I have put in the directory /incoming of ftp.dante.de a gziped tar file easy.tar.gz. It contains: version 0.5 of the `easyeqn' package version 0.6 of the `easyvector' package version 0.4 of the `easybmat' package version 0.1 of the `easymat' package version 0.4 of the `easytable' package version 0.3 of the `easybib' package. This file should replace the files in /tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/easy wich contain the old versions. The package \package{easyeqn} introduce some equation environments that simplify writing of equations. It uses a syntax similar to the array environment to define the column alignment. A package option cases only those equations that were \emph{labeled and referenced} to be numbered. The \package{easyvector} package is a simple macro package that provides a C-like syntax for writing vectors or matrices. The \package{easybmat} package is a macro package for writing block matrices, with equal column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various kinds of rules~(lines) between rows and columns. It uses an array/tabular-like syntax. The \package{easytable} package is a macro package for writing tables, with equal column widths or equal rows heights or both, with various kinds of rules~(lines) between rows and columns. It uses an array/tabular-like syntax. The \package{easymat} package is a macro package for writing block matrices, with various kinds of rules~(lines) between rows or columns, and uses an array/tabular-like syntax. The \package{easybib} package is a macro package for writing custom bibliography with a simple AmSTeX-like sintax. Thanks a lot for the attention, -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Enrico Bertolazzi Laboratorio di Matematica Applicata Trento University 38050 Trento Italy Fax: ++39-461-882672 e-mail: bertolaz@ing.unitn.it --------------------------------------------------------------------------