study of Newt Mitotic Chromosomes by
                                  Negative Staining  . . . . . . . . . . . 585
        Gonzague S. Kistler and   
       Peter R. B. Caldwell and   
                Ewald R. Weibel   Development of Fine Structural Damage to
                                  Alveolar and Capillary Lining Cells in
                                  Oxygen-Poisoned Rat Lungs  . . . . . . . 605
               R. C. Graham and   
            M. J. Karnovsky and   
               A. W. Shafer and   
                E. A. Glass and   
           Manfred L. Karnovsky   Metabolic and Morphological Observations
                                  on the Effect of Surface-Active Agents
                                  on Leukocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
              Takahiko Kato and   
              Masanori Kurokawa   Isolation of Cell Nuclei from the
                                  Mammalian Cerebral Cortex and Their
                                  Assortment on a Morphological Basis  . . 649
             Jane Rearick Shoup   Spermiogenesis in Wild Type and in a
                                  Male Sterility Mutant of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 663
    Lawrence Einar Scheving and   
              John Edward Pauly   Circadian Phase Relationships of
                                  Thymidine-$^3$H Uptake, Labeled Nuclei,
                                  Grain Counts, and Cell Division Rate in
                                  Rat Corneal Epithelium . . . . . . . . . 677
              M. M. Cassidy and   
                  C. S. Tidball   Cellular Mechanism of Intestinal
                                  Permeability Alterations Produced by
                                  Chelation Depletion  . . . . . . . . . . 685
               John L. Mego and   
          Francisco Bertini and   
              J. Donald McQueen   The Use of Formaldehyde-Treated$^{131}$
                                  I-Albumin in the Study of Digestive
                                  Vacuoles and Some Properties of These
                                  Particles from Mouse Liver . . . . . . . 699
             John A. Hardin and   
            Gerald E. Einem and   
               David T. Lindsay   Simultaneous Synthesis of Histone and
                                  DNA in Synchronously Dividing
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 709
            Carl Schnaitman and   
              V. Gene Erwin and   
             John W. Greenawalt   The Submitochondrial Localization of
                                  Monoamine Oxidase  . . . . . . . . . . . 719
             Hugues J.-P. Ryser   Studies on Protein Uptake by Isolated
                                  Tumor Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
              Ronald A. Bergman   Motor Nerve Endings of Twitch Muscle
                                  Fibers in Hippocampus Hudsonius  . . . . 751
           Thomas E. Morgan and   
                  Gary L. Huber   Loss of Lipid During Fixation for
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 757
                   J. D. Berlin   The Localization of Acid
                                  Mucopolysaccharides in the Golgi Complex
                                  of Intestinal Goblet Cells . . . . . . . 760
              C. C. Widnell and   
             T. H. Hamilton and   
                     J. R. Tata   The Isolation of Enzymically Active
                                  Nuclei from the Rat Heart and Uterus . . 766
                Arne Jepsen and   
         Jòrgen Theilade   Electron Microscopic Identification of
                                  Epithelial Cells in Tissue Culture of
                                  Oral Mucous Membrane . . . . . . . . . . 770

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 33, Number 1, April, 1967

              D. A. Cameron and   
             H. A. Paschall and   
                 R. A. Robinson   Changes in the Fine Structure of Bone
                                  Cells After the Administration of
                                  Parathyroid Extract  . . . . . . . . . . 1
                   Huai-San Lin   A Peculiar Configuration of Agranular
                                  Reticulum (Canaliculate Lamellar Body)
                                  in the Rat Pinealocyte . . . . . . . . . 15
     F. Fernández-Madrid   Biosynthesis of Collagen . . . . . . . . 27
          Zane B. Carothers and   
             Gerald L. Kreitner   Studies of Spermatogenesis in the
                                  Hepaticae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
            Theodore Peters and   
              Charles A. Ashley   An Artefact in Radioautography Due to
                                  Binding of Free Amino Acids to Tissues
                                  by Fixatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
               Richard W. Young   The Renewal of Photoreceptor Cell Outer
                                  Segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
              David M. Phillips   Giant Centriole Formation in Sciara  . . 73
          Peter M. Robinson and   
               Christopher Bell   The Localization of Acetylcholinesterase
                                  at the Autonomic Neuromuscular Junction  93
          Edward A. Johnson and   
              Joachim R. Sommer   A Strand of Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . 103
          Ernest M. Gifford and   
             Kenneth D. Stewart   Ultrastructure of the Shoot Apex of
                                  Chenopodium Album and Certain Other Seed
                                  Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
               Eldon H. Newcomb   Fine Structure of Protein-Storing
                                  Plastids in Bean Root Tips . . . . . . . 143
         H. Clarke Anderson and   
                  P. R. Coulter   Bone Formation Induced in Mouse Thigh by
                                  Cultured Human Cells . . . . . . . . . . 165
        Allan L. Allenspach and   
                     L. E. Roth   Structural Variations During Mitosis in
                                  the Chick Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
                Paul M. Kraemer   Configuration Change of Surface Sialic
                                  Acid During Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . 197
              M. J. Griffin and   
                  R. P. Cox and   
                      N. Grujic   A Chemical Method for the Isolation of
                                  HeLa Cell Nuclei and the Nuclear
                                  Localization of HeLa Cell Alkaline
                                  Phosphatase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
            Toshihiko Matsusaka   Atpase Activity in the Ciliary Rootlet
                                  of Human Retinal Rods  . . . . . . . . . 203
            J. Leslie Glick and   
               Anthony P. Salim   DNA-Induced Pigment Production in a
                                  Hamster Cell Line  . . . . . . . . . . . 209
                   J. Hugon and   
                     M. Borgers   Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Lysosomal Enzymes in the Absorbing Cells
                                  of the Duodenal Mucosa of the Mouse  . . 212
              George C. Carroll   The Ultrastructure of Ascospore
                                  Delimitation in Saccobolus Kerverni  . . 218

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 33, Number 2, May, 1967

                    N. Nanninga   Fine Structure Observed in 50S Ribosomal
                                  Subunits of Bacillus Subtilis  . . . . . ??
      Werner R. Loewenstein and   
                Yoshinobu Kanno   Intercellular Communication and Tissue
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
      Werner R. Loewenstein and   
                Richard D. Penn   Intercellular Communication and Tissue
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
            Paul G. Bartels and   
                T. Elliot Weier   Particle Arrangements in Proplastids of
                                  Triticum Vulgare L. Seedlings  . . . . . 243
           Philip W. Brandt and   
              Enrique Lopez and   
             John P. Reuben and   
                Harry Grundfest   The Relationship Between Myofilament
                                  Packing Density and Sarcomere Length in
                                  Frog Striated Muscle . . . . . . . . . . 255
             Donald W. King and   
                M. L. Barnhisel   Synthesis of RNA in Mammalian Cells
                                  During Mitosis and Interphase  . . . . . 265
           Jane L. Showacre and   
               W. G. Cooper and   
                 D. M. Prescott   Nucleolar and Nuclear RNA Synthesis
                                  During the Cell Life Cycle in Monkey and
                                  Pig Kidney Cells in Vitro  . . . . . . . 273
        M. V. Narasimha Rao and   
              David M. Prescott   Micronuclear RNA Synthesis in Paramecium
                                  Caudatum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
               Eva Eliasson and   
              G. Eric Bauer and   
                    Tore Hultin   Reversible Degradation of Polyribosomes
                                  in Chang Cells Cultured in a
                                  Glutamine-Deficient Medium . . . . . . . 287
                L. Bachmann and   
                 M. M. Salpeter   Absolute Sensitivity of Electron
                                  Microscope Radioautography . . . . . . . 299
             Paul K. Nakane and   
                G. Barry Pierce   Enzyme-Labeled Antibodies for the Light
                                  and Electron Microscopic Localization of
                                  Tissue Antigens  . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
                 Olga Stein and   
               Yechezkiel Stein   Lipid Synthesis, Intracellular
                                  Transport, Storage, and Secretion  . . . 319
                  Leonard Weiss   Studies on Cell Deformability  . . . . . 341
             Norman S. Cohn and   
                   P. van Duijn   Constancy of DNA Content in Adrenal
                                  Medulla Nuclei of Cold-Treated Rats  . . 349
                 Ji\vri Lom and   
              Eugene N. Kozloff   The Ultrastructure of Phalacrocleptes
                                  Verruciformis, an Unciliated Ciliate
                                  Parasitizing the Polychaete
                                  Schizobranchia Insignis  . . . . . . . . 355
               Arnaldo Lasansky   Cell Junctions in Ommatidia of Limulus   365
               Elvin Harper and   
                Sam Seifter and   
                 Berta Scharrer   Electron Microscopic and Biochemical
                                  Characterization of Collagen in
                                  Blattarian Insects . . . . . . . . . . . 385
            David W. Deamer and   
                  Antony Crofts   Action of Triton X-100 on Chloroplast
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
               Rolf H. Dahl and   
               James N. Pratley   The Effects of Magnesium on Nucleoside
                                  Phosphatase Activity in Frog Skin  . . . 411
              Eric Holtzman and   
           Alex B. Novikoff and   
            Humberto Villaverde   Lysosomes and Gerl in Normal and
                                  Chromatolytic Neurons of the Rat
                                  Ganglion Nodosum . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
           Russell L. Deter and   
              Christian de Duve   Influence of Glucagon, an Inducer of
                                  Cellular Autophagy, on Some Physical
                                  Properties of Rat Liver Lysosomes  . . . 437

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 33, Number 3, June, 1967

                J. P. Revel and   
                M. J. Karnovsky   Hexagonal Array of Subunits in
                                  Intercellular Junctions of the Mouse
                                  Heart and Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             David P. Bloch and   
         Robert A. MacQuigg and   
           Sheilah D. Brack and   
                   Jung-Rung Wu   The Syntheses of Deoxyribonucleic Acid
                                  and Histone in the Onion Root Meristem   451
               E. G. Cleary and   
             L. B. Sandberg and   
                  D. S. Jackson   The Changes in Chemical Composition
                                  During Development of the Bovine Nuchal
                                  Ligament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
         Z. T. Wirtschafter and   
               E. G. Cleary and   
              D. S. Jackson and   
                 L. B. Sandberg   Histological Changes During the
                                  Development of the Bovine Nuchal
                                  Ligament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
            J. C. H. de Man and   
              N. J. A. Noorduyn   Light and Electron Microscopic
                                  Radioautography of Hepatic Cell Nucleoli
                                  in Mice Treated with Actinomycin D . . . 489
      Lawrence K. Schneider and   
               William O. Rieke   DNA Replication Patterns and Chromosomal
                                  Protein Synthesis in Opossum Lymphocytes
                                  in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
              T. Bisalputra and   
               A. A. Bisalputra   Chloroplast and Mitochondrial DNA in a
                                  Brown Alga Egregia Menziesii . . . . . . 511
            Lowell E. Hokin and   
                Dorothy Huebner   Radioautographic Localization of the
                                  Increased Synthesis of
                                  Phosphatidylinositol in Response to
                                  Pancreozymin Or Acetylcholine in Guinea
                                  Pig Pancreas Slices  . . . . . . . . . . 521
                J. F. Reger and   
                   D. P. Cooper   A Comparative Study on the Fine
                                  Structure of the Basalar Muscle of the
                                  Wing and the Tibial Extensor Muscle of
                                  the Leg of the Lepidopteran Achalarus
                                  Lyciades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531
                 David L. Ringo   Flagellar Motion and Fine Structure of
                                  the Flagellar Apparatus in Chlamydomonas 543
              M. R. Bennett and   
                   D. C. Rogers   A Study of the Innervation of the
                                  \bionameTaenia Coli  . . . . . . . . . . 573
          James W. MacInnes and   
                Robert B. Uretz   Thermal Depolarization of Fluorescence
                                  from Polytene Chromosomes Stained with
                                  Acridine Orange  . . . . . . . . . . . . 597
               Teruo Suzuki and   
                  F. K. Mostofi   Intramitochondrial Filamentous Bodies in
                                  the Thick Limb of Henle of the Rat
                                  Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
             Ehud Skutelsky and   
                    David Danon   An Electron Microscopic Study of Nuclear
                                  Elimination from the Late Erythroblast   625
           Lester Goldstein and   
              David M. Prescott   Proteins in Nucleocytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
           Joseph A. Grasso and   
                John W. Woodard   DNA Synthesis and Mitosis in
                                  Erythropoietic Cells . . . . . . . . . . 645
       Alexandra von der Decken   Evidence for Regulation of Protein
                                  Synthesis at the Translation Level in
                                  Response to Dietary Alterations  . . . . 657
             Katherine Esau and   
                 James Cronshaw   Relation of Tobacco Mosaic Virus to the
                                  Host Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
        Tsuranobu Shirahama and   
                  Alan S. Cohen   High-Resolution Electron Microscopic
                                  Analysis of the Amyloid Fibril . . . . . 679
           Francis J. Carey and   
            Olive S. Pettengill   A Time-Lapse Study of Effects of
                                  Anticellular Antibody on Membrane
                                  Mobility and Phagocytic Activity of HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
                   Andrew Bajer   Notes on Ultrastructure and Some
                                  Properties of Transport Within the
                                  Living Mitotic Spindle . . . . . . . . . 713
                M. Kumegawa and   
                 M. Cattoni and   
                 George G. Rose   An Unusual Droplet in Submandibular
                                  Gland of New Born Mice . . . . . . . . . 720
         Martin A. Gorovsky and   
                   John Woodard   Histone Content of Chromosomal Loci
                                  Active and Inactive in RNA Synthesis . . 723
          David E. Schlegel and   
           Gustaaf A. de Zoeten   Improved Resolution in Light Microscope
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 728

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 34, Number 1, July, 1967

         G. D. Clark-Walker and   
             Anthony W. Linnane   The Biogenesis of Mitochondria in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 1
                Jack Rosenbluth   Obliquely Striated Muscle  . . . . . . . 15
                 Hatao Kato and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Chromosome Pulverization in Human
                                  Binucleate Cells Following Colcemid
                                  Treatment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
                     L. E. Roth   Electron Microscopy of Mitosis in Amebae 47
                  R. Simard and   
                    W. Bernhard   A Heat-Sensitive Cellular Function
                                  Located in the Nucleolus . . . . . . . . 61
                   Marion Himes   DNA-Protein Binding in Interphase
                                  Chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
           Irwin A. Schafer and   
            Lloyd Silverman and   
          Julia C. Sullivan and   
       William Van B. Robertson   Ascorbic Acid Deficiency in Cultured
                                  Human Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . 83
            Jesse E. Sisken and   
                  Elaina Wilkes   The Time of Synthesis and the
                                  Conservation of Mitosis-Related Proteins
                                  in Cultured Human Amnion Cells . . . . . 97
             Norman E. Kemp and   
                Nancy L. Istock   Cortical Changes in Growing Oocytes and
                                  in Fertilized Or Pricked Eggs of Rana
                                  Pipiens  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
          Robert R. Cardell and   
          Susan Badenhausen and   
                Keith R. Porter   Intestinal Triglyceride Absorption in
                                  the Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
              Richard Davis and   
               George B. Koelle   Electron Microscopic Localization of
                                  Acetylcholinesterase and Nonspecific
                                  Cholinesterase at the Neuromuscular
                                  Junction by the Gold-Thiocholine and
                                  Gold-Thiolacetic Acid Methods  . . . . . 157
              Roland J. Lesseps   The Removal by Phospholipase C of a
                                  Layer of Lanthanum-Staining Material
                                  External to the Cell Membrane in
                                  Embryonic Chick Cells  . . . . . . . . . 173
             Elliot Bindler and   
           Frank S. Labella and   
                   Madhu Sanwal   Isolated Nerve Endings
                                  (Neurosecretosomes) from the Posterior
                                  Pituitary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
                T. S. Reese and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Fine Structural Localization of a
                                  Blood-Brain Barrier to Exogenous
                                  Peroxidase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
             Edward D. Korn and   
              Robert A. Weisman   Phagocytosis of Latex Beads by
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba . . . . . . . . . . 219
           Masamichi Aikawa and   
               Clay G. Huff and   
                 Helmuth Sprinz   Fine Structure of the Asexual Stages of
                                  Plasmodium Elongatum . . . . . . . . . . 229
                 Olga Stein and   
               Yechezkiel Stein   Lipid Synthesis, Intracellular
                                  Transport, and Secretion . . . . . . . . 251
                  Edward Koenig   Observations on Selected Isolated
                                  Retinal Elements and an Analysis of Rod
                                  Cell RNA of the Rabbit . . . . . . . . . 265
           Robert K. Schenk and   
                David Spiro and   
                  Joseph Wiener   Cartilage Resorption in the Tibial
                                  Epiphyseal Plate of Growing Rats . . . . 275
                O. Lindberg and   
               J. De Pierre and   
                E. Rylander and   
                 B. A. Afzelius   Studies of the Mitochondrial
                                  Energy-Transfer System of Brown Adipose
                                  Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
           John A. Terzakis and   
             Helmuth Sprinz and   
                 Ronald A. Ward   The Transformation of the Plasmodium
                                  Gallinaceum Oocyst in Aedes Aegypti
                                  Mosquitoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
                Keith R. Porter   Studies on the Microtubules in Heliozoa  327
          Joel L. Rosenbaum and   
                    F. M. Child   Flagellar Regeneration in Protozoan
                                  Flagellates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
        Walther Stoeckenius and   
                   Robert Rowen   A Morphological Study of Halobacterium
                                  Halobium and Its Lysis in Media of Low
                                  Salt Concentration . . . . . . . . . . . 365
               D. E. Slagel and   
             J.-E. Edström   A Rapid Method for Calculation of the
                                  Total Amount of Absorbing Substance in
                                  Microextracts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
             Sidney Goldfischer   The Cytochemical Localization of
                                  Myoglobin in Striated Muscle of Man and
                                  Walrus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
           Alan D. Sudweeks and   
                  Rolla B. Hill   Control of Liver Cell Replication by
                                  Albumin Need . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 34, Number 2, August, 1967

         C. F. Doggenweiler and   
                 John E. Heuser   Ultrastructure of the Prawn Nerve
                                  Sheaths  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
       Raúl Hinojosa and   
             J. David Robertson   Ultrastructure of the Spoon Type
                                  Synaptic Endings in the Nucleus
                                  Vestibularis Tangentialis of the Chick   421
          Marvin H. Stromer and   
                 D. E. Goll and   
                     L. E. Roth   Morphology of Rigor-Shortened Bovine
                                  Muscle and the Effect of Trypsin on Pre-
                                  and Postrigor Myofibrils . . . . . . . . 431
            T. M. Mukherjee and   
               A. Wynn Williams   A Comparative Study of the
                                  Ultrastructure of Microvilli in the
                                  Epithelium of Small and Large Intestine
                                  of Mice  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447
                  R. A. Jenkins   Fine Structure of Division in Ciliate
                                  Protozoa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
        Arthur M. Zimmerman and   
                Selma Zimmerman   Action of Colcemid in Sea Urchin Eggs    483
                M. Steinert and   
              Suzanne van Assel   The Loss of Kinetoplastic DNA in Two
                                  Species of Trypanosomatidae Treated with
                                  Acriflavine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
                Leon Marcus and   
                     H. Ris and   
            H. O. Halvorson and   
           R. K. Bretthauer and   
                     R. M. Bock   Occurrence, Isolation, and
                                  Characterization of Polyribosomes in
                                  Yeast  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
             Helen A. Mintz and   
              David H. Yawn and   
                Brian Safer and   
            Edward Bresnick and   
         Annabel G. Liebelt and   
           Zack R. Blailock and   
             Erwin R. Rabin and   
                Arnold Schwartz   Morphological and Biochemical Studies of
                                  Isolated Mitochondria from Fetal,
                                  Neonatal, and Adult Liver and from
                                  Neoplastic Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . 513
               G. G. Borisy and   
                   E. W. Taylor   The Mechanism of Action of Colchicine    525
               G. G. Borisy and   
                   E. W. Taylor   The Mechanism of Action of Colchicine    535
            M. L. Shelanski and   
                   E. W. Taylor   Isolation of a Protein Subunit from
                                  Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
                Asao Hirano and   
           Herbert M. Dembitzer   A Structural Analysis of the Myelin
                                  Sheath in the Central Nervous System . . 555
           Harold W. Fisher and   
                   T. W. Cooper   Electron Microscope Studies of the
                                  Microvilli of HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . 569
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Intracellular Transport of Secretory
                                  Proteins in the Pancreatic Exocrine Cell 577
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Intracellular Transport of Secretory
                                  Proteins in the Pancreatic Exocrine Cell 597
               Arnaldo Lasansky   The Pathway Between Hyaloid Blood and
                                  Retinal Neurons in the Toad  . . . . . . 617
                 Edward D. Korn   A Chromatographic and Spectrophotometric
                                  Study of the Products of the Reaction of
                                  Osmium Tetroxide with Unsaturated Lipids 627
           Howard J. Arnott and   
               Kenneth M. Smith   Intracellular Inclusions in the Gut
                                  Epithelial Cells of Piesma Cinereum Say  639
           Arthur T. Hertig and   
               Eleanor C. Adams   Studies on the Human Oocyte and Its
                                  Follicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
          Takashi Tokumitsu and   
               Karl Maramorosch   Cytoplasmic Protrusions in Insect Cells
                                  During Mitosis in Vitro  . . . . . . . . 677
            Elliott Robbins and   
             Matthew D. Scharff   The Absence of a Detectable G$_1$ Phase
                                  in a Cultured Strain of Chinese Hamster
                                  Lung Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 684
                 F. R. Susi and   
                 W. D. Belt and   
                    J. W. Kelly   Fine Structure of Fibrillar Complexes
                                  Associated with the Basement Membrane in
                                  Human Oral Mucosa  . . . . . . . . . . . 686
                    J. Metuzals   Helical Arrangement of the Subunits of
                                  the Neurofibrillar Bundles Isolated from
                                  Leech Nervous System . . . . . . . . . . 690
                      O. Behnke   Incomplete Microtubules Observed in
                                  Mammalian Blood Platelets During
                                  Microtubule Polymerization . . . . . . . 697
                 J. Berthet and   
                    P. Baudhuin   A Remark About the Determination of the
                                  Water Content of Mitochondria  . . . . . 701

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 34, Number 3, September, 1967

                  C. Barros and   
              J. M. Bedford and   
             L. E. Franklin and   
                   C. R. Austin   Membrane Vesiculation As a Feature of
                                  the Mammalian Acrosome Reaction  . . . . ??
               Nancy L. Trotter   Electron-Opaque Bodies and Fat Droplets
                                  in Mouse Liver After Fasting Or Glucose
                                  Injection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703
                Bernard P. Lane   Localization of Products of ATP
                                  Hydrolysis in Mammalian Smooth Muscle
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713
              R. Gerald Suskind   Effect of Temperature of Aldehyde
                                  Fixation on the Radioautographic
                                  Localization of Ribonucleoprotein in
                                  Nucleoli of HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . 721
                   A. K. Asbury   Schwann Cell Proliferation in Developing
                                  Mouse Sciatic Nerve  . . . . . . . . . . 735
           Philip M. Seeman and   
               George E. Palade   Acid Phosphatase Localization in Rabbit
                                  Eosinophils  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
                W. Bernhard and   
             Elizabeth H. Leduc   Ultrathin Frozen Sections  . . . . . . . 757
         Elizabeth H. Leduc and   
                W. Bernhard and   
                 S. J. Holt and   
                  J. P. Tranzer   Ultrathin Frozen Sections  . . . . . . . 773
         Arnold M. Seligman and   
        Robert E. Plapinger and   
       Hannah L. Wasserkrug and   
           Chandicharan Deb and   
                Jacob S. Hanker   Ultrastructural Demonstration of
                                  Cytochrome Oxidase Activity by the Nadi
                                  Reaction with Osmiophilic Reagents . . . 787
             James Cronshaw and   
                 Katherine Esau   Tubular and Fibrillar Components of
                                  Mature and Differentiating Sieve
                                  Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
         Leonard Napolitano and   
            Francis Lebaron and   
                Joseph Scaletti   Preservation of Myelin Lamellar
                                  Structure in the Absence of Lipid  . . . 817
               Douglas E. Kelly   Models of Muscle Z-Band Fine Structure
                                  Based on a Looping Filament
                                  Configuration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
                     J. Frankel   Studies on the Maintenance of Oral
                                  Development in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis Gl-C  . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
           Lionel I. Rebhun and   
                   Greta Sander   Ultrastructure and Birefringence of the
                                  Isolated Mitotic Apparatus of Marine
                                  Eggs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
                Baccio Baccetti   Collagen of the Earthworms . . . . . . . 885
                 N. Tulchin and   
              G. M. Mateyko and   
                    M. J. Kopac   Drosophila Salivary Glands in Vitro  . . 891
                M. Kumegawa and   
                 M. Cattoni and   
                     G. G. Rose   Electron Microscopy of Oral Cells in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
               J. R. Sommer and   
                  W. Hasselbach   The Effect of Glutaraldehyde and
                                  Formaldehyde on the Calcium Pump of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum . . . . . . . . . 902
           Carl W. Schaefer and   
       Jerome P. Vanderberg and   
                Johannes Rhodin   The Fine Structure of Mosquito Midgut
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
            Michael R. Levy and   
                    Ann E. Hunt   L-$ \alpha $-hydroxy acid oxidase
                                  activity in \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . 911
                       S. Okada   A Simple Graphic Method of Computing the
                                  Parameters of the Life Cycle of Cultured
                                  Mammalian Cells in the Exponential
                                  Growth Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 915
              Akio Yamauchi and   
             Geoffrey Burnstock   Nerve-Myoepithelium and Nerve-Glandular
                                  Epithelium Contacts in the Lacrimal
                                  Gland of the Sheep . . . . . . . . . . . 917

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 35, Number 1, October, 1967

               Jack L. Pate and   
                Erling J. Ordal   The Fine Structure of Chondrococcus
                                  Columnaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
               Jack L. Pate and   
            John L. Johnson and   
                Erling J. Ordal   The Fine Structure of Chondrococcus
                                  Columnaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
               Jack L. Pate and   
                Erling J. Ordal   The Fine Structure of Chondrococcus
                                  Columnaris . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
                R. A. Tobey and   
             E. C. Anderson and   
                 D. F. Petersen   The Effect of Thymidine on the Duration
                                  of G$_1$ in Chinese Hamster Cells  . . . 53
            Lloyd Silverman and   
     Laurence H. Frommhagen and   
                    David Glick   Measurement of Influenza Virus-Antibody
                                  Reaction by Quantitative Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
             Wolf H. Fahrenbach   The Fine Structure of Fast and Slow
                                  Crustacean Muscles . . . . . . . . . . . 69
             H. Clarke Anderson   Electron Microscopic Studies of Induced
                                  Cartilage Development and Calcification  81
               Masamichi Aikawa   Ultrastructure of the Pellicular Complex
                                  of Plasmodium Fallax . . . . . . . . . . 103
             Bronnetta L. Scott   Thymidine-$^3$H Electron Microscope
                                  Radioautography of Osteogenic Cells in
                                  the Fetal Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
             Donald Svoboda and   
               Harold Grady and   
                Daniel Azarnoff   Microbodies in Experimentally Altered
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
                Keith R. Porter   Microtubules in the Spermatids of the
                                  Domestic Fowl  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
                   Marion Himes   An Analysis of Heterochromatin in Maize
                                  Root Tips  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
               M. Weintraub and   
              H. W. Ragetli and   
                     V. T. John   Some Conditions Affecting the
                                  Intracellular Arrangement and
                                  Concentration of Tobacco Mosaic Virus
                                  Particles in Local Lesions . . . . . . . 183
               Everett Anderson   The Formation of the Primary Envelope
                                  During Oocyte Differentiation in
                                  Teleosts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
            Morris J. Karnovsky   The Ultrastructural Basis of Capillary
                                  Permeability Studied with Peroxidase As
                                  a Tracer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
         Charles F. Simpson and   
                    J. M. Kling   The Mechanism of Denucleation in
                                  Circulating Erythroblasts  . . . . . . . 237
             Thomas F. Roth and   
                     Michio Ito   DNA-Dependent Formation of the
                                  Synaptinemal Complex at Meiotic Prophase 247
                 George Hug and   
            William K. Schubert   Lysosomes in Type Ii Glycogenosis  . . . ??
                 Sandra Winicur   Reactivation of Ethanol-Calcium-Isolated
                                  Cilia from \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              W. W. Nichols and   
                    P. Aula and   
                   A. Levan and   
                  W. Heneen and   
                      E. Norrby   Radioautography with Tritiated Thymidine
                                  in Measles and Sendai Virus-Induced
                                  Chromosome Pulverizations  . . . . . . . 257
                  I. Pastan and   
                  S. H. Wollman   Colloid Droplet Formation in Dog Thyroid
                                  in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262
                Gunnar D. Bloom   A Nucleus with Cytoplasmic Features  . . 266
                   Thomas Maack   Changes in the Activity of Acid
                                  Hydrolases During Renal Reabsorption of
                                  Lysozyme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
               John A. Terzakis   Substructure in an Epithelial Basal
                                  Lamina (Basement Membrane) . . . . . . . 273
             B. R. Brinkley and   
            Patricia Murphy and   
           L. Carole Richardson   Procedure for Embedding in Situ Selected
                                  Cells Cultured in Vitro  . . . . . . . . 279

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 35, Number 2, November, 1967

           Russell L. Deter and   
            Pierre Baudhuin and   
              Christian de Duve   Participation of Lysosomes in Cellular
                                  Autophagy Induced in Rat Liver by
                                  Glucagon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Eldon H. Newcomb   A Spiny Vesicle in Slime-Producing Cells
                                  of the Bean Root . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                I. Watanabe and   
                       S. Okada   Stationary Phase of Cultured Mammalian
                                  Cells (L5178Y) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
            P. R. Mahadevan and   
                    E. L. Tatum   Localization of Structural Polymers in
                                  the Cell Wall of Neurospora Crassa . . . 295
          Bernard J. Panner and   
                  Carl R. Honig   Filament Ultrastructure and Organization
                                  in Vertebrate Smooth Muscle  . . . . . . 303
           Darryll E. Outka and   
                 Byron C. Kluss   The Ameba-To-Flagellate Transformation
                                  in Tetramitus Rostratus  . . . . . . . . 323
                  Leonard Weiss   Studies of Cell Deformability  . . . . . 347
           Daniel S. Friend and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Functions of Coated Vesicles During
                                  Protein Absorption in the Rat Vas
                                  Deferens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
              Eugene Y. F. Shen   Microspectrophotometric Analysis of
                                  Nuclear DNA in Chara Zeylanica . . . . . 377
        Vincent T. Marchesi and   
               George E. Palade   The localization of Mg--Na--K-activated
                                  adenosine triphosphatase on red cell
                                  ghost membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
       Elizabeth B. Ezerman and   
              Harunori Ishikawa   Differentiation of the Sarcoplasmic
                                  Reticulum and T System in Developing
                                  Chick Skeletal Muscle in Vitro . . . . . 405
                  Nancy J. Lane   Spheroidal and Ring Nucleoli in
                                  Amphibian Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . 421
               Scott E. Dietert   The Columnar Cells Occurring in the
                                  Parietal Layer of Bowman's Capsule . . . 435
                 Y. Shimada and   
             D. A. Fischman and   
                  A. A. Moscona   The Fine Structure of Embryonic Chick
                                  Skeletal Muscle Cells Differentiated in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
              Nirmal K. Das and   
       Julie Micou-Eastwood and   
                     Max Alfert   Cytochemical and Biochemical Properties
                                  of Basic Proteins of Urechis Acrosomes   455
        Tsuranobu Shirahama and   
                  Alan S. Cohen   Reconstitution of Amyloid Fibrils from
                                  Alkaline Extracts  . . . . . . . . . . . 459
         Bernhard Kramarsky and   
            Richard Siegler and   
                 Marvin A. Rich   Presence of Endothelial Fenestrations in
                                  Thymic Capillaries of Mice . . . . . . . 464
                    Klaus Wolff   The Fine Structure of the Langerhans
                                  Cell Granule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
               Paul F. Parakkal   Transfer of Premelanosomes into the
                                  Keratinizing Cells of Albino Hair
                                  Follicle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
              B. G. T. Pogo and   
              V. G. Allfrey and   
                   A. E. Mirsky   The Effect of Phytohemagglutinin on
                                  Ribonucleic Acid Synthesis and Histone
                                  Acetylation in Equine Leukocytes . . . . 477
             Jean H. Priest and   
            Judith E. Heady and   
               Robert E. Priest   Delayed Onset of Replication of Human X
                                  Chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 483

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 35, Number 3, December, 1967

          Marvin H. Stromer and   
           D. J. Hartshorne and   
                     R. V. Rice   Removal and Reconstitution of Z-Line
                                  Material in a Striated Muscle  . . . . . ??
          Emerson S. Hawley and   
                   R. P. Wagner   Synchronous Mitochondrial Division in
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 489
            A. Tixier-Vidal and   
                      R. Picart   Etude Quantitative Par Radioautographie
                                  Au Microscope Electronique De
                                  L'Utilisation De La Dl-Leucine-$^3$ H
                                  Par Les Cellules De L'Hypophyse Du
                                  Canard En Culture Organotypiqe . . . . . 501
                    I. Ohad and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Biogenesis of Chloroplast Membranes  . . 521
                    I. Ohad and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Biogenesis of Chloroplast Membranes  . . 553
        Charles E. Stirling and   
              William B. Kinter   High-Resolution Radioautography of
                                  Galactose-$^3$H Accumulation in Rings of
                                  Hamster Intestine  . . . . . . . . . . . 585
            Charles E. Stirling   High-Resolution Radioautography of
                                  Phlorizin-$^3$H in Rings of Hamster
                                  Intestine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 605
           Maurice M. Black and   
               Hudson R. Ansley   Antigen-Induced Changes in Lymphoid Cell
                                  Histones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
           Maurice M. Black and   
               Hudson R. Ansley   Antigen-Induced Changes in Lymphoid Cell
                                  Histones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
            Pierre Baudhuin and   
                Jacques Berthet   Electron Microscopic Examination of
                                  Subcellular Fractions  . . . . . . . . . 631
           Robert S. Verbin and   
                Emmanuel Farber   Effect of Cycloheximide on the Cell
                                  Cycle of the Crypts of the Small
                                  Intestine of the Rat . . . . . . . . . . 649
                   Peter M. Ray   Radioautographic Study of Cell Wall
                                  Deposition in Growing Plant Cells  . . . 659
            Roger B. Howard and   
        A. Kent Christensen and   
          Frederic A. Gibbs and   
                 Leroy A. Pesch   The Enzymatic Preparation of Isolated
                                  Intact Parenchymal Cells from Rat Liver  675
                H. Ginsburg and   
                    D. Lagunoff   The in Vitro Differentiation of Mast
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
               David E. Comings   Histones of Genetically Active and
                                  Inactive Chromatin . . . . . . . . . . . 699
             Bonnie Sue Ebstein   Tritiated Actinomycin D As a
                                  Cytochemical Label for Small Amounts of
                                  DNA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709
       E. Plessmann Camargo and   
                       W. Plaut   The Radioautographic Detection of DNA
                                  with Tritiated Actinomycin D . . . . . . 713
             René Simard   The Binding of Actinomycin D-$^3$H to
                                  Heterochromatin As Studied by
                                  Quantitative High Resolution
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
              Stuart Hodson and   
                    J. Marshall   Tyrosine Incorporation into the Rabbit
                                  Retina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722
                  Harvard Lyman   Specific Inhibition of Chloroplast
                                  Replication in Euglena Gracilis by
                                  Nalidixic Acid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726
                 M. A. Williams   More Intramitochondrial Bodies . . . . . 730

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 36, Number 1, January, 1968

            Arthur L. Frank and   
            A. Kent Christensen   Localization of Acid Phosphatase in
                                  Lipofuscin Granules and Possible
                                  Autophagic Vacuoles in Interstitial
                                  Cells of the Guinea Pig Testis . . . . . 1
           Arnold I. Caplan and   
             John W. Greenawalt   The Effects of Osmotic Lysis on the
                                  Oxidative Phosphorylation and
                                  Compartmentation of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
             J. Gomez-Acebo and   
                R. Parrilla and   
                J. L. R-Candela   Fine Structure of the A and D Cells of
                                  the Rabbit Endocrine Pancreas in Vivo
                                  and Incubated in Vitro . . . . . . . . . 33
          Richard S. Morgan and   
           Henry S. Slayter and   
                David L. Weller   Isolation of Ribosomes from Cysts of
                                  Entamoeba Invadens . . . . . . . . . . . 45
           Lester Goldstein and   
              David M. Prescott   Proteins in Nucleocytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
                 Olga Stein and   
               Yechezkiel Stein   Lipid Synthesis, Intracellular
                                  Transport, and Storage . . . . . . . . . 63
               F. L. Renaud and   
                 A. J. Rowe and   
                  I. R. Gibbons   Some Properties of the Protein Forming
                                  the Outer Fibers of Cilia  . . . . . . . 79
                  R. Soeiro and   
              M. H. Vaughan and   
                  J. E. Darnell   The Effect of Puromycin on Intranuclear
                                  Steps in Ribosome Biosynthesis . . . . . 91
         Charles F. Simpson and   
                    J. M. Kling   The Mechanism of Mitochondrial Extrusion
                                  from Phenylhydrazine-Induced
                                  Reticulocytes in the Circulating Blood   103
           Richard Bischoff and   
                 Howard Holtzer   The Effect of Mitotic Inhibitors on
                                  Myogenesis in Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . 111
                 L. V. Leak and   
                    J. F. Burke   Ultrastructural Studies on the Lymphatic
                                  Anchoring Filaments  . . . . . . . . . . 129
         Constantino Sotelo and   
               Sanford L. Palay   The Fine Structure of the Lateral
                                  Vestibular Nucleus in the Rat  . . . . . 151
                    A. I. Kahri   Effects of Actinomycin D and Puromycin
                                  on the Acth-Induced Ultrastructural
                                  Transformation of Mitochondria of
                                  Cortical Cells of Rat Adrenals in Tissue
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
      Samuel C. Silverstein and   
                   Samuel Dales   The Penetration of Reovirus RNA and
                                  Initiation of Its Genetic Function in
                                  L-Strain Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . 197
          Robert M. McCombs and   
    Matilda Benyesh-Melnick and   
           J. Pierre Brunschwig   The Use of Millipore Filters in
                                  Ultrastructural Studies of Cell Cultures
                                  and Viruses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
                Jack Rosenbluth   Obliquely Striated Muscle  . . . . . . . 245
             Ronald Hancock and   
                    Harold Amos   Nuclear binding of exogenous histones by
                                  L cells at low pH  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Winfield S. Morgan   Ductal Excretion of Neutral Red
                                  Lysosomes in the Mouse Pancreas  . . . . 261
                 Don W. Fawcett   The Sporadic Occurrence in Cardiac
                                  Muscle of Anomalous Z Bands Exhibiting a
                                  Periodic Structure Suggestive of
                                  Tropomyosin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
             C. R. Stocking and   
              L. K. Shumway and   
                T. E. Weier and   
                   D. Greenwood   Ultrastructure of Chloroplasts Isolated
                                  by Nonaqueous Extraction . . . . . . . . 270
            Luciano Zamboni and   
                 Bernard Gondos   Intercellular Bridges and
                                  Synchronization of Germ Cell
                                  Differentiation During Oogenesis in the
                                  Rabbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
               William M. Leach   The Thymidine Pool in Grasshopper
                                  Neuroblasts During Mitosis . . . . . . . 282

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 36, Number 2, February, 1968

            Masando Hayashi and   
        Tsuranobu Shirahama and   
                  Alan S. Cohen   Combined cytochemical and electron
                                  microscopic demonstration of $ \beta
                                  $-glucuronidase activity in rat liver
                                  with the use of a simultaneous coupling
                                  azo dye technique  . . . . . . . . . . . 289
               P. R. Sweeny and   
                      R. Bather   An Electron Microscopic Study of the
                                  Chorioallantoic Membrane Following
                                  Infection with Rous Sarcoma Virus  . . . 299
          Hisashi Shinozuka and   
         Peter J. Goldblatt and   
                Emmanuel Farber   The Disorganization of Hepatic Cell
                                  Nucleoli Induced by Ethionine and Its
                                  Reversal by Adenine  . . . . . . . . . . 313
            Elliott Robbins and   
            Gisela Jentzsch and   
                   Anita Micali   The Centriole Cycle in Synchronized HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
              Rainer Martin and   
               Philip Rosenberg   Fine Structural Alterations Associated
                                  with Venom Action on Squid Giant Nerve
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
          Charles E. Ganote and   
          Jared J. Grantham and   
            Harold L. Moses and   
            Maurice B. Burg and   
                    Jack Orloff   Ultrastructural Studies of Vasopressin
                                  Effect on Isolated Perfused Renal
                                  Collecting Tubules of the Rabbit . . . . 355
           Charles W. Boone and   
           George S. Harell and   
                 Howard E. Bond   The Resolution of Mixtures of Viable
                                  Mammalian Cells into Homogeneous
                                  Fractions by Zonal Centrifugation  . . . 369
         Pierluigi Gambetti and   
        Nicholas K. Gonatas and   
               Louis B. Flexner   The Fine Structure of Puromycin-Induced
                                  Changes in Mouse Entorhinal Cortex . . . 379
          Alfred M. Elliott and   
                  Roger G. Zieg   A Golgi Apparatus Associated with Mating
                                  in \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis  . . . 391
                Sidney N. Klaus   The Effect of Colchicine on Mosaic
                                  Patterns in Cultured Cells . . . . . . . 399
              William A. Jensen   Cotton Embryogenesis . . . . . . . . . . 403
           B. Allen Flaxman and   
          Marvin A. Lutzner and   
            Eugene J. Van Scott   Ultrastructure of Cell Attachment to
                                  Substratum in Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . 406
                    Bojan Flaks   Formation of Membrane-Glycogen Arrays in
                                  Rat Hepatoma Cells . . . . . . . . . . . 410
              L. H. Lazarus and   
                O. H. Scherbaum   Activity of Ribonuclease, Acid
                                  Phosphatase, and Phosphodiesterase in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis During
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 36, Number 3, March, 1968

             Yutaka Tashiro and   
             Shiro Matsuura and   
           Takashi Morimoto and   
                   Sunao Nagata   Extrusion of Nuclear Materials into
                                  Cytoplasm in the Posterior Silk Gland
                                  Cells of Silkworm, Bombyx Mori . . . . . ??
            M. Elizabeth Rogers   Ribonucleoprotein Particles in the
                                  Amphibian Oocyte Nucleus . . . . . . . . 421
            Martin Hagopian and   
                    David Spiro   The Filament Lattice of Cockroach
                                  Thoracic Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
                M. Kumegawa and   
                 M. Cattoni and   
                 George G. Rose   Electron Microscopy of Oral Cells in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
                   M. Locke and   
               Janet V. Collins   Protein Uptake into Multivesicular
                                  Bodies and Storage Granules in the Fat
                                  Body of an Insect  . . . . . . . . . . . 453
               Agnese Brega and   
            Arturo Falaschi and   
             Luigi De Carli and   
                    Mario Pavan   Studies on the Mechanism of Action of
                                  Pederine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
          Joachim R. Sommer and   
              Edward A. Johnson   Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
               A. M. Stuart and   
                       P. Satir   Morphological and Functional Aspects of
                                  an Insect Epidermal Gland  . . . . . . . 527
             Jacob I. Fabrikant   The Kinetics of Cellular Proliferation
                                  in Regenerating Liver  . . . . . . . . . 551
     André Bernard Borle   Calcium Metabolism in HeLa Cells and the
                                  Effects of Parathyroid Hormone . . . . . 567
                M. D. Enger and   
                R. A. Tobey and   
                 A. G. Saponara   RNA Synthesis in Chinese Hamster Cells   583
        Richard W. Sagebiel and   
                 Thomas H. Reed   Serial Reconstruction of the
                                  Characteristic Granule of the Langerhans
                                  Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
          Zane B. Carothers and   
             Gerald L. Kreitner   Studies of Spermatogenesis in the
                                  Hepaticae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
           Terry C. Johnson and   
          Michael P. Lerner and   
                Gerald J. Lancz   Inhibition of Protein Synthesis in
                                  Noninfected L Cells by Partially
                                  Purified Interferon Preparations . . . . 617
    Cornelis L. Voûte and   
                 Hans H. Ussing   Some Morphological Aspects of Active
                                  Sodium Transport*  . . . . . . . . . . . 625
              Ronald A. Bergman   Uterine Smooth Muscle Fibers in Castrate
                                  and Estrogen-Treated Rats  . . . . . . . 639
              Philias R. Garant   Glycogen-Membrane Complexes Within Mouse
                                  Striated Muscle Cells  . . . . . . . . . 648
             Alfred L. Goldberg   Protein Synthesis During Work-Induced
                                  Growth of Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . 653
                   R. G. Kessel   Fine Structure of Annulate Lamellae  . . 658
                   J. Pieri and   
                 C. Vaugien and   
                  M. Trouillier   Interpretation Cytophotometrique Des
                                  Phenomenes Micronucleaires Au Cours De
                                  La Division Binaire Et Des Divisions
                                  Pregamiques Chez Paramecium Trichium . . 664

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 37, Number 1, April, 1968

         Marianne J. Legato and   
                David Spiro and   
                Glenn A. Langer   Ultrastructural Alterations Produced in
                                  Mammalian Myocardium by Variation in
                                  Perfusate Ionic Composition  . . . . . . 1
              Peter Barland and   
                Carol Smith and   
                 David Hamerman   Localization of Hyaluronic Acid in
                                  Synovial Cells by Radioautography  . . . 13
                  Alden V. Loud   A Quantitative Stereological Description
                                  of the Ultrastructure of Normal Rat
                                  Liver Parenchymal Cells  . . . . . . . . 27
              Joseph Wiener and   
              Alden V. Loud and   
          Daniel V. Kimberg and   
                    David Spiro   A Quantitative Description of
                                  Cortisone-Induced Alterations in the
                                  Ultrastructure of Rat Liver Parenchymal
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
          Daniel V. Kimberg and   
              Alden V. Loud and   
                  Joseph Wiener   Cortisone-Induced Alterations in
                                  Mitochondrial Function and Structure . . 63
                    G. J. Stine   Enzyme Activities During the Asexual
                                  Cycle of Neurospora Crassa . . . . . . . 81
                  Nancy J. Lane   Distribution of Phosphatases in the
                                  Golgi Region and Associated Structures
                                  of the Thoracic Ganglionic Neurons in
                                  the Grasshopper, \bionameMelanoplus
                                  Differentialis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
            Robert E. Kelly and   
                 Robert V. Rice   Localization of Myosin Filaments in
                                  Smooth Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
                John Lenard and   
                   S. J. Singer   Alteration of the Conformation of
                                  Proteins in Red Blood Cell Membranes and
                                  in Solution by Fixatives Used in
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 117
            Ramzi S. Cotran and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Ultrastructural Studies on the
                                  Permeability of the Mesothelium to
                                  Horseradish Peroxidase . . . . . . . . . 123
              Alan E. Organ and   
            Eugene C. Bovee and   
           Theodore L. Jahn and   
                Duncan Wigg and   
               James R. Fonseca   The Mechanism of the Nephridial
                                  Apparatus of Paramecium Mul
                                  Timicronucleatum . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
           Paul D. Sadowski and   
                 Jan W. Steiner   Electron Microscopic and Biochemical
                                  Characteristics of Nuclei and Nucleoli
                                  Isolated from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 147
           Paul D. Sadowski and   
            Janet Alcock Howden   Isolation of Two Distinct Classes of
                                  Polysomes from a Nuclear Fraction of Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
          David R. Saunders and   
               Janet Wilson and   
                 Cyrus E. Rubin   Loss of Absorbed Lipid During Fixation
                                  and Dehydration of Jejunal Mucosa  . . . 183
                 D. A. Ollerich   An Intramitochondrial Crystalloid in
                                  Element III of Rat Chorioallantoic
                                  Placenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
             Francis J. Manasek   Mitosis in Developing Cardiac Muscle . . 191
       G. Ruhenstroth-Bauer and   
     Christine Lücke-Huhle   Two Populations of Small Lymphocytes . . 196
              Howard T. Bonnett   The Root Endodermis: Fine Structure and
                                  Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 37, Number 2, May, 1968

              P. G. Bartels and   
                  E. J. Pegelow   The Action of Sirmate
                                  (3,4-Dichlorobenzyl Methylcarbamate) on
                                  Chloroplast Ribosomes of
                                  \bionameTriticum Vulgare L. Seedlings    ??
              P. G. Wallace and   
                   M. Huang and   
             Anthony W. Linnane   The Biogenesis of Mitochondria . . . . . 207
                  D. Jollow and   
            G. M. Kellerman and   
             Anthony W. Linnane   The Biogenesis of Mitochondria . . . . . 221
           Hideyuki Tsukada and   
          Yohichi Mochizuki and   
                 Tadako Konishi   Morphogenesis and Development of
                                  Microbodies of Hepatocytes of Rats
                                  During Pre- and Postnatal Growth . . . . 231
           Romaine R. Bruns and   
               George E. Palade   Studies on Blood Capillaries . . . . . . 244
           Romaine R. Bruns and   
               George E. Palade   Studies on Blood Capillaries . . . . . . 277
          Charles J. Flickinger   The Effects of Enucleation on the
                                  Cytoplasmic Membranes of Amoeba Proteus  300
                 Jean Gouranton   Composition, Structure, Et Mode De
                                  Formation Des ConcrÉTions MinÉRales Dans
                                  L'Intestin Moyen Des Homopteres
                                  Cercopides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
           Herbert M. Dembitzer   Digestion and the Distribution of Acid
                                  Phosphatase in Blepharisma . . . . . . . 329
         Charles R. Hackenbrock   Ultrastructural Bases for Metabolically
                                  Linked Mechanical Activity in
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
                   F. R. Turner   An Ultrastructural Study of Plant
                                  Spermatogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 370
     Günter Brittinger and   
        Rochelle Hirschhorn and   
          Steven D. Douglas and   
               Gerald Weissmann   Studies on Lysosomes . . . . . . . . . . 394
        Rochelle Hirschhorn and   
     Günter Brittinger and   
            Kurt Hirschhorn and   
               Gerald Weissmann   Studies on Lysosomes . . . . . . . . . . 412
                Adolph I. Cohen   New Evidence Supporting the Linkage to
                                  Extracellular Space of Outer Segment
                                  Saccules of Frog Cones But Not Rods  . . 424
            Paul A. Toselli and   
                  Frank A. Pepe   The Fine Structure of the Ventral
                                  Intersegmental Abdominal Muscles of the
                                  Insect Rhodnius Prolixus During the
                                  Molting Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
            Paul A. Toselli and   
                  Frank A. Pepe   The Fine Structure of the Ventral
                                  Intersegmental Abdominal Muscles of the
                                  Insect Rhodnius Prolixus During the
                                  Molting Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462
          Federico Leighton and   
                Brian Poole and   
              Henri Beaufay and   
            Pierre Baudhuin and   
             John W. Coffey and   
             Stanley Fowler and   
              Christian De Duve   The Large-Scale Separation of
                                  Peroxisomes, Mitochondria, and Lysosomes
                                  from the Livers of Rats Injected with
                                  Triton Wr-1339 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 482
               Everett Anderson   Oocyte Differentiation in the Sea
                                  Urchin, \bionameArbacia Punctulata, with
                                  Particular Reference to the Origin of
                                  Cortical Granules and Their
                                  Participation in the Cortical Reaction   514
             John W. Everingham   Attachment of Intranuclear Annulate
                                  Lamellae to the Nuclear Envelope . . . . 540
             John W. Everingham   Intranuclear Annulate Lamellae in
                                  Ascidian Embryos . . . . . . . . . . . . 551
         Charlotte J. Avers and   
             Micheline Federman   The Occurrence in Yeast of Cytoplasmic
                                  Granules Which Resemble Microbodies  . . 555
                Barbara Nichols   A Membranous Apparatus in a Flagellate,
                                  Tritrichomonas Augusta . . . . . . . . . 559
         Sheppard M. Walker and   
            G. Randolph Schrodt   Triads in Skeletal Muscle Fibers of $
                                  19$-Day Fetal Rats . . . . . . . . . . . 564
          Joachim R. Sommer and   
              Edward A. Johnson   Purkinje Fibers of the Heart Examined
                                  with the Peroxidase Reaction . . . . . . 570
           Gerard M. Lehrer and   
               Cipora Weiss and   
         Demetra J. Silides and   
            Cecile Lichtman and   
               Moses Furman and   
            Robert F. Mathewson   The Quantitative Histochemistry of
                                  Supramedullary Neurons of Puffer Fishes  575
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
                   W. Evans and   
                    Clara Kogut   Dictyosome Structure in Euglena Gracilis 579
              Henry Slayter and   
                 Yukio Kiho and   
              Cecil E. Hall and   
                 Alexander Rich   An Electron Microscopic Study of Large
                                  Bacterial Polyribosomes  . . . . . . . . 583
                    D. Siew and   
                       S. Klein   The Effect of Sodium Chloride on Some
                                  Metabolic and Fine Structural Changes
                                  During the Greening of Etiolated Leaves  590

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 37, Number 3, June, 1968

           B. E. S. Gunning and   
                 J. S. Pate and   
                  L. G. Briarty   Specialized ``Transfer Cells'' in Minor
                                  Veins of Leaves and Their Possible
                                  Significance in Phloem Translocation . . ??
                  C. Barros and   
                 L. E. Franklin   Behavior of the Gamete Membranes During
                                  Sperm Entry into the Mammalian Egg . . . ??
            Monique Milhaud and   
               George D. Pappas   Cilia Formation in the Adult Cat Brain
                                  After Pargyline Treatment  . . . . . . . 599
               Stephen L. Wolfe   The Effect of Prefixation on the
                                  Diameter of Chromosome Fibers Isolated
                                  by the Langmuir Trough-Critical Point
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
          Stanley Bullivant and   
          Werner R. Loewenstein   Structure of Coupled and Uncoupled Cell
                                  Junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
               G. E. Palade and   
                    R. R. Bruns   Structural Modulations of Plasmalemmal
                                  Vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
             Judson D. Sheridan   Electrophysiological Evidence for
                                  Low-Resistance Intercellular Junctions
                                  in the Early Chick Embryo  . . . . . . . 650
                  Larry Simpson   Effect of Acriflavin on the Kinetoplast
                                  of Leishmania Tarentolae . . . . . . . . 660
            John A. Parsons and   
               Ronald C. Rustad   The Distribution of DNA Among Dividing
                                  Mitochondria of \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683
           Jared M. Diamond and   
             William H. Bossert   Functional Consequences of
                                  Ultrastructural Geometry in
                                  ``Backwards'' Fluid-Transporting
                                  Epithelia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 694
            G. C. Priestley and   
                     R. A. Malt   Development of the Metanephric Kidney    703
        Patricia L. Blanton and   
               James Martin and   
                   Sol Haberman   Pinocytotic Response of Circulating
                                  Erythrocytes to Specific Blood Grouping
                                  Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
                  L. Warren and   
                    M. C. Glick   Membranes of Animal Cells  . . . . . . . 729
           Robert M. Kodama and   
                 Henry Tedeschi   Studies on the Permeability of Calf
                                  Thymus Nuclei Isolated in Sucrose  . . . 747
              Sophie Guttes and   
                  Edmund Guttes   Regulation of DNA Replication in the
                                  Nuclei of the Slime Mold
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 761
                 Jack Van't Hof   Control of Cell Progression Through the
                                  Mitotic Cycle by Carbohydrate Provision  773
Eveline E. Schneeberger-Keeley and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   The Ultrastructural Basis of
                                  Alveolar-Capillary Membrane Permeability
                                  to Peroxidase Used As a Tracer . . . . . 781
          Neil C. R. Merrillees   The Nervous Environment of Individual
                                  Smooth Muscle Cells of the Guinea Pig
                                  Vas Deferens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
                R. D. Smith and   
                   F. Deinhardt   Unique Cytoplasmic Membranes in Rous
                                  Sarcoma Virus-Induced Tumors of a
                                  Subhuman Primate . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
                     S. Goldhor   Protein: Lipid Ratios of Liver
                                  Mitochondria During Development  . . . . 823
               Richard D. Allen   A Reinvestigation of Cross-Sections of
                                  Cilia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
           Robert H. Holdsworth   The Presence of a Crystalline Matrix in
                                  Pyrenoids of the Diatom, Achnanthes
                                  Brevipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 38, Number 1, July, 1968

         Arnold M. Seligman and   
        Morris J. Karnovsky and   
       Hannah L. Wasserkrug and   
                Jacob S. Hanker   Nondroplet Ultrastructural Demonstration
                                  of Cytochrome Oxidase Activity with a
                                  Polymerizing Osmiophilic Reagent,
                                  Diaminobenzidine (Dab) . . . . . . . . . 1
            E. L. Benedetti and   
                     P. Emmelot   Hexagonal Array of Subunits in Tight
                                  Junctions Separated from Isolated Rat
                                  Liver Plasma Membranes . . . . . . . . . 15
             James Cronshaw and   
                 Katherine Esau   P Protein in the Phloem of Cucurbita . . 25
           Vivianne T. Nachmias   Further Electron Microscope Studies on
                                  Fibrillar Organization of the Ground
                                  Cytoplasm of Chaos Chaos . . . . . . . . 40
              Harunori Ishikawa   Formation of Elaborate Networks of
                                  T-System Tubules in Cultured Skeletal
                                  Muscle with Special Reference to the
                                  T-System Formation . . . . . . . . . . . 51
          Joseph T. Bagnara and   
             John D. Taylor and   
                  Mac E. Hadley   The Dermal Chromatophore Unit  . . . . . 67
               A. E. Vatter and   
                O. K. Reiss and   
            Joyce K. Newman and   
            Karin Lindquist and   
                Elly Groeneboer   Enzymes of the Lung  . . . . . . . . . . 80
            Nancy A. Staley and   
                Ellis S. Benson   The Ultrastructure of Frog Ventricular
                                  Cardiac Muscle and Its Relationship to
                                  Mechanisms of Excitation-Contraction
                                  Coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
           Philip W. Brandt and   
             John P. Reuben and   
                Harry Grundfest   Correlated Morphological and
                                  Physiological Studies on Isolated Single
                                  Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
         Jean-Claude Wanson and   
               Pierre Drochmans   Rabbit Skeletal Muscle Glycogen  . . . . 130
            N. Steele Scott and   
              Vinod C. Shah and   
              Robert M. Smillie   Synthesis of Chloroplast DNA in Isolated
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
            Carl Schnaitman and   
             John W. Greenawalt   Enzymatic Properties of the Inner and
                                  Outer Membranes of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
María Teresa Sabatini and   
            Reinaldo Dipolo and   
              Raimundo Villegas   Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the
                                  Membranes of the Squid Nerve Fiber . . . 176
               C. E. Devine and   
                  F. O. Simpson   Localization of Tritiated Norepinephrine
                                  in Vascular Sympathetic Axons of the Rat
                                  Intestine and Mesentery by Electron
                                  Microscope Radioautography . . . . . . . 184
           Sanford L. Palay and   
         Constantino Sotelo and   
                Alan Peters and   
                Paula M. Orkand   The Axon Hillock and the Initial Segment 193
         Gustav G. Knappeis and   
                  Frits Carlsen   The Ultrastructure of the M Line in
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
              T. Samorajski and   
                 J. M. Ordy and   
                   W. Zeman and   
                   H. J. Curtis   Early and Long-Term Effects of Deuteron
                                  Irradiation on Cells in the Cerebellum
                                  of Adult Mice  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
              Meredith C. Gould   Completion of the First Meiotic Division
                                  After Fertilization in Urechis Caupo
                                  Eggs Despite Inhibition of Protein
                                  Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
              H. Wisniewski and   
            M. L. Shelanski and   
                    R. D. Terry   Effects of Mitotic Spindle Inhibitors on
                                  Neurotubules and Neurofilaments in
                                  Anterior Horn Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 224
                    Bojan Flaks   Unusual Aspects of Ultrastructural
                                  Differentiation in Rat Hepatoma Cells    230
                Ann B. Jacobson   A Procedure for Isolation of Proplastids
                                  from Etiolated Maize Leaves  . . . . . . 238
      Barbara A. Ehrenreich and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   Fate of Hemoglobin Pincytosed by
                                  Macrophages in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . 244
                 P. A. Cancilla   Demonstration of the Langerhans Granule
                                  by Lanthanum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
        Robert J. Buschmann and   
                   A. B. Taylor   Extraction of Absorbed Lipid (Linoleic
                                  Acid-1-$^{14}$ C) from Rat Intestinal
                                  Epithelium During Processing for
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 252

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 38, Number 2, August, 1968

             Gustav Dallner and   
          Anders Bergstrand and   
                 Robert Nilsson   Heterogeneity of Rough-Surfaced Liver
                                  Microsomal Membranes of Adult,
                                  Phenobarbital-Treated, and Newborn Rats  257
               D. K. Jasper and   
                    J. R. Bronk   Studies on the Physiological and
                                  Structural Characteristics of Rat
                                  Intestinal Mucosa  . . . . . . . . . . . 277
             James Cronshaw and   
                 Katherine Esau   P Protein in the Phloem of Cucurbita . . 292
       Michael L. Shelanski and   
                Edwin W. Taylor   Properties of the Protein Subunit of
                                  Central-Pair and Outer-Doublet
                                  Microtubules of Sea Urchin Flagella  . . 304
               M. Weintraub and   
               H. W. J. Ragetli   Intracellular Characterization of Bean
                                  Yellow Mosaic Virus-Induced Inclusions
                                  by Differential Enzyme Digestion . . . . 316
            Bernard Tandler and   
        David L. Williamson and   
                     Lee Ehrman   Unusual Filamentous Structures in the
                                  Paragonia of Male \bionameDrosophila . . 329
        Walther Stoeckenius and   
                  Wolf H. Kunau   Further Characterization of Particulate
                                  Fractions from Lysed Cell Envelopes of
                                  Halobacterium Halobium and Isolation of
                                  Gas Vacuole Membranes  . . . . . . . . . 337
           Allen L. Horwitz and   
                 Albert Dorfman   Subcelluar Sites for Synthesis of
                                  Chondromucoprotein of Cartilage  . . . . 358
              James B. Boyd and   
           Hans D. Berendes and   
                    Hudson Boyd   Mass Preparation of Nuclei from the
                                  Larval Salivary Glands of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Hydei . . . . . . . . 369
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
            James G. Hirsch and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   Autophagic Vacuoles Produced in Vitro    377
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
            James G. Hirsch and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   Autophagic Vacuoles Produced in Vitro    392
          Ursula G. Johnson and   
                Keith R. Porter   Fine Structure of Cell Division in
                                  Chlamydomonas Reinhardi  . . . . . . . . 403
          James W. MacInnes and   
                Robert B. Uretz   DNA Organization in the Mature Sperm of
                                  Several Orthoptera by the Method of
                                  Polarized Fluorescence Microscopy  . . . 426
            Peter K. Hepler and   
             William T. Jackson   Microtubules and Early Stages of
                                  Cell-Plate Formation in the Endosperm of
                                  Haemanthus Katherinae Baker  . . . . . . 437
                   Jane Overton   Localized Lanthanum Staining of the
                                  Intestinal Brush Border  . . . . . . . . 447
                    L. Gibb and   
                   E. R. M. Kay   Incorporation of DNA by Cells of the
                                  Ehrlich-LettrÉ Ascites Carcinoma  . . . . 452
          A. C. Esterhuizen and   
           T. L. B. Spriggs and   
                    J. D. Lever   Axon Beadings in Autonomic Cholinergic
                                  Nerves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
           Frank Wunderlich and   
               Werner W. Franke   Structure of Macronuclear Envelopes of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis in the
                                  Stationary Phase of Growth . . . . . . . 458
                    L. Orci and   
                   A. Junod and   
                  R. Pictet and   
               A. E. Renold and   
                    C. Rouiller   Granulolysis in a Cells of Endocrine
                                  Pancreas in Spontaneous and Experimental
                                  Diabetes in Animals  . . . . . . . . . . 462
                 W. B. Amos and   
                A. V. Grimstone   Intercisternal Material in the Golgi
                                  Body of Trichomonas  . . . . . . . . . . 466
                Fred R. Rickson   Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Tubules in
                                  Cortical Cells of Leaf Beltian Bodies    471

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 38, Number 3, September, 1968

         Bozidar Djordjevic and   
                     Jae Ho Kim   Different Lethal Effects of Mitomycin C
                                  and Actinomycin D During the Division
                                  Cycle of HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 477
      Sverker Eneström and   
               Anders Hamberger   Respiration and Mitochondrial Content in
                                  Single Neurons of the Supraoptic Nucleus 483
            Bruce S. McEwen and   
              Bernice Grafstein   Fast and Slow Components in Axonal
                                  Transport of Protein . . . . . . . . . . 494
                   S. T. Takats   Radioautographic Localization of
                                  Deoxythymidine Triphosphate in
                                  \bionameTradescantia Pollen Grains
                                  During DNA Synthesis . . . . . . . . . . 509
         Steven E. Kornguth and   
             Lawrence G. Tomasi   Changes in the Distribution of a Histone
                                  in Dorsal Root Ganglion Neurons During
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515
           George W. Cooper and   
              Darwin J. Prockop   Intracellular Accumulation of
                                  Protocollagen and Extrusion of Collagen
                                  by Embryonic Cartilage Cells . . . . . . 523
                H. Ishikawa and   
                R. Bischoff and   
                     H. Holtzer   Mitosis and Intermediate-Sized Filaments
                                  in Developing Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . 538
        A. Jamakosmanovi\'c and   
              W. R. Loewenstein   Intercellular Communication and Tissue
                                  Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
                  Edward Koenig   A Method for Determining Total Protein
                                  of Isolated Cellular Elements and
                                  Corresponding Tritium Radioactivity  . . 562
             Yutaka Tashiro and   
           Takashi Morimoto and   
             Shiro Matsuura and   
                   Sunao Nagata   Studies on the Posterior Silk Gland of
                                  the Silkworm, Bombyx Mori  . . . . . . . 574
             Shiro Matsuura and   
           Takashi Morimoto and   
               Sunao Nagata and   
                 Yutaka Tashiro   Studies on the Posterior Silk Gland of
                                  the Silkworm, Bombyx Mori  . . . . . . . 589
           Takashi Morimoto and   
             Shiro Matsuura and   
               Sunao Nagata and   
                 Yutaka Tashiro   Studies on the Posterior Silk Gland of
                                  the Silkworm, Bombyx Mori  . . . . . . . 604
            James G. Hirsch and   
              Martha E. Fedorko   Ultrastructure of Human Leukocytes After
                                  Simultaneous Fixation with
                                  Glutaraldehyde and Osmium Tetroxide and
                                  ``Postfixation'' in Uranyl Acetate . . . 615
            James G. Hirsch and   
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   Vesicle Fusion and Formation at the
                                  Surface of Pinocytic Vacuoles in
                                  Macrophages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
          Robert L. Schultz and   
                 Norman M. Case   Microtubule Loss with Acrolein and
                                  Bicarbonate-Containing Fixatives . . . . 633
                    Asao Hirano   A Confirmation of the Oligodendroglial
                                  Origin of Myelin in the Adult Rat  . . . 637
                     H. Uno and   
                  K. Adachi and   
                          F. Hu   Enzyme Activities of the Epithelial
                                  Outgrowth of the Hair Follicles in
                                  Tissue Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 39, Number 1, October, 1968

               R. G. Kessel and   
                    W. R. Panje   Organization and Activity in the Pre-
                                  and Postovulatory Follicle of Necturus
                                  Maculosus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Eldon H. Newcomb and   
            Martin W. Steer and   
            Peter K. Hepler and   
              William P. Wergin   An Atypical Crista Resembling a ``Tight
                                  Junction'' in Bean Root Mitochondria . . 35
          Victor J. Matukas and   
               George A. Krikos   Evidence for Changes in Protein
                                  Polysaccharide Associated with the Onset
                                  of Calcification in Cartilage  . . . . . 43
               Carl M. Feldherr   Nucleocytoplasmic Exchanges During Early
                                  Interphase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
          Richard S. Thomas and   
             John W. Greenawalt   Microincineration, Electron Microscopy,
                                  and Electron Diffraction of Calcium
                                  Phosphate-Loaded Mitochondria  . . . . . 55
                    Peter Satir   Studies on Cilia . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
               Blair Bowers and   
                 Edward D. Korn   The Fine Structure of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii . . . . 95
                  R. Soeiro and   
              M. H. Vaughan and   
               J. R. Warner and   
                  J. E. Darnell   The Turnover of Nuclear DNA-Like RNA in
                                  HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
                 W. Eugene Foor   Zygote Formation in Ascaris Lumbricoides
                                  (Nematoda) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
              George Odland and   
                   Russell Ross   Human Wound Repair . . . . . . . . . . . 135
               Russell Ross and   
                  George Odland   Human Wound Repair . . . . . . . . . . . 152
           Richard W. Young and   
                   Bernard Droz   The Renewal of Protein in Retinal Rods
                                  and Cones  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
           Yechezkiel Stein and   
        Christopher Widnell and   
                     Olga Stein   Acylation of Lysophosphatides by Plasma
                                  Membrane Fractions of Rat Liver  . . . . 185
              D. W. Stanley and   
                   H. O. Hultin   Mechanism of Emptying of Skeletal Muscle
                                  Cell Segments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            K. Cheng-Minoda and   
              J. Davidowitz and   
               A. Liebowitz and   
                  G. M. Breinin   Fine Structure of Extraocular Muscle in
                                  Rabbit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
                 R. J. Podolsky   Deposit Formation in Muscle Fibers
                                  Following Contraction in the Presence of
                                  Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
                   Donald Orlic   The Use Of$^{55}$ Fe in High-Resolution
                                  Radioautography of Developing Red Cells  201
             Barry Friedman and   
               Pierre Blais and   
               Patricia Shaffer   Fine Structure of Millipore Filters  . . 208
              Awtar Krishan and   
                   Dora Hsu and   
              Patricia Hutchins   Hypertrophy of Granular Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum and Annulate Lamellae in
                                  Earle's L Cells Exposed to Vinblastine
                                  Sulfate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
               S. S. Spicer and   
               J. H. Hardin and   
                   W. B. Greene   Nuclear Precipitates in
                                  Pyroantimonate-Osmium Tetroxide-Fixed
                                  Tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
      David R. Wolstenholme and   
                  Igor B. Dawid   A Size Difference Between Mitochondrial
                                  DNA Molecules of Urodele and Anuran
                                  Amphibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 39, Number 2, November, 1968

             Jiro Matsumoto and   
                 Masataka Obika   Morphological and Biochemical
                                  Characterization of Goldfish
                                  Erythrophores and Their Pterinosomes . . 233
                    N. Nanninga   Structural Features of Mesosomes
                                  (Chondrioids) of Bacillus Subtilis After
                                  Freeze-Etching . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
           Catharine P. Fussell   Cytoplasmic Label Following Tritiated
                                  Thymidine Treatment of \bionameAllium
                                  Cepa L. Roots  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
       Dorothy Ford Bainton and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Differences in Enzyme Content of
                                  Azurophil and Specific Granules of
                                  Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes . . . . . . 286
       Dorothy Ford Bainton and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Differences in Enzyme Content of
                                  Azurophil and Specific Granules of
                                  Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes . . . . . . 299
             Paul R. Burton and   
              Donald G. Dusanic   Fine Structure and Replication of the
                                  Kinetoplast of Trypanosoma Lewisi  . . . 318
              P. L. Webster and   
                    D. Davidson   Evidence from Thymidine-$^3$ H-Labeled
                                  Meristems of \bionameVicia Faba of Two
                                  Cell Populations . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
             Frank J. Longo and   
               Everett Anderson   The Fine Structure of Pronuclear
                                  Development and Fusion in the Sea
                                  Urchin, \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . 339
       Renée Charret and   
              Jean André   La Synth\`ESe De L'Adn Mitochondrial
                                  Chez \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis  . . 369
                  L. Packer and   
        J. M. Wrigglesworth and   
            P. A. G. Fortes and   
                 B. C. Pressman   Expansion of the Inner Membrane
                                  Compartment and Its Relation to
                                  Mitochondrial Volume and Ion Transport   382
              Haim Ginsburg and   
                 David Lagunoff   Aggregation and Transformation of Rat
                                  Lymphocytes on Rat Embryo Monolayers . . 392
             David Prescott and   
               Lester Goldstein   Proteins in Nucleocytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
               E. F. Howard and   
                       W. Plaut   Chromosomal DNA Synthesis in
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 415
             George G. Rose and   
                M. Kumegawa and   
                     M. Cattoni   The Circumfusion System for Multipurpose
                                  Culture Chambers . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
           Brenda Eisenberg and   
            Robert S. Eisenberg   Selective Disruption of the Sarcotubular
                                  System in Frog Sartorius Muscle  . . . . 451
         Sheppard M. Walker and   
        G. Randolph Schrodt and   
                 Maxine Bingham   Electron Microscope Study of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum at the Z Line
                                  Level in Skeletal Muscle Fibers of Fetal
                                  and Newborn Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
                   T. Hando and   
                D. M. Okada and   
                     L. Zamboni   Atypical Cilia in Human Endometrium  . . 475
            Charles B. Metz and   
           M. Virginia Cone and   
                  Jeanne Bryant   Effect of Proteolytic Enzymes on the
                                  Ultrastructure of Antibody-Treated Sea
                                  Urchin Eggs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
                  Peddrick Weis   Confronting Subsurface Cisternae in
                                  Chick Embryo Spinal Ganglia  . . . . . . 485
                Dianne Fristrom   Cellular Degeneration in Wing
                                  Development of the Mutant Vestigial of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 488
   E. L. Rodriguez Echandia and   
                   R. S. Piezzi   Microtubules in the Nerve Fibers of the
                                  Toad Bufo Arenarum Hensel  . . . . . . . 491

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 39, Number 3, December, 1968

                J. A. Beaulaton   Modifications Ultrastructurales Des
                                  Cellules SÉCrÉTrices De La Glande
                                  Prothoracique De Vers \`A Soie Au Cours
                                  Des Deux Derniers ÂGes Larvaires  . . . . 501
          Kathryn V. Holmes and   
             Purnell W. Choppin   On the Role of Microtubules in Movement
                                  and Alignment of Nuclei in Virus-Induced
                                  Syncytia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
               Robert H. Warren   The Effect of Colchicine on Myogenesis
                                  in Vivo in Rana Pipiens and Rhodnius
                                  Prolixus (Hemiptera) . . . . . . . . . . 544
                    G. E. Stone   Synchronized Cell Division in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis Following
                                  Inhibition with Vinblastine  . . . . . . 556
               S. L. Wissig and   
                   D. O. Graney   Membrane Modifications in the Apical
                                  Endocytic Complex of Ileal Epithelial
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Intracellular Transport of Secretory
                                  Proteins in the Pancreatic Exocrine Cell 580
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Intracellular Transport of Secretory
                                  Proteins in the Pancreatic Exocrine Cell 589
                Alan Peters and   
      Charmian C. Proskauer and   
       Ita R. Kaiserman-Abramof   The Small Pyramidal Neuron of the Rat
                                  Cerebral Cortex  . . . . . . . . . . . . 604
                 N. Ikemoto and   
                S. Kitagawa and   
                A. Nakamura and   
                     J. Gergely   Electron Microscopic Investigations of
                                  Actomyosin As a Function of Ionic
                                  Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
                K. Tokuyasu and   
               S. C. Madden and   
                   L. J. Zeldis   Fine Structural Alterations of
                                  Interphase Nuclei of Lymphocytes
                                  Stimulated to Growth Activity in Vitro   630
         Frank D. Vasington and   
             John W. Greenawalt   Osmotically Lysed Rat Liver Mitocondria  661
                   Gilbert Vaes   On the Mechanisms of Bone Resorption . . 676
               H. W. Israel and   
             M. M. Salpeter and   
                  F. C. Steward   The Incorporation of Radioactive Proline
                                  into Cultured Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 698
               Sin Hang Lee and   
              Richard M. Torack   Electron Microscope Studies of Glutamic
                                  Oxalacetic Transaminase in Rat Liver
                                  Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 716
               Sin Hang Lee and   
              Richard M. Torack   A Biochemical and Histochemical Study of
                                  Glutamic Oxalacetic Transaminase
                                  Activity of Rat Hepatic Mitochondria
                                  Fixed in Situ and in Vitro . . . . . . . 725
         William H. Dobelle and   
                   Michael Beer   Chemically Cleaved Graphite Support
                                  Films for Electron Microscopy  . . . . . 733
               R. G. Kessel and   
                    H. W. Beams   Intranucleolar Membranes and
                                  Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Exchange in Young
                                  Crayfish Oocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
              Yoshiaki Nonomura   Myofilaments in Smooth Muscle of Guinea
                                  Pig's \bionameTaenia Coli  . . . . . . . 741
               Donald B. Fisher   Localization of Endogenous RNA
                                  Polymerase Activity in Frozen Sections
                                  of Plant Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
           Masamichi Aikawa and   
            Richard L. Beaudoin   Studies on Nuclear Division of a
                                  Malarial Parasite Under Pyrimethamine
                                  Treatment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
          Magdalena Reissig and   
             Anthony V. Colucci   Localization of Glycogen in the Cestode,
                                  Hymenolepis Diminuta . . . . . . . . . . 754

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 40, Number 1, January, 1969

           Donald R. DiBona and   
          Mortimer M. Civan and   
                 Alexander Leaf   The Anatomic Site of the Transepithelial
                                  Permeability Barriers of Toad Bladder    1
            Peter O. Kohler and   
          Philip M. Grimley and   
               Bert W. O'malley   Estrogen-Induced Cytodifferentiation of
                                  the Ovalbumin-Secreting Glands of the
                                  Chick Oviduct  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
              David M. Phillips   Exceptions to the Prevailing Pattern of
                                  Tubules (9 + 9 + 2) in the Sperm
                                  Flagella of Certain Insect Species . . . 28
           Scott E. Dietert and   
             Terence J. Scallen   An Ultrastructural and Biochemical Study
                                  of the Effects of Three Inhibitors of
                                  Cholesterol Biosynthesis Upon Murine
                                  Adrenal Gland and Testis . . . . . . . . 44
                   D. Doyle and   
                      H. Laufer   Sources of Larval Salivary Gland
                                  Secretion in the Dipteran Chironomus
                                  Tentans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
              Ruth Ellen Bulger   Use of Potassium Pyroantimonate in the
                                  Localization of Sodium Ions in Rat
                                  Kidney Tissue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
            Klaus G. Bensch and   
           Stephen E. Malawista   Microtubular Crystals in Mammalian Cells 95
             Joe L. Griffin and   
            Marvin N. Stein and   
              Robert E. Stowell   Laser Microscope Irradiation of
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum: Dynamic
                                  and Ultrastructural Effects  . . . . . . 108
                  James R. Aist   The Mitotic Apparatus in Fungi,
                                  Ceratocystis Fagacearum and Fusarium
                                  Oxysporum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
                   Jane Overton   A Fibrillar Intercellular Material
                                  Between Reaggregating Embryonic Chick
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
              Howard T. Bonnett   Cortical Cell Death During Lateral Root
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
           Vivianne T. Nachmias   Studies on Streaming . . . . . . . . . . 160
          Marvin H. Stromer and   
           D. J. Hartshorne and   
             Helmut Mueller and   
                 Robert V. Rice   The Effect of Various Protein Fractions
                                  on Z- and M-Line Reconstitution  . . . . 167
                   Akio Ito and   
                       Ryo Sato   Proteolytic Microdissection of
                                  Smooth-Surfaced Vesicles of Liver
                                  Microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
        Walter J. Hendelman and   
               Richard P. Bunge   Radioautographic Studies of Choline
                                  Incorporation into Peripheral Nerve
                                  Myelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
                J. A. Piper and   
                    N. W. Klein   The Differential Sensitivity of Cultured
                                  Chick Mesodermal Cells to Actinomycin D  209
          Robert H. Michell and   
          Samuel J. Pancake and   
            John Noseworthy and   
           Manfred L. Karnovsky   Measurement of Rates of Phagocytosis . . 216
            Joseph T. Tesar and   
              Harold Koenig and   
                 Charles Hughes   Hormone Storage Granules in the Beef
                                  Anterior Pituitary . . . . . . . . . . . 225
       U. Ingrid Richardson and   
          Armen H. Tashjian and   
                Lawrence Levine   Establishment of a Clonal Strain of
                                  Hepatoma Cells Which Secrete Albumin . . 236
  Stephanie Gordon Phillips and   
              David M. Phillips   Sites of Nucleolus Production in
                                  Cultured Chinese Hamster Cells . . . . . 248
      Ivonne Pasquali-Ronchetti   The Organization of the Sarcoplasmic
                                  Reticulum and T System in the Femoral
                                  Muscle of the Housefly, \bionameMusca
                                  Domestica  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
                 Peter B. Moens   The Fine Structure of Meiotic Chromosome
                                  Pairing in the Triploid, \bionameLilium
                                  Tigrinum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
           Jerome J. Wolken and   
              Robert G. Florida   The Eye Structure and Optical System of
                                  the Crustacean Copepod, Copilia  . . . . 279
                  Nancy J. Lane   Intranuclear Fibrillar Bodies in
                                  Actinomycin D-Treated Oocytes  . . . . . 286

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 40, Number 2, February, 1969

              M. J. Griffin and   
                         R. Ber   Cell Cycle Events in the Hydrocortisone
                                  Regulation of Alkaline Phosphatase in
                                  HeLa S$_3$ Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
           Stephen A. Ernst and   
               Richard A. Ellis   The Development of Surface
                                  Specialization in the Secretory
                                  Epithelium of the Avian Salt Gland in
                                  Response to Osmotic Stress . . . . . . . 305
               Shuichi Karasaki   The Fine Structure of Proliferating
                                  Cells in Preneoplastic Rat Livers During
                                  Azo-Dye Carcinogenesis . . . . . . . . . 322
         Gertrude W. Hinsch and   
               M. Virginia Cone   Ultrastructural Observations of
                                  Vitellogenesis in the Spider Crab,
                                  \bionameLibinia Emarginata L . . . . . . 336
         Richard A. Rifkind and   
                 David Chui and   
                    Hazel Epler   An Ultrastructural Study of Early
                                  Morphogenetic Events During the
                                  Establishment of Fetal Hepatic
                                  Erythropoiesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
               Russell Ross and   
                 Paul Bornstein   The Elastic Fiber  . . . . . . . . . . . 366
                    Jen Yeh and   
               Harold W. Fisher   A Diffusible Factor Which Sustains
                                  Contact Inhibition of Replication  . . . 382
              Alan E. Organ and   
            Eugene C. Bovee and   
               Theodore L. Jahn   The Mechanism of the Nephridial
                                  Apparatus of Paramecium
                                  Multimicronucleatum  . . . . . . . . . . 389
                A. Rambourg and   
               W. Hernandez and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Detection of Complex Carbohydrates in
                                  the Golgi Apparatus of Rat Cells . . . . 395
          Joel L. Rosenbaum and   
                Kathryn Carlson   Cilia Regeneration in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena and Its Inhibition
                                  by Colchicine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 415
                  Jean Ross and   
              W. Gerald Robison   Unusual Microtubular Patterns and
                                  Three-Dimensional Movement of Mealybug
                                  Sperm and Sperm Bundles  . . . . . . . . 426
              G. Benjamin Bouck   Extracellular Microtubules . . . . . . . 446
                 Olga Stein and   
               Yechezkiel Stein   Lecithin Synthesis, Intracellular
                                  Transport, and Secretion in Rat Liver    461
            Charles E. Holt and   
            Elizabeth G. Gurney   Minor Components of the DNA of
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 484
                L. D. Hodge and   
                 E. Robbins and   
                  M. D. Scharff   Persistence of Messenger RNA Through
                                  Mitosis in HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . 497
             Donna F. Kubai and   
                       Hans Ris   Division in the Dinoflagellate
                                  Gyrodinium Cohnii (Schiller) . . . . . . 508
           Marco Baggiolini and   
            James G. Hirsch and   
              Christian de Duve   Resolution of Granules from Rabbit
                                  Heterophil Leukocytes into Distinct
                                  Populations by Zonal Sedimentation . . . 529
                 Peter B. Moens   Multiple Core Complexes in Grasshopper
                                  Spermatocytes and Spermatids . . . . . . 542
           Charles P. Miles and   
                  Frank O'Neill   $^3$H Labeling Patterns of Permanent
                                  Cell Line Chromosomes Showing
                                  Pulverization Or Accentuated Secondary
                                  Constrictions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
               Paul F. Parakkal   Ultrastructural Changes of the Basal
                                  Lamina During the Hair Growth Cycle  . . 561
  Ivonne Pasquali-Ronchetti and   
         John W. Greenawalt and   
               Ernesto Carafoli   On the Nature of the Dense Matrix
                                  Granules of Normal Mitochondria  . . . . 565
                      M. Reznik   Thymidine-$^3$H Uptake by Satellite
                                  Cells of Regenerating Skeletal Muscle    568
             Beatriz G. T. Pogo   The Effect of N-Acetyl-D-Galactosamine
                                  and Amantadine Hydrochloride on Equine
                                  Lymphocytes Stimulated with
                                  Phytohemagglutinin . . . . . . . . . . . 571
               Dieter Ammermann   Release of DNA Breakdown Products into
                                  the Culture Medium of Stylonychia
                                  Mytilus Exconjugants (Protozoa, Ciliata)
                                  During the Destruction of the Polytene
                                  Chromosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
               Arnaldo Lasansky   Basal Junctions at Synaptic Endings of
                                  Turtle Visual Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 577

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 40, Number 3, March, 1969

              J. Groniowski and   
              W. Biczyskowa and   
                      M. Walski   Electron Microscope Studies on the
                                  Surface Coat of the Nephron  . . . . . . 585
         Umberto Muscatello and   
               Ernesto Carafoli   The Oxidation of Exogenous and
                                  Endogenous Cytochrome C in Mitochondria  602
               Nessly Craig and   
               Lester Goldstein   Studies on the Origin of Ribosomes in
                                  Amoeba Proteus . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
                    A. Lord and   
               J.-G. Lafontaine   The Organization of the Nucleolus in
                                  Meristematic Plant Cells . . . . . . . . 633
            M. W. Brightman and   
                    T. S. Reese   Junctions Between Intimately Apposed
                                  Cell Membranes in the Vertebrate Brain   648
            Elliott Robbins and   
                Gisela Jentzsch   Ultrastructural Changes in the Mitotic
                                  Apparatus at the Metaphase-To-Anaphase
                                  Transition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 678
            W. G. Forssmann and   
                    L. Orci and   
                  R. Pictet and   
               A. E. Renold and   
                    C. Rouiller   The Endocrine Cells in the Epithelium of
                                  the Gastrointestinal Mucosa of the Rat   692
               Richard D. Allen   The Morphogenesis of Basal Bodies and
                                  Accessory Structures of the Cortex of
                                  the Ciliated Protozoan
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 716
             Donald Svoboda and   
            Daniel Azarnoff and   
                 Janardan Reddy   Microbodies in Experimentally Altered
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
                Jacques Padawer   Uptake of Colloidal Thorium Dioxide by
                                  Mast Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747
            Lloyd Silverman and   
                    David Glick   The Reactivity and Staining of Tissue
                                  Proteins with Phosphotungstic Acid . . . 761
            Lloyd Silverman and   
            Berit Schreiner and   
                    David Glick   Measurement of Thickness Within Sections
                                  by Quantitative Electron Microscopy  . . 768
            Lloyd Silverman and   
                    David Glick   Measurement of Protein Concentration by
                                  Quantitative Electron Microscopy . . . . 773
              Linda A. Hufnagel   Cortical Ultrastructure of Paramecium
                                  Aurelia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779
         Terence J. Scallen and   
               Scott E. Dietert   The Quantitative Retention of
                                  Cholesterol in Mouse Liver Prepared for
                                  Electron Microscopy by Fixation in a
                                  Digitonin-Containing Aldehyde Solution   802
            G. A. de Zoeten and   
                       G. Gaard   Possibilities for Inter- and
                                  Intracellular Translocation of Some
                                  Icosahedral Plant Viruses  . . . . . . . 814
             Alain Perrelet and   
                  Fritz Baumann   Evidence for Extracellular Space in the
                                  Rhabdome of the Honeybee Drone Eye . . . 825
             Kimie Fukuyama and   
             William L. Epstein   Sulfur-Containing Proteins and Epidermal
                                  Keratinization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 830
                 Ernest Feleppa   Holographic, Motion-Induced-Contrast
                                  Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
     Günter Brittinger and   
        Rochelle Hirschhorn and   
            Kurt Hirschhorn and   
               Gerald Weissmann   Effect of Pokeweed Mitogen (Pwm) on
                                  Lymphocyte Lysosomes . . . . . . . . . . 843
                J. L. Pauly and   
                G. A. Caron and   
                  R. R. Suskind   Blast Transformation of Lymphocytes from
                                  Guinea Pigs, Rats, and Rabbits Induced
                                  by Mercuric Chloride in Vitro  . . . . . 847
          Richard L. McCarl and   
               Robert C. Shaler   The Effects of Actinomycin D on Protein
                                  Synthesis and Beating in Cultured Rat
                                  Heart Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
                   H. J. Wilson   Arms and Bridges on Microtubules in the
                                  Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . 854
         Peter A. Nickerson and   
               Joseph C. Curtis   Concentric Whorls of Rough Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum in Adrenocortical Cells of the
                                  Mongolian Gerbil . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
              Eric Holtzman and   
              Edith R. Peterson   Uptake of Protein by Mammalian Neurons   863
            Carolyn D. Mitchell   Preservation of the Lipids of the Human
                                  Erythrocyte Stroma During Fixation and
                                  Dehydration for Electron Microscopy  . . 869

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 41, Number 1, April, 1969

             M. M. Salpeter and   
                L. Bachmann and   
                 E. E. Salpeter   Resolution in Electron Microscope
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 G. C. Budd and   
                 M. M. Salpeter   The Distribution of Labeled
                                  Norepinephrine Within Sympathetic Nerve
                                  Terminals Studied with Electron
                                  Microscope Radioautography . . . . . . . 21
                F. Clementi and   
                   G. E. Palade   Intestinal Capillaries . . . . . . . . . 33
             H. Clarke Anderson   Vesicles Associated with Calcification
                                  in the Matrix of Epiphyseal Cartilage    59
               J. G. Abuelo and   
               Dorothy E. Moore   The Human Chromosome . . . . . . . . . . 73
          Carlos J. Tandler and   
              Alberto J. Solari   Nucleolar Orthophosphate Ions  . . . . . 91
                    R. M. Brown   Observations on the Relationship of the
                                  Golgi Apparatus to Wall Formation in the
                                  Marine Chrysophycean Alga, Pleurochrysis
                                  Scherffelii Pringsheim . . . . . . . . . 109
                 C. S. Song and   
                   W. Rubin and   
              A. B. Rifkind and   
                      A. Kappas   Plasma Membranes of the Rat Liver  . . . 124
                 R. E. Kane and   
                 R. E. Stephens   A Comparative Study of the Isolation of
                                  the Cortex and the Role of the
                                  Calcium-Insoluble Protein in Several
                                  Species of Sea Urchin Egg  . . . . . . . 133
            David W. Rooney and   
                  John J. Eiler   Effects of Division-Synchronizing
                                  Hypoxic and Hyperthermic Shocks Upon
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Respiration and
                                  Intracellular ATP Concentration  . . . . 145
               S. L. Howell and   
                 C. J. Fink and   
                     P. E. Lacy   Isolation and Properties of Secretory
                                  Granules from Rat Islets of Langerhans   154
           Marie H. Greider and   
               S. L. Howell and   
                     P. E. Lacy   Isolation and Properties of Secretory
                                  Granules from Rat Islets of Langerhans   162
               S. L. Howell and   
                D. A. Young and   
                     P. E. Lacy   Isolation and Properties of Secretory
                                  Granules from Rat Islets of Langerhans   167
         Margherita Willems and   
               Maria Penman and   
                 Sheldon Penman   The Regulation of RNA Synthesis and
                                  Processing in the Nucleolus During
                                  Inhibition of Protein Synthesis  . . . . 177
           Richard Bischoff and   
                 Howard Holtzer   Mitosis and the Processes of
                                  Differentiation of Myogenic Cells in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
            John R. Gibbins and   
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
                Keith R. Porter   Microtubules in the Formation and
                                  Development of the Primary Mesenchyme in
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 201
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
                John R. Gibbins   Microtubules in the Formation and
                                  Development of the Primary Mesenchyme in
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 227
         W. David Troughton and   
                 Jerry S. Trier   Paneth and Goblet Cell Renewal in Mouse
                                  Duodenal Crypts  . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
               Daniel S. Friend   Cytochemical Staining of Multivesicular
                                  Body and Golgi Vesicles  . . . . . . . . 269
          Hisashi Shinozuka and   
                Emmanuel Farber   Reformation of Nucleoli After
                                  Ethione-Induced Fragmentation in the
                                  Absence of Significant Protein Synthesis 280
              J. L. S. Cobb and   
                Terence Bennett   A Study of Nexuses in Visceral Smooth
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
                Tom Elsdale and   
                   Robert Foley   Morphogenetic Aspects of Multilayering
                                  in Petri Dish Cultures of Human Fetal
                                  Lung Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
            John F. Thomson and   
            Duane A. Habeck and   
           Sharron L. Nance and   
               Karen L. Beetham   Ultrastructural and Biochemical Changes
                                  in Brown Fat in Cold-Exposed Rats  . . . 312
               Noel T. Florendo   Ribosome Substructure in Intact Mouse
                                  Liver Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
                       J. Ramus   Dimorphic Pit Connections in the Red
                                  Alga Pseudogloiophloea . . . . . . . . . 340
               Paul F. Parakkal   Involvement of Macrophages in Collagen
                                  Resorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 41, Number 2, May, 1969

           Peter R. Dallman and   
             Gustav Dallner and   
          Anders Bergstrand and   
                   Lars Ernster   Heterogeneous Distribution of Enzymes in
                                  Submicrosomal Membrane Fragments . . . . 357
           Charles W. Boone and   
            Lincoln E. Ford and   
             Howard E. Bond and   
           Donald C. Stuart and   
                  Dianne Lorenz   Isolation of Plasma Membrane Fragments
                                  from HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
                R. A. Goyer and   
                       R. Krall   Ultrastructural Transformation in
                                  Mitochondria Isolated from Kidneys of
                                  Normal and Lead-Intoxicated Rats . . . . 393
         Marianne J. Legato and   
                Glenn A. Langer   The Subcellular Localization of Calcium
                                  Ion in Mammalian Myocardium  . . . . . . 401
                Yasukazu Tanaka   Effect of the Ruby Laser Microbeam on
                                  Mitochondria of Kb Cells Supravitally
                                  Stained by Pinacyanol  . . . . . . . . . 424
                Edgar F. Carell   Studies on Chloroplast Development and
                                  Replication in Euglena . . . . . . . . . 431
            Kin-Ichi Ohkawa and   
              Molly T. Vogt and   
                Emmanuel Farber   Unusually High Mitochondrial Alpha
                                  Glycerophosphate Dehydrogenase Activity
                                  in Rat Brown Adipose Tissue  . . . . . . 441
              David Brandes and   
                     Elsa Anton   An Electron Microscopic Cytochemical
                                  Study of Macrophages During Uterine
                                  Involution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450
              Peter M. Robinson   A Cholinergic Component in the
                                  Innervation of the Longitudinal Smooth
                                  Muscle of the Guinea Pig Vas Deferens    462
            Bernard Tandler and   
        Robert A. Erlandson and   
            Archie L. Smith and   
               Ernest L. Wynder   Riboflavin and Mouse Hepatic Cell
                                  Structure and Function . . . . . . . . . 477
                  Marko Zalokar   Intracellular Centrifugal Separation of
                                  Organelles in \bionamePhycomyces . . . . 494
                 Moshe Siev and   
            Robert Weinberg and   
                 Sheldon Penman   The Selective Interruption of Nucleolar
                                  RNA Synthesis in HeLa Cells by
                                  Cordycepin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
          Federico Leighton and   
                Brian Poole and   
            Paul B. Lazarow and   
              Christian De Duve   The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
                Brian Poole and   
          Federico Leighton and   
              Christian De Duve   The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
             George C. Hill and   
            Winston A. Anderson   Effects of Acriflavine on the
                                  Mitochondria and Kinetoplast of
                                  Crithidia Fasciculata  . . . . . . . . . 547
          Jared J. Grantham and   
          Charles E. Ganote and   
            Maurice B. Burg and   
                    Jack Orloff   Paths of Transtubular Water Flow in
                                  Isolated Renal Collecting Tubules  . . . 562
             Thomas Bibring and   
                 Jane Baxandall   Immunochemical Studies of 22S Protein
                                  from Isolated Mitotic Apparatus  . . . . 577
           Hans D. Berendes and   
                  James B. Boyd   Structural and Functional Properties of
                                  Polytene Nuclei Isolated from Salivary
                                  Glands of \bionameDrosophila Hydei . . . 591
          Joel L. Rosenbaum and   
            John E. Moulder and   
                 David L. Ringo   Flagellar Elongation and Shortening in
                                  Chlamydomonas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
                B. Daneholt and   
             J.-E. Edström   The DNA Base Composition of Individual
                                  Chromosomes and Chromosome Segments from
                                  Chironomus Tentans . . . . . . . . . . . 620
     Srinivasan Rajalakshmi and   
            W. Robert Adams and   
       Robert E. Handschumacher   Isolation and Characterization of Low
                                  Density Structures from Orotic
                                  Acid-Induced Fatty Livers  . . . . . . . 625
                      R. Barton   Investigation of Negatively Stained
                                  Plant Flagellar Microtubules by Optical
                                  Diffraction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
            R. A. Florentin and   
                 B. H. Choi and   
                  K. T. Lee and   
                   W. A. Thomas   Stimulation of DNA Synthesis and Cell
                                  Division in Vitro by Serum from
                                  Cholesterol-Fed Swine  . . . . . . . . . 641
              C. A. R. Boyd and   
                  D. S. Parsons   The Fine Structure of the Microvilli of
                                  Isolated Brush Borders of Intestinal
                                  Epithelial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
              Joseph B. Warshaw   Cellular Energy Metabolism During Fetal
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 651
               Robert M. Lavker   Fine Structure of Mucus Granules in
                                  Rumen Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
                    Leroy Kuehl   Effect of Various Inhibitors on Nuclear
                                  Protein Synthesis in Rat Liver . . . . . 660

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 41, Number 3, June, 1969

               A. W. Rogers and   
           Z. Darzynkiewicz and   
             M. M. Salpeter and   
               K. Ostrowski and   
                  E. A. Barnard   Quantitative Studies on Enzymes in
                                  Structures in Striated Muscles by
                                  Labeled Inhibitor Methods  . . . . . . . 665
               A. W. Rogers and   
                  E. A. Barnard   Quantitative Studies on Enzymes in
                                  Structures in Striated Muscles by
                                  Labeled Inhibitor Methods  . . . . . . . 686
           Eleanor C. Adams and   
               Arthur T. Hertig   Studies on the Human Corpus Luteum . . . 696
           Eleanor C. Adams and   
               Arthur T. Hertig   Studies on the Human Corpus Luteum . . . 716
              David A. Sell and   
             Edward S. Reynolds   Liver Parenchymal Cell Injury  . . . . . 736
          Avraham Amsterdam and   
                Itzhak Ohad and   
                Michael Schramm   Dynamic Changes in the Ultrastructure of
                                  the Acinar Cell of the Rat Parotid Gland
                                  During the Secretory Cycle . . . . . . . 753
             Eugene Marquet and   
              Harold John Sobel   Crystalline Inclusions in the Nuclear
                                  Envelope and Granular Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum of the Fish Spinal Cord  . . . 774
               Blair Bowers and   
                 Edward D. Korn   The Fine Structure of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii (Neff
                                  Strain)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786
            R. H. Bottomley and   
              A. L. Trainer and   
                  M. J. Griffin   Enzymatic and Chromosomal
                                  Characterization of HeLa Variants  . . . 806
                 Takami Oka and   
              Robert T. Schimke   Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone
                                  in Chick Oviduct Development . . . . . . 816
                 Sonia Rude and   
      Richard E. Coggeshall and   
             Lucas S. Van Orden   Chemical and Ultrastructural
                                  Identification of $5$-Hydroxytryptamine
                                  in an Identified Neuron  . . . . . . . . 832
              S. Schiaffino and   
                    A. Margreth   Coordinated Development of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T System
                                  During Postnatal Differentiation of Rat
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
                  James A. Robb   Maintenance of Imaginal Discs of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster in
                                  Chemically Defined Media . . . . . . . . 876
            G. C. Priestley and   
                     R. A. Malt   Membrane-Bound Ribosomes in Kidney . . . 886
                 John M. Arnold   Cleavage Furrow Formation in a
                                  Telolecithal Egg (\bionameLoligo Pealii) 894
      Myra Jagendorf-Elfvin and   
                   Eva Eliasson   Reversible Changes in the Ultrastructure
                                  of Chang Liver Cell Mitochondria
                                  Following Incubation of the Cells in a
                                  Glutamine-Deficient Medium . . . . . . . 905
                  Carole Kelley   Wall Projections in the Sporophyte and
                                  Gametophyte of Sphaerocarpos . . . . . . 910
                      Mary Bell   Langerhans Granules in Fetal
                                  Keratinocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
                 Lucien G. Caro   A Common Source of Difficulty in
                                  High-Resolution Radioautography  . . . . 918

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 42, Number 1, July, 1969

             Don W. Fawcett and   
                N. Scott McNutt   The Ultrastructure of the Cat Myocardium 1
            N. Scott McNutt and   
                 Don W. Fawcett   The Ultrastructure of the Cat Myocardium 46
            Ewald R. Weibel and   
         Willy Stäubli and   
     Hans Rudolf Gnägi and   
                  Felix A. Hess   Correlated Morphometric and Biochemical
                                  Studies on the Liver Cell  . . . . . . . 68
         Willy Stäubli and   
                Robert Hess and   
                Ewald R. Weibel   Correlated Morphometric and Biochemical
                                  Studies on the Liver Cell  . . . . . . . 92
              Paul F. Kruse and   
             Wilbur Whittle and   
                     Ed Miedema   Mitotic and Nonmitotic Multiple-Layered
                                  Perfusion Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . 113
                 M. M. Salpeter   Electron Microscope Radioautography As a
                                  Quantitative Tool in Enzyme
                                  Cytochemistry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
                A. M. Kelly and   
                    S. I. Zacks   The Histogenesis of Rat Intercostal
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
                A. M. Kelly and   
                    S. I. Zacks   The Fine Structure of Motor Endplate
                                  Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
               Douglas Marsland   A Fine Structural Analysis of Cleavage
                                  Induction and Furrowing in the Eggs of
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 170
               R. G. Kessel and   
                    H. W. Beams   Annulate Lamellae and ``Yolk Nuclei'' in
                                  Oocytes of the Dragonfly, Libellula
                                  Pulchella  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
              Toku Kanaseki and   
                     Ken Kadota   The ``Vesicle in a Basket''  . . . . . . 202
     Charles R. Hackenbrock and   
               Arnold I. Caplan   Ion-Induced Ultrastructural
                                  Transformations in Isolated Mitochondria 221
               Lloyd Schick and   
                Larry G. Butler   Inorganic Pyrophosphatase of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
                A. Lasansky and   
               M. G. F. Fuortes   The Site of Origin of Electrical
                                  Responses in Visual Cells of the Leech,
                                  Hirudo Medicinalis . . . . . . . . . . . 241
         Sidney Goldfischer and   
                  Jay Bernstein   Lipofuscin (Aging) Pigment Granules of
                                  the Newborn Human Liver  . . . . . . . . 253
             Richard Holmes and   
                 Judy Helms and   
                Gretchen Mercer   Cholesterol Requirement of Primary
                                  Diploid Human Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . 262
               Ming C. Liau and   
                Robert P. Perry   Ribosome Precursor Particles in Nucleoli 272
              Allen L. Bell and   
               David B. Peakall   Changes in Fine Structure During Silk
                                  Protein Production in the Ampullate
                                  Gland of the Spider \bionameAraneus
                                  Sericatus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
               D. W. Deamer and   
                   R. J. Baskin   Ultrastructure of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
                                  Preparations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 296
                M. D. Enger and   
                    R. A. Tobey   RNA Synthesis in Chinese Hamster Cells   308
                 G. R. Millward   Cellulose contamination: a possible
                                  source of error in the interpretation of
                                  previous experimental evidence for the $
                                  \alpha $-keratin protofibril . . . . . . 317
              Robert S. Gardner   The Use of Tricine Buffer in Animal
                                  Tissue Cultures  . . . . . . . . . . . . 320
                D. G. Rayns and   
              F. O. Simpson and   
             Janet M. Ledingham   Ultrastructure of Desmosomes in
                                  Mammalian Intercalated Disc; Appearances
                                  After Lanthanum Treatment  . . . . . . . 322
           Werner W. Franke and   
                 Werner Schinko   Nuclear Shape in Muscle Cells  . . . . . 326
                   Walter Rubin   Enzyme Cytochemistry of Gastric Parietal
                                  Cells at a Fine Structure Level  . . . . 332
            Bernard Tandler and   
                Leonard L. Ross   Observations of Nerve Terminals in Human
                                  Labial Salivary Glands . . . . . . . . . 339

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 42, Number 2, August, 1969

          J. P. Kraehenbuhl and   
                 M. A. Campiche   Early Stages of Intestinal Absorption of
                                  Specific Antibodies in the Newborn . . . 345
               M. M. Elkind and   
                    E. Kano and   
              H. Sutton-Gilbert   Cell Killing by Actinomycin D in
                                  Relation to the Growth Cycle of Chinese
                                  Hamster Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
            G. M. Kellerman and   
                D. R. Biggs and   
             Anthony W. Linnane   Biogenesis of Mitochondria . . . . . . . 377
           Richard W. Young and   
                       Dean Bok   Participation of the Retinal Pigment
                                  Epithelium in the Rod Outer Segment
                                  Renewal Process  . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
           Robert K. Trench and   
          Richard W. Greene and   
             Barbara G. Bystrom   Chloroplasts As Functional Organelles in
                                  Animal Tissues . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404
               Romaine R. Bruns   A Symmetrical, Extracellular Fibril  . . 418
                Thomas L. Lentz   Development of the Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
           Cecilia Bibbiani and   
           Roberto Tongiani and   
          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   I. Quantitative Determination of the
                                  Amount of DNA Per Nucleus by
                                  Interference Microscopy  . . . . . . . . 444
           Roberto Tongiani and   
          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   Ii. Differences in Adrenal Medulla
                                  Nuclear DNA Content Among Rats of
                                  Different Strains Following Intermittent
                                  Exposure to Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . 452
                 S. R. Pelc and   
          Maria Pia Viola-Magni   III. Decrease of Labeled DNA in Cells of
                                  the Adrenal Medulla After Intermittent
                                  Exposure to Cold . . . . . . . . . . . . 460
               Agnes Horvat and   
             Jane Baxandall and   
                  Oscar Touster   The Isolation of Lysosomes from Ehrlich
                                  Ascites Tumor Cells Following
                                  Pretreatment of Mice with Triton Wr-1339 469
        M. A. Venkatachalam and   
              H. Dariush Fahimi   The Use of Beef Liver Catalase As a
                                  Protein Tracer for Electron Microscopy   480
        William O. Whetsell and   
               Richard P. Bunge   Reversible Alterations in the Golgi
                                  Complex of Cultured Neurons Treated with
                                  an Inhibitor of Active Na and K
                                  Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
          Margaret E. Beard and   
               Alex B. Novikoff   Distribution of Peroxisomes
                                  (Microbodies) in the Nephron of the Rat  501
              Ulrich Scheer and   
               Werner W. Franke   Negative Staining and Adenosine
                                  Triphosphatase Activity of Annulate
                                  Lamellae of Newt Oocytes . . . . . . . . 519
                Jack Rosenbluth   Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of an Unusually
                                  Fast-Acting Crustacean Muscle  . . . . . 534
               Martin Mendelson   Electrical and Mechanical
                                  Characteristics of a Very Fast Lobster
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 548
           E. L. Carstensen and   
             A. Coopersmith and   
                  M. Ingram and   
                    S. Z. Child   Stability of Erythrocytes Fixed in
                                  Osmium Tetroxide Solutions . . . . . . . 565
          Georgiana M. Jagiello   Meiosis and Inhibition of Ovulation in
                                  Mouse Eggs Treated with Actinomycin D    571
                 Toby C. Rodman   Morphology and Replication of
                                  Intranucleolar DNA in Polytene Nuclei    575
                     Heinz Falk   Rough Thylakoids: Polysomes Attached to
                                  Chloroplast Membranes  . . . . . . . . . 582
             Janardan Reddy and   
         Sukhum Bunyaratvej and   
                 Donald Svoboda   Microbodies in Experimentally Altered
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 587
       Stephen E. Malawista and   
                    Hidemi Sato   Vinblastine Produces Uniaxial,
                                  Birefringent Crystals in Starfish
                                  Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
            Joel B. Kirkpatrick   Stability of Brain Microtubules in
                                  Homogenates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
              Imogene Schneider   Establishment of Three Diploid Cell
                                  Lines of Anopheles Stephensi (Diptera:
                                  Culicidae) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 603
                     Paul Urban   The Fine Structure of Pronuclear Fusion
                                  in the Coenocytic Marine Alga Bryopsis
                                  Hypnoides Lamouroux  . . . . . . . . . . 606

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 42, Number 3, September, 1969

        Walther Stoeckenius and   
             Donald M. Engelman   Current Models for the Structure of
                                  Biological Membranes . . . . . . . . . . 613
                Guido Majno and   
            Stephen M. Shea and   
               Monika Leventhal   Endothelial Contraction Induced by
                                  Histamine-Type Mediators . . . . . . . . 647
         Martin A. Gorovsky and   
                   John Woodard   Studies on Nuclear Structure and
                                  Function in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
            Robert E. Kelly and   
                 Robert V. Rice   Ultrastructural Studies on the
                                  Contractile Mechanism of Smooth Muscle   683
               S. L. Howell and   
            M. Kostianovsky and   
                     P. E. Lacy   Beta Granule Formation in Isolated
                                  Islets of Langerhans . . . . . . . . . . 695
         Francesco Clementi and   
               George E. Palade   Intestinal Capillaries . . . . . . . . . 706
         Richard W. Hendler and   
          Amelia H. Burgess and   
                Raymond Scharff   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 715
                    N. Nanninga   Preservation of the Ultrastructure of
                                  Bacillus Subtilis by Chemical Fixation
                                  As Verified by Freeze-Etching  . . . . . 733
         Ronald M. Humphrey and   
                 B. R. Brinkley   Ultrastructural Studies of
                                  Radiation-Induced Chromosome Damage  . . 745
          Cesar M. Libanati and   
              Carlos J. Tandler   The Distribution of the Water-Soluble
                                  Inorganic Orthophosphate Ions Within the
                                  Cell: Accumulation in the Nucleus  . . . 754
          Peter G. W. Plagemann   Choline Metabolism and Membrane
                                  Formation in Rat Hepatoma Cells Grown in
                                  Suspension Culture . . . . . . . . . . . 766
               Ken Shortman and   
               Kathrin Seligman   The Separation of Different Cell Classes
                                  from Lymphoid Organs . . . . . . . . . . 783
                  I-Li Chen and   
                Robert D. Yates   Electron Microscopic Radioautographic
                                  Studies of the Carotid Body Following
                                  Injections of Labeled Biogenic Amine
                                  Precursors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794
                  I-Li Chen and   
            Robert D. Yates and   
                  Donald Duncan   The Effects of Reserpine and Hypoxia on
                                  the Amine-Storing Granules of the
                                  Hamster Carotid Body . . . . . . . . . . 804
                Jack Rosenbluth   Ultrastructure of Dyads in Muscle Fibers
                                  of Ascaris Lumbricoides  . . . . . . . . 817
             B. R. Brinkley and   
             Ronald M. Humphrey   Evidence for Subchromatid Organization
                                  in Marsupial Chromosomes . . . . . . . . 827
                 E. C. Raff and   
                     J. J. Blum   Some Properties of a Model Assay for
                                  Ciliary Contractility  . . . . . . . . . 831
             Leonard Amaral and   
           Louis G. Moriber and   
                   Marion Himes   The Effect of Cortisone on the Volume
                                  and Total Protein Content of Mouse Liver
                                  Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
                    G. E. Stone   Change in Histone\slash DNA Ratio During
                                  Population Growth in \bionameTetrahymena 837
               Carl M. Feldherr   A Comparative Study of Nucleocytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
               M. M. Thaler and   
               M. C. L. Cox and   
                   C. A. Villee   Isolation of Nuclei from Sea Urchin Eggs
                                  and Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
        Daniel M. Berkowitz and   
          Tsuyoshi Kakefuda and   
               Michael B. Sporn   A Simple and Rapid Method for the
                                  Isolation of Enzymatically Active HeLa
                                  Cell Nuclei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
  Guillermo Jaim-Etcheverry and   
              Luis Maria Zieher   Selective Demonstration of a Type of
                                  Synaptic Vesicle by Phosphotungstic Acid
                                  Staining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 43, Number 1, October, 1969

              Y. Marikovsky and   
                       D. Danon   Electron Microscope Analysis of Young
                                  and Old Red Blood Cells Stained with
                                  Colloidal Iron for Surface Charge
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
               E. Skutelsky and   
                       D. Danon   Reduction in Surface Charge As an
                                  Explanation of the Recognition by
                                  Macrophages of Nuclei Expelled from
                                  Normoblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
              C. J. Arntzen and   
               R. A. Dilley and   
                    F. L. Crane   A Comparison of Chloroplast Membrane
                                  Surfaces Visualized by Freeze-Etch and
                                  Negative Staining Techniques; and
                                  Ultrastructural Characterization of
                                  Membrane Fractions Obtained from
                                  Digitonin-Treated Spinach Chloroplasts   16
                  S. I. Rubinow   A Simple Model of a Steady State
                                  Differentiating Cell System  . . . . . . 32
           R. Bruce Nicklas and   
                  Carol A. Koch   Chromosome Micromanipulation . . . . . . 40
              R. S. Dwivedi and   
                S. K. Dutta and   
                    D. P. Bloch   Isolation and Characterization of
                                  Chromatin from Neurospora Crassa . . . . 51
            Becca Fleischer and   
           Sidney Fleischer and   
                 Hidehiro Ozawa   Isolation and Characterization of Golgi
                                  Membranes from Bovine Liver  . . . . . . 59
            Gustav Niebauer and   
         Walter S. Krawczyk and   
            Richard L. Kidd and   
              George F. Wilgram   Osmium Zinc Iodide Reactive Sites in the
                                  Epidermal Langerhans Cell  . . . . . . . 80
             Mary G. Wetzel and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Phagocytosis of Latex Beads by
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii (Neff)  90
          Andrew G. Ulsamer and   
           Frank Rees Smith and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Lipids of \bionameAcanthamoeba
                                  Castellanii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
         William L. Robison and   
                    David Davis   Determination of Iodine Concentration
                                  and Distribution in Rat Thyroid
                                  Follicles by Electron-Probe
                                  Microanalysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
                 Takami Oka and   
              Robert T. Schimke   Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone
                                  in Chick Oviduct Development . . . . . . 123
        Alexandra von der Decke   Activation in Vitro of Rat Liver
                                  Polyribosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
                    Breck Byers   Studies on the Microtubules in Heliozoa  148
                     Heinz Falk   Fusiform Vesicles in Plant Cells . . . . 167
         Caroline H. Damsky and   
          William M. Nelson and   
                  Albert Claude   Mitochondria in Anaerobically-Grown,
                                  Lipid-Limited Brewer's Yeast . . . . . . 174
                Albert W. Sedar   Uptake of Peroxidase into the
                                  Smooth-Surfaced Tubular System of the
                                  Gastric Acid-Secreting Cell  . . . . . . 179
           Philip B. Dunham and   
                Larry C. Stoner   Indentation of the Pellicle of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena at the Contractile
                                  Vacuole Pore Before Systole  . . . . . . 184
          D. Thines-Sempoux and   
           A. Amar-Costesec and   
                 H. Beaufay and   
                     J. Berthet   The Association of Cholesterol,
                                  5'-Nucleotidase, and Alkaline
                                  Phosphodiesterase I with a Distinct
                                  Group of Microsomal Particles  . . . . . 189
               James L. S. Cobb   Modified Cilia in the Gut of the
                                  Lamellibranch Mollusc Tapes Watlingi . . 192

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 43, Number 2, November, 1969

              J. Morris Johnson   A Study of Nucleolar Vacuoles in
                                  Cultured Tobacco Cells Using
                                  Radioautography, Actinomycin D, and
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 197
              Robert R. Klevecz   Temporal Order in Mammalian Cells  . . . 207
             Harriet M. McCurdy   Enzyme Localization During Melanogenesis 220
              Edmund Guttes and   
                  Sophie Guttes   Replication of Nucleolus-Associated DNA
                                  During ``G$_2$ Phase'' in
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 229
          Charles A. Ashley and   
                Theodore Peters   Electron Microscopic Radioautographic
                                  Detection of Sites of Protein Synthesis
                                  and Migration in Liver . . . . . . . . . 237
          Charles J. Flickinger   The Development of Golgi Complexes and
                                  Their Dependence Upon the Nucleus in
                                  Amebae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
                   Selma Silagi   Control of Pigment Production in Mouse
                                  Melanoma Cells in Vitro  . . . . . . . . 263
              H. Dariush Fahimi   Cytochemical Localization of Peroxidatic
                                  Activity of Catalase in Rat Hepatic
                                  Microbodies (Peroxisomes)  . . . . . . . 275
                    P. Whur and   
         Annette Herscovics and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Radioautographic Visualization of the
                                  Incorporation of Galactose-$^3$H and
                                  Mannose-$^3$H by Rat Thyroids in Vitro
                                  in Relation to the Stages of
                                  Thyroglobulin Synthesis  . . . . . . . . 289
          Harunori Ishikawa and   
           Richard Bischoff and   
                 Howard Holtzer   Formation of Arrowhead Complexes with
                                  Heavy Meromyosin in a Variety of Cell
                                  Types  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
               Emile Vivier and   
         André Petitprez   Le Complexe Membranaire Superficiel Et
                                  Son Evolution Lors De L'Elaboration Des
                                  Individus-Fils Chez Toxoplasma Gondii    329
        Sue Ellen Frederick and   
               Eldon H. Newcomb   Cytochemical Localization of Catalase in
                                  Leaf Microbodies (Peroxisomes) . . . . . 343
               Jerome J. Wolken   Microspectrophotometry and the
                                  Photoreceptor of \bionamePhycomyces I    354
                K. P. Dingemans   The Relation Between Cilia and Mitoses
                                  in the Mouse Adenohypophysis . . . . . . 361
          Peter G. Canonico and   
                John W. C. Bird   The Use of Acridine Orange As a
                                  Lysosomal Marker in Rat Skeletal Muscle  367
            Elliott Robbins and   
              Michael Shelanski   Synthesis of a Colchicine-Binding
                                  Protein During the HeLa Cell Life Cycle  371
         A. Macieira-Coelho and   
                      J. Ponten   Analogy in Growth Between Late Passage
                                  Human Embryonic and Early Passage Human
                                  Adult Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . 374
                Lennart Boquist   Intranuclear rods in pancreatic islet $
                                  \beta $-cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377
             Yutaka Shimada and   
             D. A. Fischman and   
                  A. A. Moscona   The Development of Nerve-Muscle
                                  Junctions in Monolayer Cultures of
                                  Embryonic Spinal Cord and Skeletal
                                  Muscle Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 43, Number 3, December, 1969

             Arne Lòvlie   Increase in Function During Growth of a
                                  Single Cell Organelle  . . . . . . . . . 389
              H. J. Stoltze and   
               N. S. T. Lui and   
             O. R. Anderson and   
                    O. A. Roels   The Influence of the Mode of Nutrition
                                  on the Digestive System of Ochromonas
                                  Malhamensis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
                 Olga Stein and   
           Yechezkiel Stein and   
          Dewitt S. Goodman and   
                  Noel H. Fidge   The Metabolism of Chylomicron
                                  Cholesteryl Ester in Rat Liver . . . . . 410
          Frank C. Bancroft and   
            Lawrence Levine and   
              Armen H. Tashjian   Control of Growth Hormone Production by
                                  a Clonal Strain of Rat Pituitary Cells   432
                Jacob E. Berger   Optical Diffraction Studies of
                                  Crystalline Structures in Electron
                                  Micrographs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442
            Irmin Sternlieb and   
                Jacob E. Berger   Optical Diffraction Studies of
                                  Crystalline Structures in Electron
                                  Micrographs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
                J. Metuzals and   
                   C. S. Izzard   Spatial Patterns of Threadlike Elements
                                  in the Axoplasm of the Giant Nerve Fiber
                                  of the Squid (\bionameLoligo Pealii L.)
                                  As Disclosed by Differential
                                  Interference Microscopy and by Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
                    J. Metuzals   Configuration of a Filamentous Network
                                  in the Axoplasm of the Squid
                                  (\bionameLoligo Pealii L.) Giant Nerve
                                  Fiber  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
                M. N. Berry and   
                   D. S. Friend   High-Yield Preparation of Isolated Rat
                                  Liver Parenchymal Cells  . . . . . . . . 506
          Clinton D. Stoner and   
                Howard D. Sirak   Osmotically-Induced Alterations in
                                  Volume and Ultrastructure of
                                  Mitochondria Isolated from Rat Liver and
                                  Bovine Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
            Katsuhide Nishi and   
            Chikayoshi Oura and   
                   Wazir Pallie   Fine Structure of Pacinian Corpuscles in
                                  the Mesentery of the Cat . . . . . . . . 539
              Awtar Krishan and   
                       Dora Hsu   Observations on the Association of
                                  Helical Polyribosomes and Filaments with
                                  Vincristine-Induced Crystals in Earle's
                                  L-Cell Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . . 553
              Allen Costoff and   
                   W. H. McShan   Isolation and Biological Properties of
                                  Secretory Granules from Rat Anterior
                                  Pituitary Glands . . . . . . . . . . . . 564
              Susan G. Langreth   Spermiogenesis in Cancer Crabs . . . . . 575
             Francis J. Manasek   The Appearance of Granules in the Golgi
                                  Complex of Embryonic Cardiac Myocytes    605
               R. J. Baskin and   
                   D. W. Deamer   Comparative Ultrastructure and Calcium
                                  Transport in Heart and Skeletal Muscle
                                  Microsomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
              Awtar Krishan and   
            Ratna Ray-Chaudhuri   Asynchrony of Nuclear Development in
                                  Cytochalasin-Induced Multinucleate Cells 618
                M. W. Berns and   
                R. S. Olson and   
                   D. E. Rounds   Argon Laser Micro-Irradiation of
                                  Nucleoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
              Andrea Mastro and   
               Emma Shelton and   
                    W. C. Hymer   DNA Synthesis in the Rat Anterior
                                  Pituitary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
            Elliott Robbins and   
                Gene A. Morrill   Oxygen Uptake During the HeLa Cell Life
                                  Cycle and Its Correlation with
                                  Macromolecular Synthesis . . . . . . . . 629