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Plain TeX provides the \tracingall command, to turn on the maximum amount of tracing possible in TeX. The (usually voluminous) output from \tracingall goes both on the terminal and into the transcript file. It is sometimes easier to have the output go only to the transcript file, so you can peruse it at your leisure and not obscure other output to the terminal. So, Eplain provides the command \loggingall. (For some reason, this command is available in Metafont, but not in TeX.)

It is also sometimes useful to see the complete contents of boxes. \tracingboxes does this. (It doesn't affect whether or not the contents are shown on the terminal.)

You can turn off all tracing with \tracingoff.

You can also turn logging on and off globally, so you don't have to worry about whether or not you're inside a group at the time of command. These variants are named \gloggingall and \gtracingall.

Finally, if you write your own help messages (see \newhelp in The TeXbook), you want a convenient way to break lines in them. This is what TeX's \newlinechar parameter is for; however, plain TeX doesn't set \newlinechar. Therefore, Eplain defines it to be the character ^^J.

For example, one of Eplain's own error messages is defined as follows:

\newhelp\envhelp{Perhaps you forgot to end the previous^^J%
   environment? I'm finishing off the current group,^^J%
   hoping that will fix it.}%

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