% This file is part of the NFSS2 (New Font Selection Scheme) package. % ------------------------------------------------------------------- % % Copyright (C) 1993 Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf, % All rights reserved % % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % You are not allowed to change this file. \def\fileversion{v2.0g} \def\filedate{93/07/19} \documentstyle{article} \title{Installation of NFSS2} \author{Frank Mittelbach} \date{\filedate, \fileversion} \newcommand{\AmS}{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}} \newcommand{\AmSTeX}{\AmS-\TeX} \newcommand{\AmSLaTeX}{\AmS-\LaTeX} \newcommand{\meta}[1]{$\langle${\it#1\/$\rangle$}} \newcommand{\NFSS}{{\sf NFSS}} \newcommand{\dst}{{\sc docstrip}} \ifx\SLiTeX\undefined \typeout{***************************************} \typeout{* Warning:} \typeout{*} \typeout{* You are using an old version of} \typeout{* LaTeX. Consider upgrading one day.} \typeout{* Releases of LaTeX unfortunately all} \typeout{* have the same version number so you} \typeout{* have to look at the release date to} \typeout{* check if your LaTeX is up-to-date.} \typeout{***************************************} \def\p@SLiTeX{{\reset@font\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern -.06emT\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}} \def\SLiTeX{\protect\p@SLiTeX} \fi \catcode`\|=\active \def|{\verb|} \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \noindent This file gives some basic information which are necessary to generate a format with NFSS2. \end{abstract} \section{Overview about the distribution} The distribution of \NFSS2 contains many files those purpose can be classified by their extension. Here is a short description of the files: \begin{description} \item[\tt*.ins] Installation scripts. You will need them for unpacking some of the distribution files. They are not necessary, once you have installed \NFSS2, but it is a good idea to keep them in case you want to redo some parts of the installation. \item[\tt*.sty] Style files for use with \NFSS2. You can copy them without further processing to your style directory as one of the last steps of the installation. \item[\tt*.dtx] These are files containing code and documentation. The code will be extracted by the installation scripts (using the \dst{} program) and the documentation will be processed with the help of the {\tt doc} style. \item[\tt*.fdd] These files are font definition files which contain the declaration that makes a certain number of font families known to \NFSS2. For example, {\tt cmrfonts.fdd} contains the declarations for the Computer Modern families. \item[\tt*.ltx] \LaTeX{} documents like this file you are currently reading. \item[\tt*.tex] Files that contain code necessary for installing \NFSS2. \end{description} The distribution contains a few more files like the {\tt readme} files, the {\tt nfss.bug} file (containing any known bugs, and their history) and the file {\tt interfac.ltx} which contains a concise description of the interfaces used in \NFSS2. For a full description of the distributed files see the {\tt readme} file. After running the installation scripts (as explained in section~\ref{sec:inst}) many additional files will be generated. They have the following extensions: \begin{description} \item[\tt*.drv] Documentation driver files. If you run them through \LaTeX{} they will produce pretty-printed documentation. \item[\tt*.fd] These are font definition files which are loaded on demand by \NFSS2 whenever they are needed in a document. \end{description} In addition some more code files (extension {\tt.tex}) and style file (extension {\tt.sty}) will be generated by this process, as well as some files with funny extensions like {\tt.xpt} which are also used during the installation phase. \section{The installation scripts} \label{sec:inst} The installation scripts for \NFSS2 all have the extension {\tt.ins}. To unpack all or some of the files you have to run those scripts through \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} and answer the questions they ask you. But before you do so first have a look at the file {\tt docstrip.tex}. This is version 2.1d of the \dst{} program and in case you have an older version you need to use this version to process the scripts successfully. This version of \dst{} was generated without the `unix' module which means that it will complain that it may overwrite other files even if that can't actually happen. If your \TeX{} system supports |./| as a notation for the current directory uncomment code line \begin{verbatim} %\def\WriteToDir{./} \end{verbatim} in this file and comment out the line \begin{verbatim} \def\WriteToDir{} \end{verbatim} Both lines are near the beginning. Otherwise leave this file untouched. If you already have a newer version of the \dst{} program than the one supplied with the NFSS2 package you can remove this file. After this initial step you can start unpacking \NFSS2. The major installation script is {\tt main.ins} which will internally use all other installation scripts. Thus, if you run this script through \TeX{} or \LaTeX{} all files will be unpacked. Before you do that you should make sure that you have at least one Megabyte of free space on your disk. The other installation scripts are provided in case you want to redo some parts of the installation. For example, during the main installation you are asked if you have installed or intend to install the AMS font package. If you answered this question with `no', then some files from the distribution are not unpacked. If you later decide to install this font package after all, you can just run the installation script {\tt amsfonts.ins} to unpack the missing files. At some stages the installation scripts will ask questions or give some comments. Please read them carefully and then answer them. They usually require either |n| for `no' or |y| for `yes'. In one case you may also say |s| (for `stop') to halt the installation process. In some cases a default answer is given in round parentheses at the end of the question, e.g., |(y)|. This means that this answer will be selected automatically if you hit the Return key only. \section{Customizing the installation} After successfully unpacking the distribution you should proceed by processing the files {\tt fdprefix.drv}, {\tt preload.drv}, and {\tt fontdef.drv} with \LaTeX{}. Read them carefully; they explain the contents of the files {\tt fdprefix.tex}, {\tt preload.tex}, and {\tt fontdef.tex}. Normally you can leave those files as they come from the distribution but in some circumstances (explained in the documentation) it may be better to modify some of them slightly. For example, {\tt preload.tex} defines what fonts to preload into your format. The default there is to preload Computer Modern fonts suitable for documents with a default type size of 10pt. However, if most of your documents use the |11pt| option this default is not really appropriate. If you are not sure if it is necessary to modify those files, leave them alone and proceed by making a new format file. The worst that can happen is that you later have to redo this process. \section{Producing a \LaTeX{} format with \NFSS{} included} The installation scripts will test your systems behaviour concerning |\input| and |\openin| (see also documentation in {\tt fdprefix.tex}). If those two commands use different search pathes it will ask you to specify an installation directory for all |.fd| files. In this case you now have to move the generated |.fd| files to this directory before making a format because Ini\TeX{} will only search this directory for files with this extension. Otherwise you can wait with this step. Now make a new format by processing {\tt nfss2ltx} with the Ini\TeX{} program. (How to do this exactly depends on your installation so we can't give you any advice here how to run Ini\TeX.) During this step the \NFSS2 code will be loaded into your format in place of the old font selection scheme of \LaTeX{}. Ini\TeX{} will then read {\tt latex.tex} and finally will stop with an asterisk prompt. At this point you should reply with the command |\dump| which will then produce the format file for you. \section{Testing the new installation} You should test the new format by running the file {\tt main.drv} through it. In case you haven't installed all font packages you may get some \NFSS{} warnings but apart from that the file should be processable successfully with your new format. Since \NFSS2 made a few changes necessary in the style option {\tt doc.sty} a new version is provided within this package until the DOC package is updated. See comments on \dst{} above. \section{Moving the files to the correct places} If everything went well, move the format to the format directory of your system, move all the style files (extension {\tt.sty}) to the style file directory of your system, and then move all the font definition files (extension {\tt.fd}) to a directory searched by \TeX{}. You can use the style file directory on most systems, exceptions are explained in the {\tt fdprefix.drv} document which you have looked at earlier on. Finally, for the \SLiTeX{} emulation part of \NFSS2, you have to move the file {\tt nfslides.tex} and the file {\tt sfontdef.tex} to the style file directory on your system since these files are loaded by the {\tt nfslides} style. \begin{flushright} Happy typesetting\\ Frank Mittelbach \end{flushright} \end{document}