%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% A mathematician often needs special symbols to designate sets such as the integers, the reals etc.. For the time being, the only fonts providing these special symbols have been: - the AMS fonts msbm (older version msym), which are intended for use with Times and aren't truly what a mathematician expects (the stress is on both stems instead of being on only the left one). - Alan Jeffrey's bbold fonts, which are sans-serif ones, with (almost) no possibility of design variations for, say, a bold variant. That was all, and in particular nothing for use with Computer Modern. I was already working at that time on the project of changing the codes of romanu.mf, romanl.mf and other files to add a 'Blackboard' variant to Computer Modern. YOU HAVE IT ALL THERE !!! The whole package contains five 'main' files: - blbbase.mf (the 'base') contains the supplementary definitions needed for double stems etc.. - blbord.mf (the 'driver') is fairly simple and only makes the necessary calls. - blbordu.mf (based on romanu.mf): programs for uppercase letters. - blbordl.mf (based on romanl.mf): programs for lowercase letters. - blbordsp.mf (based on romand.mf and punct.mf): programs for the digits~1 and~2 and for parentheses and brackets. There is also a whole lot of parameter files that are (almost) the same as those provided by DEK. For most of them, the only differences are - change 'cmbase' for 'blbbase' on line~2 - change 'generate roman' for 'generate blbord' on last line - add two extra parameters (interspace# and cap_interspace#). A LaTeX(2e) package written by Torsten Hilbrich for using these fonts is also available nearby, exactly in ctan/macros/latex/contrib/supported/bbm/ I sincerely hope you'll enjoy using these fonts; if you get into problems while using them, I should be reachable at _ _ Gilles F. ROBERT | Unit\'e de Math\'ematiques Pures et Appliqu\'ees | _ _ _ \'Ecole Normale Sup\'erieure | | | 46, All\'ee d'Italie |_ _|_ _| 69364 Lyon Cedex (FRANCE) | \ | \ e-mail : gfrobert@umpa.ens-lyon.fr %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%