README.web2c-mp: ================ This is a modified and reorganized redistribution of MetaPost 0.63, adapted to work with web2c-6.1 and kpathsea-2.6. It is based on the teTeX-0.3 development version, which is basically nothing else than web2c-6.1 with the patches for kpathsea-2.6 and some other minor bug-fixes already included. Care has been taken to ensure that it'll work with native web2c-6.1 installations using kpathsea-2.6 as well. This distribution consists of the the following files: web2c-mp-lib.tar.gz - the MetaPost input files and documentation, reorganized to fit into the texmf tree, web2c-mp-src.tar.gz - the modified MetaPost sources, reorganized to fit into the web2c source tree, web2c-mp-web2c.patch - patches to web2c and kpathsea routines for installations based on web2c-6.1 patched for kpathsea-2.6. web2c-mp-teTeX.patch - patches to web2c and kpathsea routines for installations based on teTeX-0.3. To compile MetaPost and its utility programs, you'll need the modified MetaPost sources, the web2c and kpathsea sources, and one of the two patch files listed above, depending on which installation you're using. INSTALLATION: ============= 1.) Retrieve the web2c and kpathsea sources. a) For the teTeX-0.3 distribution this means getting the files teTeX-0.3-lib.tar.gz teTeX-0.3-src.tar.gz from from the directory /pub/tex/development/teTeX. b) For native web2c distributions this means getting the files lib-6.x.tar.gz web-6.1.tar.gz web2c-6.1.tar.gz from any CTAN hots from the directory /tex-archive/systems/web2c. You'll also need the actual kpathsea-2.6 source files which are packaged with dvipsk-5.58f.tar.gz. (You'll need dvips(k) anyway for including MetaPost pictures into TeX documents!) 2.) Unpack the web2c sources and texmf libraries. a) For the teTeX-0.3 distribution this simply means unpacking the two above-mentioned tar.gz files and your done. The web2c and kpathsea sources will end up in the directory teTeX-0.3-src/kpse-2.6. The various input files will end up in teTeX-0.3/texmf. teTeX-0.3 also serves as the destination directory of your installation. b) For native web2c distributions things are more difficult: First, you'll have to unpack web2c-6.1.tar.gz, web-6.1.tar.gz and dvips-5.58f.tar.gz. You'll then have to move the web2c subdirectory of web2c-6.1 to dvips-5.58f, which will serrve as the combined source directory, which should be renamed to kpathsea-2.6. Once you've got that, you'll have to apply the patch file Finally don't forget to unpack the lib-6.x.tar.gz file containing the input files in the appropriate destination location of your installation. 3.) Unpack the MetaPost sources and libraries. Now, you're ready to unpack the MetaPost distribution itself to merge it with the standard distribution unpacked so far. First, change to the directory where your texmf directory is located (e.g. teTeX-0.3 or /usr/local/lib) and unpack the file web2c-mp-lib.tar.gz. This should produce the subdirectories texmf/metapost/{base,misc,support} and texmf/doc/metapost. Next, change to the top-level directory of your web2c sources (e.g. teTeX-0.3-src/kpse-2.6 or kpathsea-2.6) and unpack the file web2c-mp-src.tar.gz. This should produce the subdirectories web2c/mp, web2c/mpware and add the file to web2c/man. 4.) Apply the patches to the web2c and kpathsea sources. Since there are some minor differences between the native web2c distribution and teTeX-0.3, it was necessary to prepare two different patches to insure that everything works correctly. To apply these patches the procedure is similar in both cases, except for the top-level from which to apply the patches: a) For teTeX-0.3 change to teTeX-0.3-src and type the command patch -p -l -s < web2c-mp-teTeX.patch If all is fine, you shouldn't get any output when patch is instructed to operate silently. (The -l option means doing pattern matching somewhat more losely, so that patch won't choke on whitespace differences.) After applying the patch change to teTeX-0.3-src/bin-extra and create symbolic link by typing ln -s virmp mp Unfortunately, symbolic links can't be packed into a patch. b) For native web2c distributions is very similar: Chhange to the directory kpathsea-2.6 and type patch -p -l -s < web2c-mp-web2c.patch 5.) If everything went well, it's time to start the compilation. a) For teTeX-0.3 change to teTeX-0.3-src and do the following: make config; make clean; make all; make install. This should do almost everything except for making the formats, bases, and mem files, which is done by a separate target make ini in the top-level Makefile. If all is well, you should see that configure creates Makefiles in the web2c/mp and web2c/mpware subdirectories and that the compilation runs in these directories to produce the programs inimp, virmp, and several utilities. b) For native web2c distributions the procedure is very similar, except that there is no extra Makefile on top of everything. Instead, change to kpathsea-2.6 and do the following: sh configure; make clean; make all; make install. Here the make install target will also create the formats, bases, and mem files, which requires that the input files are in the correct place at the time you run make install. 6.) Once your compilation has succeeded, it's time to test MetaPost. For a good start, change to texmf/doc/metapost and run MetaPost on (using either 'virmp \&plain manfig' or 'mp manfig'). This should produce a bunch of output files named manfig.. If you've succeeded with that, you might try to recreate by running dvips on mpman.dvi, which will include the figures contained in the manfig. files. You might then try the same with, which will also process the data files *.d. 7.) If all went well, you should be set to start exploring MetaPost by creating your own MetaPost figures. CHANGES: ======== A number of files from the original MetaPost distribution have been discarded and/or replaced by modified or completely rewritten versions that are based on the web2c/mf or web2c/dviutils sources. A detailed list of changes applied to the original MetaPost sources can be found in web2c/mp/ChangeLog and web2c/mpware/ChangeLog. The patches for the web2c and kpathsea source files also include additions to the ChangeLog files, documenting what has changed. NOTES: ====== 1.) This distribution uses separate binaries for `inimp' and `virmp'. This was done this way for consistency with TeX and METAFONT. In the long term, it might be preferable to use combined binaries with a `-I' command line option for all of TeX, METAFONT, and MetaPost, but until then, it would be confusing if only MetaPost behaved differently from the others. A symbolic link `mp' pointing to `virmp' is used to invoke MetaPost with the default mem file preloaded (plain.mem, stored as mp.mem). It's possible to use a similar link `mfmp' to invoke MetaPost with the METAFONT-compatible mem file (mfplain.mem, stores as mfmp.mem), but most users will probably never use that. 2.) The default version of MetaPost is a ``big'' version using the same parameters as TeX and METAFONT for the memory layout. I don't know if anyone actually needs this, but having a big version probably can't hurt either. There is a new "SMALLMP" configuration option in web2c/lib/ (similar to "SMALLTeX" and "SMALLMP" that might be useful when porting Web2C to systems with limited memory. 3.) The input character set has been extended to allow any character just like TeX and METAFONT do. This might come handy for included text in `btex ... etex' strings that are passed to TeX, but it is probably better to avoid using non-ASCII characters in file names and such. 4.) MetaPost and the `dvitomp' utility program use the path searching routines from the kpathsea library. The `dmp' utility program, however, which is written in C instead of WEB, uses the simpler `pathexpand' routine added recently in Version 0.63 of MetaPost. If you encounter problems with this not-yet-widely-tested routine, you may want to disable this by undefining the PATHEXPAND symbol in web2c/lib/ or the compiler options for pathexpand.c in web2c/mpware/ 5.) MetaPost by default uses carefully-coded external floating-point routines that replace the fixed point math routines in mp.web. You may want to check them by running the timing test programs in the web2c/mp/MPtime subdirectory that also check the accuracy of the floating-point routines compared to the original routines. If, for some reason, you want to use the fixed-point routines, you can do so by defining the FIXPT symbol in web2c/lib/ 6.) MetaPost has a `-T' command line option to select ``troff mode'' to process included textual material using `troff' instead of TeX. Successful operation of this mode requires a ``suitable'' version of `troff' that is capable of producing PostScript output using the `dpost' post-processor. While some System V'ish versions of Unix do seem to have them, some (many?) other systems have not. In that case, you might try `groff' instead, but you'll have to modify the default TROFF command in web2c/mpware/ and the TRFONTS serach path in web2c/mpware/ To produce troff documents with included MetaPost figures you'll still need the `pictures' macros that define the `.BP' troff command. I haven't yet found a version of Unix that has these macros, but you might be able to produce portable MetaPost figures in ``troff mode'' for inclusion into other systems without it. (You could also use MetaPost in ``TeX mode'' if you use only uilt-in PostScript fonts and set `prologues:=1'.) 7.) While the original MetaPost distribution provides its own copy of, this implementation allows to use the version distributed with dvipsk. The parsing routines for have been extended to handle comments and blank lines correctly. When using PostScript fonts, it might be a good idea to keep the old versions of the PostScript font metrics distributed with dvips, since some files in texmf/doc/metapost reference the fonts rptmr and rpsyr (TimesRoman and Symbol in raw encoding)which have been replaced by ptmr0, etc. recently. UPDATES: ======== As this distribution differs significantly from the original MetaPost distribution, incorporating updates for future releases of MetaPost won't be quite as easy as in the case of TeX, METAFONT, etc., where it is usually sufficient to replace the new versions of the WEB files and update the version number in the change file. In the case of MetaPost and DVItoMP, which are both written in WEB, it should be sufficient to install the new WEB files and update the change files if necessary. The external C routines mpext.c and dvimpext.c have been replaced by the standard Web2C routines, except for the callmakempx() function that was integrated in web2c/lib/openinout.c. The external math routines mpmath.c have been retained unchanged, but they're unlikely to change anyway. Updating the other utility programs written in C might be somewhat more difficult since several of these files have been modified and these modifications will have to be re-applied in future revision. To make it easier to update these files, context diffs have been provided for the files newer.c, dmp.c and pathexp.c in web2c/mpware. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: ================= I'd like to thank Denis Roegel and Sebastian Rahtz for testing a preliminary version of this distribution and pointing out some problems that have been fixed meanwhile. I'd also like to thank Thomas Esser for the teTeX distribution and Karl Berry for web2c/kpathsea. Last not least, I'd also like to thank John Hobby for writing MetaPost in the first place. Let's hope that it'll eventually find its way into the standard distribution. Ulrik Vieth -- 1995/05/08