-*-text-*- $Id: INSTALL.Textures,v 3.3 1996/12/18 10:36:54 ross Exp $ =============================================================== INSTALLING THE Xy-pic DIAGRAM TYPESETTING MACROS ON A MACINTOSH =============================================================== This file assumes that you have downloaded the `xy33mac.sit.hqx' file and have decoded this and have expanded and extracted all files and folders from the resulting compressed archive. It also assumes that you have the TeX application called Textures(tm), from Blue Sky Research, Portland, Oregon (version 1.6 or later). Finally it assumes that you have read the file INSTALL. The main difference between Textures(tm) and other TeX implementations is the way in which fonts are handled. Here we deal with Macintosh font suitcases containing bitmap versions of the special fonts that Xy-pic uses, as well as a suitcase containing the font metrics. For users of OzTeX a folder called `for OzTeX only' contains .pk fonts, .tfm files and some configuration files. The file `INSTALL.OzTeX' explains how to install these. For any other implementations of TeX on the Macintosh, there may be sufficient files here to install Xy-pic. If not then obtain the full Xy-pic distribution from one of the usual ftp sites: ftp.mpce.mq.edu.au in the /pub/maths/TeX directory; ftp.diku.dk in the /diku/users/kris/TeX directory; CTAN in the tex-archive/macros/generic/diagrams/xypic directory; e.g. at ftp.shsu.edu, ftp.tex.ac.uk and ftp.dante.de. (If this is still insufficient, then the author would like to know what other resources are required and why. Contact him by email at the address given below.) From version 2.10, the source files are NOT included with the Macintosh Distribution, as doing this would add almost 1 MByte to its overall size. Obtain them from the sites listed above. I'll also assume that you use a 300 dots per inch laser printer (like the Apple laserwriter or HP laserjet). Contents: -0- Simple Installation, for experienced users -1- Copyleft -2- Updating from version 2.6 (and earlier) or 2.7--2.12, 3.0--3.2 -3- Overview of files and where they should be installed -4- Manuals and Sources -5- Memory Requirements -6- Bugs & comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -0- SIMPLE INSTALLATION, for EXPERIENCED USERS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you have never used Xy-pic before and are experienced as a user of Textures(tm), then the following instructions should be sufficient to get Xy-pic installed. You should have extracted two folders called `for TeX inputs folder' and `for TeX fonts folder' from the Stuffit archive. Simply copy the contents of these folders to the places indicated by their names; namely the font suitcases go into the `TeX Fonts` folder, while the `xy*.tex` source code files go into the `TeX inputs` folder. If these instructions do not make sense to you, or you get any warning messages when you try to carry out these steps, then... STOP immediately! ... read the rest of this file, to learn more about Xy-pic, what all the files contain and how they should be installed on your Macintosh. If you had no trouble with this installation, then... enjoy Xy-pic! Please do us the courtesy of reading the rest of this file anyway. In particular please respect the following Copyright message, making sure that any copies that you may distribute are complete, so that others can equally enjoy Xy-pic (... and so that we do not get irate messages about missing features). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -1- COPYLEFT ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This distribution of the Xy-pic package is distributed with copyleft: Copyright (c) 1991-1996 Kristoffer H. Rose Copyright (c) 1994-1996 Ross Moore The Xy-pic package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. The Xy-pic package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this package; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. What this means is that if you install Xy-pic then you should (1) make sure that the file COPYING is accessible to the users, and (2) be prepared to provide Xy-pic (including sources) to any of your users that request it (you may charge a fee for this if you are so inclined). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -2- UPDATING FROM VERSION 2.6 (AND EARLIER) OR 2.7--2.12, 3.0--3.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Xy-pic version 2.7 was almost a complete rewrite of Xy-pic. The update to version 2.8 fixed numerous small bugs and added PostScript \special commands that could be used instead of the Xy-pic fonts. In version 2.9 the PostScript functionality was extended to include effects such as rotation and scaling of diagrams and text, variable line thickness and colour support. There were also improvements in many other aspects of the way Xy-pic works. A Macintosh version of 2.9 was never released, as some of the claimed effects did not actually work. These bugs were fixed for version 2.10. Version 2.11 included the `Graph Combinator' feature which provides a simplified interface for many common classes of diagrams. Also some minor bugs were fixed, both in code and documentation. Version 2.12 is necessary to accommodate a change to AMS-LaTeX which otherwise seriously conflicts with internal structure of Xy-pic. A new `Polygon' feature has been added and many subtle bugs fixed. Also much of the `curve' code has been improved, especially for `curved arrows'. Also, versions 2.12+ provide for a new font for arrow-tips, in the style of those arrowheads that appear in the Computer Modern fonts. Fonts xycmat10 and xycmbt10 have always been included in the font suitcases (since version 2.6) but not used due to errors in the metrics. This has now been rectified --- this means that the font metric file `Xy-pic metrics' MUST BE REPLACED with the latest version --- having modification date: 20 August 1994 --- but the fonts are unchanged. Xy-pic version 3.0 was released in July 1995. New features included one for typesetting `crossing strings', in particular elegant representations of `knots', and one for `webs' or `lattices' of objects regularly spaced. There was no separate Macintosh distribution, but the macros would work with the earlier versions. With version 3.0 an improved option-loading mechanism was established for alternate dvi-drivers allowing extra effects using \special commands. To use such features place one of the following declarations in the document preamble: \xyoption{textures} % with version 1.7 or later \xyoption{16textures} % with version 1.6 of Textures If LaTeX is NOT being used then it is also necessary to specify \XyReloadDrivers after all Xy-pic options have been specified. With LaTeX, this command occurs automatically at the \begin{document}. This version 3.3 is the most stable yet released. The few bugs from previous versions have been fixed and some new features have been added. In particular `breaks' in connections, whether straight or curved, now work correctly. There is a greater variety of arrow-tips. Intersections between a curved connection and a straight one can now be located, or the point of closest approach can be located. The previous Version 3.2, followed closely after Version 3.1, fixing several bugs found there. Some diagrams in the documentation were found to not print correctly on some PostScript printers due to internal errors in the PostScript interpreter; these diagrams have been altered slightly to avoid that problem. (A future release of Xy-pic will attempt to sidestep such problems completely.) Indeed the Version 3.1 release fixes bugs in earlier releases, improves the range of available `frames' and offers a wider range of curved objects. The number of different dvi-drivers has been extended, though this has little bearing for Macintosh-users. If you already have version 2.7 (or later) installed then: * Copy the file: `Xy-pic metrics' , to be found in the folder called `for TeX fonts folder', into your `TeX Fonts' folder. + The file `Xy-pic fonts' contains no new fonts, so need not be updated. + With version 7.1+ of the Macintosh operating system, you can place font suitcases in the Fonts subfolder of the system folder. However the `Xy-pic metrics' suitcase MUST be in the `TeX Fonts' folder. + Extra font sizes are available in a separate archive called `xymacxf.sit', see below for more details. These can be installed locally, if desired. Alternatively the extra sizes may be installed on a file-server; then place an `alias' (requires system 7.0+) to them within the `TeX Fonts' folder --- the server will mount when Textures is launched. * Copy the contents of the `for TeX inputs folder' into the obvious place, i.e. the `TeX Inputs' folder, allowing these files to replace the existing ones of the same name. + With the system-7 operating system, you can place the files/folders elsewhere, and place aliases to them within the `TeX Inputs' folder. If you already have version 2.6 (or some earlier version) installed then note the following: * All the fonts have been redone AND renamed. Thus installing the new version will not break any typeset files you already have that use the old fonts. However if you intend to keep the old version on your system then you should rename the font and metrics suitcases to `Xy-pic fonts.old' and `Xy-pic metrics.old'. * The distribution contains new versions of the files `xypic.tex' and `xypic.sty' that load Xy-pic 2.12 in a special compatibility mode. Thus re-TeX'ing your source documents will create typeset versions using the new fonts. If you wish to keep the old `xypic.tex' and `xypic.sty' then you should rename them before installation. * There are a few points where the backwards compatibility is not perfect -- these are noted in the documentation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -3- OVERVIEW OF FILES AND WHERE THEY SHOULD BE INSTALLED ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The installation instructions of INSTALL apply except that MACRO FILES: are placed in the `for TeX inputs folder' and should normally be duplicated to the `TeX Inputs' folder (after having appropriately dealt with any previous version, as described above). PostScript HEADER FILES: It is not necessary to use this header file; furthermore the reference manual describes how it can be generated if needed from `xyps.tex'. Xy-pic FONTs and METRICs: the two font suitcase files, called `Xy-pic fonts' and `Xy-pic metrics', are found in the folder called `for TeX fonts folder'. Simply move these into the Textures(tm) `TeX Fonts' folder (after having appropriately dealt with any previous version, as described above). When you next launch the Textures(tm) application the following fonts will then be available for use in typesetting with the Xy-pic macros. xydash10 straight line segments at 128 different angles xyatip10 top half of an arrow head at 128 different angles xybtip10 bottom half of arrow head at 128 different angles xybsql10 small quarter turns, for hooks, turns and wavy lines xycirc10 eighth-turns at 16 different radii, 8 per radius xycmat10 Computer Modern Tips --- upper barbs xycmbt10 Computer Modern Tips --- lower barbs xyeuat10 Euler Tips --- upper barbs xyeubt10 Euler Tips --- lower barbs These fonts are each provided in four screen sizes: 100% 120% 200% 240% and in one size for laser-printing at 300dpi: 417%. If more sizes are required then either: a) get the file `xymacxf.sit.hqx' from ftp.mpce.mq.edu.au. These expand to give suitcases containing the above sizes plus extra laserwriter sizes, corresponding to magsteps 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. (The xycirc10 is separate since these fonts occupy more space than any of the others --- 2.2 MByte!! ) or... b) generate extra sizes using Metafont. The appropriate xy*.mf source files are included in the sub-directory `mfinputs'. This can be obtained from the ftp sites listed above. xydash10.mf kernel font sources xyatip10.mf xybsql10.mf xybtip10.mf xycirc10.mf With the xy*.tex and xy*.sty input files installed in the `TeX Inputs' folder, and the font suitcases installed in the `TeX Fonts' folder, you should be ready to use Xy-pic to typeset some diagrams. DOCUMENTATION: The dvi-files are provided primarily for non-Textures users. Using the `DVI-Tool' application, they can be converted into the usual form for documents typeset using Textures(tm). However this is not necessary as it has been done already: the `Xy-pic User's Guide' and `Xy-pic Reference Manual' described below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -4- MANUALS and SOURCES ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The `Xy-pic User's Guide' and `Xy-pic Reference Manual' are provided with this distribution. They are in the form of pre-typeset Textures(tm) documents. These files are Finder-locked and should NOT be re-typeset. (Indeed it should not be possible to typeset this file without first removing the safe-guards which have been put in place.) It is a good idea to test your installation of Xy-pic by typesetting portions from the manuals. Of course you will first have to obtain these sources from one of the ftp sites listed above, or elsewhere. Alternatively you can try to typeset the complete manuals, using LaTeX, from the documents `xyguide.man' and `xyrefer.man' in the directory `src` where they are located along with all the input and non-standard style files that they need. You will need to obtain ALL the files in this directory. (There is a file named `xy*.doc' for each macro file `xy*.tex' placed in the `TeX Inputs' folder.) For this to be successful your Textures application will need a memory partition of at least 4.5 MBytes. The normal sequence should be followed: LaTeX, BibTeX, LaTeX, LaTeX to get all the references and the bibliography typesetting correctly. These manuals have been checked to work correctly with LaTeX 2.09 and LaTeX2e. An alternative way to get the manuals is to download the files called `xyguide.ps.Z' and `xyrefer.ps.Z' from one of the ftp-sites. These files were created using the `xyps' PostScript option, so should produce a higher quality printed output on a PostScript printer of resolution 300dpi (due to use of bitmapped Computer Modern fonts). ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -5- MEMORY REQUIREMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Although many efforts have been made to make Xy-pic work quickly and efficiently, the nature of the diagrams for which it is designed are sometimes necessarily quite large and consume a significant amount of TeX's available memory. Do not be surprised if it takes a long time to typeset a diagram having several rows and columns of entries. Usually I work with a memory partition set at 4 MBytes, on a Mac IIci or Macintosh PowerBook. For instance, when typesetting the User's Guide, using LaTeX-2e and Xy-pic, nearly all of this 4 MBytes is required. The Reference Guide requires even more than this: allowing 8 MByte was a luxury that I could afford, but I suspect that 4.5 MByte would have been sufficient. Mind you, although shorter the Users' Guide actually takes significantly longer to typeset than does the Reference Manual. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -6- BUGS & COMMENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Comments or reports related to the Macintosh distribution should be sent to Ross Moore at Electronic mail (Internet): ross@mpce.mq.edu.au [preferred] Paper mail: Ross Moore Mathematics Department, Macquarie University North Ryde, NSW 2109 AUSTRALIA Fax +61 2 9850 8114 attn: R.Moore ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the end of `INSTALL.Textures'. We hope you'll enjoy Xy-pic ! -- Ross MOORE Internet: ross@mpce.mq.edu.au Mathematics Dept, Macquarie University, Nth Ryde, NSW 2109, AUSTRALIA phone: +61 2 9850 8955 fax: +61 2 9850 8114 WWW: http://www-math.mpce.mq.edu.au/~ross/ --