CHANGES TO AGU++ SINCE THE ORIGINAL VERSION Version 1.5c 1997 March 14 Revised agu.bst (version 2) fixing up several reported discrepancies between the old version and copy-editor wishes. Replace shorthnd.tex, listing all the physics and geophysics journals with prestored abbreviations in agu.bst; previously optics journals also included although they are not in agu.bst. Minor changes in manual, primarily to emphasize preferred syntax for citations: \citet and \citep instead of \cite and \cite[] (old syntax still works). Version 1.5b 1996 October 24 Fix up bug in AGUTeX's planotable (produces unexpected page changes) Version 1.5a 1996 October 9 Additional patch (overlooked in 1.5) to allow appendices to work right. Add notation environment. Fix running heads with agupp (preprint) Fix footnote at end of text (preprint and manuscript) Version 1.5 1996 August 20 Patches to work with AGUTeX version 4.0. Version 1.4a 1996 July 29 Adds \figbox* command, the same as \figbox but no frame is drawn around the enclosed figure; useful with imported graphics or other `real' figures. Version 1.4 1996 July 22 The \figbox command may now take empty width and height arguments (as \figbox{}{}{...} ) to allow the box to scale automatically to the size of its contents. This is most useful with imported graphics files. The agu.bst file contains shorthands for journals in the fields of physics, geophysics, and optics. For example, a BibTeX entry of journal = jgr is sufficient to specify the journal as JGR, instead of journal = "J. Geophys. Res." A list of all such shorthands can be printed by processing shorthnd.tex. Version 1.3 1995 Dec 01 The natbib module that handles author-year citations has been overhauled. This really makes no difference for AGU++, except that it gets the new coding `free of charge'. However, the fourth release of LaTeX2e in December 1995 made changes to the module necessary. The supplementary abstract has lost its indentation in a previous revision; it has now been reinserted. Version 1.2 1995 Jan 08 The second release of LaTeX2e in December 1994 contained some internal changes that interfere with the AGU++ figure caption handling mechanism. This has been fixed up in a way to make it consistent with earlier LaTeX versions. There was also a serious bug in \figmarkoff that lead to an endless loop. This has been fixed. Version 1.1 1994 Aug 24 For LaTeX2e, make AGUPLUS a class file that takes one of the AGUTEX .sty files as an option. Also take advantage of some internal 2e trickery to improve the coding. A 2.09 version is retained as a style option to article as before. Thus: 2.09==>> \documentstyle[jgrga,aguplus]{article} but 2e ==>> \documentclass[jgrga]{aguplus} The AGUTEX package cannot run properly under LaTeX2e by itself. The AGU++ fixes this up. Version 1.0b 1994 Aug 22 The 1.0 versions were made using a preliminary test release of LaTeX2e. The official release of 1994 June 1 contained some changes that made the citations no longer work properly. This has now been fixed up. (Which means it will not work with the preliminary test release!) NOTE: this 1.0b version is still a hybrid; it works under both 2.09 and 2e versions of LaTeX. In future, a LaTeX2e-only package will be supported. Version 1.0a 1994 June 6 Fix up problems with overfull hboxes. Version 1.0 1994 May 26 Made compatible with the new LaTeX2e, although it does not take advantage of any of the new features. (This may come in future.) Add a patch to make AGUTeX work with LaTeX2e. Otherwise, only change on the surface is in the \cite command, which now takes 2 optional arguments, for text before and after the citation. \cite{key} ==>> Jones et al. [1990] \cite[]{key} ==>> [Jones et al., 1990] \cite[chap. 2]{key} ==>> [Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2] \cite[e.g.,][]{key} ==>> [e.g., Jones et al., 1990] \cite[see][pg. 34]{key}==>> [see Jones et al., 1990, pg. 34] The title of the preprint has been changed to be left justified instead of centered. This makes it the same as the galley proofs and final printing. (I prefer centered myself.) Version 0.5y 1993 December 17 Corrections to fix up problems with planotable, which was not behaving ideally when moved to the back of the manuscript and galley proof. Sublabelling of planotables that extended over more than one page did not work correctly, and this has been repaired. Version 0.5x 1993 December 2 Original version (The version numbers less than 1 are meant to be experimental still. Letters are prefixed to some to indicate that only minor corrections have been undertaken.)