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  • ! special (literal PS header)
  • ! starting output filename
  • "

  • " special (literal PostScript)
  • %

  • %%BoundingBox
  • %%Page, and multi-page information
  • %%Page, not generating
  • %%Page, removing
  • %%Page, required by Ghostview
  • %%VMusage
  • %*Font
  • (

  • (atend), bounding box specification
  • +

  • +psmapfile
  • -

  • - as output filename
  • /

  • /#copies, /#copies
  • /magscale
  • 6

  • 612 792 bounding box size
  • 8

  • 8r encoding, and extra characters
  • 8r font encoding
  • <

  • < font downloading
  • << whole font downloading
  • <[ encoding vector downloading
  • =

  • =: ligature operation
  • \

  • \.
  • \AA
  • \ColorName
  • \dot
  • \epsffile macro
  • \epsfsize
  • \epsfverbosetrue
  • \epsfxsize
  • \epsfysize
  • \H
  • \leavevmode
  • \magnification
  • \rotninety
  • \textColorName
  • a

  • A ring, Scandinavian letter
  • a3 papertype
  • a4 paper size, as default
  • a4 papertype
  • absolute filenames, disabling
  • absolute page number, and `-l'
  • absolute page number, and `-p'
  • accents, in wrong position
  • accents, wrong
  • accuracy in positioning
  • Adobe fonts
  • Adobe fonts, installing
  • afm files
  • afm2tfm, afm2tfm
  • afm2tfm options
  • Aladdin Ghostscript
  • Anderson, Laurie
  • arcs
  • ASCII character codes, used by PostScript
  • atend, bounding box specification
  • b

  • base
  • base encoding, recommended
  • base fonts
  • bbfig
  • Bhattacharya, Tanmoy
  • big points
  • Bigelow & Holmes fonts
  • binary files, not supported
  • bitmap fonts
  • Bitstream fonts, installing
  • bop undefined error
  • bop-hook, bop-hook
  • bop-hook, and offset pages
  • boundary character
  • bounding box, comment for
  • bounding box, defined
  • bounding box, determining
  • bounding box, finding tight
  • bounding box, inaccurate
  • bounding box, supplying to TeX
  • c

  • changing PostScript encodings
  • changing TeX encodings
  • character definitions in PostScript
  • character lookup procedure in PostScript
  • CharStrings Type 1 dictionary
  • clipping of EPSF
  • collated copies
  • color
  • color configuration
  • color macros
  • color names, mixed case
  • color nesting level
  • color separations
  • color specifications
  • color subtleties
  • colors, user-definable
  • command line, including headers from
  • command-line options
  • comments, in configuration files
  • comments, in encoding files
  • comments, removing included
  • compilation
  • compressed PostScript
  • compressing bitmap fonts
  • Computer Modern in PostScript
  • Computer Modern, encoding of
  • condensed fonts
  • configuration file options
  • configuration file paper size command
  • configuration file path
  • configuration file searching
  • configuration files
  • configuration files, creating
  • configuration files, prototype
  • configuration, of color devices
  • configuration, of Dvips
  • continuation lines, not supported
  • control-D
  • copies, collated
  • copies, duplicated page bodies
  • copies, uncollated
  • Crayola crayon box
  • cropmarks
  • current font, in PostScript
  • d

  • dated output
  • datestamp, in output
  • debugging, debugging
  • debugging options
  • default resolutions
  • default_texsizes Make variable
  • Deutsch, Peter
  • device dependency, and virtual fonts
  • dictionary, CharStrings
  • dictionary, PostScript language
  • dictionary, SDict
  • dictionary, userdict
  • distillation, and `-z'
  • distiller, for PDF files
  • dot accent
  • double-sided printing
  • downloading fonts partially
  • downloading PostScript fonts
  • Doyle, Mark
  • draft copies
  • dual paper trays
  • duplex printers
  • DVI magnification
  • dvihps, hyperdvi to PostScript
  • Dvips configuration file options
  • DVIPSHEADERS, overrides H
  • DVIPSSIZES, overrides R
  • dynamic creation of graphics
  • e

  • efficiency, and fonts
  • encoding changes
  • encoding file format
  • encoding files
  • Encoding Type 1 dictionary
  • encoding vectors, defined
  • encoding vectors, in Type 1 fonts
  • encodings
  • end-hook
  • environment variables
  • EOF
  • eop-hook
  • EPS, and Ghostview
  • EPSF macros
  • EPSF, generating
  • Epson printers
  • error messages from printer
  • even pages only
  • examples of literal PostScript
  • expanded fonts, expanded fonts, expanded fonts
  • expansion, of virtual fonts
  • extended URL
  • ExtendFont
  • extra characters, accessing
  • f

  • failure, and printer errors
  • failure, of long documents
  • failure, to include graphics
  • failure, to print at all
  • fallback resolutions
  • figures and fonts
  • figures, natural size
  • figures, scaling
  • filter, running as a
  • first page printed
  • font concepts
  • font generation, avoiding
  • fontinst
  • fonts, as header files
  • fonts, changing encoding of
  • fonts, downloading
  • fonts, expanded
  • fonts, in PostScript figures
  • fonts, installation of PostScript
  • fonts, installing
  • fonts, outlined
  • fonts, slanted
  • fonts, small caps
  • fonts, system PostScript
  • g

  • gf files
  • gftopk
  • Ghostscript installation
  • ghostview
  • Ghostview, and no `N'
  • glyph files
  • GLYPHFONTS, overrides P
  • GNU Ghostscript
  • graphics inclusion fails
  • gs installation
  • gsave/grestore, and literal PS
  • gsftopk
  • h

  • Hafner, Jim
  • header file, downloading
  • header files, defined
  • header path, defining
  • header=file \special
  • headers and memory usage
  • headers, including from the command line
  • headers, including in TeX
  • hints
  • HP printers and Type 1 fonts
  • HP4Si printer and paper trays
  • href
  • html specials
  • html specials, and `-z'
  • Hungarian umlaut
  • hyperdvi extensions, enabling
  • hypertext and bitmap fonts
  • hypertext caveats
  • hypertext specials
  • hypertext support
  • i

  • idvi Java DVI reader
  • Illustrator, workaround for
  • img
  • including graphics fails
  • including headers from the command line
  • including headers in TeX
  • installation of `config.ps'
  • installation of PostScript fonts
  • installation, of Dvips
  • installing fonts
  • interaction with PostScript
  • inverted output
  • invoking Dvips
  • j

  • Java DVI reader
  • Jeffrey, Alan
  • k

  • kerning, defined
  • l

  • landscape orientation, defined
  • landscape papertype
  • landscape, as \special
  • last page printed
  • last-resort font scaling, with DVIPSSIZES
  • last-resort scaling, with R
  • ledger papertype
  • legal papertype
  • letter papertype
  • letterhead tray
  • ligature operations
  • ligature, defined
  • LIGKERN encoding file command
  • lines in figures, wrong width
  • links, hypertext
  • literal headers
  • literal PostScript, examples
  • literal PostScript, using
  • long documents not printing
  • Lucida, installing
  • m

  • macros for color
  • macros for epsf inclusion
  • magnification, DVI
  • magnification, overriding DVI
  • magnification, vertical
  • MakeTeXPK, avoiding
  • MakeTeXPK, changing name
  • manual feed
  • maxdrift
  • maximum pages printed
  • media
  • memory available
  • memory of printer exhausted
  • memory usage, and headers
  • memory, conserving
  • memory, used by PostScript fonts
  • Metafont ligature operations
  • Metafont mode, specifying
  • Metafont source files
  • metric files
  • Minion typeface family
  • Mitsubishi Shinko CHC-S446i printer
  • mode name, specifying
  • Monotype fonts
  • Monotype fonts, installing
  • mtpk
  • multiple master fonts
  • multiple output files
  • multiple paper trays
  • Murphy, Tim
  • n

  • name
  • narrow fonts
  • no output at all
  • non-resident fonts
  • o

  • oblique fonts
  • octal character codes
  • odd pages only
  • offset pages
  • option, details of
  • options, debugging
  • options, Dvips
  • options, reading from standard input
  • options, summary
  • options, to Afm2tfm
  • outline fonts, outline fonts
  • output file, sectioning of
  • output file, setting
  • output files, multiple
  • output, inverted
  • output, none
  • output, redirecting
  • output, too small
  • p

  • page range
  • page, first printed
  • page, last printed
  • pages, maximum printed
  • PaintType
  • Pantone colors
  • paper size configuration file command
  • paper size, default
  • paper size, general
  • paper trays
  • paper type
  • papersize special
  • partial font downloading
  • PDF files, making, PDF files, making
  • PDF files, option for
  • pdfmark
  • pfa files
  • pfb files
  • pfb files, automatically unpacked
  • pfm files
  • Phaser printer, used for color calibration
  • physical page number, and `-l'
  • physical page number, and `-p'
  • physical page number, and bop-hook
  • pipes, disabling output to
  • pipes, not readable
  • pk files
  • PKFONTS, overrides P
  • plotfile, `ps' subspecial
  • pltotf
  • popen for output
  • positioning accuracy
  • PostScript code, literal
  • PostScript encoding
  • PostScript encoding, changing
  • PostScript font alias file
  • PostScript fonts
  • PostScript fonts, installing
  • PostScript fonts, on your system
  • PostScript header files
  • PostScript hooks
  • PostScript interaction
  • PostScript previewers
  • PostScript units
  • PowerPage PostScript implementation
  • previewing Dvips output
  • printer configuration
  • printer configuration file, prototype
  • printer errors
  • printer memory
  • printer memory exhausted
  • printer offset
  • PRINTER, and config file searching
  • PRINTER, avoided with `-f'
  • printer, driving directly
  • problems
  • property list files
  • prototype printer configuration file
  • ps special
  • psfile special
  • psheaderdir
  • psi character missing
  • pstopk
  • q

  • quiet operation
  • r

  • reencoding
  • reencoding PostScript fonts
  • registered character, accessing
  • remapping
  • resident fonts, different in different printers
  • resolution, resolution
  • resolution, setting
  • reverse pagination
  • Rokicki, Tomas
  • s

  • save/restore, and inverted output
  • save/restore, and literal PS
  • save/restore, and specials
  • save/restore, generating global
  • scaleunit
  • scaling of figures
  • scaling small caps
  • Scandinavian A ring
  • screen frequencies, setting
  • SDict
  • SDict dictionary
  • searching config files, order of
  • sections of output file, and memory
  • sections output, in separate files
  • security
  • shell command execution, disabling
  • shell escape, in config file
  • Shinko CHC-S446i printer
  • show PostScript operator
  • silent operation
  • simplex mode on duplex printers
  • slanted fonts
  • slanted fonts, making
  • SlantFont
  • small caps fonts
  • Smith, Arthur
  • Softkey fonts
  • Softkey fonts, installing
  • spaces, dropped trailing
  • specials, hypertext
  • splines
  • spooler, lacking
  • standard I/O
  • standard input, reading options from
  • standard output, output to
  • standard PostScript, required by Ghostview
  • start-hook
  • structured comments
  • system in config file
  • t

  • Tektronix Phaser printer, used for color calibration
  • TeX encoding, changing
  • TeX, including headers in
  • TEXFONTS, overrides P
  • TEXFONTS, overrides T
  • TEXINPUTS, overrides S
  • TEXPICTS, overrides S
  • TEXPKS, overrides P
  • TEXSIZES, overrides R
  • text in figures, chopped off
  • tfm files
  • TFMFONTS, overrides T
  • tftopl
  • Theisen, Tim
  • tight bounding box, finding
  • too-small output
  • trademark character, accessing
  • trailing spaces, dropped
  • TranScript
  • transforming downloaded fonts
  • trouble
  • Type 1 fonts
  • typesetting in PostScript
  • u

  • uncollated copies
  • uncompressing PostScript
  • uniform resource locator
  • URL, definition
  • URL, extended for TeX
  • user-definable colors
  • userdict, and dictionary files
  • userdict, used for header files
  • v

  • verbose EPSF processing
  • vf files
  • virtual font expansion
  • virtual font path
  • virtual fonts
  • virtual fonts, creating
  • VM exhausted
  • VMusage
  • vpl files
  • vptovf
  • w

  • warning messages, defining
  • warnings, suppressing
  • whole font downloading
  • wide fonts
  • x

  • Xerox 4045
  • y

  • Y&Y fonts, installing
  • |

  • | starting output filename

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