Date: 11 Apr 89 Message No: 016 To: TeX implementors and distributors From: Barbara Beeton Subject: WEAVE 3.1; TRIP.TEX Another bug has been found in WEAVE.WEB. The differences are listed below. This is Knuth's announcement: Here's a new change to WEAVE. I guess it has to be version 3.1, because some other people already have 3.0. The bug in 3.0 occurs iff there's a change and the program consists of exactly one module. But the new code is not only correct, it's much simpler. (This was found and fixed by Peter Breitenlohner in Germany.) The entire current TRIP.TEX file is included in this message. Because some lines begin with a period, which causes peculiar things to happen going through some gateways, I have inserted one X at the beginning of every line. These X's should be removed before using the file, and the character code list at the end of the message should be checked very carefully to make sure that nothing was corrupted. (If the file didn't make it through intact, send me a message that says what characters were changed and I will try to come up with a more reliable technique. I do not yet have a working coder/decoder.) The file contains exactly 448 lines; a few are longer than 80 characters, and if your gateway truncated or broke lines, let me know that too. The dates on the files at Stanford are as follows: Sail [TEX,SYS] TRIP TEX 4.4 25-May-88 1630 Score TRIP.TEX 9 22013(7) 4-Jun-88 11:49:29 I will be out of town from April 14-23. If you send a message about a problem, it may take a while for me to answer it, though I'll try to acknowledge all such messages as quickly as I can. After I return, if I find that sending the TRIP.TEX file was successful, I'll try the same technique with TRIP.LOG. ######################################################################## Differences between WEAVE.WEB 3.0 and 3.1 ;COMPARISON OF PS:WEAVE.WEB.7 AND PS:WEAVE.WEB.2 ;OPTIONS ARE /E /3 **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.7, 1-24 (1485) % Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.2, 1-23 (1483) % Version 3.1 fixed a bug for programs with only one module (April, 1989). % Here is TeX material that gets inserted after \input webmac *************** **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.7, 1-43 (2274) \centerline{(Version 3)} \vfill} **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.2, 1-44 (2350) \centerline{(Version 3.1)} \vfill} *************** **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.7, 1-70 (3378) @d banner=='This is WEAVE, Version 3' @ The program begins with a fairly normal header, made up of pieces that **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.2, 1-71 (3456) @d banner=='This is WEAVE, Version 3.1' @ The program begins with a fairly normal header, made up of pieces that *************** **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.7, 1-4507 (176859) while not changed_module[k_module] do incr(k_module); out4("\")("c")("h")(" "); out_mod(k_module); repeat repeat incr(k_module)@+ until changed_module[k_module]; out2(",")(" "); out_mod(k_module); until k_module=module_count; out("."); **** FILE PS:WEAVE.WEB.2, 1-4508 (176939) out4("\")("c")("h")(" "); while k_module () % Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / | % Punctuation: . ? ! , : ; % Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - = % Quotes--right left double: ' ` " %"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % & % "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~ % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% [ end of message 016 ] -------