Table of contents for issues of Journal of Cell Biology

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Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1970
Volume 44, Number 2, February, 1970
Volume 44, Number 3, March, 1970
Volume 45, Number 1, April, 1970
Volume 45, Number 2, May, 1970
Volume 45, Number 3, June, 1970
Volume 46, Number 1, July, 1970
Volume 46, Number 2, August, 1970
Volume 46, Number 3, September, 1970
Volume 47, Number 1, October, 1970
Volume 47, Number 2, November, 1970
Volume 47, Number 3, December, 1970
Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1971
Volume 48, Number 2, February, 1971
Volume 48, Number 3, March, 1971
Volume 49, Number 1, April, 1971
Volume 49, Number 2, May, 1971
Volume 49, Number 3, June, 1971
Volume 50, Number 1, July, 1971
Volume 50, Number 2, August, 1971
Volume 50, Number 3, September, 1971
Volume 51, Number 1, October, 1971
Volume 51, Number 2, November, 1971
Volume 51, Number 3, December, 1971
Volume 52, Number 1, January, 1972
Volume 52, Number 2, February, 1972
Volume 52, Number 3, March, 1972
Volume 53, Number 1, April, 1972
Volume 53, Number 2, May, 1972
Volume 53, Number 3, June, 1972
Volume 54, Number 1, July, 1972
Volume 54, Number 2, August, 1972
Volume 54, Number 3, September, 1972
Volume 55, Number 1, October, 1972
Volume 55, Number 2, November, 1972
Volume 55, Number 3, December, 1972
Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1973
Volume 56, Number 2, February, 1973
Volume 56, Number 3, March, 1973
Volume 57, Number 1, April, 1973
Volume 57, Number 2, May, 1973
Volume 57, Number 3, June, 1973
Volume 58, Number 1, July, 1973
Volume 58, Number 2, August, 1973
Volume 58, Number 3, September, 1973
Volume 59, Number 1, October, 1973
Volume 59, Number 2, November, 1973
Volume 59, Number 3, December, 1973
Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1974
Volume 60, Number 2, February, 1974
Volume 60, Number 3, March, 1974
Volume 61, Number 1, April, 1974
Volume 61, Number 2, May, 1974
Volume 61, Number 3, June, 1974
Volume 62, Number 1, July, 1974
Volume 62, Number 2, August, 1974
Volume 62, Number 3, September, 1974
Volume 63, Number 1, October, 1974
Volume 63, Number 2, November, 1974
Volume 63, Number 3, December, 1974

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 44, Number 1, January, 1970

            W. G. Forssmann and   
                   L. Girardier   A Study of the T System in Rat Heart . . 1
              Paul Personne and   
               Winston Anderson   Localisation Mitochondriale D'Enzymes
                                  Liees Au Metabolisme Du Glycogene Dans
                                  Le Spermatozoide De L'Escargot . . . . . 20
        Winston A. Anderson and   
                  Paul Personne   The Localization of Glycogen in the
                                  Spermatozoa of Various Invertebrate and
                                  Vertebrate Species . . . . . . . . . . . 29
          Bernard J. Panner and   
                  Carl R. Honig   Locus and State of Aggregation of Myosin
                                  in Tissue Sections of Vertebrate Smooth
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
           Virginia M. Tennyson   The Fine Structure of the Axon and
                                  Growth Cone of the Dorsal Root
                                  Neuroblast of the Rabbit Embryo  . . . . 62
               T. W. Keenan and   
      D. James Morré and   
             Diane E. Olson and   
             W. N. Yunghans and   
                  Stuart Patton   Biochemical and Morphological Comparison
                                  of Plasma Membrane and Milk Fat Globule
                                  Membrane from Bovine Mammary Gland . . . 80
             B. P. Gerhardt and   
                  Harry Beevers   Developmental Studies on Glyoxysomes in
                                  Ricinus Endosperm  . . . . . . . . . . . 94
           Stephen R. Gross and   
               Lewis Aronow and   
               William B. Pratt   The Outward Transport of Cortisol by
                                  Mammalian Cells in Vitro . . . . . . . . 103
                   David Bodian   An Electron Microscopic Characterization
                                  of Classes of Synaptic Vesicles by Means
                                  of Controlled Aldehyde Fixation  . . . . 115
              Camillo Peracchia   A System of Parallel Septa in Crayfish
                                  Nerve Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
           Richard Bischoff and   
                 Howard Holtzer   Inhibition of Myoblast Fusion After One
                                  Round of DNA Synthesis in
                                  $5$-Bromodeoxyuridine  . . . . . . . . . 134
         Mary A. Bonneville and   
               Melvyn Weinstock   Brush Border Development in the
                                  Intestinal Absorptive Cells of
                                  \bionameXenopus During Metamorphosis . . 151
       Edmund B. Masurovsky and   
          Helena H. Benitez and   
               Seung U. Kim and   
             Margaret R. Murray   Origin, Development, and Nature of
                                  Intranuclear Rodlets and Associated
                                  Bodies in Chicken Sympathetic Neurons    172
                Daniel Szollosi   Cortical Cytoplasmic Filaments of
                                  Cleaving Eggs: a Structural Element
                                  Corresponding to the Contractile Ring    192
      William H. J. Douglas and   
           Robert C. Ripley and   
               Richard A. Ellis   Enzymatic Digestion of Desmosome and
                                  Hemidesmosome Plaques Performed on
                                  Ultrathin Sections . . . . . . . . . . . 211
               Yasuo Uehara and   
             Geoffrey Burnstock   Demonstration of ``Gap Junctions''
                                  Between Smooth Muscle Cells  . . . . . . 215
                  Sherman Bloom   Structural Changes in Nuclear Envelopes
                                  During Elongation of Heart Muscle Cells  218
                  A. Sengel and   
                    P. Stoebner   Golgi Origin of Tubular Inclusions in
                                  Endothelial Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 223
             Janardan Reddy and   
             Masahiro Chiga and   
         Sukhum Bunyaratvej and   
                 Donald Svoboda   Microbodies in Experimentally Altered
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
             Robert Marantz and   
           Michael L. Shelanski   Structure of Microtubular Crystals
                                  Induced by Vinblastine in Vitro  . . . . 234

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 44, Number 2, February, 1970

              David M. Phillips   Insect Sperm: Their Structure and
                                  Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243
               W. H. Butler and   
                    J. D. Judah   Preparation of Isolated Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria for Electron Microscopy . . 278
           K. W. Henningsen and   
                  J. E. Boynton   Macromolecular Physiology of Plastids    290
                I. W. Craig and   
                       A. Gibor   A Direct Light Effect on Maintaining
                                  Photosynthetic Activity of Nitella
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
            Elinor S. Mills and   
                 Yale J. Topper   Some Ultrastructural Effects of Insulin,
                                  Hydrocortisone, and Prolactin on Mammary
                                  Gland Explants . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
             K. E. Kuettner and   
                L. W. Soble and   
                  R. D. Ray and   
               R. L. Croxen and   
                M. Passovoy and   
                  R. Eisenstein   Lysozyme in Epiphyseal Cartilage . . . . 329
                 Arthur R. Hand   The Fine Structure of Von Ebner's Gland
                                  of the Rat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
          Joseph B. Warshaw and   
                  Mary L. Terry   Cellular Energy Metabolism During Fetal
                                  Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
 Christopher L. F. Woodcock and   
               Lawrence Bogorad   Evidence for Variation in the Quantity
                                  of DNA Among Plastids of Acetabularia    361
         Richard W. Hendler and   
          Amelia H. Burgess and   
                Raymond Scharff   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 376
         Laurent Descarries and   
                   Bernard Droz   Intraneural Distribution of Exogenous
                                  Norepinephrine in the Central Nervous
                                  System of the Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . 385
            Elliott Robbins and   
             Thoru Pederson and   
                     Paul Klein   Comparison of Mitotic Phenomena and
                                  Effects Induced by Hypertonic Solutions
                                  in HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
           Daniel W. McKeel and   
                 Leonard Jarett   Preparation and Characterization of a
                                  Plasma Membrane Fraction from Isolated
                                  Fat Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 417
              Ray F. Everet and   
           Bharati P. Deshpande   Nuclear P Protein in Sieve Elements of
                                  \bionameTilia Americana  . . . . . . . . 462
              Talat A. Khan and   
                   Jane Overton   Lanthanum Staining of Developing Chick
                                  Cartilage and Reaggregating Cartilage
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
              Eric Holtzman and   
            Alan R. Freeman and   
             Leonard A. Kashner   A Cytochemical and Electron Microscope
                                  Study of Channels in the Schwann Cells
                                  Surrounding Lobster Giant Axons  . . . . 438
             Wolf H. Fahrenbach   The Cyanoblast: Hemocyanin Formation in
                                  Limulus Polyphemus . . . . . . . . . . . 445
              John W. Moser and   
             Gerald L. Kreitner   Centrosome Structure in Anthoceros
                                  Laevis and Marchantia Polymorpha . . . . 454
                 F. P. Moss and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Nature of Dividing Nuclei in Skeletal
                                  Muscle of Growing Rats . . . . . . . . . 459

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 44, Number 3, March, 1970

                 Ruy Soeiro and   
               James E. Darnell   A Comparison Between Heterogeneous
                                  Nuclear RNA and Polysomal Messenger RNA
                                  in HeLa Cells by RNA-DNA Hybridization   467
   Gerassimos N. Pagoulatos and   
               James E. Darnell   A Comparison of the Heterogeneous
                                  Nuclear RNA of HeLa Cells in Different
                                  Periods of the Cell Growth Cycle . . . . 476
      D. James Morré and   
             R. L. Hamilton and   
          H. H. Mollenhauer and   
               R. W. Mahley and   
           W. P. Cunningham and   
             R. D. Cheetham and   
                  V. S. Lequire   Isolation of a Golgi Apparatus-Rich
                                  Fraction from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 484
             R. D. Cheetham and   
      D. James Morré and   
              Wayne N. Yunghans   Isolation of a Golgi Apparatus-Rich
                                  Fraction from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 492
           Robert M. Lavker and   
             A. Gedeon Matoltsy   Formation of Horny Cells . . . . . . . . 501
         Sidney Goldfischer and   
           Alex B. Novikoff and   
              Arline Albala and   
                  Luis Biempica   Hemoglobin Uptake by Rat Hepatocytes and
                                  Its Breakdown Within Lysosomes . . . . . 513
             R. K. Togasaki and   
                   R. P. Levine   Chloroplast structure and function in
                                  \bionameac-20, a mutant strain of
                                  \bionameChlamydomonas reinhardi  . . . . 531
               R. P. Levine and   
                   A. Paszewski   Chloroplast structure and function in
                                  \bionameac-20, a mutant strain of
                                  \bionameChlamydomonas reinhardi  . . . . 540
       Ursula W. Goodenough and   
                   R. P. Levine   Chloroplast structure and function in
                                  \bionameac-20, a mutant strain of
                                  \bionameChlamydomonas reinhardi  . . . . 547
                I. Goldberg and   
                        I. Ohad   Biogenesis of Chloroplast Membranes  . . 563
                I. Goldberg and   
                        I. Ohad   Biogenesis of Chloroplast Membranes  . . 572
           M. V. L. Bennett and   
                 J. P. Trinkaus   Electrical Coupling Between Embryonic
                                  Cells by Way of Extracellular Space and
                                  Specialized Junctions  . . . . . . . . . 592
             R. E. Stephens and   
                     R. E. Kane   Some Properties of Hyalin  . . . . . . . 611
      Benita De Petrocellis and   
           Philip Siekevitz and   
               George E. Palade   Changes in chemical composition of
                                  thylakoid membranes during greening of
                                  the \bionamey-1 mutant of
                                  \bionameChlamydomonas reinhardi  . . . . 618
                   Joseph Bryan   The Isolation of a Major Structural
                                  Element of the Sea Urchin Fertilization
                                  Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
               Russell Ross and   
          Newton B. Everett and   
                     Ruth Tyler   Wound Healing and Collagen Formation . . 645
              Judy M. Strum and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Cytochemical Localization of Endogenous
                                  Peroxidase in Thyroid Follicular Cells   655
                   J. Stuve and   
                       P. Galle   Role of Mitochondria in the Handling of
                                  Gold by the Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . 667
                 H. Hartman and   
                   R. M. Dowben   Polyribosomes from \bionameTetrahymena   676
                  H. Firket and   
                   A. F. Hopper   Abnormal Cycle Phase Durations in
                                  Polyploid Cells Or Cells with Irregular
                                  Mitosis in a HeLa Cell Population  . . . 678
            Baccio Baccetti and   
              Romano Dallai and   
                Floriana Rosati   The Spermatozoon of Arthropoda . . . . . 681
            Martin Hagopian and   
                    David Spiro   Derivation of the Z Line in the
                                  Embryonic Chick Heart  . . . . . . . . . 683
            Richard R. Lynn and   
                  Paul T. Magee   Development of the Spore Wall During
                                  Ascospore Formation in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 688
                 Paul R. Burton   Optical Diffraction and Translational
                                  Reinforcement of Microtubules Having a
                                  Prominent Helical Wall Structure . . . . 693
             R. J. Podolsky and   
                    T. Hall and   
                 S. L. Hatchett   Identification of Oxalate Precipitates
                                  in Striated Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . 699

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 45, Number 1, April, 1970

               Emma Shelton and   
             Edward L. Kuff and   
       Elizabeth S. Maxwell and   
               J. T. Harrington   Cytoplasmic Particles and Aminoacyl
                                  Transferase I Activity . . . . . . . . . 1
                 J. J. Mire and   
            W. J. Hendelman and   
                    R. P. Bunge   Observations on a Transient Phase of
                                  Focal Swelling in Degenerating
                                  Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers  . . . . . . . 9
           H. Bruce Bosmann and   
                R. Alan Winston   Synthesis of Glycoprotein, Glycolipid,
                                  Protein, and Lipid in Synchronized
                                  L5178Y Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
             Robert L. Trelstad   The Golgi Apparatus in Chick Corneal
                                  Epithelium: Changes in Intracellular
                                  Position During Development  . . . . . . 34
               A. J. Solari and   
                  Laura L. Tres   The Three-Dimensional Reconstruction of
                                  the XY Chromosomal Pair in Human
                                  Spermatocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
       Dorothy Ford Bainton and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Segregation and Packaging of Granule
                                  Enzymes in Eosinophilic Leukocytes . . . 54
            Robert J. Klebe and   
             Tchaw-Ren Chen and   
                Frank H. Ruddle   Controlled Production of Proliferating
                                  Somatic Cell Hybrids . . . . . . . . . . 74
       Charles C. Childress and   
            Bertram Sacktor and   
        I. William Grossman and   
                 Ernest Bueding   Isolation, Ultrastructure, and
                                  Biochemical Characterization of Glycogen
                                  in Insect Flight Muscle  . . . . . . . . 83
             Judson D. Sheridan   Low-Resistance Junctions Between Cancer
                                  Cells in Various Solid Tumors  . . . . . 91
                 Mary A. Grillo   Cytoplasmic Inclusions Resembling
                                  Nucleoli in Sympathetic Neurons of Adult
                                  Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
              Peter G. Legg and   
                Richard L. Wood   New Observations on Microbodies  . . . . 118
                  G. Blobel and   
                 D. D. Sabatini   Controlled Proteolysis of Nascent
                                  Polypeptides in Rat Liver Cell Fractions 130
             D. D. Sabatini and   
                      G. Blobel   Controlled Proteolysis of Nascent
                                  Polypeptides in Rat Liver Cell Fractions 146
                   Bong Yul Yoo   Ultrastructural Changes in Cells of Pea
                                  Embryo Radicles During Germination . . . 158
           Wiktor Djaczenko and   
           Arrigo Benedetto and   
                   Renato Pezzi   Formation of Helical Polyribosomes in
                                  Poliovirus-Infected Cells of the 37 Rc
                                  Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
               Sibdas Ghosh and   
       Renate Lettré and   
                      Ira Ghosh   DNA Synthetic Pattern in the Nucleolus   177
               Sibdas Ghosh and   
                      Ira Ghosh   DNA Synthetic Pattern in the Nucleolus   181
             Thoru Pederson and   
                Seymour Gelfant   Macromolecular Synthesis in Dogfish
                                  Peripheral Blood Cells . . . . . . . . . 183
       Filiberto Giacomelli and   
              Joseph Wiener and   
                    David Spiro   Cross-Striated Arrays of Filaments in
                                  Endothelium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
              Jacob Dyckman and   
                Joel K. Weltman   A Morphological Analysis of Binding of a
                                  Hydrophobic Probe to Cells . . . . . . . 192
             R. G. Herrmann and   
                 K. V. Kowallik   Selective Presentation of DNA-Regions
                                  and Membranes in Chloroplasts and
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 45, Number 2, May, 1970

          Wincenty Kilarski and   
             Andrzej Jasi\'nski   The Formation of Multivesicular Bodies
                                  from the Nuclear Envelope  . . . . . . . 205
           Fredrick J. Seil and   
              Robert M. Herndon   Cerebellar Granule Cells in Vitro  . . . 212
           Anders Hamberger and   
       Christian Blomstrand and   
            Albert L. Lehninger   Comparative Studies on Mitochondria
                                  Isolated from Neuron-Enriched and
                                  Glia-Enriched Fractions of Rabbit and
                                  Beef Brain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
            Edith K. MacRae and   
                Gerald D. Meetz   Electron Microscopy of the Ammoniacal
                                  Silver Reaction for Histones in the
                                  Erythropoietic Cells of the Chick  . . . 235
           R. Malcolm Brown and   
           Werner W. Franke and   
               Hans Kleinig and   
                 Heinz Falk and   
                    Peter Sitte   Scale Formation in Chrysophycean Algae   246
       Daniel A. Goodenough and   
                Jean Paul Revel   A Fine Structural Analysis of
                                  Intercellular Junctions in the Mouse
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
                 T. L. Chan and   
         John W. Greenawalt and   
              Peter L. Pedersen   Biochemical and Ultrastructural
                                  Properties of a Mitochondrial Inner
                                  Membrane Fraction Deficient in Outer
                                  Membrane and Matrix Activities . . . . . 291
        Anthony P. Mahowald and   
             Joan M. Strassheim   Intercellular Migration of Centrioles in
                                  the Germarium of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Melanogaster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
          Peter G. Canonico and   
                John W. C. Bird   Lysosomes in Skeletal Muscle Tissue  . . 321
            Jerome J. Freed and   
             Marcia M. Lebowitz   The Association of a Class of Saltatory
                                  Movements with Microtubules in Cultured
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
          Carlos J. Tandler and   
   César M. Libanati and   
              Carlos A. Sanchis   The Intracellular Localization of
                                  Inorganic Cations with Potassium
                                  Pyroantimonate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
        Robert M. Rosenbaum and   
                 Murray Wittner   Ultrastructure of Bacterized and Axenic
                                  Trophozoites of Entamoeba Histolytica
                                  with Particular Reference to Helical
                                  Bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 367
          Barry A. Palevitz and   
               Eldon H. Newcomb   A Study of Sieve Element Starch Using
                                  Sequential Enzymatic Digestion and
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 383
              S. M. Cocucci and   
                     M. Sussman   RNA in Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Fractions
                                  of Cellular Slime Mold Amebas  . . . . . 399
                Brian Poole and   
           Tokuhiko Higashi and   
              Christian de Duve   The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 408
                 Jerome S. Kaye   The Fine Structure and Arrangement of
                                  Microcylinders in the Lumina of
                                  Flagellar Fibers in Cricket Spermatids   416
                  D. Zirwer and   
                   E. Buder and   
           W. Schälike and   
                      R. Wetzel   Lineardichroitische Untersuchungen zur
                                  DNS-Organisation in Spermienköpfen von
                                  \bionameLocusta Migratoria L. (German)
                                  [Linear dichroitics on DNA organization
                                  in sperm heads of \bionameLocusta
                                  Migratoria L]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
           Allen L. Horwitz and   
                 Albert Dorfman   The Growth of Cartilage Cells in Soft
                                  Agar and Liquid Suspension . . . . . . . 434
            Peter K. Hepler and   
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
                  Story Cleland   Intermicrotubule Bridges in Mitotic
                                  Spindle Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . 438
                  Ulrich Scheer   The Ultrastructure of the Nuclear
                                  Envelope of Amphibian Oocytes: a
                                  Reinvestigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
            Steven C. Mohos and   
                   Lorant Skoza   Variations in the Sialic Acid
                                  Concentration of Glomerular Basement
                                  Membrane Preparations Obtained by
                                  Ultrasonic Treatment . . . . . . . . . . 450
         Milton J. Finegold and   
                Laura E. Greene   Mitochondrial Damage in Experimental
                                  Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia . . . . . 455
           Dougald G. Scott and   
              Charles W. Daniel   Filaments in the Division Furrow of
                                  Mouse Mammary Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 461
                 J. Norman Grim   Ultrastructure of Ciliary Microtubules
                                  After Critical Point Drying  . . . . . . 466
               John Aronson and   
            Shinya Inoué   Reversal by Light of the Action of
                                  N-Methyl N-Desacetyl Colchicine on
                                  Mitosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 470

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 45, Number 3, June, 1970

                  L. Recher and   
            J. Whitescarver and   
                      L. Briggs   A Cytochemical and Radioautographic
                                  Study of Human Tissue Culture Cell
                                  Nucleoli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
            George Weinbaum and   
         Donald A. Fischman and   
                 Shinichi Okuda   Membrane Modifications in Nutritionally
                                  Induced Filamentous \bionameEscherichia
                                  coli B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
             Thoru Pederson and   
                Elliott Robbins   Absence of Translational Control of
                                  Histone Synthesis During the HeLa Cell
                                  Life Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
           David E. F. Harrison   Undamped Oscillations of Pyridine
                                  Nucleotide and Oxygen Tension in
                                  Chemostat Cultures of Klebsiella
                                  Aerogenes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
           Robert J. Mclean and   
             George F. Pessoney   A Large Scale Quasi-Crystalline Lamellar
                                  Lattice in Chloroplasts of the Green
                                  Alga Zygnema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522
                Lennart Boquist   Cilia and Vesicular Particles in the
                                  Endocrine Pancreas of the Mongolian
                                  Gerbil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532
                R. M. Hicks and   
                    B. Ketterer   Isolation of the Plasma Membrane of the
                                  Luminal Surface of Rat Bladder
                                  Epithelium, and the Occurrence of a
                                  Hexagonal Lattice of Subunits Both in
                                  Negatively Stained Whole Mounts and in
                                  Sectioned Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . 542
            Nessly C. Craig and   
                Robert P. Perry   Aberrant Intranucleolar Maturation of
                                  Ribosomal Precursors in the Absence of
                                  Protein Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . 554
            Nicholas C. Spitzer   Low Resistance Connections Between Cells
                                  in the Developing Anther of the Lily . . 565
            Richard L. Wood and   
                  Peter G. Legg   Peroxidase Activity in Rat Liver
                                  Microbodies After Amino-Triazole
                                  Inhibition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
           Marco Baggiolini and   
            James G. Hirsch and   
              Christian de Duve   Further Biochemical and Morphological
                                  Studies of Granule Fractions from Rabbit
                                  Heterophil Leukocytes  . . . . . . . . . 586
       Pedro Pinto da Silva and   
                 Daniel Branton   Membrane Splitting in Freeze-Etching . . 598
                   Joseph Bryan   On the Reconstitution of the Crystalline
                                  Components of the Sea Urchin
                                  Fertilization Membrane . . . . . . . . . 606
                     R. E. Kane   Direct Isolation of the Hyaline Layer
                                  Protein Released from the Cortical
                                  Granules of the Sea Urchin Egg at
                                  Fertilization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
                     Ajit Kumar   Ribosome Synthesis in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 623
               Richard Rodewald   Selective Antibody Transport in the
                                  Proximal Small Intestine of the Neonatal
                                  Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
         Yoshiyuki Ichikawa and   
               Masao Kuroda and   
                  Toshio Yamano   Zonation of hemoprotein P-450 and
                                  cytochrome $ b_5 $ in the adrenocortex
                                  of mammals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 640
                   Sin Hang Lee   The Possible Role of the Vesicles in
                                  Renal Ammonia Excretion  . . . . . . . . 644
          Thomas W. Tillack and   
            Vincent T. Marchesi   Demonstration of the Outer Surface of
                                  Freeze-Etched Red Blood Cell Membranes   649
               Kiyoshi Hama and   
                   Fumio Nagata   A Stereoscope Observation of Tracheal
                                  Epithelium of Mouse by Means of the High
                                  Voltage Electron Microscope  . . . . . . 654
                   B. W. Payton   Histological Staining Properties of
                                  Procion Yellow M4Rs  . . . . . . . . . . 659
              Peter Barland and   
           Eleanor A. Schroeder   A New Rapid Method for the Isolation of
                                  Surface Membranes from Tissue Culture
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
                   Gary Bennett   Migration of Glycoprotein from Golgi
                                  Apparatus to Cell Coat in the Columnar
                                  Cells of the Duodenal Epithelium . . . . 668

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 46, Number 1, July, 1970

             Yutaka Tashiro and   
                  Eiichi Otsuki   Studies on the Posterior Silk Gland of
                                  the Silkworm Bombix Mori . . . . . . . . 1
               John N. Loeb and   
              Daniel V. Kimberg   Sedimentation Properties of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
          Helen A. Padykula and   
          Geraldine F. Gauthier   The Ultrastructure of the Neuromuscular
                                  Junctions of Mammalian Red, White, and
                                  Intermediate Skeletal Muscle Fibers  . . 27
            Isaac Schenkein and   
                Jonathan W. Uhr   Immunoglobulin Synthesis and Secretion   42
              Daniel Zagury and   
            Jonathan W. Uhr and   
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Immunoglobulin Synthesis and Secretion   52
       Virginia M. Tennyson and   
                     Miro Brzin   The Appearance of Acetylcholinesterase
                                  in the Dorsal Root Neuroblast of the
                                  Rabbit Embryo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
           Robert S. Redman and   
                 Leo M. Sreebny   Proliferative Behavior of
                                  Differentiating Cells in the Developing
                                  Rat Parotid Gland  . . . . . . . . . . . 81
                  K. Watson and   
               J. M. Haslam and   
             Anthony W. Linnane   Biogenesis of Mitochondria . . . . . . . 88
              J. M. Hanifin and   
                    M. J. Cline   Human Monocytes and Macrophages  . . . . 97
                Peter M. M. Rae   The Nature and Processing of Ribosomal
                                  Ribonucleic Acid in a Dinoflagellate . . 106
         Richard W. Hendler and   
                    N. Nanninga   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 114
            A. Tixier-Vidal and   
                     D. Gourdji   Synthesis and Renewal of Proteins in
                                  Duck Anterior Hypophysis in Organ
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
           Hans-G. Heidrich and   
               Roland Stahn and   
                    Kurt Hannig   The Surface Charge of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondria and Their Membranes . . . . 137
                R. A. Tobey and   
                      K. D. Ley   Regulation of Initiation of DNA
                                  Synthesis in Chinese Hamster Cells . . . 151
                Eiichi Tani and   
                 Toshio Ametani   Substructure of Microtubules in Brain
                                  Nerve Cells As Revealed by Ruthenium Red 159
                   P. Klein and   
                     E. Robbins   An Ultrasensitive Assay for Soluble
                                  Sulfhydryl and Its Application to the
                                  Study of Glutathione Levels During the
                                  HeLa Life Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
        M. A. Venkatachalam and   
              M. H. Soltani and   
              H. Dariush Fahimi   Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Peroxidase Activity in the Epithelium of
                                  Large Intestine of Rat . . . . . . . . . 168
         John W. Greenawalt and   
                Carl Schnaitman   An Appraisal of the Use of Monoamine
                                  Oxidase As an Enzyme Marker for the
                                  Outer Membrane of Rat Liver Mitochondria 173
              James M. Hyde and   
                Dietrich Peters   The Influence of pH and Osmolality on
                                  Fixation of the Fowlpox Virus Core . . . 179
                   W. F. Harris   The Arrangement of the Axonemal
                                  Microtubules and Links of
                                  Echinosphaerium Nucleofilum  . . . . . . 183
              Joseph Tupper and   
           John W. Saunders and   
                Charles Edwards   The Onset of Electrical Communication
                                  Between Cells in the Developing Starfish
                                  Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187
              Erwin Huebner and   
               Everett Anderson   The Effects of Vinblastine Sulfate on
                                  the Microtubular Organization of the
                                  Ovary of Rhodnius Prolixus . . . . . . . 191

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 46, Number 2, August, 1970

             David S. Smith and   
           U. Järlfors and   
              R. Beránek   The Organization of Synaptic Axoplasm in
                                  the Lamprey (\bionamePetromyzon Marinus)
                                  Central Nervous System . . . . . . . . . 199
               F. Rudolf Turner   The Effects of Colchicine on
                                  Spermatogenesis in Nitella . . . . . . . 220
           Donald R. DiBona and   
              Mortimer M. Civan   The Effect of Smooth Muscle on the
                                  Intercellular Spaces in Toad Urinary
                                  Bladder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
      Bland S. Montenecourt and   
        Margaret E. Langsam and   
                Donald T. Dubin   Mitochondrial RNA from Cultured Animal
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
           Daniel S. Friend and   
                Gail E. Brassil   Osmium Staining of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  and Mitochondria in the Rat Adrenal
                                  Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252
          Thomas D. Pollard and   
                     Susumu Ito   Cytoplasmic Filaments of Amoeba Proteus  267
                 Z. W. Hall and   
               M. D. Bownds and   
                  E. A. Kravitz   The Metabolism of Gamma Aminobutyric
                                  Acid in the Lobster Nervous System . . . 290
         Isabelle R. Faeder and   
             Miriam M. Salpeter   Glutamate Uptake by a Stimulated Insect
                                  Nerve Muscle Preparation . . . . . . . . 300
             Frank J. Longo and   
               Everett Anderson   The Effects of Nicotine on Fertilization
                                  in the Sea Urchin, \bionameArbacia
                                  Punctulata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
              Samuel W. Cushman   Structure-Function Relationships in the
                                  Adipose Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326
              Samuel W. Cushman   Structure-Function Relationships in the
                                  Adipose Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342
          Samuel W. Cushman and   
               Martin A. Rizack   Structure-Function Relationships in the
                                  Adipose Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
                   Geert Ab and   
                 Ronald A. Malt   Metabolism of Ribosomal Precursor
                                  Ribonucleic Acid in Kidney . . . . . . . 362
                     T. Tidwell   The Methylation of Transfer Ribonucleic
                                  Acid During Regeneration of the Liver    370
           Werner W. Franke and   
           Barbara Deumling and   
              Baerbel Ermen and   
       Ernst-Dieter Jarasch and   
                   Hans Kleinig   Nuclear Membranes from Mammalian Liver   379
                   Hans Kleinig   Nuclear Membranes from Mammalian Liver   396
             Bunsuke Osogoe and   
                     Ayako Ueki   A Radioautographic Study of the
                                  Utilization of Deoxycytidine for the
                                  Formation of Deoxyribonucleic
                                  Acid-Thymine in Lymphocytes  . . . . . . 403
               P. L. Senger and   
                   R. G. Saacke   Unusual Mitochondria of the Bovine
                                  Oocyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 405
                 G. Bennett and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Formation of Cell Coat Material for the
                                  Whole Surface of Columnar Cells in the
                                  Rat Small Intestine, As Visualized by
                                  Radioautography with L-Fucose-$^3$H  . . 409
             R. E. Stephens and   
                   E. E. Levine   Some Enzymatic Properties of Axonemes
                                  from the Cilia of Pecten Irradians . . . 416
             Doreen E. Ashhurst   An Insect Desmosome  . . . . . . . . . . 421
               H. J. Arnott and   
              A. C. G. Best and   
                 J. A. C. Nicol   Occurrence of Melanosomes and of Crystal
                                  Sacs Within the Same Cell in the
                                  \bionameTapetum Lucidum of the Stingaree 426
         Costante Ceccarini and   
             Maria S. Campo and   
               Franca Andronico   Ribosomal Subunit Exchange in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium Purpureum  . . . . 428
           Robert D. Prusch and   
               Philip B. Dunham   Contraction of Isolated Contractile
                                  Vacuoles from Amoeba Proteus . . . . . . 431

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 46, Number 3, September, 1970

                Eugene L. Vigil   Cytochemical and Developmental Changes
                                  in Microbodies (Glyoxysomes) and Related
                                  Organelles of Castor Bean Endosperm  . . 435
                Kate M. Baldwin   The Fine Structure and Electrophysiology
                                  of Heart Muscle Cell Injury  . . . . . . 455
                   R. A. Boshes   Drosophila Polyribosomes . . . . . . . . 477
      John Walberg Anderson and   
               Milton B. Yatvin   Metabolic and Ultrastructural Changes in
                                  the Frog Ovarian Follicle in Response to
                                  Pituitary Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . 491
           Frank A. Rawlins and   
                 Betty G. Uzman   Retardation of Peripheral Nerve
                                  Myelination in Mice Treated with
                                  Inhibitors of Cholesterol Biosynthesis   505
            Betrand Bordier and   
           Leonard Ornstein and   
              Richard P. Wedeen   The Intrarenal Distribution of Tritiated
                                  Para-Aminohippuric Acid Determined by a
                                  Modified Technique of Section Freeze-Dry
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
         William R. Jeffery and   
          Kenneth D. Stuart and   
                 Joseph Frankel   The Relationship Between
                                  Deoxyribonucleic Acid Replication and
                                  Cell Division in Heat-Synchronized
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 533
                R. D. Yates and   
                  I-Li Chen and   
                  Donald Duncan   Effects of Sinus Nerve Stimulation on
                                  Carotid Body Glomus Cells  . . . . . . . 544
      Lyndell L. Millecchia and   
             Maria A. Rudzinska   Basal Body Replication and Ciliogenesis
                                  in a Suctorian, \bionameTokophrya
                                  Infusionum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
                Janette Goddard   Nucleating Sites for the Assembly of
                                  Cytoplasmic Microtubules in the
                                  Ectodermal Cells of Blastulae of
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 564
                   R. Stahn and   
                K.-P. Maier and   
                      K. Hannig   A New Method for the Preparation of Rat
                                  Liver Lysosomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
          A. C. Esterhuizen and   
                   S. L. Howell   Ultrastructure of the A-Cells of Cat
                                  Islets of Langerhans Following
                                  Sympathetic Stimulation of Glucagon
                                  Secretion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
                 Sarah P. Gibbs   Nuclear and Organelle RNA Synthesis in
                                  Ochromonas: the Effects of Light . . . . 599
                   Gerd G. Maul   Ultrastructure of Pore Complexes of
                                  Annulate Lamellae  . . . . . . . . . . . 604
             J. W. I. M. Simons   Characterization of Somatic Cells by
                                  Determination of Their Volumes with a
                                  Coulter Counter  . . . . . . . . . . . . 610
         William G. Walther and   
              Leland N. Edmunds   Periodic Increase in Deoxyribonuclease
                                  Activity During the Cell Cycle in
                                  Synchronized Euglena . . . . . . . . . . 613
                  Izhak Nir and   
             Arnold M. Seligman   Photooxidation of Diaminobenzidine (Dab)
                                  by Chloroplast Lamellae  . . . . . . . . 617
               Gary E. Wise and   
          Charles J. Flickinger   Cytochemical Staining of the Golgi
                                  Apparatus in Amoeba Proteus  . . . . . . 620
          Reuben Eisenstein and   
        Charalampos Arsenis and   
              Klaus E. Kuettner   Electron Microscopic Studies of
                                  Cartilage Matrix Using Lysozyme As a
                                  Vital Stain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 47, Number 1, October, 1970

         A. Martinez-Palomo and   
                  J. Alanis and   
                     D. Benitez   Transitional Cardiac Cells of the
                                  Conductive System of the Dog Heart . . . 1
             S. C. Lakhotia and   
                A. S. Mukherjee   Chromosomal Basis of Dosage Compensation
                                  in \bionameDrosophila  . . . . . . . . . 18
              Hans Glaumann and   
                 Gustav Dallner   Subfractionation of Smooth Microsomes
                                  from Rat Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
            J. P. Chalcroft and   
                   S. Bullivant   An Interpretation of Liver Cell Membrane
                                  and Junction Structure Based on
                                  Observation of Freeze-Fracture Replicas
                                  of Both Sides of the Fracture  . . . . . 49
          Armen H. Tashjian and   
          Frank C. Bancroft and   
                Lawrence Levine   Production of Both Prolactin and Growth
                                  Hormone by Clonal Strains of Rat
                                  Pituitary Tumor Cells  . . . . . . . . . 61
        J. M. Papadimitriou and   
                   P. Van Duijn   Effects of Fixation and Substrate
                                  Protection on the Isoenzymes of
                                  Aspartate Aminotransferase Studied in a
                                  Quantitative Cytochemical Model System   71
        J. M. Papadimitriou and   
                   P. Van Duijn   The Ultrastructural Localization of the
                                  Isozymes of Aspartate Aminotransferase
                                  in Murine Tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . 84
             Jean H. Priest and   
               Robert H. Shikes   Distribution of Labeled Chromatin  . . . 99
              S. Schiaffino and   
V\vera Hanzlíková and   
                Sandra Pierobon   Relations Between Structure and Function
                                  in Rat Skeletal Muscle Fibers  . . . . . 107
         Samuel B. Horowitz and   
             I. Robert Fenichel   Analysis of Sodium Transport in the
                                  Amphibian Oocyte by Extractive and
                                  Radioautographic Techniques  . . . . . . 120
          O. Wesley McBride and   
             Elbert A. Peterson   Separation of Nuclei Representing
                                  Different Phases of the Growth Cycle
                                  from Unsynchronized Mammalian Cell
                                  Cultures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
            Martin I. Sachs and   
               Everett Anderson   A Cytological Study of Artificial
                                  Parthenogenesis in the Sea Urchin
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 140
                 Fred D. Warner   New Observations on Flagellar Fine
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
             Robert V. Rice and   
              Joan A. Moses and   
              G. M. McManus and   
            Arlene C. Brady and   
             Lorraine M. Blasik   The Organization of Contractile
                                  Filaments in a Mammalian Smooth Muscle   183
             Peter B. Armstrong   A Fine Structural Study of Adhesive Cell
                                  Junctions in Heterotypic Cell Aggregates 197
                 J. Y. Haga and   
             M. G. Hamilton and   
                M. L. Petermann   Electron Microscopic Observations on the
                                  Large Subunit of the Rat Liver Ribosome  211
          Philip L. Ballard and   
              Gordon M. Tomkins   Glucocorticoid-Induced Alteration of the
                                  Surface Membrane of Cultured Hepatoma
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
           Brian S. Spooner and   
           Bernt T. Walther and   
              William J. Rutter   The Development of the Dorsal and
                                  Ventral Mammalian Pancreas in Vivo and
                                  in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
              H. Dariush Fahimi   The Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Endogenous and Exogenous Peroxidase
                                  Activity in Kupffer Cells of Rat Liver   247
     M. M. Magalhães and   
                Antonio Coimbra   Electron Microscope Radioautographic
                                  Study of Glycogen Synthesis in the
                                  Rabbit Retina  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
         Peter A. Nickerson and   
           Floyd R. Skelton and   
               Agostino Molteni   Observation of Filaments in the Adrenal
                                  of Androgen-Treated Rats . . . . . . . . 277
              Rudolf Vracko and   
                Earl P. Benditt   Capillary Basal Lamina Thickening  . . . 281
          Gerhard Schreiber and   
               Rainer Lesch and   
            Ursula Weinssen and   
           Josef Zähringer   The Distribution of Albumin Synthesis
                                  Throughout the Liver Lobule  . . . . . . 285
                 B. Hellman and   
            I.-B. Täljedal   Solubilizing Effect of Nucleotides on
                                  Isolated Insulin Secretory Granules  . . 289
       Dorothea Zucker-Franklin   The Submembranous Fibrils of Human Blood
                                  Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293
                   R. G. Kessel   The Permeability of Dragonfly Malpighian
                                  Tubule Cells to Protein Using
                                  Horseradish Peroxidase As a Tracer . . . 299
            C. Ward Kischer and   
                  Joe S. Keeter   Prostaglandin-B$_1$, Embryonic Skin, and
                                  the Dermo--Epidermal Junction  . . . . . 303
        Roslyn B. Weinstein and   
               Elizabeth D. Hay   Deoxyribonucleic Acid Synthesis and
                                  Mitosis in Differentiated Cardiac Muscle
                                  Cells of Chick Embryos . . . . . . . . . 310

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 47, Number 2, November, 1970

           Anders Hamberger and   
          Hans-Arne Hansson and   
           Johan Sjöstrand   Surface Structure of Isolated Neurons    319
            Satoru Murakami and   
                  Lester Packer   Protonation and Chloroplast Membrane
                                  Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
                Jacques Padawer   The Reaction of Rat Mast Cells to
                                  Polylysine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
                   W. J. Larsen   Genesis of Mitochondria in Insect Fat
                                  Body . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
        Joel B. Kirkpatrick and   
                 Lyon Hyams and   
         Virginia L. Thomas and   
                Peter M. Howley   Purification of Intact Microtubules from
                                  Brain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
               John A. Kloetzel   Compartmentalization of the Developing
                                  Macronucleus Following Conjugation in
                                  Stylonychia and Euplotes . . . . . . . . 395
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
              Robert R. Cardell   Factors Controlling the Reassembly of
                                  the Microvillous Border of the Small
                                  Intestine of the Salamander  . . . . . . 408
                Thomas L. Lentz   Development of the Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423
             Trudy M. Forte and   
                  John G. Forte   Histochemical Staining and
                                  Characterization of Glycoproteins in
                                  Acid-Secreting Cells of Frog Stomach . . 437
                  K. D. Ley and   
                    R. A. Tobey   Regulation of Initiation of DNA
                                  Synthesis in Chinese Hamster Cells . . . 453
         Kuruganti G. Murti and   
              David M. Prescott   Micronuclear Ribonucleic Acid in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 460
                   P. Satir and   
                   N. B. Gilula   The Cell Junction in a Lamellibranch
                                  Gill Ciliated Epithelium . . . . . . . . 468
       Clara Franzini-Armstrong   Studies of the Triad . . . . . . . . . . 488
        Charles T. Ladoulis and   
                 Thomas J. Gill   Physical Chemical Studies on the
                                  Specific Interaction of an
                                  Acriflavine-Phosphotungstic Acid Complex
                                  with Double-Stranded Nucleic Acids . . . 500
     Fredric J. Silverblatt and   
              Ruth Ellen Bulger   Gap Junctions Occur in Vertebrate Renal
                                  Proximal Tubule Cells  . . . . . . . . . 513
           Evelyn Anagnosti and   
                 Henry Tedeschi   The Mechanism of Low-Amplitude
                                  Orthophosphate-Induced Swelling in
                                  Isolated Rat Liver Mitochondria  . . . . 520
            Edgar F. Carell and   
      Pamela Leban Johnston and   
            Alan R. Christopher   Vitamin B$_{12}$ and the Macromolecular
                                  Composition of Euglena . . . . . . . . . 525
             Gertrude W. Hinsch   Possible Role of Intranuclear Membranes
                                  in Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Exchange in
                                  Spider Crab Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . 531
          Charles J. Kovacs and   
                 Jack Van't Hof   Synchronization of a Proliferative
                                  Population in a Cultured Plant Tissue    536
                 Arthur R. Hand   Nerve-Acinar Cell Relationships in the
                                  Rat Parotid Gland  . . . . . . . . . . . 540
               David Shepro and   
        Frank A. Belamarich and   
               Lois Robblee and   
                Francis C. Chao   Antimotility Effect of Cytochalasin B
                                  Observed in Mammalian Clot Retraction    544
                 Mary A. Grillo   Extracellular Synaptic Vesicles in the
                                  Mouse Heart  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 47, Number 3, December, 1970

              Hans Glaumann and   
             Jan L. E. Ericsson   Evidence for the Participation of the
                                  Golgi Apparatus in the Intracellular
                                  Transport of Nascent Albumin in the
                                  Liver Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
            John R. Kennedy and   
            Arthur M. Zimmerman   The Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure
                                  on the Microtubules of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 568
             J. J. Kennelly and   
                R. H. Foote and   
                    R. C. Jones   Duration of Premeiotic Deoxyribonucleic
                                  Acid Synthesis and the Stages of
                                  Prophase I in Rabbit Oocytes . . . . . . 577
          George D. Bittner and   
                 Donald Kennedy   Quantitative Aspects of Transmitter
                                  Release  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
         A. Gedeon Matoltsy and   
             Margit N. Matoltsy   The Chemical Nature of Keratohyalin
                                  Granules of the Epidermis  . . . . . . . 593
              Oscar Touster and   
              N. N. Aronson and   
            John T. Dulaney and   
             Herman Hendrickson   Isolation of Rat Liver Plasma Membranes  604
             Martin A. Gorovsky   Studies on Nuclear Structure and
                                  Function in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619
             Martin A. Gorovsky   Studies on Nuclear Structure and
                                  Function in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631
          Sosamma J. Berger and   
                Bertram Sacktor   Isolation and Biochemical
                                  Characterization of Brush Borders from
                                  Rabbit Kidney  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
             Frank J. Longo and   
               Everett Anderson   A Cytological Study of the Relation of
                                  the Cortical Reaction to Subsequent
                                  Events of Fertilization in
                                  Urethane-Treated Eggs of the Sea Urchin,
                                  \bionameArbacia Punctulata . . . . . . . 646
            Hans E. Rugstad and   
        Stephen H. Robinson and   
           Claudine Yannoni and   
              Armen H. Tashjian   Metabolism of Bilirubin by a Clonal
                                  Strain of Rat Hepatoma Cells . . . . . . 703
               Everett Anderson   A Cytological Study of the Centrifuged
                                  Whole, Half, and Quarter Eggs of the Sea
                                  Urchin \bionameArbacia Punctulata  . . . 711
             Thoru Pederson and   
                Elliott Robbins   RNA Synthesis in HeLa Cells  . . . . . . 734
                  Albert Claude   Growth and Differentiation of
                                  Cytoplasmic Membranes in the Course of
                                  Lipoprotein Granule Synthesis in the
                                  Hepatic Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
            N. Scott McNutt and   
            Ronald S. Weinstein   The Ultrastructure of the Nexus  . . . . 666
          Hartmut C. Renger and   
          David R. Wolstenholme   Kinetoplast Deoxyribonucleic Acid of the
                                  Hemoflagellate Trypanosoma Lewisi  . . . 689
         G. Lawrence Vankin and   
          E. Michael Brandt and   
                 William DeWitt   Ultrastructural Studies of Red Blood
                                  Cells from Thyroxin-Treated \bionameRana
                                  Catesbeiana Tadpoles . . . . . . . . . . 767
               Volker Speth and   
               Frank Wunderlich   The Macronuclear Envelope of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis Gl in
                                  Different Physiological States . . . . . 772
                Brian Coyne and   
              Joel L. Rosenbaum   Flagellar Elongation and Shortening in
                                  Chlamydomonas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
             Trudy M. Forte and   
                  John G. Forte   Definition of the Extracellular Space in
                                  Secreting and Nonsecreting Oxyntic Cells 782
           Eve Barak Briles and   
               Alexander Tomasz   Radioautographic Evidence for Equatorial
                                  Wall Growth in a Gram-Positive Bacterium 786
                Martin Hagopian   Contraction Bands at Short Sarcomere
                                  Length in Chick Muscle . . . . . . . . . 790
            Karl T. Kleeman and   
                J. L. Fryer and   
                  K. S. Pilcher   Observed Differences in CO$_2$
                                  Requirements Between Mammalian and
                                  Salmonid Fish Cell Lines . . . . . . . . 796

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 48, Number 1, January, 1971

        Edward W. Millhouse and   
          John J. Chiakulas and   
           Lawrence E. Scheving   Long-Term Organ Culture of the
                                  Salamander Heart . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Charles N. David and   
            Kenneth Easterbrook   Ferritin in the Fungus Phycomyces  . . . 15
              Nicholas J. Gross   Control of Mitochondrial Turnover Under
                                  the Influence of Thyroid Hormone . . . . 29
               Gerd G. Maul and   
                J. A. Brumbaugh   On the Possible Function of Coated
                                  Vesicles in Melanogenesis of the
                                  Regenerating Fowl Feather  . . . . . . . 41
                   R. J. Baskin   Ultrastructure and Calcium Transport in
                                  Crustacean Muscle Microsomes . . . . . . 49
                   M. Locke and   
                  J. T. McMahon   The Origin and Fate of Microbodies in
                                  the Fat Body of an Insect  . . . . . . . 61
           Peter R. Dallman and   
              Joseph R. Goodman   The Effects of Iron Deficiency on the
                                  Hepatocyte: a Biochemical and
                                  Ultrastructural Study  . . . . . . . . . 79
François M. M. Morel and   
           Richard F. Baker and   
                 Harold Wayland   Quantitation of Human Red Blood Cell
                                  Fixation by Glutaraldehyde . . . . . . . 91
               R. A. Leyton and   
              E. H. Sonnenblick   Cardiac Muscle of the Horseshoe Crab,
                                  Limulus Polyphemus . . . . . . . . . . . 101
          E. Egyházi and   
                B. Daneholt and   
         J.-E. Edström and   
                 B. Lambert and   
                    U. Ringborg   Intracellular Distribution of Low
                                  Molecular Weight RNA in Chironomus
                                  Tentans  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
                 Yutaka Shimada   Electron Microscope Observations on the
                                  Fusion of Chick Myoblasts in Vitro . . . 128
               Birgit Satir and   
            Ellen Roter Dirksen   Nucleolar Aging in \bionameTetrahymena
                                  During the Cultural Growth Cycle . . . . 143
             David T. Moran and   
            Kent M. Chapman and   
               Richard A. Ellis   The Fine Structure of Cockroach
                                  Campaniform Sensilla . . . . . . . . . . 155
                Jack Rosenbluth   Myosin-Like Aggregates in
                                  Trypsin-Treated Smooth Muscle Cells  . . 174
                 John H. Youson   Prismatic Cristae and Matrix Granules in
                                  Mitochondria of the Kidneys of
                                  Ammocoetes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
                    B. K. Ghosh   Grooves in the Plasmalemma of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae Seen in
                                  Glancing Sections of Double
                                  Aldehyde-Fixed Cells . . . . . . . . . . 192
              C. J. Bentzel and   
            D. R. Tourville and   
                   B. Parsa and   
                   T. B. Tomasi   Bidirectional Transport of Horseradish
                                  Peroxidase in Proximal Tubule of
                                  Necturus Kidney  . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
           Samar Chatterjee and   
               Lester Goldstein   Proteins in Nucleocytoplasmic
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202
              C. C. Clawson and   
                 Robert A. Good   Micropapillae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
          J. Robert Waaland and   
        Susan Drury Waaland and   
                 Daniel Branton   Gas Vacuoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
          Thomas D. Pollard and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Filaments of Amoeba Proteus  . . . . . . 216
                    N. Nanninga   The Mesosome of Bacillus Subtilis As
                                  Affected by Chemical and Physical
                                  Fixation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 48, Number 2, February, 1971

           Brian S. Spooner and   
               S. Robert Hilfer   The Expression of Differentiation by
                                  Chick Embryo Thyroid in Cell Culture . . 225
           Camillo A. Benzo and   
               Andrew M. Nemeth   Factors Controlling Development of Chick
                                  Embryo Liver Cells During Organ Culture  235
               S. H. Socher and   
                    D. Davidson   $5$-Aminouracil Treatment  . . . . . . . 248
              G. A. Mueller and   
        Mary Esther Gaulden and   
                   Wanzer Drane   The Effects of Varying Concentrations of
                                  Colchicine on the Progression of
                                  Grasshopper Neuroblasts into Metaphase   253
            William H. Massover   Intramitochondrial Yolk-Crystals of Frog
                                  Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
                   E. Gantt and   
              M. R. Edwards and   
                   L. Provasoli   Chloroplast Structure of the
                                  Cryptophyceae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
                D. R. Myron and   
                 J. L. Connelly   The Morphology of the Swelling Process
                                  in Rat Liver Mitochondria  . . . . . . . 291
          Steven J. Hausman and   
           Lucy M. Anderson and   
              William H. Telfer   The Dependence of Cecropia Yolk
                                  Formation in Vitro on Specific Blood
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
    Abraham L. Kierszenbaum and   
          Cesar M. Libanati and   
              Carlos J. Tandler   The Distribution of Inorganic Cations in
                                  Mouse Testis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
             Thomas Bibring and   
                 Jane Baxandall   Selective Extraction of Isolated Mitotic
                                  Apparatus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
              Ellen Kundrat and   
                  Frank A. Pepe   The M Band . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
             Henry deF. Webster   The Geometry of Peripheral Myelin
                                  Sheaths During Their Formation and
                                  Growth in Rat Sciatic Nerves . . . . . . 348
               J. H. Hardin and   
                   S. S. Spicer   Ultrastructural Localization of Dialyzed
                                  Iron-Reactive Mucosubstance in Rabbit
                                  Heterophils, Basophils, and Eosinophils  368
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
                   Clara Totten   Studies on Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
                   Clara Totten   Studies on Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
              Awtar Krishan and   
                       Dora Hsu   Binding of Colchicine-$^3$H to
                                  Vinblastine- and Vincristine-Induced
                                  Crystals in Mammalian Tissue Culture
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
         Michael K. Nemanic and   
             Dorothy R. Pitelka   A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of
                                  the Lactating Mammary Gland  . . . . . . 410
         A. Macieira-Coelho and   
      D. Brouty-Boyé and   
               M. T. Thomas and   
                     I. Gresser   Interferon and Cell Division . . . . . . 415
                 J. D. Hall and   
                    F. L. Crane   Intracristal Rods  . . . . . . . . . . . 420
           Fotis C. Kafatos and   
               Vassili Kiortsis   The Packaging of a Secretory Protein . . 426
        Ronald D. MacDonald and   
                Andrew G. Engel   Observations on Organization of Z-Disk
                                  Components and on Rod-Bodies of Z-Disk
                                  Origin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
              Lawrence L. Espey   Multivesicular Structures in
                                  Proliferating Fibroblasts of Rabbit
                                  Ovarian Follicles During Ovulation . . . 437

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 48, Number 3, March, 1971

              A. R. Stevens and   
                 D. M. Prescott   Reformation of Nucleolus-Like Bodies in
                                  the Absence of Postmitotic RNA Synthesis 443
            Thomas L. Lentz and   
                 J. P. Trinkaus   Differentiation of the Junctional
                                  Complex of Surface Cells in the
                                  Developing Fundulus Blastoderm . . . . . 455
               Russell L. Deter   Quantitative Characterization of Dense
                                  Body, Autophagic Vacuole, and Acid
                                  Phosphatase-Bearing Particle Populations
                                  During the Early Phases of
                                  Glucagon-Induced Autophagy in Rat Liver  473
                S. Jakovcic and   
                 G. S. Getz and   
              M. Rabinowitz and   
                   H. Jakob and   
                       H. Swift   Cardiolipin Content of Wild Type and
                                  Mutant Yeasts in Relation to
                                  Mitochondrial Function and Development   490
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Condensing Vacuole Conversion and
                                  Zymogen Granule Discharge in Pancreatic
                                  Exocrine Cells: Metabolic Studies  . . . 503
             Yasusada Miura and   
                   Fred H. Wilt   The Effects of $5$-Bromodeoxyuridine on
                                  Yolk Sac Erythropoiesis in the Chick
                                  Embryo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
                   Clara Totten   Studies on Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
           C. Freeman Allen and   
                 Pearl Good and   
      Hilton H. Mollenhauer and   
                   Clara Totten   Studies on Seeds . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
                Adolph I. Cohen   Electron Microscope Observations on Form
                                  Changes in Photoreceptor Outer Segments
                                  and Their Saccules in Response to
                                  Osmotic Stress . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547
               Ken Shortman and   
              Neil Williams and   
            Heather Jackson and   
             Pamela Russell and   
               Pauline Byrt and   
                      E. Diener   The Separation of Different Cell Classes
                                  from Lymphoid Organs . . . . . . . . . . 566
              R. Seegmiller and   
               F. C. Fraser and   
                     H. Sheldon   A New Chondrodystrophic Mutant in Mice   580
       Ursula W. Goodenough and   
            L. Andrew Staehelin   Structural Differentiation of Stacked
                                  and Unstacked Chloroplast Membranes  . . 594
                  Werner Straus   Comparative Analysis of the
                                  Concentration of Injected Horseradish
                                  Peroxidase in Cytoplasmic Granules of
                                  the Kidney Cortex, in the Blood, Urine,
                                  and Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620
               Joram Heller and   
          Thomas J. Ostwald and   
                       Dean Bok   The Osmotic Behavior of Rod
                                  Photoreceptor Outer Segment Discs  . . . 633
          Olivia C. McKenna and   
                Jack Rosenbluth   Characterization of an Unusual
                                  Catecholamine-Containing Cell Type in
                                  the Toad Hypothalamus  . . . . . . . . . 650
                  Ruben Laguens   Morphometric Study of Myocardial
                                  Mitochondria in the Rat  . . . . . . . . 673
                  John W. Combs   An Electron Microscope Study of Mouse
                                  Mast Cells Arising in Vivo and in Vitro  676
             Alain Perrelet and   
                 Lelio Orci and   
                  Fritz Baumann   Evidence for Granulolysis in the
                                  Retinula Cells of a Stomatopod
                                  Crustacean, Squilla Mantis . . . . . . . 684
             Robert L. Trelstad   Vacuoles in the Embryonic Chick Corneal
                                  Epithelium, an Epithelium Which Produces
                                  Collagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 689
             Jared Grantham and   
              F. E. Cuppage and   
               Darrell Fanestil   Direct Observation of Toad Bladder
                                  Response to Vasopressin  . . . . . . . . 695
            Takashi Iwayama and   
                  J. B. Furness   Enhancement of the Granulation of
                                  Adrenergic Storage Vesicles in Drug-Free
                                  Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699
            Jochen W. Heine and   
             Carl A. Schnaitman   A Method for the Isolation of Plasma
                                  Membrane of Animal Cells . . . . . . . . 703
                   David Bodian   Presynaptic Organelles and Junctional
                                  Integrity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707
           Robert L. Benson and   
            Bertram Sacktor and   
             John W. Greenawalt   Studies on the Ultrastructural
                                  Localization of Intestinal
                                  Disaccharidases  . . . . . . . . . . . . 711

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 49, Number 1, April, 1971

               Richard D. Allen   Fine Structure of Membranous and
                                  Microfibrillar Systems in the Cortex of
                                  Paramecium Caudatum  . . . . . . . . . . 1
         Gordon R. Campbell and   
               Yasuo Uehara and   
                 Gerda Mark and   
             Geoffrey Burnstock   Fine Structure of Smooth Muscle Cells
                                  Grown in Tissue Culture  . . . . . . . . 21
               Colvin M. Redman   Phospholipid Metabolism in Intact and
                                  Modified Erythrocyte Membranes . . . . . 35
             Paul H. Jewett and   
               J. R. Sommer and   
                  E. A. Johnson   Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
                Mina Perlin and   
                Jules V. Hallum   Effect of acid pH on macromolecular
                                  synthesis in L cells . . . . . . . . . . 66
            Paula M. Orkand and   
              Edward A. Kravitz   Localization of the sites of $ \gamma
                                  $-aminobutyric acid (GABA) uptake in
                                  lobster nerve--muscle preparations . . . 75
                 E. M. Eddy and   
                     Susumu Ito   Fine Structural and Radioautographic
                                  Observations on Dense Perinuclear
                                  Cytoplasmic Material in Tadpole Oocytes  90
               J. Meldolesi and   
             J. D. Jamieson and   
                   G. E. Palade   Composition of Cellular Membranes in the
                                  Pancreas of the Guinea Pig . . . . . . . 109
               J. Meldolesi and   
             J. D. Jamieson and   
                   G. E. Palade   Composition of Cellular Membranes in the
                                  Pancreas of the Guinea Pig . . . . . . . 130
               J. Meldolesi and   
             J. D. Jamieson and   
                   G. E. Palade   Composition of Cellular Membranes in the
                                  Pancreas of the Guinea Pig . . . . . . . 150
                   Y. Asada and   
               M. V. L. Bennett   Experimental Alteration of Coupling
                                  Resistance at an Electrotonic Synapse    159
           George D. Pappas and   
                   Y. Asada and   
               M. V. L. Bennett   Morphological Correlates of Increased
                                  Coupling Resistance at an Electrotonic
                                  Synapse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
                   K. D. Stuart   Evidence for the Retention of
                                  Kinetoplast DNA in an
                                  Acriflavine-Induced Dyskinetoplastic
                                  Strain of Trypanosoma Brucei Which
                                  Replicates the Altered Central Element
                                  of the Kinetoplast . . . . . . . . . . . 189
       Clara Franzini-Armstrong   Studies of the Triad . . . . . . . . . . 196
           Robert C. Shaler and   
              Richard L. McCarl   The Mechanism of Cortisol Action in
                                  Cultured Rat Heart Cells . . . . . . . . 205
              G. M. Vassart and   
               J. E. Dumont and   
             F. R. L. Cantraine   Interpretation of Surface Aspects of
                                  Cell Sections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
          Hilton H. Mollenhauer   Fragmentation of Mature
                                  \bionameDictyosome Cisternae . . . . . . 212
           Ronald J. Przybylski   Occurrence of Centrioles During Skeletal
                                  and Cardiac Myogenesis . . . . . . . . . 214
          Charles J. Flickinger   Decreased Formation of Golgi Bodies in
                                  Amebae in the Presence of RNA and
                                  Protein Synthesis Inhibitors . . . . . . 221
          Virginia G. Fonte and   
           Robert L. Searls and   
               S. Robert Hilfer   The Relationship of Cilia with Cell
                                  Division and Differentiation . . . . . . 226
              J. D. Chapman and   
                 R. G. Webb and   
                       J. Borsa   ATP Pool Levels in Synchronously Growing
                                  Chinese Hamster Cells  . . . . . . . . . 229

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 49, Number 2, May, 1971

                 K. J. Ryan and   
                  H. Kalant and   
            E. Llewellyn Thomas   Free-Flow Electrophoretic Separation and
                                  Electrical Surface Properties of
                                  Subcellular Particles from Guinea Pig
                                  Brain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
             Walter S. Krawczyk   A Pattern of Epidermal Cell Migration
                                  During Wound Healing . . . . . . . . . . 247
                  A. Leskes and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Differentiation of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  in Hepatocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
                  A. Leskes and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Differentiation of Endoplasmic Reticulum
                                  in Hepatocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
               Richard W. Young   The Renewal of Rod and Cone Outer
                                  Segments in the Rhesus Monkey  . . . . . 303
    Eveline E. Schneeberger and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   The Influence of Intravascular Fluid
                                  Volume on the Permeability of Newborn
                                  and Adult Mouse Lungs to Ultrastructural
                                  Protein Tracers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
                    A. M. Kelly   Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and T Tubules in
                                  Differentiating Rat Skeletal Muscle  . . 335
           Hilary K. Darrah and   
          John Hedley-Whyte and   
          E. Tessa Hedley-Whyte   Radioautography of Cholesterol in Lung   345
               Pat G. Model and   
        Murray B. Bornstein and   
           Stanley M. Crain and   
               George D. Pappas   An Electron Microscopic Study of the
                                  Development of Synapses in Cultured
                                  Fetal Mouse Cerebrum Continuously
                                  Exposed to Xylocaine . . . . . . . . . . 362
         George M. Maniatis and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Erythropoiesis During Amphibian
                                  Metamorphosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 372
         George M. Maniatis and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Erythropoiesis During Amphibian
                                  Metamorphosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
         George M. Maniatis and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Erythropoiesis During Amphibian
                                  Metamorphosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
                 Arthur R. Ugel   Studies on Isolated Aggregating
                                  Oligoribonucleoproteins of the Epidermis
                                  with Histochemical and Morphological
                                  Characteristics of Keratohyalin  . . . . 405
          Madhu M. Bhargava and   
            Harlyn O. Halvorson   Isolation of Nuclei from Yeast . . . . . 423
           E. A. Comissiong and   
              D. W. Stanley and   
                   H. O. Hultin   Inhibition of Emptying of Skeletal
                                  Muscle Cell Segments by Adenine
                                  Nucleotides and Polyvalent Cations . . . 430
          Heschel J. Raskas and   
                  Case K. Okubo   Transport of Viral RNA in Kb Cells
                                  Infected with Adenovirus Type 2  . . . . 438
             K. E. Kuettner and   
              R. Eisenstein and   
                L. W. Soble and   
                     C. Arsenis   Lysozyme in Epiphyseal Cartilage . . . . 450
                 C. Arsenis and   
              R. Eisenstein and   
                L. W. Soble and   
                 K. E. Kuettner   Enzyme Activities in Chick Embryonic
                                  Cartilage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
                Story C. Landis   The Distribution of Spindle Microtubules
                                  During Mitosis in Cultured Human Cells   468
                   V. L. Rudick   Relationships Between Nucleic Acid
                                  Synthetic Patterns and Encystment in
                                  Aging Unagitated Cultures of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii . . . . 498
            Fathy E. Mattar and   
                Thomas J. Byers   Morphological Changes and the
                                  Requirements for Macromolecule Synthesis
                                  During Excystment of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii . . . . 507
                Takashi Iwayama   Nexuses Between Areas of the Surface
                                  Membrane of the Same Arterial Smooth
                                  Muscle Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
          Robert J. Pariser and   
           Dennis D. Cunningham   Transport Inhibitors Released by 3T3
                                  Mouse Cells and Their Relation to Growth
                                  Control  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
          F. Malaisse-Lagae and   
              M. H. Greider and   
             W. J. Malaisse and   
                     P. E. Lacy   The Stimulus-Secretion Coupling of
                                  Glucose-Induced Insulin Release  . . . . 530
         William E. Cassady and   
               Robert P. Wagner   Separation of Mitochondrial Membranes of
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 536
                    R. Lenk and   
                      S. Penman   Morphological Studies of Cells Grown in
                                  the Absence of Mitochondrial-Specific
                                  Protein Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . 541
           Henry B. Horwitz and   
                Charles E. Holt   Specific Inhibition by Ethidium Bromide
                                  of Mitochondrial DNA Synthesis in
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 546
        Woutera van Iterson and   
                    J. B. Groen   DNA-Membrane Complexes of Bacillus
                                  Subtilis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
           John Oberpriller and   
            Jean C. Oberpriller   Mitosis in Adult Newt Ventricle  . . . . 560
                    N. Nanninga   Uniqueness and Location of the Fracture
                                  Plane in the Plasma Membrane of Bacillus
                                  Subtilis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 564

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 49, Number 3, June, 1971

                    Q. Bone and   
                   E. J. Denton   The Osmotic Effects of Electron
                                  Microscope Fixatives . . . . . . . . . . 571
            Sandra K. Masur and   
              Eric Holtzman and   
         Irving L. Schwartz and   
                Roderich Walter   Correlation Between Pinocytosis and
                                  Hydroosmosis Induced by Neurohypophyseal
                                  Hormones and Mediated by Adenosine
                                  3',5'-Cyclic Monophosphate . . . . . . . 582
           Brian S. Spooner and   
          Kenneth M. Yamada and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Microfilaments and Cell Locomotion . . . 595
          Kenneth M. Yamada and   
           Brian S. Spooner and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Ultrastructure and Function of Growth
                                  Cones and Axons of Cultured Nerve Cells  614
          Carrick E. Devine and   
               Andrew P. Somlyo   Thick Filaments in Vascular Smooth
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
         H. Clarke Anderson and   
             Stanley W. Sajdera   The Fine Structure of Bovine Nasal
                                  Cartilage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650
                   Dean Bok and   
                Michael O. Hall   The Role of the Pigment Epithelium in
                                  the Etiology of Inherited Retinal
                                  Dystrophy in the Rat . . . . . . . . . . 664
                Se Yong Lee and   
         Velibor Krsmanovic and   
               George Brawerman   Attachment of Ribosomes to Membranes
                                  During Polysome Formation in Mouse
                                  Sarcoma 180 Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 683
               Brigid Hogan and   
                  Paul R. Gross   The Effect of Protein Synthesis
                                  Inhibition on the Entry of Messenger RNA
                                  into the Cytoplasm of Sea Urchin Embryos 692
          Sharon V. Radford and   
                Donald W. Misch   The Cytological Effect of Ecdysterone on
                                  the Midgut Cells of the Flesh-Fly
                                  Sarcophaga Bullata . . . . . . . . . . . 702
           Yoshinori Nozawa and   
                Guy A. Thompson   Studies of Membrane Formation in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 712
           Yoshinori Nozawa and   
                Guy A. Thompson   Studies of Membrane Formation in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 722
                W. Bernhard and   
                    Annie Viron   Improved Techniques for the Preparation
                                  of Ultrathin Frozen Sections . . . . . . 731
              Barbara Szubinska   ''New Membrane'' Formation in Amoeba
                                  Proteus Upon Injury of Individual Cells  747
               Yvonne Kress and   
             Murray Wittner and   
            Robert M. Rosenbaum   Sites of Cytoplasmic
                                  Ribonucleoprotein-Filament Assembly in
                                  Relation to Helical Body Formation in
                                  Axenic Trophozoites of Entamoeba
                                  Histolytica  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
      Stephanie G. Phillips and   
              David M. Phillips   Nucleoli of Diploid Cell Strains . . . . 785
          David M. Phillips and   
          Stephanie G. Phillips   Distinctive Characteristics of Nucleoli
                                  of Two Established Cell Lines  . . . . . 803
         Jean-Claude Wanson and   
                Louis Tielemans   Morphological and Biochemical
                                  Characteristics of Glycogen Particles
                                  Isolated from Rabbit Polymorphonuclear
                                  Leukocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816
                 J. S. Noel and   
                W. C. Dewey and   
                 J. H. Abel and   
                 R. P. Thompson   Ultrastructure of the Nucleolus During
                                  the Chinese Hamster Cell Cycle . . . . . 830
           Stephen E. Malawista   The Melanocyte Model . . . . . . . . . . 848
                  A. Haddad and   
          Meredith D. Smith and   
         Annette Herscovics and   
               N. J. Nadler and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Radioautographic Study of in Vivo and in
                                  Vitro Incorporation of Fucose-$^3$H into
                                  Thyroglobulin by Rat Thyroid Follicular
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
                A. Nakamura and   
                  F. Sreter and   
                     J. Gergely   Comparative Studies of Light Meromyosin
                                  Paracrystals Derived from Red, White,
                                  and Cardiac Muscle Myosins . . . . . . . 883
             R. D. Cheetham and   
      D. James Morré and   
               Carol Pannek and   
               Daniel S. Friend   Isolation of a Golgi Apparatus-Rich
                                  Fraction from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 899
           Ronald C. Rustad and   
              Shuhei Yuyama and   
                Lynne C. Rustad   Nuclear-Cytoplasmic Relations in the
                                  Mitosis of Sea Urchin Eggs . . . . . . . 906
               R. Meneghini and   
              H. A. Armelin and   
                 J. Balsamo and   
                  F. J. S. Lara   Indication of Gene Amplification in
                                  Rhynchosciara by RNA-DNA Hybridization   913
             Morton H. Friedman   Arm-Bearing Microtubules Associated with
                                  an Unusual Desmosome-Like Junction . . . 916
           E. Brad Thompson and   
              Gordon M. Tomkins   A Histochemical Method for the
                                  Demonstration of Tyrosine
                                  Aminotransferase in Tissue Culture
                                  Cells, and Studies of This Enzyme in
                                  Hepatoma Tissue Culture Cells  . . . . . 921
              Awtar Krishan and   
                       Dora Hsu   Vinblastine-Induced Ribosomal Complexes  927
                      Mary Bell   A Comparative Study of Sebaceous Gland
                                  Ultrastructure in Subhuman Primates  . . 932
                  D. M. Woolley   Striations in the Peripheral Fibers of
                                  Rat and Mouse Spermatozoa  . . . . . . . 936
         Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa and   
                Nobunori Tanaka   Fine Structures of Interphase Nuclei . . 939
             Thoru Pederson and   
                Elliott Robbins   A Method for Improving Synchrony in the
                                  G$_2$ Phase of the Cell Cycle  . . . . . 942
            John R. Hodgson and   
               Harold W. Fisher   Formation of Polyribosomes During
                                  Recovery from Contact Inhibition of
                                  Replication  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 945
          Jean-Marie Gillis and   
                   Maurice Wibo   Accurate Measurement of the Thickness of
                                  Ultrathin Sections by Interference
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 947
                I. W. Craig and   
                       A. Gibor   Chloroplast Development in Charophyceae  950

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 50, Number 1, July, 1971

                LeRoy Kuehl and   
                Earl N. Sumsion   Studies on the Site of Synthesis of
                                  Several Soluble Enzymes of the Cell
                                  Nucleus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
               George E. Palade   Albert Claude and the Beginnings of
                                  Biological Electron Microscopy . . . . . ??
     Richard G. W. Anderson and   
              Robert M. Brenner   The Formation of Basal Bodies
                                  (Centrioles) in the Rhesus Monkey
                                  Oviduct  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
              Christian de Duve   Tissue Fraction-Past and Present . . . . ??
           Ursula W. Goodenough   The Effects of Inhibitors of RNA and
                                  Protein Synthesis on Chloroplast
                                  Structure and Function in Wild-Type
                                  Chlamydomonas Reinhardi  . . . . . . . . 35
       Ursula W. Goodenough and   
                   R. P. Levine   The effects of inhibitors of RNA and
                                  protein synthesis on the recovery of
                                  chloroplast ribosomes, membrane
                                  organization, and photosynthetic
                                  electron transport in the \bionameac-20
                                  strain of \bionameChlamydomonas
                                  reinhardi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
            Gary G. Leppard and   
             J. Ross Colvin and   
                 Dyson Rose and   
                   S. M. Martin   Lignofibrils on the External Cell Wall
                                  Surface of Cultured Plant Cells  . . . . 63
       Daniel A. Goodenough and   
                Jean-Paul Revel   The Permeability of Isolated and in Situ
                                  Mouse Hepatic Gap Junctions Studied with
                                  Enzymatic Tracers  . . . . . . . . . . . 81
             A. J. Hudspeth and   
                    J. P. Revel   Coexistence of Gap and Septate Junctions
                                  in an Invertebrate Epithelium  . . . . . 92
            Joan A. Higgins and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Acyltransferases . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
                Yasuko Nakajima   Fine Structure of the Medial Nucleus of
                                  the Trapezoid Body of the Bat with
                                  Special Reference to Two Types of
                                  Synaptic Endings . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Synthesis, Intracellular Transport, and
                                  Discharge of Secretory Proteins in
                                  Stimulated Pancreatic Exocrine Cells . . 135
               Russell Ross and   
           Seymour J. Klebanoff   The Smooth Muscle Cell . . . . . . . . . 159
                   Russell Ross   The Smooth Muscle Cell . . . . . . . . . 172
          Abraham Amsterdam and   
            Michael Schramm and   
                Itzhak Ohad and   
              Yoram Salomon and   
                   Zvi Selinger   Concomitant Synthesis of Membrane
                                  Protein and Exportable Protein of the
                                  Secretory Granule in Rat Parotid Gland   187
        Winston A. Anderson and   
                Andrew Spielman   Permeability of the Ovarian Follicle of
                                  Aedes Aegypti Mosquitoes . . . . . . . . 201
      D. Montgomery Bissell and   
             Jeremiah G. Tilles   Morphology and Function of Cells of
                                  Human Embryonic Liver in Monolayer
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
                   Jeanne Pager   Étude Morphométrique du Syst\`eme
                                  Tubulaire Transverse du Myocarde
                                  Ventriculaire de Rat. (French)
                                  [Morphometric Study of the Transverse
                                  Tubular System of Rat Ventricular
                                  Myocardium]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
            Gary G. Leppard and   
                 J. Ross Colvin   Fine Structure of the Middle Lamella of
                                  Aggregates of Plant Cells in Suspension
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
           M. S. Shahrabadi and   
                    T. Yamamoto   A Method for Staining Intracellular
                                  Antigens in Thin Sections with
                                  Ferritin-Labeled Antibody  . . . . . . . 246
           George R. Hunter and   
             Gerald P. Brierley   On the ``Energized-Twisted''
                                  Configuration of Isolated Beef Heart
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
             John A. Hermos and   
              Minnie Mathan and   
                 Jerry S. Trier   DNA Synthesis and Proliferation by
                                  Villous Epithelial Cells in Fetal Rats   255
              Garth L. Nicolson   Structure of the Photosynthetic
                                  Apparatus in Protein-Embedded
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
                   H. L. Atwood   Z and T Tubules in Stomach Muscles of
                                  the Spiny Lobster  . . . . . . . . . . . 264
               I. Friedberg and   
                I. Goldberg and   
                        I. Ohad   A Prolamellar Body-Like Structure in
                                  Chlamydomonas Reinhardi  . . . . . . . . 268

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 50, Number 2, August, 1971

         A. Martinez-Palomo and   
                   D. Erlij and   
                      H. Bracho   Localization of Permeability Barriers in
                                  the Frog Skin Epithelium . . . . . . . . 277
                G. Niemeyer and   
                W. G. Forssmann   Comparison of Glycerol Treatment in Frog
                                  Skeletal Muscle and Mammalian Heart  . . 288
                    Lee V. Leak   Studies on the Permeability of Lymphatic
                                  Capillaries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300
             M. M. Salpeter and   
                 E. E. Salpeter   Resolution in Electron Microscope
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 324
                  H. Reggio and   
          H. Cailla-Deckmyn and   
              G. Marchis-Mouren   Effect of Pancreozymin on Rat Pancreatic
                                  Enzyme Biosynthesis  . . . . . . . . . . 333
             Peter B. Moens and   
                  Ellen Rapport   Spindles, Spindle Plaques, and Meiosis
                                  in the Yeast \bionameSaccharomyces
                                  Cerevisiae (Hansen)  . . . . . . . . . . 344
              G. Benjamin Bouck   The Structure, Origin, Isolation, and
                                  Composition of the Tubular Mastigonemes
                                  of the Ochromonas Flagellum  . . . . . . 362
        Genevieve S. Incefy and   
                Attallah Kappas   Isolation and Biochemical
                                  Characterization of Nuclei from Chick
                                  Embryo Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
               Walter Rubin and   
         Michael D. Gershon and   
                Leonard L. Ross   Electron Microscope Radioautographic
                                  Identification of Serotonin-Synthesizing
                                  Cells in the Mouse Gastric Mucosa  . . . 399
             B. R. Brinkley and   
              Joiner Cartwright   Ultrastructural Analysis of Mitotic
                                  Spindle Elongation in Mammalian Cells in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 416
          J. P. Kraehenbuhl and   
            P. B. De Grandi and   
                 M. A. Campiche   Ultrastructural Localization of
                                  Intracellular Antigen Using
                                  Enzyme-Labeled Antibody Fragments  . . . 432
            P. B. De Grandi and   
          J. P. Kraehenbuhl and   
                 M. A. Campiche   Ultrastructural localization of
                                  calcitonin in the parafollicular cells
                                  of pig thyroid gland with cytochrome
                                  $c$-labeled antibody fragments . . . . . 446
              Judith Medoff and   
                   Jerome Gross   In Vitro Aggregation of Mixed Embryonic
                                  Kidney and Nerve Cells . . . . . . . . . 457
             Norton B. Berg and   
               Richard W. Young   Sulfate Metabolism in Pancreatic Acinar
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
                  Y. Uehara and   
             G. R. Campbell and   
                   G. Burnstock   Cytoplasmic Filaments in Developing and
                                  Adult Vertebrate Smooth Muscle . . . . . 484
         Barbara A. Nichols and   
       Dorothy Ford Bainton and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Differentiation of Monocytes . . . . . . 498
             Rudolf A. Raff and   
          Gerald Greenhouse and   
           Kenneth W. Gross and   
                  Paul R. Gross   Synthesis and Storage of Microtubule
                                  Proteins by Sea Urchin Embryos . . . . . 516
           E. L. Carstensen and   
        William G. Aldridge and   
                S. Z. Child and   
                P. Sullivan and   
                    H. H. Brown   Stability of Cells Fixed with
                                  Glutaraldehyde and Acrolein  . . . . . . 529
           Harmut C. Renger and   
          David R. Wolstenholme   Kinetoplast and other satellite DNAs of
                                  kinetoplastic and dyskinetoplastic
                                  strains of \bionameTrypanosoma . . . . . 533
                   M. Locke and   
                N. Krishnan and   
                  J. T. McMahon   A Routine Method for Obtaining High
                                  Contrast Without Staining Sections . . . 540
            Elizabeth Gillespie   Colchicine Binding in Tissue Slices  . . 544
                   M. Locke and   
                    N. Krishnan   Hot Alcoholic Phosphotungstic Acid and
                                  Uranyl Acetate As Routine Stains for
                                  Thick and Thin Sections  . . . . . . . . 550
          Avinash N. Bhisey and   
                Jerome J. Freed   Cross-Bridges on the Microtubules of
                                  Cooled Interphase HeLa Cells . . . . . . 557
            C. A. Pasternak and   
          A. M. H. Warmsley and   
                   D. B. Thomas   Structural Alterations in the Surface
                                  Membrane During the Cell Cycle . . . . . 562

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 50, Number 3, September, 1971

                 Lelio Orci and   
           Andre E. Lambert and   
          Yasunori Kanazawa and   
             Mylene Amherdt and   
           Charles Rouiller and   
               Albert E. Renold   Morphological and Biochemical Studies of
                                  B Cells of Fetal Rat Endocrine Pancreas
                                  in Organ Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . 565
         Ramah W. La Pushin and   
              Etienne de Harven   A Study of Gluco-Corticosteroid-Induced
                                  Pyknosis in the Thymus and Lymph Node of
                                  the Adrenalectomized Rat . . . . . . . . 583
        Richard D. Palmiter and   
                  Joan T. Wrenn   Interaction of Estrogen and Progesterone
                                  in Chick Oviduct Development . . . . . . 598
         Nicolae Simionescu and   
               George E. Palade   Dextrans and Glycogens As Particulate
                                  Tracers for Studying Capillary
                                  Permeability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 616
      Francis J. Chlapowski and   
                   R. Neal Band   Assembly of Lipids into Membranes in
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Palestinensis . . . 625
      Francis J. Chlapowski and   
                   R. Neal Band   Assembly of Lipids into Membranes in
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Palestinensis . . . 634
           Harold Weintraub and   
      Graham Le M. Campbell and   
                 Howard Holtzer   Primitive Erythropoiesis in Early Chick
                                  Embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
          G. Le M. Campbell and   
               H. Weintraub and   
               B. H. Mayall and   
                     H. Holtzer   Primitive Erythropoiesis in Early Chick
                                  Embryogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
              Lloyd A. Culp and   
          William J. Grimes and   
                  Paul H. Black   Contact-Inhibited Revertant Cell Lines
                                  Isolated from Sv40-Transformed Cells . . 682
            N. Scott McNutt and   
              Lloyd A. Culp and   
                  Paul H. Black   Contact-Inhibited Revertant Cell Lines
                                  Isolated from Sv40-Transformed Cells . . 691
             John Rannestad and   
             Norman E. Williams   The Synthesis of Microtubule and Other
                                  Proteins of the Oral Apparatus in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 709
                Neil Howell and   
           Carol A. Zuiches and   
             Kenneth D. Munkres   Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Neurospora
                                  Crassa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721
            David J. McLaughlin   Centrosomes and Microtubules During
                                  Meiosis in the Mushroom Boletus
                                  Rubinellus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
         Stanley G. Sawicki and   
              Gabriel C. Godman   On the Differential Cytotoxicity of
                                  Actinomycin D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
            Chandler Fulton and   
                 R. E. Kane and   
                 R. E. Stephens   Serological Similarity of Flagellar and
                                  Mitotic Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . 762
           Jay R. Greenberg and   
                Robert P. Perry   Hybridization Properties of DNA
                                  Sequences Directing the Synthesis of
                                  Messenger RNA and Heterogeneous Nuclear
                                  RNA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 774
                 C. N. Nair and   
                      E. Knight   Turnover of HeLa Ribosomal RNA . . . . . 787
             Judson D. Sheridan   Electrical Coupling Between Fat Cells in
                                  Newt Fat Body and Mouse Brown Fat  . . . 795
               Roger Wagner and   
           Murray Rosenberg and   
               Richard Estensen   Endocytosis in Chang Liver Cells . . . . 804
          Ronald H. Stevens and   
                    Harold Amos   RNA Metabolism in HeLa Cells at Reduced
                                  Temperature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818
              C. J. Tandler and   
             A. L. Kierszenbaum   Inorganic Cations in Rat Kidney  . . . . 830
         Robert L. Trelstad and   
            Alfred J. Coulombre   Morphogenesis of the Collagenous Stroma
                                  in the Chick Cornea  . . . . . . . . . . 840
        Phyllis M. Novikoff and   
           Alex B. Novikoff and   
            Nelson Quintana and   
              Jean-Jacques Hauw   Golgi Apparatus, Gerl, and Lysosomes of
                                  Neurons in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglia,
                                  Studied by Thick Section and Thin
                                  Section Cytochemistry  . . . . . . . . . 859
                 P. M. Rose and   
               A. F. Hopper and   
              R. W. Wannemacher   Cell Population Changes in the
                                  Intestinal Mucosa of Protein-Depleted Or
                                  Starved Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887
         Pieter J. Helmsing and   
               Hans D. Berendes   Induced Accumulation of Nonhistone
                                  Proteins in Polytene Nuclei of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Hydei . . . . . . . . 893
        Mercedes R. Edwards and   
                Elisabeth Gantt   Phycobilisomes of the Thermophilic
                                  Blue-Green Alga Synechococcus Lividus    896
                Jack Rosenbluth   Myosin-Like Tactoids in Trypsin-Treated
                                  Blood Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
          Garth L. Nicolson and   
               Robert Hyman and   
                   S. J. Singer   The Two-Dimensional Topographic
                                  Distribution of H-2 Histocompatibility
                                  Alloantigens on Mouse Red Blood Cell
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 51, Number 1, October, 1971

  E. Joan Blanchette-Mackie and   
                 Robert O. Scow   Sites of Lipoprotein Lipase Activity in
                                  Adipose Tissue Perfused with
                                  Chylomicrons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
           Alfred Weinstock and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Elaboration of the Matrix Glycoprotein
                                  of Enamel by the Secretory Ameloblasts
                                  of the Rat Incisor As Revealed by
                                  Radioautography After Galactose-$^3$H
                                  Injection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
               Maurice Wibo and   
        Alain Amar-Costesec and   
            Jacques Berthet and   
                  Henri Beaufay   Electron Microscope Examination of
                                  Subcellular Fractions  . . . . . . . . . 52
            Ernest W. April and   
           Philip W. Brandt and   
              Gerald F. Elliott   The Myofilament Lattice: Studies on
                                  Isolated Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
              William K. Ovalle   Fine Structure of Rat Intrafusal Muscle
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
            Tatsuro Ikeuchi and   
           Mitsuyoshi Sanbe and   
           Herbert Weinfeld and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Induction of Nuclear Envelopes Around
                                  Metaphase Chromosomes After Fusion with
                                  Interphase Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
            Robert D. Leibowitz   The Effect of Ethidium Bromide on
                                  Mitochondrial DNA Synthesis and
                                  Mitochondrial DNA Structure in HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
     Charles R. Hackenbrock and   
              Terry G. Rehn and   
         Eugene C. Weinbach and   
              John J. Lemasters   Oxidative Phosphorylation and
                                  Ultrastructural Transformation in
                                  Mitochondria in the Intact Ascites Tumor
                                  Cell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
                Howard Feit and   
             Gary R. Dutton and   
         Samuel H. Barondes and   
           Michael L. Shelanski   Microtubule Protein  . . . . . . . . . . 138
              Toshio Nagano and   
                   Iwao Ohtsuki   Reinvestigation of the Fine Structure of
                                  Reinke's Crystal in the Human Testicular
                                  Interstitial Cell  . . . . . . . . . . . 148
              Judy M. Strum and   
              Janice Wicken and   
           John R. Stanbury and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Appearance and Function of Endogenous
                                  Peroxidase in Fetal Rat Thyroid  . . . . 162
            H. L. Fernandez and   
               P. R. Burton and   
                   F. E. Samson   Axoplasmic Transport in the Crayfish
                                  Nerve Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176
          Andrew G. Ulsamer and   
            Paddy L. Wright and   
             Mary G. Wetzel and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Plasma and Phagosome Membranes of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii . . . . 193
        Ferenc Hajós and   
   Sándor Kerpel-Fronius   Electron Microscope Histochemical
                                  Evidence for a Partial Or Total Block of
                                  the Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle in the
                                  Mitochondria of Presynaptic Axon
                                  Terminals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
          Camillo Peracchia and   
             J. David Robertson   Increase in Osmiophilia of Axonal
                                  Membranes of Crayfish As a Result of
                                  Electrical Stimulation, Asphyxia, Or
                                  Treatment with Reducing Agents . . . . . 223
            Alfred Zweidler and   
               Leonard H. Cohen   Large-Scale Isolation and Fractionation
                                  of Organs of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Melanogaster Larvae  . . . . . . . . . . 240
              David D. Wood and   
               David J. L. Luck   A Paracrystalline Inclusion in
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 249
          Garth L. Nicolson and   
             V. T. Marchesi and   
                   S. J. Singer   The Localization of Spectrin on the
                                  Inner Surface of Human Red Blood Cell
                                  Membranes by Ferritin-Conjugated
                                  Antibodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
           W. P. Cunningham and   
          H. H. Mollenhauer and   
                  S. E. Nyquist   Isolation of Germ Cell Golgi Apparatus
                                  from Seminiferous Tubules of Rat Testes  273
            Ellen Roter Dirksen   Centriole Morphogenesis in Developing
                                  Ciliated Epithelium of the Mouse Oviduct 286
              Liane Beif-Lehrer   Actinomycin-D Enhancement of Glutamine
                                  Synthetase Activity in Chick Embryo
                                  Retinas Cultured in the Presence of
                                  Cortisol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
           Dagmar Iványi   Number and Size of Nucleoli in
                                  Binucleate Liver Cells . . . . . . . . . 313
           Jane A. Westfall and   
                S. Yamataka and   
                   Paul D. Enos   Ultrastructural Evidence of Polarized
                                  Synapses in the Nerve Net of Hydra . . . 318
           Peter A. Simpson and   
                Allan D. Dingle   Variable Periodicity in the Rhizoplast
                                  of Naegleria Flagellates . . . . . . . . 323
                  Stephen Gobel   Axo-Axonic Septate Junctions in the
                                  Basket Formations of the Cat Cerebellar
                                  Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
               Jean A. Sage and   
               Ralph A. Jersild   Comparative Distribution of
                                  Carbohydrates and Lipid Droplets in the
                                  Golgi Apparatus of Intestinal Absorptive
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
                      Ned Feder   Microperoxidase  . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
             G. C. Saunders and   
                      M. Wilder   Repetitive Maturation Cycles in a
                                  Cultured Mouse Myeloma . . . . . . . . . 344
          Matthew M. Lavail and   
              Liane Reif-Lehrer   Glutamine Synthetase in the Normal and
                                  Dystrophic Mouse Retina  . . . . . . . . 348

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 51, Number 2, November, 1971

                U. Ringborg and   
                   L. Rydlander   Nucleolar-Derived Ribonucleic Acid in
                                  Chromosomes, Nuclear Sap, and Cytoplasm
                                  of Chironomus Tentans Salivary Gland
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
                 A. R. Luff and   
                   H. L. Atwood   Changes in the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum
                                  and Transverse Tubular System of Fast
                                  and Slow Skeletal Muscles of the Mouse
                                  During Postnatal Development . . . . . . 369
        Robert A. Briggaman and   
       Frederic G. Dalldorf and   
             Clayton E. Wheeler   Formation and Origin of Basal Lamina and
                                  Anchoring Fibrils in Adult Human Skin    384
           Jacopo Meldolesi and   
                     Dario Cova   In Vitro Stimulation of Enzyme Secretion
                                  and the Synthesis of Microsomal
                                  Membranes in the Pancreas of the Guinea
                                  Pig  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396
               Gerd G. Maul and   
            Joseph W. Price and   
           Michael W. Lieberman   Formation and Distribution of Nuclear
                                  Pore Complexes in Interphase . . . . . . 405
         John B. Richardson and   
              Aur\`ele Beaulnes   The Cellular Site of Action of
                                  Angiotensin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
          Linda W. Reynolds and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Erythroid Cell Differentiation and the
                                  Inhibition of Cytokinesis by
                                  Cytochalasin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
          Helen K. Hagopian and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Developmental Changes of Erythropoiesis
                                  in Cultured Chick Blastoderms  . . . . . 440
                E. M. Evans and   
        J. M. Wrigglesworth and   
                 K. Burdett and   
                 W. F. R. Pover   Studies on Epithelial Cells Isolated
                                  from Guinea Pig Small Intestine  . . . . 452
    Pál Röhlich and   
               Per Anderson and   
          Börje Uvnäs   Electron Microscope Observations on
                                  Compound 48/$ 80$-Induced Degranulation
                                  in Rat Mast Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 465
        Nicholas K. Gonatas and   
    Lucila Autilio-Gambetti and   
         Pierluigi Gambetti and   
                  Brenda Shafer   Morphological and Biochemical Changes in
                                  Rat Synaptosome Fractions During
                                  Neonatal Development . . . . . . . . . . 484
           Robert H. Holdsworth   The Isolation and Partial
                                  Characterization of the Pyrenoid Protein
                                  of Eremosphaera Viridis  . . . . . . . . 499
              Gerald Soslau and   
              Margit M. K. Nass   Effects of Ethidium Bromide on the
                                  Cytochrome Content and Ultrastructure of
                                  L Cell Mitochondria  . . . . . . . . . . 514
               Stephen Roth and   
          Edward J. McGuire and   
                   Saul Roseman   An Assay for Intercellular Adhesive
                                  Specificity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
               Stephen Roth and   
          Edward J. McGuire and   
                   Saul Roseman   Evidence for Cell-Surface
                                  Glycosyltransferases . . . . . . . . . . 536
               Peter R. Dallman   Malnutrition: Incorporation of
                                  Thymidine-$^3$H into Nuclear and
                                  Mitochondrial DNA  . . . . . . . . . . . 549
              James B. Wade and   
             Vincent A. Discala   The Effect of Osmotic Flow on the
                                  Distribution of Horseradish Peroxidase
                                  Within the Intercellular Spaces of Toad
                                  Bladder Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . 553
                   Gerd G. Maul   On the Octagonality of the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
                   J. Zalta and   
                J.-P. Zalta and   
                      R. Simard   Isolation of Nucleoli  . . . . . . . . . 563
                 B. D. Mulvaney   Chemography of Lysosome-Like Structures
                                  in Olfactory Epithelium  . . . . . . . . 568
                  Judy M. Strum   Unusual Peroxidase-Positive Granules in
                                  the Developing Rat Submaxillary Gland    575
                John F. Aronson   Demonstration of a Colcemid-Sensitive
                                  Attractive Force Acting Between the
                                  Nucleus and a Center . . . . . . . . . . 579

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 51, Number 3, December, 1971

           David H. K. Chui and   
             Meir Djaldetti and   
              Paul A. Marks and   
             Richard A. Rifkind   Erythropoietin Effects on Fetal Mouse
                                  Erythroid Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 585
                K. Nakagami and   
              H. Warshawsky and   
                  C. P. Leblond   The Elaboration of Protein and
                                  Carbohydrate by Rat Parathyroid Cells As
                                  Revealed by Electron Microscope
                                  Radioautography  . . . . . . . . . . . . 596
                Stephen M. Shea   Lanthanum Staining of the Surface Coat
                                  of Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611
              Nobuhisa Baba and   
                 Hari M. Sharma   Histochemistry of Lactic Dehydrogenase
                                  in Heart and Pectoralis Muscles of Rat   621
                 S. Granick and   
                  Donna Granick   Nucleolar Necklaces in Chick Embryo
                                  Myoblasts Formed by Lack of Arginine . . 636
                  Roy S. Wu and   
             Jonathan R. Warner   Cytoplasmic Synthesis of Nuclear
                                  Proteins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
             J. R. Gautschi and   
               R. Schindler and   
                  C. Hürni   Studies on the Division Cycle of
                                  Mammalian Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
             Richard W. Hendler   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 664
                     R. W. Rowe   Ultrastructure of the Z Line of Skeletal
                                  Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
                       H. Rubin   pH and population density in the
                                  regulation of animal cell multiplication 686
       Virginia M. Tennyson and   
                 Miro Brzin and   
                 Paul Slotwiner   The Appearance of Acetylcholinesterase
                                  in the Myotome of the Embryonic Rabbit   703
           Andrew P. Somlyo and   
          Carrick E. Devine and   
            Avril V. Somlyo and   
               Stanley R. North   Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and the
                                  Temperature-Dependent Contraction of
                                  Smooth Muscle in Calcium-Free Solutions  722
         Liselotte Mezger-Freed   Puromycin Resistance in Haploid and
                                  Heteroploid Frog Cells: Gene Or Membrane
                                  Determined?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
              Robert D. Goldman   The Role of Three Cytoplasmic Fibers in
                                  Bhk-21 Cell Motility . . . . . . . . . . 752
               Richard H. Colby   Intrinsic Birefringence of Glycerinated
                                  Myofibrils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763
            A. Kent Christensen   Frozen Thin Sections of Fresh Tissue for
                                  Electron Microscopy, with a Description
                                  of Pancreas and Liver  . . . . . . . . . 772
            N. Scott McNutt and   
        Robert A. Hershberg and   
            Ronald S. Weinstein   Further Observations on the Occurrence
                                  of Nexuses in Benign and Malignant Human
                                  Cervical Epithelium  . . . . . . . . . . 805
            Chandler Fulton and   
                Allan D. Dingle   Basal Bodies, But Not Centrioles, in
                                  Naegleria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 826
                Lewis G. Tilney   How Microtubule Patterns Are Generated   837
          Christopher S. Potten   Early and Late Incorporation of
                                  Tritiated Thymidine into Skin Cells and
                                  the Presence of a Long-Lived
                                  G$_0$-Specific Precursor Pool  . . . . . 855
      Christopher S. Potten and   
                 Jean C. Schaer   Labeling of Murine Mastocytoma Cells in
                                  Vitro with Plasma Tritiated
                                  Thymidine-Labeled Animals  . . . . . . . 862
           Norton B. Gilula and   
                    Peter Satir   Septate and Gap Junctions in Molluscan
                                  Gill Epithelium  . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
              Garry T. Cole and   
               Henry C. Aldrich   Demonstration of Myelin Figures in
                                  Unfixed, Freeze-Etched Fungus Spores . . 873
                 G. Bennett and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Passage of Fucose-$^3$H Label from the
                                  Golgi Apparatus into Dense and
                                  Multivesicular Bodies in the Duodenal
                                  Columnar Cells and Hepatocytes of the
                                  Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875
           Werner W. Franke and   
     Jürgen Kartenbeck and   
        Hanswalter Zentgraf and   
              Ulrich Scheer and   
                     Heinz Falk   Membrane-To-Membrane Cross-Bridges . . . 881
              Carolyn M. Conway   Evidence for RNA in the Heavy Bodies of
                                  Sea Urchin Eggs  . . . . . . . . . . . . 889
          Francis J. Chlapowski   Regularly Arranged Particles on the
                                  Inner Lamella of the Plasma Membrane of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Palestinensis . . . 893
          Edward F. Haskins and   
           A. Arlan Hinchee and   
              Richard A. Cloney   The Occurrence of Synaptonemal Complexes
                                  in the Slime Mold Echinostelium Minutum
                                  De Bary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
        George Gordon Brown and   
            Walter J. Humphreys   Sperm-Egg Interactions of Limulus
                                  Polyphemus with Scanning Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 52, Number 1, January, 1972

             Allen W. Clark and   
         William P. Hurlbut and   
                Alexander Mauro   Changes in the Fine Structure of the
                                  Neuromuscular Junction of the Frog
                                  Caused by Black Widow Spider Venom . . . 1
         Harold I. Friedman and   
              Robert R. Cardell   Effects of Puromycin on the Structure of
                                  Rat Intestinal Epithelial Cells During
                                  Fat Absorption . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
              S. Schiaffino and   
V\vera Hanzlíková   Autophagic Degradation of Glycogen in
                                  Skeletal Muscles of the Newborn Rat  . . 41
         Michael C. O'Neill and   
             Frank E. Stockdale   A Kinetic Analysis of Myogenesis in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
              W. Gerald Robison   Microtubular Patterns in Spermatozoa of
                                  Coccid Insects in Relation to Bending    66
              J. Kenneth Hoober   A Major Polypeptide of Chloroplast
                                  Membranes of Chlamydomonas Reinhardi . . 84
            Tatsuro Ikeuchi and   
           Herbert Weinfeld and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Chromosome Pulverization in Micronuclei
                                  Induced by Tritiated Thymidine . . . . . 97
             Peter H. Cooke and   
                 Fredric S. Fay   Correlation Between Fiber Length,
                                  Ultrastructure, and the Length-Tension
                                  Relationship of Mammalian Smooth Muscle  105
           James R. Stewart and   
              Robert A. Weisman   Exocytosis of Latex Beads During the
                                  Encystment of \bionameAcanthamoeba . . . 117
          Peter G. W. Plagemann   Nucleotide Pools in Novikoff Rat
                                  Hepatoma Cells Growing in Suspension
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
               M. F. Kramer and   
                       C. Poort   Unstimulated Secretion of Protein from
                                  Rat Exocrine Pancreas Cells  . . . . . . 147
       Jean-Jacques Widmann and   
            Ramzi S. Cotran and   
              H. Dariush Fahimi   Mononuclear Phagocytes (Kupffer Cells)
                                  and Endothelial Cells  . . . . . . . . . 159
           Arrigo Benedetto and   
               Wiktor Djaczenko   37Rc Cells Rapidly Recover Their RNA
                                  Synthesis After Inhibition with High
                                  Doses of Actinomycin D . . . . . . . . . 171
                 P. G. Whitmore   Isolation of Microfibrils from Rat
                                  Vibrissal Follicles  . . . . . . . . . . 174
                       Ben Lung   Ultrastructure and Chromatin
                                  Disaggregation of Human Sperm Head with
                                  Thioglycolate Treatment  . . . . . . . . 179
           Wiktor Djaczenko and   
                Antonio Cassone   Visualization of New Ultrastructural
                                  Components in the Cell Wall of Candida
                                  Albicans with Fixatives Containing Tapo  186
              J. P. Tranzer and   
                M. da Prada and   
                   A. Pletscher   Storage of $5$-Hydroxytryptamine in
                                  Megakaryocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
        Tsuranobu Shirahama and   
                  Alan S. Cohen   The Role of Mucopolysaccharides in
                                  Vesicle Architecture and Endothelial
                                  Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
                Nelly Auerspebg   Microfilaments in Epithelial
                                  Morphogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
            Sandra K. Masur and   
              Eric Holtzman and   
                Roderich Walter   Hormone-Stimulated Exocytosis in the
                                  Toad Urinary Bladder . . . . . . . . . . 211
                   Walter Rubin   An Unusual Intimate Relationship Between
                                  Endocrine Cells and Other Types of
                                  Epithelial Cells in the Human Stomach    219

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 52, Number 2, February, 1972

           Colvin M. Redman and   
              M. George Cherian   The Secretory Pathways of Rat Serum
                                  Glycoproteins and Albumin  . . . . . . . 231
              Robert D. Goldman   The Effects of Cytochalasin B on the
                                  Microfilaments of Baby Hamster Kidney
                                  (Bhk-21) Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
              Frank A. Pepe and   
                Barbara Drucker   The Myosin Filament  . . . . . . . . . . 255
             Olga Greengard and   
         Micheline Federman and   
                 W. Eugene Knox   Cytomorphometry of Developing Rat Liver
                                  and Its Application to Enzymic
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
              Zane B. Carothers   Studies of Spermatogenesis in the
                                  Hepaticae  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
          Joseph B. Warshaw and   
            Miriam D. Rosenthal   Changes in Glucose Oxidation During
                                  Growth of Embryonic Heart Cells in
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
                G. S. Stein and   
                    T. W. Borun   The Synthesis of Acidic Chromosomal
                                  Proteins During the Cell Cycle of HeLa
                                  S-3 Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
                T. W. Borun and   
                    G. S. Stein   The Synthesis of Acidic Chromosomal
                                  Proteins During the Cell Cycle of HeLa
                                  S-3 Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
             Elroy Cantrell and   
                Edward Bresnick   Benzpyrene Hydroxylase Activity in
                                  Isolated Parenchymal and Nonparenchymal
                                  Cells of Rat Liver . . . . . . . . . . . 316
             Jack C. Vaughn and   
             Lillian A. Thomson   A Kinetic Study of DNA and Basic Protein
                                  Metabolism During Spermatogenesis in the
                                  Sand Crab, Emerita Analoga . . . . . . . 322
                T. Morimoto and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                 D. D. Sabatini   Ribosome Crystallization in Chicken
                                  Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
                T. Morimoto and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                 D. D. Sabatini   Ribosome Crystallization in Chicken
                                  Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
             Wayne A. Busch and   
              M. H. Stromer and   
             Darrel E. Goll and   
                      A. Suzuki   Ca$^{2+}$-specific removal of Z lines
                                  from rabbit skeletal muscle  . . . . . . 367
              William K. Ovalle   Fine Structure of Rat Intrafusal Muscle
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
             Arthur R. Hand and   
                  Stephen Gobel   The Structural Organization of the
                                  Septate and Gap Junctions of Hydra . . . 397
        Philip J. Pawlowski and   
             Maurice H. Vaughan   Comparison of the Relative Synthesis of
                                  the Proteins of the 50 S Ribosomal
                                  Subunit in Growing and Valine-Deprived
                                  HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
               L. R. Ganion and   
                   R. G. Kessel   Intracellular Synthesis, Transport, and
                                  Packaging of Proteinaceous Yolk in
                                  Oocytes of Orconectes Immunis  . . . . . 420
                   N. Kraft and   
                   Ken Shortman   Differentiation of Antibody-Forming
                                  Cells in Toad Spleen . . . . . . . . . . 438
             Arthur R. Ugel and   
                  William Idler   Further Characterization of Bovine
                                  Keratohyalin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
            Bertram Sacktor and   
                 Yoshio Shimada   Degenerative Changes in the Mitochondria
                                  of Flight Muscle from Aging Blowflies    465
      Miklós Müller   Secretion of Acid Hydrolases and Its
                                  Intracellular Source in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 478
              Albert I. Farbman   Differentiation of Taste Buds in Organ
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
             John D. Taylor and   
                  Mac E. Hadley   The Fate of Amphibian Egg Melanosomes    493

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 52, Number 3, March, 1972

              Nagasumi Yago and   
             Masatoshi Seki and   
         Shigetaka Sekiyama and   
          Shigeru Kobayashi and   
            Hiromi Kurokawa and   
                  Yuko Iwai and   
               Fumiaki Sato and   
               Akihiro Shiragai   Growth and Differentiation of
                                  Mitochondria in the Regenerating Rat
                                  Adrenal Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
         Peter J. Stambrook and   
                Jesse E. Sisken   Induced Changes in the Rates of
                                  Uridine-$^3$H Uptake and Incorporation
                                  During the G$_1$ and S Periods of
                                  Synchronized Chinese Hamster Cells . . . 514
                P. Gambetti and   
     L. A. Autilio-Gambetti and   
              N. K. Gonatas and   
                      B. Shafer   Protein Synthesis in Synaptosomal
                                  Fractions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526
               J. V. Simson and   
                   S. S. Spicer   Ferritin Particles in Macrophages and in
                                  Associated Mast Cells  . . . . . . . . . 536
         Christopher C. Widnell   Cytochemical Localization of
                                  5'-Nucleotidase in Subcellular Fractions
                                  Isolated from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 542
              H. L. Leffert and   
                        D. Paul   Studies on Primary Cultures of
                                  Differentiated Fetal Liver Cells . . . . 559
      Lesley Watson Coggins and   
                 Joseph G. Gall   The Timing of Meiosis and DNA Synthesis
                                  During Early Oogenesis in the Toad,
                                  \bionameXenopus Laevis . . . . . . . . . 569
              Minnie Mathan and   
             John A. Hermos and   
                 Jerry S. Trier   Structural Features of the
                                  Epithelio-Mesenchymal Interface of Rat
                                  Duodenal Mucosa During Development . . . 577
         Frank E. Stockdale and   
             Michael C. O'neill   Repair DNA Synthesis in Differentiated
                                  Embryonic Muscle Cells . . . . . . . . . 589
      Heidi Smith-Johannsen and   
                 Sarah P. Gibbs   Effects of Chloramphenicol on
                                  Chloroplast and Mitochondrial
                                  Ultrastructure in Ochromonas Danica  . . 598
              F. A. Rawlins and   
             G. M. Villegas and   
         E. T. Hedley-Whyte and   
                    B. G. Uzman   Fine Structural Localization of
                                  Cholesterol-1,2-$^3$H in Degenerating
                                  and Regenerating Mouse Sciatic Nerve . . 615
                Arieh Gilai and   
                      I. Parnas   Electromechanical Coupling in Tubular
                                  Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
         David B. Dusenbery and   
                Robert B. Uretz   The Orientation of DNA Within $
                                  80$-Angstrom Chromatin Fibers  . . . . . 639
           Vivianne T. Nachmias   Electron Microscope Observations on
                                  Myosin from \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648
        Merton R. Bernfield and   
               Shib D. Banerjee   Acid Mucopolysaccharide
                                  (Glycosaminoglycan) at the
                                  Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interface of
                                  Mouse Embryo Salivary Glands . . . . . . 664
        Merton R. Bernfield and   
           Shib D. Banerjee and   
                 Ronald H. Cohn   Dependence of Salivary Epithelial
                                  Morphology and Branching Morphogenesis
                                  Upon Acid Mucopolysaccharide-Protein
                                  (Proteoglycan) at the Epithelial Surface 674
          Carrick E. Devine and   
            Avril V. Somlyo and   
               Andrew P. Somlyo   Sarcoplasmic Reticulum and
                                  Excitation-Contraction Coupling in
                                  Mammalian Smooth Muscles . . . . . . . . 690
                Thomas L. Lentz   Distribution of Leucine-$^3$H During
                                  Axoplasmic Transport Within Regenerating
                                  Neurons As Determined by
                                  Electron-Microscope Radioautography  . . 719
                 Owen Black and   
                Edward Bresnick   Ontogenetic Changes of Proteins of
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . 733
              M. K. Raizada and   
            C. R. Krishna Murti   Transformation of Trophic Hartmannella
                                  Culbertsoni into Viable Cysts by Cyclic
                                  3',5'-Adenosine Monophosphate  . . . . . 743
                   Samuel Dales   Concerning the Universality of a
                                  Microtubule Antigen in Animal Cells  . . 748
             Joseph McGuire and   
           Gisela Moellmann and   
                   Frank McKeon   Cytochalasin B and Pigment Granule
                                  Translocation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 754

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 53, Number 1, April, 1972

                 R. Scharff and   
              R. W. Hendler and   
                N. Nanninga and   
                  A. H. Burgess   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 1
            Donald L. Price and   
                Keith R. Porter   The Response of Ventral Horn Neurons to
                                  Axonal Transection . . . . . . . . . . . 24
       Susannah T. Rohrlich and   
                Keith R. Porter   Fine Structural Observations Relating to
                                  the Production of Color by the
                                  Iridophores of a Lizard, Anolis
                                  Carolinensis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
            Ernest W. April and   
           Philip W. Brandt and   
              Gerald F. Elliott   The Myofilament Lattice: Studies on
                                  Isolated Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
              W. E. Cassady and   
               E. H. Leiter and   
               A. Bergquist and   
                   R. P. Wagner   Separation of Mitochondrial Membranes of
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 66
        L. Andrew Staehelin and   
      Francis J. Chlapowski and   
             Mary A. Bonneville   Lumenal Plasma Membrane of the Urinary
                                  Bladder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
      Francis J. Chlapowski and   
         Mary A. Bonneville and   
            L. Andrew Staehelin   Lumenal Plasma Membrane of the Urinary
                                  Bladder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
             Donald J. Cummings   Isolation and Partial Characterization
                                  of Macro- and Micronuclei from
                                  Paramecium Aurelia . . . . . . . . . . . 105
            Helmut Plattner and   
          Walter M. Fischer and   
          Werner W. Schmitt and   
                  Luis Bachmann   Freeze Etching of Cells Without
                                  Cryoprotectants  . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
               Mary E. King and   
          Gabriel C. Godman and   
                 Donald W. King   Respiratory Enzymes and Mitochondrial
                                  Morphology of HeLa and L Cells Treated
                                  with Chloramphenicol and Ethidium
                                  Bromide  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
           Brian E. Gilbert and   
               Terry C. Johnson   Protein Turnover During Maturation of
                                  Mouse Brain Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . 143
           Daniel S. Friend and   
               Norton B. Gilula   A Distinctive Cell Contact in the Rat
                                  Adrenal Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
              Mathew P. Daniels   Colchicine Inhibition of Nerve Fiber
                                  Formation in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . 164
             George L. Eliceiri   The Ribosomal RNA of Hamster-Mouse
                                  Hybrid Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
          Matthew M. LaVail and   
          Richard L. Sidman and   
                 Deborah O'Neil   Photoreceptor-Pigment Epithelial Cell
                                  Relationships in Rats with Inherited
                                  Retinal Degeneration . . . . . . . . . . 185
               S. G. Waxman and   
               G. D. Pappas and   
               M. V. L. Bennett   Morphological Correlates of Functional
                                  Differentiation of Nodes of Ranvier
                                  Along Single Fibers in the Neurogenic
                                  Electric Organ of the Knife Fish
                                  Sternarchus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
               A. F. Hopper and   
                 P. M. Rose and   
              R. W. Wannemacher   Cell Population Changes in the
                                  Intestinal Mucosa of Protein-Depleted Or
                                  Starved Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
                C. A. Pasternak   Relief from Contact Inhibition . . . . . 231
          Camillo Peracchia and   
               Brant S. Mittler   Fixation by Means of
                                  Glutaraldehyde-Hydrogen Peroxide
                                  Reaction Products  . . . . . . . . . . . 234
         A. L. Kierszenbaum and   
              Laura L. Tres and   
                  C. J. Tandler   The Distribution of Inorganic Cations
                                  During Spermiogenesis in the Mouse . . . 239
               Richard F. Baker   Fusion of Human Red Blood Cell Membranes 244
                       C. Meban   Localization of Phosphatidic Acid
                                  Phosphatase Activity in Granular
                                  Pneumonocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
            Martin Hagopian and   
                Eladio A. Nunez   Sarcolemmal Scalloping at Short
                                  Sarcomere Lengths with Incidental
                                  Observations on the T Tubules  . . . . . 252
          Robert E. Hinkley and   
            Frederick E. Samson   Anesthetic-Induced Transformation of
                                  Axonal Microtubules  . . . . . . . . . . 258
               F. Rudolf Turner   Modified Microtubules in the Testis of
                                  the Water Strider, Gerris Remigis (Say)  263

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 53, Number 2, May, 1972

         Constantino Sotelo and   
          Rodolfo Llinás   Specialized Membrane Junctions Between
                                  Neurons in the Vertebrate Cerebellar
                                  Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
            J. David Castle and   
          James D. Jamieson and   
               George E. Palade   Radioautographic Analysis of the
                                  Secretory Process in the Parotid Acinar
                                  Cell of the Rabbit . . . . . . . . . . . 290
             Phyllis R. Strauss   Acriflavin Resistance in the
                                  Hemoflagellate, Leishmania Tarentolae    312
             H. J. Mersmann and   
                 J. Goodman and   
                 J. M. Houk and   
                    S. Anderson   Studies on the Biochemistry of
                                  Mitochondria and Cell Morphology in the
                                  Neonatal Swine Hepatocyte  . . . . . . . 335
            Bruce H. Lipton and   
            Irwin R. Konigsberg   A Fine-Structural Analysis of the Fusion
                                  of Myogenic Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . 348
         Nicolae Simionescu and   
            Maia Simionescu and   
               George E. Palade   Permeability of Intestinal Capillaries   365
      David R. Wolstenholme and   
        Robert G. Kirschner and   
              Nicholas J. Gross   Heat Denaturation Studies of Rat Liver
                                  Mitochondrial DNA  . . . . . . . . . . . 393
                 B. Lambert and   
              L. Wieslander and   
                B. Daneholt and   
          E. Egyházi and   
                    U. Ringborg   In Situ Demonstration of DNA Hybridizing
                                  with Chromosomal and Nuclear Sap RNA in
                                  Chironomus Tentans . . . . . . . . . . . 407
            Thomas E. Schroeder   The Contractile Ring . . . . . . . . . . 419
       Irving Goldschneider and   
                  A. A. Moscona   Tissue-Specific Cell-Surface Antigens in
                                  Embryonic Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . 435
         Charles R. Hackenbrock   Energy-Linked Ultrastructural
                                  Transformations in Isolated Liver
                                  Mitochondria and Mitoplasts  . . . . . . 450
        Steven A. Rosenberg and   
             Albert B. Einstein   Sialic Acids on the Plasma Membrane of
                                  Cultured Human Lymphoid Cells  . . . . . 466
        Bruce P. Brandhorst and   
                  Tom Humphreys   Stabilities of Nuclear and Messenger RNA
                                  Molecules in Sea Urchin Embryos  . . . . 474
              Laura L. Tres and   
         A. L. Kierszenbaum and   
                  C. J. Tandler   Inorganic Cations in the Cell Nucleus    483
           Norton B. Gilula and   
                    Peter Satir   The Ciliary Necklace . . . . . . . . . . 494
             Lynette Feeney and   
               Steven L. Wissig   A Biochemical and Radioautographic
                                  Analysis of Protein Secretion by Thyroid
                                  Lobes Incubated in Vitro . . . . . . . . 510
          E. Egyházi and   
                 B. D'Monte and   
             J.-E. Edström   Effects of $ \alpha $-amanitin on in
                                  vitro labeling of RNA from defined
                                  nuclear components in salivary gland
                                  cells from \bionameChironomus tentans    523
        Phyllis M. Novikoff and   
               Alex B. Novikoff   Peroxisomes in Absorptive Cells of
                                  Mammalian Small Intestine  . . . . . . . 532
              David M. Phillips   Comparative Analysis of Mammalian Sperm
                                  Motility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
           G. T. O'Loughlin and   
                 T. C. Chambers   Extracellular Microtubules in the Aphid
                                  Gut  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
                P. F. Baker and   
                 Anne E. Warner   Intracellular Calcium and Cell Cleavage
                                  in Early Embryos of \bionameXenopus
                                  Laevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579
               S. S. Spicer and   
               B. J. Martin and   
                   J. V. Simson   The Junctional Complex Associated Body
                                  of Human Eccrine Sweat Gland . . . . . . 582
            Joshua R. Sanes and   
               Lawrence M. Okun   Induction of DNA Synthesis in Cultured
                                  Neurons by Ultraviolet Light Or Methyl
                                  Methane Sulfonate  . . . . . . . . . . . 587
              Thomas W. O'Brien   Occurrence of Active 80 S Ribosomes in
                                  Subcellular Particles in the
                                  Mitochondrial Fraction of Fetal Bovine
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 590
           Jerry E. Manning and   
      David R. Wolstenholme and   
             Oliver C. Richards   Circular DNA Molecules Associated with
                                  Chloroplasts of Spinach, Spinacia
                                  Oleracea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
          Thomas S. Lecount and   
                 Robert D. Grey   Transient Shortening of Microvilli
                                  Induced by Cycloheximide in the Duodenal
                                  Epithelium of the Chicken  . . . . . . . 601
            James N. Dumont and   
                  R. A. Wallace   The Effects of Vinblastine on Isolated
                                  \bionameXenopus Oocytes  . . . . . . . . 605

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 53, Number 3, June, 1972

      Stephanie Gordon Phillips   Repopulation of the Postmitotic
                                  Nucleolus by Preformed RNA . . . . . . . 611
             William R. Jeffery   Evidence for a Temporal Incompatibility
                                  Between DNA Replication and Division
                                  During the Cell Cycle of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 624
             Beatriz G. T. Pogo   Early Events in Lymphocyte
                                  Transformation by Phytohemagglutinin . . 635
                  C. R. Hopkins   The Biosynthesis, Intracellular
                                  Transport, and Packaging of
                                  Melanocyte-Stimulating Peptides in the
                                  Amphibian Pars Intermedia  . . . . . . . 642
              Fritz A. Henn and   
          Hans-Arne Hansson and   
               Anders Hamberger   Preparation of Plasma Membrane from
                                  Isolated Neurons . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
                  V. Herzog and   
                      F. Miller   The Localization of Endogenous
                                  Peroxidase in the Lacrimal Gland of the
                                  Rat During Postnatal Development . . . . 662
               Blair Bowers and   
            Thomas E. Olszewski   Pinocytosis in \bionameAcanthamoeba
                                  Castellanii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
            Gary G. Leppard and   
                 J. Ross Colvin   Electron-Opaque Fibrils and Granules in
                                  and Between the Cell Walls of Higher
                                  Plants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
            Charles E. Stirling   Radioautographic Localization of Sodium
                                  Pump Sites in Rabbit Intestine . . . . . 704
            Donald E. Olins and   
                   Ada L. Olins   Physical Studies of Isolated Eucaryotic
                                  Nuclei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
           Eugene A. Arnold and   
              David H. Yawn and   
             David G. Brown and   
           Robert C. Wyllie and   
               Donald S. Coffey   Structural Alteration in Isolated Rat
                                  Liver Nuclei After Removal of Template
                                  Restriction by Polyanions  . . . . . . . 737
           Daniel S. Friend and   
               Norton B. Gilula   Variations in Tight and Gap Junctions in
                                  Mammalian Tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . 758
           Pedro Pinto da Silva   Translational Mobility of the Membrane
                                  Intercalated Particles of Human
                                  Erythrocyte Ghosts . . . . . . . . . . . 777
           Daniel G. Wright and   
           Stephen E. Malawista   The Mobilization and Extracellular
                                  Release of Granular Enzymes from Human
                                  Leukocytes During Phagocytosis . . . . . 788
               Roch Bernier and   
           Roberto Iglesias and   
             René Simard   Detection of DNA by Tritiated
                                  Actinomycin D on Ultrathin Frozen
                                  Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
               P. S. Vassar and   
                J. M. Hards and   
               D. E. Brooks and   
             B. Hagenberger and   
                G. V. F. Seaman   Physicochemical Effects of Aldehydes on
                                  the Human Erythrocyte  . . . . . . . . . 809
      D. Montgomery Bissell and   
             Jeremiah G. Tilles   Radioimmunoassay of Serum Albumin
                                  Produced by Human Embryonic Liver in
                                  Monolayer Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . 819
           Werner W. Franke and   
              Ulrich Scheer and   
          Hansjörg Fritsch   Intranuclear and Cytoplasmic Annulate
                                  Lamellae in Plant Cells  . . . . . . . . 823
                  Tom Brady and   
                Mary E. Clutter   Cytolocalization of Ribosomal Cistrons
                                  in Plant Polytene Chromosomes  . . . . . 827
             Milan Potmesil and   
                 Anna Goldfeder   Nucleolar Morphology and Maturation of
                                  Thymic Lymphocytes . . . . . . . . . . . 832
           Joan B. Peterson and   
             Robert H. Gray and   
                       Hans Ris   Meiotic Spindle Plaques in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 837
          Harold C. Slavkin and   
          Richard Croissant and   
                  Pablo Bringas   Epithelial-Mesenchymal Interactions
                                  During Odontogenesis . . . . . . . . . . 841
               Yasuo Uehara and   
             Geoffrey Burnstock   Postsynaptic Specialization of Smooth
                                  Muscle at Close Neuromuscular Junctions
                                  in the Guinea Pig Sphincter Pupillae . . 849
                  Taisuke Nakao   Fusion of Unit Membranes of the
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum in the Gill
                                  Epithelial Cell of Shrimp, Caridina  . . 853

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 54, Number 1, July, 1972

          Ronald H. Stevens and   
                    Harold Amos   RNA Metabolism in HeLa Cells at Reduced
                                  Temperature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
                 A. Adoutte and   
      M. Balmefrézol and   
                 J. Beisson and   
                J. André   The Effects of Erythromycin and
                                  Chloramphenicol on the Ultrastructure of
                                  Mitochondria in Sensitive and Resistant
                                  Strains of Paramecium  . . . . . . . . . 8
                  J. B. Rattner   Observations of Centriole Formation in
                                  Male Meiosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
              B. Ceccarelli and   
              W. P. Hurlbut and   
                       A. Mauro   Depletion of Vesicles from Frog
                                  Neuromuscular Junctions by Prolonged
                                  Tetanic Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . 30
                 Sidney L. Tamm   Free Kinetosomes in Australian
                                  Flagellates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
            Paul M. Lizardi and   
               David J. L. Luck   The Intracellular Site of Synthesis of
                                  Mitochondrial Ribosomal Proteins in
                                  Neurospora Crassa  . . . . . . . . . . . 56
         Barbara H. Gibbons and   
                  I. R. Gibbons   Flagellar Movement and Adenosine
                                  Triphosphatase Activity in Sea Urchin
                                  Sperm Extracted with Triton X-100  . . . 75
          Helen K. Hagopian and   
           Judith A. Lippke and   
               Vernon M. Ingram   Erythropoietic Cell Cultures from Chick
                                  Embryos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
      D. Montgomery Bissell and   
             Lydia Hammaker and   
                    Rudi Schmid   Liver Sinusoidal Cells . . . . . . . . . 107
            Sei-Ichi Matsui and   
            Hiroshi Yoshida and   
           Herbert Weinfeld and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Induction of Prophase in Interphase
                                  Nuclei by Fusion with Metaphase Cells    120
              Ralph Nachman and   
            James G. Hirsch and   
               Marco Baggiolini   Studies on Isolated Membranes of
                                  Azurophil and Specific Granules from
                                  Rabbit Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes  . . 133
        Marilyn G. Farquhar and   
         Dorothy F. Bainton and   
           Marco Baggiolini and   
              Christian de Duve   Cytochemical Localization of Acid
                                  Phosphatase Activity in Granule
                                  Fractions from Rabbit Polymorphonuclear
                                  Leukocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
           John A. Williams and   
                       J. Wolff   Colchicine-Binding Protein and the
                                  Secretion of Thyroid Hormone . . . . . . 157
                  Mark Nameroff   Contact-Mediated Reversible Suppression
                                  of Myogenesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
           Richard G. Kulka and   
          Gordon M. Tomkins and   
               Richard B. Crook   Clonal Differences in Glutamine
                                  Synthetase Activity of Hepatoma Cells    175
                  Earl Ettienne   Subcellular Localization of Calcium
                                  Repositories in Plasmodia of the
                                  Acellular Slime Mold \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
        Susan Drury Waaland and   
          J. Robert Waaland and   
                 Robert Cleland   A New Pattern of Plant Cell Elongation:
                                  Bipolar Band Growth  . . . . . . . . . . 184
               D. K. Jasper and   
                    J. R. Bronk   Polar Distribution of Intramitochondrial
                                  Granules of Mucosal Epithelial Cells . . 190

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 54, Number 2, August, 1972

               W. A. Walker and   
                 R. Cornell and   
            L. M. Davenport and   
              K. J. Isselbacher   Macromolecular Absorption  . . . . . . . 195
         Jean-Claude Wanson and   
               Pierre Drochmans   Role of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum in
                                  Glycogen Metabolism  . . . . . . . . . . 206
              Dominic M. K. Lam   The Biosynthesis and Content of
                                  Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid in the Goldfish
                                  Retina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
            Hans-G Heidrich and   
                 Rolf Kinne and   
          Eva Kinne-Saffran and   
                    Kurt Hannig   The Polarity of the Proximal Tubule Cell
                                  in Rat Kidney  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
         Richard G. W. Anderson   The Three-Dimensional Structure of the
                                  Basal Body from the Rhesus Monkey
                                  Oviduct  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
          Richard C. Weisenberg   Changes in the Organization of Tubulin
                                  During Meiosis in the Eggs of the Surf
                                  Clam, Spisula Solidissima  . . . . . . . 266
          David C. Shephard and   
                 Wendy B. Levin   Biosynthesis in Isolated Acetabularia
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
                 R. Tanguay and   
                K. D. Chaudhary   Studies on Mitochondria  . . . . . . . . 295
            Terry E. Machen and   
                David Erlij and   
               F. B. P. Wooding   Permeable Junctional Complexes . . . . . 302
                   E. Gantt and   
               C. A. Lipschultz   Phycobilisomes of Porphyridium Cruentum  313
          Adrian R. L. Gear and   
               Jana M. Bednarek   Direct Counting and Sizing of
                                  Mitochondria in Solution . . . . . . . . 325
          Hartmut C. Renger and   
          David R. Wolstenholme   The Form and Structure of Kinetoplast
                                  DNA of Crithidia . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
              I. R. Gibbons and   
                       E. Fronk   Some Properties of Bound and Soluble
                                  Dynein from Sea Urchin Sperm Flagella    365
          James E. Bourdeau and   
            Frank A. Carone and   
              Charles E. Ganote   Serum Albumin Uptake in Isolated
                                  Perfused Renal Tubules . . . . . . . . . 382
                   J. Ramus and   
                   S. T. Groves   Incorporation of Sulfate into the
                                  Capsular Polysaccharide of the Red Alga
                                  Porphyridium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 399
               Tito Cavallo and   
                Robert Sade and   
              Judah Folkman and   
                Ramzi S. Cotran   Tumor Angiogenesis . . . . . . . . . . . 408
            A. G. Gambarini and   
                   R. Meneghini   Ribosomal RNA Genes in Salivary Gland
                                  and Ovary of Rhynchosciara Angelae . . . 421
          Robert J. Chertok and   
                   Suzanne Lake   A Simple Method for the Preparation of
                                  Renal Brush Borders  . . . . . . . . . . 426
         Kenneth D. Stewart and   
              Gary L. Floyd and   
             Karl R. Mattox and   
               Melanie E. Davis   Cytochemical Demonstration of a Single
                                  Peroxisome in a Filamentous Green Alga   431
                Roger F. Searle   Observations on the Unusual Cytoplasmic
                                  Lacunae of the Porcine Hepatocyte  . . . 434

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 54, Number 3, September, 1972

               G. A. Langer and   
                    J. S. Frank   Lanthanum in Heart Cell Culture  . . . . 441
              Judy M. Strum and   
                 Alain F. Junod   Radioautographic Demonstration of
                                  $5$-Hydroxytryptamine-$^3$H Uptake by
                                  Pulmonary Endothelial Cells  . . . . . . 456
          Pierre V. Vignais and   
         Barbara J. Stevens and   
                Janine Huet and   
              Jean André   Mitoribosomes from Candida Utilis  . . . 468
              Edward Aiello and   
              Michael A. Sleigh   The Metachronal Wave of Lateral Cilia of
                                  Mytilus Edulis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493
               G. B. Witman and   
                 K. Carlson and   
                J. Berliner and   
              Joel L. Rosenbaum   Chlamydomonas Flagella . . . . . . . . . 507
               G. B. Witman and   
                 K. Carlson and   
              Joel L. Rosenbaum   Chlamydomonas Flagella . . . . . . . . . 540
                   N. Umiel and   
                       W. Plaut   Interaction of Poly-L-Lysine with
                                  Chromatin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
                Jack Rosenbluth   Myoneural Junctions of Two
                                  Ultrastructurally Distinct Types in
                                  Earthworm Body Wall Muscle . . . . . . . 566
       Giuseppina Barsacchi and   
                 Joseph G. Gall   Chromosomal Localization of Repetitive
                                  DNA in the Newt, Triturus  . . . . . . . 580
           David C. Swinton and   
             Philip C. Hanawalt   In Vivo Specific Labeling of
                                  Chlamydomonas Chloroplast DNA  . . . . . 592
                  Jerry W. Shay   Electron Microscope Studies of
                                  Spermatozoa of Rhynchosciara Sp  . . . . 598
             Samuel B. Horowitz   The Permeability of the Amphibian Oocyte
                                  Nucleus, in Situ . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
                Tom Elsdale and   
                  Jonathan Bard   Collagen Substrata for Studies on Cell
                                  Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 626
            Robert A. Tobey and   
          Harry A. Crissman and   
                Paul M. Kraemer   A Method for Comparing Effects of
                                  Different Synchronizing Protocols on
                                  Mammalian Cell Cycle Traverse  . . . . . 638
       Daniel A. Goodenough and   
            Walther Stoeckenius   The Isolation of Mouse Hepatocyte Gap
                                  Junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
                  Awtar Krishan   Cytochalasin-B: Time-Lapse
                                  Cinematographic Studies on Its Effects
                                  on Cytokinesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
                     H. Ono and   
               S. Kobayashi and   
                  K. Yanagisawa   Cell Fusion in the Cellular Slime Mold,
                                  \bionameDictyostelium Discoideum . . . . 665

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 55, Number 1, October, 1972

           Jacopo Meldolesi and   
                     Dario Cova   Composition of Cellular Membranes in the
                                  Pancreas of the Guinea Pig . . . . . . . 1
       Jeffrey E. Froehlich and   
               Martin Rachmeler   Effect of Adenosine 3'-5'-Cyclic
                                  Monophosphate on Cell Proliferation  . . 19
            Leonard Mindich and   
                   Samuel Dales   Membrane Synthesis in Bacillus Subtilis  32
                   Asish C. Nag   Ultrastructure and Adenosine
                                  Triphosphatase Activity of Red and White
                                  Muscle Fibers of the Caudal Region of a
                                  Fish, Salmo Gairdneri  . . . . . . . . . 42
           James L. Oschman and   
                  Betty J. Wall   Calcium Binding to Intestinal Membranes  58
            Brian L. Kotzin and   
                Robert F. Baker   Selective Inhibition of Genetic
                                  Transcription in Sea Urchin Embryos  . . 74
          Joram Piatigorsky and   
         Henry deF. Webster and   
                Miriam Wollberg   Cell Elongation in the Cultured
                                  Embryonic Chick Lens Epithelium with and
                                  Without Protein Synthesis  . . . . . . . 82
                Thomas L. Lentz   Development of the Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
            Ariane Monneron and   
         Günter Blobel and   
               George E. Palade   Fractionation of the Nucleus by Divalent
                                  Cations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
      Maria C. Magalhães   A New Crystal-Containing Cell in Human
                                  Adrenal Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
              Sara E. Zalik and   
                       Vi Scott   Cell Surface Changes During
                                  Dedifferentiation in the Metaplastic
                                  Transformation of Iris into Lens . . . . 134
           H. Bruce Bosmann and   
          Marjorie W. Myers and   
              Delena Dehond and   
               Richard Ball and   
                Kenneth R. Case   Mitochondrial Autonomy . . . . . . . . . 147
      Peter G. W. Plagemann and   
                      John Erbe   Thymidine Transport by Cultured Novikoff
                                  Hepatoma Cells and Uptake by Simple
                                  Diffusion and Relationship to
                                  Incorporation into Deoxyribonucleic Acid 161
      Peter G. W. Plagemann and   
            Richard D. Estensen   Cytochalasin B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
          Ralph M. Steinman and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   The Interaction of Soluble Horseradish
                                  Peroxidase with Mouse Peritoneal
                                  Macrophages in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . 186
                Dale Purves and   
                 Uel J. McMahan   The Distribution of Synapses on a
                                  Physiologically Identified Motor Neuron
                                  in the Central Nervous System of the
                                  Leech  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
          Rhea J. C. Levine and   
           Maynard M. Dewey and   
       George W. de Villafranca   Immunohistochemical Localization of
                                  Contractile Proteins in Limulus Striated
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
           Raymond J. Lasek and   
             Carolyn K. Lee and   
           Ronald J. Przybylski   Granular Extensions of the Nucleoli in
                                  Giant Neurons of \bionameAplysia
                                  Californica  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
            David A. Warner and   
                James F. Perdue   Cytochalasin B and the Adenosine
                                  Triphosphate Content of Treated
                                  Fibroblasts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
                 Lelio Orci and   
             Alain Perrelet and   
                 Arthur A. Like   Fenestrae in the Rough Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum of the Exocrine Pancreatic
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
                 Sidney L. Tamm   Ciliary Motion in Paramecium . . . . . . 250

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 55, Number 2, November, 1972

           Hans J. Leenders and   
           Pieter J. A. Beckers   The Effect of Changes in the Respiratory
                                  Metabolism Upon Genome Activity  . . . . 257
         Richard W. Hendler and   
              Amelia H. Burgess   Respiration and Protein Synthesis in
                                  \bionameEscherichia coli
                                  Membrane-Envelope Fragments  . . . . . . 266
            Joan A. Higgins and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Studies on the Biogenesis of Smooth
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes in
                                  Livers of Phenobarbital-Treated Rats . . 282
         Stanley G. Sawicki and   
              Gabriel C. Godman   On the Recovery of Transcription After
                                  Inhibition by Actinomycin D  . . . . . . 299
                Mac Donald Cave   Localization of Ribosomal DNA Within
                                  Oocytes of the House Cricket, Acheta
                                  Domesticus (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) . . . 310
             Thoru Pederson and   
                Elliott Robbins   Chromatin Structure and the Cell
                                  Division Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
               Wayne Hohman and   
                 Harald Schraer   Low Temperature Ultramicroincineration
                                  of Thin-Sectioned Tissue . . . . . . . . 328
             James E. Haber and   
           John G. Peloquin and   
        Harlyn O. Halvorson and   
                 Gary G. Borisy   Colcemid Inhibition of Cell Growth and
                                  the Characterization of a
                                  Colcemid-Binding Activity in
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 355
              James R. Aist and   
                 P. H. Williams   Ultrastructure and Time Course of
                                  Mitosis in the Fungus Fusarium Oxysporum 368
             Ann L. Hubbard and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   The Enzymatic Iodination of the Red Cell
                                  Membrane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
              Rudolf Vracko and   
                Earl P. Benditt   Basal Lamina: the Scaffold for Orderly
                                  Cell Replacement . . . . . . . . . . . . 406
              Anita C. Been and   
                 Ellen M. Rasch   Cellular and Secretory Proteins of the
                                  Salivary Glands of Sciara Coprophila
                                  During the Larval-Pupal Transformation   420
               Gerd G. Maul and   
             Helmut M. Maul and   
           Joseph E. Scogna and   
       Michael W. Lieberman and   
              Gary S. Stein and   
           Betty Yee-Li Hsu and   
              Thaddeus W. Borun   Time Sequence of Nuclear Pore Formation
                                  in Phytohemagglutinin-Stimulated
                                  Lymphocytes and in HeLa Cells During the
                                  Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 433
             Brian Burchell and   
         Geoffrey J. Dutton and   
               Andrew M. Nemeth   Development of Phenobarbital-Sensitive
                                  Control Mechanisms for Uridine
                                  Diphosphate Glucuronyltransferase
                                  Activity in Chick Embryo Liver . . . . . 448
              Nicholas E. Weber   Ultrastructural Studies of Beef Heart
                                  Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 457
Jeanine-Anne Heuson-Stiennon and   
         Jean-Claude Wanson and   
               Pierre Drochmans   Isolation and Characterization of the
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Skeletal
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
              James Bearden and   
                Irwin J. Bendet   Birefringence of Spermatozoa . . . . . . 489
            Irwin J. Bendet and   
                  James Bearden   Birefringence of Spermatozoa . . . . . . 501
          Frederick B. Merk and   
                N. Scott McNutt   Nexus Junctions Between Dividing and
                                  Interphase Granulosa Cells of the Rat
                                  Ovary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
             Beatriz G. T. Pogo   Specific Inhibition by Rifampicin of
                                  Transcription in Human Lymphocytes
                                  Stimulated by Phytohemagglutinin . . . . 515
               S. Bullivant and   
                D. G. Rayns and   
              W. S. Bertaud and   
            J. P. Chalcroft and   
                 G. F. Grayston   Freeze-Fractured Myosin Filaments  . . . 520
             J. M. Sturgess and   
            F. A. de la Iglesia   Morphometry of the Golgi Apparatus in
                                  Developing Liver . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
                 G. Tripodi and   
              P. Pizzolongo and   
                M. Giannattasio   A DNase-Sensitive Twisted Structure in
                                  the Mitochondrial Matrix of
                                  \bionamePolysiphonia (Rhodophyta)  . . . 530

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 55, Number 3, December, 1972

                 Bela J. Gulyas   The Rabbit Zygote  . . . . . . . . . . . 533
         Peter B. Armstrong and   
                  David Parenti   Cell Sorting in the Presence of
                                  Cytochalasin B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 542
               Anna M. Novi and   
                 Renato Baserga   Changes in Chromatin Template Activity
                                  and Their Relationship to DNA Synthesis
                                  in Mouse Parotid Glands Stimulated by
                                  Isoproterenol  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
             Joyce E. Purdy and   
           Melvyn Lieberman and   
          Anne E. Roggeveen and   
                   R. Gary Kirk   Synthetic Strands of Cardiac Muscle  . . 563
             David A. Wolff and   
            HÅkan Pertoft   Separation of HeLa Cells by Colloidal
                                  Silica Density Gradient Centrifugation   579
                  F. Sreter and   
                 S. Holtzer and   
                 J. Gergely and   
                     H. Holtzer   Some Properties of Embryonic Myosin  . . 586
                 Alain Perrelet   Protein Synthesis in the Visual Cells of
                                  the Honeybee Drone As Studied with
                                  Electron Microscope Radioautography  . . 595
       Malcolm S. Steinberg and   
            Lawrence L. Wiseman   Do Morphogenetic Tissue Rearrangements
                                  Require Active Cell Movements? . . . . . 606
          Ralph M. Steinman and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   The Interaction of Particulate
                                  Horseradish Peroxidase (Hrp)-Anti Hrp
                                  Immune Complexes with Mouse Peritoneal
                                  Macrophages in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . 616
          Daniel V. Kimberg and   
                   John N. Loeb   Effects of Cortisone Administration on
                                  Rat Liver Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . 635
              Alan E. Organ and   
            Eugene C. Bovee and   
               Theodore L. Jahn   The Mechanism of the Water Expulsion
                                  Vesicle of the Ciliate
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 644
                    M. Paul and   
            M. R. Goldsmith and   
              J. R. Hunsley and   
                  F. C. Kafatos   Specific Protein Synthesis in Cellular
                                  Differentiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
            Barbra L. Eaton and   
                  Frank A. Pepe   M Band Protein . . . . . . . . . . . . . 681
             Carl W. Cotman and   
                    Dwan Taylor   Isolation and Structural Studies on
                                  Synaptic Complexes from Rat Brain  . . . 696
            Paul M. Kraemer and   
                Robert A. Tobey   Cell-Cycle Dependent Desquamation of
                                  Heparan Sulfate from the Cell Surface    713
                      Roy Peach   Nematosomes in the Rat Trigeminal
                                  Ganglion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 718
                 Kenneth Watson   The Organization of Ribosomal Granules
                                  Within Mitochondrial Structures of
                                  Aerobic and Anaerobic Cells of
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae . . . . 721

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 56, Number 1, January, 1973

          J. Kenneth Hoober and   
            William J. Stegeman   Control of the Synthesis of a Major
                                  Polypeptide of Chloroplast Membranes in
                                  Chlamydomonas Reinhardi  . . . . . . . . 1
           Mark S. Mooseker and   
                Lewis G. Tilney   Isolation and Reactivation of the
                                  Axostyle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
                Ronald R. Minor   Somite Chondrogenesis  . . . . . . . . . 27
          Clinton D. Stoner and   
                Howard D. Sirak   Adenine Nucleotide-Induced Contraction
                                  of the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane  . . 51
          Clinton D. Stoner and   
                Howard D. Sirak   Adenine Nucleotide-Induced Contraction
                                  of the Inner Mitochondrial Membrane  . . 65
               Graham Hoyle and   
        Patricia A. McNeill and   
            Allen I. Selverston   Ultrastructure of Barnacle Giant Muscle
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
             Guido Zampighi and   
             J. David Robertson   Fine Structure of the Synaptic Discs
                                  Separated from the Goldfish Medulla
                                  Oblongata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
               Donald Orlic and   
                     Robert Lev   Fetal Rat Intestinal Absorption of
                                  Horseradish Peroxidase from Swallowed
                                  Amniotic Fluid . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
       Clara Franzini-Armstrong   Studies of the Triad . . . . . . . . . . 120
               Gary E. Wise and   
               Lester Goldstein   Electron Microscope Localization of
                                  Nuclear RNA's That Shuttle Between
                                  Cytoplasm and Nucleus and Nuclear RNA's
                                  That Do Not  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
                   N. Umiel and   
                       W. Plaut   Interaction of Poly-L-Lysine with
                                  Chromatin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
          Alberto J. Solari and   
              Montrose J. Moses   The Structure of the Central Region in
                                  the Synaptonemal Complexes of Hamster
                                  and Cricket Spermatocytes  . . . . . . . 145
               Birgit Satir and   
          Caroline Schooley and   
                    Peter Satir   Membrane Fusion in a Model System  . . . 153
                    U. Oron and   
                      A. Bdolah   Regulation of Protein Synthesis in the
                                  Venom Gland of Viperid Snakes  . . . . . 177
              M. R. Adelman and   
              Gunter Blobel and   
              David D. Sabatini   An Improved Cell Fractionation Procedure
                                  for the Preparation of Rat Liver
                                  Membrane-Bound Ribosomes . . . . . . . . 191
              M. R. Adelman and   
          David D. Sabatini and   
             Günter Blobel   Ribosome-Membrane Interaction  . . . . . 206
      David R. Wolstenholme and   
              Katsuro Koike and   
         Patricia Cochran-Fouts   Single Strand-Containing Replicating
                                  Molecules of Circular Mitochondrial DNA  230
      David R. Wolstenholme and   
            John D. McLaren and   
              Katsuro Koike and   
             Elaine L. Jacobson   Catenated Oligomeric Circular DNA
                                  Molecules from Mitochondria of Malignant
                                  and Normal Mouse and Rat Tissues . . . . 247
            Howard G. Sachs and   
        Terence F. McDonald and   
               Robert L. DeHaan   Tetrodotoxin Sensitivity of Cultured
                                  Embryonic Heart Cells Depends on Cell
                                  Interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
               Gail Stetten and   
              Seymour Lederberg   Colcemid Sensitivity of Fission Yeast    259
         Tomasz J. Wodzicki and   
            Walter J. Humphreys   Maturing Pine Tracheids  . . . . . . . . 263
            Bernard Tandler and   
              Charles L. Hoppel   Division of Giant Mitochondria During
                                  Recovery from Cuprizone Intoxication . . 266

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 56, Number 2, February, 1973

         Joseph W. DePierre and   
           Manfred L. Karnovsky   Plasma Membranes of Mammalian Cells  . . 275
        J. Richard McIntosh and   
            Edward S. Ogata and   
                Story C. Landis   The Axostyle of Saccinobaculus . . . . . 304
            J. Richard McIntosh   The Axostyle of Saccinobaculus . . . . . 324
          G. Benjamin Bouck and   
                 David L. Brown   Microtubule Biogenesis and Cell Shape in
                                  Ochromonas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
             David L. Brown and   
              G. Benjamin Bouck   Microtubule Biogenesis and Cell Shape in
                                  Ochromonas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360
          Michael S. Jensen and   
             Dorothy F. Bainton   Temporal Changes in pH Within the
                                  Phagocytic Vacuole of the
                                  Polymorphonuclear Neutrophilic Leukocyte 379
          Juan I. Korenbrot and   
            Dennis T. Brown and   
                Richard A. Cone   Membrane Characteristics and Osmotic
                                  Behavior of Isolated Rod Outer Segments  389
             Fredric S. Fay and   
                    P. H. Cooke   Reversible Disaggregation of
                                  Myofilaments in Vertebrate Smooth Muscle 399
            N. Scott McNutt and   
              Lloyd A. Culp and   
                  Paul H. Black   Contact-Inhibited Revertant Cell Lines
                                  Isolated from Sv40-Transformed Cells . . 412
             Russell Meints and   
              Eugene Goldwasser   The Persistence of Hemopoietic Stem
                                  Cells in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
              Irving Finger and   
          Patricia Lavanchy and   
                      Ann Meany   Synthesis of Paramecium Surface Proteins 434
         Norman E. Williams and   
                 Joseph Frankel   Regulation of Microtubules in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 441
         Norman E. Williams and   
                E. Marlo Nelsen   Regulation of Microtubules in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 458
           R. Bruce Szamier and   
          Michael V. L. Bennett   Rapid Degeneration of Ampullary
                                  Electroreceptor Organs After Denervation 466
                Asao Hirano and   
           Herbert M. Dembitzer   Cerebellar Alterations in the Weaver
                                  Mouse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 478
          William J. Grimes and   
            Judith L. Schroeder   Dibutyryl Cyclic Adenosine 3' 5'
                                  Monophosphate, Sugar Transport, and
                                  Regulatory Control of Cell Division in
                                  Normal and Transformed Cells . . . . . . 487
                  Una Smith and   
                 J. W. Ryan and   
                    D. S. Smith   Freeze-Etch Studies of the Plasma
                                  Membrane of Pulmonary Endothelial Cells  492
            Peter J. Gruber and   
            Wayne M. Becker and   
               Eldon H. Newcomb   The Development of Microbodies and
                                  Peroxisomal Enzymes in Greening Bean
                                  Leaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500
                  P. Seeman and   
                   D. Cheng and   
                     G. H. Iles   Structure of Membrane Holes in Osmotic
                                  and Saponin Hemolysis  . . . . . . . . . 519
                 G. H. Iles and   
                  P. Seeman and   
                  D. Naylor and   
                     B. Cinader   Membrane Lesions in Immune Lysis . . . . 528
          Susan J. Abrahams and   
                  Eric Holtzman   Secretion and Endocytosis in
                                  Insulin-Stimulated Rat Adrenal Medulla
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
               Richard D. Allen   Structures Linking the Myonemes,
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum, and Surface
                                  Membranes in the Contractile Ciliate
                                  Vorticella . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
            Mary Lake Polan and   
             Susan Friedman and   
             Joseph G. Gall and   
                 Walter Gehring   Isolation and Characterization of
                                  Mitochondrial DNA from
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 580
              Robert B. Low and   
             Alfred L. Goldberg   Nonuniform Rates of Turnover of
                                  Myofibrillar Proteins in Rat Diaphragm   590
             Paul H. Jewett and   
         Stephen D. Leonard and   
              Joachim R. Sommer   Chicken Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . . . 595
               G. Pelletier and   
                     R. Puviani   Detection of Glycoproteins and
                                  Autoradiographic Localization of
                                  [$^3$H]Fucose in the Thyroidectomy Cells
                                  of Rat Anterior Pituitary Gland  . . . . 600
            E. Robert Burns and   
           Lawrence E. Scheving   Isoproterenol-Induced Phase Shifts in
                                  Circadian Rhythm of Mitosis in Murine
                                  Corneal Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . 605
          Lawrence K. Schneider   RNA Synthesis in Chromosome Connectives  608
                   J. D. Lutton   The Effect of Phagocytosis and Spreading
                                  on Macrophage Surface Receptors for
                                  Concanavalin A . . . . . . . . . . . . . 611

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 56, Number 3, March, 1973

         Richard C. Franson and   
                  Moseley Waite   Lysosomal Phospholipases A$_1$ and A$_2$
                                  of Normal and \booktitleBacillus
                                  Calmette Guerin-Induced Alveolar
                                  Macrophages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 621
            Robert W. Rubin and   
                  Philip Filner   Adenosine 3 ', 5 '-Cyclic Monophosphate
                                  in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii . . . . . . 628
                   Jane Overton   Experimental Manipulation of Desmosome
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
                    H. Beug and   
                 F. E. Katz and   
                     G. Gerisch   Dynamics of Antigenic Membrane Sites
                                  Relating to Cell Aggregation in
                                  \bionameDictyostelium Discoideum . . . . 647
         Frederick Grinnell and   
                 Mary Milam and   
                  Paul A. Srere   Studies on Cell Adhesion . . . . . . . . 659
                   J. A. Wright   Evidence for Pleiotropic Changes in
                                  Lines of Chinese Hamster Ovary Cells
                                  Resistant to Concanavalin a and
                                  Phytohemagglutinin-P . . . . . . . . . . 666
         Michael D. Gershon and   
                Eladio A. Nunez   Subcellular Storage Organelles for
                                  $5$-Hydroxytryptamine in Parafollicular
                                  Cells of the Thyroid Gland . . . . . . . 676
                    Alex Matter   A Morphometric Study on the Nexus of Rat
                                  Cardiac Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . 690
         Martin A. Gorovsky and   
            Stanley Hattman and   
           Gloria Lorick Pleger   [$^6$ N]Methyl Adenine in the Nuclear
                                  DNA of a Eucaryote, \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697
                        D. Bray   Branching Patterns of Individual
                                  Sympathetic Neurons in Culture . . . . . 702
            Mary Bartlett Bunge   Fine Structure of Nerve Fibers and
                                  Growth Cones of Isolated Sympathetic
                                  Neurons in Culture . . . . . . . . . . . 713
             Dorothy Gerber and   
            Margaret Davies and   
                Lowell E. Hokin   The Effects of Secretagogues on the
                                  Incorporation of [2-$^3$H]Myoinositol
                                  into Lipid in Cytological Fractions in
                                  the Pancreas of the Guinea Pig in Vivo   736
         Robert P. Bolender and   
                Ewald R. Weibel   A Morphometric Study of the Removal of
                                  Phenobarbital-Induced Membranes from
                                  Hepatocytes After Cessation of Treatment 746
             Robert Nilsson and   
         Elisabeth Peterson and   
                 Gustav Dallner   Permeability of Microsomal Membranes
                                  Isolated from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 762
                   H. Rubin and   
                       T. Koide   Inhibition of DNA Synthesis in Chick
                                  Embryo Cultures by Deprivation of Either
                                  Serum Or Zinc  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 777
              P. M. Quinton and   
                 C. W. Philpott   A Role for Anionic Sites in Epithelial
                                  Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787
         Dorothy R. Pitelka and   
          Susan T. Hamamoto and   
            Joan G. Duafala and   
             Michael K. Nemanic   Cell Contacts in the Mouse Mammary Gland 797
              Brian Storrie and   
               Giuseppe Attardi   Expression of the Mitochondrial Genome
                                  in HeLa Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819
              Brian Storrie and   
               Giuseppe Attardi   Mode of Mitochondrial Formation in HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
           Melvyn Weinstock and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Radioautographic Visualization of the
                                  Deposition of a Phosphoprotein at the
                                  Mineralization Front in the Dentin of
                                  the Rat Incisor  . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
                      E. Knight   Interferon: Effect on the Saturation
                                  Density to Which Mouse Cells Will Grow
                                  in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
           James N. Pratley and   
             Nancy K. McQuillen   The Role of Microfilaments in Frog Skin
                                  Ion Transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
            Fred R. Butcher and   
                James F. Perdue   Cytochalasin B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
           Lee-Nien L. Chan and   
                   V. M. Ingram   Culture of Erythropoietic Cells from
                                  Chick Blastoderms  . . . . . . . . . . . 861
               M. S. Forbes and   
                  N. Sperelakis   A Labyrinthine Structure Formed from a
                                  Transverse Tubule of Mouse Ventricular
                                  Myocardium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
          Margaret K. Clark and   
                   Paul A. Dahm   Phenobarbital-Induced, Membrane-Like
                                  Scrolls in the Oenocytes of
                                  \bionameMusca Domestica Linnaeus . . . . 870
        Walter J. Humphreys and   
         Tomasz J. Wodzicki and   
               Jerome J. Paulin   Fractographic Studies of
                                  Plastic-Embedded Cells by Scanning
                                  Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . . . 876

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 57, Number 1, April, 1973

                 Owen Black and   
                Paul D. Webster   Protein Synthesis in Pancreas of Fasted
                                  Pigeons  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
             N. M. Blackett and   
                    D. M. Parry   A New Method for Analyzing Electron
                                  Microscope Autoradiographs Using
                                  Hypothetical Grain Distributions . . . . 9
                D. M. Parry and   
                 N. M. Blackett   Electron Microscope Autoradiography of
                                  Erythroid Cells Using Radioactive Iron   16
             Michael Edidin and   
              Douglas Fambrough   Fluidity of the Surface of Cultured
                                  Muscle Fibers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
         Alexander L. Kisch and   
           Robert O. Kelley and   
             Harry Crissman and   
                   Linda Paxton   Dimethyl Sulfoxide-Induced Reversion of
                                  Several Features of Polyoma Transformed
                                  Baby Hamster Kidney Cells (Bhk-21) . . . 38
              Camillo Peracchia   Low Resistance Junctions in Crayfish . . 54
              Camillo Peracchia   Low Resistance Junctions in Crayfish . . 66
     M. M. Magalhães and   
                Antonio Coimbra   Electron Microscope Autoradiographic
                                  Detection of Sites of Protein Synthesis
                                  in the Rabbit Retina Müler Cells  . . . . 77
             Saul Teichberg and   
                  Eric Holtzman   Axonal Agranular Reticulum and Synaptic
                                  Vesicles in Cultured Embryonic Chick
                                  Sympathetic Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . 88
            J. V. Anastasia and   
                   R. L. McCarl   Effects of Cortisol on Cultured Rat
                                  Heart Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
           Susan Y. Schmidt and   
              Richard N. Lolley   Cyclic-Nucleotide Phosphodiesterase  . . 117
              C. Brailovsky and   
                  M. Trudel and   
                 R. Lallier and   
                    V. N. Nigam   Growth of Normal and Transformed Rat
                                  Embryo Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . . 124
                 R. E. Stephens   A Thermodynamic Analysis of Mitotic
                                  Spindle Equilibrium at Active Metaphase  133
             J. G. Williams and   
               I. A. MacPherson   The Differential Effect of Actinomycin D
                                  in Normal and Virus-Transformed Cells    148
                J. J. Geuze and   
                       C. Poort   Cell Membrane Resorption in the Rat
                                  Exocrine Pancreas Cell After in Vivo
                                  Stimulation of the Secretion, As Studied
                                  by in Vitro Incubation with
                                  Extracellular Space Markers  . . . . . . 159
               Richard W. Young   The Role of the Golgi Complex in Sulfate
                                  Metabolism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
           Elizabeth D. Hay and   
                James W. Dodson   Secretion of Collagen by Corneal
                                  Epithelium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
             Bunsuke Osogoe and   
                R. W. Tyler and   
                  N. B. Everett   The Patterns of Labeling of
                                  Germinal-Center Cells with Tritiated
                                  Deoxycytidine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
                   Kenji Tanaka   Intranuclear Microtubule Organizing
                                  Center in Early Prophase Nuclei of the
                                  Plasmodium of the Slime Mold,
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum  . . . . . 220
          Kenneth G. Orloff and   
              Richard L. McCarl   The Effects of Metabolic Inhibitors on
                                  Cultured Rat Heart Cells . . . . . . . . 225
                 Gary W. Grimes   Morphological Discontinuity of
                                  Kinetosomes During the Life Cycle of
                                  Oxytricha Fallax . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
              Ephraim Yavin and   
                 John H. Menkes   The Culture of Dissociated Cells from
                                  Rat Cerebral Cortex  . . . . . . . . . . 232
             John L. Skosey and   
                Donald Chow and   
            Evelyn Damgaard and   
               Leif B. Sorensen   Effect of Cytochalasin B on Response of
                                  Human Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes to
                                  Zymosan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
             Arne Andersson and   
           Birger Petersson and   
                Jan Westman and   
               John Edwards and   
           Gudmar Lundqvist and   
         Claes Hellerström   Tissue Culture of A$_2$ Cell-Rich
                                  Pancreatic Islets Isolated from Guinea
                                  Pigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
        Istvan Hüttner and   
              Michel Boutet and   
                 Robert H. More   Gap Junctions in Arterial Endothelium    247
                 David Lagunoff   Membrane Fusion During Mast Cell
                                  Secretion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 57, Number 2, May, 1973

                  R. W. D. Rowe   The Ultrastructure of Z Disks from
                                  White, Intermediate, and Red Fibers of
                                  Mammalian Striated Muscles . . . . . . . 261
                  T. Ootaki and   
                   J. J. Wolken   Octahedral Crystals in Phycomyces. II    278
          Martha E. Fedorko and   
          Nicholas L. Cross and   
                James G. Hirsch   Appearance and Distribution of Ferritin
                                  in Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages in Vitro
                                  After Uptake of Heterologous
                                  Erythrocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289
      Jacquelyn C. Pendland and   
                  H. C. Aldrich   Ultrastructural Organization of
                                  Chloroplast Thylakoids of the Green Alga
                                  ``Oocystis Marssonii'' . . . . . . . . . 306
               J. E. Heuser and   
                    T. S. Reese   Evidence for Recycling of Synaptic
                                  Vesicle Membrane During Transmitter
                                  Release at the Frog Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315
          Virginia H. Black and   
                Bruce I. Bogart   Peroxisomes in Inner Adrenocortical
                                  Cells of Fetal and Adult Guinea Pigs . . 345
              J. B. Rattner and   
          Stephanie G. Phillips   Independence of Centriole Formation and
                                  DNA Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
              Garth L. Nicolson   Anionic Sites of Human Erythrocyte
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
             M. A. Wainberg and   
                    C. Howe and   
                   G. C. Godman   Enhancement of Sendai Virus-Mediated
                                  Cell Fusion by Cupric Ions . . . . . . . 388
               D. B. Thomas and   
                 Gay Medley and   
                 C. A. Lingwood   Growth Inhibition of Murine Tumor Cells,
                                  in Vitro, by Puromycin,
                                  3',5'-Adenosine Monophosphate, or
                                  Adenosine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
           Jean R. Wrathall and   
           Constance Oliver and   
               Selma Silagi and   
                  Edward Essner   Suppression of Pigmentation in Mouse
                                  Melanoma Cells by 5-Bromodeoxyuridine    406
         Nicolae Simionescu and   
            Maia Simionescu and   
               George E. Palade   Permeability of Muscle Capillaries to
                                  Exogenous Myoglobin  . . . . . . . . . . 424
      Miklós Müller   Biochemical Cytology of Trichomonad
                                  Flagellates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453
         Annemarie Herzfeld and   
         Micheline Federman and   
                 Olga Greengard   Subcellular Morphometric and Biochemical
                                  Analyses of Developing Rat Hepatocytes   475
              Rolf Seljelid and   
      Samuel C. Silverstein and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   The Effect of Poly-L-Lysine on the
                                  Uptake of Reovirus Double-Stranded RNA
                                  in Macrophages in Vitro  . . . . . . . . 484
              B. Ceccarelli and   
              W. P. Hurlbut and   
                       A. Mauro   Turnover of Transmitter and Synaptic
                                  Vesicles at the Frog Neuromuscular
                                  Junction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
              A. R. Stevens and   
                  P. F. Pachler   RNA Synthesis and Turnover During
                                  Density-Inhibited Growth and Encystment
                                  of \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii  . . 525
                R. Sederoff and   
                  R. Clynes and   
                   M. Poncz and   
                     S. Hachtel   RNA Synthesis by Exogenous RNA
                                  Polymerase on Cytological Preparations
                                  of Chromosomes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538
                 K. T. Tokuyasu   A Technique for Ultracryotomy of Cell
                                  Suspensions and Tissues  . . . . . . . . 551
             H. W. Seyberth and   
            H. Schmidt-Gayk and   
               K. H. Jakobs and   
                  E. Hackenthal   Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate in
                                  Phagocytizing Granulocytes and Alveolar
                                  Macrophages  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
                  N. Kislev and   
              C. M. Spolsky and   
               J. M. Eisenstadt   Effect of Chloramphenicol on the
                                  Ultrastructure of Mitochondria in
                                  Sensitive and Resistant Strains of HeLa  571
            John N. Telford and   
                  Efraim Racker   A Method for Increasing Contrast of
                                  Mitochondrial Inner Membrane Spheres in
                                  Thin Sections of Epon-Araldite Embedded
                                  Tissue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
                 E. Weidner and   
                      W. Trager   Adenosine Triphosphate in the
                                  Extracellular Survival of an
                                  Intracellular Parasite (\bionameNosema
                                  Michaelis, Microsporidia)  . . . . . . . 586
          Rhea J. C. Levine and   
           Maynard M. Dewey and   
              David E. Colflesh   Unusual Striated Thick Filaments in
                                  Limulus Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . 591
         Janet M. Ledingham and   
                  F. O. Simpson   Bundles of Intracellular Tubules in
                                  Renal Medullary Interstitial Cells . . . 594

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 57, Number 3, June, 1973

            Robert W. Rubin and   
          William P. Cunningham   Partial Purification and
                                  Phosphotungstate Solubilization of Basal
                                  Bodies and Kinetodesmal Fibers from
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 601
             Francine Benes and   
            Joan A. Higgins and   
            Russell J. Barrnett   Ultrastructural Localization of
                                  Phospholipid Synthesis in the Rat
                                  Trigeminal Nerve During Myelination  . . 613
        Thomas L. Rothstein and   
                     J. J. Blum   Lysosomal Physiology in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 630
            Roger B. Howard and   
              Joseph C. Lee and   
                 Leroy A. Pesch   The Fine Structure, Potassium Content,
                                  and Respiratory Activity of Isolated Rat
                                  Liver Parenchymal Cells Prepared by
                                  Improved Enzymatic Techniques  . . . . . 642
                 J. M. Lord and   
                  T. Kagawa and   
                T. S. Moore and   
                     H. Beevers   Endoplasmic Reticulum As the Site of
                                  Lecithin Formation in Castor Bean
                                  Endosperm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
      Pamela Leban Johnston and   
                Edgar F. Carell   Vitamin B$_{12}$ and the Macromolecular
                                  Composition of Euglena . . . . . . . . . 668
            Leslie A. Dendy and   
           Russell L. Deter and   
            Charles W. Philpott   Localization of Na$^+$, K$^+$-ATPase and
                                  other enzymes in teleost pseudobranch    675
            Leslie A. Dendy and   
        Charles W. Philpott and   
               Russell L. Deter   Localization of Na$^+$, K$^+$-ATPase and
                                  other enzymes in teleost pseudobranch    689
                   B. Huang and   
                  D. R. Pitelka   The Contractile Process in the Ciliate,
                                  \bionameStentor Coeruleus  . . . . . . . 704
                Harvey Bank and   
                    Peter Mazur   Visualization of Freezing Damage . . . . 729
        Charles K. Jablecki and   
             John E. Heuser and   
                Seymour Kaufman   Autoradiographic Localization of New RNA
                                  Synthesis in Hypertrophying Skeletal
                                  Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
          Stephen H. Howell and   
                Jay A. Naliboff   Conditional Mutants in Chlamydomonas
                                  Reinhardtii Blocked in the Vegetative
                                  Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760
         Martin A. Gorovsky and   
       Gloria Lorick Pleger and   
    Josephine Bowen Keevert and   
               Carol A. Johmann   Studies on Histone Fraction F2A1 in
                                  Macro- and Micronuclei of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 773
                Story C. Landis   Ultrastructural Changes in the
                                  Mitochondria of Cerebellar Purkinje
                                  Cells of Nervous Mutant Mice . . . . . . 782
               Nam-Hai Chua and   
                  G. Blobel and   
                   P. Siekevitz   Isolation of Cytoplasmic and Chloroplast
                                  Ribosomes and Their Dissociation into
                                  Active Subunits from Chlamydomonas
                                  Reinhardtii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798
               Keith Porter and   
             David Prescott and   
                     Jearl Frye   Changes in Surface Morphology of Chinese
                                  Hamster Ovary Cells During the Cell
                                  Cycle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
                R. W. Rubin and   
                 L. P. Everhart   The Effect of Cell-To-Cell Contact on
                                  the Surface Morphology of Chinese
                                  Hamster Ovary Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 837
                    Bruce Magun   Two Actions of Cyclic AMP on Melanosome
                                  Movement in Frog Skin  . . . . . . . . . 845
           Wiktor Djaczenko and   
                 Carmen Calenda   Visualization of Polysaccharides in the
                                  Cuticle of Oligochaeta by the Tris
                                  $1$-Aziridinyl Phosphine Oxide Method    859
           Cheng-Ming Chang and   
              Robert D. Goldman   The Localization of Actin-Like Fibers in
                                  Cultured Neuroblastoma Cells As Revealed
                                  by Heavy Meromyosin Binding  . . . . . . 867
              Velma C. Chambers   The Use of Ruthenium Red in an Electron
                                  Microscope Study of Cytophagocytosis . . 872
                John W. Fuseler   Repetitive Procurement of Mature Gametes
                                  from Individual Sea Stars and Sea
                                  Urchins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 58, Number 1, July, 1973

         A. Martinez-Palomo and   
                 D. Benitez and   
                      J. Alanis   Selective Deposition of Lanthanum in
                                  Mammalian Cardiac Cell Membranes . . . . 1
         Wolfgang Klietmann and   
              Nobuhiro Sato and   
              Margit M. K. Nass   Establishment and Characterization of
                                  Ethidium Bromide Resistance in Simian
                                  Virus $ 40$-Transformed Hamster Cells    11
           Robert B. Zurier and   
           Sylvia Hoffstein and   
               Gerald Weissmann   Mechanisms of Lysosomal Enzyme Release
                                  from Human Leukocytes  . . . . . . . . . 27
               Frank A. Rawlins   A Time-Sequence Autoradiographic Study
                                  of the in Vivo Incorporation of [1,
                                  2-$^3$H]Cholesterol into Peripheral
                                  Nerve Myelin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
          David M. Phillips and   
      Stephanie Gordon Phillips   Repopulation of Postmitotic Nucleoli by
                                  Preformed RNA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
                R. A. Corradino   Embryonic Chick Intestine in Organ
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
           Peter S. Spencer and   
          Edith R. Peterson and   
          Ricardo Madrid A. and   
                Cedric S. Raine   Effects of Thallium Salts on Neuronal
                                  Mitochondria in Organotypic
                                  Cord-Ganglia-Muscle Combination Cultures 79
             B. R. Brinkley and   
                    Potu N. Rao   Nitrous Oxide: Effects on the Mitotic
                                  Apparatus and Chromosome Movement in
                                  HeLa Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
              Mark Nameroff and   
            John A. Trotter and   
             John M. Keller and   
                  Erlynda Munar   Inhibition of Cellular Differentiation
                                  by Phospholipase C . . . . . . . . . . . 107
              Carol Johmann and   
         Ronald A. Eckhardt and   
             Martin A. Gorovsky   The Histones Associated with Condensed
                                  and Extended Chromatin of Mouse Liver    119
                John F. Aronson   Nuclear Membrane Fusion in Fertilized
                                  Lytechinus Variegatus Eggs . . . . . . . 126
                 Ken Kadota and   
                  Tomoko Kadota   Isolation of Coated Vesicles, Plain
                                  Synaptic Vesicles, and Flocculent
                                  Material from a Crude Synaptosome
                                  Fraction of Guinea Pig Whole Brain . . . 135
                   Joan Gil and   
                 Oscar K. Reiss   Isolation and Characterization of
                                  Lamellar Bodies and Tubular Myelin from
                                  Rat Lung Homogenates . . . . . . . . . . 152
        Richard I. Woodruff and   
              William H. Telfer   Polarized Intercellular Bridges in
                                  Ovarian Follicles of the Cecropia Moth   172
               Richard Rodewald   Intestinal Transport of Antibodies in
                                  the Newborn Rat  . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
             Portia A. Holt and   
                John O. Corliss   Pattern Variability in Microtubular
                                  Arrays Associated with the Tentacles of
                                  Actinobolina (Ciliatea: Gymnostomatida)  213
           B. Allen Flaxman and   
              Francis V. Cavoto   Low-Resistance Junctions in Epithelial
                                  Outgrowths from Normal and Cancerous
                                  Epidermis in Vitro . . . . . . . . . . . 219
          Francis V. Cavoto and   
               B. Allen Flaxman   Low-Resistance Pathways Between Mitotic
                                  and Interphase Epidermal Cells in Vitro  223
       J. F. David-Ferreira and   
           K. L. David-Ferreira   Gap Junction-Ribosome Association After
                                  Autolysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
                  Lucy T. Comly   Microfilaments in Chaos Carolinensis . . 230
                   W. F. Harris   The Geometry of Triplets in Ciliary
                                  Basal Bodies from Primate Oviducts . . . 237
       Alexander Sutherland and   
          Gregory A. Antipa and   
               Charles F. Ehret   Ultracytochemical Observations of
                                  Glycogen Synthesis and Storage During
                                  Infradian Growth of \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Pyriformis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 240
             Robert H. Gray and   
           Joan B. Peterson and   
                       Hans Ris   The Organization of Yeast Nucleohistone
                                  Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 58, Number 2, August, 1973

           Dorothy Ford Bainton   Sequential Degranulation of the Two
                                  Types of Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte
                                  Granules During Phagocytosis of
                                  Microorganisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
                   J. F. Perdue   The Distribution, Ultrastructure, and
                                  Chemistry of Microfilaments in Cultured
                                  Chick Embryo Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . 265
            M. John Chapman and   
          Leonard R. Miller and   
                Joseph A. Ontko   Localization of the Enzymes of
                                  Ketogenesis in Rat Liver Mitochondria    284
             Vijai N. Nigam and   
                 R. Lallier and   
                  C. Brailovsky   Ganglioside Patterns and Phenotypic
                                  Characteristics in a Normal Variant and
                                  a Transformed Back Variant of a Simian
                                  Virus $ 40$-Induced Hamster Tumor Cell
                                  Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307
                 Robert S. Lake   Further Characterization of the
                                  F1-Histone Phosphokinase of
                                  Metaphase-Arrested Animal Cells  . . . . 317
        Miriam D. Rosenthal and   
              Joseph B. Warshaw   Interaction of Fatty Acid and Glucose
                                  Oxidation by Cultured Heart Cells  . . . 332
             Kenneth D. Ley and   
              Marilyn M. Murphy   Synchronization of Mitochondrial DNA
                                  Synthesis in Chinese Hamster Cells (Line
                                  Cho) Deprived of Isoleucine  . . . . . . 340
              Thomas P. Stossel   Quantitative Studies of Phagocytosis . . 346
          Lajos Pikó and   
                 David G. Chase   Role of the Mitochondrial Genome During
                                  Early Development in Mice  . . . . . . . 357
             A. H. C. Huang and   
                     H. Beevers   Localization of Enzymes Within
                                  Microbodies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
            Philippa Claude and   
           Daniel A. Goodenough   Fracture Faces of Zonulae Occludentes
                                  from ``Tight'' and ``Leaky'' Epithelia   390
            B. L. A. Carter and   
                H. O. Halvorson   Periodic Changes in Rate of Amino Acid
                                  Uptake During Yeast Cell Cycle . . . . . 401
                 Roger Hand and   
                      Igor Tamm   DNA Replication: Direction and Rate of
                                  Chain Growth in Mammalian Cells  . . . . 410
              Allen Bennett and   
               Lawrence Bogorad   Complementary Chromatic Adaptation in a
                                  Filamentous Blue-Green Alga  . . . . . . 419
              Gert Kreibich and   
              Pascale Debey and   
              David D. Sabatini   Selective Release of Content from
                                  Microsomal Vesicles Without Membrane
                                  Disassembly  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
              Mathew P. Daniels   Fine Structural Changes in Neurons and
                                  Nerve Fibers Associated with Colchicine
                                  Inhibition of Nerve Fiber Formation in
                                  Vitro  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
           A. G. de Bianchi and   
                W. R. Terra and   
                  F. J. S. Lara   Formation of Salivary Secretion in
                                  \bionameRhynchosciara Americana  . . . . 470
          Bert M. Zuckerman and   
              Marian Kisiel and   
             Stanley Himmelhoch   Unusual Mitochondrial Cristae in the
                                  Vinegar Eelworm  . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
             Ezzatollah Keyhani   Ribosomal Granules Associated with Outer
                                  Mitochondrial Membrane in Aerobic Yeast
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480
            William H. Massover   Complex Surface Invaginations in Frog
                                  Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485
          Kenneth D. Noonan and   
           Arnold J. Levine and   
                  Max M. Burger   Cell Cycle-Dependent Changes in the
                                  Surface Membrane As Detected with
                                  [$^3$H] Concanavalin A . . . . . . . . . 491
         Daniel K. Podolsky and   
               Milton M. Weiser   Specific Selection of Mitotically Active
                                  Intestinal Cells by Concanavalin
                                  A-Derivatized Fibers . . . . . . . . . . 497

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 58, Number 3, September, 1973

                 C. Tougard and   
               B. Kerdelhue and   
            A. Tixier-Vidal and   
                      M. Jutisz   Light and Electron Microscope
                                  Localization of Binding Sites of
                                  Antibodies Against Ovine Luteinizing
                                  Hormone and Its Two Subunits in Rat
                                  Adenohypophysis Using Peroxidase-Labeled
                                  Antibody Technique . . . . . . . . . . . 503
                 S. Githens and   
                M. L. Karnovsky   Biochemical Changes During Growth and
                                  Encystment of the Cellular Slime Mold
                                  Polysphondylium Pallidum . . . . . . . . 522
                 S. Githens and   
                M. L. Karnovsky   Phagocytosis by the Cellular Slime Mold
                                  Polysphondylium Pallidum During Growth
                                  and Development  . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
            Monica J. Trigg and   
      Salome Gluecksohn-Waelsch   Ultrastructural Basis of Biochemical
                                  Effects in a Series of Lethal Alleles in
                                  the Mouse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549
          Robert R. Klevecz and   
                   Leon N. Kapp   Intermittent DNA Synthesis and Periodic
                                  Expression of Enzyme Activity in the
                                  Cell Cycle of Wi-38  . . . . . . . . . . 564
           Maynard M. Dewey and   
          Rhea J. C. Levine and   
              David E. Colflesh   Structure of Limulus Striated Muscle . . 574
        Richard O. Williams and   
               Lawrence A. Loeb   Zinc Requirement for DNA Replication in
                                  Stimulated Human Lymphocytes . . . . . . 594
             Frederick Grinnell   Concanavalin a Increases the Strength of
                                  Baby Hamster Kidney Cell Attachment to
                                  Substratum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
            Yoshitaka Obara and   
            Hiroshi Yoshida and   
                Lee S. Chai and   
           Herbert Weinfeld and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Contrast between the environmental pH
                                  dependencies of prophasing and nuclear
                                  membrane formation in
                                  interphase--metaphase cells  . . . . . . 608
           Keith E. Summers and   
                  I. R. Gibbons   Effects of Trypsin Digestion on
                                  Flagellar Structures and Their
                                  Relationship to Motility . . . . . . . . 618
       Clara Franzini-Armstrong   The Structure of a Simple Z Line . . . . 630
                 H. Schmitt and   
               H. Grossfeld and   
                 U. Z. Littauer   Mitochondrial Biogenesis During
                                  Differentiation of Artemia Salina Cysts  643
              Matthew M. LaVail   Kinetics of Rod Outer Segment Renewal in
                                  the Developing Mouse Retina  . . . . . . 650
             C. F. Millette and   
                P. G. Spear and   
                 W. E. Gall and   
                  G. M. Edelman   Chemical Dissection of Mammalian
                                  Spermatozoa  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
           William E. Grove and   
           Terry C. Johnson and   
                 Paul Kelly and   
                 Marvin Luttges   Qualitative and Quantitative
                                  Morphological Changes in Subcellular
                                  Fractions from Mouse Cerebral Cortex
                                  During Postnatal Development . . . . . . 676
  E. Joan Blanchette-Mackie and   
                 Robert O. Scow   Effects of Lipoprotein Lipase on the
                                  Structure of Chylomicrons  . . . . . . . 689
              Leslie Wilson and   
                    Isaura Meza   The Mechanism of Action of Colchicine    709
              Paula F. Dehn and   
               Robin A. Wallace   Sequestered and Injected Vitellogenin    721
              P. M. Quinton and   
           Ernest M. Wright and   
               John McD. Tormey   Localization of Sodium Pumps in the
                                  Choroid Plexus Epithelium  . . . . . . . 724

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 59, Number 1, October, 1973

         William R. Jeffery and   
             Joseph Frankel and   
       Lawrence E. de Bault and   
              Leslie M. Jenkins   Analysis of the Schedule of DNA
                                  Replication in Heat-Synchronized
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 1
              Eve P. Reaven and   
              Stanton G. Axline   Subplasmalemmal Microfilaments and
                                  Microtubules in Resting and
                                  Phagocytizing Cultivated Macrophages . . 12
              Yukio Ikehara and   
                 Henry C. Pitot   Localization of Polysome-Bound Albumin
                                  and Serine Dehydratase in Rat Liver Cell
                                  Fractions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
           J. H. Ehrenreich and   
          J. J. M. Bergeron and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Golgi Fractions Prepared from Rat Liver
                                  Homogenates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
          J. J. M. Bergeron and   
           J. H. Ehrenreich and   
               P. Siekevitz and   
                   G. E. Palade   Golgi Fractions Prepared from Rat Liver
                                  Homogenates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
           John G. Bluemink and   
           Siegfried W. de Laat   New Membrane Formation During
                                  Cytokinesis in Normal and Cytochalasin
                                  B-Treated Eggs of \bionameXenopus Laevis 89
            Lewis G. Tilney and   
             Sadashi Hatano and   
          Harunori Ishikawa and   
               Mark S. Mooseker   The Polymerization of Actin: Its Role in
                                  the Generation of the Acrosomal Process
                                  of Certain Echinoderm Sperm  . . . . . . 109
            Lidia S. Watrud and   
            Albert H. Ellingboe   Cobalt As a Mitochondrial Density Marker
                                  in a Study of Cytoplasmic Exchange
                                  During Mating of Schizophyllum Commune   127
          Kenneth D. Noonan and   
                  Max M. Burger   The Relationship of Concanavalin a
                                  Binding to Lectin-Initiated Cell
                                  Agglutination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
                Jack Rosenbluth   Membrane Specialization at an Insect
                                  Myoneural Junction . . . . . . . . . . . 143
                 T. Simmons and   
                 P. Heywood and   
                       L. Hodge   Nuclear Envelope-Associated Resumption
                                  of RNA Synthesis in Late Mitosis of HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
         Michel Rabinovitch and   
             Mary Jo de Stefano   Manganese Stimulates Adhesion and
                                  Spreading of Mouse Sarcoma I Ascites
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
              William E. Bowers   Lysosomes in Rat Thoracic Duct
                                  Lymphocytes Fractionated by Zonal
                                  Centrifugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
                 E. Bonucci and   
               M. Derenzini and   
                   V. Marinozzi   The Organic-Inorganic Relationship in
                                  Calcified Mitochondria . . . . . . . . . 185
          Samuel James Davidson   Protein Absorption by Renal Cells  . . . 213
Adriana Hodârnâu and   
              Silvia Dancea and   
           Octavian Bârzu   Isolation of Highly Purified
                                  Mitochondria from Rat Pancreas . . . . . 222
             Gary W. Conrad and   
         Daniel C. Williams and   
           F. Rudolf Turner and   
         Kenneth M. Newrock and   
                 Rudolf A. Raff   Microfilaments in the Polar Lobe
                                  Constriction of Fertilized Eggs of
                                  Ilyanassa Obsoleta . . . . . . . . . . . 228
                  R. G. Sherman   Unique Arrangement of Glial Membranes
                                  Between Adjacent Neuromuscular Synapses
                                  in a Spider Muscle . . . . . . . . . . . 234
                 Martin L. Pall   Sexual Induction in Volvox Carteri . . . 238
             Bruce Paterson and   
                    Joav Prives   Appearance of Acetylcholine Receptor in
                                  Differentiating Cultures of Embryonic
                                  Chick Breast Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . 241
          Gloria D. Massaro and   
                 Donald Massaro   Pulmonary Granular Pneumocytes . . . . . 246
              Herbert L. Cooper   Degradation of 28S RNA Late in Ribosomal
                                  RNA Maturation in Nongrowing Lymphocytes
                                  and Its Reversal After Growth
                                  Stimulation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
                R. A. Waugh and   
                T. L. Spray and   
                   J. R. Sommer   Fenestrations of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum  254
              Manley McGill and   
                  T. C. Hsu and   
                 B. R. Brinkley   Electron-Dense Structures in
                                  Mitochondria Induced by Short-Term
                                  Ethidium Bromide Treatment . . . . . . . 260

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 59, Number 2, November, 1973

            Lewis G. Tilney and   
               Joseph Bryan and   
              Doris J. Bush and   
             Keigi Fujiwara and   
           Mark S. Mooseker and   
          Douglas B. Murphy and   
               Daniel H. Snyder   Microtubules: Evidence for 13
                                  Protofilaments . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
           Colin R. Hopkins and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   Hormone Secretion by Cells Dissociated
                                  from Rat Anterior Pituitaries  . . . . . 276
            Donald E. Olins and   
             Everline B. Wright   Glutaraldehyde Fixation of Isolated
                                  Eucaryotic Nuclei  . . . . . . . . . . . 304
             Sarah P. Gibbs and   
                Ronald J. Poole   Autoradiographic Evidence for Many
                                  Segregating DNA Molecules in the
                                  Chloroplast of Ochromonas Danica . . . . 318
           Richard E. Mains and   
              Paul H. Patterson   Primary Cultures of Dissociated
                                  Sympathetic Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . 329
           Richard E. Mains and   
              Paul H. Patterson   Primary Cultures of Dissociated
                                  Sympathetic Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . 346
           Richard E. Mains and   
              Paul H. Patterson   Primary Cultures of Dissociated
                                  Sympathetic Neurons  . . . . . . . . . . 361
           Robert L. Stavis and   
                Rona Hirschberg   Phototaxis in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii  367
               D. L. Taylor and   
            J. S. Condeelis and   
                P. L. Moore and   
                    R. D. Allen   The Contractile Basis of Amoeboid
                                  Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
          Garth L. Nicolson and   
             Richard G. Painter   Anionic Sites of Human Erythrocyte
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 395
          Neil I. Spielholz and   
       William G. Van der Kloot   Localization and Properties of the
                                  Cholinesterase in Crustacean Muscle  . . 407
         F. C. Charalampous and   
              N. K. Gonatas and   
                A. D. Melbourne   Isolation and Properties of the Plasma
                                  Membrane of Kb Cells . . . . . . . . . . 421
        Nicholas K. Gonatas and   
               Stratis Avrameas   Detection of Plasma Membrane
                                  Carbohydrates with Lectin Peroxidase
                                  Conjugates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
        Judith E. Armstrong and   
               Russell L. Jones   Osmotic regulation of $ \alpha $-amylase
                                  synthesis and polyribosome formation in
                                  aleurone cells of barley . . . . . . . . 444
           W. W. Schlaepfer and   
                    R. P. Bunge   Effects of Calcium Ion Concentration on
                                  the Degeneration of Amputated Axons in
                                  Tissue Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
                  Brian Storrie   Antagonism by Dibutyryl Adenosine Cyclic
                                  3',5'-Monophosphate and Testosterone of
                                  Cell Rounding Reactions  . . . . . . . . 471
               Joyce P. Cox and   
           Manfred L. Karnovsky   The Depression of Phagocytosis by
                                  Exogenous Cyclic Nucleotides,
                                  Prostaglandins, and Theophylline . . . . 480
            Paul B. Lazarow and   
              Christian de Duve   The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491
            Paul B. Lazarow and   
              Christian de Duve   The Synthesis and Turnover of Rat Liver
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
         P. P. C. Graziadei and   
                    R. S. DeHan   Neuronal Regeneration in Frog Olfactory
                                  System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 525
            Linda D. Heding and   
                 David A. Wolff   The Cytochemical Examination of
                                  Poliovirus-Induced Cell Damage . . . . . 530
               Earl L. Parr and   
                    Jane S. Oei   Immobilization of Membrane H-2 Antigens
                                  by Paraformaldehyde Fixation . . . . . . 537
                  Issei Mabuchi   A Myosin-Like Protein in the Cortical
                                  Layer of the Sea Urchin Egg  . . . . . . 542

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 59, Number 3, December, 1973

                C. W. Abell and   
                  T. M. Monahan   The Role of Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic
                                  Monophosphate in the Regulation of
                                  Mammalian Cell Division  . . . . . . . . 549
              William B. Neaves   Permeability of Sertoli Cell Tight
                                  Junctions to Lanthanum After Ligation of
                                  Ductus Deferens and Ductuli Efferentes   559
               C. Richard Zobel   Effect of Solution Composition and
                                  Proteolysis on the Conformation of
                                  Axonemal Components  . . . . . . . . . . 573
               R. Bruce Nicklas   Methods for Gentle, Differential Heating
                                  of Part of a Single Living Cell  . . . . 595
               H. Bruce Bosmann   Molecules at the External Nuclear
                                  Surface  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 601
                 P. R. Gabe and   
                 L. E. de Bault   Macromolecular Syntheses Related to the
                                  Reproductive Cyst of \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Patula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615
                     Leo Miller   Control of 5S RNA Synthesis During Early
                                  Development of Anucleolate and Partial
                                  Nucleolate Mutants of \bionameXenopus
                                  Laevis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 624
            Keith R. Porter and   
           George J. Todaro and   
                 Virginia Fonte   A Scanning Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Surface Features of Viral and
                                  Spontaneous Transformants of Mouse
                                  Balb\slash 3T3 Cells . . . . . . . . . . 633
               Samuel Dales and   
              Konrad C. Hsu and   
                Ariaki Nagayama   The Fine Structure and Immunological
                                  Labeling of the Achromatic Mitotic
                                  Apparatus After Disruption of Cell
                                  Membranes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
                 J. Derksen and   
             H. D. Berendes and   
                     E. Willart   Production and Release of a
                                  Locus-Specific Ribonucleoprotein Product
                                  in Polytene Nuclei of \bionameDrosophila
                                  Hydei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661
             Helmut M. Maul and   
           Betty Yee Li Hsu and   
          Thaddeus M. Borun and   
                   Gerd G. Maul   Effect of Metabolic Inhibitors on
                                  Nuclear Pore Formation During the HeLa
                                  S$_3$ Cell Cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
         Pierluigi Gambetti and   
    Lucila Autilio-Gambetti and   
              Brenda Shafer and   
                  LaDorna Pfaff   Quantitative Autoradiographic Study of
                                  Labeled RNA in Rabbit Optic Nerve After
                                  Intraocular Injection of [$^3$H]Uridine  677
            John T. Knowler and   
            Harold L. Moses and   
            Thomas C. Spelsberg   Comparison and Characterization of
                                  Nuclear Isolation Procedures As Applied
                                  to Chick Oviduct . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
               Ursula Bretz and   
               Marco Baggiolini   Association of the Alkaline Phosphatase
                                  of Rabbit Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
                                  with the Membrane of the Specific
                                  Granules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696
             John H. Lillie and   
                   Seong S. Han   Secretory Protein Synthesis in the
                                  Stimulated Rat Parotid Gland . . . . . . 708
      D. Montgomery Bissell and   
          Lydia E. Hammaker and   
                   Urs A. Meyer   Parenchymal Cells from Adult Rat Liver
                                  in Nonproliferating Monolayer Culture    722
        Geoffrey S. Chapman and   
            Albert L. Jones and   
               Urs A. Meyer and   
          D. Montgomery Bissell   Parenchymal Cells from Adult Rat Liver
                                  in Nonproliferating Monolayer Culture    735
                 A. Konishi and   
              W. S. Beacham and   
                     C. C. Hunt   Centrioles in Intrafusal Muscle Fibers   749
              Beth Burnside and   
                Chris Kozak and   
                  F. C. Kafatos   Tubulin Determination by an Isotope
                                  Dilution-Vinblastine Precipitation
                                  Method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
          Alois Knüsel and   
     Béatrice Lehner and   
           Clive C. Kuenzle and   
            Gonzague S. Kistler   Isolation of Neuronal Nuclei from Rat
                                  Brain Cortex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762
          Harry A. Crissman and   
              John A. Steinkamp   Rapid, Simultaneous Measurement of DNA,
                                  Protein, and Cell Volume in Single Cells
                                  from Large Mammalian Cell Populations    766
          J. J. M. Bergeron and   
                W. H. Evans and   
                I. I. Geschwind   Insulin Binding to Rat Liver Golgi
                                  Fractions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771
          Yoshiaki Kuriyama and   
               David J. L. Luck   Membrane-Associated Ribosomes in
                                  Mitochondria of Neurospora Crassa  . . . 776
               Blair Bowers and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Cytochemical Identification of
                                  Phosphatase Activity in the Contractile
                                  Vacuole of \bionameAcanthamoeba
                                  Castellanii  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 60, Number 1, January, 1974

             Tsuyoshi Sawai and   
                 Mitsuki Yoneda   Wave of Stiffness Propagating Along the
                                  Surface of the Newt Egg During Cleavage  1
        Marilyn G. Farquhar and   
          J. J. M. Bergeron and   
               George E. Palade   Cytochemistry of Golgi Fractions
                                  Prepared from Rat Liver  . . . . . . . . 8
            Howard J. Allen and   
               Charles Ault and   
         Richard J. Winzler and   
              James F. Danielli   Chemical Characterization of the
                                  Isolated Cell Surface of Amoeba  . . . . 26
         A. L. Kierszenbaum and   
                  Laura L. Tres   Nucleolar and Perichromosomal RNA
                                  Synthesis During Meiotic Prophase in the
                                  Mouse Testis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
            Joel B. Baseman and   
            Domenic Paolini and   
                    Harold Amos   Stimulation by Insulin of RNA Synthesis
                                  in Chick Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . . 54
       Maurice M. Margulies and   
                 Allan Michaels   Ribosomes Bound to Chloroplast Membranes
                                  in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii . . . . . . 65
           William C. Dewel and   
                Wallis H. Clark   A Fine Structural Investigation of
                                  Surface Specializations and the Cortical
                                  Reaction in Eggs of the Cnidarian
                                  Bunodosoma Cavernata . . . . . . . . . . 78
           Melvyn Weinstock and   
                  C. P. Leblond   Synthesis, Migration, and Release of
                                  Precursor Collagen by Odontoblasts As
                                  Visualized by Radioautography After
                                  [$^3$H]Proline Administration  . . . . . 92
            Maia Simionescu and   
         Nicolae Simionescu and   
               George E. Palade   Morphometric Data on the Endothelium of
                                  Blood Capillaries  . . . . . . . . . . . 128
             Harold P. Erickson   Microtubule Surface Lattice and Subunit
                                  Structure and Observations on Reassembly 153
              James B. Wade and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   The Structure of the Zonula Occludens    168
               Han van Rijn and   
          Marinus M. Bevers and   
           Roeland van Wijk and   
                Wesley D. Wicks   Regulation of Phosphoenolpyruvate
                                  Carboxykinase and Tyrosine Transaminase
                                  in Hepatoma Cell Cultures  . . . . . . . 181
           John A. McIntyre and   
           Norton B. Gilula and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Cryoprotectant-Induced Redistribution of
                                  Intramembranous Particles in Mouse
                                  Lymphocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
                 I. Brent Heath   Mitosis in the Fungus Thraustotheca
                                  Clavata  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
             Jamison Gilder and   
                 James Cronshaw   A Biochemical and Cytochemical Study of
                                  Adenosine Triphosphatase Activity in the
                                  Phloem of Nicotian a Tabacum . . . . . . 221
          Garth L. Nicolson and   
                   S. J. Singer   The Distribution and Asymmetry of
                                  Mammalian Cell Surface Saccharides
                                  Utilizing Ferritin-Conjugated Plant
                                  Agglutinins As Specific Saccharide
                                  Stains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
       Jeffrey E. Froehlich and   
               Martin Rachmeler   Inhibition of Cell Growth in the G$_1$
                                  Phase by Adenosine 3',5'-Cyclic
                                  Monophosphate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
               Gary Bennett and   
              C. P. Leblond and   
                 Antonio Haddad   Migration of Glycoprotein from the Golgi
                                  Apparatus to the Surface of Various Cell
                                  Types As Shown by Radioautography After
                                  Labeled Fucose Injection into Rats . . . 258
         Richard D. Sjolund and   
                 Donna D. Smith   Freeze-Fracture Studies of
                                  Photosynthetically Deficient
                                  ``Supergranal'' Chloroplasts in Tissue
                                  Cultures Containing Virus-Like Particles 285
                 G. H. Cope and   
                 M. A. Williams   Improved Preservation of Parotid Tissue
                                  for Electron Microscopy  . . . . . . . . 292
            Joachim Stadleb and   
               Werner W. Franke   Characterization of the Colchicine
                                  Binding of Membrane Fractions from Rat
                                  and Mouse Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
             Volloer Herzog and   
              H. Dariush Fahimi   The Effect of Glutaraldehyde on Catalase 303
               J. T. Stasny and   
                R. C. Burns and   
               B. D. Korant and   
                 R. W. F. Hardy   Electron Microscopy of the Mo-Fe Protein
                                  from Azotobacter Nitrogenase . . . . . . 311
        Dennis M. D. Landis and   
                    T. S. Reese   Arrays of Particles in Freeze-Fractured
                                  Astrocytic Membranes . . . . . . . . . . 316
                  Keith Summers   ATP-Induced Sliding of Microtubules in
                                  Bull Sperm Flagella  . . . . . . . . . . 321

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 60, Number 2, February, 1974

         Marjorie B. Zucker and   
               Walter Troll and   
                  Sidney Belman   The Tumor-Promoter Phorbol Ester
                                  13$-Acetate), a Potent Aggregating Agent
                                  for Blood Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . 325
              Larry Sellers and   
                  Daryl Granner   Regulation of Tyrosine Aminotransferase
                                  Activity in Two Liver-Derived Permanent
                                  Cell Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
         Marijke E. Holtrop and   
          Lawrence G. Raisz and   
              Hollis A. Simmons   The Effects of Parathyroid Hormone,
                                  Colchicine, and Calcitonin on the
                                  Ultrastructure and the Activity of
                                  Osteoclasts in Organ Culture . . . . . . 346
         Lawrence R. Gurley and   
          Ronald A. Walters and   
                Robert A. Tobey   Cell Cycle-Specific Changes in Histone
                                  Phosphorylation Associated with Cell
                                  Proliferation and Chromosome
                                  Condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
             Joseph J. Pysh and   
                Ronald G. Wiley   Synaptic Vesicle Depletion and Recovery
                                  in Cat Sympathetic Ganglia Electrically
                                  Stimulated in Vivo . . . . . . . . . . . 365
              Yusuf Kapanci and   
André Assimacopoulos and   
                Claude Irle and   
       André Zwahlen and   
                Giulio Gabbiani   ''Contractile Interstitial Cells'' in
                                  Pulmonary Alveolar Septa: a Possible
                                  Regulator of Ventilation\slash Perfusion
                                  Ratio? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 375
         Richard G. W. Anderson   Isolation of Ciliated Or Unciliated
                                  Basal Bodies from the Rabbit Oviduct . . 393
         Samuel B. Horowitz and   
               Leonard C. Moore   The Nuclear Permeability, Intracellular
                                  Distribution, and Diffusion of Inulin in
                                  the Amphibian Oocyte . . . . . . . . . . 405
             G. P. M. Moore and   
          Sue Lintern-Moore and   
              Hannah Peters and   
                       M. Faber   RNA Synthesis in the Mouse Oocyte  . . . 416
           Richard Rodewald and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Porous Substructure of the Glomerular
                                  Slit Diaphragm in the Rat and Mouse  . . 423
       Leighton P. Everhart and   
                Robert W. Rubin   Cyclic Changes in the Cell Surface . . . 434
       Leighton P. Everhart and   
                Robert W. Rubin   Cyclic Changes in the Cell Surface . . . 442
         Thomas M. O'Connor and   
          Charles R. Wyttenbach   Cell Death in the Embryonic Chick Spinal
                                  Cord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
            David H. DeHeer and   
             Merle S. Olson and   
               R. Neal Pinckard   Characterization of Rat Liver
                                  Subcellular Membranes  . . . . . . . . . 460
            Harry L. Malech and   
                Thomas L. Lentz   Microfilaments in Epidermal Cancer Cells 473
        Richard N. Trelease and   
            Wayne M. Becker and   
                  John J. Burke   Cytochemical Localization of Malate
                                  Synthase in Glyoxysomes  . . . . . . . . 483
                Jason Wolfe and   
                Lewis Rodriguez   Inhibition of Nuclear Reconstruction by
                                  Dithiothreitol . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
G. Giménez-Martín and   
             C. de la Torre and   
M. E. Fernández-Gómez and   
A. González-Fernández   Experimental Analysis of Nucleolar
                                  Reorganization . . . . . . . . . . . . . 502
          M. Johan Broekman and   
     Nelson P. Westmoreland and   
                     Phin Cohen   An Improved Method for Isolating Alpha
                                  Granules and Mitochondria from Human
                                  Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 507
            Fred R. Butcher and   
                Rose H. Goldman   Effect of cytochalasin B and colchicine
                                  on $ \alpha $-amylase release from rat
                                  parotid tissue slices  . . . . . . . . . 519
            Phillip N. Dean and   
                  James H. Jett   Mathematical Analysis of DNA
                                  Distributions Derived from Flow
                                  Microfluorometry . . . . . . . . . . . . 523

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 60, Number 3, March, 1974

       Siegfried W. de Laat and   
               John G. Bluemink   New Membrane Formation During
                                  Cytokinesis in Normal and Cytochalasin
                                  B-Treated Eggs of \bionameXenopus Laevis 529
            John R. Feagler and   
          Thomas W. Tillack and   
           David D. Chaplin and   
              Philip W. Majerus   The Effects of Thrombin on
                                  Phytohemagglutinin Receptor Sites in
                                  Human Platelets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 541
             Christine Kent and   
                 M. A. Williams   The Nature of
                                  Neurosecretion in the Rat  . . . . . . . 554
             Phyllis R. Strauss   Effects of Serum on Membrane Transport   571
                J. S. Frank and   
                   G. A. Langer   The Myocardial Interstitium: Its
                                  Structure and Its Role in Ionic Exchange 586
               M. S. Forbes and   
                  N. Sperelakis   Spheroidal Bodies in the Junctional
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum of Lizard
                                  Myocardial Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . 602
              Gert Kreibich and   
             Ann L. Hubbard and   
              David D. Sabatini   On the Spatial Arrangement of Proteins
                                  in Microsomal Membranes from Rat Liver   616
         Jean-Jacques Curgy and   
      Gérard Ledoigt and   
         Barbara J. Stevens and   
              Jean André   Mitochondrial and Cytoplasmic Ribosomes
                                  from \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis  . . 628
             Joris J. Deman and   
           Erik A. Bruyneel and   
                 Marc M. Mareel   A Study on the Mechanism of
                                  Intercellular Adhesion . . . . . . . . . 641
             Akitsugu Saito and   
              Murray Smigel and   
               Sidney Fleischer   Membrane Junctions in the Intermembrane
                                  Space of Mitochondria from Mammalian
                                  Tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 653
            James E. Vaughn and   
       Charles K. Henrikson and   
           Judith A. Grieshaber   A Quantitative Study of Synapses on
                                  Motor Neuron Dendritic Growth Cones in
                                  Developing Mouse Spinal Cord . . . . . . 664
        Michael A. Gimbrone and   
            Ramzi S. Cotran and   
                  Judah Folkman   Human Vascular Endothelial Cells in
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
               C. R. Scheid and   
                   I. A. Macchi   Monolayer Cultures Derived from Neonatal
                                  Hamster Pancreas . . . . . . . . . . . . 685
              F. C. Steward and   
               H. W. Israel and   
                 M. M. Salpeter   The Labeling of Cultured Cells of
                                  \bionameAcer with [$^{14}$C]Proline and
                                  Its Significance . . . . . . . . . . . . 695
                   Hans Ris and   
                 Donna F. Kubai   An Unusual Mitotic Mechanism in the
                                  Parasitic Protozoan Syndinium Sp . . . . 702
       Peter M. Leuenberger and   
               Alex B. Novikoff   Localization of Transport Adenosine
                                  Triphosphatase in Rat Cornea . . . . . . 721
        Brenda R. Eisenberg and   
             Aileen M. Kuda and   
                 James B. Peter   Stereological Analysis of Mammalian
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 732
                Jonas B. Galper   Mitochondrial Protein Synthesis in HeLa
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
         Douglas M. Gersten and   
         Thomas W. Kimmerer and   
               H. Bruce Bosmann   The Lysosome Periphery: Biochemical and
                                  Electrokinetic Properties of the
                                  Tritosome Surface  . . . . . . . . . . . 764
            James H. Martin and   
           Freida L. Carson and   
                 George J. Race   Calcium-Containing Platelet Granules . . 775
           Robert M. Singer and   
             William H. Fishman   Characterization of Two HeLa Sublines:
                                  Tcrc-1 Produces Regan Isoenzyme and
                                  Tcrc-2, Non-Regan Isoenzyme  . . . . . . 777
              C. A. Sprague and   
                   H. Hoehn and   
                   G. M. Martin   Ploidy of Living Clones of Human Somatic
                                  Cells Determined by Mensuration at
                                  Metaphase  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 781
            James R. LaFountain   Microfilaments in Spermatocytes of
                                  Nephrotoma Suturalis . . . . . . . . . . 784
           James K. Koehler and   
             William D. Perkins   Fine Structure Observations on the
                                  Distribution of Antigenic Sites on
                                  Guinea Pig Spermatozoa . . . . . . . . . 789
          Harold C. Slavkin and   
              Gary N. Trump and   
           Virginia Mansour and   
            Pamela Matosian and   
                William G. Mino   Localization of H-2 Histocompatibility
                                  Alloantigens on Mouse Embryonic Tooth
                                  Epithelial and Mesenchymal Cell Surfaces 795

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 61, Number 1, April, 1974

                   J. Meldolesi   Dynamics of Cytoplasmic Membranes in
                                  Guinea Pig Pancreatic Acinar Cells . . . 1
              Katsuro Koike and   
          David R. Wolstenholme   Evidence for Discontinuous Replication
                                  of Circular Mitochondrial DNA Molecules
                                  from Novikoff Rat Ascites Hepatoma Cells 14
           Allen W. Schuetz and   
           Robin A. Wallace and   
                James N. Dumont   Steroid Inhibition of Protein
                                  Incorporation by Isolated Amphibian
                                  Oocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
                   Saul Kit and   
                 Wai-Choi Leung   Genetic Control of Mitochondrial
                                  Thymidine Kinase in Human-Mouse and
                                  Monkey-Mouse Somatic Cell Hybrids  . . . 35
           Nathan A. Berger and   
       Sister Ann Marie Skinner   Characterization of Lymphocyte
                                  Transformation Induced by Zinc Ions  . . 45
         Paul C. Letourneau and   
             Norman K. Wessells   Migratory Cell Locomotion Versus Nerve
                                  Axon Elongation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
            Thomas E. Ukena and   
          Joan Z. Borysenko and   
        Morris J. Karnovsky and   
              Richard D. Berlin   Effects of Colchicine, Cytochalasin B,
                                  and $2$-Deoxyglucose on the
                                  Topographical Organization of
                                  Surface-Bound Concanavalin a in Normal
                                  and Transformed Fibroblasts  . . . . . . 70
                 J. Vergara and   
                F. Zambrano and   
            J. D. Robertson and   
                       H. Elrod   Isolation and Characterization of
                                  Luminal Membranes from Urinary Bladder   83
             R. Blair Evans and   
               Vera Morhenn and   
            Albert L. Jones and   
              Gordon M. Tomkins   Concomitant Effects of Insulin on
                                  Surface Membrane Conformation and
                                  Polysome Profiles of Serum-Starved
                                  Balb/c 3T3 Fibroblasts . . . . . . . . . 95
              Camillo Peracchia   Excitable Membrane Ultrastructure  . . . 107
              M. J. Connock and   
                 P. R. Kirk and   
                  A. P. Sturdee   A Zonal Rotor Method for the Preparation
                                  of Microperoxisomes from Epithelial
                                  Cells of Guinea Pig Small Intestine  . . 123
         Martin A. Gorovsky and   
    Josephine Bowen Keevert and   
           Gloria Lorick Pleger   Histone F1 of \bionameTetrahymena
                                  Macronuclei  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
              D. E. Hillman and   
                       R. Llins   Calcium-Containing Electron-Dense
                                  Structures in the Axons of the Squid
                                  Giant Synapse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
              J. L. Oschman and   
                 T. A. Hall and   
               P. D. Peters and   
                     B. J. Wall   Association of Calcium with Membranes of
                                  Squid Giant Axon . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
                 J. R. McIntosh   Bridges Between Microtubules . . . . . . 166
              Henri Beaufay and   
        Alain Amar-Costesec and   
            Ernest Feytmans and   
    Denise Thin\`es-Sempoux and   
               Maurice Wibo and   
             Mariette Robbi and   
                Jacques Berthet   Analytical Study of Microsomes and
                                  Isolated Subcellular Membranes from Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
        Alain Amar-Costesec and   
              Henri Beaufay and   
               Maurice Wibo and   
    Denise Thin\`es-Sempoux and   
            Ernest Feytmans and   
             Mariette Robbi and   
                Jacques Berthet   Analytical Study of Microsomes and
                                  Isolated Subcellular Membranes from Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
              Henri Beaufay and   
        Alain Amar-Costesec and   
    Denise Thin\`es-Sempoux and   
               Maurice Wibo and   
             Mariette Robbi and   
                Jacques Berthet   Analytical Study of Microsomes and
                                  Isolated Subcellular Membranes from Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
            L. W. Roti Roti and   
                  A. R. Stevens   Effect of $5$-Bromodeoxyuridine on
                                  Growth, Encystment, and Excystment of
                                  \bionameAcanthamoeba Castellanii . . . . 233
        José Remacle and   
             Stanley Fowler and   
              Henri Beaufay and   
                Jacques Berthet   Ultrastructural localization of
                                  cytochrome B$_5$ on rat liver microsomes
                                  by means of hybrid antibodies labeled
                                  with ferritin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
               Nehama Zakai and   
             Abraham Loyter and   
               Richard G. Kulka   Fusion of Erythrocytes and Other Cells
                                  with Retention of Erythrocyte Cytoplasm  241
        Lorraine F. Meisner and   
       Thomas W. Chuprevich and   
          Stanley L. Inhorn and   
              Collin B. Johnson   Dye-Nucleoprotein Interactions in Giemsa
                                  Banding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248
            Guy A. Thompson and   
            Lonnie C. Baugh and   
               Laurie F. Walker   Nonlethal Deciliation of
                                  \bionameTetrahymena by a Local
                                  Anesthetic and Its Utility As a Tool for
                                  Studying Cilia Regeneration  . . . . . . 253
                G. H. Weber and   
                   U. Heine and   
             M. Cottler-Fox and   
                   G. Beaudreau   Direct Visualization of Labeled
                                  Nucleotides in DNA Using Electron
                                  Microscopy and Autoradiography . . . . . 257
             Eric Schabtach and   
             Terry A. Parkening   A Method for Sequential High Resolution
                                  Light and Electron Microscopy of
                                  Selected Areas of the Same Material  . . 261

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 61, Number 2, May, 1974

             Robert P. Bolender   Stereological Analysis of the Guinea Pig
                                  Pancreas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
         Michael L. Higgins and   
             Lolita Daneo-Moore   Factors Influencing the Frequency of
                                  Mesosomes Observed in Fixed and Unfixed
                                  Cells of Streptococcus Faecalis  . . . . 288
              Chung-Ho Chen and   
         John W. Greenawalt and   
            Albert L. Lehninger   Biochemical and Ultrastructural Aspects
                                  of Ca$^{2+}$ Transport by Mitochondria
                                  of the Hepatopancreas of the Blue Crab
                                  \bionameCallinectes Sapidus  . . . . . . 301
           Gerald L. Becker and   
              Chung-Ho Chen and   
         John W. Greenawalt and   
            Albert L. Lehninger   Calcium Phosphate Granules in the
                                  Hepatopancreas of the Blue Crab
                                  Callinectes Sapidus  . . . . . . . . . . 316
                 Carol Bibb and   
               Richard W. Young   Renewal of Fatty Acids in the Membranes
                                  of Visual Cell Outer Segments  . . . . . 327
         Jarnardan K. Reddy and   
         Daniel L. Azarnoff and   
          Donald J. Svoboda and   
                 Jada D. Prasad   Nafenopin-Induced Hepatic Microbody
                                  (Peroxisome) Proliferation and Catalase
                                  Synthesis in Rats and Mice . . . . . . . 344
       Clifford A. Lingwood and   
                D. Brian Thomas   Rapid Changes in Nucleoside Transport
                                  Induced by Growth Inhibitors . . . . . . 359
              D. A. Newsome and   
             R. T. Fletcher and   
              W. G. Robison and   
               K. R. Kenyon and   
                   G. J. Chader   Effects of Cyclic AMP and Sephadex
                                  Fractions of Chick Embryo Extract on
                                  Cloned Retinal Pigmented Epithelium in
                                  Tissue Culture . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
          William B. Upholt and   
                     Piet Borst   Accumulation of Replicative
                                  Intermediates of Mitochondrial DNA in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis Grown in
                                  Ethidium Bromide . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
             David Schubert and   
             A. John Harris and   
          Carrick E. Devine and   
              Stephen Heinemann   Characterization of a Unique Muscle Cell
                                  Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 398
           Robert S. Hikida and   
             Joseph A. Lombardo   Regeneration of Pigeon Fast and Slow
                                  Muscle Fiber Types After Partial
                                  Excision and Mincing . . . . . . . . . . 414
           Itzhak Binderman and   
                 Dan Duksin and   
               Arieh Harell and   
Ephraim Katzir (Katchalski) and   
                      Leo Sachs   Formation of Bone Tissue in Culture from
                                  Isolated Bone Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 427
              C. Peter Wolk and   
              Sam M. Austin and   
               John Bortins and   
                 Aaron Galonsky   Autoradiographic Localization Of
                                  $^{13}$N After Fixation Of
                                  $^{13}$N-Labeled Nitrogen Gas by a
                                  Heterocyst-Forming Blue--Green Alga  . . 440
       Dorothy A. Schlaeger and   
            Morton S. Fuchs and   
                   Suk-Hee Kang   Ecdysone-Mediated Stimulation of Dopa
                                  Decarboxylase Activity and Its
                                  Relationship to Ovarian Development in
                                  Aedes Aegypti  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 454
               Ursula Bretz and   
           Marco Baggiolini and   
                Rolf Hauser and   
                Christian Hodel   Resolution of Three Distinct Populations
                                  of Nerve Endings from Rat Brain
                                  Homogenates by Zonal Isopycnic
                                  Centrifugation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466
          Armand F. Miranda and   
          Gabriel C. Godman and   
           Arline D. Deitch and   
            Stuart W. Tanenbaum   Action of Cytochalasin D on Cells of
                                  Established Lines  . . . . . . . . . . . 481
       Clara Franzini-Armstrong   Freeze Fracture of Skeletal Muscle from
                                  the Tarantula Spider . . . . . . . . . . 501
             David L. Brown and   
              G. Benjamin Bouck   Microtubule Biogenesis and Cell Shape in
                                  Ochromonas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 514
             Gordon I. Kaye and   
        Cecilia M. Fenoglio and   
            Frank B. Hoefle and   
                Jorge Fischbarg   Studies on the Cornea  . . . . . . . . . 537
            Walter L. Davis and   
        David B. P. Goodman and   
            James H. Martin and   
          James L. Matthews and   
               Howard Rasmussen   Vasopressin-Induced Changes in the Toad
                                  Urinary Bladder Epithelial Surface . . . 544
           J. H. M. Temmink and   
                      H. Spiele   Ruthenium Red Staining of Normal and
                                  Transformed Murine Fibroblasts in Vitro  548
                   C. Walig and   
        J. M. M. Walboomers and   
             J. van der Noordaa   Ultrastructural Localization of
                                  Concanavalin a Receptors in Somatic Cell
                                  Hybrids Between Normal Mouse Cells and
                                  Simian Virus $ 40$-Transformed Rat Cells 553
           Daniel A. Goodenough   Bulk Isolation of Mouse Hepatocyte Gap
                                  Junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 61, Number 3, June, 1974

             Gary W. Grimes and   
            Henry R. Mahler and   
              Philip S. Perlman   Nuclear Gene Dosage Effects on
                                  Mitochondrial Mass and DNA . . . . . . . 565
       Daniel A. Goodenough and   
               Norton B. Gilula   The Splitting of Hepatocyte Gap
                                  Junctions and Zonulae Occludentes with
                                  Hypertonic Disaccharides . . . . . . . . 575
       Joan Smith-Sonneborn and   
                  Michael Klass   Changes in the DNA Synthesis Pattern of
                                  Paramecium with Increased Clonal Age and
                                  Interfission Time  . . . . . . . . . . . 591
               Robert S. Decker   Lysosomal Packaging in Differentiating
                                  and Degenerating Anuran Lateral Motor
                                  Column Neurons . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599
                Frank Slaby and   
                  Carolyn Brown   Changes in the Ribosome Content,
                                  Principal Microsomal Protein
                                  Composition, and Secretory Character of
                                  Mammary Epithelial Rough Endoplasmic
                                  Reticulum During Differentiation . . . . 613
           Frank Wunderlich and   
                Werner Batz and   
               Volker Speth and   
           Donald F. H. Wallach   Reversible, Thermotropic Alteration of
                                  Nuclear Membrane Structure and
                                  Nucleocytoplasmic RNA Transport in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 633
                Jacques Padawer   Identification of Mast Cells in the
                                  Scanning Electron Microscope by Means of
                                  X-Ray Spectrometry . . . . . . . . . . . 641
          Richard T. Ambron and   
           James E. Goldman and   
  Elizabeth Barnes Thompson and   
              James H. Schwartz   Synthesis of Glycoproteins in a Single
                                  Identified Neuron of \bionameAplysia
                                  Californica  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649
          Richard T. Ambron and   
           James E. Goldman and   
              James H. Schwartz   Axonal Transport of Newly Synthesized
                                  Glycoproteins in a Single Identified
                                  Neuron of \bionameAplysia Californica    665
          Barbara Anne Wolf and   
                  P. W. Robbins   Cell Mitotic Cycle Synthesis of Nil
                                  Hamster Glycolipids Including the
                                  Forssman Antigen . . . . . . . . . . . . 676
                R. E. Jones and   
                  A. A. Moscona   Effects of Cytosine Arabinoside on
                                  Differential Gene Expression in
                                  Embryonic Neural Retina  . . . . . . . . 688
                J. Metuzals and   
                W. E. Mushynski   Electron Microscope and Experimental
                                  Investigations of the Neurofilamentous
                                  Network in Deiters' Neurons  . . . . . . 701
               A. P. Somlyo and   
               A. V. Somlyo and   
               C. E. Devine and   
               P. D. Peters and   
                     T. A. Hall   Electron Microscopy and Electron Probe
                                  Analysis of Mitochondrial Cation
                                  Accumulation in Smooth Muscle  . . . . . 723
             E. R. Phillips and   
                   J. F. Perdue   Ultrastructural Distribution of Cell
                                  Surface Antigens in Avian Tumor
                                  Virus-Infected Chick Embryo Fibroblasts  743
          Douglas B. Murphy and   
                Lewis G. Tilney   The Role of Microtubules in the Movement
                                  of Pigment Granules in Teleost
                                  Melanophores . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 757
              R. T. L. Chan and   
                I. E. Scheffler   Isopycnic Centrifugation of Chromatin in
                                  Renografin Solutions . . . . . . . . . . 780
              Gert Kreibich and   
              David D. Sabatini   Selective Release of Content from
                                  Microsomal Vesicles Without Membrane
                                  Disassembly  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789
             David Lagunoff and   
                      Helen Wan   Temperature Dependence of Mast Cell
                                  Histamine Secretion  . . . . . . . . . . 809
           Anders Edström.   Effects of Ca$^{2+}$ and Mg$^{2+}$ on
                                  Rapid Axonal Transport of Proteins in
                                  Vitro in Frog Sciatic Nerves . . . . . . 812
        Alberto L. Politoff and   
                Steven Rose and   
               George D. Pappas   The Calcium Binding Sites of Synaptic
                                  Vesicles of the Frog Sartorius
                                  Neuromuscular Junction . . . . . . . . . 818
              H. L. Leffert and   
                        S. Sell   Alpha$_1$-Fetoprotein Biosynthesis
                                  During the Growth Cycle of
                                  Differentiated Fetal Rat Hepatocytes in
                                  Primary Monolayer Culture  . . . . . . . 823
            Ole Frederiksen and   
        Jòrgen Rostgaard   Absence of Dilated Lateral Intercellular
                                  Spaces in Fluid-Transporting Frog
                                  Gallbladder Epithelium . . . . . . . . . 830

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 62, Number 1, July, 1974

              Theodore L. Steck   The Organization of Proteins in the
                                  Human Red Blood Cell Membrane  . . . . . 1
               Kou M. Hwang and   
              Linda C. Yang and   
       Christine K. Carrico and   
             Rose A. Schulz and   
          John B. Schenkman and   
             Alan C. Sartorelli   Production of Membrane Whorls in Rat
                                  Liver by Some Inhibitors of Protein
                                  Synthesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
           Robert S. Decker and   
               Daniel S. Friend   Assembly of Gap Junctions During
                                  Amphibian Neurulation  . . . . . . . . . 32
                J. R. Smith and   
                    L. Hayflick   Variation in the Life-Span of Clones
                                  Derived from Human Diploid Cell Strains  48
                 V. T. Nachmias   Properties of \bionamePhysarum Myosin
                                  Purified by a Potassium Iodide Procedure 54
       Marie Kopecká and   
                H. J. Phaff and   
                    G. H. Fleet   Demonstration of a Fibrillar Component
                                  in the Cell Wall of the Yeast
                                  \bionameSaccharomyces Cerevisiae and Its
                                  Chemical Nature  . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
                 L. Boquist and   
                 B. Hellman and   
          Å. Lernmark and   
            I.-B. Täljedal   Influence of the Mutation ``Diabetes''
                                  on Insulin Release and Islet Morphology
                                  in Mice of Different Genetic Backgrounds 77
                   O. Stein and   
                  L. Sanger and   
                       Y. Stein   Colchicine-Induced Inhibition of
                                  Lipoprotein and Protein Secretion into
                                  the Serum and Lack of Interference with
                                  Secretion of Biliary Phospholipids and
                                  Cholesterol by Rat Liver in Vivo . . . . 90
            Yoshitaka Obara and   
                Lee S. Chai and   
           Herbert Weinfeld and   
              Avery A. Sandberg   Prophasing of Interphase Nuclei and
                                  Induction of Nuclear Envelopes Around
                                  Metaphase Chromosomes in HeLa and
                                  Chinese Hamster Homo- and Heterokaryons  104
                 D. J. Kemp and   
                 P. Y. Dyer and   
                   G. E. Rogers   Keratin Synthesis During Development of
                                  the Embryonic Chick Feather  . . . . . . 114
                 Wu-Nan Wen and   
       Pedro E. León and   
                Donald R. Hague   Multiple Gene Sites for 5S and 18 + 28S
                                  RNA on Chromosomes of Glyptotendipes
                                  Barbipes (Staeger) . . . . . . . . . . . 132
          Joanne S. Ingwall and   
          Cynthia D. Weiner and   
          Manuel F. Morales and   
               Elaine Davis and   
             Frank E. Stockdale   Specificity of Creatine in the Control
                                  of Muscle Protein Synthesis  . . . . . . 145
               G. L. Kimmel and   
         F. G. Péron and   
                  A. Haksar and   
                E. Bedigian and   
             W. F. Robidoux and   
                      M. T. Lin   Ultrastructure, Steroidogenic Potential,
                                  and Energy Metabolism of the Snell
                                  Adrenocortical Carcinoma 494 . . . . . . 152
             Ilona Staprans and   
            Ellen Roter Dirksen   Microtubule Protein During Ciliogenesis
                                  in the Mouse Oviduct . . . . . . . . . . 164
        Shinya Inoué and   
             Gary G. Borisy and   
              Daniel P. Kiehart   Growth and Lability of
                                  \bionameChaetopterus Oocyte Mitotic
                                  Spindles Isolated in the Presence of
                                  Porcine Brain Tubulin  . . . . . . . . . 175
              Georges Pelletier   Autoradiographic Studies of Synthesis
                                  and Intracellular Migration of
                                  Glycoproteins in the Rat Anterior
                                  Pituitary Gland  . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
          Albert DiPasquale and   
                   Paul B. Bell   The Upper Cell Surface: Its Inability to
                                  Support Active Cell Movement in Culture  198
            A. G. Gambarini and   
                  F. J. S. Lara   Under-Replication of Ribosomal Cistrons
                                  in Polytene Chromosomes of Rhynchosciara 215
                T. L. Spray and   
                R. A. Waugh and   
                   J. R. Sommer   Peripheral Couplings in Adult Vertebrate
                                  Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
                J. J. McCormick   Physical Separation of Nuclei from Two
                                  Independent Plasmodia of
                                  \bionamePhysarum Polycephalum After
                                  Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
           Daniel W. McKeel and   
                 Leonard Jarett   The Enrichment of Adenylate Cyclase in
                                  the Plasma Membrane and Golgi
                                  Subcellular Fractions of Porcine
                                  Adenohypophysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
               C. W. Cotman and   
                      D. Taylor   Localization and Characterization of
                                  Concanavalin a Receptors in the Synaptic
                                  Cleft  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
                 John N. Howell   Intracellular Binding of Ruthenium Red
                                  in Frog Skeletal Muscle  . . . . . . . . 242
                  Brian Storrie   Effect of Dibutyryl Adenosine Cyclic
                                  3',5'-Monophosphate and Testololactone
                                  on Concanavalin a Binding and Cell
                                  Killing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 62, Number 2, August, 1974

               Lily Yeh Jan and   
                Jean-Paul Revel   Ultrastructural Localization of
                                  Rhodopsin in the Vertebrate Retina . . . 257
            Peggy R. Hudson and   
              J. Robert Waaland   Ultrastructure of Mitosis and
                                  Cytokinesis in the Multinucleate Green
                                  Alga Acrosiphonia  . . . . . . . . . . . 274
           Susannah T. Rohrlich   Fine Structural Demonstration of Ordered
                                  Arrays of Cytoplasmic Filaments in
                                  Vertebrate Iridophores . . . . . . . . . 295
              M. P. Siegers and   
               J. C. Schaer and   
                H. Hirsiger and   
                   R. Schindler   Determination of Rates of DNA Synthesis
                                  in Cultured Mammalian Cell Populations   305
        Anne E. Lykkesfeldt and   
                 H. A. Andersen   The Effect of $5$-Bromodeoxyuridine on
                                  DNA Replication and Cell Division in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 316
           M. E. J. Holwill and   
             Patricia D. Peters   Dynamics of the Hispid Flagellum of
                                  Ochromonas Danica  . . . . . . . . . . . 322
         Marilynn E. Etzler and   
        Margaret L. Branstrator   Differential Localization of Cell
                                  Surface and Secretory Components in Rat
                                  Intestinal Epithelium by Use of Lectins  329
              James B. Wade and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Fracture Faces of Osmotically Disrupted
                                  Zonulae Occludentes  . . . . . . . . . . 344
             Graeme B. Ryan and   
          Joan Z. Borysenko and   
            Morris J. Karnovsky   Factors Affecting the Redistribution of
                                  Surface-Bound Concanavalin a on Human
                                  Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes . . . . . . 351
            Gary R. Gunther and   
               John L. Wang and   
              Gerald M. Edelman   The Kinetics of Cellular Commitment
                                  During Stimulation of Lymphocytes by
                                  Lectins  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366
                 Carol Bibb and   
               Richard W. Young   Renewal of Glycerol in the Visual Cells
                                  and Pigment Epithelium of the Frog
                                  Retina . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 378
            H. Paul Ehrlich and   
               Russell Ross and   
                 Paul Bornstein   Effects of Antimicrotubular Agents on
                                  the Secretion of Collagen  . . . . . . . 390
          Armand F. Miranda and   
          Gabriel C. Godman and   
            Stuart W. Tanenbaum   Action of Cytochalasin D on Cells of
                                  Established Lines  . . . . . . . . . . . 406
                   J. B. Tucker   Microtubule Arms and Cytoplasmic
                                  Streaming and Microtubule Bending and
                                  Stretching of Intertubule Links in the
                                  Feeding Tentacle of the Suctorian
                                  Ciliate Tokophrya  . . . . . . . . . . . 424
           Richard O. Hynes and   
           Kenneth C. Humphryes   Characterization of the External
                                  Proteins of Hamster Fibroblasts  . . . . 438
               Andrew Churg and   
            Winston A. Anderson   Induction of Endometrial Peroxidase
                                  Synthesis and Secretion by Estrogen and
                                  Estrogen Antagonist  . . . . . . . . . . 449
             Marvin R. Kalt and   
                 Joseph G. Gall   Observations on Early Germ Cell
                                  Development and Premeiotic Ribosomal DNA
                                  Amplification in \bionameXenopus Laevis  460
           Carol A. Sattler and   
            L. Andrew Staehelin   Ciliary Membrane Differentiations in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena Pyriformis . . . . . 473
      William P. Cunningham and   
        L. Andrew Staehelin and   
            Robert W. Rubin and   
               Ross Wilkins and   
                Mary Bonneville   Effects of Phosphotungstate Negative
                                  Staining on the Morphology of the
                                  Isolated Golgi Apparatus . . . . . . . . 491
                 L. de Meis and   
              W. Hasselbach and   
                  R. D. Machado   Characterization of Calcium Oxalate and
                                  Calcium Phosphate Deposits in
                                  Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Vesicles  . . . . 505
             Hiroshi Nogami and   
              Marshall R. Urist   Substrata Prepared from Bone Matrix for
                                  Chondrogenesis in Tissue Culture . . . . 510
                M. Kagayama and   
                  W. W. Douglas   Electron Microscope Evidence of
                                  Calcium-Induced Exocytosis in Mast Cells
                                  Treated with 48/80 Or the Ionophores
                                  A-23187 and X-537A . . . . . . . . . . . 519
              J. B. Rattner and   
               Michael W. Berns   Light and Electron Microscopy of Laser
                                  Microirradiated Chromosomes  . . . . . . 526
               Blair Bowers and   
                 Edward D. Korn   Localization of Lipophosphonoglycan on
                                  Both Sides of \bionameAcanthamoeba
                                  Plasma Membrane  . . . . . . . . . . . . 533
              Ephraim Yavin and   
                     Ziva Yavin   Attachment and Culture of Dissociated
                                  Cells from Rat Embryo Cerebral
                                  Hemispheres on Polylysine-Coated Surface 540
                 Samuel A. Latt   Detection of DNA Synthesis in Interphase
                                  Nuclei by Fluorescence Microscopy  . . . 546
                 Takami Oka and   
              John W. Perry and   
                 Yale J. Topper   Changes in Insulin Responsiveness During
                                  Development of Mammary Epithelium  . . . 550
                Richard L. Wood   A Closely Packed Array of Membrane
                                  Intercalated Particles at the Free
                                  Surface of Hydra . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
     Georgirene D. Vladutiu and   
                   Noel R. Rose   Intracellular Distribution of a
                                  Primate-Specific Esterase in Cultured
                                  Cells and Tissues  . . . . . . . . . . . 560
           David R. Burgess and   
                 Robert D. Grey   Alterations in Morphology of Developing
                                  Microvilli Elicited by Cytochalasin B    566
                 M. Borgers and   
                   S. de Nollin   The Preservation of Subcellular
                                  Organelles of Candida Albicans with
                                  Conventional Fixatives . . . . . . . . . 574

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 62, Number 3, September, 1974

           Massimo Olivotto and   
             Francesco Paoletti   Protein Metabolism in Tumor Cells at
                                  Various Stages of Growth in Vivo . . . . 585
             John I. Gallin and   
              Alan S. Rosenthal   The Regulatory Role of Divalent Cations
                                  in Human Granulocyte Chemotaxis  . . . . 594
         Michael D. Gershon and   
            Martin Hagopian and   
                Eladio A. Nunez   An Electron Microscope Autoradiographic
                                  Study of the Neuronal and Extraneuronal
                                  Localization of Labeled Amine in the
                                  Heart of the Bat After Administration of
                                  Tritiated Norepinephrine . . . . . . . . 610
             John L. Skosey and   
            Evelyn Damgaard and   
                Donald Chow and   
               Leif B. Sorensen   Modification of Zymosan-Induced Release
                                  of Lysosomal Enzymes from Human
                                  Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes by
                                  Cytochalasin B . . . . . . . . . . . . . 625
                Joan A. Higgins   Studies on the Biogenesis of Smooth
                                  Endoplasmic Reticulum Membranes in
                                  Hepatocytes of Phenobarbital-Treated
                                  Rats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635
          Stanton G. Axline and   
                  Eve P. Reaven   Inhibition of Phagocytosis and Plasma
                                  Membrane Mobility of the Cultivated
                                  Macrophage by Cytochalasin B . . . . . . 647
        Robert A. Bloodgood and   
              Kenneth R. Miller   Freeze-Fracture of Microtubules and
                                  Bridges in Motile Axostyles  . . . . . . 660
            George H. Goetz and   
         Pamela L. Johnston and   
 Kathy Dobrosielski-Vergona and   
                Edgar F. Carell   Vitamin B$_{12}$ and the Macromolecular
                                  Composition of Euglena . . . . . . . . . 672
                 S. Knutton and   
             A. R. Limbrick and   
                J. D. Robertson   Regular Structures in Membranes  . . . . 679
             Michael Durphy and   
             Paul N. Manley and   
             Errol C. Friedberg   A Demonstration of Several
                                  Deoxyribonuclease Activities in
                                  Mammalian Cell Mitochondria  . . . . . . 695
         Charles T. Roberts and   
                  Eduardo Orias   On the Mechanism of Adaptation to
                                  Protein Synthesis Inhibitors by
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 707
        Alain Amar-Costesec and   
               Maurice Wibo and   
    Denise Thin\`es-Sempoux and   
              Henri Beaufay and   
                Jacques Berthet   Analytical Study of Microsomes and
                                  Isolated Subcellular Membranes from Rat
                                  Liver  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
      Robert Peter Aaronson and   
             Günter Blobel   On the Attachment of the Nuclear Pore
                                  Complex  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
                Jack Rosenbluth   Substructure of Amphibian Motor End
                                  Plate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755
                  H. L. Leffert   Growth Control of Differentiated Fetal
                                  Rat Hepatocytes in Primary Monolayer
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767
                    K. Koch and   
                  H. L. Leffert   Growth Control of Differentiated Fetal
                                  Rat Hepatocytes in Primary Monolayer
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
                  H. L. Leffert   Growth Control of Differentiated Fetal
                                  Rat Hepatocytes in Primary Monolayer
                                  Culture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792
              Martha E. Fedorko   Loss of Iron from Mouse Peritoneal
                                  Macrophages in Vitro After Uptake of
                                  [$^{55}$ Fe]Ferritin and [$^{55}$
                                  Fe]Ferritin Rabbit Antiferritin
                                  Complexes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802
         Robert L. Trelstad and   
             Kimiko Hayashi and   
                 Bryan P. Toole   Epithelial Collagens and
                                  Glycosaminoglycans in the Embryonic
                                  Cornea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
           George K. Chacko and   
           David E. Goldman and   
         Harish C. Malhotra and   
               Maynard M. Dewey   Isolation and Characterization of Plasma
                                  Membrane Fractions from Garfish
                                  Lepisosteus Osseus Olfactory Nerve . . . 831
        Thomas L. Rothstein and   
                     J. J. Blum   Lysosomal Physiology in
                                  \bionameTetrahymena  . . . . . . . . . . 844
                 W. Kleinow and   
                 W. Neupert and   
                      F. Miller   Electron Microscope Study of
                                  Mitochondrial 60S and Cytoplasmic 80S
                                  Ribosomes from Locusta Migratoria  . . . 860
                 A. Carabez and   
                    F. Sandoval   A mitochondrial inner membrane
                                  preparation that sediments at 100 $g$    877
                       D. Huang   Effect of Extracellular Chondroitin
                                  Sulfate on Cultured Chondrocytes . . . . 881
             Joseph M. Harb and   
             D. Eugene Copeland   Helical Form Cristae in the Mitochondria
                                  of the Pseudobranch of Cyprinodon
                                  Variegatus Adapted to Conditions of
                                  Constant Light and Darkness  . . . . . . 886
           Elizabeth D. Hay and   
                  Stephen Meier   Glycosaminoglycan Synthesis by Embryonic
                                  Inductors: Neural Tube, Notochord, and
                                  Lens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 889
            Ellen Roter Dirksen   Ciliogenesis in the Mouse Oviduct  . . . 899
               Warren M. Pulich   Resistance to High Oxygen Tension,
                                  Streptonigrin, and Ultraviolet
                                  Irradiation in the Green Alga Chlorella
                                  Sorokiniana Strain Ors . . . . . . . . . 904
                M. Kumegawa and   
                T. Nakamura and   
                      T. Yamada   Studies on the Effect of Selective
                                  Membrane Filtration on the
                                  Differentiation of Tissue Cultures . . . 908
              David M. Phillips   Nuclear Shaping in the Absence of
                                  Microtubules in Scorpion Spermatids  . . 911
       Beverly H. Bergstrom and   
                 John M. Arnold   Nonkinetochore Association of Chromatin
                                  and Microtubules . . . . . . . . . . . . 917

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 63, Number 1, October, 1974

                Hava Peretz and   
              Zivia Toister and   
            Yehudith Laster and   
                 Abraham Loyter   Fusion of Intact Human Erythrocytes and
                                  Erythrocyte Ghosts . . . . . . . . . . . 1
        Jean-Claude Antoine and   
           Stratis Avrameas and   
        Nicholas K. Gonatas and   
               Anna Stieber and   
          Jacqueline O. Gonatas   Plasma Membrane and Internalized
                                  Immunoglobulins of Lymph Node Cells
                                  Studied with Conjugates of Antibody Or
                                  Its Fab Fragments with Horseradish
                                  Peroxidase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
           Melvin P. Garber and   
             Peter L. Steponkus   Identification of Chloroplast Coupling
                                  Factor by Freeze-Etching and
                                  Negative-Staining Techniques . . . . . . 24
             Fred D. Warner and   
                    Peter Satir   The Structural Basis of Ciliary Bend
                                  Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
            Robert Narotzky and   
              William Bondareff   Biogenic Amines in Cultured
                                  Neuroblastoma and Astrocytoma Cells  . . 64
                  Lloyd A. Culp   Substrate-Attached Glycoproteins
                                  Mediating Adhesion of Normal and
                                  Virus-Transformed Mouse Fibroblasts  . . 71
             Ronald A. Coss and   
        Jeremy D. Pickett-Heaps   The Effects of Isopropyl N-Phenyl
                                  Carbamate on the Green Alga
                                  \bionameOedogonium Cardiacum . . . . . . 84
         William B. Winborn and   
              Leonard L. Seelig   Pattern of Osmium Deposition in the
                                  Parietal Cells of the Stomach  . . . . . 99
             Dominic K. Yip and   
                Nelly Auersperg   Structural and Functional Heterogeneity
                                  of the Surface of Rat Leukemia Cells . . 109
              Robert S. Rew and   
                  Howard J. Saz   Enzyme Localization in the Anaerobic
                                  Mitochondria of Ascaris Lumbricoides . . 125
          James P. Whitlock and   
              Haruko Miller and   
               Harry V. Gelboin   Induction of aryl hydrocarbon
                                  (benzo[a]pyrene) hydroxylase and
                                  tyrosine aminotransferase in hepatoma
                                  cells in culture . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
            Lloyd Matsumoto and   
           Harumi Kasamatsu and   
          Lajos Pikó and   
                Jerome Vinograd   Mitochondrial DNA Replication in Sea
                                  Urchin Oocytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
        Elizabeth H. Harris and   
            John E. Boynton and   
            Nicholas W. Gillham   Chloroplast Ribosome Biogenesis in
                                  Chlamydomonas  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160
         Karl H. Pfenninger and   
               Richard P. Bunge   Freeze-Fracturing of Nerve Growth Cones
                                  and Young Fibers . . . . . . . . . . . . 180
             Antti Penttila and   
               Hannu Kalimo and   
              Benjamin F. Trump   Influence of Glutaraldehyde And/Or
                                  Osmium Tetroxide on Cell Volume, Ion
                                  Content, Mechanical Stability, and
                                  Membrane Permeability of Ehrlich Ascites
                                  Tumor Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
           Philip B. Dunham and   
           Ira M. Goldstein and   
               Gerald Weissmann   Potassium and Amino Acid Transport in
                                  Human Leukocytes Exposed to Phagocytic
                                  Stimuli  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
           Wojciech Sawicki and   
        Jan Rowínski and   
                  Jan Abramczuk   Image Analysis of Chromatin in Cells of
                                  Preimplantation Mouse Embryos  . . . . . 227
         David F. Albertini and   
               Everett Anderson   The Appearance and Structure of
                                  Intercellular Connections During the
                                  Ontogeny of the Rabbit Ovarian Follicle
                                  with Particular Reference to Gap
                                  Junctions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
               Ursula Bretz and   
               Marco Baggiolini   Biochemical and Morphological
                                  Characterization of Azurophil and
                                  Specific Granules of Human Neutrophilic
                                  Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes . . . . . . 251
      Nina Strömgren Allen   Endoplasmic Filaments Generate the
                                  Motive Force for Rotational Streaming in
                                  Nitella  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
         Mark C. Willingham and   
                     Ira Pastan   Cyclic AMP Mediates the Concanavalin a
                                  Agglutinability of Mouse Fibroblasts . . 288
          Richard A. Miller and   
                Frank H. Ruddle   Enucleated Neuroblastoma Cells Form
                                  Neurites When Treated with Dibutyryl
                                  Cyclic Amp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
             Tsuneyoshi Kuroiwa   Studies on Mitochondrial Structure and
                                  Function in \bionamePhysarum
                                  Polycephalum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299
             Marcia Perlman and   
              Jules L. Baum and   
                 Gordon I. Kaye   Fine Structure and Collagen Synthesis
                                  Activity of Monolayer Cultures of Rabbit
                                  Corneal Endothelium  . . . . . . . . . . 306
              Liane Reif-Lehrer   Effect of washout of inducing steroid on
                                  $ \gamma $-glutamyl transferase activity
                                  in the cultured chick embryo retina  . . 312
               James A. McKanna   Permeability Modulating Membrane Coats   317
               B. R. Oakley and   
                    J. D. Dodge   Kinetochores Associated with the Nuclear
                                  Envelope in the Mitosis of a
                                  Dinoflagellate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
                 Ronald A. Coss   Mitosis in Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii
                                  Basal Bodies and the Mitotic Apparatus   325
               H. L. Atwood and   
                    B. Pomeranz   Crustacean Motor Neuron Connections
                                  Traced by Backfilling for Electron
                                  Microscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 329
                 K. T. Tokuyasu   Spoke Heads in Sperm Tail of
                                  \bionameDrosophila Melanogaster  . . . . 334
                R. A. Waugh and   
                   J. R. Sommer   Lamellar Junctional Sarcoplasmic
                                  Reticulum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
                Tom Elsdale and   
                  Jonathan Bard   Cellular Interactions in Morphogenesis
                                  of Epithelial Mesenchymal Systems  . . . 343
              Claude Pricam and   
           Fabienne Humbert and   
             Alain Perrelet and   
                     Lelio Orci   Gap Junctions in Mesangial and Lacis
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 63, Number 2, November, 1974

               Sven Johnsen and   
     Torbjòrn Stokke and   
                     Hans Prydz   HeLa Cell Plasma Membranes . . . . . . . 357
                     S. Ito and   
                G. C. Schofield   Studies on the Depletion and
                                  Accumulation of Microvilli and Changes
                                  in the Tubulovesicular Compartment of
                                  Mouse Parietal Cells in Relation to
                                  Gastric Acid Secretion . . . . . . . . . 364
               Paul Tulkens and   
              Henry Beaufay and   
            André Trouet   Analytical Fractionation of Homogenates
                                  from Cultured Rat Embryo Fibroblasts . . 383
             P. R. Harrison and   
                  D. Conkie and   
                  N. Affara and   
                        J. Paul   In Situ Localization of Globin Messenger
                                  RNA Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 402
                  D. Conkie and   
                  N. Affara and   
             P. R. Harrison and   
                    J. Paul and   
                       K. Jones   In Situ Localization of Globin Messenger
                                  RNA Formation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 414
            David H. Miller and   
           Ira Seth Mellman and   
        Derek T. A. Lamport and   
                 Maureen Miller   The Chemical Composition of the Cell
                                  Wall of Chlamydomonas Gymnogama and the
                                  Concept of a Plant Cell Wall Protein . . 420
               Maurice Wibo and   
                    Brian Poole   Protein Degradation in Cultured Cells    430
               C. W. Cotman and   
                  G. Banker and   
               L. Churchill and   
                      D. Taylor   Isolation of Postsynaptic Densities from
                                  Rat Brain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
                  G. Banker and   
               L. Churchill and   
                   C. W. Cotman   Proteins of the Postsynaptic Density . . 456
           Daniel S. Friend and   
                   Irene Rudolf   Acrosomal Disruption in Sperm  . . . . . 466
                  John C. Saari   The Accessibility of Bovine Rhodopsin in
                                  Photoreceptor Membranes  . . . . . . . . 480
             Wayne E. Magee and   
            Charles W. Goff and   
            Jean Schoknecht and   
             M. Diane Smith and   
                     K. Cherian   The Interaction of Cationic Liposomes
                                  Containing Entrapped Horseradish
                                  Peroxidase with Cells in Culture . . . . 492
                   Saul Kit and   
             Wai-Choi Leung and   
           George Jorgensen and   
               David Trkula and   
                 Del Rose Dubbs   Acquisition of Chick Cytosol Thymidine
                                  Kinase Activity by Thymidine
                                  Kinase-Deficient Mouse Fibroblast Cells
                                  After Fusion with Chick Erythrocytes . . 505
       Christine J. Skerrow and   
             A. Gedeon Matoltsy   Isolation of Epidermal Desmosomes  . . . 515
       Christine J. Skerrow and   
             A. Gedeon Matoltsy   Chemical Characterization of Isolated
                                  Epidermal Desmosomes . . . . . . . . . . 524
          Robert E. Hinkley and   
                Alvin G. Telser   The Effects of Halothane on Cultured
                                  Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells  . . . . . . . 531
               John G. Wood and   
      Barbara J. McLaughlin and   
               Robert P. Barber   The Visualization of Concanavalin a
                                  Binding Sites in Purkinje Cell Somata
                                  and Dendrites of Rat Cerebellum  . . . . 541
               Robert H. Warren   Microtubular Organization in Elongating
                                  Myogenic Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550
               John E. Rash and   
               Mark H. Ellisman   Studies of Excitable Membranes . . . . . 567
                  Izhak Nir and   
                Michael O. Hall   The Ultrastructure of Lipid-Depleted Rod
                                  Photoreceptor Membranes  . . . . . . . . 587
              S. S. Jahromi and   
                   H. L. Atwood   Three-Dimensional Ultrastructure of the
                                  Crayfish Neuromuscular Apparatus . . . . 599
            Lionel F. Jaffe and   
             Richard Nuccitelli   An Ultrasensitive Vibrating Probe for
                                  Measuring Steady Extracellular Currents  614
                S. Matsuura and   
                T. Morimoto and   
                 Y. Tashiro and   
         T. Higashinakagawa and   
                   M. Muramatsu   Ultrastructural and Biochemical Studies
                                  on the Precursor Ribosomal Particles
                                  Isolated from Rat Liver Nucleoli . . . . 629
           Daniel S. Friend and   
                 Don W. Fawcett   Membrane Differentiations in
                                  Freeze-Fractured Mammalian Sperm . . . . 641
                 V. Mare\vs and   
                B. Schultze and   
                      W. Maurer   Stability of DNA in Purkinje Cell Nuclei
                                  of the Mouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665
              H. Dariush Fahimi   Effect of Buffer Storage on Fine
                                  Structure and Catalase Cytochemistry of
                                  Peroxisomes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675
                   Kenjiro Wake   Development of Vitamin A-Rich Lipid
                                  Droplets in Multivesicular Bodies of Rat
                                  Liver Stellate Cells . . . . . . . . . . 683
          Mathew P. Daniels and   
                Bernd Hamprecht   The Ultrastructure of Neuroblastoma
                                  Glioma Somatic Cell Hybrids  . . . . . . 691
                Nancy K. Weller   Visualization of Concanavalin A-Binding
                                  Sites with Scanning Electron Microscopy  699
      Barbara K. Vonderhaar and   
                 Yale J. Topper   A Role of the Cell Cycle in
                                  Hormone-Dependent Differentiation  . . . 707

Journal of Cell Biology
Volume 63, Number 3, December, 1974

              Audrey M. Glauert   The High Voltage Electron Microscope in
                                  Biology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 717
               Yoichi Tamai and   
    Shigeko Matsukawa Araki and   
              Kimio Katsuta and   
                     Mei Satake   Molecular Composition of the
                                  Submicrosomal Membrane Lipid of Rat
                                  Brain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
              David P. Beck and   
                   R. P. Levine   Synthesis of Chloroplast Membrane
                                  Polypeptides During Synchronous Growth
                                  of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii . . . . . . 759
      Robert H. F. Peterson and   
           Judith A. O'Neil and   
                June L. Biedler   Some Biochemical Properties of Chinese
                                  Hamster Cells Sensitive and Resistant to
                                  Actinomycin D  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773
              Alan F. Boyne and   
           Timothy P. Bohan and   
            Terence H. Williams   Effects of Calcium-Containing Fixation
                                  Solutions on Cholinergic Synaptic
                                  Vesicles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780
             Glenda C. Webb and   
                   Stephen Roth   Cell Contact Dependence of Surface
                                  Galactosyltransferase Activity As a
                                  Function of the Cell Cycle . . . . . . . 796
               Wei-Yeh Wang and   
             Wenan Lee Wang and   
            John E. Boynton and   
            Nicholas W. Gillham   Genetic Control of Chlorophyll
                                  Biosynthesis in Chlamydomonas  . . . . . 806
              Karl W. Lanks and   
              Jan M. Dorwin and   
             Bruno Papirmeister   Increased Rate of Acetylcholinesterase
                                  Synthesis in Differentiating
                                  Neuroblastoma Cells  . . . . . . . . . . 824
            Claude Kedinger and   
                    Rene Simard   The action of $ \alpha $-amanitin on RNA
                                  synthesis in Chinese hamster ovary cells 831
              Jon C. Daniel and   
           Robert A. Kosher and   
             James E. Hamos and   
                  James W. Lash   Influence of External Potassium on the
                                  Synthesis and Deposition of Matrix
                                  Components by Chondrocytes in Vitro  . . 843
   Dorothea Zucker-Franklin and   
                  George Grusky   Ultrastructural Analysis of
                                  Hematopoietic Colonies Derived from
                                  Human Peripheral Blood . . . . . . . . . 855
         Stephen J. O'Brien and   
                 Yoshio Shimada   The $ \alpha $-glycerophosphate cycle in
                                  \bionameDrosophila melanogaster  . . . . 864
          John P. Caulfield and   
            Marilyn G. Farquhar   The Permeability of Glomerular
                                  Capillaries to Graded Dextrans . . . . . 883
               Richard D. Allen   Food Vacuole Membrane Growth with
                                  Microtubule-Associated Membrane
                                  Transport in Paramecium  . . . . . . . . 904
         A. L. Kierszenbaum and   
                  Laura L. Tres   Transcription Sites in Spread Meiotic
                                  Prophase Chromosomes from Mouse
                                  Spermatocytes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 923
              Susan Oleszko and   
      Evangelos N. Moudrianakis   The Visualization of the Photosynthetic
                                  Coupling Factor in Embedded Spinach
                                  Chloroplasts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 936
          Ralph M. Steinman and   
         Jonathan M. Silver and   
                 Zanvil A. Cohn   Pinocytosis in Fibroblasts . . . . . . . 949
         Barbara H. Gibbons and   
                  I. R. Gibbons   Properties of Flagellar ``Rigor Waves''
                                  Formed by Abrupt Removal of Adenosine
                                  Triphosphate from Actively Swimming Sea
                                  Urchin Sperm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 970
            Walter L. Davis and   
        David B. P. Goodman and   
        Richard J. Schuster and   
           Howard Rasmussen and   
                James H. Martin   Effects of Cytochalasin B on the
                                  Response of Toad Urinary Bladder to
                                  Vasopressin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 986
               Folkert Bode and   
Hannelore Pockrandt-Hemstedt and   
               Karl Baumann and   
                     Rolf Kinne   Analysis of the Pinocytic Process in Rat
                                  Kidney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 998
                 John Rannestad   The Regeneration of Cilia in Partially
                                  Deciliated \bionameTetrahymena . . . . . 1009
          Arnljot Elgsaeter and   
                 Daniel Branton   Intramembrane Particle Aggregation in
                                  Erythrocyte Ghosts . . . . . . . . . . . 1018
               A. Amsterdam and   
                 J. D. Jamieson   Studies on Dispersed Pancreatic Exocrine
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
               A. Amsterdam and   
                 J. D. Jamieson   Studies on Dispersed Pancreatic Exocrine
                                  Cells  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057
                S. L. Palay and   
      S. Billings-Gagliardi and   
                  V. Chan-Palay   Neuronal Perikarya with Dispersed,
                                  Single Ribosomes in the Visual Cortex of
                                  Macaca Mulatta . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1074
                  Kiyoshi Kishi   Electron Microscope Studies on
                                  Puromycin-Induced Changes in Nerve Cells
                                  of the Medulla Oblongata . . . . . . . . 1091
                 M. Clutter and   
                   T. Brady and   
                  V. Walbot and   
                      I. Sussex   Macromolecular Synthesis During Plant
                                  Embryogeny . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097