Table of contents for issues of Science and Public Policy

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Volume 37, Number 1, February, 2010
Volume 37, Number 2, March, 2010
Volume 37, Number 3, April, 2010
Volume 37, Number 4, May, 2010
Volume 37, Number 5, June, 2010
Volume 37, Number 6, July, 2010
Volume 37, Number 7, August, 2010
Volume 37, Number 8, October, 2010
Volume 37, Number 9, November, 2010
Volume 37, Number 10, December, 2010
Volume 38, Number 1, February, 2011
Volume 38, Number 2, March, 2011
Volume 38, Number 3, April, 2011
Volume 38, Number 4, May, 2011
Volume 38, Number 5, June, 2011
Volume 38, Number 6, July, 2011
Volume 38, Number 7, August, 2011
Volume 38, Number 8, October, 2011
Volume 38, Number 9, November, 2011
Volume 38, Number 10, December, 2011
Volume 39, Number 1, February, 2012
Volume 39, Number 2, March, 2012
Volume 39, Number 3, June, 2012
Volume 39, Number 4, August, 2012
Volume 39, Number 5, October, 2012
Volume 39, Number 6, December, 2012
Volume 40, Number 1, February, 2013
Volume 40, Number 2, April, 2013
Volume 40, Number 3, June, 2013
Volume 40, Number 4, August, 2013
Volume 40, Number 5, October, 2013
Volume 40, Number 6, December, 2013
Volume 41, Number 1, February, 2014
Volume 41, Number 2, April, 2014
Volume 41, Number 3, June, 2014
Volume 41, Number 4, July, 2014
Volume 41, Number 5, October, 2014
Volume 41, Number 6, December, 2014
Volume 42, Number 1, February, 2015
Volume 42, Number 2, April, 2015
Volume 42, Number 3, June, 2015
Volume 42, Number 4, August, 2015
Volume 42, Number 5, October, 2015
Volume 42, Number 6, December, 2015
Volume 43, Number 1, February, 2016
Volume 43, Number 2, April, 2016
Volume 43, Number 3, June, 2016
Volume 43, Number 4, August, 2016
Volume 43, Number 5, October, 2016
Volume 43, Number 6, December, 2016
Volume 44, Number 1, February, 2017
Volume 44, Number 2, April, 2017
Volume 44, Number 3, June, 2017
Volume 44, Number 4, August, 2017
Volume 44, Number 5, October 1, 2017
Volume 44, Number 6, December 1, 2017
Volume 45, Number 1, February 1, 2018
Volume 45, Number 2, April 1, 2018
Volume 45, Number 3, June 1, 2018
Volume 45, Number 4, August 1, 2018
Volume 45, Number 5, October 1, 2018
Volume 45, Number 6, December 1, 2018
Volume 46, Number 1, February, 2019
Volume 46, Number 2, April, 2019
Volume 46, Number 3, June, 2019
Volume 46, Number 4, August, 2019
Volume 46, Number 5, October, 2019
Volume 46, Number 6, December, 2019
Volume 47, Number 1, February, 2020

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 1, February, 2010

             Karel Haegeman and   
     Dr. Jennifer C. Harper and   
                   Ron Johnston   Introduction to a special section:
                                  Impacts and implications of
                                  future-oriented technology analysis for
                                  policy and decision-making . . . . . . . 3--6
                 Victor van Rij   Joint horizon scanning: identifying
                                  common strategic choices and questions
                                  for knowledge  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--18
            Fabienne Abadie and   
         Michael Friedewald and   
              K. Matthias Weber   Adaptive foresight in the creative
                                  content industries: anticipating value
                                  chain transformations and need for
                                  policy action  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--30
             Jonathan Calof and   
                  Jack E. Smith   Critical success factors for
                                  government-led foresight . . . . . . . . 31--40
          Nares Damrongchai and   
        Ponpiboon Satangput and   
                Greg Tegart and   
               Chatri Sripaipan   Future technology analysis for
                                  biosecurity and emerging infectious
                                  diseases in Asia--Pacific  . . . . . . . 41--50
            Katrien De Moor and   
              Katrien Berte and   
            Lieven De Marez and   
                Wout Joseph and   
              Tom Deryckere and   
                    Luc Martens   User-driven innovation? Challenges of
                                  user involvement in future technology
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--61
           Spyros Arvanitis and   
       Laurent Donzé and   
                     Nora Sydow   Impact of Swiss technology policy on
                                  firm innovation performance: an
                                  evaluation based on a matching approach  63--78
                 Jacob Stegenga   A fun overview for undergraduates  . . . 79--80
Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia   Innovation in policy and not more
                                  policies for innovation? . . . . . . . . 80--82
                      Anonymous   List of referees 2009  . . . . . . . . . 83--84

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 2, March, 2010

               Brian Salter and   
               Charlotte Salter   Governing innovation in the biomedicine
                                  knowledge economy: stem cell science in
                                  the USA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87--100
         Dr. Gil Avnimelech and   
    Dr. Alessandro Rosiello and   
                  Morris Teubal   Evolutionary interpretation of venture
                                  capital policy in Israel, Germany, UK
                                  and Scotland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--112
      Dr. Sverre J. Herstad and   
           Dr. Carter Bloch and   
          Bernd Ebersberger and   
           Dr. Els van de Velde   National innovation policy and global
                                  open innovation: exploring balances,
                                  tradeoffs and complementarities  . . . . 113--124
                 Matthias Gross   Ignorance, research and decisions about
                                  abandoned opencast coal mines  . . . . . 125--134
            Dr. Ioan M. Ciumasu   Turning brain drain into brain
                                  networking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--146
Luciano Martins Costa Póvoa and   
  Márcia Siqueira Rapini   Technology transfer from universities
                                  and public research institutes to firms
                                  in Brazil: what is transferred and how
                                  the transfer is carried out  . . . . . . 147--159
               J. Adam Holbrook   Innovating in the public sector
                                  services?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161--162
                     Avi Caplan   Networked science for a networked
                                  century  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162--163
                  Laura Forlano   Hail to the chef . . . . . . . . . . . . 163--164

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 3, April, 2010

         Anneloes Roelofsen and   
         Jacqueline Broerse and   
       Tjard de Cock Buning and   
                  Joske Bunders   Engaging with future technologies: how
                                  potential future users frame ecogenomics 167--179
           Dr. Tariq Bashir and   
                Khalid Khan and   
              Dr. Khaleel Malik   The innovation landscape of Pakistan's
                                  North West Frontier Province . . . . . . 181--191
        Sergio Salles-Filho and   
              Maria Beatriz and   
              Machado Bonacelli   Trends in the organization of public
                                  research organizations: lessons from the
                                  Brazilian case . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193--204
               Claire A. Dunlop   Epistemic communities and two goals of
                                  delegation: hormone growth promoters in
                                  the European Union . . . . . . . . . . . 205--217
              Dave D. White and   
               Amber Wutich and   
            Kelli L. Larson and   
             Patricia Gober and   
               Timothy Lant and   
                Clea Senneville   Credibility, salience, and legitimacy of
                                  boundary objects: water managers'
                                  assessment of a simulation model in an
                                  immersive decision theater . . . . . . . 219--232
             Cooper H. Langford   A revolution in energy technologies  . . 235--236

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 4, May, 2010

               Dr. Finn Hansson   Dialogue in or with the peer review?
                                  Evaluating research organizations in
                                  order to promote organizational learning 239--251
              Robert Kaiser and   
       Heiko Prange-Gstöhl   A paradigm shift in European R&D policy?
                                  The EU Budget Review and the economic
                                  crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253--265
             Christian Pohl and   
               Stephan Rist and   
            Anne Zimmermann and   
               Patricia Fry and   
            Ghana S. Gurung and   
          Flurina Schneider and   
    Chinwe Ifejika Speranza and   
            Boniface Kiteme and   
   Sébastian Boillat and   
             Elvira Serrano and   
     Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn and   
                   Urs Wiesmann   Researchers' roles in knowledge
                                  co-production: experience from
                                  sustainability research in Kenya,
                                  Switzerland, Bolivia and Nepal . . . . . 267--281
         Aimilia Protogerou and   
          Yannis Caloghirou and   
               Evangelos Siokas   The impact of EU policy-driven research
                                  networks on the diffusion and deployment
                                  of innovation at the national level: the
                                  case of Greece . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--296
                Nikos Kastrinos   Policies for co-ordination in the
                                  European Research Area: a view from the
                                  social sciences and humanities . . . . . 297--310
              Abdullah Gök   Building blocks of organisational
                                  behaviour  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311--312

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 5, June, 2010

              Benjamin Y. Clark   The effects of government, academic and
                                  industrial policy on cross-university
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314--330
                 Xielin Liu and   
                   Tingting Zhi   China is catching up in science and
                                  innovation: the experience of the
                                  Chinese Academy of Sciences  . . . . . . 331--342
         Magnus Gulbrandsen and   
                    Svein Kyvik   Are the concepts basic research, applied
                                  research and experimental development
                                  still useful? An empirical investigation
                                  among Norwegian academics  . . . . . . . 343--353
      PhD Shobita Parthasarathy   Breaking the expertise barrier:
                                  understanding activist strategies in
                                  science and technology policy domains    355--367
               Helena Valve and   
               Ruth McNally and   
                   Ari Pappinen   Doing research, creating impact: using
                                  `PROTEE' to learn from a genetically
                                  modified tree field trial  . . . . . . . 369--379
              M. U. M. Anas and   
       Seetha I. Wickremasinghe   Brain drain of the scientific community
                                  of developing countries: the case of Sri
                                  Lanka  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381--388

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 6, July, 2010

Pietro Moncada-Patern\`o-Castello   Introduction to a special issue: New
                                  insights on EU--US comparison of
                                  corporate R&D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--400
            Dominique Foray and   
      Stéphane Lhuillery   Structural changes in industrial R&D in
                                  Europe and the US: towards a new model?  401--412
              Sven Lindmark and   
             Geomina Turlea and   
                 Martin Ulbrich   Business R&D in the ICT sector: examining
                                  the European ICT R&D deficit  . . . . . . 413--428
Raquel Ortega-Argilés and   
               Andries Brandsma   EU-US differences in the size of R&D
                                  intensive firms: do they explain the
                                  overall R&D intensity gap?  . . . . . . . 429--441
      Vincent Duchêne and   
       Elissavet Lykogianni and   
                 Arnold Verbeek   R&D in services industries and the EU--US
                                  R&D investment gap  . . . . . . . . . . . 443--453
            Michele Cincera and   
                   Julien Ravet   Financing constraints and R&D investments
                                  of large corporations in Europe and the
                                  US . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455--466
                  Stelvia Matos   Mobilizing science: a close look at the
                                  social side of science . . . . . . . . . 467--468

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 7, August, 2010

       Gabriela Dutrénit   Introduction to special issue:
                                  Interactions between public research
                                  organisations and industry in Latin
                                  America: a study on channels and
                                  benefits from the perspective of firms
                                  and researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . . 471--472
                   Valeria Arza   Channels, benefits and risks of
                                  public-private interactions for
                                  knowledge transfer: conceptual framework
                                  inspired by Latin America  . . . . . . . 473--484
            A. C. Fernandes and   
       B. Campello de Souza and   
       A. Stamford da Silva and   
                 W. Suzigan and   
               C. V. Chaves and   
                 E. Albuquerque   Academy-industry links in Brazil:
                                  evidence about channels and benefits for
                                  firms and researchers  . . . . . . . . . 485--498
               Valeria Arza and   
                Claudia Vazquez   Interactions between public research
                                  organisations and industry in Argentina  499--511
   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
         Claudia De Fuentes and   
                  Arturo Torres   Channels of interaction between public
                                  research organisations and industry and
                                  their benefits: evidence from Mexico . . 513--526
             Jeffrey Orozco and   
                    Keynor Ruiz   Quality of interactions between public
                                  research organisations and firms:
                                  lessons from Costa Rica  . . . . . . . . 527--540
   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
                   Valeria Arza   Channels and benefits of interactions
                                  between public research organisations
                                  and industry: comparing four Latin
                                  American countries . . . . . . . . . . . 541--553
        Mohammed H. I. Dore and   
                    Geoff Black   Custodians of water  . . . . . . . . . . 554--556

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 8, October, 2010

               Koen Jonkers and   
              Laura Cruz-Castro   The internationalisation of public
                                  sector research through international
                                  joint laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . 559--570
            Rodrigo Arocena and   
                    Judith Sutz   Weak knowledge demand in the South:
                                  learning divides and innovation policies 571--582
Fernando Santiago Rodríguez   Governing ethical clinical research in
                                  developing countries: exploring the case
                                  of Mexico  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--596
                   Megan Allyse   Embryos, ethics and expertise: the
                                  emerging model of the research ethics
                                  regulator  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--609
                 Marc Schut and   
               Cees Leeuwis and   
          Annemarie van Paassen   Room for the River: Room for Research?
                                  The case of depoldering De Noordwaard,
                                  The Netherlands  . . . . . . . . . . . . 611--627
                      Luc Soete   Chris Freeman: the person  . . . . . . . 629--630
                  Giovanni Dosi   Christopher Freeman: a social scientist
                                  and a progressive intellectual . . . . . 631--635
             Cooper H. Langford   International cluster networks . . . . . 637--638
              Stefan Mendritzki   The case against growth  . . . . . . . . 638--640
                        Li Tang   Deciphering innovation and
                                  entrepreneurship in functional regions   640--641
              Dr. Janna Rosales   Nano goes global . . . . . . . . . . . . 641--642
             Aygen Kurt-Dickson   Analysing multi-level governance and
                                  learning dynamics in European clusters:
                                  a complex picture? . . . . . . . . . . . 643--644

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 9, November, 2010

              Margit Suurna and   
                  Rainer Kattel   Europeanization of innovation policy in
                                  Central and Eastern Europe . . . . . . . 646--664
                  Tim Flink and   
             Ulrich Schreiterer   Science diplomacy at the intersection of
                                  S&T policies and foreign affairs: toward
                                  a typology of national approaches  . . . 665--677
                Michele Coletti   Technology and industrial clusters: how
                                  different are they to manage?  . . . . . 679--688
          Carrie B. Sanders and   
             Fiona Alice Miller   Reframing norms: boundary maintenance
                                  and partial accommodations in the work
                                  of academic technology transfer  . . . . 689--701
           Stephen R. Bates and   
             Wendy Faulkner and   
                Sarah Parry and   
        Sarah Cunningham-Burley   `How do we know it's not been done
                                  yet?!' Trust, trust building and
                                  regulation in stem cell research . . . . 703--718
              Jerome K. Vanclay   Hallmarks of an effective
                                  non-governmental organisation: the
                                  formation and management of Australia's
                                  Wentworth Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--722
            Dr. Amanda Williams   Metaphors as mirrors, magicians and
                                  mutineers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--724
                  Mark B. Brown   Charting a course for bioethics  . . . . 724--725
            Dr. Camille D. Ryan   Myths of technology: innovation and
                                  inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726--727

Science and Public Policy
Volume 37, Number 10, December, 2010

            Peter M. Bearse and   
                 Albert N. Link   Economic implications of raising the
                                  threshold funding limits on US Small
                                  Business Innovation Research awards  . . 731--735
             Pascale Lehoux and   
       Genevi\`eve Daudelin and   
                 John Lavis and   
              Julia Abelson and   
           Jean-Louis Denis and   
                   F. A. Miller   Exploring the conundrum of the new
                                  knowledge production regime: an
                                  ethnographic case study on the
                                  governance and outcomes of a
                                  science/policy network in genetics . . . 737--750
              Rebecca Clark and   
                    John Holmes   Improving input from research to
                                  environmental policy: challenges of
                                  structure and culture  . . . . . . . . . 751--764
           Michael Stampfer and   
             Rupert Pichler and   
                 Reinhold Hofer   The making of research funding in
                                  Austria: transition politics and
                                  institutional development, 1945--2005    765--780
                 M. Howlett and   
                      A. Migone   Explaining local variation in agri-food
                                  biotechnology policies: `green' genomics
                                  regulation in comparative perspective    781--795
                David Bruggeman   Who is governing transformative
                                  technological innovation?  . . . . . . . 797--798
                  Rob Hagendijk   Innovation studies and developing
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798--801
                      Anonymous   Index, SPP 2010  . . . . . . . . . . . . 804--808

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 1, February, 2011

    Professor Mohammed Saad and   
               Dr. Girma Zawdie   Introduction to special issue: The
                                  emerging role of universities in
                                  socio-economic development through
                                  knowledge networking . . . . . . . . . . 3--6
            Dr. Surja Datta and   
        Professor Mohammed Saad   University and innovation systems: the
                                  case of India  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--17
            Nattaka Yokakul and   
               Dr. Girma Zawdie   The knowledge sphere, social capital and
                                  growth of indigenous knowledge-based
                                  SMEs in the Thai dessert industry  . . . 19--29
              Arturo Torres and   
   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
         Noé Becerra and   
      José Luis Sampedro   What are the factors driving
                                  university-industry linkages in
                                  latecomer firms: evidence from Mexico    31--42
               Marcia Villasana   Fostering university-industry
                                  interactions under a Triple Helix model:
                                  the case of Nuevo Leon, Mexico . . . . . 43--53
           Dr. Scott Tiffin and   
                    Martin Kunc   Measuring the roles universities play in
                                  regional innovation systems: a
                                  comparative study between Chilean and
                                  Canadian natural resource-based regions  55--66
                   Irma Booyens   Are small, medium- and micro-sized
                                  enterprises engines of innovation? The
                                  reality in South Africa  . . . . . . . . 67--78
            Dr. Olof Hallonsten   A classic laboratory study in science
                                  policy clothing  . . . . . . . . . . . . 79--80

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 2, March, 2011

       Professor Tim Turpin and   
Dr. Manuel Fernández-Esquinas   Introduction to special issue: The
                                  policy rationale for cross-sector
                                  research collaboration and contemporary
                                  consequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82--86
                 Tim Turpin and   
            Richard Woolley and   
              Sam Garrett-Jones   Cross-sector research collaboration in
                                  Australia: the Cooperative Research
                                  Centres Program at the crossroads  . . . 87--97
                Taran Thune and   
             Magnus Gulbrandsen   Institutionalization of
                                  university-industry interaction: an
                                  empirical study of the impact of formal
                                  structures on collaboration patterns . . 99--107
                Daniel Schiller   Institutions and practice in
                                  cross-sector research collaboration:
                                  conceptual considerations with empirical
                                  illustrations from the German science
                                  sector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109--121
              Dr. Denis O. Gray   Cross-sector research collaboration in
                                  the USA: a national innovation system
                                  perspective  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123--133
Dr. Manuel Fernández-Esquinas and   
             Irene Ramos-Vielba   Emerging forms of cross-sector
                                  collaboration in the Spanish innovation
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--146
                   Dr. Jim Ryan   Irish experience of cross-sector
                                  research collaboration initiatives . . . 147--155
   Professor Jeremy Howells and   
          Professor Jakob Edler   Structural innovations: towards a
                                  unified perspective? . . . . . . . . . . 157--167

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 3, April, 2011

             Elisa Salvador and   
                  Secondo Rolfo   Are incubators and science parks
                                  effective for research spin-offs?
                                  Evidence from Italy  . . . . . . . . . . 170--184
          Ludmila Ivancheva and   
             Elissaveta Gourova   Challenges for career and mobility of
                                  researchers in Europe  . . . . . . . . . 185--198
              Ann Njoki Kingiri   Conflicting advocacy coalitions in an
                                  evolving modern biotechnology regulatory
                                  subsystem: policy learning and
                                  influencing Kenya's regulatory policy
                                  process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199--211
           Kristoffer Kropp and   
                    Anders Blok   Mode-2 social science knowledge
                                  production? The case of Danish sociology
                                  between institutional crisis and new
                                  welfare stabilizations . . . . . . . . . 213--224
              Eva Lövbrand   Co-producing European climate science
                                  and policy: a cautionary note on the
                                  making of useful knowledge . . . . . . . 225--236
  Joaquín M. Azagra-Caro   Do public research organisations own
                                  most patents invented by their staff?    237--250
                         Ben Li   Microchips are made of people  . . . . . 251--252

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 4, May, 2011

Professor Birgitte Andersen and   
                 Federica Rossi   UK universities look beyond the patent
                                  policy discourse in their intellectual
                                  property strategies  . . . . . . . . . . 254--268
    Éric Archambault and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   Scientific publications and patenting by
                                  companies: a study of the whole
                                  population of Canadian firms over 25
                                  years  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--278
                   Janette Webb   Making climate change governable: the
                                  case of the UK climate change risk
                                  assessment and adaptation planning . . . 279--292
                   Anant Kamath   Does technical education in India
                                  contribute to its Core-HRST? A case
                                  study of IIT Madras  . . . . . . . . . . 293--305
    Professor Mohammed Saad and   
            Dr. Surja Datta and   
            Dimitrios Papadakis   Innovation in global public goods:
                                  issues and challenges in provision of
                                  environment-monitoring services in
                                  Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307--318
              Julia Freeman and   
          Terre Satterfield and   
               Milind Kandlikar   Agricultural biotechnology and
                                  regulatory innovation in India . . . . . 319--331
              Gianluca Miscione   Information infrastructures and
                                  understanding of global warming  . . . . 332--333
              Evan S. Michelson   The interdisciplinary impacts of
                                  nanotechnology: a look into the future   334--335

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 5, June, 2011

                 Juha Tuunainen   High-tech hopes: policy objectives and
                                  business reality in the
                                  biopharmaceutical industry . . . . . . . 338--348
          Diane A. Isabelle and   
               Louise A. Heslop   Managing for success in international
                                  scientific collaborations: views from
                                  Canadian government senior science
                                  managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349--364
                Slavo Radosevic   Science-industry links in Central and
                                  Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of
                                  Independent States: conventional policy
                                  wisdom facing reality  . . . . . . . . . 365--378
               Sonia Talwar and   
                 Arnim Wiek and   
                  John Robinson   User engagement in sustainability
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379--390
      Alexander Degelsegger and   
                Helge Torgersen   Participatory paternalism: citizens'
                                  conferences in Austrian technology
                                  governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391--402
               Karl Hillman and   
         Måns Nilsson and   
              Annika Rickne and   
               Thomas Magnusson   Fostering sustainable technologies: a
                                  framework for analysing the governance
                                  of innovation systems  . . . . . . . . . 403--415
                David Bruggeman   Sifting the wisdom of greybeards . . . . 416--417
           Jean-Baptiste Gouyon   What to do with politicized science? . . 417--419
               Genevi\`eve Teil   The sociology of scientific work . . . . 419--420

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 6, July, 2011

       Dr. Liudvika Leisyte and   
                 Dr. Hugo Horta   Introduction to a special issue:
                                  Academic knowledge production, diffusion
                                  and commercialization: policies,
                                  practices and perspectives . . . . . . . 422--424
     Dr. Creso M. Sá and   
             Dr. Jeffrey Litwin   University-industry research
                                  collaborations in Canada: the role of
                                  federal policy instruments . . . . . . . 425--435
           Dr. Liudvika Leisyte   University commercialization policies
                                  and their implementation in The
                                  Netherlands and the United States  . . . 437--448
                 Hugo Horta and   
                 T. Austin Lacy   How does size matter for science?
                                  Exploring the effects of research unit
                                  size on academics' scientific
                                  productivity and information exchange
                                  behaviors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449--460
             Wan-Ling Huang and   
             Mary K. Feeney and   
                  Eric W. Welch   Organizational and individual
                                  determinants of patent production of
                                  academic scientists and engineers in the
                                  United States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463--479
Caroline Wigren-Kristoferson and   
          Jonas Gabrielsson and   
                  Fumi Kitagawa   Mind the gap and bridge the gap:
                                  research excellence and diffusion of
                                  academic knowledge in Sweden . . . . . . 481--492
                   Ki-Seok Kwon   The co-evolution of universities'
                                  academic research and knowledge-transfer
                                  activities: the case of South Korea  . . 493--503
          Terje Grònning   Business models and value creation
                                  within the biopharmaceutical industry    504--508

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 7, August, 2011

                  Aaro Tupasela   From gift to waste: changing policies in
                                  biobanking practices . . . . . . . . . . 510--520
              Andrea Bonaccorsi   European competitiveness in information
                                  technology and long-term scientific
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521--540
            Dr. Nicola J. Marks   Stem cell researchers' trust,
                                  ambivalence and reflexivity:
                                  opportunities for improved
                                  science-public relations?  . . . . . . . 541--554
     Dr. Laurens K. Hessels and   
                  John Grin and   
            Ruud E. H. M. Smits   The effects of a changing institutional
                                  environment on academic research
                                  practices: three cases from agricultural
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555--568
     André Spithoven and   
               Mirjam Knockaert   The role of business centres in firms'
                                  networking capabilities and performance  569--580

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 8, October, 2011

            Erich Griessler and   
          Peter Biegelbauer and   
                   Janus Hansen   Citizens' impact on knowledge-intensive
                                  policy: introduction to a special issue  583--588
          Peter Biegelbauer and   
                   Janus Hansen   Democratic theory and citizen
                                  participation: democracy models in the
                                  evaluation of public participation in
                                  science and technology . . . . . . . . . 589--597
                Anne Loeber and   
            Wytske Versteeg and   
                Erich Griessler   Stop looking up the ladder: analyzing
                                  the impact of participatory technology
                                  assessment from a process perspective    599--608
               Janus Hansen and   
             Agnes Allansdottir   Assessing the impacts of citizen
                                  participation in science governance:
                                  exploring new roads in comparative
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--617
          Edna F. Einsiedel and   
                Mavis Jones and   
               Meaghan Brierley   Cultures, contexts and commitments in
                                  the governance of controversial
                                  technologies: US, UK and Canadian
                                  publics and xenotransplantation policy
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 619--628
          Kristofer Hansson and   
             Susanne Lundin and   
              Markus Idvall and   
          Jekaterina Kaleja and   
                 Aivita Putnina   Framing the public: the policy process
                                  around xenotransplantation in Latvia and
                                  Sweden 1970--2004  . . . . . . . . . . . 629--637
 Siân M. Beynon-Jones and   
                      Nik Brown   Time, timing and narrative at the
                                  interface between UK technoscience and
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 639--648
           Sotaro Shibayama and   
                  Yasunori Baba   Sharing research tools in academia: the
                                  case of Japan  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 649--659
               Dr. Brian Wixted   Cognition and the theory of the firm . . 661--662
            Dr. David Bruggeman   The science of science policy  . . . . . 662--664

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 9, November, 2011

       Susana Borrás and   
              Jan Fagerberg and   
                Charles Edquist   Introduction to special issue on
                                  learning, innovation systems and policy
                                  in honour of Bengt-Åke Lundvall . . . . . 666--668
              Jan Fagerberg and   
               Koson Sapprasert   National innovation systems: the
                                  emergence of a new approach  . . . . . . 669--679
              Richard R. Nelson   The Moon and the Ghetto revisited  . . . 681--690
                  Edward Lorenz   Do labour markets and educational and
                                  training systems matter for innovation
                                  outcomes? A multi-level analysis for the
                                  EU-27  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691--702
             Björn Johnson   From user-producer relations to the
                                  learning economy . . . . . . . . . . . . 703--711
                   Keld Laursen   User-producer interaction as a driver of
                                  innovation: costs and advantages in an
                                  open innovation model  . . . . . . . . . 713--723
           Susana Borrás   Policy learning and organizational
                                  capacities in innovation policies  . . . 725--734
       Bengt-Åke Lundvall   Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735--738
                Deborah Bassett   Conflicts of interest and the future of
                                  medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--740

Science and Public Policy
Volume 38, Number 10, December, 2011

                   William Page   Farewell Beech Tree, hello Oxford
                                  University Press . . . . . . . . . . . . 742--742
                   Kong-rae Lee   Path-creating capability building and
                                  innovation in Korea's leading firms  . . 743--754
                Rik Wehrens and   
             Marleen Bekker and   
                     Roland Bal   Coordination of research, policy and
                                  practice: a case study of collaboration
                                  in the field of public health  . . . . . 755--766
                Bryn Lander and   
  Halla Thorsteinsdóttir   Developing biomedical innovation
                                  capacity in India  . . . . . . . . . . . 767--781
             Christopher Groves   Public engagement and nanotechnology in
                                  the UK: restoring trust or building
                                  robustness?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 783--793
               Jenny Eklöf   Success story or cautionary tale?
                                  Swedish ethanol in co-existing
                                  science-policy frameworks  . . . . . . . 795--806
              Noor Azuan Hashim   E-commerce and government policy
                                  initiatives for Malaysian SMEs: the need
                                  for assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807--816
              Dr. Olivia Harvey   Platforms of innovation: dynamics of new
                                  industrial knowledge flows . . . . . . . 817--818
             Dr. Stefan Artmann   Making innovation more probable through
                                  innovative governance  . . . . . . . . . 818--820
                Dr. Rafael Dias   Innovation and economic development: the
                                  impact of ICT in Latin America . . . . . 820--821

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 1, February, 2012

            Arabella Bhutto and   
      Pir Irfanullah Rashdi and   
            Qazi Moinuddin Abro   Indicators for science and technology
                                  policy in Pakistan: Entering the
                                  science, technology and innovation
                                  paradigm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--12
                E. Talamini and   
                       H. Dewes   The macro-environment for liquid
                                  biofuels in Brazilian science and public
                                  policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--29
               Youngjae Kim and   
        Elizabeth A. Corley and   
           Dietram A. Scheufele   Classifying US nano-scientists: Of
                                  cautious innovators, regulators, and
                                  technology optimists . . . . . . . . . . 30--38
             Malcolm B. Menzies   Researching scientific entrepreneurship
                                  in New Zealand . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39--59
              Thomas E. Wei and   
             Victoria Levin and   
               Lindsay M. Sabik   A referral is worth a thousand ads: Job
                                  search methods and scientist outcomes in
                                  the market for postdoctoral scholars . . 60--73
          Anna J. Wieczorek and   
               Marko P. Hekkert   Systemic instruments for systemic
                                  innovation problems: a framework for
                                  policy makers and innovation scholars    74--87
              Liv Langfeldt and   
          Helge Godò and   
        Åse Gornitzka and   
                  Aris Kaloudis   Integration modes in EU research:
                                  Centrifugality versus coordination of
                                  national research policies . . . . . . . 88--98
                  R. L. Juliano   The future of nanomedicine: Promises and
                                  limitations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99--104
                Alison Mohr and   
                Helen Busby and   
              Tamara Hervey and   
                Robert Dingwall   Mapping the role of official bioethics
                                  advice in the governance of
                                  biotechnologies in the EU: The European
                                  Group on Ethics' Opinion on commercial
                                  cord blood banking . . . . . . . . . . . 105--117
                     Fred Gault   User innovation and the market . . . . . 118--128
      Lisa Campo-Engelstein and   
             Candace Tingen and   
            Sarah Rodriguez and   
             Teresa K. Woodruff   Conceiving ethical gamete and embryo
                                  research in a post-Dickey-Wicker USA . . 129--132
                Richard Hawkins   Book Review: \booktitleInnovation
                                  strategies for a Global Economy:
                                  Development, Implementation, Measurement
                                  and Management by Fred Gault . . . . . . 133--134

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 2, March, 2012

                 Mark Boden and   
               Ron Johnston and   
                Fabiana Scapolo   The role of FTA in responding to grand
                                  challenges: a new approach for STI
                                  policy?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--139
           Cristiano Cagnin and   
           Effie Amanatidou and   
                 Michael Keenan   Orienting European innovation systems
                                  towards grand challenges and the roles
                                  that FTA can play  . . . . . . . . . . . 140--152
          K. Matthias Weber and   
 Jennifer Cassingena Harper and   
Totti Könnölä and   
Vicente Carabias Barceló   Coping with a fast-changing world:
                                  Towards new systems of future-oriented
                                  technology analysis  . . . . . . . . . . 153--165
             Michael Keenan and   
                Paul Cutler and   
                 John Marks and   
             Richard Meylan and   
             Carthage Smith and   
                Emilia Koivisto   Orienting international science
                                  cooperation to meet global `grand
                                  challenges'  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166--177
              Toni Ahlqvist and   
            Ville Valovirta and   
               Torsti Loikkanen   Innovation policy roadmapping as a
                                  systemic instrument for forward-looking
                                  policy design  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178--190
Totti Könnölä and   
                 Karel Haegeman   Embedding foresight in transnational
                                  research programming . . . . . . . . . . 191--207
           Effie Amanatidou and   
             Maurits Butter and   
           Vicente Carabias and   
Totti Könnölä and   
                Miriam Leis and   
              Ozcan Saritas and   
       Petra Schaper-Rinkel and   
                 Victor van Rij   On concepts and methods in horizon
                                  scanning: Lessons from initiating policy
                                  dialogues on emerging issues . . . . . . 208--221
Totti Könnölä and   
                  Ahti Salo and   
           Cristiano Cagnin and   
           Vicente Carabias and   
                 Eeva Vilkkumaa   Facing the future: Scanning,
                                  synthesizing and sense-making in horizon
                                  scanning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222--231
              Kerstin Cuhls and   
        Alexander Bunkowski and   
                  Lothar Behlau   Fraunhofer future markets: From global
                                  challenges to dedicated, technological,
                                  collaborative research projects  . . . . 232--244
       Claudio Chauke Nehme and   
   Marcio de Miranda Santos and   
        Lelio Fellows Filho and   
           Gilda Massari Coelho   Challenges in communicating the outcomes
                                  of a foresight study to advise
                                  decision-makers on policy and strategy   245--257
                Mats Benner and   
                     Li Liu and   
          Sylvia Schwaag Serger   Head in the clouds and feet on the
                                  ground: Research priority setting in
                                  China  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258--270
                Chao-chen Chung   National, sectoral and technological
                                  innovation systems: The case of
                                  Taiwanese pharmaceutical biotechnology
                                  and agricultural biotechnology
                                  innovation systems (1945--2000)  . . . . 271--281
                     Ohid Yaqub   Innovation networks: More than just a
                                  metaphor?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282--283

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 3, June, 2012

       Inge van der Weijden and   
             Maaike Verbree and   
        Peter van den Besselaar   From bench to bedside: The societal
                                  orientation of research leaders: The
                                  case of biomedical and health research
                                  in The Netherlands . . . . . . . . . . . 285--303
              Adelheid Holl and   
                      Ruth Rama   Technology sourcing: Are biotechnology
                                  firms different? An exploratory study of
                                  the Spanish case . . . . . . . . . . . . 304--317
           Sonja Marjanovic and   
               Caroline Fry and   
                Joanna Chataway   Crowdsourcing based business models: In
                                  search of evidence for Innovation 2.0    318--332
                Seife Ayele and   
                Alan Duncan and   
              Asamoah Larbi and   
               Truong Tan Khanh   Enhancing innovation in livestock value
                                  chains through networks: Lessons from
                                  fodder innovation case studies in
                                  developing countries . . . . . . . . . . 333--346
             Hans Fogelberg and   
             Stefan Thorpenberg   Regional innovation policy and
                                  public-private partnership: The case of
                                  Triple Helix Arenas in Western Sweden    347--356
          Nicole Lisa Klenk and   
               Gordon M. Hickey   Improving the social robustness of
                                  research networks for sustainable
                                  natural resource management: Results of
                                  a Delphi study in Canada . . . . . . . . 357--372
                   Yan Yang and   
     Jette Egelund Holgaard and   
                    Arne Remmen   What can Triple Helix frameworks offer
                                  to the analysis of eco-innovation
                                  dynamics? Theoretical and methodological
                                  considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373--385
María de Jesús Medina-Arellano   Contested secularity: Governing stem
                                  cell science in Mexico . . . . . . . . . 386--402
                  Jonathon Mote   Book Review: Conceptualizing
                                  entrepreneurship as entrepreneuring:
                                  \booktitleEntrepreneurial Imagination:
                                  Time, Timing, Space and Place in
                                  Business Action by Björn Bjerke and Hans
                                  Rämö . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 403--404
                Arthur W. Frank   Book Review: \booktitleWho pays what
                                  price for bioscientific discovery? A
                                  Rich Bioethics: Public Policy,
                                  Biotechnology, and the Kass Council by
                                  Adam Briggle Private Bodies, Public
                                  Texts: Race, Gender, and a Cultural
                                  Bioethics by Karla F. C. Holloway  . . . 404--407
              Francesca Musiani   Book Review: \booktitleInternet politics
                                  and STS: a much-needed encounter,
                                  \booktitleThe Power of Networks.
                                  Organizing the Global Politics of the
                                  Internet by Mikkel Flyverbom . . . . . . 407--409
                        G. Teil   Book Review: \booktitleArt
                                  Entrepreneurship edited by M. Scherdin
                                  and I. Zander  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409--410

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 4, August, 2012

                Merle Jacob and   
                Olof Hallonsten   The persistence of big science and
                                  megascience in research and innovation
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411--415
                   Aant Elzinga   Features of the current science policy
                                  regime: Viewed in historical perspective 416--428
                 Wilhelm Agrell   Framing prospects and risk in the public
                                  promotion of ESS Scandinavia . . . . . . 429--438
             Catherine Westfall   Institutional persistence and the
                                  material transformation of the US
                                  national labs: The curious story of the
                                  advent of the Advanced Photon Source . . 439--449
            Olof Hallonsten and   
                  Thomas Heinze   Institutional persistence through
                                  gradual organizational adaptation:
                                  Analysis of national laboratories in the
                                  USA and Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . . 450--463
             Laurel L. Haak and   
               Will Ferriss and   
               Kevin Wright and   
         Michael E. Pollard and   
                Kirk Barden and   
             Matt A. Probus and   
        Michael Tartakovsky and   
             Charles J. Hackett   The electronic Scientific Portfolio
                                  Assistant: Integrating scientific
                                  knowledge databases to support program
                                  impact assessment  . . . . . . . . . . . 464--475
      T. S. Vamsidhar Reddy and   
                  Andy Hall and   
               Rasheed Sulaiman   Locating research in agricultural
                                  innovation trajectories: Evidence and
                                  implications from empirical cases from
                                  South Asia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476--490
            Ingeborg Meijer and   
        Jordi Molas-Gallart and   
               Pauline Mattsson   Networked research infrastructures and
                                  their governance: The case of biobanking 491--499
               Farah Huzair and   
               Theo Papaioannou   UK Biobank: Consequences for commons and
                                  innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500--512
         Eugenia Perez Vico and   
              Staffan Jacobsson   Identifying, explaining and improving
                                  the effects of academic R&D: The case of
                                  nanotechnology in Sweden . . . . . . . . 513--529
                Aaron D. Levine   State stem cell policy and the
                                  geographic preferences of scientists in
                                  a contentious emerging field . . . . . . 530--541
                Candis Callison   Book Review: \booktitleGoverning the
                                  Air: The Dynamics of Science, Policy,
                                  and Citizen Interaction by Rolf Lidskog
                                  and Göran Sundqvist . . . . . . . . . . . 542--543
                Finbarr Livesey   Book Review: \booktitleUnlocking Energy
                                  Innovation: How America can build a
                                  Low-cost, Low-carbon Energy System by
                                  Richard K. Lester and David M. Hart  . . 543--544

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 5, October, 2012

                   Hebe Vessuri   Introduction to special section: The use
                                  of knowledge for social cohesion and
                                  social inclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . 545--547
                 Renato Dagnino   Why science and technology capacity
                                  building for social development? . . . . 548--556
               Susan E. Cozzens   Social cohesion at the global level: The
                                  roles of science and technology  . . . . 557--561
                  Rosalba Casas   Social cohesion in distributive policies
                                  and the role of knowledge  . . . . . . . 562--569
          Ivan da Costa Marques   Ontological politics and situated public
                                  policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570--578
       Hernán Thomas and   
           Mariano Fressoli and   
                  Lucas Becerra   Science and technology policy and social
                                  ex/inclusion: Analyzing opportunities
                                  and constraints in Brazil and Argentina  579--591
                 Alexis Mercado   Social inclusion or social illusion: The
                                  challenges of social inclusion, social
                                  participation and social cohesion in
                                  Venezuelan S&T policy . . . . . . . . . . 592--601
María Sonsiré López Cadenas and   
                   Hebe Vessuri   Tensions and resistances in the
                                  political alignment of public research
                                  within Venezuela's new political setup   602--612
    Ronny J. Viales-Hurtado and   
Antonio Arellano-Hernández and   
    Rafael E. Granados-Carvajal   Perceptions about the
                                  political-scientific community and its
                                  role in formulating the problems of
                                  public policy for science, technology
                                  and innovation in Costa Rica . . . . . . 613--617
     Marcela Linková and   
  Tereza Stöckelová   Public accountability and the
                                  politicization of science: The peculiar
                                  journey of Czech research assessment . . 618--629
        Jorge Simões and   
           Maria Jose Silva and   
             Virginia Trigo and   
                Jacinta Moreira   The dynamics of firm creation fuelled by
                                  higher education institutions within
                                  innovation networks  . . . . . . . . . . 630--640
                    Marek Kwiek   Changing higher education policies: From
                                  the deinstitutionalization to the
                                  reinstitutionalization of the research
                                  mission in Polish universities . . . . . 641--654
                 Manuel Laranja   Network governance of innovation
                                  policies: The Technological Plan in
                                  Portugal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655--668
                 Nanny Bressers   The Triple Helix organization in
                                  practice: Assessment of the Triple Helix
                                  in a Dutch sustainable mobility program  669--679
             Albert N. Link and   
                  John T. Scott   On the social value of quality: an
                                  economic evaluation of the Baldrige
                                  Performance Excellence Program . . . . . 680--689
                 Stefan Artmann   Book Review: Advising government how to
                                  address market failure in innovation ---
                                  and what about government failure?
                                  \booktitleScience and Innovation Policy
                                  for the New Knowledge Economy edited by
                                  Massimo G. Colombo, Luca Grilli, Lucia
                                  Piscitello and Cristina Rossi-Lamastra   690--691
                    Ben Klemens   Book Review: \booktitleCopyright Law and
                                  the Progress of Science and the Useful
                                  Arts by Alina Ng . . . . . . . . . . . . 692--693

Science and Public Policy
Volume 39, Number 6, December, 2012

            Niels Mejlgaard and   
                   Carter Bloch   Science in society in Europe . . . . . . 695--700
            Giulia Anichini and   
    Suzanne de Cheveigné   Overview of research related to science
                                  in society in Europe . . . . . . . . . . 701--709
                 Mikko Rask and   
  Saule Maciukaite-Zviniene and   
           Jurgita Petrauskiene   Innovations in public engagement and
                                  participatory performance of the nations 710--721
               Brian Trench and   
                  Steven Miller   Policies and practices in supporting
                                  scientists' public communication through
                                  training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 722--731
                  Lena Tsipouri   Comparing innovation performance and
                                  science in society in the European
                                  member states  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732--740
            Niels Mejlgaard and   
               Carter Bloch and   
                  Lise Degn and   
         Mathias W. Nielsen and   
                      Tine Ravn   Locating science in society across
                                  Europe: Clusters and consequences  . . . 741--750
               Richard Owen and   
            Phil Macnaghten and   
                   Jack Stilgoe   Responsible research and innovation:
                                  From science in society to science for
                                  society, with society  . . . . . . . . . 751--760
                Pete Ladwig and   
         Kajsa E. Dalrymple and   
         Dominique Brossard and   
       Dietram A. Scheufele and   
            Elizabeth A. Corley   Perceived familiarity or factual
                                  knowledge? Comparing operationalizations
                                  of scientific understanding  . . . . . . 761--774
            Kayje M. Booker and   
            Ashok J. Gadgil and   
             David E. Winickoff   Engineering for the global poor: The
                                  role of intellectual property  . . . . . 775--786
     Jesús Rey-Rocha and   
María José Martín-Sempere   Generating favourable contexts for
                                  translational research through the
                                  incorporation of basic researchers into
                                  hospitals: The FIS/Miguel Servet
                                  Research Contract Programme  . . . . . . 787--801
              Lidia P. Galabova   Developing a knowledge-based economy
                                  through innovation policy: The cases of
                                  Bulgaria, Finland and Scotland . . . . . 802--814
             Thomas A. Hemphill   The biotechnology sector and US gene
                                  patents: Legal challenges to
                                  intellectual property rights and the
                                  impact on basic research and development 815--826
               Craig McLean and   
                 Alan Patterson   The regulation of risk: Mobile phones
                                  and the siting of phone masts --- the UK
                                  experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827--836
             Andrew Scott Catey   Book Review: \booktitleThe Knowledge
                                  Economy at Work: Skills and Innovation
                                  in Knowledge Intensive Service
                                  Activities edited by Cristina
                                  Martinez-Fernandez, Ian Miles and Tamara
                                  Weyman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 837--838
                   Paul Jackson   Book Review: \booktitleRed, Black, and
                                  Objective: Science, Sociology, and
                                  Anarchism by Sal Restivo . . . . . . . . 839--840
                    Diana Hicks   Book Review: \booktitleHow Economics
                                  Shapes Science by Paula Stephan  . . . . 840--841
          Anna J. Wieczorek and   
               Marko P. Hekkert   Corrigendum to `Systemic instruments for
                                  systemic innovation problems: a
                                  framework for policy makers and
                                  innovation scholars' . . . . . . . . . . 842--842

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 1, February, 2013

            Catherine Lyall and   
                Isabel Fletcher   Experiments in interdisciplinary
                                  capacity-building: The successes and
                                  challenges of large-scale
                                  interdisciplinary investments  . . . . . 1--7
          Michele Mastroeni and   
                 Joyce Tait and   
            Alessandro Rosiello   Regional innovation policies in a
                                  globally connected environment . . . . . 8--16
                David Wield and   
             Rebecca Hanlin and   
               James Mittra and   
                    James Smith   Twenty-first century bioeconomy: Global
                                  challenges of biological knowledge for
                                  health and agriculture . . . . . . . . . 17--24
         Shawn H. E. Harmon and   
              Graeme Laurie and   
                    Gill Haddow   Governing risk, engaging publics and
                                  engendering trust: New horizons for law
                                  and social science?  . . . . . . . . . . 25--33
               David Castle and   
                   Keith Culver   Getting to `No': The method of contested
                                  exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34--42
               Farah Huzair and   
  Alexander Borda-Rodriguez and   
                 Mary Upton and   
             Julius T. Mugwagwa   An interdisciplinary and development
                                  lens on knowledge translation  . . . . . 43--50
                Liz O'Brien and   
           Mariella Marzano and   
                Rehema M. White   `Participatory interdisciplinarity':
                                  Towards the integration of disciplinary
                                  diversity with stakeholder engagement
                                  for new models of knowledge production   51--61
            Catherine Lyall and   
                  Ann Bruce and   
              Wendy Marsden and   
                  Laura Meagher   The role of funding agencies in creating
                                  interdisciplinary knowledge  . . . . . . 62--71
            Julia R. Kamenetzky   Opportunities for impact: Statistical
                                  analysis of the National Science
                                  Foundation's broader impacts criterion   72--84
           Mirjam Knockaert and   
        Elien Vandenbroucke and   
                Annelore Huyghe   Unraveling the need for innovation
                                  support services in new technology-based
                                  firms: The impact of commercialization
                                  strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--96
               Gaston Heimeriks   Interdisciplinarity in biotechnology,
                                  genomics and nanotechnology  . . . . . . 97--112
              Magda Pieczka and   
                 Oliver Escobar   Dialogue and science: Innovation in
                                  policy-making and the discourse of
                                  public engagement in the UK  . . . . . . 113--126
             Hans Fogelberg and   
              Mats A. Lundqvist   Integration of academic and
                                  entrepreneurial roles: The case of
                                  nanotechnology research at Chalmers
                                  University of Technology . . . . . . . . 127--139
                Rafael Bennertz   Scaling up Gas Lighting: From the
                                  Laboratories to the Large Integrated
                                  Network System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140--141
                      Anonymous   18th Science and Technology Indicators
                                  conference: ``Translational twists and
                                  turns: Science as a socio-economic
                                  endeavor', 4--6th September, Berlin,
                                  Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142--142

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 2, April, 2013

                  Suguru Tamura   Generic definition of standardization
                                  and the correlation between innovation
                                  and standardization in corporate
                                  intellectual property activities . . . . 143--156
                Maarja Beerkens   Competition and concentration in the
                                  academic research industry: an empirical
                                  analysis of the sector dynamics in
                                  Australia 1990--2008 . . . . . . . . . . 157--170
             Amy R. Donovan and   
              Michael Bravo and   
              Clive Oppenheimer   Co-production of an institution:
                                  Montserrat Volcano Observatory and
                                  social dependence on science . . . . . . 171--186
          Remi Barré and   
            Luisa Henriques and   
       Dimitrios Pontikakis and   
              K. Matthias Weber   Measuring the integration and
                                  coordination dynamics of the European
                                  Research Area  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--205
               Roy R. Kloet and   
         Laurens K. Hessels and   
 Marjolein B. M. Zweekhorst and   
   Jacqueline E. W. Broerse and   
           Tjard de Cock Buning   Understanding Constraints in the
                                  Dynamics of a Research Programme
                                  Intended as a Niche Innovation . . . . . 206--218
   Sébastien Casault and   
              Aard J. Groen and   
             Jonathan D. Linton   Examination of the behavior of R&D
                                  returns using a power law  . . . . . . . 219--228
           Johann Peter Murmann   The co-development of industrial sectors
                                  and academic disciplines . . . . . . . . 229--246
          Terre Satterfield and   
                  Joe Conti and   
      Barbara Herr Harthorn and   
               Nick Pidgeon and   
                    Anton Pitts   Understanding shifting perceptions of
                                  nanotechnologies and their implications
                                  for policy dialogues about emerging
                                  technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247--260
                  Scott Crosson   The impact of empowering scientific
                                  advisory committees to constrain catch
                                  limits in US fisheries . . . . . . . . . 261--273
                      Frank Hoy   Book Review: \booktitleHandbook of
                                  Research on Innovation and
                                  Entrepreneurship, edited by David B.
                                  Audretsch, Oliver Falck, Stephan Heblich
                                  and Adam Lederer . . . . . . . . . . . . 274--275
                  David M. Hart   Energy technology learning curves: To
                                  the max  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--276
             Jennifer M. Miller   Book Review: \booktitleThe New Knowledge
                                  Workers by Dariusz Jemelniak . . . . . . 277--278
              Abiodun Egbetokun   Book Review: \booktitleBuilding National
                                  and Regional Innovation Systems:
                                  Institutions for Economic Development by
                                  Jorge Niosi  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279--280

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 3, June, 2013

Fábio Chaves do Couto e Silva Neto and   
 Ulisses Pereira dos Santos and   
 Vanessa Parreiras Oliveira and   
   Priscila Gomes de Castro and   
Luiza Teixeira de Melo Franco and   
              Fernanda de Negri   Patterns of interaction between national
                                  and multinational corporations and
                                  Brazilian universities/public research
                                  institutes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--292
                 Gregory Tassey   Beyond the business cycle: The need for
                                  a technology-based growth strategy . . . 293--315
                    Yonghong Wu   The cross-state distribution of federal
                                  funding in the USA: The case of
                                  financing academic research and
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316--326
             Youngjung Geum and   
                   Yongtae Park   The state-of-the-art of public-sector
                                  technology roadmaps: a taxonomical
                                  approach to energy technology roadmaps   327--339
             Timothy L. O'Brien   Education and support for scientists and
                                  elected officials in public policy
                                  decisions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340--353
            Esther Turnhout and   
             Marian Stuiver and   
         Judith Klostermann and   
                Bette Harms and   
                   Cees Leeuwis   New roles of science in society:
                                  Different repertoires of knowledge
                                  brokering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354--365
            Peter Teirlinck and   
             Henri Delanghe and   
             Pierre Padilla and   
                 Arnold Verbeek   Closing the policy cycle: Increasing the
                                  utilization of evaluation findings in
                                  research, technological development and
                                  innovation policy design . . . . . . . . 366--377
             Jason Delborne and   
              Jen Schneider and   
                Ravtosh Bal and   
              Susan Cozzens and   
            Richard Worthington   Policy pathways, policy networks, and
                                  citizen deliberation: Disseminating the
                                  results of World Wide Views on Global
                                  Warming in the USA . . . . . . . . . . . 378--392
                  R. L. Juliano   Pharmaceutical innovation and public
                                  policy: The case for a new strategy for
                                  drug discovery and development . . . . . 393--405
               Sami Mahroum and   
                Yasser Al-Saleh   Demand-led related diversification: an
                                  innovation policy approach to economic
                                  diversification and development  . . . . 406--418
             Bryce J. Renninger   Book Review: \booktitleGrace Hopper and
                                  the Information Age by Kurt W. Beyer . . 419--420
                 Bradley Keelor   Book Review: \booktitleGreenhouse
                                  Governance: Addressing Climate Change in
                                  America by Barry G. Rabe . . . . . . . . 420--421

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 4, August, 2013

               Morgan Meyer and   
                Matthew Kearnes   Introduction to special section:
                                  Intermediaries between science, policy
                                  and the market . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423--429
         Katharina Schlierf and   
                   Morgan Meyer   Situating knowledge intermediation:
                                  Insights from science shops and
                                  knowledge brokers  . . . . . . . . . . . 430--441
               Liliana Doganova   Transfer and exploration: Two models of
                                  science-industry intermediation  . . . . 442--452
                Matthew Kearnes   Performing synthetic worlds: Situating
                                  the bioeconomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 453--465
               Heidrun Åm   `Don't make nanotechnology sexy, ensure
                                  its benefits, and be neutral': Studying
                                  the logics of new intermediary
                                  institutions in ambiguous governance
                                  contexts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 466--478
                  Lisa F. Clark   Framing the uncertainty of risk: Models
                                  of governance for genetically modified
                                  foods  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479--491
                Sea-Hong Oh and   
                 Kyoung-Joo Lee   Governance system of governmental R&D
                                  programs: Formation and transformation
                                  of the Framework Act on Science and
                                  Technology in Korea  . . . . . . . . . . 492--503
      Kathleen C. Dominique and   
          Ammar Anees Malik and   
       Valerie Remoquillo-Jenni   International benchmarking: Politics and
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--513
        Jean-Michel Marcoux and   
         Lyne Létourneau   A distorted regulatory landscape:
                                  Genetically modified wheat and the
                                  influence of non-safety issues in Canada 514--528
           Gordon M. Hickey and   
             Patrick Forest and   
            Jean L. Sandall and   
            Briony M. Lalor and   
               Rodney J. Keenan   Managing the environmental
                                  science--policy nexus in government:
                                  Perspectives from public servants in
                                  Canada and Australia . . . . . . . . . . 529--543
            Aaron D. Levine and   
             T. Austin Lacy and   
                 James C. Hearn   The origins of human embryonic stem cell
                                  research policies in the US states . . . 544--558
             Christopher Leslie   Book Review: \booktitleMedia Clusters:
                                  Spatial Agglomeration and Content
                                  Capabilities edited by Charlie Karlsson
                                  and Robert G. Picard . . . . . . . . . . 559--560
                  Juan Espinosa   Book Review: Accepting infernal
                                  alternatives: Sustaining venture capital
                                  on venture labour. \booktitleVenture
                                  Labor: Work and the Burden of Risk in
                                  Innovative Industries by Gina Neff . . . 560--561

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 5, October, 2013

           Gemma E. Derrick and   
                Vincenzo Pavone   Democratising research evaluation:
                                  Achieving greater public engagement with
                                  bibliometrics-informed peer review . . . 563--575
         Aimilia Protogerou and   
          Yannis Caloghirou and   
               Evangelos Siokas   Research networking and technology
                                  fusion through EU-funded collaborative
                                  projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576--590
            Olof Hallonsten and   
                  Thomas Heinze   From particle physics to photon science:
                                  Multi-dimensional and multi-level
                                  renewal at DESY and SLAC . . . . . . . . 591--603
         Alwin L. Gerritsen and   
             Marian Stuiver and   
       Catrien J. A. M. Termeer   Knowledge governance: an exploration of
                                  principles, impact, and barriers . . . . 604--615
  Ebrahim Souzanchi Kashani and   
                 Erik Millstone   Contested framings and policy
                                  controversies: Analysing biosafety
                                  policy-making in Iran  . . . . . . . . . 616--627
                Koen Beumer and   
             Sujit Bhattacharya   Emerging technologies in India:
                                  Developments, debates and silences about
                                  nanotechnology . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628--643
              Victor Pelaez and   
Letícia Rodrigues da Silva and   
   Eduardo Borges Araújo   Regulation of pesticides: a comparative
                                  analysis*  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 644--656
           Evgeny A. Klochikhin   Innovation system in transition:
                                  Opportunities for policy learning
                                  between China and Russia . . . . . . . . 657--673
            Bram Timmermans and   
Jon Mikel Zabala-Iturriagagoitia   Coordinated unbundling: a way to
                                  stimulate entrepreneurship through
                                  public procurement for innovation  . . . 674--685
                  Axel Philipps   Mission statements and self-descriptions
                                  of German extra-university research
                                  institutes: a qualitative content
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 686--697
           Meaghan Brierley and   
             Cooper H. Langford   [Introduction to set of three reviews on
                                  \booktitleStandards: Recipes for Reality
                                  (Busch, 2011), and \booktitleScientists
                                  and the Regulation of Risk:
                                  Standardising Control (Demortain, 2011)] 698--698
                   Tolu Odumosu   Making the world, one recipe at a time   698--699
                   Fern Wickson   Researching standards: No recipe, no
                                  risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 700--701
                   Joel D'Silva   Standards, Risk and the Scientist  . . . 701--703

Science and Public Policy
Volume 40, Number 6, December, 2013

         Michael Friedewald and   
                 Serge Gutwirth   Introduction to special section:
                                  Governing privacy and data protection
                                  issues of emerging technologies  . . . . 705--707
            Bernd Carsten Stahl   Responsible research and innovation: The
                                  role of privacy in an emerging framework 708--716
           Gemma Galdon-Clavell   (Not so) smart cities?: The drivers,
                                  impact and risks of surveillance-enabled
                                  smart environments . . . . . . . . . . . 717--723
        Stefan Strauß and   
               Michael Nentwich   Social network sites, privacy and the
                                  blurring boundary between public and
                                  private spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . 724--732
            Sebastian Sevignani   The commodification of privacy on the
                                  Internet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733--739
                Leon Hempel and   
            Lars Ostermeier and   
              Tobias Schaaf and   
                   Dagny Vedder   Towards a social impact assessment of
                                  security technologies: a bottom-up
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740--754
               David Wright and   
             Michael Friedewald   Integrating privacy and ethical impact
                                  assessments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755--766
            Briony M. Lalor and   
               Gordon M. Hickey   Environmental science and public policy
                                  in Executive government: Insights from
                                  Australia and Canada . . . . . . . . . . 767--778
                Nikos Kastrinos   The financial crisis and Greek R&D policy
                                  from a Schumpeterian perspective . . . . 779--791
         Michelina Venditti and   
             Emanuela Reale and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Disclosure of university research to
                                  third parties: a non-market perspective
                                  on an Italian university . . . . . . . . 792--800
          Patricia K. McCormick   Space debris: Conjunction opportunities
                                  and opportunities for international
                                  cooperation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801--813
                        Li Tang   Book Review: Beyond the hype: Exploring
                                  interfaces of the knowledge economy.
                                  \booktitleFoundations of the Knowledge
                                  Economy: Innovation, Learning and
                                  Clusters edited by Knut Ingar Westeren   814--815
                 Beverley Gibbs   Book Review: \booktitleLow Carbon
                                  Communities: Imaginative Approaches to
                                  Combating Climate Change Locally edited
                                  by Michael Peters, Shane Fudge and Tim
                                  Jackson  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815--816
                Catherine Seale   Book Review: \booktitleThe New Harvest:
                                  Agricultural Innovation in Africa by
                                  Calestous Juma . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817--818
                  Lisa F. Clark   Book Review: \booktitleGM Food on Trial:
                                  Testing European Democracy by Les
                                  Levidow and Susan Carr . . . . . . . . . 818--819
                  Lisa F. Clark   Book Review: \booktitleSeeds, Science,
                                  and Struggle: The Global Politics of
                                  Transgenic Crops by Abby Kinchy  . . . . 820--821
                  Nader Afzalan   Book Review: \booktitlePlanning with
                                  Complexity: an Introduction to
                                  Collaborative Rationality for Public
                                  Policy by Judith E. Innes and David E.
                                  Booher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--822
    J. Francisco Álvarez   Book Review: \booktitleNetworked: The
                                  New Social Operating System by Lee
                                  Rainie and Barry Wellman . . . . . . . . 823--824
                Aaron K. Martin   Book Review: \booktitleInnovation, Dual
                                  Use, and Security: Managing the Risks of
                                  Emerging Biological and Chemical Weapons
                                  edited by Jonathan B. Tucker . . . . . . 824--826
                   Fern Wickson   Book Review: \booktitleNew modes of
                                  thought required for the Age of Ecology
                                  Plato's Revenge: Politics in the Age of
                                  Ecology by William Ophuls  . . . . . . . 826--828
             Lewis M. Branscomb   Book Review: \booktitleCreating
                                  Competitiveness: Entrepreneurship and
                                  Innovation Policies for Growth edited by
                                  David B. Audretch and Mary Linenstein
                                  Walshok  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828--829
           Susan M. Fitzpatrick   Book Review: \booktitleBetter Doctors,
                                  Better Patients, Better Decisions:
                                  Envisioning Health Care 2020 edited by
                                  Gerd Girgerenzer and J. A. Muir Gray . . 830--831

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 1, February, 2014

            Graeme A. Hodge and   
          Andrew D. Maynard and   
                Diana M. Bowman   Nanotechnology: Rhetoric, risk and
                                  regulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--14
        Cristiano Antonelli and   
                 Claudio Fassio   The heterogeneity of knowledge and the
                                  academic mode of knowledge governance:
                                  Italian evidence in the first part of
                                  the 20th century . . . . . . . . . . . . 15--28
               Terttu Luukkonen   The European Research Council and the
                                  European research funding landscape  . . 29--43
                Seoyong Kim and   
               Sang-Ok Choi and   
                    Jaesun Wang   Individual perception vs. structural
                                  context: Searching for multilevel
                                  determinants of social acceptance of new
                                  science and technology across 34
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44--57
            Martin D. Sorin and   
              Randall J. Hannum   Which extramural scientists were funded
                                  by the US National Institutes of Health
                                  from its ARRA funds? . . . . . . . . . . 58--75
        Bryn Williams-Jones and   
          Catherine Olivier and   
                    Elise Smith   Governing `dual-use' research in Canada:
                                  a policy review  . . . . . . . . . . . . 76--93
   Etienne Vignola-Gagné   Argumentative practices in science,
                                  technology and innovation policy: The
                                  case of clinician-scientists and
                                  translational research . . . . . . . . . 94--106
                   So Young Kim   Government R&D funding in economic
                                  downturns: Testing the varieties of
                                  capitalism conjecture  . . . . . . . . . 107--118
             Shirley Leitch and   
                Judy Motion and   
           Elizabeth Merlot and   
                Sally Davenport   The fall of research and rise of
                                  innovation: Changes in New Zealand
                                  science policy discourse . . . . . . . . 119--130
       Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech   Book Review: \booktitleCycles, Crises
                                  and Innovation: Path to Sustainable
                                  Development --- A
                                  Kaleckian--Schumpeterian Synthesis by
                                  Jerry Courvisanos  . . . . . . . . . . . 131--132
                 Stefan Artmann   Book Review: A sketchy portrait of the
                                  public-sector entrepreneur.
                                  Establishing a Thriving Entrepreneurial
                                  Spirit in Government by Robert D.
                                  Hisrich and Amr Al-Dabbagh . . . . . . . 132--133
                   Josh Trapani   Book Review: \booktitleTransnational
                                  Culture in the Internet Age edited by
                                  Sean A. Pager and Adam Candeub . . . . . 134--135
                Chris Kortright   Book Review: \booktitleCosmopolitan
                                  Commons: Sharing Resources and Risks
                                  across Borders, edited by Nil Disco and
                                  Eda Kranakis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135--137
          Terje Grònning   Book Review: Creating and sustaining
                                  knowledge-intensive entrepreneurship.
                                  \booktitleManaging Knowledge Intensive
                                  Entrepreneurship by Maureen McKelvey and
                                  Astrid Heidemann Lassen  . . . . . . . . 137--138
                 Genevieve Teil   Book Reviews: \booktitleSocietal
                                  Entrepreneurship: Positioning,
                                  Penetrating, Promoting edited by Karin
                                  Berglund, Bengt Johannisson and Birgitta
                                  Schwartz. \booktitleSocial
                                  Entrepreneurship: To Act as if and Make
                                  a Difference by Björn Bjerke and Mathias
                                  Karlsson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--140

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 2, April, 2014

           Anders Broström   Interaction with science: In what sense
                                  a case of learning by doing? . . . . . . 141--150
           Gregory Trencher and   
              Masaru Yarime and   
           Kes B. McCormick and   
     Christopher N. H. Doll and   
              Steven B. Kraines   Beyond the third mission: Exploring the
                                  emerging university function of
                                  co-creation for sustainability . . . . . 151--179
                        Ping Lv   How does openness affect innovation?
                                  Evidence from national key laboratories
                                  in China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180--193
                Simo Sarkki and   
       Jari Niemeldá and   
                  Rob Tinch and   
       Sybille van den Hove and   
                 Allan Watt and   
                 Juliette Young   Balancing credibility, relevance and
                                  legitimacy: a critical assessment of
                                  trade-offs in science--policy interfaces 194--206
                 Marc Schut and   
      Annemarie van Paassen and   
               Cees Leeuwis and   
                 Laurens Klerkx   Towards dynamic research configurations:
                                  a framework for reflection on the
                                  contribution of research to policy and
                                  innovation processes . . . . . . . . . . 207--218
               Ramazan Uctu and   
             Rachel C. C. Jafta   Bio-entrepreneurship as a bridge between
                                  science and business in a regional
                                  cluster: South Africa's first attempts   219--233
              Michael Bloor and   
              Helen Sampson and   
                Susan Baker and   
                Katrin Dahlgren   The instrumental use of technical
                                  doubts: Technological controversies,
                                  investment decisions and air pollution
                                  controls in the global shipping industry 234--244
             Thiago Caliari and   
           Ricardo Machado Ruiz   Brazilian pharmaceutical industry and
                                  generic drugs policy: Impacts on
                                  structure and innovation and recent
                                  developments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--256
                  Finn Orstavik   Book Review: \booktitleCompeting through
                                  innovation: Technology Strategy and
                                  Antitrust Policies by David J. Teece . . 257--258
             Erin L. Cadwalader   Book Review: \booktitleIntellectual
                                  Property Rights and the Financing of
                                  Technological Innovation: Public Policy
                                  and the Efficiency of the Markets by
                                  Carl Benedikt Frey . . . . . . . . . . . 258--260
               Andreas Ligtvoet   Book Review: \booktitleHandbook on the
                                  Economic Complexity of Technological
                                  Change edited by Cristiano Antonelli . . 260--261
                  Steven Hrotic   Book Review: \booktitleCreativity and
                                  Entrepreneurship: Changing Currents in
                                  Education and Public Life edited by Lynn
                                  Book and David P. Phillips . . . . . . . 261--263
              Michael Beyerlein   Book Review: \booktitleHow Entrepreneurs
                                  Do What They Do: Case Studies in
                                  Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship
                                  edited by Maureen McKelvey and Astrid
                                  Heidemann Lassen . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--265
                      Xuhong Su   Book Review: \booktitleIs American
                                  Science in Decline? by Yu Xie and
                                  Alexandra A. Killewald . . . . . . . . . 265--266
             Jennifer M. Miller   Corrigendum to `\booktitleThe New
                                  Knowledge Workers by Dariusz Jemielniak' 267--267
            Martin D. Sorin and   
              Randall J. Hannum   Erratum to `\booktitleWhich extramural
                                  scientists were funded by the US
                                  National Institutes of Health from its
                                  ARRA funds?' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268--268

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 3, June, 2014

               Thomas Reiss and   
                    Kate Millar   Introduction to special section:
                                  Assessment of emerging science and
                                  technology: Integration opportunities
                                  and challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--271
             Davy van Doren and   
                  Nils B. Heyen   Synthetic biology: Too early for
                                  assessments? A review of synthetic
                                  biology assessments in Germany . . . . . 272--282
             Philip Boucher and   
               Robert Smith and   
                    Kate Millar   Biofuels under the spotlight: The state
                                  of assessment and potential for
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283--293
             Erik de Bakker and   
        Carolien de Lauwere and   
        Anne-Charlotte Hoes and   
                Volkert Beekman   Responsible research and innovation in
                                  miniature: Information asymmetries
                                  hindering a more inclusive `nanofood'
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294--305
       Ellen-Marie Forsberg and   
           Erik Thorstensen and   
Rasmus Òjvind Nielsen and   
                 Erik de Bakker   Assessments of emerging science and
                                  technologies: Mapping the landscape  . . 306--316
             Davy van Doren and   
       Ellen-Marie Forsberg and   
                   Ralf Lindner   Are assessments responding to a dynamic
                                  environment? Evidence from four emerging
                                  techno-scientific domains  . . . . . . . 317--331
       Arnout R. H. Fischer and   
       Meike T. A. Wentholt and   
                  Gene Rowe and   
                 Lynn J. Frewer   Expert involvement in policy
                                  development: a systematic review of
                                  current practice . . . . . . . . . . . . 332--343
                      Avery Sen   Totally radical: From transformative
                                  research to transformative innovation    344--358
               Nick Dragojlovic   Voting for stem cells: How local
                                  conditions tempered moral opposition to
                                  Proposition 71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359--369
          Sabrina Engel-Glatter   Dual-use research and the H5N1 bird flu:
                                  Is restricting publication the solution
                                  to biosecurity issues? . . . . . . . . . 370--383
 Julia Olmos-Peñuela and   
            Paul Benneworth and   
   Elena Castro-Martínez   Are `STEM from Mars and SSH from
                                  Venus'?: Challenging disciplinary
                                  stereotypes of research's social value   384--400
               Govind Gopakumar   Book Review: \booktitlePublic--Private
                                  Innovation Networks in Services edited
                                  by Fa\"\iz Gallouj, Luis Rubalcaba and
                                  Paul Windrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--402
            Jacqueline Meszaros   Book Review: \booktitleWhat Should Think
                                  Tanks Do?: a Strategic Guide to Policy
                                  Impact by Andrew Selee . . . . . . . . . 402--403
                   Yves Laberge   Book Review: \booktitleSustainable
                                  Development, Evaluation and
                                  Policy-Making: Theory, Practise and
                                  Quality Assurance edited by Anneke von
                                  Raggamby and Frieder Rubik . . . . . . . 403--404
          Krishna Ravi Srinivas   Book Review: \booktitleHandbook of
                                  Innovation Indicators and Measurement,
                                  edited by Fred Gault . . . . . . . . . . 405--405
               Carol A. Robbins   Book Review: Why innovation measurement
                                  is as hard as it looks:
                                  \booktitleHandbook of Innovation
                                  Indicators and Measurement, edited by
                                  Fred Gault . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 406--407

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 4, July, 2014

                 Albert N. Link   Introduction to special section: a
                                  retrospective look at US science and
                                  technology policy  . . . . . . . . . . . 409--410
                  David M. Hart   An agent, not a mole: Assessing the
                                  White House Office of Science and
                                  Technology Policy  . . . . . . . . . . . 411--418
                 Gregory Tassey   Innovation in innovation policy
                                  management: The Experimental Technology
                                  Incentives Program and the policy
                                  experiment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419--424
          William B. Bonvillian   The new model innovation agencies: an
                                  overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425--437
                  John T. Scott   The US Federal Trade Commission's Line
                                  of Business Program and innovation
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438--448
                 Peter D. Blair   Congress's own think tank: Learning from
                                  the legacy of the Office of Technology
                                  Assessment (1972--95)  . . . . . . . . . 449--457
            Michael J. Hall and   
          Stephen K. Layson and   
                 Albert N. Link   The returns to R&D: Division of Policy
                                  Research and Analysis at the National
                                  Science Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . 458--463
            Cornelia Lawson and   
                 Valerio Sterzi   The role of early-career factors in the
                                  formation of serial academic inventors   464--479
                 Oliver Escobar   Upstream public engagement, downstream
                                  policy-making? The Brain Imaging
                                  Dialogue as a community of inquiry . . . 480--492
 Julia Olmos-Peñuela and   
        Jordi Molas-Gallart and   
   Elena Castro-Martínez   Informal collaborations between social
                                  sciences and humanities researchers and
                                  non-academic partners  . . . . . . . . . 493--506
     Susan Molyneux-Hodgson and   
               Andrew S. Balmer   Synthetic biology, water industry and
                                  the performance of an innovation barrier 507--519
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
             Jae Young Choi and   
                   Jang-Yun Kim   On the drivers of international
                                  collaboration: The impact of informal
                                  communication, motivation, and research
                                  resources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520--531
              Mikel Navarro and   
  Jesús M. Valdaliso and   
        Mari Jose Aranguren and   
                   Edurne Magro   A holistic approach to regional
                                  strategies: The case of the Basque
                                  Country  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532--547
              Govert Valkenburg   Book Review: \booktitleCrisis,
                                  Innovation and Sustainable Development:
                                  The Ecological Opportunity edited by
                                  Blandine Laperche, Nadine Levratto and
                                  Dimitri Uzunidis . . . . . . . . . . . . 548--549
              Abiodun Egbetokun   Book Review: \booktitleConceptual
                                  Richness and Methodological Diversity in
                                  Entrepreneurship Research edited by
                                  Alain Fayolle, Paula Kyrö, Tõnis Mets and
                                  Urve Venesaar  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--551

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 5, October, 2014

  Paloma de Mattos Fagundes and   
Ana Claudia Machado Padilha and   
        Antonio Domingos Padula   Co-marketing alliances in the Brazilian
                                  biofuel sector: an analysis based on
                                  strategic alliances  . . . . . . . . . . 553--560
             Katherine E. Smith   The politics of ideas: The complex
                                  interplay of health inequalities
                                  research and policy  . . . . . . . . . . 561--574
                     Max Boholm   Political representations of nano in
                                  Swedish government documents . . . . . . 575--596
               James Revill and   
            Catherine Jefferson   Tacit knowledge and the biological
                                  weapons regime . . . . . . . . . . . . . 597--610
  Luis Sanz-Menéndez and   
         Gregg G. Van Ryzin and   
                Eloisa del Pino   Citizens' support for government
                                  spending on science and technology . . . 611--624
             Tulio Chiarini and   
 Vanessa Parreiras Oliveira and   
Fabio Chaves do Couto e Silva Neto   Spatial distribution of scientific
                                  activities: an exploratory analysis of
                                  Brazil, 2000--10 . . . . . . . . . . . . 625--640
          Staffan Jacobsson and   
         Eugenia Perez Vico and   
                 Hans Hellsmark   The many ways of academic researchers:
                                  How is science made useful?  . . . . . . 641--657
                     Erich Prem   Identifying international research
                                  cooperation capabilities in information
                                  and communication technologies . . . . . 658--672
                   Peta S. Cook   Institutional frameworks and terms of
                                  reference: The public discussion on
                                  clinical xenotransplantation in
                                  Australia  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--684
               Brian Salter and   
                  Alison Harvey   Creating problems in the governance of
                                  science: Bioethics and human/animal
                                  chimeras . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 685--696
         Jordi Vallverdú   Book Review: \booktitleGovernance,
                                  Regulation and Innovation: Theory and
                                  Evidence from Firms and Nations edited
                                  by Mehmet Ugur . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697--698
             Stephanie S. Shipp   Book Review: \booktitleUrban
                                  Competitiveness and Innovation edited by
                                  Pengfei Ni and Zheng Qiongjie  . . . . . 698--699

Science and Public Policy
Volume 41, Number 6, December, 2014

             Eugenia Perez Vico   An in-depth study of direct and indirect
                                  impacts from the research of a physics
                                  professor  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 701--719
            Marianne Benard and   
           Tjard de Cock-Buning   Moving from monodisciplinarity towards
                                  transdisciplinarity: Insights into the
                                  barriers and facilitators that
                                  scientists faced . . . . . . . . . . . . 720--733
            Chang Hoon Yang and   
                    Jungeun Heo   Network analysis to evaluate
                                  cross-disciplinary research
                                  collaborations: The Human Sensing
                                  Research Center, Korea . . . . . . . . . 734--749
             Mary K. Feeney and   
           Margarita Bernal and   
                  Lauren Bowman   Enabling work? Family-friendly policies
                                  and academic productivity for men and
                                  women scientists . . . . . . . . . . . . 750--764
         Viktoriya Galushko and   
                   Richard Gray   Twenty five years of private wheat
                                  breeding in the UK: Lessons for other
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 765--779
            Tjerk Wardenaar and   
       Stefan P. L. de Jong and   
             Laurens K. Hessels   Varieties of research coordination: a
                                  comparative analysis of two strategic
                                  research consortia . . . . . . . . . . . 780--792
     Cariza Teixeira Bohrer and   
        Eduardo Raupp de Vargas   Can R&D be identified and measured in
                                  services? Empirical evidence from
                                  university hospitals . . . . . . . . . . 793--808
    Carina A. C. M. Pittens and   
         Janneke E. Elberse and   
                Merel Visse and   
             Tineke A. Abma and   
       Jacqueline E. W. Broerse   Research agendas involving patients:
                                  Factors that facilitate or impede
                                  translation of patients' perspectives in
                                  programming and implementation . . . . . 809--820
            David C. Warren and   
            Sanya R. Carley and   
           Rachel M. Krause and   
               John A. Rupp and   
                 John D. Graham   Predictors of attitudes toward carbon
                                  capture and storage using data on world
                                  views and CCS-specific attitudes . . . . 821--834
                   Zafer Sonmez   EU innovation policy: One size doesn't
                                  fit all. \booktitleChallenges for
                                  European Innovation Policy: Cohesion and
                                  Excellence from a Schumpeterian
                                  Perspective edited by Slavo Radosevic
                                  and Anna Kaderabkova . . . . . . . . . . 835--836
              Zafer Sönmez   Book Review: \booktitleAgglomeration,
                                  Clusters and Entrepreneurship: Studies
                                  in Regional Economic Development edited
                                  by Charlie Karlsson, Börje Johansson and
                                  Roger R. Stough  . . . . . . . . . . . . 836--838
                 Michael Flower   Choreographing the end of the beginning
                                  of human stem cell research: an
                                  ethically intricate affair.
                                  \booktitleGood Science: The Ethical
                                  Choreography of Stem Cell Science by
                                  Charis Thompson  . . . . . . . . . . . . 838--839

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 1, February, 2015

      Balázs Lengyel and   
Tamás Sebestyén and   
               Loet Leydesdorff   Challenges for regional innovation
                                  policies in Central and Eastern Europe:
                                  Spatial concentration and foreign
                                  control of US patenting  . . . . . . . . 1--14
                 Yuzhuo Cai and   
                        Cui Liu   The roles of universities in fostering
                                  knowledge-intensive clusters in Chinese
                                  regional innovation systems  . . . . . . 15--29
               Carter Bloch and   
        Mads P. Sòrensen   The size of research funding: Trends and
                                  implications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30--43
            Leonhard Hennen and   
                 Linda Nierling   A next wave of Technology Assessment?
                                  Barriers and opportunities for
                                  establishing TA in seven European
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44--58
      Marcela Suárez and   
       Gabriela Dutrénit   The role of policy incentives in the
                                  reproduction of asymmetries within
                                  nanotechnology knowledge networks  . . . 59--71
                  E. Fisher and   
                     G. Maricle   Higher-level responsiveness?
                                  Socio-technical integration within US
                                  and UK nanotechnology research priority
                                  setting  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72--85
     Marja-Liisa Niinikoski and   
                Stefan Kuhlmann   In discursive negotiation: Knowledge and
                                  the formation of Finnish innovation
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86--106
                 James P. Walsh   The impact of foreign-born scientists
                                  and engineers on American nanoscience
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--120
               Drew Gertner and   
             Bart A. G. Bossink   The evolution of science concentrations:
                                  The case of Newcastle Science City . . . 121--138
           Michael Reinsborough   Institutional economics for a discipline
                                  at sea. \booktitleCapitalism and
                                  Democracy: a Fragile Alliance by Theo
                                  van de Klundert  . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--141
                   John A. Alic   Book Review: \booktitleEconomic
                                  Organization, Industrial Dynamics and
                                  Development: Selected Essays by Giovanni
                                  Dosi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141--143
                Richard Hawkins   Book Review: Marianna Mazzucato,
                                  \booktitleThe Entrepreneurial State:
                                  Debunking Public vs Private Sector Myths 143--145

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 2, April, 2015

             Magnus Nilsson and   
               Jerker Moodysson   Regional innovation policy and
                                  coordination: Illustrations from
                                  Southern Sweden  . . . . . . . . . . . . 147--161
        Nadika A. Bulathsinhala   Ex-ante evaluation of publicly funded R&D
                                  projects: Searching for exploration  . . 162--175
                  Rashid Nikzad   Small and medium-sized enterprises,
                                  intellectual property, and public policy 176--187
             Peter Scholten and   
                  Stijn Verbeek   Politicization and expertise: Changing
                                  research-policy dialogues on migrant
                                  integration in Europe  . . . . . . . . . 188--200
                 John C. Besley   What do scientists think about the
                                  public and does it matter to their
                                  online engagement? . . . . . . . . . . . 201--214
       Susana Borrás and   
                Charles Edquist   Education, training and skills in
                                  innovation policy  . . . . . . . . . . . 215--227
            Adriana Valente and   
         Tommaso Castellani and   
                Maja Larsen and   
                    Arja R. Aro   Models and visions of science-policy
                                  interaction: Remarks from a Delphi study
                                  in Italy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 228--241
        Josephine V. Rekers and   
                    Teis Hansen   Interdisciplinary research and
                                  geography: Overcoming barriers through
                                  proximity  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242--254
             Joohyoung Park and   
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
                Yongik Yoon and   
                    Heesang Lee   The evolving role of collaboration in
                                  developing scientific capability:
                                  Evidence from Korean
                                  government-supported research institutes 255--272
              Aleksandra Wagner   Shale gas: Energy innovation in a
                                  (non-)knowledge society: a press
                                  discourse analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 273--286
             Jennifer M. Miller   Book Review:
                                  Entrepreneurship in Low-Tech Industries
                                  edited by Hartmut Hirsch-Kreinsen and
                                  Isabel Schwinge  . . . . . . . . . . . . 287--288
                  Eric Anderson   Book Review: \booktitleInnovation and
                                  Inequality: Emerging Technologies in an
                                  Unequal World edited by Susan Cozzens
                                  and Dhanaraj Thakur  . . . . . . . . . . 289--290
                  Adam Holbrook   Book Review: \booktitleThe Innovator's
                                  Hypothesis: How Cheap Experiments Are
                                  Worth More Than Good Ideas by Michael
                                  Schrage  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290--291

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 3, June, 2015

                Yuandi Wang and   
              Jason Li-Ying and   
                   Jin Chen and   
                       Zheng Lu   Technology licensing in China  . . . . . 293--299
                     Lorna Ryan   Governance of EU research policy:
                                  Charting forms of scientific democracy
                                  in the European Research Area  . . . . . 300--314
            V. Muñoz and   
                F. Visentin and   
                   D. Foray and   
                P. Gaulé   Can medical products be developed on a
                                  non-profit basis? Exploring product
                                  development partnerships for neglected
                                  diseases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315--338
                Kush Wadhwa and   
        David Barnard-Wills and   
                   David Wright   The state of the art in societal impact
                                  assessment for security research . . . . 339--354
   Margaret E. Blume-Kohout and   
           Krishna B. Kumar and   
                    Neeraj Sood   University R&D Funding Strategies in a
                                  Changing Federal Funding Environment . . 355--368
              Barry Bozeman and   
                 Albert N. Link   Toward an assessment of impacts from US
                                  technology and innovation policies . . . 369--376
                   Brian Martin   Censorship and free speech in scientific
                                  controversies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 377--386
             Simone Rödder   Science Media Centres and public policy  387--400
                 Anete V\=itola   Innovation policy mix in a multi-level
                                  context: The case of the Baltic Sea
                                  Region countries . . . . . . . . . . . . 401--414
                Olof Hallonsten   Unpreparedness and risk in Big Science
                                  policy: Sweden and the European
                                  Spallation Source  . . . . . . . . . . . 415--426
                  Rahul S. Mane   Book Review: \booktitleThe
                                  Internationalization of Business R&D,
                                  edited by Bernhard Dachs, Robert Stehrer
                                  and Georg Zahradnik  . . . . . . . . . . 427--429
             Andrea Scharnhorst   Book Review: \booktitleBeyond
                                  Bibliometrics: Harnessing
                                  Multidimensional Indicators of Scholarly
                                  Impact edited by Blaise Cronin and
                                  Cassidy R. Sugimoto  . . . . . . . . . . 429--431
                   Micha Rahder   Book Review: Can we bridge the
                                  `Anthropocene Gap'? \booktitleGlobal
                                  Environmental Governance, Technology and
                                  Politics: The Anthropocene Gap by Victor
                                  Galaz  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431--432

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 4, August, 2015

                  Inga Ulnicane   Why do international research
                                  collaborations last? Virtuous circle of
                                  feedback loops, continuity and renewal   433--447
                      Yongsu Ko   Policy ideas and policy learning about
                                  `basic research' in South Korea  . . . . 448--459
           Seongkyoon Jeong and   
                 Jae Young Choi   Collaborative research for academic
                                  knowledge creation: How team
                                  characteristics, motivation, and
                                  processes influence research impact  . . 460--473
            Alexander Cuntz and   
                   Jan Peuckert   Openness determinants of national
                                  research funding programmes in EU27  . . 474--486
                      Eva Krick   Negotiated expertise in policy-making:
                                  How governments use hybrid advisory
                                  committees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487--500
                Kari Stange and   
          Jan van Tatenhove and   
             Judith van Leeuwen   Stakeholder-led knowledge production:
                                  Development of a long-term management
                                  plan for North Sea Nephrops fisheries    501--513
                Anna Bergek and   
              Charlotte Norrman   Integrating the supply and demand sides
                                  of public support to new
                                  technology-based firms . . . . . . . . . 514--529
            Sjoerd Hardeman and   
               Koen Frenken and   
         Önder Nomaler and   
             Anne L. J. Ter Wal   Characterizing and comparing innovation
                                  systems by different `modes' of
                                  knowledge production: a proximity
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530--548
            Hannes Toivanen and   
                  Arho Suominen   Epistemic integration of the European
                                  Research Area: The shifting geography of
                                  the knowledge base of Finnish research,
                                  1995--2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549--566
            Richard Woolley and   
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo and   
                 Tim Turpin and   
                   Jane Marceau   Research collaboration in the social
                                  sciences: What factors are associated
                                  with disciplinary and interdisciplinary
                                  collaboration? . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567--582
           Joacim Rosenlund and   
            William Hogland and   
        Anders W. Johansson and   
                  Jackie Seddon   A cross-national environmental cluster
                                  collaboration: Shifting between an
                                  analytical and management level of the
                                  triple helix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583--593
                Sam Weiss Evans   Book Review: \booktitleVulnerability in
                                  Technological Cultures: New Directions
                                  in Research and Governance edited by
                                  Anique Hommels, Jessica Mesman and Wiebe
                                  E. Bijker  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594--595
             Anthony M. Levenda   Book Review: \booktitleCheap and Clean:
                                  How Americans Think About Energy in the
                                  Age of Global Warming by Stephen
                                  Ansolabehere and David M. Konisky  . . . 595--597

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 5, October, 2015

       Debabrata Chatterjee and   
                Balram Sankaran   Commercializing academic research in
                                  emerging economies: Do organizational
                                  identities matter? . . . . . . . . . . . 599--613
         Aschalew D. Tigabu and   
             Frans Berkhout and   
           Pieter van Beukering   Functional evolution and accumulation of
                                  technological innovation systems: The
                                  case of renewable energy in East Africa  614--631
         Kristjan Sigurdson and   
         Creso M. Sá and   
                   Andrew Kretz   Looking under the street light:
                                  Limitations of mainstream technology
                                  transfer indicators  . . . . . . . . . . 632--645
                Adriana Bin and   
            Ana M. Carneiro and   
        Sergio Salles-Filho and   
       Fernando A. B. Colugnati   Employment, research performance and
                                  decentralization: The experience and
                                  perspectives of doctorate holders in
                                  Brazil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646--660
              Liv Langfeldt and   
                Mats Benner and   
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
       Ernst H. Kristiansen and   
              Dag W. Aksnes and   
      Siri Brorstad Borlaug and   
          Hanne Foss Hansen and   
              Egil Kallerud and   
                 Antti Pelkonen   Excellence and growth dynamics: a
                                  comparative study of the Matthew effect  661--675
               Ulrich Heink and   
         Elisabeth Marquard and   
              Katja Heubach and   
                   Kurt Jax and   
              Carolin Kugel and   
Carsten Neßhöver and   
        Rosmarie K. Neumann and   
               Axel Paulsch and   
            Sebastian Tilch and   
           Johannes Timaeus and   
               Marie Vandewalle   Conceptualizing credibility, relevance
                                  and legitimacy for evaluating the
                                  effectiveness of science--policy
                                  interfaces: Challenges and opportunities 676--689
            Cornelia Lawson and   
               Sotaro Shibayama   International research visits and
                                  careers: an analysis of bioscience
                                  academics in Japan . . . . . . . . . . . 690--710
     Roberto Álvarez and   
              Gustavo A. Crespi   Heterogeneous effects of financial
                                  constraints on innovation: Evidence from
                                  Chile  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711--724
                  Kaare Aagaard   How incentives trickle down: Local use
                                  of a national bibliometric indicator
                                  system . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725--737
               Paige A. Clayton   Book Review: Understanding the public
                                  procurement of innovation:
                                  \booktitlePublic Procurement and
                                  Innovation: The Role of Institutions by
                                  Max Rolfstam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738--739
                 Anup Kumar Das   Book Review: Understanding
                                  entrepreneurship teaching in a nutshell
                                  \booktitleTeaching Entrepreneurship: a
                                  Practice-based Approach by Heidi M.
                                  Neck, Patricia G. Greene and Candida G.
                                  Brush  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739--741
              Nayantara Sheoran   Book Review: \booktitleThe Therapeutic
                                  Cloning Debate: Global Science and
                                  Journalism in the Public Sphere by Eric
                                  A. Jensen  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741--742

Science and Public Policy
Volume 42, Number 6, December, 2015

          JinHyo Joseph Yun and   
                DongKyu Won and   
            ByungYong Hwang and   
                JinWon Kang and   
                   DongHwan Kim   Analysing and simulating the effects of
                                  open innovation policies: Application of
                                  the results to Cambodia  . . . . . . . . 743--760
            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
               Francesco Rosati   The determinants of academic career
                                  advancement: Evidence from Italy . . . . 761--774
     Marlous E. Arentshorst and   
       Tjard de Cock Buning and   
          Wouter P. C. Boon and   
       Jacqueline E. W. Broerse   Prospecting responsible technology
                                  paths: Management options for an
                                  appropriate societal embedding of
                                  medical neuroimaging . . . . . . . . . . 775--788
        Cassidy R. Sugimoto and   
                 Chaoqun Ni and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   On the relationship between gender
                                  disparities in scholarly communication
                                  and country-level development indicators 789--810
    Pål Bòring and   
            Kieron Flanagan and   
          Dimitri Gagliardi and   
              Aris Kaloudis and   
         Aikaterini Karakasidou   International mobility: Findings from a
                                  survey of researchers in the EU  . . . . 811--826
              Kyungchul Cho and   
              Changseok Kim and   
                  Juneseuk Shin   Differential effects of intellectual
                                  property rights on innovation and
                                  economic performance: a cross-industry
                                  investigation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827--840
            Olof Hallonsten and   
                  Thomas Heinze   Formation and expansion of a new
                                  organizational field in experimental
                                  science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841--854
                Michela Loi and   
         Maria Chiara Di Guardo   The third mission of universities: an
                                  investigation of the espoused values . . 855--870
      Sylvia Schwaag Serger and   
                Mats Benner and   
                         Li Liu   Chinese university governance: Tensions
                                  and reforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871--886
                 Bharat Bhushan   Perspective: Science and technology
                                  policy -- What is at stake and why
                                  should scientists participate? . . . . . 887--900
                   Brian Wixted   Logistics Clusters: Delivering Value and
                                  Driving Growth . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901--902
                         Lei Xu   Advancing theories of firm growth by
                                  scrutinizing assumptions . . . . . . . . 902--904
             Stephanie S. Shipp   Governance for Urban Sustainability and
                                  Resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904--905

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 1, February, 2016

               Sami Mahroum and   
                Yasser Al-Saleh   The surrogate model of cluster creation:
                                  The case of Mubadala in Abu Dhabi  . . . 1--12
              Philipp Aerni and   
         Florabelle Gagalac and   
             Joachim Scholderer   The role of biotechnology in combating
                                  climate change: a question of politics?  13--28
             Chan-Yuan Wong and   
              Marsiti Md Salmin   Attaining a productive structure for
                                  technology: The Bayh--Dole effect on
                                  relations in developing economy  . . . . 29--45
                Les Levidow and   
               Theo Papaioannou   Policy-driven, narrative-based evidence
                                  gathering: UK priorities for
                                  decarbonisation through biomass  . . . . 46--61
                  Can Huang and   
                Naubahar Sharif   Global technology leadership: The case
                                  of China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62--73
          Michael Schneider and   
                  Bernhard Gill   Biotechnology versus agroecology:
                                  Entrenchments and surprise at a 2030
                                  forecast scenario workshop . . . . . . . 74--84
                Xuhua Chang and   
                 Qiang Chen and   
             Patrick S. W. Fong   Scientific disclosure and
                                  commercialization mode selection for
                                  university technology transfer . . . . . 85--101
       Stefan P. L. de Jong and   
                Jorrit Smit and   
              Leonie van Drooge   Scientists' response to societal impact
                                  policies: a policy paradox . . . . . . . 102--114
                 Jing Zhang and   
                 Guoyu Wang and   
                     Deming Lin   High support for nanotechnology in
                                  China: a case study in Dalian  . . . . . 115--127
           Tommaso Agasisti and   
       Joanna Wolszczak-Derlacz   Exploring efficiency differentials
                                  between Italian and Polish universities,
                                  2001--11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128--142
                Amanda Williams   MOOCs: Raising important questions about
                                  the future of higher education and the
                                  impact of new models for learning
                                  [review of \booktitleMOOCs, Jonathan
                                  Haber, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 2014,
                                  216 pages, US\$15.95 (paperback), ISBN:
                                  978-0-262-52691-3}]  . . . . . . . . . . 143--144
                 Mariza Almeida   Book Review: \booktitleEnvironmental
                                  Entrepreneurship: Markets Meet the
                                  Environment in Unexpected Places, By
                                  Laura E. Huggins (with contributions
                                  from Shawn Regan and Terry Anderson).
                                  Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, 2013, 215
                                  pages, \pounds 73.00 (hardcover), ISBN
                                  978-1-78195-396-9  . . . . . . . . . . . 144--145
            Jessica R. Lovering   Book Review: \booktitleFukushima and
                                  Beyond: Nuclear Power in a Low-Carbon
                                  World by Christopher Hubbard, Ashgate,
                                  Farnham, UK, 2014, 214 pages, \pounds
                                  60.00 (US\$109.95) (hardcover), ISBN
                                  978-1-4094-5491-5} . . . . . . . . . . . 145--146

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 2, April, 2016

       Christos Agiakloglou and   
            Kyriakos Drivas and   
             Dimitris Karamanis   Individual inventors and market
                                  potentials: Evidence from US patents . . 147--156
                  Mike Porteous   The magician's hat: Evidence and
                                  openness in policy making  . . . . . . . 157--168
            Lykke Margot Ricard   Aligning innovation with grand societal
                                  challenges: Inside the European
                                  Technology Platforms in wind, and carbon
                                  capture and storage  . . . . . . . . . . 169--183
                   Berry Tholen   The value of the issue context approach
                                  for scientific policy advice . . . . . . 184--191
                   J. M. Pearce   Return on investment for open source
                                  scientific hardware development  . . . . 192--195
            Leona Yi-Fan Su and   
      Michael A. Cacciatore and   
         Dominique Brossard and   
        Elizabeth A. Corley and   
       Dietram A. Scheufele and   
               Michael A. Xenos   Attitudinal gaps: How experts and lay
                                  audiences form policy attitudes toward
                                  controversial science  . . . . . . . . . 196--206
          Junichi Nishimura and   
               Hiroyuki Okamuro   Knowledge and rent spillovers through
                                  government-sponsored R&D consortia  . . . 207--225
              Barry Bozeman and   
             Monica Gaughan and   
                 Jan Youtie and   
         Catherine P. Slade and   
                  Heather Rimes   Research collaboration experiences, good
                                  and bad: Dispatches from the front lines 226--244
               Heike Belitz and   
                   Anna Lejpras   Financing patterns of R&D in small and
                                  medium-sized enterprises and the
                                  perception of innovation barriers in
                                  Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245--261
       Seyed Reza Mirnezami and   
          Catherine Beaudry and   
            Vincent Larivi\`ere   What determines researchers' scientific
                                  impact? A case study of Quebec
                                  researchers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262--274
Carlos José Miranda Victório and   
         Helder Gomes Costa and   
        Cristina Gomes de Souza   Modeling selection criteria of R&D
                                  projects for awarding direct subsidies
                                  to the private sector  . . . . . . . . . 275--287
              Francesca Musiani   Governance of technological change: How
                                  to define it without reducing it?
                                  \booktitleThe Governance of
                                  Socio-Technical Systems: Explaining
                                  Change edited by Susana Borrás and Jakob
                                  Edler  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288--289
       Susan M. Fitzpatrick and   
             James S. McDonnell   Leveling the entrepreneurial playing
                                  field: \booktitleWomen's
                                  Entrepreneurship in the 21st Century: an
                                  International Multi-Level Research
                                  Analysis edited by Kate V. Lewis,
                                  Colette Henry, Elizabeth J. Gatewood and
                                  John Watson  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289--290
         Angela T. Bednarek and   
                 Ben Shouse and   
        Charlotte G. Hudson and   
               Rebecca Goldburg   Science-policy intermediaries from a
                                  practitioner's perspective: The Lenfest
                                  Ocean Program experience . . . . . . . . 291--300

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 3, June, 2016

            Giovanni Abramo and   
    Ciriaco Andrea D'Angelo and   
                Gianluca Murgia   The combined effects of age and
                                  seniority on research performance of
                                  full professors  . . . . . . . . . . . . 301--319
   Carolina Cañibano and   
             Mary Frank Fox and   
             F. Javier Otamendi   Gender and patterns of temporary
                                  mobility among researchers . . . . . . . 320--331
              Jonathon Mote and   
            Gretchen Jordan and   
                Jerald Hage and   
              Wilbur Hadden and   
                    Aleia Clark   Too big to innovate? Exploring
                                  organizational size and innovation
                                  processes in scientific research . . . . 332--337
                 Yanchao Li and   
                 Luke Georghiou   Signaling and accrediting new
                                  technology: Use of procurement for
                                  innovation in China  . . . . . . . . . . 338--351
          Siri Brorstad Borlaug   Moral hazard and adverse selection in
                                  research funding: Centres of excellence
                                  in Norway and Sweden . . . . . . . . . . 352--362
                Amy Donovan and   
              Clive Oppenheimer   Resilient science: The civic
                                  epistemology of disaster risk reduction  363--374
                  P. Lehoux and   
               F. A. Miller and   
                G. Daudelin and   
                   D. R. Urbach   How venture capitalists decide which new
                                  medical technologies come to exist . . . 375--385
             Mathias W. Nielsen   Limits to meritocracy? Gender in
                                  academic recruitment and promotion
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386--399
                Rasmus Lema and   
                Ambuj Sagar and   
                      Yuan Zhou   Convergence or divergence? Wind power
                                  innovation paths in Europe and Asia  . . 400--413
                  Jan Faber and   
              Jaco van Dijk and   
           Frank van Rijnsoever   Incentives and barriers for R&D-based
                                  SMEs to participate in European research
                                  programs: an empirical assessment for
                                  The Netherlands  . . . . . . . . . . . . 414--428
                 Bradley Keelor   Book Review: \booktitleInnovating in
                                  Urban Economies: Economic Transformation
                                  in Canadian City-Regions edited by David
                                  A. Wolfe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429--430
                  Sean Ferguson   Book Review: \booktitleChemicals without
                                  Harm: Policies for a Sustainable World
                                  by Ken Geiser  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430--431
                  Ben R. Martin   Twenty challenges for innovation studies 432--450

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 4, August, 2016

           Tilman Altenburg and   
                Ambuj Sagar and   
             Hubert Schmitz and   
                        Lan Xue   Guest editorial: Comparing low-carbon
                                  innovation paths in Asia and Europe  . . 451--453
             Hubert Schmitz and   
               Tilman Altenburg   Innovation paths in Europe and Asia:
                                  Divergence or convergence? . . . . . . . 454--463
           Tilman Altenburg and   
             Eike W. Schamp and   
                Ankur Chaudhary   The emergence of electromobility:
                                  Comparing technological pathways in
                                  France, Germany, China and India . . . . 464--475
                  Yuan Zhou and   
                     Xin Li and   
                Rasmus Lema and   
                   Frauke Urban   Comparing the knowledge bases of wind
                                  turbine firms in Asia and Europe: Patent
                                  trajectories, networks, and
                                  globalisation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476--491
               Qunhong Shen and   
               Kaidong Feng and   
                  Xiaobin Zhang   Divergent technological strategies among
                                  leading electric vehicle firms in China:
                                  Multiplicity of institutional logics and
                                  responses of firms . . . . . . . . . . . 492--504
          Andrea Filippetti and   
                  Frederick Guy   Skills and social insurance: Evidence
                                  from the relative persistence of
                                  innovation during the financial crisis
                                  in Europe  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505--517
              Kaare Aagaard and   
            Jesper W. Schneider   Research funding and national academic
                                  performance: Examination of a Danish
                                  success story  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518--531
Antonio García Sánchez and   
         José Molero and   
                      Ruth Rama   Are `the best' foreign subsidiaries
                                  cooperating for innovation with local
                                  partners? The case of an intermediate
                                  country  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532--545
Remo Fernández-Carro and   
Víctor Lapuente-Giné   The Emperor's clothes and the Pied
                                  Piper: Bureaucracy and scientific
                                  productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 546--561
           Gaston Heimeriks and   
       Pierre-Alexandre Balland   How smart is specialisation? An analysis
                                  of specialisation patterns in knowledge
                                  production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 562--574
                Stephan Gutzeit   Book Review: Practical reason:
                                  \booktitleRational Action: The Sciences
                                  of Policy in Britain and America,
                                  1940--1960 by William Thomas, MIT Press,
                                  Cambridge, MA, 2015, 399 pages,
                                  US\$38.00 (hardback), ISBN
                                  978-0-262-02850-9} . . . . . . . . . . . 575--576
                  Jonathon Mote   Book Review: \booktitleCorporate
                                  Venturing: Organizing for Innovation by
                                  Jessica van den Bosch and Geert Duysters 576--578
              Thomas S. Woodson   Book Review: \booktitleAfrica: Why
                                  Economists Get it Wrong by Morten Jerven 578--579
                Rasmus Lema and   
                Ambuj Sagar and   
                      Yuan Zhou   Erratum  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580--580

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 5, October, 2016

José Manoel Carvalho de Mello and   
         Claudia De Fuentes and   
               Donato Iacobucci   Introduction to the special issue:
                                  Universities as interactive partners . . 581
          Saveria Capellari and   
            Domenico De Stefano   Academic inventors, allocation of patent
                                  rights and knowledge diffusion:
                                  Subnetwork structures in
                                  university-owned and university-invented
                                  patents in two Italian universities  . . 585
             Thiago Renault and   
José Manoel Carvalho de Mello and   
Marcus Vinicius de Araújo Fonseca and   
            Sérgio Yates   A chip off the old block: Case studies
                                  of university influence on academic
                                  spin-offs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
               Marina Ranga and   
        Juha Perälampi and   
                  Juha Kansikas   The new face of university--business
                                  cooperation in Finland . . . . . . . . . 601
             Enrico Baraldi and   
             Marcus Lindahl and   
          Kristofer Severinsson   A proactive approach to the utilization
                                  of academic research: The case of
                                  Uppsala University's AIMday  . . . . . . 613
           Karantarat Nakwa and   
                   Girma Zawdie   The `third mission' and `triple helix
                                  mission' of universities as evolutionary
                                  processes in the development of the
                                  network of knowledge production:
                                  Reflections on SME experiences in
                                  Thailand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 622
             Tommaso Ciarli and   
                  Alex Coad and   
                  Ismael Rafols   Quantitative analysis of technology
                                  futures: a review of techniques, uses
                                  and characteristics  . . . . . . . . . . 630
              Barbara Kalar and   
               Bostjan Antoncic   Social capital of academics and their
                                  engagement in technology and knowledge
                                  transfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 646
            Miona Milosevic and   
               Jacqueline Fendt   Venture capital and its French
                                  exception: Explaining performance
                                  through human capital, policy and
                                  institutional failures . . . . . . . . . 660
         Fulvio Castellacci and   
                     Saira Pons   Towards a new innovation policy in Cuba:
                                  Proposal for the introduction of a R&D
                                  fiscal incentive program . . . . . . . . 680
            Saeed-Ul Hassan and   
              Raheem Sarwar and   
                  Amina Muazzam   Tapping into intra- and international
                                  collaborations of the Organization of
                                  Islamic Cooperation states across
                                  science and technology disciplines . . . 690
             Yelena V. Smirnova   University--industry knowledge transfer
                                  in an emerging economy: Evidence from
                                  Kazakhstan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 702
              Mhairi Aitken and   
    Sarah Cunningham-Burley and   
               Claudia Pagliari   Moving from trust to trustworthiness:
                                  Experiences of public engagement in the
                                  Scottish Health Informatics Programme    713
                Eric B. Kennedy   Book Review: \booktitleThe Climate
                                  Resilient Organization: Adaptation and
                                  Resilience to Climate Change and Weather
                                  Extremes by Martina K. Linnenluecke and
                                  Andrew Griffiths . . . . . . . . . . . . 724
                      Greg Lusk   Book Review: \booktitleThe Ecological
                                  Footprint: New Developments in Policy
                                  and Practice, by Andrea Collins and
                                  Andrew Flynn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725
                      Xuhong Su   Book Review: \booktitleEnvironmental
                                  Taxation and Green Fiscal Reforms:
                                  Theory and Impact, edited by Larry
                                  Kreiser, Soocheol Lee, Kazuhiro Ueta,
                                  Janet E. Milne and Hope Ashiabor . . . . 727
             Laurence L. Delina   Book Review: \booktitleTransforming U.S.
                                  Energy Innovation edited by Laura Diaz
                                  Anadon, Matthew Bunn and Venkatesh
                                  Narayanamurti  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728

Science and Public Policy
Volume 43, Number 6, December, 2016

            Paul Benneworth and   
     Rómulo Pinheiro and   
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo   One size does not fit all! New
                                  perspectives on the university in the
                                  social knowledge economy . . . . . . . . 731
Mabel Sánchez Barrioluengo and   
              Elvira Uyarra and   
                  Fumi Kitagawa   Third mission as institutional
                                  strategies: Between isomorphic forces
                                  and heterogeneous pathways . . . . . . . 736
 Julia Olmos-Peñuela and   
            Paul Benneworth and   
   Elena Castro-Martínez   Does it take two to tango? Factors
                                  related to the ease of societal uptake
                                  of scientific knowledge  . . . . . . . . 751
                  David Charles   The rural university campus and support
                                  for rural innovation . . . . . . . . . . 763
                Taran Thune and   
            Ingvild Reymert and   
         Magnus Gulbrandsen and   
                Per Olaf Aamodt   Universities and external engagement
                                  activities: Particular profiles for
                                  particular universities? . . . . . . . . 774
Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen and   
              Roger Normann and   
         Rómulo Pinheiro   External engagement and the academic
                                  heartland: The case of a
                                  regionally-embedded university . . . . . 787
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo and   
                 Davide Consoli   Regional human capital and university
                                  orientation: a case study on Spain . . . 798
               Koen Frenken and   
               Rudi Bekkers and   
                   Negin Salimi   Success factors in university--industry
                                  PhD projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812
         Morten Velsing Nielsen   The concept of responsiveness in the
                                  governance of research and innovation    831
          Barbara Bigliardi and   
               Francesco Galati   The unintended effect of the Orphan Drug
                                  Act on the adoption of open innovation   840
               Ingo Liefner and   
              Henning Kroll and   
              Arman Peighambari   Research-driven or party-promoted?
                                  Factors affecting patent applications of
                                  private small and medium-sized
                                  enterprises in China's Pearl River Delta 849
                Sungjoo Lee and   
                Jong Ku Son and   
             Sun Young Park and   
                    Chanwoo Cho   R&D support services for small and
                                  medium-sized enterprises: The different
                                  perspectives of clients and service
                                  providers, and the roles of
                                  intermediaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
            Raffael Himmelsbach   Book Review: \booktitleThe Planet
                                  Remade: How Geoengineering Could Change
                                  the World by Oliver Morton . . . . . . . 872
              Robert J. Lempert   Book Review: \booktitleExperiment Earth:
                                  Responsible Innovation in Geoengineering
                                  by Jack Stilgoe A Case for Climate
                                  Engineering by David Keith . . . . . . . 873
          Brian D. Higginbotham   Assessing the state of entrepreneurship
                                  and innovation research  . . . . . . . . 877
Janaina Oliveira Pamplona da Costa   Can PPI enhance public policy? . . . . . 879
                 Stefan Artmann   The asset-based valuation of everything
                                  and its relation to science  . . . . . . 881

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 1, February, 2017

        Cathelijn J. F. Waaijer   Perceived career prospects and their
                                  influence on the sector of employment of
                                  recent PhD graduates . . . . . . . . . . 1
                   Ido Alon and   
            Manuel Mira Godinho   Business incubators in a developing
                                  economy: Evidence from Brazil's
                                  northeast region . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
               Glenda Kruss and   
                Michael Gastrow   Universities and innovation in informal
                                  settings: Evidence from case studies in
                                  South Africa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
        Bruna P. F. Fonseca and   
            Elton Fernandes and   
           Marcus V. A. Fonseca   Collaboration in science and technology
                                  organizations of the public sector: a
                                  network perspective  . . . . . . . . . . 37
           Nelson Sá and   
          Ana Paula Ribeiro and   
          Vítor Carvalho   International collaboration and
                                  knowledge creation: Evidence from
                                  economics in Portuguese academia . . . . 50
                 Jan Youtie and   
             Alan L. Porter and   
                     Ying Huang   Early social science research about Big
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
     Jérôme Danguy   Globalization of innovation production:
                                  a patent-based industry analysis . . . . 75
             Tulio Chiarini and   
     Marcia Siqueira Rapini and   
            Leandro Alves Silva   Access to knowledge and catch-up:
                                  Exploring some intellectual property
                                  rights data from Brazil and South Korea  95
      Christopher S. Hayter and   
                 Mary K. Feeney   Determinants of external patenting
                                  behavior among university scientists . . 111
            Eric von Hippel and   
            Harold DeMonaco and   
           Jeroen P. J. de Jong   Market failure in the diffusion of
                                  clinician-developed innovations: The
                                  case of off-label drug discoveries . . . 121
    Mads P. Sòrensen and   
        Jesper Wiborg Schneider   Studies of national research
                                  performance: a case of `methodological
                                  nationalism' and `zombie science'? . . . 132
                      Alex Kent   Book Review: \booktitleSustaining
                                  Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functions:
                                  Economic Issues by Clement A. Tisdell    146
       Margaret E. Blume-Kohout   Book Review: \booktitleThe University
                                  and the Economy by Aldo Geuna and
                                  Federica Rossi . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
                Olof Hallonsten   Book Review: \booktitleTunnel Visions:
                                  The Rise and Fall of the Superconducting
                                  Super Collider . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
                  Aviram Sharma   Book Review: \booktitleAmerican
                                  Environmental Policy: The Failures of
                                  Compliance, Abatement and Mitigation . . 150

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 2, April, 2017

           Joacim Rosenlund and   
                Erik Rosell and   
                William Hogland   Overcoming the triple helix boundaries
                                  in an environmental research
                                  collaboration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
                    Sarah Giest   The challenges of enhancing
                                  collaboration in life science clusters:
                                  Lessons from Chicago, Copenhagen and
                                  Singapore  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
              Qiantao Zhang and   
             Charles Larkin and   
                 Brian M. Lucey   Universities, knowledge exchange and
                                  policy: a comparative study of Ireland
                                  and the UK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174
                 Do Han Kim and   
                     Hee-Je Bak   Incentivizing research collaboration
                                  using performance-based reward systems   186
                 Martin Hemmert   Knowledge acquisition by university
                                  researchers through company
                                  collaborations: Evidence from South
                                  Korea  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
                Les Levidow and   
                     Paul Upham   Socio-technical change linking
                                  expectations and representations:
                                  Innovating thermal treatment of
                                  municipal solid waste  . . . . . . . . . 211
                  Peter Tangney   The UK's 2012 Climate Change Risk
                                  Assessment: How the rational assessment
                                  of science develops policy-based
                                  evidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
          Alessandro Muscio and   
           Laura Ramaciotti and   
                      Ugo Rizzo   The complex relationship between
                                  academic engagement and research output:
                                  Evidence from Italy  . . . . . . . . . . 235
             Dag. W. Aksnes and   
           Gunnar Sivertsen and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
                  Kaja K. Wendt   Measuring the productivity of national
                                  R&D systems: Challenges in cross-national
                                  comparisons of R&D input and publication
                                  output indicators  . . . . . . . . . . . 246
       Joshua L. Rosenbloom and   
               Donna K. Ginther   The effectiveness of social science
                                  research in addressing societal
                                  problems: Broadening participation in
                                  computing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 259
          Kincsö Izsak and   
            Slavo Rado\vsevi\'c   EU Research and Innovation Policies as
                                  Factors of Convergence or Divergence
                                  after the Crisis . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
     Wolfgang Kaltenbrunner and   
                Sarah de Rijcke   Quantifying `Output' for Evaluation:
                                  Administrative Knowledge Politics and
                                  Changing Epistemic Cultures in Dutch Law
                                  Faculties  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
                Richard Hawkins   A new direction for innovation studies?
                                  Reconciling the ordinary and the
                                  extraordinary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294
               Deborah D. Stine   Book Review: \booktitleManaging Emerging
                                  Technologies for Socio-Economic Impact,
                                  edited by Dimitris G. Assimakopoulos,
                                  Ilan Oshri and Krsto Pandza: Edward
                                  Elgar, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton,
                                  MA, 2015, 416 pages, \pounds 85.50,
                                  US\$150.00} (hardback), ISBN
                                  978-1-78254-787-7} . . . . . . . . . . . 298
                 Anup Kumar Das   Understanding the dynamics of global
                                  entrepreneurship . . . . . . . . . . . . 300

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 3, June, 2017

Willemijn M. den Oudendammer and   
       Jacqueline E. W. Broerse   Lyme disease in the Dutch policy
                                  context: patient consultation in
                                  government research agenda setting . . . 303
               Youngjae Kim and   
        Elizabeth A. Corley and   
           Dietram A. Scheufele   Nanoscientists and political
                                  involvement: Which characteristics make
                                  scientists more likely to support
                                  engagement in political debates? . . . . 317
      Piret Tõnurist and   
                  Rainer Kattel   Can Research, Development, and
                                  Innovation Policies Cross Borders? The
                                  Case of Nordic--Baltic Region  . . . . . 328
                    Hsini Huang   Invisible Constraints: The Relationship
                                  among Non-Competition Agreements,
                                  Inventor Mobility, and Patent
                                  Commercialization  . . . . . . . . . . . 341
   Chadwick (Chengwei) Wang and   
                     Luhao Wang   Unfolding policies for innovation
                                  intermediaries in China: a discourse
                                  network analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
        Bernd Carsten Stahl and   
             Job Timmermans and   
                Catherine Flick   Ethics of Emerging Information and
                                  Communication Technologies: On the
                                  implementation of responsible research
                                  and innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
           Jerker Moodysson and   
            Michaela Trippl and   
              Elena Zukauskaite   Policy learning and smart
                                  specialization: balancing policy change
                                  and continuity for new regional
                                  industrial paths . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
          Konstantin Fursov and   
        Thomas Wolfgang Thurner   Make it work! --- a study of user
                                  innovation in Russia . . . . . . . . . . 392
                Chanwoo Cho and   
             Sun Young Park and   
                Jong Ku Son and   
                    Sungjoo Lee   Comparative Analysis of R&D-Based
                                  Innovation Capabilities in SMEs to
                                  Design Innovation Policy . . . . . . . . 403
                   Merli Tamtik   Policy coordination challenges in
                                  governments' innovation policy --- The
                                  case of Ontario, Canada  . . . . . . . . 417
                   Tess Laidlaw   Handbook for Science Public Information
                                  Officers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
            Ramya Swayamprakash   The Rise of the City: Spatial Dynamics
                                  in the Urban Century (New Horizons in
                                  Regional Science series) . . . . . . . . 429
                 Ericka Johnson   Big Pharma, Women and the Labour of Love 431
                  Stelvia Matos   National Innovation Systems, Social
                                  Inclusion And Development: The Latin
                                  American Experience  . . . . . . . . . . 432
                Pawan Sinha and   
                  Peter Bex and   
         Margaret Kjelgaard and   
                  Flip Phillips   Enhancing research with Plenary Labs . . 434
              Dolores Modic and   
             Maryann P. Feldman   Mapping the human brain: comparing the
                                  US and EU Grand Challenges . . . . . . . 440

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 4, August, 2017

           Jurian Edelenbos and   
             Nanny Bressers and   
         Lieselot Vandenbussche   Evolution of interdisciplinary
                                  collaboration: what are stimulating
                                  conditions?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451
     Louise M. Bezuidenhout and   
            Sabina Leonelli and   
               Ann H. Kelly and   
                  Brian Rappert   Beyond the digital divide: Towards a
                                  situated approach to open data . . . . . 464
            Marfuga Iskandarova   From the idea of scale to the idea of
                                  agency: an actor-network theory
                                  perspective on policy development for
                                  renewable energy . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
                 Franc Mali and   
              Toni Pustovrh and   
          Rok Platinov\vsek and   
             Luka Kronegger and   
              Anu\vska Ferligoj   The effects of funding and co-authorship
                                  on research performance in a small
                                  scientific community . . . . . . . . . . 486
            Dragana Radicic and   
                  Geoffrey Pugh   R&D Programmes, Policy Mix, and the
                                  `European Paradox': Evidence from
                                  European SMEs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
     Alexander D. Rushforth and   
                Sarah de Rijcke   Quality monitoring in transition: The
                                  challenge of evaluating translational
                                  research programs in academic
                                  biomedicine  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
                Nina Witjes and   
                Philipp Olbrich   A fragile transparency: satellite
                                  imagery analysis, non-state actors, and
                                  visual representations of security . . . 524
              Jens Jungblut and   
                  Marc Jungblut   All different? All equal?
                                  Differentiation of universities' mission
                                  statements and excellence initiatives in
                                  Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535
       Kristoffer Kolltveit and   
                  Jostein Askim   Decentralisation as substantial and
                                  institutional policy change:
                                  scrutinising the regionalisation of
                                  science policy in Norway . . . . . . . . 546
              Lillian Ablon and   
                Andrea A. Golay   Wonks and geeks: examining commercial
                                  technology stakeholders' perceptions of
                                  and interactions with public policy  . . 556
                 Lars Bengtsson   A comparison of university technology
                                  transfer offices' commercialization
                                  strategies in the Scandinavian countries 565
              John W. Sutherlin   Ethics, Environmental Justice and
                                  Climate Change . . . . . . . . . . . . . 578
       Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech   Smart Technologies and the End(s) of Law 579
                  Inga Ulnicane   Towards strengthening European
                                  scientific elite?  . . . . . . . . . . . 580
               Soutrik Basu and   
            Joost Jongerden and   
               Guido Ruivenkamp   Beyond the dichotomy of instrumentality
                                  and non-instrumentality of knowledge
                                  production: The case of generation
                                  challenge programme  . . . . . . . . . . 583
Olivier Bégin-Caouette and   
Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt and   
               Cynthia C. Field   The perceived impact of four funding
                                  streams on academic research production
                                  in Nordic countries: the perspectives of
                                  system actors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 598

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 5, October 1, 2017

       Tomas Hellström and   
                Merle Jacob and   
         Karolin Sjöö   From thematic to organizational
                                  prioritization: the challenges of
                                  implementing RDI priorities  . . . . . . 599--608
               KyungWoo Kim and   
              Eric W. Welch and   
                Timothy Johnson   Human and social capital determinants of
                                  translational activity in medical
                                  sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609--619
                  Yang Yang and   
                   Jin Hong and   
                    Ge Song and   
                      Song Hong   Technology policy, technology strategy
                                  and innovation performance: evidence
                                  from Chinese aircraft and spacecraft
                                  manufacturing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 620--630
              Paula Kivimaa and   
                Wouter Boon and   
               Riina Antikainen   Commercialising university inventions
                                  for sustainability --- a case study of
                                  (non-)intermediating `cleantech' at
                                  Aalto University . . . . . . . . . . . . 631--644
                  Mike Zapp and   
            Justin J. W. Powell   Moving towards Mode 2? Evidence-based
                                  policy-making and the changing
                                  conditions for educational research in
                                  Germany  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 645--655
                 Xielin Liu and   
      Sylvia Schwaag Serger and   
          Ulrike Tagscherer and   
                 Amber Y. Chang   Beyond catch-up --- can a new innovation
                                  policy help China overcome the middle
                                  income trap? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656--669
                   Zafer Sonmez   Inventor mobility and the geography of
                                  knowledge flows: evidence from the US
                                  biopharmaceutical industry . . . . . . . 670--682
               Ana M. Silva and   
            Sandra T. Silva and   
               Anabela Carneiro   Determinants of grant decisions in R&D
                                  subsidy programmes: Evidence from firms
                                  and S&T organisations in Portugal . . . . 683--697
                      Brett Aho   Disrupting regulation: understanding
                                  industry engagement on
                                  endocrine-disrupting chemicals . . . . . 698--706
                      Avery Sen   Island + Bridge: how transformative
                                  innovation is organized in the federal
                                  government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707--721
           Susan M. Fitzpatrick   Follow the Money: Funding Research in a
                                  Large Academic Health Center . . . . . . 722--723
                 Anup Kumar Das   Understanding the economics of the
                                  Internet and the economic processes of
                                  the e-businesses . . . . . . . . . . . . 723--725
                     Anshu Ogra   A World to Live In: an Ecologist's
                                  Vision for a Plundered Planet  . . . . . 725--726
André Luiz Sica de Campos   An international exploration of
                                  university--industry links . . . . . . . 726--727
              Karen Kastenhofer   Bridging gaps and squaring circles:
                                  attempts at a cross-European technology
                                  assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 728--729
                  Fred Phillips   A perspective on `Big Data'  . . . . . . 730--737

Science and Public Policy
Volume 44, Number 6, December 1, 2017

             Dieuwke Lamers and   
                 Marc Schut and   
             Laurens Klerkx and   
                 Piet van Asten   Compositional dynamics of multilevel
                                  innovation platforms in agricultural
                                  research for development . . . . . . . . 739--752
                    Erik Aarden   Projecting and producing `usefulness' of
                                  biomedical research infrastructures; or
                                  why the Singapore Tissue Network closed  753--762
             Laurens Klerkx and   
      José Guimón   Attracting foreign R&D through
                                  international centres of excellence:
                                  early experiences from Chile . . . . . . 763--774
             Michael Hewitt and   
            Robert Dingwall and   
                Ilke Turkmendag   More than research intermediaries: a
                                  descriptive study of the impact and
                                  value of learned societies in the UK
                                  social sciences  . . . . . . . . . . . . 775--788
Olivier Bégin-Caouette and   
Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt and   
                Cynthia C Field   The perceived impact of four funding
                                  streams on academic research production
                                  in Nordic countries: the perspectives of
                                  system actors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789--801
                Margit Kirs and   
                 Erkki Karo and   
                     Priit Lumi   Strategic behaviour of research groups
                                  within the entrepreneurial university
                                  policy rhetoric: the Estonian
                                  biotechnology sector . . . . . . . . . . 802--820
          Johan Christensen and   
                 Cathrine Holst   Advisory commissions, academic expertise
                                  and democratic legitimacy: the case of
                                  Norway . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821--833
      Alexandra Graddy-Reed and   
             Lauren Lanahan and   
              Nicole M. V. Ross   Influences of academic institutional
                                  factors on R&D funding for graduate
                                  students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834--854
Maria Duclos Lindstròm and   
               Kristoffer Kropp   Understanding the infrastructure of
                                  European Research Infrastructures ---
                                  The case of the European Social Survey
                                  (ESS-ERIC) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855--864
              Davide Donina and   
               Marco Seeber and   
                Stefano Paleari   Inconsistencies in the Governance of
                                  Interdisciplinarity: the Case of the
                                  Italian Higher Education System  . . . . 865--875
                    Imogen Wade   Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship,
                                  Technology and Innovation  . . . . . . . 876--877
              Shannon N. Conley   Assessing the Societal Implications of
                                  Emerging Technologies: Anticipatory
                                  Governance in Practice . . . . . . . . . 877--879
         Jakub P. Hlávka   Portfolio Society: On the Capitalist
                                  Mode of Prediction . . . . . . . . . . . 879--880
              Anna P. Goldstein   Why Are We Waiting?: The Logic, Urgency,
                                  and Promise of Tackling Climate Change   880--882
             David Kaldewey and   
   Désirée Schauz   ``The Politics of Pure Science''
                                  Revisited  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883--886

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 1, February 1, 2018

                    Marek Kwiek   Academic top earners. Research
                                  productivity, prestige generation, and
                                  salary patterns in European universities 1--13
Alonso Rodríguez-Navarro and   
                  Francis Narin   European Paradox or Delusion --- Are
                                  European Science and Economy Outdated?   14--23
            Clemens Blümel   Translational research in the science
                                  policy debate: a comparative analysis of
                                  documents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24--35
            Leo Dhohoon Kim and   
                   Deok-Ho Jang   Expert views on innovation and
                                  bureaucratization of science: Semantic
                                  network analysis of discourses on
                                  scientific governance  . . . . . . . . . 36--44
             Alan Patterson and   
                   Craig McLean   The regulation of risk: the case of
                                  fracking in the UK and The Netherlands   45--52
                     Lihua Yang   Collaborative knowledge-driven
                                  governance: Types and mechanisms of
                                  collaboration between science, social
                                  science, and local knowledge . . . . . . 53--73
         Bruce Currie-Alder and   
            Rigas Arvanitis and   
                    Sari Hanafi   Research in Arabic-speaking countries:
                                  Funding competitions, international
                                  collaboration, and career incentives . . 74--82
             Albert N. Link and   
                  John T. Scott   Toward an assessment of the US Small
                                  Business Innovation Research Program at
                                  the National Institutes of Health  . . . 83--91
      Sabrina Engel-Glatter and   
                 Marcello Ienca   Life scientists' views and perspectives
                                  on the regulation of dual-use research
                                  of concern . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92--102
                 Jon Schmid and   
       Sergey A. Kolesnikov and   
                     Jan Youtie   Plans versus experiences in
                                  transitioning transnational education
                                  into research and economic development:
                                  a case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103--116
                   Michael Kahn   Co-authorship as a proxy for
                                  collaboration: a cautionary tale . . . . 117--123
            Raffael Himmelsbach   How scientists advising the European
                                  Commission on research priorities view
                                  climate engineering proposals  . . . . . 124--133
           Meaghan Brierley and   
                 Melanie Walker   Mobile Phones & Literacy: Empowerment in
                                  Women's Hands: a Cross-case Analysis of
                                  Nine Experiences . . . . . . . . . . . . 134--135
                Stephan Gutzeit   Missing in action: Agency  . . . . . . . 135--137
                     Ryan Hagen   The End of Ownership: Personal Property
                                  in the Digital Economy . . . . . . . . . 137--139
                  Aviram Sharma   Academic Diary: Or Why Higher Education
                                  Still Matters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139--140
      Isabel Álvarez and   
                 Myrna Juan and   
              Celia Torrecillas   Specificity and pervasiveness of
                                  dialogues in science, technology, and
                                  innovation policies in Spain . . . . . . 141--141
               Paul Jackson and   
            Reza Kiani Mavi and   
             Yuliani Suseno and   
                 Craig Standing   University--industry collaboration
                                  within the triple helix of innovation:
                                  The importance of mutuality  . . . . . . 142--142

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 2, April 1, 2018

               Mafini Dosso and   
              Ben R. Martin and   
Pietro Moncada-Patern\`o-Castello   Towards evidence-based industrial
                                  research and innovation policy . . . . . 143--150
            Cristiano Antonelli   Knowledge properties and economic
                                  policy: a new look . . . . . . . . . . . 151--158
               Koen Jonkers and   
Frédérique Sachwald   The dual impact of `excellent' research
                                  on science and innovation: the case of
                                  Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159--174
   Néstor Duch-Brown and   
          Andrea de Panizza and   
        Ibrahim Kholilul Rohman   Innovation and productivity in a
                                  science-and-technology intensive sector:
                                  Information industries in Spain  . . . . 175--190
                   Mark W. Neff   Publication incentives undermine the
                                  utility of science: Ecological research
                                  in Mexico  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191--201
              Thomas Berker and   
          Ann Kristin Kvellheim   Boundary Objects As Facilitators in
                                  Sustainable Building Research  . . . . . 202--210
              Stijn Brouwer and   
         Chris Büscher and   
              Laurens K Hessels   Towards Transdisciplinarity: a Water
                                  Research Programme in Transition . . . . 211--220
                    Cui Liu and   
                     Yuzhuo Cai   Triple Helix Model and Institutional
                                  Logics in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone 221--231
             Leon Cremonini and   
             Edwin Horlings and   
              Laurens K Hessels   Different recipes for the same dish:
                                  Comparing policies for scientific
                                  excellence across different countries    232--245
                Steffi Heinecke   On The Route Towards Renewal? The Polish
                                  Academy Of Sciences In Post-Socialist
                                  Context  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246--256
           Rune Njòs and   
             Stig-Erik Jakobsen   Policy for Evolution of Regional
                                  Innovation Systems: The Role of Social
                                  Capital and Regional Particularities . . 257--268
     Adedayo O. Olofinyehun and   
           Caleb M. Adelowo and   
           Abiodun A. Egbetokun   The supply of high-quality entrepreneurs
                                  in developing countries: evidence from
                                  Nigeria  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269--282
                     Yana Boeva   Shifting Practices: Reflections on
                                  Technology, Practice, and Innovation . . 283--284
                   Josh Trapani   Knowledge for Sale: The Neoliberal
                                  Takeover of Higher Education . . . . . . 284--285
                  Ritwick Ghosh   Climate-resilient development: Linking
                                  climate adaptation and economic
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286--287
                        Li Tang   Return entrepreneurs: bind and impact    287--289
                    Travis Doom   The Long Arm of Moore's Law:
                                  Microelectronics and American Science    289--290

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 3, June 1, 2018

   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
      José Miguel Natera   Dialogue Processes for Designing STI
                                  Policies: The Creation of a Thematic
                                  Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291--292
   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
  José Miguel Natera and   
 Martín Puchet Anyul and   
     Alexandre O. Vera-Cruz and   
                  Arturo Torres   Dialogue processes on STI policy-making
                                  in Latin America and the Caribbean:
                                  dimensions and conditions  . . . . . . . 293--308
        Diana Suárez and   
         Florencia Barletta and   
                 Gabriel Yoguel   Sectoral dialogue and promotion of
                                  innovation in Argentina  . . . . . . . . 309--317
    Marcelo Pessoa de Matos and   
José Eduardo Cassiolato and   
           Helena M. M. Lastres   Windows of opportunity and death valleys
                                  in STI policy construction: Policy
                                  dialogues in Brazil  . . . . . . . . . . 318--328
      Isabel Álvarez and   
                 Myrna Juan and   
              Celia Torrecillas   Specificity and pervasiveness of
                                  dialogues in science, technology, and
                                  innovation policies in Spain . . . . . . 329--337
   Gabriela Dutrénit and   
          Marcela Suárez   Involving stakeholders in policymaking:
                                  tensions emerging from a public dialogue
                                  with knowledge-based entrepreneurs . . . 338--350
           Melissa Ardanche and   
             Mariela Bianco and   
           Claudia Cohanoff and   
          Soledad Contreras and   
   María Goñi and   
Luc\'ìa Simón and   
                    Judith Sutz   The power of wind: an analysis of a
                                  Uruguayan dialogue regarding an energy
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351--360
       Debabrata Chatterjee and   
           Liudvika Leisyte and   
                  S Dasappa and   
                Balram Sankaran   University research commercialization in
                                  emerging economies: a glimpse into the
                                  `black box'  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361--372
           Adão Carvalho   Wishful thinking about R&D policy
                                  targets: what governments promise and
                                  what they actually deliver . . . . . . . 373--391
             Robert Tijssen and   
            Erika Kraemer-Mbula   Research excellence in Africa: Policies,
                                  perceptions, and performance . . . . . . 392--403
            Renata E. Axler and   
            Fiona A. Miller and   
             Pascale Lehoux and   
                  Trudo Lemmens   The institutional workers of biomedical
                                  science: Legitimizing academic
                                  entrepreneurship and obscuring conflicts
                                  of interest  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 404--415
 Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner and   
                Haidan Chen and   
                 Achim Rosemann   Regulatory capacity building and the
                                  governance of clinical stem cell
                                  research in China  . . . . . . . . . . . 416--427
              Margaret A. Lemay   Canadian Science, Technology and
                                  Innovation Policy: The Innovation
                                  Economy and Society Nexus  . . . . . . . 428--429
              Bradley E. Keelor   Pursuing sustainability: a guide to the
                                  science and practice . . . . . . . . . . 430--430
 Margaret Sleeboom-Faulkner and   
                Haidan Chen and   
                 Achim Rosemann   Regulatory capacity building and the
                                  governance of clinical stem cell
                                  research in China  . . . . . . . . . . . 431--431
                 Jon Schmid and   
       Sergey A. Kolesnikov and   
                     Jan Youtie   Plans versus experiences in
                                  transitioning transnational education
                                  into research and economic development:
                                  a case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432--432

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 4, August 1, 2018

                Jakob Edler and   
                 Wouter P. Boon   `The next generation of innovation
                                  policy: Directionality and the role of
                                  demand-oriented instruments' ---
                                  Introduction to the special section  . . 433--434
                Wouter Boon and   
                    Jakob Edler   Demand, challenges, and innovation.
                                  Making sense of new trends in innovation
                                  policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435--447
            Stefan Kuhlmann and   
                       Arie Rip   Next-Generation Innovation Policy and
                                  Grand Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . 448--454
             Haico te Kulve and   
                Wouter Boon and   
            Kornelia Konrad and   
          Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker   Influencing the direction of innovation
                                  processes: the shadow of authorities in
                                  demand articulation  . . . . . . . . . . 455--467
            Markus M. Bugge and   
                Lars Coenen and   
                   Are Branstad   Governing socio-technical change:
                                  Orchestrating demand for assisted living
                                  in ageing societies  . . . . . . . . . . 468--479
              Julien Chicot and   
                  Mireille Matt   Public procurement of innovation: a
                                  review of rationales, designs, and
                                  contributions to grand challenges  . . . 480--492
         Joeri H. Wesseling and   
                Charles Edquist   Public procurement for innovation to
                                  help meet societal challenges: a review
                                  and case study . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493--502
              Brigida Blasi and   
           Sandra Romagnosi and   
              Andrea Bonaccorsi   Universities as celebrities? How the
                                  media select information from a large
                                  research assessment exercise . . . . . . 503--514
                Diego Aboal and   
                    Maren Vairo   The impact of subsidies for researchers
                                  on the gender scientific productivity
                                  gap  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 515--532
      Ann Camilla Schulze-Krogh   Firms' Absorptive Capacity for
                                  Research-Based Collaboration --- an
                                  Analysis of a Norwegian R&D Brokering
                                  Policy Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533--542
           Tomas Hellström   Centres of Excellence and Capacity
                                  Building: from Strategy to Impact  . . . 543--552
               Paul Jackson and   
            Reza Kiani Mavi and   
             Yuliani Suseno and   
                 Craig Standing   University--industry collaboration
                                  within the triple helix of innovation:
                                  The importance of mutuality  . . . . . . 553--564
          Sabrina Petersohn and   
                  Thomas Heinze   Professionalization of bibliometric
                                  research assessment. Insights from the
                                  history of the Leiden Centre for Science
                                  and Technology Studies (CWTS)  . . . . . 565--578
          Thais Elaine Vick and   
               Maxine Robertson   A systematic literature review of UK
                                  university--industry collaboration for
                                  knowledge transfer: a future research
                                  agenda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 579--590
           Susan M. Fitzpatrick   Book Review: \booktitleUniversities and
                                  the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem by David
                                  B. Audretsch and Albert N. Link  . . . . 591--592
                   Zafer Sonmez   Book Review: \booktitleThe Life Cycle of
                                  Clusters: a Policy Perspective, Edited
                                  by Dirk Fornahl  . . . . . . . . . . . . 592--594
           Susan M. Fitzpatrick   Universities and the Entrepreneurial
                                  Ecosystem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595--595
          Sabrina Petersohn and   
                  Thomas Heinze   Professionalization of bibliometric
                                  research assessment. Insights from the
                                  history of the Leiden Centre for Science
                                  and Technology Studies (CWTS)  . . . . . 596--596

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 5, October 1, 2018

              Matthew Harsh and   
          Thomas S. Woodson and   
              Susan Cozzens and   
         Jameson M. Wetmore and   
         Ogundiran Soumonni and   
                 Rodrigo Cortes   The role of emerging technologies in
                                  inclusive innovation: the case of
                                  nanotechnology in South Africa . . . . . 597--607
           Maureen McKelvey and   
Rögnvaldur J. Saemundsson and   
                    Olof Zaring   A recent crisis in regenerative
                                  medicine: Analyzing governance in order
                                  to identify public policy issues . . . . 608--620
     Antoine Bernard de Raymond   `Aligning activities': coordination,
                                  boundary activities, and agenda setting
                                  in interdisciplinary research  . . . . . 621--633
                Olof Hallonsten   Development and Transformation of the
                                  Third Sector of R&D in Sweden, 1942--2017 634--644
         Nelson Casimiro Zavale   Expansion versus contribution of higher
                                  education in Africa:
                                  University--industry linkages in
                                  Mozambique from companies' perspective   645--660
Júnior Sérgio Kannebley and   
Renata de Lacerda Antunes Borges and   
                Diogo de Prince   Scientific production and its collective
                                  determinants: an econometric analysis
                                  for the Brazilian research labs  . . . . 661--672
              G. E. Derrick and   
                   G. S. Samuel   Exploring the degree of delegated
                                  authority for the peer review of
                                  societal impact  . . . . . . . . . . . . 673--682
    Thomas Wolfgang Thurner and   
            Stanislav Zaichenko   Technology transfer into Russia's
                                  agricultural sector --- Can public
                                  funding replace ailing business
                                  engagement?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 683--691
Bruno Brandão Fischer and   
Paola Rücker Schaeffer and   
        Julia Phaiffer Silveira   Universities' gravitational effects on
                                  the location of knowledge-intensive
                                  investments in Brazil  . . . . . . . . . 692--707
          Carla Mascarenhas and   
    João J. Ferreira and   
                  Carla Marques   University--industry cooperation: a
                                  systematic literature review and
                                  research agenda  . . . . . . . . . . . . 708--718
      Arash Soleimani Dahaj and   
          Brian P. Cozzarin and   
                  Kambiz Talebi   Revisiting the Canadian public policy
                                  towards venture capital: Crowding-out or
                                  displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719--730
          Federico Ferretti and   
Ângela Guimarães Pereira and   
Dániel Vértesy and   
                Sjoerd Hardeman   Research excellence indicators: time to
                                  reimagine the `making of'? . . . . . . . 731--741
            Trevor Williams and   
                Juan J. Morrone   Science is strengthened by Mexico's
                                  researcher evaluation system: Factual
                                  errors and misleading claims by Neff . . 742--745
              Matthew Harsh and   
          Thomas S. Woodson and   
              Susan Cozzens and   
         Jameson M. Wetmore and   
         Ogundiran Soumonni and   
                 Rodrigo Cortes   The role of emerging technologies in
                                  inclusive innovation: the case of
                                  nanotechnology in South Africa . . . . . 746--746
      Arash Soleimani Dahaj and   
          Brian P. Cozzarin and   
                  Kambiz Talebi   Revisiting the Canadian public policy
                                  towards venture capital: Crowding-out or
                                  displacement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 747--747

Science and Public Policy
Volume 45, Number 6, December 1, 2018

         Irene Ramos-Vielba and   
               Pablo D'Este and   
            Richard Woolley and   
                    Nabil Amara   Introduction to a special section:
                                  Balancing scientific and societal impact
                                  --- A challenging agenda for academic
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749--751
               Pablo D'Este and   
         Irene Ramos-Vielba and   
            Richard Woolley and   
                    Nabil Amara   How do researchers generate scientific
                                  and societal impacts? Toward an
                                  analytical and operational framework . . 752--763
            Paul Benneworth and   
     Julia Olmos-Peñuela   Reflecting on the tensions of research
                                  utilization: Understanding the coupling
                                  of academic and user knowledge . . . . . 764--774
   Carolina Cañibano and   
       Immaculada Vilardell and   
              Carmen Corona and   
             Carlos Benito-Amat   The evaluation of research excellence
                                  and the dynamics of knowledge production
                                  in the humanities: The case of history
                                  in Spain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775--789
               Oscar Llopis and   
Mabel Sánchez-Barrioluengo and   
 Julia Olmos-Peñuela and   
   Elena Castro-Martínez   Scientists' engagement in knowledge
                                  transfer and exchange: Individual
                                  factors, variety of mechanisms and users 790--803
             Beatriz Barros and   
Ana Fernández-Zubieta and   
        Raul Fidalgo-Merino and   
             Francisco Triguero   Scientific knowledge percolation process
                                  and social impact: a case study on the
                                  biotechnology and microbiology
                                  perceptions on Twitter . . . . . . . . . 804--814
    Nicolas Robinson-Garcia and   
        Thed N. van Leeuwen and   
                Ismael R\`afols   Using altmetrics for contextualised
                                  mapping of societal impact: From hits to
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815--826
          Catalina Martinez and   
                    Lydia Bares   The link between technology transfer and
                                  international extension of university
                                  patents: Evidence from Spain . . . . . . 827--842
              David Sarpong and   
              David Botchie and   
                      Bidit Dey   From marginal to mainstream: The
                                  revival, transformation, and boom of
                                  plant medicine . . . . . . . . . . . . . 843--852
      Céline Parotte and   
                Pierre Delvenne   Co-produced legitimacies: Parliamentary
                                  technology assessment and nuclear waste
                                  management in France . . . . . . . . . . 853--862
        Matthijs J. Janssen and   
              Carolina Castaldi   Services, innovation, capabilities, and
                                  policy: Toward a synthesis and beyond    863--874
María Jesús Rodríguez-Gulías and   
Sara Fernández-López and   
        David Rodeiro-Pazos and   
            Christian Corsi and   
               Antonio Prencipe   The role of knowledge spillovers on the
                                  university spin-offs innovation  . . . . 875--883
                 Simen G. Enger   Closed clubs: Network centrality and
                                  participation in Horizon 2020  . . . . . 884--896

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 1, February, 2019

           Margherita Russo and   
           Annalisa Caloffi and   
             Federica Rossi and   
                 Riccardo Righi   Innovation intermediaries and
                                  performance-based incentives: a case
                                  study of regional innovation poles . . . 1--12
    Danielle K. Jensen-Ryan and   
                Laura A. German   Environmental science and policy: a
                                  meta-synthesis of case studies on
                                  boundary organizations and spanning
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--27
            Mauricio Uriona and   
  Sara S. (Saartjie) Grobbelaar   Innovation system policy analysis
                                  through system dynamics modelling: a
                                  systematic review  . . . . . . . . . . . 28--44
Sara Fernández-López and   
                Nuria Calvo and   
            David Rodeiro-Pazos   The funnel model of firms' R&D
                                  cooperation with universities  . . . . . 45--54
           Johan Frishammar and   
      Patrik Söderholm and   
             Hans Hellsmark and   
               Johanna Mossberg   A knowledge-based perspective on system
                                  weaknesses in technological innovation
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--70
                    Ryan Whalen   Research funding's `endorsement effect'
                                  on scientific boundary work and research
                                  production: Government legitimization of
                                  alternative medicine . . . . . . . . . . 71--80
           Sanna-Riikka Saarela   From pure science to participatory
                                  knowledge production? Researchers'
                                  perceptions on science--policy interface
                                  in bioenergy policy  . . . . . . . . . . 81--90
       Cheryl Xiaoning Long and   
                       Jun Wang   China's patent promotion policies and
                                  its quality implications . . . . . . . . 91--104
         Thomas Zacharewicz and   
           Benedetto Lepori and   
             Emanuela Reale and   
                   Koen Jonkers   Performance-based research funding in EU
                                  Member States --- a comparative
                                  assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105--115
                   Michael Kahn   The contract between science and
                                  society: a South African case study  . . 116--125
                 Jan Youtie and   
             Philip Shapira and   
       Michael Reinsborough and   
                    Erik Fisher   Research network emergence: Societal
                                  issues in nanotechnology and the center
                                  for nanotechnology in society  . . . . . 126--135
           Peter van Dongen and   
                 Hester Tak and   
                  Eric Claassen   Policies and patenting to stimulate the
                                  biotechnology sector: Evidence from The
                                  Netherlands  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136--147
              Gustavo A. Bisbal   Practical tips to establish an
                                  actionable science portfolio for climate
                                  adaptation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148--153
                   Mark W. Neff   Williams and Morrone misunderstand and
                                  inadvertently support my argument:
                                  Mexico's SNI systematically steers
                                  ecological research  . . . . . . . . . . 154--158
Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt and   
                  Marina Cacace   Setting up a dynamic framework to
                                  activate gender equality structural
                                  transformation in research organizations 159--159

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 2, April, 2019

      Joseph Amankwah-Amoah and   
                      Yingfa Lu   Historical evolution of entrepreneurial
                                  development in the global South: The
                                  case of Ghana, 1957--2010  . . . . . . . 161--172
          Valeria Nemethova and   
             Maria Siranova and   
               Miroslav Sipikal   Public support for firms in lagging
                                  regions --- evaluation of innovation
                                  subsidy in Slovakia  . . . . . . . . . . 173--183
                    Feng Li and   
                  Jing Ding and   
                  Wangbing Shen   Back on track: Factors influencing
                                  Chinese returnee scholar performance in
                                  the reintegration process  . . . . . . . 184--197
            Niels Mejlgaard and   
               Carter Bloch and   
           Emil Bargmann Madsen   Responsible research and innovation in
                                  Europe: a cross-country comparative
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--209
            Rodrigo Arocena and   
          Bo Göransson and   
                    Judith Sutz   Towards making research evaluation more
                                  compatible with developmental goals  . . 210--218
                 Hee-Je Bak and   
                     Do Han Kim   The unintended consequences of
                                  performance-based incentives on
                                  inequality in scientists' research
                                  performance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219--231
                 Shoufu Lin and   
                     Ji Sun and   
                  Shanyong Wang   Dynamic evaluation of the technological
                                  innovation efficiency of China's
                                  industrial enterprises . . . . . . . . . 232--243
               James Palmer and   
                Susan Owens and   
               Robert Doubleday   Perfecting the `Elevator Pitch'? Expert
                                  advice as locally-situated boundary work 244--253
Anne-Floor M. Schölvinck and   
      Tjerk Jan Schuitmaker and   
       Jacqueline E. W. Broerse   Embedding meaningful patient involvement
                                  in the process of proposal appraisal at
                                  the Dutch Cancer Society . . . . . . . . 254--263
              Magalie Bourblanc   Expert assessment as a framing exercise:
                                  The controversy over green macroalgal
                                  blooms' proliferation in France  . . . . 264--274
              Federica Fusi and   
              Eric W. Welch and   
              Michael Siciliano   Barriers and facilitators of access to
                                  biological material for international
                                  research: The role of institutions and
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275--289
             Richard Harris and   
                       Trinh Le   Absorptive capacity in New Zealand
                                  firms: Measurement and importance  . . . 290--309
       Eric Joseph van Holm and   
                Yonghong Wu and   
                  Eric W. Welch   Comparing the collaboration networks and
                                  productivity of China-born and US-born
                                  academic scientists  . . . . . . . . . . 310--320

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 3, June, 2019

Evanthia Kalpazidou Schmidt and   
                  Marina Cacace   Setting up a dynamic framework to
                                  activate gender equality structural
                                  transformation in research organizations 321--338
       Aaron Clark-Ginsberg and   
                Rebecca Slayton   Regulating risks within complex
                                  sociotechnical systems: Evidence from
                                  critical infrastructure cybersecurity
                                  standards  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339--346
              Renato Garcia and   
    Veneziano Araújo and   
          Suelene Mascarini and   
          Emerson G. Santos and   
                Ariana R. Costa   How the Benefits, Results and Barriers
                                  of Collaboration Affect University
                                  Engagement with Industry . . . . . . . . 347--357
             Monica Gaughan and   
                  Barry Bozeman   Institutionalized inequity in the USA:
                                  The case of postdoctoral researchers . . 358--368
              Paulo Savaget and   
             Tulio Chiarini and   
                    Steve Evans   Empowering political participation
                                  through artificial intelligence  . . . . 369--380
     Katarzyna Kowalczewska and   
                  Jelle Behagel   How policymakers' demands for usable
                                  knowledge shape science-policy relations
                                  in environmental policy in Poland  . . . 381--390
         Teele Tõnismann   Paths of Baltic States public research
                                  funding 1989--2010: Between
                                  institutional heritage and
                                  internationalisation . . . . . . . . . . 391--403
                 Terhi Esko and   
                 Juha Tuunainen   Achieving the social impact of science:
                                  an analysis of public press debate on
                                  urban development  . . . . . . . . . . . 404--414
     Serge P. J. M. Horbach and   
                 Eric Breit and   
            Svenn-Erik Mamelund   Organisational responses to alleged
                                  scientific misconduct: Sensemaking,
                                  sensegiving, and sensehiding . . . . . . 415--429
       Carolin Decker-Lange and   
   Marie-Noëlle Singer and   
               Florian Schrader   Balancing evolving logics: Business
                                  model change in the Leibniz research
                                  museums  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430--440
             Alan Patterson and   
                   Craig McLean   The precautionary principle at work: The
                                  case of neonicotinoids and the health of
                                  bees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441--449
                   Jue Wang and   
               Rosalie Hooi and   
               Andrew X. Li and   
                Meng-hsuan Chou   Collaboration patterns of mobile
                                  academics: The impact of international
                                  mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450--462
          Flurina Schneider and   
               Tobias Buser and   
                 Rea Keller and   
          Theresa Tribaldos and   
                   Stephan Rist   Research funding programmes aiming for
                                  societal transformations: Ten key stages 463--478

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 4, August, 2019

          Áine Regan and   
                 Maeve Henchion   Making sense of altmetrics: The
                                  perceived threats and opportunities for
                                  academic identity  . . . . . . . . . . . 479--489
           Mirjam Knockaert and   
       Matthias Deschryvere and   
                 Laura Lecluyse   The relationship between organizational
                                  interdependence and additionality
                                  obtained from innovation ecosystem
                                  participation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490--503
           Luisa F. Ramirez and   
               Brian M. Belcher   Stakeholder perceptions of scientific
                                  knowledge in policy processes: a
                                  Peruvian case-study of forestry policy
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504--517
                    Feng Li and   
                        Li Tang   When international mobility meets local
                                  connections: Evidence from China . . . . 518--529
                 Hyeri Choi and   
                    Hangjung Zo   Assessing the efficiency of national
                                  innovation systems in developing
                                  countries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530--540
                     Bo Zou and   
                  Yanxia Li and   
                  Jinyu Guo and   
                       Feng Guo   Antecedents and outcome of
                                  entrepreneurial identification: The
                                  moderating effect of role orientation    541--551
                 Jae-Yun Ho and   
                Eoin O'Sullivan   Addressing the evolving standardisation
                                  challenges of `smart systems'
                                  innovation: Emerging roles for
                                  government?  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552--569
             Euy-Young Jung and   
                     Xielin Liu   The different effects of basic research
                                  in enterprises on economic growth:
                                  Income-level quantile analysis . . . . . 570--588
                 Jon Schmid and   
                 Ayodeji Fajebe   Variation in patent impact by
                                  organization type: an investigation of
                                  government, university, and corporate
                                  patents  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589--598
              Adelheid Holl and   
                      Ruth Rama   Local cooperation for innovation in ICT
                                  --- Domestic groups with collaborations
                                  for innovation abroad and foreign
                                  subsidiaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 599--610
               Oishee Kundu and   
           Nicholas E. Matthews   The role of charitable funding in
                                  university research  . . . . . . . . . . 611--619
            Joanna Chataway and   
             Charlie Dobson and   
               Chux Daniels and   
                  Rob Byrne and   
             Rebecca Hanlin and   
                Aschalew Tigabu   Science granting councils in Sub-Saharan
                                  Africa: Trends and tensions  . . . . . . 620--631
                  Qiantao Zhang   Innovation and its enemies: Why people
                                  resist new technologies  . . . . . . . . 632--633
          Christian Dayé   Models of innovation: The history of an
                                  idea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633--634

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 5, October, 2019

                  Henning Kroll   How to evaluate innovation strategies
                                  with a transformative ambition? A
                                  proposal for a structured, process-based
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 635--647
                    Hyundo Choi   Incumbents' response to demand-side
                                  policies: The case of solar and wind
                                  power sectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 648--660
         Charles F. Hickman and   
               Eric A. Fong and   
           Allen W. Wilhite and   
                     Yeolan Lee   Academic misconduct and criminal
                                  liability: Manipulating academic journal
                                  impact factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . 661--667
                Dylan Henderson   Policy entrepreneurship in context:
                                  Understanding the emergence of novel
                                  policy solutions for services innovation
                                  in Finland and Ireland . . . . . . . . . 668--678
                Tyler Saxon and   
                 Stephan Weiler   Defence spending and women in research:
                                  a cross-country comparison . . . . . . . 679--688
               Jens Dorland and   
          Christian Clausen and   
Michael Sògaard Jòrgensen   Space configurations for empowering
                                  university-community interactions  . . . 689--701
                 Armin Grunwald   The inherently democratic nature of
                                  technology assessment  . . . . . . . . . 702--709
                    Omar Kassab   Does public outreach impede research
                                  performance? Exploring the `researcher's
                                  dilemma' in a sustainability research
                                  center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710--720
             Aleksandra Lis and   
             Kärg Kama and   
                   Leonie Reins   Co-producing European knowledge and
                                  publics amidst controversy: The EU
                                  expert network on unconventional
                                  hydrocarbons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 721--731
                Dragana Radicic   Effectiveness of public procurement of
                                  innovation versus supply-side innovation
                                  measures in manufacturing and service
                                  sectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732--746
 Linda H. M. van de Burgwal and   
             Rana Hendrikse and   
                  Eric Claassen   Aiming for impact: Differential effect
                                  of motivational drivers on effort and
                                  performance in knowledge valorisation    747--762
              Pedro Marques and   
               Kevin Morgan and   
               Adrian Healy and   
                  Paul Vallance   Spaces of novelty: Can universities play
                                  a catalytic role in less developed
                                  regions? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 763--771
           Rune Dahl Fitjar and   
            Paul Benneworth and   
      Bjòrn Terje Asheim   Towards regional responsible research
                                  and innovation? Integrating RRI and RIS3
                                  in European innovation policy  . . . . . 772--783
               Kristoffer Kropp   Book Review: \booktitleThe European
                                  Research Council by Thomas König  . . . . 784--785
                Jason Pribilsky   Book Review: \booktitleDrone: Remote
                                  control warfare by Hugh Gusterson  . . . 785--786

Science and Public Policy
Volume 46, Number 6, December, 2019

Josiane de Araújo Francelino and   
    Ligia Maria Soto Urbina and   
  André Tosi Furtado and   
  Milton de Freitas Chagas, Jr.   How public policies have shaped the
                                  technological progress in the Brazilian
                                  aeronautics industry: Embraer case . . . 787--804
            Naubahar Sharif and   
              Jack Linzhou Xing   Restricted generalizability of city
                                  innovation policies: The case of
                                  E-hailing in China . . . . . . . . . . . 805--819
 Edgar Salas Gironés and   
              Rinie van Est and   
                  Geert Verbong   Transforming mobility: The Dutch smart
                                  mobility policy as an example of a
                                  transformative STI policy  . . . . . . . 820--833
           Tommaso Agasisti and   
               Alice Bertoletti   Analysing the determinants of higher
                                  education systems' performance --- a
                                  structural equation modelling approach   834--852
              Alecia Radatz and   
       Michael Reinsborough and   
                Erik Fisher and   
           Elizabeth Corley and   
                   David Guston   An assessment of engaged social science
                                  research in nanoscale science and
                                  engineering communities  . . . . . . . . 853--865
               Lucas Brunet and   
             Isabelle Arpin and   
                   Taru Peltola   Governing research through affects: The
                                  case of ecosystem services science . . . 866--875
               Edvard Orlic and   
            Dragana Radicic and   
                 Merima Balavac   R&D and innovation policy in the Western
                                  Balkans: Are there additionality
                                  effects? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876--894
           Justyna Bandola-Gill   Between relevance and excellence?
                                  Research impact agenda and the
                                  production of policy knowledge . . . . . 895--905
                 Albert N. Link   Technology transfer at the US National
                                  Institute of Standards and Technology    906--912
            Anne E. Winkler and   
            Sharon G. Levin and   
             Michael T. Allison   Investigating the US biomedical
                                  workforce: Gender, field of training,
                                  and retention  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913--926
                  Eva Krick and   
          Johan Christensen and   
                 Cathrine Holst   Between `Scientization' and a
                                  `Participatory Turn'. Tracing shifts in
                                  the governance of policy advice  . . . . 927--939

Science and Public Policy
Volume 47, Number 1, February, 2020

            Naubahar Sharif and   
              Jack Linzhou Xing   Erratum: Restricted generalizability of
                                  city innovation policies: The case of
                                  E-hailing in China . . . . . . . . . . . 148--148