\def\filedate{92/01/20} Copyright (C) 1989,1990,1991 by Rainer Schoepf and Bernd Raichle. All rights reserved. IMPORTANT NOTICE: You are not allowed to change this readme file. For distribution of unchanged and changed versions see readme.mz. You should get the following files: docstrip.cmd Command file for docstrip.tex to produce verbatim.sty and vrbinput.sty. readme.mz File that describes distribution restrictions and gives a short overview about other distributions from Mainz. readme.mz4 This file. verbatim.doc `verbatim' style for LaTeX. You have to run it through the docstrip.tex program to produce the corresponding style file. vrbinput.doc `vrbinput' style for LaTeX. You have to run it through the docstrip.tex program to produce the corresponding style file. verbatim.tex Driver for verbatim and vrbinput documentation. See notes in this file. verbtest.tex Small sample LaTeX input file that demonstrates some of the features of the verbatim style file. verbtest.tst Input file used by verbtest.tex To work with this package you also need the multicol package which contains the newdoc.sty and doc.sty files and the docstrip.tex program. You should be able to get all these files through the same channels as this package. To produce the style files please run docstrip.tex through LaTeX and answer the question `Command file docstrip.cmd found. Use it (y/n)?' with `y'. This will generate all sty files. If you already have older versions of the files, docstrip will ask whether or not you want to overwrite those versions. readme.mz: \def\filedate{90/11/17} readme.mz4: \def\filedate{92/01/20} verbatim.doc: \def\fileversion{v1.4i} verbatim.doc: \def\filedate{92/01/20} verbatim.doc: \def\docdate{91/12/18} vrbinput.doc: \def\fileversion{v1.0b} vrbinput.doc: \def\filedate{91/06/30} vrbinput.doc: \def\docdate{91/08/05}