%% @metafontfile{ %% filename="cyrspl.mf", %% version="2.2", %% date="04-JAN-1995", %% filetype="Metafont: driver", %% copyright="Copyright (C) Humanities and Arts Computing Center, %% University of Washington; %% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is %% authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy %% including name; OR %% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some %% other name.", %% author="American Mathematical Society", %% address="American Mathematical Society, %% Technical Support, Electronic Products and Services, %% P. O. Box 6248, %% Providence, RI 02940, %% USA", %% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS", %% email="Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.org", %% codetable="ISO/ASCII", %% checksum = "58605 480 1902 22521" %% keywords="amsfonts, tex, metafont , cyrillic ", %% abstract="This is the driver file for use with %% the cyrillic fonts in AMSFonts 2.2." %% docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16 %% checksum as the first value, followed by the %% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word %% count) utility output of lines, words, and %% characters. This is produced by Robert %% Solovay's checksum utility.", %% } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Cyrspl special lowercase cyrillic forms, incl. o cmchar "The Ukrainian letter i"; numeric dot_diam#; dot_diam#=max(dot_size#,cap_curve#); beginchar(oct"014",5u#,min(asc_height#,10/7x_height#+.5dot_diam#),0); define_whole_blacker_pixels(dot_diam); italcorr h#*slant-serif_fit# + .5dot_diam# -2u#; adjust_fit(serif_fit#+stem_shift# if monospace:+.25u#fi,serif_fit#-stem_shift#); pickup tiny.nib; pos1(stem',0); pos2(stem',0); if odd(w-stem'): change_width; fi lft x1l=hround(.5w-.5stem'); x1=x2; top y1=x_height if serifs: +min(oo,serif_drop) fi; bot y2=0; filldraw stroke z1e--z2e; % stem pos3(dot_diam,0); pos4(dot_diam,90); if serifs: x3r=max(x1r,x1+.5(dot_diam-tiny)-.2jut) else: x3=x1-.5 fi; top y4r=h+1; if bot y4l-top y11.5u#:-.25u# fi\\fi); pickup fine.nib; top y3r=h+vround 1.5oo; if serifs: pos1(flare,180); pos2(hair,180); pos3(vair,90); lft x1r=hround max(u,2.1u-.5flare); x3=.5w-.5u; y1=min(bh+.5flare+2vair+2,.9[bh,h]-.5flare); bulb(3,2,1); % bulb else: pos1(5/7[vair,flare],95); x1l=good.x 1.5u; x1r:=good.x x1r; pos3(1/8[vair,thin_join],90); x3=.5w-.2u; top y1r=vround .82[bh,top y3r]; filldraw stroke term.e(3,1,left,.9,4); fi % terminal pos4(stem,0); rt x4r=hround(w-2.5u+.5stem); y4=1/3[bh,h]; pos5(stem,0); x5=x4; y5=max(.55bh,2vair); filldraw stroke super_arc.e(3,4)&z4e..z5e; % arc and stem pos6(.3[thin_join,vair],90); x6=x4; bot y6=bh; pos7(hround(curve-2stem_corr),180); lft x7r=hround max(.5u,1.5u-.5curve); y7=1/3[top y8l,top y6r]; pos8(vair,270); x8l=.5w-.75u; bot y8r=-oo; pos9(thin_join,360); z9l=z5l; (x,y8r)=whatever[z8l,z9l]; x8r:=max(x,x8-u); {{interim superness:=more_super; filldraw stroke z9e{down}...z8e{left}...{up}z7e&super_arc.e(7,6)}}; % bowl if serifs: numeric shaved_stem; shaved_stem=hround(stem-3stem_corr); if hair#+.5stem#>1.5u#: pickup tiny.nib; pos5'(shaved_stem,0); rt x5'r=fine.rt x5r; y5'=y5; pos10(shaved_stem,0); x10=x5'; y10=.2[.5tiny,bh]; pos11(shaved_stem,0); rt x11r=hround(w-.25u); bot y11=0; pos12(shaved_stem,0); x11=x12; top y12=slab+eps; filldraw z5'l---z10l...z11l{right}--z11r --z12r{left}...z10r+.75(z12-z11)---z5'r--cycle; % foot else: pickup crisp.nib; pos5'(shaved_stem,0); rt x5'r=fine.rt x5r; y5'=y5; pos10(shaved_stem,0); x10=x5'; y10=1/3bh; pos11(.2[vair,stem],90); x11r=.5[x10r,x12r]; bot y11l=-vround .5oo; pos12(hair,180); rt x12l=hround(w-.1u); y12=max(y10,y11+vair); pos13(hair,180); x13=x12; top y13=max(vround .6bh,top y12); (x',y11l)=whatever[z11r,z12r]; x11l:=max(x',x10); filldraw stroke z5'e---z10e...z11e{right}...z12e---z13e; fi % hook else: numeric shaved_stem; shaved_stem=hround(stem-stem_corr); pickup tiny.nib; pos5'(shaved_stem,0); rt x5'r=fine.rt x5r; y5'=y5; pos10(shaved_stem,0); x10=x5'; bot y10=0; filldraw stroke z5'e--z10e; fi % base of stem penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13); endchar; cmchar "The Russian letter be"; beginchar("b",9u#,asc_height#,0); italcorr .7asc_height#*slant; adjust_fit(if monospace: .5u#,.5u# else: .5u#,0 fi); penpos1(vair,90); penpos3(vair',-90); penpos2(curve,180); penpos4(curve,0); x2r=hround max(.5u,1.25u-.5curve); x4r=w-x2r; x1=x3=.5w; y1r=x_height+vround 1.5oo; y3r=-oo; y2=y4=.5x_height-vair_corr; y2l:=y4l:=.52x_height; penstroke pulled_arc.e(1,2) & pulled_arc.e(2,3) & pulled_arc.e(3,4) & pulled_arc.e(4,1) & cycle; % bowl x2'r=x2r; pos2'(vair,180); y2'=y2; x20r=x2r+1.525u; y20=.55[y1,y22]; pos20(stem,135); x21=x22-1.5u; y21=y20+.5u; pos21(stem,135); x22l=w-u; top y22r=h+1.5oo; pos22(hair,110); filldraw circ_stroke z2'e{up}...z20e...z21e...{up}z22e; penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; cmchar "The Russian letter e"; beginchar("e",7.25u#+max(.75u#,.5curve#),x_height#,0); italcorr .5[bar_height#,x_height#]*slant+.5min(curve#-1.5u#,0); adjust_fit(if monospace: .25u#,.5u# else: 0,0 fi); numeric left_curve,right_curve; left_curve=right_curve+6stem_corr=curve if not serifs: -3stem_corr fi; if right_curve75: p.e:=z4e{right}..tension atleast.9 and 1..{dir 75}z5e; fi endfor filldraw stroke pulled_super_arc.e(2,3)(.7superpull) & pulled_super_arc.e(3,4)(.5superpull) & p.e; fi % arc and lower terminal penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5); endchar; cmchar "The Russian letter u (looks like y)"; beginchar("u",if serifs:9.5u# else:9u# fi,x_height#,desc_depth#); italcorr x_height#*slant+.25u#; adjust_fit(serif_fit# if monospace:+\\.5u#,.5u#+ else:,fi\\ serif_fit#); numeric left_stem,right_stem,bot_stem,bot_vair,outer_jut; left_stem=fudged.stem-stem_corr; right_stem=fudged.hair if hefty:-2stem_corr fi; bot_stem=fudged.hair if hefty:-8stem_corr fi; bot_vair=Vround(if serifs: vair else:.5[vair,bot_stem] fi); outer_jut=.75jut; x1l=w-x4r=l+letter_fit+outer_jut+.25u; y1=y4r=h; y2=y3=0; x2l=x3l; numeric alpha,alpha[]; x9=3u; y9=bot_vair-d-oo; alpha1=diag_ratio(2,bot_stem,y1-y3,x4r-x1l-apex_corr); alpha2=diag_ratio(1,bot_stem,y1-y9,x4r-x9); if alpha1notch_cut: y0:=notch_cut; fill z0+.5right{up}...{z4r-z3r}diag_end(0,4l,1,1,4r,3r) --z3r--z2l--diag_end(2l,1l,1,1,1r,2r){z2-z1} ...{down}z0+.5left--cycle; % left and right diagonals else: fill z0--diag_end(0,4l,1,1,4r,3r)--z3r--z2l --diag_end(2l,1l,1,1,1r,0)--cycle; fi % left and right diagonals penpos5(alpha*bot_stem,0); z5r=whatever[z3r,z4r]; y5-.5vair=-.5d; if serifs: numeric light_bulb; light_bulb=hround 7/8[hair,flare]; clearpen; penpos6(vair,-90); penpos7(hair,-180); penpos8(light_bulb,-180); x6=2u; y6r=-d-oo; y8-.5light_bulb=-.85d; x8r=hround .35u; fill stroke z3e---z5e...{left}z6e; bulb(6,7,8); % arc and bulb numeric inner_jut; pickup tiny.nib; prime_points_inside(1,2); prime_points_inside(4,3); if rt x1'r+jut+.5u+1<=lft x4'l-jut: inner_jut=jut; else: rt x1'r+inner_jut+.5u+1=lft x4'l-inner_jut; fi dish_serif(1',2,a,1/3,outer_jut,b,1/2,inner_jut); % left serif dish_serif(4',3,c,.6,inner_jut,d,1/2,outer_jut)(dark); % right serif else: penpos6(bot_vair,-90); x6=2.5u; y6r=-d-oo; fill stroke z3e---z5e...{left}z6e; % arc pickup fine.nib; pos6'(bot_vair,-90); z6'=z6; pos7(2/3[bot_vair,flare],-85); lft x7l=hround u; bot y7r=vround-.96d-oo; y7l:=good.y y7l; filldraw stroke term.e(6',7,left,1,4); fi % arc and terminal penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar;