This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input file fontname.texi. START-INFO-DIR-ENTRY * Naming TeX fonts: (fontname). Filenames for TeX fonts. END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY  File:, Node: Monotype fonts, Next: URW fonts, Prev: Linotype fonts, Up: Font name lists Monotype fonts ============== The `' file has abbreviations for Monotype fonts. ma1b8r ArialMT-Bold ma1b8rn ArialNarrowMT-Bold MArial-NarrowBold ma1b9s ArialSFMT-Bold ma1bi8r ArialMT-BoldItalic ma1bi8rn ArialNarrowMT-BoldItalic MArial-NarrowBoldItalic ma1bi9s ArialSFMT-BoldItalic ma1bot8r ArialMonospacedMT-BoldObliq ma1br8rc ArialMT-CondensedBold ma1bt8r ArialMonospacedMT-Bold ma1c8r ArialMT-Black ma1ci8r ArialMT-BlackItalic ma1l8r ArialMT-Light ma1l8rc ArialMT-CondensedLight ma1li8r ArialMT-LightItalic ma1m8r ArialMT-Medium ma1mi8r ArialMT-MediumItalic ma1r8r ArialMT ma1r8rc ArialMT-Condensed ma1r8rn ArialNarrowMT MArial-Narrow ma1r9s ArialSFMT ma1ri8r ArialMT-Italic ma1ri9s ArialSFMT-Italic ma1rin8r ArialNarrowMT-Italic MArial-NarrowItalic ma1ro8r ArialMonospacedMT-Oblique ma1rt8r ArialMonospacedMT ma1x8r ArialMT-ExtraBold ma1x8rc ArialMT-CondensedExtraBold ma1xi8r ArialMT-ExtraBoldItalic ma2b8r AmasisMT-Bold ma2bi8r AmasisMT-BoldItalic ma2c8r AmasisMT-Black ma2ci8r AmasisMT-BlackItalic ma2l8r AmasisMT-Light ma2li8r AmasisMT-LightItalic ma2m8r AmasisMT-Medium ma2mi8r AmasisMT-MediumItalic ma2r8r AmasisMT ma2ri8r AmasisMT-Italic magd8r MAvantGardeGothicPS-Demi magdo8r MAvantGardeGothicPS-DemiObl magk8r MAvantGardeGothicPS-Book magko8r MAvantGardeGothicPS-BookObl mahr8r AshleyScriptMT maib8r AbadiMT-Bold MAbadi-Bold maib8rc AbadiMT-CondensedBold maibi8r AbadiMT-BoldItalic MAbadi-BoldItalic maij8r AbadiMT-ExtraLight MAbadi-ExtraLight maiji8r AbadiMT-ExtraLightItalic MAbadi-ExtraLightItalic mail8r AbadiMT-Light MAbadi-Light mail8rc AbadiMT-CondensedLight maili8r AbadiMT-LightItalic MAbadi-LightItalic mair8r AbadiMT MAbadi mair8rc AbadiMT-Condensed mairi8r AbadiMT-Italic MAbadi-Italic maix8r AbadiMT-ExtraBold MAbadi-ExtraBold maix8rc AbadiMT-CondensedExtraBold maixi8r AbadiMT-ExtraBoldItalic MAbadi-ExtraBoldItalic mall8r MAlbertus-Light AlbertusMT-Light malr8r MAlbertus AlbertusMT malri8r MAlbertus-Italic AlbertusMT-Italic mapr8r ApolloMT MApollo maprc8r ApolloMT-SC mapri7d ApolloMT-ItalicOsF mapri8r ApolloMT-Italic MApollo-Italic mapri8x ApolloMT-ItalicExpert maps7d ApolloMT-SemiBoldOsF maps8r ApolloMT-SemiBold MApollo-SemiBold maps8x ApolloMT-SemiBoldExpert maqb8r BookAntiqua-Bold maqbi8r BookAntiqua-BoldItalic maqr8r BookAntiqua maqri8r BookAntiqua-Italic mb1ri8r BladoMT-Italic MBlado-Italic mb1ri8x BladoExpertMT-Italic mb2r8r BinnyOldStyleMT mb2ri8r BinnyOldStyleMT-Italic mb3r8r MBraggadocio mbbb7a Bembo-AltBold mbbb8r Bembo-Bold mbbb8x BemboExpert-Bold MBemboExpert-Bold mbbbi7a Bembo-AltBoldItalic mbbbi8r Bembo-BoldItalic mbbbi8x BemboExpert-BoldItalic MBemboExpert-BoldItalic mbbbin8r BemboMT-SchlbkBoldItalic mbbbn8r BemboMT-SchlbkBold mbbr7a Bembo-Alt mbbr8r Bembo mbbr8x BemboExpert MBemboExpert mbbrd8r BemboTitlingMT mbbrdi8r BemboTitlingMT-Italic mbbri7a Bembo-AltItalic mbbri8r Bembo-Italic mbbri8x BemboExpert-Italic MBemboExpert-Italic mbbrin8r BemboMT-SchlbkItalic mbbrn8r BemboMT-Schlbk mbbs7a Bembo-AltSemiBold mbbs8r Bembo-Semibold mbbs8x BemboExpert-SemiBold MBemboExpert-SemiBold mbbsi7a Bembo-AltSemiBoldItalic mbbsi8r Bembo-SemiboldItalic mbbsi8x BemboExpert-SemiBoldItalic MBemboExpert-SemiBoldItalic mbbx7a Bembo-AltExtraBold mbbx8r Bembo-ExtraBold mbbx8x BemboExpert-ExtraBold MBemboExpert-ExtraBold mbbxi8r Bembo-ExtraBoldItalic mbbxi8x BemboExpert-ExtraBoldItalic MBemboExpert-ExtraBoldItalic mbdb8r BodoniMT-Bold mbdb8rc BodoniMT-CondensedBold MBodoni-BoldCondensed mbdbi8r BodoniMT-BoldItalic mbdbi8rc BodoniMT-CondensedBoldItalic MBodoni-BoldCondensedItalic mbdc8r BodoniMT-Black MBodoni-Black mbdci8r BodoniMT-BlackItalic MBodoni-BlackItalic mbdk8r BodoniMT-Book MBodoni-Book mbdki8r BodoniMT-BookItalic MBodoni-BookItalic mbdr8r BodoniMT mbdri8r BodoniMT-Italic mbdu8r BodoniMT-UltraBold MBodoni-UltraBold mbdui8r BodoniMT-UltraBoldItalic MBodoni-UltraBoldItalic mbeb8r BellMT-Bold MBell-Bold mbeb8x BellExpertMT-Bold mbebi8r BellMT-BoldItalic mbebi8x BellExpertMT-BoldItalic mber7a BellMT-Alt mber8r BellMT MBell mber8x BellExpertMT mbera8x BellExpertMT-Alt mberi7a BellMT-AltItalic mberi8r BellMT-Italic MBell-Italic mberi8x BellExpertMT-Italic mbes7a BellMT-AltSemiBold mbes8r BellMT-SemiBold MBell-SemiBold mbes8x BellExpertMT-SemiBold mbesa8x BellExpertMT-AltSemiBold mbesi7a BellMT-AltSemiBoldItalic mbesi8r BellMT-SemiBoldItalic mbesi8x BellExpertMT-SemiBoldItalic mbfr8r BiffoMT mbkd8r MBookmanPS-Demi mbkdi8r MBookmanPS-DemiItalic mbkl8r MBookmanPS-Light mbkli8r MBookmanPS-LightItalic mbmb7a BulmerMT-BoldAlt mbmb8r BulmerMT-Bold mbmb8x BulmerMT-BoldExpert mbmbd7a BulmerMT-BoldDisplayAlt mbmbd8r BulmerMT-BoldDisplay mbmbdi7a BulmerMT-BoldItalDisplayAlt mbmbdi8r BulmerMT-BoldItalicDisplay mbmbi7a BulmerMT-BoldItalicAlt mbmbi8r BulmerMT-BoldItalic mbmbi8x BulmerMT-BoldItalicExpert mbmr7a BulmerMT-RegularAlt mbmr8r BulmerMT-Regular mbmr8x BulmerMT-RegularExpert mbmrc8r BulmerMT-RegularSC mbmrd7a BulmerMT-RegularDisplayAlt mbmrd8r BulmerMT-RegularDisplay mbmrdi7a BulmerMT-ItalicDisplayAlt mbmrdi8r BulmerMT-ItalicDisplay mbmri7a BulmerMT-ItalicAlt mbmri8r BulmerMT-Italic mbmri8x BulmerMT-ItalicExpert mbms7a BulmerMT-SemiBoldAlt mbms8r BulmerMT-SemiBold mbms8x BulmerMT-SemiBoldExpert mbmsi7a BulmerMT-SemiBoldItalicAlt mbmsi8r BulmerMT-SemiBoldItalic mbmsi8x BulmerMT-SemiBoldItalExpert mbmss8r BulmerMT-SemiBoldSC mbnr8rc BernardMT-Condensed mbtm Boton-Medium mbtmi Boton-MediumItalic mbtr Boton-Regular mbtri Boton-Italic mburw8r BrushScriptMT mbvb8r BaskervilleMT-Bold mbvb8x BskvillExpMT-Bold MBaskervilleExpert-Bold mbvbi8r BaskervilleMT-BoldItalic mbvbi8x BskvillExpMT-BoldItalic MBaskervilleExpert-BoldItalic mbvr8r BaskervilleMT mbvr8x BskvillExpMT MBaskervilleExpert mbvri8r BaskervilleMT-Italic mbvri8x BskvillExpMT-Italic MBaskervilleExpert-Italic mbvs8r BaskervilleMT-SemiBold mbvs8x BskvillExpMT-SemiBold MBaskervilleExpert-SemiBold mbvsi8r BaskervilleMT-SemiBoldItalic mbvsi8x BskvillExpMT-SemiBoldItalic MBaskervilleExpt-SemiBoldIta mc1b8r CalistoMT-Bold mc1bi8r CalistoMT-BoldItalic mc1r8r CalistoMT mc1ri8r CalistoMT-Italic mc6b8r ClarionMT-Bold MClarion-Bold mc6r8r ClarionMT MClarion mc6ri8r ClarionMT-Italic MClarion-Italic mc7b8r CompactaMT-Bold mc8b8r CalvertMT-Bold mc8l8r CalvertMT-Light mc8m8r CalvertMT-Medium mc8r8r CalvertMT mcard8r CaslonTitlingMT mcdr8r ClarendonMT MtClarendon mcfb8r ClearfaceMT-Bold mcfbs8r ClearfaceGothicMT-Bold mcfds8r ClearfaceGothicMT-DemiBold mcnb8r CenturyMT-Bold MCentury-Bold mcnbi8r CenturyMT-BoldItalic MCentury-BoldItalic mcnr8rx CenturyMT-Expanded MCentury-Expanded mcnri8rx CenturyMT-ExpandedItalic MCentury-ExpandedItalic mcr8r12 CourierTwelveMT mcrb8r CourierPS-Bold MCourierPS-Bold mcrbi8r CourierPS-BoldItalic MCourierPS-BoldItalic mcrr8r CourierPS MCourierPS mcrri8r CourierPS-Italic MCourierPS-Italic mcsb8r CenturySchbookMT-Bold MCenturySchoolbook-Bold mcsbi8r CenturySchbookMT-BoldItalic MCenturySchoolbook-BoldItalic mcsr8r CenturySchbookMT MCenturySchoolbook mcsri8r MCenturySchoolbook-Italic mcub8r CenturyOSMT-Bold MCenturyOldStyle-Bold mcubi8r CenturyOSMT-BoldItalic MCenturyOldStyle-BoldItalic mcur8r CenturyOSMT MCenturyOldStyle mcuri8r CenturyOSMT-Italic MCenturyOldStyle-Italic mdmb8r DelimaMT-Bold mdmbi8r DelimaMT-BoldItalic mdml8r DelimaMT-Light mdmli8r DelimaMT-LightItalic mdmr8r DelimaMT mdmri8r DelimaMT-Italic mdms8r DelimaMT-SemiBold mdmsi8r DelimaMT-SemiBoldItalic mdmx8r DelimaMT-ExtraBold mdmxi8r DelimaMT-ExtraBoldItalic mdsr8r DorchesterScriptMT mdtb7a DanteMT-AltBold mdtb8r DanteMT-Bold mdtb8x DanteExpertMT-Bold mdtbi7a DanteMT-AltBoldItalic mdtbi8r DanteMT-BoldItalic mdtbi8x DanteExpertMT-BoldItalic mdtm7a DanteMT-AltMedium mdtm8r DanteMT-Medium mdtm8x DanteExpertMT-Medium mdtmi7a DanteMT-AltMediumItalic mdtmi8r DanteMT-MediumItalic mdtmi8x DanteExpertMT-MediumItalic mdtr7a DanteMT-Alt mdtr8r DanteMT mdtr8x DanteExpertMT mdtrd8r DanteTitlingMT mdtri7a DanteMT-AltItalic mdtri8r DanteMT-Italic mdtri8x DanteExpertMT-Italic mebm8r BaskervilleBE-Medium mebmi8r BaskervilleBE-MediumItalic mebr8r BaskervilleBE-Regular mebri8r BaskervilleBE-Italic meer8r EgyptianMT-Extended MEgyptianExtended melb8r EllingtonMT-Bold MEllington-Bold melbi8r EllingtonMT-BoldItalic MEllington-BoldItalic mell8r EllingtonMT-Light MEllington-Light melli8r EllingtonMT-LightItalic MEllington-LightItalic melr8r EllingtonMT MEllington melri8r EllingtonMT-Italic MEllington-Italic melx8r EllingtonMT-ExtraBold MEllington-ExtraBold melxi8r EllingtonMT-ExtraBoldItalic MEllington-ExtraBoldItalic menb8r EngraversMT-Bold menr8r EngraversMT menrf8r EngraversOldEnglishMT metr8r EhrhardtMT metr8x EhrhardtExpMT MEhrhardtExpt metri8r EhrhardtMT-Italic metri8x EhrhardtExpMT-Italic MEhrhardtExpt-Italic mets8r EhrhardtMT-SemiBold mets8x EhrhardtExpMT-SemiBold MEhrhardtExpt-SemiBold metsi8r EhrhardtMT-SemiBoldItalic metsi8x EhrhardtExpMT-SemiBoldItal MEhrhardtExpt-SemiBoldItalic mf1r7a FournierMT-Alt mf1r8r FournierMT mf1r8x FournierExpertMT mf1rd8r FournierMT-TallCaps mf1rdi8r FournierMT-TallCapsItalic mf1ri7a FournierMT-AltItalic mf1ri8r FournierMT-Italic mf1ri8x FournierExpertMT-Italic mf1rp8r FournierOrnamentsMT mf2r8rc FacadeMT-Condensed mf3rd8r FestivalTitlingMT mf4b8r FootlightMT-Bold mf4bi8r FootlightMT-BoldItalic mf4l8r FootlightMT-Light mf4li8r FootlightMT-LightItalic mf4r8r FootlightMT mf4ri8r FootlightMT-Italic mf4x8r FootlightMT-ExtraBold mf4xi8r FootlightMT-ExtraBoldItalic mfer8r ForteMT MForte mfgr8rq FrankGothMT-ExtraCondensed mfir8r FigaroMT MFigaro mfsr8r FalstaffMT MFalstaff mfsrd8r FalstaffFestivalMT mfxr8r FelixTitlingMT mg2rw Giddyup mg4r8r MGoudyModern mg4ri8r MGoudyModern-Italic mg5r8r GoudyCatalogueMT MGoudyCatalogue mg5ri8r GoudyCatalogueMT-Italic MGoudyCatalogue-Italic mgmb8r GaramondMT-Bold mgmb8x GaramondExpertMT-Bold MGaramondExpert-Bold mgmbi8r GaramondMT-BoldItalic mgmbi8x GaramondExpertMT-BoldItalic MGaramondExpert-BoldItalic mgmr8r GaramondMT mgmr8x GaramondExpertMT MGaramondExpert mgmrd8r GaramondMT-SwashCaps mgmri7a GaramondMT-AlternativeItalic mgmri8r GaramondMT-Italic mgmri8x GaramondExpertMT-Italic MGaramondExpert-Italic mgmrw8r GaramondMT-Swash mgor8r GoudyOldStyleMT MGoudyOldStyle mgori8r GoudyOldStyleMT-Italic MGoudyOldStyle-Italic mgqb8r GrotesqueMT-Bold MGrotesque-Bold mgqb8rx GrotesqueMT-BoldExtended mgqbd8rc GrotesqueDisplayMT-BoldCond mgqbd8rx GrotesqueDisplayMT-BoldExt mgqc8r GrotesqueMT-Black MGrotesque-Black mgql8r GrotesqueMT-Light MGrotesque-Light mgql8rc GrotesqueMT-LightCondensed MGrotesque-LightCondensed mgqli8r GrotesqueMT-LightItalic MGrotesque-LightItalic mgqr8r GrotesqueMT MGrotesque mgqr8rc GrotesqueMT-Condensed MGrotesque-Condensed mgqr8rq GrotesqueMT-ExtraCondensed MGrotesque-ExtraCondensed mgqri8r GrotesqueMT-Italic MGrotesque-Italic mgrb8r GloucesMT-Bold MGloucester-Bold mgrb8rc GloucesMT-CondensedBold MGloucester-BoldCondensed mgrb8ro GloucesMT-ExtraCondensedBold MGloucester-BoldExtraCondensed mgrb8rx GloucesMT-ExtendedBold MGloucester-BoldExtended mgrr8r MGloucester-OldStyle mgs8rc GillSans-Condensed mgsb7a GillAltOneMT-Bold mgsb8r GillSans-Bold mgsb8rc GillSans-BoldCondensed mgsb8rq GillSansMT-ExCondensedBold mgsbd8r GillSansDisplayMT-Bold mgsbd8rc GillSansDisplayMT-CondBold mgsbi7a GillAltOneMT-BoldItalic mgsbi8r GillSans-BoldItalic mgsbin8r GillSansMT-SchlbkBoldItalic mgsbn8r GillSansMT-SchlbkBold mgsh7a GillAltOneMT-Heavy mgsh8r GillSans-Heavy mgshi7a GillAltOneMT-HeavyItalic mgshi8r GillSans-HeavyItalic mgsk7a GillAltOneMT-Book mgsk8r GillSans-Book mgski7a GillAltOneMT-BookItalic mgski8r GillSans-BookItalic mgsl7a GillAltOneMT-Light mgsl8r GillSans-Light mgsli7a GillAltOneMT-LightItalic mgsli8r GillSans-LightItalic mgsr7a GillAltOneMT mgsr8r GillSans mgsr8rc GillSans-Condensed mgsrh8r GillSansMT-Shadow mgsri7a GillAltOneMT-Italic mgsri8r GillSans-Italic mgsrin8r GillSansMT-SchlbkItalic mgsrl8r GillSansShadowedMT-Light mgsrn8r GillSansMT-Schlbk mgsu8r GillSans-UltraBold mgsu8rc GillSans-UltraBoldCondensed mgsx8r GillSans-ExtraBold mgsxd8r GillSansDisplayMT-ExtraBold mgtr7a GoudyTextMT-Alternate mgtr7c GoudyTextMT-Dfr mgtr8r MGoudyText GoudyTextMT mgtrd8r GoudyTextMT-LombardicCapitals mgyb8r GoudyMT-Bold MGoudyBold mgybi8r GoudyMT-BoldItalic mgyrp8r GoudySorts mgyx8r GoudyMT-ExtraBold MGoudyExtraBold mhdr8r HeadlineMT-Bold MHeadlineBold mhob8r HorleyOSMT-Bold MHorleyOldStyle-Bold mhobi8r HorleyOSMT-BoldItalic MHorleyOldStyle-BoldItalic mhol8r HorleyOSMT-Light MHorleyOldStyle-Light mholi8r HorleyOSMT-LightItalic MHorleyOldStyle-LightItalic mhor8r HorleyOSMT MHorleyOldStyle mhori8r HorleyOSMT-Italic MHorleyOldStyle-Italic mhos8r HorleyOSMT-SemiBold MHorleyOldStyle-SemiBold mhosi8r HorleyOSMT-SemiBoldItalic MHorleyOldStyle-SemiBolItalic mhrb8r ArialRoundedMT-Bold mhrl8r ArialRoundedMT-Light mhrr8r ArialRoundedMT mhrx8r ArialRoundedMT-ExtraBold mi0r8r CommercialScriptMT micr8r ImpactMT mifb8r InflexMT-Bold MInflex-Bold miib8r ImprintMT-Bold MImprint-Bold miib8x ImprintExpertMT-Bold miibi8r ImprintMT-BoldItalic MImprint-BoldItalic miibi8x ImprintExpertMT-BoldItalic miir8r ImprintMT MImprint miir8x ImprintExpertMT miirh8r ImprintMT-Shadow miirhi8r ImprintMT-ShadowItalic miiri8r ImprintMT-Italic MImprint-Italic miiri8x ImprintExpertMT-Italic miirp ImprintExtras miob8r IonicMT-Bold MIonic-Bold mior8r IonicMT MIonic miori8r IonicMT-Italic MIonic-Italic misb8r ItalianOldStyleMT-Bold MItalianOldStyle-Bold misbi8r ItalianOldStyleMT-BoldItalic MItalianOldStyle-BoldItalic misr8r ItalianOldStyleMT MItalianOldStyle misri8r ItalianOldStyleMT-Italic MItalianOldStyle-Italic mjnb8r JansonMT-Bold MJanson-Bold mjnb8x JansonExpertMT-Bold mjnbi8r JansonMT-BoldItalic MJanson-BoldItalic mjnbi8x JansonExpertMT-BoldItalic mjnr8r JansonMT MJanson mjnr8x JansonExpertMT mjnri8r JansonMT-Italic MJanson-Italic mjnri8x JansonExpertMT-Italic mjob7d 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MonotypeOldStyleMT-BoldOut mmeb8r MercuriusMT-BoldScript MercuriusScriptMT-Bold mmob8r ModernMT-Bold MModern-Bold mmobi8r ModernMT-BoldItalic MModern-BoldItalic mmor8r ModernMT-Extended MModernExtended mmor8rc ModernMT-Condensed mmor8rw ModernMT-Wide mmori8r ModernMT-CondensedItalic MModernExtended-Italic mmori8rw ModernMT-WideItalic mmori8rx ModernMT-ExtendedItalic mn1p8r BinnerPosterMT mn1r8r BinnerGothicMT mncb8r MCenturySchoolbookPS-Bold mncbi8r CentSchlbookPS-BoldItalic MCenturySchoolbookPS-BoldIta mncr8r CentSchlbookPS MCenturySchoolbookPS mncri8r CentSchlbookPS-Italic MCenturySchoolbookPS-Ita mngb8r NewsGothicMT-Bold mngb8rc NewsGothicMT-CondensedBold mngr8r NewsGothicMT mngr8rc NewsGothicMT-Condensed mngri8r NewsGothicMT-Italic mnib8r NimrodMT-Bold mnibi8r NimrodMT-BoldItalic mnir8r NimrodMT mniri8r NimrodMT-Italic mnkr8r NeographikMT mnnb8r NewClarendonMT-Bold MNewClarendon-Bold mnnr8r NewClarendonMT MNewClarendon mnpb8r NewsPlantinMT-Bold mnpbi8r NewsPlantinMT-BoldItalic mnpr8r NewsPlantinMT mnpri8r NewsPlantinMT-Italic mnrr8r NewBerolinaMT mnsb8r TimesNewRomanPS-Bold mnsb8x TimesNRPSExpert-Bold mnsbi8r TimesNewRomanPS-BoldItalic mnsbi8x TimesNRPSExpert-BoldItalic mnsr8r TimesNewRomanPS mnsr8x TimesNRPSExpert mnsri8r TimesNewRomanPS-Italic mnsri8x TimesNRPSExpert-Italic mntb78r TimesNRSevenMT-Bold mntb8r TimesNRMT-Bold mntb8rc TimesNewRomanMT-BoldCond TimesNRMT-CondensedBold mntb8x TimesNRExpertMT-Bold MTimesNewRomanExpert-Bold mntb9s TimesNewRomanSF-Bold mntbi78r TimesNRSevenMT-BoldItalic mntbi8r TimesNRMT-BoldItalic mntbi8x TimesNRExpertMT-BoldItalic MTimesNewRomanExpt-BoldItalic mntbi9s TimesNewRomanSF-BoldItalic mntbk8r MTimesNewRomanGreek-Bold mntbko8r MTimesNewRomanGreek-BoldInc mntboz8r MTimesNewRomanCyrillic-BolInc mntbz8r MTimesNewRomanCyrillic-Bold mntm8r TimesNRMT-Medium MTimesNewRoman-Medium mntmi8r TimesNRMT-MediumItalic MTimesNewRoman-MediumItalic mntr78r TimesNRSevenMT mntr8r TimesNRMT mntr8rc TimesNewRomanMT-Cond TimesNRMT-Condensed mntr8x TimesNRExpertMT MTimesNewRomanExpert mntr9s TimesNewRomanSF mntri78r TimesNRSevenMT-Italic mntri8r TimesNRMT-Italic mntri8rc TimesNewRomanMT-CondItalic TimesNRMT-CondensedItalic mntri8x TimesNRExpertMT-Italic MTimesNewRomanExpert-Italic mntri9s TimesNewRomanSF-Italic mntrk8r MTimesNewRomanGreek mntrko MTimesNewRomanGreek-Inclined mntroz8r MTimesNewRomanCyrillic-Inc mntrz8r MTimesNewRomanCyrillic mnts8r TimesNRMT-SemiBold mntsi8r TimesNRMT-SemiBoldItalic mntx8r TimesNRMT-ExtraBold mo3r8r ColonnaMT mo4b8r OceanSansMT-Bold mo4bi8r OceanSansMT-BoldItalic mo4ji8r OceanSansMT-BookItalic mo4k8r OceanSansMT-Book mo4l8r OceanSansMT-Light mo4li8r OceanSansMT-LightItalic mo4s8r OceanSansMT-SemiBold mo4se8r OceanSansMT-SemiBoldItalic mo4x8r OceanSansMT-ExtraBold mo4xi8r OceanSansMT-ExtraBoldItalic moer8r OldEnglishTextMT MOldEnglishText molb7a ColmcilleAltMT-Bold molb8r ColmcilleMT-Bold molbi7a ColmcilleAltMT-BoldItalic molbi8r ColmcilleMT-BoldItalic molr7a ColmcilleAltMT molr8r ColmcilleMT molri7a ColmcilleAltMT-Italic molri8r ColmcilleMT-Italic molrp8r ColmcilleOrnamentsMT mosb8r OldStyleMT-Bold MOldStyle-Bold mosbi8r OldStyleMT-BoldItalic MOldStyle-BoldItalic mosbl8r MOldStyle-BoldOutline mosr8r OldStyleMT MOldStyle mosri8r OldStyleMT-Italic MOldStyle-Italic motb8r CoronetMT-Bold movr8r OctavianMT movr8x OctavianMT-Expert movrc8r OctavianMT-SC movri7d OctavianMT-ItalicOsF movri8r OctavianMT-Italic movri8x OctavianMT-ItalicExpert moxr8r MOnyx OnyxMT mp1r8r PalaceScriptMT mp1rs8r PalaceScriptMT-SemiBold mp2r8r PepitaMT mp6b8r BlueprintMT-Bold mp6bi8r BlueprintMT-BoldItalic mp6r8r BlueprintMT mp6ri8r BlueprintMT-Italic mpdb8rc PlacardMT-CondensedBold mpdr8rc PlacardMT-Condensed mphb8r PhotinaMT-Bold mphbi8r PhotinaMT-BoldItalic mphr8r PhotinaMT mphri8r PhotinaMT-Italic mphs8r PhotinaMT-SemiBold MPhotina-SemiBold mphsi8r PhotinaMT-SemiBoldItalic MPhotina-SemiBoldItalic mphu8r PhotinaMT-UltraBold MPhotina-UltraBold mphui8r PhotinaMT-UltraBoldItalic MPhotina-UltraBoldItalic mpi001 RococoOrnamentsOne mpi002 RococoOrnamentsTwo mpi003 ArabesqueOrnamentsOne mpi101 AlmanacMT Almanac mpi102 BotanicalMT Botanical mpi103 DirectionsMT Directions mpi104 SportsOne SportsOneMT mpi105 SportsTwo SportsTwoMT mpi106 TransportMT Transport mpi107 VacationMT Vacation mpi108 SportsThree SportsThreeMT mpi109 SportsFour SportsFourMT mpi201 CircleFrameMT CircleFrame mpi202 CircleFrameNegMT CircleFrameNeg mpi203 SquareFrameMT SquareFrame mpi204 SquareFrameNegMT SquareFrameNeg mpi205 DiamondBodoni DiamondBodoni mpi206 DiamondPositive DiamondPositive mpi207 DiamondNegative DiamondNegative mpi208 OvalFrameMT circled numerals mpi209 OvalFrameNegativeMT ditto mpi300 Giddyup-Thangs mpi301 Petrucchio mpi302 AquaLifeMT fish mpi303 BonApetit food mpi304 DinosaursMT dinosaurs mpi305 FrontierMT cowboys & indians mpi306 Holidays clip art mpi307 KeystrokesExtrasMT keyboards mpi308 KeystrokesMT ditto mpi309 Melodies musical instruments mpi310 MilestonesOneMT greeting card illos mpi311 MilestonesTwoMT ditto mpi312 MonkeyBusiness animals mpi313 MonotypeSorts dingbats mpi314 NatureMT animals mpi315 Parties clip art mpi319 PlaytimeMT toys mpi320 SignsMT signs mpi321 SouthwestOrnamentsMT geometrics mpi322 KeystrokesShadowExtrasMT mpi323 KeystrokesShadowMT mpnb8r Plantin-Bold mpnb8rc Plantin-BoldCondensed mpnb8x PlantinExp-Bold PlantinExpert-Bold mpnbd8rc PlantinHeadlineMT-BoldCond mpnbi8r Plantin-BoldItalic mpnbi8x PlantinExp-BoldItalic PlantinExpert-BoldItalic mpnbin8r PlantinMT-SchlbkBoldItalic mpnbn8r PlantinMT-SchlbkBold mpnl8r Plantin-Light mpnl8x PlantinExp-Light MPlantinExpt-Light mpnld8rc PlantinHeadlineMT-LightCond mpnli8r Plantin-LightItalic mpnli8x PlantinExp-LightItalic MPlantinExpt-LightItalic mpnmd8rc PlantinHeadlineMT-MedCond mpnr8r Plantin mpnr8x PlantinExp PlantinExpert mpnra8x PlantinExp-AltFigures mpnri8r Plantin-Italic mpnri8x PlantinExp-Italic PlantinExpert-Italic mpnrin8r PlantinMT-SchlbkItalic mpnrn8r PlantinMT-Schlbk mpns8r Plantin-Semibold mpns8x PlantinExp-SemiBold MPlantinExpt-SemiBold mpnsi8r Plantin-SemiboldItalic Plantin-SemiboldItalic mpnsi8x PlantinExp-SemiBoldItalic MPlantinExpt-SemiBoldItalic mppb8r Perpetua-Bold mppb8x PerpetuaExpert-Bold MPerpetuaExpert-Bold mppbd8r PerpetuaTitlingMT-Bold mppbi8r Perpetua-BoldItalic mppbi8x PerpetuaExpert-BoldItalic MPerpetuaExpert-BoldItalic mppld8r PerpetuaTitlingMT-Light mppr8r Perpetua mppr8x PerpetuaExpert MPerpetuaExpert mpprd8r PerpetuaTitlingMT mppri8r Perpetua-Italic mppri8x PerpetuaExpert-Italic MPerpetuaExpert-Italic mpum PopplLaudatio-Medium mpumi PopplLaudatio-MediumItalic mpur PopplLaudatio-Regular mpuri PopplLaudatio-Italic mpwb8r PerrywoodMT-Bold mpwbi8r PerrywoodMT-BoldItalic mpwl8r PerrywoodMT-Light mpwli8r PerrywoodMT-LightItalic mpwr8r PerrywoodMT mpwri8r PerrywoodMT-Italic mpws8r PerrywoodMT-SemiBold mpwsi8r PerrywoodMT-SemiBoldItalic mpwx8r PerrywoodMT-ExtraBold mpwxi8r PerrywoodMT-ExtraBoldItalic mpzr8r PoliphilusMT MPoliphilus mpzr8x PoliphilusExpertMT mqtr Boulevard mr2b8r CantoriaMT-Bold mr2bi8r CantoriaMT-BoldItalic mr2l8r CantoriaMT-Light mr2li8r CantoriaMT-LightItalic mr2r8r CantoriaMT mr2ri8r CantoriaMT-Italic mr2s8r CantoriaMT-SemiBold mr2si8r CantoriaMT-SemiBoldItalic mr2x8r CantoriaMT-ExtraBold mr2xi8r CantoriaMT-ExtraBoldItalic mr5rw8r FrenchScriptMT mrur8rc RunicMT-Condensed mrwb8r Rockwell-Bold mrwb8rc Rockwell-BoldCondensed mrwbi8r Rockwell-BoldItalic mrwl8r Rockwell-Light mrwli8r Rockwell-LightItalic mrwr8r Rockwell mrwr8rc Rockwell-Condensed mrwri8r Rockwell-Italic mrwx8r Rockwell-ExtraBold ms1r8r ScotchRomanMT MScotchRoman ms1ri8r ScotchRomanMT-Italic MScotchRoman-Italic ms2b8r ScriptMT-Bold ms7bai SassoonInfant-BoldAlt ms7bais SassoonSanSlope-BoldAlt ms7bap SassoonPrimary-BoldAlt ms7bas SassoonSans-BoldAlt ms7bi SassoonInfant-Bold ms7bis SassoonSanSlope-Bold ms7bp SassoonPrimary-Bold ms7bs SassoonSans-Bold ms7mais SassoonSanSlope-MediumAlt ms7mas SassoonSans-MediumAlt ms7mis SassoonSanSlope-Medium ms7ms SassoonSans-Medium ms7rai SassoonInfant-Alt ms7rais SassoonSanSlope-Alt ms7rap SassoonPrimary-Alt ms7ras SassoonSans-Alt ms7ri SassoonInfant ms7ris SassoonSanSlope ms7rp SassoonPrimary ms7rs SassoonSans msbr8r SabonMT MSabon msbrc7d SabonMT-SCOSF msbri7d SabonMT-ItalicOSF msbri8r SabonMT-Italic MSabon-Italic msbs7c SabonMT-SemiBoldOSF msbs8r SabonMT-SemiBold MSabon-SemiBold msmr8r SpectrumMT MSpectrum msmr8x SpectrumMT-Expert msmrc8r SpectrumMT-SC msmri7d SpectrumMT-ItalicOsF msmri8r SpectrumMT-Italic MSpectrum-Italic msmri8x SpectrumMT-ItalicExpert msms7d SpectrumMT-SemiBoldOsF msms8r SpectrumMT-SemiBold MSpectrum-SemiBold msms8x SpectrumMT-SemiBoldExpert msn8r1 MSpartan-SizeOne msn8r2 MSpartan-SizeTwo msn8r3 MSpartan-SizeThree msn8r4 MSpartan-SizeFour SpartanFourMT msnb8r1 MSpartan-BoldSizeOne msnb8r12 SpartanOneTwoMT-Bold msnb8r13 SpartanOneThreeMT-Bold msnb8r2 MSpartan-BoldSizeTwo msnb8r24 SpartanTwoFourMT-Bold msnb8r3 MSpartan-BoldSizeThree msnb8r34 SpartanThreeFourMT-Bold msnb8r4 SpartanFourMT-Bold MSpartan-BoldSizeFour msni8r12 SpartanOneTwoMT-Italic msni8r13 SpartanOneThreeMT-Italic msni8r24 SpartanTwoFourMT-Italic msni8r34 SpartanThreeFourMT-Italic msnr8r12 SpartanOneTwoMT msnr8r13 SpartanOneThreeMT msnr8r24 SpartanTwoFourMT msnr8r34 SpartanThreeFourMT msnri8r1 MSpartan-ItalicSizeOne msnri8r2 MSpartan-ItalicSizeTwo msnri8r3 MSpartan-ItalicSizeThree msnri8r4 SpartanFourMT-Italic MSpartan-ItalicSizeFour mswb8r SwingMT-Bold msyr MSymbolPS SymbolPS mtlr8r MCastellar CastellarMT mtmbg8r TimesSmallTextMT-Bold MTimesSmallText-Bold mtmrg8r TimesSmallTextMT MTimesSmallText mtmrgi8r TimesSmallTextMT-Italic MTimesSmallText-Italic mtwb8r TwCenMT-Bold MTwentiethCentury-Bold mtwb8rc TwCenMT-CondensedBold MTwentiethCentury-BoldCondensed mtwbi8r TwCenMT-BoldItalic MTwentiethCentury-BoldItalic mtwl8r TwCenMT-Light MTwentiethCentury-Light mtwli8r TwCenMT-LightItalic MTwentiethCentury-LightItalic mtwm8r TwCenMT-Medium MTwentiethCentury-Medium mtwm8rc TwCenMT-CondensedMedium MTwentiethCentury-MediumCondensed mtwmi8r TwCenMT-MediumItalic MTwentiethCentury-MediumItalic mtws8r TwCenMT-SemiBold MTwentiethCentury-SemiBold mtwsm8r TwCenMT-SemiMedium MTwentiethCentury-SemiMedium mtwu8r TwCenMT-UltraBold MTwentiethCentury-UltraBold mtwu8rc TwCenMT-CondensedUltraBold MTwentiethCentury-UltraBoldCondensed mtwui8r TwCenMT-UltraBoldItalic MTwentiethCentury-UltraBoldItalic mtwx8r TwCenMT-ExtraBold MTwentiethCentury-ExtraBold mtwx8rc TwCenMT-CondensedExtraBold MTwentiethCentury-ExtraBoldCondensed mtwxi8r TwCenMT-ExtraBoldItalic MTwentiethCentury-ExtraBoldItalic mtyr8r TypewriterMT mtyre8r TypewriterEliteMT mtyrs8r TypewriterGothicMT mu0b8r ColumbusMT-Bold mu0b8x ColumbusExpMT-Bold mu0bi8r ColumbusMT-BoldItalic mu0bi8x ColumbusExpMT-BoldItalic mu0r8r ColumbusMT mu0r8x ColumbusExpMT mu0ri8r ColumbusMT-Italic mu0ri8x ColumbusExpMT-Italic mu0rp8r1 ColumbusOrnamentsOneMT mu0rp8r2 ColumbusOrnamentsTwoMT mu0s8r ColumbusMT-SemiBold mu0s8x ColumbusExpMT-SemiBold mu0si8r ColumbusMT-SemiBoldItalic mu0si8x ColumbusExpMT-SemiBoldItal murb7a CentaurMT-AltBold murb8r CentaurMT-Bold murb8x CentaurExpertMT-Bold murbi7a CentaurMT-AltBoldItalic murbi8r CentaurMT-BoldItalic murbi8x CentaurExpertMT-BoldItalic murr7a CentaurMT-Alt murr8r CentaurMT murr8x CentaurExpertMT murrai CentaurMT-ItalicA murri7a CentaurMT-AltItalic murri8r CentaurMT-Italic murri8x CentaurExpertMT-Italic murrw8r CentaurSwashMT mvdr8r VanDijckMT MVanDijck mvdr8x VanDijckExpertMT mvdra8x VanDijckExpertMT-AltFigs mvdrai8x VanDijckExpertMT-AltFigsIta mvdri8r VanDijckMT-Italic mvdri8x VanDijckExpertMT-Italic mvird8rc VictoriaTitlingMT-Condensed mwbm8r WalbaumMT-Medium MWalbaum-Medium mwbm8x WalbaumExpMT-Medium mwbmi8r WalbaumMT-MediumItalic MWalbaum-MediumItalic mwbmi8x WalbaumExpMT-MediumItalic mwbr8r WalbaumMT MWalbaum mwbr8x WalbaumExpMT mwbri8r WalbaumMT-Italic MWalbaum-Italic mwbri8x WalbaumExpMT-Italic mwnr8r WindsorMT mwrb8r WitternbergerFraktMT-Bold mwrr8r WitternbergerFraktMT mygb8r CenturyGothic-Bold mygbi8r CenturyGothic-BoldItalic mygr8r CenturyGothic mygri8r CenturyGothic-Italic myhb8r StrayhornMT-Bold myhbi8r StrayhornMT-BoldItalic myhl8r StrayhornMT-Light myhli8r StrayhornMT-LightItalic myhr8r StrayhornMT-Regular myhri8r StrayhornMT-Italic myhx8r StrayhornMT-ExtraBold myhxi8r StrayhornMT-ExtraBoldItalic mzab8r MZAntiqua-Bold mzabi8r MZAntiqua-BoldItalic mzar8r MZAntiqua mzari8r MZAntiqua-Italic mzcb8r ZapfChancery-Bold mzcd8r ZapfChancery-Demi mzcmi8r MZapfChanceryPS-MediumItalic mzdr MZapfDingbatsPS mztb8r ZeitgeistMT-Bold mztb8x ZeitgeistExpertMT-Bold mztr7a ZeitgeistMT-Alternative mztr8r ZeitgeistMT mztr8rc ZeitgeistMT-Condensed mztr8x ZeitgeistExpertMT mztr8xc ZeitgeistExpertMT-Condensed mztri8r ZeitgeistMT-Italic mztri8x ZeitgeistExpertMT-Italic zmztcm8r ZeitgeistMT-Cameo zmztcz8r ZeitgeistMT-CrazyPaving zmztr8xc ZeitgeistExpertMT-Cameo  File:, Node: URW fonts, Prev: Monotype fonts, Up: Font name lists URW fonts ========= The `' file has abbreviations for URW fonts. uagd8r URWGothicL-Demi uagdo8r URWGothicL-DemiObli uagk8r URWGothicL-Book uagko8r URWGothicL-BookObli ubkd8r URWBookmanL-DemiBold ubkdi8r URWBookmanL-DemiBoldItal ubkl8r URWBookmanL-Ligh ubkli8r URWBookmanL-LighItal ucrb8r NimbusMonL-Bold ucrbo8r NimbusMonL-BoldObli ucrr8r NimbusMonL-Regu ucrro8r NimbusMonL-ReguObli uhvb8r NimbusSanL-Bold uhvbo8r NimbusSanL-BoldItal uhvboc8r NimbusSanL-ReguCondItal uhvbrc8r NimbusSanL-BoldCond uhvr8r NimbusSanL-Regu uhvro8r NimbusSanL-ReguItal uhvro8rc NimbusSanL-BoldCondItal uhvr8rc NimbusSanL-ReguCond uncb8r CenturySchL-Bold uncbi8r CenturySchL-BoldItal uncr8r CenturySchL-Roma uncri8r CenturySchL-Ital uplb8r URWPalladioL-Bold uplbi8r URWPalladioL-BoldItal uplr8r URWPalladioL-Roma uplri8r URWPalladioL-Ital usyr StandardSymL utmb8r NimbusRomNo9L-Medi utmbi8r NimbusRomNo9L-MediItal utmr8r NimbusRomNo9L-Regu utmri8r NimbusRomNo9L-ReguItal uzcmi8r URWChanceryL-MediItal uzdr Dingbats  File:, Node: Encodings, Next: Font legalities, Prev: Font name lists, Up: Top Encodings ********* The following sections define various encodings as PostScript encoding vectors. These files can be installed in the Dvips header directory and then used in `' to change font encodings of downloadable or builtin fonts (*note (dvips) You can also specify these `.enc' files to Afm2tfm when building a font (*note Changing font encodings: (dvips)Changing font encodings.). * Menu: * 8a:: Adobe standard. * 8r:: TeX base. * cork:: Cork (aka EC, TeX Latin 1). * dvips:: Dvips. * texmext:: TeX math extension. * texmsym:: TeX math symbol. * texmital:: TeX math italic.  File:, Node: 8a, Next: 8r, Up: Encodings `8a.enc': Adobe standard encoding ================================= % @psencodingfile{ % author = "Adobe", % version = "1.0", % date = "22 June 1996", % filename = "8a.enc", % email = "", % address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360", % codetable = "ISO/ASCII", % checksum = "269 317 2399", % docstring = "Adobe StandardEncoding as an afm2tfm/dvips .enc file." % } /StandardEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /exclamdown /cent /sterling /fraction /yen /florin /section /currency /quotesingle /quotedblleft /guillemotleft /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /.notdef /endash /dagger /daggerdbl /periodcentered /.notdef /paragraph /bullet /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /quotedblright /guillemotright /ellipsis /perthousand /.notdef /questiondown /.notdef /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /dieresis /.notdef /ring /cedilla /.notdef /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron /emdash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /AE /.notdef /ordfeminine /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Lslash /Oslash /OE /ordmasculine /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ae /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dotlessi /.notdef /.notdef /lslash /oslash /oe /germandbls /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def  File:, Node: 8r, Next: cork, Prev: 8a, Up: Encodings `8r.enc': TeX base encoding =========================== % @psencodingfile{ % author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry", % version = "0.6", % date = "22 June 1996", % filename = "8r.enc", % email = "", % address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360", % codetable = "ISO/ASCII", % checksum = "119 662 4424", % docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts to be used with TeX." % } % % Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts % available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe % Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida. % % Character code assignments were made as follows: % % (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI % positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the % fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows % ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for % typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen % (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an % irritation not having them in TeX positions. % % (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part % of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software. % % (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the % hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public % consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12. % % (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully) % upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally % available. % % (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both ASCII and Windows. % /TeXBase1Encoding [ % 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1) /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash /ogonek /ring /.notdef /breve /minus /.notdef % These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as % well include them. /Zcaron /zcaron % 0x10 /caron /dotlessi % (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright) /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there down to here. /grave /quotesingle % 0x20 (ASCII begins) /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 0x30 /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 0x40 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 0x50 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 0x60 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 0x70 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends % 0x80 /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 0x90 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis % 0xA0 /.notdef % nobreakspace /exclamdown /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft /logicalnot /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen /registered /macron % 0xD0 /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown % 0xC0 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 0xD0 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls % 0xE0 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 0xF0 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def  File:, Node: cork, Next: dvips, Prev: 8r, Up: Encodings `cork.enc': Cork encoding =========================  File:, Node: dvips, Next: texmext, Prev: cork, Up: Encodings `dvips.enc': Dvips encoding =========================== % @psencodingfile{ % author = "T. Rokicki, K. Berry", % version = "2.0", % date = "22 June 1996", % filename = "dvips.enc", % email = "", % address = "135 Center Hill Rd. // Plymouth, MA 02360", % codetable = "ISO/ASCII", % checksum = "75 515 3715", % docstring = "An encoding for PostScript fonts to be used with TeX." % } % % This is almost the default encoding produced by the afm2tfm program % that comes with the dvips distribution, when it is applied to a % StandardEncoding PostScript font. The positions of the accented % characters (which afm2tfm assigned more or less randomly in the % previous set of fonts) have been held fixed. % % It is almost upward-compatible with TeX text. (The primary exceptions % are dotaccent and hungarumlaut.) Some of the ligatures are also in % different positions, but this is not important, since ligature % positions are defined in the TFM file, not by macros. % % The character positions were assigned in this order: % 1) non-composite characters in the afm2tfm encoding (except dotlessj % was included in its plain TeX position); % 2) available characters in the Cork (EC) encoding; % 3) remaining composite characters in the base encoding (starting at % position 130 decimal). We don't include all the other base % characters because that changes the height/depth/width tables in % the TFM files (because more characters mean more distinct values). % % We leave the initial positions open for the Greek letters in Times-Roman. % /DvipsEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle /exclamdown /questiondown /dotlessi /dotlessj /grave /acute /caron /breve /macron /ring /cedilla /germandbls /ae /oe /oslash /AE /OE /Oslash /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /circumflex /underscore /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /tilde /dieresis /asciicircum /asciitilde /Ccedilla /Iacute /Icircumflex /atilde /edieresis /egrave /scaron /zcaron /Eth /ff /ffi /ffl /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Scaron /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis /.notdef /Zcaron /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /cent /sterling /fraction /yen /florin /section /currency /copyright /quotedblleft /guillemotleft /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /degree /endash /dagger /daggerdbl /periodcentered /.notdef /paragraph /bullet /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /quotedblright /guillemotright /ellipsis /perthousand /.notdef /.notdef /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /.notdef /dotaccent /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /hungarumlaut /ogonek /Idieresis /emdash /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /.notdef /.notdef /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /.notdef /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /ordfeminine /adieresis /aring /.notdef /ccedilla /Lslash /eacute /ecircumflex /ordmasculine /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis /.notdef /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /.notdef /lslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis ] def