"=> dieser Text in deutscher Sprache: Datei liesmich.txt <= *********************************************************** * The COMPUTER MODERN BRIGHT family of fonts, v0.998 * * * * This is a preliminary version and may change in the * * future. * * * * This version makes all files from previous versions * * and all fonts generated from them obsolete! * * * * Read this completely and carefully, even if you have * * already used the previous version(s). There have been * * major changes! * *********************************************************** Overview ======== Computer Modern Bright is a new family of Sans Serif fonts for TeX and LaTeX. It comprises regular, slanted and boldface text fonts in the traditional (OT1) and extended (T1) encoding, as well as fonts for mathematical typesetting and the new text companion fonts (TS1). Additionally there is a new family of typewriter fonts, CM Typwewriter Light, which look better in combination with CM Bright than the CMTT-Fonts do. The design of the Computer Modern Bright fonts is based on Donald Knuth's CM Fonts and the `European Computer Modern Fonts' (DC-Fonts) derived from them. This collection consists of -- the METAFONT sources of the fonts and -- the necessary files to use the fonts with LaTeX2e ------------------------------------------------------------ What's new in this version? -- additionals design sizes: 8pt, 9pt, 17pt -- new typewriter fonts CM Typewriter Light -- better spacing in math mode -- fonts with extended encoding are now based on DC 1.2 -- text companion fonts -- improved LaTeX interface ------------------------------------------------------------ The fonts: ---------- Design size: 8pt 9pt 10pt 17.28pt traditional encoding (OT1): regular cmbr8 cmbr9 cmbr10 cmbr17 slanted cmbrsl8 cmbrsl9 cmbrsl10 cmbrsl17 bold, extended cmbrbx10 Typewriter Light cmtl10 Typewriter Light, slanted cmsltl10 mathematical fonts: math. slanted (OML) cmbrmi8 cmbrmi9 cmbrmi10 ditto, semibold (OML) cmbrmb10 math. symbols (OMS) cmbrsy8 cmbrsy9 cmbrsy10 extended encoding (T1): regular dbr0800 dbr0900 dbr1000 dbr1728 slanted (`oblique') dbo0800 dbo0900 dbo1000 dbo1728 bold, extended dbbx1000 Typewriter Light dctl1000 Typewriter Light, slanted dclo1000 Text Companion Fonts (TS1): regular tbr0800 tbr0900 tbr1000 tbr1728 slanted tbo0800 tbo0900 tbo1000 tbo1728 bold, extended tbbx1000 Typewriter tctl1000 Typewriter Light, slanted tclo1000 For each font there is a METAFONT parameter file with the extension `.mf'. All other .mf-files are METAFONT driver files. LaTeX files: ------------ cmbright.dtx LaTeX source for package file cmbr.fdd " " " font definition files cmbright.ins installation script Generating the fonts ==================== Run METAFONT on the source files listed above to generate the fonts. You will need the driver files from this collection and additionally the driver files of Knuth's original CM fonts and---only for the T1/TS1 fonts---those of the DC fonts, Version 1.2 (!). The latter must be generated using the `plain' METAFONT base; do NOT use a precompiled `dxbase'! Be sure to use the correct METAFONT mode for your printer! The source files provide only certain sizes; other sizes must be generated using appropriate magnifications. The file fonts.txt contains a list of all fonts; it may help you in making a metafont batch file. At low resolutions, even at 300dpi, the T1 and TS1 encoded fonts may cause some METAFONT errors, which may be ignored. The fonts in extended encoding (T1) are needed only if you explicitely request their use; the default with LaTeX2e is still the traditional (OT1) encoding. The text companion fonts must only be generated if your LaTeX system will access them. LaTeX release 1995/06/01 did NOT yet use these fonts. If you don't use the T1 fonts you will probably not need the text compamion fonts either. Typesetting with the CM Bright fonts ==================================== The files cmbright.dtx and cmbr.fdd contain a package file and font definition files for the LaTeX2e interface. Run LaTeX on cmbright.ins to unpack them; run LaTeX on cmbright.dtx and cmbr.fdd to typeset the documentation. Move all the .sty and .fd files to a directory where LaTeX will find them. To typeset a complete document---including mathematics--- with the CM Bright fonts, you only have to load the package `cmbright' into LaTeX: \usepackage{cmbright} To use the T1 encoded text fonts, say: \usepackage{cmbright} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} Read the documentation obtained by LaTeXing cmbright.dtx for further information. Pay attention to the following when using CM Bright fonts: ---------------------------------------------------------- With plain TeX or LaTeX 2.09 you are fully responsible for the font interface. Due to the larger x height of CM Bright compared to CM Roman, text sizes should be typeset with a larger \baselineskip than usual: I recommend 1.25 x nominal size, i.e. 12.5pt for a font size of 10pt. The LaTeX2e package will consider this automatically. In combination with CM Bright the CM Typewriter fonts look too dark; they should be replaced with CM Typewriter Light, supplied with the CM Bright fonts. The LaTeX2e package will do this for you. CM Bright looks larger than CM Roman at the same nominal size. 10pt CM Bright may well be used instead of 11pt CM Roman, and the linewidth may be larger! With a font size of 10pt and the regular font, the width of 1em is 10.5pt; in math mode, however, 18mu = 10pt (as usual). The AMS symbol fonts should not be combined with CM Bright, except the Blackboard Bold alphabet. Their horizontal axis is too low, and the shape of some symbols, e.g. \hbar, is completely different from CM Bright. I intend to provide a set of `AMS Bright' fonts in the future. The CM Bright fonts have been designed to typeset complete documents with them. They do not blend with CM Roman and they are no substitute for CM Sans Serif! Problems, deficiencies and known bugs ===================================== The positioning of the accent \t (tie-after) is bad. (Did you ever need it?) Spacing and kerning could be optimized further. Due to the lack of an italic fontshape, there is no \pounds symbol in the CM Bright fonts. This does not concern the fonts with T1 encoding. The design sizes 8pt and 9pt, which are new in this version, have not yet been tested exhaustively. The design of the text companion fonts corresponds to the state of DC 1.2, September 1995. They still contain many bugs: missing italic correction, `filling in' of details, lack of symmetry etc. Many symbols of the text companion fonts are to be used for verbatim listings of Latin 1, Latin 2 and ISO-6937 files. I do not understand why they should be present in other than monospaced (typewriter) fonts. The design of these symbols has not yet been adapted to the style of the CM Bright fonts, so that some of them are almost unusable. This does, of course, not concern the CM Typewriter Light fonts! The boldface extended font (cmbrbx10 or dbbx10) has been derived from the font cmssbx10 and looks, compared to the regular one, very `heavy'. It can be used within headlines or titles, but should NOT be used within the running text, e.g. for emphasizing. I have tried to derive a less heavy variant from cmssdc10, but the result looks boring and is still too bold. Designing a true semibold font is, however, beyond my knowledge of METAFONT and typography. Small capitals would be useful, too, ... The CM Bright fonts will be stronger degraded by an unsufficient printer resolution than the other CM fonts. Only at 600 dpi or more (relative to a design size of 10pt) a good result will be obtained. The opinions about printing CM Bright at 300 dpi diverge; the only advice that can be given, is: try it out! Terms of distribution ===================== Redistribution of unchanged files is allowed provided that all files listed in `files.lst' are distributed including this file `readme.txt'. You are NOT ALLOWED to take money for the distribution or use of these files or the fonts generated from them, except for a nominal charge for copying etc. The distribution of changed versions of the files is allowed under the following restrictions: - You rename the file(s) before you make any changes. - You acknowledge the origin of the original version in the file(s). - You distribute the original version with your file(s). - You make sure that the changed versions contain a notice that prevents others to take money for distribution or use of your file(s), i.e. they have to be distributed under the restrictions mentioned above. History ======= 1994/11/12 (v0.93) -- first public release, see: Die TeXnische Komoedie 4/1994, p.11 (= journal of DANTE e.V., the german TeX users group) 1995/06/07 (v0.99) -- optimized design of all fonts; -- renamed slanted text fonts from *i10 to *sl10; -- added slanted semi-bold math. font cmbrmb10; -- added math symbol font cmbrsy10; -- revised LaTeX interface; -- completely revised documentation; -- `Typewriter Light' fonts (not public) 1995/10/16 (v0.998) -- DC fonts now based on DC 1.2; -- added TC fonts; -- additional design sizes: 8pt, 9pt, 17pt; -- mathematical accents fixed (had been unusable before); -- `Typewriter Light' fonts are now public; -- font metrics of the the symbol fonts are now identical -- to cmsy*; -- changed width of mathematical symbols in the text fonts for compatibility with cmsy* -- LaTeX interface supports class options `11pt' and `12pt' -- package `dcbright' is no longer necessary; The author ========== Walter Schmidt Warschauer Strasse 9/1106 D-99089 Erfurt (Germany) Tel.(0361)734640 Suggestions for improvement of the CM Bright family of fonts are welcome; please send them to the above address on a DOS formatted floppy disk. (sorry, no email available) %% end of readme.txt [1995/10/19 v0.998k (WaS)]