AMSLATEX.BUG, 18-JUN-1991 Bugs in the AMS-LaTeX distribution. Items listed at the end, marked with "%%" at the left margin, have not yet been dealt with, but are listed here in case the information might help some users, and to record the fact that they have been reported to the AMS. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstex.sty Date reported: 27-AUG-1990 \frac needs to have \protect when used in ``moving'' arguments like \section commands, \caption, etc. Changed so that \protect is not needed (as in ordinary LaTeX). Corrected: 30-AUG-1990 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstext.sty, amsbsy.sty, ? Date reported: 30-AUG-1990 (A. Fyfe) The ifundefined test involving \RIfM@ to check whether certain definitions have already been made is unreliable. Typically the test looked like this: \@ifundefined{RIfM@}{ \def\RIfM@{\relax\protect\ifmmode} ... }{} The correction involved taking out the test entirely. The additional overhead in processing time and (perhaps) maintenance is negligible. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstext.sty Date reported: 12-SEP-1990 The definition of \ref has an extraneous blank space: ... \@warning {Reference `#1' on page \thepage\space undefined}% \fi} <---------------- unnecessary space after the } The definition of \pageref has a similar problem at the end of the first line. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstex.sty Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 The align environment has a problem: if \notag is used on the last line, numbering will be suppressed on the first line also. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.tex Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 \qed doesn't work well when \end{pf} occurs immediately after a display. The space preceding the box doesn't disappear. The user can get around it by doing \renewcommand{\qed}{} \qedsymbol just before the \end{pf}, but this is not obvious from the documentation. Improved documentation: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 \abstract should use \trivlist so that a blank line after \begin{abstract} will be properly ignored. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 The ctagsplt option should be turned on in AMSART.STY to conform to J. AMS style. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 \bysame should be defined in amsart.sty (perhaps in \thebibliography) instead of being added by BibTeX, because some users will not be using BibTeX. Also \toappear needs to be added. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart10.sty Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 \paragraph uses \spaceskip when it should use \the\fontdimen2\the\font (\spaceskip will always be zero unless it is explicitly set). Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.tex Date reported: 20-SEP-1990 Table captions write the entire caption to the .aux file. Need to use the optional [] feature to shorten or eliminate the text being written to the .aux file. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 21-SEP-1990 \\ in title should be translated to a space in the running heads, not comma + space. \def\@title[#1]#2{\def\sh@rttitle{\def\\{\unskip, \ignorespaces}% \ignorespaces#1\unskip}% \def\thetitle@{\ignorespaces#2\unskip}} Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.tex Date reported: 29-SEP-1990 (E. Neuwirth) < amslatex.tex mentions a file < fontsel.tex in directory < fontsel, < but this file is missing < (on The entire "fontsel" package from Mittelbach and Schoepf is now distributed in unchanged form. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: testart.tex Date reported: 27-SEP-1990 (D. Rajan) Testart.tex: the documentstyle option ``syntonly'' is commented out. This means that later on when the user is asked if they want to add \syntaxonly, they will get an error message if they do. Rajan also was confused about the meaning of the vertical lines at the margins towards the end of testart.tex and thought they were a mistake. Perhaps some mention or a marginal note could be added to clarify. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: test.bib Date reported: 28-SEP-1990 (D. Meade) The @ in the tech-support e-mail address, in the file test.bib, causes a BibTeX error. BibTeX doesn't have any way of commenting out @ characters! Change @ to "at". Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: testart.tex Date reported: 28-SEP-1990 (D. Meade) Extra \\ before \end{align} in testart.tex (lines 1540,1546) causes a blank line with an equation number. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstex.sty Date reported: 18-OCT-1990 \Tag@ fails to give an error message in the situation it was intended for (more than one ampersand in a single line). Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 18-OCT-1990 By convention \thetitle@, \theauthors@, etc. should be \@title, \@author, etc. (cf. article.sty) Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart10.sty Date reported: 19-OCT-1990 Final argument of \subsubsection in amsart10.sty needs to be put in braces: {\defaultfont\it} Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 30-OCT-1990 (P. Smith) In amsart.sty, in definition of \ps@plain, the statement \let\@evenfoot\@oddfoot has to come AFTER the definition of \@oddfoot, not before. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.STY Date reported: 5-NOV-1990 \rightarrowfill@ and similar things should be smashed (like plain.tex \relbar). Compare $$\buildrel\textstyle\sim\over\longrightarrow$$ % plain $$\overset\tsize\sim\to\longrightarrow$$ % AMSTeX $$A @>\tsize\sim>> B$$ % @>>> uses \rightarrowfill Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.STY Date reported: 5-NOV-1990 \intertext should add penalties to discourage page breaks; as a minimum, there should be \penalty\predisplaypenalty added before the second \vskip: \def\intertext@{\def\intertext##1{\noalign{\vskip\belowdisplayskip \vbox{\normalbaselines\noindent##1}% \penalty\predisplaypenalty \vskip\abovedisplayskip}}} Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.tex Date reported: 27-NOV-1990 Need to include in list of files. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 28-NOV-1990 (BNB) \author[xxx]{} with no author name but substitute for running head adds unwanted space between title and whatever follows. Could be fixed by defaulting \sh@rtauthor to \sh@rttitle in the absence of any author. Also: if [] is empty, \and should not be added in the internal code. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsbk11.sty, amsbk12.sty Date reported: 11-DEC-1990 Using the 11pt or 12pt options with the amsbook documentstyle, LaTeX goes into an infinite loop. The fix involves doing away with amsbk11.sty and amsbk12.sty entirely and reorganizing the input statements in amsart.sty, amsbook.sty and subsidiary files. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 7-JAN-1991 It might be better to define \newblock as in article.sty (even though it is not really relevant to AMS style), in order to avoid extra hassles in handling electronic submissions. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsfonts.sty Date reported: 12-JAN-1991 (H. Aslaksen) \Box etc. should probably be defined by default, for the utmost compatibility with older LaTeX files. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 22-JAN-1991 (M. Piff) The "pf" environment should be reimplemented using \trivlist so that if the first thing is a numbered list the first item will be "run-in" instead of starting a new paragraph. Reported by M Piff in UKTeX, 91#3. (The problems with \qed reported by Piff in the second part of his mail have no easy solution; there are complications related to, e.g., displayed equations at the end of a proof that he didn't address.) Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 28-JAN-1991 (J. M. Rynning) \rom in \@svsec should include the following period. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsbsy.sty Date reported: 28-JAN-1991 (J. M. Rynning) \boldsymbol in a subscript gives incorrect font size (e.g., 6 instead of 7, in 10pt text). Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstex.sty, amsfonts.sty Date reported: 31-JAN-1991 \minaw@ is declared both in amstex.sty and amsfonts.sty. Uses up an extra dimen register unnecessarily. Should only be done if undefined. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsbsy.sty Date reported: 7-FEB-1991 (MJD) The error in \pmb@ that was carried over from amstex.tex needs to be fixed here also. (change \kern-.05em to \kern.05em) Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 12-FEB-1991 (D. Mostardi) Empty argument of \subsection results in a double period. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 15-FEB-1991 (MJD) Add \curraddr, and optional arguments for \address and \email to specify different combinations of multiple authors and address. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amstex.sty Date reported: 5-FEB-1991 (S. Samuels) @ column specifier in \multicolumn doesn't work because the catcode gets read wrong. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 17-APR-1991 (MJD) Put back \upperspecialchars hook in \uppercasetext for greater flexibility. Changed name to \upchars@. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amscd.sty Date reported: 18-APR-1991 (I. Zakharevich) \CD does automatic numbering of "lines" when it shouldn't. Suggested fix (Zakharevich): insert \restore@math@cr\default@tag after \Let@ on line 56 of the file amscd.sty (compare with \smallmatrix, amstex.sty). Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.sty Date reported: 24-MAY-1991 (J. Wilczek) For sectioning commands the optional argument in square brackets isn't the one that should be sent to the table of contents; the full section title should be used instead. This affects at least the definition of \@sect in amsart.sty and \@chapter in amsbook.sty. Corrected: Version 1.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsbook.doc/sty Date reported: 2-JUL-1991 (mjd) Definition of \pf should have \hskip\labelsep inside \item[...] (as in amsart.sty). Corrected: amsbook.doc/sty, version 1.1a, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.doc/sty, amsbook.doc/sty Date reported: 11-JUL-1991 (W. Carlip) pf* environment doesn't work. The \begingroup \endgroup around the temporary modification of \proofname cause problems (because \pf was changed to use \trivlist). Corrected: amsart.doc/sty, amsbook.doc/sty version 1.1a, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.doc/sty Date reported: 22-JUL-1991 (P. Johnson) \email and \curraddr are overwriting previous information; only the last one in a multi-author paper is printed. Corrected: amsart.doc/sty, version 1.1b, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: testart.tex Date reported: 24-JUL-1991 (mjd) First \email doesn't have the @ doubled properly. Corrected: testart.tex, version 1.1a, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.tex Date reported: 18-JUL-1991 (D. Love) \nofiles command prevents creation of .aux file. Corrected: amslatex.tex, version 1.1a, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amslatex.toc Date reported: 18-JUL-1991 (D. Love) Reference to \sevrm in .toc file is bad for people who already have the New Font Selection Scheme installed. \protect needed for "\the" in \LaTeX redefinition. Corrected: amslatex.toc version 1.1a, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsart.doc/sty Date reported: 29-JUL-1991 (O. McGuinness) Special characters \i, \ss, etc. not handled properly in \uppercasetext@ (missing call to \upchars@). Corrected: amsart.doc version 1.1b, July 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: fontdef.ams, amsfonts.sty Date reported: 5-JUL-1991 (K. Barthelmann, F. Jensen) References to eufb14 should be removed; the font is not part of the official AMSFonts distribution any longer. Corrected: amsfonts.sty version 1.1a, 3-SEP-1991 fontdef.ams version 1.1a, 30-AUG-1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsfonts.sty Date reported: 5-JUL-1991 (K. Barthelmann) From Barthelmann's mail: > 1. The use of \dashrightarrow or \dashleftarrow gives an "Undefined control > sequence" error (\dabar@ is undefined). The \mathchardef used to create \dabar@ needs a \global prefix. Corrected: amsfonts.sty version 1.1a, 3-SEP-1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amssymb.sty Date reported: 5-JUL-1991 (K. Barthelmann) Amssymb.sty had gotten out of sync with amssym.tex: not all symbols present in the AMS symbol font msbm (2.x) were defined. From Barthelmann's mail: > ... > yesterday I fetched the new AmS distribution. As far as I can see there are > still two old bugs (features?) in it and one new. > 2. Why are the lines > \newsymbol\diagup 231E > \newsymbol\diagdown 231F > \newsymbol\Finv 2060 > \newsymbol\Game 2061 > \newsymbol\Bbbk 207C Corrected: amssymb.sty version 1.1a, 20-Jan-1993 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amslatex.tex %% Date reported: 19-SEP-1990 %% %% Documentation describing how to set \minCDarrowwidth should say %% that three thin spaces (half a quad) should be added because they %% will be added internally by the amscd macros. Or find some other %% way to deal with the spacing. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: testart.tex %% Date reported: 20-SEP-1990 %% %% Testart.tex can't be run through AMSLaTeX without error messages if %% the user doesn't have AMSFonts .tfm files. Probably this should be %% fixed by having amsfonts.sty not automatically input by amstex.sty; %% but that involves back-compatibility problems. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amstex.sty %% Date reported: 16-OCT-1990 %% %% It looks like the ``align'' environment is getting \abovedisplayskip rather %% than \abovedisplayshortskip in all cases. A preliminary look indicates %% that this is the case for amstex.tex as well, and that the solution %% won't be particularly easy. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amstex.sty %% Date reported: 12-JAN-1991 (H. Aslaksen) %% %% The method for parsing display alignment macros means that the user %% can't do things like %% %% \def\beq{\begin{equation}} \def\eeq{\end{equation}} %% %% as they could in ordinary LaTeX. %% %% In the [amstex] documentstyle option (and consequently also in the %% amsart and amsbook documentstyles), the "equation" environment was %% changed to make it use the same basic structures that are used in the %% display alignment environments "align", "alignat", etc., that are added %% in the [amstex] option. An unfortunate side effect was to prevent the %% use of abbreviations as shown above. The technical difficulties %% involved in eliminating the problem are such as to make a near-future %% solution unlikely. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amsplain.bst %% Date reported: 21-MAR-1991 (G. Gratzer) %% %% From Gratzer's mail: %% "AMSPLAIN.BST has some bugs. Here are two: %% a. @INCOLLECTION: the field ADDRESS is placed twice. %% b. @BOOK: the field SERIES requires NUMBER or VOLUME. %% For instance, D. van Nostrand's Series in Higher Mathematics had %% no VOLUME or NUMBER." %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amslatex.tex %% Date reported: 15-MAY-1991 (D. Solitar) %% %% Definition of ``preamble'' in the LaTeX manual could be construed to %% include the area above the \documentstyle command; our documentation %% should restrict it to after \documentstyle and before \begin{document}. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: LATEX.TEX %% Date reported: 30-APR-1991 (D. Murphy) %% %% Interword spaces inside an \item[...] don't stretch to help line %% breaking. One user reported a line-breaking problem with the heading %% of a theorem. This problem is embedded in the standard LaTeX %% definition of \@item, and will have to be corrected in latex.tex %% rather than in amsart.sty. %% %% From the mail: %% %% > Subject: Linebreaking problems in TEX 3.1/Latex 2.09/AMS latex %% > %% > I'm using the above setup, and the amsart style at 11pt. %% > My problem is this; with a \textwidth of 420pt, the proposition %% > \begin{prpn}[Realisable branching time processes are sub--Baire trees] %% > should just fill a line. %% > %% > (Here, of course, I have \newtheorem{prpn}[defn]{{\bf Proposition}}.) %% > %% > Thus, the desired output is %% > %% > Proposition 4.4 (Realisable branching time processes are sub--Baire trees.) %% > %% > Unfortunately, AMS-Latex refuses to break the line there, putting the %% > first word of the body of the prpn on the line, then telling me about an %% > overfull hbox. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%