% $Id: article.gid,v 1.4 1994/02/01 20:50:06 schrod Exp $ -*- LaTeX -*- %---------------------------------------------------------------------- \classAbstract{article} \label{class:article} The \class{article} document class is a suitable category for articles, technical reports, and similar documents. Often it's used as a catch-all class when no category-specific is available. It is described in the \LaTeX{} book. The following options are supported by this class: \option{a4paper}, \option{a5paper}, \option{b5paper}, \option{letterpaper}, \option{legalpaper}, \option{executivepaper}, \option{landscape}, \option{10pt}, \option{11pt}, \option{12pt}, \option{oneside}, \option{twoside}, \option{draft}, \option{final}, \option{titlepage}, \option{notitlepage}, \option{onecolumn}, \option{twocolumn}, \option{makeidx}, \option{makeindex}, \option{leqno}, \option{fleqn}, and \option{openbib}. \\ % It supports the pagestyles \pgsty{headings} and \pgsty{myheadings}. The class uses the files \file{article.cls} and \file{size*.clo}. \endAbstract \begin{rcslog} $Log: article.gid,v $ \Revision 1.4 1994/02/01 20:50:06 schrod Changed ``needs file[s] \dots'' to ``uses file[s] \dots'' This seems (for me) to be better English. \Revision 1.3 1994/01/31 21:14:18 schrod Changed markup, use high-level tags instead of verbatim. This way we can change the presentation and add automatic indexing, etc. \Revision 1.2 1994/01/27 21:12:29 schrod New descriptions for the core classes of \LaTeXe{}. Did also use new markup that enables the inclusion in other documents as well. In particular, the version history might be typeset this way. \Revision 1.1 1994/01/17 18:18:05 detig Updated english version to generic local guide for \LaTeX{} 2.09, both in text and file structure. Some parts (which will be subject to major changes with \LaTeXe{}) were left untouched, though. Some style descriptions are still to be written, their relevance must be checked, anyhow. \end{rcslog} \endinput % just in case