Table of contents for issues of Lecture Notes in Computer Science

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Volume 6327, 2010

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 6327, 2010

                Thomas C. Hales   Computational Discrete Geometry  . . . . 1--3
                Masakazu Kojima   Exploiting Structured Sparsity in Large
                                  Scale Semidefinite Programming Problems  4--9
                  Kurt Mehlhorn   Reliable and Efficient Geometric
                                  Computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10--11
  Burçin Eröcal and   
                  William Stein   The Sage Project: Unifying Free
                                  Mathematical Software to Create a Viable
                                  Alternative to Magma, Maple, Mathematica
                                  and MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12--27
         Sylvain Chevillard and   
            Mioara Jolde\cs and   
               Christoph Lauter   Sollya: an Environment for the
                                  Development of Numerical Codes . . . . . 28--31
                 Annie Cuyt and   
          Franky Backeljauw and   
              Stefan Becuwe and   
                 Joris Van Deun   Validated Special Functions Software . . 32--34
           Alexandre Benoit and   
Frédéric Chyzak and   
            Alexis Darrasse and   
             Stefan Gerhold and   
  Marc Mezzarobba \textellipsis   The Dynamic Dictionary of Mathematical
                                  Functions (DDMF) . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--41
                Paul Zimmermann   Reliable Computing with GNU MPFR . . . . 42--45
            Mohamed Barakat and   
             Simon Görtzen   Simplicial Cohomology of Smooth
                                  Orbifolds in GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . 46--49
               Bettina Eick and   
                       Max Horn   Computing Polycyclic Quotients of
                                  Finitely ($L$-)Presented Groups via
                                  Gröbner Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50--53
             Sophie Ambrose and   
            Scott H. Murray and   
          Cheryl E. Praeger and   
                Csaba Schneider   Constructive Membership Testing in
                                  Black-Box Classical Groups . . . . . . . 54--57
            Reimer Behrends and   
        Alexander Konovalov and   
               Steve Linton and   
          Frank Lübeck and   
           Max Neunhöeffer   Towards High-Performance Computational
                                  Algebra with GAP . . . . . . . . . . . . 58--61
                 Izumi Miyamoto   An Improvement of a Function Computing
                                  Normalizers for Permutation Groups . . . 62--68
       Dmitrii V. Pasechnik and   
                    Keshav Kini   A GAP Package for Computation with
                                  Coherent Configurations  . . . . . . . . 69--72
                John Abbott and   
                Anna M. Bigatti   CoCoALib: a C++ Library for Computations
                                  in Commutative Algebra \ldots and Beyond 73--76
       Jean-Guillaume Dumas and   
            Thierry Gautier and   
      Clément Pernet and   
              B. David Saunders   LinBox Founding Scope Allocation,
                                  Parallel Building Blocks, and Separate
                                  Compilation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77--83
         Jean-Charles Faug\`ere   FGb: a Library for Computing Gröbner
                                  Bases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84--87
                William B. Hart   Fast Library for Number Theory: an
                                  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88--91
                   Dan Halperin   Controlled Perturbation for Certified
                                  Geometric Computing with Fixed-Precision
                                  Arithmetic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--95
          Menelaos I. Karavelas   Exact Geometric and Algebraic
                                  Computations in CGAL . . . . . . . . . . 96--99
              Fabrice Rouillier   On Solving Systems of Bivariate
                                  Polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100--104
              Siegfried M. Rump   Accurate and Reliable Computing in
                                  Floating-Point Arithmetic  . . . . . . . 105--108
                Marc Mörig   Deferring DAG Construction by Storing
                                  Sums of Floats Speeds-Up Exact Decision
                                  Computations Based on Expression Dags    109--120
                   Jihun Yu and   
                   Chee Yap and   
                   Zilin Du and   
               Sylvain Pion and   
   Hervé Brönnimann   The Design of Core 2: a Library for
                                  Exact Numeric Computation in Geometry
                                  and Algebra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--141
                     Mark Adams   Introducing HOL Zero . . . . . . . . . . 142--143
                    Jesse Alama   Euler's Polyhedron Formula in Mizar  . . 144--147
                   R. D. Arthan   Building a Library of Mechanized
                                  Mathematical Proofs: Why Do It? and What
                                  Is It Like to Do?  . . . . . . . . . . . 148--148
                Thomas C. Hales   Linear Programs for the Kepler
                                  Conjecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149--151
                  John Harrison   A Formal Proof of Pick's Theorem . . . . 152--154
                Josef Urban and   
              Krystof Hoder and   
                Andrei Voronkov   Evaluation of Automated Theorem Proving
                                  on the Mizar Mathematical Library  . . . 155--166
                   Tim Hoffmann   On Local Deformations of Planar
                                  Quad-Meshes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167--169
                 Matthias Weber   Construction of Harmonic Surfaces with
                                  Prescribed Geometry  . . . . . . . . . . 170--173
          Martin von Gagern and   
               Christian Mercat   A Library of OpenGL-Based Mathematical
                                  Image Filters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--185
          Antonio Mucherino and   
                Leo Liberti and   
                  Carlile Lavor   MD-jeep: an Implementation of a Branch
                                  and Prune Algorithm for Distance
                                  Geometry Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . 186--197
            Jan Reininghaus and   
         David Günther and   
                Ingrid Hotz and   
           Steffen Prohaska and   
            Hans-Christian Hege   TADD: a Computational Framework for Data
                                  Analysis Using Discrete Morse Theory . . 198--208
             Winfried Bruns and   
               Bogdan Ichim and   
            Christof Söger   Introduction to Normaliz 2.5 . . . . . . 209--212
                 Thomas Markwig   Computer Algebra Methods in Tropical
                                  Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213--216
            Rocío Blanco   A New Desingularization Algorithm for
                                  Binomial Varieties in Arbitrary
                                  Characteristic . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--220
          Hiromasa Nakayama and   
                Kenta Nishiyama   An Algorithm of Computing Inhomogeneous
                                  Differential Equations for Definite
                                  Integrals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221--232
                  Masayuki Noro   New Algorithms for Computing Primary
                                  Decomposition of Polynomial Ideals . . . 233--244
               Loredana Tec and   
         Georg Regensburger and   
          Markus Rosenkranz and   
               Bruno Buchberger   An Automated Confluence Proof for an
                                  Infinite Rewrite System Parametrized
                                  over an Integro-Differential Algebra . . 245--248
          Vladimir Dotsenko and   
       Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson   Operadic Gröbner Bases: an Implementation 249--252
                John Cannon and   
             Steve Donnelly and   
               Claus Fieker and   
                   Mark Watkins   Magma --- a Tool for Number Theory . . . 253--255
                Craig Citro and   
               Alexandru Ghitza   Enumerating Galois Representations in
                                  Sage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 256--259
              Satoru Tanaka and   
                Naoki Ogura and   
               Ken Nakamula and   
            Tetsushi Matsui and   
             Shigenori Uchiyama   NZMATH 1.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260--269
          David Adjiashvili and   
                Michel Baes and   
              Philipp Rostalski   Removing Redundant Quadratic Constraints 270--281
       Anders Nedergaard Jensen   Traversing Symmetric Polyhedral Fans . . 282--294
                Thomas Rehn and   
          Achill Schürmann   C++ Tools for Exploiting Polyhedral
                                  Symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295--298
               Sven Verdoolaege   isl: an Integer Set Library for the
                                  Polyhedral Model . . . . . . . . . . . . 299--302
                Leo Liberti and   
              Sonia Cafieri and   
                 David Savourey   The Reformulation-Optimization Software
                                  Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303--314
            Christian Haase and   
            Benjamin Lorenz and   
             Andreas Paffenholz   Generating Smooth Lattice Polytopes  . . 315--328
         Grégoire Lecerf   Mathemagix: Towards Large Scale
                                  Programming for Symbolic and Certified
                                  Numeric Computations . . . . . . . . . . 329--332
                   Markus Neher   Complex Inclusion Functions in the
                                  CoStLy C++ Class Library . . . . . . . . 333--336
                 Nathalie Revol   Standardized Interval Arithmetic and
                                  Interval Arithmetic Used in Libraries    337--341
       Charles E. Leiserson and   
                   Liyun Li and   
           Marc Moreno Maza and   
                     Yuzhen Xie   Efficient Evaluation of Large
                                  Polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342--353
         Evgenija D. Popova and   
             Walter Krämer   Communicating Functional Expressions
                                  from Mathematica to C-XSC  . . . . . . . 354--365