$Id: LICENSE.CTAN 2212 2006-09-28 16:31:42Z karl $ COPYING CONDITIONS FOR CTAN SNAPSHOT: A snapshot of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) holdings is taken from time to time and distributed on physical media. It may be bundled with the TeX Live system, or distributed separately. In any case, the licensing conditions of the packages in the CTAN snapshot vary widely. In particular (and in contrast to TeX Live), not all the software meets free software or open source criteria: some are available only as binaries, others have restrictions on commercial resale, and so on. Thus, when redistributing the CTAN snapshot, you must be very careful that you are not violating any license conditions. Since each situation is different, we cannot offer any general advice. To learn redistribution requirements, of course the licensing information within the packages themselves is the final authority. For summary information, we suggest checking the package pages at http://ctan.org/pkg. If you believe any files have been included erroneously, please contact us (references are given below). If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us. Thanks for your interest in TeX. CTAN maintainers mailing list: ctan@ctan.org CTAN home page: https://ctan.org/