Table of contents for issues of Journal of Mathematical Physics

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Volume 43, Number 3, March, 2002
Volume 43, Number 9, September, 2002
Volume 44, Number 12, December, 2003
Volume 45, Number 4, April, 2004
Volume 45, Number 7, July, 2004
Volume 45, Number 8, August, 2004
Volume 45, Number 12, December, 2004
Volume 46, Number 1, January, 2005
Volume 46, Number 2, February, 2005
Volume 46, Number 3, March, 2005
Volume 46, Number 4, April, 2005
Volume 46, Number 5, May, 2005
Volume 46, Number 6, June, 2005
Volume 46, Number 7, July, 2005
Volume 46, Number 8, August, 2005
Volume 46, Number 9, September, 2005
Volume 46, Number 10, October, 2005
Volume 46, Number 11, November, 2005
Volume 46, Number 12, December, 2005
Volume 47, Number 1, January, 2006
Volume 47, Number 2, February, 2006
Volume 47, Number 3, March, 2006
Volume 47, Number 4, April, 2006
Volume 47, Number 5, May, 2006
Volume 47, Number 6, June, 2006
Volume 47, Number 7, July, 2006
Volume 47, Number 8, August, 2006
Volume 47, Number 9, September, 2006
Volume 47, Number 10, October, 2006
Volume 47, Number 11, November, 2006
Volume 47, Number 12, December, 2006
Volume 48, Number 1, January, 2007
Volume 48, Number 2, February, 2007
Volume 48, Number 3, March, 2007
Volume 48, Number 4, April, 2007
Volume 48, Number 5, May, 2007
Volume 48, Number 6, June, 2007
Volume 48, Number 7, July, 2007
Volume 48, Number 8, August, 2007
Volume 48, Number 9, September, 2007
Volume 48, Number 10, October, 2007
Volume 48, Number 11, November, 2007
Volume 48, Number 12, December, 2007
Volume 49, Number 1, January, 2008
Volume 49, Number 2, February, 2008
Volume 49, Number 3, March, 2008
Volume 49, Number 4, April, 2008
Volume 49, Number 5, May, 2008
Volume 49, Number 6, June, 2008
Volume 49, Number 7, July, 2008
Volume 49, Number 8, August, 2008
Volume 49, Number 9, September, 2008
Volume 49, Number 10, October, 2008
Volume 49, Number 11, November, 2008
Volume 49, Number 12, December, 2008
Volume 50, Number 1, January, 2009
Volume 50, Number 2, February, 2009
Volume 50, Number 3, March, 2009
Volume 50, Number 4, April, 2009
Volume 50, Number 5, May, 2009
Volume 50, Number 6, June, 2009
Volume 50, Number 7, July, 2009
Volume 50, Number 8, August, 2009
Volume 50, Number 9, September, 2009
Volume 50, Number 10, October, 2009
Volume 50, Number 11, November, 2009
Volume 50, Number 12, December, 2009
Volume 51, Number 3, March, 2010
Volume 51, Number 4, April, 2010
Volume 51, Number 5, May, 2010
Volume 51, Number 8, August, 2010
Volume 51, Number 10, October, 2010
Volume 52, Number 3, March, 2011
Volume 52, Number 4, April, 2011
Volume 52, Number 8, August, 2011
Volume 52, Number 12, December, 2011
Volume 53, Number 4, April, 2012
Volume 53, Number 7, July, 2012
Volume 55, Number 1, January, 2014
Volume 55, Number 5, May, 2014
Volume 56, Number 2, February, 2015
Volume 56, Number 10, October, 2015
Volume 57, Number 8, August, 2016
Volume 58, Number 11, November, 2017

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 43, Number 3, March, 2002

              Brian C. Hall and   
            Jeffrey J. Mitchell   Coherent states on spheres . . . . . . . 1211--1236

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 43, Number 9, September, 2002

               Mary Beth Ruskai   Inequalities for quantum entropy: A
                                  review with conditions for equality  . . 4358--4375
           Carlton M. Caves and   
       Christopher A. Fuchs and   
            Rüdiger Schack   Unknown quantum states: The quantum de
                                  Finetti representation . . . . . . . . . 4537--4559

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 44, Number 12, December, 2003

                    C. G. Torre   The helically-reduced wave equation as a
                                  symmetric-positive system  . . . . . . . 6223--6232

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 45, Number 4, April, 2004

             A. W. Sáenz   Quantum-mechanical scattering in
                                  exterior domains with impenetrable
                                  periodic boundaries and short-range
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1426--1446

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 45, Number 7, July, 2004

                J. Zamastil and   
            J. Cízek and   
                 M. Kalhous and   
            L. Skála and   
              M. Simánek   The use of $ {\rm so}(2, 1) $ algebra
                                  for the evaluation of atomic integrals:
                                  The study of two-electron atoms  . . . . 2674--2693

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 45, Number 8, August, 2004

                Eric A. Galapon   Shouldn't there be an antithesis to
                                  quantization?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3180--3215

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 45, Number 12, December, 2004

              Masayuki Tanimoto   Harmonic analysis of linear fields on
                                  the nilgeometric cosmological model  . . 4896--4919

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 1, January, 2005

             Matt S. Calder and   
                    Achim Kempf   Analysis of superoscillatory wave
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012101
          Graciela Domenech and   
                 Hector Freytes   Contextual logic for quantum systems . . 012102
                  H. Panahi and   
              M. A. Jafarizadeh   Two and three dimensional Hamiltonians
                                  with generalized and ordinary shape
                                  invariance symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . 012103
              Thomas Decker and   
            Dominik Janzing and   
           Martin Rötteler   Implementation of group-covariant
                                  positive operator valued measures by
                                  orthogonal measurements  . . . . . . . . 012104
          Abderemane Morame and   
          Françoise Truc   Remarks on the spectrum of the Neumann
                                  problem with magnetic field in the
                                  half-space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012105
                 N. Mukunda and   
                   G. Marmo and   
                 A. Zampini and   
              S. Chaturvedi and   
                       R. Simon   Wigner--Weyl isomorphism for quantum
                                  mechanics on Lie groups  . . . . . . . . 012106
              Jens Gravesen and   
           Morten Willatzen and   
             L. C. Lew Yan Voon   Schrödinger problems for surfaces of
                                  revolution --- the finite cylinder as a
                                  test example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012107
           Tanaya Bhattacharyya   Quantum integrability of bosonic massive
                                  Thirring model in continuum  . . . . . . 012301
                 J. Armenta and   
                    J. A. Nieto   The de Sitter relativistic top theory    012302
             Xavier Bekaert and   
          Nicolas Boulanger and   
             Sandrine Cnockaert   No self-interaction for two-column
                                  massless fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . 012303
                L. M. Abreu and   
                C. de Calan and   
       A. P. C. Malbouisson and   
       J. M. C. Malbouisson and   
                  A. E. Santana   Critical behavior of the compactified $
                                  \lambda \phi^4 $ theory  . . . . . . . . 012304
                 Kwangseok Choe   Uniqueness of the topological
                                  multivortex solution in the self-dual
                                  Chern--Simons theory . . . . . . . . . . 012305
                     Yakov Itin   Weak field reduction in teleparallel
                                  coframe gravity: Vacuum case . . . . . . 012501
                    P. Blue and   
                      A. Soffer   The wave equation on the Schwarzschild
                                  metric II. Local decay for the spin-$2$
                                  Regge--Wheeler equation  . . . . . . . . 012502
                 S. Brian Edgar   Necessary and sufficient conditions for
                                  $n$-dimensional conformal Einstein
                                  spaces via dimensionally dependent
                                  identities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012503
               Davide Batic and   
              Harald Schmid and   
              Monika Winklmeier   On the eigenvalues of the
                                  Chandrasekhar--Page angular equation . . 012504
           Giuseppe Pucacco and   
                 Kjell Rosquist   Integrable Hamiltonian systems with
                                  vector potentials  . . . . . . . . . . . 012701
                 A. Shirzad and   
                      M. Mojiri   The difficulty of symplectic analysis
                                  with second class systems  . . . . . . . 012702
                E. De Carli and   
                 L. A. Ferreira   A model for Hopfions on the space--time
                                  $ S^3 \times \mathbb {R} $ . . . . . . . 012703
        Cayetano Di Bartolo and   
            Rodolfo Gambini and   
            Rafael A. Porto and   
                   Jorge Pullin   Dirac-type approach for consistent
                                  discretizations of classical constrained
                                  theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012901
              A. N. Ivanova and   
             S. I. Kuchanov and   
                L. I. Manevitch   Bifurcation analysis for the
                                  construction of a phase diagram of
                                  heteropolymer liquids  . . . . . . . . . 013301
           Timothy R. Field and   
             Robert J. A. Tough   Dynamical models of weak scattering  . . 013302
                John H. Schwarz   The generalized Stieltjes transform and
                                  its inverse  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013501
   Vassilis G. Papanicolaou and   
                 Paul K. Newton   Nonlinear dissipative eigenvalue
                                  problems with large initial conditions   013502
                  Y. Charles Li   On quasiperiodic boundary condition
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013503
                 Jun-Sheng Duan   Time- and space-fractional partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 013504
            Yao-Zhong Zhang and   
                  Mark D. Gould   A unified and complete construction of
                                  all finite dimensional irreducible
                                  representations of $ {\rm gl}(2 | 2) $   013505
        Gregory W. Anderson and   
            Tomás Blazek   $ E_6 $ unification model building. III.
                                  Clebsch--Gordan coefficients in $ E_6 $
                                  tensor products of the $ 27 $ with
                                  higher dimensional representations . . . 013506
               Mary Beth Ruskai   Erratum: ``Inequalities for quantum
                                  entropy: A review with conditions for
                                  equality'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 43, 4358
                                  (2002)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019901
              Masayuki Tanimoto   Publisher's Note: ``Harmonic analysis of
                                  linear fields on the nilgeometric
                                  cosmological model'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 45, 4896 (2004)] . . . . . . . . . . 019902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 2, February, 2005

             Shogo Tanimura and   
             Mikio Nakahara and   
                Daisuke Hayashi   Exact solutions of the isoholonomic
                                  problem and the optimal control problem
                                  in holonomic quantum computation . . . . 022101
               Marius Junge and   
               Peter T. Kim and   
                 David W. Kribs   Universal collective rotation channels
                                  and quantum error correction . . . . . . 022102
               Takashi Ichinose   Path integral for the radial Dirac
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022103
                Nasser Saad and   
            Richard L. Hall and   
           Qutaibeh D. Katatbeh   Study of anharmonic singular potentials  022104
                Wusheng Zhu and   
                Herschel Rabitz   Perturbative and nonperturbative master
                                  equations for open quantum systems . . . 022105
                  Claude Archer   There is no generalization of known
                                  formulas for mutually unbiased bases . . 022106
     Sergey V. Peletminskii and   
           Yuriy V. Slyusarenko   Second quantization method in the
                                  presence of bound states of particles    022301
                R. Abounasr and   
          M. Ait Ben Haddou and   
              A. El Rhalami and   
                    E. H. Saidi   Algebraic geometry realization of
                                  quantum Hall soliton . . . . . . . . . . 022302
                 H. Ahmedov and   
                     I. H. Duru   Casimir energy for a wedge with three
                                  surfaces and for a pyramidal cavity  . . 022303
                 H. Ahmedov and   
                     I. H. Duru   Casimir energy in a conical wedge and a
                                  conical cavity . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022304
Miguel Brozos-Vázquez and   
Eduardo García-Río and   
Ramón Vázquez-Lorenzo   Some remarks on locally conformally flat
                                  static space--times  . . . . . . . . . . 022501
     Leonardo Patiño and   
               Hernando Quevedo   Topological quantization of
                                  gravitational fields . . . . . . . . . . 022502
            Stefan Hollands and   
              Akihiro Ishibashi   Asymptotic flatness and Bondi energy in
                                  higher dimensional gravity . . . . . . . 022503
                   Jun Mada and   
              Makoto Idzumi and   
               Tetsuji Tokihiro   Path description of conserved quantities
                                  of generalized periodic box-ball systems 022701
                     T. Blesgen   A revised model for diffusion induced
                                  segregation processes  . . . . . . . . . 022702
            G. N. Afanasiev and   
               V. M. Shilov and   
             Yu. P. Stepanovsky   Shock waves in the Tamm problem and the
                                  possibility of their experimental
                                  observation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022901
              Camillo Cammarota   An inequality for the Gibbs mean number
                                  of clusters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023301
            Paolo Gibilisco and   
                  Tommaso Isola   On the monotonicity of scalar curvature
                                  in classical and quantum information
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023501
               F. Salvarani and   
                     G. Toscani   Large-time asymptotics for nonlinear
                                  diffusions: the initial-boundary value
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023502
                    M. Shih and   
                E. Momoniat and   
                  F. M. Mahomed   Approximate conditional symmetries and
                                  approximate solutions of the perturbed
                                  Fitzhugh--Nagumo equation  . . . . . . . 023503
               Jeongoo Cheh and   
             Peter J. Olver and   
               Juha Pohjanpelto   Maurer--Cartan equations for Lie
                                  symmetry pseudogroups of differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023504
               G. W. Bluman and   
               Temuerchaolu and   
                   R. Sahadevan   Local and nonlocal symmetries for
                                  nonlinear telegraph equation . . . . . . 023505
              Adrian Constantin   Finite propagation speed for the
                                  Camassa--Holm equation . . . . . . . . . 023506

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 3, March, 2005

        Sebastian F. Brandt and   
             Hagen Kleinert and   
                   Axel Pelster   Recursive calculation of effective
                                  potential and variational resummation    032101
                   A. Sinha and   
                         P. Roy   $ P T $ symmetric models with nonlinear
                                  pseudosupersymmetry  . . . . . . . . . . 032102
                N. N. Khuri and   
        André Martin and   
         Pierre C. Sabatier and   
                    Tai Tsun Wu   Universality of low-energy scattering in
                                  $ 2 + 1 $ dimensions: The nonsymmetric
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032103
                     Y. Strauss   Sz.--Nagy--Foias theory and
                                  Lax--Phillips type semigroups in the
                                  description of quantum mechanical
                                  resonances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032104
           Nicolas Privault and   
           Jean-Claude Zambrini   Euclidean quantum mechanics in the
                                  momentum representation  . . . . . . . . 032105
                  C. Rangan and   
                    A. M. Bloch   Control of finite-dimensional quantum
                                  systems: Application to a spin-$ 1 / 2 $
                                  particle coupled with a finite quantum
                                  harmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . . . . 032106
               Allal Ghanmi and   
                 Ahmed Intissar   Asymptotic of complex hyperbolic
                                  geometry and $ L^2 $-spectral analysis
                                  of Landau-like Hamiltonians  . . . . . . 032107
                James McCaw and   
              B. H. J. McKellar   Pure point spectrum for the time
                                  evolution of a periodically rank-$N$
                                  kicked Hamiltonian . . . . . . . . . . . 032108
          Julia Breiderhoff and   
                Fabio Musso and   
               Orlando Ragnisco   Exact solution to a supersymmetric
                                  Gaudin model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032109
                 B. S. Kandemir   Two interacting electrons in a uniform
                                  magnetic field and a parabolic
                                  potential: The general closed-form
                                  solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032110
             Juha Loikkanen and   
              Cornelius Paufler   Yang--Mills action from minimally
                                  coupled bosons on $ \mathbb {R}^4 $ and
                                  on the four-dimensional Moyal plane  . . 032301
         Andrei G. Terekidi and   
              Jurij W. Darewych   Variational two-fermion wave equations
                                  in quantum electrodynamics: Muoniumlike
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032302
                J. Kijowski and   
                     G. Rudolph   Charge superselection sectors for QCD on
                                  the lattice  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032303
               Stephan Zakowicz   Square-integrable wave packets from the
                                  Volkov solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . 032304
                    Fabian Brau   Upper limit on the critical strength of
                                  central potentials in relativistic
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 032305
                    Peter Varga   Matrix theory of unoriented membranes
                                  and Jordan algebras  . . . . . . . . . . 032306
        Cayetano Di Bartolo and   
            Rodolfo Gambini and   
                   Jorge Pullin   Consistent and mimetic discretizations
                                  in General Relativity  . . . . . . . . . 032501
Enrique Montiel-Piña and   
            Ezra Ted Newman and   
        Gilberto Silva-Ortigoza   General relativity via complete
                                  integrals of the Hamilton--Jacobi
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032502
                  Y. C. Hon and   
                      E. G. Fan   An algebro-geometric solution for a
                                  Hamiltonian system with application to
                                  dispersive long wave equation  . . . . . 032701
             Fernando Etayo and   
   Rafael Santamaría and   
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Lagrange--Fedosov nonholonomic manifolds 032901
                  Michele Pavon   Hamilton--Jacobi equations for
                                  nonholonomic dynamics  . . . . . . . . . 032902
       D. E. Panayotounakos and   
         N. B. Sotiropoulos and   
         A. B. Sotiropoulou and   
           N. D. Panayotounakou   Exact analytic solutions of nonlinear
                                  boundary value problems in fluid
                                  mechanics (Blasius equations)  . . . . . 033101
     Manuel Núñez   Uniform estimates on the velocity in
                                  Rayleigh--Bénard convection . . . . . . . 033102
               Masuo Suzuki and   
            Hidenori Suzuki and   
               Shu-Chiuan Chang   Study on boundary-boundary correlation
                                  functions of the two-dimensional Ising
                                  model using topological interaction
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033301
        Alexander Soshnikov and   
                Yan V. Fyodorov   On the largest singular values of random
                                  matrices with independent Cauchy entries 033302
          Giuseppe Benfatto and   
           Marzio Cassandro and   
                  I. Merola and   
                    E. Presutti   Limit theorems for statistics of
                                  combinatorial partitions with
                                  applications to mean field Bose gas  . . 033303
             N. I. Stoilova and   
               J. Van der Jeugt   A classification of generalized quantum
                                  statistics associated with classical Lie
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033501
   François B. Pelap and   
                Mansour M. Faye   Solitonlike excitations in a
                                  one-dimensional electrical transmission
                                  line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033502
     Rémi Léandre   Brownian pants and Deligne cohomology    033503
                J. Zamastil and   
          M. Simánek and   
            J. Cízek and   
                L. Skála   Method of variation of constants for
                                  difference equations and its application
                                  to the calculation of atomic integrals   033504
           Takeshi Fukuyama and   
              Amon Ilakovac and   
            Tatsuru Kikuchi and   
           Stjepan Meljanac and   
                Nobuchika Okada   $ {\rm SO}(10) $ group theory for the
                                  unified model building . . . . . . . . . 033505
              L. A. Khodarinova   Quantum integrability of the deformed
                                  elliptic Calogero--Moser problem . . . . 033506
                     Wen-Xiu Ma   Integrable couplings of vector AKNS
                                  soliton equations  . . . . . . . . . . . 033507
                  Hajime Moriya   Validity and failure of some entropy
                                  inequalities for CAR systems . . . . . . 033508
             Nelson Pantoja and   
                 Alberto Sanoja   Symmetries of distributional domain wall
                                  geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033509
                   M. Baake and   
               D. Frettlöh   SCD patterns have singular diffraction   033510
              A. F. Schunck and   
               Chris Wainwright   A geometric approach to scalar field
                                  theories on the supersphere  . . . . . . 033511
           Jan Derezi\'nski and   
             Rafal Früboes   Level shift operator and second order
                                  perturbation theory  . . . . . . . . . . 033512
          Aline Aigon-Dupuy and   
                Peter Buser and   
              Michel Cibils and   
      Alfred F. Künzle and   
                  Frank Steiner   Hyperbolic octagons and Teichmüller space
                                  in genus $2$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033513
                  V. K. B. Kota   $ {\rm SU}(N) $ Wigner--Racah algebra
                                  for the matrix of second moments of
                                  embedded Gaussian unitary ensemble of
                                  random matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 033514
                  Zi-Xiang Zhou   Darboux transformations and exact
                                  solutions of two dimensional $ A_{2
                                  n}^{(2)} $ Toda equation . . . . . . . . 033515
           Carina Boyallian and   
        José I. Liberati   Representations of classical Lie
                                  subalgebras of quantum
                                  pseudodifferential operators . . . . . . 033516
                J. Zamastil and   
            J. Cízek and   
                 M. Kalhous and   
            L. Skála and   
              M. Simánek   Erratum: ``The use of $ {\rm so}(2, 1) $
                                  algebra for the evaluation of atomic
                                  integrals: The study of two-electron
                                  atoms'', [J. Math. Phys. 45, 2674
                                  (2004)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 039901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 4, April, 2005

    Ekatherina A. Karatsuba and   
                  Paolo Moretti   Inversion time of large spins  . . . . . 042101
           Gerald A. Goldin and   
            Robert Owczarek and   
                 David H. Sharp   Quantum kinematics of bosonic vortex
                                  loops  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042102
                 J. G. Wood and   
                  A. J. Bracken   Bounds on integrals of the Wigner
                                  function: The hyperbolic case  . . . . . 042103
                   A. Blasi and   
               G. Scolarici and   
                  L. Solombrino   Alternative descriptions in quaternionic
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 042104
       Vittorio Giovannetti and   
                 Seth Lloyd and   
               Mary Beth Ruskai   Conditions for multiplicativity of
                                  maximal $ l_p$-norms of channels for
                                  fixed integer $p$  . . . . . . . . . . . 042105
           Horia D. Cornean and   
                Arne Jensen and   
             Valeriu Moldoveanu   A rigorous proof of the
                                  Landauer--Büttiker formula  . . . . . . . 042106
               Jukka Kiukas and   
                Pekka Lahti and   
                    Kari Ylinen   Moment operators of the Cartesian
                                  margins of the phase space observables   042107
              Artur Scherer and   
             Andrei N. Soklakov   Initial states and decoherence of
                                  histories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042108
                 Yong Moon Park   Improvement of uncertainty relations for
                                  mixed states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042109
              R. Roknizadeh and   
                M. K. Tavassoly   Construction of the dual family of
                                  Gazeau--Klauder coherent states via
                                  temporally stable nonlinear coherent
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042110
                        Z. Haba   Estimates on Green functions of second
                                  order differential operators with
                                  singular coefficients  . . . . . . . . . 042301
            Fumio Hiroshima and   
                  Herbert Spohn   Mass renormalization in nonrelativistic
                                  quantum electrodynamics  . . . . . . . . 042302
                    Dongho Chae   Existence of the semilocal Chern--Simons
                                  vortices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042303
          Jürgen Tolksdorf   The topology of the electroweak
                                  interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042304
           I. G. Pirozhenko and   
           V. V. Nesterenko and   
                      M. Bordag   Integral equations for heat kernel in
                                  compound media . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042305
            T. A. Ioannidou and   
            A. Kouiroukidis and   
                  N. D. Vlachos   Universality in a class of Q-ball
                                  solutions: An analytic approach  . . . . 042306
                    M. Mine and   
                 M. Okumura and   
                    Y. Yamanaka   Relation between generalized Bogoliubov
                                  and Bogoliubov--de Gennes approaches
                                  including Nambu--Goldstone mode  . . . . 042307
                    Jasbir Nagi   On extensions of superconformal algebras 042308
                  Paul Loya and   
                   Jinsung Park   Functional determinants for the Dirac
                                  equation with mixed pseudodifferential
                                  boundary conditions over finite
                                  cylinders  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042309
                Jongmin Han and   
                    Jaeduk Jang   Nontopological bare solutions in the
                                  relativistic self-dual
                                  Maxwell--Chern--Simons--Higgs model  . . 042310
            M. Amniat-Talab and   
           S. Guérin and   
                  H. R. Jauslin   Quantum averaging and resonances:
                                  Two-level atom in a one-mode quantized
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042311
             A. K. H. Bengtsson   An abstract interface to higher spin
                                  gauge field theory . . . . . . . . . . . 042312
          D. J. Cirilo Lombardo   New spherically symmetric monopole and
                                  regular solutions in
                                  Einstein--Born--Infeld theories  . . . . 042501
                  Ramesh Sharma   Conformal symmetries of Einstein's field
                                  equations and initial data . . . . . . . 042502
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Exact solutions with noncommutative
                                  symmetries in Einstein and gauge gravity 042503
                  J. G. Cardoso   Two-spinor curvature structures for a
                                  class of conformally flat space--times   042504
                    Xianzhe Dai   A note on positive energy theorem for
                                  spaces with asymptotic SUSY
                                  compactification . . . . . . . . . . . . 042505
                   J. P. Krisch   Fractional boundary for the
                                  Gott--Hiscock string . . . . . . . . . . 042506
Ali Ulas Özgür Kisisel   On quadratic Poisson brackets  . . . . . 042701
     Blazej M. Szablikowski and   
                 Maciej Blaszak   On deformations of standard $R$-matrices
                                  for integrable infinite-dimensional
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042702
              V. Caudrelier and   
                M. Mintchev and   
                     E. Ragoucy   Solving the quantum nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equation with $ \delta $-type impurity   042703
               Paolo Casati and   
            Paolo Lorenzoni and   
           Giovanni Ortenzi and   
                  Marco Pedroni   On the local and nonlocal Camassa--Holm
                                  hierarchies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042704
                 S. Benenti and   
                   C. Chanu and   
                    G. Rastelli   Variable-separation theory for the null
                                  Hamilton--Jacobi equation  . . . . . . . 042901
                    Yuly Billig   Magnetic hydrodynamics with asymmetric
                                  stress tensor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043101
          Homayoon Eshraghi and   
              Yousefali Abedini   A special class in vanishing helicity
                                  ideal flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043102
              Subhankar Ray and   
                    J. Shamanna   A Bethe Ansatz study of free energy and
                                  excitation spectrum for even spin
                                  Fateev--Zamolodchikov model  . . . . . . 043301
           Henriette Elvang and   
       Predrag Cvitanovi\'c and   
             Anthony D. Kennedy   Diagrammatic Young projection operators
                                  for $ {\rm U}(n) $ . . . . . . . . . . . 043501
          Roman O. Popovych and   
            Nataliya M. Ivanova   Hierarchy of conservation laws of
                                  diffusion-convection equations . . . . . 043502
              Victor Gayral and   
                   Bruno Iochum   The spectral action for Moyal planes . . 043503
               A. Pickering and   
                       J. Prada   Dirichlet series and the integrability
                                  of multilinear differential equations    043504
               F. Bentosela and   
                  P. Duclos and   
              V. Moldoveanu and   
                      G. Nenciu   The dynamics of one-dimensional Bloch
                                  electrons in constant electric fields    043505
                B. Talukdar and   
                   S. Ghosh and   
                         U. Das   Inverse variational problem and
                                  canonical structure of Burgers equations 043506
                 Gerd Niestegge   Conditional expectations associated with
                                  quantum states . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043507
          Jean-Pierre Aubin and   
                   Annick Lesne   Constructing and exploring wells of
                                  energy landscapes  . . . . . . . . . . . 043508
               Mathew D. Rogers   Partial fractions expansions and
                                  identities for products of Bessel
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043509
               Tiecheng Xia and   
                      Engui Fan   The multicomponent generalized
                                  Kaup--Newell hierarchy and its
                                  multicomponent integrable couplings
                                  system with two arbitrary functions  . . 043510
                Adil Belhaj and   
        Jòrgen Rasmussen   On toric geometry, Spin(7) manifolds,
                                  and type II superstring
                                  compactifications  . . . . . . . . . . . 043511
         Jan-Hendrik Jureit and   
           Christoph A. Stephan   On a classification of irreducible
                                  almost commutative geometries, a second
                                  helping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043512
                R. B. Zhang and   
                      Y. M. Zou   Spherical functions on homogeneous
                                  superspaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043513
                 Laurent Michel   Scattering amplitude and scattering
                                  phase for the Schrödinger equation with
                                  strong magnetic field  . . . . . . . . . 043514
              Ian M. Davies and   
              Aubrey Truman and   
                 Huaizhong Zhao   Stochastic heat and Burgers equations
                                  and their singularities. II. Analytical
                                  properties and limiting distributions    043515
                   T. M. Garoni   On the asymptotics of some large Hankel
                                  determinants generated by
                                  Fisher--Hartwig symbols defined on the
                                  real line  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043516

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 5, May, 2005

        Martin Hallnäs and   
                 Edwin Langmann   Exact solutions of two complementary
                                  one-dimensional quantum many-body
                                  systems on the half-line . . . . . . . . 052101
                Chunhua Lan and   
             Tzyh-Jong Tarn and   
               Quo-Shin Chi and   
                  John W. Clark   Analytic controllability of
                                  time-dependent quantum control systems   052102
               Dennis Lucarelli   Control aspects of holonomic quantum
                                  computation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052103
              D. K. Gridnev and   
                 C. Greiner and   
                     W. Greiner   Stability of three unit charges:
                                  Necessary conditions . . . . . . . . . . 052104
             Marius Mantoiu and   
                    Radu Purice   Strict deformation quantization for a
                                  particle in a magnetic field . . . . . . 052105
                 Tongsong Jiang   Algebraic methods for diagonalization of
                                  a quaternion matrix in quaternionic
                                  quantum theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052106
                  D. M. Appleby   Symmetric informationally
                                  complete-positive operator valued
                                  measures and the extended Clifford group 052107
               John E. Gray and   
                    Andrew Vogt   Mathematical analysis of the
                                  Mandelstam--Tamm time-energy uncertainty
                                  principle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052108
             Artur E. Ruuge and   
           Freddy van Oystaeyen   Saturated Kochen--Specker-type
                                  configuration of $ 120 $ projective
                                  lines in eight-dimensional space and its
                                  group of symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . . 052109
                 P. Blasiak and   
               K. A. Penson and   
              A. I. Solomon and   
                 A. Horzela and   
               G. H. E. Duchamp   Some useful combinatorial formulas for
                                  bosonic operators  . . . . . . . . . . . 052110
                      Zuhan Liu   Vortices set and the applied magnetic
                                  field for superconductivity in dimension
                                  three  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052111
               Shin-ichi Shirai   Strong-electric-field eigenvalue
                                  asymptotics for the Iwatsuka model . . . 052112
             Henning Bostelmann   Phase space properties and the short
                                  distance structure in quantum field
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052301
             Carl M. Bender and   
         Peter N. Meisinger and   
                   Qinghai Wang   Wilson polynomials and the Lorentz
                                  transformation properties of the parity
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052302
                   Hyungjin Huh   Cauchy problems of the gauged sigma
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052303
                    C. Adam and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén   The symmetries of the Dirac--Pauli
                                  equation in two and three dimensions . . 052304
               Heng-Yu Chen and   
                   N. S. Manton   The Kähler potential of Abelian Higgs
                                  vortices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052305
                  Asao Arai and   
          Kunimitsu Hayashi and   
                   Itaru Sasaki   Spectral properties of a Dirac operator
                                  in the chiral quark soliton model  . . . 052306
Thomas Òstergaard Sòrensen   The large-$Z$ behavior of
                                  pseudorelativistic atoms . . . . . . . . 052307
                 Jason Sharples   Local existence of quasispherical
                                  space--time initial data . . . . . . . . 052501
                    Yabo Wu and   
                  Peng Dong and   
                Xuemei Deng and   
                   Guoming Zhao   The two NUT-like solutions of Ernst
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052502
           Ricardo Becerril and   
        Alfredo Herrera-Aguilar   Charging a double Kerr solution in
                                  Einstein--Maxwell--Kalb--Ramond theory   052503
               Masashi Hamanaka   Commuting flows and conservation laws
                                  for noncommutative Lax hierarchies . . . 052701
José F. Cariñena and   
    Manuel F. Rañada and   
              Mariano Santander   Central potentials on spaces of constant
                                  curvature: The Kepler problem on the
                                  two-dimensional sphere $ S^2 $ and the
                                  hyperbolic plane $ H^2 $ . . . . . . . . 052702
               Angel M. Rey and   
   Narciso Román-Roy and   
                Modesto Salgado   Günther's formalism ($k$-symplectic
                                  formalism) in classical field theory:
                                  Skinner--Rusk approach and the evolution
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052901
           Giuseppe Pucacco and   
                 Kjell Rosquist   Configurational invariants of
                                  Hamiltonian systems  . . . . . . . . . . 052902
        J. Brajercík and   
                      D. Krupka   Variational principles for locally
                                  variational forms  . . . . . . . . . . . 052903
                   V. Lahno and   
                     R. Zhdanov   Group classification of nonlinear wave
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053301
         Rafael S. Thebaldi and   
           Emmanuel Pereira and   
                  Aldo Procacci   A cluster expansion for the decay of
                                  correlations of light-mass quantum
                                  crystals and some stochastic models
                                  under intense noise  . . . . . . . . . . 053302
                    J. Asch and   
         I. Hradecký and   
             P. Stovícek   Propagators weakly associated to a
                                  family of Hamiltonians and the adiabatic
                                  theorem for the Landau Hamiltonian with
                                  a time-dependent Aharonov--Bohm flux . . 053303
     Alejandro Mesón and   
               Fernando Vericat   An approach to the problem of phase
                                  transitions in the continuum . . . . . . 053304
           Marzio Cassandro and   
      Pablo Augusto Ferrari and   
          Immacolata Merola and   
                Errico Presutti   Geometry of contours and Peierls
                                  estimates in $ d = 1 $ Ising models with
                                  long range interactions  . . . . . . . . 053305
            M. Alimohammadi and   
                       Y. Naimi   Multispecies extension of the solvable
                                  partially asymmetric reaction-diffusion
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053306
                Renjun Duan and   
                  Tong Yang and   
                 Changjiang Zhu   Global existence to Boltzmann equation
                                  with external force in infinite vacuum   053307
                 L. Frappat and   
                   A. Sciarrino   Hyperbolic Kac--Moody superalgebras  . . 053501
                   J. Kubieniec   On unitary, irreducible representations
                                  of the proper, orthochronous Lorentz
                                  group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053502
           Silvia Cingolani and   
                  Simone Secchi   Semiclassical states for NLS equations
                                  with magnetic potentials having
                                  polynomial growths . . . . . . . . . . . 053503
               Anastasia Doikou   On reflection algebras and twisted
                                  Yangians . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053504
          Staffan Linnæus   Stokes constants for a singular wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053505
                   F. Bagarello   Relations between multiresolution
                                  analysis and quantum mechanics . . . . . 053506
           Patricio Cordero and   
                   Jamil Daboul   Analysis of the spectrum generating
                                  algebra method for obtaining energy
                                  spectra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053507
              Nicolas Boulanger   A Weyl-covariant tensor calculus . . . . 053508
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Second-order superintegrable systems in
                                  conformally flat spaces. I.
                                  Two-dimensional classical structure
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053509
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Second order superintegrable systems in
                                  conformally flat spaces. II. The
                                  classical two-dimensional Stäckel
                                  transform  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053510
                Peter A. Becker   Exact solution for the hypergeometric
                                  Green's function describing spectral
                                  formation in X-ray pulsars . . . . . . . 053511
            Indranil Biswas and   
                    A. K. Raina   Hecke transformation and the generalized
                                  theta function . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053512
            Pierre Del Castillo   The Parr formula for the superheating
                                  field in a semi-infinite film  . . . . . 053513
                  J. Patera and   
                   A. Zaratsyan   Discrete and continuous cosine transform
                                  generalized to Lie groups $ {\rm SU}(2)
                                  \times {\rm SU}(2) $ and $ {\rm O}(5) $  053514
                Abu M. Khan and   
                  Pierre Ramond   Continuous spin representations from
                                  group contraction  . . . . . . . . . . . 053515
                   C. Duval and   
                      G. Valent   Quantum integrability of quadratic
                                  Killing tensors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053516
               D. Bashkirov and   
               G. Giachetta and   
             L. Mangiarotti and   
               G. Sardanashvily   Noether's second theorem for BRST
                                  symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053517
            S. Twareque Ali and   
                   F. Bagarello   Some physical appearances of vector
                                  coherent states and coherent states
                                  related to degenerate Hamiltonians . . . 053518
             Christian Blohmann   Reconstruction of universal Drinfeld
                                  twists from representations  . . . . . . 053519
            Scipio Cuccagna and   
              Dmitry Pelinovsky   Bifurcations from the endpoints of the
                                  essential spectrum in the linearized
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger problem . . . . . . 053520
              Brian C. Hall and   
            Jeffrey J. Mitchell   Erratum: ``Coherent states on spheres'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 43, 1211 (2002)] . . 059901
       Vittorio Giovannetti and   
                 Seth Lloyd and   
               Mary Beth Ruskai   Publisher's Note: ``Conditions for
                                  multiplicativity of maximal $ l_p$-norms
                                  of channels for fixed integer $p$'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. 46, 042105 (2005)] . . . . . 059902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 6, June, 2005

  J. Gilbert Méolans and   
                S. Kokou Dadzie   Scattering kernel for polyatomic
                                  molecules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062101
          Aurelian Gheondea and   
             Stanley Gudder and   
                    Peter Jonas   On the infimum of quantum effects  . . . 062102
              Michael Nathanson   Distinguishing bipartitite orthogonal
                                  states using LOCC: Best and worst cases  062103
         Stephen S. Bullock and   
           Gavin K. Brennen and   
              Dianne P. O'Leary   Time reversal and $n$-qubit canonical
                                  decompositions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062104
                    Pavel Exner   An isoperimetric problem for leaky loops
                                  and related mean-chord inequalities  . . 062105
     Viacheslav P. Belavkin and   
     Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano and   
                 Maxim Raginsky   Operational distance and fidelity for
                                  quantum channels . . . . . . . . . . . . 062106
                  Paul W. Ayers   Generalized density functional theories
                                  using the $k$-electron densities:
                                  Development of kinetic energy
                                  functionals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062107
           Guillaume Plante and   
                Adel F. Antippa   Analytic solution of the Schrödinger
                                  equation for the Coulomb-plus-linear
                                  potential. I. The wave functions . . . . 062108
                Miloslav Znojil   Solvable $ P T $-symmetric model with a
                                  tunable interspersion of nonmerging
                                  levels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062109
                    M. Agop and   
              P. D. Ioannou and   
                        P. Nica   Superconductivity by means of the
                                  subquantum medium coherence  . . . . . . 062110
              Andrei Khrennikov   Representation of the contextual
                                  statistical model by hyperbolic
                                  amplitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062111
                Stefano Pironio   Lifting Bell inequalities  . . . . . . . 062112
           Debashis Ghoshal and   
           Dileep P. Jatkar and   
             Maximilian Kreuzer   Neveu--Schwarz fivebrane and tachyon
                                  condensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062301
         Nelson R. F. Braga and   
          Hector L. Carrion and   
           Cresus F. L. Godinho   Normal ordering and boundary conditions
                                  in open bosonic strings  . . . . . . . . 062302
             Valter Moretti and   
               Nicola Pinamonti   Bose--Einstein condensate and
                                  spontaneous breaking of conformal
                                  symmetry on Killing horizons . . . . . . 062303
                Alexander Lange   The Epstein--Glaser approach to
                                  perturbative quantum field theory:
                                  graphs and Hopf algebras . . . . . . . . 062304
               Yann Brenier and   
                    Wen-An Yong   Derivation of particle, string, and
                                  membrane motions from the Born--Infeld
                                  electromagnetism . . . . . . . . . . . . 062305
     J. Fernando Barbero G. and   
Guillermo A. Mena Marugán and   
Eduardo J. S. Villaseñor   Asymptotics of regulated field
                                  commutators for Einstein--Rosen waves    062306
           Dmitry Shklyarov and   
                   Genkai Zhang   Covariant $q$-differential operators and
                                  unitary highest weight representations
                                  for $ {\rm U}_q \frak{su}_{(n, n)}$  . . 062307
               J. P. Krisch and   
                    E. N. Glass   Energy transport in the Vaidya system    062501
                  Avner Ash and   
               Patrick McDonald   Random partial orders, posts, and the
                                  causal set approach to discrete quantum
                                  gravity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062502
           G. Oliveira-Neto and   
                 F. I. Takakura   Wyman's solution, self-similarity, and
                                  critical behavior  . . . . . . . . . . . 062503
          Tomás Liko and   
                 Paul S. Wesson   An exact solution of the
                                  five-dimensional Einstein equations with
                                  four-dimensional de Sitter-like
                                  expansion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062504
                 David Alba and   
               Luca Lusanna and   
                  Massimo Pauri   Multipolar expansions for closed and
                                  open systems of relativistic particles   062505
            Mikhail V. Deryabin   On asymptotic Hopf invariant for
                                  Hamiltonian systems  . . . . . . . . . . 062701
              Fabio Benatti and   
             Valerio Cappellini   Continuous limit of discrete sawtooth
                                  maps and its algebraic framework . . . . 062702
José F. Cariñena and   
    Manuel F. Rañada and   
              Mariano Santander   Lagrangian formalism for nonlinear
                                  second-order Riccati systems:
                                  One-dimensional integrability and
                                  two-dimensional superintegrability . . . 062703
              Guido Gentile and   
     Michele V. Bartuccelli and   
           Jonathan H. B. Deane   Summation of divergent series and Borel
                                  summability for strongly dissipative
                                  differential equations with periodic or
                                  quasiperiodic forcing terms  . . . . . . 062704
              Hideaki Ujino and   
                  Luc Vinet and   
                  Haruo Yoshida   A super-integrable discretization of the
                                  Calogero model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062705
                     Bo Dai and   
                Chuu-Lian Terng   Periodic and homoclinic solutions of the
                                  modified $ 2 + 1 $ chiral model  . . . . 062706
     Andrzej J. Maciejewski and   
               Maria Przybylska   Darboux points and integrability of
                                  Hamiltonian systems with homogeneous
                                  polynomial potential . . . . . . . . . . 062901
               Yong-Xin Guo and   
                  Yong Wang and   
                 G. Y. Chee and   
                 Feng-Xiang Mei   Nonholonomic versus vakonomic dynamics
                                  on a Riemann--Cartan manifold  . . . . . 062902
           Marius Costeniuc and   
           Richard S. Ellis and   
                 Hugo Touchette   Complete analysis of phase transitions
                                  and ensemble equivalence for the
                                  Curie--Weiss--Potts model  . . . . . . . 063301
              S. V. Kozyrev and   
              V. Al. Osipov and   
                 V. A. Avetisov   Nondegenerate ultrametric diffusion  . . 063302
                 Henri Cornille   Planar $ (x, z) $ mixtures discrete
                                  Boltzmann equations with species either
                                  in odd or even $ |x| + |z| $ values  . . 063303
                     Fuxi Zhang   Exponential convergence of coupled
                                  diffusion processes  . . . . . . . . . . 063304
               Timothy R. Field   Observability of the scattering
                                  cross-section through phase decoherence  063305
                 N. Pelavas and   
                   A. Coley and   
                  R. Milson and   
                  V. Pravda and   
             A. Pravdová   VSI$_i$ space--times and the $ \epsilon
                                  $-property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063501
                     Jining Gao   The Maurer--Cartan structure of BRST
                                  differentials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063502
              J. N. Pecina-Cruz   On the Casimir of the group $ {\rm
                                  ISL}(n, R) $ and its algebraic
                                  decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063503
           Uwe Günther and   
              Frank Stefani and   
                Miloslav Znojil   MHD $ \alpha^2$-dynamo, Squire equation
                                  and $ P T$-symmetric interpolation
                                  between square well and harmonic
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063504
         Margarida de Faria and   
 Maria João Oliveira and   
                  Ludwig Streit   Feynman integrals for nonsmooth and
                                  rapidly growing potentials . . . . . . . 063505
                  E. K. Loginov   Multi-instantons in seven dimensions . . 063506
           Tomoshiro Ochiai and   
                 Jose C. Nacher   Inversible Max-Plus algebras and
                                  integrable systems . . . . . . . . . . . 063507
                 A. Chakrabarti   A nested sequence of projectors and
                                  corresponding braid matrices $ \hat
                                  {\mathbb {R}}(\theta) $. 1. Odd
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063508
                 A. Chakrabarti   Aspects of a new class of braid
                                  matrices: Roots of unity and
                                  hyperelliptic $q$ for triangularity,
                                  $L$-algebra, link-invariants,
                                  noncommutative spaces  . . . . . . . . . 063509
          Mark K. Transtrum and   
Jean-François S. Van Huele   Commutation relations for functions of
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063510
           Jan Derezi\'nski and   
             Rafal Früboes   Stationary van Hove limit  . . . . . . . 063511
                  Sahbi Keraani   Wigner measures dynamics in a Coulomb
                                  potential  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063512
               Satoru Odake and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Equilibrium positions, shape invariance
                                  and Askey--Wilson polynomials  . . . . . 063513
             A. W. Sáenz   Erratum: ``Quantum-mechanical scattering
                                  in exterior domains with impenetrable
                                  boundaries and short-range potentials'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 45, 1426 (2004)] . . 069901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 7, July, 2005

              Claude Billionnet   Hybrid states of two and three level
                                  atoms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072101
                  David Viennot   Principal bundle structure of quantum
                                  adiabatic dynamics with a Berry phase
                                  which does not commute with the
                                  dynamical phase  . . . . . . . . . . . . 072102
             D. Jurciukonis and   
               E. Norvaisas and   
                    D. O. Riska   Canonical quantization of $ {\rm SU}(3)
                                  $ Skyrme model in a general
                                  representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072103
                N. H. March and   
               I. A. Howard and   
                    I. Nagy and   
                P. M. Echenique   Changes in nonlinear potential
                                  scattering theory in electron gases
                                  brought about by reducing dimensionality 072104
César R. de Oliveira and   
               Roberto A. Prado   Spectral and localization properties for
                                  the one-dimensional Bernoulli discrete
                                  Dirac operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072105
                  X.-M. Liu and   
                  C. Quesne and   
                        F. Song   $k$-component $q$-deformed charge
                                  coherent states and their nonclassical
                                  properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072106
            Nuno Costa Dias and   
         João Nuno Prata   Stargenfunctions, generally parametrized
                                  systems and a causal formulation of
                                  phase space quantum mechanics  . . . . . 072107
         George S. Pogosyan and   
          Luis Edgar Vicent and   
             Kurt Bernardo Wolf   Quantum phase space for the
                                  one-dimensional hydrogen atom on the
                                  hyperbola  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072108
                 I. Batalin and   
               M. Grigoriev and   
                  S. Lyakhovich   Non-Abelian conversion and quantization
                                  of nonscalar second-class constraints    072301
               D. M. Gitman and   
              P. Yu. Moshin and   
               A. A. Reshetnyak   Local superfield Lagrangian BRST
                                  quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072302
         Jan-Hendrik Jureit and   
          Chtistoph Stephan and   
           Thomas Schücker   On a classification of irreducible
                                  almost commutative geometries. III . . . 072303
           Dmitriy V. Aleynikov   Seiberg--Witten equations in $ R^4 $:
                                  Lie symmetries, particular solutions,
                                  integrability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072304
                  Jungyoon Byun   A generalization of Connes--Kreimer Hopf
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072305
                     Yi Wei and   
                    Tilo Wettig   Bosonic color-flavor transformation for
                                  the special unitary group  . . . . . . . 072306
            L. Andrianopoli and   
                 S. Ferrara and   
         M. A. Lledó and   
                O. Maciá   Integration of massive states as
                                  contractions of nonlinear $ \sigma $
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072307
                     E. Mendels   Near threshold expansion of Feynman
                                  diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072308
         Lluís Bruna and   
                    Joan Girbau   Laplacian in the hyperbolic space $ H_n
                                  $ and linearization stability of the
                                  Einstein equation for Robertson--Walker
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072501
                   Robin Zegers   Birkhoff's theorem in Lovelock gravity   072502
               Florin Diacu and   
Ernesto Pérez-Chavela and   
             Manuele Santoprete   The Kepler problem with anisotropic
                                  perturbations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072701
           Dan Dobrovolschi and   
                   Jaume Llibre   Boundedness, invariant algebraic
                                  surfaces and global dynamics for a
                                  spectral model of large-scale
                                  atmospheric circulation  . . . . . . . . 072702
               Jaume Llibre and   
                Cl\`audia Valls   Integrability of the Bianchi IX system   072901
                      Y. Du and   
                      X. B. Pan   Multiple states and hysteresis for type
                                  I superconductors  . . . . . . . . . . . 073301
                 V. A. Malyshev   Dynamical clusters of infinite particle
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073302
            O. P. Melnichuk and   
                   I. Yu. Popov   Coupled dielectric waveguides:
                                  variational estimations  . . . . . . . . 073501
                    Shilin Yang   Weak Hopf algebras corresponding to
                                  Cartan matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073502
      Christofer Cronström   On the uniqueness of solutions to gauge
                                  covariant Poisson equations with compact
                                  Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073503
                Hasan Karabulut   A Wannier function made from distributed
                                  Gaussians  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073504
Eduardo García-Río and   
              Zoran Raki\'c and   
      M. E. Vázquez-Abal   Four-dimensional indefinite Kähler
                                  Osserman manifolds . . . . . . . . . . . 073505
             Alexander D. Popov   On explicit point multimonopoles in $
                                  {\rm SU}(2) $ gauge theory . . . . . . . 073506
               Enrique G. Reyes   Nonlocal symmetries and the
                                  Kaup--Kupershmidt equation . . . . . . . 073507
J. Fernández Núñez and   
   W. García Fuertes and   
                A. M. Perelomov   Some results on the eigenfunctions of
                                  the quantum trigonometric
                                  Calogero--Sutherland model related to
                                  the Lie algebra $ E_6 $  . . . . . . . . 073508
             Katsunori Kawamura   Extensions of representations of the CAR
                                  algebra to the Cuntz algebra $ O_2 $ ---
                                  the Fock and the infinite wedge  . . . . 073509
                 Boling Guo and   
              Jianqing Chen and   
                     Fengqiu Su   The ``Blow up'' problem for a
                                  quasilinear Schrödinger equation  . . . . 073510
                        Jin Yue   The 1856 lemma of Cayley revisited. I.
                                  Infinitesimal generators . . . . . . . . 073511
     Attila B. von Keviczky and   
                Nasser Saad and   
                Richard L. Hall   Green's function for a Schrödinger
                                  operator and some related summation
                                  formulas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073512
               G. W. Bluman and   
                   Temuerchaolu   Comparing symmetries and conservation
                                  laws of nonlinear telegraph equations    073513
                 Boling Guo and   
                   Daiwen Huang   Existence of solitary waves for a
                                  simplified two fluid system of equations
                                  in plasma  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073514
                Abu M. Khan and   
                  Pierre Ramond   Publisher's Note: ``Continuous spin
                                  representations from group
                                  contraction'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46,
                                  053515 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 079901
            Pierre Del Castillo   Publisher's Note: ``The Parr formula for
                                  the superheating field in a
                                  semi-infinite film'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 46, 053513 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . 079902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 8, August, 2005

             Dorje C. Brody and   
               Lane P. Hughston   Finite-time stochastic reduction models  082101
                    Dafa Li and   
               Xiangrong Li and   
              Hongtao Huang and   
                      Xinxin Li   No-cloning of nonorthogonal states does
                                  not require inner product preserving . . 082102
          William Gordon Ritter   Quantum channels and representation
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082103
       Andreas Klappenecker and   
       Martin Rötteler and   
        Igor E. Shparlinski and   
                 Arne Winterhof   On approximately symmetric
                                  informationally complete positive
                                  operator-valued measures and related
                                  systems of quantum states  . . . . . . . 082104
         Stephan Völlinger   Geometry of the Schrödinger equation and
                                  stochastic mass transportation . . . . . 082105
              Avinash Khare and   
                  Uday Sukhatme   PT-invariant periodic potentials with a
                                  finite number of band gaps . . . . . . . 082106
       Barbara Synak-Radtke and   
            Karol Horodecki and   
               Michal Horodecki   Bounds on localizable information via
                                  semidefinite programming . . . . . . . . 082107
 Henrique N. Sá Earp and   
              Jiannis K. Pachos   A constructive algorithm for the Cartan
                                  decomposition of $ {\rm SU}(2^N) $ . . . 082108
          Francesco Buscemi and   
               Michael Keyl and   
     Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano and   
            Paolo Perinotti and   
             Reinhard F. Werner   Clean positive operator valued measures  082109
                  Kwang C. Shin   The potential $ (i z)^m $ generates real
                                  eigenvalues only, under symmetric rapid
                                  decay boundary conditions  . . . . . . . 082110
                   Rosy Teh and   
                 Khai-Ming Wong   Monopole-antimonopole and vortex rings   082301
               Brian Forbes and   
                 Masao Jinzenji   Extending the Picard--Fuchs system of
                                  local mirror symmetry  . . . . . . . . . 082302
        Hellmut Baumgaertel and   
              Hendrik Grundling   Superselection in the presence of
                                  constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082303
             Henning Bostelmann   Operator product expansions as a
                                  consequence of phase space properties    082304
               Johannes Walcher   Stability of Landau--Ginzburg branes . . 082305
          João Costa and   
     José Natário   Homogeneous cosmologies from the
                                  quasi-Maxwell formalism  . . . . . . . . 082501
                  John Miritzis   The recollapse problem of closed
                                  Friedmann--Robertson--Walker models in
                                  higher-order gravity theories  . . . . . 082502
            F. E. Laine-Pearson   Instabilities of multiphase wave trains
                                  in coupled nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equations: A bisymplectic framework  . . 082701
                  Ashok Das and   
                    Z. Popowicz   Supersymmetric nonlocal gas equation . . 082702
     Manuel Núñez   Existence theorems for two-fluid
                                  magnetohydrodynamics . . . . . . . . . . 083101
             Takahiro Nishiyama   A relaxation method for constructing a
                                  Beltrami flow in a bounded domain  . . . 083102
      Joseph V. Pulé and   
   André F. Verbeure and   
          Valentin A. Zagrebnov   On nonhomogeneous Bose condensation  . . 083301
              G. Bellettini and   
                 A. De Masi and   
                    E. Presutti   Energy levels of a nonlocal functional   083302
              A. Chenaghlou and   
                      H. Fakhri   Dynamical symmetry group and quantum
                                  splittings for a free particle on the
                                  group manifold AdS 3 . . . . . . . . . . 083501
              L. W. Baggett and   
         P. E. T. Jorgensen and   
              K. D. Merrill and   
                   J. A. Packer   Construction of Parseval wavelets from
                                  redundant filter systems . . . . . . . . 083502
        Daniel H. T. Franco and   
              Caio M. M. Polito   A new derivation of the CPT and
                                  spin-statistics theorems in
                                  noncommutative field theories  . . . . . 083503
                 Charles Bu and   
          Kimitoshi Tsutaya and   
                 Chenying Zhang   Nonlinear Schrödinger Equation with
                                  Inhomogeneous Dirichlet Boundary Data    083504
         Spyridon Kamvissis and   
          Evguenii A. Rakhmanov   Existence and regularity for an energy
                                  maximization problem in two dimensions   083505
                E. K. Lenzi and   
               R. S. Mendes and   
                Kwok Sau Fa and   
               L. S. Moraes and   
             L. R. da Silva and   
                   L. S. Lucena   Nonlinear fractional diffusion equation:
                                  Exact results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083506
               Michael Melgaard   Threshold properties of matrix-valued
                                  Schrödinger operators . . . . . . . . . . 083507
            A. M. Grundland and   
                       L. Snobl   Description of surfaces associated with
                                  Grassmannian sigma models on Minkowski
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083508
            R. C. McPhedran and   
           N. A. Nicorovici and   
                   L. C. Botten   Neumann series and lattice sums  . . . . 083509
                       Omar Maj   The relationship between the
                                  Wigner--Weyl kinetic formalism and the
                                  complex geometrical optics method  . . . 083510
        M. A. Méndez and   
                 P. Blasiak and   
                   K. A. Penson   Combinatorial approach to generalized
                                  Bell and Stirling numbers and boson
                                  normal ordering problem  . . . . . . . . 083511
       Sergio L. Cacciatori and   
         Bianca L. Cerchiai and   
       Alberto Della Vedova and   
           Giovanni Ortenzi and   
                 Antonio Scotti   Euler angles for $ G_2 $ . . . . . . . . 083512
                  Litan Yan and   
                  Ligang Lu and   
                    Zhiqiang Xu   $ L^p $ estimates on a
                                  time-inhomogeneous diffusion process . . 083513
             Katsunori Kawamura   The Perron--Frobenius operators,
                                  invariant measures and representations
                                  of the Cuntz--Krieger algebras . . . . . 083514
                     Mayer Humi   Darboux transformations for Schrödinger
                                  equations in two variables . . . . . . . 083515
         Zoltán Nagy and   
                  Jean Avan and   
           Anastasia Doikou and   
             Genevi\`eve Rollet   Commuting quantum traces for quadratic
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083516
                Hongjun Gao and   
                      Anyou Zhu   The global strong solutions of
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083517
                   M. Blaauboer   Analytical solution of the time
                                  evolution of an entangled electron spin
                                  pair in a double quantum dot
                                  nanostructure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083518
                    Fang Li and   
                     Haijun Cao   Semilattice graded weak Hopf algebra and
                                  its related quantum G-double . . . . . . 083519
           Sergio L. Cacciatori   A simple parametrization for $ G_2 $ . . 083520
             Roberto Benito and   
   David Martín de Diego   Discrete vakonomic mechanics . . . . . . 083521
                       Omar Maj   Publisher's Note: ``The relationship
                                  between the Wigner--Weyl kinetic
                                  formalism and the complex geometrical
                                  optics method'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46,
                                  083510 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 089901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 9, September, 2005

           Jacob Rubinstein and   
                Peter Sternberg   Introduction: Superconductivity and the
                                  Ginzburg--Landau model . . . . . . . . . 095101
                 Stan Alama and   
                   Lia Bronsard   Pinning effects and their breakdown for
                                  a Ginzburg--Landau model with normal
                                  inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095102
                       Y. Almog   Emergence of the triangular lattice near
                                  a flat wall  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095103
            Patricia Bauman and   
              Hala Jadallah and   
                Daniel Phillips   Classical solutions to the
                                  time-dependent Ginzburg--Landau
                                  equations for a bounded superconducting
                                  body in a vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . 095104
           G. R. Berdiyorov and   
            L. R. E. Cabral and   
                  F. M. Peeters   Surface barrier for flux entry and exit
                                  in mesoscopic superconducting systems    095105
                   Jorge Berger   Time-dependent Ginzburg--Landau
                                  equations with charged boundaries  . . . 095106
                L. Berlyand and   
                    E. Khruslov   Ginzburg--Landau model of a liquid
                                  crystal with random inclusions . . . . . 095107
            L. F. Chibotaru and   
               A. Ceulemans and   
                 M. Morelle and   
                 G. Teniers and   
             C. Carballeira and   
              V. V. Moshchalkov   Ginzburg--Landau description of
                                  confinement and quantization effects in
                                  mesoscopic superconductors . . . . . . . 095108
                       Qiang Du   Numerical approximations of the
                                  Ginzburg--Landau models for
                                  superconductivity  . . . . . . . . . . . 095109
                Yun-hui Kim and   
           Jacob Rubinstein and   
                Peter Sternberg   Topologically driven local minimizers of
                                  the Oseen--Frank energy  . . . . . . . . 095110
             Satoshi Kosugi and   
           Yoshihisa Morita and   
                Shoji Yotsutani   Global bifurcation structure of a
                                  one-dimensional Ginzburg--Landau model   095111
                    Tian Ma and   
                  Shouhong Wang   Bifurcation and stability of
                                  superconductivity  . . . . . . . . . . . 095112

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 10, October, 2005

                    Koji Nagata   Inequalities for experimental tests of
                                  the Kochen--Specker theorem  . . . . . . 102101
                  Marcel Novaes   Real trajectories in the semiclassical
                                  coherent state propagator  . . . . . . . 102102
        Karl-Heinz Fichtner and   
       Wolfgang Freudenberg and   
                  Masanori Ohya   Teleportation schemes in infinite
                                  dimensional Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . 102103
   Koenraad M. R. Audenaert and   
                    Jens Eisert   Continuity bounds on the quantum
                                  relative entropy . . . . . . . . . . . . 102104
           Andrew S. I. D. Lang   The frequency spectrum of the Casimir
                                  effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102105
             David W. Lyons and   
                 Scott N. Walck   Minimum orbit dimension for local
                                  unitary action on $n$-qubit pure states  102106
                   Itaru Sasaki   Ground state of the massless Nelson
                                  model in a non-Fock representation . . . 102107
               Ali Mostafazadeh   Application of pseudo-Hermitian quantum
                                  mechanics to a $ P T $-symmetric
                                  Hamiltonian with a continuum of
                                  scattering states  . . . . . . . . . . . 102108
                     Y. Strauss   On the semigroup decomposition of the
                                  time evolution of quantum mechanical
                                  resonances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102109
      Jorge Martínez and   
            Claudio Meneses and   
          José A. Zapata   Geometry of $C$-flat connections, coarse
                                  graining and the continuum limit . . . . 102301
                  Antti Salmela   Function group approach to unconstrained
                                  Hamiltonian Yang--Mills theory . . . . . 102302
                  A. Fuster and   
               J. W. van Holten   A note on BRST quantization of $ {\rm
                                  SU}(2) $ Yang--Mills mechanics . . . . . 102303
                T. E. Clark and   
                 S. T. Love and   
               Muneto Nitta and   
                T. ter Veldhuis   $ {\rm AdS}_{d + 1} \rightarrow {\rm
                                  AdS}_d $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102304
            Massimo Bertini and   
                 Diego Noja and   
              Andrea Posilicano   Rigorous dynamics and radiation theory
                                  for a Pauli--Fierz model in the
                                  ultraviolet limit  . . . . . . . . . . . 102305
                H. J. Wospakrik   Solutions of the massive $ {\rm SU}(N) $
                                  Yang--Mills equations by harmonic maps   102306
                   Itaru Sasaki   Ground state energy of the polaron in
                                  the relativistic quantum electrodynamics 102307
      Harry I. Ringermacher and   
               Lawrence R. Mead   Induced matter: Curved $N$-manifolds
                                  encapsulated in Riemann-flat $ N + 1$
                                  dimensional space  . . . . . . . . . . . 102501
                  Alcides Garat   Tetrads in geometrodynamics  . . . . . . 102502
                 Stephen R. Lau   Analytic structure of radiation boundary
                                  kernels for blackhole perturbations  . . 102503
   Jirí Bicák and   
                   Pavel Krtous   Fields of accelerated sources: Born in
                                  de Sitter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102504
   N. Cirilo António and   
                N. Manojlovi\'c   $ \mathfrak {sl}_2 $ Gaudin model with
                                  jordanian twist  . . . . . . . . . . . . 102701
              Guido Gentile and   
               Titus S. van Erp   Breakdown of Lindstedt expansion for
                                  chaotic maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102702
                        F. Haas   Jacobi structures in $ \mathbb {R}^3 $   102703
               J. P. Santos and   
                    L. O. Silva   Wigner--Moyal description of free
                                  variable mass Klein--Gordon fields . . . 102901
                 Ajit Bhand and   
                Andrew D. Lewis   Rigid body mechanics in Galilean
                                  spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102902
               T. M. Garoni and   
            P. J. Forrester and   
                  N. E. Frankel   Asymptotic corrections to the eigenvalue
                                  density of the GUE and LUE . . . . . . . 103301
             Abdulmuhsen H. Ali   A field theoretic derivation of the Max
                                  Born hypothesis  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103302
                 M. Rigotti and   
                    F. Debbasch   An $H$-theorem for the general
                                  relativistic Ornstein--Uhlenbeck process 103303
             George Scoufis and   
        Christopher M. Cosgrove   An application of the inverse scattering
                                  transform to the modified intermediate
                                  long wave equation . . . . . . . . . . . 103501
           Andrzej Borowiec and   
            Jerzy Lukierski and   
        Vladimir Lyakhovsky and   
            Marek Mozrzymas and   
             Valeriy N. Tolstoy   Basic twist quantization of the
                                  exceptional Lie algebra $ g_2 $  . . . . 103502
                James McCaw and   
              B. H. J. McKellar   On the continuous spectral component of
                                  the Floquet operator for a periodically
                                  kicked quantum system  . . . . . . . . . 103503
                Elena Poletaeva   Exceptional $ N = 6 $ superconformal
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103504
J. Fernández Núñez and   
   W. García Fuertes and   
                A. M. Perelomov   Quantum trigonometric
                                  Calogero--Sutherland model, irreducible
                                  characters and Clebsch--Gordan series
                                  for the exceptional algebra $ E_7 $  . . 103505
                B. Messirdi and   
             A. Senoussaoui and   
                   G. Djellouli   Resonances of polyatomic molecules in
                                  the Born--Oppenheimer approximation  . . 103506
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Second order superintegrable systems in
                                  conformally flat spaces. III.
                                  Three-dimensional classical structure
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103507
                    C. Jarlskog   A recursive parametrization of unitary
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103508
               P. R. Gordoa and   
               A. Pickering and   
                      Z. N. Zhu   A nonisospectral extension of the
                                  Volterra hierarchy to $ 2 + 1 $
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103509
                  N. Aizawa and   
                 R. Chakrabarti   Quantum spheres for $ {\rm OSp}_q(1 / 2)
                                  $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103510
                     Marek Kwas   An optimal Monte Carlo algorithm for
                                  multivariate Feynman--Kac path integrals 103511
          Maciej Trzetrzelewski   Reduction of $ {\rm su}(N) $ loop
                                  tensors to trees . . . . . . . . . . . . 103512
               D. Bashkirov and   
               G. Giachetta and   
             L. Mangiarotti and   
               G. Sardanashvily   The antifield Koszul--Tate complex of
                                  reducible Noether identities . . . . . . 103513
                Zhi-Feng Li and   
                Jin-Jin Liu and   
             Wolfgang Lucha and   
                 Wen-Gan Ma and   
         Franz F. Schöberl   Relativistic harmonic oscillator . . . . 103514
                F. Calogero and   
                        S. Iona   Novel solvable extensions of the
                                  goldfish many-body model . . . . . . . . 103515
               Fedele Lizzi and   
                Allen Stern and   
                Patrizia Vitale   On the absence of continuous symmetries
                                  for noncommutative $3$-spheres . . . . . 103516
                  S. Andrea and   
               A. Restuccia and   
                   A. Sotomayor   The Gardner category and nonlocal
                                  conservation laws for $ N = 1 $ Super
                                  KdV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103517
                   J. Kubieniec   On the structure of the supplementary
                                  series of unitary, irreducible
                                  representations of the proper,
                                  orthochronous Lorentz group  . . . . . . 103518
                       S. Majid   Gauge theory on nonassociative spaces    103519
                       S. Majid   Noncommutative model with spontaneous
                                  time generation and Planckian bound  . . 103520

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 11, November, 2005

                     C. Lei and   
                 A. Vourdas and   
                A. Wünsche   Analytic and contour representations in
                                  the unit disk based on $ {\rm SU}(1, 1)
                                  $ coherent states  . . . . . . . . . . . 112101
                  B. Lassen and   
               M. Willatzen and   
                  R. Melnik and   
             L. C. Lew Yan Voon   A general treatment of deformation
                                  effects in Hamiltonians for
                                  inhomogeneous crystalline materials  . . 112102
              Myeongju Chae and   
              Seung-Yeal Ha and   
                   Hyungjin Huh   Remarks on the repulsive Wigner--Poisson
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112103
           Roderich Tumulka and   
                 Nino Zangh\`\i   Smoothness of wave functions in thermal
                                  equilibrium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112104
        Sebastian F. Brandt and   
                   Axel Pelster   Large-$D$ expansion from variational
                                  perturbation theory  . . . . . . . . . . 112105
              Xue Ping Wang and   
                    Yuefei Wang   Existence of two-cluster threshold
                                  resonances and the $N$-body Efimov
                                  effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112106
                 Nahomi Kan and   
              Kiyoshi Shiraishi   Divergences in quantum electrodynamics
                                  on a graph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112301
             Bogdan G. Nita and   
             Paul MacAlevey and   
              Phillip T. Downes   Pure gravitational radiation with
                                  twisting rays in the linear
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112501
           Ricardo A. Mosna and   
                    Alberto Saa   Volume elements and torsion  . . . . . . 112502
                 J. Armenta and   
                    J. A. Nieto   Soldered bundle background for the de
                                  Sitter top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112503
                  J. Harnad and   
               I. Loutsenko and   
                 O. Yermolayeva   Constrained reductions of
                                  two-dimensional dispersionless Toda
                                  hierarchy, Hamiltonian structure, and
                                  interface dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . 112701
             V. A. Cimmelli and   
                  P. Ván   The effects of nonlocality on the
                                  evolution of higher order fluxes in
                                  nonequilibrium thermodynamics  . . . . . 112901
          Zoltán Muzsnay   An invariant variational principle for
                                  canonical flows on Lie groups  . . . . . 112902
             Michael Forger and   
          Cornelius Paufler and   
            Hartmann Römer   Hamiltonian multivector fields and
                                  Poisson forms in multisymplectic field
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112903
               Stefano Pasquero   Ideality criterion for unilateral
                                  constraints in time-dependent impulsive
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112904
              Manuel Barros and   
             Alfonso Romero and   
   José L. Cabrerizo and   
        Manuel Fernández   The Gauss--Landau--Hall problem on
                                  Riemannian surfaces  . . . . . . . . . . 112905
                    M. Bisi and   
                       G. Spiga   Fluid-dynamic equations for granular
                                  particles in a host medium . . . . . . . 113301
                Luca De Sanctis   Random multi-overlap structures for
                                  optimization problems  . . . . . . . . . 113302
                Thomas H. Otway   Harmonic fields on the extended
                                  projective disk and a problem in optics  113501
                  Y. Kodama and   
           B. Konopelchenko and   
  L. Martínez Alonso and   
                      E. Medina   Integrable quasiclassical deformations
                                  of cubic curves  . . . . . . . . . . . . 113502
      B. D. Bonorino Figueiredo   Ince's limits for confluent and
                                  double-confluent Heun equations  . . . . 113503
             N. I. Stoilova and   
               J. Van der Jeugt   A classification of generalized quantum
                                  statistics associated with basic
                                  classical Lie superalgebras  . . . . . . 113504
                  Yuuki Abe and   
              Toshiki Nakashima   Nilpotent representations of classical
                                  quantum groups at roots of unity . . . . 113505
                  J. Patera and   
                   A. Zaratsyan   Discrete and continuous cosine transform
                                  generalized to Lie groups $ {\rm SU}(3)
                                  $ and $ {\rm G}(2) $ . . . . . . . . . . 113506
                 Yong Moon Park   Ergodic property of Markovian semigroups
                                  on standard forms of von Neumann
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113507
        Jochen Brüning and   
            Vladimir Geyler and   
         Konstantin Pankrashkin   On-diagonal singularities of the Green
                                  functions for Schrödinger operators . . . 113508
                   E. Musso and   
                    L. Nicolodi   On the Cauchy problem for the integrable
                                  system of Lie minimal surfaces . . . . . 113509
          Metin Gürses and   
        Gusein Sh. Guseinov and   
                 Burcu Silindir   Integrable equations on time scales  . . 113510
                Edward C. Morse   Eigenfunctions of the curl in
                                  cylindrical geometry . . . . . . . . . . 113511
             T. Pierantozzi and   
              L. Vázquez   An interpolation between the wave and
                                  diffusion equations through the
                                  fractional evolution equations Dirac
                                  like . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113512
               H. Neidhardt and   
                     J. Rehberg   Uniqueness for Dissipative
                                  Schrödinger--Poisson Systems  . . . . . . 113513
                  Ayumu Hoshino   Polyhedral realizations of crystal bases
                                  for quantum algebras of finite types . . 113514
             A. V. Shchepetilov   Comment on ``Central potentials on
                                  spaces of constant curvature: The Kepler
                                  problem on the two-dimensional sphere $
                                  S^2 $ and the hyperbolic plane $ H^2
                                  $'', [J. Math. Phys. 46, 052702 (2005)]  114101
      J. F. Cariñena and   
               M. F. Ranada and   
                   M. Santander   Response to ``Comment on `Central
                                  potentials on spaces of constant
                                  curvature: The Kepler problem on the
                                  two-dimensional sphere $ S^2 $ and the
                                  hyperbolic plane $ H^2 $' [J. Math.
                                  Phys. 46, 052702 (2005)]'' . . . . . . . 114102

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 46, Number 12, December, 2005

                       Hao Chen   Constraints on the mixing of bipartite
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122101
                  V. Hussin and   
                    L. M. Nieto   Ladder operators and coherent states for
                                  the Jaynes--Cummings model in the
                                  rotating-wave approximation  . . . . . . 122102
       Jean-Marie Barbaroux and   
               Helmut Linde and   
                Semjon Vugalter   Quantitative estimates on the enhanced
                                  binding for the Pauli--Fierz operator    122103
 Jaime Zaratiegui García   Analytic Coulomb matrix elements in a
                                  three-dimensional geometry . . . . . . . 122104
         Sudhir Kumar Singh and   
     Sudebkumar Prasant Pal and   
               Somesh Kumar and   
                    R. Srikanth   A combinatorial approach for studying
                                  local operations and classical
                                  communication transformations of
                                  multipartite states  . . . . . . . . . . 122105
                Holger Teismann   Generalized coherent states and the
                                  control of quantum systems . . . . . . . 122106
                Dominik Janzing   Decomposition of time-covariant
                                  operations on quantum systems with
                                  continuous and/or discrete energy
                                  spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122107
          Robert König and   
                  Renato Renner   A de Finetti representation for finite
                                  symmetric quantum states . . . . . . . . 122108
                      Tieyan Si   Non-Abelian Chern--Simons action is
                                  topological invariant on $3$ simple knot 122301
                       Gad Naot   On Chern--Simons theory with an
                                  inhomogeneous gauge group and BF theory
                                  knot invariants  . . . . . . . . . . . . 122302
             Michael Heller and   
              Leszek Pysiak and   
                  Wieslaw Sasin   Noncommutative unification of general
                                  relativity and quantum mechanics . . . . 122501
      J. Daniel Christensen and   
                    Louis Crane   Causal sites as quantum geometry . . . . 122502
                 Manfred Droste   Universal homogeneous causal sets  . . . 122503
Miguel-C. Muñoz-Lecanda and   
            Modesto Salgado and   
         Silvia Vilariño   Nonstandard connections in
                                  $k$-cosympletic field theory . . . . . . 122901
                  S. Farkas and   
             Z. Zimborás   On the sharpness of the
                                  zero-entropy-density conjecture  . . . . 123301
             Hendrik van Eerten   Extensive ground state entropy in
                                  supersymmetric lattice models  . . . . . 123302
                P. C. Assis and   
             L. R. da Silva and   
                E. K. Lenzi and   
            L. C. Malacarne and   
                   R. S. Mendes   Nonlinear diffusion equation, Tsallis
                                  formalism and exact solutions  . . . . . 123303
               K. A. Dancer and   
                M. D. Gould and   
                       J. Links   Eigenvalues of Casimir invariants for $
                                  {\rm U}_q[{\rm osp}(m | n)] $  . . . . . 123501
              Jianqing Chen and   
                     Boling Guo   Multiple nodal bound states for a
                                  quasilinear Schrödinger equation  . . . . 123502
             Thierry Masson and   
          Emmanuel Serié   Invariant noncommutative connections . . 123503
                 Emmanuel Yomba   Construction of new solutions to the
                                  fully nonlinear generalized
                                  Camassa--Holm equations by an indirect
                                  $F$ function method  . . . . . . . . . . 123504
                  Alexei Rybkin   On the spectral $ L_2 $ conjecture, $ 3
                                  / 2 $-Lieb--Thirring inequality and
                                  distributional potentials  . . . . . . . 123505
              George Bluman and   
            Alexei F. Cheviakov   Framework for potential systems and
                                  nonlocal symmetries: Algorithmic
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123506
                 J. C. Brunelli   The short pulse hierarchy  . . . . . . . 123507
           Alexander Rozenblyum   Representations of the $q$-deformed
                                  algebras $ {\rm U}_q({\rm so}_3)$ and $
                                  {\rm U}_q({\rm so}_5)$ and
                                  $q$-orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . 123508
                N. N. Khuri and   
        André Martin and   
         Pierre C. Sabatier and   
                    Tai Tsun Wu   Addendum: ``Universality of low-energy
                                  scattering in $ 2 + 1 $ dimensions: The
                                  nonsymmetric case'', [J. Math. Phys. 46,
                                  032103 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 1, January, 2006

                    B. Altschul   Non-Hermitian interactions between
                                  harmonic oscillators, with applications
                                  to stable, Lorentz-violating quantum
                                  electrodynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 012101
                    Kurt Jacobs   A bound on the mutual information, and
                                  properties of entropy reduction, for
                                  quantum channels with inefficient
                                  measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012102
                Hoshang Heydari   Entanglement monotones for multi-qubit
                                  states based on geometric invariant
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012103
          Nobuhiro Yonezawa and   
                  Izumi Tsutsui   Inequivalent quantizations of the $ N =
                                  3 $ Calogero model with scale and
                                  mirror-$ S_3 $ symmetry  . . . . . . . . 012104
  G. N. J. Añaños   Scalar field theory at finite
                                  temperature in $ D = 2 + 1 $ . . . . . . 012301
         E. R. Bezerra de Mello   The Euclidean scalar Green function in
                                  the five-dimensional Kaluza--Klein
                                  magnetic monopole space--time  . . . . . 012302
               Akifumi Sako and   
                 Toshiya Suzuki   Partition functions of supersymmetric
                                  gauge theories in noncommutative $
                                  \mathbb {R}^{2D} $ and their unified
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012303
                  James S. Cook   Gauged Wess--Zumino model in
                                  noncommutative Minkowski superspace  . . 012304
               Lorenzo Leal and   
         Alexander López   Magnetic monopole in the loop
                                  representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012305
         Alexander D. Popov and   
               Richard J. Szabo   Quiver gauge theory of non-Abelian
                                  vortices and noncommutative instantons
                                  in higher dimensions . . . . . . . . . . 012306
                   S. Bayin and   
                E. N. Glass and   
                   J. P. Krisch   Fractional boundaries for fluid spheres  012501
                E. Halilsoy and   
                M. Halilsoy and   
                       O. Unver   Colliding wave solutions from
                                  five-dimensional black holes and black
                                  $p$-branes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012502
                  R. Sasaki and   
                    K. Takasaki   Explicit solutions of the classical
                                  Calogero and Sutherland systems for any
                                  root system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012701
              G. Gallavotti and   
                 G. Gentile and   
                    A. Giuliani   Fractional Lindstedt series  . . . . . . 012702
                David Sundkvist   Covariant irreducible parametrization of
                                  electromagnetic fields in arbitrary
                                  space--time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012901
                         A. Tip   Some mathematical properties of
                                  Maxwell's equations for macroscopic
                                  dielectrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012902
                 A. Rossani and   
                       G. Spiga   Auger effect in the generalized kinetic
                                  theory of electrons and holes  . . . . . 013301
              Shao-You Zhao and   
                Wen-Li Yang and   
                Yao-Zhong Zhang   Determinant representation of
                                  correlation functions for the $ {\rm
                                  U}_q({\rm gl}(1 | 1)) $ free Fermion
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013302
                Raouf Dridi and   
                   Sylvain Neut   The equivalence problem for fourth order
                                  differential equations under fiber
                                  preserving diffeomorphisms . . . . . . . 013501
               N. A. Gromov and   
                  V. V. Kuratov   Possible quantum kinematics  . . . . . . 013502
               De-Xing Kong and   
               Qing-You Sun and   
                        Yi Zhou   The equation for time-like extremal
                                  surfaces in Minkowski space $ \mathbb
                                  {R}^{2 + n} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013503
                  Shuyin Wu and   
                   Zhaoyang Yin   Blow-up, blow-up rate and decay of the
                                  solution of the weakly dissipative
                                  Camassa--Holm equation . . . . . . . . . 013504
                  Amin Boumenir   The approximation of the transmutation
                                  kernel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013505
             A. V. Odesskii and   
                  V. V. Sokolov   Compatible Lie brackets related to
                                  elliptic curve . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013506
                    C. Jarlskog   Recursive parametrization and invariant
                                  phases of unitary matrices . . . . . . . 013507
                Hasan Karabulut   Distributed Gaussian polynomials as
                                  $q$-oscillator eigenfunctions  . . . . . 013508
G. Aragón-González and   
        J. L. Aragón and   
 M. A. Rodríguez-Andrade   The decomposition of an orthogonal
                                  transformation as a product of
                                  reflections  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013509
        F. Güngör and   
                Ö. Aykanat   The generalized Davey--Stewartson
                                  equations, its Kac--Moody--Virasoro
                                  symmetry algebra and relation to
                                  Davey--Stewartson equations  . . . . . . 013510
           Horia D. Cornean and   
            Gheorghe Nenciu and   
             Thomas G. Pedersen   The Faraday effect revisited: General
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013511
     Edita Pelantová and   
    Milena Svobodová and   
      Sébastien Tremblay   Fine grading of $ {\rm sl}(p^2, \mathbb
                                  {C}) $ generated by tensor product of
                                  generalized Pauli matrices and its
                                  symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013512
                L. A. Forte and   
                   A. Sciarrino   Standard and nonstandard extensions of
                                  Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013513
               Ricardo A. Mosna   Singular solutions to the
                                  Seiberg--Witten and Freund equations on
                                  flat space from an iterative method  . . 013514
                    Hatem Najar   The spectrum minimum for random
                                  Schrödinger operators with indefinite
                                  sign potentials  . . . . . . . . . . . . 013515
                Elena Poletaeva   Publisher's Note: ``On the exceptional $
                                  N = 6 $ superconformal algebra'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. 46, 103504 (2005)] . . . . . 019901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 2, February, 2006

                 Edwin Langmann   Remarkable identities related to the
                                  (quantum) elliptic Calogero--Sutherland
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022101
     Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano and   
       Vittorio Giovannetti and   
                Paolo Perinotti   Optimal estimation of quantum
                                  observables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022102
              Yu. Kurochkin and   
                   Dz. Shoukavy   Regge trajectories of the Coulomb
                                  potential in the space of constant
                                  negative curvature $^1 S_3$  . . . . . . 022103
                 Paul B. Slater   Quantum and Fisher information from the
                                  Husimi and related distributions . . . . 022104
                    H. Bergeron   Rigorous bra-ket formalism and wave
                                  function operator for one particle
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 022105
                J. Zamastil and   
                L. Skála   Large-order behavior of the perturbation
                                  energies for the hydrogen atom in
                                  magnetic field . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022106
                 Goong Chen and   
              Zhonghai Ding and   
                 Sze-Bi Hsu and   
                Moochan Kim and   
                   Jianxin Zhou   Mathematical analysis of a Bohr atom
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022107
             Artur E. Ruuge and   
           Freddy Van Oystaeyen   New families of finite coherent
                                  orthoalgebras without bivaluations . . . 022108
                 Amaury Mouchet   Upper and lower bounds for an eigenvalue
                                  associated with a positive eigenvector   022109
  Mauricio Mondragón and   
              Merced Montesinos   Covariant canonical formalism for
                                  four-dimensional BF theory . . . . . . . 022301
     Vladimir A. Koutvitsky and   
               Eugene M. Maslov   Instability of coherent states of a real
                                  scalar field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022302
                    C. Adam and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Integrability from an Abelian subgroup
                                  of the diffeomorphisms group . . . . . . 022303
               Roberto Giamb\`o   Global visibility of naked singularities 022501
       Piotr T. Chru\'sciel and   
                 Daniel Maerten   Killing vectors in asymptotically flat
                                  space--times. II. Asymptotically
                                  translational Killing vectors and the
                                  rigid positive energy theorem in higher
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022502
                Suresh K. Maran   A systematic derivation of the
                                  Riemannian Barrett--Crane intertwiner    022503
                Taichiro Takagi   Analysis of a particle antiparticle
                                  description of a soliton cellular
                                  automaton  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022701
         Kristian Bjerklöv   Positive Lyapunov exponents for
                                  continuous quasiperiodic Schrödinger
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022702
                 M. Bruschi and   
                    F. Calogero   Novel solvable variants of the goldfish
                                  many-body model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022703
               Jaume Llibre and   
             Cl\`aud\`\ia Valls   Formal and analytical integrability of
                                  the Bianchi IX system  . . . . . . . . . 022704
              Fabio Benatti and   
          Alberto Verjovsky and   
              Federico Zertuche   Discrete dynamical systems embedded in
                                  Cantor sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022705
Benito Hernández-Bermejo   New four-dimensional solutions of the
                                  Jacobi equations for Poisson structures  022901
                  H. Cendra and   
                      S. Grillo   Generalized nonholonomic mechanics,
                                  servomechanisms and related brackets . . 022902
                     I. M. Benn   Geodesics and Killing tensors in
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022903
                      M. Toller   Test particles with
                                  acceleration-dependent Lagrangian  . . . 022904
            P. J. Forrester and   
              N. E. Frankel and   
                   T. M. Garoni   Asymptotic form of the density profile
                                  for Gaussian and Laguerre random matrix
                                  ensembles with orthogonal and symplectic
                                  symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023301
               Shigeru Furuichi   Information theoretical properties of
                                  Tsallis entropies  . . . . . . . . . . . 023302
                     E. Lehmann   Covariant equilibrium statistical
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023303
            Masoud Alimohammadi   Solvable reaction-diffusion processes
                                  without exclusion  . . . . . . . . . . . 023304
           Fabian Bachmaier and   
             Christian Blohmann   Separation of noncommutative
                                  differential calculus on quantum
                                  Minkowski space  . . . . . . . . . . . . 023501
                  Xinhua Hu and   
                   Zhongxing Ye   Generalized quantum entropy  . . . . . . 023502
          Enrico De Micheli and   
               Irene Scorza and   
         Giovanni Alberto Viano   Hyperbolic geometrical optics:
                                  Hyperbolic glass . . . . . . . . . . . . 023503
         Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij   Schouten tensor and bi-Hamiltonian
                                  systems of hydrodynamic type . . . . . . 023504
                Jakob Palmkvist   A realization of the Lie algebra
                                  associated to a Kantor triple system . . 023505
          Hiroshige Kajiura and   
                   Jim Stasheff   Open-closed homotopy algebra in
                                  mathematical physics . . . . . . . . . . 023506
               P. S. Turner and   
                 D. J. Rowe and   
                       J. Repka   Vector coherent state theory of the
                                  generic representations of $ \mathfrak
                                  {so}(5) $ in an $ \mathfrak {so}(3) $
                                  basis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023507
         V. K. Chandrasekar and   
               S. N. Pandey and   
            M. Senthilvelan and   
                  M. Lakshmanan   A simple and unified approach to
                                  identify integrable nonlinear
                                  oscillators and systems  . . . . . . . . 023508

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 3, March, 2006

Claudio de Jesús Pita Ruiz Velasco and   
            Stephen Bruce Sontz   On Shannon entropies in $ \mu $-deformed
                                  Segal--Bargmann analysis . . . . . . . . 032101
             Monique Combescure   The quantum fidelity for the
                                  time-periodic singular harmonic
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032102
        Raymond Brummelhuis and   
                  Pierre Duclos   Effective Hamiltonians for atoms in very
                                  strong magnetic fields . . . . . . . . . 032103
           Claudio Altafini and   
               Timothy F. Havel   Reflection symmetries for multiqubit
                                  density operators  . . . . . . . . . . . 032104
      Mohsen Shiri-Garakani and   
         David Ritz Finkelstein   Finite quantum kinematics of the
                                  harmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . . . . 032105
              Hosho Katsura and   
                     Hideo Aoki   Exact supersymmetry in the relativistic
                                  hydrogen atom in general dimensions ---
                                  supercharge and the generalized
                                  Johnson--Lippmann operator . . . . . . . 032301
                 Valter Moretti   Bose--Einstein condensate and
                                  spontaneous breaking of conformal
                                  symmetry on Killing horizons II  . . . . 032302
            Laurent Nottale and   
Marie-Noëlle Célérier and   
                 Thierry Lehner   Non-Abelian gauge field theory in scale
                                  relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032303
               J. Gegenberg and   
                  G. Kunstatter   The generalized Ricci flow for
                                  three-dimensional manifolds with one
                                  Killing vector . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032304
                  F. Darabi and   
                   M. R. Setare   Casimir effect in a two-dimensional
                                  signature changing space--time . . . . . 032501
          Tomasz Stachowiak and   
           Marek Szydlowski and   
         Andrzej J. Maciejewski   Nonintegrability of density
                                  perturbations in the
                                  Friedmann--Robertson--Walker universe    032502
             P. K. Karmakar and   
                  C. B. Dwivedi   Analytical integrability and physical
                                  solutions of $d$-KdV equation  . . . . . 032901
               Carlos Conca and   
               Rafael Orive and   
          Muthusamy Vanninathan   On Burnett coefficients in periodic
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032902
              T. D. Carozzi and   
               J. E. S. Bergman   Real irreducible sesquilinear-quadratic
                                  tensor concomitants of complex bivectors 032903
             Maciej Blaszak and   
            Krzysztof Marciniak   From Stäckel systems to integrable
                                  hierarchies of PDE's: Benenti class of
                                  separation relations . . . . . . . . . . 032904
            Mokhtar Hassa\"\ine   Extended Klein--Gordon action, gravity
                                  and nonrelativistic fluid  . . . . . . . 033101
                    J. Asch and   
          M. A. Astaburuaga and   
                   P. Briet and   
        V. H. Cortés and   
                  P. Duclos and   
            C. Fernández   Sojourn time for rank one perturbations  033501
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                  W. Miller and   
                 G. S. Pogosyan   Exact and quasiexact solvability of
                                  second-order superintegrable quantum
                                  systems: I. Euclidean space
                                  preliminaries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033502
              Martin Engman and   
           Ricardo Cordero-Soto   Intrinsic spectral geometry of the
                                  Kerr--Newman event horizon . . . . . . . 033503
                    Aalok Misra   Flow equations for uplifting half-flat
                                  to Spin(7) manifolds . . . . . . . . . . 033504
              Daniel Scholz and   
               Michael Weyrauch   A note on the Zassenhaus product formula 033505
                      M. Maceda   On the Birman--Schwinger principle
                                  applied to $ \sqrt {- \Delta + m^2} - m
                                  $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033506
                   A. N. Pechen   The multitime correlation functions,
                                  free white noise, and the generalized
                                  Poisson statistics in the low density
                                  limit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033507
                   J. Negro and   
             M. A. del Olmo and   
                      J. Tosiek   Anyons, group theory and planar physics  033508
                  Mario Nardone   Certain hidden symmetries of crystals    033509
                  Hajime Moriya   Markov property and strong additivity of
                                  von Neumann entropy for graded quantum
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033510
                    T. Skrypnyk   Generalized quantum Gaudin spin chains,
                                  involutive automorphisms and ``twisted''
                                  classical $r$-matrices . . . . . . . . . 033511
                  Takahiro Sudo   Symmetries on the discrete Heisenberg
                                  group $ C^* $-algebra  . . . . . . . . . 033512
             Kirill Krasnov and   
                    Jorma Louko   $ {\rm SO}_0 (1, d + 1) $ Racah
                                  coefficients: Type I representations . . 033513
              Gino Biondini and   
                 S. Chakravarty   Soliton solutions of the
                                  Kadomtsev--Petviashvili II equation  . . 033514
                      R. Iacono   Comment on ``Exact analytic solutions of
                                  nonlinear boundary value problems in
                                  fluid mechanics (Blasius equations)'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46, 033101 (2005)]   034101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 4, April, 2006

                    H. Bergeron   The Wigner--Weyl transformation and the
                                  quantum path integral  . . . . . . . . . 042101
                  Roch Cassanas   Reduced Gutzwiller formula with
                                  symmetry: Case of a finite group . . . . 042102
       Carlos Angulo Aguila and   
            Stephen Bruce Sontz   Reverse inequalities in $ \mu $-deformed
                                  Segal--Bargmann analysis . . . . . . . . 042103
                  Staffan Yngve   Phase-integral calculation of the phase
                                  of the regular Coulomb wave function $
                                  F_L(\eta, \rho) $  . . . . . . . . . . . 042104
               G. E. Draganescu   Motion of a charged particle in a
                                  periodic Aharonov--Bohm potential  . . . 042105
           Christopher King and   
                 Nilufer Koldan   New multiplicativity results for qubit
                                  maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042106
             Pär Arvidsson   Superconformal symmetry in the
                                  interacting theory of $ (2, 0) $ tensor
                                  multiplets and self-dual strings . . . . 042301
                    De-Hone Lin   Friedel theorem for two dimensional
                                  relativistic spin-$ 1 / 2 $ systems  . . 042302
              Johann Kronthaler   The Cauchy problem for the wave equation
                                  in the Schwarzschild geometry  . . . . . 042501
         Mariano Anabitarte and   
               Mauricio Bellini   Space--time matter inflation . . . . . . 042502
             Wolfgang Hasse and   
                 Volker Perlick   A Morse-theoretical analysis of
                                  gravitational lensing by a Kerr--Newman
                                  black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042503
    José P. S. Lemos and   
              Vilson T. Zanchin   Gravitational magnetic monopoles and
                                  Majumdar--Papapetrou stars . . . . . . . 042504
         T. Christodoulakis and   
              Th. Grammenos and   
                 Ch. Helias and   
           P. G. Kevrekidis and   
                      A. Spanou   Decoupling of the general scalar field
                                  mode and the solution space for Bianchi
                                  type I and V cosmologies coupled to
                                  perfect fluid sources  . . . . . . . . . 042505
                F. Calogero and   
                     F. Leyvraz   Isochronous and partially isochronous
                                  Hamiltonian systems are not rare . . . . 042901
         Dionisios Margetis and   
                    Nikos Savva   Low-frequency currents induced in
                                  adjacent spherical cells . . . . . . . . 042902
               Arash Yavari and   
         Jerrold E. Marsden and   
                  Michael Ortiz   On spatial and material covariant
                                  balance laws in elasticity . . . . . . . 042903
           C. Daskaloyannis and   
                  K. Ypsilantis   Unified treatment and classification of
                                  superintegrable systems with integrals
                                  quadratic in momenta on a
                                  two-dimensional manifold . . . . . . . . 042904
        Jorge Cortés and   
        Alexandre M. Vinogradov   Hamiltonian theory of constrained
                                  impulsive motion . . . . . . . . . . . . 042905
        Mikhail V. Deryabin and   
               Morten Willatzen   Flow acoustics and linearized equations
                                  for ideal barotropic fluid flows . . . . 043101
             M. I. Freidlin and   
                   A. I. Komech   On metastable regimes in stochastic Lamb
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043301
             J.-P. Bourgade and   
                  P. Degond and   
           F. Méhats and   
                   C. Ringhofer   On quantum extensions to classical
                                  spherical harmonics
                                  expansion/Fokker--Planck models  . . . . 043302
              Chao-qing Dai and   
                 Jie-fang Zhang   Novel variable separation solutions and
                                  exotic localized excitations via the ETM
                                  in nonlinear soliton systems . . . . . . 043501
             Marco Budinich and   
                 Paolo Budinich   A spinorial formulation of the maximum
                                  clique problem of a graph  . . . . . . . 043502
            Jean-Louis Milhorat   A formula for the first eigenvalue of
                                  the Dirac operator on compact spin
                                  symmetric spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . 043503
                   Frank Hansen   Trace functions as Laplace transforms    043504
                Luca Degiovanni   Tri-Hamiltonian extensions of separable
                                  systems in the plane . . . . . . . . . . 043505
              Klaus Kirsten and   
                  Paul Loya and   
                   Jinsung Park   The very unusual properties of the
                                  resolvent, heat kernel, and zeta
                                  function for the operator $ - d^2 / d
                                  r^2 - 1 / (4 r^2) $  . . . . . . . . . . 043506
                Mehmet Koca and   
          Muataz Al-Barwani and   
             Ramazan Koç   Quaternionic root systems and subgroups
                                  of the $ {\rm Aut}(F_4) $  . . . . . . . 043507
           S. L. Lyakhovich and   
                 A. A. Sharapov   BRST quantization of quasisymplectic
                                  manifolds and beyond . . . . . . . . . . 043508
                 Decio Levi and   
                 Matteo Petrera   Discrete reductive perturbation
                                  technique  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043509
            Stefano Bertini and   
       Sergio L. Cacciatori and   
             Bianca L. Cerchiai   On the Euler angles for $ {\rm SU}(N) $  043510
              J. A. Calzada and   
                   J. Negro and   
                 M. A. del Olmo   Superintegrable quantum $ {\rm u}(3) $
                                  systems and higher rank factorizations   043511
                  J. Patera and   
                   A. Zaratsyan   Discrete and continuous sine transform
                                  generalized to semisimple Lie groups of
                                  rank two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043512
           Carina Boyallian and   
              Victor G. Kac and   
           Jose I. Liberati and   
                 Alexei Rudakov   Representations of simple finite Lie
                                  conformal superalgebras of type $W$ and
                                  $S$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043513
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Second order superintegrable systems in
                                  conformally flat spaces. IV. The
                                  classical $3$D Stäckel transform and $3$D
                                  classification theory  . . . . . . . . . 043514
             Bülent Yilmaz   The performance of the OSRC method for
                                  concentric penetrable circular cylinder  043515

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 5, May, 2006

                       Hao Chen   Quantum entanglement and geometry of
                                  determinantal varieties  . . . . . . . . 052101
             Philip Tillman and   
                George Sparling   Observables of angular momentum as
                                  observables on the Fedosov quantized
                                  sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052102
                  M. Pulvirenti   Semiclassical expansion of Wigner
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052103
               J. S. Dehesa and   
       S. López-Rosa and   
                   B. Olmos and   
      R. J. Yáñez   Fisher information of $D$-dimensional
                                  hydrogenic systems in position and
                                  momentum spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . 052104
        Ângela Mestre and   
                   Robert Oeckl   Combinatorics of $n$-point functions via
                                  Hopf algebra in quantum field theory . . 052301
                    C. Adam and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
       R. A. Vázquez and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Investigation of the Nicole model  . . . 052302
        M. Aparicio Alcalde and   
          G. Flores Hidalgo and   
                  N. F. Svaiter   The two-loop massless $ (\lambda / 4 !)
                                  \varphi^4 $ model in nontranslational
                                  invariant domain . . . . . . . . . . . . 052303
                  Yapeng Hu and   
                Weigang Qiu and   
                  Hongbao Zhang   On the quantum mechanics for one photon  052304
            John W. Barrett and   
         Rachel A. Dawe Martins   Noncommutative geometry and the standard
                                  model vacuum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052305
                    M. E. Kahil   Motion in Kaluza--Klein type theories    052501
                 L. Herrera and   
               N. O. Santos and   
                       J. Carot   Gravitational radiation, vorticity and
                                  the electric and magnetic part of Weyl
                                  tensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052502
                 Fabrice Melnyk   Local Cauchy problem for the nonlinear
                                  Dirac and Dirac--Klein--Gordon equations
                                  on Kerr space--time  . . . . . . . . . . 052503
               J. Carminati and   
                   A. E. K. Lim   The determination of all syzygies for
                                  the dependent polynomial invariants of
                                  the Riemann tensor. II. Mixed invariants
                                  of even degree in the Ricci spinor . . . 052504
                 Caidi Zhao and   
              Shengfan Zhou and   
                   Xinyuan Liao   Uniform attractors for nonautonomous
                                  incompressible non-Newtonian fluid with
                                  locally uniform integrable external
                                  forces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052701
                  Tong Yang and   
                 Hui-Jiang Zhao   A new energy method for the Boltzmann
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053301
                 Wen-Xiu Ma and   
                Xi-Xiang Xu and   
                   Yufeng Zhang   Semidirect sums of Lie algebras and
                                  discrete integrable couplings  . . . . . 053501
                    Erxiao Wang   Tzitzéica transformation is a dressing
                                  action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053502
                    M. Agop and   
                    I. Gottlieb   Gravitation theory in a fractal
                                  space--time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053503
         Dorin Ervin Dutkay and   
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   Hilbert spaces built on a similarity and
                                  on dynamical renormalization . . . . . . 053504
              Bojko Bakalov and   
             Nikolay M. Nikolov   Jacobi identity for vertex algebras in
                                  higher dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . 053505
                 Andrew Douglas   Finite dimensional representations of
                                  the Euclidean algebra $ \mathfrak {e}(2)
                                  $ having two generators  . . . . . . . . 053506
                   Jun Mada and   
              Makoto Idzumi and   
               Tetsuji Tokihiro   The exact correspondence between
                                  conserved quantities of a periodic
                                  box-ball system and string solutions of
                                  the Bethe ansatz equations . . . . . . . 053507
              B. Abdesselam and   
                 A. Chakrabarti   Nested sequence of projectors. II.
                                  Multiparameter multistate statistical
                                  models, Hamiltonians, $S$-matrices . . . 053508
         Kristian Bjerklöv   Publisher's Note: ``Positive Lyapunov
                                  exponents for continuous quasiperiodic
                                  Schrödinger equations'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 47, 022702 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . 059901
                David Sundkvist   Publisher's Note: ``Covariant
                                  irreducible parametrization of
                                  electromagnetic fields in arbitrary
                                  space--time'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 47,
                                  012901 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 059902
              T. D. Carozzi and   
               J. E. S. Bergman   Publisher's Note: ``Real irreducible
                                  sesquilinear-quadratic tensor
                                  concomitants of complex bivectors'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 47, 032903 (2006)] . . . 059903

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 6, June, 2006

                Ugo Boscain and   
                    Paolo Mason   Time minimal trajectories for a spin $ 1
                                  / 2 $ particle in a magnetic field . . . 062101
               Rowan Killip and   
                    Robert Sims   Absence of reflection as a function of
                                  the coupling constant  . . . . . . . . . 062102
              Avinash Khare and   
                  Uday Sukhatme   Complex periodic potentials with a
                                  finite number of band gaps . . . . . . . 062103
               Roberto Beneduci   A geometrical characterization of
                                  commutative positive operator valued
                                  measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062104
             Francesco D'Andrea   Spectral geometry of $ \kappa
                                  $-Minkowski space  . . . . . . . . . . . 062105
              Sergey Bravyi and   
               David Fattal and   
               Daniel Gottesman   GHZ extraction yield for multipartite
                                  stabilizer states  . . . . . . . . . . . 062106
               S. Albeverio and   
                 J. Rezende and   
                 J.-C. Zambrini   Probability and Quantum Symmetries. II.
                                  The Theorem of Noether in quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062107
                    Wu Zhixiang   The weak Hopf algebras related to
                                  generalized Kac--Moody algebra . . . . . 062108
              E. Z. Liverts and   
          V. B. Mandelzweig and   
                     F. Tabakin   Analytic calculation of energies and
                                  wave functions of the quartic and pure
                                  quartic oscillators  . . . . . . . . . . 062109
           Carlos Villegas-Blas   The Bargmann transform and
                                  regularization of the $ 2, 3,
                                  5$-dimensional Kepler problem  . . . . . 062110
                I. Boztosun and   
                 M. Karakoc and   
                   F. Yasuk and   
                      A. Durmus   Asymptotic iteration method solutions to
                                  the relativistic Duffin--Kemmer--Petiau
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062301
                 Ryo Suzuki and   
                 Yuji Tachikawa   More anomaly free models of
                                  six-dimensional gauged supergravity  . . 062302
                    F. A. Dolan   Character formulas and partition
                                  functions in higher dimensional
                                  conformal field theory . . . . . . . . . 062303
          Sebastiano Sonego and   
            Marek A. Abramowicz   Optical geometry analysis of the
                                  electromagnetic self-force . . . . . . . 062501
                  J. Gariel and   
              G. Marcilhacy and   
                   N. O. Santos   Parametrization of solutions of the
                                  Lewis metric by a Painlevé transcendent
                                  III  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062502
      Bartolomé Coll and   
        Joan Josep Ferrando and   
       Juan Antonio Sáez   On the geometry of Killing and conformal
                                  tensors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062503
         Andrzej Derdzinski and   
                   Witold Roter   Walker's theorem without coordinates . . 062504
               R. M. Gailis and   
                  N. E. Frankel   Two-component cosmological fluids with
                                  gravitational instabilities  . . . . . . 062505
               R. M. Gailis and   
                  N. E. Frankel   Short wavelength analysis of the
                                  evolution of perturbations in a
                                  two-component cosmological fluid . . . . 062506
           Vitali Vougalter and   
             Dimitry Pelinovsky   Eigenvalues of zero energy in the
                                  linearized NLS problem . . . . . . . . . 062701
             Igor Loutsenko and   
             Oksana Yermolayeva   Non-Laplacian growth, algebraic domains,
                                  and finite reflection groups . . . . . . 062702
        A. Díaz-Cano and   
F. González-Gascón and   
               D. Peralta-Salas   On scattering trajectories of dynamical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062703
             C. Cacciapuoti and   
                  R. Figari and   
                  A. Posilicano   Point interactions in acoustics:
                                  One-dimensional models . . . . . . . . . 062901
             Alexandre Jollivet   On inverse scattering for the
                                  multidimensional relativistic Newton
                                  equation at high energies  . . . . . . . 062902
              Marco Modugno and   
                Dirk Saller and   
          Jürgen Tolksdorf   Classification of infinitesimal
                                  symmetries in covariant classical
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062903
             A. W. Sáenz   Proof of the existence of the
                                  axial-to-planar channeling transition in
                                  a simple crystal model . . . . . . . . . 062904
              Michele Pavon and   
              Francesco Ticozzi   On entropy production for controlled
                                  Markovian evolution  . . . . . . . . . . 063301
             Ioana Dumitriu and   
                   Alan Edelman   Global spectrum fluctuations for the $
                                  \beta $-Hermite and $ \beta $-Laguerre
                                  ensembles via matrix models  . . . . . . 063302
          Sasa Kresi\'c-Juri\'c   On the Birkhoff factorization problem
                                  for the Heisenberg magnet and nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equations . . . . . . . . . . 063501
         Oleg I. Bogoyavlenskij   Block-diagonalizability problem for
                                  hydrodynamic type systems  . . . . . . . 063502
                     J. Shu and   
                       J. Zhang   Nonlinear Schrödinger equation with
                                  harmonic potential . . . . . . . . . . . 063503
         Ali H. Chamseddine and   
                   Alain Connes   Scale invariance in the spectral action  063504
     I. Sánchez Lima and   
                     P. O. Hess   Clebsch--Gordan coefficients for $ {\rm
                                  U}(8) \supset {\rm O}(8) \supset {\rm
                                  SU}(3) $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063505
           Radoslaw Szmytkowski   Closed form of the generalized Green's
                                  function for the Helmholtz operator on
                                  the two-dimensional unit sphere  . . . . 063506
                       M. Ruzzi   Jacobi $ \vartheta $-functions and
                                  discrete Fourier transforms  . . . . . . 063507
            Barbara Prinari and   
           Mark J. Ablowitz and   
                  Gino Biondini   Inverse scattering transform for the
                                  vector nonlinear Schrödinger equation
                                  with nonvanishing boundary conditions    063508
                    T. Skrypnyk   Modified non-Abelian Toda field
                                  equations and twisted quasigraded Lie
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063509
               De-Xing Kong and   
               Qing-You Sun and   
                        Yi Zhou   Erratum: ``The equation for time-like
                                  extremal surfaces in Minkowski space $
                                  \mathbb {R}^{2 + n} $'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  47, 013503 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . . . 069901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 7, July, 2006

        Ricardo Gallego Torrome   A Finslerian version of 't Hooft
                                  deterministic quantum models . . . . . . 072101
    Gianfausto Dell'Antonio and   
              Lucattilio Tenuta   Quantum graphs as holonomic constraints  072102
               Ali Mostafazadeh   Differential realization of
                                  pseudo-Hermiticity: a quantum mechanical
                                  analog of Einstein's field equation  . . 072103
                  J. Kiukas and   
                   P. Lahti and   
                      K. Ylinen   Phase space quantization and the
                                  operator moment problem  . . . . . . . . 072104
                   D. Aerts and   
           S. Pulmannová   Representation of state property systems 072105
                  Ayman Kachmar   On the ground state energy for a
                                  magnetic Schrödinger operator and the
                                  effect of the DeGennes boundary
                                  condition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072106
                Elif Bingol and   
        Burak Tevfik Kaynak and   
               O. Teoman Turgut   Scalar gauge theory on a cylinder  . . . 072301
          J. G. Körner and   
            Z. Merebashvili and   
                       M. Rogal   Laurent series expansion of a class of
                                  massive scalar one-loop integrals up to
                                  $ O(\varepsilon^2) $ in terms of
                                  multiple polylogarithms  . . . . . . . . 072302
           Nikodem J. Poplawski   A Michelson interferometer in the field
                                  of a plane gravitational wave  . . . . . 072501
              J. M. C. Montanus   The orbital precession around oblate
                                  spheroids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072502
                   Do-Hyung Kim   The path topology and the causal
                                  completion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072503
        Geusa de A. Marques and   
        Sandro G. Fernandes and   
                  V. B. Bezerra   Gravitational Aharonov--Bohm effect due
                                  to weak fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072504
              Olga Bernardi and   
                  Franco Cardin   Poincaré--Birkhoff periodic orbits for
                                  mechanical Hamiltonian systems on $ T^*
                                  \mathbb {T}^n $  . . . . . . . . . . . . 072701
              Guido Gentile and   
     Michele V. Bartuccelli and   
           Jonathan H. B. Deane   Quasiperiodic attractors, Borel
                                  summability and the Bryuno condition for
                                  strongly dissipative systems . . . . . . 072702
                S. I. Dejak and   
               B. L. G. Jonsson   Long-time dynamics of variable
                                  coefficient modified Korteweg--de Vries
                                  solitary waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072703
                 Jonq Juang and   
                   Chin-Lung Li   Eigenvalue problems and their
                                  application to the wavelet method of
                                  chaotic control  . . . . . . . . . . . . 072704
                  A. Drezet and   
                J. C. Woehl and   
                       S. Huant   Diffraction of light by a planar
                                  aperture in a metallic screen  . . . . . 072901
            P. Castelo Ferreira   Explicit actions for electromagnetism
                                  with two gauge fields with only one
                                  electric and one magnetic physical field 072902
                V. Bezuglyy and   
                  B. Mehlig and   
               M. Wilkinson and   
                K. Nakamura and   
                    E. Arvedson   Generalized Ornstein--Uhlenbeck
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073301
                        Z. Haba   Heat equilibrium distribution in a
                                  turbulent flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073302
          Wojciech De Roeck and   
             Christian Maes and   
           Karel Netocný   Quantum macrostates, equivalence of
                                  ensembles, and an $H$-theorem  . . . . . 073303
                    C. G. Torre   Uniqueness of solutions to the helically
                                  reduced wave equation with Sommerfeld
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 073501
                  Kiyoko Furuya   Feynman path integral of Riemann type    073502
           Petko A. Nikolov and   
              Gergana R. Ruseva   Dimensional reduction of Dirac operator  073503
            Pilar R. Gordoa and   
               Nalini Joshi and   
               Andrew Pickering   Second and fourth Painlevé hierarchies
                                  and Jimbo--Miwa linear problems  . . . . 073504
                 A. Ya. Maltsev   Whitham systems and deformations . . . . 073505
                   C. Chanu and   
              L. Degiovanni and   
               R. G. McLenaghan   Geometrical classification of Killing
                                  tensors on bidimensional flat manifolds  073506
                 G. Menezes and   
                  N. F. Svaiter   Stochastic quantization of topological
                                  field theory: Generalized Langevin
                                  equation with memory kernel  . . . . . . 073507
             Ee Chang-Young and   
                       Hoil Kim   Symmetry of quantum torus with crossed
                                  product algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073508
Antonio E. Cárcamo Hernández   The Gell-Mann--Okubo and
                                  Coleman--Glashow relations for octet and
                                  decuplet baryons in the $ {\rm SU}_q(3)
                                  $ quantum algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . 073509
           Karl-Erik Thylwe and   
              Staffan Yngve and   
           Per Olof Fröman   Study of the validity of the
                                  phase-integral connection formula for
                                  potential barriers of arbitrary
                                  thickness  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073510

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 8, August, 2006

                 N. C. Dias and   
               A. Mikovi\'c and   
                    J. N. Prata   Coherent states expectation values as
                                  semiclassical trajectories . . . . . . . 082101
            Dominik Janzing and   
                  Thomas Decker   Minimally disturbing Heisenberg--Weyl
                                  symmetric measurements using hard-core
                                  collisions of Schrödinger particles . . . 082102
                Manabu Miyamoto   Zero energy resonance and the
                                  logarithmically slow decay of unstable
                                  multilevel systems . . . . . . . . . . . 082103
                 Xiaoyi Guo and   
                      Mingyu Xu   Some physical applications of fractional
                                  Schrödinger equation  . . . . . . . . . . 082104
             Alexey V. Golovnev   Thin layer quantization in higher
                                  dimensions and codimensions  . . . . . . 082105
             Stefano De Leo and   
           Gisele C. Ducati and   
             Tiago M. Madureira   Analytic plane wave solutions for the
                                  quaternionic potential step  . . . . . . 082106
              Mondher Damak and   
             Marius Mantoiu and   
       Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa   Toeplitz algebras and spectral results
                                  for the one-dimensional Heisenberg model 082107
              G. A. Kerimov and   
                     A. Ventura   Group-theoretical approach to
                                  reflectionless potentials  . . . . . . . 082108
      Domenico D'Alessandro and   
                Raffaele Romano   Decompositions of unitary evolutions and
                                  entanglement dynamics of bipartite
                                  quantum systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 082109
          Baris Altunkaynak and   
                Fatih Erman and   
               O. Teoman Turgut   Finitely many Dirac-delta interactions
                                  on Riemannian manifolds  . . . . . . . . 082110
               Puneet Batra and   
         Bogdan A. Dobrescu and   
                   David Spivak   Anomaly-free sets of fermions  . . . . . 082301
                   F. Yasuk and   
                  A. Durmus and   
                    I. Boztosun   Exact analytical solution to the
                                  relativistic Klein--Gordon equation with
                                  noncentral equal scalar and vector
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082302
     Christopher J. Fewster and   
            Michael J. Pfenning   Quantum energy inequalities and local
                                  covariance. I. Globally hyperbolic
                                  spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082303
              Leszek Hadasz and   
      Zbigniew Jaskólski   Liouville theory and uniformization of
                                  four-punctured sphere  . . . . . . . . . 082304
      Jürgen Tolksdorf and   
       Torsten Thumstädter   Gauge theories of Dirac type . . . . . . 082305
              Athanasios Prikas   $q$ stars in scalar-tensor gravitational
                                  theories in extra dimensions . . . . . . 082501
            Shih-Feng Shieh and   
                Yiqian Wang and   
                 Guowei Wei and   
                  Choy-Heng Lai   Mathematical analysis of the wavelet
                                  method of chaos control  . . . . . . . . 082701
                F. Calogero and   
                    E. Langmann   Goldfishing by gauge theory  . . . . . . 082702
                   F. Cuccu and   
              B. Emamizadeh and   
                       G. Porru   Optimization problems for an elastic
                                  plate  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082901
               G. E. Draganescu   Application of a variational iteration
                                  method to linear and nonlinear
                                  viscoelastic models with fractional
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082902
               Stefano Pasquero   On the simultaneous presence of
                                  unilateral and kinetic constraints in
                                  time-dependent impulsive mechanics . . . 082903
                 Weike Wang and   
                  Tong Yang and   
                 Xiongfeng Yang   Nonlinear stability of boundary layers
                                  of the Boltzmann equation for cutoff
                                  hard potentials  . . . . . . . . . . . . 083301
             Abdulmuhsen H. Ali   Statistical quantum probabilities in
                                  coherent bosonic and fermionic states    083302
             Salih Çelik   Cartan calculi on the quantum superplane 083501
  Vassilios G. Papageorgiou and   
       Anastasios G. Tongas and   
           Alexander P. Veselov   Yang--Baxter maps and symmetries of
                                  integrable equations on quad-graphs  . . 083502
                  Bin Jiang and   
                Yushun Wang and   
                   Jiaxiang Cai   A new multisymplectic scheme for
                                  generalized Kadomtsev--Petviashvili
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083503
        Elisabetta Barletta and   
             Sorin Dragomir and   
                 Hajime Urakawa   Yang--Mills fields on CR manifolds . . . 083504
               Jaime Keller and   
               Peter Weinberger   The use of quadratic forms in the
                                  calculation of ground state electronic
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083505
David Pérez-García and   
            Michael M. Wolf and   
                 Denes Petz and   
               Mary Beth Ruskai   Contractivity of positive and
                                  trace-preserving maps under $ L_p $
                                  norms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083506
                   Jamil Daboul   Contraction of broken symmetries via
                                  Kac--Moody formalism . . . . . . . . . . 083507
                 Boling Guo and   
                   Daiwen Huang   Existence of weak solutions and
                                  trajectory attractors for the moist
                                  atmospheric equations in geophysics  . . 083508
                Alberto Strumia   Waves, particles, and field dynamics . . 083509
                     Petre Dita   Separation of unistochastic matrices
                                  from the double stochastic ones:
                                  Recovery of a $ 3 \times 3 $ unitary
                                  matrix from experimental data  . . . . . 083510
             Philippe Briet and   
           Horia D. Cornean and   
                 Delphine Louis   Diamagnetic expansions for perfect
                                  quantum gases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083511
Luis Martínez Alonso and   
               Elena Medina and   
            Manuel Mañas   String equations in Whitham hierarchies:
                                  $ \tau $-functions and Virasoro
                                  constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083512
                  Chao-Zhong Wu   On solutions of the two-component
                                  Camassa--Holm system . . . . . . . . . . 083513
                  Yuuki Abe and   
              Toshiki Nakashima   Evaluation representations of quantum
                                  affine algebras at roots of unity  . . . 083514
                 Xifang Cao and   
                 Hongyou Wu and   
                    Chuanyou Xu   On Miura transformations among nonlinear
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 083515
              Guido Cognola and   
            Emilio Elizalde and   
                 Sergio Zerbini   Heat-kernel expansion on noncompact
                                  domains and a generalized zeta-function
                                  regularization procedure . . . . . . . . 083516

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 9, September, 2006

               Ali Mostafazadeh   Is weak pseudo-Hermiticity weaker than
                                  pseudo-Hermiticity?  . . . . . . . . . . 092101
               Daniel Nagaj and   
             Iordanis Kerenidis   On the optimality of quantum encryption
                                  schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092102
                  Elias Zafiris   Sheaf-theoretic representation of
                                  quantum measure algebras . . . . . . . . 092103
                     A. Vourdas   Galois quantum systems, irreducible
                                  polynomials and Riemann surfaces . . . . 092104
                  David Viennot   Magnetic monopoles in quantum adiabatic
                                  dynamics and the immersion property of
                                  the control manifold . . . . . . . . . . 092105
                  S. Nasiri and   
                 Y. Sobouti and   
                       F. Taati   Phase space quantum mechanics --- Direct 092106
          Giulio Chiribella and   
         Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano   Extremal covariant measurements  . . . . 092107
             Hideyasu Yamashita   Pointwise analysis of scalar fields: A
                                  nonstandard approach . . . . . . . . . . 092301
                   Anca Tureanu   Analyticity of the scattering amplitude,
                                  causality, and high-energy bounds in
                                  quantum field theory on noncommutative
                                  space--time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092302
                Yi-shi Duan and   
               Shao-feng Wu and   
                Peng-ming Zhang   Higher-dimensional knotlike topological
                                  defects in local non-Abelian topological
                                  tensor currents  . . . . . . . . . . . . 092303
               Volker Braun and   
     Sakura Schäfer-Nameki   $D$-brane charges in Gepner models . . . 092304
                 Nuri Ünal   Electromagnetic and gravitational
                                  interactions of the spinning particle    092501
             G. O. Papadopoulos   On the essential constants in Riemannian
                                  geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092502
             Elias Gravanis and   
                Steven Willison   Intersecting hypersurfaces in anti-de
                                  Sitter and Lovelock gravity  . . . . . . 092503
     Blazej M. Szablikowski and   
                 Maciej Blaszak   Meromorphic Lax representations of $ (1
                                  + 1)$-dimensional multi-Hamiltonian
                                  dispersionless systems . . . . . . . . . 092701
              Vasily E. Tarasov   Map of discrete system into continuous   092901
              Avinash Khare and   
                   Avadh Saxena   Domain wall and periodic solutions of
                                  coupled $ \phi^4 $ models in an external
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092902
                     Mayer Humi   Steady states of self-gravitating
                                  incompressible fluid in two dimensions   093101
          Panayiotis Vafeas and   
                 George Dassios   Stokes flow in ellipsoidal geometry  . . 093102
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Second-order superintegrable systems in
                                  conformally flat spaces. V. Two- and
                                  three-dimensional quantum systems  . . . 093501
          M. N. Atakishiyev and   
          N. M. Atakishiyev and   
                   A. U. Klimyk   On $ {\rm su}_q(1, 1)$-models of quantum
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093502
               Iordan P. Michev   On Fay identity  . . . . . . . . . . . . 093503
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Clifford--Finsler algebroids and
                                  nonholonomic Einstein--Dirac structures  093504
           Roman G. Smirnov and   
               Pavel Winternitz   A class of superintegrable systems of
                                  Calogero type  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093505
               T. J. Stuchi and   
   A. López-Castillo and   
                  M. A. Almeida   Nonintegrability of the three-body
                                  problems for the classical helium atom   093506

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 10, October, 2006

         B. Gönül and   
                M. Koçak   Explicit solutions for $N$-dimensional
                                  Schrödinger equations with
                                  position-dependent mass  . . . . . . . . 102101
               Satoru Odake and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Unified theory of annihilation-creation
                                  operators for solvable (``discrete'')
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 102102
                    Li Yuan and   
                     Hong-Ke Du   A note on the infimum problem of Hilbert
                                  space effects  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102103
             Stefano De Leo and   
               Gisele C. Ducati   Quaternionic diffusion by a potential
                                  step . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102104
                Harold Donnelly   Resonance counting function in black box
                                  scattering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102105
                Kazuhiro Hikami   Quantum invariants, modular forms, and
                                  lattice points II  . . . . . . . . . . . 102301
           Daniel A. Bowman and   
             John L. Challifour   Canonical quantization of lattice
                                  Higgs--Maxwell--Chern--Simons fields:
                                  Krein self-adjointness . . . . . . . . . 102302
              G. Bandelloni and   
                   S. Lazzarini   Large chiral diffeomorphisms on Riemann
                                  surfaces and $W$-algebras  . . . . . . . 102303
                     Karim Noui   Three-dimensional loop quantum gravity:
                                  Particles and the quantum double . . . . 102501
         T. Christodoulakis and   
               Petros A. Terzis   Automorphisms and a cartography of the
                                  solution space for vacuum Bianchi
                                  cosmologies: The Type III case . . . . . 102502
          Monika Winklmeier and   
                 Osanobu Yamada   Spectral analysis of radial Dirac
                                  operators in the Kerr--Newman metric and
                                  its applications to time-periodic
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102503
                  W. Natorf and   
                       J. Tafel   Symmetries of the Robinson--Trautman
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102504
                 M. Bruschi and   
                    F. Calogero   Goldfishing: A new solvable many-body
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102701
               Yu-Tung Chen and   
                  Ming-Hsien Tu   On kernel formulas and dispersionless
                                  Hirota equations of the extended
                                  dispersionless BKP hierarchy . . . . . . 102702
                 Mikko Pitkonen   Polarizability of the dielectric
                                  double-sphere  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102901
                  Yong Chen and   
              Min-Ping Qian and   
                 Jian-Sheng Xie   On characterization of reversible Markov
                                  processes by monotonicity of the
                                  fluctuation spectral density . . . . . . 103301
                P. C. Assis and   
             P. C. da Silva and   
             L. R. da Silva and   
                E. K. Lenzi and   
                    M. K. Lenzi   Nonlinear diffusion equation and
                                  nonlinear external force: Exact solution 103302
                      L. Pastur   Limiting laws of linear eigenvalue
                                  statistics for Hermitian matrix models   103303
                   T. Lueck and   
              H.-J. Sommers and   
                M. R. Zirnbauer   Energy correlations for a random matrix
                                  model of disordered bosons . . . . . . . 103304
              Adriano Barra and   
                Luca De Sanctis   Overlap fluctuations from the Boltzmann
                                  random overlap structure . . . . . . . . 103305
                    Rukmini Dey   Geometric prequantization of the moduli
                                  space of the vortex equations on a
                                  Riemann surface  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103501
                         Wei Li   Removable singularities for solutions of
                                  coupled Yang--Mills--Dirac equations . . 103502
            Dumitru Baleanu and   
             Sami I. Muslih and   
                      Kenan Tas   Fractional Hamiltonian analysis of
                                  higher order derivatives systems . . . . 103503
              Elvira Romera and   
   P. Sánchez-Moreno and   
                   J. S. Dehesa   Uncertainty relation for Fisher
                                  information of $D$-dimensional
                                  single-particle systems with central
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103504
              Yoshimasa Matsuno   The Lyapunov stability of the
                                  $N$-soliton solutions in the Lax
                                  hierarchy of the Benjamin--Ono equation  103505
            Matthias Langer and   
             Christiane Tretter   Variational principles for eigenvalues
                                  of the Klein--Gordon equation  . . . . . 103506
           E. V. Ferapontov and   
        K. R. Khusnutdinova and   
             D. G. Marshall and   
                   M. V. Pavlov   Classification of integrable Hamiltonian
                                  hydrodynamic chains associated with
                                  Kupershmidt's brackets . . . . . . . . . 103507
             J. E. Aldridge and   
               G. E. Prince and   
                  W. Sarlet and   
                    G. Thompson   An EDS approach to the inverse problem
                                  in the calculus of variations  . . . . . 103508
           Pavel Winternitz and   
                 Ismet Yurdusen   Integrable and superintegrable systems
                                  with spin  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103509
                Alex Kasman and   
      Stéphane Lafortune   When is negativity not a problem for the
                                  ultradiscrete limit? . . . . . . . . . . 103510
               K. A. Dancer and   
                 P. S. Isac and   
                       J. Links   Representations of the quantum doubles
                                  of finite group algebras and spectral
                                  parameter dependent solutions of the
                                  Yang--Baxter equation  . . . . . . . . . 103511
                  Choonkil Park   Isomorphisms between $ C^* $-ternary
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103512

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 11, November, 2006

            Nicolas Brunner and   
            Valerio Scarani and   
                  Nicolas Gisin   Bell-type inequalities for nonlocal
                                  resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112101
                  L. Bracci and   
                  L. E. Picasso   On the Weyl algebras for systems with
                                  semibounded and bounded configuration
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112102
               P. F. Borges and   
            H. Boschi-Filho and   
                   A. N. Vaidya   Scattering and bound state Green's
                                  functions on a plane via $ {\rm so}(2,
                                  1) $ Lie algebra . . . . . . . . . . . . 112103
                 Jens Bolte and   
           Hans-Michael Stiepan   The Selberg trace formula for Dirac
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112104
         Konstantin Pankrashkin   Localization effects in a periodic
                                  quantum graph with magnetic field and
                                  spin-orbit interaction . . . . . . . . . 112105
            Peter D. Hislop and   
                Olivier Lenoble   Basic properties of the current-current
                                  correlation measure for random
                                  Schrödinger operators . . . . . . . . . . 112106
                    Brice Camus   Equilibrium and eigenfunctions estimates
                                  in the semiclassical regime  . . . . . . 112107
                  Carlos Castro   On Chern--Simons (super) gravity, $ E_8
                                  $ Yang--Mills and polyvector-valued
                                  gauge theories in Clifford spaces  . . . 112301
                   Ed Seidewitz   Foundations of a spacetime path
                                  formalism for relativistic quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112302
             David Miralles and   
            José M. Pozo   Observers, observables, spinors, and the
                                  confusion of tongues . . . . . . . . . . 112303
               Akifumi Sako and   
                 Toshiya Suzuki   Dimensional reduction of Seiberg--Witten
                                  monopole equations, $ N = 2 $
                                  noncommutative supersymmetric field
                                  theories and Young diagrams  . . . . . . 112304
        Joan Josep Ferrando and   
       Juan Antonio Sáez   Type I vacuum solutions with aligned
                                  Papapetrou fields: An intrinsic
                                  characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . 112501
          Tetsuya Shiromizu and   
               Sumio Yamada and   
               Hirotaka Yoshino   On existence of matter outside a static
                                  black hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112502
              Athanasios Prikas   Domain walls on the surface of $q$-stars 112503
           Nikodem J. Poplawski   Propagating torsion in the Einstein
                                  frame  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112504
           Roberto Giamb\`o and   
             Fabio Giannoni and   
                   Giulio Magli   Variational approach to
                                  Robertson--Walker spacetimes with
                                  homogeneous scalar fields  . . . . . . . 112505
                    Zhijun Qiao   A new integrable equation with cuspons
                                  and $ W / M $-shape-peaks solitons . . . 112701
               M. Rawashdeh and   
                    G. Thompson   The inverse problem for six-dimensional
                                  codimension two nilradical Lie algebras  112901
                   V. Gerdt and   
                   R. Horan and   
             A. Khvedelidze and   
                 M. Lavelle and   
                D. McMullan and   
                      Yu. Palii   On the Hamiltonian reduction of geodesic
                                  motion on $ {\rm SU}(3) $ to $ {\rm
                                  SU}(3) / {\rm SU}(2) $ . . . . . . . . . 112902
         Yuri G. Kondratiev and   
       Oleksandr V. Kutoviy and   
                 Elena Zhizhina   Nonequilibrium Glauber-type dynamics in
                                  continuum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113501
                 D. Borisov and   
                       P. Exner   Distant perturbation asymptotics in
                                  window-coupled waveguides. I. The
                                  nonthreshold case  . . . . . . . . . . . 113502
                  R. Singer and   
                 M. Fähnle   Construction of basis functions for the
                                  spin-cluster expansion of the magnetic
                                  energy on the atomic scale in
                                  rotationally invariant systems . . . . . 113503
                 S. Lievens and   
             N. I. Stoilova and   
               J. Van der Jeugt   Harmonic oscillators coupled by springs:
                                  Discrete solutions as a Wigner quantum
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113504
              George Bluman and   
        Alexei F. Cheviakov and   
            Nataliya M. Ivanova   Framework for nonlocally related partial
                                  differential equation systems and
                                  nonlocal symmetries: Extension,
                                  simplification, and examples . . . . . . 113505
           Christopher Heil and   
            Alexander M. Powell   Gabor Schauder bases and the Balian--Low
                                  theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113506
             R. A. Dawe Martins   Noncommutative geometry, topology, and
                                  the standard model vacuum  . . . . . . . 113507
                 Jing Ping Wang   On the structure of $ (2 +
                                  1)$-dimensional commutative and
                                  noncommutative integrable equations  . . 113508
                     John Gough   Quantum Stratonovich calculus and the
                                  quantum Wong--Zakai theorem  . . . . . . 113509

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 47, Number 12, December, 2006

                  Thomas Marlow   Bayesian analog of Gleason's theorem . . 122101
             Khireddine Nouicer   Pauli--Hamiltonian in the presence of
                                  minimal lengths  . . . . . . . . . . . . 122102
                   Fedor Herbut   On bipartite pure-state entanglement
                                  structure in terms of disentanglement    122103
José Orlando Organista and   
           Marek Nowakowski and   
                     H. C. Rosu   Shape invariance through Crum
                                  transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122104
                 Nuri Ünal   Parametric-time coherent states for the
                                  generalized MIC--Kepler system . . . . . 122105
        Charis Anastopoulos and   
                 Ntina Savvidou   Time-of-arrival probabilities and
                                  quantum measurements . . . . . . . . . . 122106
                       D. Gross   Hudson's theorem for finite-dimensional
                                  quantum systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 122107
                   M. Daoud and   
                   M. R. Kibler   Fractional supersymmetry and hierarchy
                                  of shape invariant potentials  . . . . . 122108
            Ilaria Cacciari and   
                  Paolo Moretti   Propagator for finite range potentials   122109
               Charles Schwartz   Relativistic quaternionic wave equation  122301
        Ângela Mestre and   
                   Robert Oeckl   Generating loop graphs via Hopf algebra
                                  in quantum field theory  . . . . . . . . 122302
            Rolf Dyre Svegstrup   Endomorphisms on half-sided modular
                                  inclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122303
           Shahrokh Parvizi and   
               Alireza Tavanfar   Minimal redefinition of the OSV ensemble 122304
                   J. P. Krisch   Fractional Israel layers . . . . . . . . 122501
         Montserrat Corbera and   
                   Jaume Llibre   Infinitely many periodic orbits for the
                                  rhomboidal five-body problem . . . . . . 122701
                 Jonq Juang and   
               Chin-Lung Li and   
                 Jing-Wei Chang   Perturbed block circulant matrices and
                                  their application to the wavelet method
                                  of chaotic control . . . . . . . . . . . 122702
                  Alessia Berti   Existence and uniqueness for the
                                  reflection and transmission problem in
                                  stratified electromagnetic media . . . . 122901
             I. Aharonovich and   
                  L. P. Horwitz   Green functions for wave propagation on
                                  a five-dimensional manifold and the
                                  associated gauge fields generated by a
                                  uniformly moving point source  . . . . . 122902
              B. Abdesselam and   
                 A. Chakrabarti   New class $ \hat {o}_N $ of statistical
                                  models: Transfer matrix eigenstates,
                                  chain Hamiltonians, factorizable $S$
                                  matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123301
                Volker Bach and   
     Jacob Schach Mòller   Localization at low temperature and
                                  infrared bounds  . . . . . . . . . . . . 123302
                Daniel Ueltschi   Feynman cycles in the Bose gas . . . . . 123303
              Nakao Hayashi and   
               Pavel I. Naumkin   Final state problem for Korteweg--de
                                  Vries type equations . . . . . . . . . . 123501
                 Mohammed Sbihi   Spectral theory of neutron transport
                                  semigroups with partly elastic collision
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123502
      Matthias Holschneider and   
                   Gerd Teschke   Existence and computation of optimally
                                  localized coherent states  . . . . . . . 123503
            David M. Botman and   
               William P. Joyce   Geometric equivalence of Clifford
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123504
                 Y. Strauss and   
              L. P. Horwitz and   
                    A. Volovick   Approximate resonance states in the
                                  semigroup decomposition of resonance
                                  evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123505
       Maurice A. de Gosson and   
             Serge M. de Gosson   Extension of the Conley--Zehnder index,
                                  a product formula, and an application to
                                  the Weyl representation of metaplectic
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123506
             Wojciech Czaja and   
              Jacek Zienkiewicz   Uncertainty principle for Gabor systems
                                  and the Zak transform  . . . . . . . . . 123507
               Jiaxiang Cai and   
                Yushun Wang and   
                   Bin Wang and   
                      Bin Jiang   New multisymplectic self-adjoint scheme
                                  and its composition scheme for the
                                  time-domain Maxwell's equations  . . . . 123508
      Birgit Wehefritz-Kaufmann   Clifford representations in integrable
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123509
                   M. Boiti and   
              F. Pempinelli and   
                A. K. Pogrebkov   Scattering transform for nonstationary
                                  Schrödinger equation with bidimensionally
                                  perturbed $N$-soliton potential  . . . . 123510
                  N. Aizawa and   
             R. Chakrabarti and   
       S. S. Naina Mohammed and   
                       J. Segar   Universal $T$-matrix, representations of
                                  $ {\rm OSp}_q(1 / 2)$ and little
                                  $Q$-Jacobi polynomials . . . . . . . . . 123511
         Fernando Izaurieta and   
   Eduardo Rodríguez and   
               Patricio Salgado   Expanding Lie (super)algebras through
                                  Abelian semigroups . . . . . . . . . . . 123512
                      K. Bering   A note on semidensities in
                                  antisymplectic geometry  . . . . . . . . 123513
                Maxim V. Pavlov   Hydrodynamic chains and the
                                  classification of their Poisson brackets 123514
          Maryna Nesterenko and   
                 Roman Popovych   Contractions of low-dimensional Lie
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123515
         Andrzej Derdzinski and   
                   Witold Roter   Publisher's Note: ``Walker's theorem
                                  without coordinates'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 47, 062504 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . 129901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 1, January, 2007

                   Holly Carley   Strong-coupling limit for the ground
                                  state of a particle harmonic oscillator
                                  interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012101
             S. J. Akhtarshenas   Canonical coset parametrization and the
                                  Bures metric of the three-level quantum
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012102
           Jan Derezi\'nski and   
              Wojciech De Roeck   Extended weak coupling limit for
                                  Friedrichs Hamiltonians  . . . . . . . . 012103
              Grigori G. Amosov   On Weyl channels being covariant with
                                  respect to the maximum commutative group
                                  of unitaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012104
                 F. Charest and   
                   C. Hudon and   
                  P. Winternitz   Quasiseparation of variables in the
                                  Schrödinger equation with a magnetic
                                  field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012105
              Ph. Blanchard and   
                M. Hellmich and   
               P. Lugiewicz and   
                   R. Olkiewicz   Quantum dynamical semigroups for finite
                                  and infinite Bose systems  . . . . . . . 012106
          Dénes Petz and   
                     Jonas Kahn   Complementary reductions for two qubits  012107
                 Gilad Gour and   
   Somshubhro Bandyopadhyay and   
               Barry C. Sanders   Dual monogamy inequality for
                                  entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012108
            Nuno Costa Dias and   
         João Nuno Prata   Features of Moyal trajectories . . . . . 012109
            L. Dello Sbarba and   
                      V. Hussin   Degenerate discrete energy spectra and
                                  associated coherent states . . . . . . . 012110
                     Marco Zoli   Finite size effects in bistable $ \phi^4
                                  $ models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012111
         José B. Almeida   Hidden geometric character of
                                  relativistic quantum mechanics . . . . . 012301
          Maciej Trzetrzelewski   Large $N$ behavior of two dimensional
                                  supersymmetric Yang--Mills quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012302
                John W. Barrett   Lorentzian version of the noncommutative
                                  geometry of the standard model of
                                  particle physics . . . . . . . . . . . . 012303
              Gaston E. Giribet   Note on $ \mathbb {Z}_2 $ symmetries of
                                  the Knizhnik--Zamolodchikov equation . . 012304
               Abraham I. Harte   Multipole structure of current vectors
                                  in curved space--time  . . . . . . . . . 012501
            Adel F. Antippa and   
               Daniel M. Dubois   Incursive discretization, system
                                  bifurcation, and energy conservation . . 012701
                  Jayme De Luca   Geometric integration of the
                                  electromagnetic two-body problem . . . . 012702
              Ruifeng Zhang and   
                     Boling Guo   Dynamical behavior for the
                                  three-dimensional generalized
                                  Hasegawa--Mima equations . . . . . . . . 012703
          Jose L. Cabrerizo and   
           Manuel Fernandez and   
                  Miguel Ortega   Massless particles in three-dimensional
                                  Lorentzian warped products . . . . . . . 012901
              Ian Marquette and   
               Pavel Winternitz   Polynomial Poisson algebras for
                                  classical superintegrable systems with a
                                  third-order integral of motion . . . . . 012902
         Farrukh Mukhamedov and   
              Utkir Rozikov and   
       José F. F. Mendes   On contour arguments for the three state
                                  Potts model with competing interactions
                                  on a semi-infinite Cayley tree . . . . . 013301
                R. C. Tautz and   
            R. Schlickeiser and   
                      I. Lerche   Nonresonant kinetic instabilities of a
                                  relativistic plasma in a uniform
                                  magnetic field: Longitudinal and
                                  transverse mode coupling effects . . . . 013302
               Hongyun Wang and   
                      Hong Qian   On detailed balance and reversibility of
                                  semi-Markov processes and
                                  single-molecule enzyme kinetics  . . . . 013303
                W. De Roeck and   
               E. L. Lakshtanov   Total cross section exceeds transport
                                  cross section for quantum scattering
                                  from hard bodies at low and high wave
                                  numbers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013501
                A. S. Fokas and   
                     B. Pelloni   Generalized Dirichlet to Neumann map for
                                  moving initial-boundary value problems   013502
      B. D. Bonorino Figueiredo   Generalized spheroidal wave equation and
                                  limiting cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013503
              Huaitang Chen and   
                   Huicheng Yin   Double elliptic equation method and new
                                  exact solutions of the $ (n +
                                  1)$-dimensional sinh-Gordon equation . . 013504
              Süleyman Tek   Modified Korteweg--de Vries surfaces . . 013505
               Hernando Quevedo   Geometrothermodynamics . . . . . . . . . 013506
              Jun'ichi Ieda and   
            Masaru Uchiyama and   
                    Miki Wadati   Inverse scattering method for square
                                  matrix nonlinear Schrödinger equation
                                  under nonvanishing boundary conditions   013507
                  E. Kengne and   
           Boris A. Malomed and   
                 S. T. Chui and   
                      W. M. Liu   Solitary signals in electrical nonlinear
                                  transmission line  . . . . . . . . . . . 013508
              Bang-Yen Chen and   
                  Franki Dillen   Classification of marginally trapped
                                  Lagrangian surfaces in Lorentzian
                                  complex space forms  . . . . . . . . . . 013509
                   Ruguang Zhou   Nonlinearizations of spectral problems
                                  of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and
                                  the real-valued modified Korteweg--de
                                  Vries equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013510
                   F. Bagarello   Bounded version of bosonic creation and
                                  annihilation operators and their related
                                  quasicoherent states . . . . . . . . . . 013511
              Andrei Khrennikov   To quantum averages through asymptotic
                                  expansion of classical averages on
                                  infinite-dimensional space . . . . . . . 013512
                  A. Doliwa and   
               P. Grinevich and   
             M. Nieszporski and   
                  P. M. Santini   Integrable lattices and their
                                  sublattices: From the discrete Moutard
                                  (discrete Cauchy--Riemann) $4$-point
                                  equation to the self-adjoint $5$-point
                                  scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013513
                M. C. Nucci and   
                 P. G. L. Leach   Fuchs' solution of Painlevé VI equation
                                  by means of Jacobi's last multiplier . . 013514
                     Zhenya Yan   Comment on ``Analytical integrability
                                  and physical solutions of $d$-KdV
                                  equation'', [J. Math. Phys. 47, 032901
                                  (2006)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014101
                  Ayman Kachmar   Erratum: ``On the ground state energy
                                  for a magnetic Schrödinger operator and
                                  the effect of the DeGennes boundary
                                  condition'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 47,
                                  072106 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 2, February, 2007

            Laurent Bruneau and   
               Jan Derezi\'nski   Bogoliubov Hamiltonians and
                                  one-parameter groups of Bogoliubov
                                  transformations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022101
               Roberto Beneduci   Neumark operators and sharp
                                  reconstructions: The finite dimensional
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022102
            Murray Gerstenhaber   Least uncertainty principle in
                                  deformation quantization . . . . . . . . 022103
          Charles Thomas Munger   Ideal basis sets for the Dirac Coulomb
                                  problem: Eigenvalue bounds and
                                  convergence proofs . . . . . . . . . . . 022301
             Vieri Mastropietro   Nonperturbative Adler--Bardeen theorem   022302
               N. Redington and   
                 M. A. K. Lodhi   Simple five-dimensional wave equation
                                  for a Dirac particle . . . . . . . . . . 022303
                   Dipak K. Sen   Left- and right-handed neutrinos and
                                  Baryon--Lepton masses  . . . . . . . . . 022304
                    C. Adam and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Soliton stability in some knot soliton
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022305
                Payal Kaura and   
                Aalok Misra and   
                  Pramod Shukla   Super Picard--Fuchs equation and
                                  monodromies for supermanifolds . . . . . 022306
               Enrico Massa and   
                Stefano Vignolo   Variational techniques in general
                                  relativity: A metric-affine approach to
                                  Kaluza's theory  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022501
                       D. Batic   Scattering for massive Dirac fields on
                                  the Kerr metric  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022502
               D. P. Hardin and   
                 E. B. Saff and   
                       H. Stahl   Support of the logarithmic equilibrium
                                  measure on sets of revolution in $
                                  \mathbb {R}^3 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022901
                J. Buitrago and   
                     S. Hajjawi   Spinor extended Lorentz-force-like
                                  equations as consequence of a spinorial
                                  structure of space--time . . . . . . . . 022902
Benito Hernández-Bermejo   New solution family of the Jacobi
                                  equations: Characterization, invariants,
                                  and global Darboux analysis  . . . . . . 022903
             Hiroshi Tamura and   
                 Keiichi R. Ito   Random point fields for paraparticles of
                                  any order  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023301
            Alessandro Giuliani   Ground state energy of the low density
                                  Hubbard model: An upper bound  . . . . . 023302
                     Tohru Koma   Spectral gap and decay of correlations
                                  in $ {\rm U}(1) $-symmetric lattice
                                  systems in dimensions $ D < 2 $ . . . . . 023303
               C. Chevalier and   
                    F. Debbasch   Fluctuation-dissipation theorems in an
                                  expanding universe . . . . . . . . . . . 023304
                  V. Romano and   
                 M. Torrisi and   
                   R. Tracin\`a   Approximate solutions to the quantum
                                  drift-diffusion model of semiconductors  023501
                   Lixia Ye and   
                        Fang Li   Weak quantum Borcherds superalgebras and
                                  their representations  . . . . . . . . . 023502
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                  W. Miller and   
                 G. S. Pogosyan   Exact and quasiexact solvability of
                                  second order superintegrable quantum
                                  systems. II. Relation to separation of
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023503
              Shao-You Zhao and   
                Yao-Zhong Zhang   Supersymmetric vertex models with domain
                                  wall boundary conditions . . . . . . . . 023504
               Atsushi Nakamula   Variant of ADHMN construction associated
                                  with $q$-analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . 023505
                    T. Skrypnyk   Quantum integrable systems,
                                  non-skew-symmetric $r$-matrices and
                                  algebraic Bethe ansatz . . . . . . . . . 023506
             Yacine Dolivet and   
                   Miguel Tierz   Chern--Simons matrix models and
                                  Stieltjes--Wigert polynomials  . . . . . 023507
          Tomasz Goli\'nski and   
            Maciej Horowski and   
          Anatol Odzijewicz and   
                Aneta Slizewska   $ {\rm sl}(2, \mathbb {R}) $ symmetry
                                  and solvable multiboson systems  . . . . 023508
              Giuseppe Dito and   
     Rémi Léandre   Stochastic Moyal product on the Wiener
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023509
                  H. Fakhri and   
                A. Dehghani and   
                      A. Jafari   New ladder operators for the monopole
                                  harmonics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023510
      Nicolas Crampé and   
               Anastasia Doikou   (Quantum) twisted Yangians: Symmetry,
                                  Baxterisation, and centralizers  . . . . 023511
                     A. G. Ramm   Many-body wave scattering by small
                                  bodies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023512
           Christoph A. Stephan   Massive neutrinos in almost-commutative
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023513
             David Hestenes and   
                 Jeremy W. Holt   Crystallographic space groups in
                                  geometric algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . 023514
               P. R. Gordoa and   
               A. Pickering and   
                      Z. N. Zhu   New $ 2 + 1 $ dimensional nonisospectral
                                  Toda lattice hierarchy . . . . . . . . . 023515
                    C. G. Torre   Erratum: ``The helically-reduced wave
                                  equation as a symmetric-positive
                                  system'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 44, 6223
                                  (2003)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 029901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 3, March, 2007

              W. Aschbacher and   
                V. Jaksi\'c and   
                 Y. Pautrat and   
                   C.-A. Pillet   Transport properties of quasi-free
                                  fermions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032101
                F. Benamira and   
                  L. Guechi and   
                  S. Mameri and   
                   M. A. Sadoun   Exact path integral treatment of a
                                  diatomic molecule potential  . . . . . . 032102
           Sergio Albeverio and   
        Claudio Cacciapuoti and   
                 Domenico Finco   Coupling in the singular limit of thin
                                  quantum waveguides . . . . . . . . . . . 032103
                Carol Braun and   
                    Anupam Garg   Semiclassical coherent-state propagator
                                  for many particles . . . . . . . . . . . 032104
                     Guowu Meng   MICZ-Kepler problems in all dimensions   032105
        Charis Anastopoulos and   
                 Ntina Savvidou   Quantum probabilities for time-extended
                                  alternatives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032106
          Joseph Ben Geloun and   
               Jan Govaerts and   
          M. Norbert Hounkonnou   $ (p, q) $ deformations and $ (p,
                                  q)$-vector coherent states of the
                                  Jaynes--Cummings model in the rotating
                                  wave approximation . . . . . . . . . . . 032107
    Diego Julio Cirilo-Lombardo   On the mathematical structure and hidden
                                  symmetries of the Born--Infeld field
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032301
                    C. Adam and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Conservation laws in Skyrme-type models  032302
               B. L. Feigin and   
          A. M. Gainutdinov and   
           A. M. Semikhatov and   
                 I. Yu. Tipunin   Kazhdan--Lusztig-dual quantum group for
                                  logarithmic extensions of Virasoro
                                  minimal models . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032303
                 Seth Major and   
              David Rideout and   
                   Sumati Surya   On recovering continuum topology from a
                                  causal set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032501
         V. K. Chandrasekar and   
            M. Senthilvelan and   
                  M. Lakshmanan   On the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian
                                  description of the damped linear
                                  harmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . . . . 032701
                 Caidi Zhao and   
                  Shengfan Zhou   $ L^2 $-compact uniform attractors for a
                                  nonautonomous incompressible
                                  non-Newtonian fluid with locally
                                  uniformly integrable external forces in
                                  distribution space . . . . . . . . . . . 032702
                 E. Fiorani and   
               G. Sardanashvily   Global action-angle coordinates for
                                  completely integrable systems with
                                  noncompact invariant submanifolds  . . . 032901
            Joris Vankerschaver   Euler--Poincaré reduction for discrete
                                  field theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032902
             Enrico Bibbona and   
           Lorenzo Fatibene and   
             Mauro Francaviglia   Chetaev versus vakonomic prescriptions
                                  in constrained field theories with
                                  parametrized variational calculus  . . . 032903
        Cristian Giardin\`a and   
              Jorge Kurchan and   
                    Frank Redig   Duality and exact correlations for a
                                  model of heat conduction . . . . . . . . 033301
                Gheorghe Nenciu   Independent electron model for open
                                  quantum systems: Landauer--Büttiker
                                  formula and strict positivity of the
                                  entropy production . . . . . . . . . . . 033302
Philippe Réfrégier   Symmetries in coherence theory of
                                  partially polarized light  . . . . . . . 033303
            R. C. McPhedran and   
               L. C. Botten and   
           N. A. Nicorovici and   
                   I. J. Zucker   Systematic investigation of
                                  two-dimensional static array sums  . . . 033501
Nicolás Andruskiewitsch and   
               Fernando Fantino   On pointed Hopf algebras associated with
                                  unmixed conjugacy classes in $ \mathbb
                                  {s}_m $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033502
                 Francisco Guil   Electronic states on a lattice in
                                  periodic magnetic fields . . . . . . . . 033503
                  Jacky Cresson   Fractional embedding of differential
                                  operators and Lagrangian systems . . . . 033504
               Ediel Guerra and   
           Jacqueline Rojas and   
           Ramón Mendoza   A mathematical model for the partition
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033505
          M. A. Bolorizadeh and   
              M. J. Brunger and   
                 T. Maddern and   
              E. Ghanbari Adivi   Positronium formation as a three-body
                                  reaction. I. The second-order
                                  positron-electron interaction amplitude  033506
               Jaume Llibre and   
                Cl\`audia Valls   Global analytic first integrals for the
                                  real planar Lotka--Volterra system . . . 033507
              Süleyman Tek   Erratum: ``Modified Korteweg--de Vries
                                  surfaces'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 48,
                                  013505 (2007)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 039901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 4, April, 2007

           Tadayoshi Adachi and   
              Katsuhiro Maehara   On multidimensional inverse scattering
                                  for Stark Hamiltonians . . . . . . . . . 042101
                Fumihiko Nakano   Finite volume approximation of the
                                  Anderson model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042102
            Ilaria Cacciari and   
                  Paolo Moretti   Propagator for finite range potentials:
                                  The case of reflection . . . . . . . . . 042103
                M. Correggi and   
          T. Rindler-Daller and   
                    J. Yngvason   Rapidly rotating Bose--Einstein
                                  condensates in strongly anharmonic traps 042104
                   Qiaoling Xia   Generalized Weierstrass representations
                                  of surfaces with the constant Gauss
                                  curvature in pseudo-Riemannian
                                  three-dimensional space forms  . . . . . 042301
              K. Komathiraj and   
                  S. D. Maharaj   Tikekar superdense stars in electric
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042501
                   D. Batic and   
                      H. Schmid   Heun equation, Teukolsky equation, and
                                  type-$D$ metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . 042502
             Michael Khasin and   
                Lazar Friedland   Removal of resonances by rotation in
                                  linearly degenerate two-dimensional
                                  oscillator systems . . . . . . . . . . . 042701
            Artur Sergyeyev and   
                 Dmitry Demskoi   Sasa--Satsuma (complex modified
                                  Korteweg--de Vries II) and the complex
                                  sine-Gordon II equation revisited:
                                  Recursion operators, nonlocal
                                  symmetries, and more . . . . . . . . . . 042702
             Carl M. Bender and   
                 Daniel W. Darg   Spontaneous breaking of classical PT
                                  symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042703
                  P. Birtea and   
                        M. Puta   Equivalence of energy methods in
                                  stability theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 042704
                 Eman Hamza and   
              Günter Stolz   Lyapunov exponents for unitary Anderson
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043301
              Avinash Khare and   
                   Avadh Saxena   Domain wall and periodic solutions of
                                  coupled asymmetric double well models    043302
           Hanno Gottschalk and   
                  Boubaker Smii   How to determine the law of the solution
                                  to a stochastic partial differential
                                  equation driven by a Lévy space--time
                                  noise? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043303
               S. Albeverio and   
                  R. Hryniv and   
                   Ya. Mykytyuk   Reconstruction of radial Dirac operators 043501
               Shaowei Wang and   
                      Mingyu Xu   Generalized fractional Schrödinger
                                  equation with space--time fractional
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043502
               J. S. Dehesa and   
       S. López-Rosa and   
      R. J. Yáñez   Information-theoretic measures of
                                  hyperspherical harmonics . . . . . . . . 043503
             N. I. Stoilova and   
               J. Van der Jeugt   Classification of generalized quantum
                                  statistics associated with the
                                  exceptional Lie (super)algebras  . . . . 043504
               F. Bagarello and   
                      S. Triolo   Invariant analytic orthonormalization
                                  procedure with an application to
                                  coherent states  . . . . . . . . . . . . 043505
          Fernando Gómez   Nonunitary similarity transformation of
                                  conservative to dissipative evolutions:
                                  Intertwining without time operator . . . 043506
         Djurdje Cvijovi\'c and   
               H. M. Srivastava   Closed-form summation of the Dowker and
                                  related sums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043507
                 Jiayuan Fu and   
                Qifen Jiang and   
                       Yucai Su   Classification of modules of the
                                  intermediate series over Ramond $ N = 2
                                  $ superconformal algebras  . . . . . . . 043508
                 Daisuke Yamada   Scattering rule in soliton cellular
                                  automaton associated with crystal base
                                  of $ {\rm U}_q(D_4^{(3)}) $  . . . . . . 043509
                 Olga Bershtein   On a $q$-analog of a Sahi result . . . . 043510
              R. Coquereaux and   
                    G. Schieber   Orders and dimensions for $ {\rm sl}(2)
                                  $ or $ {\rm sl}(3) $ module categories
                                  and boundary conformal field theories on
                                  a torus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043511
      B. D. Bonorino Figueiredo   Erratum: ``Generalized spheroidal wave
                                  equation and limiting cases'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 48, 013503 (2007)] . . . . . . 049901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 5, May, 2007

             D. Jurciukonis and   
                   E. Norvaisas   Quantum $ {\rm SU}(3) $ Skyrme model
                                  with noncanonical embedded $ {\rm SO}(3)
                                  $ soliton  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052101
                  David Viennot   Geometry of quantum active subspaces and
                                  of effective Hamiltonians  . . . . . . . 052102
              Fabio Benatti and   
         Roberto Floreanini and   
           Alexandra M. Liguori   Extended reduction criterion and lattice
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052103
                   D. Gross and   
               K. Audenaert and   
                      J. Eisert   Evenly distributed unitaries: On the
                                  structure of unitary designs . . . . . . 052104
                  H. Bombin and   
           M. A. Martin-Delgado   Homological error correction: Classical
                                  and quantum codes  . . . . . . . . . . . 052105
          Ingemar Bengtsson and   
            Wojciech Bruzda and   
         Åsa Ericsson and   
      Jan-Åke Larsson and   
             Wojciech Tadej and   
               Karol Zyczkowski   Mutually unbiased bases and Hadamard
                                  matrices of order six  . . . . . . . . . 052106
        M. I. Krivoruchenko and   
                 Amand Faessler   Weyl's symbols of Heisenberg operators
                                  of canonical coordinates and momenta as
                                  quantum characteristics  . . . . . . . . 052107
                      J. Slawny   Position and length operators in a
                                  theory with minimal length . . . . . . . 052108
                Y. Pavlyukh and   
                 W. Hübner   Analytic solution of Hedin's equations
                                  in zero dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . 052109
         Valerio Cappellini and   
   Hans-Jürgen Sommers and   
               Karol Zyczkowski   Subnormalized states and
                                  trace-nonincreasing maps . . . . . . . . 052110
             Stefano De Leo and   
               Gisele C. Ducati   Quaternionic wave packets  . . . . . . . 052111
                   Oleg Lisovyy   Aharonov--Bohm effect on the Poincaré
                                  disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052112
            Luca Guido Molinari   Another proof of Gell-Mann and Low's
                                  theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052113
                Artur Sergyeyev   Exact solvability of superintegrable
                                  Benenti systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 052114
                 Marat C. Reyes   Generalized path dependent
                                  representations for gauge theories . . . 052301
          Sunandan Gangopadhyay   Lie algebraic noncommuting structures
                                  from reparametrization symmetry  . . . . 052302
               Charles Schwartz   Relativistic quaternionic wave equation.
                                  II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052303
               Gerhard Mack and   
               Mathias de Riese   Simple space--time symmetries:
                                  Generalizing conformal field theory  . . 052304
            Alessandra Agostini   $ \kappa $-Minkowski representations on
                                  Hilbert spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052305
               N. C. Tsamis and   
                  R. P. Woodard   Maximally symmetric vector propagator    052306
                 Harry E. Moses   Magnetic forces on current circuits when
                                  there are no photons in the
                                  electromagnetic field  . . . . . . . . . 052307
                      J. Dimock   Transition amplitudes and sewing
                                  properties for bosons on the Riemann
                                  sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052308
               Marcus C. Werner   A Lefschetz fixed point theorem in
                                  gravitational lensing  . . . . . . . . . 052501
                Stephen C. Anco   Mean-curvature flow and quasilocal mass
                                  for $2$-surfaces in Hamiltonian general
                                  relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052502
                 Yusuf Sucu and   
                 Nuri Ünal   Exact solution of Dirac equation in $ 2
                                  + 1 $ dimensional gravity  . . . . . . . 052503
                      Jan Vrbik   Kepler problem with time-dependent and
                                  resonant perturbations . . . . . . . . . 052701
           David C. Dooling and   
            James E. Hammerberg   Lindstedt series solutions of the
                                  Fermi--Pasta--Ulam lattice . . . . . . . 052702
                    J. Asch and   
             P. Stovícek   Dynamics of a classical Hall system
                                  driven by a time-dependent
                                  Aharonov--Bohm flux  . . . . . . . . . . 052901
       Markus Schöberl and   
                 Kurt Schlacher   Covariant formulation of the governing
                                  equations of continuum mechanics in an
                                  Eulerian description . . . . . . . . . . 052902
                  Aurel Bejancu   On the geometry of nonholonomic
                                  mechanical systems with vertical
                                  distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052903
                  H. Cendra and   
                   S. D. Grillo   Lagrangian systems with higher order
                                  constraints  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052904
                 Leonid Koralov   An inverse problem for Gibbs fields with
                                  hard core potential  . . . . . . . . . . 053301
                     Hao Ge and   
                       Min Qian   Generalized Jarzynski's equality in
                                  inhomogeneous Markov chains  . . . . . . 053302
                  Florian Rilke   Transfer operators for hard-rod-type
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053303
                  V. K. B. Kota   $ {\rm U}(2 \Omega) \supset {\rm
                                  U}(\Omega) \supset \otimes {\rm SU}(2) $
                                  Wigner--Racah algebra for embedded
                                  Gaussian unitary ensemble of random
                                  matrices with spin . . . . . . . . . . . 053304
            H. S. Sukiasian and   
                 Wilfried Gille   Relation between the chord length
                                  distribution of an infinitely long
                                  cylinder and that of its base  . . . . . 053305
             Christian Maes and   
           Karel Netocný   Minimum entropy production principle
                                  from a dynamical fluctuation law . . . . 053306
                Huanhe Dong and   
                       Wei Yuan   Two types of multicomponent matrix loop
                                  algebras and its application . . . . . . 053501
            Seiya Nishiyama and   
João da Providência and   
                  Takao Komatsu   Self-consistent-field method and $ \tau
                                  $-functional method on group manifold in
                                  soliton theory. II. Laurent coefficients
                                  of soliton solutions for $ \hat {\mathbb
                                  {sl}}_n$ and for $ \hat {\mathbb
                                  {su}}_n$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053502
                 Dana Mihai and   
          George A. J. Sparling   Null decomposition of conformal algebras 053503
            S. Twareque Ali and   
                      M. Englis   Matrix-valued Berezin--Toeplitz
                                  quantization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053504
            Bobby E. Gunara and   
              Freddy P. Zen and   
                        Arianto   BPS domain walls and vacuum structure of
                                  $ N = 1 $ supergravity coupled to a
                                  chiral multiplet . . . . . . . . . . . . 053505
            A. Gómez and   
                  M. Torres and   
            J. L. Aragón   Eutactic star closest to a given star    053506
                T. Matolcsi and   
                  P. Ván   Absolute time derivatives  . . . . . . . 053507
              B. Abdesselam and   
             A. Chakrabarti and   
               V. K. Dobrev and   
                    S. G. Mihov   Higher dimensional unitary braid
                                  matrices: Construction, associated
                                  structures, and entanglements  . . . . . 053508
                      Gang Zhou   Perturbation expansion and $N$ th order
                                  Fermi golden rule of the nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equations . . . . . . . . . . 053509
             Michiyuki Watanabe   Inverse scattering problem for time
                                  dependent Hartree--Fock equations in the
                                  three-body case  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053510
               A. F. Kleppe and   
               Chris Wainwright   Supercoset space geometry  . . . . . . . 053511
              Marc Henneaux and   
            Mauricio Leston and   
             Daniel Persson and   
               Philippe Spindel   A special class of rank $ 10 $ and $ 11
                                  $ Coxeter groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 053512
                   Dongsheng Wu   Generalized Pickands constants . . . . . 053513
                Wen-Li Yang and   
            Yao-Zhong Zhang and   
                        Xin Liu   Free field realization of current
                                  superalgebra $ {\rm gl}(m | n)_k $ . . . 053514
                      J. Slawny   Bound states of hydrogen atom in a
                                  theory with minimal length uncertainty
                                  relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053515
                   Maria Yurova   Application of dressing method for long
                                  wave-short wave resonance interaction
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053516
              Hiroshige Kajiura   Categories of holomorphic line bundles
                                  on higher dimensional noncommutative
                                  complex tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053517
               Tai-Chia Lin and   
                   Juncheng Wei   Half-Skyrmions and spike-vortex
                                  solutions of two-component nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger systems . . . . . . . . . . . 053518
                      Li Ma and   
                       Lin Zhao   Blow up of solutions to the nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equations on manifolds  . . . 053519
        Tamás Gál   Differentiation of functionals with
                                  variables coupled by conservation
                                  constraints: Analysis through a
                                  fluid-dynamical model  . . . . . . . . . 053520
                   Xing-Bin Pan   Nodal sets of solutions of equations
                                  involving magnetic Schrödinger operator
                                  in three dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . 053521
            Christopher Lin and   
                      Zhiqin Lu   Quantum layers over surfaces ruled
                                  outside a compact set  . . . . . . . . . 053522
          Nail H. Ibragimov and   
            Raisa Khamitova and   
                Bo Thidé   Conservation laws for the Maxwell--Dirac
                                  equations with dual Ohm's law  . . . . . 053523

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 6, June, 2007

         Charles R. Doering and   
                 Paul K. Newton   Introduction to Special Issue:
                                  Mathematical Fluid Dynamics  . . . . . . 065101
               R. Dascaliuc and   
                   C. Foias and   
                    M. S. Jolly   Universal bounds on the attractor of the
                                  Navier--Stokes equation in the energy,
                                  enstrophy plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . 065201
               J. D. Gibbon and   
                G. A. Pavliotis   Estimates for the two-dimensional
                                  Navier--Stokes equations in terms of the
                                  Reynolds number  . . . . . . . . . . . . 065202
              Igor Kukavica and   
                 Mohammed Ziane   Navier--Stokes equations with regularity
                                  in one direction . . . . . . . . . . . . 065203
     Sergei I. Chernyshenko and   
           Peter Constantin and   
          James C. Robinson and   
                 Edriss S. Titi   A posteriori regularity of the
                                  three-dimensional Navier--Stokes
                                  equations from numerical computations    065204
                    K. Ohkitani   A blow-up problem of a class of
                                  axisymmetric Navier--Stokes equations
                                  with infinite energy . . . . . . . . . . 065205
       Diego Córdoba and   
          Francisco Gancedo and   
                   Rafael Orive   Analytical behavior of two-dimensional
                                  incompressible flow in porous media  . . 065206
              Giovanni P. Galdi   Further properties of steady-state
                                  solutions to the Navier--Stokes problem
                                  past a three-dimensional obstacle  . . . 065207
           Alexey Cheskidov and   
         Charles R. Doering and   
               Nikola P. Petrov   Energy dissipation in fractal-forced
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065208
          Björn Birnir and   
               Songming Hou and   
               Niklas Wellander   Derivation of the viscous
                                  Moore--Greitzer equation for aeroengine
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065209
            Chang-Yeol Jung and   
                    Roger Temam   Asymptotic analysis for singularly
                                  perturbed convection-diffusion equations
                                  with a turning point . . . . . . . . . . 065301
                Carlo Marchioro   Vanishing viscosity limit for an
                                  incompressible fluid with concentrated
                                  vorticity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065302
      Wenfang (Wendy) Cheng and   
                  Xiaoming Wang   Discrete Kato-type theorem on inviscid
                                  limit of Navier--Stokes flows  . . . . . 065303
                    Hassan Aref   Point vortex dynamics: A classical
                                  mathematics playground . . . . . . . . . 065401
            Denis Blackmore and   
                    Lu Ting and   
                      Omar Knio   Studies of perturbed three vortex
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065402
          Alexey V. Borisov and   
             Ivan S. Mamaev and   
            Sergey M. Ramodanov   Dynamic interaction of point vortices
                                  and a two-dimensional cylinder . . . . . 065403
     François Lekien and   
           Shawn C. Shadden and   
             Jerrold E. Marsden   Lagrangian coherent structures in
                                  $n$-dimensional systems  . . . . . . . . 065404
               Keith Julien and   
                 Edgar Knobloch   Reduced models for fluid flows with
                                  strong constraints . . . . . . . . . . . 065405
               Andrew Majda and   
                  Xiaoming Wang   Note on the emergence of large scale
                                  coherent structure under small scale
                                  random bombardments: The discrete case   065501
              Marcel Oliver and   
             Oliver Bühler   Transparent boundary conditions as
                                  dissipative subgrid closures for the
                                  spectral representation of scalar
                                  advection by shear flows . . . . . . . . 065502
           Alexey Cheskidov and   
          Susan Friedlander and   
              Natasa Pavlovi\'c   Inviscid dyadic model of turbulence: The
                                  fixed point and Onsager's conjecture . . 065503
         Jasmine S. Linshiz and   
                 Edriss S. Titi   Analytical study of certain
                                  magnetohydrodynamic-$ \alpha $ models    065504
     Mohamed I. Jamaloodeen and   
                 Paul K. Newton   Two-layer quasigeostrophic potential
                                  vorticity model  . . . . . . . . . . . . 065601
           Chun-Hsiung Hsia and   
                    Tian Ma and   
                  Shouhong Wang   Stratified rotating Boussinesq equations
                                  in geophysical fluid dynamics: Dynamic
                                  bifurcation and periodic solutions . . . 065602
                   Chjan C. Lim   Energy extremals and nonlinear stability
                                  in a variational theory of a coupled
                                  barotropic flow --- Rotating solid
                                  sphere system  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065603

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 7, July, 2007

            Motohisa Fukuda and   
                Michael M. Wolf   Simplifying additivity problems using
                                  direct sum constructions . . . . . . . . 072101
              Akihiro Ogura and   
                Motoo Sekiguchi   Algebraic structure of the Feynman
                                  propagator and a new correspondence for
                                  canonical transformations  . . . . . . . 072102
                S. A. Selesnick   Type structure and chiral breaking in
                                  the standard model . . . . . . . . . . . 072103
               Daniel Nagaj and   
                     Shay Mozes   New construction for a QMA complete
                                  three-local Hamiltonian  . . . . . . . . 072104
              Jianping Dong and   
                      Mingyu Xu   Some solutions to the space fractional
                                  Schrödinger equation using momentum
                                  representation method  . . . . . . . . . 072105
                    Aidan Burch   Phase space representations and
                                  perturbation theory for continuous-time
                                  histories  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072106
              Andrei Khrennikov   Quantumlike representation of extensive
                                  form games: Probabilistic aspects  . . . 072107
           C. Daskaloyannis and   
                    Y. Tanoudis   Quantum superintegrable systems with
                                  quadratic integrals on a two dimensional
                                  manifold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072108
            Paolo Gibilisco and   
           Daniele Imparato and   
                  Tommaso Isola   Uncertainty principle and quantum Fisher
                                  information. II  . . . . . . . . . . . . 072109
                  Aidan Roy and   
                    A. J. Scott   Weighted complex projective $2$-designs
                                  from bases: Optimal state determination
                                  by orthogonal measurements . . . . . . . 072110
      Jesús Urías   Spectral decomposition of Bell operators
                                  for multiqubit systems . . . . . . . . . 072111
                      Po Hu and   
                      Igor Kriz   A mathematical formalism for the Kondo
                                  effect in Wess--Zumino--Witten branes    072301
         Anders K. H. Bengtsson   Structure of higher spin gauge
                                  interactions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072302
                   F. Dahia and   
Lúcio F. P. da Silva and   
              Carlos Romero and   
                   Reza Tavakol   Warped product spaces and geodesic
                                  motion in the neighborhood of branes . . 072501
                A. Amaricci and   
                 F. Bonetto and   
                       P. Falco   Analyticity of the Sinai--Ruelle--Bowen
                                  measure for a class of simple Anosov
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072701
               Yu-Tung Chen and   
            Niann-Chern Lee and   
                  Ming-Hsien Tu   Polytropic gas dynamics revisited  . . . 072702
              Jacky Cresson and   
        Sébastien Darses   Stochastic embedding of dynamical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072703
                  Yong Chen and   
             Ming-Ping Qian and   
                 Jian-Sheng Xie   Irreversibility implies the occurrence
                                  of nonmonotonic power spectra  . . . . . 073301
               Choon-Lin Ho and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Deformed multivariable Fokker--Planck
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073302
              Seung-Yeal Ha and   
                     Se Eun Noh   Remarks on the stability of the
                                  Vlasov--Poisson--Fokker--Planck system   073303
                 Weike Wang and   
                  Tong Yang and   
                 Xiongfeng Yang   Existence of boundary layers to the
                                  Boltzmann equation with cutoff soft
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073304
             Christoph Luhn and   
                Salah Nasri and   
                  Pierre Ramond   Flavor group $ \Delta (3 n^2) $  . . . . 073501
                Ji-rong Ren and   
                     Ran Li and   
                    Yi-shi Duan   Inner topological structure of Hopf
                                  invariant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073502
          Drazen Adamovi\'c and   
                    Antun Milas   Logarithmic intertwining operators and $
                                  W(2, 2 p - 1) $ algebras . . . . . . . . 073503
            Jean-Marie Maillard   Explicit star products on orbits of
                                  nilpotent Lie groups with square
                                  integrable representations . . . . . . . 073504
           Martin Cederwall and   
                Jakob Palmkvist   The octic $ E_8 $ invariant  . . . . . . 073505
              Vladimir V. Kisil   Two-dimensional conformal models of
                                  space--time and their compactification   073506
           Ding-jiang Huang and   
            Nataliya M. Ivanova   Group analysis and exact solutions of a
                                  class of variable coefficient nonlinear
                                  telegraph equations  . . . . . . . . . . 073507
              Zai-Chun Yang and   
                        Bo Tian   Remarks on the Painlevé analysis for a $
                                  (2 + 1)$-dimensional generalization of
                                  nonlinear-Schrödinger-type equations  . . 073508
              Bang-Yen Chen and   
            Joeri Van der Veken   Spatial and Lorentzian surfaces in
                                  Robertson--Walker space times  . . . . . 073509
               W. K. Schief and   
            A. Szereszewski and   
                      C. Rogers   The Lamé equation in shell membrane
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073510
                   Dongsheng Wu   Dimension results of multifractional
                                  Brownian sheets  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073511
                 Marko Huhtanen   Energy conservation and unitary
                                  approximation numbers  . . . . . . . . . 073512
              Guanggan Chen and   
                 Jian Zhang and   
                     Yunyun Wei   Energy criterion of global existence for
                                  supercritical nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equation with harmonic potential . . . . 073513
          S. Sinel'shchikov and   
                  A. Stolin and   
                     L. Vaksman   Differential calculi on some quantum
                                  prehomogeneous vector spaces . . . . . . 073514
                   M. Merad and   
                     S. Bensaid   Wave functions for a
                                  Duffin--Kemmer--Petiau particle in a
                                  time-dependent potential . . . . . . . . 073515
               S. Albeverio and   
         P. E. T. Jorgensen and   
                 A. M. Paolucci   Multiresolution wavelet analysis of
                                  integer scale Bessel functions . . . . . 073516
                  Carlos Castro   On the noncommutative and nonassociative
                                  geometry of octonionic space time,
                                  modified dispersion relations and grand
                                  unification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073517
             Carl M. Bender and   
              Michael A. Bender   Optimal shape of a blob  . . . . . . . . 073518
            Luca Degiovanni and   
              Giovanni Rastelli   Complex variables for separation of the
                                  Hamilton--Jacobi equation on real
                                  pseudo-Riemannian manifolds  . . . . . . 073519
                  E. Kengne and   
                R. Vaillancourt   Exact solutions of the Gross--Pitaevskii
                                  equation in periodic potential in the
                                  presence of external source  . . . . . . 073520
                Shubin Wang and   
                Guixiang Xu and   
                   Guowang Chen   Cauchy problem for the generalized
                                  Benney--Luke equation  . . . . . . . . . 073521
                  E. K. Loginov   On a class of gauge theories . . . . . . 073522
                Thomas H. Otway   Comment on ``Removable singularities for
                                  solutions of coupled Yang--Mills--Dirac
                                  equations'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 47,
                                  103502 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 074101
                Thomas T. Otway   Erratum: ``Harmonic fields on the
                                  extended projective disc and a problem
                                  in optics'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46,
                                  113501 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 079901
           Roman G. Smirnov and   
               Pavel Winternitz   Erratum: ``A class of superintegrable
                                  systems of Calogero type'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 47, 093505 (2006)] . . . . . . 079902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 8, August, 2007

                     Marco Zoli   On the decay rate of the false vacuum    082101
           Frederick W. Strauch   Relativistic effects and rigorous limits
                                  for discrete- and continuous-time
                                  quantum walks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082102
                   P. Busch and   
                  D. B. Pearson   Universal joint-measurement uncertainty
                                  relation for error bars  . . . . . . . . 082103
             L. Mangiarotti and   
               G. Sardanashvily   Quantum mechanics with respect to
                                  different reference frames . . . . . . . 082104
                    Ole Ulfbeck   Simple derivation of the vector addition
                                  coefficients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082105
               Satoru Odake and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Exact Heisenberg operator solutions for
                                  multiparticle quantum mechanics  . . . . 082106
Frédéric Dupuis and   
              Nicolas Gisin and   
           Avinatan Hasidim and   
André Allan Méthot and   
                   Haran Pilpel   No nonlocal box is universal . . . . . . 082107
              Ph. Blanchard and   
                  R. Figari and   
                     A. Mantile   Point interaction Hamiltonians in
                                  bounded domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . 082108
                  C. H. Eab and   
                  S. C. Lim and   
                      L. P. Teo   Finite temperature Casimir effect for a
                                  massless fractional Klein--Gordon field
                                  with fractional Neumann conditions . . . 082301
                   A. Soylu and   
                  O. Bayrak and   
                    I. Boztosun   An approximate solution of Dirac--Hulthén
                                  problem with pseudospin and spin
                                  symmetry for any $ \kappa $ state  . . . 082302
                     A. Shirzad   Full and partial gauge fixing  . . . . . 082303
              Paul S. Aspinwall   Landau--Ginzburg to Calabi--Yau
                                  dictionary for $D$-branes  . . . . . . . 082304
               V. G. Bagrov and   
            M. C. Baldiotti and   
                   D. M. Gitman   Charged particles in crossed and
                                  longitudinal electromagnetic fields and
                                  beam guides  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082305
           I. L. Buchbinder and   
                   P. M. Lavrov   Classical Becchi--Rouet--Stora--Tyutin
                                  charge for nonlinear algebras  . . . . . 082306
               Adam Clausen and   
                 James Isenberg   Areal foliation and asymptotically
                                  velocity-term dominated behavior in $
                                  T^2 $ symmetric space--times with
                                  positive cosmological constant . . . . . 082501
  Carlos H. G. Béssa and   
                  V. B. Bezerra   On some solutions of Maxwell's equations
                                  in a Schwarzschild--de Sitter black hole 082502
                    Zhijun Qiao   New integrable hierarchy, its parametric
                                  solutions, cuspons, one-peak solitons,
                                  and $ M / W $-shape peak solitons  . . . 082701
                Jinlong Cao and   
                    Xiang Zhang   Dynamics of the Lorenz system having an
                                  invariant algebraic surface  . . . . . . 082702
               Petre Birtea and   
             Mihai Boleantu and   
                Mircea Puta and   
            Razvan Micu Tudoran   Asymptotic stability for a class of
                                  metriplectic systems . . . . . . . . . . 082703
               Yong-Xin Guo and   
               Shi-Xing Liu and   
                  Chang Liu and   
               Shao-Kai Luo and   
                      Yong Wang   Influence of nonholonomic constraints on
                                  variations, symplectic structure, and
                                  dynamics of mechanical systems . . . . . 082901
                 Hamad M. Yehia   Atlas of two-dimensional irreversible
                                  conservative Lagrangian mechanical
                                  systems with a second quadratic integral 082902
                    Izu Vaisman   Weak-Hamiltonian dynamical systems . . . 082903
              Manuel Barros and   
   José L. Cabrerizo and   
    Manuel Fernández and   
                 Alfonso Romero   Magnetic vortex filament flows . . . . . 082904
                  Derek Harland   Large scale and large period limits of
                                  symmetric calorons . . . . . . . . . . . 082905
          Jürgen Angst and   
                Jacques Franchi   Central limit theorem for a class of
                                  relativistic diffusions  . . . . . . . . 083101
                  A. I. Zenchuk   New multidimensional partially
                                  integrable generalization of
                                  $S$-integrable $N$-wave equation . . . . 083501
                 Fani Petalidou   On the geometric quantization of twisted
                                  Poisson manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . 083502
               A. E. K. Lim and   
                   J. Carminati   Determination of all syzygies for the
                                  dependent polynomial invariants of the
                                  Riemann tensor. III. Mixed invariants of
                                  arbitrary degree in the Ricci spinor . . 083503
                Edward C. Morse   Eigenfunctions of the curl in annular
                                  cylindrical and rectangular geometry . . 083504
            Kirsten Vogeler and   
                  Michael Flohr   Pure gauge $ {\rm SU}(2) $
                                  Seiberg--Witten theory and modular forms 083505
               David Romero and   
              Federico Zertuche   Number of different binary functions
                                  generated by $ N K $-Kauffman networks
                                  and the emergence of genetic robustness  083506
       Koenraad M. R. Audenaert   Subadditivity of $q$-entropies for $ q >
                                  1$ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083507
          Maciej Trzetrzelewski   Supersymmetry and Lie groups . . . . . . 083508
                  R. A. Martins   Finite temperature corrections and
                                  embedded strings in noncommutative
                                  geometry and the standard model with
                                  neutrino mixing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 083509
             Shou-Jun Huang and   
                   De-Xing Kong   Equations for the motion of relativistic
                                  torus in the Minkowski space $ \mathbb
                                  {R}^{1 + n} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083510
      Palle E. T. Jorgensen and   
             Keri Kornelson and   
                   Karen Shuman   Harmonic analysis of iterated function
                                  systems with overlap . . . . . . . . . . 083511
               Valery Serov and   
                   Markus Harju   Partial recovery of potentials in
                                  generalized nonlinear Schrödinger
                                  equations on the line  . . . . . . . . . 083512
                D. Iglesias and   
            Juan C. Marrero and   
  D. Martín de Diego and   
                     Diana Sosa   General framework for nonholonomic
                                  mechanics: Nonholonomic systems on Lie
                                  affgebroids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083513
             Hideyasu Yamashita   Comment on ``Pointwise analysis of
                                  scalar fields: A nonstandard approach'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 47, 092301 (2006)]   084101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 9, September, 2007

          Helena Granström   Incomplete Kochen--Specker coloring  . . 092101
        Imre Csiszár and   
                 Fumio Hiai and   
              Dénes Petz   Limit relation for quantum entropy and
                                  channel capacity per unit cost . . . . . 092102
                  Herbert Spohn   Notes on coherent backscattering from a
                                  random potential . . . . . . . . . . . . 092103
                Pavel Exner and   
                      Olaf Post   Convergence of resonances on thin
                                  branched quantum waveguides  . . . . . . 092104
               Adrian P. C. Lim   A nonstandard geometric quantization of
                                  the harmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . . 092105
           Thomas Curtright and   
                Luca Mezincescu   Biorthogonal quantum systems . . . . . . 092106
                 Mario Helm and   
                 Ivan Veseli\'c   Linear Wegner estimate for alloy-type
                                  Schrödinger operators on metric graphs    092107
           Thomas Curtright and   
            Luca Mezincescu and   
                 David Schuster   Supersymmetric biorthogonal quantum
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092108
               T. Birkandan and   
             M. Hortaçsu   Dirac equation in the background of the
                                  Nutku helicoid metric  . . . . . . . . . 092301
            O. G. Kharlanov and   
               V. Ch. Zhukovsky   CPT and Lorentz violation effects in
                                  hydrogenlike atoms . . . . . . . . . . . 092302
           Paulo M. Pitelli and   
           Patricio S. Letelier   Quantum singularities in space--times
                                  with spherical and cylindrical
                                  topological defects  . . . . . . . . . . 092501
                   Amos Ori and   
                   Dan Gorbonos   Simplified mathematical model for the
                                  formation of null singularities inside
                                  black holes. I. Basic formulation and a
                                  conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092502
               Dan Gorbonos and   
               Gershon Wolansky   Simplified mathematical model for the
                                  formation of null singularities inside
                                  black holes. II. Proof for a particular
                                  case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092503
             Michael Heller and   
Zdzislaw Odrzygó\'zd\'z and   
              Leszek Pysiak and   
                  Wieslaw Sasin   Anatomy of malicious singularities . . . 092504
                  Yurij Yaremko   Radiation reaction in $ 2 + 1 $
                                  electrodynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . . 092901
          Francesco Fass\`o and   
              Nicola Sansonetto   Integrable almost-symplectic Hamiltonian
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092902
             F. A. Calogero and   
                     F. Leyvraz   Isochronous extension of the Hamiltonian
                                  describing free motion in the Poincaré
                                  half-plane: Classical and quantum
                                  treatments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092903
            Suren Poghosyan and   
                    Hans Zessin   Asymptotic expansion of the
                                  log-partition function for a gas of
                                  interacting Brownian loops . . . . . . . 093301
                   A. I. Mudrov   Reflection equation and twisted Yangians 093501
            Maciej Dunajski and   
          James D. E. Grant and   
             Ian A. B. Strachan   Multidimensional integrable systems and
                                  deformations of Lie algebra
                                  homomorphisms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093502
         Jirí Patera and   
     Edita Pelantová and   
        Milena Svobodová   Fine Group Gradings of the Real Forms of
                                  $ {\rm sl}(4, \mathbb {C}) $, $ {\rm
                                  sp}(4, \mathbb {C}) $, and $ {\rm o}(4,
                                  \mathbb {C}) $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093503
                  A. Klimyk and   
                      J. Patera   (Anti)symmetric multivariate
                                  trigonometric functions and
                                  corresponding Fourier transforms . . . . 093504
          Joseph Ben Geloun and   
          M. Norbert Hounkonnou   Canonical and nonlinear vector coherent
                                  states of generalized models with
                                  spin-orbit interaction . . . . . . . . . 093505
            Simon P. Eveson and   
         Christopher J. Fewster   Mass dependence of quantum energy
                                  inequality bounds  . . . . . . . . . . . 093506
                    M. Goze and   
   M. Rausch de Traubenberg and   
                      A. Tanasa   Poincaré and $ {\rm sl}(2) $ algebras of
                                  order $3$  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093507
            John W. Barrett and   
  João Faria Martins and   
  J. Manuel García-Islas   Observables in the Turaev--Viro and
                                  Crane--Yetter models . . . . . . . . . . 093508
                  M. De Leo and   
                        D. Rial   Well posedness and smoothing effect of
                                  Schrödinger--Poisson equation . . . . . . 093509
             Katsunori Kawamura   Recursive boson system in the Cuntz
                                  algebra $ O_\infty $ . . . . . . . . . . 093510

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 10, October, 2007

                    Yuan Li and   
               Xiu-Hong Sun and   
                  Zheng-Li Chen   Generalized infimum and sequential
                                  product of quantum effects . . . . . . . 102101
        Alessandro Michelangeli   Role of scaling limits in the rigorous
                                  analysis of Bose--Einstein condensation  102102
                M. Correggi and   
          T. Rindler-Daller and   
                    J. Yngvason   Rapidly rotating Bose--Einstein
                                  condensates in homogeneous traps . . . . 102103
                Carol Braun and   
                    Anupam Garg   Semiclassical coherent-state propagator
                                  for many spins . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102104
              Chengchun Hao and   
                 Ling Hsiao and   
                   Hai-Liang Li   Global well posedness for the
                                  Gross--Pitaevskii equation with an
                                  angular momentum rotational term in
                                  three dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . 102105
José F. Cariñena and   
    Manuel F. Rañada and   
              Mariano Santander   The quantum harmonic oscillator on the
                                  sphere and the hyperbolic plane: $
                                  \kappa $-dependent formalism, polar
                                  coordinates, and hypergeometric
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102106
                J. E. Avron and   
                  G. Bisker and   
                     O. Kenneth   Visualizing two qubits . . . . . . . . . 102107
              Roland Hildebrand   Concurrence revisited  . . . . . . . . . 102108
           Sergio Albeverio and   
             Laura Cattaneo and   
            Sonia Mazzucchi and   
                 Luca Di Persio   A rigorous approach to the
                                  Feynman--Vernon influence functional and
                                  its applications. I  . . . . . . . . . . 102109
                  S. Farkas and   
             Z. Zimborás   The von Neumann entropy asymptotics in
                                  multidimensional fermionic systems . . . 102110
              Sabine Jansen and   
           Mary-Beth Ruskai and   
                   Ruedi Seiler   Bounds for the adiabatic approximation
                                  with applications to quantum computation 102111
           Thomas Curtright and   
                 Andrzej Veitia   Quasi-Hermitian quantum mechanics in
                                  phase space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102112
                  Gaetano Fiore   $q$-quaternions and $q$-deformed $ {\rm
                                  su}(2)$ instantons . . . . . . . . . . . 102301
             N. A. Kawakami and   
                M. C. Nemes and   
           Walter F. Wreszinski   The Casimir effect for parallel plates
                                  revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102302
             Vieri Mastropietro   Renormalization group and Ward
                                  identities for infrared QED4 . . . . . . 102303
              Stefan Haesen and   
            Leopold Verstraelen   Pseudosymmetry collineations . . . . . . 102501
                W. E. Couch and   
                   C. L. Holder   Liouvillian perturbations of black holes 102502
                A. H. Bilge and   
                      D. Daghan   Scalar fields coupled to gravity in $ (3
                                  + 1) $ dimensions: Static spherically
                                  symmetric stiff matter solutions . . . . 102503
        Joan Josep Ferrando and   
       Juan Antonio Sáez   On the invariant symmetries of the
                                  $D$-metrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102504
                   Wei Wang and   
                   Jinqiao Duan   A dynamical approximation for stochastic
                                  partial differential equations . . . . . 102701
          Metin Gürses and   
         Ismagil Habibullin and   
          Kostyantyn Zheltukhin   Integrable boundary value problems for
                                  elliptic type Toda lattice in a disk . . 102702
                 Stephen G. Low   Relativity group for noninertial frames
                                  in Hamilton's mechanics  . . . . . . . . 102901
              Joshua T. Horwood   Higher order first integrals in
                                  classical mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . 102902
                  R. Ghanam and   
                F. Hindeleh and   
                    G. Thompson   Bi-invariant and noninvariant metrics on
                                  Lie groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102903
                   Hongyun Wang   A new derivation of the randomness
                                  parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103301
         A. Pérez-Madrid   Statistical mechanical theory of an
                                  oscillating isolated system: The
                                  relaxation to equilibrium  . . . . . . . 103302
            Hidetoshi Konno and   
             Fumitoshi Watanabe   Maximum likelihood estimators for
                                  generalized Cauchy processes . . . . . . 103303
               Stefan Adams and   
                    Tony Dorlas   $ C^* $-algebraic approach to the
                                  Bose--Hubbard model  . . . . . . . . . . 103304
                 Kwangseok Choe   Asymptotic behavior of condensate
                                  solutions in the Chern--Simons--Higgs
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103501
                   Jaeseong Heo   Stationary stochastic processes in a
                                  group system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103502
      Palle E. T. Jorgensen and   
                 Myung-Sin Song   Entropy encoding, Hilbert space, and
                                  Karhunen--Lo\`eve transforms . . . . . . 103503
                Elena Poletaeva   Embedding of the Lie superalgebra $ D(2,
                                  1; \alpha) $ into the Lie superalgebra
                                  of pseudodifferential symbols on $ S^{1
                                  | 2} $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103504
              B. Abdesselam and   
             A. Chakrabarti and   
               V. K. Dobrev and   
                    S. G. Mihov   Higher dimensional multiparameter
                                  unitary and nonunitary braid matrices:
                                  Even dimensions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103505
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   The measure of a measurement . . . . . . 103506
               N. J. MacKay and   
                      A. Taylor   Rational $R$-matrices, centralizer
                                  algebras and tensor identities for $
                                  e_6$ and $ e_7$ exceptional families of
                                  Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103507
               De-Xing Kong and   
                     Kefeng Liu   Wave character of metrics and hyperbolic
                                  geometric flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103508
                    Lina Ji and   
                  Changzheng Qu   Conditional Lie Bäcklund symmetries and
                                  solutions to $ (n + 1)$-dimensional
                                  nonlinear diffusion equations  . . . . . 103509
                   Ruguang Zhou   Integrable Rosochatius deformations of
                                  the restricted soliton flows . . . . . . 103510
                     A. G. Ramm   Many-body wave scattering by small
                                  bodies and applications  . . . . . . . . 103511
                   N. Joshi and   
               A. V. Kitaev and   
                 P. A. Treharne   On the linearization of the Painlevé
                                  III--VI equations and reductions of the
                                  three-wave resonant system . . . . . . . 103512
         M. R. Abdollahpour and   
               F. Bagarello and   
                      S. Triolo   An invariant analytic orthonormalization
                                  procedure with applications  . . . . . . 103513
             A. W. Sáenz   Erratum: ``Proof of the existence of the
                                  axial-to-planar channeling transition in
                                  a simple crystal model'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 47, 062904 (2006)] . . . . . . 109901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 11, November, 2007

          Tomás Kopf and   
                  Mario Paschke   Generally covariant quantum mechanics on
                                  noncommutative configuration spaces  . . 112101
                 Siendong Huang   Generalized Einstein--Podolsky--Rosen
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112102
              A. D. Ribeiro and   
         M. A. M. de Aguiar and   
        A. F. R. de Toledo Piza   Trace formula for systems with spin from
                                  the coherent state propagator  . . . . . 112103
             Khireddine Nouicer   Coulomb potential in one dimension with
                                  minimal length: A path integral approach 112104
            Andrei Galiautdinov   Single-step controlled-NOT logic from
                                  any exchange interaction . . . . . . . . 112105
              A. Chenaghlou and   
                       O. Faizy   Barut--Girardello and Klauder--Perelomov
                                  coherent states for the Kravchuk
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112106
           Maria J. Esteban and   
                        M. Loss   Self-adjointness for Dirac operators via
                                  Hardy--Dirac inequalities  . . . . . . . 112107
            Viktor Bezák   Tunneling through inhomogeneous delta
                                  barriers as diffraction and scattering   112108
              Aurelian Gheondea   Comment on ``A note on the infimum
                                  problem of Hilbert space effects'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 47, 102103 (2006)] . . . 112109
           József Pitrik   Markovian quasifree states on canonical
                                  anticommutation relation algebras  . . . 112110
                  Farhang Loran   Kähler quantization of $ H^*(\mathbb
                                  {T}^2, \mathbb {R}) $ and modular forms  112301
         Geusa de A.Marques and   
             J. G. de Assis and   
                  V. B. Bezerra   Some effects on quantum systems due to
                                  the gravitational field of a cosmic
                                  string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112501
Arturo Echeverría-Enríquez and   
      Manuel de León and   
Miguel C. Muñoz-Lecanda and   
       Narciso Román-Roy   Extended Hamiltonian systems in
                                  multisymplectic field theories . . . . . 112901
                   Danilo Bruno   Constructing a class of solutions for
                                  the Hamilton--Jacobi equation in field
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112902
           Giuseppe Pucacco and   
                 Kjell Rosquist   $ (1 + 1)$-dimensional separation of
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112903
        Veit Schwämmle and   
            Constantino Tsallis   Two-parameter generalization of the
                                  logarithm and exponential functions and
                                  Boltzmann--Gibbs--Shannon entropy  . . . 113301
       Walter H. Aschbacher and   
           Jean-Marie Barbaroux   Exponential spatial decay of spin-spin
                                  correlations in translation invariant
                                  quasifree states . . . . . . . . . . . . 113302
            Kazumoto Iguchi and   
              Hiroaki S. Yamada   General connectivity distribution
                                  functions for growing networks with
                                  preferential attachment of fractional
                                  power  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113303
              Xianwen Zhang and   
                     Shigeng Hu   $ L^p $ solutions to the Cauchy problem
                                  of the BGK equation  . . . . . . . . . . 113304
        Burak Tevfik Kaynak and   
               O. Teoman Turgut   Symbol calculus and zeta-function
                                  regularized determinants . . . . . . . . 113501
                     Ya-Jun Gao   Extended double-complex linear systems
                                  and new multiple infinite-dimensional
                                  hidden symmetries for the general
                                  symplectic gravity models  . . . . . . . 113502
             S.-A. Yahiaoui and   
                O. Cherroud and   
                    M. Bentaiba   Effective potential and resummation
                                  procedure to multidimensional complex
                                  cubic potentials for weak and strong
                                  coupling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113503
                     Chul Ki Ko   Remarks on the decomposition of
                                  Dirichlet forms on standard forms of von
                                  Neumann algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 113504
                 R. Fioresi and   
         M. A. Lledó and   
              V. S. Varadarajan   The Minkowski and conformal superspaces  113505
                  A. Doliwa and   
             M. Nieszporski and   
                  P. M. Santini   Integrable lattices and their
                                  sublattices. II. From the
                                  B-quadrilateral lattice to the
                                  self-adjoint schemes on the triangular
                                  and the honeycomb lattices . . . . . . . 113506
                Giacomo Dossena   Some results on the Zeeman topology  . . 113507
                     J. Sadeghi   Dirac oscillator with minimal lengths
                                  and free particle on $ {\rm AdS}_2 $ and
                                  $ S^2 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113508
                  Elena Kaikina   Pseudodifferential operator with a
                                  nonanalytic symbol on a half-line  . . . 113509
          Vito Antonio Cimmelli   An extension of Liu procedure in weakly
                                  nonlocal thermodynamics  . . . . . . . . 113510
                  Frank Klinker   The decomposition of the spinor bundle
                                  of Grassmann manifolds . . . . . . . . . 113511
                 L. Freidel and   
                    K. Noui and   
                      Ph. Roche   6$j$ symbols duality relations . . . . . 113512
                 Lixin Tian and   
                    Chunyu Shen   Optimal control of the viscous
                                  Degasperis--Procesi equation . . . . . . 113513
                Mehmet Koca and   
           Mudhahir Al-Ajmi and   
             Ramazan Koç   Polyhedra obtained from Coxeter groups
                                  and quaternions  . . . . . . . . . . . . 113514
                Vincenzo Chilla   Selection and identity rules for
                                  subductions of type $A$ quantum
                                  Iwahori--Hecke algebras  . . . . . . . . 113515
              K. Kanakoglou and   
               C. Daskaloyannis   A braided look at Green ansatz for
                                  parabosons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113516
                    Q. Chen and   
                    J. Jost and   
                        G. Wang   Liouville theorems for Dirac-harmonic
                                  maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113517
              E. G. Kalnins and   
                J. M. Kress and   
                      W. Miller   Nondegenerate three-dimensional complex
                                  Euclidean superintegrable systems and
                                  algebraic varieties  . . . . . . . . . . 113518
                Jingsong He and   
                  Zhiwei Wu and   
                       Yi Cheng   Gauge transformations for the
                                  constrained CKP and BKP hierarchies  . . 113519
               W. J. Zakrzewski   Surfaces in $ R^{N^2 - 1} $ based on
                                  harmonic maps $ S^2 \rightarrow C P^{N -
                                  1} $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113520
                    T. Skrypnyk   Generalized Gaudin spin chains, nonskew
                                  symmetric $r$-matrices, and reflection
                                  equation algebras  . . . . . . . . . . . 113521

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 48, Number 12, December, 2007

    Christian Gérard and   
       Rafael Tiedra de Aldecoa   Generalized definition of time delay in
                                  scattering theory  . . . . . . . . . . . 122101
                  S. Michalakis   Multiplicativity of the maximal output
                                  $2$-norm for depolarized Werner--Holevo
                                  channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122102
                Fatih Erman and   
               O. Teoman Turgut   Nonrelativistic Lee model in three
                                  dimensional Riemannian manifolds . . . . 122103
                     Ryu Sasaki   Quasiexactly solvable difference
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122104
               Satoru Odake and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Multiparticle quasiexactly solvable
                                  difference equations . . . . . . . . . . 122105
                   William Boos   Stochastic representations of Feynman
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122106
                 Nuri Ünal   Parametric-time coherent states for
                                  Smorodinsky--Winternitz potentials . . . 122107
                  M. B. Halpern   The orbifolds of permutation type as
                                  physical string systems at multiples of
                                  $ c = 26 $. V. Cyclic permutation
                                  orbifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122301
                   Peter Morgan   Lie fields revisited . . . . . . . . . . 122302
                      M. Ibison   On the conformal forms of the
                                  Robertson--Walker metric . . . . . . . . 122501
                  Dieter Schuch   Connection between quantum mechanical
                                  and classical time evolution of certain
                                  dissipative systems via a dynamical
                                  invariant  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122701
            J. S. Brauchart and   
               D. P. Hardin and   
                     E. B. Saff   The support of the limit distribution of
                                  optimal Riesz energy points on sets of
                                  revolution in $ \mathbb {R}^3 $  . . . . 122901
                 P. Freitas and   
             R. S. Laugesen and   
                  G. F. Liddell   On convex surfaces with minimal moment
                                  of inertia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122902
              M. C. Carrisi and   
                     S. Pennisi   An exact fluid model for relativistic
                                  electron beams: The many moment case . . 123101
                      Dening Li   Shock reflection and oblique shock waves 123102
                 Fumio Hiai and   
       Milán Mosonyi and   
                 Tomohiro Ogawa   Large deviations and Chernoff bound for
                                  certain correlated states on a spin
                                  chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123301
               Wu-Sheng Dai and   
                         Mi Xie   Interacting quantum gases in confined
                                  space: Two- and three-dimensional
                                  equations of state . . . . . . . . . . . 123302
             Abdessatar Khelifi   Determination of small amplitude
                                  perturbations for the electric
                                  permittivity from partial dynamic
                                  boundary measurements  . . . . . . . . . 123501
               Martin Klaus and   
                 Boris Mityagin   Coupling constant behavior of
                                  eigenvalues of Zakharov--Shabat systems  123502
                    Sasha Sodin   Random matrices, nonbacktracking walks,
                                  and orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . 123503
                      V. Romano   Quantum corrections to the semiclassical
                                  hydrodynamical model of semiconductors
                                  based on the maximum entropy principle   123504
                    Peter Pickl   Generalized eigenfunctions for Dirac
                                  operators near criticality . . . . . . . 123505
                      Assane Lo   On the exponential decay of the
                                  $n$-point correlation functions and the
                                  analyticity of the pressure  . . . . . . 123506
           Matthias Schmidt and   
                Mike R. Jeffrey   Peel or coat spheres by convolution,
                                  repeatedly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123507
              Seung-Yeal Ha and   
                         Ho Lee   Global well posedness of the
                                  relativistic Vlasov--Yukawa system with
                                  small data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123508
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Deformation quantization of almost Kähler
                                  models and Lagrange--Finsler spaces  . . 123509
                M. C. Nucci and   
                 P. G. L. Leach   Lagrangians galore . . . . . . . . . . . 123510
                Reinhard Starkl   New explicit solutions of Einstein
                                  equations in the framework of GAP Theory 123511
                    M. A. Shpot   A massive Feynman integral and some
                                  reduction relations for Appell functions 123512
    Sebastián Freyre and   
 Matías Graña and   
              Leandro Vendramin   On Nichols algebras over $ {\rm SL}(2,
                                  \mathbb {F}_q) $ and $ {\rm GL}(2,
                                  \mathbb {F}_q) $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 123513
          Anatol Odzijewicz and   
          Tomasz Goli\'nski and   
        Agnieszka Tereszkiewicz   Coherent state maps related to the
                                  bounded positive operators . . . . . . . 123514
         Nenad Manojlovi\'c and   
             Zoltán Nagy   Algebraic Bethe ansatz for the elliptic
                                  quantum group $ E_{\tau, \eta
                                  }(A_2^{(2)}) $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123515
              Petko Nikolov and   
                Tihomir Valchev   Description of all conformally invariant
                                  differential operators, acting on scalar
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123516
                R. da Rocha and   
            J. M. Hoff da Silva   From Dirac spinor fields to
                                  eigenspinoren des
                                  ladungskonjugationsoperators . . . . . . 123517
             Giovanni Calvaruso   Three-dimensional homogeneous Lorentzian
                                  metrics with prescribed Ricci tensor . . 123518
             Christoph Luhn and   
                Salah Nasri and   
                  Pierre Ramond   Simple finite non-Abelian flavor groups  123519
                       Kei Miki   A $ (q, \gamma) $ analog of the $ W_{1 +
                                  \infty } $ algebra . . . . . . . . . . . 123520

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 1, January, 2008

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Announcement: Special Issue on
                                  ``Statistical Mechanics on Random
                                  Structures'' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010201
                Itamar Pitowsky   New Bell inequalities for the singlet
                                  state: Going beyond the Grothendieck
                                  bound  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012101
              D. M. Appleby and   
          Ingemar Bengtsson and   
                  S. Chaturvedi   Spectra of phase point operators in odd
                                  prime dimensions and the extended
                                  Clifford group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012102
               Jianxin Chen and   
                Runyao Duan and   
               Zhengfeng Ji and   
             Mingsheng Ying and   
                         Jun Yu   Existence of universal entangler . . . . 012103
           Sergei K. Suslov and   
                  Benjamin Trey   The Hahn polynomials in the
                                  nonrelativistic and relativistic Coulomb
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012104
         Ali Saif M. Hassan and   
                 Pramod S. Joag   On the degree conjecture for
                                  separability of multipartite quantum
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012105
                   Attila Andai   Uncertainty principle with quantum
                                  Fisher information . . . . . . . . . . . 012106
           Fabio Bernardoni and   
       Sergio L. Cacciatori and   
         Bianca L. Cerchiai and   
                 Antonio Scotti   Mapping the geometry of the $ E_6 $
                                  group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012107
                Nejat T. Yilmaz   Dualization of the principal sigma model 012301
         Rafael D. Benguria and   
               Michael Loss and   
                Heinz Siedentop   Stability of atoms and molecules in an
                                  Thomas--Fermi--Weizsäcker model . . . . . 012302
                S. S. Rajah and   
                  S. D. Maharaj   A Riccati equation in radiative stellar
                                  collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012501
                   Dong Liu and   
                    Cuipo Jiang   Harish-Chandra modules over the twisted
                                  Heisenberg--Virasoro algebra . . . . . . 012901
                  A. O. Bolivar   Generalization of the classical Kramers
                                  rate for non-Markovian open systems out
                                  of equilibrium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013301
                     Tao Xu and   
            Hai-Qiang Zhang and   
              Ya-Xing Zhang and   
                    Juan Li and   
                  Qian Feng and   
                        Bo Tian   Two types of generalized integrable
                                  decompositions and new solitary-wave
                                  solutions for the modified
                                  Kadomtsev--Petviashvili equation with
                                  symbolic computation . . . . . . . . . . 013501
              L. N. Lipatov and   
   M. Rausch de Traubenberg and   
                   G. G. Volkov   On the ternary complex analysis and its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013502
                   T. Gorin and   
             G. V. López   Monomial integrals on the classical
                                  groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013503
               Paolo Albini and   
           Alessandro Toigo and   
             Veronica Umanit\`a   Relations between convergence rates in
                                  Schatten $p$-norms . . . . . . . . . . . 013504
      Alexander I. Nesterov and   
Fermín Aceves de la Cruz   Infinite-dimensional representations of
                                  the rotation group and Dirac monopole
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013505
                    Juan Hu and   
              Hong-Yan Wang and   
                    Hon-Wah Tam   Source generation of the
                                  Davey--Stewartson equation . . . . . . . 013506
                 Hong-Ke Du and   
              Yue-Qing Wang and   
                    Jun-Lian Xu   Applications of the generalized Lüders
                                  theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013507
                  J. Arroyo and   
                O. J. Garay and   
            J. J. Mencía   Unit speed stationary points of the
                                  acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013508
                  S. C. Lim and   
                      L. P. Teo   Sample path properties of fractional
                                  Riesz--Bessel field of variable order    013509
 Christodoulos Athanasiadis and   
            Nikolaos L. Tsitsas   Radiation relations for electromagnetic
                                  excitation of a layered chiral medium by
                                  an interior dipole . . . . . . . . . . . 013510
          Mark Chanachowicz and   
           Claudia M. Chanu and   
          Raymond G. McLenaghan   Invariant classification of the
                                  rotationally symmetric $R$-separable
                                  webs for the Laplace equation in
                                  Euclidean space  . . . . . . . . . . . . 013511
               I. Marquette and   
                  P. Winternitz   Erratum: ``Polynomial Poisson Algebras
                                  for Classical Superintegrable Systems
                                  with a Third Order Integral of Motion'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 48, 012902 (2007)]   019901
           Carlton M. Caves and   
       Christopher A. Fuchs and   
            Rüdiger Schack   Erratum: ``Unknown quantum states: The
                                  quantum de Finetti representation'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 44, 4537 (2002)] . . . . 019902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 2, February, 2008

        Charis Anastopoulos and   
                 Ntina Savvidou   Time-of-arrival probabilities and
                                  quantum measurements. II. Application to
                                  tunneling times  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022101
           Lluís Masanes   Useful entanglement can be extracted
                                  from all nonseparable states . . . . . . 022102
            Charis Anastopoulos   Time-of-arrival probabilities and
                                  quantum measurements. III. Decay of
                                  unstable states  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022103
              A. Chenaghlou and   
                       O. Faizy   Gazeau--Klauder coherent states for
                                  trigonometric Rosen--Morse potential . . 022104
                       G. Eskin   Inverse problems for the Schrödinger
                                  equations with time-dependent
                                  electromagnetic potentials and the
                                  Aharonov--Bohm effect  . . . . . . . . . 022105
                      C. Quesne   Oscillator--Morse--Coulomb mappings and
                                  algebras for constant or
                                  position-dependent mass  . . . . . . . . 022106
                Toby Cubitt and   
           Ashley Montanaro and   
                 Andreas Winter   On the dimension of subspaces with
                                  bounded Schmidt rank . . . . . . . . . . 022107
                  Rebing Wu and   
           Alexander Pechen and   
            Herschel Rabitz and   
              Michael Hsieh and   
                  Benjamin Tsou   Control landscapes for observable
                                  preparation with open quantum systems    022108
                      N. Michel   Direct demonstration of the completeness
                                  of the eigenstates of the Schrödinger
                                  equation with local and nonlocal
                                  potentials bearing a Coulomb tail  . . . 022109
                   Gabriel Nagy   On spectra of Lüders operations . . . . . 022110
                  Robert Strich   Passive states for essential observers   022301
                     A. Boumali   On the eigensolutions of the
                                  one-dimensional Duffin--Kemmer--Petiau
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022302
                  J. Gariel and   
              G. Marcilhacy and   
                   N. O. Santos   Stationary axisymmetric solutions
                                  involving a third order equation
                                  irreducible to Painlevé transcendents . . 022501
                 G. S. Hall and   
                    D. P. Lonie   The principle of equivalence and
                                  cosmological metrics . . . . . . . . . . 022502
                  M. Marvan and   
               O. Stolín   On local equivalence problem of
                                  space--times with two orthogonally
                                  transitive commuting Killing fields  . . 022503
                        Lu Ding   Positive mass theorems for higher
                                  dimensional Lorentzian manifolds . . . . 022504
               Maria Przybylska   Differential Galois obstructions for
                                  integrability of homogeneous Newton
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022701
                Attilio Maccari   Chaotic, fractal, and coherent solutions
                                  for a new integrable system of equations
                                  in $ 2 + 1 $ dimensions  . . . . . . . . 022702
      César Castilho and   
           Hélio Machado   The $N$-vortex problem on a symmetric
                                  ellipsoid: A perturbation approach . . . 022703
                   Arash Yavari   On geometric discretization of
                                  elasticity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022901
              P. E. Verrier and   
                    N. W. Evans   A new superintegrable Hamiltonian  . . . 022902
        Ciprian Sorin Acatrinei   Dimensional reduction for generalized
                                  Poisson brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . 022903
                 Yuming Qin and   
                   Shenglan Wen   Global existence of spherically
                                  symmetric solutions for nonlinear
                                  compressible Navier--Stokes equations    023101
          Joshua T. Horwood and   
          Raymond G. McLenaghan   Orthogonal separation of variables for
                                  the Hamilton--Jacobi and wave equations
                                  in three-dimensional Minkowski space . . 023501
             S. Ruijsenaars and   
                   L. Stodolsky   On the Euclidean version of the photon
                                  number integral  . . . . . . . . . . . . 023502
                  E. Kengne and   
                  X. X. Liu and   
              B. A. Malomed and   
                 S. T. Chui and   
                      W. M. Liu   Explicit solutions to an effective
                                  Gross--Pitaevskii equation:
                                  One-dimensional Bose--Einstein
                                  condensate in specific traps . . . . . . 023503
             Dennis DeTurck and   
                   Herman Gluck   Electrodynamics and the Gauss linking
                                  integral on the $3$-sphere and in
                                  hyperbolic $3$-space . . . . . . . . . . 023504
           Carina Boyallian and   
                Vanesa Meinardi   Quasifinite representations of the Lie
                                  superalgebra of quantum
                                  pseudodifferential operators . . . . . . 023505
Frédéric Hélein   A representation formula for maps on
                                  supermanifolds . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023506
             Rafael del Rio and   
            Carmen Martinez and   
          Hermann Schulz-Baldes   Spectral averaging techniques for Jacobi
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023507
                   M. Daoud and   
                      A. Hamama   Noncommutative scalar fields from
                                  symplectic deformation . . . . . . . . . 023508
          Joseph Ben Geloun and   
          M. Norbert Hounkonnou   Bosonic quasideterminants and eigenvalue
                                  problems of generalized spin-orbit
                                  operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023509
               P. P. Kulish and   
              N. Manojlovic and   
                        Z. Nagy   Quantum symmetry algebras of spin
                                  systems related to Temperley--Lieb
                                  $R$-matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023510
                Salih Celik and   
               Ergün Yasar   The Hopf algebra structure of the $ Z^3
                                  $-graded quantum supergroup $ {\rm
                                  GL}_{q, j}(1 | 1) $  . . . . . . . . . . 023511
        Tamás Gál   Erratum: ``Differentiation of
                                  functionals with variables coupled by
                                  conservation constraints: Analysis
                                  through a fluid-dynamical model'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 48, 053520 (2007)] . . . 029901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 3, March, 2008

            Walid K. Abou Salem   Solitary wave dynamics in time-dependent
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032101
             Richard Durran and   
               Andrew Neate and   
                  Aubrey Truman   The divine clockwork: Bohr's
                                  correspondence principle and Nelson's
                                  stochastic mechanics for the atomic
                                  elliptic state . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032102
       Emanuel H. Rubensson and   
              Elias Rudberg and   
                    Pawel Salek   Rotations of occupied invariant
                                  subspaces in self-consistent field
                                  calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032103
              Werner Stulpe and   
                     Paul Busch   The structure of classical extensions of
                                  quantum probability theory . . . . . . . 032104
              J.-C. Boileau and   
                L. Sheridan and   
                M. Laforest and   
                 S. D. Bartlett   Quantum reference frames and the
                                  classification of rotationally invariant
                                  maps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032105
                 R. Carbone and   
                 F. Fagnola and   
        J. C. García and   
                     R. Quezada   Spectral properties of the two-photon
                                  absorption and emission process  . . . . 032106
            Gregory Beylkin and   
       Martin J. Mohlenkamp and   
          Fernando Pérez   Approximating a wavefunction as an
                                  unconstrained sum of Slater determinants 032107
                E. K. Lenzi and   
          B. F. de Oliveira and   
             L. R. da Silva and   
              L. R. Evangelista   Solutions for a Schrödinger equation with
                                  a nonlocal term  . . . . . . . . . . . . 032108
                 B. Dierckx and   
                  M. Fannes and   
                 M. Pogorzelska   Fermionic quasifree states and maps in
                                  information theory . . . . . . . . . . . 032109
            S. Twareque Ali and   
                   F. Bagarello   Supersymmetric associated vector
                                  coherent states and generalized Landau
                                  levels arising from two-dimensional
                                  supersymmetry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032110
                   P. Exner and   
                      S. Kondej   Hiatus perturbation for a singular
                                  Schrödinger operator with an interaction
                                  supported by a curve in $ \mathbb {R}^3
                                  $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032111
                 Fumio Hiai and   
       Milán Mosonyi and   
                 Tomohiro Ogawa   Error exponents in hypothesis testing
                                  for correlated states on a spin chain    032112
        Stanislaw J. Szarek and   
           Elisabeth Werner and   
               Karol Zyczkowski   Geometry of sets of quantum maps: A
                                  generic positive map acting on a
                                  high-dimensional system is not
                                  completely positive  . . . . . . . . . . 032113
            Lajos Molnár   Maps on states preserving the relative
                                  entropy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032114
         Cecilia Albertsson and   
    Ladislav Hlavatý and   
                    Libor Snobl   On the Poisson--Lie $T$-plurality of
                                  boundary conditions  . . . . . . . . . . 032301
         Michael R. Douglas and   
             Robert L. Karp and   
               Sergio Lukic and   
         René Reinbacher   Numerical Calabi--Yau metrics  . . . . . 032302
                   S. C. Tiwari   Topological photon . . . . . . . . . . . 032303
                  Felix Finster   On the regularized fermionic projector
                                  of the vacuum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032304
       D. H. Jakubassa-Amundsen   Heat kernel estimates and spectral
                                  properties of a pseudorelativistic
                                  operator with magnetic field . . . . . . 032305
                  T. Garidi and   
               J.-P. Gazeau and   
                 S. Rouhani and   
                   M. V. Takook   ``Massless'' vector field in de Sitter
                                  universe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032501
                   Raj Bali and   
         Naresh Kumar Chandnani   Bianchi type-I cosmological model for
                                  perfect fluid distribution in Lyra
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032502
                 F. Girelli and   
                H. Pfeiffer and   
                  E. M. Popescu   Topological higher gauge theory: From $
                                  B F $ to $ B F C G $ theory  . . . . . . 032503
            Adel F. Antippa and   
               Daniel M. Dubois   Hyperincursive discrete harmonic
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032701
               Jaume Llibre and   
                Cl\`audia Valls   Darboux integrability and algebraic
                                  invariant surfaces for the Rikitake
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032702
José F. Cariñena and   
    Manuel F. Rañada and   
              Mariano Santander   The harmonic oscillator on Riemannian
                                  and Lorentzian configuration spaces of
                                  constant curvature . . . . . . . . . . . 032703
         A. Anzaldo-Meneses and   
         F. Monroy-Pérez   Dynamical systems and nilpotent
                                  sub-Riemannian geometry  . . . . . . . . 032704
                 M. Crampin and   
                     T. Mestdag   Routh's procedure for non-Abelian
                                  symmetry groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . 032901
                    A. J. Adams   Postbuckling of circular rings: An
                                  analytical solution  . . . . . . . . . . 032902
                  T. Ochiai and   
               U. Leonhardt and   
                   J. C. Nacher   A novel design of dielectric perfect
                                  invisibility devices . . . . . . . . . . 032903
              Mariya Shcherbina   Double scaling limit for matrix models
                                  with nonanalytic potentials  . . . . . . 033501
         Jan-Hendrik Jureit and   
           Christoph A. Stephan   On a classification of irreducible
                                  almost-commutative geometries IV . . . . 033502
                    Wen-An Yong   An interesting class of partial
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 033503
            Erasmo Ferreira and   
                   Javier Sesma   Representation of integral dispersion
                                  relations by local forms . . . . . . . . 033504
      R. Figueiredo Camargo and   
           Ary O. Chiacchio and   
         E. Capelas de Oliveira   Differentiation to fractional orders and
                                  the fractional telegraph equation  . . . 033505
                Peter A. Becker   Spectral formation in X-ray pulsars and
                                  associated identities involving the
                                  Laguerre polynomials . . . . . . . . . . 033506
            Evelyn Weimar-Woods   Contractions of invariants of Lie
                                  algebras with applications to classical
                                  inhomogeneous Lie algebras . . . . . . . 033507
               Leonard N. Choup   Edgeworth expansion of the largest
                                  eigenvalue distribution function of
                                  Gaussian unitary ensemble revisited  . . 033508
                 Andrzej Sitarz   Twisted Dirac operators over quantum
                                  spheres  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033509
                S. M. Iguri and   
               M. A. Castagnino   Some remarks on the
                                  Gelfand--Naimark--Segal representations
                                  of topological ${}^*$-algebras . . . . . 033510
                 Wen-Xiu Ma and   
               Jing-Song He and   
                   Zhen-Yun Qin   A supertrace identity and its
                                  applications to superintegrable systems  033511
                   Levent Akant   Equivariant symplectic geometry of gauge
                                  fixing in Yang--Mills theory . . . . . . 033512
                   Hai-Jun Wang   General nonlocality in quantum fields    033513
                Kazuhiko Minami   The free energies of six-vertex models
                                  and the $n$-equivalence relation . . . . 033514
            Igor A. Batalin and   
                   Klaus Bering   Odd scalar curvature in field-antifield
                                  formalism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033515
                 Zhengguang Guo   Blow up, global existence, and infinite
                                  propagation speed for the weakly
                                  dissipative Camassa--Holm equation . . . 033516
               R. Sahadevan and   
                   S. Rajakumar   Bilinear, trilinear forms, and exact
                                  solution of certain fourth order
                                  integrable difference equations  . . . . 033517
  P. Kocábová and   
             P. Stovícek   Generalized Bloch analysis and
                                  propagators on Riemannian manifolds with
                                  a discrete symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . 033518
        Jacek Chmieli\'nski and   
          Dijana Ilisevi\'c and   
     Mohammad Sal Moslehian and   
                 Ghadir Sadeghi   Perturbation of the Wigner equation in
                                  inner product $ C^* $-modules  . . . . . 033519
                 Fani Petalidou   Addendum: ``On the geometric
                                  quantization of twisted Poisson
                                  manifolds'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 48,
                                  083502 (2007)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033520

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 4, April, 2008

                  H. Fakhri and   
                    A. Dehghani   Comment on ``Barut--Girardello and
                                  Klauder--Perelomov coherent states for
                                  the Kravchuk functions'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 48, 112106 (2007)] . . . . . . 042101
 F. G. S. L. Brandão and   
                      J. Eisert   Correlated entanglement distillation and
                                  the structure of the set of
                                  undistillable states . . . . . . . . . . 042102
              Fabio Benatti and   
       Alexandra M. Liguori and   
                      Adam Nagy   Environment induced bipartite
                                  entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042103
                  D. Robert and   
                   A. V. Smilga   Supersymmetry versus ghosts  . . . . . . 042104
    Gianfausto Dell'Antonio and   
             Rodolfo Figari and   
                Alessandro Teta   Joint excitation probability for two
                                  harmonic oscillators in one dimension
                                  and the Mott problem . . . . . . . . . . 042105
           Martin Rötteler   Dynamical decoupling schemes derived
                                  from Hamilton cycles . . . . . . . . . . 042106
               Y. Bouguerra and   
                A. Bounames and   
                M. Maamache and   
                       Y. Saadi   Time-dependent Pauli equation in the
                                  presence of the Aharonov--Bohm effect    042107
         Vladimir Dzhunushaliev   Nonassociativity, supersymmetry, and
                                  hidden variables . . . . . . . . . . . . 042108
                   Akito Suzuki   Physical subspace in a model of the
                                  quantized electromagnetic field coupled
                                  to an external field with an indefinite
                                  metric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042301
               M. Chaichian and   
               P. P. Kulish and   
                 A. Tureanu and   
                R. B. Zhang and   
                     Xiao Zhang   Noncommutative fields and actions of
                                  twisted Poincaré algebra  . . . . . . . . 042302
    Paulo A. Faria da Veiga and   
              Michael O'Carroll   Eightfold way from dynamical first
                                  principles in strongly coupled lattice
                                  quantum chromodynamics . . . . . . . . . 042303
                  Carlos Castro   The Euclidean gravitational action as
                                  black hole entropy, singularities, and
                                  spacetime voids  . . . . . . . . . . . . 042501
                C. Garraffo and   
                 G. Giribet and   
                E. Gravanis and   
                    S. Willison   Gravitational solitons and $ C^0 $
                                  vacuum metrics in five-dimensional
                                  Lovelock gravity . . . . . . . . . . . . 042502
   Gérard Clément   The symmetries of five-dimensional
                                  minimal supergravity reduced to three
                                  dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042503
           Roberto Giamb\`o and   
             Fabio Giannoni and   
                   Giulio Magli   Genericity of black hole formation in
                                  the gravitational collapse of
                                  homogeneous self-interacting scalar
                                  fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042504
                   D. Sugny and   
              P. Mardesi\'c and   
               M. Pelletier and   
                 A. Jebrane and   
                  H. R. Jauslin   Fractional Hamiltonian monodromy from a
                                  Gauss--Manin monodromy . . . . . . . . . 042701
                    Michail Zak   Quantum-inspired maximizer . . . . . . . 042702
              Glenn Barnich and   
             Geoffrey Comp\`ere   Surface charge algebra in gauge theories
                                  and thermodynamic integrability  . . . . 042901
               Stefano Pasquero   Nonideal unilateral constraints in
                                  impulsive mechanics: A geometric
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042902
             Manuele Santoprete   Gravitational and harmonic oscillator
                                  potentials on surfaces of revolution . . 042903
              Arnaud Heibig and   
            Liviu Iulian Palade   On the rest state stability of an
                                  objective fractional derivative
                                  viscoelastic fluid model . . . . . . . . 043101
             A. Scardicchio and   
           F. H. Stillinger and   
                    S. Torquato   Estimates of the optimal density of
                                  sphere packings in high dimensions . . . 043301
         Joe V. Pulé and   
   André F. Verbeure and   
          Valentin A. Zagrebnov   On solvable boson models . . . . . . . . 043302
               C. Chevalier and   
                    F. Debbasch   Relativistic diffusions: A unifying
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043303
                 Mitsuo Abe and   
             Katsunori Kawamura   Branching laws for endomorphisms of
                                  fermions and the Cuntz algebra $ O_2 $   043501
            A. M. Grundland and   
                  A. J. Hariton   Supersymmetric version of a hydrodynamic
                                  system in Riemann invariants and its
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043502
                   Igor Rumanov   The correspondence between Tracy--Widom
                                  and Adler--Shiota--van Moerbeke
                                  approaches in random matrix theory: The
                                  Gaussian case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043503
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Nonholonomic Ricci flows. II. Evolution
                                  equations and dynamics . . . . . . . . . 043504
             Toshihiro Iwai and   
               Hidetaka Yamaoka   Rotational-vibrational energy spectra of
                                  triatomic molecules near relative
                                  equilibria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043505
                Harold Donnelly   Maxima of Neumann eigenfunctions . . . . 043506
                 Jianli Liu and   
                        Yi Zhou   Initial-boundary value problem for the
                                  equation of timelike extremal surfaces
                                  in Minkowski space . . . . . . . . . . . 043507
               Zhiyue Zhang and   
                   Dingwen Deng   A fourth-order finite difference solver
                                  for nerve conduction equation in
                                  rectangular domains  . . . . . . . . . . 043508
                     M. Marucho   Non-Borel summable $ \Phi^4 $ theory in
                                  zero dimension: A toy model for testing
                                  numerical and analytical methods . . . . 043509
                 Mark W. Coffey   On a three-dimensional symmetric Ising
                                  tetrahedron and contributions to the
                                  theory of the dilogarithm and Clausen
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043510
                Ki-hong Kim and   
                    Jack J. Yoh   Shock compression of condensed matter
                                  using multimaterial reactive ghost fluid
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043511
                Runzhang Xu and   
                    Yacheng Liu   Remarks on nonlinear Schrödinger equation
                                  with harmonic potential  . . . . . . . . 043512
             Wen-Jing Chang and   
                 Xiang-Mao Ding   On the vertex operators of the elliptic
                                  quantum algebra $ {\rm U}_{q, p} (\hat
                                  {\mathfrak {sl}}_2)_k $  . . . . . . . . 043513
                A. Balinsky and   
                W. D. Evans and   
                       Y. Saito   Dirac--Sobolev inequalities and
                                  estimates for the zero modes of massless
                                  Dirac operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . 043514
           Roland Donninger and   
            Peter C. Aichelburg   On the mode stability of a self-similar
                                  wave map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043515
                      K. Bering   Semidensities, second-class constraints,
                                  and conversion in anti-Poisson geometry  043516
            Chiun-Chang Lee and   
                   Tai-Chia Lin   Incompressible and compressible limits
                                  of two-component Gross--Pitaevskii
                                  equations with rotating fields and trap
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043517

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 5, May, 2008

                  H. Fakhri and   
                    A. Dehghani   Comments on ``Gazeau--Klauder coherent
                                  states for trigonometric Rosen--Morse
                                  potential'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 49,
                                  022104 (2008)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052101
              Andrei Khrennikov   The role of von Neumann and Lüders
                                  postulates in the Einstein, Podolsky,
                                  and Rosen considerations: Comparing
                                  measurements with degenerate and
                                  nondegenerate spectra  . . . . . . . . . 052102
                   Jeremy Clark   Decoherence rates for Galilean covariant
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052103
             Yutaka Shikano and   
                    Akio Hosoya   Optimal covariant measurement of
                                  momentum on a half line in quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052104
              Jianping Dong and   
                      Mingyu Xu   Applications of continuity and
                                  discontinuity of a fractional derivative
                                  of the wave functions to fractional
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 052105
                Stan Gudder and   
Frédéric Latrémoli\`ere   Characterization of the sequential
                                  product on quantum effects . . . . . . . 052106
               Arthur Jaffe and   
                  Gordon Ritter   Reflection positivity and monotonicity   052301
               Gerald Kelnhofer   Abelian gauge theories on compact
                                  manifolds and the Gribov ambiguity . . . 052302
          Christian Brouder and   
            Michael Dütsch   Relating on-shell and off-shell
                                  formalisms in perturbative quantum field
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052303
            E. Brüning and   
                   S. Nagamachi   Solution of a linearized model of
                                  Heisenberg's fundamental equation II . . 052304
               A. Al-Badawi and   
                     I. Sakalli   Solution of the Dirac equation in the
                                  rotating Bertotti--Robinson spacetime    052501
                  M. Ulanovskii   On global properties of certain
                                  homogeneous exact solutions of Einstein
                                  field equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 052502
             Francesco Calogero   A new class of solvable dynamical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052701
                Robert T. Jones   Central configurations with a
                                  quasihomogeneous potential function  . . 052901
              B. Abdesselam and   
                 A. Chakrabarti   A new eight vertex model and higher
                                  dimensional, multiparameter
                                  generalizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053301
                 T. Imamura and   
                    T. Sasamoto   Correlation function of the Schur
                                  process with a fixed final partition . . 053302
                  Jean Ruiz and   
                     Marc Wouts   On the Kertész line: Some rigorous bounds 053303
        Oleg Bogoyavlenskij and   
              Yoshiaki Itoh and   
               Tetsuyuki Yukawa   Lotka--Volterra systems integrable in
                                  quadratures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053501
                 Joakim Arnlind   Representation theory of $C$-algebras
                                  for a higher-order class of spheres and
                                  tori . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053502
               Satoru Odake and   
                     Ryu Sasaki   Orthogonal polynomials from Hermitian
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053503
                Vivek Sahai and   
                Sarasvati Yadav   On models of certain $ p, q$-algebra
                                  representations: The $ p, q$-oscillator
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053504
                  Josef Tkadlec   Atomistic and orthoatomistic effect
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053505
                    Tian Ma and   
                  Shouhong Wang   Dynamic phase transitions for
                                  ferromagnetic systems  . . . . . . . . . 053506
             Y. V. Fyodorov and   
                     Y. Wei and   
                M. R. Zirnbauer   Hyperbolic Hubbard--Stratonovich
                                  transformation made rigorous . . . . . . 053507
                   Hai-Jun Wang   The Lorentz extension as consequence of
                                  the family symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . 053508
                 G. Dattoli and   
                    D. Levi and   
                  P. Winternitz   Heisenberg algebra, umbral calculus and
                                  orthogonal polynomials . . . . . . . . . 053509
                        Xian Wu   On a class of damped vibration problems
                                  with obstacles and without direct
                                  variational structures . . . . . . . . . 053510
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                     Tae Gab Ha   Existence and asymptotic stability for
                                  the semilinear wave equation with
                                  boundary damping and source term . . . . 053511
                   Junbo Li and   
                       Yucai Su   Representations of the
                                  Schrödinger--Virasoro algebras  . . . . . 053512
                  Liangzhong Hu   The Laplacian on homogeneous spaces  . . 053513
                   C. Conca and   
       J. San Martín and   
                L. Smaranda and   
                 M. Vanninathan   On Burnett coefficients in periodic
                                  media in low contrast regime . . . . . . 053514
             A. Döring and   
                    C. J. Isham   A topos foundation for theories of
                                  physics: I. Formal languages for physics 053515
             A. Döring and   
                    C. J. Isham   A topos foundation for theories of
                                  physics: II. Daseinisation and the
                                  liberation of quantum theory . . . . . . 053516
             A. Döring and   
                    C. J. Isham   A topos foundation for theories of
                                  physics: III. The representation of
                                  physical quantities with arrows $ \breve
                                  {\delta }^o(A) \colon \underline {\Sigma
                                  } \rightarrow \underline {\mathbb
                                  {R}}^\succeq $ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053517
             A. Döring and   
                    C. J. Isham   A topos foundation for theories of
                                  physics: IV. Categories of systems . . . 053518
                     Ya-Jun Gao   New infinite-dimensional quadruple
                                  symmetry groups for the general
                                  symplectic gravity model . . . . . . . . 053519
          O. Bogoyavlenskij and   
                    P. Reynolds   Form-invariant Poisson brackets of
                                  hydrodynamic type with several spatial
                                  variables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053520
      Rami Ahmad El-Nabulsi and   
            Delfim F. M. Torres   Fractional actionlike variational
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053521
                   F. Bagarello   $ O^\star $-algebras and quantum
                                  dynamics: Some existence results . . . . 053522
           Andrzej A. Skorupski   Phase integral approximation for coupled
                                  ordinary differential equations of the
                                  Schrödinger type  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053523
                    S. N. Dolya   Quasi-exactly solvable models based on
                                  special functions  . . . . . . . . . . . 053524
             Christoph Luhn and   
                  Pierre Ramond   Quintics with finite simple symmetries   053525
               T. Birkandan and   
             M. Hortaçsu   Comment on ``Dirac equation in the
                                  background of the Nutku helicoid
                                  metric'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 48, 092301
                                  (2007)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 054101
              Bang-Yen Chen and   
                  Franki Dillen   Erratum: ``Classification of marginally
                                  trapped Lagrangian surfaces in
                                  Lorentzian complex space form'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 48, 013509 (2007)] . . . 059901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 6, June, 2008

                    D. Lundholm   On the geometry of supersymmetric
                                  quantum mechanical systems . . . . . . . 062101
                 Goong Chen and   
              Zhonghai Ding and   
            Alain Perronnet and   
                  Zhigang Zhang   Visualization and dimensional scaling
                                  for some three-body problems in atomic
                                  and molecular quantum mechanics  . . . . 062102
                      Li Ma and   
                       Lin Zhao   Sharp thresholds of blow-up and global
                                  existence for the coupled nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger system  . . . . . . . . . . . 062103
            A. N. F. Aleixo and   
               A. B. Balantekin   Purely squeezed states for quantum
                                  deformed systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 062104
           Stephanie Wehner and   
                 Andreas Winter   Higher entropic uncertainty relations
                                  for anti-commuting observables . . . . . 062105
                Nguyen Vien Tho   Interaction of imaginary-charge-carrying
                                  dyon with particles  . . . . . . . . . . 062301
                      J. Dimock   More transition amplitudes on the
                                  Riemann sphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062302
         Govind S. Krishnaswami   Schwinger--Dyson operators as invariant
                                  vector fields on a matrix model analog
                                  of the group of loops  . . . . . . . . . 062303
                   P. Dolan and   
                      A. Gerber   The Riemann--Lanczos equations in
                                  general relativity and their
                                  integrability  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062501
                    D. Bini and   
               C. Cherubini and   
                    A. Geralico   Massless field perturbations of the
                                  spinning $C$ metric  . . . . . . . . . . 062502
                    E. Minguzzi   Non-imprisonment conditions on spacetime 062503
        Jens Christian Claussen   Time evolution of the rule $ 150 $
                                  cellular automaton activity from a
                                  Fibonacci iteration  . . . . . . . . . . 062701
         Rafael Díaz and   
                   Lorenzo Leal   Invariants from classical field theory   062901
María Barbero-Liñán and   
Arturo Echeverría-Enríquez and   
David Martín de Diego and   
Miguel C. Muñoz-Lecanda and   
       Narciso Román-Roy   Unified formalism for nonautonomous
                                  mechanical systems . . . . . . . . . . . 062902
                John Harnad and   
              Jacques Hurtubise   Multi-Hamiltonian structures for
                                  $r$-matrix systems . . . . . . . . . . . 062903
                William E. Gryc   On the holonomy of the Coulomb
                                  connection over manifolds with boundary  062904
                Roy S. Baty and   
                F. Farassat and   
                  Don H. Tucker   Nonstandard analysis and jump conditions
                                  for converging shock waves . . . . . . . 063101
              Avinash Khare and   
                   Avadh Saxena   Domain wall and periodic solutions of a
                                  coupled $ \phi^6 $ model . . . . . . . . 063301
    Satyabrata Bhattacharya and   
          Suman Kumar Banik and   
        Sudip Chattopadhyay and   
      Jyotipratim Ray Chaudhuri   Time dependent current in a
                                  nonstationary environment: A microscopic
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063302
          Philippe Droz-Vincent   Scalar products of elementary
                                  distributions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063501
                  A. I. Zenchuk   Lower-dimensional reductions of $ {\rm
                                  GL}(M, \mathbb {C}) $ self-dual Yang
                                  Mills equation: Solutions with break of
                                  wave profiles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063502
                Namhee Kwon and   
                 Daniel S. Sage   Subrepresentation semirings and an
                                  analog of 6$j$-symbols . . . . . . . . . 063503
            Claudio Carmeli and   
           Teiko Heinosaari and   
Juha-Pekka Pellonpää and   
               Alessandro Toigo   Extremal covariant positive operator
                                  valued measures: The case of a compact
                                  symmetry group . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063504
                    Qin Zhenyun   A generalized Ablowitz--Ladik hierarchy,
                                  multi-Hamiltonian structure and Darboux
                                  transformation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063505
     R. Campoamor-Stursberg and   
       M. Rausch de Traubenberg   Kinematical superalgebras and Lie
                                  algebras of order 3  . . . . . . . . . . 063506
       John Michael Rassias and   
                  Hark-Mahn Kim   Approximate homomorphisms and
                                  derivations between $ C^* $-ternary
                                  algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063507
             L. U. Ancarani and   
                     G. Gasaneo   Derivatives of any order of the
                                  confluent hypergeometric function $_1
                                  F_1 (a, b, z)$ with respect to the
                                  parameter $a$ or $b$ . . . . . . . . . . 063508
             Claudia Daboul and   
               Jamil Daboul and   
               Marc de Montigny   Gradings and contractions of affine
                                  Kac--Moody algebras  . . . . . . . . . . 063509
                  C. Lehner and   
                  T. Wettig and   
                    T. Guhr and   
                         Y. Wei   Character expansion method for
                                  supergroups and extended superversions
                                  of the Leutwyler--Smilga and
                                  Berezin--Karpelevich integrals . . . . . 063510
                      Dong Miao   The discrete spectrum of the periodic
                                  Maxwell operator perturbed by a
                                  decreasing potential . . . . . . . . . . 063511

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 7, July, 2008

            Catarina Bastos and   
            Orfeu Bertolami and   
            Nuno Costa Dias and   
         João Nuno Prata   Weyl--Wigner formulation of
                                  noncommutative quantum mechanics . . . . 072101
               Maria Meiler and   
       Ricardo Cordero-Soto and   
               Sergei K. Suslov   Solution of the Cauchy problem for a
                                  time-dependent Schrödinger equation . . . 072102
             S. E. Konstein and   
                   I. V. Tyutin   Deformations and central extensions of
                                  the antibracket superalgebra . . . . . . 072103
       Milán Mosonyi and   
                 Fumio Hiai and   
             Tomohiro Ogawa and   
                    Mark Fannes   Asymptotic distinguishability measures
                                  for shift-invariant quasifree states of
                                  fermionic lattice systems  . . . . . . . 072104
                 Stanley Gudder   Quantum Markov chains  . . . . . . . . . 072105
Antônio Francisco Neto and   
          Michael O'Carroll and   
        Paulo A. Faria da Veiga   Mesonic eightfold way from dynamics and
                                  confinement in strongly coupled lattice
                                  quantum chromodynamics . . . . . . . . . 072301
                  Alexei Rybkin   On the evolution of a reflection
                                  coefficient under the Korteweg--de Vries
                                  flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072701
             Maciej Blaszak and   
          Metin Gürses and   
             Burcu Silindir and   
         Blazej M. Szablikowski   Integrable discrete systems on $ \mathbb
                                  {R} $ and related dispersionless systems 072702
           Marek Szydlowski and   
                  Orest Hrycyna   Paths of Friedmann--Robertson--Walker
                                  brane models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072703
                     M. Jia and   
                     P. Liu and   
                      S. Y. Lou   An integrable coupled hybrid lattice and
                                  its exact solutions  . . . . . . . . . . 072901
             M. Niedermaier and   
                      E. Seiler   The large $N$ expansion in hyperbolic
                                  sigma models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073301
                Long-Jin Lv and   
              Jian-Bin Xiao and   
                 Fu-Yao Ren and   
                        Lei Gao   Solutions for multidimensional
                                  fractional anomalous diffusion equations 073302
          M. A. Jafarizadeh and   
                 R. Sufiani and   
                 S. Jafarizadeh   Calculating effective resistances on
                                  underlying networks of association
                                  schemes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073303
                    Tian Ma and   
                  Shouhong Wang   Dynamic model and phase transitions for
                                  liquid helium  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073304
             Nam Lyong Kang and   
                  Sang Don Choi   A new approach to electron-spin
                                  resonance absorption line shape function 073501
                 S. Lievens and   
             N. I. Stoilova and   
               J. Van der Jeugt   Harmonic oscillator chains as Wigner
                                  quantum systems: Periodic and fixed wall
                                  boundary conditions in $ \mathfrak
                                  {gl}(1 | n) $ solutions  . . . . . . . . 073502
               Hai-Liang Li and   
             Guo-Jing Zhang and   
                  Min Zhang and   
                  Chengchun Hao   Long-time self-similar asymptotic of the
                                  macroscopic quantum models . . . . . . . 073503
                    Jie Xin and   
                 Boling Guo and   
               Yongqian Han and   
                   Daiwen Huang   The global solution of the $ (2 +
                                  1)$-dimensional long wave-short wave
                                  resonance interaction equation . . . . . 073504
            David Garfinkle and   
                 James Isenberg   The modeling of degenerate neck pinch
                                  singularities in Ricci flow by Bryant
                                  solitons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073505
     Maria S. M. Wesslén   A geometric description of tensor
                                  product decompositions in $ \mathfrak
                                  {su}(3) $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073506
            Alice Fialowski and   
                Michael Penkava   Moduli spaces of low dimensional real
                                  Lie algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073507
              Yoshimasa Matsuno   Periodic solutions of the short pulse
                                  model equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073508
          N. M. Atakishiyev and   
                   A. U. Klimyk   On eigenfunctions of continuous and
                                  discrete (anti)symmetric multivariate
                                  Fourier transforms . . . . . . . . . . . 073509
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   Essential self-adjointness of the
                                  graph-Laplacian  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073510
               M. Chaichian and   
                 A. Tureanu and   
                R. B. Zhang and   
                     Xiao Zhang   Riemannian geometry of noncommutative
                                  surfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073511
                A. P. Isaev and   
             S. O. Krivonos and   
               O. V. Ogievetsky   Becchi--Rouet--Stora--Tyutin operators
                                  for $W$ algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 073512
                  S. C. Lim and   
                      L. P. Teo   On the minima and convexity of Epstein
                                  zeta function  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073513
           L. Lavaei-Yanesi and   
                    M. Khorrami   Phase structure of the quartic-cubic
                                  generalized two dimensional Yang--Mills
                                  $ {\rm U}(N) $ on the sphere . . . . . . 073514
              Qiangchang Ju and   
                   Fucai Li and   
                       Shu Wang   Convergence of the
                                  Navier--Stokes--Poisson system to the
                                  incompressible Navier--Stokes equations  073515
       Ayse Karasu-Kalkanli and   
              Atalay Karasu and   
             Anton Sakovich and   
            Sergei Sakovich and   
                   Refik Turhan   A new integrable generalization of the
                                  Korteweg--de Vries equation  . . . . . . 073516
                M. C. Nucci and   
                 P. G. L. Leach   Jacobi's last multiplier and Lagrangians
                                  for multidimensional systems . . . . . . 073517
           Eleftherios Kirkinis   The renormalization group and the
                                  implicit function theorem for amplitude
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073518
        Alireza Ghaderipoor and   
             Chintha Tellambura   Generalization of some integrals over
                                  unitary matrices by character expansion
                                  of groups  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073519
  Alain Mo\"\ise Dikandé   Bright-matter solitons in a uniformly
                                  feeded Bose--Einstein condensate with
                                  expulsive harmonic potential . . . . . . 073520
                 Liu Weihua and   
                       Wu Junde   A representation theorem of infimum of
                                  bounded quantum observables  . . . . . . 073521
            Kenneth L. Kowalski   Horn--Silver distributions in
                                  $D$-dimensional Euclidean spaces . . . . 074101
   Gérard Clément   Erratum: ``The symmetries of
                                  five-dimensional minimal supergravity
                                  reduced to three dimensions'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 49, 042503 (2008)] . . . . . . 079901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 8, August, 2008

                 Donald Spector   Minimal length uncertainty relations and
                                  new shape invariant models . . . . . . . 082101
            A. D. Alhaidari and   
                    H. Bahlouli   Extending the class of solvable
                                  potentials. I. The infinite potential
                                  well with a sinusoidal bottom  . . . . . 082102
        Michael Skotiniotis and   
                  Aidan Roy and   
               Barry C. Sanders   On the epistemic view of quantum states  082103
  R. J. Yáñez and   
   P. Sánchez-Moreno and   
                   A. Zarzo and   
                   J. S. Dehesa   Fisher information of special functions
                                  and second-order differential equations  082104
      Hossein Mehri-Dehnavi and   
               Ali Mostafazadeh   Geometric phase for non-Hermitian
                                  Hamiltonians and its holonomy
                                  interpretation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082105
               P. G. Castro and   
             B. Chakraborty and   
                      F. Toppan   Wigner oscillators, twisted Hopf
                                  algebras, and second quantization  . . . 082106
             James Lucietti and   
               Mukund Rangamani   Asymptotic counting of BPS operators in
                                  superconformal field theories  . . . . . 082301
                    S. H. Hendi   Rotating black branes in
                                  Brans--Dicke--Born--Infeld theory  . . . 082501
     Blazej M. Szablikowski and   
                 Maciej Blaszak   Dispersionful analog of the Whitham
                                  hierarchy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082701
                  Pierre Inizan   Homogeneous fractional embeddings  . . . 082901
                  M. Hirota and   
                    Y. Fukumoto   Energy of hydrodynamic and
                                  magnetohydrodynamic waves with point and
                                  continuous spectra . . . . . . . . . . . 083101
          Eugenie Hunsicker and   
              Victor Nistor and   
                  Jorge O. Sofo   Analysis of periodic Schrödinger
                                  operators: Regularity and approximation
                                  of eigenfunctions  . . . . . . . . . . . 083501
            Alexei F. Cheviakov   An extended procedure for finding exact
                                  solutions of partial differential
                                  equations arising from potential
                                  symmetries. Applications to gas dynamics 083502
                  A. Ghanmi and   
                    A. Intissar   Landau automorphic functions on $ C^n $
                                  of magnitude $ \nu $ . . . . . . . . . . 083503
            Richard Sanchez and   
                Jean Ragusa and   
              Emiliano Masiello   Asymptotic theory of the linear
                                  transport equation in anisotropic media  083504
               S. D. Katore and   
                     R. S. Rane   Plane gravitational waves of
                                  gauge-invariant generalized field
                                  equations with asymmetric fundamental
                                  tensor in plane symmetry . . . . . . . . 083505
                     Ya-Jun Gao   Inverse scattering method and soliton
                                  double solution family for the general
                                  symplectic gravity model . . . . . . . . 083506
Thabet Maraaba (Abdeljawad) and   
            Dumitru Baleanu and   
                     Fahd Jarad   Existence and uniqueness theorem for a
                                  class of delay differential equations
                                  with left and right Caputo fractional
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083507
Léa Jaccoud El-Jaick and   
    Bartolomeu D. B. Figueiredo   Solutions for confluent and
                                  double-confluent Heun equations  . . . . 083508
                   A. Aydin and   
              B. Karasözen   Symplectic and multisymplectic Lobatto
                                  methods for the ``good'' Boussinesq
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083509
              C. Meusburger and   
                 B. J. Schroers   Quaternionic and Poisson--Lie structures
                                  in three-dimensional gravity: The
                                  cosmological constant as deformation
                                  parameter  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083510
            A. N. F. Aleixo and   
               A. B. Balantekin   Publisher's Note: ``Purely squeezed
                                  states for quantum deformed systems'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 49, 062104 (2008)]   089901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 9, September, 2008

               T. C. Dorlas and   
                E. G. F. Thomas   The discrete Feynman integral  . . . . . 092101
                Istok P. Mendas   Classification and time evolution of
                                  density matrices for a $N$-state system  092102
                Andrea Ferrario   Poisson sigma model with branes and
                                  hyperelliptic Riemann surfaces . . . . . 092301
                    E. Minguzzi   Limit curve theorems in Lorentzian
                                  geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092501
           Laura Fontanelli and   
            Paolo Lorenzoni and   
              Marco Pedroni and   
               Jorge P. Zubelli   Bi-Hamiltonian aspects of a matrix Harry
                                  Dym hierarchy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092901
                N. W. Evans and   
                  P. E. Verrier   Superintegrability of the caged
                                  anisotropic oscillator . . . . . . . . . 092902
           Nathan P. Baxter and   
             Sergei V. Shabanov   The flip-over effect in self-similar
                                  laser-induced plasma expansion . . . . . 093101
                  Qing Ding and   
                        Wei Lin   The transmission property of the
                                  discrete Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin
                                  chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093501
                   S. Mazzucchi   Feynman path integrals for the inverse
                                  quartic oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . 093502
           Sergio Albeverio and   
               Witold Karwowski   Jump processes on leaves of
                                  multibranching trees . . . . . . . . . . 093503
            Vincent Bruneau and   
               El Maati Ouhabaz   Lieb--Thirring estimates for
                                  non-self-adjoint Schrödinger operators    093504
                Xiaoyu Jiao and   
                 Ruoxia Yao and   
                      S. Y. Lou   Approximate similarity reduction for
                                  singularly perturbed Boussinesq equation
                                  via symmetry perturbation and direct
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093505
                Xiaojun Liu and   
                 Yunbo Zeng and   
                   Runliang Lin   An extended two-dimensional Toda lattice
                                  hierarchy and two-dimensional Toda
                                  lattice with self-consistent sources . . 093506
                     O. Lisovyy   On Painlevé VI transcendents related to
                                  the Dirac operator on the hyperbolic
                                  disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093507
                 Mark W. Coffey   Evaluation of a $ \ln \tan $ integral
                                  arising in quantum field theory  . . . . 093508
        Pedro G. S. Cardoso and   
          Ernesto P. Borges and   
 Thierry C. P. Lobão and   
              Suani T. R. Pinho   Nondistributive algebraic structures
                                  derived from nonextensive statistical
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093509
                 Hongxia Wu and   
                 Yunbo Zeng and   
                    Tianyou Fan   A new multicomponent CKP hierarchy and
                                  solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093510
            Alice Fialowski and   
                   Ashis Mandal   Leibniz algebra deformations of a Lie
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093511
                 Stephan Foldes   The Lorentz group and its finite field
                                  analogs: Local isomorphism and
                                  approximation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093512
              Marc Henneaux and   
            Mauricio Leston and   
             Daniel Persson and   
               Philippe Spindel   Erratum: ``A Special Class of Rank $ 10
                                  $ and $ 11 $ Coxeter Groups'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. 48, 053512 (2007)] . . . . . . . . 099901
               Eric. A. Galapon   Erratum: ``Shouldn't there be an
                                  antithesis to quantization?'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 45, 3180 (2004)] . . . . . . . 099902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 10, October, 2008

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Announcement: Special issue on
                                  ``Integrable Quantum Systems and
                                  Solvable Statistical Mechanics Models''  100201
           Masahito Hayashi and   
                Keiji Matsumoto   Asymptotic performance of optimal state
                                  estimation in qubit system . . . . . . . 102101
      Jean-Philippe Aguilar and   
                  Nils Berglund   The effect of classical noise on a
                                  quantum two-level system . . . . . . . . 102102
             Richard Durran and   
               Andrew Neate and   
              Aubrey Truman and   
                   Feng-Yu Wang   On the divine clockwork: The spectral
                                  gap for the correspondence limit of the
                                  Nelson diffusion generator for the
                                  atomic elliptic state  . . . . . . . . . 102103
             Toby S. Cubitt and   
           Mary Beth Ruskai and   
                   Graeme Smith   The structure of degradable quantum
                                  channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102104
          Nicolae Angelescu and   
           Robert A. Minlos and   
                  Jean Ruiz and   
          Valentin A. Zagrebnov   Lower spectral branches of a spin-boson
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102105
              H. D. Cornean and   
                  P. Duclos and   
                  G. Nenciu and   
                      R. Purice   Adiabatically switched-on electrical
                                  bias and the Landauer--Büttiker formula   102106
                    Bill Rosgen   Additivity and distinguishability of
                                  random unitary channels  . . . . . . . . 102107
                     A. Kryukov   Nine theorems on the unification of
                                  quantum mechanics and relativity . . . . 102108
                 Luc Bouten and   
               Ramon Van Handel   Discrete approximation of quantum
                                  stochastic models  . . . . . . . . . . . 102109
               Gonca L. Aki and   
         Peter A. Markowich and   
               Christof Sparber   Classical limit for semirelativistic
                                  Hartree systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 102110
                     Guowu Meng   The $ O(1)$-Kepler problems  . . . . . . 102111
              Vasily E. Tarasov   Weyl quantization of fractional
                                  derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102112
                 G. Menezes and   
                  N. F. Svaiter   Stochastic quantization for complex
                                  actions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102301
           Makoto Sakaguchi and   
               Kentaroh Yoshida   Super Schrödinger algebra in $ {\rm AdS}
                                  / {\rm CFT} $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102302
                   F. Dahia and   
             G. A. T. Gomez and   
                      C. Romero   On the embedding of space--time in
                                  five-dimensional Weyl spaces . . . . . . 102501
               Jaume Llibre and   
                Cl\`audia Valls   Analytic integrability of a Chua system  102701
         Ismagil Habibullin and   
        Natalya Zheltukhina and   
                    Asli Pekcan   On the classification of Darboux
                                  integrable chains  . . . . . . . . . . . 102702
                   Hayato Chiba   Approximation of center manifolds on the
                                  renormalization group method . . . . . . 102703
          Metin Gürses and   
         Ismagil Habibullin and   
          Kostyantyn Zheltukhin   Hydrodynamic type integrable equations
                                  on a segment and a half-line . . . . . . 102704
                Xingjie Yan and   
                 Chengkui Zhong   $ L^p $-uniform attractor for
                                  nonautonomous reaction-diffusion
                                  equations in unbounded domains . . . . . 102705
                  Andre Gsponer   The classical point electron in
                                  Colombeau's theory of nonlinear
                                  generalized functions  . . . . . . . . . 102901
                 Mauro Fabrizio   Ice-water and liquid-vapor phase
                                  transitions by a Ginzburg--Landau model  102902
                  Ji-jun Ao and   
                 Achilaltu Wang   The calculation of the bilinear
                                  Boltzmann operator for gas mixtures  . . 103101
        Cédric Bernardin   Superdiffusivity of asymmetric energy
                                  model in dimensions $1$ and $2$  . . . . 103301
              Nakao Hayashi and   
           Pavel I. Naumkin and   
         Ratno Bagus Edy Wibowo   Nonlinear scattering for a system of
                                  nonlinear Klein--Gordon equations  . . . 103501
             Katsunori Kawamura   Unitary isomorphism of Fock spaces of
                                  bosons and fermions arising from a
                                  representation of the Cuntz algebra $
                                  O_2 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103502
                    Biao Li and   
              Wang-Chuan Ye and   
                      Yong Chen   Symmetry, full symmetry groups, and some
                                  exact solutions to a generalized
                                  Davey--Stewartson system . . . . . . . . 103503
            Carmela Curr\`o and   
              Francesco Oliveri   Reduction of nonhomogeneous quasilinear
                                  $ 2 \times 2 $ systems to homogeneous
                                  and autonomous form  . . . . . . . . . . 103504
        Johannes Giannoulis and   
           Michael Herrmann and   
               Alexander Mielke   Lagrangian and Hamiltonian two-scale
                                  reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103505
          Michael Kunzinger and   
              Roman O. Popovych   Potential conservation laws  . . . . . . 103506
                   Jaeseong Heo   Reproducing kernel Hilbert $ C^*
                                  $-modules and kernels associated with
                                  cocycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103507
J. M. Velázquez-Arcos and   
               C. A. Vargas and   
J. L. Fernández-Chapou and   
              A. L. Salas-Brito   On computing the trace of the kernel of
                                  the homogeneous Fredholm's equation  . . 103508

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 11, November, 2008

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Announcement: Special issue on
                                  ``Integrable Quantum Systems and
                                  Solvable Statistical Mechanics Models''  110201
                 Siendong Huang   On states of perfect correlation . . . . 112101
               Dong Pyo Chi and   
            Jeong Woon Choi and   
              Kabgyun Jeong and   
              Jeong San Kim and   
                 Taewan Kim and   
                    Soojoon Lee   Monogamy equality in $ 2 \supset \otimes
                                  2 \supset \otimes d $ quantum systems    112102
               Jukka Kiukas and   
                Pekka Lahti and   
                    Kari Ylinen   Semispectral measures as convolutions
                                  and their moment operators . . . . . . . 112103
       Dirk-M. Schlingemann and   
               Holger Vogts and   
             Reinhard F. Werner   On the structure of Clifford quantum
                                  cellular automata  . . . . . . . . . . . 112104
                   F. Dahia and   
                  C. Romero and   
                  M. A. S. Cruz   Effective field equations of
                                  brane-induced electromagnetism . . . . . 112501
                 Bijan Saha and   
              Victor Rikhvitsky   Anisotropic cosmological models with
                                  spinor and scalar fields and viscous
                                  fluid in presence of a $ \Lambda $ term:
                                  Qualitative solutions  . . . . . . . . . 112502
                Livia Corsi and   
                  Guido Gentile   Melnikov theory to all orders and
                                  Puiseux series for subharmonic solutions 112701
              Claudia Chanu and   
            Luca Degiovanni and   
              Giovanni Rastelli   Superintegrable three-body systems on
                                  the line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112901
              V. A. Galaktionov   On blow-up space jets for the
                                  Navier--Stokes equations in $ \mathbb
                                  {R}^3 $ with convergence to Euler
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113101
                    Yuen Manwai   Analytical solutions to the
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 113102
                  B. A. Tay and   
                    T. Petrosky   Biorthonormal eigenbasis of a Markovian
                                  master equation for the quantum Brownian
                                  motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113301
               William G. Faris   A connected graph identity and
                                  convergence of cluster expansions  . . . 113302
  Jyotipratim Ray Chaudhuri and   
          Suman Kumar Banik and   
        Sudip Chattopadhyay and   
               Pinaki Chaudhury   Transport and bistable kinetics of a
                                  Brownian particle in a nonequilibrium
                                  environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113303
           D. E. Pelinovsky and   
                    A. Stefanov   On the spectral theory and dispersive
                                  estimates for a discrete Schrödinger
                                  equation in one dimension  . . . . . . . 113501
              Michael Gagliardo   The higher flows of harmonic maps and an
                                  application to the Virasoro action . . . 113502
                   Dong Liu and   
                Shoulan Gao and   
                   Linsheng Zhu   Classification of irreducible weight
                                  modules over $W$-algebra $ W(2, 2)$  . . 113503
             Shuanghu Zhang and   
                   Zhaoyang Yin   On the blow-up phenomena of the periodic
                                  Dullin--Gottwald--Holm equation  . . . . 113504
          J. Bohácik and   
                  P. Presnajder   The functional integral with
                                  unconditional Wiener measure for
                                  anharmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . . . 113505
                       S. Kupin   Absolutely continuous spectrum of a
                                  Schrödinger operator on a tree  . . . . . 113506
                     Derchyi Wu   The Cauchy problem of the Ward equation
                                  with mixed scattering data . . . . . . . 113507
                      Dong Miao   Eigenvalue branches of the perturbed
                                  Maxwell operator $ M + \lambda D $ in a
                                  gap of $ \sigma (M) $  . . . . . . . . . 113508
 José Figueroa-O'Farrill   Lorentzian Lie $n$-algebras  . . . . . . 113509
               R. Sahadevan and   
                S. Balakrishnan   Similarity reduction, generalized
                                  symmetries, recursion operator, and
                                  integrability of coupled Volterra system 113510
                  H. Fakhri and   
                      T. Ghaneh   Approach of spherical harmonics to the
                                  representation of the deformed $ {\rm
                                  su}(1, 1) $ algebra  . . . . . . . . . . 113511
              Maximino Cruz and   
           Juan H. Arredondo R.   Scattering theory for the Klein--Gordon
                                  equation with nondecreasing potentials   113512
               J. S. Dowker and   
                  Klaus Kirsten   Elliptic aspects of statistical
                                  mechanics on spheres . . . . . . . . . . 113513

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 49, Number 12, December, 2008

         Pierluigi Contucci and   
            Cristian Giardin\`a   Introduction to Special Issue:
                                  Statistical Mechanics on Random
                                  Structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125101
              Nicholas Crawford   The interaction between multioverlaps in
                                  the high temperature phase of the
                                  Sherrington--Kirkpatrick spin glass  . . 125201
               Anton Bovier and   
                Anton Klimovsky   Fluctuations of the partition function
                                  in the generalized random energy model
                                  with external field  . . . . . . . . . . 125202
         Peter Mörters and   
                Marcel Ortgiese   Minimal supporting subtrees for the free
                                  energy of polymers on disordered trees   125203
            Louis-Pierre Arguin   A remark on the infinite-volume Gibbs
                                  measures of spin glasses . . . . . . . . 125204
           Erwin Bolthausen and   
                 Nicola Kistler   Universal structures in some mean field
                                  spin glasses and an application  . . . . 125205
              Mohsen Bayati and   
         Alfredo Braunstein and   
              Riccardo Zecchina   A rigorous analysis of the cavity
                                  equations for the minimum spanning tree  125206
              Svante Janson and   
              Malwina J. Luczak   Susceptibility in subcritical random
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125207
         A. C. D. van Enter and   
                   W. M. Ruszel   Loss and recovery of Gibbsianness for $
                                  X Y $ models in external fields  . . . . 125208
      Remco van der Hofstad and   
            Gerard Hooghiemstra   Universality for distances in power-law
                                  random graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125209
             Satoshi Morita and   
            Hidetoshi Nishimori   Mathematical foundation of quantum
                                  annealing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125210
              Chiara Basile and   
            Dario Benedetto and   
          Emanuele Caglioti and   
            Mirko Degli Esposti   An example of mathematical authorship
                                  attribution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125211
               Michel Talagrand   A mean field model for spin glasses
                                  based on a $2$-level perceptron  . . . . 125212
                    Marco Lenci   Central limit theorem and recurrence for
                                  random walks in bistochastic random
                                  environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125213
 Jean-René Chazottes and   
              Pierre Collet and   
                    Frank Redig   Coupling, concentration inequalities,
                                  and stochastic dynamics  . . . . . . . . 125214
       Christof Külske and   
                  Alex A. Opoku   Continuous spin mean-field models:
                                  Limiting kernels and Gibbs properties of
                                  local transforms . . . . . . . . . . . . 125215
                 Giorgio Parisi   On the survey-propagation equations in
                                  random constraint satisfiability
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125216
              Adriano Barra and   
               Francesco Guerra   About the ergodic regime in the
                                  analogical Hopfield neural networks:
                                  Moments of the partition function  . . . 125217
                Shankar Bhamidi   First passage percolation on locally
                                  treelike networks. I. Dense random
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125218
            Allon G. Percus and   
            Gabriel Istrate and   
     Bruno Gonçalves and   
             Robert Z. Sumi and   
               Stefan Boettcher   The peculiar phase structure of random
                                  graph bisection  . . . . . . . . . . . . 125219

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 1, January, 2009

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Announcement: ICMP09 --- 16th
                                  International Congress on Mathematical
                                  Physics (3--8 August 2009, Prague, Czech
                                  Republic)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010201
                 Mark M. Cassar   Announcement: Chinese, Japanese, and
                                  Korean characters available for author
                                  names  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010202
                 Mark M. Cassar   Announcement: Reduced fees for color in
                                  print  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010203
                  Ian Marquette   Superintegrability with third order
                                  integrals of motion, cubic algebras, and
                                  supersymmetric quantum mechanics. I.
                                  Rational function potentials . . . . . . 012101
          Robert König and   
                Michael M. Wolf   On exchangeable continuous variable
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012102
                Thomas Chen and   
    Jürg Fröhlich and   
               Alessandro Pizzo   Infraparticle scattering states in
                                  nonrelativistic quantum electrodynamics.
                                  II. Mass shell properties  . . . . . . . 012103
                    Dafa Li and   
               Xiangrong Li and   
              Hongtao Huang and   
                      Xinxin Li   An entanglement measure for $n$ qubits   012104
          Robert König and   
               Graeme Mitchison   A most compendious and facile quantum de
                                  Finetti theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . . 012105
                  L. L. Salcedo   Phase space localization of
                                  antisymmetric functions  . . . . . . . . 012106
              A. J. Skinner and   
               V. A. Newell and   
                     R. Sanchez   Unbiased bases (Hadamards) for six-level
                                  systems: Four ways from Fourier  . . . . 012107
            Hironobu Kihara and   
                   Muneto Nitta   Generalized instantons on complex
                                  projective spaces  . . . . . . . . . . . 012301
          Victor L. Mironov and   
              Sergey V. Mironov   Octonic second-order equations of
                                  relativistic quantum mechanics . . . . . 012302
               Roberto Giamb\`o   Gravitational collapse of homogeneous
                                  perfect fluids in higher order gravity
                                  theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012501
                 Horst R. Beyer   A note on the Klein--Gordon equation in
                                  the background of a rotating black hole  012502
            Bianca Dittrich and   
                Thomas Thiemann   Are the spectra of geometrical operators
                                  in loop quantum gravity really discrete? 012503
                    G. D. Mahan   Classical waves on nonlinear lattices.
                                  II. $ Q^n $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012701
                 Ailing Ban and   
              Shengfan Zhou and   
                   Xiaoying Han   Dimension of kernel sections for damped
                                  nonautonomous wave equations with
                                  critical exponent  . . . . . . . . . . . 012702
          Razvan M. Tudoran and   
              Ramona A. Tudoran   On a large class of three-dimensional
                                  Hamiltonian systems  . . . . . . . . . . 012703
                 J. Lenells and   
                 O. Lechtenfeld   On the $ N = 2 $ supersymmetric
                                  Camassa--Holm and Hunter--Saxton
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012704
              Roberto Conti and   
           Wojciech Szyma\'nski   Computing the Jones index of quadratic
                                  permutation endomorphisms of $ O_2 $ . . 012705
          Victor L. Mironov and   
              Sergey V. Mironov   Octonic representation of
                                  electromagnetic field equations  . . . . 012901
          Serhat F. Özeren   Investigation of the time evolution of
                                  Lane--Emden-type Kanai--Caldirola
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012902
               G. Giachetta and   
             L. Mangiarotti and   
               G. Sardanashvily   On the notion of gauge symmetries of
                                  generic Lagrangian field theory  . . . . 012903
                    Siu A. Chin   Relativistic motion in a constant
                                  electromagnetic field  . . . . . . . . . 012904
               Juncheng Wei and   
                Matthias Winter   Strongly interacting bumps for the
                                  Schrödinger--Newton equations . . . . . . 012905
                    Ying Fu and   
                  Changzheng Qu   Well posedness and blow-up solution for
                                  a new coupled Camassa--Holm equations
                                  with peakons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012906
               A. A. Deriglazov   Improved extended Hamiltonian and search
                                  for local symmetries . . . . . . . . . . 012907
Òyvind Lind-Johansen and   
              Kristian Seip and   
                 Johannes Skaar   The perfect lens on a finite bandwidth   012908
          Stephen Gustafson and   
              Hideo Takaoka and   
                  Tai-Peng Tsai   Stability in $ H^{1 / 2} $ of the sum of
                                  $K$ solitons for the Benjamin--Ono
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013101
   Ricardo García-Pelayo   Distribution of magnetization in the
                                  finite Ising chain . . . . . . . . . . . 013301
              E. Preissmann and   
   J.-Ch. Angl\`es d'Auriac and   
                 J.-M. Maillard   Birational mappings and matrix
                                  subalgebra from the chiral Potts model   013302
               Shigeru Furuichi   On the maximum entropy principle and the
                                  minimization of the Fisher information
                                  in Tsallis statistics  . . . . . . . . . 013303
              Esmat Darvish and   
               Amir Ali Masoudi   Kinetic surface roughening for the
                                  Mullins--Herring equation  . . . . . . . 013304
                 F. Shojaei and   
          E. Ghanbari-Adivi and   
              M. J. Brunger and   
              M. A. Bolorizadeh   Positronium formation as a three-body
                                  reaction. II. The second-order nuclear
                                  amplitudes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013501
             E. M. E. Zayed and   
              Khaled A. Gepreel   The $ (G' / G) $-expansion method for
                                  finding traveling wave solutions of
                                  nonlinear partial differential equations
                                  in mathematical physics  . . . . . . . . 013502
                  R. Caroca and   
                  N. Merino and   
                     P. Salgado   S expansion of higher-order Lie algebras 013503
                 J. C. Brunelli   Integrability of a nonlinear evolution
                                  equation derived from isoperimetric
                                  plane curve motion . . . . . . . . . . . 013504
                  Guoping Zhang   Breather solutions of the discrete
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger equations with
                                  unbounded potentials . . . . . . . . . . 013505
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                     Tae Gab Ha   Well-posedness and uniform decay rates
                                  for the Klein--Gordon equation with
                                  damping term and acoustic boundary
                                  conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013506
                   A. Pickering   Bäcklund transformations for a discrete
                                  second Painlevé hierarchy . . . . . . . . 013507
             George Dassios and   
         Demetra Hadjiloizi and   
                Fotini Kariotou   The octapolic ellipsoidal term in
                                  magnetoencephalography . . . . . . . . . 013508
               L. B. Drissi and   
                 H. Jehjouh and   
                    E. H. Saidi   Refining the shifted topological vertex  013509
           Mihai Anastasiei and   
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Fedosov quantization of
                                  Lagrange--Finsler and Hamilton--Cartan
                                  spaces and Einstein gravity lifts on
                                  (co) tangent bundles . . . . . . . . . . 013510
        M. Aparicio Alcalde and   
                 R. Kullock and   
                  N. F. Svaiter   Virtual processes and super-radiance in
                                  spin-boson models  . . . . . . . . . . . 013511
               Leonard N. Choup   Edgeworth expansion of the largest
                                  eigenvalue distribution function of
                                  Gaussian orthogonal ensemble . . . . . . 013512
                 J. Gibbons and   
                  A. P. Veselov   On the rational monodromy-free
                                  potentials with sextic growth  . . . . . 013513
            L. G. S. Duarte and   
            L. A. C. P. da Mota   Finding elementary first integrals for
                                  rational second order ordinary
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 013514
                  P. Gilkey and   
              S. Nikcevi\'c and   
                   D. Westerman   Geometric realizations of generalized
                                  algebraic curvature operators  . . . . . 013515
                Victor Dinu and   
                Arne Jensen and   
                Gheorghe Nenciu   Nonexponential decay laws in
                                  perturbation theory of near threshold
                                  eigenvalues  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013516
              Michael Coons and   
                  Klaus Kirsten   General moment theorems for nondistinct
                                  unrestricted partitions  . . . . . . . . 013517
             Cheng-Ming Bai and   
                  Mo-Lin Ge and   
                   Naihuan Jing   Principal realization of the Yangian $
                                  Y(\mathfrak {gl}(n)) $ . . . . . . . . . 013518
                D. D. Ganji and   
               M. Abdollahzadeh   Exact traveling solutions of some
                                  nonlinear evolution equation by $ (G' /
                                  G) $-expansion method  . . . . . . . . . 013519
               J. Grabowski and   
          M. de León and   
              J. C. Marrero and   
      D. Martín de Diego   Nonholonomic constraints: A new
                                  viewpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013520
                    Igor Wigman   On the distribution of the nodal sets of
                                  random spherical harmonics . . . . . . . 013521
              Nikolaos Tetradis   Effective field theory with a variable
                                  ultraviolet cutoff . . . . . . . . . . . 013522
               Charles Schwartz   Calculus with a quaternionic variable    013523
              J. A. Escobar and   
                 Christoph Luhn   The flavor group $ \Delta (6 n^2) $  . . 013524
                      Engui Fan   The positive and negative
                                  Camassa--Holm-$ \gamma $ hierarchies,
                                  zero curvature representations,
                                  bi-Hamiltonian structures, and
                                  algebro-geometric solutions  . . . . . . 013525
               A. V. Meremianin   Hyperspherical harmonics with arbitrary
                                  arguments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013526
           Boris Gershgorin and   
               Yuri V. Lvov and   
               Sergey Nazarenko   Canonical Hamiltonians for waves in
                                  inhomogeneous media  . . . . . . . . . . 013527
              Mario Kieburg and   
              Heiner Kohler and   
                    Thomas Guhr   Integration of Grassmann variables over
                                  invariant functions on flat superspaces  013528
                 M. Bertola and   
                     O. Marchal   The partition function of the two-matrix
                                  model as an isomonodromic $ \tau $
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013529
                  M. Asorey and   
                   P. M. Lavrov   Fedosov and Riemannian supermanifolds    013530
                   Kazuo Kaneko   Local expansion of Painlevé VI
                                  transcendents around a fixed singularity 013531
                Jakob Palmkvist   Generalized conformal realizations of
                                  Kac--Moody algebras  . . . . . . . . . . 013532
              Qiangchang Ju and   
                    Yong Li and   
                       Shu Wang   Rate of convergence from the
                                  Navier--Stokes--Poisson system to the
                                  incompressible Euler equations . . . . . 013533
             Qiao-Fang Lian and   
                   Yun-Zhang Li   The duals of Gabor frames on discrete
                                  periodic sets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013534
                   Jiaxiang Cai   A new explicit multisymplectic scheme
                                  for the regularized long-wave equation   013535
                    Yuen Manwai   Erratum: ``Analytical solutions to the
                                  Navier--Stokes equations'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 49, 113102 (2008)] . . . . . . 019901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 2, February, 2009

                 Mark M. Cassar   Announcement: Multimedia capability
                                  added to Journal of Mathematical Physics 020201
        Francesco Belgiorno and   
                 Franco Gallone   Confined quantum systems and their
                                  limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022101
          Aurelian Gheondea and   
               Ali Samil Kavruk   Absolute continuity for operator valued
                                  completely positive maps on $ C^*
                                  $-algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022102
                    C. Adam and   
                  P. Klimas and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Pullback of the volume form, integrable
                                  models in higher dimensions and exotic
                                  textures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022301
                     I. Shapiro   Frobenius map on local Calabi--Yau
                                  manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022302
                 Ricardo Amorim   Fermions and noncommutative theories . . 022303
                 Robert L. Karp   On the $ \mathbb {C}^n / \mathbb {Z}_m $
                                  fractional branes  . . . . . . . . . . . 022304
                Anirudh Pradhan   Cylindrically symmetric viscous fluid
                                  universe in Lyra geometry  . . . . . . . 022501
            S. Thirukkanesh and   
                  S. D. Maharaj   Radiating relativistic matter in
                                  geodesic motion  . . . . . . . . . . . . 022502
                W. E. Couch and   
                   C. L. Holder   Liouvillian quasinormal modes of
                                  Reissner--Nordstrom black holes  . . . . 022503
                Shih-Feng Shieh   Horseshoes for coupled discrete
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger equations . . . . . 022701
           Maurizio M. D'Eliseo   The gravitational ellipse  . . . . . . . 022901
                Shijin Ding and   
                Huanyao Wen and   
                    Lei Yao and   
                 Changjiang Zhu   Global solutions to one-dimensional
                                  compressible Navier--Stokes--Poisson
                                  equations with density-dependent
                                  viscosity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023101
             Hiroshi Tamura and   
          Valentin A. Zagrebnov   Mean-field interacting boson random
                                  point fields in weak harmonic traps  . . 023301
          M. A. Jafarizadeh and   
                 R. Sufiani and   
                 S. Jafarizadeh   Recursive calculation of effective
                                  resistances in distance-regular networks
                                  based on Bose--Mesner algebra and
                                  Christoffel--Darboux identity  . . . . . 023302
         Michael VanValkenburgh   Manipulation of semiclassical photon
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023501
                       Zhi Qian   An optimal modified method for a
                                  two-dimensional inverse heat conduction
                                  problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023502
                 Qing Huang and   
                   V. Lahno and   
                   C. Z. Qu and   
                     R. Zhdanov   Preliminary group classification of a
                                  class of fourth-order evolution
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023503
                Jianke Yang and   
                     D. J. Kaup   Squared eigenfunctions for the
                                  Sasa--Satsuma equation . . . . . . . . . 023504
              Jianqing Chen and   
                     Boling Guo   Blow-up profile to the solutions of
                                  two-coupled Schrödinger equations . . . . 023505
                 Jing Ping Wang   Lenard scheme for two-dimensional
                                  periodic Volterra chain  . . . . . . . . 023506
                      Yi Du and   
                    Yan Liu and   
                    Zhengan Yao   Remarks on the blow-up criteria for
                                  three-dimensional ideal
                                  magnetohydrodynamics equations . . . . . 023507
                   M. Falek and   
                       M. Merad   Bosonic oscillator in the presence of
                                  minimal length . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023508
                 G. Filipuk and   
                  R. G. Halburd   Movable algebraic singularities of
                                  second-order ordinary differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023509
                 Ahmet Yildirim   Homotopy perturbation method to obtain
                                  exact special solutions with solitary
                                  patterns for Boussinesq-like $ B(m, n) $
                                  equations with fully nonlinear
                                  dispersion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023510
    Hellmut Baumgärtel and   
               Hani Kaldass and   
                   Soliman Komy   On spectral properties of the resonances
                                  for selected potential scattering
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023511
                 Bennett Palmer   Equilibria for anisotropic bending
                                  energies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023512
          C. D. Albuquerque and   
            R. Palazzo, Jr. and   
                    E. B. Silva   Topological quantum codes on compact
                                  surfaces with genus $ g \geq 2 $ . . . . 023513
               A. I. Komech and   
                   A. E. Merzon   On asymptotic completeness for
                                  scattering in the nonlinear lamb system  023514
             Djurdje Cvijovi\'c   A dilogarithmic integral arising in
                                  quantum field theory . . . . . . . . . . 023515
                  Ilwoo Cho and   
                Palle Jorgensen   $ C^* $-subalgebras generated by partial
                                  isometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023516
             Vangelis Marinakis   Comment on ``A new integrable equation
                                  with cuspons and $ W / M$-shape-peaks
                                  solitons'', [J. Math. Phys. 47, 112701
                                  (2006)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 3, March, 2009

                 Hong-Ke Du and   
                     Yan-Ni Dou   A spectral characterization for
                                  generalized quantum gates  . . . . . . . 032101
           Fabien Buisseret and   
               Claude Semay and   
         Bernard Silvestre-Brac   Some equivalences between the auxiliary
                                  field method and envelope theory . . . . 032102
               Wayne Lawton and   
        Anders S. Mouritzen and   
                  Jiao Wang and   
                  Jiangbin Gong   Spectral relationships between kicked
                                  Harper and on-resonance double kicked
                                  rotor operators  . . . . . . . . . . . . 032103
             Monique Combescure   Block-circulant matrices with circulant
                                  blocks, Weil sums, and mutually unbiased
                                  bases. II. The prime power case  . . . . 032104
           Milán Mosonyi   Hypothesis testing for Gaussian states
                                  on bosonic lattices  . . . . . . . . . . 032105
                      Jon Tyson   Two-sided estimates of minimum-error
                                  distinguishability of mixed quantum
                                  states via generalized Holevo--Curlander
                                  bounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032106
   András Sütö   A possible mechanism of concurring
                                  diagonal and off-diagonal long-range
                                  order for soft interactions  . . . . . . 032107
               Fu-Lin Zhang and   
                 Jing-Ling Chen   Dynamical symmetries of the
                                  Klein--Gordon equation . . . . . . . . . 032301
               A. B. Aazami and   
                  A. O. Petters   A universal magnification theorem for
                                  higher-order caustic singularities . . . 032501
               Yang Zhijian and   
                     Jin Baoxia   Global attractor for a class of
                                  Kirchhoff models . . . . . . . . . . . . 032701
             Nicholas S. Manton   Scaling identities for solitons beyond
                                  Derrick's theorem  . . . . . . . . . . . 032901
                    Tian Ma and   
                  Shouhong Wang   Boundary-layer and interior separations
                                  in the Taylor--Couette--Poiseuille flow  033101
              A. L. Rebenko and   
               M. V. Tertychnyi   Quasilattice approximation of
                                  statistical systems with strong
                                  superstable interactions: Correlation
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033301
              K. E. Bassler and   
            P. J. Forrester and   
                  N. E. Frankel   Eigenvalue separation in some random
                                  matrix models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033302
         Katsunori Kawamura and   
                  Dan Lascu and   
                   Ion Coltescu   Jump transformations and an embedding of
                                  $ O_\infty $ into $ O_2 $  . . . . . . . 033501
               Xiao-Ming Xu and   
                 Hong-Ke Du and   
                  Xiaochun Fang   An explicit expression of supremum of
                                  bounded quantum observables  . . . . . . 033502
                 Lixin Tian and   
                  Shujuan Liang   Global well posedness and limit behavior
                                  of the solutions to the viscous
                                  Degasperis--Procesi equation . . . . . . 033503
                    T. Skrypnyk   Non-skew-symmetric classical
                                  $r$-matrices, algebraic Bethe ansatz,
                                  and Bardeen--Cooper--Schrieffer-type
                                  integrable systems . . . . . . . . . . . 033504
                   L. Amour and   
                  J. Faupin and   
                       T. Raoux   Inverse spectral results for Schrödinger
                                  operators on the unit interval with
                                  partial information given on the
                                  potentials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033505
                Robin W. Tucker   Differential form valued forms and
                                  distributional electromagnetic sources   033506
        M. Fernández and   
               A. Tomassini and   
                  L. Ugarte and   
                  R. Villacampa   Balanced Hermitian metrics from $ {\rm
                                  SU}(2)$-structures . . . . . . . . . . . 033507
                   Xing-Bin Pan   Minimizing curl in a multiconnected
                                  domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033508
      D. \vZ. \Dbarokovi\'c and   
                    A. Osterloh   On polynomial invariants of several
                                  qubits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033509
               Jiaxiang Cai and   
                Yushun Wang and   
                  Zhonghua Qiao   Multisymplectic Preissman scheme for the
                                  time-domain Maxwell's equations  . . . . 033510
                  Luc Vinet and   
                Alexei Zhedanov   Automorphisms of the Heisenberg--Weyl
                                  algebra and $d$-orthogonal polynomials   033511
                    S. N. Dolya   Quadratic Lie algebras and quasiexact
                                  solvability of the two-photon Rabi
                                  Hamiltonian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 033512
             Fernando Casas and   
                    Ander Murua   An efficient algorithm for computing the
                                  Baker--Campbell--Hausdorff series and
                                  some of its applications . . . . . . . . 033513
             Zhongzhi Zhang and   
               Yichao Zhang and   
              Shuigeng Zhou and   
                   Ming Yin and   
                    Jihong Guan   Influences of degree inhomogeneity on
                                  average path length and random walks in
                                  disassortative scale-free networks . . . 033514

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 4, April, 2009

          Giulio Chiribella and   
     Giacomo Mauro D'Ariano and   
                Paolo Perinotti   Realization schemes for quantum
                                  instruments in finite dimensions . . . . 042101
                  A. Cintio and   
                     G. Morchio   Sum rules and density waves spectrum for
                                  nonrelativistic fermions . . . . . . . . 042102
          Johan Åberg and   
               Graeme Mitchison   Cumulants and the moment algebra: Tools
                                  for analyzing weak measurements  . . . . 042103
        Matthias Christandl and   
                      Ben Toner   Finite de Finetti theorem for
                                  conditional probability distributions
                                  describing physical theories . . . . . . 042104
                   Choon-Lin Ho   Shape invariance in prepotential
                                  approach to exactly solvable models  . . 042105
            Andris Ambainis and   
                  Jan Bouda and   
                 Andreas Winter   Nonmalleable encryption of quantum
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042106
                  Z. Ammari and   
                        F. Nier   Mean field limit for bosons and
                                  propagation of Wigner measures . . . . . 042107
               Shin-ichi Shirai   Some applications of the Pohozaev
                                  identity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042108
               Isaac Chuang and   
               Andrew Cross and   
               Graeme Smith and   
                John Smolin and   
                       Bei Zeng   Codeword stabilized quantum codes:
                                  Algorithm and structure  . . . . . . . . 042109
              Glenn Barnich and   
       Cédric Troessaert   Duality and integrability:
                                  Electromagnetism, linearized gravity,
                                  and massless higher spin gauge fields as
                                  bi-Hamiltonian systems . . . . . . . . . 042301
           Christian Bogner and   
               Stefan Weinzierl   Periods and Feynman integrals  . . . . . 042302
       M. Bavand Savadkouhi and   
          M. Eshaghi Gordji and   
              J. M. Rassias and   
                 N. Ghobadipour   Approximate ternary Jordan derivations
                                  on Banach ternary algebras . . . . . . . 042303
             Gaston Giribet and   
          Lorena Nicolás   Comment on three-point function in $
                                  {\rm AdS}(3) / {\rm CFT}(2) $  . . . . . 042304
              S. Wickramasekara   Relativistic dynamics of quasistable
                                  states. I. Perturbation theory for the
                                  Poincaré group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042305
      G. de Berredo-Peixoto and   
                 M. O. Katanaev   Tube dislocations in gravity . . . . . . 042501
                    Abhas Mitra   Comments on ``The Euclidean
                                  gravitational action as black hole
                                  entropy, singularities, and space--time
                                  voids'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 49, 042501
                                  (2008)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042502
                     A. G. Ramm   Invariant manifolds for dissipative
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042701
                Haitao Song and   
                 Chengkui Zhong   Blow up of the nonclassical diffusion
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042702
               Hayato Chiba and   
                 Masatomo Iwasa   Lie equations for asymptotic solutions
                                  of perturbation problems of ordinary
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . 042703
               E. A. Ivanchenko   Dynamic equations for three different
                                  qudits in a magnetic field . . . . . . . 042704
  Christofer Cronström and   
                    Tommi Raita   On nonholonomic systems and variational
                                  principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042901
          Sebastiano Sonego and   
                    Massimo Pin   Foundations of anisotropic relativistic
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042902
  Lidia Jiménez-Lara and   
               Jaume Llibre and   
           Martín Vargas   Global phase portraits of the planar
                                  perpendicular problem of two fixed
                                  centers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042903
               Michel Bauer and   
              Denis Bernard and   
                    Tom Kennedy   Conditioning Schramm--Loewner evolutions
                                  and loop erased random walks . . . . . . 043301
                  Takuya Yamano   A generalization of the
                                  Kullback--Leibler divergence and its
                                  properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043302
                 C. Tsallis and   
             A. R. Plastino and   
          R. F. Alvarez-Estrada   Escort mean values and the
                                  characterization of power-law-decaying
                                  probability densities  . . . . . . . . . 043303
                  Hua-Lin Huang   Quiver approaches to quasi-Hopf algebras 043501
               R. Sahadevan and   
                   S. Rajakumar   Higher dimensional integrable mappings
                                  derived from coupled discrete nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equations . . . . . . . . . . 043502
                  Bang-Yen Chen   Classification of spatial surfaces with
                                  parallel mean curvature vector in
                                  pseudo-Euclidean spaces of arbitrary
                                  dimension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043503
    Ladislav Hlavatý and   
                   Ivo Petr and   
          Vojtech Stepán   Poisson--Lie $T$-plurality with
                                  spectators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043504
              J. Ben Geloun and   
                  F. G. Scholtz   Coherent states in noncommutative
                                  quantum mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . 043505
                Zhifeng Gao and   
                     Jing Zhang   Existence, uniqueness, and equivalence
                                  theorems for magnetic monopoles in
                                  general (4 $p$-1)-dimensional
                                  Yang--Mills theory . . . . . . . . . . . 043506
              Abdallah Khochman   Resonances and spectral shift function
                                  for a magnetic Schrödinger operator . . . 043507
          Ctirad Klimcík   On integrability of the Yang--Baxter $
                                  \sigma $-model . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043508
                   F. Bagarello   Intertwining operators between different
                                  Hilbert spaces: Connection with frames   043509
                 Jens Hoppe and   
           Douglas Lundholm and   
          Maciej Trzetrzelewski   Spin(9) average of $ {\rm SU}(N) $
                                  matrix models  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043510
             J. J. C. Nimmo and   
           S. N. M. Ruijsenaars   Tzitzeica solitons versus relativistic
                                  Calogero--Moser three-body clusters  . . 043511
        Jòrgen Rasmussen   Polynomial fusion rings of $W$-extended
                                  logarithmic minimal models . . . . . . . 043512
              Federico Zertuche   On the robustness of $ N K $-Kauffman
                                  networks against changes in their
                                  connections and Boolean functions  . . . 043513
      R. Figueiredo Camargo and   
                 R. Charnet and   
         E. Capelas de Oliveira   On some fractional Green's functions . . 043514
           Christoph A. Stephan   Krajewski diagrams and the standard
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043515
              Y. F. Alabina and   
             A. V. Latyshev and   
                A. A. Yushkanov   Analytical solution of the skin effect
                                  problem with the displacement current in
                                  Maxwell plasma by the source method  . . 043516
            S. Twareque Ali and   
              Lubka Balkova and   
            E. M. F. Curado and   
               J. P. Gazeau and   
        M. A. Rego-Monteiro and   
   Ligia M. C. S. Rodrigues and   
                    K. Sekimoto   Noncommutative reading of the complex
                                  plane through Delone sequences . . . . . 043517
                         Yi Wei   Moments of ratios of characteristic
                                  polynomials of a certain class of random
                                  matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043518

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 5, May, 2009

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Editorial: Journal of Mathematical
                                  Physics turns $ 50 $ . . . . . . . . . . 050401
                  David Viennot   The need for a flat higher gauge
                                  structure to describe a Berry phase
                                  associated with some resonance phenomena 052101
                 G. Rudolph and   
                     M. Schmidt   On the algebra of quantum observables
                                  for a certain gauge model  . . . . . . . 052102
                 Ricardo Amorim   Tensor coordinates in noncommutative
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052103
                  H. Fakhri and   
                    A. Dehghani   Coherency of $ {\rm su}(1,
                                  1)$-Barut--Girardello type and
                                  entanglement for spherical harmonics . . 052104
                 F. Cannata and   
                M. V. Ioffe and   
             D. N. Nishnianidze   Three-dimensional solutions of
                                  supersymmetrical intertwining relations
                                  and pairs of isospectral Hamiltonians    052105
       Marcos Mariño and   
           Ricardo Schiappa and   
                  Marlene Weiss   Multi-instantons and multicuts . . . . . 052301
              Farhad Zamani and   
               Ali Mostafazadeh   Quantum mechanics of Proca fields  . . . 052302
           Piotr T. Chru\'sciel   On higher dimensional black holes with
                                  Abelian isometry group . . . . . . . . . 052501
          A. A. R. Sobreira and   
        Geusa de A. Marques and   
         J. B. Fonseca-Neto and   
                  V. B. Bezerra   On a class of solutions of the
                                  Einstein--Maxwell field equations in
                                  scalar-tensor theories of gravity  . . . 052502
                   E. Joung and   
                  J. Mourad and   
                        K. Noui   Three dimensional quantum geometry and
                                  deformed symmetry  . . . . . . . . . . . 052503
                Wen-Xin Qin and   
                  Pei-Lin Zhang   Discrete rotating waves in a ring of
                                  coupled mechanical oscillators with
                                  strong damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052701
           Mohamed Sami ElBialy   Collective branch regularization of
                                  simultaneous binary collisions in the
                                  $3$D $N$-body problem  . . . . . . . . . 052702
                 Boling Guo and   
                     Yan Lv and   
                  Xiaoping Yang   Dynamics of stochastic Zakharov
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052703
         R. Gladwin Pradeep and   
         V. K. Chandrasekar and   
            M. Senthilvelan and   
                  M. Lakshmanan   Nonstandard conserved Hamiltonian
                                  structures in dissipative/damped
                                  systems: Nonlinear generalizations of
                                  damped harmonic oscillator . . . . . . . 052901
             V. A. Cimmelli and   
                A. Sellitto and   
                      V. Triani   A new thermodynamic framework for
                                  second-grade Korteweg-type viscous
                                  fluids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053101
                   R. Janaswamy   Transitional probabilities for the
                                  four-state random walk on a lattice in
                                  the presence of partially reflecting
                                  boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053301
              Seung-Yeal Ha and   
                         Ho Lee   Global existence of classical solutions
                                  to the damped Vlasov--Klein--Gordon
                                  equations with small data  . . . . . . . 053302
          Giuseppe Genovese and   
                  Adriano Barra   A mechanical approach to mean field spin
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053303
                Yisong Yang and   
                  Ruifeng Zhang   Steady state solutions for nonlinear
                                  Schrödinger equation arising in optics    053501
                 Andrzej Luczak   Maximizing the probability of detection
                                  for pure states  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053502
           Ramesh Anishetty and   
                Manu Mathur and   
         Indrakshi Raychowdhury   Irreducible $ {\rm SU}(3) $ Schwinger
                                  bosons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053503
               S. D. Katore and   
                     R. S. Rane   Generalized plane gravitational waves of
                                  weakened field equations in general
                                  relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053504
               R. Sahadevan and   
                  L. Nalinidevi   Similarity reduction, nonlocal and
                                  master symmetries of sixth order
                                  Korteweg--de Vries equation  . . . . . . 053505
                Xiaojun Liu and   
               Runliang Lin and   
                     Bo Jin and   
                     Yunbo Zeng   A generalized dressing approach for
                                  solving the extended KP and the extended
                                  mKP hierarchy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053506
          Joshua T. Horwood and   
      Raymond G. McLenaghan and   
               Roman G. Smirnov   Hamilton--Jacobi theory in
                                  three-dimensional Minkowski space via
                                  Cartan geometry  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053507
                 Sze-Guang Yang   The existence of nontopological vortices
                                  in a two-particle Chern--Simons system   053508
            Suren Poghosyan and   
                Daniel Ueltschi   Abstract cluster expansion with
                                  applications to statistical mechanical
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053509
                    Juan Hu and   
               Xing-Biao Hu and   
                    Hon-Wah Tam   Ishimori-I equation with self-consistent
                                  sources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053510
                 Carlo A. Rossi   Holonomy and parallel transport in the
                                  differential geometry of loop spaces and
                                  generalized gauge transformations  . . . 053511
          Ghislain R. Franssens   Delta distributions supported on
                                  quadratic $ O(p, q) $-invariant surfaces 053512
               P. R. Gordoa and   
                   A. Pickering   A method of reduction of order for
                                  discrete systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 053513
                 Marco Budinich   On computational complexity of Clifford
                                  algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053514
             Gunjan Agrawal and   
            Sampada Shrivastava   $t$-topology on the $n$-dimensional
                                  Minkowski space  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053515
           Lorenzo Fatibene and   
      Raymond G. McLenaghan and   
          Giovanni Rastelli and   
                 Shane N. Smith   Symmetry operators for Dirac's equation
                                  on two-dimensional spin manifolds  . . . 053516
             Oleg Bogoyavlensky   Method of descent for integrable
                                  lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053517
             Emmanuel Yomba and   
                 George R. Sell   Modulational instability and exact
                                  solutions for a three-component system
                                  of vector nonlinear Schrödinger equations 053518
                   Dong Huan-he   A subalgebra of Lie algebra $ A_2 $ and
                                  its associated two types of loop
                                  algebras, as well as Hamiltonian
                                  structures of integrable hierarchy . . . 053519
    Ülkü Dinlemez and   
              Gülten Torun   Properties of the far-field operator for
                                  a multilayered scatterer in acoustic
                                  scattering theory  . . . . . . . . . . . 053520
             Katsunori Kawamura   Universal fermionization of bosons on
                                  permutative representations of the Cuntz
                                  algebra $ O_2 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . 053521
                  Renat Zhdanov   On relation between potential and
                                  contact symmetries of evolution
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053522
                 Eugen Paal and   
              Jüri Virkepu   Dynamical deformations of
                                  three-dimensional Lie algebras in
                                  Bianchi classification over the harmonic
                                  oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053523
                  Xiao Yang and   
                    Junmin Wang   Finite genus solution of a new $ (2 + 1)
                                  $ Burgers equation with a discrete
                                  variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053524

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 6, June, 2009

                    Jan Kotulek   Nontrivial systems and the necessity of
                                  the scalar quantum mechanics axioms  . . 062101
                      Jon Tyson   Minimum-error quantum distinguishability
                                  bounds from matrix monotone functions: A
                                  comment on ``Two-sided estimates of
                                  minimum-error distinguishability of
                                  mixed quantum states via generalized
                                  Holevo--Curlander bounds'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 50, 032106 (2009)] . . . . . . 062102
              H. D. Cornean and   
            J. Derezi\'nski and   
                       P. Zi\'n   On the infimum of the energy-momentum
                                  spectrum of a homogeneous Bose gas . . . 062103
              J. K. Korbicz and   
                    J. Wehr and   
                  M. Lewenstein   Entanglement and quantum groups  . . . . 062104
                W. B. Laing and   
                    M. Dunn and   
                   D. K. Watson   On the use of group theoretical and
                                  graphical techniques toward the solution
                                  of the general $N$-body problem  . . . . 062105
           Lukasz Skowronek and   
      Erling Stòrmer and   
               Karol Zyczkowski   Cones of positive maps and their duality
                                  relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062106
               R. Delbourgo and   
                     D. Elliott   Inverse momentum expectation values for
                                  hydrogenic systems . . . . . . . . . . . 062107
  Cédric Bény and   
                Achim Kempf and   
                 David W. Kribs   Quantum error correction on
                                  infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces  . . 062108
                   M. Amooshahi   Canonical quantization of
                                  electromagnetic field in an anisotropic
                                  polarizable and magnetizable medium  . . 062301
             Toshimitsu Takaesu   On the spectral analysis of quantum
                                  electrodynamics with spatial cutoffs. I. 062302
                    C. G. Torre   Symmetry reduction of quasi-free states  062303
          Claudio Dappiaggi and   
             Valter Moretti and   
               Nicola Pinamonti   Distinguished quantum states in a class
                                  of cosmological spacetimes and their
                                  Hadamard property  . . . . . . . . . . . 062304
  Carlos H. G. Béssa and   
              V. B. Bezerra and   
                     L. H. Ford   Brownian motion in Robertson--Walker
                                  spacetimes from electromagnetic vacuum
                                  fluctuations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062501
                  Jayme De Luca   Variational principle for the
                                  Wheeler--Feynman electrodynamics . . . . 062701
               A. J. Macfarlane   On the evolution of the cellular
                                  automaton of rule $ 150 $ from some
                                  simple initial states  . . . . . . . . . 062702
              Min-Ping Qian and   
                 Jian-Sheng Xie   On the imaginary-real ratio rule of
                                  power spectra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063301
                  Tiefeng Jiang   The entries of circular orthogonal
                                  ensembles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063302
                Hong-yi Fan and   
                   Xue-xiang Xu   Mean energy of some interacting bosonic
                                  systems derived by virtue of the
                                  generalized Hellmann--Feynman theorem    063303
               Anton M. Zeitlin   String field theory-inspired algebraic
                                  structures in gauge theories . . . . . . 063501
                  Rong-Xin Miao   The covariant and on-shell statistics in
                                  $ \kappa $-deformed space--time  . . . . 063502
                     R. M. Gade   A set of sums for continuous dual
                                  $q$-2-Hahn polynomials . . . . . . . . . 063503
                 G. Akemann and   
             M. J. Phillips and   
                     L. Shifrin   Gap probabilities in non-Hermitian
                                  random matrix theory . . . . . . . . . . 063504
                  A. I. Zenchuk   On the relationship between nonlinear
                                  equations integrable by the method of
                                  characteristics and equations associated
                                  with commuting vector fields . . . . . . 063505
          Marianna Ruggieri and   
               Antonino Valenti   Symmetries and reduction techniques for
                                  dissipative models . . . . . . . . . . . 063506
      R. Figueiredo Camargo and   
           Ary O. Chiacchio and   
                 R. Charnet and   
         E. Capelas de Oliveira   Solution of the fractional Langevin
                                  equation and the Mittag-Leffler
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063507
                    M. Goze and   
       M. Rausch de Traubenberg   Hopf algebras for ternary algebras . . . 063508
             Giovanni Calvaruso   Three-dimensional Ivanov--Petrova
                                  manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063509
            Shin-itiro Goto and   
                Robin W. Tucker   Electromagnetic fields produced by
                                  moving sources in a curved beam pipe . . 063510
                  Ilwoo Cho and   
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   Applications of automata and graphs:
                                  Labeling operators in Hilbert space. II  063511
                N. S. Hoang and   
                     A. G. Ramm   An inverse problem for a heat equation
                                  with piecewise-constant thermal
                                  conductivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063512
              Marcos Jardim and   
          Rafael F. Leão   On the eigenvalues of the twisted Dirac
                                  operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063513
           Bobby Eka Gunara and   
             Freddy Permana Zen   Flat Bogomolnyi--Prasad--Sommerfeld
                                  domain walls on two-dimensional
                                  Kähler--Ricci soliton . . . . . . . . . . 063514
                  Saugata Ghosh   Bulk asymptotics of skew-orthogonal
                                  polynomials for quartic double well
                                  potential and universality in the matrix
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063515
                Hongzi Cong and   
                Jianjun Liu and   
                  Xiaoping Yuan   Quasiperiodic solutions for the cubic
                                  complex Ginzburg--Landau equation  . . . 063516
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                     Tae Gab Ha   Erratum: ``Existence and asymptotic
                                  stability for the semilinear wave
                                  equation with boundary damping and
                                  source term'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 49,
                                  053511 (2008)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 069901
             Zhongzhi Zhang and   
               Yichao Zhang and   
              Shuigeng Zhou and   
                   Ming Yin and   
                    Jihong Guan   Publisher's Note: ``Influences of degree
                                  inhomogeneity on average path length and
                                  random walks in disassortative
                                  scale-free networks'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 50, 033514 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . 069902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 7, July, 2009

                Indranil Biswas   Quantization of a symplectic manifold
                                  associated to a manifold with projective
                                  structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072101
Sirin A. Büyükasik and   
           Oktay K. Pashaev and   
               Esra Tigrak-Ulas   Exactly solvable quantum
                                  Sturm--Liouville problems  . . . . . . . 072102
             Tadahiro Miyao and   
                  Herbert Spohn   The retarded van der Waals potential:
                                  Revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072103
       Milán Mosonyi and   
                Nilanjana Datta   Generalized relative entropies and the
                                  capacity of classical-quantum channels   072104
                N. N. Khuri and   
        André Martin and   
              J.-M. Richard and   
                    Tai Tsun Wu   Low-energy potential scattering in two
                                  and three dimensions . . . . . . . . . . 072105
                      T. Bar-on   Discrete Wigner function by symmetric
                                  informationally complete positive
                                  operator valued measure  . . . . . . . . 072106
                     Guowu Meng   The $ {\rm Sp}(1) $-Kepler problems  . . 072107
                G. Domenech and   
                 H. Freytes and   
                    C. de Ronde   Many worlds and modality in the
                                  interpretation of quantum mechanics: An
                                  algebraic approach . . . . . . . . . . . 072108
         Jan-Hendrik Jureit and   
           Christoph A. Stephan   On a classification of irreducible
                                  almost-commutative geometries V  . . . . 072301
              S. Wickramasekara   Relativistic dynamics of quasistable
                                  states. II. Differentiable
                                  representations of the causal Poincaré
                                  semigroup  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072302
              Myeongju Chae and   
                   Hyungjin Huh   Semi-nonrelativistic limit of the
                                  Chern--Simons--Higgs system  . . . . . . 072303
           Roberto Giamb\`o and   
             Fabio Giannoni and   
               Antonio Masiello   Functional regularity properties for
                                  light rays in general relativity . . . . 072501
             Kentaro Tanabe and   
         Norihiro Tanahashi and   
              Tetsuya Shiromizu   Asymptotic flatness at spatial infinity
                                  in higher dimensions . . . . . . . . . . 072502
              A. O. Petters and   
                   B. Rider and   
                   A. M. Teguia   A mathematical theory of stochastic
                                  microlensing. I. Random time delay
                                  functions and lensing maps . . . . . . . 072503
                  Jean Avan and   
             Genevi\`eve Rollet   On Calogero--Françoise-type Lax matrices
                                  and their dynamical $r$-matrices . . . . 072701
                  H. Y. Xie and   
                P. T. Leung and   
                     D. P. Tsai   Clarification and extension of the
                                  optical reciprocity theorem  . . . . . . 072901
          Mohammad Khorrami and   
          Amir H. Fatollahi and   
                 Ahmad Shariati   Poisson structure on a space with linear
                                  $ {\rm SU}(2) $ fuzziness  . . . . . . . 072902
                      G. Boland   Long cycles in the
                                  infinite-range-hopping Bose--Hubbard
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073301
      Delphine Féral and   
   Sandrine Péché   The largest eigenvalues of sample
                                  covariance matrices for a spiked
                                  population: Diagonal case  . . . . . . . 073302
              Fred C. Adams and   
               Anthony M. Bloch   Hill's equation with random forcing
                                  parameters: The limit of delta function
                                  barriers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073501
     Blazej M. Szablikowski and   
             Maciej Blaszak and   
                 Burcu Silindir   Bi-Hamiltonian structures for integrable
                                  systems on regular time scales . . . . . 073502
               Sergiu I. Vacaru   Spectral functionals, nonholonomic Dirac
                                  operators, and noncommutative Ricci
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073503
            Igor A. Batalin and   
                   Klaus Bering   A comparative study of Laplacians and
                                  identities in Riemannian and
                                  antisymplectic geometry  . . . . . . . . 073504
           Richard H. Price and   
       Charalampos Markakis and   
               John L. Friedman   Iteration stability for simple Newtonian
                                  stellar systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073505
                      Dong Wang   Random matrices with external source and
                                  $ K P $ $ \tau $ functions . . . . . . . 073506
                 Lixin Tian and   
                Yuexia Chen and   
              Xiuping Jiang and   
                     Limeng Xia   Low-regularity solutions of the periodic
                                  Fornberg--Whitham equation . . . . . . . 073507
            A. M. Grundland and   
                  A. J. Hariton   $ N = 2 $ supersymmetric extension of a
                                  hydrodynamic system in Riemann
                                  invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073508
       A. Karasu (Kalkanli) and   
                 P. G. L. Leach   Nonlocal symmetries and integrable
                                  ordinary differential equations: $ \ddot
                                  {x} + 3 x \dot {x} + x^3 = 0 $ and its
                                  generalizations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 073509
             Sandra Carillo and   
             Cornelia Schiebold   Noncommutative Korteweg--de Vries and
                                  modified Korteweg--de Vries hierarchies
                                  via recursion methods  . . . . . . . . . 073510
               F. Izaurieta and   
                   A. Perez and   
               E. Rodriguez and   
                     P. Salgado   Dual formulation of the Lie algebra
                                  $S$-expansion procedure  . . . . . . . . 073511
               Michael Hayn and   
          Matthias Holschneider   Directional spherical multipole wavelets 073512

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 8, August, 2009

              Martin Bohata and   
                  Jan Hamhalter   Maximal violation of Bell's inequalities
                                  and Pauli spin matrices  . . . . . . . . 082101
             Gero Friesecke and   
                   Mario Koppen   On the Ehrenfest theorem of quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082102
            A. R. Mkrtchyan and   
              R. M. Avakyan and   
          A. G. Hayrapetyan and   
          B. V. Khachatryan and   
                R. G. Petrosyan   Equations for probability density and
                                  for the phase of wave function in
                                  quantum mechanics and superconductivity  082103
              Bengt R. Karlsson   Two-parameter complex Hadamard matrices
                                  for $ N = 6 $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082104
                 Ali Nabi Duman   The fusion algebra of an extraspecial
                                  $p$-group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082301
               A. B. Aazami and   
                  A. O. Petters   A universal magnification theorem. II.
                                  Generic caustics up to codimension five  082501
            Hari K. Kunduri and   
                 James Lucietti   A classification of near-horizon
                                  geometries of extremal vacuum black
                                  holes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082502
           R. J. van den Hoogen   A complete cosmological solution to the
                                  averaged Einstein field equations as
                                  found in macroscopic gravity . . . . . . 082503
                   M. C. Werner   Geometry of universal magnification
                                  invariants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082504
           Nikos I. Karachalios   A remark on the dimension of the
                                  attractor for the Dirichlet problem of
                                  the complex Ginzburg--Landau equation    082701
               S. N. Pandey and   
                P. S. Bindu and   
            M. Senthilvelan and   
                  M. Lakshmanan   A group theoretical identification of
                                  integrable cases of the Liénard-type
                                  equation $ \ddot {x} + f(x) \dot {x} +
                                  g(x) = 0 $. I. Equations having
                                  nonmaximal number of Lie point
                                  symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082702
                 M. J. Koop and   
                 R. B. Mann and   
               M. Rohanizadegan   Chaotic behavior in a charged three-body
                                  self-gravitating system  . . . . . . . . 082703
                   Yong Ren and   
                        Li Chen   A note on the neutral stochastic
                                  functional differential equation with
                                  infinite delay and Poisson jumps in an
                                  abstract space . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082704
            Armengol Gasull and   
               Jaume Llibre and   
                    Xiang Zhang   One-dimensional quaternion homogeneous
                                  polynomial differential equations  . . . 082705
               Sergio D. Grillo   Higher order constrained Hamiltonian
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082901
             Ling Hei Yeung and   
                    Yuen Manwai   Analytical solutions to the
                                  Navier--Stokes equations with
                                  density-dependent viscosity and with
                                  pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083101
               Gregory L. Eyink   Stochastic line motion and stochastic
                                  flux conservation for nonideal
                                  hydromagnetic models . . . . . . . . . . 083102
                    Kwok Sau Fa   Anomalous diffusion in a generalized
                                  Langevin equation  . . . . . . . . . . . 083301
                    M. A. Aliev   Generating function of spin correlation
                                  functions for kinetic Glauber--Ising
                                  model with time-dependent transition
                                  rates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083302
            R. Hübener and   
            M. Van den Nest and   
                W. Dür and   
                  H. J. Briegel   Classical spin systems and the quantum
                                  stabilizer formalism: General mappings
                                  and applications . . . . . . . . . . . . 083303
       A. P. C. Malbouisson and   
       J. M. C. Malbouisson and   
                  R. C. Pereira   Boundary effects on the mass and
                                  coupling constant in the compactified
                                  Ginzburg--Landau model: The boundary
                                  dependent critical temperature . . . . . 083304
          S. O. Nikolayenko and   
             Yu. V. Slyusarenko   Microscopic theory of relaxation
                                  processes in systems of particles
                                  interacting with the hydrodynamic medium 083305
                H. Ataguema and   
                A. Makhlouf and   
                  S. Silvestrov   Generalization of $n$-ary Nambu algebras
                                  and beyond . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083501
                      Deping Ye   On the Bures volume of separable quantum
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083502
                  Qiaoyi Hu and   
                   Zhaoyang Yin   Blowup and blowup rate of solutions to a
                                  weakly dissipative periodic rod equation 083503
                Jianzhi Han and   
                   Junbo Li and   
                       Yucai Su   Lie bialgebra structures on the
                                  Schrödinger--Virasoro Lie algebra . . . . 083504
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                   Sun Hye Park   General decay for quasilinear
                                  viscoelastic equations with nonlinear
                                  weak damping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083505
                     I-Shih Liu   Constitutive theory of anisotropic rigid
                                  heat conductors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 083506
                  John Fredsted   Spinor fields without Lorentz frames in
                                  curved space--time using complexified
                                  quaternions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083507
      Alexandr K. Demenchuk and   
             Evgenii K. Makarov   Explicit polynomial formulas for
                                  solutions of the matrix equation $ A X -
                                  X A = C $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083508
                  Taotao Hu and   
                   Kang Xue and   
                    Chunfeng Wu   Berry phase and entanglement of three
                                  qubits in a new Yang--Baxter system  . . 083509
           S. L. Lyakhovich and   
                 A. A. Sharapov   Normal forms and gauge symmetry of local
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083510
             C. E. F. Lopes and   
              I. A. Pedrosa and   
                 C. Furtado and   
           A. M. de M. Carvalho   Gaussian wave packet states of scalar
                                  fields in a universe of de Sitter  . . . 083511
               K. A. Penson and   
                 P. Blasiak and   
                 A. Horzela and   
           G. H. E. Duchamp and   
                  A. I. Solomon   Laguerre-type derivatives: Dobi\'nski
                                  relations and combinatorial identities   083512
                 Liu Weihua and   
                       Wu Junde   On supremum of bounded quantum
                                  observable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083513
               Guowang Chen and   
                Hongxia Guo and   
                  Hongwei Zhang   Global existence of solutions of Cauchy
                                  problem for generalized system of
                                  nonlinear evolution equations arising
                                  from DNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083514
                  Boris Vertman   Zeta determinants for regular-singular
                                  Laplace-type operators . . . . . . . . . 083515
                Chun-Lei He and   
                   De-Xing Kong   Spherical symmetric solutions for the
                                  motion of relativistic membranes in the
                                  Schwarzschild spacetime  . . . . . . . . 083516
                    Emil Prodan   The edge spectrum of Chern insulators
                                  with rough boundaries  . . . . . . . . . 083517
                Wen-Li Yang and   
                Yao-Zhong Zhang   Partition function of the eight-vertex
                                  model with domain wall boundary
                                  condition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083518
              Sergey M. Sergeev   Supertetrahedra and superalgebras  . . . 083519

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 9, September, 2009

              Alexander Its and   
               Michio Jimbo and   
            Jean-Michel Maillet   Introduction to Special Issue:
                                  Integrable Quantum Systems and Solvable
                                  Statistical Mechanics Models . . . . . . 095101
       André Fischer and   
               Olaf Lechtenfeld   The noncommutative sine-Gordon breather  095201
                  Ian Marquette   Superintegrability with third order
                                  integrals of motion, cubic algebras, and
                                  supersymmetric quantum mechanics. II.
                                  Painlevé transcendent potentials  . . . . 095202
        Louis-Pierre Arguin and   
               Yvan Saint-Aubin   Restricted partition functions of the
                                  two-dimensional Ising model on a
                                  half-infinite cylinder . . . . . . . . . 095203
             Craig A. Tracy and   
                   Harold Widom   Total current fluctuations in the
                                  asymmetric simple exclusion process  . . 095204
                K. K. Kozlowski   Fine structure of the asymptotic
                                  expansion of cyclic integrals  . . . . . 095205
                    H. Boos and   
                   M. Jimbo and   
                    T. Miwa and   
                     F. Smirnov   Completeness of a fermionic basis in the
                                  homogeneous XXZ model  . . . . . . . . . 095206
                 M. B. Hastings   Light-cone matrix product  . . . . . . . 095207
                  Shannon Starr   Thermodynamic limit for the Mallows
                                  model on $ S_n $ . . . . . . . . . . . . 095208
                N. Kitanine and   
            K. K. Kozlowski and   
              J. M. Maillet and   
              N. A. Slavnov and   
                      V. Terras   On the thermodynamic limit of form
                                  factors in the massless XXZ Heisenberg
                                  chain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095209
                 Pierre Mathieu   Paths and partitions: Combinatorial
                                  descriptions of the parafermionic states 095210
                  Lea F. Santos   Transport and control in one-dimensional
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095211
        Alexandre Faribault and   
         Pasquale Calabrese and   
     Jean-Sébastien Caux   Bethe ansatz approach to quench dynamics
                                  in the Richardson model  . . . . . . . . 095212
                 Eman Hamza and   
        Spyridon Michalakis and   
         Bruno Nachtergaele and   
                    Robert Sims   Approximating the ground state of gapped
                                  quantum spin systems . . . . . . . . . . 095213
     Jean-Sébastien Caux   Correlation functions of integrable
                                  models: A description of the ABACUS
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095214
                  B. Feigin and   
               K. Hashizume and   
                 A. Hoshino and   
               J. Shiraishi and   
                    S. Yanagida   A commutative algebra on degenerate $
                                  \mathbb {C} \mathbb {P}^1 $ and
                                  Macdonald polynomials  . . . . . . . . . 095215

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 10, October, 2009

             A. Elçi and   
               H. P. Hjalmarson   The tunneling solutions of the
                                  time-dependent Schrödinger equation for a
                                  square-potential barrier . . . . . . . . 102101
                Volker Bach and   
    Jürg Fröhlich and   
                   Lars Jonsson   Bogolubov--Hartree--Fock mean field
                                  theory for neutron stars and other
                                  systems with attractive interactions . . 102102
              S. R. Valluri and   
                     M. Gil and   
              D. J. Jeffrey and   
                  Shantanu Basu   The Lambert $W$ function and quantum
                                  statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102103
                      Zuhan Liu   Phase separation of two-component
                                  Bose--Einstein condensates . . . . . . . 102104
                 Gilad Gour and   
           Barry C. Sanders and   
                Peter S. Turner   Time-reversal frameness and
                                  superselection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102105
            Daniel A. Lidar and   
           Ali T. Rezakhani and   
                 Alioscia Hamma   Adiabatic approximation with exponential
                                  accuracy for many-body systems and
                                  quantum computation  . . . . . . . . . . 102106
          Takayuki Miyadera and   
                    Hideki Imai   No-cloning theorem on quantum logics . . 102107
                Hong-yi Fan and   
                    Cui-hong Lv   Explicit pure-state density operator
                                  structure for quantum tomography . . . . 102108
                Guglielmo Fucci   Nonperturbative one-loop effective
                                  action for electrodynamics in curved
                                  space--time  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102301
           Ivan G. Avramidi and   
                Guglielmo Fucci   Low-energy effective action in
                                  nonperturbative electrodynamics in
                                  curved space--time . . . . . . . . . . . 102302
                    C. Adam and   
                  P. Klimas and   
J. Sánchez-Guillén and   
             A. Wereszczy\'nski   Compact shell solitons in $K$ field
                                  theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102303
            Hyeong-Chan Kim and   
               Youngone Lee and   
                 Chaiho Rim and   
                  Jae Hyung Yee   Scalar field theory in $ \kappa
                                  $-Minkowski spacetime from twist . . . . 102304
              James Burnett and   
               Dmitri Vassiliev   Weyl's Lagrangian in teleparallel form   102501
         A. Ghose Choudhury and   
                Partha Guha and   
                   Barun Khanra   Determination of elementary first
                                  integrals of a generalized Raychaudhuri
                                  equation by the Darboux integrability
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102502
               S. N. Pandey and   
                P. S. Bindu and   
            M. Senthilvelan and   
                  M. Lakshmanan   A group theoretical identification of
                                  integrable equations in the Liénard-type
                                  equation $ \ddot {x} + f(x) \dot (x) +
                                  g(x) = 0 $. II. Equations having maximal
                                  Lie point symmetries . . . . . . . . . . 102701
                    Anjan Kundu   Nonlinearizing linear equations to
                                  integrable systems including new
                                  hierarchies with nonholonomic
                                  deformations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102702
                    M. Cerkaski   Ellipsoids of $ {\rm U}(3) $ model . . . 102703
                Avi Gershon and   
               Lawrence Horwitz   Kaluza--Klein theory as a dynamics in a
                                  dual geometry  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102704
                  J. Llibre and   
                    Ch. Pantazi   Darboux theory of integrability for a
                                  class of nonautonomous vector fields . . 102705
              Dongshan Gong and   
                Haitao Song and   
                 Chengkui Zhong   Attractors for nonautonomous
                                  two-dimensional space periodic
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . 102706
                   Peicheng Zhu   Asymptotic stability of the stationary
                                  solution to an initial boundary value
                                  problem for the Mullins equation of
                                  fourth order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102707
                 Xicheng Li and   
                      Mingyu Xu   A model for reversible reaction in a
                                  subdiffusive regime  . . . . . . . . . . 102708
                   Yong Ren and   
                     Dandan Sun   Second-order neutral impulsive
                                  stochastic evolution equations with
                                  delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102709
         Ismagil Habibullin and   
        Natalya Zheltukhina and   
                    Asli Pekcan   Complete list of Darboux integrable
                                  chains of the form $ t_{1 x} = t + x +
                                  d(t, t_1) $  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102710
             Mervin Woodlin and   
                      Zhifu Xie   Collinear central configurations in the
                                  $n$-body problem with general
                                  homogeneous potential  . . . . . . . . . 102901
              A. N. W. Hone and   
                M. Senthilvelan   Note on the Poisson structure of the
                                  damped oscillator  . . . . . . . . . . . 102902
            Giovanni Romano and   
          Raffaele Barretta and   
                   Marina Diaco   On continuum dynamics  . . . . . . . . . 102903
                   Marco Frasca   Dual Lindstedt series and
                                  Kolmogorov--Arnol'd--Moser theorem . . . 102904
     Manuel Núñez   Basic results on the equations of
                                  magnetohydrodynamics of partially
                                  ionized inviscid plasmas . . . . . . . . 103101
             Eugenio Aulisa and   
         Lidia Bloshanskaya and   
                 Luan Hoang and   
                 Akif Ibragimov   Analysis of generalized Forchheimer
                                  flows of compressible fluids in porous
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103102
           Thomas Oikonomou and   
                 G. Baris Bagci   A note on the definition of deformed
                                  exponential and logarithm functions  . . 103301
            Zeghdoudi Halim and   
              Boutabia Hac\`ene   Computation for the canonical measures
                                  of a colored disordered lattice gas and
                                  spectral gap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103302
               Qianzhu Tian and   
                        Jie Sun   Nonlinear stability of boundary layer
                                  solution to the Boltzmann equation with
                                  diffusive effect at the boundary . . . . 103303
                 Fumio Hiai and   
       Milán Mosonyi and   
               Masahito Hayashi   Quantum hypothesis testing with group
                                  symmetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103304
                 Toshiyuki Mano   Studies on monodromy preserving
                                  deformation of linear differential
                                  equations on elliptic curves . . . . . . 103501
      Palle E. T. Jorgensen and   
                 Myung-Sin Song   An extension of Wiener integration with
                                  the use of operator theory . . . . . . . 103502
                  Kai J. Keller   Euclidean Epstein--Glaser
                                  renormalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103503
               M. S. Bruzon and   
            M. L. Gandarias and   
                 M. Torrisi and   
                   R. Tracin\`a   Some traveling wave solutions for the
                                  dissipative Zabolotskaya--Khokhlov
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103504
                       Xi Zhang   A note of Sasakian metrics with constant
                                  scalar curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . 103505
                    Yu-Zhu Wang   Global existence of classical solutions
                                  to the minimal surface equation in two
                                  space dimensions with slow decay initial
                                  value  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103506
                      Qing Ding   Explicit blow-up solutions to the
                                  Schrödinger maps from $ R^2 $ to the
                                  hyperbolic $2$-space $ H^2$  . . . . . . 103507
               Kenji Iohara and   
                 Yoshiyuki Koga   Note on spin modules associated to $
                                  \mathbb {Z} $-graded Lie superalgebras   103508
                     Ryu Sasaki   Exactly solvable birth and death
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103509
           Houshang Ardavan and   
            Arzhang Ardavan and   
             John Singleton and   
               Joseph Fasel and   
                 Andrea Schmidt   Inadequacies in the conventional
                                  treatment of the radiation field of
                                  moving sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103510
              Nakao Hayashi and   
               Pavel I. Naumkin   Final state problem for the cubic
                                  nonlinear Klein--Gordon equation . . . . 103511
         Mihaela T. Matache and   
               Valentin Matache   On the sensitivity to noise of a Boolean
                                  function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103512
Antonio J. Calderón Martín   On the structure of graded Lie algebras  103513
                  C. Vignat and   
                 P. W. Lamberti   A study of the orthogonal polynomials
                                  associated with the quantum harmonic
                                  oscillator on constant curvature spaces  103514
José F. Cariñena and   
             P. G. L. Leach and   
                Javier de Lucas   Quasi-Lie schemes and Emden--Fowler
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103515
                       Mike Hay   A completeness study on discrete, $ 2
                                  \times 2 $ Lax pairs . . . . . . . . . . 103516
      Roberto Di Criscienzo and   
                 Sergio Zerbini   Functional determinants in higher
                                  derivative Lagrangian theories . . . . . 103517
                A. Melikyan and   
                      A. Pinzul   On quantum integrability of the
                                  Landau--Lifshitz model . . . . . . . . . 103518
                Yu. V. Brezhnev   On uniformization of Burnside's curve $
                                  y^2 = x^5 - x $  . . . . . . . . . . . . 103519
        Stefano Cardanobile and   
                  Delio Mugnolo   Toward a gauge theory for evolution
                                  equations on vector-valued spaces  . . . 103520
              Iryna Egorova and   
             Johanna Michor and   
                  Gerald Teschl   Inverse scattering transform for the
                                  Toda hierarchy with steplike finite-gap
                                  backgrounds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103521
              Changzheng Qu and   
                  Shoufeng Shen   Nonlinear evolution equations admitting
                                  multilinear variable separable solutions 103522
                    T. Skrypnyk   Integrability and superintegrability of
                                  the generalized $n$-level many-mode
                                  Jaynes--Cummings and Dicke models  . . . 103523
          Agapitos Hatzinikitas   The fractional Schrödinger operator and
                                  Toeplitz matrices  . . . . . . . . . . . 103524
               Bo-Qing Dong and   
                   Zhi-Min Chen   Regularity criteria of weak solutions to
                                  the three-dimensional micropolar flows   103525
           Juan S. Ardenghi and   
              M. Castagnino and   
         R. Campoamor-Stursberg   The nonrelativistic limit of
                                  (central-extended) Poincaré group and
                                  some consequences for quantum
                                  actualization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103526
            Salvino Ciccariello   The correlation functions of plane
                                  polygons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103527
        Tewodros Amdeberhan and   
             Victor H. Moll and   
                   Armin Straub   Closed-form evaluation of integrals
                                  appearing in positronium decay . . . . . 103528
              Manuel Barros and   
         Angel Ferrández   A conformal variational approach for
                                  helices in nature  . . . . . . . . . . . 103529
              Yasuhito Miyamoto   The ``hot spots'' conjecture for a
                                  certain class of planar convex domains   103530
                 Liu Weihua and   
                       Wu Junde   On fixed points of Lüders operation . . . 103531
             Spyridon Kamvissis   Comment on ``Existence and regularity
                                  for an energy maximization problem in
                                  two dimensions'', [S. Kamvissis and E.
                                  A. Rakhmanov, J. Math. Phys. \bf 46,
                                  083505 (2005)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104101
           Bobby Eka Gunara and   
             Freddy Permana Zen   Publisher's Note: ``Flat
                                  Bogomolnyi--Prasad--Sommerfeld domain
                                  walls on two-dimensional Kähler--Ricci
                                  soliton'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50,
                                  063514 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109901
                      Jon Tyson   Erratum: ``Minimum-error quantum
                                  distinguishability bounds from matrix
                                  monotone functions: A comment on
                                  `Two-sided estimates of minimum-error
                                  distinguishability of mixed quantum
                                  states via generalized Holevo--Curlander
                                  bounds'\,'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50,
                                  062102 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 11, November, 2009

                Pavel Exner and   
                   Martin Fraas   On geometric perturbations of critical
                                  Schrödinger operators with a surface
                                  interaction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112101
               Thomas Benes and   
                 Dietrich Burde   Degenerations of pre-Lie algebras  . . . 112102
            A. N. F. Aleixo and   
               A. B. Balantekin   Multiparameter deformation theory for
                                  quantum confined systems . . . . . . . . 112103
           Dean J. Robinson and   
                Eliot Kapit and   
           André LeClair   Lorentz symmetric quantum field theory
                                  for symplectic fermions  . . . . . . . . 112301
                    G. Gouesbet   On the optical theorem and
                                  non-plane-wave scattering in quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112302
              Mustafa Sarisaman   Pseudoduality between symmetric space
                                  sigma models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112303
            Stefan Hollands and   
               Heiner Olbermann   Perturbative quantum field theory via
                                  vertex algebras  . . . . . . . . . . . . 112304
            Kirsten Vogeler and   
                  Michael Flohr   On a logarithmic deformation of the
                                  supersymmetric $ b c$-system on curved
                                  manifolds  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112305
       Christian Lübbe and   
                       Paul Tod   An extension theorem for conformal gauge
                                  singularities  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112501
           Christian Lübbe   A conformal extension theorem based on
                                  null conformal geodesics . . . . . . . . 112502
         Herondy F. S. Mota and   
                  V. B. Bezerra   Quantum scattering of relativistic
                                  particles in Safko--Witten spacetime . . 112503
            John W. Barrett and   
         Richard J. Dowdall and   
       Winston J. Fairbairn and   
             Henrique Gomes and   
                 Frank Hellmann   Asymptotic analysis of the
                                  four-simplex amplitude . . . . . . . . . 112504
            Jong Yeoul Park and   
                   Jum Ran Kang   Global existence and stability for a von
                                  Karman equations with memory in
                                  noncylindrical domains . . . . . . . . . 112701
                 Fukun Zhao and   
                 Leiga Zhao and   
                   Yanheng Ding   A note on superlinear Hamiltonian
                                  elliptic systems . . . . . . . . . . . . 112702
          Metin Gürses and   
        Gusein Sh. Guseinov and   
          Kostyantyn Zheltukhin   Dynamical systems and Poisson structures 112703
      César Castilho and   
              Marcelo Marchesin   A practical use of the Melnikov
                                  homoclinic method  . . . . . . . . . . . 112704
                  J. Cuevas and   
          N. I. Karachalios and   
                     F. Palmero   Lower and upper estimates on the
                                  excitation threshold for breathers in
                                  discrete nonlinear Schrödinger lattices   112705
                  Yurij Yaremko   Interference in the radiation of two
                                  pointlike charges  . . . . . . . . . . . 112901
             L. W. Lupinski and   
                   M. J. Madsen   Angular normal modes of a circular
                                  Coulomb cluster  . . . . . . . . . . . . 112902
             R. S. Laugesen and   
                  B. A. Siudeja   Maximizing Neumann fundamental tones of
                                  triangles  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112903
                     Z. Yoshida   Clebsch parameterization: Basic
                                  properties and remarks on its
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113101
                  Tatsuaki Wada   Generalized log-likelihood functions and
                                  Bregman divergences  . . . . . . . . . . 113301
                   Shen Jun and   
                       Wu Junde   Spectral representation of infimum of
                                  bounded quantum observables  . . . . . . 113501
               Jia-Feng Guo and   
               Shi-Kun Wang and   
                      Ke Wu and   
               Zhao-Wen Yan and   
                 Wei-Zhong Zhao   Integrable higher order deformations of
                                  Heisenberg supermagnetic model . . . . . 113502
          Palle E. T. Jorgensen   Analysis of unbounded operators and
                                  random motion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113503
Hugo García-Compeán and   
 Aldo A. Martínez-Merino   On the Moyal deformation of Nahm
                                  equations in seven dimensions  . . . . . 113504
   Sundance Bilson-Thompson and   
           Jonathan Hackett and   
              Louis H. Kauffman   Particle topology, braids, and braided
                                  belts  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113505
                     Wenjun Liu   General decay rate estimate for a
                                  viscoelastic equation with weakly
                                  nonlinear time-dependent dissipation and
                                  source terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113506
                    Ting Su and   
                Hui-Hui Dai and   
                   Xianguo Geng   On the application of a generalized
                                  dressing method to the integration of
                                  variable-coefficient coupled Hirota
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113507
                M. C. Nucci and   
                 P. G. L. Leach   The method of Ostrogradsky,
                                  quantization, and a move toward a
                                  ghost-free future  . . . . . . . . . . . 113508
      Wladyslaw A. Majewski and   
           Takashi Matsuoka and   
                  Masanori Ohya   Characterization of partial positive
                                  transposition states and measures of
                                  entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113509
                     Shuguan Ji   Periodic solutions on the
                                  Sturm--Liouville boundary value problem
                                  for two-dimensional wave equation  . . . 113510
                 Atsushi Ohkubo   Ground states of the massless
                                  Derezi\'nski--Gérard model  . . . . . . . 113511
                  Jean Avan and   
               Anastasia Doikou   Boundary Lax pairs from non-ultra-local
                                  Poisson algebras . . . . . . . . . . . . 113512
                    Nick Laskin   Some applications of the fractional
                                  Poisson probability distribution . . . . 113513
José Miguel Figueroa-O'Farrill   Deformations of $3$-algebras . . . . . . 113514
        Christopher J. Winfield   Well-posedness of Einstein's equation
                                  with redshift data . . . . . . . . . . . 113515
          Beno\^\it Collins and   
                  Sho Matsumoto   On some properties of orthogonal
                                  Weingarten functions . . . . . . . . . . 113516
          Dénes Petz and   
           József Pitrik   Markov property of Gaussian states of
                                  canonical commutation relation algebras  113517
                   F. Salvarani   Asymptotic behavior for logarithmic
                                  diffusion  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113518
            Jae-Young Chung and   
                  Dohan Kim and   
           John Michael Rassias   Hyers--Ulam stability on a generalized
                                  quadratic functional equation in
                                  distributions and hyperfunctions . . . . 113519
                   T. Kanna and   
           K. Sakkaravarthi and   
           C. Senthil Kumar and   
              M. Lakshmanan and   
                      M. Wadati   Painlevé singularity structure analysis
                                  of three component Gross--Pitaevskii
                                  type equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113520
                 Knut Bakke and   
              I. A. Pedrosa and   
                Claudio Furtado   Geometric phases and squeezed quantum
                                  states of relic gravitons  . . . . . . . 113521
                    Rukmini Dey   Erratum: ``Geometric prequantization of
                                  the moduli space of the vortex equations
                                  on a Riemann surface'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 47, 103501 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . 119901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 50, Number 12, December, 2009

       Bruno L. Z. Nachtergaele   Announcement: Journal of Mathematical
                                  Physics introduces a new section ---
                                  Quantum Information and Computation  . . 120201
              C. Pellegrini and   
                 F. Petruccione   Diffusion approximation of stochastic
                                  master equations with jumps  . . . . . . 122101
                  Ian Marquette   Supersymmetry as a method of obtaining
                                  new superintegrable systems with higher
                                  order integrals of motion  . . . . . . . 122102
              Luigi Accardi and   
                   Ameur Dhahri   Quadratic exponential vectors  . . . . . 122103
           Masahito Hayashi and   
             Damian Markham and   
                  Mio Murao and   
               Masaki Owari and   
               Shashank Virmani   The geometric measure of entanglement
                                  for a symmetric pure state with
                                  non-negative amplitudes  . . . . . . . . 122104
                Miloslav Znojil   Complete set of inner products for a
                                  discrete $ P T $-symmetric square-well
                                  Hamiltonian  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122105
        Francesca Albertini and   
          Domenico D'Alessandro   Analysis of quantum walks with
                                  time-varying coin on $d$-dimensional
                                  lattices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122106
                    Yuan Li and   
                   Xiu-Hong Sun   A note on the logic of bounded quantum
                                  observables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122107
         Miguel Ballesteros and   
                  Ricardo Weder   The Aharonov--Bohm effect and Tonomura
                                  et al. experiments: Rigorous results . . 122108
                   F. Thuillier   Deligne--Beilinson cohomology and
                                  Abelian link invariants: Torsion case    122301
             V. P. Neznamov and   
                  A. J. Silenko   Foldy--Wouthuysen wave functions and
                                  conditions of transformation between
                                  Dirac and Foldy--Wouthuysen
                                  representations  . . . . . . . . . . . . 122302
              A. O. Petters and   
                   B. Rider and   
                   A. M. Teguia   A mathematical theory of stochastic
                                  microlensing. II. Random images, shear,
                                  and the Kac--Rice formula  . . . . . . . 122501
                 S. P. Miao and   
               N. C. Tsamis and   
                  R. P. Woodard   Transforming to Lorentz gauge on de
                                  Sitter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122502
           Alfonso F. Agnew and   
              Scot P. Childress   Matrix projective spaces and twistorlike
                                  incidence structures . . . . . . . . . . 122503
Alfonso García-Parrado Gómez-Lobo and   
José M. Martín-García   Spinor calculus on five-dimensional
                                  spacetimes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122504
                E. Gravanis and   
                    S. Willison   Singular sources in gravity and homotopy
                                  in the space of connections  . . . . . . 122505
             Samuel A. Cook and   
                    Tevian Dray   Tensor generalizations of affine
                                  symmetry vectors . . . . . . . . . . . . 122506
                 M. Bruschi and   
                F. Calogero and   
                     R. Droghei   Integrability, analyticity, isochrony,
                                  equilibria, small oscillations, and
                                  Diophantine relations: Results from the
                                  stationary Korteweg--de Vries hierarchy  122701
                  M. Howard Lee   Analytical study of the superstable
                                  $3$-cycle in the logistic map  . . . . . 122702
              Vasily E. Tarasov   Discrete map with memory from fractional
                                  differential equation of arbitrary
                                  positive order . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122703
                    J.-P. Ngome   Curved manifolds with conserved
                                  Runge--Lenz vectors  . . . . . . . . . . 122901
                  Derek Harland   Kinks, chains, and loop groups in the $
                                  \mathbb {C} \mathbb {P}^n $ sigma models 122902
Marie-Noëlle Célérier   Chaotic motion in classical fluids with
                                  scale relativistic methods . . . . . . . 123101
            Alexander Bihlo and   
              Roman O. Popovych   Lie symmetries and exact solutions of
                                  the barotropic vorticity equation  . . . 123102
                A. Ghaffari and   
                A. Alinejad and   
              M. Eshaghi Gordji   On the stability of general
                                  cubic-quartic functional equations in
                                  Menger probabilistic normed spaces . . . 123301
             Sami I. Muslih and   
                  Om P. Agrawal   A scaling method and its applications to
                                  problems in fractional dimensional space 123501
                   Ruguang Zhou   Mixed hierarchy of soliton equations . . 123502
     Kalle Kytölä and   
                   David Ridout   On staggered indecomposable Virasoro
                                  modules  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123503
                   Jinbing Chen   Neumann type integrable reduction for
                                  nonlinear evolution equations in 1+1 and
                                  $ 2 + 1 $ dimensions . . . . . . . . . . 123504
                     Bo Ren and   
                 Xue-jun Xu and   
                         Ji Lin   Symmetry group and exact solutions for
                                  the $ 2 + 1 $ dimensional
                                  Ablowitz--Kaup--Newell--Segur equation   123505
                 Hongyu Liu and   
                  Hai Zhang and   
                        Jun Zou   Recovery of polyhedral scatterers by a
                                  single electromagnetic far-field
                                  measurement  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123506
           Gro Hovhannisyan and   
                        Wen Liu   On nonautonomous Dirac equation  . . . . 123507
               Jianwei Yang and   
                       Shu Wang   Convergence of the nonisentropic
                                  Euler--Maxwell equations to compressible
                                  Euler--Poisson equations . . . . . . . . 123508
                    Stan Gudder   Quantum measure and integration theory   123509
            Florian Conrady and   
                Laurent Freidel   Quantum geometry from phase space
                                  reduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123510
Léa Jaccoud El-Jaick and   
    Bartolomeu D. B. Figueiredo   A limit of the confluent Heun equation
                                  and the Schrödinger equation for an
                                  inverted potential and for an electric
                                  dipole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123511
                N. Yokomizo and   
                J. C. A. Barata   Multiple classical limits in
                                  relativistic and nonrelativistic quantum
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123512
             Deng-Shan Wang and   
                      S. Y. Lou   Prolongation structures and exact
                                  solutions of $ K(m, n) $ equations . . . 123513
                  Yong Zhou and   
           Milan Pokorný   On a regularity criterion for the
                                  Navier--Stokes equations involving
                                  gradient of one velocity component . . . 123514
                Peter A. Becker   Infinite integrals of Whittaker and
                                  Bessel functions with respect to their
                                  indices  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123515
          Dmitry K. Demskoi and   
                    Jyh-Hao Lee   On non-Abelian Toda $ A_2^{(1)} $ model
                                  and related hierarchies  . . . . . . . . 123516
            Paul E. Ehrlich and   
              Jong Ryul Kim and   
                    Seon-Bu Kim   Nonisolated spacelike focal and
                                  conjugate points in Lorentzian geometry  123517
      R. Figueiredo Camargo and   
     E. Capelas de Oliveira and   
                    J. Vaz, Jr.   On anomalous diffusion and the
                                  fractional generalized Langevin equation
                                  for a harmonic oscillator  . . . . . . . 123518
                 M. A. Soloviev   Quantum field theory with a fundamental
                                  length: A general mathematical framework 123519
            Dumitru Baleanu and   
            Octavian G. Mustafa   On the asymptotic integration of a class
                                  of sublinear fractional differential
                                  equations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123520
              Charles Dunkl and   
               Karol Zyczkowski   Volume of the set of unistochastic
                                  matrices of order $3$ and the mean
                                  Jarlskog invariant . . . . . . . . . . . 123521
          Jerzy Lewandowski and   
          Andrzej Okolów   Quantum group connections  . . . . . . . 123522
           Francesco Toppan and   
                Piet W. Verbeek   On alphabetic presentations of Clifford
                                  algebras and their possible applications 123523
                      Junjie Li   On a fourth order degenerate parabolic
                                  equation in higher space dimensions  . . 123524
                     A. G. Ramm   Creating desired potentials by embedding
                                  small inhomogeneities  . . . . . . . . . 123525
                  Tatsuo Suzuki   Some formulas for invariant phases of
                                  unitary matrices by Jarlskog . . . . . . 123526
                  R. Caroca and   
                  N. Merino and   
                   A. Perez and   
                     P. Salgado   Generating higher-order Lie algebras by
                                  expanding Maurer--Cartan forms . . . . . 123527
       R. López-Ruiz and   
             Á. Nagy and   
                  E. Romera and   
               J. Sañudo   A generalized statistical complexity
                                  measure: Applications to quantum systems 123528
               N. Angelescu and   
               R. A. Minlos and   
                    J. Ruiz and   
                V. A. Zagrebnov   Erratum: ``Lower spectral branches of a
                                  spin-boson model'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf
                                  49, 102105 (2008)] . . . . . . . . . . . 129901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 51, Number 3, March, 2010

               L. B. Castro and   
                A. S. de Castro   Comment on ``Wave functions for a
                                  Duffin--Kemmer--Petiau particle in a
                                  time-dependent potential'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 48, 073515 (2007)] . . . . . . 034101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 51, Number 4, April, 2010

                      Yong Chen   Comment on ``On the imaginary-real ratio
                                  rule of power spectra'', [J. Math. Phys.
                                  \bf 50, 063301 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . 044101
              Choonkil Park and   
              M. Eshaghi Gordji   Comment on ``Approximate ternary Jordan
                                  derivations on Banach ternary
                                  algebras'', [Bavand Savadkouhi et al. J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 50, 042303 (2009)] . . . 044102
                  Tatsuaki Wada   Erratum: ``Generalized log-likelihood
                                  functions and Bregman divergences'', [J.
                                  Math. Phys. \bf 80, 113301 (2009)] . . . 049901
                Yisong Yang and   
                  Ruifeng Zhang   Erratum: ``Steady state solutions for
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger equation arising in
                                  optics'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50, 053501
                                  (2009)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 049902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 51, Number 5, May, 2010

     Krzysztof Andrzejewski and   
              Joanna Gonera and   
              Pawe\l Ma\'slanka   Comment on ``Functional determinants in
                                  higher derivative Lagrangian theories'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50, 103517 (2009)]   054101
                   Hai-Jun Wang   Comment on ``General nonlocality in
                                  quantum fields'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf
                                  49, 033513 (2008)] . . . . . . . . . . . 054102
      Roberto Di Criscienzo and   
                 Sergio Zerbini   Erratum: ``Functional determinants in
                                  higher derivative Lagrangian theories'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50, 103517 (2009)]   059901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 51, Number 8, August, 2010

                Cui-hong Lv and   
                    Hong-yi Fan   Erratum: ``Explicit pure-state density
                                  operator structure for quantum
                                  tomography'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50,
                                  102108 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 089901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 51, Number 10, October, 2010

                    Anjan Kundu   Publisher's Note: ``Nonlinearizing
                                  linear equations to integrable systems
                                  including new hierarchies with
                                  nonholonomic deformations'', [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 50, 102702 (2009)] . . . . . . 109903

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 52, Number 3, March, 2011

                    M. Bisi and   
                       G. Spiga   Erratum: ``Fluid-dynamic equations for
                                  granular particles in a host medium'',
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46, 113301 (2005)]   039901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 52, Number 4, April, 2011

Léa Jaccoud El-Jaick and   
    Bartolomeu D. B. Figueiredo   Erratum: ``A limit of the confluent Heun
                                  equation and the Schrödinger equation for
                                  an inverted potential and for an
                                  electric dipole'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf
                                  50, 123511 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . 049901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 52, Number 8, August, 2011

                  A. Rabeie and   
                    Z. Jalilian   Comment on ``Coherent states on
                                  spheres'', [J. Math. Phys. \bf 43, 1211
                                  (2002)]  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 084101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 52, Number 12, December, 2011

                        F. Haas   Comment on ``Dynamical systems and
                                  Poisson structures'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf
                                  50, 112703 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . 124101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 53, Number 4, April, 2012

Dragomir \vZ. \Dbarokovi\'c and   
               Andreas Osterloh   Erratum: ``On polynomial invariants of
                                  several qubits'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50,
                                  033509 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 049902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 53, Number 7, July, 2012

                      Junjie Li   Erratum: ``On a fourth order degenerate
                                  parabolic equation in higher space
                                  dimension'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf 50,
                                  123524 (2009)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 079901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 55, Number 1, January, 2014

                  Alcides Garat   Erratum: ``Tetrads in geometrodynamics''
                                  [J. Math. Phys. \bf 46, 102502 (2005)]   019902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 55, Number 5, May, 2014

               Charles Schwartz   Erratum: ``Relativistic quaternionic
                                  wave equation'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf 47,
                                  122301 (2006)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 059902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 56, Number 2, February, 2015

                    Lei Han and   
                   Hai-Jun Wang   Erratum: ``General nonlocality in
                                  quantum fields'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf 49,
                                  033513 (2008)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 029901

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 56, Number 10, October, 2015

                 R. Fioresi and   
         M. A. Lledó and   
              V. S. Varadarajan   Erratum: ``The Minkowski and conformal
                                  superspaces'' [J. Math. Phys. \bf 48,
                                  113505 (2007)] . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109902

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 57, Number 8, August, 2016

             Carl M. Bender and   
    Mariagiovanna Gianfreda and   
            Nima Hassanpour and   
                  Hugh F. Jones   Comment on ``On the Lagrangian and
                                  Hamiltonian description of the damped
                                  linear harmonic oscillator'' [J. Math.
                                  Phys. \bf 48, 032701 (2007)] . . . . . . 084101

Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 58, Number 11, November, 2017

                Prasun K. Kundu   Comment on ``Comments on `The Euclidean
                                  gravitational action as black hole
                                  entropy, singularities and space-time
                                  voids'\,'' [\booktitleJ. Math. Phys. \bf
                                  50, 042502 (2009)] --- Schwarzschild
                                  black hole lives to fight another day    114101