\input blue.tex \report \bluechapter History of Changes \beginsummary An account of the history of BLUe's format has been provided. Milestones in the development have been listed. \endsummary In {\oldstyle1994} BLUe's format was introduced at CyrTUG and Euro\TeX. The article was published in MAPS {\oldstyle94}.{\oldstyle1}, and also in the Euro\TeX{} proceedings (abbreviated). The fall article and a pre-release of \bluetex{} have been sent to the world, i.e., to the CTAN. At that time only a default format and the transparencies format were available. It has been extended by report and letter format. BLUe's format design accounted for personalization, open-endedness, and a structural approach to coping with progress. The major extension of {\oldstyle 1995} was this user's guide, which entailed the \cs{report} format, and the inclusion of Knuth's letter and concert formats, \TB{} Appendix~E. Both were finished in January {\oldstyle1995}. Also very important was adopting and keeping with a strong and clear organizational scheme, giving an answer to the question how to cope with the multitude of formats, macros and tools out there. The files have been organized in databases. Not only a database for references, pictures, and addresses, no, also for tools and formats. What is needed will be loaded selectively from these, behind the scenes, and\dots\thinspace by \TeX. Neat! \def\btablecaption{}\def\footer{} $$\def\first{Date} \def\header{\hfil Change\hfil\lower1.25ex\null}%To put on 1/3th \nonframed\fll %Beware of the name clash \cs: control sequence and column separator. % \def\template{\colsepsurround ##\hfil\raise4ex\null&\lft##\rgt& \lft\vtop\bgroup\noindent\hsize.75\hsize \baselineskip12pt\openup2pt \obeylines##\egroup\rgt\cr} \thisbtable{\let\tstrut\relax\def\par{\strut\endgraf}} % %Data to be extended. Remember that \obeylines is on. \def\rowstblst{{Future} {Summer {\oldstyle1995}} {Spring {\oldstyle1995}} {Dec {\oldstyle1994}} } \beginbtable Updates to come %Another line %The 3th jolly line \rs PASCAL tool improved Graphics has been extended by turtle graphics, fractals, and smileys \rs %No \cs{name} possible; name clash with column separator %Next are lines within one entry. Natural input. page size for index flexible; plnindex can be used loose from blue.tex |\nxttrs| |\continue| consistent with |\newpage| (|\vfill\eject|) \rs list element tag in address.dat, lit.dat and pic.dat changed into |\lst| |\oldstyle| is introduced for the page numbers in the index etc. Font handling for transparencies has been cleaned up Addresses are stored in address.dat to cooperate with |\letter| Tools are stored in the database tools.dat Formats are stored in a database fmt.dat \bluetex{} has been extended to BLUe's format system |\report| and |\letter| have been designed |\nitem| uses |\prenum| and |\postnum| for embellishments |\create| in math cross-refs stores also |\prenum| and |\postnum| |\rowstblst|'s last argument is no longer an exception Partitioned matrix markup is short and elegant via |\btable| Space-saving variant of continued fraction looks much better now D\"urer's magic square has a better |\dotboxit|. Bridge form details have been improved. \endbtable $$ \endinput