%%% ==================================================================== %%% @Text-file{ %%% filename = "amstex.bug", %%% version = "2.1e", %%% date = "1997/01/11", %%% time = "18:50:39 EST", %%% checksum = "28649 675 2761 22668", %%% author = "American Mathematical Society", %%% address = "PO Box 6248, Providence, RI 02940-6248, USA", %%% telephone = "401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS", %%% email = "tech-support@ams.org (Internet)", %%% copyright = "Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society, %%% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is %%% authorized only if either: %%% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy %%% including name; OR %%% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to %%% some other name.", %%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII", %%% supported = "yes", %%% keywords = "amstex, ams-tex, tex", %%% abstract = "This file is a list of bugs in the AMS-TeX %%% distribution (amstex.tex, amsppt.sty, amssym.tex, %%% amsppt1.tex, amstex.ini, and related documentation %%% files). Items listed at the end, marked with %% at %%% the left margin, have not yet been dealt with, but %%% are listed here in case the information might help %%% some users, and to record the fact that they have %%% been reported to the AMS.", %%% docstring = "The checksum field above contains: CRC-16 checksum, %%% number of lines, number of words, and number of %%% characters, as produced by Robert Solovay's checksum %%% utility.", %%% } %%% ==================================================================== %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 1-FEB-1990 Missing \endkeywords, \endsubjclass, and \endsubhead, among others, produce a puzzling error message ("Use of \next@ does not match its definition"). ---Involved substantial changes to \nofrills mechanism (internal implementation, not user interface). Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 1-MAR-1990 Line breaking in \Refs section doesn't work properly after explicit hyphens, or after mathbins and mathrels, because of setting the text in \hbox's. ---Substantial changes in the internal workings of \ref and related macros. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 1-SEP-1990 \widestnumber\item doesn't work as claimed in the user's guide. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 1-OCT-1990 (Silvio Levy) \penaltyandskip@ macro needs to have \par at the beginning. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 3-OCT-1990 The figure caption macros should treat \fc{Figure 1} \endfc the same as \fc{Figure 1}\endfc In other words the test to see if the second argument is empty should work even when the second argument is a blank space. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.TEX Date reported: 5-NOV-1990 In \rightarrowfill and similar things the minus sign should be smashed (as in plain.tex \relbar). Compare $$\buildrel\textstyle\sim\over\longrightarrow$$ % plain $$\overset\tsize\sim\to\longrightarrow$$ % AMSTeX $$A @>\tsize\sim>> B$$ % @>>> uses \rightarrowfill ---\rightarrowfill is defined in plain.tex, actually. AMSTEX.TEX also defines \rightarrowfill@. Smashing \rightarrowfill is nontrivial (perhaps that's why Knuth didn't do it). Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.TEX Date reported: 5-NOV-1990 \intertext should add penalties to discourage page breaks; as a minimum, there should be \penalty\predisplaypenalty added before the second \vskip: \def\intertext@{\def\intertext##1{\crcr\noalign{\vskip\belowdisplayskip \vbox{\normalbaselines\noindent##1}\penalty\predisplaypenalty \vskip\abovedisplayskip}}} Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 28-NOV-1990 (H. P. Boas) In definition of \thanks, \unskip was erroneously placed after the period instead of before. ---Fixed by removing the period and requiring it to be typed by the user. (\thanks could conceivably contain more than one sentence.) Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.TEX Date reported: 3-DEC-1990 \loadeusm, etc. should not do \newfam if the family is already loaded (should check to see if, e.g., \eusmfam is already defined). One user ran into trouble because \loadmsam, \loadmsbm and \loadeufm were done in the format file and therefore when amsppt.sty was loaded the three family assignments were duplicated. ---Changed the \load commands to undefine themselves after their first use. This also saves a little main memory. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSINST.TEX (now part of AMSGUIDE.TEX) Date reported: 11-DEC-1990 Font cmbsy10 used in installation guide at a large size (18pt) caused problems for some people who don't have it at that size. ---Problem has been resolved in the new amsguide.tex that incorporates the installation instructions, by eliminating the large title where the font occurred. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 14-DEC-1990 User's guide should explain how to make an amsppt format file, not just an amstex format. For users with smaller, comparatively slower systems, this saves quite a bit of time every time they run AMSTeX. Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: INSTALLATION PROGRAM Date reported: 21-JAN-1991 (1) In the second prompt message "fonts" should be changed to "files". (2) Maybe a warning about not needing to press Return key. (3) Error during TFM file move step did not prevent the "AMSTeX successfully installed" message from appearing. (4) Omitting the initial backslash from the directory names given in response to the questions causes problems. (1) corrected Version 2.1, May 1991 (2) Many DOS applications do not require use of Return key; left as is. (3) Wording of final line changed for Version 2.1, May 1991 (4) Warning about necessity of backslash included in Version 2.1, May 1991. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSTEX.TEX Date reported: 7-FEB-1991 It seems that there was an error in copying the definition of \pmb@ from the TeXbook (p. 386)---there should not be a minus sign in "\kern-.05em". ---Made some additional adjustments to tune the `boldness' further (it's hard, though, to find a good compromise that produces distinctly bold subscript characters and not too-bold text-size characters). Corrected: Version 2.1, June 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt1.tex Date reported: 3-JUL-1991 (D. Feldman et al.) Extra { after \message in the first definition of \enddocument causes an error message when the file is input. Corrected: Version 2.1b, August 1991 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 22-AUG-1991 (MJD) The definition of \page in \toc@ needs to be localized, otherwise it will cancel the proper definition of \page for use in \ref, if a \toc and a \Refs occur in the same file. \def\toc@#1{\relaxnext@ \def\page##1% {\unskip\penalty0\null\hfil \rlap{\hbox to\wd\pagesbox@{\quad\hfil##1}}\hfilneg\penalty\@M}% Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 23-AUG-1991 (mjd) Spacing above/below \block is imperfect. When used in vertical mode, the \noindent causes the short dislay skips to be used, which is then overcompensated for, on the top only, with the \vskip\abovedisplayskip. % \block is intended for typing long quotes in a block, indented % on both margins. If we're not in horizontal mode, we do a % \noindent to avoid getting an extra blank line before the % display. % \def\block{\RIfMIfI@\nondmatherr@\block\fi \else\ifvmode\vskip\abovedisplayskip\noindent\fi $$\def\endblock{\par\egroup$$}\fi \vbox\bgroup\advance\hsize-2\indenti\noindent} \def\endblock{\par\egroup} Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 28-AUG-1991 (mjd) In a \ref, when using \book, we might as well print out \eds and \pages or \page info (even though in AMS style this information is normally omitted). \eds will print anyway if \by is omitted, so the problem case is only when both \by and \eds are used in the same reference (surely it's a bit rare in citing a monograph to list both the author and an editor...) Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 8-OCT-1991 (A. Sudakov) \Monograph sets `\demofont@' and `\proclaimfont@' when the names actually used by \proclaim is \proclaimheadfont@ and \demo (in version 2.1 of amsppt.sty) calls \remark and hence should modify \remarkheadfont@. Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 17-MAY-1991 (mjd) An author in a \ref...\endref structure used \no for the reference number and also mistakenly used \no to attempt to produce an issue number. This resulted in the reference number having the issue number value. It should be fairly simple to add an \ifvoid test when putting reference data in a box to make sure the box is void; if not, give a warning to the user about the command being used twice inside one \ref (or \moreref or \transl) unit. Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 21-AUG-1991 (T. Shifrin) \Runinitem causes an `extra \endroster' error every time. Corrected: Version 2.1a, January 1992 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsguide.tex Date reported: 21-AUG-1991 (L. Evens) The AMSTeX User's Guide contains an incorrect example regarding the TOC entry for \head. > It turns out that I was misled by the > AmSTeX 2.0 User's Guide which is not very clear about how to use > these macros. In particular, one of its examples (p. 8) won't work: > > \toc > ... > \head Continuous complex-valued functions\page{1}\endhead > ... > \endtoc > > I think this may work if there are two spaces between `\head' > and `Continuous', but it certainly doesn't work with one space which > is what appears to be in the User's Guide. Fortunately, I was > able to work out the correct syntax by examining the macro definition > in amsppt.sty. > The documentation should be changed to emphasize that > one should put {} followed by a space before any text without > a caption. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 5-SEP-1991 (A. Meyerowitz) amsppt.sty 2.1 might as well include \loadmsam and \loadmsbm before \UseAMSsymbols, so that it works even if used with an AMSTeX 2.0 format file. Corrected: Version 2.1a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsguide.tex Date reported: 12-DEC-1991 (Guenter Rote (rote@kop.tu-graz.ada.at)) p. 22, under "negated arrows", \leftarrow should be \nleftarrow. Reference number (now 2320) should be 2338, and arrow should be slashed. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 29-NOV-1991 (M. F. Bridgland) If numbered references are followed by unnumbered ones, the first unnumbered one is given a spurious number which consists of the value sent to \widestnumber to establish the label width. Corrected: Version 2.1a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 20-JAN-1992 (M. F. Bridgland) Problem with \moreref if the additional part of the ref is a different type than the first part of the ref. (Distinguishing three main types: book, journal paper, proceedings paper.) In the following example the journal name fails to print and the volume number is printed as 'vol. 34', instead of '{\bf 34}'. \ref \no 3 \by G. Bracha \paper An $O(\log n)$ expected rounds randomized Byzantine generals algorithm \paperinfo preliminary version \inbook Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing \yr 1985 \pages 316--326 \moreref \paperinfo final version \jour J. Assoc. Comput. Mach. \vol 34 \yr 1987 \pages 910--920 \endref Corrected: Version 2.1a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: AMSPPT.STY Date reported: 14-FEB-1991 (RMG) Slanted fonts should be changed to italic for consistency with AMS publications. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty/doc Date reported: 24-JAN-1992 (M. Luskin) Comma is printed at the beginning of a \ref if \by is omitted. Fix: Insert \kern-1sp [ = \nofrills] in \endref@ after the key/number. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 24-FEB-1992 (mjd) (Change, not bug): Restore \nologo command (popular behest). Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 11-Jun-1992 (mjd) Four skip assignments (\leftskip etc.) in \makefootnote@ should really use \z@skip instead of \z@. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 5-Aug-1992 (mjd) \rom should handle a preceding ~ as well as ordinary spaces. The penalty needs to be saved and reinserted after the italic correction. Something like \def\rom#1{\leavevmode \edef\prevskip@{\ifdim\lastskip=\z@ \else\hskip\the\lastskip\relax\fi}% \def\prevpenalty@{}% \unskip \edef\prevpenalty@{\ifnum\lastpenalty=\z@ \else \penalty\the\lastpenalty\relax\fi}% \unpenalty \/\prevpenalty@ \prevskip@ {\rm #1}} Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 20-Aug-1992 (JUL) \subsubhead needs a dedicated \subsubheadfont@ command (like \headfont@ and \subheadfont@) to permit redefinition for different publications. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 26-Jul-1992 (B. Lucier) If \topmatter is omitted, some necessary font setup is not done. Perhaps it should be done by \document if need be. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 31-Aug-1992 (T. Hailperin) The following document has problems with the running heads. \chapterno@ prints as empty, followed by a period, then "Chapter 4 ...." \input amstex \documentstyle{amsppt} \Monograph \topmatter \title\chapter\nofrills{Appendix A} Test for header with nofrills\endtitle \endtopmatter \document dummy text \newpage first left-hand page \enddocument Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 11-SEP-1992 (J.S. Milne) When \roster\widestnumber is used from within \proclaim you get an error about a missing \endproclaim Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 1-Nov-1992 (D. Henderson) Added support for PostScript versions of AMS fonts from Y&Y / Blue Sky Research. Corrected: Version 2.1c %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 10-Jan-1993 (S. Cioe) Problem with \moreref punctuation introduced by 2.1b change to \ref. Corrected: Version 2.1c %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 5-Mar-1993 (B.K.P. Horn) Misspelled \PSAMSFONTS instead of \PSAMSFonts for the (commented out) \nineex font declaration. Corrected: Version 2.1d %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 4-Mar-1993 (B.K.P. Horn) The description of the PSAMSFonts switch fails to mention Y&Y as co-developer of the PS versions of the AMSFonts. Corrected: Version 2.1d %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amssym.tex Date reported: ?-?-1993 (M. Spivak) \diagup and \diagdown should be class 0 instead of class 3. Corrected: Version 2.1b %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 3-Nov-1993 (V. Jalby) Bug in \linespacing: the vrule in \strutbox must have zero width. Corrected: Version 2.1d %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: ??? Activation of \PSAMSFonts requires change to amsppt.sty; change approach to "do the right thing" when \PSAMSFonts is entered in a document preamble. Corrected: Version 2.1g %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: ??? In \output@, setting logo outside of pagecontents makes it difficult to get all pages the same size; convert copyright/logo to insert, with side benefit of simpler output routine. Corrected: Version 2.1g %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: ??? (bnb) Hard coded skips and fonts mean that author packages must redefine entire heading structures rather than simply substituting parameters; add named skips \preproclaim, \postproclaim, \remark, \postdemo, \predefinition, \postdefinition and named font \refsheadfont@. Corrected: Version 2.1g %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: ??? (bnb) Initialization of \refstyle A wipes out \refindentwd if \refstyle C is requested. Corrected: Version 2.1g %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% File: amsppt.sty Date reported: 11-Oct-1996 (bnb) Bug in \makeheadline: when first page ends with roster, serieslogo is not flush left. Corrected: Version 2.1g %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: AMSPPT.STY %% Date reported: 21-FEB-1991 %% %% \Runinitem doesn't work as claimed for a roster at the beginning %% of a \proclaim or anything similar. Probably will require a change %% in the user syntax to do it properly. So the users' guide would %% need changing at the same time. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: AMSPPT.STY %% Date reported: 19-MAR-1991 %% %% Page break can happen between \subhead and \subsubhead in some %% circumstances. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: INSTALLATION PROGRAM %% Date reported: 21-JAN-1991 %% %% One user with an IBM PC/PS2 model 50, an IBM SCII adapter and a large %% SCII disc partitioned into two logical disks D: and E: had trouble with %% the PC installation program: it refused to recognize the existence of %% drive E: %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: AMSTEX.TEX %% Date reported: 7-MAR-1990 (Weng Chew) %% %% \alignat allows a tag to overprint rather than moving it to a separate %% line if necessary. Also apparently \alignat may sometimes cause an %% `overfull' black box in the margin even when the material appears to %% fit within the margins. (Perhaps Chew had a \right. on the right-hand %% side. If not then something may need to be fixed.) %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: AMSTEX.TEX %% Date reported: 10-JUN-1991 (MJD) %% %% \align (and presumably other display alignments) never use %% \abovedisplayshortskip even when the first line of the display %% would permit it. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: AMSTEX.TEX %% Date reported: 11-JUN-1991 (MJD) %% %% \dotsspace@ should by default be set to give the same spacing as %% for \dots? %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amstex.tex %% Date reported: 26-JUN-1991 (J. Walker) %% %% \@ins and perhaps also \topcaption, \botcaption should be %% defined in amstex.tex, rather than amsppt.sty. The %% Joy of TeX description of using \midinsert and \topinsert %% implies that the use of amsppt is not necessary, when %% currently it is. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amstex.tex %% Date reported: 1-JUL-1991 (N. Poppelier) %% %% The algorithm used in determining whether to move a tag to a separate %% line in \align is incorrect: it appears that the tag will be moved if %% the space available is less than 2w (allowing for centering also), where %% w is the width of the tag, when it would be better to not move it unless %% the space is less than (w + 1 em), and also uncenter the main part of %% the display if necessary in order to fit the tag (this is the algorithm %% used by \eqno & \leqno). %% %% Need to check \split also. This bug has been reported before %% by other people also. %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% File: amstex.tex %% Date reported: 4-SEP-1991 (MJD) %% %% In the \everyjob message, a space is needed before the second hyphen. %%