% \iffalse meta-comment % % Copyright (C) 1993 by LaTeX3 project. All rights reserved. % For additional copyright information see further down in this file. % % This file is part of the LaTeX2e system (PRELIMINARY TEST RELEASE) % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % % This system is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. % % % IMPORTANT NOTICE: % % For error reports in case of UNCHANGED versions see readme files. % % Please do not request updates from us directly. Distribution is % done through Mail-Servers and TeX organizations. % % You are not allowed to change this file. % % You are allowed to distribute this file under the condition that % it is distributed together with all files mentioned in 00readme.l2e. % % If you receive only some of these files from someone, complain! % % You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone. You are NOT % ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of either this % file or a changed version, except for a nominal charge for copying % etc. % \fi LaTeX2e Installation Guide 21 December 1993 SUMMARY ======= This file contains the installation instructions for LaTeX2e, the latest version of the LaTeX document preparation system. Most software is designed to run on only one machine, and so has a simple installation procedure. LaTeX can run on any machine which can run TeX, but one of the prices of portability is that the installation procedure needs human intervention. The information for some TeX installations in incomplete or missing. Updates and corrections are therefore appreciated. To install LaTeX, you should: * run iniTeX on latex2e.ins, which produces the files that LaTeX needs, including latex2e.ltx. * run iniTeX on latex2e.ltx, which produces the LaTeX format. * put the files where LaTeX can read them. The rest of this document describes: * what prerequisites you will need in order to install LaTeX. * how to create the files that LaTeX needs. * how to customize your LaTeX installation. * how to create the LaTeX format. * what to do with the created files. * how to create the LaTeX system documentation. * how to install additional packages. * what to do if anything goes wrong. PREREQUISITES ============= In order to install LaTeX, you will need: * a copy of the iniTeX application. * the Computer Modern fonts. * the Computer Modern fonts in Cork encoding (DC-fonts). * the LaTeX distribution. iniTeX ------ The iniTeX application should be part of every TeX distribution: * in Unix TeX, it is a program called initex. * in emTeX, it is started by typing tex /i. * in OzTeX, it is the INITEX option on the TeX pull-down menu. * in Textures it is the VirTeX option on the Typeset pull-down menu. Computer Modern Fonts --------------------- The Computer Modern fonts should be part of every TeX distribution. Computer Modern Fonts in Cork encoding -------------------------------------- The Computer Modern fonts in Cork encoding can be obtained from servers and from TeX organisations. You can install LaTeX without them but they are strongly recommended. LaTeX distribution ------------------ This file is part of the LaTeX distribution. The file manifest.l2e contains a list of all the files in the distribution. CREATING THE LATEX FILES ======================== The LaTeX distribution comes as a number of archive files, created with the docstrip archiving program. The LaTeX files can be extracted from the archives using iniTeX. To extract the files, run iniTeX on the file latex2e.ins. This will create the files that LaTeX needs to run. If you get any error messages during this installation, see the section on `Problems'. CUSTOMISATION ============= There are five places where you can customise your LaTeX installation. You can: * decide what hyphen rules to use by writing a lhyphen.cfg file * modify the default fonts used by writing a fontdef.cfg file * define which fonts are preloaded in your format by writing a preload.cfg file. * alter how LaTeX searches for files by editing the file texsys.cfg. * alter the behaviour of LaTeX 2.09 documents by writing a latex209.rc file. These customisations are normally not necessary and you should first gain some experience with the standard system before attempting to customise it. Detailed descriptions of how to write such files can be found in the documentation files fontdef.drv and preload.drv. If your TeX has the `feature' that it can't find out if a file exists anywhere other than the current directory then you unfortunately have to edit the file texsys.cfg. Look carefully at the documentation in this file. It should give you examples of how to deal with this for your operating system. The latex209.rc file is read in whenever LaTeX2e processes a document which begins with \documentstyle rather than \documentclass. If your LaTeX 2.09 installation had some non-standard features, you can put them in the latex209.rc file, so that old documents can still be processed by the new system. CREATING THE LATEX FORMAT ========================= One of the files created by latex2e.ins is called latex2e.ltx. To create the LaTeX format, run iniTeX on this file. What happens next depends on your TeX implementation: * in Unix TeX, a file called latex2e.fmt is created. You should copy this to the TEXFORMATS directory, and make latex2e a symbolic link to the virtex program. If your TEXFORMATS directory is /usr/local/tex/formats and your executables directory is /usr/local/bin, then you should type (if necessary, after having made yourself root): cp latex2e.fmt /usr/local/tex/formats/latex2e.fmt ln -s /usr/local/bin/virtex /usr/local/bin/latex2e * in emTeX, a file called latex2e.fmt is created. You should copy this to the btexfmts or texfmts directory, respectively, depending on whether you are working with BigTeX or not. * in OzTeX, a dialogue box asks you where to save the LaTeX format. You should save it as LaTeX2e.fmt in the TeX-formats folder. Then you should edit the Configs file to add a LaTeX2e option to the Typeset pull-down menu. * in Textures, a dialogue box asks you where to save the LaTeX format. you should save it as LaTeX2e.fmt in the TeX formats folder. Then you should use the Add Format... option from the File pull-down menu to add the LaTeX2e option to the Typeset pull-down menu. Note that this preliminary distribution creates a format called LaTeX2e. The full distribution will create a format called LaTeX, at which point the LaTeX 2.09 format will be out of date. INSTALLING THE LATEX FILES ========================== The final step of installing LaTeX is to move the files that LaTeX needs into a directory which TeX can read: * in Unix TeX, it is the TEXINPUTS directory, usually called something like /usr/local/tex/inputs. * in emTeX, it is texinput directory, usually called something like c:\emtex\texinput. * in OzTeX, it is the folder specified in your Configs file, usually TeX-inputs. * in CMacTeX it is the folder specified by tex.config, usually texinputs. * in Textures it is the TeX inputs folder in the Textures folder. The files you should move are any file ending with: * .cls, the document class files. * .clo, the document class options files. * .sty, the package files. * .fd, the font definition files. You should also move: * latex209.cmp, the LaTeX 2.09 compatibility file. * slides.ltx and sfontdef.ltx You should also move gglo.ist and gind.ist to the MakeIndex directory: * In Unix MakeIndex, this is the same as the TEXINPUTS directory. * In MacMakeIndex, this is the MakeIndex folder. * In MS/DOS makeindx, this is given by the value of the INDEXSTYLE environment variable. You can now run LaTeX. You can start by running LaTeX on features.tex, which describes the new features of LaTeX2e. DOCUMENTATION ============ A short overview of the features of the new LaTeX release can be found in the file features.tex. This file can be processed by an old LaTeX, so, it is not necessary to make a new format first. A full description of the new LaTeX release (and of more than 100 packages that can be used with LaTeX) can be found in: * The LaTeX Companion, Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley The new release will also be covered by the second edition of: * LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, Leslie Lamport, Addison-Wesley To produce the documentation files run the corresponding driver files (.drv) through LaTeX. You are allowed to change the driver files to get a special layout, etc. Instead of changing individual .drv files you can change the layout of all documentation files by writing a ltxdoc.cfg file. For example, putting the following two lines of code into this file will format the documentation for A4 paper: \PassOptionsToClass{a4paper}{article} \endinput The doc package, which is used by the documentation files, writes index in history files that can be processed by the program MakeIndex. If this program is part of your TeX installation you can get an index and history listing for a documentation file by running the .idx and .glo files through this program. Please note that you need to specify a style file for MakeIndex: gind.ist for the index file (result should be named *.ind) gglo.ist for the history file (result should be named *.gls) Replace with: * In Unix MakeIndex, you should say: makeindex -s gind.ist FILENAME makeindex -s gglo.ist -o FILENAME.gls FILENAME.glo * In MacMakeIndex, you should select the `Options' pull-down menu to select the MakeIndex style and the output filename. * In MS/DOS makeindx, you should type: makeindex -s gind.ist FILENAME makeindex -s gglo.ist -o FILENAME.gls FILENAME.glo ADDITIONAL PACKAGES =================== In addition to the core system the LaTeX2e distribution contains several additional packages which are not unpacked by the previous steps. To unpack them all you can run the script l2extra.ins through LaTeX (not initex). Alternatively, you can run the individual scripts through LaTeX to unpack only some packages. Some of these scripts will ask questions, for example, whether you have certain fonts installed or intend to install them. Some of the files unpacked by these scripts have to be moved other places on your system. If this is the case, the installation script will inform you. PROBLEMS ======== On most systems, the installation should proceed smoothly. However, you may get some errors. *** DIRCHECK STUFF HERE *** David, could you write something about the errors that dircheck.dtx can produce? `File missing': Some of the files from the LaTeX distribution are missing. There are a number of possible reasons for this: * the files are missing. You should get the files from the same place you got the rest of the distribution. If you can't, you should complain to whoever gave you this distribution. * the files are present, but in the wrong directory. You should move the files to a directory iniTeX can read. * the files are present, and in the right directory. iniTeX may have been set up incorrectly. You may be able to correct this, depending on your TeX implementation: * in Unix TeX, you can set the TEXINPUTS environment variable. * in emTeX, you can set the texinput environment variable. * in OzTeX, you can edit the `TeX input folder(s)' line of the Configs file. * in CMacTeX, you can change the input path using installtex. * In Textures you should move the files to the TeX inputs folder. `Font missing': Some of the fonts required by LaTeX are missing. The cures are the same as for missing files. `Out of memory': On TeX implementations with small memory, you may exhaust iniTeX's memory installing LaTeX. You may be able to correct this: * some TeX implementations allow the amount of memory allocated to TeX to be increased. See the installation guide of your TeX implementation for more details. * some iniTeX implementations use more memory than LaTeX does, so you may be able to run iniTeX on a larger machine, then move the files across to the smaller machine. * if the error happened during the unpacking of the distribution, i.e., when you run iniTeX on latex2e.ins, then try to run this file, through normal TeX, for example plainTeX or an old LaTeX format. * you may be able to buy more memory for your machine. If you have any problems installing LaTeX, you should: * ask your local TeX guru. * if this fails, try asking a local TeX mailing list. * if this fails, mail *** latex-bugs address here *** This is the preliminary test release of LaTeX2e. The full release will be available in Spring 1994. --- Copyright 1993 the LaTeX3 project. All rights reserved ---