Table of contents for issues of SoftwareX

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Volume 1--2, Number ??, September, 2015
Volume 3--4, Number ??, December, 2015
Volume 5, Number ??, 2016
Volume 6, Number ??, 2017
Volume 7, Number ??, January / June, 2018
Volume 8, Number ??, 2019
Volume 9, Number ??, January / June, 2019
Volume 10, Number ??, July / December, 2019
Volume 11, Number ??, January / June, 2020
Volume 12, Number ??, July / December, 2020
Volume 13, Number ??, January, 2021
Volume 14, Number ??, June, 2021
Volume 15, Number ??, July, 2021
Volume 16, Number ??, December, 2021
Volume 17, Number ??, January, 2022
Volume 18, Number ??, June, 2022
Volume 19, Number ??, July, 2022
Volume 20, Number ??, December, 2022
Volume 21, Number ??, February, 2023
Volume 22, Number ??, May, 2023
Volume 23, Number ??, July, 2023
Volume 24, Number ??, December, 2023
Volume 25, Number ??, February, 2024
Volume 26, Number ??, May, 2024

Volume 1--2, Number ??, September, 2015

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--32
             Frank Seinstra and   
               David Wallom and   
                    Kate Keahey   Editorial  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
               Andre Merzky and   
                Ole Weidner and   
                   Shantenu Jha   \pkgSAGA: a standardized access layer to
                                  heterogeneous Distributed Computing
                                  Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--2
          Marcus D. Hanwell and   
          Kenneth M. Martin and   
          Aashish Chaudhary and   
                  Lisa S. Avila   The Visualization Toolkit (VTK):
                                  Rewriting the rendering code for modern
                                  graphics cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3--8
                C. Loizides and   
                   J. Nagle and   
                   P. Steinberg   Improved version of the PHOBOS Glauber
                                  Monte Carlo  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9--12
         Mark James Abraham and   
              Teemu Murtola and   
              Roland Schulz and   
 Szilárd Páll and   
            Jeremy C. Smith and   
                  Berk Hess and   
                   Erik Lindahl   \pkgGROMACS: High performance molecular
                                  simulations through multi-level
                                  parallelism from laptops to
                                  supercomputers . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13--18
              Gianmarco Alberti   \pkgCAinterprTools: an R package to help
                                  interpreting Correspondence Analysis'
                                  results  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19--25

Volume 3--4, Number ??, December, 2015

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--44
              Ahmed BenSa\"\ida   A practical test for noisy chaotic
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
                S. Youssefi and   
                   S. Denei and   
          F. Mastrogiovanni and   
                     G. Cannata   Skinware 2.0: a real-time middleware for
                                  robot skin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--5
          Spencer J. Ingley and   
       Mohammad Rahmani Asl and   
                 Chengde Wu and   
               Rongfeng Cui and   
           Mahmoud Gadelhak and   
                     Wen Li and   
                   Ji Zhang and   
                Jon Simpson and   
               Chelsea Hash and   
           Trisha Butkowski and   
                  Thor Veen and   
          Jerald B. Johnson and   
                    Wei Yan and   
               Gil G. Rosenthal   \pkganyFish 2.0: an open-source software
                                  platform to generate and share animated
                                  fish models to study behavior  . . . . . 6--12
             Greg R. Guerin and   
                 Andrew J. Lowe   Mapping phylogenetic endemism in R using
                                  georeferenced branch extents . . . . . . 13--21
                         Ru Zhu   \pkgGrace: a cross-platform
                                  micromagnetic simulator on graphics
                                  processing units . . . . . . . . . . . . 22--26
              Rosa M. Badia and   
            Javier Conejero and   
                Carlos Diaz and   
              Jorge Ejarque and   
              Daniele Lezzi and   
            Francesc Lordan and   
      Cristian Ramon-Cortes and   
                   Raul Sirvent   COMP Superscalar, an interoperable
                                  programming framework  . . . . . . . . . 27--31
                Yan-Xia Lin and   
            Mark James Fielding   \pkgMaskDensity14: an R package for the
                                  density approximant of a univariate
                                  based on noise multiplied data . . . . . 32--36

Volume 5, Number ??, 2016

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--260
               Shaowen Wang and   
                    Yan Liu and   
              Anand Padmanabhan   Open cyberGIS software for geospatial
                                  research and education in the big data
                                  era  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
Álvaro López García and   
Enol Fernández del Castillo and   
   Pablo Orviz Fernández   \pkgooi: OpenStack OCCI interface  . . . 1--5
          Simon Kiesewetter and   
        Rodney Polkinghorne and   
            Bogdan Opanchuk and   
              Peter D. Drummond   \pkgxSPDE: Extensible software for
                                  stochastic equations . . . . . . . . . . 6--11
Elisabeth Schold Linnér and   
           Max Morén and   
            Karl-Oskar Smed and   
           Johan Nysjö and   
                   Robin Strand   \pkgLatticeLibrary and
                                  \pkgBccFccRaycaster: Software for
                                  processing and viewing $3$D data on
                                  optimal sampling lattices  . . . . . . . 12--15
                 Erin Scott and   
           Natalia Serpetti and   
           Jeroen Steenbeek and   
       Johanna Jacomina Heymans   A Stepwise Fitting Procedure for
                                  automated fitting of Ecopath with Ecosim
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16--24
                   Michael Ruby   \pkgSpectraFox: a free open-source data
                                  management and analysis tool for
                                  scanning probe microscopy and
                                  spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25--30
               Ali Sadollah and   
              Hadi Eskandar and   
                 Ho Min Lee and   
                Do Guen Yoo and   
                 Joong Hoon Kim   Water cycle algorithm: a detailed
                                  standard code  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31--36
             Ardita Shkurti and   
                 Ramon Goni and   
                 Pau Andrio and   
           Elena Breitmoser and   
               Iain Bethune and   
             Modesto Orozco and   
            Charles A. Laughton   \pkgpyPcazip: a PCA-based toolkit for
                                  compression and analysis of molecular
                                  simulation data  . . . . . . . . . . . . 37--43
                    Ali H. Taqi   A visual Fortran 90 program for the
                                  two-particle or two-hole excitations of
                                  nuclei: the PPRPA program  . . . . . . . 44--50
           Nicolin Govender and   
            Daniel N. Wilke and   
                     Schalk Kok   \pkgBlaze-DEMGPU: Modular high
                                  performance DEM framework for the GPU
                                  architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51--61
                  G. Milani and   
                      F. Milani   \pkgGURU v2.0: an interactive Graphical
                                  User interface to fit rheometer curves
                                  in Han's model for rubber vulcanization  62--66
                 D. Nikezic and   
                M. Ivanovic and   
                       K. N. Yu   A computer program \pkgTRACK\_P for
                                  studying proton tracks in PADC detectors 67--73
            F. Pina-Martins and   
                    O. S. Paulo   NCBI Mass Sequence Downloader --- Large
                                  dataset downloading made easy  . . . . . 74--79
               L. Vanfretti and   
                 T. Rabuzin and   
                M. Baudette and   
                       M. Murad   iTesla Power Systems Library (iPSL): a
                                  Modelica library for phasor time-domain
                                  simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80--83
                 P. Degenne and   
                     D. Lo Seen   \pkgOcelet: Simulating processes of
                                  landscape changes using interaction
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84--88
         Mariette Annergren and   
           Christian A. Larsson   \pkgMOOSE2 --- a toolbox for
                                  least-costly application-oriented input
                                  design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89--95
              Jeffrey Bolan and   
                 Elise Hall and   
             Chris Clifford and   
                   Brian Thurow   Light-Field Imaging Toolkit  . . . . . . 96--100
                R. O. Ocaya and   
                 J. J. Terblans   C-language package for standalone
                                  embedded atom method molecular dynamics
                                  simulations of fcc structures  . . . . . 101--106
                   Jun Peng and   
                ZhiBao Dong and   
                   FengQing Han   \pkgtgcd: an R package for analyzing
                                  thermoluminescence glow curves . . . . . 107--111
               Tobias Weber and   
             Robert Georgii and   
                Peter Böni   \pkgTakin: an open-source software for
                                  experiment planning, visualisation, and
                                  data analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--120
        Thomas Mejer Hansen and   
                Le Thanh Vu and   
                    Torben Bach   \pkgMPSLIB: a C++ class for sequential
                                  simulation of multiple-point statistical
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121--126
          Marios Fragkoulis and   
         Diomidis Spinellis and   
                 Panos Louridas   \pkgPiCO QL: a software library for
                                  runtime interactive queries on program
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127--133
       A. Christopher Oishi and   
         David A. Hawthorne and   
                       Ram Oren   \pkgBaseliner: an open-source,
                                  interactive tool for processing sap flux
                                  data from thermal dissipation probes . . 134--138
            Luigi Vanfretti and   
            Maxime Baudette and   
             Achour Amazouz and   
         Tetiana Bogodorova and   
                Tin Rabuzin and   
               Jan Lavenius and   
Francisco José Goméz-López   \pkgRaPId: a modular and extensible
                                  toolbox for parameter estimation of
                                  Modelica and FMI compliant models  . . . 139--143
                  Roberto Ulloa   \pkgCulSim: a simulator of emergence and
                                  resilience of cultural diversity . . . . 144--149
                Chenhui Liu and   
                Anuj Sharma and   
             Edward Smaglik and   
                Sirisha Kothuri   \pkgTraSER: a traffic signal event-based
                                  recorder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--155
                 G. Pereira and   
                 M. McGugan and   
                L. P. Mikkelsen   \pkgFBG\_SiMul V1.0: Fibre Bragg grating
                                  signal simulation tool for finite
                                  element method models  . . . . . . . . . 156--162
Balázs Zsigmond Horváth and   
               Bence Blaske and   
             Anita Szabó   \pkgDuenna --- an experimental language
                                  teaching application . . . . . . . . . . 163--170
       Johan Nordström and   
          Johan Schött and   
           Inka L. M. Locht and   
                  Igor Di Marco   A GPU code for analytic continuation
                                  through a sampling method  . . . . . . . 171--177
             Mario Mulansky and   
                   Thomas Kreuz   \pkgPySpike --- a Python library for
                                  analyzing spike train synchrony  . . . . 178--182
                  Jad El-khoury   \pkgLyo code generator: a model-based
                                  code generator for the development of
                                  OSLC-compliant tool interfaces . . . . . 183--189
                      T. Salles   \pkgBadlands: a parallel basin and
                                  landscape dynamics model . . . . . . . . 190--194
               S. J. Cooper and   
                  A. Bertei and   
             P. R. Shearing and   
               J. A. Kilner and   
                  N. P. Brandon   \pkgTauFactor: an open-source
                                  application for calculating tortuosity
                                  factors from tomographic data  . . . . . 195--202
          Sheng-Cheng Huang and   
                   Sara Lee and   
                 Allen Wang and   
            Scott B. Cantor and   
                Clement Sun and   
                  Kaili Fan and   
           Gregory P. Reece and   
               Min Soon Kim and   
                  Mia K. Markey   UT Biomedical Informatics Lab (BMIL)
                                  probability wheel  . . . . . . . . . . . 203--210
                Mahdi Nabil and   
           Alexander S. Rattner   \pkginterThermalPhaseChangeFoam --- a
                                  framework for two-phase flow simulations
                                  with thermally driven phase change . . . 211--215
      Kristian Hovde Liland and   
                    Lars Snipen   \pkgfixedTimeEvents: an R package for
                                  the distribution of distances between
                                  discrete events in fixed time  . . . . . 216--226
             Mariem Bouafif and   
                   Zied Lachiri   \pkgSRC\_Num\_TDOA: Multiple speech
                                  sources' number and their TDOA
                                  Estimation from a stereo recorded
                                  mixture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227--233
        Mohammad AlHamaydeh and   
              Mohamad Najib and   
                 Sameer Alawnah   \pkgINSPECT: a graphical user interface
                                  software package for IDARC-2D  . . . . . 234--242
         Florian Schumacher and   
            Wolfgang Friederich   \pkgASKI: a modular toolbox for
                                  scattering-integral-based seismic full
                                  waveform inversion and sensitivity
                                  analysis utilizing external forward
                                  codes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--251

Volume 6, Number ??, 2017

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . 1--292
            Ian H. Williams and   
             Philippe B. Wilson   \pkgSULISO: the Bath suite of
                                  vibrational characterization and isotope
                                  effect calculation software  . . . . . . i--i
       Michael E. Fortunato and   
                Coray M. Colina   \pkgpysimm: a Python package for
                                  simulation of molecular systems  . . . . 1--6
Sergio de los Santos-Villalobos and   
      Claudio Bravo-Linares and   
 Roberto Meigikos dos Anjos and   
              Renan Cardoso and   
                  Max Gibbs and   
              Andrew Swales and   
               Lionel Mabit and   
                    Gerd Dercon   The \pkgCSSIAR v.1.00 Software: a new
                                  tool based on SIAR to assess soil
                                  redistribution using Compound Specific
                                  Stable Isotopes  . . . . . . . . . . . . 7--12
              Adewale Amosu and   
                    Yuefeng Sun   \pkgWheelerLab: an interactive program
                                  for sequence stratigraphic analysis of
                                  seismic sections, outcrops and well
                                  sections and the generation of
                                  chronostratigraphic sections and dynamic
                                  chronostratigraphic sections . . . . . . 13--18
                       O. Naito   A browser-based tool for conversion
                                  between Fortran NAMELIST and XML/HTML    19--24
           Peter A. Predein and   
          Anna A. Dobrynina and   
          Tsyren A. Tubanov and   
               Eugeny I. German   \pkgCodaNorm: a software package for the
                                  body-wave attenuation calculation by the
                                  coda-normalization method  . . . . . . . 25--29
                 M. Subbiah and   
                  V. Rajeswaran   \pkgproportion: a comprehensive R
                                  package for inference on single binomial
                                  proportion and Bayesian computations . . 30--35
      Giuseppe Stanghellini and   
               Gabriela Carrara   \pkgSegy-change: the Swiss Army knife
                                  for the SEG-Y files  . . . . . . . . . . 36--41
        Jean Pierre Charalambos   \pkgProscene: a feature-rich framework
                                  for interactive environments . . . . . . 42--47
                Miguel Pato and   
                    Fabio Iocco   \pkggalkin: a new compilation of Milky
                                  Way rotation curve data  . . . . . . . . 48--53
                  V. S. Neverov   \pkgXaNSoNS: GPU-accelerated simulator
                                  of diffraction patterns of nanoparticles 54--62
                Yann Marcon and   
                   Autun Purser   \pkgPAPARA(ZZ)I: an open-source software
                                  interface for annotating photographs of
                                  the deep-sea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63--68
              Roberto Souza and   
     Letícia Rittner and   
             Rubens Machado and   
                 Roberto Lotufo   \pkgiamxt: Max-tree toolbox for image
                                  processing and analysis  . . . . . . . . 69--80
              Jan M. Binder and   
            Alexander Stark and   
              Nikolas Tomek and   
             Jochen Scheuer and   
              Florian Frank and   
              Kay D. Jahnke and   
      Christoph Müller and   
              Simon Schmitt and   
          Mathias H. Metsch and   
               Thomas Unden and   
             Tobias Gehring and   
             Alexander Huck and   
          Ulrik L. Andersen and   
Lachlan J. Rogers Fedor Jelezko   \pkgQudi: a modular Python suite for
                                  experiment control and data processing   81--84
              D. Ranathunga and   
                  H. Nguyen and   
                     M. Roughan   \pkgMGtoolkit: a Python package for
                                  implementing metagraphs  . . . . . . . . 85--90
      Veera Sundararaghavan and   
          Siddhartha Srivastava   \pkgMicroFract: an image based code for
                                  microstructural crack path prediction    91--93
               Salim Khalil and   
                  Mohamed Fakir   \pkgRCrawler: an R package for parallel
                                  web crawling and scraping  . . . . . . . 94--97
            Raffaele Albano and   
         Salvatore Manfreda and   
                Giuseppe Celano   \pkgMY SIRR: Minimalist
                                  agro-hYdrological model for Sustainable
                                  IRRigation management --- Soil moisture
                                  and crop dynamics  . . . . . . . . . . . 98--106
            Martin Haustein and   
              Anton Gladkyy and   
          Rüdiger Schwarze   Discrete element modeling of deformable
                                  particles in YADE  . . . . . . . . . . . 107--117
               Ashley P. Willis   The \pkgOpenpipeflow Navier--Stokes
                                  solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118--123
                   Matteo Ragni   \pkgMr.CAS --- a minimalistic (pure)
                                  Ruby CAS for fast prototyping and code
                                  generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124--127
                Hakan Ozbasaran   solveTruss v1.0: Static, global buckling
                                  and frequency analysis of $2$D and $3$D
                                  trusses with Mathematica . . . . . . . . 128--134
             Dorleta Garcia and   
       Sonia Sánchez and   
       Raúl Prellezo and   
       Agurtzane Urtizberea and   
            Marga Andrés   \pkgFLBEIA: a simulation model to
                                  conduct bio-economic evaluation of
                                  fisheries management strategies  . . . . 135--140
                   Tobias Weber   Update 1.5 to ``Takin: an open-source
                                  software for experiment planning,
                                  visualisation, and data analysis'',
                                  (PII: S2352711016300152) . . . . . . . . 141--147
           Daniele De Sensi and   
           Massimo Torquati and   
                Marco Danelutto   \pkgMammut: High-level management of
                                  system knobs and sensors . . . . . . . . 148--149
               Turaj Ashuri and   
                      Jie Zhang   \pkgCompSim: Cross sectional modeling of
                                  geometrical complex and inhomogeneous
                                  slender structures . . . . . . . . . . . 150--154
            Olivier L. Georgeon   \pkgLittle AI: Playing a constructivist
                                  robot  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155--160
              Lev M. Tsypin and   
             Aaron P. Turkewitz   The Co-regulation Data Harvester:
                                  Automating gene annotation starting from
                                  a transcriptome database . . . . . . . . 161--164
            Martin Robinson and   
                    Maria Bruna   Particle-based and meshless methods with
                                  \pkgAboria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165--171
                 M. Imgrund and   
                        A. Arth   \pkgRambrain --- a library for virtually
                                  extending physical memory  . . . . . . . 172--178
           Janaki Shanmugam and   
    Konstantin B. Borisenko and   
                Yu-Jen Chou and   
              Angus I. Kirkland   \pkgeRDF Analyser: an interactive GUI
                                  for electron reduced density function
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179--184
            Marcelo S. Reis and   
            Gustavo Estrela and   
    Carlos Eduardo Ferreira and   
                 Junior Barrera   \pkgfeatsel: a framework for
                                  benchmarking of feature selection
                                  algorithms and cost functions  . . . . . 185--192
               Kelin Zhuang and   
            Gerald R. North and   
                Mark J. Stevens   A NetCDF version of the two-dimensional
                                  energy balance model based on the full
                                  multigrid algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . 193--197
     Jhonatha R. dos Santos and   
         Luiz F. N. Barreta and   
          Maria E. Sbampato and   
              Marcelo G. Destro   \pkgASAS: Computational code for
                                  Analysis and Simulation of Atomic
                                  Spectra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--202
                M. S. Almas and   
               L. Vanfretti and   
                    M. Baudette   \pkgBabelFish --- Tools for IEEE
                                  C37.118.2-compliant real-time
                                  synchrophasor data mediation . . . . . . 203--208
   Athanassios M. Kintsakis and   
       Fotis E. Psomopoulos and   
      Andreas L. Symeonidis and   
             Pericles A. Mitkas   \pkgHermes: Seamless delivery of
                                  containerized bioinformatics workflows
                                  in hybrid cloud (HTC) environments . . . 209--216
          Daniel R. Aldrich and   
              Cagri Ayranci and   
                 David S. Nobes   \pkgOSM-Classic: an optical imaging
                                  technique for accurately determining
                                  strain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217--224
                Olga Popova and   
                Boris Popov and   
             Dmitry Romanov and   
                 Marina Evseeva   \pkgOptimel: Software for selecting the
                                  optimal method . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225--230
            Arun S. Moorthy and   
               Hermann J. Eberl   \pkgcompuGUT: an in silico platform for
                                  simulating intestinal fermentation . . . 231--236
            Serge Dmitrieff and   
François Nédélec   \pkgConfocalGN: a minimalistic confocal
                                  image generator  . . . . . . . . . . . . 237--242
         Stergios Emmanouil and   
              Andreas Langousis   \pkgUPStream: Automated hydraulic design
                                  of pressurized water distribution
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 243--247
             Stefano Baldan and   
      Stefano Delle Monache and   
               Davide Rocchesso   The Sound Design Toolkit . . . . . . . . 248--254
               Sean P. Funk and   
            Danny Hnatyshin and   
               Daniel S. Alessi   \pkgHYDROSCAPE: a new versatile software
                                  program for evaluating contaminant
                                  transport in groundwater . . . . . . . . 255--260
              Erika Tudisco and   
              Edward And\`o and   
     Rémi Cailletaud and   
                Stephen A. Hall   \pkgTomoWarp2: a local digital volume
                                  correlation code . . . . . . . . . . . . 261--266
             Ken Soderstrom and   
                    Ali Alalawi   Software for objective comparison of
                                  vocal acoustic features over weeks of
                                  audio recording: \pkgKLFromRecordingDays 267--270
   Ravishankar Sundararaman and   
   Kendra Letchworth-Weaver and   
        Kathleen A. Schwarz and   
             Deniz Gunceler and   
             Yalcin Ozhabes and   
                    T. A. Arias   \pkgJDFTx: Software for joint
                                  density-functional theory  . . . . . . . 271--277
                Harry Zekollari   \pkgTopoZeko: a MATLAB function for
                                  $3$-D and $4$-D topographical
                                  visualization in geosciences . . . . . . 278--284

Volume 7, Number ??, January / June, 2018

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
               Susi Lehtola and   
          Conrad Steigemann and   
      Micael J. T. Oliveira and   
           Miguel A. L. Marques   Recent developments in \pkglibxc --- a
                                  comprehensive library of functionals for
                                  density functional theory  . . . . . . . 1--5
                 Minjie Zhu and   
              Frank McKenna and   
               Michael H. Scott   OpenSeesPy: Python library for the
                                  OpenSe's finite element framework  . . . 6--11
               K. Kralji\'c and   
         L. Strüngmann and   
                  E. Fimmel and   
                      M. Gumbel   Genetic Code Analysis Toolkit: a novel
                                  tool to explore the coding properties of
                                  the genetic code and DNA sequences . . . 12--14
         Nelson B. Villoria and   
             Joshua Elliott and   
      Christoph Müller and   
                Jaewoo Shin and   
                   Lan Zhao and   
                     Carol Song   Web-based access, aggregation, and
                                  visualization of future climate
                                  projections with emphasis on
                                  agricultural assessments . . . . . . . . 15--22
         Garrett W. Melenka and   
                 Jason P. Carey   Braid CAM: Braided composite analytical
                                  model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23--27
            Luigi Palatella and   
                   Fabio Grasso   The EKF-AUS-NL algorithm implemented
                                  without the linear tangent model and in
                                  presence of parametric model error . . . 28--33
            Maxime Baudette and   
             Marcelo Castro and   
                Tin Rabuzin and   
               Jan Lavenius and   
         Tetiana Bogodorova and   
                Luigi Vanfretti   OpenIPSL: Open-Instance Power System
                                  Library --- Update 1.5 to ``iTesla Power
                                  Systems Library (iPSL): a Modelica
                                  library for phasor time-domain
                                  simulations''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34--36
                Jason Laura and   
           Kelvin Rodriguez and   
           Adam C. Paquette and   
                      Evin Dunn   AutoCNet: a Python library for sparse
                                  multi-image correspondence
                                  identification for planetary data  . . . 37--40
        Peter G. Leli\`evre and   
  Angela E. Carter-McAuslan and   
          Michael W. Dunham and   
              Drew J. Jones and   
            Mariella Nalepa and   
         Chelsea L. Squires and   
      Cassandra J. Tycholiz and   
      Marc A. Vallée and   
           Colin G. Farquharson   FacetModeller: Software for manual
                                  creation, manipulation and analysis of
                                  $3$D surface-based models  . . . . . . . 41--46
      Brian Ballsun-Stanton and   
              Shawn A. Ross and   
            Adela Sobotkova and   
                    Penny Crook   FAIMS Mobile: Flexible, open-source
                                  software for field research  . . . . . . 47--52
                Martin Mann and   
           Hans-Peter Kahle and   
              Matthias Beck and   
       Bela Johannes Bender and   
          Heinrich Spiecker and   
                  Rolf Backofen   MICA: Multiple interval-based curve
                                  alignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--58
               Jan Scheffel and   
            Kristoffer Lindvall   SIR --- an efficient solver for systems
                                  of equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59--62
               A. G. Basden and   
              N. A. Bharmal and   
                 D. Jenkins and   
               T. J. Morris and   
                  J. Osborn and   
                    J. Peng and   
                     L. Staykov   The Durham Adaptive Opti's Simulation
                                  Platform (DASP): Current status  . . . . 63--69
       Alexander G. Demidov and   
       Michael E. Fortunato and   
                Coray M. Colina   Update 0.2 to ``\pkgpysimm: a Python
                                  package for simulation of molecular
                                  systems''  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70--73
        Sten Ternström and   
           Dennis Johansson and   
              Andreas Selamtzis   FonaDyn ---- a system for real-time
                                  analysis of the electroglottogram, over
                                  the voice range  . . . . . . . . . . . . 74--80
         Joseph C. Ferguson and   
          Francesco Panerai and   
              Arnaud Borner and   
                Nagi N. Mansour   PuMA: the Porous Microstructure Analysis
                                  software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81--87
       Adrian R. G. Harwood and   
            Joseph O'Connor and   
Jonathan Sanchez Muñoz and   
    Marta Camps Santasmasas and   
             Alistair J. Revell   LUMA: a many-core, Fluid-Structure
                                  Interaction solver based on the
                                  Lattice-Boltzmann Method . . . . . . . . 88--94
                S. Cherubin and   
                      G. Agosta   libVersioningCompiler: an easy-to-use
                                  library for dynamic generation and
                                  invocation of multiple code versions . . 95--100
        Md Mushfiqur Rahman and   
                     Yu Lei and   
             Georgios Kalantzis   QALMA: a computational toolkit for the
                                  analysis of quality protocols for
                                  medical linear accelerators in radiation
                                  therapy  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101--106
              Elias Rudberg and   
       Emanuel H. Rubensson and   
              Pawe\l Sa\lek and   
           Anastasia Kruchinina   Ergo: an open-source program for
                                  linear-scaling electronic structure
                                  calculations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107--111
              Timofey Mukha and   
            Mattias Liefvendahl   Eddylicious: a Python package for
                                  turbulent inflow generation  . . . . . . 112--114
            M. J. Pankhurst and   
                  R. Fowler and   
                L. Courtois and   
                   S. Nonni and   
                  F. Zuddas and   
               R. C. Atwood and   
                G. R. Davis and   
                      P. D. Lee   Enabling three-dimensional densitometric
                                  measurements using laboratory source
                                  X-ray micro-computed tomography  . . . . 115--121
             Danny Petschke and   
            Torsten E. M. Staab   DLTPulseGenerator: a library for the
                                  simulation of lifetime spectra based on
                                  detector-output pulses . . . . . . . . . 122--128
             Jack McCubbine and   
     Fabio Caratori Tontini and   
          Vaughan Stagpoole and   
                 Euan Smith and   
                  Grant O'Brien   Gsolve, a Python computer program with a
                                  graphical user interface to transform
                                  relative gravity survey measurements to
                                  absolute gravity values and gravity
                                  anomalies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129--137
              Kamyar Hasanzadeh   IASM: Individualized activity space
                                  modeler  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138--142
         Suleiman Y. Yerima and   
           Michael Loughlin and   
                Sakir Sezer and   
              John Moriarty and   
                Mark McCann and   
             Helen McAneney and   
             Leeanne O'Hara and   
              Mark A. Tully and   
                Paul S. Ell and   
              Robert Miller and   
            Geraldine Macdonald   MobiQ: a modular Android application for
                                  collecting social interaction, repeated
                                  survey, GPS and photographic data  . . . 143--149
           Daniil Kazantsev and   
            Valery Pickalov and   
           Srikanth Nagella and   
              Edoardo Pasca and   
              Philip J. Withers   TomoPhantom, a software package to
                                  generate $2$D--$4$D analytical phantoms
                                  for CT image reconstruction algorithm
                                  benchmarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150--155
           Andreas Henelius and   
                Jari Torniainen   MIDAS: Open-source framework for
                                  distributed online analysis of data
                                  streams  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156--161
             Timothy J. Truster   DEIP, discontinuous element insertion
                                  Program--Mesh generation for interfacial
                                  finite element modeling  . . . . . . . . 162--170
             Danny Petschke and   
            Torsten E. M. Staab   Update (v1.1) to DLTPulseGenerator: a
                                  library for the simulation of lifetime
                                  spectra based on detector-output pulses  171--173
          Gabriel Stockdale and   
             Simone Tiberti and   
         Daniela Camilletti and   
     Gessica Sferrazza Papa and   
      Ahmad Basshofi Habieb and   
            Elisa Bertolesi and   
            Gabriele Milani and   
                    Siro Casolo   Kinematic collapse load calculator:
                                  Circular arches  . . . . . . . . . . . . 174--179
             Samantha Zambo and   
               Todd Holland and   
            Nathaniel Plant and   
             Kevin Duvieilh and   
                Paul Elmore and   
                 Will Avera and   
            Brian Bourgeois and   
          A. Louise Perkins and   
                 David Lalejini   MergeBathy (2015)  . . . . . . . . . . . 180--183
        Ronald R. Gutierrez and   
             Jose A. Mallma and   
Francisco Núñez-González and   
                 Oscar Link and   
                  Jorge D. Abad   Bedforms-ATM, an open source software to
                                  analyze the scale-based hierarchies and
                                  dimensionality of natural bed forms  . . 184--189
             Yakubu Abdul-Salam   A Stochastic Anaerobic Digestion
                                  Economic Assessment Tool (SADEAT)  . . . 190--197
           Jeroen Steenbeek and   
            Xavier Corrales and   
                Mark Platts and   
                     Marta Coll   Ecosampler: a new approach to assessing
                                  parameter uncertainty in Ecopath with
                                  Ecosim . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198--204
            Sasha D. Hafner and   
                Konrad Koch and   
    Hél\`ene Carrere and   
               Sergi Astals and   
        Sören Weinrich and   
              Charlotte Rennuit   Software for biogas research: Tools for
                                  measurement and prediction of methane
                                  production . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--210
               Wilko Rohlfs and   
               Manuel Rietz and   
                  Benoit Scheid   WaveMaker: the three-dimensional wave
                                  simulation tool for falling liquid films 211--216
                  F. Gerber and   
           K. Mösinger and   
                      R. Furrer   \pkgdotCall64: an R package providing an
                                  efficient interface to compiled C, C++,
                                  and Fortran code supporting long vectors 217--221
      Christiaan H. Righolt and   
          Barret A. Monchka and   
           Salaheddin M. Mahmud   From source code to publication: Code
                                  Diary, an automatic documentation parser
                                  for SAS  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222--225
          Luis R. Izquierdo and   
    Segismundo S. Izquierdo and   
            William H. Sandholm   EvoDyn-3s: a Mathematica computable
                                  document to analyze evolutionary
                                  dynamics in $3$-strategy games . . . . . 226--233
           Jay Jay Billings and   
          Andrew R. Bennett and   
              Jordan Deyton and   
          Kasper Gammeltoft and   
               Jonah Graham and   
                Dasha Gorin and   
              Hari Krishnan and   
                 Menghan Li and   
      Alexander J. McCaskey and   
           Taylor Patterson and   
               Robert Smith and   
          Gregory R. Watson and   
                 Anna Wojtowicz   The Eclipse Integrated Computational
                                  Environment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234--244
             A. J. McCaskey and   
           E. F. Dumitrescu and   
                   D. Liakh and   
                    M. Chen and   
                    W. Feng and   
                   T. S. Humble   A language and hardware independent
                                  approach to quantum--classical computing 245--254
        Collin J. Wilkinson and   
            Yihong Z. Mauro and   
                  John C. Mauro   RelaxPy: Python code for modeling of
                                  glass relaxation behavior  . . . . . . . 255--258
             Danny Petschke and   
            Torsten E. M. Staab   Update (v1.2) to DLTPulseGenerator: a
                                  library for the simulation of lifetime
                                  spectra based on detector-output pulses  259--262
               Rakib Hassan and   
             Michael Gurnis and   
          Simon E. Williams and   
         R. Dietmar Müller   SPGM: a Scalable PaleoGeomorphology
                                  Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263--272
                Deokjae Lee and   
                   S. Hwang and   
                    S. Choi and   
                       B. Kahng   Decremental dynamic algorithm to trace
                                  mutually connected clusters  . . . . . . 273--280
            Maxime Baudette and   
         Seyed Reza Firouzi and   
                Luigi Vanfretti   The STRON grid library: a modular and
                                  extensible software library for IEEE
                                  C37.118.2 compliant synchrophasor data
                                  mediation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281--286
                  M. Doucet and   
          R. M. Ferraz Leal and   
                   T. C. Hobson   Web interface for reflectivity fitting   287--293
               L. Vanfretti and   
G. M. Jónsdóttir and   
                M. S. Almas and   
                 E. Rebello and   
              S. R. Firouzi and   
                    M. Baudette   Audur --- a platform for
                                  synchrophasor-based power system
                                  wide-area control system implementation  294--301
              Oleg Karaduta and   
                 Loutfouz Zaman   Shk-9: a new tool in approach of
                                  glycoprotein annotation  . . . . . . . . 302--303
                Benyuan Liu and   
                   Bin Yang and   
                  Canhua Xu and   
                Junying Xia and   
                   Meng Dai and   
                  Zhenyu Ji and   
                Fusheng You and   
               Xiuzhen Dong and   
                 Xuetao Shi and   
                        Feng Fu   \pkgpyEIT: a Python based framework for
                                  Electrical Impedance Tomography  . . . . 304--308
                 Siqin Meng and   
       Rasmus Toft-Petersen and   
                  Lijie Hao and   
                  Klaus Habicht   \pkgmultiflexxlib: a Python package for
                                  data reduction and visualization for the
                                  cold-neutron multi energy wide angle
                                  analyzer MultiFLEXX  . . . . . . . . . . 309--312
         Georgios Leontaris and   
 Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles   \pkgANDURIL --- a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  ANalysis and Decisions with UnceRtaInty:
                                  Learning from expert judgments . . . . . 313--317
            Alberto Sartori and   
            Nicola Giuliani and   
           Mauro Bardelloni and   
                    Luca Heltai   deal2lkit: a toolkit library for high
                                  performance programming in deal.II . . . 318--327
              Duc T. Nguyen and   
                Blair Kaneshiro   \pkgAudExpCreator: a GUI-based Matlab
                                  tool for designing and creating auditory
                                  experiments with the Psychophysi's
                                  Toolbox  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328--334
       Ariella L. Gladstein and   
Consuelo D. Quinto-Cortés and   
        Julian L. Pistorius and   
              David Christy and   
              Logan Gantner and   
                 Blake L. Joyce   SimPrily: a Python framework to simplify
                                  high-throughput genomic simulations  . . 335--340
               Martin Masek and   
             Chiou Peng Lam and   
     Cameron Tranthim-Fryer and   
                 Bas Jansen and   
                  Kevin Baptist   Sleep monitor: a tool for monitoring and
                                  categorical scoring of lying position
                                  using $3$D camera data . . . . . . . . . 341--346
                  R. Vidmar and   
                      N. Creati   \pkgQCOBJ: a Python package to handle
                                  quantity-aware configuration files . . . 347--351
           Mattia Montanari and   
                   Nik Petrinic   OpenGJK for C, C# and Matlab: Reliable
                                  solutions to distance queries between
                                  convex bodies in three-dimensional space 352--355
        Michael von Domaros and   
                  Eva Perlt and   
          Johannes Ingenmey and   
          Gwydyon Marchelli and   
               Barbara Kirchner   Peacemaker 2: Making clusters talk about
                                  binary mixtures and neat liquids . . . . 356--359
   Claudio Bustos Navarrete and   
María Gabriela Morales Malverde and   
        Pedro Salcedo Lagos and   
   Alejandro Díaz Mujica   Buhos: a web-based systematic literature
                                  review management software . . . . . . . 360--372
                D. J. Silva and   
               J. S. Amaral and   
                   V. S. Amaral   \pkgHeatrapy: a flexible Python
                                  framework for computing dynamic heat
                                  transfer processes involving caloric
                                  effects in $ 1.5 $D systems  . . . . . . 373--382
 Exneyder A. Montoya-Araque and   
        Ludger O. Suarez-Burgoa   pyBIMstab: Application software for $2$D
                                  slope stability analysis of
                                  block-in-matrix and homogeneous
                                  materials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383--387
                 Paul Bauer and   
          Alexandre Barrozo and   
                  Miha Purg and   
          Beat Anton Amrein and   
          Mauricio Esguerra and   
     Philippe Barrie Wilson and   
           Dan Thomas Major and   
         Johan Åqvist and   
   Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin   Q6: a comprehensive toolkit for
                                  empirical valence bond and related free
                                  energy calculations  . . . . . . . . . . 388--395

Volume 8, Number ??, 2019

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
              Marco Stocchi and   
               Michele Marchesi   Fast wavelet transform assisted
                                  predictors of streaming time series  . . 1--4
               Carlos Mateo and   
          Juan Antonio Talavera   Short-Time Fourier Transform with the
                                  Window Size Fixed in the Frequency
                                  Domain (STFT-FD): Implementation . . . . 5--8
             Ervin Sejdi\'c and   
             Irena Orovi\'c and   
             Srdjan Stankovi\'c   A software companion for compressively
                                  sensed time-frequency processing of
                                  sparse nonstationary signals . . . . . . 9--10
              Onur Yorulmaz and   
                  A. Enis Cetin   Deconvolution using Fourier Transform
                                  phase, $ l_1 $ and $ l_2 $ balls, and
                                  filtered variation . . . . . . . . . . . 11--17
                   D. Bykhovsky   Mathematica code for numerical
                                  generation of random process with given
                                  distribution and exponential
                                  autocorrelation function . . . . . . . . 18--20
      Çagatay Yildiz and   
                 Baris Kurt and   
         Taha Yusuf Ceritli and   
         Bülent Sankur and   
              Ali Taylan Cemgil   A real-time SIP network simulation and
                                  monitoring system  . . . . . . . . . . . 21--25
             M. C. R. Leles and   
     J. P. H. Sansão and   
              L. A. Mozelli and   
         H. N. Guimarães   A new algorithm in singular spectrum
                                  analysis framework: The Overlap-SSA
                                  (ov-SSA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26--32
              Dogac Basaran and   
          Ali Taylan Cemgil and   
                    Emin Anarim   Multiresolution alignment for multiple
                                  unsynchronized audio sequences using
                                  Sequential Monte Carlo samplers  . . . . 33--38
                  Fatih Nar and   
          Osman Erman Okman and   
     Atilla Özgür and   
       Müjdat Çetin   RmSAT-CFAR: Fast and accurate target
                                  detection in radar images  . . . . . . . 39--42
      Ömer Emre Yetgin and   
          Ömer Nezih Gerek   Feature extraction, selection and
                                  classification code for power line scene
                                  recognition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43--47
           Boualem Boashash and   
                   Samir Ouelha   Efficient software platform TFSAP 7.1
                                  and Matlab package to compute
                                  Time-Frequency Distributions and related
                                  Time-Scale methods with extraction of
                                  signal characteristics . . . . . . . . . 48--52
           Boualem Boashash and   
Abdeldjalil A\"\issa-El-Bey and   
            Mohammad F. Al-Sa'd   Multisensor Time-Frequency Signal
                                  Processing MATLAB package: an analysis
                                  tool for multichannel non-stationary
                                  data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53--58
                 Emre Cimen and   
              Gurkan Ozturk and   
               Omer Nezih Gerek   ICF: an algorithm for large scale
                                  classification with conic functions  . . 59--63
            Ahmed Aldahdooh and   
              Enrico Masala and   
       Glenn Van Wallendael and   
               Marcus Barkowsky   Reproducible research framework for
                                  objective video quality measures using a
                                  large-scale database approach  . . . . . 64--68
Juan Rafael Orozco-Arroyave and   
Juan Camilo Vásquez-Correa and   
Jesús Francisco Vargas-Bonilla and   
                   R. Arora and   
                   N. Dehak and   
           P. S. Nidadavolu and   
             H. Christensen and   
                 F. Rudzicz and   
                M. Yancheva and   
                 H. Chinaei and   
                    A. Vann and   
                  N. Vogler and   
                 T. Bocklet and   
                  M. Cernak and   
                 J. Hannink and   
                Elmar Nöth   NeuroSpeech  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69--70
          Pawe\l Kasprowski and   
             Katarzyna Harezlak   ETCAL --- a versatile and extendable
                                  library for eye tracker calibration  . . 71--76

Volume 9, Number ??, January / June, 2019

                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . i--i
          Lorenzo Mentaschi and   
        Michalis Vousdoukas and   
             Giovanni Besio and   
                      Luc Feyen   alphaBetaLab: Automatic estimation of
                                  subscale transparencies for the
                                  Unresolved Obstacl's Source Term in
                                  ocean wave modelling . . . . . . . . . . 1--6
            Vladimir Konkov and   
               Roberto Peverati   QMC-SW: a simple workflow for quantum
                                  Monte Carlo calculations in chemistry    7--14
             Hung Tien Pham and   
        Wolfram Rühaak and   
          Valerian Schuster and   
                      Ingo Sass   Fully hydro-mechanical coupled Plug-in
                                  (SUB+) in FEFLOW for analysis of land
                                  subsidence due to groundwater extraction 15--19
              Younes Nejahi and   
  Mohammad Soroush Barhaghi and   
                 Jason Mick and   
              Brock Jackman and   
            Kamel Rushaidat and   
                 Yuanzhe Li and   
           Loren Schwiebert and   
                 Jeffrey Potoff   \pkgGOMC: GPU Optimized Monte Carlo for
                                  the simulation of phase equilibria and
                                  physical properties of complex fluids    20--27
          Antonella Galizia and   
            Gabriele Zereik and   
             Luca Roverelli and   
          Emanuele Danovaro and   
            Andrea Clematis and   
             Daniele D'Agostino   Json-GUI --- a module for the dynamic
                                  generation of form-based web interfaces  28--34
            Gabriel Johnson and   
                 Sandra Spiroff   Automating the calculation of the
                                  Hilbert--Kunz multiplicity and
                                  $F$-signature  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35--38
        Michelle Rudolph-Lilith   ChessY: a Mathematica toolbox for the
                                  generation, visualization and analysis
                                  of positional chess graphs . . . . . . . 39--43
 Mihály Héder and   
           Szabolcs Tenczer and   
                Andrea Biancini   Collaboration between SAML federations
                                  and OpenStack clouds . . . . . . . . . . 44--48
                S. Schoeder and   
                 W. A. Wall and   
                 M. Kronbichler   ExWave: a high performance discontinuous
                                  Galerkin solver for the acoustic wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49--54
            Abhishek Thakur and   
              Arnav Dhamija and   
             Tejeshwar Reddy G.   VECTORS --- VidEo Communication Through
                                  Opportunistic Relays and Scalable video
                                  coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55--60
                Kaden Plewe and   
                Amanda D. Smith   PECT: a tool for computing the temporal
                                  and spatial variation of externalities
                                  related to power generation in the
                                  United States  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61--67
              Juris Vencels and   
         Peter Råback and   
                    Vadims Geza   \pkgEOF-Library: Open-source Elmer FEM
                                  and OpenFOAM coupler for
                                  electromagnetics and fluid dynamics  . . 68--72
                 Danny Smyl and   
               Sven Bossuyt and   
                       Dong Liu   OpenQSEI: a MATLAB package for quasi
                                  static elasticity imaging  . . . . . . . 73--76
             Pierre Lacroix and   
Frédéric Moser and   
          Antonio Benvenuti and   
              Thomas Piller and   
               David Jensen and   
              Inga Petersen and   
             Marion Planque and   
                    Nicolas Ray   MapX: an open geospatial platform to
                                  manage, analyze and visualize data on
                                  natural resources and the environment    77--84
           Onur Rauf Bingol and   
           Adarsh Krishnamurthy   \pkgNURBS-Python: an open-source
                                  object-oriented NURBS modeling framework
                                  in Python  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85--94
    Andreas F. Haselsteiner and   
            Jannik Lehmkuhl and   
                Tobias Pape and   
        Kai-Lukas Windmeier and   
            Klaus-Dieter Thoben   ViroCon: a software to compute
                                  multivariate extremes using the
                                  environmental contour method . . . . . . 95--101
                  Deny A. Kwary   A corpus platform of Indonesian academic
                                  language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102--106
        Miguel A. Rodriguez and   
      Christoph M. Augustin and   
               Shawn C. Shadden   FEniCS mechanics: a package for
                                  continuum mechanics simulations  . . . . 107--111
          Brandon K. Horton and   
             Rajiv K. Kalia and   
                 Erick Moen and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
            Ken-ichi Nomura and   
               Michael Qian and   
            Priya Vashishta and   
               Anders Hafreager   Game-Engine-Assisted Research platform
                                  for Scientific computing (GEARS) in
                                  Virtual Reality  . . . . . . . . . . . . 112--116
                   R. Zupko and   
                     M. Rouleau   ForestSim: Spatially explicit
                                  agent-based modeling of non-industrial
                                  forest owner policies  . . . . . . . . . 117--125
         Raghu Dharmavarapu and   
        Shanti Bhattacharya and   
              Saulius Juodkazis   GDOESII: Software for design of
                                  diffractive optical elements and phase
                                  mask conversion to GDSII lithography
                                  files  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126--131
        Mohammad AlHamaydeh and   
                  Nader Aly and   
              Mohamad Najib and   
                 Sameer Alawnah   INSPECT-PBEE: a performance-based
                                  earthquake engineering GUI for IDARC-2D  132--144
                Arya Shahdi and   
        Ekarit Panacharoensawad   SP-Wax: Solid--liquid equilibrium
                                  thermodynamic modeling software for
                                  paraffinic systems . . . . . . . . . . . 145--153
  Venkatramanan Krishnamani and   
            Mark A. Stamnes and   
                Robert C. Piper   MALTA: a calculator for estimating the
                                  coverage with shRNA, CRISPR, and cDNA
                                  libraries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154--160
  Francisco J. Gómez and   
            Luigi Vanfretti and   
            Miguel Aguilera and   
                 Svein H. Olsen   CIM-2-mod: a CIM to Modelica mapping and
                                  model-2-model transformation engine  . . 161--167
             Andrew Abi-Mansour   PyGran: an object-oriented library for
                                  DEM simulation and analysis  . . . . . . 168--174
              Suresh Dhakal and   
            Mohamed A. Moustafa   MC-BAM: Moment-curvature analysis for
                                  beams with advanced materials  . . . . . 175--182
             Danny Petschke and   
            Torsten E. M. Staab   Update (v1.3) to DLTPulseGenerator: a
                                  library for the simulation of lifetime
                                  spectra based on detector-output pulses  183--186
               Parul Mathur and   
          Mauricio D. Perez and   
            Robin Augustine and   
               Dhanesh G. Kurup   NDECOAX: a software package for
                                  nondestructive evaluation of stratified
                                  dielectric media . . . . . . . . . . . . 187--192
          Constantin Steppa and   
                   Tim L. Holch   HexagDLy --- Processing hexagonally
                                  sampled data with CNNs in PyTorch  . . . 193--198
            Marcos Cardinot and   
             Colm O'Riordan and   
         Josephine Griffith and   
                    Matjaz Perc   \pkgEvoplex: a platform for agent-based
                                  modeling on networks . . . . . . . . . . 199--204
        Kristofer Björnson   TBTK: a quantum mechanics software
                                  development kit  . . . . . . . . . . . . 205--210
                  N. Creati and   
                  R. Vidmar and   
                     P. Sterzai   Field Animation  . . . . . . . . . . . . 211--216
                Vinay Yadav and   
         Subhankar Karmakar and   
           Pradip P. Kalbar and   
                  A. K. Dikshit   PyTOPS: a Python based tool for TOPSIS   217--222
    Guillaume F. G. Garnier and   
         Clare A. Manderson and   
                Saveen Giri and   
                    Gil Garnier   IdentiCyte: Simple red blood cell
                                  identification software  . . . . . . . . 223--229
              Hsieh-Fu Tsai and   
               Joanna Gajda and   
          Tyler F. W. Sloan and   
               Andrei Rares and   
                    Amy Q. Shen   Usiigaci: Instance-aware cell tracking
                                  in stain-free phase contrast microscopy
                                  enabled by machine learning  . . . . . . 230--237
                 Liang Tian and   
                     Lin Li and   
                   Jun Ding and   
               Normand Mousseau   ART\_data\_analyzer: Automating
                                  parallelized computations to study the
                                  evolution of materials . . . . . . . . . 238--243
                   Tilo Zienert   \pkgcp-tools: a Python library for
                                  predicting heat capacity of crystalline
                                  substances . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244--247
Anna Charvátová Campbell and   
               Petr Grolich and   
                Radek Slesinger   Niget: Nanoindentation general
                                  evaluation tool  . . . . . . . . . . . . 248--254
            Gianfranco Giulioni   GABRIELE: the General Agent Based Repast
                                  Implemented Extensible Laboratory for
                                  Economies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255--259
             Davide Micieli and   
          Triestino Minniti and   
                Giuseppe Gorini   \pkgNeuTomPy toolbox, a Python package
                                  for tomographic data processing and
                                  reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260--264
              Melina Vidoni and   
                Aldo Vecchietti   ``\pkgrsppfp'': an R package for the
                                  shortest path problem with forbidden
                                  paths  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265--270
         Fabiano Pallonetto and   
              Eleni Mangina and   
            Federico Milano and   
                  Donal P. Finn   SimApi, a smartgrid co-simulation
                                  software platform for benchmarking
                                  building control algorithms  . . . . . . 271--281
                Massimo Ceraolo   MC's PlotXY --- general-purpose plotting
                                  and post-processing open-source tool . . 282--287
              Vitalis Salis and   
             Diomidis Spinellis   RepoFS: File system view of Git
                                  repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288--292
                Matthew Roughan   Practically surreal: Surreal arithmetic
                                  in Julia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 293--298
José A. Álvarez-Gómez   \pkgFMC-Earthquake focal mechanisms data
                                  management, cluster and classification   299--307
                     G. Y. Sheu   \pkgaXBRL: Search of fraudulent XBRL
                                  instance documents with an Android app   308--316
           Daniil Kazantsev and   
              Edoardo Pasca and   
           Martin J. Turner and   
              Philip J. Withers   \pkgCCPi-Regularisation toolkit for
                                  computed tomographic image
                                  reconstruction with proximal splitting
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317--323
 Nikolaos Karathanasopoulos and   
         Panagiotis Hadjidoukas   \pkgTendonMech: an open source high
                                  performance code to compute the
                                  mechanical behavior of tendon fascicles  324--327
               Faruk Diblen and   
                Jisk Attema and   
               Rena Bakhshi and   
               Sascha Caron and   
               Luc Hendriks and   
                    Bob Stienen   \pkgspot: Open source framework for
                                  scientific data repository and
                                  interactive visualization  . . . . . . . 328--331

Volume 10, Number ??, July / December, 2019

                      Anonymous   July--December 2019  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100372
                 Celine Richard   Introducing article numbering to
                                  SoftwareX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100374
            Anton A. Raskovalov   azTotMD: Software for non-constant force
                                  field molecular dynamics . . . . . . . . Article 100233
          Zachary Patterson and   
           Kyle Fitzsimmons and   
            Stewart Jackson and   
                  Takeshi Mukai   \pkgItinerum: the open smartphone travel
                                  survey platform  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100230
            Uwe Köcher and   
Marius Paul Bruchhäuser and   
                   Markus Bause   Efficient and scalable data structures
                                  and algorithms for goal-oriented
                                  adaptivity of space-time FEM codes . . . Article 100239
                T. F. Flint and   
                    M. C. Smith   HEDSATS: High energy density
                                  semi-analytical thermal solutions  . . . Article 100243
              Ricardo Nobre and   
          João Bispo and   
             Tiago Carvalho and   
      João M. P. Cardoso   \pkgNonio --- modular automatic compiler
                                  phase selection and ordering
                                  specialization framework for modern
                                  compilers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100238
             Vahid Morovati and   
              Roozbeh Dargazany   NET v1.0: a framework to simulate
                                  permanent damage in elastomers under
                                  quasi-static deformations  . . . . . . . Article 100229
                 T. Benkert and   
                C. Hartmann and   
                    M. Eder and   
              F. Speckmaier and   
                        W. Volk   MaterialModeler-From experimental raw
                                  data to a material model . . . . . . . . Article 100249
                  Milan Batista   \pkgElfun18 --- a collection of MATLAB
                                  functions for the computation of
                                  elliptic integrals and Jacobian elliptic
                                  functions of real arguments  . . . . . . Article 100245
                Markus Mirz and   
              Steffen Vogel and   
               Georg Reinke and   
                Antonello Monti   \pkgDPsim --- a dynamic phasor real-time
                                  simulator for power systems  . . . . . . Article 100253
            Austen Bernardi and   
              Roland Faller and   
                 Dirk Reith and   
              Karl N. Kirschner   ACPYPE update for nonuniform 1--4 scale
                                  factors: Conversion of the GLYCAM06
                                  force field from AMBER to GROMACS  . . . Article 100241
                Luca Veltri and   
                Luca Davoli and   
            Riccardo Pecori and   
           Armando Vannucci and   
           Francesco Zanichelli   \pkgNEMO: a flexible and highly scalable
                                  network EMulatOr . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100248
            Josiah Johnston and   
     Rodrigo Henriquez-Auba and   
   Benjamín Maluenda and   
                 Matthias Fripp   \pkgSwitch 2.0: a modern platform for
                                  planning high-renewable power systems    Article 100251
                 L. Pistone and   
                     M. Onorato   \pktnlchains: a fast and accurate time
                                  integration of $1$-D nonlinear chains on
                                  GPUs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100255
             Danny Petschke and   
            Torsten E. M. Staab   \pkgDDRS4PALS: a software for the
                                  acquisition and simulation of lifetime
                                  spectra using the DRS4 evaluation board  Article 100261
          Christopher Hahne and   
                    Amar Aggoun   \pkgPlenoptiSign: an optical design tool
                                  for plenoptic imaging  . . . . . . . . . Article 100259
                A. Shigarov and   
               V. Khristyuk and   
                   A. Mikhailov   TabbyXL: Software platform for
                                  rule-based spreadsheet data extraction
                                  and transformation . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100270
            Michael E. Rose and   
                John R. Kitchin   \pkgpybliometrics: Scriptable
                                  bibliometrics using a Python interface
                                  to Scopus  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100263
               R. D. Martin and   
                     Q. Cai and   
                  T. Garrow and   
                      C. Kapahi   \pkgQExpy: a Python-3 module to support
                                  undergraduate physics laboratories . . . Article 100273
             Jacob L. Moore and   
        Nathaniel R. Morgan and   
            Mark F. Horstemeyer   \pkgELEMENTS: a high-order finite
                                  element library in C++ . . . . . . . . . Article 100257
             Simon Behrendt and   
              Thomas Dimpfl and   
         Franziska J. Peter and   
            David J. Zimmermann   RTransferEntropy --- Quantifying
                                  information flow between different time
                                  series using effective transfer entropy  Article 100265
                O. Melchert and   
                    B. Roth and   
                 U. Morgner and   
                    A. Demircan   OptFROG --- Analytic signal spectrograms
                                  with optimized time-frequency resolution Article 100275
              T. G. Tranter and   
               M. D. R. Kok and   
                     M. Lam and   
                  J. T. Gostick   \pkgpytrax: a simple and efficient
                                  random walk implementation for
                                  calculating the directional tortuosity
                                  of images  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100277
            Georgios Doulis and   
     Jörg Frauendiener and   
              Chris Stevens and   
                      Ben Whale   COFFEE --- an MPI-parallelized Python
                                  package for the numerical evolution of
                                  differential equations . . . . . . . . . Article 100283
           Chiara Carminati and   
              Markus Strobl and   
                Anders Kaestner   KipTool, a general purpose processing
                                  tool for neutron imaging data  . . . . . Article 100279
     Jonas de Abreu Resenes and   
          Willingthon Pavan and   
  Carlos Amaral Hölbig and   
José Maur\'ìcio Cunha Fernandes and   
            Vakhtang Shelia and   
              Cheryl Porter and   
              Gerrit Hoogenboom   \pkgjDSSAT: a JavaScript module for
                                  DSSAT-CSM integration  . . . . . . . . . Article 100271
José L. Soler-Domínguez and   
             Manuel Contero and   
         Mariano Alcañiz   Workflow and tools to track and
                                  visualize behavioural data from a
                                  Virtual Reality environment using a
                                  lightweight GIS  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100269
           Giorgio Speranza and   
                Roberto Canteri   RxpsG: a new open project for
                                  Photoelectron and Electron Spectroscopy
                                  data processing  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100282
             Andrea Bizzego and   
        Alessandro Battisti and   
            Giulio Gabrieli and   
          Gianluca Esposito and   
              Cesare Furlanello   \pkgpyphysio: a physiological signal
                                  processing library for data science
                                  approaches in physiology . . . . . . . . Article 100287
          Blair R. Drummond and   
    Christian J. G. Tessier and   
        Mathieu F. Dextraze and   
           Corrie J. B. daCosta   \pkgscbursts: an R package for analysis
                                  and sorting of single-channel bursts . . Article 100285
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
         Alexandros Tzallas and   
            Dimitris Tsalikakis   \pkgNNC: a tool based on Grammatical
                                  Evolution for data classification and
                                  differential equation solving  . . . . . Article 100297
              V. Bortolotti and   
                   L. Brizi and   
              P. Fantazzini and   
                   G. Landi and   
                        F. Zama   \pkgUpen2DTool: a Uniform PENalty Matlab
                                  tool for inversion of $2$D NMR
                                  relaxation data  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100302
              Carlo Bianchi and   
                Amanda D. Smith   Localized Actual Meteorological Year
                                  File Creator (LAF): a tool for using
                                  locally observed weather data in
                                  building energy simulations  . . . . . . Article 100299
   Mihiran Galagedarage Don and   
                    Faisal Khan   Auxiliary codes for fault prognosis of
                                  Tennessee Eastman process using a hybrid
                                  model (CPL1.0) . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100309
           Keyvan Zare-Rami and   
                   Yong-Rak Kim   MIDAS-VT-Pre: Software to generate $2$D
                                  finite element model of particle/fiber
                                  embedded composites with cohesive zones  Article 100292
             Fuyuki Shimojo and   
            Shogo Fukushima and   
           Hiroyuki Kumazoe and   
             Masaaki Misawa and   
             Satoshi Ohmura and   
               Pankaj Rajak and   
            Kohei Shimamura and   
            Lindsay Bassman and   
              Subodh Tiwari and   
             Rajiv K. Kalia and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
                Priya Vashishta   \pkgQXMD: an open-source program for
                                  nonadiabatic quantum molecular dynamics  Article 100307
               Cristian Pop and   
                 Alexandru Popa   NewsCompare --- a novel application for
                                  detecting news influence in a country    Article 100305
               Uwe Graichen and   
            Roland Eichardt and   
                  Jens Haueisen   \pkgSpharaPy: a Python toolbox for
                                  spatial harmonic analysis of
                                  non-uniformly sampled data . . . . . . . Article 100289
Cornelis Marcel Pieter 't Hart and   
         Georgios Leontaris and   
 Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles   Update (1.1) to \pkgANDURIL --- a MATLAB
                                  toolbox for ANalysis and Decisions with
                                  UnceRtaInty: Learning from expert
                                  judgments: \pkgANDURYL . . . . . . . . . Article 100295
             Allen Blackman and   
               Leonard Goff and   
                Jessica Chu and   
            Juha Siikamäki   The Forest Conservation Targeting Tool:
                                  Accessible spatial prioritization for
                                  Latin America and the Dominican Republic Article 100293
            Andreas P. Cuny and   
David Martínez-Martín and   
        Gotthold Fläschner   pyIMD: Automated analysis of inertial
                                  mass measurements of single cells  . . . Article 100303
            Giuseppe Carleo and   
                 Kenny Choo and   
             Damian Hofmann and   
          James E. T. Smith and   
             Tom Westerhout and   
                Fabien Alet and   
             Emily J. Davis and   
          Stavros Efthymiou and   
               Ivan Glasser and   
            Sheng-Hsuan Lin and   
                Marta Mauri and   
          Guglielmo Mazzola and   
         Christian B. Mendl and   
      Evert van Nieuwenburg and   
            Ossian O'Reilly and   
     Hugo Théveniaut and   
             Giacomo Torlai and   
          Filippo Vicentini and   
               Alexander Wietek   \pkgNetKet: a machine learning toolkit
                                  for many-body quantum systems  . . . . . Article 100311
          Alessio Perinelli and   
                 Leonardo Ricci   \pkgNetOnZeroDXC: a package for the
                                  identification of networks out of
                                  multivariate time series via zero-delay
                                  cross-correlation  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100316
             Mauro Castelli and   
                   Luca Manzoni   GSGP-C++ 2.0: a geometric semantic
                                  genetic programming framework  . . . . . Article 100313
       Carlos Argáez and   
        Jean-Claude Berthet and   
Hjörtur Björnsson and   
                Peter Giesl and   
        Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein   LyapXool --- a program to compute
                                  complete Lyapunov functions  . . . . . . Article 100325
            Lo\"\ic Besnard and   
                Pedro Pinto and   
                Imane Lasri and   
          João Bispo and   
                Erven Rohou and   
      João M. P. Cardoso   A framework for automatic and
                                  parameterizable memoization  . . . . . . Article 100322
             Addi Ait-Mlouk and   
                   Tarik Agouti   \pkgDM-MCDA: a web-based platform for
                                  data mining and multiple criteria
                                  decision analysis: a case study on road
                                  accident . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100323
 Gabriela Karoline Michelon and   
       Claudio Leones Bazzi and   
       Shrinivasa Upadhyaya and   
     Eduardo Godoy de Souza and   
Paulo Sérgio Graziano Magalhães and   
    Ligia Francielle Borges and   
            Kelyn Schenatto and   
             Ricardo Sobjak and   
               Alan Gavioli and   
           Nelson Miguel Betzek   Software AgDataBox-Map to precision
                                  agriculture management . . . . . . . . . Article 100320
       Claudio Leones Bazzi and   
         Erminio Pita Jasse and   
Paulo S. Graziano Magalhães and   
 Gabriela Karoline Michelon and   
     Eduardo Godoy de Souza and   
            Kelyn Schenatto and   
                 Ricardo Sobjak   \pkgAgDataBox API --- Integration of
                                  data and software in precision
                                  agriculture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100327
         Daniel Rettenmaier and   
             Daniel Deising and   
              Yun Ouedraogo and   
               Erion Gjonaj and   
          Herbert De Gersem and   
               Dieter Bothe and   
             Cameron Tropea and   
               Holger Marschall   Load balanced $2$D and $3$D adaptive
                                  mesh refinement in OpenFOAM  . . . . . . Article 100317
            Camille El-Habr and   
              Xavier Garcia and   
           Pujana Paliyawan and   
                 Ruck Thawonmas   \pkgRunner: a $2$D platform game for
                                  physical health promotion  . . . . . . . Article 100329
              Gianmarco Alberti   \pkgmovecost: an R package for
                                  calculating accumulated slope-dependent
                                  anisotropic cost-surfaces and least-cost
                                  paths  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100331
           Richard C. Gerum and   
          Sebastian Richter and   
          Alexander Winterl and   
             Christoph Mark and   
                  Ben Fabry and   
     Céline Le Bohec and   
           Daniel P. Zitterbart   \pkgCameraTransform: a Python package
                                  for perspective corrections and image
                                  mapping  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100333
             Andrew Gloster and   
 Lennon Ó Náraigh   cuSten --- CUDA finite difference and
                                  stencil library  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100337
                  B. Perret and   
               G. Chierchia and   
                  J. Cousty and   
  S. J. F. Guimarães and   
                Y. Kenmochi and   
                      L. Najman   \pkgHigra: Hierarchical Graph Analysis   Article 100335
              Rahele Kafieh and   
                Zahra Amini and   
            Hossein Rabbani and   
Bahareh Kaviani Baghbaderani and   
           Bahareh Salafian and   
           Fatemeh Mazaheri and   
               Marzieh Mokhtari   Automatic Multifaceted Matlab Package
                                  for Analysis of Ocular Images (AMPAO)    Article 100339
                   Bing Zhu and   
                  Zihan Gao and   
                Junkai Zhao and   
  Seppe K. L. M. vanden Broucke   \pkgIRIC: an R library for binary
                                  imbalanced classification  . . . . . . . Article 100341
                    Len Bos and   
                 Marco Vianello   CaTchDes: MATLAB codes for
                                  Caratheodory--Tchakaloff Near-Optimal
                                  Regression Designs . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100349
        Sten Ternström and   
           Dennis Johansson and   
              Andreas Selamtzis   Update 2.0 to FonaDyn --- a system for
                                  real-time analysis of the
                                  electroglottogram, over the voice range  Article 100343
        Jeremiah W. Sanders and   
         Justin R. Fletcher and   
            Steven J. Frank and   
                Ho-Ling Liu and   
           Jason M. Johnson and   
                Zijian Zhou and   
        Henry Szu-Meng Chen and   
     Aradhana M. Venkatesan and   
        Rajat J. Kudchadker and   
              Mark D. Pagel and   
                     Jingfei Ma   Deep learning application engine (DLAE):
                                  Development and integration of deep
                                  learning algorithms in medical imaging   Article 100347
               Issam Hammad and   
           Kamal El-Sankary and   
               Holly Hornibrook   RETSManager: Real-estate database
                                  builder and synchronizer . . . . . . . . Article 100351
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
          Vasileios Stavrou and   
     Nikolaos E. Mastorakis and   
           Dimitrios Tsalikakis   \pkgGenConstraint: a programming tool
                                  for constraint optimization problems . . Article 100355
                  Tony Saad and   
                  Giovanna Ruai   \pkgPyMaxEnt: a Python software for
                                  maximum entropy moment reconstruction    Article 100353
            Adrien Cassagne and   
           Olivier Hartmann and   
   Mathieu Léonardon and   
                     Kun He and   
             Camille Leroux and   
               Romain Tajan and   
             Olivier Aumage and   
              Denis Barthou and   
         Thibaud Tonnellier and   
            Vincent Pignoly and   
            Bertrand Le Gal and   
         Christophe Jégo   \pkgAFF3CT: A Fast Forward Error
                                  Correction Toolbox!  . . . . . . . . . . Article 100345
       Vidhyashree Nagaraju and   
       Venkateswaran Shekar and   
           Joshua Steakelum and   
            Melanie Luperon and   
                   Ying Shi and   
                Lance Fiondella   Practical software reliability
                                  engineering with the Software Failure
                                  and Reliability Assessment Tool (SFRAT)  Article 100357

Volume 11, Number ??, January / June, 2020

                      Anonymous   January--June 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100529
              Matteo Ravasi and   
               Ivan Vasconcelos   PyLops --- a linear-operator Python
                                  library for scalable algebra and
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100361
             Andrea Valenza and   
              Luca Demetrio and   
             Gabriele Costa and   
               Giovanni Lagorio   \pkgWAF-A-MoLE: an adversarial tool for
                                  assessing ML-based WAFs  . . . . . . . . Article 100367
                A. Kostenko and   
           W. J. Palenstijn and   
                S. B. Coban and   
           A. A. Hendriksen and   
               R. van Liere and   
                K. J. Batenburg   Prototyping X-ray tomographic
                                  reconstruction pipelines with FleXbox    Article 100364
               Daniel Silvestre   \pkgOPTool --- an optimization toolbox
                                  for iterative algorithms . . . . . . . . Article 100371
               Konrad Werys and   
             Iulius Dragonu and   
                Qiang Zhang and   
              Iulia Popescu and   
                  Evan Hann and   
             Henrike Puchta and   
                Agata Kubik and   
                Dogan Polat and   
                    Cody Wu and   
              Niall O. Moon and   
              Ahmet Barutcu and   
        Vanessa M. Ferreira and   
             Stefan K. Piechnik   \pkgTotal Mapping Toolbox (TOMATO): an
                                  open source library for cardiac magnetic
                                  resonance parametric mapping . . . . . . Article 100369
       Adrian R. G. Harwood and   
                 James Gill and   
                    Simeon Gill   \pktJBlockCreator: an open source,
                                  pattern drafting framework to facilitate
                                  the automated manufacture of
                                  made-to-measure clothing . . . . . . . . Article 100365
              Vladimir V. Kisil   MoebInv: C ++ libraries for
                                  manipulations in non-Euclidean geometry  Article 100385
             Kara M. Koetje and   
           Margaret L. Palmsten   Coastal Imaging Station Design Toolbox   Article 100377
          Dimitrios Tsiotas and   
           Avraam Charakopoulos   VisExpA: Visibility expansion algorithm
                                  in the topology of complex networks  . . Article 100379
              Dmitry Drozin and   
             Sergey Sozykin and   
            Natalia Ivanova and   
        Tatiana Olenchikova and   
           Tatyana Krupnova and   
            Natalia Krupina and   
               Viacheslav Avdin   Kinetic calculation: Software tool for
                                  determining the kinetic parameters of
                                  the thermal decomposition process using
                                  the Vyazovkin method . . . . . . . . . . Article 100359
             Emerson Boeira and   
                  Diego Eckhard   \pkgpyvrft: a Python package for the
                                  Virtual Reference Feedback Tuning, a
                                  direct data-driven control method  . . . Article 100383
         Andy Spitzenberger and   
          Sebastian Neumann and   
            Martin Heinrich and   
          Rüdiger Schwarze   Particle detection in VOF-simulations
                                  with OpenFOAM  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100382
                G. Urbikain and   
  L. N. López de Lacalle   \pkgMoniThor: a complete monitoring tool
                                  for machining data acquisition based on
                                  FPGA programming . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100387
            Ken-ichi Nomura and   
             Rajiv K. Kalia and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
               Pankaj Rajak and   
                Priya Vashishta   \pkgRXMD: a scalable reactive molecular
                                  dynamics simulator for optimized
                                  time-to-solution . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100389
    Sindre Nordmark Olufsen and   
      Marius Endre Andersen and   
                 Egil Fagerholt   $ \mu $DIC: an open-source toolkit for
                                  digital image correlation  . . . . . . . Article 100391
            Yihong Z. Mauro and   
        Collin J. Wilkinson and   
                  John C. Mauro   \pkgKineticPy: a tool to calculate
                                  long-time kinetics in energy landscapes
                                  with broken ergodicity . . . . . . . . . Article 100393
   Jose Manuel López and   
            Daniel Feldmann and   
               Markus Rampp and   
Alberto Vela-Mart\'ìn and   
                  Liang Shi and   
                     Marc Avila   nsCouette --- a high-performance code
                                  for direct numerical simulations of
                                  turbulent Taylor--Couette flow . . . . . Article 100395
         Danny R. Ramasawmy and   
                 Ben T. Cox and   
              Bradley E. Treeby   \pkgElasticMatrix: a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  anisotropic elastic wave propagation in
                                  layered media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100397
    Carlos Gavidia-Calderon and   
César Beltrán Castañon   \pkgIsula: a Java framework for ant
                                  colony algorithms  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100400
               Simone Aonzo and   
    Gabriel Claudiu Georgiu and   
             Luca Verderame and   
                  Alessio Merlo   \pkgObfuscapk: an \em open-source
                                  black-box obfuscation tool for Android
                                  apps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100403
                Ruman Gerst and   
            Anna Medyukhina and   
               Marc Thilo Figge   \pkgMISA++: a standardized interface for
                                  automated bioimage analysis  . . . . . . Article 100405
                Savas Konur and   
           Laurentiu Mierla and   
            Florentin Ipate and   
                Marian Gheorghe   kPWorkbench: a software suit for
                                  membrane systems . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100407
             Michel Krämer   \pkgGeoRocket: a scalable and
                                  cloud-based data store for big
                                  geospatial files . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100409
        Aleksandr Yu. Yurin and   
            Nikita O. Dorodnykh   Personal knowledge base designer:
                                  Software for expert systems prototyping  Article 100411
                   T. Janke and   
                R. Schwarze and   
                       K. Bauer   \pkgPart2Track: a MATLAB package for
                                  double frame and time resolved Particle
                                  Tracking Velocimetry . . . . . . . . . . Article 100413
                    Ting Li and   
   Lawrence V. Stanislawski and   
           Tyler Brockmeyer and   
               Shaowen Wang and   
                  Ethan Shavers   \pkgOpenCLC: an open-source software
                                  tool for similarity assessment of linear
                                  hydrographic features  . . . . . . . . . Article 100401
                V. Zambrano and   
R. Rodríguez-Barrachina and   
                   S. Calvo and   
                   S. Izquierdo   \pkgTWINKLE: a digital-twin-building
                                  kernel for real-time computer-aided
                                  engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100419
                 Marco Archetti   \pktDeFinetti: a Mathematica program to
                                  analyze the replicator dynamics of
                                  $3$-strategy collective interactions . . Article 100415
                Tahir Abbas and   
        Vassilis-Javed Khan and   
              Panos Markopoulos   \pkgCoZ: a crowd-powered system for
                                  social robotics  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100421
               Emma Lejeune and   
                 Alex Khang and   
               Jacob Sansom and   
               Michael S. Sacks   \pkgFM-Track: a fiducial marker tracking
                                  software for studying cell mechanics in
                                  a three-dimensional environment  . . . . Article 100417
                   Qimen Xu and   
             Abhiraj Sharma and   
          Phanish Suryanarayana   \pkgM-SPARC: Matlab-Simulation Package
                                  for Ab-initio Real-space Calculations    Article 100423
                  S. Boudet and   
  A. Houzé l'Aulnoit and   
                R. Demailly and   
              A. Delgranche and   
                L. Peyrodie and   
                R. Beuscart and   
   D. Houzé de l'Aulnoit   A fetal heart rate morphological
                                  analysis toolbox for MATLAB  . . . . . . Article 100428
             Boris Bogaerts and   
                 Seppe Sels and   
           Steve Vanlanduit and   
                     Rudi Penne   Connecting the CoppeliaSim robotics
                                  simulator to virtual reality . . . . . . Article 100426
            Taysseer Sharaf and   
            Theren Williams and   
           Abdallah Chehade and   
                 Keshav Pokhrel   \pkgBLNN: an R package for training
                                  neural networks using Bayesian inference Article 100432
                     N. Moshiri   \pkgTreeSwift: a massively scalable
                                  Python tree package  . . . . . . . . . . Article 100436
   Brunno Machado de Campos and   
   Raphael Fernandes Casseb and   
                Fernando Cendes   UF$^2$C --- User-Friendly Functional
                                  Connectivity: a neuroimaging toolbox for
                                  fMRI processing and analyses . . . . . . Article 100434
            Cody J. Permann and   
            Derek R. Gaston and   
              David Andr\vs and   
          Robert W. Carlsen and   
                 Fande Kong and   
       Alexander D. Lindsay and   
            Jason M. Miller and   
           John W. Peterson and   
        Andrew E. Slaughter and   
             Roy H. Stogner and   
           Richard C. Martineau   MOOSE: Enabling massively parallel
                                  multiphysics simulation  . . . . . . . . Article 100430
       N. Karathanasopoulos and   
                F. Dos Reis and   
             P. Hadjidoukas and   
               J. F. Ganghoffer   \pkgLatticeMech: a discrete mechanics
                                  code to compute the effective static
                                  properties of $2$D metamaterial
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100446
           Konstantin Weise and   
         Lucas Poßner and   
           Erik Müller and   
               Richard Gast and   
         Thomas R. Knösche   \pkgPygpc: a sensitivity and uncertainty
                                  analysis toolbox for Python  . . . . . . Article 100450
             J. A. Cornwell and   
                      J. Li and   
               S. Mahadevan and   
               J. S. Draper and   
                 G. L. Joun and   
                H. Zoellner and   
                 N. S. Asli and   
               R. P. Harvey and   
                   R. E. Nordon   TrackPad: Software for semi-automated
                                  single-cell tracking and lineage
                                  annotation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100440
                 Udit Gupta and   
           Dionisios G. Vlachos   \pkgReaction Network Viewer (ReNView):
                                  an open-source framework for reaction
                                  path visualization of chemical reaction
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100442
             Robin K. S. Hankin   Introducing the \pkgpermutations R
                                  package  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100453
         Sebastian Schwindt and   
            Kenneth Larrieu and   
      Gregory B. Pasternack and   
                   Geoff Rabone   River Architect  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100438
                 Aurel Neic and   
       Matthias A. F. Gsell and   
            Elias Karabelas and   
            Anton J. Prassl and   
                   Gernot Plank   Automating image-based mesh generation
                                  and manipulation tasks in cardiac
                                  modeling workflows using Meshtool  . . . Article 100454
  Mar\'ìlia Barandas and   
             Duarte Folgado and   
 Let\'ìcia Fernandes and   
                Sara Santos and   
              Mariana Abreu and   
     Patr\'ìcia Bota and   
                    Hui Liu and   
              Tanja Schultz and   
                    Hugo Gamboa   \pkgTSFEL: Time Series Feature
                                  Extraction Library . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100456
Jorge Alberto Cerecedo-Cordoba and   
  Juan Frausto-Solís and   
Juan Javier González Barbosa   \pkgNeuroFramework: a package based on
                                  neuroevolutionary algorithms to estimate
                                  the melting temperature of ionic liquids Article 100448
                  M. J. Roy and   
                N. Stoyanov and   
                 R. J. Moat and   
                  P. J. Withers   \pkgpyCM: an open-source computational
                                  framework for residual stress analysis
                                  employing the Contour Method . . . . . . Article 100458
Ana Waldila de Queiroz Ramiro Reis and   
        Rodrigo Bird Burgos and   
Margareth da Silva Magalhães   Development of a software for the
                                  numerical modeling of reinforced
                                  concrete sections --- AlfaMCV  . . . . . Article 100444
           Mohamed M. S. Nasser   \pkgPlgCirMap: a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  computing conformal mappings from
                                  polygonal multiply connected domains
                                  onto circular domains  . . . . . . . . . Article 100464
              Dhurata Nebiu and   
                Hiqmet Kamberaj   \pkgSymbolic Information Flow
                                  Measurement (SIFM): a software for
                                  measurement of information flow using
                                  symbolic analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100470
             Michael Ortner and   
 Lucas Gabriel Coliado Bandeira   \pkgMagpylib: a free Python package for
                                  magnetic field computation . . . . . . . Article 100466
                 Richard Nisius   BLUE: Combining correlated estimates of
                                  physics observables within ROOT using
                                  the Best Linear Unbiased Estimate method Article 100468
             Richard Semaan and   
                    Vikas Yadav   SCOUT: Signal Correction and Uncertainty
                                  Quantification Toolbox in MATLAB . . . . Article 100474
               J. Dölz and   
               H. Harbrecht and   
                    S. Kurz and   
                M. Multerer and   
             S. Schöps and   
                        F. Wolf   \pkgBembel: the fast isogeometric
                                  boundary element C++ library for
                                  Laplace, Helmholtz, and electric wave
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100476
             Nicolas Renaud and   
                  Yong Jung and   
             Vasant Honavar and   
              Cunliang Geng and   
  Alexandre M. J. J. Bonvin and   
                      Li C. Xue   \pkgiScore: an MPI supported software
                                  for ranking protein-protein docking
                                  models based on a random walk graph
                                  kernel and support vector machines . . . Article 100462
        Marcelo S. Medeiros and   
                Evandro Parente   \pkgMicroFEA 1.0 --- a software package
                                  for Finite Element Analysis of
                                  functionally graded materials  . . . . . Article 100481
Patr\'ìcia Alves-Oliveira and   
               Samuel Gomes and   
             Ankita Chandak and   
  Patr\'ìcia Arriaga and   
                Guy Hoffman and   
                      Ana Paiva   Software architecture for YOLO, a
                                  creativity-stimulating robot . . . . . . Article 100461
            Lucas L. Cendes and   
          Welliton de Souza and   
         Iscia Lopes-Cendes and   
           Benilton S. Carvalho   \pkgHPexome: an automated tool for
                                  processing whole-exome sequencing data   Article 100478
            Martin Heinrich and   
          Rüdiger Schwarze   $3$D-coupling of Volume-of-Fluid and
                                  Lagrangian particle tracking for spray
                                  atomization simulation in OpenFOAM . . . Article 100483
                   Wensi Wu and   
           Justyna Kosianka and   
               Heather Reed and   
          Christopher Stull and   
              Christopher Earls   \pkgCU-BENs: a structural modeling
                                  finite element library . . . . . . . . . Article 100485
               Subasish Das and   
                    L. D. White   RuralSpeedSafetyX: Interactive decision
                                  support tool to improve safety . . . . . Article 100493
 Andrea Quero Martín and   
Andrés Díaz Lantada   An open source medical passport based on
                                  an Android mobile application and
                                  near-field communication . . . . . . . . Article 100492
Helon Vicente Hultmann Ayala and   
        Marcos Cesar Gritti and   
      Leandro dos Santos Coelho   An R library for nonlinear black-box
                                  system identification  . . . . . . . . . Article 100495
            Patrick Herring and   
  Chirranjeevi Balaji Gopal and   
            Muratahan Aykol and   
          Joseph H. Montoya and   
          Abraham Anapolsky and   
             Peter M. Attia and   
               William Gent and   
  Jens S. Hummelshòj and   
                 Linda Hung and   
              Ha-Kyung Kwon and   
              Patrick Moore and   
          Daniel Schweigert and   
        Kristen A. Severson and   
              Santosh Suram and   
                    Zi Yang and   
          Richard D. Braatz and   
                Brian D. Storey   \pkgBEEP: a Python library for Battery
                                  Evaluation and Early Prediction  . . . . Article 100506
           Conrad Stansbury and   
             Alessandra Lanzara   \pkgPyARPES: an analysis framework for
                                  multimodal angle-resolved photoemission
                                  spectroscopies . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100472
              Ilia Bautista and   
              Sudeep Sarkar and   
                Sanjukta Bhanja   \pkgMatlabHTM: a sequence memory model
                                  of neocortical layers for anomaly
                                  detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100491
         Umberto Maniscalco and   
            Antonio Messina and   
               Pietro Storniolo   ASS4HR --- an artificial somatosensory
                                  system for a humanoid robot. The \pkgROS
                                  package  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100501
           Marcus H. Hansen and   
              Peter Hokland and   
            Charlotte G. Nyvold   CNAplot --- Software for visual
                                  inspection of chromosomal copy number
                                  alteration in cancer using juxtaposed
                                  sequencing read depth ratios and variant
                                  allele frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100503
               Jonas Eschle and   
        Albert Puig Navarro and   
      Rafael Silva Coutinho and   
                   Nicola Serra   \pkgzfit: Scalable Pythonic fitting  . . Article 100508
                W. Krzemien and   
                   A. Gajos and   
                K. Kacprzak and   
                 K. Rakoczy and   
                      G. Korcyl   \pkgJ-PET Framework: Software platform
                                  for PET tomography data reconstruction
                                  and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100487

Volume 12, Number ??, July / December, 2020

                      Anonymous   July--December 2020  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100649
            Rebecca Loraamm and   
                 Joni Downs and   
             James Anderson and   
                  David S. Lamb   PySTPrism: Tools for voxel-based
                                  space-time prisms  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100499
                Luca Ardito and   
            Marco Torchiano and   
           Riccardo Coppola and   
                Giulio Antoniol   \pkgPowTrAn: an R package for power
                                  trace analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100512
      Paulo Paneque Galuzio and   
Emerson Hochsteiner de Vasconcelos Segundo and   
  Leandro dos Santos Coelho and   
          Viviana Cocco Mariani   MOBOpt --- multi-objective Bayesian
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100520
            Azim Ahmadzadeh and   
              Kankana Sinha and   
               Berkay Aydin and   
                Rafal A. Angryk   \pkgMVTS-Data Toolkit: a Python package
                                  for preprocessing multivariate time
                                  series data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100518
               Sahar Hojati and   
              Rahele Kafieh and   
         Parisa Fardafshari and   
        Masoud Aghsaei Fard and   
                  Hatef Fouladi   A MATLAB package for automatic
                                  extraction of flow index in OCT-A images
                                  by intelligent vessel manipulation . . . Article 100510
                Yifei Zhang and   
                        Jia Cao   \pkgGSimPy: a Python package for
                                  measuring group similarity . . . . . . . Article 100526
          P. E. Hadjidoukas and   
             A. Bartezzaghi and   
             F. Scheidegger and   
                 R. Istrate and   
                   C. Bekas and   
               A. C. I. Malossi   \pkgtorcpy: Supporting task parallelism
                                  in Python  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100517
       Crispin H. V. Cooper and   
          Alain J. F. Chiaradia   \pkgsDNA: $3$-d spatial network analysis
                                  for GIS, CAD, Command Line and Python    Article 100525
          Oleksiy V. Penkov and   
           Igor A. Kopylets and   
               Mahdi Khadem and   
                    Tianzuo Qin   \pkgX-Ray Calc: a software for the
                                  simulation of X-ray reflectivity . . . . Article 100528
         Marco S. Rodrigues and   
          Rui M. S. Pereira and   
     Mikhail I. Vasilevskiy and   
                Joel Borges and   
                     Filipe Vaz   NANOPTICS: In-depth analysis of
                                  NANomaterials for OPTICal localized
                                  surface plasmon resonance Sensing  . . . Article 100522
                Guus Rongen and   
Cornelis Marcel Pieter 't Hart and   
         Georgios Leontaris and   
 Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles   Update (1.2) to \pkgANDURIL and
                                  \pkgANDURYL: Performance improvements
                                  and a graphical user interface . . . . . Article 100497
             Giuseppe Futia and   
            Antonio Vetr\`o and   
          Juan Carlos De Martin   \pkgSeMi: a semantic modeling machine to
                                  build knowledge graphs with graph neural
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100516
         Luís Mendes and   
       Alexandre Bernardino and   
             Rui M. L. Ferreira   \pkgpiv-image-generator: an image
                                  generating software package for planar
                                  PIV and Optical Flow benchmarking  . . . Article 100537
       Daniel Leal Fagundes and   
                Jair T. Goulart   ContHeart: Software for monitoring
                                  isolated cardiomyocyte shortening  . . . Article 100547
          Cemre Cubukcuoglu and   
             Pirouz Nourian and   
        I. Sevil Sariyildiz and   
            M. Fatih Tasgetiren   A discrete event simulation procedure
                                  for validating programs of requirements:
                                  the case of hospital space planning  . . Article 100539
           D. van Kuppevelt and   
                  C. Meijer and   
                   F. Huber and   
           A. van der Ploeg and   
             S. Georgievska and   
                 V. T. van Hees   \pkgMcfly: Automated deep learning on
                                  time series  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100548
                 A. Sclocco and   
                 S. Heldens and   
               B. van Werkhoven   \pkgAMBER: a real-time pipeline for the
                                  detection of single pulse astronomical
                                  transients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100549
              Rudolf Ferenc and   
       Tamás Viszkok and   
       Tamás Aladics and   
          Judit Jász and   
         Péter Heged\Hus   Deep-water framework: the Swiss army
                                  knife of humans working with machine
                                  learning models  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100551
            Johannes Keller and   
                Volker Rath and   
          Johanna Bruckmann and   
            Darius Mottaghy and   
          Christoph Clauser and   
               Andreas Wolf and   
               Ralf Seidler and   
      H. Martin Bücker and   
               Norbert Klitzsch   \pkgSHEMAT-Suite: an open-source code
                                  for simulating flow, heat and species
                                  transport in porous media  . . . . . . . Article 100533
     João R. Almeida and   
           Armando J. Pinho and   
    José L. Oliveira and   
               Olga Fajarda and   
                   Diogo Pratas   \pkgGTO: a toolkit to unify pipelines in
                                  genomic and proteomic research . . . . . Article 100535
           Paul Bartholomew and   
            Georgios Deskos and   
       Ricardo A. S. Frantz and   
           Felipe N. Schuch and   
            Eric Lamballais and   
                 Sylvain Laizet   \pkgXcompact3D: an open-source framework
                                  for solving turbulence problems on a
                                  Cartesian mesh . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100550
               Mokbel Karam and   
        James C. Sutherland and   
                      Tony Saad   \pkgPyModPDE: a Python software for
                                  modified equation analysis . . . . . . . Article 100541
      Murat Çaliskan and   
                 Berk Anbaroglu   \pkgGeo-MST: a geographical minimum
                                  spanning tree plugin for QGIS  . . . . . Article 100553
          Amarin Siripanich and   
           Taha Hossein Rashidi   \pkgDymium: a modular microsimulation
                                  modelling framework for integrated urban
                                  modelling  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100555
         Michael G. Leeming and   
            Andrew P. Isaac and   
                Luke Zappia and   
       Richard A. J. O'Hair and   
          William A. Donald and   
                Bernard J. Pope   \pkgHiTIME: an efficient model-selection
                                  approach for the detection of unknown
                                  drug metabolites in LC-MS data . . . . . Article 100559
      Kyriakos Panagiotidis and   
             Naoum Tsolakis and   
              Alexander Tsigkas   \pkgHC-4-PM: a heterarchical
                                  communication framework for project
                                  management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100557
         Federico Tartarini and   
           Stefano Schiavon and   
                Toby Cheung and   
                     Tyler Hoyt   \pkgCBE Thermal Comfort Tool: Online
                                  tool for thermal comfort calculations
                                  and visualizations . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100563
           Cristian Jimenez and   
          Iván Amaya and   
                 Rodrigo Correa   \pkgSpinUpFlowDescriptor: a MATLAB
                                  toolbox for ferrofluids materials under
                                  moderate and high amplitude and
                                  frequency of magnetic rotating fields in
                                  a spin-up geometry . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100567
           William F. Godoy and   
         Norbert Podhorszki and   
                Ruonan Wang and   
               Chuck Atkins and   
            Greg Eisenhauer and   
                  Junmin Gu and   
               Philip Davis and   
                  Jong Choi and   
          Kai Germaschewski and   
                 Kevin Huck and   
                 Axel Huebl and   
                   Mark Kim and   
                James Kress and   
                Tahsin Kurc and   
                   Qing Liu and   
               Jeremy Logan and   
              Kshitij Mehta and   
          George Ostrouchov and   
            Manish Parashar and   
             Franz Poeschel and   
              David Pugmire and   
               Eric Suchyta and   
           Keichi Takahashi and   
              Nick Thompson and   
             Seiji Tsutsumi and   
                 Lipeng Wan and   
               Matthew Wolf and   
                 Kesheng Wu and   
                   Scott Klasky   \pkgADIOS 2: the Adaptable Input Output
                                  System. A framework for high-performance
                                  data management  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100561
        Michele Castelluzzo and   
          Alessio Perinelli and   
            Simone Detassis and   
   Michela Alessandra Denti and   
                 Leonardo Ricci   \pkgMiRNA-QC-and-Diagnosis: an R package
                                  for diagnosis based on MiRNA expression  Article 100569
          João Bispo and   
      João M. P. Cardoso   \pkgClava: C/C++ source-to-source
                                  compilation using LARA . . . . . . . . . Article 100565
               Orod Razeghi and   
José Alonso Solís-Lemus and   
           Angela W. C. Lee and   
               Rashed Karim and   
             Cesare Corrado and   
          Caroline H. Roney and   
         Adelaide de Vecchi and   
             Steven A. Niederer   \pkgCemrgApp: an interactive medical
                                  imaging application with image
                                  processing, computer vision, and machine
                                  learning toolkits for cardiovascular
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100570
        Stefan Dähling and   
                Lukas Razik and   
                Antonello Monti   OWL2Go: Auto-generation of Go data
                                  models for OWL ontologies with
                                  integrated serialization and
                                  deserialization functionality  . . . . . Article 100571
              Vasyl Skorych and   
               Maksym Dosta and   
                Stefan Heinrich   \pkgDyssol --- an open-source flowsheet
                                  simulation framework for particulate
                                  materials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100572
                Eric Medvet and   
            Alberto Bartoli and   
          Andrea De Lorenzo and   
                Stefano Seriani   \pkg2D-VSR-Sim: a simulation tool for
                                  the optimization of 2-D voxel-based soft
                                  robots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100573
          James B. Scoggins and   
              Vincent Leroy and   
Georgios Bellas-Chatzigeorgis and   
                 Bruno Dias and   
               Thierry E. Magin   Mutation$^{++}$: multicomponent
                                  thermodynamic and transport properties
                                  for ionized gases in C++ . . . . . . . . Article 100575
         Federico Tartarini and   
               Stefano Schiavon   \pkgpythermalcomfort: a Python package
                                  for thermal comfort research . . . . . . Article 100578
         Leandro Lima Rasmussen   $ {UnBlocks^{gen}} $: a Python library
                                  for $3$D rock mass generation and
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100577
                Bruno Blais and   
              Lucka Barbeau and   
      Valérie Bibeau and   
               Simon Gauvin and   
            Toni El Geitani and   
             Shahab Golshan and   
          Rajeshwari Kamble and   
         Ghazaleh Mirakhori and   
                  Jamal Chaouki   \pkgLethe: an open-source parallel
                                  high-order adaptative CFD solver for
                                  incompressible flows . . . . . . . . . . Article 100579
              Michael Adams and   
           Andreas V. Hense and   
      Arthur H. M. ter Hofstede   \pkgYAWL: an open source business
                                  process management system from science
                                  for science  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100576
Xavier Alejandro Flores Cabezas and   
Martha Cecilia Paredes Paredes and   
 Luis Felipe Urquiza-Aguiar and   
Diego Javier Reinoso-Chisaguano   \pkgPhySim-11p: Simulation model for
                                  IEEE 802.11p physical layer in MATLAB    Article 100580
              Yoann Ladroit and   
    Pablo C. Escobar-Flores and   
    Alexandre C. G. Schimel and   
          Richard L. O'Driscoll   \pkgESP3: an open-source software for
                                  the quantitative processing of
                                  hydro-acoustic data  . . . . . . . . . . Article 100581
         Brittany L. Bruder and   
            Katherine L. Brodie   \pkgCIRN Quantitative Coastal Imaging
                                  Toolbox  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100582
       Iván G. Torre and   
            Richard J. Heck and   
                  A. M. Tarquis   \pkgMULTIFRAC: an ImageJ plugin for
                                  multiscale characterization of $2$D and
                                  $3$D stack images  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100574
          Matthew P. Conlin and   
             Peter N. Adams and   
         Benjamin Wilkinson and   
              Gregory Dusek and   
       Margaret L. Palmsten and   
                 Jenna A. Brown   \pkgSurfRCaT: a tool for remote
                                  calibration of pre-existing coastal
                                  cameras to enable their use as
                                  quantitative coastal monitoring tools    Article 100584
                  S. Semper and   
         M. Döbereiner and   
                   S. Pawar and   
                M. Landmann and   
                   G. Del Galdo   \pkgeadf: Representation of far-field
                                  antenna responses in Python  . . . . . . Article 100583
             Hadar Ben-Gida and   
                  Roi Gurka and   
                  Alex Liberzon   OpenPIV-MATLAB --- an open-source
                                  software for particle image velocimetry;
                                  test case: Birds' aerodynamics . . . . . Article 100585
           Sebastian Muraru and   
             Jorge S. Burns and   
                 Mariana Ionita   \pkgGOPY: a tool for building $2$D
                                  graphene-based computational models  . . Article 100586
               Domenico Suriano   SentinAir system software: a flexible
                                  tool for data acquisition from
                                  heterogeneous sensors and devices  . . . Article 100589
            Alexandre Decan and   
                       Tom Mens   \pkgSismic ---- a Python library for
                                  statechart execution and testing . . . . Article 100590
  Jérôme Degallaix   \pkgOSCAR: a MATLAB based package to
                                  simulate realistic optical cavities  . . Article 100587
       V\'ìtor Silva and   
   Vin\'ìcius Campos and   
             Thaylon Guedes and   
         José Camata and   
         Daniel de Oliveira and   
   Alvaro L. G. A. Coutinho and   
          Patrick Valduriez and   
                  Marta Mattoso   DfAnalyzer: Runtime dataflow analysis
                                  tool for Computational Science and
                                  Engineering applications . . . . . . . . Article 100592
                Andrzej Daniluk   \pkgrheed++: a C++ framework to
                                  simulation of RHEED intensity
                                  oscillations during the growth of thin
                                  epitaxial films  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100593
               Manish Anand and   
            Jed A. Diekfuss and   
   Alexis B. Slutsky-Ganesh and   
             Scott Bonnette and   
           Dustin R. Grooms and   
                Gregory D. Myer   Graphical interface for automated
                                  management of motion artifact within
                                  fMRI acquisitions: INFOBAR . . . . . . . Article 100598
           Dominik Paprotny and   
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles and   
     Daniël T. H. Worm and   
                    Elisa Ragno   \pkgBANSHEE --- a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  Non-Parametric Bayesian Networks . . . . Article 100588
                Lars Hertel and   
             Julian Collado and   
             Peter Sadowski and   
                 Jordan Ott and   
                   Pierre Baldi   \pkgSherpa: Robust hyperparameter
                                  optimization for machine learning  . . . Article 100591
            Kenneth A. Hart and   
               Julian J. Rimoli   \pkgMicroStructPy: a statistical
                                  microstructure mesh generator in Python  Article 100595
                S. Bondu\`a and   
                  V. Bortolotti   TOUGH2Viewer 2.0: a multiplatform tool
                                  for fully $3$D Voronoi TOUGH grids . . . Article 100596
              Adrian Linsel and   
          Kristian Bär and   
                Joshua Haas and   
               Jens Hornung and   
           Matthias D. Greb and   
              Matthias Hinderer   \pkgGeoReVi: a knowledge discovery and
                                  data management tool for subsurface
                                  characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100597
Juan Martínez-Franco and   
Edgar Céspedes-Sabogal and   
David Álvarez-Martínez   \pkgPackageCargo: a decision support
                                  tool for the container loading problem
                                  with stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100601
          Guilherme Lindner and   
                Yann Devaux and   
                 Sanja Miskovic   \pkgVortexFitting: a post-processing
                                  fluid mechanics tool for vortex
                                  identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100604
                 Sofya Kulikova   \pkgStimVis: a tool for interactive
                                  computation of the TMS-induced effects
                                  over tractography data . . . . . . . . . Article 100594
                 Jakob Lass and   
            Henrik Jacobsen and   
          Daniel G. Mazzone and   
                    Kim Lefmann   \pkgMJOLNIR: a software package for
                                  multiplexing neutron spectrometers . . . Article 100600
              L. van Kessel and   
                    C. W. Hagen   \pkgNebula: Monte Carlo simulator of
                                  electron-matter interaction  . . . . . . Article 100605
          Gijs van den Oord and   
            Fredrik Jansson and   
             Inti Pelupessy and   
             Maria Chertova and   
  Johanna H. Grönqvist and   
              Pier Siebesma and   
                 Daan Crommelin   A Python interface to the Dutch
                                  Atmospheric Large-Eddy Simulation  . . . Article 100608
             Nan-Hung Hsieh and   
              Brad Reisfeld and   
               Weihsueh A. Chiu   \pkgpksensi: an R package to apply
                                  global sensitivity analysis in
                                  physiologically based kinetic modeling   Article 100609
              Simone Cirani and   
               Marco Picone and   
                Luca Veltri and   
              Luca Zaccomer and   
           Francesco Zanichelli   \pkgZWT: a new cross-platform graphical
                                  interface framework for Java
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100599
             Julien Loiseau and   
                   Hyun Lim and   
  Mark Alexander Kaltenborn and   
              Oleg Korobkin and   
      Christopher M. Mauney and   
               Irina Sagert and   
             Wesley P. Even and   
             Benjamin K. Bergen   FleCSPH: the next generation FleCSIble
                                  parallel computational infrastructure
                                  for smoothed particle hydrodynamics  . . Article 100602
                 Sascha Bub and   
             Thorsten Schad and   
                   Zhenglei Gao   \pkgXDrift --- an R package to simulate
                                  spatially explicit pesticide spray-drift
                                  exposure of non-target-species habitats
                                  at landscape scales  . . . . . . . . . . Article 100610
            Daniel D. Brown and   
               Philip Jones and   
           Samuel Rowlinson and   
                Sean Leavey and   
              Anna C. Green and   
     Daniel Töyrä and   
                 Andreas Freise   \pkgPykat: Python package for modelling
                                  precision optical interferometers  . . . Article 100613
   Jan Wilhelm Gärtner and   
         Andreas Kronenburg and   
                  Tobias Martin   Efficient WENO library for OpenFOAM  . . Article 100611
João Victor da Silva Guerra and   
 Helder Veras Ribeiro Filho and   
    Leandro Oliveira Bortot and   
    Rodrigo Vargas Honorato and   
José Geraldo de Carvalho Pereira and   
Paulo Sérgio Lopes-de-Oliveira   \pkgParKVFinder: a thread-level parallel
                                  approach in biomolecular cavity
                                  detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100606
               Ahmed Elkady and   
            Dimitrios G. Lignos   \pkgEaRL --- Software for Earthquake
                                  Risk, Loss and Lifecycle Analysis  . . . Article 100607
                  Lia Morra and   
       Francesco Manigrasso and   
              Fabrizio Lamberti   SoccER: Computer graphics meets sports
                                  analytics for soccer event recognition   Article 100612
             Dovydas Joksas and   
                  Adnan Mehonic   \pkgbadcrossbar: a Python tool for
                                  computing and plotting currents and
                                  voltages in passive crossbar arrays  . . Article 100617
           Claudio Lucchese and   
     Cristina Ioana Muntean and   
       Franco Maria Nardini and   
            Raffaele Perego and   
                Salvatore Trani   RankEval: Evaluation and investigation
                                  of ranking models  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100614
      Spencer H. Bryngelson and   
               Tim Colonius and   
                  Rodney O. Fox   \pkgQBMMlib: a library of
                                  quadrature-based moment methods  . . . . Article 100615
          German A. Sinuco-Leon   \pkgOPENMMF: a library for multimode
                                  driven quantum systems . . . . . . . . . Article 100603
               Maksym Dosta and   
                  Vasyl Skorych   \pkgMUSEN: an open-source framework for
                                  GPU-accelerated DEM simulations  . . . . Article 100618
   Sergio A. Barcellos Lins and   
             Boris Bremmers and   
            Giovanni E. Gigante   XISMuS --- X-ray fluorescence imaging
                                  software for multiple samples  . . . . . Article 100621
              Luka Cehovin Zajc   A modular toolkit for visual tracking
                                  performance evaluation . . . . . . . . . Article 100623
                 Nathan Fox and   
                 Tom August and   
          Francesca Mancini and   
         Katherine E. Parks and   
            Felix Eigenbrod and   
           James M. Bullock and   
               Louis Sutter and   
                Laura J. Graham   ``\pkgphotosearcher'' package in R: an
                                  accessible and reproducible method for
                                  harvesting large datasets from Flickr    Article 100624
                  C. Meijer and   
              M. W. Grootes and   
                    Z. Koma and   
                  Y. Dzigan and   
        R. Gonçalves and   
                  B. Andela and   
            G. van den Oord and   
              E. Ranguelova and   
                  N. Renaud and   
                 W. D. Kissling   \pkgLaserchicken --- a tool for
                                  distributed feature calculation from
                                  massive LiDAR point cloud datasets . . . Article 100626
       Jorge M. Cruz-Duarte and   
                 Ivan Amaya and   
José C. Ortiz-Bayliss and   
Hugo Terashima-Marín and   
                       Yong Shi   \pkgCUSTOMHyS: customising optimisation
                                  metaheuristics via hyper-heuristic
                                  search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100628
       Carlos Argáez and   
                Peter Giesl and   
        Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein   Update (2.0) to \pkgLyapXool: Eigenpairs
                                  and new classification methods . . . . . Article 100616
               R. Siddharth and   
                      G. Aghila   RandPro --- a practical implementation
                                  of random projection-based feature
                                  extraction for high dimensional
                                  multivariate data analysis in R  . . . . Article 100629
             Kamila Zdyba\l and   
        Elizabeth Armstrong and   
         Alessandro Parente and   
            James C. Sutherland   PCAfold: Python software to generate,
                                  analyze and improve PCA-derived
                                  low-dimensional manifolds  . . . . . . . Article 100630
        Stefano Dalla Palma and   
             Dario Di Nucci and   
             Damian A. Tamburri   \pkgAnsibleMetrics: a Python library for
                                  measuring Infrastructure-as-Code
                                  blueprints in Ansible  . . . . . . . . . Article 100633
                     Karl Wette   SWIGLAL: Python and Octave interfaces to
                                  the LALSuite gravitational-wave data
                                  analysis libraries . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100634
                 G. Luciano and   
               K. H. Liland and   
                M. Marsotto and   
                 R. Svoboda and   
                    S. Berretta   \pkgtakos: an R package for thermal
                                  analysis calculations  . . . . . . . . . Article 100637
        Gregorio Mariggi\`o and   
         Sebastiano Fichera and   
              Mauro Corrado and   
                 Giulio Ventura   EQP --- a 2D/3D library for integration
                                  of polynomials times step function . . . Article 100636
                Ahmed Sleem and   
        Mohamed Abdel-Baset and   
              Ibrahim El-henawy   \pkgPyIVNS: a Python based tool for
                                  interval-valued neutrosophic operations
                                  and normalization  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100632
                Luca Ardito and   
               Luca Barbato and   
         Marco Castelluccio and   
           Riccardo Coppola and   
            Calixte Denizet and   
            Sylvestre Ledru and   
               Michele Valsesia   \pkgrust-code-analysis: a Rust library
                                  to analyze and extract maintainability
                                  information from source codes  . . . . . Article 100635
               Davide Ninni and   
               Miguel A. Mendez   \pkgMODULO: a software for Multiscale
                                  Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of data  Article 100622
            Florent Robinet and   
             Nicolas Arnaud and   
              Nicolas Leroy and   
            Andrew Lundgren and   
             Duncan Macleod and   
                 Jessica McIver   \pkgOmicron: a tool to characterize
                                  transient noise in gravitational-wave
                                  detectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100620

Volume 13, Number ??, January, 2021

                      Anonymous   January 2021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100670
  Sergio Cantero-Chinchilla and   
              James L. Beck and   
       Juan Chiachío and   
     Manuel Chiachío and   
         Dimitrios Chronopoulos   \pkgOptiSens --- Convex optimization of
                                  sensor and actuator placement for
                                  ultrasonic guided-wave based structural
                                  health monitoring  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100643
       Victoria B. Stephens and   
               David O. Lignell   One-dimensional turbulence (ODT):
                                  Computationally efficient modeling and
                                  simulation of turbulent flows  . . . . . Article 100641
           Michael C. Thrun and   
                   Quirin Stier   Fundamental clustering algorithms suite  Article 100642
        David C. L. Handler and   
                 Paul A. Haynes   \pkgPeptideMind --- Applying machine
                                  learning algorithms to assess replicate
                                  quality in shotgun proteomic data  . . . Article 100644
           Laurent Capocchi and   
         Jean-Francois Santucci   A web-based simulation of discrete-event
                                  system of system with the mobile
                                  application DEVSimPy-mob . . . . . . . . Article 100625
          Partha Pratim Das and   
Muthu Ram Prabhu Elenchezhian and   
           Vamsee Vadlamudi and   
         Kenneth Reifsnider and   
                  Rassel Raihan   \pkgRealPi2dDIC: a low-cost and
                                  open-source approach to in situ $2$D
                                  Digital Image Correlation (DIC)
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100645
                  Rolf Bork and   
             Jonathan Hanks and   
               David Barker and   
          Joseph Betzwieser and   
            Jameson Rollins and   
               Keith Thorne and   
                  Erik von Reis   \pkgadvligorts: the Advanced LIGO
                                  real-time digital control and data
                                  acquisition system . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100619
        Anton Kasprzhitskii and   
           Georgy Lazorenko and   
                   Victor Yavna   \pkgXMHFL: Software for calculating
                                  excited and ionized states of molecules
                                  by X-ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100647
Carlos A. García-Cadena and   
Abraham de J. Aguilar-Uribe and   
            Luis F. Rojas-Ochoa   \pkgPhotonSTR-18: a LabVIEW toolbox for
                                  photon correlation spectroscopy  . . . . Article 100640
               Sebastian Blauth   \pkgcashocs: a Computational,
                                  Adjoint-Based Shape Optimization and
                                  Optimal Control Software . . . . . . . . Article 100646
            Diana P. Iyaloo and   
             Pascal Degenne and   
       Khouaildi Bin Elahee and   
              Danny Lo Seen and   
       Ambicadutt Bheecarry and   
                  Annelise Tran   \pkgALBOMAURICE: a predictive model for
                                  mapping \bionameAedes albopictus
                                  mosquito populations in Mauritius  . . . Article 100638
              Nicolas Pilia and   
              Claudia Nagel and   
              Gustavo Lenis and   
              Silvia Becker and   
           Olaf Dössel and   
                     Axel Loewe   \pkgECGdeli: an open source ECG
                                  delineation toolbox for MATLAB . . . . . Article 100639
              Younes Nejahi and   
  Mohammad Soroush Barhaghi and   
            Gregory Schwing and   
           Loren Schwiebert and   
                 Jeffrey Potoff   Update 2.70 to ``\pkgGOMC: GPU Optimized
                                  Monte Carlo for the simulation of phase
                                  equilibria and physical properties of
                                  complex fluids'' . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100627
               Marcos Nieto and   
              Orti Senderos and   
                 Oihana Otaegui   Boosting AI applications: Labeling
                                  format for complex datasets  . . . . . . Article 100653
                Parsa Omidi and   
         Lawrence C. M. Yip and   
                   Hui Wang and   
               Mamadou Diop and   
           Jeffrey J. L. Carson   \pkgPhaseWare: Phase map retrieval for
                                  fringe projection profilometry and
                                  off-axis digital holographic
                                  interferometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100652
            Edoardo Alinovi and   
                  Joel Guerrero   \pkgFLUBIO --- an unstructured,
                                  parallel, finite-volume based
                                  Navier--Stokes and convection--diffusion
                                  like equations solver for teaching and
                                  research purposes  . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100655
            Nicol\`o Grilli and   
            Edmund Tarleton and   
               Alan C. F. Cocks   \pkgNeper2CAE and \pkgPyCiGen: Scripts
                                  to generate polycrystals and interface
                                  elements in Abaqus . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100651
                   Eviatar Bach   \pkgparasweep: a template-based utility
                                  for generating, dispatching, and
                                  post-processing of parameter sweeps  . . Article 100631
           Krzysztof Ciomek and   
            Mi\losz Kadzi\'nski   \pkgPolyrun: a Java library for sampling
                                  from the bounded convex polytopes  . . . Article 100659
        András Wacha and   
       Tamás Beke-Somfai   \pkgPmlBeta: a PyMOL extension for
                                  building $ \beta $-amino acid insertions
                                  and $ \beta $-peptide sequences  . . . . Article 100654
           Sebastian Wagner and   
       Konstantin Thierbach and   
            Thomas Zerjatke and   
             Ingmar Glauche and   
                Ingo Roeder and   
                    Nico Scherf   \pkgTraCurate: Efficiently curating cell
                                  tracks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100656
             Matthew Milton and   
                 Andrea Benigni   \pkgORTiS solver codegen: C++ code
                                  generation tools for high performance,
                                  FPGA-based, real-time simulation of
                                  power electronic systems . . . . . . . . Article 100660
               Marco Picone and   
                Marco Mamei and   
              Franco Zambonelli   \pkgWLDT: a general purpose library to
                                  build IoT digital twins  . . . . . . . . Article 100661
                Rich Abbott and   
           Thomas D. Abbott and   
             Sheelu Abraham and   
            Fausto Acernese and   
                    1243 others   Open data from the first and second
                                  observing runs of Advanced LIGO and
                                  Advanced Virgo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100658
                Suayb S. Arslan   \pkgFounsure 1.0: an erasure code
                                  library with efficient repair and update
                                  features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100662
     Aravind Krishnamoorthy and   
               Ankit Mishra and   
               Deepak Kamal and   
              Sungwook Hong and   
            Ken-ichi Nomura and   
              Subodh Tiwari and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
                Rajiv Kalia and   
            Rampi Ramprasad and   
                Priya Vashishta   \pkgEZFF: Python library for
                                  multi-objective parameterization and
                                  uncertainty quantification of
                                  interatomic forcefields for molecular
                                  dynamics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Article 100663
          Duncan M. Macleod and   
           Joseph S. Areeda and   
          Scott B. Coughlin and   
        Thomas J. Massinger and   
             Alexander L. Urban   \pkgGWpy: a Python package for
                                  gravitational-wave astrophysics  . . . . Article 100657

Volume 14, Number ??, June, 2021

                      Anonymous   June 2021  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Cristian Jiménez and   
                 Ivan Amaya and   
                 Rodrigo Correa   \pkgSCSV\_IPS: a software for the
                                  estimation of the \em shear coefficient
                                  of spin viscosity during the movement of
                                  a ferrofluid under the effect of an
                                  external rotating magnetic field . . . . ??
                   Tobias Weber   Update 2.0 to ``Takin: an open-source
                                  software for experiment planning,
                                  visualisation, and data analysis'',
                                  (PII: S2352711016300152) . . . . . . . . ??
               Zoltan Csati and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
            Vincent Magnier and   
           Ahmed El Bartali and   
           Nathalie Limodin and   
                   Denis Najjar   \pkgCristalX: Facilitating simulations
                                  for experimentally obtained grain-based
                                  microstructures  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Martin Schlueter and   
               Mehdi Neshat and   
              Mohamed Wahib and   
          Masaharu Munetomo and   
                  Markus Wagner   GTOPX space mission benchmarks . . . . . ??
         John Taylor Chavis and   
         Amy Louise Cochran and   
        Christopher James Earls   CU-MSDSp: a flexible parallelized
                                  Reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Artur Karczmarczyk and   
        Jaros\law Jankowski and   
     Jaros\law Watróbski   \pkgOONIS --- Object-Oriented Network
                                  Infection Simulator  . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Lucas Dominguez Ruben and   
              Kensuke Naito and   
     Ronald Roger Gutierrez and   
           Ricardo Szupiany and   
              Jorge Darwin Abad   Meander Statistics Toolbox (\pkgMStaT):
                                  a toolbox for geometry characterization
                                  of bends in large meandering channels    ??
                  Seiki Ohnishi   \pkgGxsview: Geometry and cross section
                                  viewer for calculating radiation
                                  transport  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Edgar Fajardo and   
           Frank Wuerthwein and   
            Brian Bockelman and   
                Miron Livny and   
                 Greg Thain and   
      James Alexander Clark and   
             Peter Couvares and   
                    Josh Willis   Adapting LIGO workflows to run in the
                                  Open Science Grid  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Austen Bernardi and   
          Jessica M. J. Swanson   CycFlowDec: a Python module for
                                  decomposing flow networks using simple
                                  cycles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Zahrate El Oula Frihi and   
      Julian Barreiro-Gomez and   
       Salah Eddine Choutri and   
                Hamidou Tembine   Toolbox to simulate and mitigate
                                  COVID-19 propagation . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Adam Mertel and   
        David Zbíral and   
             Zdenek Stachon and   
   Hana Horínková   Historical geocoding assistant . . . . . ??
                Kipp Cannon and   
              Sarah Caudill and   
                Chiwai Chan and   
              Bryce Cousins and   
     Jolien D. E. Creighton and   
                Becca Ewing and   
               Heather Fong and   
             Patrick Godwin and   
                 Chad Hanna and   
               Shaun Hooper and   
            Rachael Huxford and   
                 Ryan Magee and   
             Duncan Meacher and   
               Cody Messick and   
          Soichiro Morisaki and   
       Debnandini Mukherjee and   
               Hiroaki Ohta and   
             Alexander Pace and   
          Stephen Privitera and   
             Iris de Ruiter and   
            Surabhi Sachdev and   
                 Leo Singer and   
                Divya Singh and   
                  Ron Tapia and   
                Leo Tsukada and   
               Daichi Tsuna and   
             Takuya Tsutsui and   
                   Koh Ueno and   
                Aaron Viets and   
                Leslie Wade and   
                  Madeline Wade   \pkgGstLAL: a software framework for
                                  gravitational wave discovery . . . . . . ??
                Marco Drago and   
            Sergey Klimenko and   
            Claudia Lazzaro and   
            Edoardo Milotti and   
       Guenakh Mitselmakher and   
            Valentin Necula and   
            Brendan O'Brian and   
      Giovanni Andrea Prodi and   
           Francesco Salemi and   
         Marek Szczepanczyk and   
          Shubhanshu Tiwari and   
             Vaibhav Tiwari and   
                 Gayathri V and   
          Gabriele Vedovato and   
                  Igor Yakushin   coherent \pkgWaveBurst, a pipeline for
                                  unmodeled gravitational-wave data
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Collin J. Wilkinson and   
                  John C. Mauro   \ Mapping the energy
                                  landscapes of complex materials  . . . . ??
              Vlad Atanasiu and   
                    Rolf Ingold   Document Towers: a MATLAB software
                                  implementing a three-dimensional
                                  architectural paradigm for the visual
                                  exploration of digital documents and
                                  libraries  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ryan P. Fisher and   
               Gary Hemming and   
        Marie-Anne Bizouard and   
            Duncan A. Brown and   
          Peter F. Couvares and   
            Florent Robinet and   
                Didier Verkindt   \pkgDQSEGDB: a time-interval database
                                  for storing gravitational wave
                                  observatory metadata . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Petri Laarne and   
           Martha A. Zaidan and   
                 Tuomo Nieminen   \pkgennemi: Non-linear correlation
                                  detection with mutual information  . . . ??
                 Kim Miikki and   
         Alp Karakoç and   
               Mahdi Rafiee and   
              Duck Weon Lee and   
           Jaana Vapaavuori and   
        Jennifer Tersteegen and   
              Laura Lemetti and   
                Jouni Paltakari   An open-source camera system for
                                  experimental measurements  . . . . . . . ??
         Matthew T. Herritt and   
              Jacob C. Long and   
             Mike D. Roybal and   
            David C. Moller and   
            Todd C. Mockler and   
                 Duke Pauli and   
             Alison L. Thompson   \pkgFLIP: FLuorescence Imaging Pipeline
                                  for field-based chlorophyll fluorescence
                                  images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Claire L. Davies   \pkgSEDBYS: a Python-based SED Builder
                                  for Young Stars  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Federico Miretti and   
              Daniela Misul and   
                    Ezio Spessa   \pkgDynaProg: Deterministic Dynamic
                                  Programming solver for finite horizon
                                  multi-stage decision problems  . . . . . ??
        Sebastian Deorowicz and   
                   Adam Gudy\'s   \pkgWhisper 2: Indel-sensitive short
                                  read mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Filipe Assunção and   
       Nuno Lourenço and   
         Bernardete Ribeiro and   
               Penousal Machado   \pkgFast-DENSER: Fast Deep Evolutionary
                                  Network Structured Representation  . . . ??
              Connor Powers and   
            Lindsay Bassman and   
           Thomas M. Linker and   
            Ken-ichi Nomura and   
              Sahil Gulania and   
             Rajiv K. Kalia and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
                Priya Vashishta   MISTIQS: an open-source software for
                                  performing quantum dynamics simulations
                                  on quantum computers . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Nikolaos Batalas and   
        Vassilis-Javed Khan and   
              Panos Markopoulos   Executable HTML  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Boris Krasnopolsky and   
                Alexey Medvedev   XAMG: a library for solving linear
                                  systems with multiple right-hand side
                                  vectors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Kong Aik Lee and   
              Ville Vestman and   
                  Tomi Kinnunen   \pkgASVtorch toolkit: Speaker
                                  verification with deep neural networks   ??
                 Laura Sani and   
           Michele Amoretti and   
            Stefano Cagnoni and   
           Monica Mordonini and   
                Riccardo Pecori   \pkgReSS: a tool for discovering
                                  relevant sets in complex systems . . . . ??
               Nazmus Sakib and   
                 Shiyu Tian and   
           Md Munirul Haque and   
            Rumi Ahmed Khan and   
            Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed   \pkgSepINav (Sepsis ICU Navigator): a
                                  data-driven software tool for sepsis
                                  monitoring and intervention using
                                  Bayesian Online Change Point Detection   ??
      Michael Julian Orella and   
        McLain Evan Leonard and   
 Yuriy Román-Leshkov and   
        Fikile Richard Brushett   High-throughput analysis of contact
                                  angle goniometry data using \pkgDropPy   ??
            Osezua Ibhadode and   
              Zhidong Zhang and   
               Ali Bonakdar and   
               Ehsan Toyserkani   \pkgIbIPP for topology optimization ---
                                  an Image-based Initialization and
                                  Post-Processing code written in MATLAB   ??
             Maximilian Coblenz   \pkgMATVines: a vine copula package for
                                  MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Andrew Lyden and   
               Graeme Flett and   
                  Paul G. Tuohy   \pkgPyLESA: a Python modelling tool for
                                  planning-level Local, integrated, and
                                  smart Energy Systems Analysis  . . . . . ??
       Elizabeth D. Gregory and   
         William C. Schneck and   
            Erik L. Frankforter   \pkgswSim: Solid wave simulation . . . . ??
Berenice Talamantes-Becerra and   
              Jason Carling and   
                 Arthur Georges   \pkgomicR: a tool to facilitate
                                  \pkgBLASTn alignments for sequence data  ??
                Donghoh Kim and   
                Hee-Seok Oh and   
                    Guebin Choi   \pkgEPT: an R package for ensemble patch
                                  transform  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Paul L. Raston   \pkgHeNDS: a program for calculating
                                  average Helium NanoDroplet Sizes . . . . ??

Volume 15, Number ??, July, 2021

                      Anonymous   July 2021  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Felix Groß and   
           Nick Träger and   
             Joachim Gräfe   MIEP --- a time-resolved X-ray image
                                  evaluation program . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Qimen Xu and   
             Abhiraj Sharma and   
             Benjamin Comer and   
                  Hua Huang and   
                Edmond Chow and   
          Andrew J. Medford and   
               John E. Pask and   
          Phanish Suryanarayana   \pkgSPARC: Simulation Package for
                                  Ab-initio Real-space Calculations  . . . ??
            Anton Afanasyev and   
               Mauro Bianco and   
             Lukas Mosimann and   
               Carlos Osuna and   
               Felix Thaler and   
                Hannes Vogt and   
              Oliver Fuhrer and   
         Joost VandeVondele and   
           Thomas C. Schulthess   \pkgGridTools: a framework for portable
                                  weather and climate applications . . . . ??
                 Ali Haidar and   
              Matthew Field and   
             Jonathan Sykes and   
             Martin Carolan and   
                  Lois Holloway   \pkgPSPSO: a package for parameters
                                  selection using particle swarm
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Peter Couvares and   
                Kate Keahey and   
Frédérique Marion   Finding the Gravitational Wave: a
                                  History of Discovery Written in Software ??
        Prince Henry Serrao and   
            Stefan Sandfeld and   
                  Aruna Prakash   \pkgOptiMic: a tool to generate
                                  optimized polycrystalline
                                  microstructures for materials
                                  simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Francisco Ortin and   
                Javier Escalada   \pkgCnerator: a Python application for
                                  the controlled stochastic generation of
                                  standard C source code . . . . . . . . . ??
   Carlos Melchor-Placencia and   
Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype   \pkgOpenMoist: a Python code for
                                  transient moisture transfer analysis . . ??
               Marek Gagolewski   \pkggenieclust: Fast and robust
                                  hierarchical clustering  . . . . . . . . ??
        Jonas Lynge Vishart and   
 Jaime Castillo-León and   
             Winnie E. Svendsen   \pkgpyEIA: a Python-based framework for
                                  data analysis of electrochemical methods
                                  for immunoassays . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Andreas P. Cuny and   
              Fabian Rudolf and   
                    Aaron Ponti   \pkgpyPOCQuant --- a tool to
                                  automatically quantify Point-Of-Care
                                  Tests from images  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Marco Conoscenti and   
            Antonio Vetr\`o and   
          Juan Carlos De Martin   \pkgCLoTH: a Lightning Network Simulator ??
         Jorge Barrasa-Fano and   
            Apeksha Shapeti and   
Álvaro Jorge-Peñas and   
          Mojtaba Barzegari and   
José Antonio Sanz-Herrera and   
            Hans Van Oosterwyck   \pkgTFMLAB: a MATLAB toolbox for $4$D
                                  traction force microscopy  . . . . . . . ??
         Abanti Shama Afroz and   
          Francesco Inglese and   
           Cesare Stefanini and   
                  Mario Milazzo   \pkgSTL\_Process: a .STL-based
                                  preprocessor for robot path planning in
                                  manufacturing and quality control
                                  processes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              James Le Houx and   
                   Denis Kramer   \pkgOpenImpala: OPEN source IMage based
                                  PArallisable Linear Algebra solver . . . ??
            Douglas Kurrant and   
            Nasim Abdollahi and   
              Muhammad Omer and   
              Pedram Mojabi and   
                 Elise Fear and   
                    Joe LoVetri   \pkgMWSegEval --- an image analysis
                                  toolbox for microwave breast images  . . ??
           Lukasz Szeremeta and   
               Dominik Tomaszuk   Generating molecular entities as
                                  structured data  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Vasileios Angelidakis and   
              Sadegh Nadimi and   
            Masahide Otsubo and   
                  Stefano Utili   \pkgCLUMP: a Code Library to generate
                                  Universal Multi-sphere Particles . . . . ??
   Alessandro Sebastianelli and   
        Maria Pia Del Rosso and   
           Silvia Liberata Ullo   Automatic dataset builder for machine
                                  learning applications to satellite
                                  imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Luis Cabañero-Gomez and   
               Ramon Hervas and   
              Ivan Gonzalez and   
         Luis Rodriguez-Benitez   \pkgeeglib: a Python module for EEG
                                  feature extraction . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Christoph Kawan and   
    Sigurdur Freyr Hafstein and   
                    Peter Giesl   \pkgResEntSG: Restoration entropy
                                  estimation for dynamical systems via
                                  Riemannian metric optimization . . . . . ??
              Thomas McLean and   
Christian Málaga-Chuquitaype and   
            Nicos Kalapodis and   
                Georgios Kampas   \pkgOpenArch: an open-source package for
                                  determining the minimum-thickness of
                                  arches under seismic loads . . . . . . . ??
            Matteo Zampieri and   
              Andrea Toreti and   
              Andrej Ceglar and   
          Pierluca De Palma and   
        Thomas Chatzopoulos and   
               Melania Michetti   Analysing the resilience of agricultural
                                  production systems with \pkgResiPy, the
                                  Python production resilience estimation
                                  package  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    José Daniel Lara and   
            Clayton Barrows and   
                Daniel Thom and   
      Dheepak Krishnamurthy and   
                Duncan Callaway   \pkgPowerSystems.jl --- a power system
                                  data management package for large scale
                                  modeling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Md Motiur Rahman and   
       Tahmina Tasnim Nahar and   
                     Dookie Kim   \pkgFeView: Finite element model (FEM)
                                  visualization and post-processing tool
                                  for OpenSees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Oliver Melchert and   
                 Ayhan Demircan   \pkgpyGLLE: a Python toolkit for solving
                                  the generalized Lugiato--Lefever
                                  equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jens Fruhstorfer   \pkgParSD --- tool to design and analyze
                                  particle size distributions  . . . . . . ??
             Brigitte Boden and   
                  Jan Flink and   
          Niklas Först and   
             Robert Mischke and   
          Kathrin Schaffert and   
          Alexander Weinert and   
              Annika Wohlan and   
              Andreas Schreiber   \pkgRCE: an Integration Environment for
                                  Engineering and Science  . . . . . . . . ??
Luan Vinícius Fiorio and   
      Chrystian Lenon Remes and   
   Yales Rômulo de Novaes   \pkgimpulseest: a Python package for
                                  non-parametric impulse response
                                  estimation with input--output data . . . ??
      Krzysztof Gajowniczek and   
               Tomasz Zabkowski   \pkgImbTreeAUC: an R package for
                                  building classification trees using the
                                  area under the ROC curve (AUC) on
                                  imbalanced datasets  . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Alexander G. Demidov and   
     B. Lakshitha A. Perera and   
       Michael E. Fortunato and   
                   Sibo Lin and   
                Coray M. Colina   Update 1.1 to ``\pkgpysimm: a Python
                                  package for simulation of molecular
                                  systems'', (PII: S2352711016300395)  . . ??
              Fridtjof Betz and   
            Felix Binkowski and   
                    Sven Burger   \pkgRPExpand: Software for Riesz
                                  projection expansion of resonance
                                  phenomena  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Benjamin O'Driscoll   \pkgSCRAMBLE: Sweep Comparison Research
                                  Application for Multiple Back-Gated
                                  FieLd Effect measurements of graphene
                                  field effect transistors . . . . . . . . ??
Néstor Rodríguez and   
         David López and   
   Alberto Fernández and   
     Salvador García and   
              Francisco Herrera   \pkgSOUL: Scala Oversampling and
                                  Undersampling Library for imbalance
                                  classification . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Giorgio Luciano and   
            Serena Berretta and   
      Kristian Hovde Liland and   
            Gavin J. Donley and   
                Simon A. Rogers   \pkgoreo: an R package for large
                                  amplitude oscillatory analysis . . . . . ??
         William C. Schneck and   
        Erik L. Frankforter and   
           Elizabeth D. Gregory   \pkgPanNDE: a modular architecture for
                                  high-performance NDE simulation  . . . . ??
    Chainarong Amornbunchornvej   \pkgmFLICA: an R package for inferring
                                  leadership of coordination from time
                                  series . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Kostas Cheliotis   \pkgABMU: an Agent-Based Modelling
                                  Framework for Unity3D  . . . . . . . . . ??
Artur André Almeida de Macedo Oliveira and   
                 Roberto Hirata   \pkgINACITY --- INvestigate and Analyze
                                  a CITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Charlie Hoy and   
                 Vivien Raymond   \pkgPESummary: the code agnostic
                                  Parameter Estimation Summary page
                                  builder  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Riccardo Rossi and   
              Andrea Murari and   
           Luca Martellucci and   
                Pasquale Gaudio   \pkgNetCausality: a time-delayed neural
                                  network tool for causality detection and
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Joseph C. Ferguson and   
          Federico Semeraro and   
           John M. Thornton and   
          Francesco Panerai and   
              Arnaud Borner and   
                Nagi N. Mansour   Update 3.0 to ``\pkgPuMA: the Porous
                                  Microstructure Analysis software'',
                                  (PII:S2352711018300281)  . . . . . . . . ??
              Roxana Bujack and   
                 Karen Tsai and   
           Steven K. Morley and   
              Etienne Bresciani   Open source vector field topology  . . . ??
     Taufeq Mohammed Razakh and   
                Beibei Wang and   
              Shane Jackson and   
             Rajiv K. Kalia and   
            Aiichiro Nakano and   
            Ken-ichi Nomura and   
                Priya Vashishta   \pkgPND: Physics-informed neural-network
                                  software for molecular dynamics
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Carlos Gaete-Morales and   
              Martin Kittel and   
             Alexander Roth and   
              Wolf-Peter Schill   \pkgDIETERpy: a Python framework for the
                                  Dispatch and Investment Evaluation Tool
                                  with Endogenous Renewables . . . . . . . ??
                  Sang-Kyu Jung   \pkgAniLength: GUI-based automatic worm
                                  length measurement software using image
                                  processing and deep neural network . . . ??
            David S. Kammer and   
         Gabriele Albertini and   
                     Chun-Yu Ke   \pkgUGUCA: a spectral-boundary-integral
                                  method for modeling fracture and
                                  friction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Nicola Capodieci and   
            Roberto Cavicchioli   \pkgvkpolybench: a crossplatform Vulkan
                                  Compute port of the PolyBench/GPU
                                  benchmark suite  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Luca Carmignani   \pkgFlame Tracker: an image analysis
                                  program to measure flame characteristics ??

Volume 16, Number ??, December, 2021

                      Anonymous   December 2021  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Benjamin Rodenberg and   
               Ishaan Desai and   
           Richard Hertrich and   
            Alexander Jaust and   
             Benjamin Uekermann   \pkgFEniCS-preCICE: Coupling FEniCS to
                                  other simulation software  . . . . . . . ??
         Micha\l Narajewski and   
          Jens Kley-Holsteg and   
                   Florian Ziel   \pkgtsrobprep --- an R package for
                                  robust preprocessing of time series data ??
              Leonard Göke   \pkgAnyMOD.jl: a Julia package for
                                  creating energy system models  . . . . . ??
                 Kais Siala and   
               Leonhard Odersky   pyGRETA, pyCLARA, pyPRIMA: a
                                  pre-processing suite to generate
                                  flexible model regions for energy system
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Richard Weinhold and   
                   Robert Mieth   Power Market Tool (\pkgPOMATO) for the
                                  analysis of zonal electricity markets    ??
          Dexter D. Antonio and   
                 Jiawei Guo and   
              Sam J. Holton and   
           Ambarish R. Kulkarni   Simplifying computational workflows with
                                  the Multiscale Atomic Zeolite Simulation
                                  Environment (\pkgMAZE) . . . . . . . . . ??
        Stanis\law Deniziak and   
           Mariusz Wi\'sniewski   \pkgDECOLib: a library of components for
                                  DECOmposition of discrete functions  . . ??
         Chathika Gunaratne and   
                   Ivan Garibay   \pkgNL4Py: Agent-based modeling in
                                  Python with parallelizable NetLogo
                                  workspaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Siqin Meng and   
                Zhendong Fu and   
                Jianfei Qin and   
                 Xiaobai Ma and   
                  Yuqing Li and   
                  Lijie Hao and   
                 Yuntao Liu and   
                    Kai Sun and   
                  Dongfeng Chen   \pkgmagcoilcalc: a Python package for
                                  modeling and optimization of
                                  axisymmetric magnet coils generating
                                  uniform magnetic field for noble gas
                                  spin-polarizers  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Leon M. Aksman and   
         Peter A. Wijeratne and   
             Neil P. Oxtoby and   
              Arman Eshaghi and   
              Cameron Shand and   
              Andre Altmann and   
        Daniel C. Alexander and   
             Alexandra L. Young   \pkgpySuStaIn: a Python implementation
                                  of the Subtype and Stage Inference
                                  algorithm  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Victor Couty and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
   Pauline Lecomte-Grosbras and   
              Julien Berthe and   
             Eric Deletombe and   
                  Mathias Brieu   \pkgGPUCorrel: a GPU accelerated Digital
                                  Image Correlation software written in
                                  Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Giovanni Ciatto and   
           Roberta Calegari and   
                 Andrea Omicini   \pkg2 P-Kt: a logic-based ecosystem for
                                  symbolic AI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Miron B. Kursa   \pkgPraznik: High performance
                                  information-based feature selection  . . ??
       Arnout M. P. Boelens and   
              Hamdi A. Tchelepi   \pkgQuantImPy: Minkowski functionals and
                                  functions with Python  . . . . . . . . . ??
     Aleksandr Podvesovskii and   
            Alena Zakharova and   
        Dmitriy Korostelyov and   
                Aleksandr Kuzin   \pkgDecisionMaster: a multi-criteria
                                  decision support system with ability to
                                  combine different decision rules . . . . ??
      Mohammad Bozlul Karim and   
           Shigehiko Kanaya and   
              Md. Altaf-Ul-Amin   \pkgDPClusSBO: an integrated software
                                  for clustering of simple and bipartite
                                  graphs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Nikolaos Anastasopoulos and   
         Ioannis G. Tsoulos and   
             Alexandros Tzallas   \pkgGenClass: a parallel tool for data
                                  classification based on Grammatical
                                  Evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Andrea Bizzego and   
                 Mengyu Lim and   
              Gianluca Esposito   \pkgmics-library: a Python package for
                                  reproducible studies on the Multiple
                                  Indicator Cluster Survey . . . . . . . . ??
          Sebastian Schwarz and   
Sebastian Alexander Uerlich and   
                Antonello Monti   \pkgpycity\_scheduling --- a Python
                                  framework for the development and
                                  assessment of optimisation-based power
                                  scheduling algorithms for multi-energy
                                  systems in city districts  . . . . . . . ??
         Matthias Drvoderic and   
             Matthias Rettl and   
               Martin Pletz and   
                Clara Schuecker   \pkgCrackDect: Detecting crack densities
                                  in images of fiber-reinforced polymers   ??
                 Bernard Giroux   \pkgttcrpy: a Python package for
                                  traveltime computation and raytracing    ??
             Alp Karakoç   \pkgRegionTPMS --- Region based triply
                                  periodic minimal surfaces (TPMS) for 3-D
                                  printed multiphase bone scaffolds with
                                  exact porosity values  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Jong-Hee Chung and   
               Yong-Bin Lim and   
                    Donghoh Kim   \pkgBDEsize: an R package for efficient
                                  determination of sample size in a
                                  balanced design of experiments . . . . . ??
      Krzysztof Gajowniczek and   
               Tomasz Zabkowski   \pkgImbTreeEntropy: an R package for
                                  building entropy-based classification
                                  trees on imbalanced datasets . . . . . . ??
               Victor Couty and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
            Corentin Martel and   
       François Bari and   
               Antoine Weisrock   \pkgCRAPPY: Command and Real-Time
                                  Acquisition in Parallelized Python, a
                                  Python module for experimental setups    ??
              Dimitrios Michail   \pkgJHeaps: an open-source library of
                                  priority queues  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Bhoj Raj Ghimire and   
         Rishi Ram Parajuli and   
            Bipin Khatiwada and   
              Shobha Poudel and   
               Kusum Sharma and   
               Bhogendra Mishra   \pkgCovira: a COVID-19 risk assessment,
                                  visualization and communication tool . . ??
 Jimmy Francky Randrianasoa and   
              Camille Kurtz and   
      Éric Desjardin and   
                 Nicolas Passat   \pkgAGAT: Building and evaluating binary
                                  partition trees for image segmentation   ??
               Mokbel Karam and   
                      Tony Saad   \pkgBuckinghamPy: a Python software for
                                  dimensional analysis . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Jean-Yves Colle and   
               Jouni Rautio and   
                   Daniel Freis   A modular \pkgLabVIEW application frame
                                  for Knudsen Effusion Mass Spectrometry
                                  instrument control . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          William T. Heller and   
             Mathieu Doucet and   
           Richard K. Archibald   \pkgSas-temper: Software for fitting
                                  small-angle scattering data that
                                  provides automated reproducibility
                                  characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Oleg Zolotov and   
         Yulia Romanovskaya and   
                 Maria Knyazeva   \pkgpyFIRI --- a free and open source
                                  Python software package of the
                                  non-auroral Earth's lower ionosphere . . ??
              Jorge Ribeiro and   
                 Pedro Lima and   
                Francisco Nunes   \pkgTrial Monitor: Scaffolding
                                  personalised Web dashboards for
                                  Human-Computer Interaction field trials  ??
Madhavi Latha Yadav Bangaru and   
      Ravi Kumar Medabalimi and   
                Sobhan Babu and   
     Nidhanapati K. Raghavendra   \pkgREMP software to introduce a
                                  screening REstriction site in
                                  site-directed Mutagenesis Primer . . . . ??
                   Piotr Korcyl   Numerical package for solving the JIMWLK
                                  evolution equation in C++  . . . . . . . ??
                  Ali Ahmad and   
            Guillaume Vanel and   
        Sorina Camarasu-Pop and   
                Axel Bonnet and   
             Carole Frindel and   
                 David Rousseau   \pkgMicroVIP: Microscopy image
                                  simulation on the Virtual Imaging
                                  Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Danjo De Chavez and   
                Jun-ya Hasegawa   \pkgOpenMechanochem: a Python module for
                                  mechanochemical simulations  . . . . . . ??
     João R. Almeida and   
            Leonardo Coelho and   
        José L. Oliveira   \pkgBIcenter: a collaborative Web ETL
                                  solution based on a reflective software
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Eurico Mesquita Noleto-Filho and   
           Ronaldo Angelini and   
           Jeroen Steenbeek and   
          Adriana Rosa Carvalho   New, flexible and open-source fisheries
                                  self-reporting app: the
                                  \pkgShiny4SelfReport . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Gunratan Lonare and   
               Bharat Patil and   
                    Nilesh Raut   \pkgedgar: an R package for the U.S. SEC
                                  EDGAR retrieval and parsing of corporate
                                  filings  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Fabio Corradini and   
             Nicolas Beriot and   
    Esperanza Huerta-Lwanga and   
               Violette Geissen   \pkguFTIR: an R package to process
                                  hyperspectral images of environmental
                                  samples captured with $ \mu $ FTIR
                                  microscopes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Davide Stocco and   
              Enrico Bertolazzi   \pkgAcme: a small $3$D geometry library  ??
               Omar Montoya and   
Octavio Icasio-Hernández and   
           Joaquín Salas   \pkgTreeTool: a tool for detecting trees
                                  and estimating their DBH using forest
                                  point clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Christoph Praschl and   
           Andreas Pointner and   
          David Baumgartner and   
           Gerald Adam Zwettler   Imaging framework: an interoperable and
                                  extendable connector for image-related
                                  Java frameworks  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Mateusz Zarski and   
      Bartosz Wójcik and   
        Jaros\law Adam Miszczak   \pkgKrakN: Transfer Learning framework
                                  and dataset for infrastructure thin
                                  crack detection  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Aleksandr Yurievich Yurin and   
 Nikita Olegovich Dorodnykh and   
   Olga Anatolievna Nikolaychuk   Update (4.2020.0303) to ``Personal
                                  Knowledge Base Designer: Software for
                                  expert systems prototyping'', (PII:
                                  S2352711019303334) . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 17, Number ??, January, 2022

                      Anonymous   January 2022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Moncef Garouani and   
                Adeel Ahmad and   
            Mourad Bouneffa and   
                Mohamed Hamlich   \pkgAMLBID: an auto-explained Automated
                                  Machine Learning tool for Big Industrial
                                  Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Fábio Pereira and   
               Paul Crocker and   
        Valderi R. Q. Leithardt   \pkgPADRES: Tool for PrivAcy, Data
                                  REgulation and Security  . . . . . . . . ??
            Andrea Giuffre' and   
                    Matteo Pini   \pkgNiceProp: an interactive
                                  Python-based educational tool for
                                  non-ideal compressible fluid dynamics    ??
      Pier-Giovanni Taranti and   
Carlos Alberto Nunes Cosenza and   
Leonardo Antonio Monteiro Pessôa and   
      Rodrigo Abrunhosa Collazo   \pkgcoppeCosenzaR: a hierarchical
                                  decision model . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Roberto Posenato   \pkgCSTNU Tool: a Java library for
                                  checking temporal networks . . . . . . . ??
    Mikkel S. Bòdker and   
        Collin J. Wilkinson and   
              John C. Mauro and   
           Morten M. Smedskjaer   StatMechGlass: Python based software for
                                  composition-structure prediction in
                                  oxide glasses using statistical
                                  mechanics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Hongyan Xu and   
              Ayten Yigiter and   
                       Jie Chen   \pkgonlineBcp: an R package for online
                                  change point detection using a Bayesian
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Auralius Manurung and   
             Lisa Kristiana and   
                      Nur Uddin   \pkgYADPF: a reusable deterministic
                                  dynamic programming implementation in
                                  MATLAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Andrés Soto and   
         Héctor Mora and   
               Jaime A. Riascos   \pkgWeb Generator: an open-source
                                  software for synthetic web-based user
                                  interface dataset generation . . . . . . ??
          Rémi Kogon and   
                     David Faux   3TM: Software for the 3-Tau Model  . . . ??
      Thomas Bueler-Faudree and   
               Sam Delamere and   
               Denys Dutykh and   
              Alexei Rybkin and   
            Alexander Suleimani   Fast shallow water-wave solver for plane
                                  inclined beaches . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Eric J. Ching and   
             Brett Bornhoft and   
                 Ali Lasemi and   
                  Matthias Ihme   \pkgQuail: a lightweight open-source
                                  discontinuous Galerkin code in Python
                                  for teaching and prototyping . . . . . . ??
            Ahmed Harmouche and   
   Ferenc Kövér and   
      Sándor Szukits and   
  Tamás Dóczi and   
        Péter Bogner and   
             Arnold Tóth   \pkgXReport: an online structured
                                  reporting platform for radiologists  . . ??
               Lukas Bromig and   
               David Leiter and   
   Alexandru-Virgil Mardale and   
     Nikolas von den Eichen and   
          Emmeran Bieringer and   
              Dirk Weuster-Botz   The \pkgSiLA 2 Manager for rapid device
                                  integration and workflow automation  . . ??
             Alexandru Mara and   
            Jefrey Lijffijt and   
                    Tijl De Bie   \pkgEvalNE: a framework for network
                                  embedding evaluation . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Zsolt T. Kosztyán   \pkgMFPP: Matrix-based flexible project
                                  planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Oscar Araque and   
J. Fernando Sánchez-Rada and   
             Carlos A. Iglesias   \pkgGSITK: a sentiment analysis
                                  framework for agile replication and
                                  development  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Juha Kiviluoma and   
         Fabiano Pallonetto and   
               Manuel Marin and   
        Pekka T. Savolainen and   
             Antti Soininen and   
         Per Vennström and   
                Erkka Rinne and   
              Jiangyi Huang and   
Iasonas Kouveliotis-Lysikatos and   
             Maren Ihlemann and   
               Erik Delarue and   
              Ciara O'Dwyer and   
           Terence O'Donnel and   
              Mikael Amelin and   
         Lennart Söder and   
                  Joseph Dillon   \pkgSpine Toolbox: a flexible
                                  open-source workflow management system
                                  with scenario and data management  . . . ??
            Luca Caviglione and   
       Andreas Schaffhauser and   
             Marco Zuppelli and   
             Wojciech Mazurczyk   \pkgIPv6CC: IPv6 covert channels for
                                  testing networks against stegomalware
                                  and data exfiltration  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Alberto Gomez and   
         Veronika A. Zimmer and   
              Gavin Wheeler and   
          Nicolas Toussaint and   
                Shujie Deng and   
              Robert Wright and   
              Emily Skelton and   
             Jackie Matthew and   
             Bernhard Kainz and   
                  Jo Hajnal and   
                 Julia Schnabel   \pkgPRETUS: a plug-in based platform for
                                  real-time ultrasound imaging research    ??
              Deshana Desai and   
          Etai Shuchatowitz and   
             Zhongshi Jiang and   
            Teseo Schneider and   
                Daniele Panozzo   \pkgACORNS: an easy-to-use code
                                  generator for gradients and Hessians . . ??
             Devyani Jivani and   
              Jaroslaw Zola and   
Baskar Ganapathysubramanian and   
                      Olga Wodo   \pkgGraSPI: Extensible software for the
                                  graph-based quantification of morphology
                                  in organic electronics . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ivan Zubarev and   
            Gavriela Vranou and   
                Lauri Parkkonen   \pkgMNEflow: Neural networks for EEG/MEG
                                  decoding and interpretation  . . . . . . ??
         Michele Fraccaroli and   
              Evelina Lamma and   
               Fabrizio Riguzzi   Symbolic DNN-Tuner: a Python and
                                  ProbLog-based system for optimizing Deep
                                  Neural Networks hyperparameters  . . . . ??
       Jonas Van Der Donckt and   
      Jeroen Van Der Donckt and   
              Emiel Deprost and   
               Sofie Van Hoecke   \pkgtsflex: Flexible time series
                                  processing and feature extraction  . . . ??
          Muhammad M. Roomi and   
               Wen Shei Ong and   
            Daisuke Mashima and   
           Suhail S. M. Hussain   \pkgOpenPLC61850: an IEC 61850 MMS
                                  compatible open source PLC for smart
                                  grid research  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Anton Raskovalov and   
                  Platon Surkov   azTotMD 2.0: Molecular dynamics with the
                                  radiative thermostat and
                                  temperature-dependent force field (CUDA
                                  version) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Exneyder A. Montoya-Araque and   
      A. J. Aparicio-Ortube and   
     David G. Zapata-Medina and   
      Luis G. Arboleda-Monsalve   An open-source application software to
                                  determine the preconsolidation pressure
                                  of soils in incremental loading
                                  oedometer testing: pySigmaP  . . . . . . ??
            Kirill Muravyev and   
             Andrey Bokovoy and   
            Konstantin Yakovlev   \pkgtx2\_fcnn\_node: an open-source ROS
                                  compatible tool for monocular depth
                                  reconstruction . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Damian Fraszczak   \pkgRPaSDT --- Rumor Propagation and
                                  Source Detection Toolkit . . . . . . . . ??
               Takashi Takekawa   Fast parallel calculation of modified
                                  Bessel function of the second kind and
                                  its derivatives  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Li Dong and   
                Yufan Zhang and   
              Lingling Zhao and   
                 Ting Zheng and   
               Weidong Wang and   
                  Jianfu Li and   
               Diankun Gong and   
                 Tiejun Liu and   
                    Dezhong Yao   \pkgDRT: a new toolbox for the Standard
                                  EEG Data Structure in large-scale EEG
                                  applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Andrea Bragagnolo and   
          Carlo Alberto Barbano   \pkgSimplify: a Python library for
                                  optimizing pruned neural networks  . . . ??
        Mario Ocampo-Pineda and   
           Roberto Posenato and   
              Francesca Zerbato   \pkgTimeAwareBPMN-js: an editor and
                                  temporal verification tool for
                                  Time-Aware BPMN processes  . . . . . . . ??
                  Igor Krivenko   \pkglibcommute/pycommute: a quantum
                                  operator algebra domain-specific
                                  language and exact diagonalization
                                  toolkit  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Jacob Aubertine and   
                 Kenan Chen and   
       Vidhyashree Nagaraju and   
                Lance Fiondella   A covariate software tool to guide test
                                  activity allocation  . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Christian A. Candela-Uribe and   
Luis E. Sepúlveda-Rodr\'ìguez and   
   Julio C. Chavarro-Porras and   
John A. Sanabria-Ordoñez and   
   José Luis Garrido and   
Carlos Rodr\'ìguez-Dom\'ìnguez and   
     Gabriel Guerrero-Contreras   \pkgSMS-Builder: an adaptive software
                                  tool for building systematic mapping
                                  studies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Davide Marelli and   
              Simone Bianco and   
               Gianluigi Ciocca   \pkgSfM Flow: a comprehensive toolset
                                  for the evaluation of $3$D
                                  reconstruction pipelines . . . . . . . . ??
               Piotr Jurkiewicz   \pkgflow-models: a framework for
                                  analysis and modeling of IP network
                                  flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  F. L. E. Usseglio-Viretta and   
                   P. Patel and   
               E. Bernhardt and   
                  A. Mistry and   
            P. P. Mukherjee and   
                   J. Allen and   
               S. J. Cooper and   
               J. Laurencin and   
                       K. Smith   \pkgMATBOX: an Open-source
                                  Microstructure Analysis Toolbox for
                                  microstructure generation, segmentation,
                                  characterization, visualization,
                                  correlation, and meshing . . . . . . . . ??
             Josef Spillner and   
     Panagiotis Gkikopoulos and   
             Pamela Delgado and   
              Christine Choirat   Towards reproducible software studies
                                  with MAO and Renku . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Evangelos Syrmos and   
         Dimitrios Bechtsis and   
                 Naoum Tsolakis   \pkgMIROR: a middleware software tool
                                  for interfacing mobile industrial robots
                                  with optimization routing algorithms . . ??
                   Ahmed Elkady   \pkgFM-2D --- open-source platform for
                                  the $2$-dimensional numerical modeling
                                  and seismic analysis of buildings  . . . ??
                   Fangzhou Xie   \pkgrethnicity: an R package for
                                  predicting ethnicity from names  . . . . ??
             Tristan Langer and   
              Richard Meyes and   
                  Tobias Meisen   \pkgGideon Replay: a library to replay
                                  interactions in web-applications . . . . ??
       José A. Abell and   
       Jorge G. F. Crempien and   
       Matías Recabarren   \pkgShakerMaker: a framework that
                                  simplifies the simulation of seismic
                                  ground-motions . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Hendrik Kayser and   
              Tobias Herzke and   
                Paul Maanen and   
             Max Zimmermann and   
                 Giso Grimm and   
                 Volker Hohmann   Open community platform for hearing aid
                                  algorithm research: open Master Hearing
                                  Aid (openMHA)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Parichit Sharma and   
               Hasan Kurban and   
                Mehmet Dalkilic   \pkgDCEM: an R package for clustering
                                  big data via data-centric modification
                                  of Expectation Maximization  . . . . . . ??
              Matthias Ertl and   
                Carlo Prelz and   
            Daniel C. Fitze and   
               Gerda Wyssen and   
                   Fred W. Mast   \pkgPlatformCommander --- an open source
                                  software for an easy integration of
                                  motion platforms in research
                                  laboratories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Luca Buoncompagni and   
          Syed Yusha Kareem and   
          Fulvio Mastrogiovanni   \pkgOWLOOP: a modular API to describe
                                  OWL axioms in OOP objects hierarchies    ??
                 Ali Ahrari and   
              Saber Elsayed and   
               Ruhul Sarker and   
                Daryl Essam and   
        Carlos A. Coello Coello   \pkgPyDDRBG: a Python framework for
                                  benchmarking and evaluating static and
                                  dynamic multimodal optimization methods  ??
                Stian Backe and   
             Christian Skar and   
   Pedro Crespo del Granado and   
                Ozgu Turgut and   
               Asgeir Tomasgard   \pkgEMPIRE: an open-source model based
                                  on multi-horizon programming for energy
                                  transition analyses  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Anton Plietzsch and   
             Raphael Kogler and   
                Sabine Auer and   
               Julia Merino and   
          Asier Gil-de-Muro and   
             Jan Liße and   
            Christina Vogel and   
                 Frank Hellmann   \pkgPowerDynamics.jl --- an
                                  experimentally validated open-source
                                  package for the dynamical analysis of
                                  power grids  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                James Price and   
             Marianne Zeyringer   \pkghighRES-Europe: the high spatial and
                                  temporal Resolution Electricity System
                                  model for Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 18, Number ??, June, 2022

                      Anonymous   June 2022  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Clara Antón-Fernández and   
                  Rasmus Astrup   \pkgSiTree: a framework to implement
                                  single-tree simulators . . . . . . . . . ??
           Chloe Brimicombe and   
          Claudia Di Napoli and   
             Tiago Quintino and   
       Florian Pappenberger and   
         Rosalind Cornforth and   
                Hannah L. Cloke   \pkgThermofeel: a Python thermal comfort
                                  indices library  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Joonas Tapani Holmi and   
                 Harri Lipsanen   \pkgWITio: a MATLAB data evaluation
                                  toolbox to script broader insights into
                                  big data from WITec microscopes  . . . . ??
                 Renjith G. and   
             Sonia Laudanna and   
                     Aji S. and   
     Corrado Aaron Visaggio and   
                       Vinod P.   \pkgGANG-MAM: GAN based enGine for
                                  Modifying Android Malware  . . . . . . . ??
             Yinsheng Zhang and   
                Haiyan Wang and   
               Yongbo Cheng and   
                    Xiaolin Qin   \pkgpyCLAMs: an integrated Python
                                  toolkit for classifiability analysis . . ??
               Mohan Ananth and   
              Mario F. Trujillo   \pkg2PJIT: Two-phase $3$D jet
                                  instability tool in cylindrical
                                  coordinates  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Jouni Helske   Efficient Bayesian generalized linear
                                  models with time-varying coefficients:
                                  the \pkgwalker package in R  . . . . . . ??
             Akimitsu Ishii and   
          Ryunosuke Kamijyo and   
           Akinori Yamanaka and   
               Akiyasu Yamamoto   \pkgBOXVIA: Bayesian optimization
                                  executable and visualizable application  ??
        Christoph W. Wagner and   
           Sebastian Semper and   
                   Jan Kirchhof   \pkgfastmat: Efficient linear transforms
                                  in Python  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jenny Farmer and   
               Donald J. Jacobs   \pkgMATLAB tool for probability density
                                  assessment and nonparametric estimation  ??
             Jalaj Pachouly and   
              Swati Ahirrao and   
                  Ketan Kotecha   \pkgSDPTool: a tool for creating
                                  datasets and software defect predictions ??
               Omar Kammouh and   
     M. W. A. (Maurits) Kok and   
                Maria Nogal and   
             Ruud Binnekamp and   
      A. R. M. (Rogier) Wolfert   \pkgMitC: Open-source software for
                                  construction project control and delay
                                  mitigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Deneb Boito and   
         Magnus Herberthson and   
             Tom Dela Haije and   
            Evren Özarslan   Applying positivity constraints to
                                  $q$-space trajectory imaging: the
                                  \pkgQTI+ implementation  . . . . . . . . ??
        Raphaël Hebert and   
           Emese Meglécz   \pkgNSDPY: a Python package to download
                                  DNA sequences from NCBI  . . . . . . . . ??
        Reece N. Oosterbeek and   
         Jonathan R. T. Jeffers   \pkgStrutSurf: a tool for analysis of
                                  strut morphology and surface roughness
                                  in additively manufactured lattices  . . ??
           Masoud Abdollahi and   
               Babak Farjad and   
                 Anil Gupta and   
                Quazi K. Hassan   \pkgCMIP6-D&A: an R-based software with
                                  GUI for processing climate data
                                  available in network common data format  ??
                Andrzej Daniluk   Update 2.0 to \pkgrheed++: a complex
                                  computer model for dynamical one-beam
                                  calculations of RHEED intensity
                                  oscillations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Juan Ignacio Deza and   
                Hisham Ihshaish   \pkgqNoise: a generator of non-Gaussian
                                  colored noise  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Duarte Folgado and   
  Mar\'ìlia Barandas and   
          Margarida Antunes and   
            Maria Lua Nunes and   
                    Hui Liu and   
              Yale Hartmann and   
              Tanja Schultz and   
                    Hugo Gamboa   \pkgTSSEARCH: Time Series Subsequence
                                  Search Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Jorge M. Cruz-Duarte and   
José C. Ortiz-Bayliss and   
                     Ivan Amaya   \pkgMatHH: a Matlab-based
                                  Hyper-Heuristic framework  . . . . . . . ??
                Isa Anshori and   
     Suksmandhira Harimurti and   
       Mahendra Baleno Rama and   
           Rey Ezra Langelo and   
                    Jessika and   
       Lenny Putri Yulianti and   
             Gilang Gumilar and   
             Muhammad Yusuf and   
       Silmina Prastriyanti and   
             Brian Yuliarto and   
         Husna Nugrahapraja and   
             Wyanda Arnafia and   
                   Irvan Faizal   Web-based surface plasmon resonance
                                  signal processing system for fast
                                  analyte analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Giovanni Castellazzi and   
         Nicol\`o Lo Presti and   
      Antonio Maria D'Altri and   
             Stefano de Miranda   \pkgCloud2FEM: a finite element mesh
                                  generator based on point clouds of
                                  existing/historical structures . . . . . ??
        Emanuele Buchicchio and   
         Alessio De Angelis and   
          Francesco Santoni and   
                  Paolo Carbone   \pkgEasyEIS: a software tool to perform
                                  electrochemical impedance spectroscopy
                                  using a source measure unit  . . . . . . ??
            Thomas F. Flint and   
      Gowthaman Parivendhan and   
            Alojz Ivankovic and   
           Michael C. Smith and   
                 Philip Cardiff   \pkgbeamWeldFoam: Numerical simulation
                                  of high energy density fusion and
                                  vapourisation-inducing processes . . . . ??
               Maura Pintor and   
              Luca Demetrio and   
              Angelo Sotgiu and   
                Marco Melis and   
             Ambra Demontis and   
                Battista Biggio   \pkgsecml: Secure and explainable
                                  machine learning in Python . . . . . . . ??
              Haritz Medina and   
          Oscar Díaz and   
               Xabier Garmendia   \pkgWACline: a Software Product Line to
                                  harness heterogeneity in Web Annotation  ??
           Javier E. Santos and   
             Alex Gigliotti and   
            Abhishek Bihani and   
         Christopher Landry and   
              Marc A. Hesse and   
           Michael J. Pyrcz and   
            Ma\vsa Prodanovi\'c   \pkgMPLBM-T: Multiphase LBM library for
                                  permeable media analysis . . . . . . . . ??
          Leonardo Trujillo and   
Jose Manuel Muñoz Contreras and   
        Daniel E. Hernandez and   
             Mauro Castelli and   
                  Juan J. Tapia   \pkgGSGP-CUDA --- a CUDA framework for
                                  Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming   ??
                  Yash Soni and   
                    Terry Brett   Data driven simulations of infectious
                                  diseases: Exploring facial recognition
                                  approach in predicting the infection
                                  severity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Niccol\`o Pancino and   
             Pietro Bongini and   
           Franco Scarselli and   
               Monica Bianchini   \pkgGNNkeras: a Keras-based library for
                                  Graph Neural Networks and homogeneous
                                  and heterogeneous graph processing . . . ??
        Gianfranco Mariotti and   
                 Roberto Giorgi   \pkgWebRISC-V: a 32/64-bit RISC-V
                                  pipeline simulation tool . . . . . . . . ??
             Tzvi Gershanik and   
                 Itay Levin and   
                  Daniel Rittel   \pkg2BarG --- a program to process split
                                  Hopkinson (Kolsky) bar test results  . . ??
        Caio Eadi Stringari and   
                   Hannah Power   \pkgPicoastal: a low-cost coastal video
                                  monitoring system  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Maliheh Haghgoo and   
                Ilya Sychev and   
            Antonello Monti and   
             Frank H. P. Fitzek   \pkgENTIRETY --- sEmanNTIc pRovisioning
                                  and govErning ioT devices in smart
                                  energY domain  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Bruno Pereira Cipriano and   
               Nuno Fachada and   
                    Pedro Alves   \pkgDrop Project: an automatic
                                  assessment tool for programming
                                  assignments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Rachel A. Aronow and   
          Shaya Akbarinejad and   
                   Trang Le and   
                 Sumeyye Su and   
               Leili Shahriyari   \pkgTumorDecon: a digital cytometry
                                  software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Travis J. Black and   
            Alexei F. Cheviakov   \pkg3DRSP: Matlab-based random sphere
                                  packing code in three dimensions . . . . ??
             Christoph Haas and   
      Dörthe Holthusen and   
                    Rainer Horn   The \pkgRheological-Data Extraction
                                  Application: a time-saving tool for the
                                  extraction of measured rheological data
                                  from a specific rheometer-inherent
                                  software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Kresimir Jozi\'c and   
              Nikolina Frid and   
               Alan Jovi\'c and   
            Zeljka Mihajlovi\'c   \pkgDICOM SIVR: a web architecture and
                                  platform for seamless DICOM image and
                                  volume rendering . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Niki Hrovatin and   
         Aleksandar Tosi\'c and   
                   Jernej Vicic   \pkgPPWSim: Privacy preserving wireless
                                  sensor network simulator . . . . . . . . ??
             Zachary Hamida and   
            Blanche Laurent and   
                James-A. Goulet   \pkgOpenIPDM: a probabilistic framework
                                  for estimating the deterioration and
                                  effect of interventions on bridges . . . ??
              Davide Pagano and   
                Lorenzo Sostero   \pkgEmiR: Evolutionary minimization for
                                  R  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Matheus Roman Carini and   
             Marcelo Maia Rocha   \pkgCESSIPy: a Python open-source module
                                  for stochastic system identification in
                                  civil engineering  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           George Oikonomou and   
            Simon Duquennoy and   
                 Atis Elsts and   
            Joakim Eriksson and   
            Yasuyuki Tanaka and   
                Nicolas Tsiftes   The Contiki-NG open source operating
                                  system for next generation IoT devices   ??
       Christopher Reinartz and   
           Thomas T. Enevoldsen   \pkgpyTEP: a Python package for
                                  interactive simulations of the Tennessee
                                  Eastman process  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Andrés Ramos and   
            Erik F. Alvarez and   
                 Sara Lumbreras   \pkgOpenTEPES: Open-source Transmission
                                  and Generation Expansion Planning  . . . ??
            Digvijay Gusain and   
        Milo\vs Cvetkovi\'c and   
                 Peter Palensky   Simplifying multi-energy system
                                  co-simulations using \pkgenergysim . . . ??
            Matthias Jordan and   
           Markus Millinger and   
             Daniela Thrän   \pkgBenopt-Heat: an economic
                                  optimization model to identify robust
                                  bioenergy technologies for the German
                                  heat transition  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Md Motiur Rahman and   
       Tahmina Tasnim Nahar and   
                     Dookie Kim   Corrigendum to ``\pkgFeView: Finite
                                  element model (FEM) visualization and
                                  post-processing tool for OpenSees''
                                  [SoftwareX \bf 15 (2021) 100751] . . . . ??

Volume 19, Number ??, July, 2022

                      Anonymous   July 2022  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Daniel Cantero   \pkgVEqMon2D --- Equations of motion
                                  generation tool of $2$D vehicles with
                                  Matlab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Jaros\law Watróbski and   
     Aleksandra Baczkiewicz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   \pkgpyrepo-mcda --- Reference objects
                                  based MCDA software package  . . . . . . ??
          William T. Heller and   
               John Hetrick and   
               Jean Bilheux and   
   Jose M. Borreguero Calvo and   
               Wei-Ren Chen and   
        Lisa DeBeer-Schmitt and   
                Changwoo Do and   
             Mathieu Doucet and   
     Michael R. Fitzsimmons and   
           William F. Godoy and   
        Garrett E. Granroth and   
                Steven Hahn and   
                   Lilin He and   
               Fahima Islam and   
                   Jiao Lin and   
        Kenneth C. Littrell and   
         Marshall McDonnell and   
               Jesse McGaha and   
          Peter F. Peterson and   
      Sai Venkatesh Pingali and   
                  Shuo Qian and   
           Andrei T. Savici and   
              Yingrui Shang and   
     Christopher B. Stanley and   
            Volker S. Urban and   
          Ross E. Whitfield and   
                 Chen Zhang and   
                Wenduo Zhou and   
           Jay Jay Billings and   
           Matthew J. Cuneo and   
     Ricardo M. Ferraz Leal and   
               Tianhao Wang and   
                         Bin Wu   \pkgdrtsans: the data reduction toolkit
                                  for small-angle neutron scattering at
                                  Oak Ridge National Laboratory  . . . . . ??
               Gorka Garate and   
             Julian Estevez and   
            Manuel Graña   \pkgADITU: a mesh-free formulation for
                                  the solution of Helmholtz equation in
                                  bounded and unbounded domains  . . . . . ??
        Pranav Chandramouli and   
              Zadia Codabux and   
                  Melina Vidoni   \pkganalyzeR: a SonarQube plugin for
                                  analyzing object-oriented R packages . . ??
         Ignacy Kaliszewski and   
                 Olga Karelkina   \pkgIDOL: a web application for mixed
                                  integer linear multiobjective
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Alina Petukhova and   
                   Nuno Fachada   \pkgTextCL: a Python package for NLP
                                  preprocessing tasks  . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Valeria Cardellini and   
       Emiliano Casalicchio and   
           Stefano Iannucci and   
          Matteo Lucantonio and   
               Sudip Mittal and   
          Damodar Panigrahi and   
                   Andrea Silvi   \pkgirs-partition: an Intrusion Response
                                  System utilizing Deep Q-Networks and
                                  system partitions  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ammar Elhassan and   
       Mohammad Al-Fawa'reh and   
        Mousa Tayseer Jafar and   
           Mohammad Ababneh and   
           Shifaa Tayseer Jafar   \pkgDFT-MF: Enhanced deepfake detection
                                  using mouth movement and transfer
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             David Badalyan and   
                 Oleg Borisenko   \pkgAnsible execution control in Python
                                  and Golang for cloud orchestration . . . ??
Nestor Alexander Zermeño-Campos and   
Daniel Cuevas-González and   
Juan Pablo Garc\'ìa-Vázquez and   
Roberto López-Avitia and   
Miguel Enrique Bravo-Zanoguera and   
             Marco A. Reyna and   
Arnoldo D\'ìaz-Ram\'ìrez   \pkgPÉEK: a cloud-based application for
                                  automatic electrocardiogram
                                  pre-diagnosis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Pham Ngoc Kien and   
                  Sang-Mook Lee   \pkg1DCSEMQWE: $1$D Controlled Source
                                  Electromagnetic Method in Geophysics
                                  Using Quadrature With Extrapolation  . . ??
            Sylwester Czmil and   
               Jacek Kluska and   
                     Anna Czmil   \pkgCACP: Classification Algorithms
                                  Comparison Pipeline  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Ivan Jericevich and   
              Dharmesh Sing and   
                     Tim Gebbie   \pkgCoinTossX: an open-source
                                  low-latency high-throughput matching
                                  engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Sonja Wogrin and   
Diego Alejandro Tejada-Arango and   
               Robert Gaugl and   
             Thomas Klatzer and   
                  Udo Bachhiesl   \pkgLEGO: the open-source Low-carbon
                                  Expansion Generation Optimization model  ??
                   Luo Chen and   
                 Zebang Liu and   
                      Mengyu Ma   \pkgHiVecMap: a parallel tool for
                                  real-time geovisualization of massive
                                  geographic vector data . . . . . . . . . ??
             Florian Malard and   
               Laura Danner and   
             Emilie Rouzies and   
             Jesse G. Meyer and   
                Ewen Lescop and   
Stéphanie Olivier-Van Stichelen   \pkgEpyNN: Educational Python for Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          João Filho and   
                 Luiz Nunes and   
             José Xavier   \pkgiCorrVision-3D: an integrated
                                  Python-based open-source Digital Image
                                  Correlation Software for in-plane and
                                  out-of-plane measurements (Part 2) . . . ??
                   Rui Yang and   
               Nathan Blanc and   
      Ariel Vardi-Chouchana and   
                Noam Ouzana and   
                   Guy Z. Ramon   \pkgPC-TAS: a design environment for
                                  phase-change and classical
                                  thermoacoustic systems . . . . . . . . . ??
João Carlos Andrade de Deus Filho and   
 Luiz Carlos da Silva Nunes and   
José Manuel Cardoso Xavier   \pkgiCorrVision-2D: an integrated
                                  Python-based open-source Digital Image
                                  Correlation software for in-plane
                                  measurements (Part 1)  . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Lam M. Lay and   
           Kai-Cheng Chuang and   
                 Will Giles and   
                 Justus Adamson   \pkgTARDIS: an updated artificial
                                  intelligence model to predict linear
                                  accelerator machine parameters at
                                  treatment delivery . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Mimi Luo and   
                  Jiayu Qin and   
                       Gang Mei   \pkgjuSPH: a Julia-based open-source
                                  package of parallel Smoothed Particle
                                  Hydrodynamics (SPH) for dam break
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Krzysztof Gajowniczek and   
                  Jialin Wu and   
            Soumyajit Gupta and   
               Chandrajit Bajaj   \pkgHOFS: Higher order mutual
                                  information approximation for feature
                                  selection in R . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Shun Liu and   
                Junjie Yang and   
              Xianxian Zeng and   
               Haiying Song and   
                   Jian Cen and   
                     Weichao Xu   An efficient and user-friendly software
                                  tool for ordered multi-class receiver
                                  operating characteristic analysis based
                                  on Python  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Todd A. Duncombe and   
                Aaron Ponti and   
              Petra S. Dittrich   \pkgSpectraSorter: Ocean Insight
                                  spectrometer software application for
                                  high-throughput full-spectrum UV-VIS
                                  analysis and triggered sorting . . . . . ??
     Aleksandra Baczkiewicz and   
     Jaros\law Watróbski   \pkgCrispyn --- a Python library for
                                  determining criteria significance with
                                  objective weighting methods  . . . . . . ??
       Emanuel H. Rubensson and   
              Elias Rudberg and   
       Anastasia Kruchinina and   
               Anton G. Artemov   The Chunks and Tasks Matrix Library  . . ??
               Damian Fraszczak   \pkgNEFBDAA --- .NET Environment for
                                  Building Dynamic Angular Applications    ??
           Daniil Kazantsev and   
             Nicola Wadeson and   
                    Mark Basham   High performance \pkgSavu software for
                                  fast $3$D model-based iterative
                                  reconstruction of large data at Diamond
                                  Light Source . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Alonso Pizarro and   
       Silvano F. Dal Sasso and   
             Salvatore Manfreda   \pkgVISION: VIdeo StabilisatION using
                                  automatic features selection for image
                                  velocimetry analysis in rivers . . . . . ??
              Salman Haidri and   
         Yaksh J. Haranwala and   
              Vania Bogorny and   
               Chiara Renso and   
  Vinicius Prado da Fonseca and   
                 Amilcar Soares   \pkgPTRAIL --- a Python package for
                                  parallel trajectory data preprocessing   ??
                    Yu Yuan and   
          Gabriel Stockdale and   
                Gabriele Milani   Interactive software for mapping
                                  concentrated displacements in masonry
                                  arches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Diego Candia-Rivera and   
                Gaetano Valenza   Cluster permutation analysis for EEG
                                  series based on non-parametric
                                  Wilcoxon--Mann--Whitney statistical
                                  tests  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Juan D. Gutiérrez and   
  Antonio R. Jiménez and   
              Fernando Seco and   
 Fernando J. Álvarez and   
           Teodoro Aguilera and   
Joaqu\'ìn Torres-Sospedra and   
                   Fran Melchor   \pkgGetSensorData: an extensible
                                  Android-based application for
                                  multi-sensor data registration . . . . . ??
           Kulbhushan Chand and   
                    Arun Khosla   \pkgBioNES: a plug-and-play MATLAB-based
                                  tool to use NES games for multimodal
                                  biofeedback  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Hee-Seok Oh and   
                Guebin Choi and   
                    Donghoh Kim   \pkgDecomp2d: an R solution for image
                                  decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Raffaele Zippo and   
                  Giovanni Stea   \pkgNancy: an efficient parallel Network
                                  Calculus library . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Anshu Dubey and   
                Klaus Weide and   
               Jared O'Neal and   
                Akash Dhruv and   
                 Sean Couch and   
           J. Austin Harris and   
             Tom Klosterman and   
                Rajeev Jain and   
                Johann Rudi and   
             Bronson Messer and   
             Michael Pajkos and   
              Jared Carlson and   
                    Ran Chu and   
              Mohamed Wahib and   
          Saurabh Chawdhary and   
             Paul M. Ricker and   
               Dongwook Lee and   
              Katie Antypas and   
         Katherine M. Riley and   
          Christopher Daley and   
           Murali Ganapathy and   
          Francis X. Timmes and   
           Dean M. Townsley and   
             Marcos Vanella and   
                John Bachan and   
               Paul M. Rich and   
              Shravan Kumar and   
               Eirik Endeve and   
             W. Raphael Hix and   
         Anthony Mezzacappa and   
            Thomas Papatheodore   \pkgFlash-X: a multiphysics simulation
                                  software instrument  . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Yung Po Tsang and   
                 Chun Ho Wu and   
              Carman Ka Man Lee   \pkgBlockTrainHK: an online learning
                                  game for experiencing blockchain
                                  concepts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Ashok Kumar Verma   A Python-based tool for constructing
                                  observables from the DSN's closed-loop
                                  archival tracking data files . . . . . . ??
             Petri Kannisto and   
        Ville Heikkilä and   
                 Otto Hylli and   
                Mehdi Attar and   
                  Sami Repo and   
                Kari Systä   \pkgSimCES platform for modular
                                  simulation: Featuring platform
                                  independence, container ecosystem, and
                                  development toolkit  . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Konstantinos Panayiotou and   
      Emmanouil Tsardoulias and   
          Andreas L. Symeonidis   \pkgCommlib: an easy-to-use
                                  communication library for Cyber-Physical
                                  Systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Otávio Augusto Peter de Souza and   
Letícia Fleck Fadel Miguel   \pkgCIOA: Circle-Inspired Optimization
                                  Algorithm, an algorithm for engineering
                                  optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Mauricio Ivan Tenorio-Suárez and   
 Arturo Gómez-Ortega and   
            Horacio Canales and   
                Saul Piedra and   
     James Pérez-Barrera   \pkgMaSMaker: an open-source, portable
                                  software to create and integrate
                                  maze-like surfaces into arbitrary
                                  geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Philippe Mainçon   \pkgEspyInsideFunction.jl --- extracting
                                  intermediate results from numerical
                                  functions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Jin Yang and   
                    Yue Yin and   
      Alexander K. Landauer and   
          Selda Buyukozturk and   
                 Jing Zhang and   
                Luke Summey and   
           Alexander McGhee and   
                 Matt K. Fu and   
             John O. Dabiri and   
               Christian Franck   \pkgSerialTrack: ScalE and rotation
                                  invariant augmented Lagrangian particle
                                  tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               DongBo Huang and   
                        Xing Xu   \pkgIGAOD: an online design framework
                                  for interactive genetic algorithms . . . ??
               Luca Baldini and   
      Niccol\`o Bucciantini and   
         Niccol\`o Di Lalla and   
              Steven Ehlert and   
           Alberto Manfreda and   
              Michela Negro and   
              Nicola Omodei and   
      Melissa Pesce-Rollins and   
             Carmelo Sgr\`o and   
              Stefano Silvestri   \pkgixpeobssim: a simulation and
                                  analysis framework for the imaging X-ray
                                  polarimetry explorer . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Grégory Setnikar and   
              Julien Samson and   
      Marie-Aude Méasson   \pkgRaman Selection Rules Calculator: a
                                  simplified selection rules calculator
                                  for Raman spectroscopy experiment  . . . ??
                 Kelly R. Thorp   \pkgpyfao56: FAO-56 evapotranspiration
                                  in Python  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Matthias Drvoderic and   
             Jens J. Bender and   
               Martin Pletz and   
                Clara Schuecker   Version 0.2 --- \pkgCrackDect: Detecting
                                  crack densities in images of
                                  fiber-reinforced polymers  . . . . . . . ??
 Jaros\law Watróbski and   
     Aleksandra Baczkiewicz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.1] --- [\pkgpyrepo-mcda ---
                                  Reference Objects based MCDA Software
                                  Package] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 20, Number ??, December, 2022

                      Anonymous   December 2022  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Francis Lacombe and   
             Jean-Pierre Hickey   \pkgKrypton: Nonlinear Parabolized
                                  Stability Equation solver for transonic
                                  flow in curvilinear coordinates  . . . . ??
              Stijn Heldens and   
            Alessio Sclocco and   
              Henk Dreuning and   
          Ben van Werkhoven and   
               Pieter Hijma and   
              Jason Maassen and   
          Rob V. van Nieuwpoort   \pkglitstudy: a Python package for
                                  literature reviews . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Yuichi Motoyama and   
          Kazuyoshi Yoshimi and   
                 Takeo Kato and   
                     Synge Todo   \pkgMateriApps LIVE! and \pkgMateriApps
                                  Installer: Environment for starting and
                                  scaling up materials science simulations ??
                   Tao Yang and   
                   Lizhu Hu and   
                  Anja Chen and   
       Maro\vs Tunák and   
            Shangyong Zhang and   
                   Deyou Yu and   
               Xiaodong Tan and   
             Michal Petr\ru and   
      Ivan Ma\vs\'ìn and   
      Sundaramoorthy Palanisamy   \pkgAFDeter: a MATLAB-based tool for
                                  simple and rapid determination of the
                                  structural parameters and the
                                  airflow-related properties of fibrous
                                  materials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Francisco Ortin and   
              Miguel Garcia and   
Baltasar Garcia Perez-Schofield and   
                   Jose Quiroga   The \pkgStaDyn programming language  . . ??
                Dawid Macha and   
          Micha\l Kozielski and   
       Lukasz Wróbel and   
                   Marek Sikora   \pkgRuleXAI --- a package for rule-based
                                  explanations of machine learning model   ??
              Anna Di Mauro and   
      Salvatore Venticinque and   
Giovanni Francesco Santonastaso and   
               Armando Di Nardo   \pkgWEUSEDTO --- Water End USE Dataset
                                  and TOols: an open water end use
                                  consumption dataset and data analytics
                                  tools  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Dag Pasquale Pasca and   
             Angelo Aloisio and   
        Marco Martino Rosso and   
          Stefanos Sotiropoulos   \pkgPyOMA and \pkgPyOMA\_GUI: a Python
                                  module and software for Operational
                                  Modal Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Luca Borzacchiello and   
               Emilio Coppa and   
               Camil Demetrescu   \pkgSENinja: a symbolic execution plugin
                                  for \pkgBinary Ninja . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Jordi Vila-Pérez and   
      R. Loek Van Heyningen and   
          Ngoc-Cuong Nguyen and   
                  Jaume Peraire   \pkgExasim: Generating discontinuous
                                  Galerkin codes for numerical solutions
                                  of partial differential equations on
                                  graphics processors  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Joshua Ellul and   
              Carl James Debono   \pkgTinkercadNetConnector: Connecting
                                  emulated IoT devices to the outside
                                  world  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Abbas Nabhani and   
         Hanne K. Sjòlie   \pkgTreeSim: an object-oriented
                                  individual tree simulator and $3$D
                                  visualization tool in Python . . . . . . ??
            Maile P. McCann and   
          Dylan L. Anderson and   
    Christopher R. Sherwood and   
            Brittany Bruder and   
              A. Spicer Bak and   
            Katherine L. Brodie   \pkgCoastalImageLib: an open-source
                                  Python package for creating common
                                  coastal image products . . . . . . . . . ??
       Emmanouil Krasanakis and   
        Symeon Papadopoulos and   
       Ioannis Kompatsiaris and   
          Andreas L. Symeonidis   \pkgpygrank: a Python package for graph
                                  node ranking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Zhiwen Chen and   
                  Baorong Zhong   \pkgTFInterpy: a high-performance
                                  spatial interpolation Python package . . ??
         Abdesadik Bendarag and   
               Jamal Bakkas and   
             Mohamed Hanine and   
                 Omar Boutkhoum   \pkgPyOPAsolver: a Python based tool for
                                  ordinal priority approach operations and
                                  normalization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Juan Carlos Miranda and   
     Jordi Gené-Mola and   
          Jaume Arnó and   
                Eduard Gregorio   \pkgAKFruitData: a dual software
                                  application for Azure Kinect cameras to
                                  acquire and extract informative data in
                                  yield tests performed in fruit orchard
                                  environments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Juan Carlos Pachón and   
Juan Martínez-Franco and   
David Álvarez-Martínez   \pkgSIC: an intelligent packing system
                                  with industry-grade features . . . . . . ??
           Babajide Owoyele and   
             James Trujillo and   
             Gerard de Melo and   
                       Wim Pouw   \pkgMasked-Piper: Masking personal
                                  identities in visual recordings while
                                  preserving multimodal information  . . . ??
            Oliver Melchert and   
                 Ayhan Demircan   \ a generalized
                                  nonlinear Schrödinger Python module
                                  implementing different models of input
                                  pulse quantum noise  . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Hayden Robertson and   
           Isaac J. Gresham and   
         Stuart W. Prescott and   
            Grant B. Webber and   
           Erica J. Wanless and   
                  Andrew Nelson   \pkgrefellips: a Python package for the
                                  analysis of variable angle spectroscopic
                                  ellipsometry data  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Daniele Cattaneo and   
             Michele Chiari and   
            Giovanni Agosta and   
               Stefano Cherubin   \pkgTAFFO: the compiler-based precision
                                  tuner  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Kairzhan Karzhaubayev and   
             Lian-Ping Wang and   
              Dauren Zhakebayev   An efficient parallel spectral code for
                                  $3$D periodic flow simulations . . . . . ??
         Amirhosein Shabani and   
                Mahdi Kioumarsi   \pkgHyperomet: an OpenSees interface for
                                  nonlinear analysis of unreinforced
                                  masonry buildings  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
José C. Fernández-Alvarez and   
Albenis Pérez-Alarcón and   
               Raquel Nieto and   
                    Luis Gimeno   \pkgTROVA: TRansport Of water VApor  . . ??
                   Sibo Lin and   
            Mohamed Elanany and   
                  Motaz Khawaji   \pkgXTBDFT: Automated workflow for
                                  conformer searching of minima and
                                  transition states powered by extended
                                  tight binding and density functional
                                  theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Johan Nordstrand and   
                  Joydeep Dutta   \pkgELC: Software and tutorial for
                                  finite-element modeling of
                                  electrochemical desalination . . . . . . ??
             Viet-Phuong La and   
           Quan-Hoang Vuong and   
                 Trung Tran and   
          Minh-Hoang Nguyen and   
               Manh-Tung Ho and   
                   Manh-Toan Ho   The \pkgbayesvl package: an R package
                                  for implementing and visualizing
                                  Bayesian statistics  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Piet Jarmatz and   
          Helene Wittenberg and   
               Vahid Jafari and   
         Amartya Das Sharma and   
               Felix Maurer and   
             Niklas Wittmer and   
                Philipp Neumann   \pkgMaMiCo 2.0: an enhanced open-source
                                  framework for high-performance
                                  molecular-continuum flow simulation  . . ??
         Javier De La Hoz-M and   
              Susana Mendes and   
María José Fernandez-Gómez   \pkgGeoWeightedModel: an R-Shiny package
                                  for Geographically Weighted Models . . . ??
      Roberto García and   
Juan-Miguel López-Gil and   
                       Rosa Gil   \pkgRhizomer: Interactive semantic
                                  knowledge graphs exploration . . . . . . ??
Ana Waldila de Queiroz Ramiro Reis and   
Maria Fernanda Figueiredo de Oliveira and   
            Rodrigo Bird Burgos   \pkgDYNAblast --- a software to obtain
                                  the behavior of plates subjected to
                                  blast loads  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Vincent Gallo and   
                   Xin Zhou and   
             Diane Abdallah and   
             Manuela Angioi and   
               Emma Redding and   
               Beth Ackroyd and   
              Chiara Galvan and   
             Elisabetta Versace   \pkgMotionPerfection: an agile tool for
                                  the visualisation, analysis, annotation,
                                  and record of motor practice . . . . . . ??
        Pasquale Claudio Africa   life $^x$: a flexible, high performance
                                  library for the numerical solution of
                                  complex finite element problems  . . . . ??
          Alessia Marcolini and   
             Nicole Bussola and   
           Ernesto Arbitrio and   
              Mohamed Amgad and   
            Giuseppe Jurman and   
              Cesare Furlanello   \pkghistolab: a Python library for
                                  reproducible Digital Pathology
                                  preprocessing with automated testing . . ??
            Roberto Casadei and   
               Mirko Viroli and   
            Gianluca Aguzzi and   
                 Danilo Pianini   \pkgScaFi: a Scala DSL and Toolkit for
                                  Aggregate Programming  . . . . . . . . . ??
                Ji-Eun Byun and   
                   Dina D'Ayala   \pkgResMapper: Matlab tool for seismic
                                  resilience mapping of large-scale road
                                  networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Steven Sandoval and   
           Hasan Alshammari and   
                    Mamta Dalal   \pkgISA.jl: Instantaneous spectral
                                  analysis in Julia  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Villiam Bortolotti and   
             Leonardo Brizi and   
    Anastasiia Nagmutdinova and   
               Fabiana Zama and   
                  Germana Landi   \pkgMUPen2DTool: a new Matlab tool for
                                  $2$D nuclear magnetic resonance
                                  relaxation data inversion  . . . . . . . ??
   Agust\'ìn Borrego and   
             Miguel Bermudo and   
              Fernando Sola and   
               Daniel Ayala and   
      Inma Hernández and   
                     David Ruiz   \pkgSilence --- a web framework for an
                                  agile generation of RESTful APIs . . . . ??
            Hudan Studiawan and   
               Tohari Ahmad and   
           Bagus J. Santoso and   
            Ary M. Shiddiqi and   
             Baskoro A. Pratomo   \pkgDroneTimeline: Forensic timeline
                                  analysis for drones  . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Laurens M. Tetzlaff and   
                 Gero Szepannek   mlr3shiny-State-of-the-art machine
                                  learning made easy . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Chintan Pathak and   
                 David Beck and   
                  Don MacKenzie   \pkgChargEVal --- a multi-user framework
                                  for simulating and analysing charging
                                  station deployment scenarios using
                                  agent-based modelling  . . . . . . . . . ??
   Santiago Manrique-Bedoya and   
                Marcelo Marucho   \pkgCACPPAF, a COMSOL application to
                                  characterize polyelectrolyte properties
                                  of actin filaments . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Jorge Aguilar-Cabello and   
                Luis Parras and   
                Carlos del Pino   \pkgDPIVSoft-OpenCL: a multicore CPU-GPU
                                  accelerated open-source code for $2$D
                                  Particle Image Velocimetry . . . . . . . ??
                 Daniel Cantero   \pkgTTB-2D: Train--Track--Bridge
                                  interaction simulation tool for Matlab   ??
  Jacob D. R. Bordón and   
  Guillermo M. Álamo and   
      Luis A. Padrón and   
     Juan J. Aznárez and   
                  Orlando Maeso   \pkgMultiFEBE: a multi-domain finite
                                  element-boundary element solver for
                                  linear mixed-dimensional mechanical
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Cristian Mateos and   
       Matías Hirsch and   
         Juan Manuel Toloza and   
               Alejandro Zunino   \pkgLiveDewStream: a stream processing
                                  platform for running in-lab distributed
                                  deep learning inferences on smartphone
                                  clusters at the edge . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Geon Hee Lee and   
               Ali Sadollah and   
               Sang Ho Park and   
                  Zong Woo Geem   \pkgHS-Solver: Spreadsheet based harmony
                                  search algorithm solver for various
                                  optimization problems  . . . . . . . . . ??
               Marek Gagolewski   A framework for benchmarking clustering
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Jakub Wieckowski and   
    Bart\lomiej Kizielewicz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   \pkgpyFDM: a Python library for
                                  uncertainty decision analysis methods    ??
                  Jin Seok Park   \pkgpyBaram: Parallel compressible flow
                                  solver in high-performance Python for
                                  teaching and research  . . . . . . . . . ??
         Aikaterini Forouli and   
         Anastasios Pagonis and   
           Alexandros Nikas and   
      Konstantinos Koasidis and   
           Georgios Xexakis and   
    Themistoklis Koutsellis and   
          Christos Petkidis and   
                   Haris Doukas   \pkgAUGMECON-Py: a Python framework for
                                  multi-objective linear optimisation
                                  under uncertainty  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Nirav L. Lekinwala and   
                   Mani Bhushan   \pkgpyGNMF: a Python library for
                                  implementation of generalised
                                  non-negative matrix factorisation method ??
       Alexander D. Lindsay and   
            Derek R. Gaston and   
            Cody J. Permann and   
            Jason M. Miller and   
              David Andr\vs and   
        Andrew E. Slaughter and   
                 Fande Kong and   
              Joshua Hansel and   
          Robert W. Carlsen and   
             Casey Icenhour and   
              Logan Harbour and   
    Guillaume L. Giudicelli and   
             Roy H. Stogner and   
               Peter German and   
               Jacob Badger and   
             Sudipta Biswas and   
              Leora Chapuis and   
          Christopher Green and   
                Jason Hales and   
                Tianchen Hu and   
                  Wen Jiang and   
             Yeon Sang Jung and   
       Christopher Matthews and   
                Yinbin Miao and   
                April Novak and   
           John W. Peterson and   
          Zachary M. Prince and   
           Andrea Rovinelli and   
         Sebastian Schunert and   
              Daniel Schwen and   
        Benjamin W. Spencer and   
       Swetha Veeraraghavan and   
            Antonio Recuero and   
                Dewen Yushu and   
                  Yaqi Wang and   
               Andy Wilkins and   
               Christopher Wong   \pkg2.0-MOOSE: Enabling massively
                                  parallel multiphysics simulation . . . . ??
    Andreas F. Haselsteiner and   
        Kai-Lukas Windmeier and   
           Lena Ströer and   
            Klaus-Dieter Thoben   Update 2.0 to ``\pkgViroCon: a software
                                  to compute multivariate extremes using
                                  the environmental contour method'' . . . ??
               Oleg Zolotov and   
         Yulia Romanovskaya and   
                 Maria Knyazeva   Version 2.0-\pkgpyFIRI --- a free and
                                  open source Python software package of
                                  the non-auroral Earth's lower ionosphere ??
               John Collins and   
                Wolfgang Ketter   \pkgPower TAC: Software architecture for
                                  a competitive simulation of sustainable
                                  smart energy markets . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Markus Millinger and   
             Philip Tafarte and   
            Matthias Jordan and   
             Frazer Musonda and   
               Katrina Chan and   
            Kathleen Meisel and   
       Danial Esmaeili Aliabadi   A model for cost- and greenhouse gas
                                  optimal material and energy allocation
                                  of biomass and hydrogen  . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 21, Number ??, February, 2023

                      Anonymous   February 2023  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Junjun Guo and   
                   Aijun Ye and   
               Xiaowei Wang and   
                  Zhongguo Guan   \pkgOpenSeesPyView: Python
                                  programming-based visualization and
                                  post-processing tool for OpenSeesPy  . . ??
                David Brown and   
        Kauê de Sousa and   
                Jacob van Etten   \pkgag5Tools: an R package for
                                  downloading and extracting
                                  agrometeorological data from the AgERA5
                                  database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Joe Sgarrella and   
           Farshad Ghanbari and   
                 Christian Peco   \pkgI-STL2MOOSE: From STL data to
                                  integrated volumetrical meshes for MOOSE ??
        Markus Wallerberger and   
                Samuel Badr and   
           Shintaro Hoshino and   
            Sebastian Huber and   
            Fumiya Kakizawa and   
          Takashi Koretsune and   
                 Yuki Nagai and   
              Kosuke Nogaki and   
              Takuya Nomoto and   
               Hitoshi Mori and   
               Junya Otsuki and   
               Soshun Ozaki and   
            Thomas Plaikner and   
             Rihito Sakurai and   
            Constanze Vogel and   
                Niklas Witt and   
          Kazuyoshi Yoshimi and   
               Hiroshi Shinaoka   \pkgsparse-ir: Optimal compression and
                                  sparse sampling of many-body propagators ??
         Thomas J. Hoffmann and   
       Christine Miaskowski and   
                  Kord M. Kober   \pkgShinyGAStool: a user-friendly tool
                                  for candidate gene association studies   ??
               Janine Egert and   
                 Clemens Kreutz   \pkgRcall: an R interface for MATLAB . . ??
             Pieter D. Boom and   
           Andrey P. Jivkov and   
                   Lee Margetts   \pkgParaGEMS: Integrating discrete
                                  exterior calculus (DEC) into ParaFEM for
                                  geometric analysis of solid mechanics    ??
         Adrian A. Correndo and   
              Austin Pearce and   
            Carl H. Bolster and   
             John T. Spargo and   
              Deanna Osmond and   
           Ignacio A. Ciampitti   The \pkgsoiltestcorr R package: an
                                  accessible framework for reproducible
                                  correlation analysis of crop yield and
                                  soil test data . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Emmanuel Jordy Menvouta and   
              Sven Serneels and   
                   Tim Verdonck   \pkgdirepack: a Python 3 package for
                                  state-of-the-art statistical
                                  dimensionality reduction methods . . . . ??
                    Hakan Temiz   \pkgDeepSR: a deep learning tool for
                                  image super resolution . . . . . . . . . ??
            Karl D. Briegel and   
              Felix Riccius and   
               Jakob Filser and   
         Alexander Bourgund and   
        Robert Spitzenpfeil and   
             Mirco Panighel and   
                  Carlo Dri and   
      Barbara A. J. Lechner and   
                 Friedrich Esch   \pkgPyfastSPM: a Python package to
                                  convert $1$D FastSPM data streams into
                                  publication quality movies . . . . . . . ??
     Sergio A. Dorado-Rojas and   
           Fernando Fachini and   
         Tetiana Bogodorova and   
             Giuseppe Laera and   
Marcelo de Castro Fernandes and   
                Luigi Vanfretti   \pkgModelicaGridData: Massive power
                                  system simulation data generation and
                                  labeling tool using Modelica and Python  ??
                  Jiaqi Zou and   
                 Zonghao Li and   
               Xuanying Liu and   
                    Haonan Tong   \pkgMSCPDPLab: a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  transfer learning based multi-source
                                  cross-project defect prediction  . . . . ??
                       Yang Liu   \pkgrwl\_read: a MATLAB program to
                                  identify and correct formatting errors
                                  in tree-ring measurement files . . . . . ??
            George S. Evans and   
          Joseph M. Watkins and   
           Thomas F. Fuerst and   
            Chase N. Taylor and   
                Masashi Shimada   \pkgHyPAT: a GUI for high-throughput
                                  gas-driven hydrogen permeation data
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yang Zhao and   
                       Qing Liu   Causal ML: Python package for causal
                                  inference machine learning . . . . . . . ??
                Patrick Pho and   
         Alexander V. Mantzaris   \pkgreg-sgc: an open-source software for
                                  regularized Simple Graph Convolution . . ??
                  Binbin Lu and   
                  Yigong Hu and   
              Dongyang Yang and   
                   Yong Liu and   
                 Liuqi Liao and   
                 Zuoyao Yin and   
               Tianyang Xia and   
                 Zheyi Dong and   
                Paul Harris and   
             Chris Brunsdon and   
                 Lex Comber and   
                  Guanpeng Dong   \pkgGWmodelS: a software for
                                  geographically weighted models . . . . . ??
             Shaji M. Jamal and   
          Neelakantan T. R. and   
          Meyyappan Palaniappan   \pkgMesoGen --- Development of an
                                  Android application for the Mesoscopic
                                  modeling of concrete . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 DaJiang Wu and   
                Zhiyuan Mei and   
                     Yi Zhu and   
                    Haozhong Hu   Development of an ABAQUSTM plug-in for
                                  predicting composite plates stiffness
                                  with in-plane periodicity  . . . . . . . ??
                    Marie Roald   \pkgMatCoupLy: Learning coupled matrix
                                  factorizations with Python . . . . . . . ??
   Gabriele Proietti Mattia and   
                Roberto Beraldi   \pkgP2PFaaS: a framework for FaaS
                                  peer-to-peer scheduling and load
                                  balancing in Fog and Edge computing  . . ??
             Matti Niskanen and   
            Timo Lähivaara   \pkgCOMPOSTI: a Python-based program for
                                  seismic trans-dimensional inversion  . . ??
        Danilo S. Kusanovic and   
              Elnaz Seylabi and   
                Domniki Asimaki   \pkgSeismo-VLAB: an open-source finite
                                  element software for seismic meso-scale
                                  simulations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Marcell T. Kurbucz   \pkghdData360r: a high-dimensional panel
                                  data compiler for governance, trade, and
                                  competitiveness indicators of World Bank
                                  Group platforms  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Ming Huang and   
              Cameron F. Abrams   \pkgHTPolyNet: a general system
                                  generator for all-atom molecular
                                  simulations of amorphous crosslinked
                                  polymers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Arash Badie-Modiri and   
              Mikko Kivelä   \pkgReticula: a temporal network and
                                  hypergraph analysis software package . . ??
            Thomas F. Flint and   
           Joseph D. Robson and   
      Gowthaman Parivendhan and   
                 Philip Cardiff   \pkglaserbeamFoam: Laser ray-tracing and
                                  thermally induced state transition
                                  simulation toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Linmin Li and   
                  Weisen Xu and   
                Bowen Jiang and   
                 Xiaojun Li and   
                     Zuchao Zhu   A multiscale Eulerian--Lagrangian
                                  cavitating flow solver in OpenFOAM . . . ??
           Danilo S. Bomfim and   
          Rodrigo L. Soares and   
                Luiz F. Bez and   
          Pedro C. F. Lopes and   
 André M. B. Pereira and   
                 Luiz F. Martha   \pkgHETOOL: a Half-Edge Topological
                                  Object-Oriented Library for generic 2-D
                                  geometric modeling . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Ioannis Kontopoulos and   
            Antonios Makris and   
           Konstantinos Tserpes   \pkgTraClets: a trajectory
                                  representation and classification
                                  library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Nithin Kumar Goona and   
           Shraddha M. Naik and   
          Saidi Reddy Parne and   
                     Anand Paul   \pkgDssPyLib: an open-source Python FEM
                                  software to solve Poisson equation in
                                  2-D using distributed source scheme  . . ??
            Nikolaos Mittas and   
          Fani Chatzopoulou and   
   Efstratios Karagiannidis and   
  Dimitrios Chatzidimitriou and   
            Georgios Sianos and   
           Lefteris Angelis and   
        Ioannis S. Vizirianakis   \pkgCRISSPAC: a web-based platform for
                                  predicting the SYNTAX Score and severity
                                  of coronary artery disease . . . . . . . ??
        Marta Caro-Martinez and   
            Jesus M. Darias and   
           Belen Diaz-Agudo and   
           Juan A. Recio-Garcia   \pkgiSeeE$^3$ --- The Explanation
                                  Experiences Editor . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Abdur Rehman Khan and   
                Umer Rashid and   
                   Naveed Ahmed   \pkgAMED: Aggregated multimedia
                                  exploratory and discovery search
                                  software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Nicholas Arnold-Medabalimi and   
    Christopher R. Wentland and   
                Cheng Huang and   
              Karthik Duraisamy   \pkgPLATFORM: Parallel Linear Algebra
                                  Tool FOr Reduced Modeling  . . . . . . . ??
               Robert Gaugl and   
               Sonja Wogrin and   
              Udo Bachhiesl and   
                Lukas Frauenlob   \pkgGridTool: an open-source tool to
                                  convert electricity grid data  . . . . . ??
             Pranab J. Deka and   
            Lukas Einkemmer and   
                   Mayya Tokman   \pkgLeXInt: Package for exponential
                                  integrators employing Leja interpolation ??
                      Ye Li and   
              Hongxiang Ren and   
                    Haijiang Li   \pkgPyVT: a toolkit for preprocessing
                                  and analysis of vessel spatio-temporal
                                  trajectories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Leonidas Akritidis and   
      Miltiadis Alamaniotis and   
             Panayiotis Bozanis   \pkgFLAGR: a flexible high-performance
                                  library for rank aggregation . . . . . . ??
                Hongseok Oh and   
                Hyunsoo Kim and   
                      Hyerin Jo   \pkgMeaSSUre: \em I--V: Open software
                                  for transistor characterization using
                                  source-meter units . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Oscar J. Cacho and   
                Susan M. Hester   Modelling biocontrol of invasive insects
                                  using WaspSim: a MATLAB simulation model ??
           Giovanni Nardini and   
          Alessandro Noferi and   
             Pietro Ducange and   
                  Giovanni Stea   Exploiting Simu5G for generating
                                  datasets for training and testing AI
                                  models for 5G/6G network applications    ??
           Winda Wijayasari and   
Faizal Immaddudin Wira Rohmat and   
               Sparisoma Viridi   \pkgMalaccha: an R-based end-to-end
                                  Markov transition matrix extraction for
                                  land cover datasets  . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Christian Willberg and   
             Jan-Timo Hesse and   
               Marc Garbade and   
          Martin Rädel and   
              Falk Heinecke and   
           Andreas Schuster and   
                  Anna Pernatii   A user material interface for the
                                  Peridynamic Peridigm framework . . . . . ??
                 Jinfeng Ma and   
                  Hua Zheng and   
                  Ruonan Li and   
                Kaifeng Rao and   
              Yanzheng Yang and   
                     Weifeng Li   \pkgPyVecContour: a Python toolkit for
                                  vectorized isosurface mapping  . . . . . ??
         Maximilian Reininghaus   \pkgcnpy++: a C++17 library for reading
                                  and writing \tt .npy/\tt .npz files  . . ??
        Hiroko Kato Solvang and   
                 Mineaki Ohishi   \pkgtrec: an R package for trend
                                  estimation and classification to support
                                  integrated ecosystem assessment of the
                                  marine ecosystem and environmental
                                  factors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Monica Palaseanu-Lovejoy   \pkgiBluff: an open-source R package for
                                  geomorphic analysis of coastal
                                  bluffs/cliffs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Paul Koot and   
  Miguel Angel Mendoza-Lugo and   
           Dominik Paprotny and   
Oswaldo Morales-Nápoles and   
                Elisa Ragno and   
         Daniël T. H. Worm   \pkgPyBanshee version (1.0): a Python
                                  implementation of the MATLAB toolbox
                                  BANSHEE for Non-Parametric Bayesian
                                  Networks with updated features . . . . . ??
          Marcelo de Castro and   
            Dietmar Winkler and   
             Giuseppe Laera and   
            Luigi Vanfretti and   
     Sergio A. Dorado-Rojas and   
                Tin Rabuzin and   
         Biswarup Mukherjee and   
                 Manuel Navarro   Version [\pkgOpenIPSL 2.0.0] --- [iTesla
                                  Power Systems Library (iPSL): a
                                  \pkgModelica library for phasor
                                  time-domain simulations] . . . . . . . . ??
                Boqin Zhang and   
                   Xin Jing and   
           Shashikant Kumar and   
          Phanish Suryanarayana   Version 2.0.0 --- \pkgM-SPARC:
                                  Matlab-Simulation Package for Ab-initio
                                  Real-space Calculations  . . . . . . . . ??
           Kulbhushan Chand and   
                    Arun Khosla   Corrigendum to ``\pkgBioNES: a
                                  plug-and-play MATLAB-based tool to use
                                  NES games for multimodal biofeedback''
                                  [SoftwareX \bf 19 (2022) 101184] . . . . ??

Volume 22, Number ??, May, 2023

                      Anonymous   May 2023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Anthony Dowling and   
                  Lin Jiang and   
           Ming-Cheng Cheng and   
                         Yu Liu   \pkgTDF: a compact file format plugin
                                  for FEniCS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Dimitrios Loverdos and   
               Vasilis Sarhosis   \pkgImage2DEM: a geometrical digital
                                  twin generator for the detailed
                                  structural analysis of existing masonry
                                  infrastructure stock . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Yanhu Zhang and   
                     Lijuan Yan   Face recognition algorithm based on
                                  particle swarm optimization and image
                                  feature compensation . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Yong-Bin Kang and   
                   Timos Sellis   \pkgTopicTracker: a platform for topic
                                  trajectory identification and
                                  visualisation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Ilias Merkoureas and   
             Antonia Kaouni and   
     Georgia Theodoropoulou and   
       Alexandros Bousdekis and   
      Athanasios Voulodimos and   
              Georgios Miaoulis   \pkgSmyrida: a web application for
                                  process mining and interactive
                                  visualization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Róbert Tóth and   
  Bálint Tóth and   
     Miklós Hoffmann and   
                Marianna Zichar   \pkgviskillz-blender --- a Python
                                  package to generate assets of Mental
                                  Cutting Test exercises using Blender . . ??
         Apostolos Kritikos and   
   Prodromos Polychroniadis and   
               Ioannis Stamelos   \pkgSource-o-grapher: a tool towards the
                                  investigation of software resilience in
                                  Open Source Software projects  . . . . . ??
                Zeno Dhaene and   
             Nina Zizaki\'c and   
            Shaoguang Huang and   
                    Xian Li and   
            Aleksandra Pizurica   \pkgHSIToolbox: a web-based application
                                  for the classification of hyperspectral
                                  images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Antonio Stanziola and   
           Simon R. Arridge and   
                 Ben T. Cox and   
              Bradley E. Treeby   \pkgj-Wave: an open-source
                                  differentiable wave simulator  . . . . . ??
         Mateusz Szatkowski and   
         Przemys\law Litwin and   
                   Jan Masajada   \pkgLBSA: a GUI-based Matlab software
                                  for the advanced laser beam shaping with
                                  spatial light modulators . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yang Shen and   
            Robert H. Moore and   
                      Ankit Deo   Visualizing Abaqus output database in
                                  ParaView: a universal converter in
                                  Python and C++ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Arnout M. P. Boelens   \pkgStplanpy: a sustainable
                                  transportation planner for Python  . . . ??
           George To Sum Ho and   
              Yung Po Tsang and   
                     Qin Wu and   
                   Valerie Tang   \pkgck-FARM: an R package to discover
                                  big data associations for business
                                  intelligence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Mouad Zine-El-Abidine and   
             Helin Dutagaci and   
                 David Rousseau   \pkgOrdinalysis: Interpretability of
                                  multidimensional ordinal data  . . . . . ??
        Andrew E. Slaughter and   
          Zachary M. Prince and   
               Peter German and   
                 Ian Halvic and   
                  Wen Jiang and   
        Benjamin W. Spencer and   
 Somayajulu L. N. Dhulipala and   
                Derek R. Gaston   \pkgMOOSE Stochastic Tools: a module for
                                  performing parallel, memory-efficient in
                                  situ stochastic simulations  . . . . . . ??
Rubén Pérez-Mercado and   
           Antonio Balderas and   
 Andrés Muñoz and   
     Juan Francisco Cabrera and   
       Manuel Palomo-Duarte and   
             Juan Manuel Dodero   \pkgChatbotSQL: Conversational agent to
                                  support relational database query
                                  language learning  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Daniel J. Rosa-Gallardo and   
    Juan Carlos de la Torre and   
       Fernando M. Quintana and   
  Juan P. Dominguez-Morales and   
     Fernando Perez-Peña   \pkgNESIM-RT: a real-time distributed
                                  spiking neural network simulator . . . . ??
           Jakub Wieckowski and   
    Bart\lomiej Kizielewicz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Handling decision-making in
                                  Intuitionistic Fuzzy environment: PyIFDM
                                  package  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Elias Laurin Meyer and   
          Constantin Kumaus and   
               Michal Majka and   
                   Franz Koenig   An interactive R-Shiny app for quickly
                                  visualizing a tidy, long dataset with
                                  multiple dimensions with an application
                                  in clinical trial simulations for
                                  platform trials  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Antoine Weisrock and   
               Victor Couty and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
             Lieven Thorrez and   
       Pauline Lecomte-Grosbras   \pkgCRAPPY goes embedded: Including
                                  low-cost hardware in experimental setups ??
                    Fred Breidt   \pkgBufferCapacity3 an interactive GUI
                                  program for modelling food ingredient
                                  buffering and pH . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Adán José-García and   
   Wilfrido Gómez-Flores   \pkgCVIK: a Matlab-based cluster
                                  validity index toolbox for automatic
                                  data clustering  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Josué M. Polanco-Martínez and   
José L. López-Martínez   \pkgNonParRolCor: an R package for
                                  estimating rolling correlation for two
                                  regular time series  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Sasha D. Hafner and   
          Kristina Mjöfors   \pkgSTM: a software tool for predicting
                                  daily temperature in stored animal
                                  slurry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Óscar Escudero-Arnanz and   
         Antonio G. Marques and   
      Cristina Soguero-Ruiz and   
Inmaculada Mora-Jiménez and   
                Gregorio Robles   \pkgdtwParallel: a Python package to
                                  efficiently compute dynamic time warping
                                  between time series  . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Alejandro Marrero and   
            Eduardo Segredo and   
       Coromoto León and   
                      Emma Hart   \pkgDIGNEA: a tool to generate diverse
                                  and discriminatory instance suites for
                                  optimisation domains . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Gorka Bidegain and   
              Tal Ben-Horin and   
             Eric N. Powell and   
             John M. Klinck and   
              Eileen E. Hofmann   \pkgMarineEpi: a GUI-based Matlab
                                  toolbox to simulate marine pathogen
                                  transmission . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Simona Bernardi and   
       Raúl Javierre and   
          José Merseguer   \pkgtegdet: an extensible Python library
                                  for anomaly detection using time
                                  evolving graphs  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Abigail Goldsteen and   
                  Ola Saadi and   
               Ron Shmelkin and   
            Shlomit Shachor and   
               Natalia Razinkov   \pkgAI privacy toolkit . . . . . . . . . ??
  Pablo Blanco-Gómez and   
  Constancio Amurrio-Garcia and   
José Luis Jiménez-García and   
                Jose M. Cecilia   \pkgCPR Algorithm --- a new
                                  interpolation methodology and QGIS
                                  plugin for Colour Pattern Regression
                                  between aerial images and raster maps    ??
                 Anna Czmil and   
               Jacek Kluska and   
                Sylwester Czmil   \pkgGPR: a Python implementation of an
                                  extremely simple classifier based on
                                  fuzzy logic and gene expression
                                  programming  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Carlos Hernandez-Olivan and   
                Jose R. Beltran   \pkgMusicaiz: a Python library for
                                  symbolic music generation, analysis and
                                  visualization  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Georg Zitzlsberger and   
          Michal Podhoranyi and   
                 Jan Martinovic   \pkgrsdtlib: Remote sensing with
                                  deep-temporal data library . . . . . . . ??
                 Saba Imani and   
                Majid Vahed and   
             Shreya Satodia and   
                 Mohammad Vahed   \pkgT-Ridership: a web tool for
                                  reprogramming public transportation
                                  fleets to minimize COVID-19 transmission ??
         Marcell Stippinger and   
  Dávid Hanák and   
         Marcell T. Kurbucz and   
     Gergely Hanczár and   
Olivér M. Törteli and   
Zoltán Somogyvári   \pkgBiometricBlender: Ultra-high
                                  dimensional, multi-class synthetic data
                                  generator to imitate biometric feature
                                  space  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Kouao Laurent Kouadio and   
                Jianxin Liu and   
                       Rong Liu   \pkgwatex: machine learning research in
                                  water exploration  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Guoyang Liu and   
             Janet H. Hsiao and   
               Weidong Zhou and   
                       Lan Tian   \pkgMartMi-BCI: a Matlab-based real-time
                                  motor imagery brain-computer interface
                                  platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Eduardo Blázquez and   
                  Juan Tapiador   \pkgKunai: a static analysis framework
                                  for Android apps . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Mostafa Shaaban   Viability of the social-ecological
                                  agroecosystem (ViSA) . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Bart\lomiej Kizielewicz and   
         Andrii Shekhovtsov and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   \pkgpymcdm --- The universal library for
                                  solving multi-criteria decision-making
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Filip Ga\ldyn and   
           Rados\law Zajdel and   
            Krzysztof So\'snica   \pkgRINEXAV: GNSS global network
                                  selection open-source software based on
                                  qualitative analysis of RINEX files  . . ??
       Victoria B. Stephens and   
             Joshua Bedwell and   
          Alex J. Josephson and   
             Keturah Oldham and   
               David O. Lignell   \pkgSootLib: a soot model library for
                                  combustion simulation  . . . . . . . . . ??
            Daniel Schuster and   
    Sebastiaan J. van Zelst and   
        Wil M. P. van der Aalst   \pkgCortado: a dedicated process mining
                                  tool for interactive process discovery   ??
               Moshe Sipper and   
             Tomer Halperin and   
                Itai Tzruia and   
                 Achiya Elyasaf   \pkgEC-KitY: Evolutionary computation
                                  tool kit in Python with seamless machine
                                  learning integration . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Xianan Qin and   
                  Zhiwen Tu and   
                        Hao Liu   \pkgSBTAnalyzer: a data processing
                                  software package for single-bacterium
                                  tracking microscopy at material surfaces ??
           Johannes Schwarz and   
          Kristjan Axelsson and   
             Daniel Anheuer and   
             Martin Richter and   
               Johanna Adam and   
            Martin Heinrich and   
          Rüdiger Schwarze   An OpenFOAM solver for the extended
                                  Navier--Stokes equations . . . . . . . . ??
               Jaejoon Song and   
             Satoshi Morita and   
               Ying-Wei Kuo and   
                    J. Jack Lee   \pkgBayesESS: a tool for quantifying the
                                  impact of parametric priors in Bayesian
                                  analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Francesco Caponi and   
            David F. Vetsch and   
                   Davide Vanzo   \pkgBASEveg: a Python package to model
                                  riparian vegetation dynamics coupled
                                  with river morphodynamics  . . . . . . . ??
             Filip Petrovic and   
          Jirí Filipovic   Kernel Tuning Toolkit  . . . . . . . . . ??
               Youngbin Lim and   
                     Sangyul Ha   \pkgRufGen: a plug-in for rough surface
                                  generation in Abaqus/CAE . . . . . . . . ??
Constantin Waubert de Puiseau and   
              Jannik Peters and   
   Christian Dörpelkus and   
               Hasan Tercan and   
                  Tobias Meisen   \pkgschlably: a Python framework for
                                  deep reinforcement learning based
                                  scheduling experiments . . . . . . . . . ??
  Elías D. Nino-Ruiz and   
                Randy Consuegra   \pkgAMLCS-DA: a data assimilation
                                  package in Python for Atmospheric
                                  General Circulation Models . . . . . . . ??
                Amir Mardan and   
             Bernard Giroux and   
         Gabriel Fabien-Ouellet   \pkgPyFWI: a Python package for
                                  full-waveform inversion and reservoir
                                  monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Rodrigo Castilla and   
               Alex Pacheco and   
                   Jorge Franco   Digital government: Mobile applications
                                  and their impact on access to public
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Andrzej \Lysko and   
     Witold Ma\'cków and   
       Pawe\l Forczma\'nski and   
           Pawe\l Terefenko and   
               Andrzej Giza and   
        Jakub \'Sledziowski and   
       Grzegorz St\kepie\'n and   
              Arkadiusz Tomczak   \pkgCCMORPH --- Coastal Cliffs
                                  Morphology Analysis Toolbox  . . . . . . ??
Benjamin Thomas Schwertfeger and   
             Gerrit Lohmann and   
                Henrik Lipskoch   Introduction of the BiasAdjustCXX
                                  command-line tool for the application of
                                  fast and efficient bias corrections in
                                  climatic research  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Renu Mishra and   
            Inderpreet Kaur and   
               Santosh Sahu and   
             Sandeep Saxena and   
               Nitima Malsa and   
                 Mamta Narwaria   Establishing three layer architecture to
                                  improve interoperability in Medicare
                                  using smart and strategic API led
                                  integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Arthur Mercier and   
              Nikita Smolin and   
            Oliver Sihlovec and   
            Stefanos Koffas and   
                  Stjepan Picek   Backdoor Pony: Evaluating backdoor
                                  attacks and defenses in different
                                  domains  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Derek Van Berkel and   
           Thomas Estabrook and   
                 Nathan Fox and   
     Rahul Agrawal Bejarano and   
              Lisa Maillard and   
                 Devin Gill and   
           Erica Akemi Goto and   
             Maria Carmen Lemos   \pkgPPGISr: an R package for Public
                                  Participatory GIS  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Dongha Kim and   
                Yeongbin Jo and   
               Taekyung Kim and   
                     Hokeun Kim   \pkgSST v1.0.0 with C API: Pluggable
                                  security solution for the Internet of
                                  Things . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Max Spencer and   
            Shohreh Sheiati and   
                      Xiao Chen   \pkgAQUADA GUI: a graphical user
                                  interface for automated quantification
                                  of damages in composite structures under
                                  fatigue loading using computer vision
                                  and thermography . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Krzysztof Drachal   ``\pkgdynmix'': an R package for the
                                  estimation of dynamic finite mixtures    ??
         Mikaël Cugnet and   
            Florian Gallois and   
              Angel Kirchev and   
                   Denys Dutykh   \pkgNEOLAB: a \pkgScilab tool to
                                  simulate the Negative Electrode of
                                  Lead-Acid Batteries  . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Surbhi Raj and   
              Jimson Mathew and   
                  Arijit Mondal   \pkgFDT: a Python toolkit for fake image
                                  and video detection  . . . . . . . . . . ??
José Cabrero-Holgueras and   
                Sergio Pastrana   \pkgHEFactory: a symbolic execution
                                  compiler for privacy-preserving Deep
                                  Learning with Homomorphic Encryption . . ??
            Lennart Steffen and   
            Reinhard Hinkelmann   \pkghms$^{++}$: Open-source shallow
                                  water flow model with focus on
                                  investigating computational performance  ??
            Francesco Amato and   
            Matteo Cicalese and   
             Luca Contrasto and   
        Giacomo Cubicciotti and   
           Gerardo D'Ambola and   
           Antonio La Marca and   
            Giuseppe Pagano and   
           Fiorentino Tomeo and   
 Gennaro Alessio Robertazzi and   
          Gabriele Vassallo and   
          Giovanni Acampora and   
           Autilia Vitiello and   
             Gemma Catolino and   
         Giammaria Giordano and   
           Stefano Lambiase and   
           Valeria Pontillo and   
            Giulia Sellitto and   
          Filomena Ferrucci and   
                  Fabio Palomba   \pkgQuantuMoonLight: a low-code platform
                                  to experiment with quantum machine
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Manuel Castillo-Cara and   
     Reewos Talla-Chumpitaz and   
Raúl García-Castro and   
            Luis Orozco-Barbosa   \pkgTINTO: Converting Tidy Data into
                                  image for classification with
                                  2-Dimensional Convolutional Neural
                                  Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Angela Busato and   
             Michaela Servi and   
                 Yary Volpe and   
              Rocco Furferi and   
              Maurizio Scorianz   \pkgPrecise: a web-based $3$D
                                  visualization and manipulation
                                  application for surgical planning of
                                  tumour resection . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Timo Asikainen and   
    Tomi Männistö and   
                   Eetu Huovila   \pkgUndulate: Extreme continuous
                                  experimentation of separately deployable
                                  software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Julián D. Loaiza Duque and   
Antonio J. Sánchez Egea and   
Hernán A. González Rojas and   
  Pedro Chaná-Cuevas and   
        Joaquim J. Ferreira and   
              João Costa   \pkgTremorSoft: an decision support
                                  application for differential diagnosis
                                  between Parkinson's disease and
                                  essential tremor . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Kauê de Sousa and   
                David Brown and   
           Jonathan Steinke and   
                Jacob van Etten   \pkggosset: an R package for analysis
                                  and synthesis of ranking data in
                                  agricultural experimentation . . . . . . ??
           Piotr Nowakowski and   
             Przemys\law Rokita   \pkgFieldView: an interactive software
                                  tool for exploration of
                                  three-dimensional vector fields  . . . . ??
              Niko Strijbol and   
      Charlotte Van Petegem and   
              Rien Maertens and   
                 Boris Sels and   
      Christophe Scholliers and   
              Peter Dawyndt and   
                   Bart Mesuere   \pkgTESTed --- an educational testing
                                  framework with language-agnostic test
                                  suites for programming exercises . . . . ??
Carlos Ramos-Carreño and   
      José L. Torrecilla   \pkgdcor: Distance correlation and
                                  energy statistics in Python  . . . . . . ??
                Josh Brekel and   
             Kelly R. Thorp and   
         Kendall C. DeJonge and   
                Thomas J. Trout   Version 1.1.0-\pkgpyfao56: FAO-56
                                  evapotranspiration in Python . . . . . . ??

Volume 23, Number ??, July, 2023

                      Anonymous   July 2023  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Francesco P. A. Portioli   \pkgDynABlock\_2D: an optimization-based
                                  MATLAB application for rocking dynamics,
                                  nonlinear static and limit analysis of
                                  masonry block structures . . . . . . . . ??
         Mario Stojanovi\'c and   
         Francesco Roman\`o and   
            Hendrik C. Kuhlmann   MaranStable: a linear stability solver
                                  for multiphase flows in canonical
                                  geometries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Jiachen Xu and   
          Moritz Grosse-Wentrup   PyTES: a Python toolbox for closed-loop
                                  transcranial electrical stimulation  . . ??
Andrés Manuel Chacón-Maldonado and   
Gualberto Asencio-Cortés and   
Francisco Martínez-Álvarez and   
                Alicia Troncoso   FS-Studio: an extensive and efficient
                                  feature selection experimentation tool
                                  for Weka Explorer  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Luca S. D'Acci and   
                   Michele Voto   Morphogenesis of Isobenefit urbanism:
                                  Isobenefit-cities simulator  . . . . . . ??
             Vanesa Herrera and   
              David Vallejo and   
José J. Castro-Schez and   
       Dorothy N. Monekosso and   
           Ana de los Reyes and   
       Carlos Glez-Morcillo and   
                 Javier Albusac   Rehab-Immersive: a framework to support
                                  the development of virtual reality
                                  applications in upper limb
                                  rehabilitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Jannek Gundlach and   
          Maximilian Behnke and   
               Christian Jordan   \pkgPROVER-M: a simple model to project
                                  the disposal of fine sediments . . . . . ??
Andrés Segura-Tinoco and   
           Iván Cantador   \pkgARGAEL: ARGument Annotation and
                                  Evaluation tooL  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
João Paulo Just Peixoto and   
            Daniel G. Costa and   
Washington de J. S. da Franca Rocha and   
             Paulo Portugal and   
              Francisco Vasques   CityZones: a geospatial multi-tier
                                  software tool to compute urban risk
                                  zones  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Rui Wu and   
      Connor Scully-Allison and   
              Chase Carthen and   
                Andy Garcia and   
                Roger Hoang and   
          Christopher Lewis and   
       Ronn Siedrik Quijada and   
              Jessica Smith and   
          Sergiu M. Dascalu and   
            Frederick C. Harris   vFirelib: a GPU-based fire simulation
                                  and visualization tool . . . . . . . . . ??
Vicente González-Ruiz and   
    Jose-Jesus Fernández   \pkgFlowDenoising: Structure-preserving
                                  denoising in $3$D electron microscopy
                                  (3DEM) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Emmanuel K. Raptis and   
      Konstantinos Englezos and   
              Orfeas Kypris and   
         Marios Krestenitis and   
   Athanasios Ch. Kapoutsis and   
     Konstantinos Ioannidis and   
         Stefanos Vrochidis and   
         Elias B. Kosmatopoulos   \pkgCoFly: an automated, AI-based
                                  open-source platform for UAV precision
                                  agriculture applications . . . . . . . . ??
       Suhail S. M. Hussain and   
                Chen Yaohao and   
          Muhammad M. Roomi and   
            Daisuke Mashima and   
                 Ee-Chien Chang   An open-source framework for
                                  publishing/subscribing IEC 61850 R-GOOSE
                                  and R-SV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Cristian E. Sosa-Espadas and   
Mauricio G. Orozco-del-Castillo and   
         Nora Cuevas-Cuevas and   
           Juan A. Recio-Garcia   IREX: Iterative Refinement and
                                  Explanation of classification models for
                                  tabular datasets . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Kristóf Floch and   
                   Attila Kossa   Motion Tracker Beta: a GUI based
                                  open-source motion tracking application  ??
            Samantha Wittke and   
             Anne Fouilloux and   
              Petteri Lehti and   
                Juuso Varho and   
        Arttu Kivimäki and   
                Maiju Karhu and   
           Mika Karjalainen and   
                Matti Vaaja and   
                  Eetu Puttonen   EODIE --- Earth Observation Data
                                  Information Extractor  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Malik Yahiaoui and   
              Denis Mazuyer and   
         Juliette Cayer-Barrioz   \pkgIssyOsborne: transIent Squeeze and
                                  Starvation in elastohydrodynamic ---
                                  OScillating Bodies sOlving Reynolds
                                  oNe-dimensional Equation . . . . . . . . ??
           Thanh Tung Khuat and   
                  Bogdan Gabrys   \pkghyperbox-brain: a Python toolbox for
                                  hyperbox-based machine learning
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Nathan Fox and   
           Derek Van Berkel and   
       Ramiro Serrano Verge and   
                 Mark Lindquist   \pkgvGameReviews: an R package for
                                  harnessing video game reviews for
                                  scientific research  . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Wilmer Moina-Rivera and   
Juan Gutiérrez-Aguado and   
           Miguel Garcia-Pineda   Video quality metrics toolkit: an open
                                  source software to assess video quality  ??
              Giacomo Longo and   
          Alessandro Orlich and   
            Stefano Musante and   
              Alessio Merlo and   
                   Enrico Russo   \pkgMaCySTe: a virtual testbed for
                                  maritime cybersecurity . . . . . . . . . ??
              Fabien Salmon and   
             Ludovic Chatellier   \pkgpyMeshFOAM: Automated meshing for
                                  CFD and fluid-structure simulations  . . ??
             Gianluca Amato and   
             Francesca Scozzari   \pkgJGMP: Java bindings and wrappers for
                                  the \pkgGMP library  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Mattan Tseng and   
                Jack Miller and   
              Dante Goldner and   
                    Eliot Winer   \pkgXRAE: Extended Reality Acuity
                                  Examination  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Hao Weng and   
              Zhengyang Liu and   
                    Dayong Wang   \pkgALPHA MODEL: a C++ code for
                                  modelling and analyzing
                                  permeability of hydrate-bearing porous
                                  media  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Jianning Li and   
      André Ferreira and   
              Behrus Puladi and   
               Victor Alves and   
               Michael Kamp and   
                   Moon Kim and   
                Felix Nensa and   
              Jens Kleesiek and   
         Seyed-Ahmad Ahmadi and   
                      Jan Egger   Open-source skull reconstruction with
                                  MONAI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            George S. Evans and   
           Thomas F. Fuerst and   
            Chase N. Taylor and   
                Masashi Shimada   Hydrogen Permeation and Absorption Tool
                                  (HyPAT v2.0): an update to facilitate
                                  analyses of data from hydrogen
                                  absorption experiments . . . . . . . . . ??
              Henrik Austad and   
                  Geir Mathisen   \pkgnet\_chan: Deterministic network
                                  channels for distributed real-time
                                  systems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Victorino Sanz and   
                 Alfonso Urquia   MSGLib: a Modelica library for message
                                  passing communication  . . . . . . . . . ??
       Achilleas Filippidis and   
               Adam J. Sadowski   Modern analysis of axisymmetric shells
                                  with AQUINAS: a \pkgMATLAB finite
                                  element toolbox  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Pavla Krotka and   
             Katharina Hees and   
                Peter Jacko and   
             Dominic Magirr and   
               Martin Posch and   
              Marta Bofill Roig   NCC: an R-package for analysis and
                                  simulation of platform trials with
                                  non-concurrent controls  . . . . . . . . ??
José-Luis Blanco-Claraco and   
            Borys Tymchenko and   
Francisco José Mañas-Alvarez and   
Fernando Cañadas-Aránega and   
Ángel López-Gázquez and   
      José Carlos Moreno   MultiVehicle Simulator (MVSim):
                                  Lightweight dynamics simulator for
                                  multiagents and mobile robotics research ??
              Ahcen Aliouat and   
        Nasreddine Kouadria and   
             Doru Florin Chiper   x-DTT: a package for calculating real
                                  and Integer Discrete Tchebichef
                                  Transform kernels based on orthogonal
                                  polynomials  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Alejandro Platas-López and   
Alejandro Guerra-Hernández and   
         Francisco Grimaldo and   
Nicandro Cruz-Ram\'ìrez and   
 Efrén Mezura-Montes and   
     Marcela Quiroz-Castellanos   \pkgdplbnDE: an R package for
                                  discriminative parameter learning of
                                  Bayesian Networks by Differential
                                  Evolution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Ramón Pujol-Nadal and   
                Gabriel Cardona   \pkgOTSunWebApp: a ray tracing web
                                  application for the analysis of
                                  concentrating solar-thermal and
                                  photovoltaic solar cells . . . . . . . . ??
              Grace Skinner and   
                  Rob Cooke and   
              Junghyuk Keum and   
                Andy Purvis and   
               Cristina Raw and   
            Ben A. Woodcock and   
                 Joseph Millard   \pkgDynameta: a dynamic platform for
                                  ecological meta-analyses in R Shiny  . . ??
                 Eddy Caron and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
          Christophe Cuvier and   
            Arnaud Beaurain and   
            Vincent Magnier and   
               Ahmed El Bartali   \pkgPYCASO: Python module for
                                  calibration of cameras by Soloff's
                                  method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
   Daniel A. Triana-Camacho and   
   Jorge H. Quintero-Orozco and   
Enrique García-Macías   \pkgPypiezo-GO: a software tool for
                                  processing electromechanical
                                  measurements of piezoelectric reduced
                                  graphene oxide-cement composites . . . . ??
Miguel González Jiménez and   
     Héctor Aguilera and   
         Luis Moreno Merino and   
           Amalia Romero Prados   Q-Facies: a tool for the quantitative
                                  interpretation of groundwater
                                  hydrochemical facies . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Karl Ludger Radke and   
       Janina Hußmann and   
            Lena Röwer and   
                  Dirk Voit and   
                 Jens Frahm and   
              Gerald Antoch and   
                  Dirk Klee and   
            Frank Pillekamp and   
        Hans-Jörg Wittsack   \pkg``shortCardiac'' --- An open-source
                                  framework for fast and standardized
                                  assessment of cardiac function . . . . . ??
          Agung Danu Wijaya and   
              Dedy Farhamsa and   
               Darmawati Darwis   \pkgnetDFT: JAVA Density Functional
                                  Theory for solid . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Mosayeb Shams and   
              Ahmed H. Elsheikh   \pkgGym-preCICE: Reinforcement learning
                                  environments for active flow control . . ??
Adrian García-López and   
Oscar Chávez-Bosquez and   
José Hernández-Torruco and   
Betania Hernández-Ocaña   \pkgJMetaBFOP: a tool for solving global
                                  optimization problems  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Giuvane Conti and   
          Erivelto Mercante and   
     Eduardo Godoy de Souza and   
             Ricardo Sobjak and   
           Claudio Leones Bazzi   \pkgAGDATABOX-RS computational
                                  application: Remote sensing data
                                  management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Tobias Weber   Motion planning for triple-axis
                                  spectrometers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Anito Anto and   
          Linda Rose Jimson and   
                 Tanya Rose and   
            Mohammed Jafrin and   
 Mahesh Raveendranatha Panicker   \pkgSPAALUV: Software Package for
                                  Automated Analysis of Lung Ultrasound
                                  Videos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Francesco Pagano and   
            Andrea Romdhana and   
              Davide Caputo and   
             Luca Verderame and   
                  Alessio Merlo   \pkgSEBASTiAn: a static and extensible
                                  black-box application security testing
                                  tool for iOS and Android applications    ??
             Tarek Berghout and   
              Mohamed Benbouzid   \pkgPrognosEase: a data generator for
                                  health deterioration prognosis . . . . . ??
                   Yuma Ito and   
            Masanori Hirose and   
                 Makio Tokunaga   \pkgSlitflow: a Python framework for
                                  single-molecule dynamics and
                                  localization analysis  . . . . . . . . . ??
Mohsen Yoosefzadeh Najafabadi and   
                Ali Heidari and   
                  Istvan Rajcan   \pkgAllInOne Pre-processing: a
                                  comprehensive preprocessing framework in
                                  plant field phenotyping  . . . . . . . . ??
        Florian A. Overberg and   
   Philipp C. Böttcher and   
              Dirk Witthaut and   
             Simon Morgenthaler   \pkgEmipy: an open-source Python-based
                                  tool to analyze industrial emissions in
                                  Europe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Siamak Khatami and   
             Christopher Frantz   \pkgCopatrec: a correlation pattern
                                  recognizer Python package for nonlinear
                                  relations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Juan D. Velasquez   \pkgTechMiner: Analysis of bibliographic
                                  datasets using Python  . . . . . . . . . ??
      Alberto Robles-Enciso and   
      Ricardo Robles-Enciso and   
            Antonio F. Skarmeta   \pkgSim-PowerCS: an extensible and
                                  simplified open-source energy simulator  ??
               Igor Betkier and   
        Mateusz Oszczypa\la and   
           Janusz Pobozniak and   
          Sergiusz Sobieski and   
            Przemys\law Betkier   \pkgPocketFinderGNN: a manufacturing
                                  feature recognition software based on
                                  Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) using
                                  PyTorch Geometric and NetworkX . . . . . ??
        Luana Souza Almeida and   
            Alireza Ghasemi and   
               Floris Goerlandt   \pkgE-ARCP: an exact solution approach
                                  to the Collaborative Multi-vehicle Prize
                                  Collecting Arc Routing for Connectivity
                                  Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Hui Li and   
                  Bixia Sun and   
                  Yuan Fang and   
              Mengyao Zhang and   
                     Haitao Liu   \pkgGWGPM: Generator of wallpaper group
                                  patterns for molecular visualization . . ??
       Emmanouil Krasanakis and   
        Symeon Papadopoulos and   
           Ioannis Kompatsiaris   \pkgJGNN: Graph Neural Networks on
                                  native Java  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                     Jie Ma and   
                  Qianlian Wang   \pkgTransRNM --- a traffic flow and
                                  demand prediction tool for
                                  transportation network with ridesharing
                                  services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Greig Oldford and   
                 David Cote and   
              Dan G. Kehler and   
      Gabrielle R. Riefesel and   
             Yolanda F. Wiersma   \pkgFIPEX v10.4: an ArcGIS Desktop
                                  Add-in for assessing impacts of fish
                                  passage barriers and longitudinal
                                  connectivity of rivers . . . . . . . . . ??
      Arsi Ikäheimonen and   
              Ana M. Triana and   
               Nguyen Luong and   
         Amirmohammad Ziaei and   
           Jarno Rantaharju and   
              Richard Darst and   
              Talayeh Aledavood   \pkgNiimpy: a toolbox for behavioral
                                  data analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Fernando Sola and   
               Daniel Ayala and   
               Rafael Ayala and   
      Inma Hernández and   
           Carlos R. Rivero and   
                     David Ruiz   \pkgAYNEXT --- tools for streamlining
                                  the evaluation of link prediction
                                  techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Ugur Yayan and   
                     Cem Baglum   Tailored mutation-based software fault
                                  injection tool (IM-FIT)  . . . . . . . . ??
                Jaehyun Ahn and   
                 Haifa Gaza and   
                Juhyeok Lee and   
             Hyeongchan Kim and   
                   Jaewook Byun   Oliot EPCIS: an open-source EPCIS 2.0
                                  system for supply chain transparency . . ??
            Zachary J. Ruff and   
        Damon B. Lesmeister and   
     Julianna M. A. Jenkins and   
        Christopher M. Sullivan   \pkgPNW-Cnet v4: Automated species
                                  identification for passive acoustic
                                  monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Michael Iro and   
             Dieter Ingerle and   
                Sven Hampel and   
           Ursula Fittschen and   
            Vishal Dhamgaye and   
                 Oliver Fox and   
               Christina Streli   \pkgvoxTrace: a voxel-based Monte-Carlo
                                  ray-tracing code for the simulation of
                                  X-ray fluorescence spectra . . . . . . . ??
            Bogdan Ruszczak and   
         Krzysztof Kotowski and   
         Jacek Andrzejewski and   
          Christoph Haskamp and   
                   Jakub Nalepa   \pkgOXI: an online tool for
                                  visualization and annotation of
                                  satellite time series data . . . . . . . ??
            George S. Evans and   
          Joseph M. Watkins and   
            Chase N. Taylor and   
        Jagoda Urban-Klaehn and   
                Chuting T. Tsai   \pkgCDB-AP: an application for
                                  coincidence Doppler broadening
                                  spectroscopy analysis  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Akshay Antony and   
      Chakradhar Guntuboina and   
            Rishikesh Magar and   
                Lalit Ghule and   
               Ruchit Doshi and   
                Aman Khalid and   
            Sharan Seshadri and   
           Amir Barati Farimani   \pkgManufacturingNet: a machine learning
                                  toolbox for engineers  . . . . . . . . . ??
           Rodrique Kafando and   
       Rémy Decoupes and   
              Mathieu Roche and   
           Maguelonne Teisseire   \pkgSNEToolkit: Spatial named entities
                                  disambiguation toolkit . . . . . . . . . ??
        Wanwara Thuptimdang and   
     Patjanaporn Chalacheva and   
           Thomas D. Coates and   
             Michael C. K. Khoo   \pkgMcDAPS: a multi-channel
                                  physiological signals display and
                                  analysis system for clinical researchers ??
             Thomas Wolgast and   
           Nils Wenninghoff and   
            Stephan Balduin and   
                 Eric Veith and   
             Bastian Fraune and   
             Torben Woltjen and   
             Astrid Nieße   \pkgANALYSE --- Learning to attack
                                  cyber-physical energy systems with
                                  intelligent agents . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           David Montgomery and   
          Federico Municchi and   
                Karin Leiderman   \pkgclotFoam: an open-source framework
                                  to simulate blood clot formation under
                                  arterial flow  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
François Lédée and   
            Pierryves Padey and   
           Kyriaki Goulouti and   
   Sébastien Lasvaux and   
     Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre   \pkgEcoDynElec: Open Python package to
                                  create historical profiles of
                                  environmental impacts from regional
                                  electricity mixes  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Simon Brehm and   
         Cameliu Himcinschi and   
                Jakob Kraus and   
                    Jens Kortus   \pkgPyRamanGUI: Open-source graphical
                                  user interface for analyzing Raman
                                  spectra  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Aatila Mustapha and   
             Kadem Abdellah and   
            Lachgar Mohamed and   
           Lamhaddab Khalid and   
              Hrimech Hamid and   
                     Kartit Ali   \pkgDLDiagnosis: a mobile and web
                                  application for diseases classification
                                  using Deep Learning  . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Gregorio Ambrosio-Cestero and   
   Jose-Raul Ruiz-Sarmiento and   
        Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez   The Robot@Home2 dataset: a new release
                                  with improved usability tools  . . . . . ??
     Gonca Gürses-Tran and   
          Florian Oppermann and   
                Antonello Monti   \pkgProLoaF: Probabilistic load
                                  forecasting for power systems  . . . . . ??
     Evandro Alves Nakajima and   
    Antonio Augusto Ignacio and   
Suzan Kelly Borges Piovesan and   
          Helton Jose Alves and   
           Carlos Eduardo Borba   \pkgDRMSimulator: Software for
                                  simulation of the Dry Reforming of
                                  Methane (DRM) process  . . . . . . . . . ??
             Igor Stepie\'n and   
                 Mariusz Oszust   \pkgTIQA-PSI: Toolbox for perceptual
                                  Image Quality Assessment of
                                  Pan-Sharpened Images . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Péter German and   
                    Dewen Yushu   Enabling scientific machine learning in
                                  MOOSE using Libtorch . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Luca De Nardis and   
Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto and   
            Jeung-Yoon Choi and   
     Stefanie Shattuck-Hufnagel   \pkgxkl: a legacy software for detailed
                                  acoustic analysis of speech made modern  ??
      Przemys\law Aszkowski and   
               Bartosz Ptak and   
                Marek Kraft and   
        Dominik Pieczy'nski and   
             Pawe\l Drapikowski   \pkgDeepness: Deep neural remote sensing
                                  plugin for QGIS  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Ziya Tan and   
           Mehmet Karaköse   A new approach for drone tracking with
                                  drone using Proximal Policy Optimization
                                  based distributed deep reinforcement
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Daniel Gacitúa and   
Roberto González-Ibáñez   \pkgLETICIA: a toolbox for search task
                                  deployment, execution, and user
                                  interaction logging on interactive
                                  information retrieval studies  . . . . . ??
             Geunseong Jung and   
                    Jaehyuk Cha   A WebExtension framework for
                                  experimentation and evaluation of
                                  webpage segmentation methods . . . . . . ??
  Yusuf Özçevik and   
                    Osman Altay   \pkgMetricHunter: a software metric
                                  dataset generator utilizing
                                  SourceMonitor upon public GitHub
                                  repositories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Sebastian Montoya Villada and   
           Erick Reyes-Vera and   
          Mauricio Arias-Correa   \pkgAnIMAGE: a MATLAB-based tool for
                                  generating microstrip antennas with
                                  complex shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Tiago Carvalho and   
          João Bispo and   
                Pedro Pinto and   
      João M. P. Cardoso   A DSL-based runtime adaptivity framework
                                  for Java . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Alexander Lindsay and   
       Guillaume Giudicelli and   
               Peter German and   
              John Peterson and   
                  Yaqi Wang and   
              Ramiro Freile and   
                David Andrs and   
             Paolo Balestra and   
              Mauricio Tano and   
                     Rui Hu and   
                   Ling Zou and   
               Derek Gaston and   
               Cody Permann and   
             Sebastian Schunert   \pkgMOOSE Navier--Stokes module  . . . . ??
               Daniel Kulas and   
               Michal R. Wrobel   \pkgAffecTube --- Chrome extension for
                                  YouTube video affective annotations  . . ??
           Benjamin Jakimow and   
               Andreas Janz and   
               Fabian Thiel and   
             Akpona Okujeni and   
            Patrick Hostert and   
       Sebastian van der Linden   \pkgEnMAP-Box: Imaging spectroscopy in
                                  QGIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Xiaotong Li and   
         Karel Aámek and   
                     Wes Armour   GPU accelerated singular value
                                  thresholding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Mattia Daole and   
            Alessio Schiavo and   
José Luis Corcuera Bárcena and   
             Pietro Ducange and   
       Francesco Marcelloni and   
               Alessandro Renda   \pkgOpenFL-XAI: Federated learning of
                                  explainable artificial intelligence
                                  models in Python . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Themistoklis Koutsellis and   
           Georgios Xexakis and   
      Konstantinos Koasidis and   
          Natasha Frilingou and   
      Anastasios Karamaneas and   
           Alexandros Nikas and   
                   Haris Doukas   In-Cognitive: a web-based Python
                                  application for fuzzy cognitive map
                                  design, simulation, and uncertainty
                                  analysis based on the Monte Carlo method ??
     Andrés Carvallo and   
           Ignacio Jorquera and   
               Carlos Aspillaga   \pkgCoTranslate: a web-based tool for
                                  crowdsourcing high-quality sentence pair
                                  corpora  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Mohammad Ivan Azis   \pkg2D-xtDCR-LTBEM: a Fortran code for
                                  numerical solutions to the unsteady
                                  anisotropic-DCR equation of
                                  spatio-temporal coefficients . . . . . . ??
Jorge Arturo Sandoval-Espino and   
        Alvaro Zamudio-Lara and   
José Antonio Marbán-Salgado and   
J Jesús Escobedo-Alatorre and   
    Omar Palillero-Sandoval and   
J. Guadalupe Velásquez Aguilar   Image set preparation: a platform to
                                  prepare a myoelectric signal to train a
                                  CNN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Arunkumar Palaniappan and   
          Ramaswamy Muthiah and   
      Murugesh Tiruchi Sundaram   \pkgZigBee enabled IoT based intelligent
                                  lane control system for autonomous
                                  agricultural electric vehicle
                                  application  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 24, Number ??, December, 2023

                      Anonymous   December 2023  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jens Renders and   
              Ben Jeurissen and   
            Anh-Tuan Nguyen and   
          Jan De Beenhouwer and   
                    Jan Sijbers   \pkgImWIP: Open-source image warping
                                  toolbox with adjoints and derivatives    ??
      Murat Çaliskan and   
                 Berk Anbaroglu   Space Time Cube analytics in QGIS and
                                  Python for hot spot detection  . . . . . ??
          Maciej Nasi\'nski and   
          Krzysztof Gajowniczek   Handling an inconsistently coded
                                  categorical variable in a longitudinal
                                  dataset with cat2cat . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Juan Soto-Perdomo and   
        Juan Morales-Guerra and   
          Juan David Arango and   
  Sebastian Montoya Villada and   
               Pedro Torres and   
               Erick Reyes-Vera   \pkgOptiGUI DataCollector: a graphical
                                  user interface for automating the data
                                  collecting process in optical and
                                  photonics labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Mehmet Bak and   
   Rahmi Nurhan Çel\.\ik   \pkgWeb-NDefA: Open-source and web-based
                                  online platform for 3-D deformation
                                  analysis of geodetic networks  . . . . . ??
                  Sara Haro and   
     Jonathan Jimenez-Reina and   
            Ricardo Bermejo and   
                  Liam Morrison   \pkgBioIntertidal Mapper software: a
                                  satellite approach for NDVI-based
                                  intertidal habitat mapping . . . . . . . ??
             Robert Englert and   
        Manfred Schedlowski and   
              Harald Engler and   
              Winfried Rief and   
      Christian Büchel and   
              Ulrike Bingel and   
                   Tamas Spisak   \pkgALIIAS:
                                  Anonymization/Pseudonymization with
                                  LimeSurvey integration and II-factor
                                  Authentication for Scientific research   ??
           Matej Petkovi\'c and   
           Jurica Levati\'c and   
                Dragi Kocev and   
            Martin Breskvar and   
                  Saso Dzeroski   \pkgCLUSplus: a decision tree-based
                                  framework for predicting structured
                                  outputs  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Jean Elsner   Taming the Panda with Python: a powerful
                                  duo for seamless robotics programming
                                  and integration  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Taseef Hasan Farook and   
          Farhan Hasin Saad and   
                 Saif Ahmed and   
                   James Dudley   \pkgDental Loop FLT: Facial landmark
                                  tracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Emma Adolfsson and   
               Jon Jonasson and   
           Aniruddh Kashyap and   
      Anna Nordensköld and   
              Anna Greén   \pkgCNV-Z; a new tool for detecting copy
                                  number variation in next generation
                                  sequencing data  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Alejandro Fernández-Montes and   
Damián Fernández-Cerero and   
Felipe Escalera-González and   
   Agnieszka Jakóbik and   
       Belén Bermejo and   
                    Carlos Juiz   \pkgSimilarityTS: Toolkit for the
                                  evaluation of similarity for
                                  multivariate time series . . . . . . . . ??
                Amin Najafi and   
           Masoud Masih-Tehrani   Hybrid adaptive battery parameter
                                  estimation approach for equivalent
                                  circuit model toolbox  . . . . . . . . . ??
       Maximilian Kapsecker and   
          Daniel N. Nugraha and   
        Christoph Weinhuber and   
              Nicholas Lane and   
               Stephan M. Jonas   Federated Learning with Swift: an
                                  Extension of Flower and Performance
                                  Evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Rafa\l Miedzi\'nski and   
         Izabela Fuks-Janczarek   \pkgZ-lambda: a terminal-based software
                                  for simulation of heat transfer during
                                  Z-scan experiments in transparent solids ??
              Amin Mahmoudi and   
              Mahsa Sadeghi and   
              Xiaopeng Deng and   
                  Pengcheng Pan   \pkgOPA Solver: a web-based software for
                                  Ordinal Priority Approach in multiple
                                  criteria decision analysis using
                                  JavaScript . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Kang Liang and   
               Zhang Xiukai and   
                Oleg Krakhmalev   \pkgSLSL-QPSO: Quantum-behaved particle
                                  swarm optimization with short-lived
                                  swarm layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Juan Carlos Miranda and   
          Jaume Arnó and   
     Jordi Gené-Mola and   
             Spyros Fountas and   
                Eduard Gregorio   \pkgAKFruitYield: Modular benchmarking
                                  and video analysis software for Azure
                                  Kinect cameras for fruit size and fruit
                                  yield estimation in apple orchards . . . ??
             Donatello Elia and   
             Cosimo Palazzo and   
               Sandro Fiore and   
          Alessandro D'Anca and   
            Andrea Mariello and   
               Giovanni Aloisio   \pkgPyOphidia: a Python library for High
                                  Performance Data Analytics at scale  . . ??
    Mar Ariza-Sentís and   
        Sergio Vélez and   
            João Valente   \pkgBBR: an open-source standard
                                  workflow based on biophysical crop
                                  parameters for automatic
                                  \bionameBotrytis cinerea assessment in
                                  vineyards  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Hangchao Fan and   
                        Lina Hu   Pressure vessel nozzle local stress
                                  prediction software based on
                                  ABAQUS-machine learning  . . . . . . . . ??
          Gabriel S. Vieira and   
          Afonso U. Fonseca and   
          Julio C. Ferreira and   
               Fabrizzio Soares   \pkgProtectLeaf: an insect predation
                                  analyzer for agricultural crop
                                  monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Fred Breidt and   
         Caitlin R. Skinner and   
             Mileah Shriner and   
             Mollie Ruinsky and   
             Seo Young Yang and   
             Robert P. Wine and   
               Lynette Johnston   \pkgIngredientDB: a GUI-based Matlab
                                  database program for estimating the pH
                                  of acid or acidified food formulations
                                  from buffer capacity models  . . . . . . ??
            Shervan Gharari and   
            Kasra Keshavarz and   
        Wouter J. M. Knoben and   
              Gouqiang Tang and   
                Martyn P. Clark   \pkgEASYMORE: a Python package to
                                  streamline the remapping of variables
                                  for Earth System models  . . . . . . . . ??
               Piotr Jurkiewicz   \pkgTopoHub: a repository of reference
                                  Gabriel graph and real-world topologies
                                  for networking research  . . . . . . . . ??
               Jonatan Soto and   
             Johan Aparicio and   
            Aquiles Darghan and   
            Milan Oldrich Urban   \pkgRankspeQ: an R package platform for
                                  genotype characterization and
                                  performance-ranking based on MultispeQ
                                  measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
José F. Aldana-Martín and   
            Juan J. Durillo and   
               Antonio J. Nebro   \pkgEvolver: Meta-optimizing
                                  multi-objective metaheuristics . . . . . ??
           Maria D. Guillen and   
              Juan Aparicio and   
        Victor J. España   \pkgboostingDEA: a boosting approach to
                                  Data Envelopment Analysis in R . . . . . ??
     Hüseyin Hacihabiboglu   \pkgsphstat: a Python package for
                                  inferential statistics on vectorial data
                                  on the unit sphere . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Rainer M. Krug and   
                Owen L. Petchey   \pkgMicroxanox: an R package for
                                  simulating an aquatic MICR obial
                                  ecosystem that can occupy OXic or ANOXic
                                  states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Aura Ximena Gonzalez-Cely and   
Cristian Felipe Blanco-Diaz and   
          Camilo A. R. Diaz and   
   Teodiano Freire Bastos-Filho   \pkgRoborueda: Python-based GUI to
                                  control a wheelchair and monitor user
                                  posture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Fatma Yerlikaya-Özkurt and   
               Ceyda Yazici and   
                    Inci Batmaz   \pkgcmaRs: a powerful predictive data
                                  mining package in R  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Pietro Cinaglia and   
                Mario Cannataro   \pkgMultiGlobAl: Global alignment of
                                  multilayer networks  . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Siddhartha Ganguly and   
               Nakul Randad and   
        Rihan Aaron D'Silva and   
              Mukesh Raj S. and   
            Debasish Chatterjee   \pkgQuITO: Numerical software for
                                  constrained nonlinear optimal control
                                  problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Jasper Thrussell and   
           Jim Michael Ferguson   \pkgExactPack: a Python library of exact
                                  analytic solutions . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Jiaxin Yu and   
              Tapan Mukerji and   
                     Per Avseth   \pkgrockphypy: an extensive Python
                                  library for rock physics modeling  . . . ??
                  Dasol Lee and   
               Seokgyu Kwon and   
                   Minkyung Kim   \pkgViBA Rad: Visualization and basic
                                  analysis tools for radiative cooling . . ??
               Petri Varvia and   
            Janne Räty and   
               Petteri Packalen   \pkgmgpr: an R package for multivariate
                                  Gaussian process regression  . . . . . . ??
           Matthias Müller   \pkgPyblioNet --- Software for the
                                  creation, visualization and analysis of
                                  bibliometric networks  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Benjamin Acar and   
         Marc Guerreiro Augusto   \pkgKufast: a tool for multi-tenancy in
                                  autonomous driving testbeds  . . . . . . ??
              Hayri Volkan Agun   \pkgWebCollectives: a light regular
                                  expression based web content extractor
                                  in Java  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Weijie Ren and   
                 Wenjia Xie and   
                   Ye Zhang and   
                    Hang Yu and   
                   Zhengyu Tian   \pkgMSAT: Matrix stability analysis tool
                                  for shock-capturing schemes  . . . . . . ??
                     Tom Yaacov   \pkgBPpy: Behavioral programming in
                                  Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Amine Abbad-Andaloussi and   
          Daniel Lübke and   
                  Barbara Weber   Conducting eye-tracking studies on large
                                  and interactive process models using
                                  EyeMind  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Dimitrios Tsapetis and   
         Michael D. Shields and   
       Dimitris G. Giovanis and   
             Audrey Olivier and   
                Lukas Novak and   
         Promit Chakroborty and   
            Himanshu Sharma and   
              Mohit Chauhan and   
          Katiana Kontolati and   
            Lohit Vandanapu and   
        Dimitrios Loukrezis and   
                Michael Gardner   \pkgUQpy v4.1: Uncertainty
                                  quantification with Python . . . . . . . ??
                Marko Mijac and   
       Antonio Garcia-Cabot and   
               Vjeran Strahonja   \pkgREFRAME --- a software framework for
                                  managing reactive dependencies in
                                  object-oriented applications . . . . . . ??
         Konrad Ja\lowiecki and   
        Paulina Lewandowska and   
                  Lukasz Pawela   \pkgPyQBench: a Python library for
                                  benchmarking gate-based quantum
                                  computers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Bruno D. Ferreira-Saraiva and   
João P. Matos-Carvalho and   
               Nuno Fachada and   
                    Manuel Pita   \pkgParShift: a Python package to study
                                  order and differentiation in group
                                  conversations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Geoffroy Couasnet and   
             Mathis Cordier and   
           Hadhami Garbouge and   
       Félix Mercier and   
               David Pierre and   
        Angelina El Ghaziri and   
               Pejman Rasti and   
                 David Rousseau   \pkgGrowth Data --- an automatic
                                  solution for seedling growth analysis
                                  via RGB-Depth imaging sensors  . . . . . ??
      Mohammad Afzal Shadab and   
                 Eric Hiatt and   
               Marc Andre Hesse   \pkgPKgui: GUI software for
                                  Polubarinova--Kochina's solutions of
                                  steady unconfined groundwater flow . . . ??
         Konrad Ja\lowiecki and   
                  Lukasz Pawela   \pkgOmnisolver: an extensible interface
                                  to Ising spin-glass and QUBO solvers . . ??
               Xiaoyue Feng and   
                 Dashan Wei and   
               Tianzhe Jiao and   
               Chaopeng Guo and   
                Dongqi Wang and   
                       Jie Song   \pkgLiPTool: a tool for learning-based
                                  autonomous index placement in databases  ??
                 Lingyan Wu and   
                       Gang Cai   \pkgSNNTool: a software tool for
                                  sampling neural networks algorithms
                                  implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jeremy Adler and   
              Ainsley Huang and   
                 Ingela Parmryd   \pkgFind\_plasma\_membrane and
                                  \pkgmeasure\_plasma\_membrane: ImageJ
                                  macros for efficient identification of
                                  and measurements at and around the
                                  plasma membrane  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Charlotte Van Petegem and   
              Rien Maertens and   
              Niko Strijbol and   
        Jorg Van Renterghem and   
        Felix Van der Jeugt and   
              Bram De Wever and   
              Peter Dawyndt and   
                   Bart Mesuere   \pkgDodona: Learn to code with a virtual
                                  co-teacher that supports active learning ??
                Robin Tesse and   
 Cédric Hernalsteens and   
          Eustache Gnacadja and   
              Nicolas Pauly and   
          Eliott Ramoisiaux and   
                Marion Vanwelde   \pkgGeorges: a modular Python library
                                  for seamless beam dynamics simulations
                                  and optimization . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Eduardo Gomes and   
              Lucas Pereira and   
            Augusto Esteves and   
                    Hugo Morais   \pkgPyECOM: a Python tool for analyzing
                                  and simulating Energy Communities  . . . ??
                Stefan Holm and   
                Marc Werder and   
               Oliver Thees and   
                Renato Lemm and   
                Janine Schweier   \pkgJuWaPfl: a decision support tool to
                                  estimate times and costs of processes
                                  related to young-forest maintenance  . . ??
    Jean-Grégoire Ducoin   \pkgGalclaim: a tool to identify host
                                  galaxy of astrophysical transient
                                  sources  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
  Iván García and   
          Javier A. Albusac and   
José J. Castro-Schez and   
             Vanesa Herrera and   
                  David Vallejo   \pkgGVIDI: a system to improve the
                                  safety of groups of hikers based on
                                  real-time monitoring and dataset
                                  generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Enrico Cambiaso and   
            Luca Caviglione and   
                 Marco Zuppelli   \pkgDockerChannel: a framework for
                                  evaluating information leakages of
                                  \pkgDocker containers  . . . . . . . . . ??
     David Moreno-Lumbreras and   
 Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona and   
                Gregorio Robles   \pkgBabiaXR: Facilitating experiments
                                  about XR data visualization  . . . . . . ??
   Eduardo Redondo-Iglesias and   
             Marwan Hassini and   
               Pascal Venet and   
                Serge Pelissier   \pkgDATTES: Data analysis tools for
                                  tests on energy storage  . . . . . . . . ??
                  Qian Gong and   
               Jieyang Chen and   
                Ben Whitney and   
                  Xin Liang and   
            Viktor Reshniak and   
             Tania Banerjee and   
                Jaemoon Lee and   
           Anand Rangarajan and   
                 Lipeng Wan and   
              Nicolas Vidal and   
                   Qing Liu and   
                Ana Gainaru and   
         Norbert Podhorszki and   
          Richard Archibald and   
               Sanjay Ranka and   
                   Scott Klasky   \pkgMGARD: a multigrid framework for
                                  high-performance, error-controlled data
                                  compression and refactoring  . . . . . . ??
     Kojo Konadu Adu-Gyamfi and   
      Karo Ahmadi-Dehrashid and   
      Yaw Okyere Adu-Gyamfi and   
          Pujitha Gunaratne and   
                    Anuj Sharma   \pkgMobiScout: a scalable cloud-based
                                  driving and activity monitoring platform
                                  featuring an IOS app and a WatchOS
                                  extension  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Marceli Wac and   
      Raul Santos-Rodriguez and   
           Chris McWilliams and   
          Christopher Bourdeaux   \pkgCATS: Cloud-native time-series data
                                  annotation tool for intensive care . . . ??
                 Junta Tagusari   \pkgshinyHugePlot: an R package for
                                  displaying the features of data with a
                                  huge sample size . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Mahdad Jafarzadeh Esfahani and   
        Amir Hossein Daraie and   
                  Paul Zerr and   
          Frederik D. Weber and   
                 Martin Dresler   \pkgDreamento: an open-source dream
                                  engineering toolbox for sleep EEG
                                  wearables  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Nalan Ozkurt   \pkgPrepAnnECG: a user friendly MATLAB
                                  ECG preprocessing and annotation GUI for
                                  health professionals . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Jakub Stankowski and   
             Adrian Dziembowski   \pkgIV-PSNR: Software for immersive
                                  video objective quality evaluation . . . ??
              Serkan Solmaz and   
                 Tom Van Gerven   \pkgAcrossim: a toolkit for
                                  cross-platform integration of CFD
                                  simulation data in computer graphics . . ??
               Manish Kumar and   
             Roberto Alessi and   
                 Enrico Salvati   \pkgGPFniCS: a generalised phase field
                                  method to model fracture . . . . . . . . ??
           Fernando Fachini and   
          Marcelo de Castro and   
         Tetiana Bogodorova and   
                Luigi Vanfretti   \pkgOpenIMDML: Open Instance
                                  Multi-Domain Motor Library utilizing the
                                  Modelica modeling language . . . . . . . ??
           Nguyen Van Thieu and   
                Diego Oliva and   
    Marco Pérez-Cisneros   \pkgMetaCluster: an open-source Python
                                  library for metaheuristic-based
                                  clustering problems  . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Gaurav Chaudhary and   
               Hicham Johra and   
            Laurent Georges and   
     Bjòrn Austbò   \pkgpymodconn: a Python package for
                                  developing modular sequence-to-sequence
                                  control-oriented deep neural networks    ??
        Taseef Hasan Farook and   
          Farhan Hasin Saad and   
                 Saif Ahmed and   
                   James Dudley   \pkgDental loop SnP: Speech and phonetic
                                  pattern recognition  . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Kelly R. Thorp and   
                Josh Brekel and   
             Kendall C. DeJonge   Version 1.2.0 --- \pkgpyfao56: FAO-56
                                  evapotranspiration in Python . . . . . . ??
         Andrii Shekhovtsov and   
    Bart\lomiej Kizielewicz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.1] --- [\pkgpymcdm --- The
                                  universal library for solving
                                  multi-criteria decision-making problems] ??
               Piotr Jurkiewicz   \pkgFlow-models 2.0: Elephant flows
                                  modeling and detection with machine
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Aleksandra Baczkiewicz and   
 Jaros\law Watróbski and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.1] --- [\pkgCrispyn --- a
                                  Python library for determining criteria
                                  significance with objective weighting
                                  methods] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Jaros\law Watróbski and   
     Aleksandra Baczkiewicz and   
              Kesra Nermend and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.2] --- [\pkgpyrepo-mcda ---
                                  Reference Objects based MCDA Software
                                  Package] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Sebastian Blauth   Version 2.0 --- \pkgcashocs:
                                  Computational, Adjoint-Based Shape
                                  Optimization and Optimal Control
                                  Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 25, Number ??, February, 2024

                  Amjad Ali and   
                    Shah Khusro   \pkgSA-MEAS: Sympy-based automated
                                  mathematical equations analysis and
                                  solver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Fernando Salazar and   
Joaquín Irazábal and   
             André Conde   \pkgSOLDIER: SOLution for Dam behavior
                                  Interpretation and safety Evaluation
                                  with boosted Regression trees  . . . . . ??
      Jorge Chamorro-Padial and   
             Emanuele Cozzo and   
   Antonio Calleja-López   \pkgDecidim.viz: a data dashboard
                                  prototype for a digital democracy
                                  platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ryan C. Godwin and   
           Ayesha S. Bryant and   
           Brant M. Wagener and   
            Timothy J. Ness and   
        Jennifer J. DeBerry and   
             LaShun L. Horn and   
           Shanna H. Graves and   
           Ashley C. Archer and   
                 Ryan L. Melvin   \pkgIRB-draft-generator: a generative AI
                                  tool to streamline the creation of
                                  institutional review board applications  ??
          Ingrid Måge and   
             Josipa Mati\'c and   
          Katinka Riiser Dankel   \pkgSEC2MWD: a MATLAB toolbox for
                                  derivation of molecular weight
                                  distributions from size exclusion
                                  chromatography . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Javier Osca and   
                      Jiri Vala   \pkgSOQCS: a Stochastic Optical Quantum
                                  Circuit Simulator  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Davide Berardi and   
        Saverio Giallorenzo and   
               Andrea Melis and   
             Simone Melloni and   
                 Marco Prandini   \pkgRanflood: a mitigation tool based on
                                  the principles of data flooding against
                                  ransomware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Adam Kania and   
          Weronika Ormaniec and   
              Dmytro Zhylko and   
             Leszek Grzanka and   
           Diana Piotrowska and   
         Andrzej Siódmok   \pkgJoseph the MoUSE --- Mouse
                                  Ultrasonic Sound Explorer  . . . . . . . ??
           Jakub Wieckowski and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.1]-[\pkgpyFDM: a Python
                                  library for uncertainty decision
                                  analysis methods]  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Maximilian Kapsecker and   
        Nikita Charushnikov and   
                Leon Nissen and   
               Stephan M. Jonas   \pkgPeakSwift: Mobile Detection of
                                  R-peaks in Single Lead
                                  Electrocardiograms . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            George S. Evans and   
          Joseph M. Watkins and   
            Chase N. Taylor and   
        Jagoda Urban-Klaehn and   
                Chuting T. Tsai   Corrigendum to ``CDB-AP: an application
                                  for coincidence Doppler broadening
                                  spectroscopy analysis'' [SoftwareX \bf
                                  23 (2023) 101475]  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Manuel Vargas-Martínez and   
       Nelson Rangel-Valdez and   
   Eduardo Fernández and   
Claudia Gómez-Santillán and   
            Gilberto Rivera and   
                Fausto Balderas   \pkgMOSA/D-O and \pkgMOSAD/D-O-II:
                                  Performance analysis of
                                  decomposition-based algorithms in many
                                  objective problems . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Leo Ramos and   
                Mike Bermeo and   
       Andrés Quelal and   
             Anthony Crespo and   
         Gabriela Cajamarca and   
Francklin Rivas-Echeverría   \pkgSustainMeter: a knowledge-based
                                  system for assessing sustainability of
                                  SMEs in the fashion industry . . . . . . ??
            Thomas F. Flint and   
           Joseph D. Robson and   
               Parsa Esmati and   
            Nicol\`o Grilli and   
      Gowthaman Parivendhan and   
                 Philip Cardiff   Version 2.0 --- \pkgLaserbeamFoam: Laser
                                  ray-tracing and thermally induced state
                                  transition simulation toolkit  . . . . . ??
           Zachary D'Aquino and   
           Sylwester Arabas and   
          Jeffrey H. Curtis and   
          Akshunna Vaishnav and   
              Nicole Riemer and   
                   Matthew West   \pkgPyPartMC: a Pythonic interface to a
                                  particle-resolved, Monte Carlo aerosol
                                  simulation framework . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Paxton C. Fitzpatrick and   
              Jeremy R. Manning   \pkgDavos: a Python package ``smuggler''
                                  for constructing lightweight
                                  reproducible notebooks . . . . . . . . . ??
              Niko Strijbol and   
             Robbe De Proft and   
             Klaas Goethals and   
               Bart Mesuere and   
              Peter Dawyndt and   
          Christophe Scholliers   \pkgBlink: an educational software
                                  debugger for Scratch . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Janusz Bedkowski   Open source, open hardware hand-held
                                  mobile mapping system for large scale
                                  surveys  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Hongyi Hu and   
                    Zhonghua Xu   \pkgGlobal-GMDs: the global map of
                                  geomagnetic disturbances . . . . . . . . ??
           Jakub Wieckowski and   
    Bart\lomiej Kizielewicz and   
           Witold Chmielarz and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   Version [1.1] --- [Handling
                                  decision-making in intuitionistic fuzzy
                                  environment: \pkgPyIFDM package] . . . . ??
          Casey T. Icenhour and   
       Alexander D. Lindsay and   
            Cody J. Permann and   
       Richard C. Martineau and   
             David L. Green and   
              Steven C. Shannon   The \pkgMOOSE electromagnetics module    ??
                        Jun Liu   \pkgEBSDPolygonizer: Enabling realistic
                                  microstructural modelling  . . . . . . . ??
         Marcell T. Kurbucz and   
 Péter Pósfay and   
           Antal Jakovác   \pkgLLT: an R package for linear
                                  law-based feature space transformation   ??
        Adrian Alexandrescu and   
       Cristian Nicolae Butincu   \pkgDARS: Decentralized Article
                                  Retrieval System . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Ehlimana Krupalija and   
                  Emir Cogo and   
             Damir Pozderac and   
           Samir Omanovi\'c and   
        Almir Karabegovi\'c and   
Razija Tur\vcinhod\vzi\'c Mulahasanovi\'c and   
               Ingmar Be\vsi\'c   \pkgETF-RI-CEG-Advanced: a graphical
                                  desktop tool for black-box testing by
                                  using cause-effect graphs  . . . . . . . ??
                  Di-Fan Yi and   
                   Qian Liu and   
                Rui-Ting Ma and   
              Bin-Long Wang and   
              Hong-Bang Liu and   
                    Fei Xie and   
               Huan-Bo Feng and   
                 Zu-Ke Feng and   
                Yang-Heng Zheng   \pkgStar-XP: a simulation framework for
                                  Polar-2/low energy X-ray polarization
                                  detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Lingbo Liu and   
                Xiaokang Fu and   
         Tobias Kötter and   
                Kevin Sturm and   
            Carsten Haubold and   
           Weihe Wendy Guan and   
                Shuming Bao and   
                     Fahui Wang   Geospatial Analytics Extension for
                                  \pkgKNIME  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Daniel Aláez and   
       Mikel Celaya-Echarri and   
          Leyre Azpilicueta and   
       Jesús Villadangos   \pkgUAVradio: Radio link path loss
                                  estimation for UAVs  . . . . . . . . . . ??
             K. Ja\lowiecki and   
                      L. Pawela   Corrigendum to ``Omnisolver: an
                                  extensible interface to Ising spin-glass
                                  and QUBO solvers'' [SoftwareX \bf 24
                                  (2023) 101559] . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Maria T. Alvela Nieto and   
           Hannes Gelbhardt and   
      Jan-Hendrik Ohlendorf and   
            Klaus-Dieter Thoben   \pkgProQualAI: a software to compute
                                  qualitative and quantitative product
                                  features in process industries using
                                  deep learning image processing
                                  algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Marco Krummenacher and   
              Moritz Gubler and   
           Jonas A. Finkler and   
               Hannes Huber and   
Martin Sommer-Jörgensen and   
               Stefan Goedecker   Performing highly efficient Minima
                                  Hopping structure predictions using the
                                  Atomic Simulation Environment (ASE)  . . ??
       Iñigo Aldalur and   
                Alain Perez and   
            Felix Larrinaga and   
             Miren Illarramendi   \pkgMAWA: Enhancing mobile web browsing
                                  through web augmentation for improved
                                  user experience  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
 Dulcenombre M. Saz-Navarro and   
Aurelio López-Fernández and   
Francisco A. Gómez-Vela and   
     Domingo S. Rodriguez-Baena   \pkgCyEnGNet-App: a new Cytoscape app
                                  for the reconstruction of large
                                  co-expression networks using an ensemble
                                  approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Sumedh Khodke and   
                   Evan Fox and   
               Nafisa Anjum and   
          Dineshkumar Katta and   
         Amritha Subburayan and   
Sanjay Aravind Loganathan Ravichandran and   
            MD Ahasan Habib and   
                   Nazmus Sakib   \pkgTeamWellX: Leveraging genetic
                                  algorithms to optimize team health and
                                  well-being toward sustainable game
                                  development and strategy . . . . . . . . ??
         Valentin J. Maurer and   
                Marc Siggel and   
                   Jan Kosinski   \pkgPyTME (Python Template Matching
                                  Engine): a fast, flexible, and
                                  multi-purpose template matching library
                                  for cryogenic electron microscopy data   ??
           Jaros\law Bu\lat and   
       Natalia Ciepli\'nska and   
              Rafa\l Figlus and   
                Lucjan Janowski   Daily Video: a tool for quality of
                                  experience (QoE) in long-term context
                                  research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Mattia de' Michieli Vitturi and   
          Andrea Bevilacqua and   
          Alessandro Tadini and   
                   Augusto Neri   \pkgELICIPY 1.0: a Python online tool
                                  for expert elicitation . . . . . . . . . ??
José A. Niembro-Ceceña and   
Roberto A. Gómez-Loenzo and   
Juvenal Rodríguez-Reséndiz   \pkgSoftCtrlDC-M: Embedded control
                                  software for brushed direct current
                                  motors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   February 2024  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??

Volume 26, Number ??, May, 2024

                Mahir Habib and   
       Muhammad Ashad Kabir and   
                   Lihong Zheng   \pkgLEI2JSON: Schema-based validation
                                  and conversion of livestock event
                                  information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Johannes Seiffarth and   
                 Tim Scherr and   
        Bastian Wollenhaupt and   
             Oliver Neumann and   
               Hanno Scharr and   
         Dietrich Kohlheyer and   
                 Ralf Mikut and   
             Katharina Nöh   \pkgObiWan-Microbi: OMERO-based
                                  integrated workflow for annotating
                                  microbes in the cloud  . . . . . . . . . ??
                  Yumeng Xu and   
          Shubhanshu Tiwari and   
                    Marco Drago   \pkgPycWB: a user-friendly, modular, and
                                  Python-based framework for gravitational
                                  wave unmodelled search . . . . . . . . . ??
              Przemys\law Klesk   \pkgFastRealBoostBins: an ensemble
                                  classifier for fast predictions
                                  implemented in Python via \pkgnumba.jit
                                  and \pkgnumba.cuda . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Veena K. M. and   
             Venkat Tummala and   
Yuva Sahith Varma Sangaraju and   
  Marreddy Sai Vineel Reddy and   
             Preetham Kumar and   
                Veena Mayya and   
               Uma Kulkarni and   
           Sulatha Bhandary and   
                    Shailaja S.   \pkgFFA-Lens: Lesion detection tool for
                                  chronic ocular diseases in fluorescein
                                  angiography images . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Pietro Cinaglia   \pkgGIN: a web-application for
                                  constructing synthetic datasets of
                                  interconnected networks in
                                  bioinformatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Antonio Molner and   
   Francisco Carrillo-Perez and   
         Alberto Guillén   \pkgSnapperML: a Python-based framework
                                  to improve machine learning operations   ??
                   Yan Liao and   
                 Jialin Hua and   
              Liangqing Luo and   
               Weiying Ping and   
                  Xuewen Lu and   
                Yuansheng Zhong   \pkgAPRCOIE: an open information
                                  extraction system for Chinese  . . . . . ??
             Stella Erdmann and   
               Rebecca Betensky   \pkgKMstability: R tools to report the
                                  stability and precision of Kaplan--Meier
                                  estimates as well as measures of
                                  follow-up in time-to-event studies . . . ??
                  Lei Zhang and   
                Markus Stricker   \pkgMatNexus: a comprehensive text
                                  mining and analysis suite for materials
                                  discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Jun Zhao and   
               Yu-Kwang Kim and   
             Yu-Hyeong Jang and   
               Jae Ho Chang and   
               Sang Kyu Lee and   
                Hyoung-Moon Kim   \pkgMLEce: Statistical inference for
                                  asymptotically efficient closed-form
                                  estimators in R  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
              Min Young Lim and   
             Seong Hee Park and   
               Soo-Hyun Lee and   
              Jung Won Yoon and   
               Pyo Min Hong and   
                Hwajung Yoo and   
               Kon-Woo Kwon and   
             Jongwook Jeong and   
                   Youn Kyu Lee   \pkgVELCRO: a visual-based programming
                                  tool for effortless deep learning model
                                  construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Nathalia Silva-Cancino and   
           Fernando Salazar and   
            Ernest Bladé   \pkgACROPOLIS: a graphical user
                                  interface for classification of risk for
                                  off-stream reservoirs using machine
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Jakub Wieckowski and   
              Wojciech Sa\labun   \pkgMakeDecision: Online system for the
                                  graphical design of decision-making
                                  models in crisp and fuzzy environments   ??
              Dong-Hyun Kim and   
                 Seokho Ahn and   
                Euijong Lee and   
                  Young-Duk Seo   Morpheme-based Korean text cohesion
                                  analyzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        Laura Cozzi Ribeiro and   
Matheus Pereira Libório and   
             Hasheem Mannan and   
            Sandro Laudares and   
      Petr Iakovlevich Ekel and   
Douglas Alexandre Gomes Vieira and   
           Cristiane Neri Nobre   Software for building and measuring the
                                  quality of composite indicators using
                                  ordered weighted averaging: So-called
                                  S-CI-OWA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Cedric Kiplimo and   
        Collins Emasi Epege and   
             Ciira wa Maina and   
                     Billy Okal   \pkgDSAIL-TreeVision: a software tool
                                  for extracting tree biophysical
                                  parameters from stereoscopic images  . . ??
               Xiaohao Yang and   
                 Nathan Fox and   
           Derek Van Berkel and   
                 Mark Lindquist   \pkgViewscape: an R package for the
                                  spatial analysis of landscape perception
                                  and configurations in viewsheds of
                                  landscapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Pasquale De Rosa and   
              Pascal Felber and   
              Valerio Schiavoni   \pkgCryptoAnalytics: Cryptocoins price
                                  forecasting with machine learning
                                  techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Jesus-Angel del-Hoyo-Gabaldon and   
      Antonio Moreno-Cediel and   
           Eva Garcia-Lopez and   
       Antonio Garcia-Cabot and   
      David de-Fitero-Dominguez   Automatic dataset generation for
                                  automated program repair of bugs and
                                  vulnerabilities through \pkgSonarQube    ??
    Juan Carlos de la Torre and   
José M. Aragón-Jurado and   
Abdón Crespo-Álvarez and   
Guillermo Bárcena-González   \pkgGAGI: Game engine for Artificial
                                  General Intelligence experimentation . . ??
Aurelio López-Fernández and   
Francisco A. Gómez-Vela and   
   Jorge Gonzalez-Dominguez and   
Parameshachari Bidare-Divakarachari   \pkgbioScience: a new Python science
                                  library for high-performance computing
                                  bioinformatics analytics . . . . . . . . ??
               Emilie Frost and   
               Malin Radtke and   
        Marvin Nebel-Wenner and   
                Frauke Oest and   
                    Sanja Stark   \pkgcosima-mango: Investigating
                                  Multi-Agent System robustness through
                                  integrated communication simulation  . . ??
      Bruno Lourenço and   
           Cátia Vaz and   
          Miguel E. Coimbra and   
         Alexandre P. Francisco   \pkgphyloDB: a framework for large-scale
                                  phylogenetic analysis of sequence based
                                  typing data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
        B\la\.zej Szyde\lko and   
              Dawid Mieloch and   
         Adrian Dziembowski and   
           Jakub Stankowski and   
     Dominika Klóska and   
            Jun Young Jeong and   
                  Gwangsoon Lee   \pkgECPC --- versatile multicamera
                                  system calibration framework for
                                  immersive video applications . . . . . . ??
            Bashar Alshouha and   
     Jesus Serrano-Guerrero and   
         Francisco Chiclana and   
        Francisco P. Romero and   
                 Jose A. Olivas   \pkgBioEmoDetector: a flexible platform
                                  for detecting emotions from health
                                  narratives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Enzo Cording and   
                 Jagruti Thakur   \pkgFleetRL: Realistic reinforcement
                                  learning environments for commercial
                                  vehicle fleets . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                    Zhe Bai and   
          Abdelilah Essiari and   
            Talita Perciano and   
          Kristofer E. Bouchard   \pkgAutoCT: Automated CT registration,
                                  segmentation, and quantification . . . . ??
          Quentin Petitjean and   
          Sil\`ene Lartigue and   
       Mélina Cointe and   
                Nicolas Ris and   
               Vincent Calcagno   \pkgMoveR: an R package for easy
                                  processing and analysis of animal
                                  video-tracking data  . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Ioannis Korontanis and   
            Antonios Makris and   
           Konstantinos Tserpes   \pkgEdgeCloud Mon: a lightweight
                                  monitoring stack for K3s clusters  . . . ??
Carlos Javier Fernández-Candel and   
         Paula Muñoz and   
               Javier Troya and   
             Antonio Vallecillo   \pkgUTypes: a library for uncertain
                                  datatypes in Python  . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Yonatha Almeida and   
        Danyllo Albuquerque and   
       Emanuel Dantas Filho and   
               Felipe Muniz and   
  Katyusco de Farias Santos and   
            Mirko Perkusich and   
              Hyggo Almeida and   
               Angelo Perkusich   \pkgAICodeReview: Advancing code quality
                                  with AI-enhanced reviews . . . . . . . . ??
           Pawe\l Terefenko and   
        Jakub \'Sledziowski and   
               Andrzej Giza and   
             Kamran Tanwari and   
     Witold Ma\'cków and   
                 Andrzej \Lysko   \pkgCCMORPH v2.0 --- New coastal cliffs
                                  morphology analysis and visualization
                                  toolbox  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                Adrian Kaim and   
      Katarzyna Gwó'zd'z   \pkgmyDLTS: LabVIEW based software for
                                  deep level transient spectroscopy using
                                  impedance analyser . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Mateusz Pawlowicz and   
              Bartosz Balis and   
           Adam Szymkiewicz and   
          Jirka \vSim\runek and   
     Anna Gumu\la-Kaw\kecka and   
           Beata Jaworska-Szulc   \pkgHMSE: a tool for coupling MODFLOW
                                  and HYDRUS-1D computer programs  . . . . ??
                   Piotr Beling   \pkgBSuccinct: Rust libraries and
                                  programs focused on succinct data
                                  structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Courtney Allen and   
          Alexandra Mazanko and   
          Niloofar Abdehagh and   
                  Hermann Eberl   \pkgADM1jl: a Julia implementation of
                                  the Anaerobic Digestion Model 1  . . . . ??
              Paola Vallejo and   
              Daniel Correa and   
Juan Carlos Arbeláez and   
           Marta S. Tabares and   
       Santiago Ruiz-Arenas and   
     Elizabeth Rendon-Velez and   
   David Ríos-Zapata and   
                  Joan Alvarado   \pkgEcoMind: Web-based waste labeling
                                  tool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                David Soler and   
        Iván Cillero and   
             Carlos Dafonte and   
Manuel Fernández-Veiga and   
 Ana Fernández Vilas and   
      Francisco J. Nóvoa   \pkgQKDNetSim+: Improvement of the
                                  quantum network simulator for NS-3 . . . ??
                Chunfang Li and   
                   Junli Lu and   
                 Yuchen Pei and   
                 Yushi Shen and   
                  Yuhang Hu and   
                   Yalv Fan and   
               Yuanzhi Tian and   
              Xiaoyu Linghu and   
                   Kun Wang and   
                 Zhuoqi Shi and   
                   Jiangnan Sun   \pkgPyCinemetrics: Computational film
                                  studies tool based on deep learning and
                                  \pkgPySide2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Barak Shoshany   A C++17 thread pool for high-performance
                                  scientific computing . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Ahmed Chabib and   
  Jean-François Witz and   
            Pierre Gosselet and   
                Vincent Magnier   \pkgGCPU\_OpticalFlow: a GPU accelerated
                                  Python software for strain measurement   ??
                Chunfang Li and   
                 Yuchen Pei and   
                 Yushi Shen and   
                   Junli Lu and   
                   Yalv Fan and   
              Xiaoyu Linghu and   
               Yuanzhi Tian and   
                       Kun Wang   \pkgPyVisVue3D3: Python visualization
                                  from hierarchy tree to call graph  . . . ??
       Alexander C. Michels and   
          Anand Padmanabhan and   
                  Zimo Xiao and   
                  Mit Kotak and   
                Furqan Baig and   
                   Shaowen Wang   \pkgCyberGIS-Compute: Middleware for
                                  democratizing scalable geocomputation    ??
           Tomasz Górski   \pkgSmarTS: a Java package for smart
                                  contract test suite generation and
                                  execution  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Damian Fraszczak and   
                Edyta Fraszczak   \pkgNetCenLib: a comprehensive Python
                                  library for network centrality analysis
                                  and evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Christian Willberg and   
             Jan-Timo Hesse and   
                  Anna Pernatii   \pkgPeriLab --- Peridynamic Laboratory   ??
Morgane Térézol and   
            Ana\"\is Baudot and   
                    Ozan Ozisik   \pkgODAMNet: a Python package to
                                  identify molecular relationships between
                                  chemicals and rare diseases using
                                  overlap, active module and random walk
                                  approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Sergio Paniego and   
     Roberto Calvo-Palomino and   
JoséMaría Cañas   \pkgBehavior metrics: an open-source
                                  assessment tool for autonomous driving
                                  tasks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Maurilio Genovese and   
         Agostino Arcasensa and   
            Silvia Morbelli and   
               Matteo Lenge and   
               Carmen Barba and   
            Laura Mirandola and   
    Maria Eugenia Caligiuri and   
              Massimo Caulo and   
          Ferruccio Panzica and   
        Francesco Cardinale and   
     Camilla Rossi-Espagnet and   
           Domenico Tortora and   
        Anna Elisabetta Vaudano   \pkgSWANe: Standardized workflow for
                                  advanced neuroimaging in epilepsy  . . . ??
                Hiba Hnaini and   
           Raúl Mazo and   
         Joël Champeau and   
              Paola Vallejo and   
                   Jose Galindo   \pkgE-SCORE: a web-based tool for
                                  security requirements engineering  . . . ??
            Ferdinand Lange and   
               Tessa Habich and   
                  Sascha Beutel   Think inside the (mk)box --- a tool for
                                  creating and deploying
                                  application-specific Linux images
                                  utilized in a SiLA software development
                                  process  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
         Maksymilian Wojnar and   
               Szymon Szott and   
            Krzysztof Rusek and   
              Wojciech Ciezobka   \pkgReinforced-lib: Rapid prototyping of
                                  reinforcement learning solutions . . . . ??
              Jakub Walczak and   
              Marco Mancini and   
                   Shahbaz Alvi   \pkgKit4DL: Towards fast prototyping and
                                  experimentation in machine learning and
                                  deep learning  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Ibrahim Anwar Ibrahim and   
          Tanveer Choudhury and   
             James Sargeant and   
          Rakibuzzaman Shah and   
       Md. Jahangir Hossain and   
                     Syed Islam   \pkgCEREI: an open-source tool for
                                  Cost-Effective Renewable Energy
                                  Investments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Julián Arenas-Guerrero and   
       Paola Espinoza-Arias and   
José Antonio Bernabé-Diaz and   
          Prashant Deshmukh and   
José Luis Sánchez-Fernández and   
                   Oscar Corcho   An \pkgRML-FNML module for Python
                                  user-defined functions in \pkgMorph-KGC  ??
                  Onur Ates and   
        Shailesh Appukuttan and   
 Hélissande Fragnaud and   
          Corentin Fragnaud and   
              Andrew P. Davison   \pkgNeoViewer: Facilitating reuse of
                                  electrophysiology data through
                                  browser-based interactive visualization  ??
          Carl J. Legleiter and   
                  Michael Dille   A Robot Operating System (ROS) package
                                  for mapping flow fields in rivers via
                                  Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) . . . . ??
       Patrícia Bota and   
               Rafael Silva and   
           Carlos Carreiras and   
                   Ana Fred and   
   Hugo Plácido da Silva   \pkgBioSPPy: a Python toolbox for
                                  physiological signal processing  . . . . ??
Ntivuguruzwa Jean De La Croix and   
                   Tohari Ahmad   \pkgFuzConvSteganalysis: Steganalysis
                                  via fuzzy logic and convolutional neural
                                  network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Paulius Tervydis and   
            Linas Svilainis and   
           Zilvinas Nakutis and   
Alberto Rodríguez-Martínez   \pkgCloudEdgeAssetOptimizer: Tool to
                                  optimize the Cloud--Edge computing
                                  network resources at given requirements
                                  of processing delay, battery capacity
                                  and cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Michal Mrena and   
           Miroslav Kvassay and   
                 Elena Zaitseva   \pkgTeDDy: Templated decision diagram
                                  library  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Thuat T. Trinh and   
              Morten Hammer and   
             Vishist Sharma and   
       Òivind Wilhelmsen   \pkgMie-FH: a quantum corrected pair
                                  potential in the LAMMPS simulation
                                  package for hydrogen mixtures  . . . . . ??
          Tomasz Berezowski and   
             Szymon Niemiec and   
               Andrzej Chybicki   \pkgFloodsar: Automatic mapping of river
                                  flooding extent from multitemporal SAR
                                  imagery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Matthias Rettl and   
    Siegfried Martin Frankl and   
               Martin Pletz and   
            Markus Tauscher and   
                Clara Schuecker   \pkgConForce: Computation of
                                  configurational forces for FEM results   ??
                Jinseok Kim and   
                      Jenna Kim   \pkgANDez: an open-source tool for
                                  author name disambiguation using machine
                                  learning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
            Hongqiang Xiong and   
                Zhiyu Zhang and   
                        Jing Li   \pkgGPRlab: a ground penetrating radar
                                  data processing and analysis software
                                  based on MATLAB  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ewa Roszkowska and   
    Bart\lomiej Jefma\'nski and   
              Andrzej Dudek and   
     Marta Kusterka-Jefma\'nska   \pkgIFMCDM: an R package for
                                  intuitionistic fuzzy multi-criteria
                                  decision making methods  . . . . . . . . ??
             Stephan Thaler and   
                 Paul Fuchs and   
               Ana Cukarska and   
                Julija Zavadlav   \pkgJaxSGMC: Modular stochastic gradient
                                  MCMC in JAX  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Ryan C. Godwin and   
                 Ryan L. Melvin   Toward efficient data science: a
                                  comprehensive \pkgMLOps template for
                                  collaborative code development and
                                  automation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Daniel Cantero   \pkgVBI-2D --- Road vehicle-bridge
                                  interaction simulation tool and
                                  verification framework for Matlab  . . . ??
                Vu Tuan Hai and   
            Nguyen Tan Viet and   
                      Le Bin Ho   \pkg$<$ qo|op$>$: a quantum object
                                  optimizer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
Raúl Marticorena-Sánchez and   
  Carlos López-Nozal and   
        Ana Serrano-Mamolar and   
            Alicia Olivares-Gil   \pkgUBUMonitor: Desktop application for
                                  visual e-learning student clustering
                                  with \pkgMoodle  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
     Alberto Castaño and   
               Jaime Alonso and   
      Pablo González and   
         Pablo Pérez and   
       Juan José del Coz   \pkgQuantificationLib: a Python library
                                  for quantification and prevalence
                                  estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
      Pierfrancesco Bellini and   
              Marco Fanfani and   
                 Paolo Nesi and   
                Gianni Pantaleo   \pkgSnap4City dashboard manager: a tool
                                  for creating and distributing complex
                                  and interactive dashboards with no or
                                  low coding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Krzysztof Dyczkowski and   
         Piotr Grochowalski and   
               Dawid Kosior and   
                 Dorota Gil and   
           Wojciech Kozio\l and   
           Barbara P\kekala and   
                Uzay Kaymak and   
                 Caro Fuchs and   
                Marco S. Nobile   \pkgPython library for interval-valued
                                  fuzzy inference  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
             Leonard Hackel and   
          Kai Norman Clasen and   
               Begüm Demir   \pkgConfigILM: a general purpose
                                  configurable library for combining image
                                  and language models for visual question
                                  answering  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Cristobal Heredia and   
           Sebastian Moreno and   
             Wilfredo Yushimito   \pkgODMeans: an R package for global and
                                  local cluster detection for
                                  Origin-Destination GPS data  . . . . . . ??
Jaime Céspedes Sisniega and   
Álvaro López García   \pkgFrouros: an open-source Python
                                  library for drift detection in machine
                                  learning systems . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
    Pedro Gamallo-Fernandez and   
  Efrén Rama-Maneiro and   
              Juan C. Vidal and   
                    Manuel Lama   \pkgVERONA: a Python library for
                                  benchmarking deep learning in business
                                  process monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Nicolas Escribano and   
  José Manuel Bielsa and   
             Francisco Lahuerta   \pkgpymetamodels: a Python package for
                                  metamodeling and design automation . . . ??
              Rik D. T. Janssen   \pkgRicgraph: a flexible and extensible
                                  graph to explore research in context
                                  from various systems . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Haifa Gaza and   
                   Jaewook Byun   \pkgChronoweb: an open-source platform
                                  for analyzing temporal information
                                  diffusion on the web . . . . . . . . . . ??
                 Axel Reyes and   
            Marcelo Mendoza and   
                Camila Vera and   
         Francesca Lucchini and   
                 Jan Dimter and   
    Felipe Gutiérrez and   
                   Naim Bro and   
                 Hans Lobel and   
                    Ariel Reyes   \pkgSpatialCluster: a Python library for
                                  urban clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
       Martí Manzano and   
              Claudia Ayala and   
          Cristina Gómez   \pkgTrustML: a Python package for
                                  computing the trustworthiness of ML
                                  models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Ayoub Belattmania and   
              Mounir Hakkou and   
            Taoufiq Chtioui and   
            Abdelhaq Aangri and   
             Assia Abdenour and   
             El mehdi Latni and   
        Abdessalam Benharra and   
         Abdelkrim EL Arrim and   
             Azdine Dahaoui and   
            Ahmed Raissouni and   
          Lamiae Khali Issa and   
           Lhoussaine Ed-daoudy   \pkgClasswms: a MATLAB GUI for water
                                  masses classification using clustering
                                  analysis and $K$ Nearest Neighbors . . . ??
Abbas Sheikh-Mohammad-Zadeh and   
            Nicolas Saunier and   
               E. O. D. Waygood   \pkgSTUDIO: a Python graphical tool for
                                  analyzing street user observations from
                                  video data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
           Todd J. Freeborn and   
                  Jacob A. Mota   \pkgUltrasound DICOM Renamer: a MATLAB
                                  graphical user interface for workflow
                                  improvement for DICOM ultrasound
                                  renaming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Jakub Mitura and   
           Beata E. Chrapko and   
         Oliwia Bachanek-Mitura   \pkgMedVoxelHD: Improved
                                  CUDA-accelerated morphological Hausdorff
                                  distances in medical image analysis  . . ??
              Miguel Amaral and   
         Gabriel Signoretti and   
             Marianne Silva and   
               Ivanovitch Silva   \pkgTAC: a Python package for
                                  IoT-focused Tiny Anomaly Compression . . ??
      Anna Labijak-Kowalska and   
            Mi\losz Kadzi\'nski   \pkgrobustDEA: a Java library for robust
                                  efficiency analysis  . . . . . . . . . . ??
               Janusz Bedkowski   End to end navigation stack for nuclear
                                  power plant inspection with mobile robot ??
                   Han Meng and   
                   Gang Mei and   
                 John C. Tipper   \pkgRealModel: a system for modeling and
                                  visualizing sedimentary rocks  . . . . . ??
David Martínez-Galicia and   
Alejandro Guerra-Hernández and   
         Francisco Grimaldo and   
Nicandro Cruz-Ramírez and   
            Xavier Limón   \pkgClassNoise: an R package for
                                  modeling, generating, and validating
                                  data with class noise  . . . . . . . . . ??
              Hyeonglae Cho and   
                Hee-Seok Oh and   
                    Donghoh Kim   \pkgGSD: an R package for graph signal
                                  decomposition  . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Zachary M. Prince and   
                Lynn Munday and   
                Dewen Yushu and   
                Max Nezdyur and   
                 Murthy Guddati   \pkgMOOSE Optimization Module:
                                  Physics-constrained optimization . . . . ??
              Rien Maertens and   
        Maarten Van Neyghem and   
             Maxiem Geldhof and   
      Charlotte Van Petegem and   
              Niko Strijbol and   
              Peter Dawyndt and   
                   Bart Mesuere   Discovering and exploring cases of
                                  educational source code plagiarism with
                                  \pkgDolos  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
          Giovanni Acampora and   
Carlos Cano Gutiérrez and   
             Angela Chiatto and   
José Manuel Soto Hidalgo and   
               Autilia Vitiello   \pkgEVOVAQ: EVOlutionary
                                  algorithms-based toolbox for VAriational
                                  Quantum circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                   Wonse Jo and   
                 Go-Eum Cha and   
                   Dan Foti and   
                Byung-Cheol Min   \pkgSMART-TeleLoad: a new graphic user
                                  interface to generate affective loads
                                  for teleoperation  . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   Editorial Board  . . . . . . . . . . . . ??
                      Anonymous   May 2024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ??