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Inserting Environment Templates

A large apparatus is available that supports insertions of environments, that is `\begin{}' -- `\end{}' pairs.

AUC TeX is aware of most of the actual environments available in a specific document. This is achieved by examining your `\documentstyle' command, and consulting a precompiled list of environments available in a large number of styles.

You insert an environment with C-c C-e, and select an environment type. Depending on the environment, AUC TeX may ask more questions about the optional parts of the selected environment type. With C-u C-c C-e you will change the current environment.

Command: LaTeX-environment arg
(C-c C-e) AUC TeX will prompt you for an environment to insert. At this prompt, you may press tab or spc to complete a partially written name, and/or to get a list of available environments. After selection of a specific environment AUC TeX may prompt you for further specifications.

If the optional argument arg is not-nil (i.e. you have given a prefix argument), the current environment is modified and no new environment is inserted.

As a default selection, AUC TeX will suggest the environment last inserted or, as the first choice the value of the variable LaTeX-default-environment.

User Option: LaTeX-default-environment
Default environment to insert when invoking `LaTeX-environment' first time.

If the document is empty, or the cursor is placed at the top of the document, AUC TeX will default to insert a `document' environment.

Most of these are described further in the following sections, and you may easily specify more, as described in `Customizing environments'.

You can close the current environment with C-c ], but we suggest that you use C-c C-e to insert complete environments instead.

Command: LaTeX-close-environment
(C-c ]) Insert an `\end' that matches the current environment.

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