% /usr/spool/ftp/pub/tex/dvi/00news.txt, Wed Mar 13 13:18:40 1991 % Edit by Nelson H. F. Beebe Recent Changes to the 2.10 DVI Driver Family [03-Apr-1991] I have added Julian Perry's dvijep 2.06 version modifications to add landscape support to dvijep 2.10. Considerable evolution took place between 2.06 and 2.10, making this non-trivial. The same facility has been incorporated in the 3.0 development. Julian's work did not handle characters which are large enough to require downloading as bitmaps (e.g. cminch). I have rectified that problem in both the 2.10 and 3.0 sources. The changes are in dvijep-landscape.tar; it should be unbundled AFTER all of the other files. Since the 2.10 sources are otherwise frozen, I will not install these new versions in the distribution directory. The landscape mode is exercised by the -j command-line option (there weren't many letters left) for 2.10 dvijep. 3.0 dvijep will be more sensible, since it supports both a -landscape option as well as a -paper switch, either of which can select landscape mode. Unless you also want the \special support, you can ignore the dvijep.unsupported-mods file, which has the original submissions of changes. I do not plan to install the \special support in the 2.10 drivers. The 3.0 ones have a much more powerful mechanism. [13-Mar-1991] The 3.0 DVI driver development is taking longer than I expected, and no source release date is in sight. Although the 2.10 drivers are officially frozen, because of the delay in 3.0 work, I have retrofitted support for path searching during file opens on MS DOS and UNIX, and installed a few other small corrections. The new files are in dvimods.tar.z-* (UNIX source format) dvimods.arc-* (MS DOS source format) The only difference between these files is the the UNIX ones have linefeed for line terminators, and the MS DOS ones have carriage-return/linefeed pairs. The date stamps are identical. I will not create new versions of the .exe files in dviexe.arc, nor have I verified that the code will work on MS DOS (if it does not, the changes should be very small). The new code works fine on Sun and IBM RS/6000 systems. If you wish to incorporate these changes, after unbundling dvi.tar.z or dvi*.arc, unbundle the corresponding dvimods files in the same directory. That will result in the replacement of files that have changed since 1-Jan-1988.