Short: UNIX TeX for the Amiga. Files: amiweb2c-2.lha, amiweb2c-2.readme Type: /text/tex Author: Andreas Scherer Uploader: What you get with `AmiWeb2c-2.lha' is a stripped excerpt of the complete `UNIX-TeX' system, ported to the Amiga. Due to its total size of more than 30 megabytes of installed material, I decided to exclude everything that is publicly available either on the AmiNet or more likely on the CTAN, so in addition to this archive you will have to fetch several other packages before you can start for real. So why should you want to get `AmiWeb2c-2.lha' at all? Because it contains a native port of the famous `texk' implementation of the TeX system for UNIX, on which also `teTeX' is based. Included are e-TeX 3.14159-1.1 MetaFont 2.718 BibTeX 0.99c MetaPost 0.632 DVIPS 5.66a and a lot of auxiliary tools and programs. The complete UNIX-TeX system was ported directly from the Web2c 7.0 system, which already provides full support for the Amiga. Necessary stuff for implementors is coming with this distribution. The elements coming with this archive are automatically installed at the appropriate places by extracting the contents with the command $ lha x -a AmiWeb2c-2.lha Slightly more than 6 (metric) megabytes will be extracted to the root directory `AmiWeb2c/'. Everything else has to be added in the directory structure below this top level. The bulk of `AmiWeb2c-2.lha' consists of the binaries for all programs created from the original Web2c sources. Detailed information about what else is needed and about how to install "AmiWeb2c 2.0" is given in "AmiWeb2c/share/amiweb2c/doc/README.ami". Please report any problems you encounter with any part of this distribution to me at one of the addresses given in the documentation. Enjoy! February 1997 Andreas Scherer Rochusstraße 22-24 52062 Aachen, Germany