@book{latex, author = "Leslie Lamport", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", title = "{\LaTeX \rm:} {A} Document Preparation System", year = "1986" } @book{latex:guide, author = "Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", title = "A Guide to {\LaTeX \rm:} {D}ocument Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users", year = "1993" } @unpublished{btxdoc, author = "Oren Patashnik", month = jan, note = "Documentation for general {\BibTeX} users", title = "{{\BibTeX ing}}", year = "1988" } @book{agsm, author = "John Pitson", address = "Canberra", edition = "3rd", publisher = "Australian Government Publishing Service", title = "Style Manual for authors editors and printers of {A}ustralian government publications", year = "1978" } @unpublished{latex2htmldoc, author = "Nikos Drakos", month = jan, note = "Documentation accompanying the {\LaTeX} to {\sc html} translator", title = "The {\LaTeX}2{\sc html} Translator", year = "1994", URL = "http://cbl.leeds.ac.uk/nikos/tex2html/doc/latex2html/latex2html.html" }