This is emTeX, Version 3.14 [3c-beta5] (preloaded format=lplain 92.4.4) 4 APR 1992 16:31 **&lplain verbatim (verbatim.tex LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992> (c:\tex\texinput\article.sty Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>. (c:\tex\texinput\art10.sty) \c@part=\count79 \c@section=\count80 \c@subsection=\count81 \c@subsubsection=\count82 \c@paragraph=\count83 \c@subparagraph=\count84 \c@figure=\count85 \c@table=\count86 ) (newdoc.sty (doc.sty Style-Option: `doc' v1.6e <91/04/03> (FMi) English Documentation <90/02/17> (RMCS and FMi) \MacrocodeTopsep=\skip41 \MacroIndent=\dimen99 \macro@cnt=\count87 \macro@level=\count88 \MacroTopsep=\skip42 (multicol.sty Style option: `multicol' v1.3c <91/04/08> (FMi) English documentation <91/03/14> (FMi) \c@unbalance=\count89 \c@collectmore=\count90 \c@tracingmulticols=\count91 \col@number=\count92 \doublecol@number=\count93 \multicoltolerance=\count94 \page@free=\dimen100 \premulticols=\dimen101 \postmulticols=\dimen102 \multicolsep=\skip43 \multicolbaselineskip=\skip44 \partial@page=\box25 ) \IndexMin=\dimen103 \c@IndexColumns=\count95 \GlossaryMin=\dimen104 \c@GlossaryColumns=\count96 \check@sum=\count97 \bslash@cnt=\count98 \wrong@checksum=\toks11 \wrong@table=\toks12 \c@CodelineNo=\count99 ) \index@excludelist=\toks13 ) Switch to \MakeShortVerb syntax \@indexfile=\write3 Writing index file verbatim.idx (verbatim.aux) (verbatim.doc *************************** * Character table correct * *************************** Underfull \hbox (badness 1264) in paragraph at lines 147--149 \tenrm L[]T[]X's \tentt verbatim \tenrm and \tentt verbatim* \tenrm en-vi-ron-m ents \hbox(6.94444+3.01385)x225.0, glue set 2.33264 .\tenrm L .\kern -3.6 .\hbox(5.13887+0.0)x6.13332, shifted -1.29167 ..\\psc\@xpt a .\kern -1.49994 .\tenrm T .etc. Underfull \hbox (badness 1092) in paragraph at lines 193--205 []\tenrm Additionally we in-tro-duce a \tentt comment \tenrm en-vi- \hbox(6.94444+1.94444)x225.0, glue set 2.22002 .\hbox(0.0+0.0)x20.0 .\tenrm A .\tenrm d .\tenrm d .\tenrm i .etc. [1 ] [2] [3 ] [4 ] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] ******************* * Checksum passed * ******************* ) [14] (vrbinput.doc *************************** * Character table correct * *************************** [15 ] [16 ] ******************* * Checksum passed * ******************* ) [17] (verbatim.ind) [18] (verbatim.aux) ) Here is how much of TeX's memory you used: 373 strings out of 6956 4053 string characters out of 13220 45862 words of memory out of 65533 2313 multiletter control sequences out of 3500 20286 words of font info for 77 fonts, out of 32766 for 127 14 hyphenation exceptions out of 307 19i,10n,15p,233b,521s stack positions out of 200i,40n,60p,2048b,600s Output written on verbatim.dvi (18 pages, 71276 bytes).