-*-text-*- $Id: TRAILER,v 3.3 1996/12/19 16:40:35 krisrose Exp $ ======================================================================= ANNOUNCING the Xy-pic version 3.3 DIAGRAM TYPESETTING PACKAGE ======================================================================= This is to announce a RELEASE of the DIAGRAM TYPESETTING PACKAGE: Xy-pic 3.3 This is a maintenance release where a few more bugs of the previous major release of Xy-pic 3 (a year ago) have been eliminated and a few things have been added. It is released on December 19, 1996 because this is the fifth anniversary of Xy-pic: the first public release (version 1.40) of Xy-pic was distributed via Usenet on December 19, 1991! Xy-pic is a package for typesetting a variety of graphs and diagrams with TeX. Xy-pic works with most formats (including LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX, AMS-TeX, and plain TeX), in particular Xy-pic is provided as a LaTeX2e `supported package' (following the `CTAN LaTeX2e bundle' standard). Further details on the package are in the README file of the distribution. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- NEWS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xy-pic version 3 was a thorough rewrite of the prior major version, version 2 (last version 2 release was release 2.6; several beta-test releases of version 3, numbered 2.7-2.12, were made available to users). However, full backwards compatibility is maintained (except for the unavoidable but fully documented obscure cases). Release 3.3 fixes the following problems with release 3.2: * Now has `outline-only' mode for quick processing of intermediate runs! * Now has special support for in-text one-line diagrams! * Arrows now meet their end-points more precisely when these are round! * Optimised file loading! * Computer Modern and Euler-style tips use the current (LaTeX) font size! * Compiled files are more stable! * PostScript improvements! * 600 dpi fonts included in standard distribution! as well as several minor fixes in code & documentation (all described in the ChangeLog file in the source distribution). Thanks to Joerg Eich, Jürgen Koslowski, Wolfgang Gellerich, and Michel Goossens, for your bug reports! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AVAILABILITY ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xy-pic can be retrieved through the World Wide Web Xy-pic `home pages': URL: http://www.brics.dk/~krisrose/Xy-pic.html URL: http://www.mpce.mq.edu.au/~ross/Xy-pic.html as well as by anonymous ftp from CTAN : macros/generic/diagrams/xypic and from the private archives of the authors: ftp.brics.dk : /Staff/krisrose/TeX/ ftp.mpce.mq.edu.au : /pub/maths/TeX/ Check the README file in each location for specifics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Xy-pic version 2 was created by Kristoffer H. Rose, then DIKU, U of Copenhagen, now BRICS, U of Aarhus. The rewrite that has become version 3 is a collaboration with Ross Moore, Macquarie U, Sydney, initiated through a visit to Macquarie (Jan-May 1994 supported by the Australian Research Council, Macquarie University, and using donated DEC equipment). Xy-pic is Copyright (c) 1991-1996 by Kristoffer H. Rose and 1994-1996 by Ross Moore under GNU COPYLEFT which means that you can use the package for any purpose but if you provide the macros or any code derived from them to a third party then you are obliged to include the entire Xy-pic package (full details in the file COPYING). ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the end of the announcement. Enjoy Xy-pic! -----------------------------------------------------------------------