NATBIB Package Version 6.4 (See list of changes below) Major change: compatible with chapterbib and hyperref packages emulates sorting and compression of cite package This is the natbib package for handling both author-year and numerical BibTeX styles. It contains the following files: natbib.dtx -- Documented source file that may be LaTeXed to get the detailed description and/or coding documentation; needs ltxdoc class distributed with LaTeX2e. May be docstripped with option `package,all' to get the natbib.sty package file, or with `package,all,209' to obtain a LaTeX 2.09 style file. natbib.ins -- A docstrip batch job to extract natbib.sty from the source file natbib.dtx. Simply TeX or LaTeX this file. This file can be extracted from natbib.dtx when it is LaTeXed and natbib.ins does not already exist. plainnat.bst -- Replacements for plain.bst, abbrv.bst, unsrt.bst, the abbrvnat.bst standard BibTeX bib style files. These replacements unsrtnat.bst permit both numerical and author-year citations Installation:- Simply run TeX or LaTeX on natbib.ins, which extracts ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ natbib.sty from the documented source natbib.dtx. You may first edit natbib.ins if you want natbib209.sty and/or natbib.drv, the configurable documentation driver. If natbib.ins has been lost, it may be regenerated by running LaTeX on natbib.dtx. Documentation:- Run LaTeX on natbib.dtx or natbib.drv. The latter may be ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ edited as needed to conform to local requirements (paper size, duplex or not, with or without entire coding). Alternatively, a ltxdoc.cfg file can contain local configurations. The package will accept BibTeX output in the forms: \bibitem{key} (standard numerical format) or the following author-year formats: \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)]{key}... (native natbib style) \bibitem[Jones et al.(1990)Jones, Baker, and Williams]{key}... (extended natbib 5.3 style) \bibitem[Jones et al., 1990]{key}... (apalike style) \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones, Baker, and Williams}{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}... (newapa or chicago styles) \bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}... (named style) \bibitem[\protect\astroncite{Jones et al.}{1990}]{key}... (astron style) \bibitem[\protect\citename{Jones et al., }1990]{key}... (authordate style) \harvarditem[Jones et al.]{Jones, Baker, and Williams}{1990}{key}... (harvard style) These are all the existing interfaces for author-year format that I could find. Natbib.sty accepts them all, and converts them into its own system. Usage with \cite command: \cite{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990) (in-text form) \cite[]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990) (parenthetical form) \cite[]{key1,key2} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, 1992) (multiple citations; common authors suppressed) \cite[chap. 2]{key} ==>> (Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2) \cite[see][]{key} ==>> (see Jones et al., 1990) \cite[see][chap. 2]{key} ==>> (see Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2) All \cite's may also take a starred version to print the full author list, if that is supported by the bib style file. \cite*[]{key} ==>> (Jones, Baker, and Williams, 1990) Other citing commands \citeauthor{key} ==>> Jones et al. \citeyear{key} ==>> 1990 \citefullauthor{key} ==>> Jones, Baker, and Williams To simplify switching between numerical and author-year mode, use \citet{key} for textual citations. \citet{key} ==>> Jones et al. (1990) (author-year) ==>> Jones et al. [21] (numerical) (\cite{key} yields [21] only in numerical mode) Punctuation may be altered with \bibpunct command (see comments and examples in natbib.sty and natbib.dtx) Or may be specified with options to the \usepackage{natbib} command. Punctuation styles may be set for given .bst file and then invoked by the \bibliographystyle command. This requires making a simple (and legitimate) addition to natbib.sty, or creating a local configuration file natbib.cfg to contain the additions. For full details, print out the documentation in natbib.dtx by LaTeXing it (this requires the ltxdoc.cls and doc.sty of 1994/05/08 or later). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- List of changes v6.4 Made compatible with the chapterbib package of Donald Arseneau which allows multiple bibliographies in one document Contains modified coding from Arseneau's cite package to allow numerical citations to be sorted and compressed Made compatible with the hyperref package of Sebastian Rahtz and Yannis Haralambous, for use with HyperTeX Multiple superscript citations have no space between them v6.3 The package `showkeys' used to have some problems when loaded before natbib; this is now repaired The supplied .bst files have a bug fixed so that the extra letters added to the dates function properly; they are now added when the abbreviated author list and date are the same for more than one reference (previously the full author list and date determined this, which is incorrect) With numerical citations, the extra letters are superfluous; these can now be suppressed with the supplied .bst files v6.2 Adds \citet for textual citations in both author-year and numerical modes. Adds \bibsep as a length that goes between lines of the reference list Can be changed with \setlength Fixes the superscript style of numerical references so that the numbers are the proper (smaller) size Fixes a clash with the classes amsart and amsbook v6.1 The LaTeX update of December 1995 contains some changes to internal command which natbib has used. Natbib needs to be altered accordingly. In fact, it has been made far more robust against any such future interal changes, although not 100%. There are no changes to the user interface. V6.0 New method for parsing the author and year parts, which is now done before writing the information to the auxiliary file. This allows numerical citations to be used even with author-year bst files. (Numerical bst files can NEVER generate author-year citations!) Now provide replacements for standard BibTeX bst files so that they may be used for both numerical and author-year. Note: the bib style file provided in previous releases (natbib.bst) is no longer provided, since it only meant to be an example. It is now replaced by plainnat.bst and others. Citation styles (punctuation, brackets, etc) can be selected in various ways: an improved priority system has now been introduced. For example, any punctuation selection through an option to \usepackage has priority over any prestored citation style. \bibpunct can now take a 7th optional argument (at the start of the list) for the punctuation that comes before a post-note. It is possible to have all citations and entries in the list of references automatically entered in an index, either with the standard makeidx package or the contributed index package of David M. Jones. V5.5: some fixed bugs Many internal names have been changed to recommended style, ie with the prefix \NAT@... For example, \@citebegin and \@citeend are now \NAT@open and \NAT@close (these contain the opening and closing brackets). Where possible, \def has been replaced by \(re)newcommand. Selection of citation format (numerical, superscript, author-year) is coded better; previously, if numerical were ever selected, it was impossible to switch back to author-year. ** As a result: ALL CITATION CUSTOMIZATIONS (\bibpunct, \citestyle) MUST ** BE ISSUED BEFORE \begin{document}!!!!! This differs from the ** situation in earlier versions, but is in fact much more logical. Add \citep{key} and \citep*{key} as shorthands for \cite[]{key} and \cite*[]{key}, ie for parenthetical citations (this was requested) Add \citealt{key} and \citealt*{key} that function like \cite{key} and \cite*{key}, but without brackets. These are textual citations of the form Jones et al. 1990. (Also a requested feature.) The amount of hanging indentation in the list of references can be redefined via the length command \bibhang. Change with e.g. \setlength{\bibhang}{2em} %Default is 1em V5.4: a few bugs fixed add superscript citation style to \bibpunct, as `s' (in place of `n' for numerical or `a' for author-year; improve superscript coding add \citestyle command to be able to invoke a preprogrammed citation style that is different from that given in \bibliographystyle for (Jones et al, 1994a; Jones et al, 1994b) print instead (Jones et al, 1994a,b) [up until now, it would have printed (Jones et al, 1994a, 1994b) ] V5.3: support the new release of harvard.sty, so that natbib will work with those bib styles that are designed for it (agms,dcu,kluwer) This means adding \harvardand, \harvardurl, and some others provide \citefullauthor to list all authors for those bib styles that support this: harvard, chicago extend the native format of \bibitem to support full author citations too; add starred form of \cite to print full author list, if present. fix up a bug that caused accents in citations (not references) to be ignored. V5.2: \citeauthor and \citeyear make auxiliary file entries so BibTeX can see them; also, any font changes in the author (like {\it Smith}) will be localized (in 5.0, the brackets were removed, so all following text was italicized.) Internal definition of \cite made to be like that of LaTeX2e, so that multiple citations may have spaces after commas, as \cite{a, b, c} A local configuration file natbib.cfg will be read in (2e only) that may contain local \bibstyle@xxx commands. V5.1: pure LaTeX2e, not mixed as v5.0 was. Fixes up problems of font commands in the citation labels (like {\em et al.} that caused terrible problems and had a poor ad hoc solution. Changes from previous (4.x) versions: \cite now takes two optional arguments for text before and after citation \citeyear and \citeauthor have been added Under LaTeX2e, punctuation can be selected with options in \usepackage ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1996 Oct 11 Patrick W. Daly Max-Planck-Institut f\"ur Aeronomie D-37189 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany E-mail: Internet--